Irricad Help
Irricad Help
Irricad Help
User Guide
Developed By
AEI Software
2 User Manual 15
2.1 Introduction 17
2.1.1 Glossary - Design Terminology 17
2.1.2 Nomenclature 18
2.2 Before Starting a Design 19
2.2.1 Setting Up Defaults 19
2.2.2 Loading and Setting Up Working Databases 19
2.2.3 Saving and Backing Up Designs 20
2.2.4 Using AutoCAD Colors 21 Mapping AutoCAD Colors 21
2.2.5 Usability Features 22 Mouse 22 Mouse Wheel 22 Mouse Settings 23 Grouping Items to Display – Using Layers 23 Placement Aids 24 How to Find Lengths and Distances 30 Speeding Up Copy Tools 30 Quick Tips 31
4 Tutorials 325
4.1 Introduction to Design Tutorials 327
4.1.1 Helpful Hints 328 Terminology 328 On-Line Help 329 Mouse Operation 329
4.1.2 The First Steps 330
4.1.3 Important Rules to Remember 331
4.2 Basic Start 333
4.2.1 Very Basic Design 333 Starting the Tutorial 333 Drawing the Layout of the System 334 Checking Connections 335 Zone Design 335 Entering Management Requirements 336 Mainline Design 336 Reporting 336
4.2.2 A Simple Turf Design 338 Getting Started 338 Laying Out the System 340
xii Contents IRRICAD User Guide Checking Connections 341 Zone Design 342 Entering Management Requirements 342 Mainline Design 342 Reporting 343
4.2.3 Methods to Lay Out Sprinklers 343 Getting Started 344 Placing Sprinklers at a Fixed Spacing – 1st
Method of Placing Sprinklers at a Fixed
Spacing 344 Even Spacing Along a Pipe Length – 2nd
Method of Placing Sprinklers at a Fixed
Spacing 346 Automatically Placing Sprinklers in Irregular
Areas 349
4.2.4 Applying a Specific Amount of Water to an Area 352 The Area Dialog 353 Calculating Zone Run Times 354
4.3 Design Tutorials 355
4.3.1 Simple Drip Tape Design 355 Tapes - An Overview 355 Starting the Tutorial 355 Checking Connections 359 Zone Design 359 Entering Management Requirements 360 Mainline Design 361
4.3.2 Simple Drip Tape Design Using Block Entities 361 Block Entities 361 Starting the Tutorial 362 Checking Connections 365 Zone Design 365 Entering Management Requirements 366 Mainline Design 367 Automatic Labeling 367
4.3.3 A Simple Orchard Design 370 Block Entities 370 Starting the Tutorial 370 Enter Background Information 371 Placing the Block 372 The Design Process 375 Display Reports 377
4.3.4 Working with Multi-Valve Designs 378 Getting Started 378
7 Index 7-1
If you have any requests of what you would like to see in IRRICAD in the
future, please let us know. Development for IRRICAD is always on-going
and we will be pleased to be able to meet your needs. Every request is
prioritised according to ease of programming and benefit to the most
The Overview & Installation section (this section) explains how to install
the program, describes how to use the online help and has comments
for new users.
The User Manual describes how to use the various tools, available in
IRRICAD, to design irrigation systems. It explains how to layout different
system types and includes tips on efficient ways of drawing or changing
The Database Editor Manual explains the use of the database editor,
how to enter and modify items, merge databases and setup databases
so that IRRICAD designs may be completed including the selection of
The Tool & Command Reference outlines the function of each menu
item and dialog field. It also shows the steps required for the mechanical
operation of the tool or command.
Package Contents
The IRRICAD package supplied should contain:
Protection System
Please read carefully:
This form of protection has been chosen to provide the user with
maximum flexibility in program use. It permits the user to transport the
package to another machine in the office or to another geographic
location. It does, however, make the HPD an integral part of the
IRRICAD package and accidental loss or theft of the HPD will mean that
IRRICAD cannot be operated.
Color is recommended for plans, although black and white plans can be
produced. At least an ANSI B or A3 printer / plotter is desirable, although
for small plans an ANSI A / A4 printer may be sufficient.
The printer size required will depend on the size of schemes designed
and the size of plan preferred. Large printers have the ability to plot
small plans if required.
Figure 1-1
To enable the use of different layouts or reports (if the language choice
was not selected at installation) the path settings can be found in
Settings|Drawing Items - Miscellaneous. Alternatively the preferred
templates and reports can be copied into the standard locations.
1. Select the required language in Settings|Language.
2. Set the plot layout path in Settings|Drawing Items -
Miscellaneous “Plot Layout Path” to point to the required
language sub-folder of layouts by clicking the button.
3. Set the report template path in Settings|Drawing Items
Miscellaneous “Reports Path” to point to the required language
sub-folder of reports by clicking the button.
The help file can be loaded as WinHelp or HTML Help. For HTML Help,
Internet Explorer is required.
At the top of the help dialog are icons: Hide, Back, Print, Options.
If the left hand side of the help dialog, containing the contents, index and
search option is visible, clicking Hide will hide the left hand side. If the
left hand side is hidden, clicking Show will show the left hand side of the
There are three ways in which a topic in the On-line Help may be found:
Search / Find
Clicking any heading will take the user directly to that section of the
manual. The text is displayed on the right hand side of the help window.
Use the Index tab to select an indexed keyword. These words have
been selected to aid the user in finding topics. Select a topic and click
the Display button.
Use Search to find a topic. Search lists all the places the word is found
in the on-line help.
To use Search:
1. Type in the word the user wishes to find. Make the word as
specific as possible e.g., type X to find the meaning of this
usage code for assemblies.
2. Click List Topics.
3. Select a topic from those listed.
4. Click [Display]. The selected topic will be displayed on the right
hand side.
Back takes the user back to the last topic accessed, whether the user
has selected the topic by using Contents, Index or Search or used the
yellow arrows at the end of each topic to navigate.
Click Back as many times as required - this function will move back
through all the previous selections.
Select Print to print any part of the on-line help. A print dialog will
appear. Fill in the print dialog accordingly.
Select Options|Forward if have used Options|Back and wish to return to
the previous document.
Select Options|Home if require to connect to our website
Select Options|Stop to stop searching for topics or loading a page.
