Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. Montvale, NJ 07645

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Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. . Montvale, NJ 07645

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Q Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc., 1991

All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, elec-

tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record-
ing, or by any information storage and retrieval system
or translation in whole or part is not permitted without
written authorization from the publisher.

Published by Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc.

Printed in U.S.A.

Part number LZ S-2517-091

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This service manual is the product of existing technical publications. Special care has been taken
to provide accurate information on removal, disassembly, inspection, installation, and adjustment
procedures, together with the necessary technical data for the particular job.

The material in this manual is divided according to the Mercedes-Benz Component Group System
as outlined on the GROUP INDEX page. This page will quickly direct the reader to the Major
Component Group. Each Major Component Group begins with a JOB INDEX listing all jobs within
that group.

Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. recommends that repairs to, and maintenance of
Mercedes-Benz automobiles be performed by trained Mercedes-Benz personnel at authorized
Mercedes-Benz dealerships.

The information contained in this special publication is ordinarily issued by Mercedes-Benz of

North America, Inc., in conjunction with supplementary service literature and special tools supplied
only to its authorized dealers. The repair and maintenance procedures outlined herein are
intended for use by trained Mercedes-Benz service and dealership personnel. This manual
can also be useful for Mercedes-Benz owners in diagnosing vehicle systems and performing
repairs. Supplementary service literature will not be provided with this publication, but may be
contained in reprints of this service manual.

Please note that this manual has been compiled from various sources, some of which cover
models other than the subject of this book. Always refer to the engine and vehicle identification
table for model and component information.

Special tools required in performing certain service jobs are identified in the manual and are
recommended for use. Any part numbers given are only used for identification and easier
differentiation between individual components, and are not intended for ordering purposes.

If your Mercedes-Benz model differs from the specifications contained in the manual you select,
consult your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer.

All procedures, illustrations and specifications contained in this manual were based on the latest
information available at the time of publication. All rights are reserved to make production, design
and specification changes at any time, without notice and without obligation to give notice. Any
such changes will not be contained in this manual.


The proper performance of service and repair procedures is essential for both the safety of the
mechanic and the safe and efficient operation of the vehicle. The use of incorrect service
procedures and tools may greatly increase the risk of personal injury and render the vehicle
unsafe. The procedures in this manual are described in such a manner that the service may be
performed safely and accurately.

However, it is a general assumption that the reader is familiar with basic automotive repair
procedures and Mercedes-Benz vehicles. You should not attempt to use this manual if this is not
the case.

Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. assumes no liability for any damage to person or property
caused by the utilization of this publication to effect maintenance or repair work on Mercedes-Benz


Service and Parts Literature

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G r o u p Index

General, Technical Data 00

Crankcase and Cylinder head 01

Crankshaft Assembly 03

ngine Timing, Valvetrain 05

Diesel Injection System 07.1

Air Intake System - Air Filter, Turbocharger 09

elt Drive 13

Intake and Exhaust Manifolds, mission Control System 14

Electrical System, Preglow 15

ngine Lubrication System 18

ngine Cooling System 20

Engine Suspension 22

Accelerator Control 30

Fuel Tank and Lines 47

Exhaust System 49

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General, technical data 00

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General, technical data 00

Job No.

Instructions for use of service manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 - 005

Engine and vehicle identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 010
Vehicle identification number locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 015
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 020

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Instructions for use of servic 00-005

Complete Service Manual coverage for late Location of specific repair instructions
model year Mercedes-Benz vehicles requires
four individual manuals: First locate the Group No. in the Group Index.
Individual groups are separated by an easily
Service Manual, Engine visible dividing page, which is followed by the job
Service Manual, Chassis and Body index page. The exact job required is found in
Service Manual, Automatic Climate Control the job index. The initial page of a typical job
Electrical Troubleshooting Manual description appears as follows:

Throughout these manuals, the vehicles are 03-320 Installation of Crankshaft

identified by their chassis and engine numbers.
These numbers are made up of the first six digits Job Title appears on
of the respective serial number. For the actual same line as Group
location of chassis and engine numbers, see No.
page 00-015/l. In cases where the repair
instructions apply to all versions, only the first
three digits of the respective number are

For example, chassis 124 applies to all 124

models. However, chassis 124.128 would apply
only to model 3000 2.5 Turbo.


Technical data, tightening torques and tools are

listed at the beginning of each job.

All dimensions are in metric units unless

otherwise indicated. Any part numbers given are
only used for identification and differentiation
between individual components, and are not
intended for ordering purposes.

Special Instructions

AWarning Appears throughout service instructions indicating the possiblity of personal injury
if procedures are not followed.

Caution! Indicates possible equipment or vehicle damage if procedures are not followed.

Note Provides helpful information for the described procedure.

Installation note Provides detailed information during assembly.

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00 ngine and vehicle identification

Model I Sales designation I Engine

201.126 190 D 2.5 602.911
126.125 300 SDL Turbo (Federal) 603.961
126.125 300 SDL Turbo (California) 603.961
201.126 190 D 2.5 602.911
201.128 190 D 2.5 Turbo (Federal) 602.961
124.133 300 D Turbo 603.960
124.193 300TD Turbo 603.960
126.125 300 SDL Turbo 603.961
201.126 I 190 D 2.5 (Federal) I 602.911
201.126 I 190 D 2.5 (Federal) I 602.911
124.128 300 D 2.5 Turbo (Federal) 602.962
126.135 350 SDL Turbo (Federal) 603.970
124.128 300 D 2.5 Turbo (Federal) 602.962
126.134 350 SD Turbo (Federal) 603.970
126.135 350 SDL Turbo (Federal) 603.970

00 - 010/l
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hick identification number locations 00

Model 201

When ordering spare parts, please

specify chassrs and engine numbers.

1 Certrfication Tag (left door pillar)

2 Identification Tag (left windshield post)
3 Vehicle Identificatron No.
4 Engine No.
5 Body No. and Paintwork No.
6 InformatIon Tag
California version
Vacuum line routing for emission
control system
7 Emrsslon Control Tag

Model 124

When ordering spare parts, please

specify chassis and engine numbers.

1 Certification Tag (left door pillar)

2 Identification Tag (left window post)
3 Vehicle Idenkficatron No.
4 Engine No.
5 Body No. and Paintwork No.
6 lnformatron Tag
California version
Vacuum line routing for emission
control system
7 Emission Control Tag
8 Emrssron Control Tag
Catalyst Information

00 - 015/l
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Vehicle identification number locations

Model 124 f

When ordering spare parts, please

specify chassrs and engine numbers.

1 Certrfication Tag (left door prllar)

2 ldentrftcatronTag (left wrndshreld post)
3 Vehicle ldentifrcatron No.
4 Engine No.
5 Body No. and Paintwork No.
6 lnformatron Tag
Caltfornia version
Vacuum line routing for emrssron
control system
7 Emrssron Control Tag

Model 126

When ordenng spare parts, please

specrfy chassis and engine numbers.

Certification Tag (left door pillar)

ldentlficatron Tag (left wrndow post)
Vehicle ldentrfication No.
Engrne No.
Body No. and PaMwork No.
Emrssron Control Tag
lnformatron Tag
California version
Vacuum lrne routing
for emrssron control system

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Technical data

Diesel engines

axlmum spee 4600 t 50


G(multi-component, 6 (multi-component,

pump, thermosta pump, thermosta pump, thermosta pump, thermosta

with bypass line, fan with bypass line, fan with bypass line, fan with bypass line, fan
with visco fan clutch, with visco fan clutch, with visco fan clutch,

00 - 020/l
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00 Technical data

Gasoline engines
Model i 126.125 1126.125 1 126.134 I.135

4-cycle diesel, MB 4-cycle diesel, MB 4-cycle diesel, MB

Bore/stroke mm I 87.0184.0 I 87.Oi84.0 I 89.0192.4
Total effective 2996 2996
displacement cc

Engine output 11 O/4600 1071’4600

(SAE)kW/rpm 14814600 143) 4600
net bhp/rpm
Maximum torque 27312400 265/2400 3 1 o/2000
Nmirpm 20112400 195/2400 22812000
net lb-ft./rpm
Crankshaft 7 (multi-component, 7 (multi-component, 7 (multi-component,
bearings anti-friction bearings) anti-friction bearings) anti-friction bearings)
Valve Overhead Overhead Overhead
Camshaft 1 overhead camshaft 1 overhead camshaft 1 overhead camshaft

Cooling Coolant circulating Coolant circulating Coolant circulating

pump, thermostat pump, thermostat pump, thermostat
with bypass line, fan with bypass line, fan with bypass line, fan
with visco fan clutch, with visco fan clutch, with visco fan clutch,
finned tube radiator finned tube radiator finned tube radiator
Lubrication Pressure lubrication Pressure lubrication Pressure lubrication
via gear type pump via gear type pump via gear type pump
Oil filter Combination full flow Combination full flow Combination full flow
1 and bypass filter 1 and bypass filter and bypass filter
Air cleaner Dry paper cartridge Dry paper cartridge Dry paper cartridge

00 - 02012
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Technical data cm
Filling capacities
Model 201.126 201.128 124.128 124.133, 126.125
I (Federal) (Federal) I 124.193 I (Federal)
Sales designation 190 D 2.5 190 D 2.5 300 D 2.5 300 D Turbo 300 SDL Turbo
Turbo Turbo 300 TD Turbo
Engine 602.911 602.961
-r-m ~ 602.962 I 603.960 I 603.961
Fuel tank/reserve
aoorox. I
I 7019.0
72/l 0.0 I 90112.5

Engine oil initial filling 8.2 9.2 9.2

approx. I I I
During oil and filter 7.0 8.0 8.0
change approx. I I I
Marks on dipstick 5.513.5 6.0/4.0 6.Oi4.0 6.5i4.5 6.514.5
max./min. approx. I I I
Oil-to-air cooler with 0.7 1.1 0.65
hoses I I
Cooling system with 8.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.5
approx. I

Filling capacities (continued)

~350 SDL Turbo

Engine 603.961 603.970
Fuel tan k/reserve 90/l 2.5 90/l 2.5
approx. I
Engine oil initial filling
approx. I
During oil and filter 8.0 7.5
change approx. I
Marks on dipstick 6.514.5 6.514.5
max./min. approx. I
Oil-to-air cooler with 0.65 0.65
Cooling system with
aoorox. I

00 - 02013
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00 Technical data

Electrical system
Model 201.126 201.128 124.128 124.133, 126.125
(Federal) (Federal) 124.193 (Federal)
Sales designation 190 0 2.5 300 D 2.5 300 0 Turbo 300 SDL Turbo
Turbo Turbo 300 TD Turbo
Engine 602.911 602.961 602.962 603.960 603.961
Voltage 12v 12 v 12v 12v 12v
Capacity 62 Ah 92 Ah 92 Ah 92 Ah
(M.Y. 1986)
92 Ah (from
M. Y. 1987)
Starter Bosch 12 v 12V 12v
2.2 kW 2.2 kW 1.5 kW
Alternator 14V70A 14V70A 14V70A 14V70A 14v 80A

Electrical system
Model 126.125
I (California) (Federal)
Sales designation 300SDL Turbo 350 SD Turbo
350 SDL Turbo
Voltage 12v 12v
Capacity 62 Ah 62 Ah
Starter Bosch 12 v 12v
2.2 kW 1.7 kW
Alternator I 14V70A I 14v 80A

0 0 - 020/4

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Crankcase and Cylinder Head 01

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01 Crankcase and cylinder head

Job No.

Engine and model survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 - 001

Removal and installation of noise capsule at bottom of engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 - 006
Opening hood, setting vertical warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 - 008
Testing compression pressure ............................................. - 010
Checking cylinders for leaks ............................................... - 015
Evaluating cylinder bores ................................................. - 020
Removal and installation of engine (oil capacity) ................................. - 030
Crankcase ventilation - Function ............................................ - 040
Measuring, boring and honing cylinder bores ................................... - 110
Boring, honing and replacement of cylinder sleeves .............................. - 115
Planing crankcase parting surface ........................................... - 120
Removal and Installation of steel balls in main oil duct ............................ - 130
Replacement of freeze plugs in crankcase ..................................... - 140
Removal and installation of timing cover ...................................... -210
Removal and installation of end cover ........................................ - 222
Removal and installation of oil pan .......................................... - 310
Repair notes for cylinder heads and cylinder head gaskets ......................... - 400
Refinishing prechamber sealing surface ....................................... - 410
Removal and installation of cylinder head ..................................... - 415
Removal and installation of prechambers ...................................... - 417
Facing cylinder head mating surface ......................................... - 418
Boring out camshaft bearing bores (repair stage) ................................ - 419
Pressure-testing cylinder head ............................................. - 420

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01-001 Engine and r?lodel suwey

output Torque (SAE)

Engine Vehrcle Sales No. Displacement Bore I
& (SAE) Nm/rpm
version model desrgnation Cyl. (cm? Stroke
Kw(hp)/rpm (net lb.-fthpm)

190 D 2.5 84.0 187.0 6914600 165 12800

602.911 201.126
I 22.0
(93 14600) (12212800)

602.961 201.128 5 84.0 187.0 92 14600 22812400

Federal (12314600) (16812400)

602.962 124.128 5 84.0 187.0 90 14600 223 / 2400

Federal (120/4600) (164 / 2400)

603.960 124.133 6 2996 84.0 187.0 107/4600 265 12400

124.193 300 TD Turbo (14314600) (195 / 2400)

603.961 126.125 6 2996 87.0 / 84.0 110/4600 273 /2400

Federal (148 /4600) (201 / 2400)

603.961 126.125 6 2996 87.0 184.0 107 /4600 265 12400

California (143/4600) (195 12400)

603.970 126.134 350 SD Turbo 22.0 6 89.0 192.4 100/4000 310 12000
Federal 126.135 350 SDLTurbo (133/4000) (228 12000)

1.10 - 001/l
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Model 201

Noise capsule at bottom of engine compartment, front (1) Noise capsule at bottom of engine compartment, rear (2)

Noise capsule, front and rear (1, 2) . . . . . . . . . . Remove sheet metal screws (arrows), reinstall
and remove capsule, install.

Install engine compartment capsule so that
edges of side part of capsule engage in bottom
part of capsule.

01.10 - 006/2
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01-008 Opening hood, setting vertical, warnings

There is risk of injury whenever the engine is
running and the hood is open.

Opening hood

1 To unlock the hood, pull the lever (533) on

the left below the instrument panel in the
direction of the arrow. The hood opens to the
safety hook stop.


Model 124

01.10 - 008/l

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2 Close hood by pushing down forcibly.


Model 124, 126, 201

3 Pull the handle (535) extending from the
grille as far as the stop and open hood (it may
be necessary to lift the hood slightly to release
the handle).

Do not attempt to lift the hood with handle (535).
The windshield wiper arm must not be pivoted
forward when the hood is lifted.

Moving hood into vertical position

Model 124 (production up to August 1988)

4 Push lock lever (537) on the left hood
support (536) in direction of arrow. Lift hood
slightly upward to keep the lock lever (537) from
reengaging again.
Repeat the preceding at the right hood support
and set the hood in a vertical position.

5 To close the hood, push in lock lever at the

right hood support, and close the hood by
pushing down forcibly.

1.10 - 00812

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Model 126
6 Push hood down slightly. Push lock lever
(538) on the left hood support (539) down in the
direction of the arrow. Push hood up slightly to
keep the lock lever (538) from reengaging.
Repeat the preceding at the right hood support
and set the hood in a vertical position.

7 To close the hood, push the lock lever (538)

at the left hood support in the direction of the
arrow, and close the hood by pushing down

Model 201
8 Pull lock (541) on hood damper (540) in
direction of arrow and set the hood in a vertical

9 When the hood is set vertical, a lock

engages on the left hood support.

10 Close hood. Push in the lock lever (arrow)

and close the hood by pushing down forcibly.

01 10 - 008/3

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01-010 Testing compression pressure

Engine ,.............................. warm up to operating temperature

(approx. 80 “C) (item 1).

Check compression only with engine at
operating temperature.
Nozzle holder (1) ....................... remove, install (07-230).
Plug connector (X27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for starter harness, disconnect, reconnect
(items 3 - 4).

The plug connector (X27) illustrated in the figure
is installed on model 124. The installation point
and version of the plug connector differs
depending on the model.

01.10 - 010/l
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Contact handle .... ...... .......... .. ... for compression pressure recorder
001 589 78 21 00, connect, adapter line
124 589 36 63 00 (items 3 - 5).
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn over a number of times to clean out; the
transmission must be in neutral and the shutoff
lever on the injection pump pressed to “stop”
(item 6).
Compression pressure recorder (01) . . . . . . . . . bolt appropriate adapter (03) and flexible
connector (02) into precombustion chamber of
cylinder to be checked (item 7).
Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check; shift transmission to neutral and turn
engine over at least 9 revolutions with the
shutoff lever on the injection pump pushed to
“stop” (items 8 - 9).

Check compression in remaining cylinders in
same manner.
Measured compression values .............. compare with specified test values (item 10).

If one or more cylinders do not have the
minimum compression, determine cause.

Test values with engine at operating temperature (approx. 80 “C) bar

Compression pressure, normal 26 - 32
Minimum compression pressure approx. 18
Permissible difference between individual cylinders max. 3

Tightening torques Nm
Union nuts on injection lines (reference value) 10-20
Nozzle holders in prechambers 70+10

Nozzle holders for angular injection 30

01.10 - 01012
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Special tools

602 589 00 6300

ol !


1 Warm engine up to operating temperature

(approx. 80 “C).

Check compression only with engine at
operating temperature.

2 Remove all nozzle holders (07-230).

Models 124 and 126

3 Connect contact handle for compression
pressure recorder 001 589 78 21 00; disconnect
plug connector (X27) on left side of engine
compartment and connect connection line (04)
of contact handle to plug (Kl50) with adapter line
(124 589 36 63 00 (05).



01.10 - 010/3
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Model 201
4 Connect contact handle of compression
pressure recorder 001 589 78 21 00; disconnect
plug connector (X27) on left side of firewall and
connect connection line (04) of contact handle to
plug (Kl50) with adapter line 124 589 36 63 00.

5 Connect second connection line from

contact handle to positive pole (K130) on battery

6 Crank engine a number of times with starter

with transmission in neutral and shutoff lever on
injection pump (arrow) pressed to “stop” to
remove combustion residues in the
precombustion chamber of the cylinder.

Always hold shutoff lever on injection pump
depressed when cranking engine. This prevents
fuel from being pumped and therefore running
out of the disconnected injection lines.

01.10 - 01014
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7 Bolt compression pressure recorder into pre-
chamber of cylinder to be tested with appropriate
adapter (03) and flexible connector (02).

On engines with angular injection use adapter
602 589 00 63 00.

8 Crank engine at least 8 revolutions to test


9 Perform test on remaining cylinders in same


10 After completing the compression test

compare pressures measured with specified

If one or more cylinders do not have the
minimum compression pressure, check cylinder
for leakage (01-015) and determine cause.

11 Install in reverse order.

01.10 - OlO&
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01-015 Checking cylinders for leaks

PO1 4224-57

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . warm up to operating temperature

(approx. 80 “C) (item 1).
Nozzle holders (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (07-230).
Coolant expansion tank (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWarning
Open cap (2) on coolant expansion tank only at
coolant temperatures below 90 “C.

Remove cap (2) install. Add coolant,

if necessary (items 3 - 4).
Air cleaner on naturally aspirated engines (6)
and on Turbo-engines (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove air cleaner cover, install (item 5).
Oil filler cap (5) . ... .... .. . ... . . ......... remove, install (item 6).

01.10 - 015/l

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Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . move piston of cylinder to be checked to TDC,
ignition stroke, connect and calibrate cylinder
leakage tester (items 7 - 9).
Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . determine pressure loss (items 10 - 12).
Check other cylinders in firing order.

Permissible pressure loss

Total, engine max. 25 %

Valves and cylinder head gasket max. 10 %

Piston rings max. 20 %

Tightening torques Nm
Union nuts on injection lines (reference value) 10-20
Nozzle holders in prechambers 70+10

Nozzle holders for angular injection 30

Special tool

1 000589650900

Commercially available tools

Cylinder leakage tester e.g. Bosch, EFAW 210 A
Sun, CLT 228
Adapters and connectors e.g. Bosch
Order no. 1 687 010 016

01.10 - 01512
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1 Warm engine up to operating temperature

(approx. 80 “C).

2 Remove all nozzle holders (07-230).

A Warning
Open cap on coolant expansion tank only at
coolant temperatures below 90 “C.

3 Remove cap on coolant expansion tank.

4 Check coolant level in coolant expansion

tank and add, if necessary.

5 Open retaining strap on air cleaner cover on

naturally aspirated engines or unscrew hex. head
bolts on air cleaner cap on Turbo-engines,
remove air cleaner cap and take out filter

6 Remove 011 filler cap.

7 Move piston in cylinder to be checked to

TDC, ignition stroke.

8 Bolt appropriate adapter (01) with straight or

angular connector (02) into precombustion
chamber of cylinder to be checked.

9 Calibrate cylinder leakage tester and bolt

connection hose (03) of tester onto connector

01.10 - 01X.3
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10 Fill cylinder with compressed air and read off
any pressure loss on tester.

11 If pressure is lost, determine cause; check

by listening whether pressure is exhausted
through cylinder head gasket, intake manifold,
exhaust, oil filler cap or prechambers of adjacent
cylinder(s) and check for formation of air bubbles
in coolant in coolant expansion tank.

If pressure loss and air loss through the oil filler
cap are present , the possible causes can be
limited by spraying engine oil on the piston
crown of the cylinder being tested. The oil seals
the gap between the piston and cylinder. If
pressure loss is no longer present for a short
time, the cause is in all probability the piston,
piston rings or cylinder running surface.

The position of the piston ring gaps can result in

incorrect determination of the cause. If it is
suspected that the pressure loss results from the
piston ring gaps being positioned directly above
one another, completely reassemble engine and
repeat test after operating engine for a short

01.10 - 01514

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12 Perform test on other cylinders in engine
ignition sequence.

lgnltlon sequence, engme 602

r-0 153624

lgnttlon sequence, engme 603 PO1-0117-13

13 Assemble in opposite order.

01.10 - 01515

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valuating cylinder bores
Prellminaty operations:
Prechambers removed

Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in cylinder to be tested, move to bottom dead

Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . illuminate cylinder with illumination unit and
check visually for damage; for this purpose
insert the probe (01) of the illumination unit
through the precombustion chamber bore into
the cylinder.

When inspecting differentiate between ” Optical
stripes” and “Scoring”. “Optical stripes” can
result from the ring gap. if honing marks are still
visible, the engine is okay. “Scoring marks”
honing marks no longer visible, repair engine.

01.10 - 02011
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Commerciallv available tool
Cylinder illumination unit e. g. Karl Storz Gmbt-i,
D-7200 Tuttlingen
Motoskop TW (cold light)
with lens probes
103 26 CW (570 mm) and
103 26 CT (210 mm)

01.10 - 020/2

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01-030 emoval and installation of engine (oil capacity)

Preliminary operations:
Noise capsule part at bottom of engine compartment
removed (01-006).
Exhaust system removed (49-l 00).

emoval, installation, models 124, 126 and 201


Battery (120) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . disconnect positive and negative terminals,

reconnect (items 1 - 4).
Naturally aspirated engines:
Air intake hose (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . remove, attach (item 5).
Air cleaner cover (4) . . . . . . . . . . remove together with filter cartridge, attach
(item 5.1).

Intake hose (2) . . . . . ., . . . . . . .
I to exhaust gas turbocharger, remove, attach
(item 6).
Radiator (16) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (20-420).
Transmission oil lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on vehicles with automatic transmission,
unbolt, install and plug with clamps
000 589 40 37 00 (item 7).

01.10 - 030/l
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Air conditioner:
Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caution!
Attach protective plate immediately after
removing radiator.
Coolant hoses ......................... disconnect between engine and chassis, pull
off, install (item 9).
Fan (14, 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 25 Nm and 45 Nm
(items 10 - 11).
On vehicles with viscodrive fan clutch
Use screwdriver socket 103 589 01 09 99,
torque wrench 001 589 72 21 00 and holding
tool 603 589 00 40 00.
Air conditioner:
Poly-V-belts (13) ........, remove, install (13-342).
Refrigerant compressor (12) remove, install, 25 Nm (item 12).
Do not unbolt the refrigerant lines on the
compressor. Fasten compressor to chassis at
Vacuum hoses and fuel lines remove between engine and chassis,
disconnect, reinstall (item 13).
Models 124 and 126:
Control cable (230) . . . . . . . . . . * ....... for engine control, unhook, hook in (item 14).
Model 201:
Engine control linkage (7) . . . . ....... unhook, hook in (item 15).
Adjust control linkage (30-300).
Electrical connection lines . . . . . . . ....... between engine and chassis, disconnect plug
connectors and connections, reconnect
(item 16).
Oil pressure switch and oil level sensor ....... disconnect plug connectors, reconnect
(item 17).
Starter ............................... unbolt connection lines, connect (item 18).
Alternator ............................. disconnect plug connectors, reconnect
(item 19).
Engine electrical harness (5) ............... remove, reattach (item 20).
Power steering pump (10) ................. evacuate oil out of power steering supply
reservoir, use hand pump 112 589 00 72 00
and remove oil lines, reinstall, 30 Nm
(items 21 - 22).

01.10 - 03012
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Vehicles with level control and/or ASD:

Oil pump (1) or tandem pump (11) . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt oil lines and hoses between engine and
chassis, reinstall (item 23).
Turbo-engines or naturally aspirated engines
with exhaust gas recirculation:
Air/oil cooler (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt oil lines between cooler and engine,
reinstall (item 24).

PO l-0226-57

Turbo-engine with automatic transmission and

trailer hitch in combination with air conditioner:
Transmission oil/air cooler (17) ............. oil lines and hoses between cooler and engine,
remove, replace (item 25).
Model 201 (up to 03/85):
Mount for engine stop (25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 25 Nm (item 26).
Check engine stop, adjust, 130 Nm (22-220),
adjustment gauge 201 589 04 23 00.

01.10 - 030/3

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Model 201 (up to 03185):
Engine shock absorber (24), left . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 27).

