Energy Ministry News Release Announcing IEEP Changes - Mar. 23, 2011
Energy Ministry News Release Announcing IEEP Changes - Mar. 23, 2011
Energy Ministry News Release Announcing IEEP Changes - Mar. 23, 2011
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film, moulding, wire and cable, flooring, plastics, detergents, synthetic lubricants, and cable. The five-year Incremental Ethane Extraction Program was approved by government and released publicly on September 29, 2006. The program is being extended for an additional five years with no new funding. Approximately $310 million of the original $350 million remains in the program. The program is a royalty credit program whereby fractionation credits are provided to petrochemical companies consuming incremental ethane for valueadded upgrading in Alberta (such as ethylene and derivatives). The program was expanded by Alberta Energy in collaboration with industry and the Alberta Competitiveness Council Petrochemical/Chemical Task Team, co-chaired by LacombePonoka MLA Ray Prins and industry representative Val Mirosh. In reviewing sectors like the petrochemical industry, the Competitiveness Council looked at a variety of factors crucial to success, including productivity, innovation, taxes and fiscal policy, regulation, transportation and infrastructure, labour force development and access to capital markets. These changes to the Incremental Ethane Extraction Program will encourage industry to make the large capital investments in Alberta required to increase the supply of feedstock for our petrochemical industry, said Val Mirosh, co-chair of the petrochemical/chemical task team and former Vice-President of Nova Chemicals. Albertas petrochemical industry has a long history in the province and provides many important benefits to all Albertans. The Alberta government is working to build a better Alberta by fostering economic growth, strengthening our health and education systems, investing in infrastructure, supporting safe and strong communities and ensuring a clean and healthy environment. -30Backgrounder: Incremental Ethane Extraction Program Media inquiries may be directed to: Jay ONeill Communications Alberta Energy 780-422-3667
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