Select Refresh to reload the current HTML help page
Internet Options
Select Options|Internet Options to change the internet options.
It is strongly recommended that the User Manual is read before any
designs are attempted. Doing this will provide the user with an overview
of how to produce a design using IRRICAD.
Tutorials are intended to guide a new user through the process of
designing irrigation systems, and accomplishing other tasks, with
IRRICAD. We recommend that the tutorials are completed as a way of
becoming familiar with the design process. The tutorials may also be
available as a video which can be downloaded from the Irricad website
or run directly from the installation CD. To run a video from the CD
select the appropriate tutorial video from the Autorun menu (which will
appear after the CD is placed in the CD-ROM drive) or alternatively
open the “Movie” folder on the CD using Windows Explorer and double
click on the required video file.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Drawing values
Design Details
Irrigation Items
Irrigation - Design Specific
Company Details
Client Details
To use any other database for a design, select the database in the same
fashion. If the selected database is to be retained as the default
database, click the [Save As Defaults] button.
In Version 13+ the Save option for new designs creates a compressed
archive file (.dez) containing all the constituent design files except the
external database file. To save a design as an older version select
File|Export and select the appropriate file type. Save the file with an
identifying name.
If the system crashes (e.g., a power failure) any changes made to the
design since the last File|Save will be lost unless “AutoSave” is enabled.
This is a setting that, if enabled, causes the design to be periodically
saved to the specified folder (see Settings|Miscellaneous - the backup
folder defaults to IRRICAD\Backup). Note the backup files will be in
compressed format. See How to Recover a Back-up Design, Section
Note that changing the palette will affect all designs; even those created
with the old palette will have their colors changed.
By default this function is attached to the Mouse Wheel action. Rotating
the mouse wheel forwards will zoom out while rotating it backwards will
zoom in.
Pan Vertically
By default this function is attached to the Shift + Mouse Wheel action -
mouse wheel with the <Shift> key pressed. Rotating the mouse wheel
forwards will move the view of the design up while rotating it backwards
will move it down.
Pan Horizontally
By default this function is attached to the Control + Mouse Wheel
action - mouse wheel with the <Ctrl> key pressed. Rotating the mouse
wheel forwards will move the view of the design to the left while rotating
it backwards will move it to the right.
Note that if the cursor is on a scroll bar then rotating the mouse wheel
pans by moving the scroll bar slider appropriately regardless of whether
the shift or control keys are pressed.
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is enabled then the effect
of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default effect. The
amount of zoom that each mouse wheel ‘click’ represents is controlled
by the “Zoom Factor”. This number is the ratio of the new to the old
zoom state and must be greater than 1 and less than 10. For example
1.5 will give an increase of 50% when zooming out for each wheel click
and a decrease of 1.0/1.5 when zooming in.
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is enabled then the effect
of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default effect.
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is enabled then the effect
of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default effect.
You can create, edit, view, and print any combination of layers together.
Objects can be moved from one layer to another. An object can be
drawn on any layer and with any properties, or can be set to use
properties from the layer itself.
New layers can be created and any created layers can be deleted. The
default layers cannot be deleted.
Layers can be turned off (uncheck the check box for that layer in the
“Show” column) to hide the items in them. Items can have their drawing
properties selected as “By Layer”, which means that the item will display
the color, line type and line widths as per the layer defined properties.
These layer properties can be changed by clicking on the “Color” column
to change the color or selecting a new line type and width from the
dropdown lists when clicking in the “Line Type” or “Line Width” column.
Items can also be moved from one layer into another. The main reason
for doing this would be to turn off some items but have other items
remain visible. All visible items are printable. See Changing Layers,
Section to see how to do this.
This tool can be used for all geometric and hydraulic tools.
Distance 34 <Enter>
Distance & angle 34,<90 <Enter>
Co-ordinates 0,0 <Enter>
To specify the angle of a line, radius, side of a rectangle, etc. the length
must be specified. Type in the length, then < and then the angle (e.g.,
50,<90 for a line the length of 50ft (m) long at an angle of 90 o from the
starting point).
To use co-ordinates to place the start and end points of a line, radius,
side of a rectangle, etc. , type in the required X and Y co-ordinates for
Hydraulic items can only connect to items of the same class (Zone or
Mainline). The exception is Control Valves which may connect to both
Zone and Mainline pipes.
26 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
To assist the user and ensure the correct connectivity the hydraulic
entity creation tools, by default, employ a visually based “connect mode”
(snap). This method uses a user-defined (in Settings|Snap) screen
distance to determine how connections are made to items near the point
clicked. If the screen distance (i.e. in screen millimeters or inches)
between the point clicked, and the nearest hydraulic item, is less than
the setting a connection will be made. Additionally clicking on a pipe,
sprayline or tape, within the setting distance from the end of the item,
will result in the connection being made at the end exactly.
Using this method helps to avoid unwanted small pieces of pipe being
created beyond connections and situations where pipes are not quite
connected to items that they were intended to be. Note that zooming in
before clicking will allow closer (in real terms) connections to be made.
A grid can be set up to be any spacing desired along the X and Y-axis.
Enter a value for the spacing along the “X”-axis (horizontal) and the “Y”-
axis (vertical). Enable the “Display Grid Points” if you wish to see the
grid points on the screen. If you have an existing item on the screen and
you wish grid points to be positioned on this item (or corner of the item)
enter the co-ordinates of the item (or corner) into the X and Y fields for
“Grid Origin”.
Snap to Grid
Once a grid has been established you have the option to use
Settings|Snap - “Snap to Grid”. Once “Snap to Grid” is enabled, the
cursor is restricted to only moving between grid points.
Ortho Mode
Often the work in IRRICAD consists of drawing or editing along
horizontal and vertical axes. This can be achieved by manually entering
coordinates, but it's much quicker to work in “Ortho” mode (see
Settings|Drawing Items Section “Ortho” settings can be used
to constrain point placement so that each point placed is in perfect
horizontal or vertical alignment with the previous point. If only a few
points are going to be entered orthogonally, hold down the <Ctrl> key
while entering the points (if already in “Ortho” mode, using the <Ctrl>
key temporarily turns off “Ortho” mode).