Model 126:
Engine shock absorbers (24), left and right . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 28).
Manual transmissions:
Shift linkage (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unhook, hook in (item 29).
Clutch master cylinder (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove hydraulic line, replace and bleed master
cylinder (item 29.1).
Automatic transmissions:
Shift linkage (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unhook, hook in (30).
Starter lockout, back-up light switch (S16/1) . . . . disconnect wires, reconnect (item 30).
Kickdown solenoid valve (Y3/1 yl ) . . . . . . . . . . . disconnect wire, reconnect (item 30.1).
Speedometer shaft (19) or inductive
speedometer sensor (L2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall (item 31).
Engine speed sensor (L3) and starter
ground strap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall (item 32).
Lateral exhaust support (23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall (item 33).
Heat baffle plates (22) .................... on center tunnel, remove, install (item 34).
Drive shaft (492) ...... .. ... . ... ... ...... remove, reinstall, 40 Nm and 60 Nm
(item 35).
Replace self-locking hex. nuts.
Drive shaft intermediate bearing (495) . . . . . . . . loosen, tighten, 25 Nm (item 36).
Clamping nut (500) ...................... on intermediate bearing, loosen, tighten,
30 - 40 Nm, open-end wrench
126 589 00 01 00 or 201 589 00 01 00 and
torque wrench 001 589 66 21 00 (item 37).

01.10 - 030/4
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Following installation:
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check engine oil, add, if required or fill engine
with new oil.
Cooling system ...................... fill up and perform pressure test (20-017),
pressure tester 124 589 15 21 00.
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . start and check engine oil and cooling system
for leakage.

Engine oil capacities with oil dipstick code

(see “Service Product Specifications” for approved engine oils)
code on


1) 1st version, color code “red”
2nd version, color code “black”
3rd version, color code “brown”
2) Only for engines with exhaust gas recirculation and side part on oil pan
3) 1 st version, color code “black”

Specified viscosity classes for engine oil

according to SAE for continuous ambient
temperatures OF T;

+66 -

Exact adherence to the SAE class specified for +66 -

the various ambient temperatures would result in +50 -

frequent oil changes. The temperature limits for

+32 -
the SAE classes should therefore be regarded
as guidelines which may be exceeded for short +,.I -

+5 -
periods. -4 -

See ” Service Product Specifications” for further I

information regarding specified viscosity classes
and approved engine oils.

01.10 - 030/6
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Tightening torques Nm
M 12~1.5~13 30
Oil drain plug in oil pan
M 14X15x22 25

Hex. head bolt, magnetic fan clutch 25

Allen bolt, viscodrive fan clutch 45
Hex. head bolts, refrigerant compressor 25
Oil lines, power steering pump 30
Allen bolts, mount, engine stop, front 10
Adjustment bolt, engine stop, front 130

Hex. nuts, engine shock absorber 10

Hex. head bolts, engine shock absorber mount 10

Hex. nuts, drive shaft on transmission flange 40

Hex. nuts, drive shaft on transmission flange, engine 603.96 60
Hex. head bolts, drive shaft intermediate bearing 25
Clamping nut, drive shaft intermediate bearing 30 - 40
Hex. head bolts, cross member center piece 45
Hex. head bolts, engine support, rear 45
Hex. head bolts, engine mount, rear 25
Hex. nut, engine mount, rear 70
Adjustment bolt, engine mount (rubber) rear 30
Allen bolt, engine mount, front 40
Allen bolt, engine mount, front, model 126 70

Special tools

112 589 00 72 00 103 589 01 09 00 603589004000 001 589 72 21 00

27 20 20 00

126 589 00 01 00 001 589 66 21 00 1 000 589 40 3700

41 00

01.10 - 030/7

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Commercially available tools
7 mm socket on flexible shaft for hose e. g. Hazet,
clamps with worm drive D-5630 Remscheid
Order no. 426-7
Engine hoist no. 3188 8. g. Backer,
(self-braking) D-5630 Remscheid,

Self-made tools
Guard plate for air conditioner condenser Dimensions: approx. 480 x 600 x 1
Guard plate for unit compartment firewall Dimensions: approx. 320 X 380 X 1

Removal, installation

1 Disconnect positive and negative cables on


Models 124 and 126:

2 Remove cable cover on unit compartment
firewall, for this purpose remove plastic screws
(arrows) and remove cover.

Model 201:
3 Remove cable cover on unit compartment
firewall, for this purpose remove rubber sealing
strip (29) over cable cover (30), disconnect clips
(31) and fold cover upward.

4 Lay battery positive cable across engine.

01.10 - 030/8
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Naturally aspirated engines:
5 Remove air intake hose (arrow).

5.1 Open retaining clips on air cleaner cover and

remove cleaner cover and filter cartridge.


6 Remove intake hose to exhaust gas

7 On vehicles with automatic transmission plug

oil cooler lines with clamps 000 589 40 37 00


8 Remove radiator (20-420).

On vehicles with air conditioner attach guard
plate to condenser immediately after removing

9 Loosen and remove all coolant hoses

between engine and chassis.

01.10 - 03019

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10 Remove fan with viscodrive fan clutch; hold
V-belt pulley with counterholder (01)
603 589 00 40 00 and remove Allen bolt with
socket (03) 103 589 01 09 00 and torque wrench
(02) 001 589 72 21 00. Remove fan.

Installation note
Tightening torque 45 Nm.

Fans with magnetic fan clutch:

11 Remove fan; remove Allen bolt (arrow).
Remove fan.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.

Vehicles with air conditioning:

12 Remove poly V-belts (13-342), remove hex.
head bolts (arrows) for refrigerant compressor
and attach refrigerant compressor
at side on chassis.

Do not unbolt refrigerant lines on refrigerant

Installation note
Tightening torque for hex. head bolts on
refrigerant compressor 25 Nm.

13 Loosen and disconnect all vacuum hoses

and fuel lines between engine and chassis.

01.10 - 030/10
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Models 124 and 201:
14 Unhook engine control; press out guide
piece (240) on control lever (208) and remove
control cable (230).

Model 126:
15 Unhook engine control linkage; unhook
connecting rod (arrow) on control shaft.

Installation note
Adjust control cable (30-300).

16 Disconnect all electrical lines between

engine and chassis; for this purpose disconnect
plug connectors and connections.

17 Disconnect plugs on oil pressure switch (43)

and oil level sensor (44).

18 Remove connection cables on starter (45)

and remove harness from holder (46) above

PO1 2454 13

01.10 - 030/11
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19 Oisconnect plug connector (arrow) on

20 Completely remove engine wiring harness,

for this purpose disconnect all clips and cable

21 Evacuate oil from supply reservoir for power

steering pump or tandem pump using hand
pump 112 589 00 72 00.

22 Unscrew oil lines for power steering on

power steering pump (arrows) or on tandem

Installation note
Tightening torque 30 Nm.
Replace oil which has leaked out.

Power steeringpump

Vehicles with level control and/orASB:

23 Remove oil lines and hoses (arrows) for
hydraulic pump or tandem pump between engine
and chassis.

Hydraulic pump

Tandem pump

01.10 - 030112
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Turbo-engines or naturally aspirated engines
with exhaust gas recirculation:
24 Unbolt oil lines and hoses (arrows) for air oil
cooler in left wheelhouse between radiator and

Turbo-engines with automatic transmission

and trailer hitch in combination with air
25 Unbolt oil lines and hoses (arrows) for
transmission air oil cooler in right wheelhouse
between radiator and engine.

Model 201 (up to 03/85):

26 Remove Allen bolts (arrows) on mount for
engine stop and remove mount.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm. Check engine stop
with adjustment gauge 201 589 04 23 00 and
adjust (22-220). Tightening torque for adjustment
bolt 130 Nm.


Model 201 (up to 03/85):

27 Remove engine shock absorber, left, for this
purpose remove hex. head bolts (arrows) on
mount and remove engine shock absorber from
frame cross member.

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

01.10 - 030113
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Model 126:
28 Unbolt engine shock absorbers (24) on left
and right; for this purpose unscrew hex. nut (50)
and press shock absorber upward out of mount
on frame cross member (49).

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

Vehicles with manual transmission:

29 Unhook shift linkage (21) on transmission.

29.1 Unbolt hydraulic lines on clutch master

cylinder (arrow).

Installation note
Bleed clutch master cylinder.

01.10 - 030114

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Vehicles with automatic transmission:
30 Unhook shift linkage on transmission and
disconnect connector for starter lockout, back-up
light switch (S1611).

30.1 Disconnect connector for kickdown

solenoid valve on right side of transmission.

31 Unbolt speedometer shaft or speedometer

inductive sensor (arrow) and remove the two
bottom hex. head bolts for the starter. Position
speedometer shaft or connection wire to side.

32 Unbolt engine speed sensor (L3) and starter

ground strap (arrow) on chassis.

33 Remove hex. head bolts (arrows) for lateral

exhaust support on transmission and remove

34 Unbolt heat baffle plates on center tunnel.

01.10 - 030/15
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35 Remove hex. head bolts (arrows) for drive
shaft on transmission flange and press drive
shaft off of transmission flange.

Installation note
Replace self-locking hex. nuts.
Tightening torque
Engine 602, 603.91 40 Nm
Engine 603.96 60 Nm.

36 Loosen hex. head bolts (494) on drive shaft

intermediate flange.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.

37 Loosen clamping nut (500) with open-end

126 589 00 01 00 (SW46) or
201 589 00 01 00 (SW41) and
torque wrench 001 589 66 21 00.
Push drive shaft back as far as possible (in P41-2041-13

direction of arrow).

Installation note
Tightening torque 30 - 40 Nm.

Model 126:
38 Unbolt hex. head bolts (51) on cross
member center piece (50) and remove cross
member center piece.

Installation note
Replace self-locking hex. head bolts.
Tightening torque 45 Nm.

01.10 - 03006

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Attach guard plate on unit compartment firewall.

39 Fasten engine hoist cables to front and rear

suspension eyes on engine. Align engine hoist
so that engine is positioned horizontally.

Suspension eye, front

Suspension eye, fear

01.10 - 030/17
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40 Remove hex. head nuts (47) on mount for
rear engine support. Remove hex. head bolts
(48) and remove engine support with mount.

Installation note
Tightening torque
Hex. nuts 70 Nm
Hex. head bolts 45 Nm.
Check adjustment bolt on rubber mounts,
tightening torque 30 Nm.

41 Remove Allen bolts for front engine mounts

from frame cross member from bottom.

Installation note
Tightening torque
Model 124 and 201 40 Nm
Model 126 70 Nm.

Allen bolt, engine mount, left


Allen bolt, engine mount, right

01.10 - 030118
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42 Lift engine with transmission at angle out of
engine compartment, continuously correct angle
with engine hoist, maximum angle approx. 45”.

When lifting engine pay attention to rear
suspension eye on engine and engine oil filter.

43 Install in opposite order.

After installation:
44 Check engine oil, add, if required or refill
engine oil and fill up cooling system.

44.1 Perform pressure test on cooling system

(20-017), pressure tester 124 589 15 21 00.

44.2 Start engine and check engine oil and

cooling systems for leakage.

01.10 - 030119

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01-040 Crankcase ventilation - Function

A. Standard version

Crankcase ventilation, naturally aspirated engine, standard version

Engine 602
126 011 separator
127 Return pipe
140 Dlstrlbution pipe
A Blow-by gasses
B Fresh am

The crankcase ventilation on standard version

naturally aspirated engines is a closed,
maintenance-free system.

01.10 - 04011

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The blow-by gasses from the crankcase flow
through the oil separator (126) into the cylinder
head cover and a hose to the distribution pipe
(140) on the intake manifold depending on the
intake manifold vacuum.

These gasses are distributed uniformly to all

cylinders by the intake manifold and drawn into
the combustion chambers together with the
intake air.

The oil deposited in the oil separator runs back

to the cylinder head through the return pipe


Crankcase ventilation, standard version turbo-engines

Engines 602.96, 603.96, 603.97
126 011 separator
b To arr cleaner housmg
A Blow-by gasses
B Fresh air

0 1 . 1 0 - 04012
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The crankcase ventilation for the standard
version turbo-engines corresponds to that of the
naturally aspirated engine.

l-lowever on the turbo-engines, after removal of

the engine oil, the blow-by gasses flow from the
cylinder head cover to the intake hose.

. Naturally aspirated and turbo-engines with exhaust gas recirculation


Crankcase ventilation on engines with exhaust gas recirculation

Engine 602.91
126 011 separator
127 Return pipe
140 Dlstnbutlon pipe
141 Pressure control valve
a Vent hole, dia. 3 mm
A Blow-by gasses
f3 Fresh air

01.10 - 040/3
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Crankcase ventilation on engines with exhaust gas recirculation
Engines 602.96, 603.96( 97


126 011 separator

b To air cleaner housmg
A Blow-by gasses
B Fresh am

The crankcase ventilation on naturally aspirated

engines with exhaust gas recirculation differs
from that of the standard version by addition of a
built-in pressure control valve (141).

The pressure control valve is required because

on engines with exhaust gas recirculation an
additional throttle valve installed in the intake
system results in significantly higher vacuums.

If the vacuum were too high, the engine oil

would be sucked out of the crankcase.

The pressure control valve prevents this by

keeping the vacuum constant above a certain

01.10 - 04014

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Pressure control valve

Engines 602.91, 603.91
125 Cylinder head cover 141a Diaphragm
126 Oil separator 142 Spring
127 Return pipe 143 Holder
141 Pressure control valve a Vent hole

The pressure control valve is designed as a

diaphragm-type valve and built into the oil
separator in the cylinder head cover.

A hole is present in the cylinder head cover to

vent the diaphragm chamber in the pressure
control valve (arrow). This hole must not be
plugged by dirt or preservation agents.

01.10 - 040/5

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142 l4la
125 140a 140b I al


Pressure control valve, engines 602.96, 603.96

125 Cylinder head cover 140b Intermediate section
126 Oil separator 141a Pressure control valve
127 Return pipe 142 Spring
140a Angle fitting a Vent hole

Turbo-engines with exhaust gas recirculation are

also equipped with a pressure control valve
(141 a). For space reasons this valve is installed
in the rear section of the cylinder head cover.

Because of increased pressure difference
between the intake manifold and the crankcase,
a stronger compression spring (142) with a
higher spring rate was used. The following table
indicates the vehicle and engine models in which
the modified springs were first
addition to engines 602.962 and 603.970
beginning model year 1990.

Production breakpoint: 01/88

Model Engine Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.
manual automatic
transmission transmission
124.133 0 17932
124.128 602.962 1 From Model Year 1990
126.134 603.970 From Model Year 1990
201.126 ~602.911 1073017 014820
not avarlable

01.10 - 04016
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01-110 Measuring, boring and honing cylinder bores
Preliminary operations:
Pistons removed(03-316).

A. Measuring
ngines with and without cylinder sleeves

c e




Cylinder bores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clean thoroughly.

Cylinder bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measure cylinder bore diameter with internal
measuring instrument at 3 measuring points (c,
d, e) in longitudinal direction (A) and transverse
direction (B).

Compare measured cylinder bore diameters with
standard or repair stage specifications for engine
(except for engines with cylinder sleeves).

01.10 - 110/l
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Observe group ident. letters A, X or E3 stamped
on the crankcase or piston crown. On used
engines the difference between the diameter
measured at point (c) and the original diameter is
equal to the wear (max. permissible wear
0.2 mm).
The original diameter can be measured at the
piston top land after it has been cleaned
thoroughly (the top land is the area between the
piston crown and the top surface of the block in
the TDC position on ignition stroke).

oring and honing

Engines without cylinder sleeves


Cylinder bore diameter (0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure.

01.10 - 110/2

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Bore diameter (D,) . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . determine and adjust boring tool.
The bore diameter “Dl” is the cylinder bore
diameter “D” minus the material which will be
removed by honing. The material removed by
honing should not exceed max. 0.05 mm. Select
repair stage diameter ‘ID” according to engine
model and group code letter A, X, 6” (stamped
in block).
Boring operation . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . perform according to operating instructions for
boring tool used.
Cylinder bore . . ....................... bevel at upper and lower edges of cylinder (see
drawing for dimensions).
I-ioning operation ....................... perform according to specified data.

Maximum permissible wear for cylinder bores

Measuring range “a” (upper reversal point of 1st piston ring) in longitudinal
and/or transverse direction 0.2 mm

Standard and repair stage diameter “D” for cyl nder bores
602, 603 603.970

Version ( Cylinder 1 G;p code Cylinder dia. D in mm Cylinder dia. D in mm

Standard 1 - 4, 5, 6 87.000 - 87.006 89.000 - 89.006

over 87.006 - 87.012 over 89.006 - 89.012
over 87.012 - 87.018 over 89.012 - 89.018
Repair stage ‘) 87.700 - 87.706 89.700 - 89.706
( + 0,7 mm) 87.706 - 87.712 89.706 - 89.712
87.712 - 87.718 89.712 - 89.718
1) Does not app I y f0 r engines with cylinder sleeves. Cylinder sleeves must be replaced when the wear llmlt IS reached.

Machining tolerances
Permissible out-of-round and conicity of cylinder bore 0.07 mm
Permissible roughness of cylinder bore (R3Z) 0.003 - 0.006 mm
Permissible waviness of cylinder bore 50 O/O of roughness
l-ioning angle 45”
Roughness of block parting surface 0.006 - 0.016 mm
Chamfer of cylinder bores refer to figure

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Introduction of engines without cylinder

Beginning in 1987 the cylinder sleeves were
eliminated partially on engines 602/603 . The
following tables show exactly when and on which
model or engine the new version was
introduced. Engine 603.970 was introduced into
production without cylinder sleeves.
Installation of cylinder sleeves is not permissible.

Production breakpoint:

Commercially available tool

Internal measuring instrument for 50 - 150 mm dia., e.g. Hommel Handel
with 0.01 mm increments and measuring point D-5000 Koln 71
pressure relief Sunnen Grm-2125

01.10 - 110/4
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oring, honing and replacement of cylinder sleeves
Prehminary operations:
Pistons removed (03-316).


PO1 -023247

Cylinder bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure (01-l 10).

Cylinder sleeves (68) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . press out, punch 603 589 00 15 00 (item 1).
Block (69) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clean basic bores for sleeves and check
diameter (see table) with internal measuring
instrument (items 2 and 3).
If the permissible values are exceeded, replace
Cylinder sleeves ...... ..... ............. press in and maintain pressure for approx. 7
seconds to seat sleeve, punch
603 589 00 15 00 (item 4).

01.10 - 115/l
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Cylinder bores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bore out to standard diameter “D” and hone,
see Note in (01-l 10). Observe group code
letters (A, X, B) (items 5 - 9).

Diameter “D” for cylinder sleeves

602, 603
Cylinder dia. D in mm

Standard 1) 87.000 - 87.006

over 87.006 - 87.012
over 87.012 - 87.018
‘1 There are no repatr stages for engmes with cylmder sleeves.

Dimensions for basic bore in block

Bore dia. “B” 92.650 - 92.750 mm
Bore dia. ‘ID” 90.550 - 90.650 mm
Bore dia. “E” 90.000 - 90.935 mm

Depth “A” sleeve seat 3.8 - 4.0 mm

Depth “C” sleeve seat 4.77 - 5.23 mm

Permissible out-of-round of basic bore in block 0.01 mm

Permissible out-of-round and conicity of cylinder bore 0.07 mm

Permissible roughness of cylinder bore (R3Z) 0.003 - 0.006 mm

Permissible waviness of cylinder bore 50 % of roughness
l-loning angle 45”
Roughness of block parting surface 0.006 - 0.016 mm

Chamfer of cylinder bores 30”


01 10 - 115/2
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Special tool

603 589 00 15 00

Commercially available tool

Internal measuring instrument for 50 - 100 mm dia., e.g. Hommel Wandel
with 0.01 mm increments and measuring point D-5000 Koln 71
pressure relief Sunnen Grm -2125


1 Press out cylinder sleeves.

2 Thoroughly clean basic bore.

3 Measure basic bore (D) in block.

If the limits are exceeded (see table) the block

cannot be reused.

4 Position new cylinder sleeves and press in
with press.

After pressing in cylinder sleeves maintain

pressure for approx. 7 seconds with press
(setting pressure).

01.10 - 115/3
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Boring and honing

5 Mill or grind off projecting collar on sleeve.

Remove as little material as possible from the
block parting surface. Guide milling cutter or
grinding wheel carefully over cylinder bores.

6 Bore out cylinder sleeves in two steps.

Leave at least 0.03 mm additional material in the
bores for honing.

7 Chamfer cylinder sleeves.

8 Hone cylinder bores.

9 Measure cylinder bores and select matching

pistons (01410).

01.10 - 11514

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..................................................... ............

01420 Planing crankcase parting surface

Prellmlnafy operations:
Piston extension checked and pistons removed (03-316).

PO1 -0233-57

Parting surface (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plane according to operating instructions for

planing tool used.

Observe specified dimensions and machining
Cylinder bores (2) .,-.................... ch‘amfer at top of cylinder.
After reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check engine timing (05-215).

01.10 - 120/l
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Height of block in new state from center of main 234.97 - 235.03
bearing bore
Minimum height after required material removal from center 234.60
of main bearing bore

in longitudial direction 0.06

Permissible unevenness of parting surface
in transverse direction 0.06

Permissible roughness of upper parting surface 0.006 - 0.016

Permissible deviation in parallel between upper parting surface and 0.05
lower parting surface in longitudinal direction
Chamfer of cylinder bores see figure
Distance between piston crown and block parting surface Projection max. 0.965
Projection min. 0.735

I PO3-0093-13
Cylinder bore chamfer

01.10 - 120/2
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01-130 Removal and installation of steel balls in main oil duct
Prelrmlnary operations:
Coolant pump removed with housing (20-230).
Flywheel removed (03-410).


Steel ball, rear, 15 mm dia. (9) Steel ball, front, 17 mm dia. (10)

Steel balls (9, 10) ..................... . . knock out, insert.

Punch 601 589 08 15 00 (items 1 - 6).

If not damaged the steel balls can be reinstalled
a number of times. In the event of leakage
reseat steel balls approx. 1 mm deeper
(dimension marked on punch).
Leaky steel balls ........................ replace with plug, remedy measures
(items 7 - 9).
After reassembling engine ................. warm up engine and check for leakage in area
of steel balls.

Tightening torque Nm

01.10 - 130/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Replacement parts for steel balls Part no.
Plug M 18 x 1.5 (front) 000 908 018 002
Plug M 16 x 1.5 (rear) 000 906 016 002
Gasket A 18 007 603 018 103

Sealant for replacement of rear steel ball

Loctite 241 002 989 94 71

Special tool

Knocking out

1 Knock out both steel balls from rear toward

front with suitable steel rod.

The steel balls can be reused a number of
times. Replace damaged balls under all



2 Thoroughly clean seat for steel ball in engine


3 Insert steel ball with slight quantity of grease

on punch 601 589 08 15 00.

01.10 - 13012

Downloaded from manuals search engine

4 Position steel balls on hole and drive in to
specified stop on punch.

5 After reassembling engine, warm up engine

and check for leakage in area of steel balls.

If one of the steel balls does not seal sufficiently
after inserting or if leakage is present following
leakage test, replace steel ball with plug.

Replacing steel ball with plug

6 Knock steel ball out again.

7 Cut thread in hole for leaky ball.

Front bore M 18 X 1.5 10 m m deep
Rear bore M 16 X 1.5 14 mm deep

8 Thoroughly clean oil duct, screw in front plug

with gasket and rear plug with sealant
002 989 94 71, tightening torque 50 Nm.

01.10 - 13013
Downloaded from manuals search engine
eplacement of freeze plugs in crankcase
Preliminary operations:
Coolant drained (20-010).
Attachment parts In area of freeze plug removed.

PlB 2036 131

Freeze plug, left, 34 mm dia. (8) Freeze plug, right, 34 mm dia. (8b)

Freeze plug, front, 17 mm dia. (8a) Freeze plug, rear, 34 mm dia. (11)

Freezeplugs(8,8a,8b, 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, knock in. Installation punch

102 589 12 15 00, 17 mm dia. or punch
102 589 00 15 00, 34 mm dia. (items 1 - 6).

Seal freeze plugs with sealant
002 989 94 71. Allow sealant to harden
for approx. 45 minutes.

01.10 - 14011
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After reassembling engine ................. allow engine to warm up and check for leakage
at newly installed freeze plug .

The number of freeze plugs differs on the
individual engine models. The figure shows
engine model 603 as an example.

Loctite 241 002 989 94 71

Special tools

102 589 12 15 00 102589001500



1 Position chisel with small blade or screw-

driver in deep-drawn edge of freeze plug.

01.10 - 14012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
2 Carefully knock in freeze plug at one side
until it rotates around its own longitudinal axis
and can be gripped with a pair of pliers.

3 Pull out freeze plug.

4 Clean sealing surface; surface must be free

of grease.


5 Coat sealing surface with sealant

002 989 94 71.

6 Knock in new freeze plug with install-ation

punch 102 589 12 15 00 (17 mm dia.) or 102
589 00 15 00 (34 mm dia.).
Allow sealant to harden for approx. 45 minutes
before filling coolant.

7 After reassembling engine, allow engine to

warm up and check for leakage at new freeze
plug installed.

01.10 - 140/3
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01-210 Removal and installation of thina cover
Prelimtnary operations:
Engrne compartment capsule, bottom section removed (01-006).
Radiator removed (20-420).
Magnetic or vlscodnve fan clutch removed (20-335, 20-312).
Crankshaft pulley and hub removed (03-341).
Poly-V-belt tensioning device removed (13-345).
Piston vacuum pump removed (43-618).
Power steenng pump or tandem pump removed (46-710).
Hydraulrc pump on cylinder head removed (05437).
Alternator removed (15-510).
Engtne 011 drained.


Air conditioning:
Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
Attach guard plate.

Cylinder head cover (125) .................

remove if not yet removed, install, 10 Nm
(item 1).

