Micro Bio
Micro Bio
Micro Bio
4. Parasitology (Study of protozoa and parasitic worms) At the same time, there are now a
number of pathogens that are developing
5. Phycology (Study of algae) resistance to antibiotics.
6. Immunology (Study of immune system and immune In this context, the study of
response) microbiology is relevant for better
WHY STUDY MICROBIOLOGY? understanding of the negative instances
in which science can be used.
1. Microbiology has an impact in the daily
live of humans.
Microorganisms are everywhere- in the
air one breathes, in the environment, and EVOLUTION OF MICROBIOLOGY
even in one’s body. About a thousand or
more organisms inhabit the human body. Different types of fossils of primitive
These are collectively called normal microorganisms have been found in ancient rock
flora or indigenous flora which only formations, dating back to as early as 3.5 billion
produces disease in persons with years ago, long before the existence of animals
compromised immune systems. and humans.
Infectious diseases have existed for thousands of
In 3180BC, an epidemic known as the Louis Pasteur in the middle and late 1800s,
“plague” broke out in Egypt. performed countless experiments that led to his
germ theory of disease.
In 1122BC, an outbreak of a smallpox-
like disease that originated in China He postulated that microorganisms were
spread worldwide. The exhumed in the environment and could cause
mummified remains of Rameses V infectious diseases.
showed skin lesions resembling
Developed the process of pasteurization.
(A technique that kills microorganisms
In the mid-1600s, the microscope was in different types of liquids which
discovered with the use of this instrument. became the basis for aseptic techniques.)
Robert Hooke was able to discover the cell- the He also introduced the terms aerobes
basic unit of living organisms. and anaerobes and developed the
fermentation process.
The specimen to be studied appears bright The specimen under study fluoresces or appears
against a dark background. This type of to shine against a dark background.
microscope is ideal for studying specimens that
Fluorescence microscopy is based on the
are unstained or transparent and absorb little or
principle that certain materials emit energy that
no light.
is detectable as visible light when they are
It is also useful in examining the external details irradiated with the light of a given wavelength.
of the specimen such as its outline or surface.
It uses a higher intensity of light source and this
This type of microscope is used to view
in turn excites a fluorescent species. The
fluorescent species then emits a lower energy
PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPE light of a longer wavelength which produces the
magnified image instead of the original light
Phase-contrast microscopy is based on the
principle that differences in refractive indices
and light waves passing through transparent Fluorescence microscopy can be used to
objects assume different phases. visualize structural components of small
specimens such as cells and to detect the
This type of microscopy was first introduced by
viability of cell populations.
Frits Zernike, a Dutch physicist, in 1934.
It may also be used to visualize the genetic
The phase-contrast microscope has a contrast-
material of the cell (DNA and RNA).
enhancing optical technique in order to produce
high-contrast images of specimens that are CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE
transparent which include thin tissue slices,
Also known as the confocal laser scanning
living cells in culture, and subcellular particles
microscope (CLSM) or laser confocal scanning
(such as nuclei and organelles).
microscope (LCSM), the confocal microscope
DIFFERENTIAL INTERFERENCE uses an optical imaging technique that increases
CONTRAST MICROSCOPE optical resolution and contrast of the micrograph
by using a spatial pin-hole to block out-of-focus
The differential interference contrast microscope
sight in image formation.
is similar to the phase-contrast microscope
except that it utilizes two beams of light instead The specimen is stained with a fluorescent dye
of one and therefore has higher resolution. to make it emit or return light. The object is
scanned with a laser into planes and regions.
The resulting contrasting colors of the specimen
This is used, together with computers, to
being studied are due to the prisms that split the
produce a three-dimensional image.
light beam.
It is also useful in the study of cell physiology.
It was developed by Georges Nomarski in 1952
as an improvement to the phase-contrast ELECTRON MICROSCOPE
The electron microscope utilizes a beam of
It is useful in examining living specimens when electrons to create an image of the specimen.
normal biological processes might be inhibited The electron beams serve as the source of
by standard staining procedures. illumination and magnets are used to focus the
It is used to visualize viruses and subcellular
The fluorescence microscope makes use of
structures of the cell.
ultraviolet light and fluorescent dyes called
fluorochromes. There are two types of electron microscopes-
transmission electron microscope and scanning
electron microscope.
The transmission electron microscope This method of staining is a quick and easy way
(TEM) is the original form of the to visualize cell shape, size, and arrangement of
electron microscope. It produces two- bacteria.
dimensional, black and white images,
It uses basic dyes such as safranin, methylene
and magnifies objects up to 200,000
blue, or crystal violet. These stains give up or
accept hydrogen ion, leaving the stain positively
The scanning electron microscope charged. Most bacterial cells and cytoplasm are
(SEM) relies on interactions at the negatively charged and since the dye is
surface rather than transmission. It can positively charged, it adheres readily to the cell
magnify bulk samples with greater depth surface enabling the visualization of bacterial
of view so that the image produced cell morphology.
represents the 3-D structure of the
sample, but the image is still only black
and white. Generally, it can magnify the Differential Stains
object 10,000 times.