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 27
Although the default orientation of the orthogonal axes is 0o / 90o, these
axes can be rotated to any angle required. This allows you to draw or
edit by placing points that are in 90-degree alignment to one another but
not on the horizontal and vertical axes. To change the angle of the
orthogonal axes, use the “Ortho Angle” setting.
Holding the <Ctrl> key down when in “Ortho Mode” will disengage
“Ortho Mode”. Holding the <Ctrl> key down when not in “Ortho Mode”
will engage “Ortho Mode” using the angle set in the “Ortho Angle” dialog
See also:
Snaps are tools that allow connecting to existing objects on the screen.
By right-clicking the mouse after having selected a drawing tool the
following snaps are accessed:
For all the snaps, the click must be within a tolerance distance to the
object required to snap to.
When one of the snap tools has been invoked, it will only affect the next
click placed on the screen. If using the same snap for the subsequent
click, it must be selected again, or Running Snaps enabled
(Settings|Snap – [Running Snaps] Section
Snaps selected from the Right-click menu are one-action only. Enabling
Settings|Snap - [Running Snaps] (Section will allow selected
Snaps to be on indefinitely.
For further information about each of the above snaps, see Snaps,
Section 5.1.3.
Running Snaps
Snap tools that are used frequently can be set as running snaps so that
they don't have to be selected repeatedly. Running snaps remain
activated until turned off in the Running Snaps dialog. If the "Show
Preview" option is selected, then when the cursor moves within range of
a point for which a running snap is set, an icon for that snap is displayed
beside the cursor. Running snaps is available for drawing and hydraulic
items. Go to Settings|Snap and click the [Running Snaps] button. You
can select any or all to be on. Remember to check the “RN Snaps On”
check box.
The Snap tools work in much the same way as Connect does. IRRICAD
uses a tolerance range. If an item is within this range then IRRICAD
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 29
assumes you wish to snap / connect to this item. The tolerance range is
determined by zoom factor, distance on the screen and world distance.
See also:
Figure 2-1
Tip: Be sure to select the Copy tool before clicking on the object. If
the object is selected before the Copy tool is invoked, the tool
will only be active for one action.
Any toolbar docking area can be customized by right-clicking on any
icon or toolbar. This is simply a short cut to the View|Toolbars option
and allows immediate customization.
Symbol Colors
Multiple colored symbols can be used in the databases e.g., for Valves.
If a symbol is specified with the "Use symbol color(s)” in the database
editor then the symbol will be displayed in IRRICAD using the colors
contained in the symbol definition.
These options are split into two groups – sizing and designing the pipes
or analyzing existing pipe sizes.
After successfully running Zone Design access the Zone Design reports
in Reports|Zone Design Reports. Note that any headloss through the
valve is reported in the Zone Design Summary report and the Zone
Design Full report. MANAGEMENT
Management is the process of specifying how the system will operate –
that is, which control valves will be running at any one time. Before
designing or analyzing the mainline IRRICAD needs to know how many
valves will be operating at any one time as this will affect the mainline
pipe sizes or analysis of the flow in specified pipe sizes.
There are two ways to enter management data for the system:
The Assign Zones to System Flows option enables you to easily and
graphically click on the zones that are to run on a given system flow. It
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 37
works by displaying symbols of all zones and water supplies (when there
is more than one) on screen, these symbols can then be selected
individually, or in groups, and assigned to a particular system flow. See
Assign Zones to System Flows, Section 5.13.9.
The Assign All Zones to One System Flow and Assign Each Zone to a
Unique System Flow options are an automated function to fill in the
Management table for you. See Assign All Zones to One System Flow,
Section 5.13.10 and Assign Each Zone to a Unique System Flow
These options are split into two groups – sizing and designing the pipes
or analyzing existing pipe sizes.
See also:
If a file has been acquired in archived form (.zip file), the file will need to
be unzipped before IRRICAD can import it. Files can be extracted from
archives using a utility program (e.g., WinZip, PkZip or 7zip). Windows
XP and higher have inbuilt access to zip archives.
In many cases a DXF or DWG file will be supplied without knowing the
units used when the file was exported (note this does not apply to VCD
or GCD files). Settings|Units has a field labeled “Importing”. Select the
To check the scale, find an object in the design of known length in world
units (e.g., ft, m). Place the cursor at one end of the object. Press the
<F9> key to zero the distance on the status bar. Move the cursor to the
other end of the object and look at the ‘d =’ value on the status bar. If the
length of the line is incorrect, start a new design and change the
importing units accordingly. If the file was originally imported in m, and
the length of the object is 3.28 times too long, select ft. Start a new
design and select File|Import or File|Import Contours to re-import the file.
Fonts have been mapped so that most fonts can be displayed in a like
font or mapped to something sensible when a DWG file is imported.
Figure 5-8
Figure 5-9
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 43
In this case:-
Figure 2-10
Figure 2-11
Figure 2-12
Figure 2-13
The data columns in the file must be arranged in one of the supported
orders (see above). An ID column allows CSV data to be interpreted as
polylines (all points with the same ID form part of the same polyline).
You may uncheck “Import as polylines” to import polyline data as
individual points.
Again, latitudes and longitudes are supported using the “UTM WGS84
Projection” only.
See also:
UTM divides the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth into 60
zones and uses a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system within
each zone. This means that a UTM coordinate pair is NOT a unique
position on the globe, unlike a latitude and longitude. To fully specify a
UTM position on the globe, one must know to which UTM zone it refers.
From the hand-help GPS unit enter the latitude and longitude in decimal
degrees under WGS84. Click the bottom arrow:
If a file is imported without elevations (they are set to 0) the Change tool
can be used to correct the height data or the Tools|Convert to
Elevations) command can be used to create elevations from points,
lines, polylines and curves (see Section 5.12.8).
48 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
Contours and Spot Heights can be labeled via Settings|Labels tab and
the Tools|Create Labels command.
Figure 2-14
Images and elevation data may be imported directly from Google Earth
by selecting Import from Google Earth from the File menu (see Section
5.3.8). The image and elevation data will be automatically geo-located in
the IRRICAD design.
Figure 2-15
By default the resulting image will appear to be slightly rotated.