On turbo-engines the charge air pipe must be
removed before removing the cylinder head

01.10 - 210/l

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Front hex. head bolt (116) ................. for fuel filter, remove, reinstall, 25 Nm
(item 2).
Holder (62) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for oil dipstick tube, remove, reinstall, 25 Nm
(item 3).
Hex. head bolts (417) . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . on mount (416) for alternator, remove, reinstall
and remove mount, install, 45 or 25 Nm
(item 4).
Holder for TDC sensor (42 or 44) I . . . . . . . . . mark position and unbolt, reinstall (item 5).

Check TDC sensor adjustment, readjust if
required (03-345).
Model 201 (up to 03185):
Mount (6) for engine stop . . . . . .......... remove, reinstall, 25 Nm (item 6).

Model 201 (up to 03185):

Engine shock absorber (24) left . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 7).

Check engine stop, adjust, 130 Nm (22-220)
adjustment gauge 201 589 04 23 00.

Model 126:
Engine shock absorbers (24) left and right . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 8).

Front suspension eye on engine ............. hook in engine hoist (item 9).

Engine mounts (28), front, left and right . . . . . . . remove Allen bolts at bottom, reinstall,
40 and 70 Nm (item 10).

01.10 - 21012

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Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lower back on engine mounts with engine hoist
(item 14).
Hex. head bolts (66, 67) . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . for mounting injection pump, remove, reinstall,
25 Nm (item 15).
Allen bolts (1 15) . . . . . ................. in timing chain housing, remove, reinstall,
25 Nm (item 16).
Hex. head bolts (35, 36) ................. in timing case cover, remove, reinstall,
25 Nm (item 17).
Timing case cover (28) ................. remove, install (item 17).

When removing timing case cover pay attention
to cylinder head gasket and oil pan gasket.
Avoid damaging. Replace damaged cylinder
head gasket.

Clean parting surface on timing case cover, seal
cover with sealant 001 989 95 20.

Check crankshaft radial seal in timing case

cover, remove if required, install, sleeve
601 589 03 14 00 (item 17).
After installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . warm up engine and check for leakage
(item 19).

Hvlomar 001 989 25 20

01.10 - 21013
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Tightening torques Nm
Allen bolts, mount, engine stop, front 10

Adjustment screw, engine stop, front 130

Allen bolt, engine mount, front 40

Allen bolt, engine mount, front, model 126 70

Hex. head bolts, cylinder head cover 10

Cylinder head bolts in timing chain case 25

Hex. head bolts, mount, alternator 45
Hex. head bolts, oil pan M6 10
M8 25
Hex. head bolts for mounting injection pump 25
Hex. head bolts for mounting timing case cover 25

Hex. head bolts for engine shock absorber mount 10

Hex. nuts, engine shock absorber 10

Decial tools

601 589 03 14 00 001 589 66 21 00

03 00

01.10 - 21014
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Commercially available tools
Connection 314” square ratchet e.g. Hazet,
to l/2" square head D-5630 Remscheid
Order no. 1058 R. 1
Engine hoist no. 3188 e.g. Backer,
(self-braking) D-5630 Remscheid,
_ -.____
7 mm socket on flexible shaft for hose e.g. Hazet,
clamps with worm drive D-5630 Remscheid
Order no. 426-7

Self-made tool .._-._.-_.

Guard plate for air conditioner condenser Dimensions: approx. 480 x 600 x 1

Removal, installation

On vehicles with air conditioning attach guard
plate to condenser before starting work.

1 Remove cylinder head cover, if not already


Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

On turbo-engines the charge air pipe (arrow)
must be removed before removing the cylinder
head cover.

01.10 - 21ok.j

Downloaded from manuals search engine

2 Remove hex. head bolts (116) at front
of fuel filter.

3 Unbolt holder (62) for oil dipstick tube,

25 Nm.

4 Remove hex. head bolts (arrows) on mount

for alternator and remove mount.

Installation note
Tightening torques
Mounting bolts for mount 45 Nm
Mounting bolt on timing
case cover 25 Nm.

5 Mark position of mount for TDC sensor

(42 or 44) and unbolt mount.

Installation note
Check TDC sensor and adjust if required

01.10 - 210/6
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Model 201 (up to 03185):
6 Remove Allen bolts (arrows) on mount for
engine stop at front and remove mount.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.
Check engine stop with adjustment gauge
201 589 04 23 00 and adjust (22-220).
Tightening torque for adjustment bolt 130 Nm.

P22 2035 13A

Model 201 (up to 03185):

7 Remove engine shock absorber on left;
remove hex. head bolts (arrows) on mount and
remove engine shock absorber from frame cross

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

Model 126:
8 Remove engine shock absorbers (24) on left
and right; unscrew hex. nuts (50) and press
shock absorber upward out of mount on frame
cross member (49).

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.


01.10 - 21017
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9 Attach engine hoist cable to front suspension
eye (arrow).

10 Remove Allen bolts for front engine mount

from frame cross member from bottom.

Installation note
Tightening torque
Model 124 and 201 40 Nm
Model 126 70 Nm

Allen bolt, engine mount, left Pi?-2012-13‘

Allen bolt, engine mount, right

01.10 - 21018
Downloaded from manuals search engine
12 Hoist engine with engine hoist until hex.
head bolts in oil pan are accessible in area of
timing case cover.

13 Remove hex. head bolts in oil pan in area of

timing case cover and loosen remaining bolts.

Installation note
Tightening torque M6 10 Nm,
M8 25 Nm.

14 Lower engine back onto front engine


15 Remove hex. head bolts (arrows) for

mounting injection pump. Remove square nuts
on injection pump flange.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.

L- _ \ I PO-2212-13

16 Remove Allen bolts (arrows) in timing chain


Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.

POl-2365-13 I

01.10 - 210/g
Downloaded from manuals search engine
17 Remove all remaining hex. head bolts
(arrows) in timing case cover and remove timing
case cover.

When removing timing case cover be careful of
cylinder head gasket and oil pan gasket. Avoid
damaging. Replace damaged gaskets.


Installation note
Clean gasket residues off of parting surface
on timing case cover.
Check crankshaft radial seal in timing case cover
and replace, if required, installation sleeve
601 589 03 14 00.
Coat parting surface of timing case cover with
sealant 001 989 25 20. Tightening torque
25 Nm.

18 Assemble in opposite order.

PO&zw- 13

19 After installation warm up engine and check

timing case cover for leakage.

01.10 - 210110
Downloaded from manuals search engine
01-222 Removal and installation of end cover

Prelrmlnafy operattons:
Flywheel removed(03-410).

d 22


Hex. head bolts (55) ..................... in oil pan, remove, reinstall, 25 Nm

(item 1).
Hex. head bolts (21) ...................., Hex. head bolts (21) in end cover (20), remove,
reinstall, 10 Nm (item 2).

Coat threads of hex. head bolts with sealant
002 989 20 10.

01.10 - 222/l

Downloaded from manuals search engine

End cover (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . press out together with crankshaft radial
seal (22), press in, installation sleeve
601 589 03 43 00 (item 3).

Avoid damaging oil pan gasket.

Clean gasket residues off of parting surface on
end cover and coat parting surface of cap with
sealant 002 989 00 20 10. Check crankshaft
radial seal and remove if required, install,
installation sleeve 601 589 03 43 00.

Omnifit 002 989 00 20 10

Tightening torques Nm
Hex. head bolts, end cover 10
Hex. head bolts, oil pan 25

Special tools

601 589 03 43 00 001 589 72 21 00

03 00

01.10 - 2221'2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Removal, installation

1 Remove the two hex. head bolts (55) in the

oil pan.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm.

2 Remove hex. head bolts (21) in end cover


Installation note
Coat threads on hex. head bolts with sealant
002 989 00 20 10.
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

3 Press end cover off of crankcase at tabs

(arrows) and remove crankshaft radial seal
from crankshaft journal.

When pressing the end cover on and off avoid
damagingthe oil pan gasket. .

Installation note
Clean gasket residues off of parting surface on
end cover. Check crankshaft radial seal and re-
place if required. Coat parting surface on end
cover with sealant 002 989 00 20 10 and slide
end cover together with radial seal over attached
installation sleeve 601 589 03 43 00.

01.10 - 222/3
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Downloaded from manuals search engine
01-310 Removal and installation of oil pan

A. Model 124, 126 and 201

Preliminary operations:
Bottom section of engine compartment noise
capsule removed (01-006).
Model 124 and 201:
Torsion bar on front axle removed .
Models 124, 201 ,126 and 201 .128:
Steer. rod, left and steer. shock absorber, right rem..
Fan cowl loosened.


PO1 -0238-57

Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disconnect negative cable, reconnect (item 1).

Engineoil ............................ drain, fill (item 2).
Tightening torque for oil drain plug (3) 25
or 30 Nm. Observe specified oil capacity.

01.10 - 310/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Model 201 (up to 03185):
Mount, engine stop (6) . . remove, install, 25 Nm (item 3).
Check engine stop, adjust, 130 Nm (22-220),
adjustment gauge 201 589 04 23 00.
Model 201 (up to 03185):
Engine shock absorber (24), left . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 4).

Model 126:
Engine shock absorbers (24) left and right . . . . . remove, install, 10 Nm (item 5).
Engine speed sensor (L3) and ground strap . . . . remove, reinstall (item 6).
Oil level sensor (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disconnect plug, reconnect (item 7).
Automatic transmission
Oil lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between transmission and oil cooler or
transmission air/oil cooler, unbolt at oil pan,
install and remove at radiator, reinstall (item 8).
Plug oil lines before removal, clamp
000 589 40 37 00.
Oil pan with attached side sections:
Oil pan side section (45b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (item 9).
Replace gasket (45~) for oil pan side section.
Tightening torque for hex. head bolts (41)
10 Nm.
Front suspension eye on engine ............. hook in engine hoist, unhook (item 10).
Front engine mounts (28), left and right ....... remove Allen bolts from bottom, reinstall, 40
and 70 Nm (item 11).
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hoist with engine hoist, lower back on engine
mounts (item 12).
f-tex. head bolts (19) ..................... remove from oil pan (45), reinstall (item 13).
M6 bolts 10 Nm,
M8 bolts 25 Nm.
Observe different lengths of hex. head bolts.

01.10 - 310/2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Oil pan (45) ,.......................... remove from crankcase together with oil pan
gasket (45a), install (item 14).
Remove oil pan toward front of vehicle while
turning crankshaft slightly if required. Clean
gasket residues from parting surface of oil pan.
Replace oil pan gasket (45a).
After installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . warm up engine and check for leakage
(item 16).

Oil capacities with oil dipstick code

(see “Service Product Specifications” for approved engine oils)

Round handle

1) 1 st version color code “red”

2nd version color code “black”
3rd version color code “brown”
2) Only for engtnes with exhaust gas recirculation and side section on 011 pan
3) 1 st version color code “black”

Tightening torques Nm
M 12X1,5x13 3 0
Oil drain plug on oil pan
M 14X1,5x22 2 5

Allen bolts, mount, engine stop, front 10

Adjustment bolt, engine stop, front 130
Hex. nuts, engine shock absorber 10
t-tex. head bolts, engine shock absorber mount 10
Hex. head bolts, oil pan side section 10
Hex. head bolts, oil pan M6 10
M8 25
Allen bolt, engine mount, front 40
Allen bolt, engine mount, front, model 126 70

01.10 - 31013
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Special tools

001 589 72 21 00 201 589 04 23 00 001 589 67 21 00

00 ) (_ 00 00 22 00

Commercially available tool

Engine hoist no. 3188 e.g. Backer
(self-braking) D-5630 Remscheid

Removal, installation

1 Disconnect negative cable from battery.

2 Drain engine oil.

Installation note
Tightening torque for oil drain plug
M 12x1.5x13 30 Nm
M 14X15x22 25 Nm.
Observe specified oil capacity when filling

Model 201 (up to 03185):

3 Remove Allen bolts (arrows) on mount for
front engine stop and remove mount.

Installation note
Tightening torque 25 Nm,.
Check engine stop with adjustment gauge
201 589 04 23 00 and adjust (22-220).
Tightening torque for adjustment bolt 130 Nm.


01.10 - 31014
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Model 201 (up to 03185):
4 Remove engine shock absorber, left; remove
hex. head bolts (arrow) on mount and re-
move engine shock absorber from frame cross

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

Model 126:
Remove engine shock absorbers (24), left and
right; unscrew hex. nut (50) and press shock
absorber upward out of mount on frame cross
member (49).

Installation note
Tightening torque 10 Nm.


6 Unbolt engine speed sensor (L3) and ground

strap for starter (arrow) on chassis.

01.10 - 31015
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7 Disconnect plug from oil level sensor

Vehicles with automatic transmission:

8 Clamp oil lines between transmission and
oil cooler or transmission air/oil cooler, clamp
000 589 40 37 00, screw oil lines off of oil pan
and radiator.

Installation note
Check transmission oil level, add if required.



Oil pan with attached side section:

9 Remove hex. head bolts (41) and remove oil
pan side section (45b) together with gasket

Installation note
Replace gasket (45~).
Tightening torque 10 Nm.

01.10 - 31016

Downloaded from manuals search engine

10 Attach engine hoist cable to front suspension
eye on engine (arrow).

11 Remove Allen bolts for front engine mount

from frame cross member from below.

Installation note
Tightening torque
Model 124 and 201 40 Nm
Model 126 70 Nm.

Allen bolt, engine mount, left

Allen bolt, engine mount, right

12 Lift engine at front with engine hoist as far as


01.10 - 31017
Downloaded from manuals search engine
13 Remove hex. head bolts (19) of oil pan (45).

Installation note
Observe different lengths of hex. head bolts.
Tightening torque M6 10 Nm,
M 8 25 Nm.

14 Remove oil pan (45) from crankcase toge- 45a-

ther with oil pan gasket (45a); remove oil pan
toward front of vehicle, turn crankshaft slightly if
PO 1.023913

Installation note
Clean gasket residues off of parting surface on
oil pan. Replace oil pan gasket.

15 Assemble in opposite order.

16 After assembly warm up engine and check

oil pan for leakage.

01.10 - 31018
Downloaded from manuals search engine
01400 Repair notes for cylinder heads and cylinder head gaskets

ngine 602, 603

Differentiation of cylinder heads for naturally

aspirated and turbo-engines

The cylinder heads for turbo-engines 602.96,

603.96 and 603.97 are reinforced at the water
jacket due to the higher combustion pressures.

On turbo-engines the diameter (d) of the pre-

combustion chamber bore is 15 mm, on naturally
aspirated engines 14 mm.


The cylinder heads on turbo-engines are pro-

vided with an identification strip. This identi-
fication strip (arrow) is located on the parting
surface for the cylinder head cover at the front

Do not mix up cylinder heads for turbo-engines
and naturally aspirated engines.


01.10 - 400/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The cylinder head gasket for the turbo-engines
has stainless steel inserts around the combus-
tion chambers (arrow).

The combustion chamber inserts on the standard

gaskets installed on naturally aspirated engines
consist of normal sheet steel.

Only the cylinder head gaskets with stainless

steel inserts are available as replacement parts
for both the naturally aspirated and turbo-

Cylinder head gasket with Viton sealing ring

A Viton sealing ring is inserted at the rear oil

return passage to prevent oil leakage.

A 1st version with sheet metal jacket

B 2nd version with V~ton sealing ring

Production breakpoint: 03/87

Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.

. not av&able

01.10 - 400/2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Modifications in area of timing chain case

For production reasons the height of the bridge

in the cylinder head in the area of the timing
chain case was increased to 32 mm (previously
12 mm).

This modification made it necessary to change

the dimensions of the two cylinder head bolts
(arrow). The new bolt length is M 8 x 50 (pre-
viously M 8 x 30).

Production breakpoint: 09/87

Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.

201.126 1602.911 1052292 011264 * *

* not avadable

Production change for protection against

cracks in water jacket

The bolt flutes on the exhaust side have been

reinforced and the recesses (hollows) between
the coolant ducts on the outlet side filled to
prevent cracks in the cylinder head water jacket.

The baseplate on the intake side was reinforced

from previously 11 mm to 14 mm.

01.10 - 400/3
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Cylinder head gasket for improved sealing

The cylinder head gasket has been equipped

with circumferential silicone sealing strips (arrow)
on both sides and a Viton sealing ring at the oil
return passage at the rear right to better prevent
water and oil leakage.

Production breakpoint: 1 O/88

Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.
manual automatic
transmission transmission

. not available

Production breakpoint: 05189

* not avallable

Production breakpoint: 09189

Model Engine Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.
manual automatic
transmission transmission
* *
iO1.1261602.911 1083460 016487 I
* not available

01.10 - 40014
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Cylinder head gasket, engines 602, 603
(except for engine 603.970)

The combustion chamber insert (dotted line) has

been modified at the 1st cylinder on the cylinder
block side.


* not avadable

. not avadable

01 10 - 40015
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Cylinder head gasket, engine 603.970

Combustion chamber insert modified.

Silicone sealing strip position changed on
both sides.

A. 1st version
B. 2nd version

* not available

Improvement to passage supports in water


The passage supports in the cylinder head water

jacket were improved on the turbo-engines.

not available

01.10 - 400/6
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Reinforcements at valve tappet guides and
exhaust passages

The reinforcements at the valve tappet guides

and exhaust passages have been reinforced.
Modified cylinder heads can be recognized by
the cast no. on the intake side, see table.

Engine previous cast no. new cast no.

602 602 016 03 01 602 016 07 01
602 Turbo 602 016 06 01 602 016 08 01
603 Turbo 603 016 15 01 603 016 17 01

* not avadable

. not avadable

01 .lO - 400/7
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Combustion chamber recess

The size of the combustion chamber recess (d)

was increased to reduce the thermal load in the
cylinder head.

Production breakpoint: 06/88

Model Engine Engine end no. Vehicle ident. end no.
manual automatic
transmission transmission A F
126.1 1603.970 If rom start of production * *
201.126 1602.911 (065342 013489 * *

* not avadable

01.10 - 40018
Downloaded from manuals search engine
01410 efinishing precharnber sealing surface
Preliminary operations:
Nozzle holder removed (0l-4 17).
Prechamber removed (01-417).


Prechamber mounting bores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plug or seal off toward combustion chamber

(item 2).
Countersinking tool
601 589006600(01,02,03) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bolt into precombustion chamber mounting bore
to be refinished down to stop (items 3 - 4).
Interval “X” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure between top of shaft (01) and top of
sleeve (02) (item 5).
When the cylinder head is installed, measuring
interval “X” replaces measuring the projection
dimension ” C” .

01.10 - 410/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Prechamber sealing surface ................ refinish,
use countersinking tool 601 589 00 66 00 with
tap wrench, turn clockwise approx. 5 revolutions
while exerting slight pressure (item 6).

Do not lift countersinking tool while refinishing.
Interval “X” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure again (item 7).
The difference between the 1st and 2nd
measurements corresponds to the material
removed and therefore the thickness of the
required spacer ring.
Countersinking tool ...................... unscrew and clean chips out of mounting bore
(item 8).
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn over with starter to throw out any chips
which may have got into the combustion
chamber (item 9).
Spacer ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . select according to difference in measurements
and install (item 10).
See table for thicknesses of available spacer
Refinished precombustion chamber . . . . . . . . . . mark with punch in area of mounting bore
(item 1 1).

Precombustion chamber projection dimension “C” 7.6 - 8.1 mm

Designation Part no.
Spacer ring 0.3 mm 601 017 04 60
0.6 mm 601 017 02 60
1.0 mm 601 017 03 60

01.10 - 410/2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Special tool

601 589 00 66 00


Refinish prechamber sealing surface when
damaged or leaking. The first refinishing
operation on the prechamber sealing surface can
be performed with the cylinder head removed or
installed. If the sealing surfaces have already
been refinished once before, this can be
recognized by the markings (punch marks) in the
area of the prechamber mounting bores or on
the spacers installed. In this case
it is necessary to remove the cylinder head
to refinish again. The prechamber projection
dimension “C” (7.6 - 8.1 mm) can only be
measured precisely with the cylinder head
removed. Maintenance of this projection
dimension ensures that the necessary distance
between the prechamber and piston crown is
present when the piston is in the TDC position.

01.10 - 41013
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Cylinder head removed:
1 When the cylinder head is removed the
scope of work for refinishing is the same except
for items 5 and 7. Instead of items 5 and 7
measure the projection dimension (c).

Cylinder head installed:

2 Plug or seal off prechamber mounting bores
toward combustion chamber (e.g. with rag), so
that chips cannot get into the combustion

3 Remove protective sleeve from

countersinking tool 601 589 00 66 00.

4 Install countersinking tool 601 589 00 66 00

into the prechamber mounting bore to be
refinished down to the stop.

5 Measure interval “X” between top of shaft

(01) and top of sleeve (02) and note value.

When the cylinder head is installed, measuring
the interval ‘IX” replaces measuring the
projection dimension “C”.

01.10 - 41014

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6 Attach tap wrench to countersinking tool
601 589 00 66 00 and turn countersinking tool
clockwise approx. 5 rotations while exerting light

Do not lift countersinking tool while refinishing.

7 Measure dimension “X” again. The diffe-

rence between the first and second measure-
ments corresponds to the material removed.

Determine thickness of spacer ring:

Calculate material removed
Dimension before refinishing = 25.7 mm
Dimension after refinishing = 25.5 mm

Material removed = 0.2 mm

In this example the thickness of the spacer ring
to be installed is 0.3 mm. Select the spacer ring
so that it is at least 0.1 mm thicker and max.
0.3 mm thicker than the amount of material

8 Remove countersinking tool

601 589 00 66 00 and remove chips.

If sealing surface is not completely flat, install
countersinking tool again and refinish sealing
surface again. Then repeat measurement, items
5 and 7.

01.10 - 41015
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9 Remove rag from precombustion chamber
bore and turn over engine with starter to throw
out any chips which may have got into the
combustion chamber.

10 Insert proper spacer ring.

11 Mark cylinder head with punch mark above

each prechamber seat refinished (arrows).

12 Install in reverse order.

01.10 - 41016

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01415 emoval and installation of cylinder head
Preliminary operations:
Camshaft removed (05220).
Nozzle holders removed(01-417).
Radiator removed (20-420).
Poly-V-belt tensioning device removed (13-345).


Remove cylinder head only after engine has
cooled off.
Battery (120) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disconnect negative cable, if not already
disconnected (item 1).

Naturally aspirated engines:

Air intake hose (11) and air
cleaner cover (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . if not already removed, remove together with
filter cartridge, install (item 2).

Intake hose (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to exhaust gas turbocharger, remove, install
(item 3).

Fuel filter (12) ..... ..................... remove, install (items 4, 5, 35, 36).

01.10 - 415/l

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Holder (62) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for oil dipstick tube, remove, reinstall
(items 6, 34).
Engines with exhaust gas recirculation:
Pipe (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between exhaust gas recirculation valve (13)
and intake manifold or charging air manifold,
remove, install (item 7).
Exhaust gas recirculation valve (13) .......... remove line to air guide housing, install
(items 7, 33).
Side exhaust support (5) .................. on transmission, unbolt, bolt on, 25 Nm (items
8, 32).
Exhaust pipe (4) ........................ unbolt from exhaust manifold (3), bolt on,
25 Nm (items 9, 31).
Pipe elbow (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for heater feed, remove, install (items 10, 11,

Replace O-ring.
Glow plugs . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt connection lines (9) bolt on
(items 12, 37).
Intake manifold (8) on naturally aspirated engines
or charging air manifold on turbo-engines . . . . . . remove, install, 25 Nm (14-180).

01.10 - 415/2
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PO1 4244-57

Slide rail bolts (221, 222) .................. on cylinder head, knock out, knock in,
impact puller 116 589 20 33 00,
threaded rod 116 589 02 34 00 and
threaded insert 123 589 00 34 00
(items 14, 30).

When installing coat collar on slide rail bolts with
Slide rail (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for timing chain, remove from timing chain case,
install (items 15, 28).
Allen bolts (16) ......................... in area of timing chain case, unbolt, bolt on, 25
Nm (items 16, 27).

01.10 - 415/3

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Cylinder head bolts (17, 18, 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt in opposite order of torquing diagram,
check length of cylinder head bolts and replace
if necessary. Bolt on according to torquing
diagram, socket 601 589 00 10 00
(items 17, 20, 23 - 28).

Observe different lengths of bolts and tightening
Cylinder head (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove together with cylinder head gasket (21),
install (items 18, 19, 21, 22).

Clean parting surfaces on cylinder head and
check for cracks. Install cylinder head with new
After assembling engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check cooling and engine oil systems for
leakage (item 38).

Tightening torques and rotation angles (tightening in stages) Nm

Cylinder head bolts with 12-point Initial tightening torque Stage 1 15
Allen head (engine cold) Stage 2 35
Rotation angle Stage 3 90”
Interval for setting 10 min
Rotation angle Stage 4 90”

M 8 Allen bolts in area of timing chain case (reference value) 25

Exhaust pipe on exhaust manifold 25

Side exhaust support 25

01.10 - 4194
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Cylinder head bolt dimensions and maximum
permissible lengths (L)

New state Max. permissible

length (L) in mm

M 10x80 83,6
M 10x102 1056
M 10x115 118,6

Tightening sequence, engine 602

Tightening sequence, engine 603

01.10 - 41%
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Special tools

116589203300 116589023400 001 589 72 21 00

05 / 05 00

Commercially available tool

7 mm hex. socket on flexible shaft for hose e.g. Hazet,
clamps with worm drive D-5630 Remscheid
Order no. 426-7


Remove cylinder head only when engine is cool.

1 Disconnect negative cable on battery.

01.10 - 41516
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Naturally aspirated engines:
2 Remove air intake hose (arrow) and air
cleaner cover together with filter cartridge, if not
already removed.

3 Remove intake hose to exhaust gas

4 Disconnect fuel lines (arrows) from fuel filter

and remove lines from fuel filter.

5 Unbolt hex. head bolts (116) from fuel filter

and remove fuel filter from cylinder head.

01.10 - 415/7

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6 Unbolt holder (62) for oil dipstick tube from
cylinder head.

Engines with exhaust gas recirculation

(naturally aspirated engines):
7 Remove line (arrow) from exhaust gas
recirculation valve to air guide housing.

8 Unbolt hex. head bolts (1) for side exhaust

support (5) from transmission. Loosen hex. nuts
(2) on exhaust pipe.

