Ge Energy Opticomp Integrated Compressor Control Suite
Ge Energy Opticomp Integrated Compressor Control Suite
Ge Energy Opticomp Integrated Compressor Control Suite
Integrated Compressor Control Suite
Pushing the Boundaries
When it comes to getting the most out of your process and plant
assets, nothing matters more than turbomachinery control and
protection. Given today’s competitive realities, more and more
Integrated compressor controls:
• Upstream
users are driving their process compressors towards maximum
— Gas gathering/processing plants
efficiency. That means machines must be able to operate much
— Gas re-injection
closer to their surge limits allowing for wider process turndown.
• Midstream
Is it possible to operate your process without surge and at the same — Pipeline booster compression
time achieve high efficiency? The answer is a resounding yes with — NGL Processing
OptiComp* Integrated Compressor Control Suite by GE Energy. — LNG
auxiliaries up to and including the entire compressor station. — Dry Gas Seals
— Station Control and Sequencing
The Power of Integration…
…A single platform for compressor Design the HMI displays around your process
and turbine control GE’s flexible Windows® based Human Machine Interface (HMI)
supports informed decision-making, intuitive operator control,
OptiComp integrates turbine controls and protection with compressor
and simple application building. Data is displayed in Imperial or
controls and protection, in a single unified platform for superior
Metric engineering units, including the displayed Compressor
performance and a host of benefits that positively impact your
Map. Standard screens include a Detailed Stage screen for each
Operations and Maintenance bottom line.
compressor stage, a Compressor Train screen for each overall
The independent actions of separate turbine and compressor compressor, a Multi-unit Load Control and Sharing screen, and
drop-ins on driver control screens to fully integrate the anti-surge
controllers can work against each other—adversely impacting
controls and load controls.
process stability and diminishing efficiency. By integrating these
controls into a unified system, they work together seamlessly— Other displays include:
optimizing performance without sacrificing reliability. The result is • Unit Overviews
enhanced compressor function, increased throughput productivity,
• Turbine detailed displays
and increased stability in your process or pipeline.
• Compressor detailed displays
• Start/Stop Sequencing
• Dynamic Compressor Maps
Eight Ways to Enhance Your • Alarms/Trips/Sequence Of Events
Operations with GE’s OptiComp Project-specific and customized screens are also supported.
Integrated Compressor Control Suite
• Improved Process Control – Increased process
turndown minimizes recycle or blow-off.
OptiComp: Optimum Control…
The trending tool can plot hundreds of signals where individual
variables can be masked and unmasked as convenient for viewing.
The dual cursors allow movement of the time axis and automatically The Compressor Control Challenge
calculate the minimum, maximum, difference, and average of
As a compressor operating point approaches its surge
variables between these two points in time. The tool also provides
limit, small changes in pressure result in large changes
video type forward-reverse viewing of the recorded data.
in flow, requiring quicker, more acute corrective action
from the controller. The controller’s embedded algorithms
must be sophisticated enough to allow maximum
compressor operating range, without compromising
protection. This requires algorithms that can reliably
measure distance from Surge as well as respond quickly
and dynamically to changes in process conditions.
GE Energy uses patented anti-surge technology that
delivers both.
Minimum Position helps prevent further surge events. anti-surge control based on conditions external to
the anti-surge controller.
Additional features Load control and load sharing
• Proportional Gain increases the anti-surge control response Many industrial applications, including pipeline compressors, NGL
at low compressor operating points to assist recovery across and LNG applications, and various downstream applications use
the Surge Control Line. compressors operating in parallel or series. In these applications it is
• Multi-Surge Trip and Fast-Acting Solenoid provide additional imperative for the compressor control system to not only maintain
protection for multiple and sustained surges. the target load parameter, but also support efficient sharing of
process gas flow/load among the units. If the system cannot
• Auxiliary Positioning of the recycle valve via up to three
simultaneously perform these two vital functions, the process may
external inputs.
suffer decreased efficiency, unnecessary recycle, and a degraded
• Output Limiting reduces the risk of surge during process immunity to disturbances. This may also exacerbate problems
disturbances. during shut-down and start-up.
• Valve Characterization for non-linear recycle valves.
• Configurable Offset for recycle valves having a dead zone
at zero stroke.
• Recycle Valve Overstroking to provide tight shut-off.
• Protections Override facilitates surge testing by disabling
Boost, Safety Protection Response (SPR) and Operating-
• Purge Switch closes the recycle valve to facilitate purging
through the compressor during startup.
• Hot Recycle Line in processes that use a hot recycle path for
fast and interim anti-surge response when the main recycle
loop (sustained recycle) is very long.
GE uses an integrated peer-to-peer Load Control and Load Sharing
• IGV Effect on the Operating Point when the compressor uses strategy. In the region close to the Surge Control Line the relative
modulating Inlet Guide Vanes for capacity control. distance to the Surge Control Line is used as the load sharing
• Quench Control for cooling recycle gas as applicable. variable; otherwise, control sharing transitions to a selected load
parameter, typically Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT), Gas Generator
• Suction and Discharge Pressure Override Control assists the
Speed, Steam Flow, or Motor Power. All Load Sharing controllers
primary Pressure/Load/Capacity controls.
exchange their status and process variables via GE's proprietary
• Valve Position Feedback for alarming and valve tripping on high speed Unit Data Highway (UDH) network and each controller
anti-surge and hot recycle valves (if used). then calculates the applicable averages to generate its Load
Control output.
Fast, Flexible and Fault-Tolerant Platform
Every OptiComp solution we deliver is pre-tested and field-proven Controller and I/O features
based on GE Energy’s Mark VI/MarkVIe family of controllers. We
• Self-diagnostics and early failure detection.
can also custom-design a solution to meet your unique process
and control system requirements. This flexibility extends to • All field inputs are filtered to remove noise and accurately
redundancy configurations. Simplex, Duplex and full TMR control the operating point.
architectures are supported. • Intelligent fallback strategies, including a backup, non-flow-
based map and steady state protection against signal failures.
These controllers perform fast execution/scan rates up to 10 msec
to respond effectively to fast turbine fuel control and compressor • Analog Output Failure Monitoring.
anti-surge control loops. Both general purpose and turbine-specific • 1 msec Sequence of Events (SOE).
I/O are supported. Turbine-specific I/O is used for direct interface
to the unique sensors and actuators on turbines. This eliminates a Ethernet is used at all levels including I/O networks, control
substantial amount of interposing instrumentation. As a result, many networks with peer-to-peer communications between units,
potential single point failures are eliminated in the most critical area and plant network interfaces.
for improved reliability and reduced long-term maintenance.
Speed Vibration Servos Flame Auxiliaries Pressure/ Combustion/ Sequencing Antisurge Process Safety
Temperature DLE Control Shutdown
Compressors are at the heart of your process. But it’s not just
the machinery that’s at stake—it’s the processes they run, with
production often worth millions of dollars per day. With so much
at stake, you need a company with the multi-industry, multi-OEM,
multi-application experience to ensure the job is done right—
the first time. And, you need someone with the proven software,
hardware reliability, and field support services to keep your
machines—and processes—online 24/7/365
GE Energy
3800 North Wilson Avenue
Loveland, CO
80538 USA
+ 1.970.461.5201 / 800.835.5182
GEA-15043 (03/08)