This is because a rectangle defined by latitude and longitude is
not rectangular in UTM and therefore for accuracy it needs to be
rectified. This is especially necessary if data placed in relation to
the image in IRRICAD is then exported back to Google Earth.
There is an option in the utility to turn off the rectification, but it
has little to recommend it other than 'looking nicer'.
50 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
Each spot height is determined at a latitude/longitude point, and
is subsequently converted to UTM. As such, they are all spatially
independent and don’t require rectification. Note that they come
from an interpolation in the Google Earth Plugin, known to be of
low accuracy, and elevations generated from these will be
subject to further interpolation/smoothing by IRRICAD, so they
should not be used as the basis of any rigorous solutions.
There are three check boxes along the bottom of the dialog whose
functions are described below:
Image Path
If this box is enabled then the current folder is retained and the next time
Import Image is selected the folder will default to this location.
Lock Ratio
If this item is checked, the bitmap rectangle will be constrained to the
aspect ratio (height/width) of the original image during placement. If
unchecked then the image can be drawn so that it may be distorted
compared to the original.
Once the Image file has been selected (by clicking the [Open] button)
the image can be placed on the screen using the mouse or keyboard
entry. The lower-left corner is located first (with a left mouse click or
keyboard coordinates), a rectangle is then drawn out (when using the
mouse the left button should NOT be depressed during this stage) and
then the upper-right corner is placed (note, if the corners are not
specified in lower-left – upper-right order, the image will be flipped
horizontally and/or vertically).
To use coordinates to place the start and end points of a line, radius,
side of a rectangle, etc., type in the required X and Y coordinates for the
starting point (e.g., 0,0) and press the <Enter> key. Once again, note the
values type will appear in the left-hand corner of the status bar. Now
type the X and Y coordinates of the end point (e.g., 50,30) and press the
<Enter> key.
See also: SUMMARY
If importing a file:
Select the “Importing” units for the file
Check the scale once the file is imported.
If importing an image:
Coordinates can be used to specify the world size of the
Scale the image after importing.
If using the mouse or keyboard
Use lengths, coordinates and angles to enter data
Direct distance entry cannot be used for entering hydraulic
If Scale is to be used, ensure the whole plan fits within the
tablet's active area and the scale is known.
Hydraulic items in IRRICAD are divided into two types - those upstream
of a control valve, named Mainline items, and those downstream of a
control valve, named Zone items.
Any items not connected to a control valve will not be included in the
design and analysis process. Note that if a control valve or mainline
See also:
Select the required tool from the Zone or Mainline menu, e.g., Outlet,
Pipe, etc. Select the component to use from the dropdown list. For items
to be present in the list, they must first be entered in the database and
enabled for use (have a usage code entered into the “Usage” field for
the item). The items in the selection list are ordered according to the
order specified for the type of item (see Default Database Order, Section
When the tool is selected, a dialog box appears. Select the item you
wish to use in the design. Pipes can be Computer Selected which
allows IRRICAD to size pipes according to the system requirements. For
other items, e.g., outlets, tapes and spraylines, a summary of the
hydraulic data is present in the dialog to help select the correct item.
See also:
There are two ways to check if all hydraulic items have been connected:
Junctions will be seen where pipes end and are joined together.
However, if a junction is visible where an outlet, control valve,
miscellaneous hydraulic item or water supply is connected to a pipe,
then the item is NOT connected to the system. If the point item is
correctly connected, the junction will be invisible.
To enable items to be connected to each other the cursor must be in
“Connect” mode (Settings|Snap). When “Connect” has been selected all
hydraulic items will be connected together, providing that the mouse
click on the screen is within the “Tolerance” range. If the mouse click is
outside this range then the item will be simply placed, as when in “Place”
mode, as IRRICAD assumes that you do not wish to connect to an
existing item.
When “Place” has been selected in Settings|Snap, no items will be
connected, they will just be placed on the screen where you click the
mouse, even if the mouse is clicked over an existing item. Zone|Cut
Pipe will work as when in “Connect”.
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 57
Snap to Grid
“Snap to Grid” is an option to have the cursor move only between grid
points on the screen. These grid points can be visible or invisible. The
size of the grid can be altered in Settings|Grid/Origin/GIS.
See also:
Where a “Type” is specified for a pipe that is not in the pipe
database and able to be selected, IRRICAD will be unable to
find a riser and will report this in the list of fittings for the
junction. SUMMARY
Items to be used must first be in the current working database
and enabled.
Pipes can be Computer Selected.
Use “Connect” mode to physically connect items to the system.
Depths are measured from ground level.
A depth above ground (e.g., for a valve) is given as a negative (-
) value.
The selected item will be converted into the actioned hydraulic entity.
Tip: Convert symbols into outlets before converting lines into pipes
and use the Cut Pipe tools, which will assist in connecting to
outlets not quite directly in-line with the pipe.
When in Select Object mode, double clicking on an item will also bring
up the Change dialog.
Line type
Line width
Hydraulic Items
The drawing properties available for editing in the hydraulic dialogs are:
Line width (pipes, tapes and wires)
Color, symbol (water supplies and junctions)
Color, line type, line width (areas)
The initial values of the drawing properties in the dialogs are based on
the defaults specified in Settings|Irrigation Items and Settings|Irrigation -
Design Specific, which are editable.
The line width determines how thick or thin the line appears on the
screen and printed plan. Line widths on the screen may differ from those
on the plan depending on the screen resolution. Line widths for specific
objects e.g., mainline pipes, zone pipes, can be set and saved as
defaults in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific. For example, zone pipes
may be changed to a default “Line Width” of 2.
All other drawing properties for hydraulic items, e.g., color, symbol and
line type, are specified in the database, as outlined in the IRRICAD
Database Editor Manual, Section 3. These properties can only be edited
in the database.
Note: If multiple items are selected and the Change tool is invoked,
the hydraulic items cannot be changed to another of its kind
e.g., will not be able to change a 3” (80mm) pipe for a 2” (50mm)
pipe as this field will not be present in the dialog. Use Change
Type for multiple selections.
If the representative item has a new pipe or sprinkler selected during this
function then all the selected items that match the criteria can be
globally changed to the pipe or sprinkler chosen. See Figure 2-17 for an
example of changing existing sprinklers to a different sprinkler.