9 Unbolt exhaust pipe at exhaust manifold.

01.10 - 415/8
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10 Pull off retainer (91) for heater feed line with
hook (01).

11 Unbolt pipe elbow (93) from oil filter and pull

pipe elbow off of connection fitting (89).

12 Unbolt connection lines from glow plugs.

13 Remove intake manifold (naturally aspirated

engines) or charge air manifold (turbo-engines)

Leave exhaust manifold mounted on cylinder

14 Knock slide rail bolts (221, 222) out of

cylinder head with impact puller
116 589 20 30 00, threaded rod
116 589 02 34 00 and threaded insert
123 589 00 34 00.

If the slide rail bolts are too tight, puller
115 589 20 33 00 can also be used.

15 Remove slide rail for timing chain from

timing chain case.

16 Remove M 8 x 30 Allen bolts (arrows) from

the area of timing chain case.

Longer bolts (M 8 x 50) are used in the area of
the timing chain case on engine model
602.91 starting 09187 or 10 87 respectively.


01.10 - 41519

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17 Unbolt cylinder head bolts in opposite order
of torquing sequence using socket
601 589 00 10 00.

18 Remove cylinder head from cylinder block

together with cylinder head gasket.

19 Clean parting surface on cylinder head and

check for cracks.

20 Check length (L) of cylinder head bolts.

If the length (L) exceeds the maximum
dimension, use new cylinder head bolts for



21 Position new cylinder head gasket on

cylinder block.

22 Position cylinder head.

When positioning the cylinder head use fitted
sleeves for locating cylinder head.

23 Oil threads and head contact surface of

cylinder head bolts.

24 Install cylinder head bolts by hand making

note of different bolt lengths and sizes, see
tables below.

Oil bolt head contact area.

01.10 - 415110

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Engine 602
Bolt diagram

Hole Bolt size

$5, 11, 13, 19 M 10x80

2,4,6,8,10, 12, 14, 16, 18, M 10x102


1, 7, 9, 15, 17, 21 M 10x115

a (Timing case area) M 8x30 or

M 8x50

b (Fuel filter) M 8X80

Engine 603
Bolt diagram

Hole Bolt size

3,5, 11, 13, 19, 21 M 10x80

2,4,6,8,10, 12, 14, 16, 18, M 10x102

20, 22, 24, 26

1, 7, 9, 15, 17, 23, 25 M 10x115

a (Timing case area) M 8x30 or

M 8x50

b (Fuel filter) M 8x80

01.10 - 41511
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25 Tighten cylinder head bolts in stages in
specified in the torquing sequence, use socket
601 589 00 10 00.

26 Torque cylinder head bolts in specified

tightening sequence.

Tightening torques and rotation angles for cylinder head bolts

Stage 1 15 Nm
Stage 2 35 Nm
Stage 3 90”
Setting time 10 min
Stage 4 90”

27 Tighten Allen bolts (arrows) in area of timing

chain case, tighten in specified sequence, tight-
ening torque 25 Nm.

28 Install slide rail for timing chain in timing

chain case and knock in slide rail bolts
(221) 222).

Coat collar on slide rail bolts with sealant.

01.10 - 415/12
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29 Install pipe elbow (93) for heater feed line
using new O-ring and slide onto connection
fitting (89). Attach retainer (91) with hook (01).

Dip O-ring in coolant to facilitate installation.
00 not use grease or oil.

30 Install intake manifold (naturally aspirated

engines) or charge air manifold (turbo-engines)

31 Bolt exhaust pipe onto exhaust manifold,

tightening torque 25 Nm.

32 Bolt side exhaust support (5) onto

transmission. Tighten hex. head bolts (1) and
hex. nuts (2), tightening torque 25 Nm.

Engines with exhaust gas recirculation

(naturally aspirated engines):
33 Attach line (arrow) from exhaust gas
recirculation valve to air guide housing.

01.10 - 415/13

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34 Bolt oil dipstick tube with holder (62) into
cylinder head.

35 Install fuel filter, tighten hex. head bolts


36 Connect fuel lines.

37 Bolt connection lines onto glow plugs.

38 After assembling engine check cooling and

oil system for leakage after warming up engine.

It is not necessary to retorque the cylinder head

01.10 - 41504
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Prellmlnary operations:
Mount for engine control removed (30-300)
Nozzle holders removed (07.1-230).

Vertlcal qectlon Angular Injection

(example engine 601) (example engine 601)

Glow plugs (R9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall, 20 + 2 Nm (item 1).

Vertical injection:
Threaded ring (112) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall, 90 - 110 Nm, pin wrench 615
589 00 07 00 (item 2).

When screwing in or out assure that the pin
wrench is seated in the grooves in the threaded

01.10 - 417/l

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Angular injection:
Threaded ring (112a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall, 70 Nm, splined wrench
603 589 00 09 00 (item 3).

Prechamber (110) .. ..... ...... . . ........ knock out, install, impact puller
602 589 00 33 00 and check (items 4, 6).

Install prechamber so that the lug on the collar
of the prechamber is located in the recess in
the cylinder head.
Prechamber mounting bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in cylinder head, clean, check and cover
(item 5).

Refinish prechamber sealing surface if required

Prechamber survey
603. 9622)

601/09 601125 601/26 601/30
or 23

‘) With exhaust gas recmulatlon startmg 02/89

01.10 - 417/2
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Differentiation, vertical and angular injection


A Prechamber, vertical injection B Prechamber angular injection, inclined 5”

Code 601107, 601117, 601/09, 601123 Code 601/l 4, 601 05

x Cone
y Recess

01.10 - 417/3

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C Prechamber, angular injection
Inclined 5”) turned 180”
Code 601125, 601 26, 601130

x Cone
y Recess

Differentiation, combustion neck diameter

The individual combustion neck diameters (d)
differ on naturally aspirated engines and turbo-

d = 14 mm naturally aspirated engines

d = 15 mm turbo-engines

01.10 - 4174
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Differentiation, combustion bores
6 combustion bores with different diameters are
located in different planes and at different angles
in the bottom section of the prechamber
(combustion neck).
The injection angle is always 180”.


Combustion bore diameters (dia. in mm)

Prechamber code 601107 or 601,109 or 601/14/25 601115126 601130
17 23
l-l Firing duct 790 770 7,O 790 790
J Combustion neck 14,0 150 14,o 15,o 15,o
K Combustion bore 195 195 178 198 178
L Combustion bore 372 392 390 370 390
M Combustion bore 390 390 370 390 390
N Combustion bore 290 290 2,5 2,5 2,5
0 Bore for glow plug 10,o 10,o 10,o 10,o 10,o

Tightening torques Nm
Glow plugs 20+2
Threaded ring, vertical injection go- 110
Threaded ring, angular injection 70

Special tools

615 589 00 07 00 603 589 00 09 00 602589003300

0-l 01

01.10 - 417/5
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001 5890066 21 00 I

Removal, installation

1 Remove glow plugs (R9).

Installation note
Tightening torque 20 + 2 Nm.

Vertical injection:
2 Bolt threaded end (03) of pin wrench
615 589 00 07 00 into threaded ring of


01.10 - 417/6

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2.1 Slide sleeve (02) of pin wrench over thread-
ed end and insert into grooves in threaded ring.

The sleeve must be seated tightly in the grooves
of the threaded ring.

2.2 Counter sleeve (02) with hex. head bolt


2.3 Remove threaded ring with open-end

wrench on hex. end of sleeve (02).

Installation note
Oil threaded ring.
Tightening torque 90 - 110 Nm.

Angular injection:
3 Remove threaded ring with splined wrench
603 589 00 09 00.

Installation note
Oil threaded ring.
Tightening torque 70 Nm.

4 Bolt impact puller 602 589 00 33 00 into

prechamber and knock out prechamber.

01.10 - 417/7
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Installation note
Insert prechamber into mounting bore so that lug
on collar of prechamber fits in recess in cylinder
head (arrows).

5 Clean mounting bore for prechamber in

cylinder head, check and cover.

Refinish prechamber sealing surface if required

6 Check prechambers.

The spherical pin must not be burned or scaly.
If the combustion tips are burned or cracked in
the bottom section of the prechamber, check the
1. Oil level at oil temperature of approx. 80 “C.
If the quantity of oil in the oil pan is too high,
correct oil level.
2. Check piston vacuum pump for damage or
replace vacuum box on injection pump.

To determine with component is unfit for use,

check vacuum lines (blackened with oil).

7 Install in opposite order.

01.10 - 417,8

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.... .................................... ..... ...................................................

01418 Facing cylinder head mating surface

Preliminary operations:
Valves removed.
Valve guides checked (05285).
Prechambers removed (01-417).
Cylrnder head pressure-tested (01-420).


PO1 Xl246-57

Mating surface (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plane according to operating instructions of tool


Observe permissible minimum height (H) and
machining data.
Valve seats (2) . ....................... refinish until minimum interval (a) is reached
After assembly . ....................... check engine timing (05215).

01.10 - 418/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Total height of cylinder head in mm ‘) 142.9 - 143.1

Minimum height (H) after machining in mm 142.4

Material removal per facing operation in mm 0.5

In longltudlnal dlrectlon 0.08

Permissible unevenness of mating surface in mm
In transverse direction 0.0

Permissible deviation in parallel of upper mating surface in relation to lower 0.1

surface in longitudinal direction in mm
Roughness in mm 0.004

Test pressure with air under water in bars gauge pressure in mm 2

Minimum distance (a) (recess) with new valves and new Intake - 0.1 to - 1.0
valve seats in mm
Max. distance (a) (recess) with new valves and machined Intake - 1.0
valve seats in mm
1) It IS not permwble to machine the upper mating surface of the cylinder head.

Commerciallv available tools

Cylinder head clamping fixture e.g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Order No. 211.60.000
Valve seat machining tool, model VDSNL l/45/30 e.g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Order No.
Testing set for valve seats e.g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Order No. 216.93.300
65” correction blade No. 13 for bottom correction angle e.g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Order No. 216.64.622

01.10 - 418/2
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oring out camshaft bearing bores (repair stage)
Preliminary operations:
Cylinder head removed (01-415).
Camshaft removed (05220).
Valves removed.


Camshaft bearing caps (1) ................. remove, install, 25 Nm.

Camshaft bearing basic bores (D) ........... measure.

It is only possible to rebore the camshaft
bearing bores once to max. 0.5 mm oversize.
Observe repair stage dimensions.
Camshaft bearing basic bores (D) . . . . . . . . . . . bore out according to operating instructions for
tool used.

When boring ensure that the mating surface at
the rear of the cylinder head cover and the
mount for the sealing plate at the front are not

01.10 - 419/l
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After boring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove burrs on mating surfaces of camshaft
bearing caps (1) and mating surfaces on
cylinder head.

Edges with burrs can lead to poor lubrication
during engine operation resulting in bearing
Install new camshaft (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with oversize bearing journals (Dl ), code for
oversize camshaft (05215 or 05220).

Data, camshaft bearings

Standard dimension Camshaft bearing diameter D 30.95 - 31.04
Journal diameter Dl 29.934 - 30.95
Repair stage Camshaft bearing diameter D 31.45 - 31.54 -
Journal diameter Dl 31.434 - 31.45
Camshaft bearing bores Roughness 0.003 - 0.006
Permissible out-of-round 0,012
New value Wear
. limit
Bearing play radial 0.050, - 0.091 0.15
axial 0.030 - 0.100 0.15

If bearings have seized or are scored deeply, the
camshaft bearings in the cylinder head can only
be rebored once to a maximum of 0.5 mm
oversize. After reboring replace damaged
camshaft with new camshaft with oversize
bearing journals.

Special tool

01.10 - 41912
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ressure-testing cylinder head
Preliminary operations:
Cylinder head removed (0l-4 15).
Camshaft removed (05-220).
Valves removed.
Valve shaft seals removed (05-270).
Cooltng water return flttlng removed.

Cylinder head (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clean.

Pressure plate (2) ....................... bolt onto cylinder head with rubber sealing plate
601 589 00 25 00, unbolt.
Connection for cooling water return fitting and
heater feed line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on cylinder head, plug tightly.
Compressed air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . connect to fitting (3) on pressure plate and allow
compressed air to flow into cylinder head at
pressure of 2 bars.
Cylinder head (1) with pressure plate (2) . . . . . . . fasten to suspension device 115 589 34 63 00
and immerse in water preheated to approx.
80 “C.

01.10 - 420/l
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Cylinder head (1) ....................... check for air bubbles exiting.

Air bubbles indicate a leak, locate exit point for
air bubbles more precisely if possible.

Test pressure with air under water 2 bar

Special tools

(601 5890100 25 00) 115 589 34 63 00


Commercially available tool

Electrically heated water basin e.g. Otto Dtirr,
D-7123 Sachsenheim-

01.10 - 420/2

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03 Crankshaft assembly

Job No.

Checking, replacing and tightening connecting rod bolts .......................... 03 - 310

Reconditioning and squaring connecting rods .................................. 03 - 313
Removal and installation of pistons .......................................... - 316
Modifications to pistons .................................................. -317
Checking and reconditioning crankshaft ....................................... - 318
Installation of crankshaft and connecting rod bearings ............................. - 320
Modifications to crankshaft ................................................ - 321
Replacing front crankshaft radial sealing ring ................................... - 324
Removal and installation of pilot bearing in crankshaft ............................. - 330
Removal and installation of crankshaft pulley and hub ............................. - 341
Checking and correcting adjustment of TDC sensor .............................. - 345
Removal and installation of crankshaft sprocket ................................. - 350
Removal and installation of flywheel and driven plate ............................. - 410
Refinishing flywheel ..................................................... - 420
Replacing ring gear ..................................................... - 430

Downloaded from manuals search engine
03-310 Checking, replacing and tightening connecting rod bolts


Stretch bolt dia. (dimension c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure, minimum dia, = 7.1 mm.

If shaft dia. is less than 7.1 mm replace
connecting rod bolts.
Threads on connecting rod bolts , . . . . . . . . . , . oil.
Connecting rod bolts ..................... initially tighten to 30 Nm and then tighten to
rotation angle of 90 - 100”.

Do not use torque wrench with flexible shaft for
rotation angle tightening.

Estimate angle of rotation. For this purpose
insert adjustable torque wrench in break position
(locked) into ratchet.
Position adjustable torque wrench with plug-in
ratchet lengthwise in relation to engine and
continue to turn until it is transverse in relation
to engine.

03.10 - 310/l
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Part No. 102 038 00 71
Thread M 9x1
Necked down shaft dia. (c) in new condition 7.4 - 0.1
Minimum necked down shaft dia. (c)
Length (L) in new condition 52 - 0.3

Tightening torques and rotation angles

Initial tightening torque
Rotation angle

Special tool

001 589 72 21 00

03.10 - 31012
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03-313 Reconditioning and squaririg connecting rods
Prellmlnary jobs:
Pistons removed (03-316).

168 1-B--]


Connecting rod bolts (168) and sleeves (167) . . . oil.

Connecting rod bearing cap ................ attach without connecting rod bearing shells
(165, 165a), remove, 30 Nm (item 1).
Basic bore (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure, max. 51.619 mm, if dimension is
exceeded, machine bearing cap down max.
0.02 mm (item 2).
Connecting rod bushing (169) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . press in, approx. 2450 N and machine or ream
out (items 3, 4).
Connecting rod (166) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . touch up lateral thrust surfaces (item 5).
Connecting rod (166) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . square with connecting rod tester (items 6 - 8).

The connecting rod bearing bore and
connecting rod bushing bore must be parallel to
one another.

03.10 - 313/l
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Engine 602 603.96 148.97
Center of connecting rod bearing bore to center 149.03
of connecting rod bushing bore (L) E n g i n e 6 0 3 144.97
. 9 7 0

1 st version 23.974
Width of connecting rod (B) at connecting 24.026
rod bearing bore and connecting rod bushing bore 22.000
2nd version

Basic bore for connecting rod bearing shells

1 st version 29.500
2nd version
Basic bore for connecting rod bushing (D 1) 28.500
E n g i n e 6 0 2 . 9 1 -+-----

Engine 603.96 30.500

602.96 -

1 st version 29.560
Connecting rod bushing 0 2nd version 28.575
Engine 603.96 - 30.575

1 st version 27.018
Engine 27.024
602.91 26.000
Connecting rod bushing 2nd version
0 (D 2) 26.000
Engines 602.96, 603.96/97 28.000

Roughness of connecting rod bushing, inside 0.005

Permissible offset of connecting rod bearing bore in relation
to connecting rod bushing bore with reference to 100 mm
length 0.1

Permissible deviation of parallel axis alignment:

Connecting rod bearing bore in relation to connecting rod
bushing bore with reference to 100 mm length 0.045

Permissible difference in weight

within engine 49

03.10 - 31312
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Note on connecting rod versions
The axial play of the connecting rods is limited
by the piston pin eye (piston-guided connecting
rods). For this purpose appropriate thrust
surfaces (arrow) are cast on the piston pin eye.

Connecting rods for engines 602.96, 603.96/97

are not bored hollow.

PO3-0099- 15

Overheated connecting rods

Connecting rods which have been overheated
due to a damaged bearing (blue discoloration)
cannot be reused.

Matching connecting rods and connecting rod

bearing caps are marked (arrow). The connect-
ing rod shafts should not have any transverse
score marks or notches.

Replacement connecting rods are supplied with PO%2088-13

machined connecting rod bushings.

Connecting rod width

Connecting rod width (B) on engines 602 and
603 from start of production is 22 mm.

03.10 - 313/3

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Engines 602.91, 603.91 starting 1 l/85
The connecting rods are heat treated before
machining to reduce the tendency to warp.

Production beakpoint: 1 l/85

not registered

Engine 603.960 starting 01188

On these engines there are 3 bores (arrows)
with a dia. of 4.5 mm in the connecting rod
eye for lubrication of the piston pin.


03.10 - 313/4
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Engines 602.961, 602.962, 603.970 and
602.96, 603.96 starting 09188

On these engines the connecting rod eye is now

equipped with 2 bores (arrows) with a dia. of
4.5 mm.

Engines 602.91, 603.91

Shaft cross section of piston rods reduced (stan-
dardized with M 102) and material changed
49 Mn VS 3 (was CK 45 V 7 50).

Production breakpoint: 09 - 12/86

. not reglstered

Engine 602.91
Shaft cross section was changed back, material
49 Mn VS 3.

03.10 - 31315
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Production breakpoint:
. W86

. not registered

Tightening torque
Initial tightening torque 30 Nm
Connecting rod bolts
Rotation angle go- 100"

Special tool

001 589 66 21 00

\ 00 /

Commercially available tools

Connecting rod straightener e.g . Hahn & Kolb,
D-7000 Stuttgart
Model BC 503

Runout gauge e.g . Carl Mahr,

D-7300 Esslingen
Model 844 N


1 Install connecting rod bearing cap without

connecting rod bearing. For this purpose lubri-
cate threads and bolt head contact surface and
tighten to 30 Nm.

03.10 - 31316
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2 Measure connecting rod bearing basic bore.
If the basic bore diameter exceeds the value of
51.619 mm or if it is conical, touch up bearing
cap at contact surface on surface plate up to
max. 0.02 mm.

3 Press in new connecting rod bushing (169)

such that oil bores are aligned (arrow). Pressing
force 2450 N.

4 Machine or ream connecting rod bushing


5 Touch up lateral thrust surfaces of connect-

ing rod (166) on surface plate.

Dl Connectmg rod bushing basic bore

02 Connectmg rod bushmg 0
165 Upper connecting rod bearmg shell
165 a Lower connecting rod bearmg shell
166 Connecting rod
167 Sleeve
168 Connecting rod bolts
169 Connecting rod bushing
B Connecting rod width
D Basic bore
L Center of connecting rod bearing bore to PO3.0097-15
center of connecting rod bushing bore b


6 Square connecting rod with connecting rod


7 Align connecting rod bearing bore with

connecting rod bushing bore (parallel alignment).

03.10 - 313/7
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8 Check offset of connecting rod bearing bore
in relation to connecting rod bushing bore and
correct, if required.

03.10 - 31318
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03-316 Removal and installation of pistons
Preliminary jobs:
Engine removed (01-030).
Cylinder head removed(0 l-4 15).
011 pan removed (01-310).



Cylinder .......................... . . . . clean.

Connecting rod bolts (168) ............ . * remove, check (03-310), reinstall
(items 2, 12).
Caution !
Do not mix up upper and lower connecting rod
bearing shells (165, 165a).
Connecting rod bearing cap (166 a) . . . . . . remove, oil connecting rod bearing, position
connecting rod bearing cap (166 a) so that code
numbers match on connecting rod (166)
(item 11).
Piston (177) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove together with connecting rod (166)
toward top (item 2), check piston rings (178,
179, 180) for easy motion, check gap tolerance
and axial play. Oil piston and cylinder.

Caution !
Do not heat piston.

Attach clamping strap 000 589 04 14 00 and

insert piston into cylinder bore (item 10). The
arrow on the piston crown should point toward
the front of the vehicle.

03.10 - 316/l
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Piston pin retainer (176) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (items 3, 7).
Piston pin (175) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . press out, oil, press in by hand (items 3, 6).
Piston (177) . . ...................... . remove from connecting rod (166) (item 3),
position on connecting rod (166), the arrow
should point toward the front of the vehicle and
the retaining groove in the connecting rod
toward the left side of the engine (item 5).
After installation:
Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a....... turn and check clearance between connecting
rod and crankshaft (item 13).
Piston (177) . . ....................... move to TDC and measure distance between
piston crown and crankcase mating surface
(item 14).
Projecting length max.: 0.965 mm
Projecting length min.: 0.735 mm

Cross reference, pistons - cylinders

Piston code Group code Piston dia.
Engine Cylinder dia.
number letter
A 86.970-86.976 87.000-87.006

602.96, 603.96 09’), 01’ ), ooq upon 86.982-86.988 upon 87.012-87.018

l) Engines 602 and 603.96 from begInnIng of productlon.
*) Engine 602.91 starting 02/88.
3) Engine 602.91 starting 09/88.
6) Engine 602.91 03/88 up to 06188.
7, Engine 602.91 06/88 up to 11188.

03.10 - 31612
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Cross reference, pistons - cylinders

Piston projecting length

Distance between piston crown and crankcase Projection max.0,965
parting surface Projection min.0,735

Test values When new Wear limit

Difference in weight between pistons in one engine 20 g

Piston pin diameter Engines 1 st version 26.995-27.000

602.91 2nd version 25.995-26.000
Engines 27.995-28.000
602.961, 603.96
1 st version 22.05-22.35
Distance, piston pin eye
2nd version 24.1-24.3

Piston pin
in piston

1 st version 0.126-0.274
Connecting rod in piston (end play)
2nd version 0.050-0.402
Groove 1 0.25-0.45 1.0
Piston ring gap clearance Groove 2 0.20-0.40 1.0
Groove 3 0.20-0.40 1.0
Groove 1 0.090-O. 122 0.20
Piston ring side clearance Groove 2 0.050-0.085 0.15
Groove 3 0.030-0.065 0.1

Tightening torque and rotation angle

Connecting rod bolts Initial tightening torque 30 Nm
Rotation angle 90 - 100”

03.10 - 316/3
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Special tools

Standard tool
Dial gauge Al DIN 878 e.g. Mahr,
D-7300 Esslingen
Order No. 810

1 Remove combustion residues in cylinder. c

2 Remove connecting rod bolts (168), re-

move connecting rod bearing cap (166a) and
remove connecting rod (166) together with
piston (177) in upward direction.

Caution !
Do not mix up upper and lower connecting rod
bearing shells (165, 165a).
165 -
175 Piston pm 165a ____%
176 Piston pm retainer
178 Piston ring
179 Piston ring 168
180 Piston ring

3 Remove piston pin retainer (arrow) and

press out piston pin, remove piston from
connecting rod.

4 Recondition and square connecting rod



03.10 - 31614
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The group code letters (arrows) are stamped on
the crankcase mating surface. Only pistons with
the group code letter “X” are available for repair.
These pistons should also be installed in cylinder
bores with group code letters “A” or ” 6”.

When repairing hone cylinder bores according to

dimensions of present pistons “X” plus piston

5 Position piston on connecting rod so that

arrow (1) points toward front of vehicle and
retaining grooves (2) in connecting rod point
toward left side of engine.

Caution !
Do not heat pistons.


6 Coat piston pins with oil and press in by


03.10 - 31615
Downloaded from manuals search engine
7 Insert piston pin retainer into groove (arrow).

Check piston rings for easy motion.

When installing used pistons check gap and side

clearance of piston rings.

8 Oil cleaned cylinder bores, connecting rod

bearing journals, connecting rod bearing shells
and pistons.


9 Turn piston rings so that gaps are distributed

uniformly around circumference of piston.

10 Attach clamping strap 000 589 04 14 00 and

install piston.

The arrow on the piston crown must point toward

the front of the vehicle.

11 Position connecting rod bearing caps on

connecting rods with codes (arrow) on same

12 Check connecting rod bolts, replace and

tighten (03-310).

13 Turn crankshaft and check clearance

between connecting rod and crankshaft.

14 Measure distance between piston crown and

crankcase parting surface with pistons in TDC
position (see table).

03.10 - 31616
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03-317 Modifications to pistons

Piston pin bearings, engine 602

Piston pin bore provided with angular oil pockets
(previously flat oil pockets) for improved

Production breakpoint: 08/85

"not reglstered

Engine 602.91
The piston skirt has been provided with a larger
recess (arrow) for better clearance on engines
with oil injection nozzles or exhaust gas


03.10 - 317/l
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Each piston is equipped with two compression
rings and one oil scraper ring. The first piston
ring groove is provided with a Niresit ring carrier.

178 Bevelled nng with expander, 3 mm thick,

runnrng surface chrome-plated
179 Taper face ring with InsIde bevel, 2 mm
thick, running surface chrome-plated
180 Rectangular ring, 2 mm thrck, runnrng PO3-0104-13
surface chrome-plated

Engine 602.91 starting 09189

The height of the ring groove for the rectangular
ring (180) has been increased from 2.0 to
2.5 mm. 17a0.
Piston code 16 (Mahle co.) /
Piston code 17 (Alcan co.) :
:Q c ’

178 Bevelled rrng with expander, 3 mm thick,

running surface chrome-plated
179 Taper face ring with lnstde bevel, 2 mm thrck,
running surface chrome-plated
180 Rectangular nng, 2.5 mm thick, running PO3-0104-13
surface chrome-plated

These pistons can also be installed in engines

with cylinder sleeves.