Differential stains are used to differentiate one
SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPE group of bacteria from another.
The scanning probe microscope was developed There are two types of differential staining
in the 1980s by the Swiss scientists Dr. Gerd procedures commonly used, namely:
Binnig and Dr. Heinrich Rohrer.
1. Gram stain - distinguishes gram-positive bacteria
It is used to study the molecular and atomic from gram-negative bacteria.
shapes of organisms on a nanoscale. A physical
probe is used to scan back and forth over the gram-positive bacteria stain blue or
surface of a sample. purple, while gram-negative bacteria
stain red or pink.
A computer then gathers data that are used to
generate an image of the surface. lt can also be As a general rule, all cocci are gram-positive
used to determine the variations in temperature except Neisseria, Veilonella, and Branbamella.
inside the cell as well as its chemical properties On the other hand, all bacilli are gram-negative
except Corynebacterium, Clostridium, Bacillus,
STAINING and Mycobacterium.
Most microorganisms besides being very tiny 2. Acid-fast stain -stain used for bacteria with high
are also devoid of any color and are thus lipid content in their cell wal1, hence cannot be
difficult to see, even with the use of the stained using Gram stain.
Two methods are used, namely Ziebl-Neelsen
To facilitate visualization, staining procedures stain-also known as the "hot method" because
have been developed by various scientists. These it requires steam- a. bathing the prepared smear
staining procedures are meant to give color to after addition of the primary dye.
the organisms, making them easier to see
under the microscope. This is because the primary stain used is
aqueous and will not bind to the cell wall of the
SIMPLE STAINING organism. Acid-fast organisms will appear red
on a blue background.
Simple Stains
b. Kinyoun stain also known as the "cold
Simple stains make use of a single dye which
method" as it does not utilize heat after addition
can either be aqueous (water-based) or alcohol-
of the primary stain, which is oil-based. The
acid-fast organisms will appear red on a green
For instance, metachromatic granules can be They have a soft consistency similar to
visualized using the LAMB (Loeffler Alkaline custard and are best suited for culture of
Methylene Blue) stain. microaerophilic bacteria or for the study
of bacterial motility.
Other special stains include Hiss stain (capsule
or slime layer); 3. Solid media - contain a solidifying agent such
as 1.5%-2% agar, giving them a firm surface on
Dyer stain (cell wall), Fischer-Conn stain which cells can form discrete colonies.
(flagella), Dorner and Schaeffer-Fulton stain
(spores), and India ink or nigrosine (capsule of They are used for isolation of bacteria
the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans). and fungi or for determining the colony
characteristics of the organism under
CULTURE MEDIA Solid media come in two forms:
Staining procedures only give clues as to the (a) liquefiable (or reversible) solid media and
probable organism being studied.
(b) non-liquefiable (or non-reversible) solid
To identify a specific organism, culture using media.
specific culture media is the most ideal.
A Media (sing.medium) are used to grow INTO THREE PRIMARY LEVELS
A culture medium is basically an
aqueous solution to which all the 1. Synthetic media
necessary nutrients essential for the
- contain chemically-defined substances
growth of organisms are added.
which are pure organic and/or inorganic
The precise chemical composition of a
ACCORDING TO PHYSICAL STATE: synthetic medium is known. They may
be simple or complex, depending on
1. Liquid media - commonly called broths, what supplement is added to it.
milk, or infusions, these are water-based
solutions that do not solidify at temperatures 2. Non-synthetic media
above the freezing point.
– complex media that contain at least
These contain specific amounts of one ingredient that is not chemically
nutrients but do not contain gelling defined, which means that it is neither a
agents such as gelatine or agar. simple or pure compound.
Their hemolytic reaction is categorized e. Saboraud's dextrose agar - used for the
into three, which is useful in the isolation of fungi.
classification of these bacteria.
4. Differential media
B. Chocolate agar – a type of nutrient medium
Allow the growth of several types of
that is used for the culture of fastidious
microorganisms. These are designed to
organisms such as Haemophilus sp. Heat is
show visible differences among certain
applied to lyse the red blood cells, causing the
groups of microorganisms.
medium to turn brown.
The differences may be in the form of
3. Selective media
variations in colony size or color,
Contain one or more substances that changes in color of culture media, or
encourage the growth of only a specific formation of precipitates or gas bubbles.
target microorganism and inhibit the
Differential media allow the growth of
growth of others.
more than one target microorganism that