The number of items that matched the “Match” criteria and were
therefore changed will be displayed in the status bar.
Note: Only those items that are selected (highlighted) are eligible for
the change.
The number of items that matched the “Match” criteria and were
therefore deleted will be displayed in the status bar.
Note: Only those items that are selected (highlighted) are eligible for
the deletion.
Select the criteria the objects must match on e.g., all pipes or
the pipe selected (a 2" pipe for example).
Select the characteristics to change, based on the changes
made to the representative item.
Only the objects that match on all selected criteria can make the
changes specified.
If it is required to make all pipes non-computer sized i.e., to uncheck the
“Computer Sized” check box so that IRRICAD cannot reselect a new
pipe size during the design process, do the following:
When changing items like text it is important to know what the “Match”
column implies. If it is required to change all text to a new font
regardless of the current size of the font make sure “Match” Text is
unchecked so that all text, regardless of what the text says, will be
changed. Uncheck “Match” Height so that all sized text will change to
the new font. If there is more than one current font in the design and you
require all text to change to the new font uncheck “Match” Font.
The section Changing and Fixing Many Fittings Errors in One Go,
Section has an example of how to fix a common fittings error at
many places in the design in one action. The principles to remember
here are issues involving All Fittings and Exact Errors in the “Match /
Change” dialog. If All Fittings are checked in the “Match” column, then
only those items that are the same item and have exactly the same
fittings, no more and no less, as the representative item selected, will be
eligible for the change. If Exact Errors is checked in the “Match”
column, then only those items that are the same item and have exactly
the same errors (as seen in the [Show Fittings] dialog), no more and no
less, as the representative item selected, will be eligible for the change.
The Bend Angle Range will broaden the Exact Errors option. If the
Exact Errors and All Fittings are different then the change will not
See also:
“Layer”, “Color”, “Line Type” and “Line Width” can be chosen from the
drop down lists or left as <ALL>. “Type” describes the type of item
selection should be limited to e.g., Rectangle, Water Supply, Wetted
68 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
Radii, etc. “Group” is specified as Drawing, Electrical or Hydraulic.
Select the combination that best suits the filtering required.
Note: If the Selection Filter is set to exclude Zone Pipes, then the
Zone|Cut Pipe tool will not connect to any zone pipes.
Return to Modify|Selection Filter and uncheck the “Filter” box when the
action is completed.
Note: Until turned on, the filter will have no effect on selection or de-
selection operations. It can be turned on or off, or re-configured
as often as needed during a selection operation to build up the
selection set before performing an editing function.
See also:
A "Scope" flag is available in the hydraulic item dialogs. This allows for
'BOM only' items which are included in BOM / Costing reports but not
included in hydraulic design. You may also specify 'Design Only' items,
which are treated normally in the design process but do not feature in
the BOM / Costing reports (can be used to specify existing irrigation
equipment). Hydraulic items can be set to:
Design + BOM
Design Only
BOM Only
This is a very useful tool for staged developments. The existing stage
can be set to Design Only – meaning those materials will not appear in
the BOM/Costing reports.
Changing the “Scope” for all selected hydraulic items can be achieved in
one step: SUMMARY
For a single item use Change.
For more than one item use Change Type, except when editing
the drawing properties or scope of hydraulic objects, in which
case use Change.
To delete a group of items in one action, use Delete Type.
Change Type and Delete Type only work on selected items.
Selection Filter is an aid to help select the correct item(s).
See also:
It is important to make sure that the elevation data spans the whole
hydraulic design. If hydraulic items are outside the contours or spot
heights, IRRICAD will issue a warning and assume a height for these
items, based on the closest data. Both contours and spot heights can be
used together in a design. If available, place spot heights on items that
are known to be at a specific elevation to ensure the correct elevation is
given to that point. IRRICAD interpolates between the closest points of
data to determine the elevation of an item in the design.
IRRICAD uses 3-D lengths for the bill of materials for a design, using the
elevation changes to calculate the additional length of pipe or wire.
See also:
See also:
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 73
Hydraulic Gradeline Section 5.14.10 SUMMARY
Draw, digitize or import elevation data.
Interpolate Elevations if re-designing after inserting new
hydraulic items or elevations.
Note: The Wetted Radii option in the View menu will turn on and off
the wetted radii on outlets that are not in connected spraylines.
If the “Connected” check box is unchecked then once placed the pipes
and sprinklers become individual entities.
See also:
The nozzle part of an outlet can be the actual nozzles supplied with an
outlet body, or simply hold the technical data for the outlet, such as a
dripper's hydraulic characteristics. Nozzles contain the minimum and
maximum recommended pressures from the manufacturer, and
parameters to calculate the flow and radius at a given pressure.
Pressure, flow, radius and intensity change when one of these fields is
changed, e.g.,
Demand Points, where pressures and flows are manually specified, and
therefore do not have a pressure vs flow relationship, are particularly
useful for quick mainline or large turf designs. Where the flow and
pressure requirements at a point are known but a specific type of outlet
is not wanted, or you wish to replace a large group of outlets with one
item, use a demand point. These are useful when used as a hydrant
with a required pressure and flow at the hydrant, or at a control valve to
replace all items downstream from the valve. Demand points do not
contain an associated nozzle.
See also:
Select the required outlet connector from the dropdown list. Risers are
selected in the Outlet, Block or Sprayline dialogs.
A riser may not be required in the field, e.g., a wheel line system where
the sprinklers are connected straight into the sprayline, or sprinklers on
an above-ground lateral. However, an outlet connector is still required
with the correct height gain, but no pressure loss and no cost. The
connector and corresponding fittings can also be edited out of the
reports if required. The alternative is to ignore selecting the riser if the
height difference is small.
Another option for compensating for the height gain is to allow for it in
the sprinkler hydraulic characteristics. When using the Curve Fit utility to
calculate the constant and index values before inserting a sprinkler into
the database, decrease the pressure by an amount equivalent to the
height of the sprinkler. For example, if the sprinkler is 1ft (1m) above the
ground decrease the pressures inserted into the Curve Fit utility by
0.434 psi (1m). Label this sprinkler carefully, so it is not mistaken for a
normal sprinkler that has not had compensation for a height difference.