Engine 602.91
Temporary installation of pistons from Alcan co., piston code 12, KS co., piston code 14
Production breakpoint 03188
(Piston code 12, Alcan co.)
Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle ident end No.
manual automatic
transmission transmission A F
201.126 061160 to 012853 to * l

061260 012867
* not reglstered

03.10 - 31712
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Production breakpoint: 03188

* not registered

Production breakpoint: 04 - OW88

. not regrstered

Production breakpoint: 06188

(Piston code 14, KS co.)

* not reglstered

Production breakpoint: 06/88

(Piston code 14, KS co.)

not reglstered

Production breakpoint: 1 l/88

(Piston code 14, KS co.)
Model Engtne Engine end No. Vehicle ident end No.
manual automatic
transmission transmission A F
201.126 067047 to 013749 to * t
070443 014296
. not registered

03.10 - 317i3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Production breakpoint: 06/88
(Piston code 14, KS co.)

* not registered

Production breakpoint: 1 l/88

(Piston code 14, KS co.)

not reglstered

Engines 602.961, 603.96/97 starting 12/87

Piston pins
The size of the piston pin has been increased to
reduce the surface pressure.

Engine 602.961, 603.96:

Dl = 28 mm
02 = 13,5 mm
L = 70 mm

Engine 602.91:
01 = 26 mm
02 = 14 mm
L = 55 mm

03.10 - 317t4
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.......................................................................... ..........................

Pistons with angular channel

Due to the higher thermal load the pistons are
cooled with oil via an annular channel in the
piston crown. Moreover the piston pins are
supplied with oil injected through the two bores
(2.0 mm dia., arrows), ending in the annular

The required oil is supplied via injection nozzles

located in the crankcase on the right side.

The annular channel is deleted on engine

603.970. Only the piston crown is supplied
with oil.

A recess is located on the piston skirt (arrow) for

the oil injection nozzle.

The prechamber recess in the piston crown has

a diameter of 18 mm (normally aspirated engine
= 17mm).

PO3 2210-13

Piston crown
On engines 602.96 and 603.97 from the start of
production and on engine 603.96 starting 08188
‘moose horn’recess pistons are installed
(previously ‘star’ recessed pistons).
The piston crown is coated with aluminum oxide
on both piston versions.

A. ‘Moose horn' pston

03.10 - 317/5
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B. ‘Star’ recessed piston PO3-0107 w

These pistons each have two compression rings

and one oil scraper ring. The piston skirt is

Piston codes: 00 Engine 602.96 /

13 Engine 603.96


178 / Bevelled nng with expander, 3 mm thick, runntng

surface chrome-plated
179 1Taper face ring wtth inside bevel, 2 mm thick,
180 1Rectangular nng with InsIde bevel, 2.5 mm thick,
running surface molybdenum-coated

03.10 - 317 6
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03-318 Checking and reconditioning crankshaft
Prellmlnary lobs:
Crankshaft removed.

Crankshaft ................... . . . . . * . . . clean

Crack test ................... . . . . . . . . . perform; apply fluorescent powder (magnaflux)
or use penetration method.
Hardness test (scleroscope hardness) . . * . . . . . perform with impact hardness tester
000 589 20 21 00.
Distance (A = 5 - 6 mm) ........ . . . . . . . . . when hardening journals without hardened
fillets, maintain distance A between hardened
runout and fillet radius.
Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can be hardened inductively or with flame.

Caution !
Harden journals with hardened fillets (arrows)
inductively only.

03.10 - 318/l
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Crankshaft Crankshaft Fitted bearing Connecting Connecting rod
normal dimen- bearing journal Associated rod bearing bearing journal
sions and repair dia. thickness of journal dia. width
stages thrust
washers Width of journal
2 6 . 5 2 ” 24.532’
2.15 - -
26.50 24.50 27.96
dimension 57.965 2 6 . 6 2 ” 24.632’ 47.965 28.04
2.20 - -
26.60 24.60
2 6 . 7 2 ” 24.732’
1st repair stage - -
26.70 24.70
2nd repair stage
or 26.92” 24. 932’ 47.650
- - - 28.30
57.200 2.35 26.90 24.90 47.200
3rd repair stage
57.215 or or 47.215
56.950 2 7 . 0 2 ” 25.032’ 46.950
4th repair stage 2.40 I_ -
56.965 27.00 25.00 46.965
') Up to 06184
2) Stafttng 07184

Test values
Permissible deviation of crankshaft main and rod journals in mm I 0.005
Permissible conicity of crankshaft main and rod journals in mm I 0.01
Permissible roughness of crankshaft main and rod journals (Ra) in mm I 0.005 - 0.015
Permissible deviation of flywheel flange from true in mm I 0.02
Permissible axial runout of fitted bearing in mm

Fillet radii in mm

Permissible deviation of crankshaft main Journal II. IV 0.16

journals when mounted in outer crankshaft __
bearing journals in mm
Journal III 0.25

Scleroscope hardness of crankshaft main and rod journals

Permissible unbalance of crankshaft I 10 cmg

03.10 - 31812
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............................................. .............

Special tool

When testing and reconditioning crankshafts,
proceed in sequence shown in diagram below.

03.10 - 31813
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A. Testing, grinding

Visual check
Heavy damage

Crack test ‘)
Cracks present

I Yes I No

Hardness test ‘)
All bearing journals
Scleroscope hardness min. 55 on 213 of journal

03.10 - 31814
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Measure journals

Check whether regrinding is still possible

within last specified repair stage 4.

Yes I No

I Scrap

I Grind crankshaft

Crack test
Cracks present

Dimension check
Dimensions okay

Yes I No

03.10 - 31815
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. Hardening

Check whether regrinding is still possible within specified repair stage 4.

Induction hardening
Facilities available

I Check hardness by etching ‘)

03.10 - 31816
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‘) Explanations on diagram

Crack test
Clean crankshaft. Bearing journals should be
free of oil and grease.
Magnetize crankshaft and apply fluorescent
powder (magnaflux).
A fluorescent penetration method may also be
used (immersion in bath or using spray can).

Paint or fluorescent powder,
cleaning agent,

Hardness test
Test hardness with impact hardness tester
000 589 20 21 00 (scleroscope hardness).

The minimum hardness of 55 should be present

on 213 of journal circumference.

Journals without hardened fillets can be
hardened inductively or flame-hardened.
Journals with hardened fillets (arrows) must
always be hardened inductively.

If this is not possible, scrap crankshaft.


03.10 - 31817
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Checking hardening results
To achieve perfect hardening check adjustment
of hardening equipment using microsections.

These can be obtained from scrapped

crankshafts hardened for testing purposes.

Check hardening by etching the journal surface

with a 2% solution of alcoholic nitric acid

Dark spots should not appear on the journal


Unhardened fillets will become dark.

In the case of hardened fillets they should

appear as bright as the surface of the journals.

We recommend comparing the etching test with

a journal tested via metallographic microsection.

Then carefully wash off nitric acid with alcohol.

Corrosion protection
Crankshafts which are not installed again
immediately should be lubricated with engine
break-in oil (SAE 30).

03.10 - 31818
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03-320 Installation of crankshaft and connecting rod bearings
Prelmnary jobs:
Mam 011 passage m crankcase open (01-l 30).
Oil passages In crankcase and crankshaft cleaned.
Crankshaft tested (03-318).
Connectmg rods recondltloned (03-313).

4 .

~~ PO3-0109-31

Crankshaft bearing caps (2, 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . install without bearing shells, observe

markings, tighten.
Tightening torque or rotation angle:
Crankshaft bearing bolt M 12 (4) 90 Nm
Crankshaft bolt M 11 (4 a) 55 Nm, 90 - 100".

03.10 - 320/l
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Basic bores ........................... measure conicity in directions A, B and C,
min. 62.500 mm, max. 62.519 mm (item 3).
Crankshaft bearing caps (2, 3) .............. remove (item 4).
Crankshaft bearing shells (146, 147) .......... insert (item 4).

Do not mix up upper and lower crankshaft
bearing shells.
Crankshaft bearing caps (2, 3) .............. position in proper order, position washers (4 b)
and tighten crankshaft bearing bolts (4 and 4a)
(item 4).
Tightening torque and tightening rotation angle
crankshaft bearing bolts M 12 (4) 90 Nm
crankshaft bearing bolts M 11 (4a) 55 Nm,
90 - 100” (item 4).
Crankshaft .............. ............ measure bearing journals, determine bearing
clearance (item 5).
Fitted bearing journal . . . . . . . . ........... measure width and match appropriate thrust
washers (item 7).
Crankshaft bearing caps (2, 3) ............ remove crankshaft bearing bolts (4 and 4a),
remove caps, remove lower bearing shells (147)
and insert crankshaft (145) with thrust washers
(148, 148a), position lower bearing shells (147)
(items 8, 9). The oil grooves must point toward
the crankshaft. Oil crankshaft, bearing shells
and thrust washers.
Crankshaft bearing caps (2, 3) ............ position in correct order and tighten crankshaft
bearing bolts (4 and 4 a) (items 10, 11).
Tightening torque and tightening rotation angle
crankshaft bearing bolts M 12 (4) 90 Nm,
crankshaft bearing bolts M 11 (4a) 55 Nm,
90 - 100”.
Crankshaft (145) .........I ., . . . . . . . . . . measure end play, new value 0.100 - 0.254 mm;
wear limit 0.30 mm.

03.10 - 32012
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165 -
33 166a

Connecting rod bearing caps (166 a) . . . . . . . . . install without bearing shells and tighten,
30 Nm. Observe marking.
Basic bore for rod bearing ................. measure (03-313).
Rod bearing shells (165, 165 a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . insert, install rod bearing cap and tighten,
rod bearing bolts (168) 30 Nm.

Do not mix up upper and lower rod bearing
Connecting rod bearing diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . measure and note value (item 15).
Connecting rod bearing journals ............. measure, new value 47.950 mm, determine
bearing clearance, wear limit 47.965 mm
(item 16).
Connecting rod radial clearance ............. measure, new value 0.030 to 0.055 mm;
wear limit 0.08 mm (item 16).
Pistons (177) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . attach to connecting rod (166) together with
piston pins (175) and piston pin retainers (176)
and install (observe installation position)

03.10 - 32013
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Pistons (177) and connecting rods (166) . . . . . . . install (arrow on piston crown toward front of
vehicle) (03-316).
Connecting rod bearing end play . . . . . . . . . . . . measure, new value 0.12 to 0.26 mm; wear
limit 0.50 mm (item 20).
Oil pump and oil filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disassemble and clean, renew oil pressure valve
and install initial operation oil filter cartridge.

Crankshaft Crankshaft Fitted bearing Connecting Connecting
standard dimen- bearing journal Associated rod bearing rod bearing
sions and repair dia. thickness of journal dia. journal width
stages thrust Width
washers of journal
26.52” 24.532’
2.15 - -
26.50 24.50 27.96
dimension 57.965 2 6 . 6 2 ” 24.632’ 47.965 28.04
2.20 - -
26.60 24.60
2 6 . 7 2 ” 24.732’
1 st repair stage P -
26.70 24.70
2nd repair stage
or 2 6 . 9 2 ” 24.932’
57.465 47.650
- - - 28.30
57.200 2.35 26.90 24.90 47.200
3rd repair stage
57.215 or or ~47.215
56.950 2 7 . 0 2 ” 25.032’
- -
4th repair stage I2.40
56.965 27.00 25.00 46.965

’ ) Up to 06184
2) Starting 07/84

03.10 - 32014
Downloaded from manuals search engine

Basic bore and bearing play in mm Crankshaft bearing Connecting rod beartng

Basic bore width on

fitted bearing Engines 602 and 603

Engines 602 and 603

Connecting rod width

Permissible out-of-round of basic bore 0.01

Permissible conicity of basic bore 0.01

New value 0.030 - 0.055’)
Bearing play, radial
Wear limit 0.08
New value 0.100 - 0.254 0.12 - 0.26
Bearing play, axial
Wear limit 0.30 0.50

‘1 For radial play, set to medium value.

Bearing shells
Width of bearing Thickness of fitted Wall thickness
shells in mm bearing thrust Connecting rod
washers in mm bearing in mm

17.30 - 17.50 I 2.15 or 2.20 1.80

1st repair stage 2.37 2.25 1.92

2nd repair stage 2.50 or 2.05
3rd repair stage 2.62 2.35 2.17
4th repair stage 2.75 or 2.30

03.10 - 3206
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Engine 602.91
The tolerance range for the wall thicknesses of
the connecting rod bearings was replaced
starting 08185 with three stages. The stages are
indicated by a color code.
Only connecting rod bearing shells with the color
code yellow are available as replacement parts.

Color code Dimension

Red 1.804 to 1.808 mm
Yellow 1.808 tol.812
Blue 1.812 to1.816

Engines 602.96, 603.96 and 603.96/97

Upper connecting rod bearing shells from Glyco
with improved coating (cathode dust coating

03.10 - 32016
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Engines 602.96, 603.96/97
The groove for fixing the connecting rod bearing
was modified to assure correct installation

Dimension A: 3.2 mm for all engines

Dimension B: 2.5 mm 602.96, 603.96197
3.5 mm 602.91

PO3-0095 13

Production breakpoint: 05/86

‘) Engines 602.96 and 603.97 from star-t of productlon

The axial forces of the crankshaft are taken up
by the thrust washers.


03.10 - 32Oi7
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The thrust washers (148 and 148a) installed in
the crankcase and in the bearing caps have a
different shape.

The thrust washers in the crankshaft bearing

caps each have two retaining lugs to prevent
rotation and installation errors, whereby the lower
retaining lugs are off-center.

When reconditioning crankshafts, regrind width-

of fitted bearing journals to one of the
dimensions shown in the table (section “Data”).

Match thrust washers to respective journal width



-2 Bearing cap
4 Crankshaft bearing
boltM 12x60
4a Crankshaft bearmg
bolt M 11 x 62
4b Washer
145 Crankshaft
146 Beartng shell
148 Upper thrustwasher PO3 0092 17
! 48a Lower thrust washer

Thrust washers of the same thickness must

always be installed on both sides.

Do not regrind thrus? washers.

Thrust washers are available for replacement in

sets only. One set consists of one upper and
one lower thrust washer (148 and 148a).

03.10 - 32018
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Association of crankshaft bearing shells and crankcases

I 1 punch mark 2 punch marks 3 punch marks ‘)

1 Bearing shell association with color code

Blue I Blue Yellow Yellow

Yellow I Blue Yellow Red

Red I Yellow Yellow Red

I) Color dots on crankshaft cheeks or counterwelghts next to crankshaft Journals.
*) Punch marks on parting surface of crankcase on 011 pan side next to basic bore.

The standard dimension crankshaft bearing

shells with color codes blue, yellow and red are
available as parts.
They must be matched according to the table.
This eliminates the necessity of measuring the
bearing clearance.

Punch marks for matching crankshaft bearing shells

When ordering crankshaft bearing shells the

code 52 for blue
54 for yellow
und 56 for red
must be indicated in addition to the part No.

Only the yellow version bearing shells are

available for the connecting rod bearing shells.

03.10 - 32019
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Thrust washer sets
Thickness in mm Set
Part No.

2.15 601 030 00 62

2.20 601 030 01 62
2.25 601 030 02 62
2.35 601 030 03 62
2.40 601 030 04 62

Tightening torques and rotation angle

M 12 90 Nm
Crankshaft bearing bolts
M 11 Initial tightening torque 55 Nm
Rotation angle 90 - 100”
Initial tightening torque 30 Nm
Connecting rod bolts
Rotation angle 90 - 100”
M 18 x 1.5 x 50 bolts on crankshaft 320 Nm

Special tools

000 589 51 37 00 000 589 04 14 00 001 589 72 21 00

03 03 13 00

Commercially available tools

Connecting rod straightener e.g . Hahn & Kolb,
D-7000 Stuttgart
Model BC 503
Internal gauge e.g. Carl Mahr,
D-7300 Esslingen
Model 844 N
Micrometer screw e.g. Carl Mahr,
D-7300 Esslingen
Dial gauge Al DIN 878 e.g. Carl Mahr,
D-7300 Esslingen
Model 810

03.10 - 320/10
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Installation of crankshaft and connecting rod

1 Attach crankshaft bearing cap.

All bearing caps are fitted laterally into crankcase
(arrows) and are fastened with two M 12 x 60
or M 11 x 60 bolts each.

The pilot fit (arrows) is offset 0.5 mm from the

center so that the bearing caps can be mounted
in one position only.

The bearing caps are also identified from front to

rear with the code numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. and
must not be mixed up.

2 Lubricate crankshaft bearing bolts for

crankshaft bearing caps and tighten.

Tightening torque and rotation angle:

Crankshaft bearing bolts M 12 90 Nm,
crankshaft bearing bolts M 11 55 Nm,
90 - 100”.

3 Measure basic bore in directions A, B and C

at two levels (conicity).


If specified value for one basic bore is exceeded

or conical, touch up bearing cap at parting
surface on surface plate up to max. 0.02 mm.

03.10 - 320111

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4 Remove crankshaft bearing bolts, insert
crankshaft bearing shells, install crankshaft
bearing caps and tighten.

Tightening torque and rotation angle:

Crankshaft bearing bolts M 12 90 Nm
Crankshaft bearing bolts M 11 55 Nm,
go- 100".

Observe order of crankshaft bearing caps. Do
not interchange upper and lower crankshaft
bearing shells.

Engine 602
Fitted bearing: bearing 4

03.10 - 320112
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Engine 603
FItted bearing: bearmg 5
A Upper bearing shells, crankcase 6 Lower bearing shells (cap shells)

5 Measure crankshaft bearings and note


\ ( PO3-2020-13

03.10 - 320/13

Downloaded from manuals search engine

6 Measure crankshaft bearing journals, deter-
mine crankshaft bearing radial clearance.

The bearing clearance can be corrected by
exchanging bearing shells. Attempt to achieve
the mean value of the specified bearing

Observe different wall thicknesses.

7 Measure width of fitted bearing journal and

find proper thrust washers (see table, section

8 Removecrankshaft bearing bolts, remove

lower crankshaft bearing shell, oil crankshaft,
position in crankcase and oil lower crankshaft
bearing shell and reposition.

The two oil grooves (arrows) in the thrust
washers should point toward the crankshaft

9 Oil thrust washers and slide into grooves

at fitted bearing (crankcase).


03.10 - 320/14

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10 Position crankshaft bearing caps in proper

The crankshaft bearing caps are marked with
code numbers at the marking points (arrows).


11 Tighten crankshaft bearing caps.

Tightening torque and rotation angle:

Crankshaft bearing bolts M 12 90 Nm
Crankshaft bearing bolts M 11 55 Nm,
90 - 100”.

12 Measure crankshaft end play.

13 Turn crankshaft by hand and assure that it

runs free.

Installation of connecting rod bearings and

connecting rods

14 Insert connecting rod bearing shells, install

connecting rod bearing caps with bearing shells
and tighten connecting rod bolts to 30 Nm.

Connecting rod bearing shells are available only

in the yellow version.

03.10 - 320/15

Downloaded from manuals search engine

The upper connecting rod bearing shells for
engines 603.96 are made using a different
material starting 05186 due to the higher load.

Do not mix the upper and lower bearing shells.
They can be recognized by the stamped-in part

Upper bearing shells 603 08 10

or 603 15 10
Lower bearing shells 601 04 11
or 601 08 11
A 3.2 mm all engines
8 2.5 m m engines 603.96, 603.97
The bore for lubrication of the piston pin has 3.2 m m engine 602
been eliminated.

Due to higher loads in engine 603.970, the

upper connecting rod bearing shells are made of
a different material than the lower shells.
To prevent misassembly, the upper locating
groove is 0.7 mm narrower.

15 Measure connecting rod bearing diameters

and note.

16 Measure connecting rod bearing journals.

Determine connecting rod bearing radial

The bearing clearance can be corrected by

changing the bearing shells, whereby it should
be attempted to achieve the mean value of the
specified bearing clearance. Observe different
wall thicknesses.

17 Install pistons on connecting rods (03-316).

18 Coat bearing shells, crankshaft, pistons and

cylinder walls with engine oil, install connecting
rods with pistons (03-316).

03.10 - 320/16
Downloaded from manuals search engine
19 Tighten connecting rod bolts to initial torque
of 30 Nm and then turn 90 - 100”.

20 Measure connecting rod bearing end play

while moving connecting rod directly at piston
pin. Assure that connecting rod moves freely in
relation to crankshaft. Use dial gauge holder
363 589 02 21 00.

Disassemble oil pump and clean, replace if re-
quired. Replace oil pressure valve. Disassemble
oil filter and clean.

Install initial operation oil filter cartridge. Change

oil filter cartridge and oil after 1000-l 500 km.

03.10 - 320/17
Downloaded from manuals search engine
03-321 Modifications to crankshaft

Increased displace-
ment engine 603.970

The stroke was in-

creased to 94.2 mm and
the web width (b)
reduced to 21.75 mm to
increase the
displacement (3.5 I) on
the 603.970 engines.

Engine 602.96 crankshaft webs

On engine 602.96 starting 12187 the web width
(D) was increased by 8 mm for a total of 90 mm.

D 90 mm (engine 602.961)

03.10 - 321/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Engine 602.91 flywheel locating pin
Cylindrical pin in crankshaft for locating the
flywheel and driven plate.

Production breakooint: 01186

Vehicle ident end No.

not registered

03.10 - 32112
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This page int ntiowally left blank.

03.10 - 32113
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03-324 Replacing front crankshaft radial sealing ring
Preliminary jobs:
Radiator removed (20-420).
Poly-V-belt removed (13-342).





Engines 602, 603:

Crankshaft pulley (161 a) with vibration damper
(163) and Allen screws (162) and
washers (162 b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
remove, install (03-341) (item 2).

The vibration damper for engine 602 is not
interchangable with that from motor 603.
Do not interchange during repairs.
Hub (157) with hex. head bolts (160) and
Belleville washers (159) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (item 3).

The cylindrical pin (158) centers the crankshaft
pulley and vibration damper.

03.10 - 324/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Crankshaft radial seal (31) ................. replace. Deburr and clean mounting bore. Coat
sealing lip with oil and press in with special tool
601 589 03 14 00 (item 4).

The sealing ring for the repair crankshaft radial
seal is offset 3 mm toward the inside so that it
will not run in a groove left on the hub by the
standard crankshaft radial seal.

Part No. for repair crankshaft radial seal:

010 997 34 47 or 010 997 68 47.

Tightening torques Nm
Allen bolts for crankshaft pulley 25
Mounting bolt for hub 320

Special tools

001 589 66 21 00 (601

10358;;33OO/j """0; 400: 601 589 03 14 00 001 589 74 21 00
00 03 00

____ _ available too tool
Adapter 314” square socket e.g. l-iazet,
to 1,‘2” square head D-5630 Remscheid
Order No. 1058 R-l

03.10 - 32412
Downloaded from manuals search engine

Engine 601.921
1 Remove crankshaft pulley (03-341).

Engines 602, 603

2 Remove crankshaft pulley with vibration
damper (03-341).

Do not interchange vibration dampers.

3 Remove crankshaft hub (03-341).

The cylindrical pin centers the crankshaft pulley
and vibration damper.

4 Press out crankshaft radial seal with screw-

driver. Do not damage crankshaft journal or
mounting bore.

Installation note
Deburr and clean mounting bore for crankshaft
radial seal.

Coat sealing lip of new crankshaft radial seal

with oil and press in with special tool
601 589 03 14 00.

Assure that the crankshaft radial seal is seated


5 Reinstall in opposite order.

03.10 _ 32413

Downloaded from manuals search engine

eplacing rear crankshaft radial sealing ring




Flywheel (149)
and driven plate (150a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, (03-410) (items 1, 9).
Crankshaft radial seal (600) ................ remove, replace. Check running surface on
crankshaft flange, clean mounting bore, coat
sealing lip of crankshaft radial seal with oil and
press in with special tool 601 589 03 43 00
(items 2 - 8).

Ensure that radial seal is seated properly.
Crankshaft radial seal (600) ................ check for leakage with engine running (item 10).

03.10 - 327/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The sealing ring for the repair crankshaft radial
seal is offset 3 mm toward the inside so that it
will not run in a groove left on the hub by the
standard crankshaft radial seal.

A Standard crankshaft radial seal

B Repair crankshaft radial seal

Special tools


1 Remove flywheel or flywheel and driven

plate (03-410).

2 Press crankshaft radial seal out of end cover

with screwdriver.

Do not damage crankshaft flange or end cover.

Cover crankshaft flange with rag.

03.10 - 32712
Downloaded from manuals search engine
3 Check running surface for crankshaft radial
seal on crankshaft flange for damage.

4 Clean mounting hole for crankshaft radial

seal, deburr, if required.

5 Bolt inner part of installation tool

601 589 03 43 00 onto crankshaft flange.

6 Coat sealing lip of crankshaft radial seal and

opposite running surface lightly with oil, do not
use grease.

7 Slide crankshaft radial seal (arrow) over

inner part of installation tool 601 589 03 43 00.

8 Press crankshaft radial seal against stop in

end cover with outer part of installation tool
601 589 03 43 00.

Assure that crankshaft radial seal is properly

9 Install flywheel or flywheel and driven plate


10 Check for leakage with engine running.

03.10 - 32713
Downloaded from manuals search engine
For reasons of standardization the same radial
ball bearing (134) as in engine 102 is installed.
The ball bearing is sealed on both sides with
Viton cover discs and cemented into the


130 a Spacer ring

Replacement parts
Designation Part No.
Spacer ring 102 031 02 51
Locking ring 102 031 01 33
Ball bearing 115 980 01 15

Engines 602, 603 from start of production.

For repair these parts can also be installed in

engines produced earlier.

Loctite 241 002 989 94 71

Special tools

03.10 - 33012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Removal, installation

1 Pull radial ball bearing out of crankshaft

together with locking ring, use internal puller
000 589 25 33 00 and countersupport
000 589 33 33 00.