Note that for every foot above the ground, the pressure needs to
decrease by 0.434 psi if using US units. If using metric units, the
pressure decreases by 1m for every meter above the ground.
Note: If pipes are already placed on the design and the pipe width
setting in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific is then changed,
the pipe widths on the screen do not change for existing pipes.
Use Change or Change Type to modify existing pipes.
All pipes (other than connected laterals) are given one size between
junctions. In a long straight mainline, for example, add extra permanent
junctions to the mainline if you require LP sizing to consider using
different sizes. Velocity Design will retain the same size wherever the
flow in the pipes is the same. Elevations are only interpolated at pipe
junctions. To increase the number of interpolations, place permanent
junctions on the pipeline.
See also:
Connecting and Placing Hydraulic Items Section
Design Section 2.6.3
Item Selection Section
Outlets & Risers (Outlet Connectors) Section 2.4.6
When using Cut Pipe to connect to many laterals laid out on a design, or
for connecting outlets, a utility called “Flow Check” can be used to
ensure that a specified maximum zone flow will not be exceeded. In
Settings|Irrigation Items the maximum zone flow can be specified. When
connecting the Cut Pipe the status bar will display the flow currently
connected and the Maximum flow. If the Maximum flow is exceeded, a
warning message displays the amount of flow connected if accepted. If
the last connection is not accepted, Cut Pipe rubberbands back to the
last click placed.
If the submain is moved after inserting the Cut Pipe, the quick way is to
use Modify|Select|Lasso to select all the sections of the submain. Move
the submain where required and the connected pipes and outlets will
move also. Select Lasso can also be used and to delete the submain
and re-enter it where required. Junctions created by Cut Pipe previously
will not be deleted but will be removed during the design process.
See also:
Entering Items at Different Levels Section
Working with Junctions Section 2.4.14
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 81
Cut Pipe Section 5.7.4 SUMMARY
Pipes are given a color and line type in the database.
Use the Computer Selected option to have IRRICAD size pipes
or use a combination of “Computer Sized” and manually
selected pipes.
A control valve must be placed between zone and mainline
Use “Flow Check” to help with breaking a layout into groups of
outlets for a control valve.
Draw Cut Pipe across all laterals, zone pipes or zone outlets as
When using a PRV in a design select Misc. Hydraulic from the Zone or
Mainline menu. The dialog that appears is similar to that for other Misc.
Hydraulic items with the exception that a downstream pressure is
required. This pressure will be maintained (provided the upstream
pressure is enough for the PRV to work) during pipe sizing (LP or
Velocity Design) and hydraulic analysis of the system.
See also:
The spacing can be specified between outlets. If the lateral (Block tools
only) or outlet spacing entered is greater than 120% of the radius value
a warning message will appear in the case of having entered a wrong
number. This is a warning only and can be ignored.
The “Fixed Spacing” option indicates whether the outlet spacing is fixed
as determined by the “Outlet Spacing” field, or adjusted to fit between
the start and end of the sprayline segment (see Figure 2-20). If the
check box is enabled, the outlet spacing will be maintained along the
pipe. If the box is unchecked, the outlet spacing will be adjusted by
IRRICAD to ensure that an outlet is placed at each end of the sprayline
and that those between will be equally spaced. IRRICAD will space the
outlets as near as possible to the value entered in the spacing field.
See also:
The value for the inlet pressure in the dialog when entering a tape is the
pressure to be achieved at the start of the tape. A “Zone Pressure
Tolerance” is entered into the Database Editor as a percentage
deviation above and below the specified inlet pressure. If the allowable
deviation above is 10% and below is 10%, the total pressure tolerance is
20%. If any tape “Inlet Pressure” is outside the tolerance range a
warning message will be given during Design.
Tapes can be drawn with bends by enabling the “User Defined” check
box for “Lateral Direction” (Tape Block tool only) and the “Polyline”
check box which is made available when “User Defined” is checked.
After drawing the block lasso, specify the direction of the tapes with
bends. Select Right-click|Done when finished drawing the lateral
direction as in Figure 2-21.
See also:
Where only one water supply is specified per system it is not necessary
to enter flow information or pressure information. IRRICAD will calculate
the required duty for the system if the “Calculate Pressure?” check box
is enabled. Where more than one water supply is used to supply the
same system it is necessary to specify the pressure information in all
water supplies. Operating times can be specified for each water supply
(Design|Other Management Options|Water Supply Times), or you can
simply designate each water supply to supply specific system flows
(Design|Assign Zones to System Flows options).
“Design flow” is the flow available from the water supply that ideally
should not be exceeded for the design. Where the valve operating
sequence results in a water supply that exceeds this value, a warning
will be given but design will still proceed. If a “Design flow” is entered, a
“Max flow” must also be entered, however a “Max flow” may be specified
without a “Design flow”. The “Max flow” is the flow that can not be
exceeded under any circumstances. IRRICAD will prevent design from
continuing if a control valve operating sequence that results in a water
supply flow demand greater than this value is encountered. The “Design
flow” should allow for possible flow reductions (e.g., those which may
occur during summer) or any other factors that make it desirable to
design the system for a lower flow. There may be circumstances where
the “Design flow” requirement is exceeded, and with acceptance, this
may be done provided the “Max flow” is not exceeded. Flows entered
here have no effect in the design calculations; they are only used in
Management. The outlets determine the resulting flow in the system.
When more than one water supply is used to supply the same system,
the flow each water source supplies is very sensitive to the pressure
entered. Changing the pressure at each water supply has a significant
effect on the flow provided. In some circumstances, particularly in highly
looped situations, the mainline analysis of designs with a number of
water supplies operating at the same time results in outflows or inflows
being wrongly assigned to a small number of pipe junctions, or pressure
losses through some pipes which are incorrect. Sometimes these
inconsistencies are so small that they have virtually no effect on the final
results. At other times this is not so. Some potential problems are
trapped and screen messages are displayed. However, there may be
occasions where this does not occur and so users should always check
the Mainline Design Full report before proceeding.
At least the pressures must be entered when more than one water
supply is used in a design to supply the same system. If more than one
water supply exists in the design, but they are feeding separate systems
the assigning of system flows to water supplies in Design|Assign Zones
to System Flows options determines which water supply feeds which
Tip: If a junction symbol can be seen where the pipe meets the water
supply, the water supply is not connected to the system. Move
the water supply until the junction disappears (connects to the
pipe end).
See also:
Main supply pumps are connected after the water supply on the Mainline
pipe before feeding into the system. It is usual to connect the main pump
quite close to the water supply. If the water supply static water level is
below ground level this should be entered in the water supply dialog as
a negative “Design head” (e.g., -30ft for a water level 30ft down a well).
The resulting pressure in the pipe between the water supply and the
pump will be negative. Screen messages will occur to this effect
however, they can safely be ignored after checking that the only
negative pressures are in the pipe between the water supply and the
Ensure that all pumps are connected within a pipeline, not at a 3-pipe
If two of the same pump are to be placed in parallel, enter this as two
water supplies side by side each with a pump attached, as pumps
cannot be entered in loops. Alternatively, in the Database Editor create
and enter a pump that will model the increase in flow and represent the
two pumps as one. If two of the same pump model are being used in
parallel the flow doubles, if used in series the pressure doubles. Before
entering the manufacturer's data for the pressure / flow relationship into
the Curve Fit double the flow (if in parallel) or the pressure (if in series).
For example, if the pump curve shows the pump produces 120gpm at
60ft (120m3/h at 60m), and you require one pump to emulate two pumps
in parallel, enter the pressure as 60ft (60m) in the Curve Fit utility and
the flow as 240gph (240m3/h). At least three sets of data are required
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 91
for the curve fit utility. The A, B and C factors will be calculated and
manually entered into the database for this new pump.
See also:
Cut Pipe
Cut Lasso
Zone|Cut Pipe will connect junctions where the pipe cuts other pipes.
The resulting pipe can then be deleted. When selecting Cut Pipe enable
the “Permanent” check box to avoid the junctions being removed during
the design process. This method would be used when there are several
pipes requiring junctions, particularly if the required junctions need to be
in a straight line.
92 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
Tools|Cut Lasso will connect junctions where the lasso cuts pipes. By
selecting “Cut Only” and enabling the “Permanent” option a line of
permanent junctions can be created, e.g., for elevation reporting.
To check that items are connected together select the junction and then
select Modify|Move. If all items move with the junction they are
connected. Alternatively, select a single hydraulic item and then select
Modify|Select|Connected (or press <Shift>+<Ctrl>+C). This adds directly
connected items to the selection, highlighting them in the selection color.
If items are not highlighted as expected there is a problem with the
See also:
Irrigation Areas must be closed before being used for calculating water
requirements or specifying arcs. It is possible to connect on to a partially
completed Area and then complete it. Individual Areas may enclose
several zones, however an individual zone cannot span more than one
Area. Areas may fully enclose other Areas but may not overlap them.
The outlets within the inner small Area are assumed to contribute only to
the small Area not the larger Area it is within. The small Area is not
considered to be contributing to the large Area.
Areas are also used by IRRICAD to correctly orientate the arcs of part
circle sprinklers. If Areas are not used it may be necessary to orientate
the arcs manually. When an Area is placed initially the “Set Arc
Orientation Using Area” check box controls whether arcs of outlets
already existing within the Area are adjusted. Any emitters entered after
the Area is closed, will automatically have the appropriate arcs selected
(if variable or matched) and orientated.
The name of the Area can be changed manually in the name edit field,
when placing an Area or can be set to a new default name in
Settings|Names before drawing the Area.
See also:
To enter an existing system into IRRICAD all the details of the system to
be analyzed will be required. This includes:
Before starting to draw the design, check all the existing hydraulic
components are present in the database. Add any missing pipes or
components with their hydraulic characteristics using the Database
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 95
Editor (see IRRICAD Database Editor Manual, Section 3). Once the
items are available in the database, enter the existing system on the
screen. When everything on the screen mirrors the existing system,
proceed to connect the extension or proposed items to the design if
Where the Analyse option is used, IRRICAD uses the nominal pressures
and flows for the items in the system such as would be done in manual
design calculations. When Detailed Analysis is used, IRRICAD requires
a starting pressure, (set a “D/S Valve Pressure” pressure in
Design|Zone Design Configuration for Zone Design or in the Water
Supply “Design head” for Mainline Design). The starting pressure
enables IRRICAD to be able to use a series of iterations (small
calculations) to find the actual resulting flows in the system such as
would be found in the field. This means that the Analyse option tends to
be conservative in its answers and the Detailed Analysis option is more
accurate and closer to the real field situation.
See also:
Sprinklers, which are just inside the Area boundary, will have their arcs
adjusted and oriented according to the Area boundary line. The
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 97
intersection of the arc with the Area boundary, at a distance of half of the
radius of throw of the sprinkler (not the full radius) is used to determine
the arc. This means that sprinklers can over-spray corners and still
maintain the correct arc (see Figure 2-23). When placing the sprinklers,
arcs should be set to approximately the desired value if automatic arc
orientation is to be used.
See also:
Most of the fields in these dialogs are self-explanatory. The fields in the
Laterals tab have exactly the same function as those in the Tape Block
or Spray Block tool dialogs. Similarly those on the Area tab are identical
to those on the Area tool dialog.
Group Spacing
The spacing between groups of laterals (which will be spaced at the
lateral spacing).
The distance between the drawn block boundary and the edges of the
first and last laterals. Note that if the angle between the boundary and
an edge lateral is greater than 30 degrees then the “Headland” value is
Create Laterals
If enabled laterals are created for the block.
Submain Position
Submains may be automatically placed and connected when the block is
created. The options for the submain position are:-
The appropriate valve can be selected from the drop-down and the
depth, specified, if required.
If the valve is positioned at the start or end of the submain, this stub is
the length of pipe outside of the lateral at the ‘non-valve’ end of the
You may also specify one or two types of assembly that will be
automatically attached to the manifold. If only one assembly per
manifold is required, you must specify its location - upstream,
downstream or centre. If two assemblies per manifold are required, the
‘flushing’ assembly is placed at one end of the manifold and the ‘end’
assembly is placed at the other. If more than two assemblies per
manifold are specified then the assemblies are placed on the ends as
above, and the required number of ‘flushing’ assemblies are placed at
even intervals along the manifold.