Installation note
Knock in spacer ring flush.

Coat new ball bearing with cement

002 989 94 71 and knock into crankshaft with
suitable punch on outer race.

2 Install in opposite order.

03.10 - 33013
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03-341 Removal and installation of crankshaft pulley and hub





Engines 602, 603:

Crankshaft pulley (161 a) and vibration
damper (163) ..........................
remove, install, use washers (162 b) and Allen
screws (162), 25 Nm. Use lock
601 589 02 40 00 (items 1, 3).

The crankshaft pulley and vibration damper are
centered by the cylindrical pin (158).
Do not mix up vibration dampers.

03.10 - 341/l
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H u b ( 1 5 7 ) ..,.....................,, . . . remove, install, hex. head bolt (160) 320 Nm.
Install Belleville washer (159) with arched side
toward crankshaft pulley. Use puller
103 589 00 33 00 (items 2 - 4).
Crankshaft radial seal (31) ............. . . . . replace (03-324) (item 5).

Engines 602 and 603

The scale and TDC pin are located in the
vibration damper.
3,i 2oa 155 l55a
28 Timing case cover ! ‘
7 I I
31 Crankshaft radial seal
145 Crankshaft
155 Woodruff key
155a Woodruff key
156 Crankshaft sprocket
157 Hub
158 Cylindrical pm 8 x 8 mm
159 Bellevrlle washer
160 BoltM 18x1.5x50
161a Crankshaft pulley
Dra. 152 mm engines 601, 602
Dia. 173 mm engine 603
162 Allen bolt M 8 x 28
162b Washer B 8


Engine 602
The vibration damper on engine 602 has a 35
mm wide machined recess (arrow) on the front
and are therefore lighter.

A Vrbratron damper, engine 602

B Vrbratton damper, engine 603

PO%01 64-15

03.10 - 341/2
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Engine 602.96
The vibration damper for engine 602.96 is a two-
mass vibration damper. The diameter (D) was
increased by 9 mm for a total of 228 mm
(naturally aspirated engines, single-mass
vibration damper 219 mm).

These vibration dampers cannot be installed on
engine 602.91.

Engine 603.96
The vibration damper of engine 603.96 is a
single-mass vibration damper and identical with
that of the naturally aspirated engine except for
the resonant frequency. Do not interchange.

Engine 603.96 Color: grey PO3-0166-15

Tightening torques Nm
Allen bolts on pulley 25
Crankshaft flange bolt 320

Special tools

001 589 74 21 00 103589003300 601 589 03 14 00

00 03 03

Commercially available tool - ~-__---

Adapter 314” square socket e.g. l-lazet ,
to l/2” square head D-5630 Remscheid
Order No. 1058 R-1

03.10 - 34113

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Engines 602 and 603
3 Unbolt crankshaft pulley (161a) and vibration
damper (163) and remove.
31 28 155 l55a
Screw out hex. head bolt (160).

Installation note
Install Belleville washers (159) with arch toward
crankshaft pulley (161 a). The crankshaft pulley
(161 a) and vibration damper (163) are centered
with the cylindrical pin (158).
Do interchange vibration damper (163).
Tightening torques 162

Hex. head bolt (160) 320 Nm,

Allen bolts (162) 25 Nm.


28 Timing case cover

31 Crankshaft radial seal
145 Crankshaft
155 Woodruff key
155a Woodruff key
156 Crankshaft sprocket
157 Hub
158 Cyllndncal pin 8 x 8 mm
159 Bellevllle washers
160 BoltM 18x1.5x50
161a Crankshaft pulley
Dia. 152 mm engines 601, 602
Dia. 173 mm engtne 603
162 Allen screw M 8 x 28
162b Washer 6 8

4 Pull hub off of crankshaft journal with puller

103 589 00 33 00.

5 Replace crankshaft radial seal (03-324).

6 Install in opposite order.

03.10 - 34114

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03-345 Checking and correcting adjustment of TDC sensor



Holder for TDC sensor, engines 602 and 603 from start of

Cylinder 1 ............................ turn to approx. 10” BTDC, ignition stroke

(item 1).

03.10 - 34511
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Gauge (01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boltinto preignition chamber bore and set
dial gauge (07) on gauge to 5 mm pretension
(item 2).

If cylinder head is removed, position gauge pin
of dial gauge directly on piston crown (177).
Use dial gauge holder 363 589 02 21 00.
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn in running direction until dial gauge pointer
stops moving (TDC position), set dial gauge
scale to zero (item 3).
Engine . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn until dial gauge moves back 3.22 mm
on engines 602 and 603 or until dial gauge
moves back 3.65 mm on engines 601.921,
603.97 (item 4).

Corresponds to crankshaft position of 20”
Holder for TDC sensor (42) or (44) . . . . . . . . . . . install locating device 603 589 01 21 00
(item 5).

The pin on the crankshaft pulley or on the
vibration damper must catch in the groove on
the locating device, if not, correct position of
Holder for TDC sensor (42) or (44) . . . . . . . . . . . correct by loosening bolt (41), move holder for
TDC sensor until pin on crankshaft pulley or
vibration damper catches in locating device
603 589 01 21 00 and tighten bolt (41)
(items 6 - 8).

03.10 - 34512
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Special tools

603 589 01 21 00

Commercially available tool

Dial gauge A 1 DIN 878 e.g. Mahr,
D-7300 Esslingen
Order No. 870


The holder for the TDC sensor is fastened to the
timing case cover.

44 Holder TDC sensor, engines 602 and

603 from start of productlon


Check adjustment of holder and correct, if


a) When holder is replaced.

b) When crankshaft and hub, vibration damper

and crankshaft pulley are replaced.

c) When timing case cover is removed,

installed or replaced.

0310 - 3450
Downloaded from manuals search engine
1 Position piston in cylinder 1 to approx. 10"
BTDC, ignition stroke.

Holder for TDC sensor, engines 602 and 603 from

start of productlon

2 Bolt gauge 601 589 07 21 00 up to

precombustion chamber bore and attach dial
gauge to gauge with 5 mm pretension (small
pointer on dial gauge).

If the cylinder head is removed, the measuring

pin on the dial gauge can be positioned directly
on the piston crown. Set dial gauge holder
363 589 02 21 00 on crankcase mating surface.

03 10 - 345i4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
3 Turn crankshaft slowly in normal direction of
rotation until large pointer on dial gauge (07)
stops (TDC position). Turn dial gauge scale until
large pointer points to zero.

01 Gauge PO3-0124-15

177 Plston crown

4 Turn crankshaft in normal direction of

rotation slowly until the gauge moves back
3.22 mm on engines 602 and 603 or 3.65 mm
on engine 603.97.

After the dial gauge has moved back (crankshaft
position 20” ATDC) the pin in the crankshaft
pulley or in the vibration damper should be
located exactly below the TDC sensor (arrow).

5 Position locating device 603 589 01 21 00 in

holder for TDC sensor.

The pin on the crankshaft pulley or on the

vibration damper must catch in the groove in the
locating device.

If the pin on the crankshaft pulley or on the

vibration damper does not catch, correct position
of holder for TDC sensor.

03.10 - 34515
Downloaded from manuals search engine

6 Loosen holder (42 or 44) with screw (41)

and move until pin on crankshaft pulley or on
vibration damper catches in the groove in the
locating device 603 589 01 21 00.

42 Holder for TDC sensor, engine 601.921

7 Screw holder for TDC sensor down tight.

8 Remove dial gauge and gauge

601 589 07 21 00 and locating device
603 589 01 21 00.

44 Holder for TDC sensor engines 602, 603 from

start of productlon

03.10 - 34516
Downloaded from manuals search engine
03-350 Removal and installation of crankshaft sprocket
Prelrmlnary jobs:
Timing case cover removed (01-210).
011 pan removed (01-310).
Vehicles with level control: Dnve
for 011 pump removed (05-437).


Tensioning bracket (262) .................. remove together with torsion spring (261),
install (items 1, 17).
Oil pump sprocket (257) . . . .............. unbolt hex. head bolt (259) and remove together
with washer (258) (item 2).
Chain for oil pump drive (263) .............. remove (item 3).
Chain tensioner (224) . . . . . .............. remove, install. Replace sealing ring (237)
(05-310) (items 4, 13).
Camshaft sprocket (188) . . . .............. mark in relation to timing chain (210), remove
retaining bolt (190) together with washer (189)
and remove camshaft sprocket (items 6 - 8).

Observe differences in bolts.
Crankshaft sprocket (156) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mark in relation to timing chain (210)
(item 5).

03.10 - 350/l

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Crankshaft sprocket (156) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pull off with puller 601 589 07 33 00 and check
retaining wedge (155a), replace, if required
(items 9 - 10).
Crankshaft sprocket (156) ...........*... replace, transfer color code and knock onto
crankshaft with installation punch
116 589 07 15 00 while paying attention to
retaining wedge (155a) (items 11 - 12).
Camshaft sprocket (188) . . . . . . . . *....... position on mark, install timing chain and
tighten. Remove hex. head bolts (190) and
washers (189). Hex. head bolt 65 Nm, 12-point
bolt 25 Nm/90” rotation angle (item 13).
Crankshaft ........... . .............. continue to turn and check adjustment markings
at TDC position (item 15).
Oil pump sprocket (257) . ............... install with chain for oil pump drive (263) and
tighten hex. head bolt (259) 25 Nm (item 16).

Install chain sprocket so that arch points toward
oil pump.
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . * . . . . . . . . . . . . allow to run and check for leakage (item 18).

Bolt for camshaft sprocket

Starting 1 l/88 the bolt for mounting the camshaft
sprocket was changed from an M 10 bolt to an
M 11 stretch bolt on engines 602.91/96;
603.91196 and 603.970
(see 05-220).

0 3 . 1 0 - 35012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
.......................................................... ....................

Tightening torques and rotation angles Nm

Hex. head bolt for camshaft sprocket 65
12-point bolt for camshaft sprocket 25 90”
Hex. head bolt for oil pump sprocket 25

Special tools

116 589 07 15 00 001 589 66 21 00

i 35 00


1 Remove clamping bracket (262) and torsion

spring (261).

2 Remove hex. head bolt (259) with washer

(258) and remove oil pump sprocket (257).

3 Remove chain for oil pump drive (263).

4 Remove chain tensioner (05-310).

5 Mark position of timing chain and crankshaft

sprocket in relation to one another.

03.10 - 350/3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
6 Mark position of timing chain and camshaft
sprocket in relation to one another.

7 unbolt hex head bolt and remove with


8 Remove camshaft sprocket and allow timing

chain to sag.

9 Pull off crankshaft sprocket with puller
601 589 07 33 00.

10 Check condition of retaining wedge in

crankshaft, replace, if required.


11 Transfer color code from old crankshaft

sprocket to new crankshaft sprocket.

12 Knock crankshaft sprocket onto crankshaft

with installation punch 116 589 07 15 00. Pay
attention to retaining wedge.


03.10 - 35014

Downloaded from manuals search engine

13 Install camshaft sprocket and timing chain
making note of marking and tighten.

Tightening torque and rotation angle

Wex. head bolt 65 Nm,
12-point bolt 25 Nm, 90”.

14 Install chain tensioner and replace sealing

ring (05-3 10).

15 Continue to turn crankshaft and check

adjustment marking at TDC (arrows).

16 Install chain for oil pump drive together with

oil pump chain sprocket and tighten.

Install oil pump sprocket so that arch points
toward oil pump (arrows).

Tightening torque 25 Nm.


17 Attach clamping bracket (262) and torsion

spring (261).

03.10 - 35015
Downloaded from manuals search engine
., ._ . . . . .

ernoval and installation of flywheel and driven plate






Flywheel (149, 149a, 149b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt, reinstall. Position lock

601 589 02 40 00 in flywheel ring gear and
remove flywheel together with driven plate
(150a, 150~) and spacer disc (150b)
(items 1, 2).
Driven plate (153) engine 603.970 . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt, reinstall.
Position lock 601 589 02 40 00 in teeth on
driven plate and remove driven plate and spacer
disc (150b) (items 1, 2).

03.10 - 410/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Stretch bolts (152, 152a) .................. check, max. length, 1 st version (152a) 26.5 mm,
2nd version (152) 22.5 mm, necked down shank
diameter min. 8 mm, replace stretch bolts if
required (item 2).
Initial torque 35 Nm,
rotation angle 90 - 100”.
Stretch bolts (152~) on two-mass flywheel (149b)
engine 602.91, ........... ..............
check, max. length 57.2 mm, necked down
shank diameter min. 8.1 mm, replace stretch
bolts if required (item 2).
Initial torque 40 Nm,
rotation angle 90 - 100”.

Stretch bolts 152 152a 152~

manual and automatic
automatic transmission transmission, two-
Driven plate Driven plate
2nd version 1 st version

Part number 102 032 00 71

Thread D lM 10x1
Necked down New state 1 8,5 - 0,2 8,5 - 0,2 I 8,5 - 0,2
shank dia. d

Length L New state I 22 + 0,2

Max. length I 22,5

03.10 - 41012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Flywheels for manual transmissions

Engine 602

D 252.94-252,98 mm
Dl 223.00-223.07 mm
H 57 mm

03.10 - 41013
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Engine 602.96
Engine 602.96 has a lighter flywheel than engine
602.91 with automatic transmission.

A Flywheel, engine 602.91

B Flywheel, engme 602.96
145 Crankshaft
149 Flywheel
150a Driven plate
151 Rmg gear
152a Stretch bolt
152b Cylindmalpm PO3-0126-15

Engine 603.96



145 Crankshaft
149 Flywheel
150a Driven plate
151 Rmg gear
152a Stretch bolt
152b Cylmdrlcal pm PO3-0127-15

03.10 - 41014
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Two-mass flywheels with manual
transmissions, engine 602.91 starting 09188.

Stop damper
2 Primary flywheel weight
3 Fitted pin
4 Radial ball bearing
5 Stretch bolt M 10 x 1 x 57
6 Self-allgnlng beanng
7 Spacer bolt
8 Torsion damper
9 Friction device
10 Secondary flywheel weight
11 Spacer bolt
12 Ring gear

Flywheels with automatic transmissions

A Flywheel, engine 602

B Flywheel, engine 603

03.10 - 41015
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Tightening torques and rotation angles Nm
Stretch bolts for flywheel 35 90 - 100”
Stretch bolts for two-mass flywheel 40 90 - 100”

Special tools

1 601 589024000 1 1 001 5896621 00

Removal, installation

1 Remove hex. head bolts (55) and insert lock

601 589 02 40 00 into ring gear on flywheel and
tighten with hex. head bolts (55).

Installation note
Flywheels do not require balancing.

Flywheels are not interchangeable.


03.10 - 41017

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Engines 602, 603
Screw out stretch bolts and remove flywheel and
driven plate.

Installation note
The cylindrical pin (arrow) centers the flywheel,
driven plate and spacer disc.
Check stretch bolts, max. length 22.5 mm,
necked down shank dia. min. 8 mm, renew
stretch bolts if required.

Tightening torque and rotation angle

Initial torque 35 Nm,
rotation angle 90 - 100”.

Driven plate (engine 603.97)

Screw out stretch bolts (152), remove spacer
disc (150b) and driven plate (153).

Installation note
Check stretch bolts, max. length 22.5 mm,
necked down shank dia. min. 8 mm, replace
stretch bolts if required.

Tightening torque and rotation angle

Initial torque 35 Nm,
rotation angle 90 - 100”. L PO3-0 174.13

03.10 - 410/8

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Two-mass flywheel with manual
transmission, engine 602.91
Remove stretch bolts and remove two-mass

Installation note
Check stretch bolts, max. length 57.2 mm,
necked down shank dia. min. 8.1 mm, replace
stretch bolts if required.

Tightening torque and rotation angle

Initial torque 40 Nm,
rotation angle 9 0 - 1 0 0 ”.

3 Install in opposite order.

03.10 - 410/g
Downloaded from manuals search engine
03420 efinisking flywheel

Prellmlnary lobs:
Flywheel and driven plate removed (03-410).


Engine 602 Engine 603 (except for 603.97)

Dimension (b) ....................... . . measure, max. 17 mm, min. 15.6 mm.

If material removal causes dimension (a) to
exceed max. causing dimension (b) to be less
than 15.6 mm, replace flywheel.
Dimension (a) ........................ . . measure, engine 602: 22.5 mm, engine 603:
19.4 mm. Maximum material removal 1 mm,
if material removal is greater than 1 mm,
replace flywheel.

If the clutch surface (A) is refinished, the
mounting surface (B) must be refinished by the
same amount so that distance (a) is

03.10 - 420/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . refinish

The two-mass flywheel cannot be refinished.
Clamp flywheel in lathe so that permissible
deviation from flat = 0.05 mm is not exceeded.

Engine 602 603
Distance a 22.5 2 0.1 19.420.1
in new state 16.6 + 0.4
Distance b
for repair up to 15.6 + 0.4
Permissible deviation from flat on clutch
surface or clutch attachment surface 0.05 mm

Flywheels for manual transmissions with burned
spots, scoring or cracks on the clutch surface
should be refinished by precision turning.

If the scoremarks or cracks are greater than the

maximum permissible material removal
dimension, replace flywheel.

After machining the clutch surface should not

have any porous spots or chatter marks.

03.10 - 420/2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
@placing ring gear

Preliminary jobs:
Flywheel and driven plate removed (03-410).

Flywheel (149) ......................... check, centering flange dia. (a) for ring gear
275.00 + 0.05 mm. Clean mounting surface for
ring gear on flywheel before installing ring gear.
Ring gear (151) ........................ drill hole into old ring gear and break up with a
chisel or heat quickly and then remove
immediately. Heat new ring gear and install on
flywheel. Temperature for shrink fit 220 “C.
Lateral runout on ring gear max. 0.4 mm.

Standard accessories
Temperature measuring chalk e.g. AW Faber-Castell,
Color No. 2815/220 (white) thermochrome D-8504 Stein bei Nurnberg

03 10 - 430/l
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The ring gear is hardened. For this reason do
not exceed 220 “C at any point while heating
with hot plate or heating furnace.

Use temperature measuring chalk in accordance

with directions.

Use open flame only In exceptional cases. Apply

flame to inside of ring gear only.

After replacing ring gear, it is not necessary to

balance the flywheel.

03 10 - 43012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
ine Timing, Valvstr

Downloaded from manuals search engine

ngine thing, valves 05

Job No.

Checking and renewal of hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 - 211

Checking camshaft timing ................................................ - 215
. Removal and installation of camshaft ......................................... - 220
Removal and installation of valve springs ...................................... - 250
Checking valve springs .................................................. - 260
Renewal of valve stem seals .............................................. - 270
Checking and machining valves ............................................ - 280
Checking and renewal of valve guides ........................................ - 285
Replacing1 of valve seat inserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 290
Machining valve seats ................................................... - 291
Removing and installing chain tensioner ...................................... -310
Renewal of timing chain .................................................. - 320
Removal and installation of tensioner rail ...................................... - 330
Removal and installation of guide rail ......................................... - 341
Removal and installation of pressure oil pump drive .............................. - 437

Downloaded from manuals search engine

05-211 Checking and renewal of hydraulic valve clearance compensating



Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bring to operating temperature (80°C).

Engine oil level ....................... check.

Do not overfill.
Turbo engine:
Charge air pipe ......................... remove, install.
Cylinder head cover ..................... remove, install, 10 Nm.
Valve tappet (203) ...................... check with a mandrel, to do this first check on
the cylinder which is exactly on Ignition TDC
(cam tips for inlet and exhaust valve pornt

Unnecessary rotation of the engrne causes the
valve clearance compensating elements to sink.

05 10 211 1

Downloaded from manuals search engine

A valve clearance compensating element must
only be removed when an air gap >0.4 mm is
established between cam and element. The
engine must not be turned by the camshaft
timing gear bolt.

If the valve tappet sinks quicker than the others,

measure pre-stroke.
Pre-stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure, reference value: 0.25 - 2.0 mm
(Numbers 6 - 10).
With excessive pre-stroke:
Valve tappet (203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install in the same posrtion again,
magnetic lifter 102 589 02 61 00.
Dimension Ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . determine. The dimension Ll is the difference
between the dimensions L and L2. Reference
value 18 - 19 mm (Number 12 - 14).
Parts of the valve tappet ............... clean. The valve tappet must be replaced if oil
loss cannot be eliminated.

Data 1st Design 2nd Design 3rd Design

from 08 84 from 01 90

Plunger “b” dimension W 2 (mm) 8.0 8.6 9.1

Guide sleeve “g” dimens. f-4 1 (mm) 12.5 13.2 13.2

Hydraulic valve clearance compensating
elements have been fitted with a larger oil
reservoir chamber since the start of production
on engines 602 and 603.

a Storage chamber

Break date: 08184

05.10 _ 211 2

Downloaded from manuals search engine

From 09/87 valve tappets have been installed
with a ventilation bore (d = 0.2 mm), in order to
prevent tappet rattle during short distance

a Reservoirchamber
b Plunger
C Working chamber

Production breakpoint: 09187

not recorded

05 10 - 211 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
From 01,90 revised valve clearance
compensating elements have been installed.
These compensating elements have a reduced
residual stroke, i.e. the stroke of the plunger (b)
and the working chamber (c) have been reduced
and the reservoir chamber (a) enlarged.
Less oil is needed in the working chamber due
to the reduced stroke. Therefore the working
chamber fills up more quickly after initial engine

Production breakpoint: 01190

not recorded

Tightening torque Nm
Hexagon bolts for cylinder head cover 10

05 10 - 211 4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Special tools

001 589 72 21 00 001 589 66 21 00 601 589 08 21 00 102 589 03 40 00

00 / 05 05
L /

Conventional tool
Dial gauge e. g. Mahr
D-7300 Esslingen
Part No. 810


1 Run engine to operating temperature (80°C).

2 Check engine oil level, making absolutely

sure it is not overfilled.

Turbo engine:
3 Remove charge air pipe.

4 Remove cylinder head cover.

Turning the engine unnecessarily causes valve
play compensating elements to sink.
The engine must not be turned by the camshaft
timing gear bolt.

5 First check the cylinder which is exactly on

TDC. (Cam tips for inlet and outlet valves point

0510 - 211 5
Downloaded from manuals search engine
6 In order to check with a mandrel press lightly
on the valve clearance compensating element
and thus check the clearance. Continue turning
the engine until the next cylinder in the firing
order can be checked.
A valve clearance compensating element must
only be replaced when a clearance of >0.4 mm
is established between cam and element. If the
valve tappet sinks quicker than the others, or
has play at the cam base circle, the pre-stroke of
the valve tappet must be measured.

Measuring pre-stroke
7 The basic setting of the dial gauge has to be
undertaken before measurement. To do this
insert the dial gauge in the measuring bridge
601 589 08 21 00 and push in until there is a
preload of approx. 1 mm. The probe in the
measuring bridge must be in the basic position
(lower stop).

The basic setting must not be changed during


8 In order to measure and note dimension “X”

(cylinder head mating surface to valve tappet),
put measuring bridge on the cylinder head
mating surface over the valve tappet.

If required, measure dimension “X” on all valve

0510 - 211 6
Downloaded from manuals search engine
9 Remove camshaft (05220).

10 Measure dimension “Y” (cylinder head

mating surface to valve tappet).

The difference between the dimension “X” and

“Y” is the pre-stroke of the valve tappet.

Reference value: 0.25 - 2.0 mm.


No. 1 Cylinder A (exhaust) E (Inlet)

Dimension “Y” mm 2.82 2.98

Dimension “X” mm 1.95 1.92
Pre-stroke mm 0.87 1.06

11 If the valve tappet sinks too quickly or if the

dimension differs from the reference value, lift
out valve tappet with the magnetic lifter
102 589 03 40 00.

Note location of valve tappet.

’ \\J
^^_ ^^__+

0510 - 211 7

Downloaded from manuals search engine

12 Measure dimension “L” on valve tappet.
13 Measure dimension “L2” on valve tappet.

The dimension Ll is the difference between

L and L2.

Reference value: 18 - 19 mm

14 If the dimension "Ll" is outside the

reference value remove guide sleeve.
To do this pull out guide sleeve out of the valve
tappet with rotary movements using pliers.
Do not damage guide sleeve.

15 Pull plunger out of the guide sleeve and

remove compression spring.

16 Blow through all individual parts with

compressed air.

Blow air through valve tappet at the oil supply

bore and ventilation bore (arrows).

PO5 2264 13

17 Remove snap ring from the guide sleeves

and pinch slightly at the edges (arrows) and
reassemble on the guide sleeve.

18 Install guide sleeve, compression spring

and plunger in sequence.


05 10 - 211 8

Downloaded from manuals search engine

19 Fill plunger with engine oil. Press off ball
valve with a suitable pin and then ventilate the
working chamber by pumping the plunger, close
ball valve and possibly replenish oil. Then no oil
should escape from the ball valve when it is
gently compressed.

If oil escapes, renew valve tappet.

20 Fill valve tappet with engine oil and insert

vented plunger with guide sleeve into the valve POS- 2011-13


Fit guide sleeve Into valve tappet until the snap

ring engages, press in, if necessary.

21 Recheck dimension "Ll “.

22 Check oil supply to cylinder head. To do

this unscrew sealing plug of the oil channel
in cylinder head.

Blow compressed air into the oil channel, while

checking exit bores (arrows) at the seat for the
valve tappet for air.

23 Lubricate valve tappet and install in the same

position, noting sequence.

24 Install camshafts (05-220).

25 Install cylinder head cover, 10 Nm.

furbo engine:
26 Install charge air pipe.

05.10 - 211 9

Downloaded from manuals search engine

05-215 Checking camshaft timing

Preceding work:
Cylinder head cover removed.
InjectIon nozzles removed (07.1-230).
Charge air pipe removed (turbo engines).

Dial gauge holder 363 589 02 21 00 . . . . . . . . . . attach, remove at the No. 1 cylinder inlet valve.
Dial gauge with 3 mm preload on valve tappet.

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn in direction of rotation.

Engine must not be turned by the camshaft.
W ith 2 mm valve stroke ................... engine must be at 12” after TDC.


*) Not used.
3) With Ml 1 thread from 111'88.
“) On used camshafts.
5, Repalr camshafts with 0.5 mm larger bearing diameter and Ml0 thread.
6) Repair camshafts with 0.5 mm larger beanng diameter and Ml 1 !hread.

05 10 - 215 1
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Tightening torque Nm
Bolts for cylinder head cover 10

Special tool

363 589 02 21 00

Conventional tool
Dial gauge A 1 DIN 878 e. g. Mahr
D-7300 Esslingen
Part No. 810

It is not possible to correct timing. The trming
chain should be checked for elongation if the
test values differ.
The timing chain is to be replaced with more
than 4” at the crankshaft.


The engine must not be turned by the camshaft
timing gear bolt. Do not turn engine backwards
during measurement, otherwise measuring errors

1 Turn crankshaft in direction of rotation of

the engine until cam tip of the 2nd cam points

05.10 - 2152
Downloaded from manuals search engine
2 Fasten dial gauge holder 363 589 02 21 00
on the cylinder head (above the No. 1 cylinder
inlet valve).

3 Insert dial gauge and extension and fasten

so that probe pin sits on the valve tappet with a
preload of 3 mm (small dial gauge pointer).

4 Turn dial gauge scale until the large pointer

is on “0”.

The probe pin of the dial gauge must be exactly
vertical to the valve tappet.

5 Turn crankshaft further in direction of

rotation of engine, unttl the small pointer of the
dial gauge has moved back by 2 mm to 1 mm.

In this position the marking at the crankshaft

pulley or vibration damper must be at 11 - 12"
after TDC. If this value is more than 12" the
camshaft is to be replaced or the timing chain
checked for elongation.

05.10 215~3

Downloaded from manuals search engine

05-220 Removal and installation of camshaft



Turbo engine:
Charge air pipe . . ... .. ... ... . . ... ... . . . . remove, install.
Cylinder head cover (125) ................. remove, install, 10 Nm.
Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position on ignition TDC of No. 1 cylinder.

The engine must not be turned by the camshaft
timing gear bolt.
Chain tensioner (224) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove. install, replace sealing ring (237)
With self-levelling suspension:
Drive of the pressure 011 pump (400) . . . . . . . . . remove, install (05437).

0510 - 220 1

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Camshaft timing gear (188) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mark at timing chain (210). Remove, install
camshaft timing gear. Different bolts (190) and
washers (189). Hexagon bolt, 65 Nm, bihexa-
gonal head bolt, 25 Nm 90” angle of rotation.

When assembling the camshaft timing gear
ensure that the straight pin (187) is not pushed
out towards the rear.
Camshaft bearing cap (80, 81, 82) . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, note sequence, hexagon bolts
(84) and washers (84a), 25 Nm.

Note torquing diagram!
Camshaft (185) ........................ remove, install. Check for ease of movement.
Lock washer (186) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check.
Valve tappet (203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, check.
Magnet lifter 102 589 03 40 00.
After installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . allow engine to run, check for leaks.

05.10 _ 220 2

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Bearing 602 603
position engine

Camshaft timing 0.025 0.025

gear seat

Permitted eccentricity
of center bearing pin 2nd and 5th bearing
and camshaft gear seat
when accepting the
camshaft in the outer
bearing positions
2nd and 6th bearing - 0.030

3rd and 5th beanng - 0.045


4th bearing position - 0.060

Diameter of camshaft bearing pins 31.445

(repair stage + 0.5 mm)

Camshaft code numbers

The code number is stamped on the flange
next to the TDC notch (arrow).

TDC marking (arrow) and code number

135 10 - 220 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Engine Thread for Camshaft
sprocket code number

602, 603 Ml0 07, OS’)

Ml1 11, 13’)
‘1 Repair camshaft with 0.5 mm larger bearing0

Washer for camshaft timing gear bolt

A revised washer with a larger outer diameter (c)
has been fitted in order to prevent the camshaft
timing gear bolt loosening.

1 st Design
2nd Design
c9 @ PO50205-l 3

Production breakpoint: 12/86

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle Identification end No.
Manual Automatic
transmission transmission A F

* 1

* l
033213 I

. not recorded

05 10 220 4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Camshaft timing gear bolt
From 11,‘88 the camshaft timing gear fixing has
been revised from a Ml 0 hexagon bolt to a Ml 1
bihexagon necked down bolt on all engines.

Tightening torques
Hexagon bolt (A) 65 Nm
&hexagon necked down bolt (6)
Pre-torque 25 Nm
Torsion angle 90”

Note revised plain washer!

52 4

Use the plain washer (A) for the hexagon bolt,

and plain washer (B) for the bihexagon necked
down bolt.

Use carrier (A) for previous hexagon bolt, carrier 1

(B) for bihexagon necked down bolt.


05.10 - 2205
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Production breakpoint: 1 l/88


000187 * 1
201 014216 * *

not recorded

Tightening torques and angles of rotation Nm

Hexagon bolts on cylinder head cover 10

Hexagon bolts on camshaft timing gear 65

Bihexagonal head bolt on camshaft timing gear 25 90”

Hexagon bolts on camshaft bearing cap 25

Special tools

001 589 66 21 00 102 589 03 40 00 001 589 72 21 00

00 05 00


Turbo engine:
1 Remove, install charge air pipe.

2 Remove cylinder head cover.

05 10 - 2206
Downloaded from manuals search engine
3 Position engine on ignition TDC of No. 1
cylinder (arrow).

Do not turn engine by the camshaft timing gear
bolt. Do not turn engine backwards.

4 Remove chain tensioner (05310).

With self-levelling suspension

5 Remove pressure oil pump (05437).

6 Align camshaft timing gear and timing chain.

7 Unscrew hexagon bolt or bihexagonal head I i

bolt on camshaft timing gear, whilst holding the
camshaft with a mandrel.

8 Remove camshaft trming gear and allow

timing chain to sag.

The timing chain is prevented from twisting when
the timing case cover is assembled.

Note different bolt and washer.

0510 2207

Downloaded from manuals search engine

9 It is absolutely essential to observe the
following sequence during removal and
installation in order to avoid damage to the

Engine 602
Unscrew both hexagon bolts on camshaft
1 2 3 4 5 6
bearing caps 1, 2 and 6 (dark arrows).

Loosen both hexagon bolts on camshaft bearing

caps 3, 4 and 5 in increments of one turn
respectively, until counterpressure is reduced
(light arrows).


Engine 603
Unscrew both hexagon bolts on camshaft
bearing caps 1, 5 and 6 (dark arrows).

Loosen both hexagon bolts on camshaft bearing

caps 2, 3, 4 and 7 in increments of one turn
respectively, until counterpressure is reduced
(light arrows).

10 Remove camshaft upwards.


05 10 - 220 8

Downloaded from manuals search engine

11 Remove lock washer for axial fixing (arrow)
and check condition.

12 Pull out valve tappet with magnetic lifter

102 589 03 40 00.

13 Check valve tappet for condition (visual

inspection), replace if necessary.

Install valve tappet in the same position again.


14 Insert lock washer for axial fixing (arrow) in

cylinder head.

15 Lubricate camshaft and place on the cylinder

head so that the TDC marking (arrow) pornts
vertrcally upwards.

16 Install camshaft bearing caps. Note marking

on beanng caps.

0510 - 2209
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Assemble camshaft bearing cap bolts (light
arrows) and torque alternately in increments of
one turn respectively in accordance with torquing
diagram, see work stage 9.

Engine 602; camshaft bearing caps 3, 4 and 5

Engine 603; camshaft bearing caps 2, 3, 4 and 7

The remaining camshaft bearing caps (dark

arrows) can then be assembled at random.

Tightening torque 25 Nm.

17 Install camshaft timing gear according to

marking and trghten. Check strarght pin for
correct seating.

Tightening torques and angle of rotation

Hexagon bolt 65 Nm,
Bihexagonal head bolt 25 Nm, 90”

18 Install chain tensioner (05-310).

With self-levelling suspension:

19 Install pressure oil pump (05-437).

20 Position engine on TDC of the No. 1 cylinder

and check markings (arrows).

21 Install cylinder head cover. Tightening torque

10 Nm.

Turbo engine:
Install charge air pipe.

After installation:
22 Allow engine to run, check for leaks.

Downloaded from manuals search engine

05-250 Removal and installation of valve springs
Preceding work:
Camshaft removed (05-220)


A. Cylinder head removed

Cylinder head (70) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clamp.
Assembly table 601 589 01 59 00, support
bridge 601 589 02 59 00.
Valve tappet (203) . . . . . I remove, rnstall.
Magnetic lifter 102 589 03 40 00.
Valve springs (198) ...... remove, install, check (05-260).
Lever press 601 589 02 61 00, magnetic lifter
102 589 03 40 00. Color marking downwards.
Valve stem seals (199, 200) replace (05-270).

05.10 - 250.1

Downloaded from manuals search engine

B. Cylinder head installed
Valve tappet (203) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install.
Magnetic lifter 102 589 03 04 00.
Piston of cylinder concerned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position on TDC.
Retaining gear 601 589 01 40 00.
Valve springs (198) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, check (05260).
Support bridge 601 589 02 59 00, lever press
601 589 02 61 00.
Magnetic lifter 116 589 06 63 00.
Color marking downwards.
Valve stem seals (199, 200) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . replace (05-270).

Since 03’86 the lower valve spring retainers

have been revised. They are now the same as
those on the engines 102 and 103

Production breakpoint: ‘03186

* x
124.133 603.960 -
124.193 I I
001093 * *

015830 003949
* 215978
201.126 602.911
. not recorded

05 10 - 250 2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Since 08/88 the valve spring retainers are in bath
nitrided material (previously case hardened).
Standardization with engines 102 and 103.

Production breakpoint: 08188

* *
124.133 603.960 - 018302
124.193 I I
* t
201.126 067330

201.128 602.961 - 003806 * I

. not recorded

Color markings of valve springs yellow green or
violet!green or yellow blue or violet blue.

05 10 - 253 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Special tools

! 102 589 05 03 40 00 601 589 02 59 00 116 589 06 63 00 104 589 00 37 t

05 05

601 589 02 43 00

A. Cylinder head removed

Removal and installation ’Fh


1 Clamp cylinder head on assembly table

601 589 01 59 00 wtth 4 cylinder head bolts.

2 Remove valve tappets. Magnetic lifter

102 589 03 40 00.

Installation note
Lubricate valve tappets. Note sequence.

3 Attach support bridge 601 589 02 59 00 to

cylinder head.

4 Press valve spring retainers downwards with

lever press 601 589 02 61 00.

05.10. 2504

Downloaded from manuals search engine

5 Remove valve totters with magnetic lifter
116 589 06 63 00.

6 Take out valve springs and valve spring


Installation note
Install valve springs with the color marking

7 Check valve springs (05260).

8 Replace valve stem seals (05270).

9 Installation takes place in the reverse


. Cylinder head installed

Removal and installation

1 Remove valve tappets with magnetic lifter

102 589 03 40 00.

Installation note
Lubncate valve tappets, note sequence.

2 Place piston of the cylinder concerned on

Use retaining gear 603 589 01 40 00 instead of
camshaft timing gear or camshaft in order to turn
the engine.

05 10 250 5
Downloaded from manuals search engine
3 Attach support bridge 601 589 02 59 00 for
lever press on cylinder head.

4 Press valve spring retainers downwards with

lever press 601 589 02 61 00.

5 Remove valve totters with magnetic lifter

116 589 06 63 00.

6 Remove valve springs and valve spring


Installation note
Install valve springs with the color markings

7 Check valve springs (05-260).

8 Replace valve stem seals (05-270).

9 Installation takes place in the reverse


05 10 - 2506

Downloaded from manuals search engine

054260 Checking valve springs

Preceding work:
Valve springs removed (05-250).

Spring force . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check at specified length. If limit is not

achieved, replace valve spring.

Valve spring data

Part No. Color Spring force New value Limit
marking at preloaded

601 053 01 20 yellow/green 27 710 - 790 648

(1 st design) or

601 053 03 20 yellow, blue 27 680 - 740 612

(2nd design) or
violet blue

Conventional tool
Spring test scales e. g. Berco
Model CM130

05 10 - 26081
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05270 Replacing of valve stem seals

Preceding work:
Valve springs removed (05-250).


Valve stem seals (199, 200) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install. Pliers 104 589 00 37 00,
mandrel 601 589 02 43 00. Note color marking.
Valve stem . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . de-burr at groove.

Valve stem seal designs

Distinguishing features:
Intake valve stem seal (199) Exhaust valve stem seal (200)
Chamfer (arrow) shouldered Chamfer (arrow) straight
d = 7.3 mm d = 8.2 mm
W ire ring: phosphated (black) W ire rtng: bright galvanized (yellow)
Color: brown Color: brown

-d-I -_d-1


05 10 2-o 1

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Valve stem seals with standardized exterior
dimensions are installed due to automatic
cylinder head assembly.

Production breakpoint: 1 l/85

. not recorded

Inlet valve stem seals without gas lip have been

fitted since 09 89 and exh,aust valve stem seals
without gas lip since 04 90.

05 10 - 270 2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Viton material

A Intake valve stem seal

8 Exhaust valve stem seal PO5-0087-33

Production breakpoint: 09/89 (Inlet)

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle identification end No.
Manual Automatic
transmission transmission A F

124.128 003020



201.126 016477

201.128 602.961 1 000177 007086

‘1 from st, of productlon
not reel led

05 10 - 270!3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Prod&ion breakpoint: 04190 (Exhaust)
Model Engine Vehicle identification end No.

124.128 602.962

124.133 603.960

126.135 603.970
201.126 602.911 017538
* *
201.128 602.961 002151 007954

from stal of production
not recoi led

601 589 02 43 00

0 5 1 0 270 4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
OS-280 Checking and machining valves

Preceding work:
Cylinder head removed(01-415).
Valve springs removed (05-250).
Valves removed.


(Intake valve 195, exhaust valve 196) ......... clean, check visually.
Valve stem ............................ check for eccentricity (max. 0.03 mm).
Valve seat ............................ check for eccentricity (max. 0.03 mm), grind.
Dimensions and angles ................... check (table).

05 10 - 280 1
Downloaded from manuals search engine

Engine 602.91 602.96 602.91 602.96

603.96 603.96

Valve head Q (D) 37.90 37.90 34.90 34.90

38.10 38.10 35.10 35.10

Height (h) of New value 1.75-2.05

valve head Limit 1.6

Setting angle (a) for 45” + 15’

machining the valve

i7 970 8.960 8.960

Valve stem 0 (D 1)
7.955 8.945 8.945

Valve seat reinforcement with with I with I with

Sodium filled without with
I without with

106.6 106.6 106.6 106.6

Valve length (L)
106.2 106.2 106.2 106.2
I 1
W idth of valve seat 2.0 12.0 12.0

Max. permitted eccentricity on

0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
valve stem and valve seat

Marking on end of stem E 601 02 E 601 04 1 A 601 05 I A 601 05

From 04,87 only exhaust valves with valve heads

from revised material have been fitted.

Production breakpoint: 04187

0 5 1 0 - 280,2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
On turbo engines the surface of the inlet valve
head is ground (non-machined on naturally
aspirated engines).

The stem of the exhaust valve (196) is chrome-

plated and filled with sodium on turbo engines.

Unserviceable sodium-filled valves must be
neutralised before scrapping. They must
therefore be collected by the respective
departmental supervisor and dispatched to:

Mercedes-Benz AG
Werk Marienfelde
DaimlerstraOe 145
Anlieferstelle KST 3153
Arbeitsvorbereitung TAI

196 Exhaust valve

The locatron of the hydraulic valve clearance

compensating elements must be checked after
machining or replacing the valves, and corrected
if required (05211).

Conventional tools
Valve grinder e. g. Krupp,
or D-5309 Meckenhelm
Valve poppet turning equipment Model VS
e. g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Model VKDR 1
Part No. 203.00.200

Dral gauge e. g. Mahr

D-7300 Esslingen
Part No. 810

05 10 - 280 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Checking and machining h

1 Clean valves and carry out visual inspection.

Valves with a burnt valve head, with insufficient

valve head height (h) and with worn or scored
valve stem should be replaced.


2 Measure eccentricity on valve stem.

Replace valve if eccentricity exceeds 0.03 mm.

3 Machine valve seat.

Note operating instructions for the machining

equipment and adjustment angle (a) 45” + 15’.

4 Measure eccentricity on valve seat and

height (h) of valve head.

If eccentricity is more than 0.03 mm or the

height (h) less than 1.6 mm, valve should be

05 10 - 280 4
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05285 Checking and replacing valve guides

Preceding work:
Cylinder head removed (01-415).
Valve springs removed (05-250).
Valves removed.



Seat for valve stem seal (205) .............. check. Replace valve guide (204) if valve stem
seal is loose.
Valve guide (204) .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . clean. Cylindrical brush 000 589 10 68 00.
Valve guide (204) inside 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check. Plug gauge: 102 589 00 23 00 intake,
117 589 03 23 00 exhaust.
Replace valve guide, if reject pin of plug gauge
fits completely in the valve guide.
Valve guide (204) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . drive out, drive home.
103 589 03 15 00 intake,
103 589 02 15 00 exhaust.
601 589 06 15 00 intake,
601 589 02 15 00 exhaust.
000 589 21 53 00 intake
000 589 10 53 00 exhaust

05.10 - 2851’1
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Basic bore of valve guide
in cylinder head (70) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . check. If required bore out to next
repair stage.
Broach (14.20 mm) 115 589 00 53 00.
Guide sleeves:
102 589 00 63 00 intake,
102 589 08 63 00 exhaust.
Broach (14.40 mm) 115 589 01 53 00
Guide sleeve 601 589 15 63 00.
Valve seat insert (206) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check for eccentricity (05-291).

Valve guides (grey cast iron)


14 240-14 251 14,200-14,211

601 050 08 24


05.10.285 2
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Special tools


II -

103 589 03 15 00
103 589 02 15 00

117 589 03 23 00
000 589 21 53 00
000 589 10 53 00 115 589 00 53 00

102 589 08 63 00

Conventional tool
e. g. Hunger,
Cylinder head clamping fixture D-8000 Mijnchen 70
Part No. 221.60.000

05 lO.c?853
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Broach base bore in cylinder head
(Repair stage)
Decarbonize and clean cylinder head carefully,
particularly the inside of the valve seat inserts.
Select correct guide sleeve (2) and remove
swarf from the tip of the broach (1) with a stiff
plastic brush or srmilar tool.

The broach cutter must be cleaned before each
broaching operating.
Provide guide sleeve, basic bore and complete
broach with ample supplies of paraffin.

Insert broach into the guide sleeve so that when

the guide sleeve rests on the valve seat insert
(3) the first cutter of the broach is located in the
base bore. In so doing note that the correct side
of the guide sleeve is put on the valve seat.
Centre guide sleeve by rotary movements in the
valve seat insert.

Dnve the broach quickly through with an
aluminium mandrel, approx. 130 mm long, and a
plastic hammer of approx. 250 g.

1 Broach
2 Guide s l e e v e
3 Valve seat tnser-t PO50163-17

05.10 - 285 4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The high spot (arrow) on the intake valve seat
inserts is to be removed before inserting the
guide sleeve.

Inserting valve guide

Drive home valve guides with punch and
hammer, when the valve guides are not super-
cooled and the cylinder head is not heated up.
Coat valve guides with wax or 011 before driving

Assignment of guide sleeve - valve seats

Valve seat Guide sleeve Basic bore 0 in cylinder head
Part No.

102 589 00 63 00 14.2 mm

601 589 15 63 00 14.4 mm

05 10 - 2855
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05290 Replacing valve seat inserts

Precedmg work:
Valve guides checked (05-285).


Valve seat insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turn out valve seat insert with the lathe tool.
Note operating instructions for the valve seat
turning equipment.
Basic bore (D2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check (table). Bore out to the repair stage, if

Machine basic bore for the valve seat insert if
minimum overlap is not achieved (Number 3).
Valve seat insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . supercool with liquid nitrogen and insert
into basic bore.

Do not touch supercooled valve seat inserts
with bare hands.
Valve seat insert must be square to the cylinder
Valve seats , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . machine (05291).

05 10 - 290 1
Downloaded from manuals search engine

I Intake I Exhaust
Overlap of valve seat inserts
in cylinder head


Dl 33.400 30.400
33.600 30.600


t (New value)

A (Thrs dimension is valid up to the upper 133.4 133.4

edge of cylinder head on reworked
cylinder head parting surface)

a 37” 30’ 37” 30’

Exhaust valve seat inserts are made from
centrifugally cast material on the naturally-
aspirated engines, and srntered metal on turbo

The intake valve seat inserts are made from

sintered metal on all engines.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
The hardened valve seat inserts (sintered metal) r I 1
had a high spot (arrow) on inside of the insert for
a short time.

PO5 -0164-11

This high spot must be turned off in order to

machine the valve seat insert. There is a repair
valve seat insert with larger outside diameter as
a replacement part for all valve seat insert
designs. After replacing the valve seat inserts
the location of the hydraulic valve clearance
compensating elements must be checked and
corrected, if necessary (05211).

Conventional tools
Cylinder head clamping fixture e. g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 221.60.000

Seat insert lathe tool, size 2 e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 220.03-l 10

Valve seat turning equipment, model VDSNL 1 45 30 e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 236.03.308

Test set for valves e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 216.93.300

65” correction steel No. 13 for e. g. Hunger,

lower correction angle D-8000 Mtinchen 70
Part No. 216.64.622

Internal-thread-measuring equipment (range 25 - 60 mm) e. g. Mahr,

D-7300 Esslingen
Part No. 844

External micrometer (range 25 - 50 mm) e. g. Mahr,

D-7300 Esslingen
Part No. 40 S

05 10 - 290 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine

1 Turn out old valve seat insert with lathe tool.

Note operating instructions for the tool.

2 Check valve guides, replace if required


3 Measure basic bore 02.

A new valve seat insert standard dimension can

be used, when the specified overlap exists.

If the minimum overlap is not achieved, machine

basic bore for valve seat insert.

4 Turn basic bore D2 with the seat insert lathe

tool so that the bore is properly cleaned up.

5 Measure machine base bore.

6 Turn valve seat insert repair stage so that

the specified overlap is produced. Compensate
height of reworked front face, If applicable.

7 Heat up cylinder head to approx. 80°C in

water bath.

8 Supercool valve seat insert with liquid


Drive home valve seat insert with suitable pilot


10 Machining valve seats (05291).

05 10 290 4
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05291 Machining valve seats

Preceding work:
Valve guides checked (05-285).

Valve seats (53) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . machine in accordance with tool manufacturer’s

operating instructions. Refer to data for

Only loosen the pilot when eccentricity of the
valve seat has been checked.
Eccentricity of valve seat .................. check (Number 2).
Valve seat width (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . measure, correct if required (Number 3).
Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . insert and measure distance (A).

05.10 - 291il
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Valve seat I Intake I Exhaust
Valve seat width (b) Il.2 - 1.7 Il.5 - 2.0

Valve seat angle (a) I 45” 45”

Upper correction angle

(P) /15’ 1150
Lower correction angle
(Y) 15’ 15’
Permitted concentricity
deviation of valve seat I 0*03 I 0.03 PO50142-13

Minimum gap (a) on 0.1 - 0.5 0.1 - 0.5

new valves and new
valve seats

Gap (a) on reworked - 1.0 - 1.0

valve seats and
reground valves

The gap (a) reduces by the same amount as

cylinder head parting surface has been


Conventional tools
Cylinder head clamping fixture e. g. Hunger,
D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 211.60.000

Valve seat turning equipment, model VDSNL l/45 30 e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 236.03.308

Test set for valve seats e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 216.93.300

65” correction steel No. 13 for lower correction angle e. g. Hunger,

D-8000 Munchen 70
Part No. 216.64.622

05 10 2912

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Clamp cylinder head in the clamp fixture for
dismantling and machining. Machine valve seats
with valve seat turning equipment, with valve
seat grinder or valve seat miller. The location of
the hydraulic valve clearance compensating
elements must be checked after machining the
valve seat Inserts and, if required corrected

Machining valve seats

1 Machine valve seat (45”) (see tool

manufacturer’s operating Instructions).

Only loosen pilot (5) when eccentricity of the
valve seat has been checked.

6 Clamping fixture
8 Forward feed operation

2 Check eccentricity of valve seat

(max. 0.03 mm).

Slide fitting sleeve ( 19) and dial gauge holder

(20) and dial gauge (18) onto the pilot (5).

3 Measure valve seat width (b) and, if required

make a 15” adjustment at the top (p) and 65”
adjustment at the bottom (y).

Valve seat width (b)

Intake: 1.2 - 1.7 mm
Exhaust: 1.5 - 2.0 mm.


05 ‘0 231 3

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4 Insert valves and measure distance (a).

Distance (a) 0.1 - 0.5 mm.

If (a) IS outside tolerance, replace valve seat

insert (05290).

05.10 - 291 4

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OS-31 0 Removing and installing chain tensioner



PO5 0182 37

Chain tensioner (224) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install, 65 Nm.

Replace sealing ring and install chain tensioner
filled with SAE 10 engine oil.

0510 - 3101
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Filling chain tensioner with engine oil:
Place chain tensioner with the plunger bolt
downwards in SAE engine oil until over the collar
on the hexagon. Press plunger up to the stop
7 - 10 times slowly with the aid of a press or
power drill.

It should be possible to compress the chain

tensioner quite slowly, evenly and with little effort
after filling with oil.

A revised valve disk (231) has been fitted in the
chain tensioner in order to avoid peak pressures
of the chain tensioner on the tensioner rail.

225 Sealing plug

226 Alumlnlum gasket
A 25x30
227 5 mm 0 ball
228 Ball guide
229 Compression spring
230 Compression spring
231 Valve disk
232 0-rrng
233 Plunger
233a Filler piece
234 Compression sprtng
235 Housng
236 B 16 snap nng
a Supply bore from
cyltnder head
b To 011 pan
A Former design
B Current design

05 10 - 310 2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
The outside diameter of the sealing surface on
the chain tensioner housrng has been enlarged
by 2 mm. This necessitates a sealing ring (237)
having dimensions of 27 x 32 mm (previously
25 x 30).

This revision prevents the formation of burrs on

the sealing ring (picture, circular cut-out) when
tightening the chain tenstoner.

This chain tensioner can also be installed In - 237

vehicles of earlier manufacture.

dl 32 mm
d2 27 mm

A Previous design
B Rewsed design

Production breakpoint: 07187

. not recorded

05.10 - 3103
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Special tool

05 10 310 5
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05-320 Renewal of timing chain

Preceding work: Operation No. of Operatron Texts and Work Units,

Cylinder head cover removed. Standard Texts and Flat Rates . 05-7601
InjectIon nozzles removed (07.1-230).
Fan and fan shroud removed (20-312 or 20-335).



PO50 1 8 2 3 7

Chain tensioner (244) .................... Remove and install (05-310).

Camshaft timing gear (188) ..,.......,...., check for scores and pitting (Number 2).
Timing chain . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . separate, mount new timing chain with
connecting link to the old timing chain, turn
engine and raise old timing chain and detach
(Numbers 3 - 5).

The trmlng chain must remain In engagement on
the camshaft and crankshaft gear as the engine
is turned.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Timing chain . . . . . . . insert connecting link from behind and rivet the
link pins individually with assembly tool
000 589 58 43 00 (Numbers 6 - 10).
Tightening torque of spindle 30 - 35 Nm.
Link pin rivet . . . . . . . check (Number 11).
After installation . . . . . turn crankshaft, check adjustment marking at
TDC position (Number 13).

Since 10 86 timtng chains from an additional
manufacturer have been fitted (Daido).

Identification: DID and 06BD on outer clip of the

timing chain.

Production breakpoint: 1 O/86

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle identification end
Manual Automatic No.
transmission transmission A F

005200-005645 351660- 024286-

358256 024446

126.125 006408-006754 290826- *


335707- 287778-
338278 291247

201.128 602.961 - 000107-000107 335707- *

I I 338278
. not recorded

05 10 - 3202
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Since 02 89 timing chains have increased
clearance sleeves (Iwis Company).

Production breakpoint: 02/89

. not recorded

Since 09 89 timing chains (Daido Company)

have been installed again.

Production breakpoint: 09/89

124.133 023241 066158 122989

124.193 I 603.g60 I -
f t
126.135 ( 603.970 I- 488196

201.126 1602.911 1082936 016428 533524 666204

not recorded

G5 10 320 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Repair timing chain I 1
Only a riveted design of connecting link (A) is
avatlable for the timing chain. Design (6) is not
to be used.

The outer clips of connecting link (A) are colored

blue and its link pins have no grooves. W

The outer clip of revised connecting link (A)

must be pressed on and riveted with assembly
tool 000 589 58 43 00.

The former assembly tool 000 589 57 43 00 for

connecting link with stop spring (B) can be
modified with the conversion kit
000 589 58 43 80.

Part No. of the assembly tool is to be changed

to 000 589 58 43 00.

Special tools

000 589 5 8 4 3 0 0 001 589 72 21 00


0510 3204

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1 Remove chain tensioner (05310)

2 Check camshaft timing gear for scores and

pitting. Cover chain case with a cloth and grand
off both link pins at a timing chain link.

3 Mount new timing chain with connecting link

on the old timing chain.

4 Slowly turn crankshaft in the direction of

rotation of the engine, while simultaneously
raising the old timing chain until the connecting
link is located at the uppermost position of the
camshaft timing gear.
Pull out the released end of the old timing chain
evenly, to match pulling on the new timing chain.

The timing charn must remain engaged with the
camshaft and crankshaft gear while engine is

5 Detach old timing chain and connect the

ends of the new timing chain with a connecting
link. Secure ends of chain on camshaft timing
gear with wire.

6 Insert connecting link In the timing chain

from behind (arrow).

05 10 320 5
Downloaded from manuals search engine
7 Place loose enclosed outer clip of the
connecting link (with the IWIS marking stamped
on) in assembly tool 000 589 58 43 00 (arrow).
The outer clip is retained magnetically.

PO5-2053 - 13

8 Put assembly tool 000 589 58 43 00 on

connecting link and press on clip up to the stop.

Put clip on so that both rivet pins engage.

9 Turn punch (02) of assembly tool

000 589 58 43 00 so that the notch (arrow)
points forwards.


10 Place assembly tool exactly over the center

of the pins. Rivet the connecting link pins
individually, whilst tightening spindle to
approx. 30 - 35 Nm (Reference value).

05 10 3206

Downloaded from manuals search engine

11 Check link pin rivet, If necessary re-rivet

12 Install chain tensioner (05-310).

13 Turn crankshaft and check adjustment

marking at TDC posltton of engine.

If adjustment markings do not align, the
camshaft timing (05215) and start of delivery of
the injection pump (07.1-l 11) must be checked.

3 /p
---., /-
PO6-2206-13 -

05 10 320 7
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05-330 Removal and installation of tensloner rail

Preceding work:
Cylinder head removed (01-4 15)
Tlmlng case cover removed (01-210)
Chain tensioner removed (05-310).



PO5 0182 37

Tensioner rail (215) . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. pull off, reinstall.

Plastic support of the tensioner rail cannot be

05 10 330 1
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Since 08 86 unhardened straight pins have been
fltted for the tensioner rail bearing.

Production breakpoint: 08186

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle ldentlficatlon end No.
Manual Automattc
I I transmission transmission A F

124.133 003526 313431 019062

124.193 I 603.g60 I -
1 2 6 . 1 2 5 1 6 0 3 . 9 6 1 (- 004997 1278305 *
201.126 602.911 025293 006190 332559 266086
I not recorded

05 10 330 2
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Since 09 86 the lead-in tangent (abutment
surface) on the tensioner rail has been extended,
thus reducing linrng wear.

Dotted line shows former desrgn.

PO5 0215 15

Production breakpoint: 09/86

Model Engrne Engine end No. Vehicle identrficatron
Manual Automatic end No.
transmission transmissron A F

124.133 I 603.960 I- 004863 342586 023347


126.125 603.961 - 006205 389319 *

201.126 028504 006859 333489 286635

0510 3303
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05341 Removal and installation of guide rail
Preceding work:
Poly-V belt removed (13-345).
Chatn tensloner removed (05-310)
Charge air pipe removed (turbo engines).

A. Removal and installation of guide rail in cylinder head


PO!!-01 99-35

Cylinder head cover (125) ................. remove, install, bolt (132) 10 Nm.
With self-levelling suspension:
Pressure oil pump drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, rnstall (05437).
Camshaft timing gear (188) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mark at timing chain. Remove, install camshaft
timing gear. Drfferent bolts (190) and washers
(189) with different tightening torques. Hexagon
bolt 65 Nm. Bihexagonal head bolt 25 Nm 90”
(05220) (Numbers 3 - 5).

05 10 - 341 1
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Bearing pins (221, 222) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install.
Special tools 116 589 20 33 00 and
116 589 01 34 00.
Check guide blade (220), replace If necessary.
(Number 6).

The extractor 115 589 20 33 00 can be used
together with stud 115 589 01 34 00 If the
bearing pins have seized.

Tightening torques and angle of rotation Nm

Hexagon bolts on cylinder head cover 10
Hexagon bolt on camshaft timing gear 65
Brhexagonal head bolt on camshaft timing gear 25 90”

Special tools


116589203300 115589203300 115589013400 001 589 66 21 00

'L -P5
05 05 00

001 589 72 21 00

05 10 - 341 2
Downloaded from manuals search engine

1 Remove cylinder head cover.

With self-levelling suspension:

2 Remove pressure 011 pump drive

3 Align timing chain and camshaft timing gear.

4 Remove hexagon bolt or blhexagonal head

bolt on camshaft timing gear, while holding
camshaft with a mandrel.

5 Remove camshaft timing gear and allow

timing chain to sag.

Note different bolt and washer (05220).

6 Drive out both bearing bolts with the Impact

puller 116 589 20 33 00, and 116 589 01 34 00
and remove guide rail. Check guide rail and
replace if necessary.

Seized bearing bolts can also be pulled out with
puller 115 589 20 33 00 and stud
115 589 01 34 00.

PO5 2258 13

05 10 341 3
Downloaded from manuals search engine

6 Coat bearing pin collar with sealing


7 Insert guide rail and drive home bearing pin

with impact puller 116 589 20 33 00 and
116 589 01 34 00.

PO5 2258 13

8 Install camshaft timing gear according to the

marking and tighten, noting the color markings.

Tightening torque and angle of rotation

Hexagon bolt 65 Nm,
Brhexagonal head bolt 25 Nm, 90”.

9 Position engine on ignrtron TDC of No. 1

cylinder and check marking (arrows).

Do not turn engrne by camshaft timing gear bolt.

With self-levelling suspension:

10 Install pressure oil pump drive (05-437).

11 Install cylinder head cover, 10 Nm.

0510 - 3414
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Preceding work,
Tlmlng case cover removed (01-210).
Chain tensioner removed (05-310).

B. Removal and installation of guide rail in timing case

POMrn 15

Guiding rail (218) ................,...... pull off from guiding blade bolt (222), put on.
Check guiding rail, renew If necessary.

Since 09 86 unhardened straight pins have been
fitted for the guiding rail bearing.

05 10.341 5
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Production breakpoint: 08186
Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle identlficatlon
Manual Automatic end No.
transmission transmission A F

124.133 003526 313431 019062

124.193 I 603*g60 I-
126.125 603.961 - 004997 278305 -
201.126 602.911 025293 006190 332559 266086

135 10 341 6
Downloaded from manuals search engine
05437 Removal and installation of pressure oil pump drive
Preceding work:
Charge air pipe removed (turbo engines).



Cylinder head cover (125) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, Install, fixing bolt (132), 10 Nm.
Pressure oil pump (400) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt, reinstall, fixing bolt (408) wrth washers
(408a), 11 Nm, put pressure 011 pump to one
side with lines connected.

Do not unbolt the upper and lower bolt with
continuous thread (vrsrble between housrng and
O-ring (404) ....................... . * . replace.
Carrier (403) ...................... . . . remove, install, check.
Bolt(407) ........................ . . . unbolt, reinstall. Note different bolt (05-220).
Tightening torque and angle of rotation
Hexagon bolt 25 Nm,
Bihexagonal necked down bolt 25 Nm, 90”.
Carrier sleeve (406) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install. Use grease when Installing.
Note different design (05220).

05 10 4371

Downloaded from manuals search engine

Since 11 88 the camshaft timing gear has been
fitted with a blhexagonal necked down bolt Ml 1
(previously hexagon bolt MlO). The carrter has
been revised as a result of this change.


_!I!!.& i_ _I !*10,4

A Prewcus Design
B Rewsed Design

Production breakpoint: 1 l/88

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle identlficatlon end No.

Manual Automatic
transmission transmission

124 000187 * 1


201 602.911 070124 014216 * .

602.961 - 004561

. not recorded

Special tool

001 589 72 21 00
- ~_ I

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ystern - Air r, Turbocharger - 09

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Air Intake System - Air Filter, Turbocharger 09

Job No.

Function of turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 050

Testing turbocharger boost pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 100
Removal and installation of turbocharger .................................... 09 - 150
Function of engine overload protection - Turbodiesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 200
Testing engine overload protection - Turbodiesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 250
Removal and installation of air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 400
Removal and installation of air cleaner - Turbodiesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 - 400

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09-050 Function of turbocharger

Turbocharger survey

602.96 Garrett TB 025 1990 or 0.85-0.95 bar (13.75 - 14.25 psi)

T 025
KKK K14 *)
603.96 Garrett TB 03 ‘) 3, or T 03 ‘) 3, 0.85-0.95 bar (13.75 - 14.25 psi)
KKK K24 ‘) 3,
l) Optronal
2) Productron breakpornt at a later point In time
KKK = Kuhnle, Kopp und Kausch.
3) For Callfornla with air recirculation valve.

Engine 602.961, Garrett TB 025

Boost pressure control

Turbine housing valve
Fresh air Inlet
Compressed air
Bypass passage
Exhaust Inlet
Exhaust outlet
011 feed
011 discharge

Engine 603.96, Garrett TB 03

a Boost pressure control valve

C Compressor housing
h Turbine housing

09.10 III - 050/l

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Garrett TB 03 with air recirculation valve

a Boost pressure control

b Air recirculation valve
C Compressor houslng Po%?o4313

KKK-K24 with air recirculation valve

a Boost pressure control valve

b Air reclrculatlon valve
C Compressor houslng
h Turbtne housing


The exhaust gas turbocharger (EGT) is a flow

machine. The energy of the engine exhaust gas
is used for driving a turbine, which in turn drives
a compressor through a shaft. The EGT is
installed between the exhaust manifold and the
exhaust pipe. It is connected to the engine oil
circuit for lubrication and cooling.

A boost pressure control valve, fitted to the

turbine housing or separately, ensures that a
boost pressure of 0.95 bar is not exceeded. if a
problem develops in the boost pressure control
valve, engine failure is prevented by means of an
engine overload protection system.

09.10 III - 050,2

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The exhaust gases of the engine are passed through the shaft (n) to the turbine wheel (i) to
through the exhaust manifold into the turbine be driven at the same speed. The maximum
housing (h) and flow onto the turbine wheel (i). rotation speed is approx. 135,000 rpm. The
The flow energy of the exhaust gases starts the fresh air drawn in by the compressor wheel (d)
turbine wheel (i) rotating. This causes the is compressed and sent to the engine.
compressor wheel (d) which is connected

C nfm I k j


h i

Functional diagram turbocharger KKK K24 (Engine 603.96)

a Boost pressure control valve m Charge housing
C Compressor housing Shaft
d Compressor wheel Fresh arr Inlet
e Control line Compressed air (to engine)
f Axial bearing Bypass passage/boost pressure control valve
g Beanng bushing Exhaust Inlet
h Turbtne houslng Exhaust outlet
I Turbine wheel Oil feed
I Spnng 011 discharge
k Diaphragm Control pressure
I Valve

09.10 III - 05013

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d 137 i


Function diagram
1 Injectton pump Boost pressure control valve
103 ALDA unit Compressor wheel
110 Exhaust manifold Control line
137 Turbocharger Air admIssIon
138 Charge air pipe Turbine wheel
S66 Pressure switch, engine overload protection Compressor Inlet (fresh air)
Y30 Switch-over valve, engme overload protectlon Compressor outlet (compressed arr)
Exhaust gases to turbine wheel
Exhaust outlet

09.10 III - 050/4

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Air Recirculation Valve
(refer also to EDS Operation No. 07.1-010) characteristic map.
In order to create more favorable combustion After the closing operation, a residual vacuum of
conditions for the trap oxidizer, the air approx. 30 mbar is retained at the air circulation
recirculation valve is continuously opened or valve.
closed in accordance with the performance

b C m I e k i



I Ii

Function diagram turbocharger KKK with air recirculation valve California

Model year 1986187
Control valve, exhaust gas control flap Compressor Inlet (fresh air)
AIM recwculatlon valve Compressor outlet (compressor air)
Compressor houslng Bypass passage, boost pressure control valve
Compressor wheel Exhaust gas to turbine wheel
Connector hose Exhaust gas outlet
Axial bearing Vacuum connectlon to vacuum transducer
9 Bearing bush Recirculated air
h Turbine houslng Lubrication 011 Inlet
Turbine wheel Lubrlcatron011 outlet
Compressron sprtng K Boost pressure (control valve exhaust gas control
k Diaphragm flap)
Boost pressure control valve
m lntermedrate housrng

09.10 III - 05015

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Boost pressure Control Valve (KKK)
To prevent the boost pressure from rising above
a certain level, a boost pressure control valve (a)
h I i
is attached to the turbine housing (h). The boost
pressure is taken from the compressor housing
and passed through the connecting hose (14) to
the boost pressure control valve. When
maximum boost pressure is reached, the boost
pressure control valve begins to open and allows
the exhaust gas to flow along the bypass
passage (c). Part of the exhaust gas flows
directly into the exhaust system, resulting in a
constant boost pressure level.

14 Connecting h o s e
a Boost pressure control valve
e Control line
h Turbine housing
1 Spnng
k Diaphragm
I Valve
C Bypass passage
E Exhaust gas outlet

1000 _



7 0 0

6 0 0

5 0 0

4 0 0

1 2 0 0 1600 2 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 8 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 6 0 0 4000 4 4 0 0 4800

Boost pressure diagram - full load

09.10 III - 050/6

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Idle and Lower Part Load
No boost pressure occurs during idling and in
the lower part load range; therefore, the engine
operates as a naturally aspirated engine.

Upper Part Load and Full Load

As the engine load and speed increase, e.g. with
an increase in the exhaust gas flow, the turbine
wheel (i) is accelerated producing a boost
pressure up to a certain value via the
compressor wheel (d). The compressed charge
air is passed through the charge air pipe to the
individual cylinders. The boost pressure allows
an increased quantity of fuel to flow through the
ALDA unit at the injection pump.

Although boost pressure exists in the decelera-

tion mode, fuel injection is stopped as a result of
the control rod position (deceleration fuel cutoff).

09.10 III - 05017

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09-l 00 Testing turbocharger boost pressure


Tester (001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . connect, disconnect.

Pulse generator (021) .................... connect, disconnect.
Tester (020) with Y distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . connect to measuring point “A” and test boost
Tester (020) with Y distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . connect to measuring point “B” and test boost

09.10 III - 100/l

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Tester (020) with Y distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . connect to measuring point “C” and test boost
Specification: 0.85-0.95 bar gauge pressure at
4000 rpm full load in drive position “3”.
This test can be conducted on the .
dynamometer or on the road.

If the specified boost pressure is not reached,

perform the following checks:

Connecting line from boost pressure control

valve to compressor housing.
Switchover valve of engine overload protection
White vacuum line and rubber connections.
If all components are in working order, replace

Test data
Boost pressure at full load in drive position “3” at 0.85-0.95 bar gauge pressure
n = 4000 rpm

Special tool

603 589 03 21 00

Commercial tester
Digital tester (or tachometer installed in car) e.g. Bosch, MOT 002.01
Sun, DIT 9000
Sun, FMT-101 S/Master 3,
Sun, MCM-2110,
All-Test 361 O-MB

09 10 III- 10012
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emoval and Installation of turbocharger


Vehicle .............................. drive onto the platform or inspection pit.

Bottom section of noise encapsulation . . . . . . . . detach, attach.
Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (09-400).
Hose clip (144) ......................... loosen and detach, attach intake hose (167).
Partition wall (A) between trap oxidizer and air
cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install (9 bolts) of which 6 are
accessible from above, 3 accessible from below
(Figure 4).
Vacuum lines red/violet/brown on EGR valve (60)
and red/violet/blue on air recirculation valve . . . . detach, attach.
Clip (119) on corrugated pipe (61) . . . . . . . . . . . loosen, tighten. Tightening torque 45 Nm.

09.10 III - 15011

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Corrugated pipe (61) ..................... remove, install.
Exhaust gas recirculation valve (60) .......... remove, install.
Tightening torque 25 Nm.
Trap oxidizer (139) on exhaust manifold . . . . . . . unbolt, bolt on.
Tightening torque 45 Nm.
Supporting bracket . . ....... .. . ..... ..... unbolt, bolt on and remove at the same time
with trap oxidizer.
Charge air connecting line (138 a) ........... remove, install. Replace gasket (138 d).
Engine breather ........................ detach, attach.
Mixing pipe (135) with exhaust gas recirculation
valve (60) ............................ remove, install.
Oil feed line (141) of turbocharger (137) ....... unbolt, bolt on. Replace seal.
Mounting bracket (134) ................... unscrew, screw on.
Nuts (134 a) (from top and bottom) .......... loosen, unscrew.
Mounting bracket (177) ................... remove, install.
Turbocharger (137) ...................... remove, install.

The specified tightening torques are reference

Removal, installation

For the conversion, the car must be driven onto
an inspection pit or platform.

1 Completely remove noise encapsulation

from below.

2 Remove air cleaner entirely.

3 Loosen hose clip (144) from air flow sensor

and detach intake hose (167).

09.10 III - 150/2

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4 Remove partition wall “A” (9 bolts), of which
6 (WAFlO) are accessible from above, 2 (WAF8)
and 1 (WAFIO) accessible from below.

5 Detach vacuum lines red/violet/brown on

EGR valve and red/violet/blue on air recirculation

6 Loosen clips “B” on corrugated pipe, and

remove corrugated pipe.

7 Unbolt trap oxidizer from exhaust manifold,

remove trap oxidizer and supporting bracket at
the same time.

8 Remove charge air connecting line (138 a).

09.10 III - 150 3

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9 Detach engine breather hose.

10 Detach mixing pipe (135) with exhaust gas

recirculation valve from cylinder head.

11 Unbolt oil feed line (141) from turbocharger

(replace seal).

12 Loosen both mounting brackets (134) on the

exhaust manifold and turbocharger.

13 Loosen bolts of exhaust pipe - accessible

from above (arrows).

14 Loosen bottom bolt of exhaust flange.

15 Unbolt mounting (177) from alternator flange

to turbine housing on both components.

16 Remove turbocharger.

17 Install corrugated pipe with flange onto new


18 Clean sealing surfaces mechanically.

09.10 III - 150/4

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.................. ...............

20 Install new trap oxidizer, insert supporting

bracket at the same time and install. Tightening
torque 45 Nm.

21 Install EGR valve together with corrugated


22 Install partition panel.

23 Connect vacuum line red/violetbrown to

EGR valve and vacuum line red/violetblue to air
recirculation valve.

24 Connect intake hose to air flow sensor and

tighten hose clip.

25 Install air cleaner complete.

26 Completely reinstall bottom section of noise

encapsulation .

09.10 III - 15015

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09-200 Function of engine overload protectiom - Turbodiesel

A pressure switch is installed in the charge air

pipe as an overload protection for the 54
mechanical parts of the engine. In the event that 50
the boost pressure rises above 1 .l k 0.15 bar 46
4 4
gauge pressure, air is admitted to the ALDA unit
through the switchover valve and the fuel 4 0
quantity is limited to that of a naturally aspirated 36 I
engine. 34 i
1 1 1

1200 1600 2000 2400 2600 3200 3600 4000 4 4 0 0 4800 [/mm;


A Naturally aspirated engine quantity (P = 1050 mbar)

B Full load quantrty with turbocharglng

Location of Components

1 Injection pump
2 Governor
3 Fuel pump
6 Stop unit
65 Vacuum COntfOl Valve
103 ALDA unit
Y22 Actuator PO7-2430-138

Y30 Switch-over valve,

engine overload protection

09.10 III - 200/l

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S66 Switch, engme overload protectlon

Pressure, vacuum diagrams (refer to 07.1-500).

Wiring diagrams (refer to 07.1-400).

09.10 III - 2001’2

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09450 Testing engine overload protection - Turbodiesel

d 137 i


1 Injection pump Boost pressure control valve

103 ALDA unit Compressor wheel
110 Exhaust mantfold Control line
137 Turbocharger Air admIssIon
138 Charge air pipe Turbine wheel
S66 Pressure switch, engine overload protection Compressor Inlet (fresh air)
Y30 Switch-over valve, engine overload protectlon Compressor outlet (precompressed air)
Exhaust gases to turbine wheel
Exhaust outlet

09.10 III - 250/l

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2-pin connector on swrtchover valve (Y30) . . . . . detach and briefly energize with voltage. The
switchover valve must audibly actuate; replace if
l-pin connector on pressure switch (S66) . . . . . . detach and test for continuity with ohmmeter.
The pressure switch (S66) is open in the off
Engine overload protection switch (S66) . . . . . . . remove.
Connect pressure switch to cable of nozzle
tester KDJE-P 400.
Connect ohmmeter to pin of pressure switch
and to housing. Build up pressure of 1 .l 2
0.15 bar at nozzle tester; the pressure switch
must not have any continuity. Replace pressure
switch if necessary.

Special tools

I201 589 00 99 00

Commercial tester
Digital multimeter e.g.Sun, DMM 5

Valve tester e.g. Bosch, KDJE-P 400

(Bosch Order Designation)

Optionally O-6 bar pressure gauge e.g. Bosch No. 1687 231 000

Optionally nozzle tester EFEP 60l-i e.g.Bosch No. 0684 200 700

09 10111-2502
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................ ..........................

emoval and installation of air cleaner

A. Standard version and Federal as of 1984


Suction line (98) . . . . . installation position.

Closing catch, 6 off (92) open, close.
Air cleaner cover (90) . ................... remove, reinstall.
Air cleaner filter element (91) ............... remove, reinstall.
Nut (95a) .......... remove, reinstall.
Washer (95b) ....... remove, reinstall.
Bolt (9%) . . . . . . . . . . remove, reinstall.
Bracket, 2 off (95) . . . remove, reinstall.
Air guide housing (94) . remove, reinstall.
Sealing boot (93) . . . . remove, reinstall,
ensure proper seating.
Rubber, 4 off (96) . . . . replace according to condition.
Intake scoop (102) . . . remove, reinstall.
Pin (102a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . replace according to condition.

09.10 II - 40011
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Engine 602.91
Air cleaner cover (90) and filter element (91) of
revised material.

Production breakpoint: December 1989

Model Engine Engine end no. Engine end no.
Manual transmission Automatic transmission

201.126 602.911 086698 016956

09.10 II - 40012
Downloaded from manuals search engine
. Model 201


Air cleaner element (91) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, install. Ensure correct position during
Air cleaner cover (90) .................... remove, install.
Air guide housing (94) .................... remove, install.
Air guide housing (94 a) .................. remove, install.
Cup seal (142) ......................... remove, install.
Hose strap (144) ....................... slacken, tighten, remove, install.
Intake pipe air line (145) .................. remove, install.
Stopper (146) .......................... renew according to condition.
Nut(95a) ............................ bolt on, unbolt.
Air flow sensor (B2’1) .................... remove, install.
Wire clip (92) .......................... unclip, clip in place.
Air cleaner cover (90 a) ................... remove, install.
Washer (95 b) ......................... remove, install.
Bolt (95 c) ............................ remove, install.

09.10 III - 40013

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Repair Instruction
When the engine is running, the fender cover
(right) must be removed, otherwise the fresh air
intake (arrow) is blocked.

09.10 Ill - 40014

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