A stub length may also be specified and it is applied to the ends of each
manifold, prior to the assembly.
The “Scope” option is set to BOM Only and cannot be edited in this
section. This is because zones containing Tapes within loops cannot be
analyzed or designed and LP Design cannot be used for zones
containing loops (and if included in the design process, flushing
manifolds would inherently create this situation). In addition it would not
be normal practice to design flushing manifolds under irrigation
For Spray Irrigation Blocks the flushing manifold pipes can be selected,
once the block has been created and designed, and the “Scope”
changed to Design Only or Design + BOM by using the Change Type
tool. The flushing manifolds can then be analyzed if required.
Laterals within a block can be changed, as well as the line
thickness and layer, by using Modify|Change on the block
boundary to get the Irrigation Block dialog up.
Because block entities can not be manually adjusted, the Subdivide tool
must be used to break the ‘parent’ block into smaller sub-blocks. This
may be required due to the water supply limitations, plant type, soil type
or simply different water requirements.
The Subdivision tool is selected from the Tools menu. The tool can be
selected before the block (use <Alt> when selecting the block by clicking
on any block item), or the block selected before actioning the tool.
When the subdivision dialog has been closed and the cut direction
specified, a preview of the subdivision is displayed (Figure 2-32) and a
dialog listing the proposed sub-areas is shown. The “Sub Areas” dialog
can be moved (by clicking and dragging the title bar) allowing parts of
110 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
the preview that are obscured to be viewed. If large areas are being
subdivided opening the Birds Eye View (from the View menu) before
starting the subdivision, will give access to the zoom tools which can be
used to view the preview. Zoom tools can be selected by right clicking in
the BEV or a new zoom window can be created by clicking and dragging
with the left mouse button. For more information on the Birds Eye View
see Section 5.5.11.
Figure 2-33
112 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
When there are entries in this table clicking [Accept/View Changes] will
cause the preview to be updated and the dialog redisplayed. An
example of is illustrated in Figure 2-34 below.
This process can be repeated and will in effect allow more than two
areas to be joined together. After clicking [Accept/View Changes] areas
7 and 10 and areas 8 and 11 are combined.
Figure 2-34
Blocks may be re-subdivided, when this happens any existing sub-
blocks are removed when [OK] is selected. Subsequently cancelling
from the operation will not restore the original sub-blocks.
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 113
Subdividing Sub-Blocks
Any IRRICAD Block Entity can be subdivided. This means that blocks
that are the result of subdivision can be further subdivided themselves.
A useful application of this feature is where an irregular block needs to
be subdivided into a number of equal areas and it is not critical that the
cuts all line up. The block can be sliced without any cuts and then the
resulting sub-blocks cut individually (without any slices).
9. The lateral and outlet spacings for the block have now been
Typical almond tree layout – every row and tree - triangular with 50% offset
Typical banana plantation layout – every 4th row and tree – rectangular with 50%
offset and a trenching offset
Note: If a tree block has been created from a group of symbols (usually
imported) the block may not be completely uniform. Sprinkler
and lateral placement however will work in this case unless the
tree placement is very non-uniform.
Spray Block and Tape Block are layout tools used for entering a group
of equally spaced parallel spraylines or tapes, respectively, in one
action. This facility is commonly used to select and position laterals over
a large area. Blocks are laid out by drawing the boundaries of the
required group of laterals. Information on the physical arrangement
(block properties) of these laterals is entered before the drawing process
is commenced. Once entered, the spraylines or tapes are treated
individually, i.e. the block laterals are retained as unique entities. If
118 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
unconnected spraylines are used, once placed, each sprayline becomes
a set of individual pipes and outlets.
The “User Defined” option for “Lateral Direction” indicates that the
direction will be determined by drawing a line to indicate which way the
laterals will run, rather than being determined by the first side of the
block drawn on the screen. Alternatively, the lateral direction can be
determined by the direction of the first side of the block boundary drawn
- this is the “Determine Automatically” option.
Upon closing the lasso (Right-click|Close can be used for this or click to
place a point on the starting point) the laterals will be drawn. If “User
Defined” is selected for “Lateral Direction” then also draw a line to
specify the direction of the laterals. Similarly, if “User Defined” for the
“Reference Outlet” is selected, place a point to indicate the position of
the first outlet (spraylines only). The laterals will be drawn automatically
after the direction and / or reference position is specified.
Note: If Cut Pipe has been run through all the tapes / spraylines, and
the total flow exceeds the maximum, upon pressing the [No]
button, Cut Pipe will snap back to the starting position.
The circular cursor is a useful tool to help place the lateral block the
required distance from the boundaries (this creates the headlands and
sidelands required). In Settings|Drawing, enable the “Circular Cursor”
check box and enter a “Radius”. The radius is equal to the distance from
an existing object e.g., if the headlands are to be 5ft (5m), enter a radius
of 5ft (5m).
“Grid” and “Snap to Grid” options can also be used to help with accurate
placing of block boundaries and laterals. In Settings|Grid/Origin/GIS a
“Grid Spacing” can be entered. In Settings|Snap the “Snap to Grid”
option can be enabled where the cursor can only move between grid
points. The grid points do not need to be displayed for “Snap to Grid” to
Blocks can be entered in one action with the option to delete out
unwanted sections. Use Tools|Cut Lasso to delete, cut or change any
laterals. Zone|Sprayline or Zone|Tape can be used to add extra laterals
or to replace ones accidentally deleted.
Note: The Spray Block tool is only available as a zone item. Although
the Mainline Sprayline option is also available this is merely a
The value in the “Offset” edit field in the Spray Block dialog (as opposed
to that of offset in the sprayline dialog) is the distance of the first
sprinkler on the next row expressed as a percentage from the first
sprinkler on the first row measured perpendicularly between the rows. If
the “Rectangular” spacing has been selected the percentage change is
cumulative. This moves the first sprinkler in each consecutive sprayline
by the specified percentage change from the first sprinkler position on
the sprayline above. If the “Triangular” spacing has been selected, the
percentage difference only applies to every second sprayline. See
Figure 2-36.
Note: If sprayline outlets have not been created before drawing the
spraylines, the Create Wetted Radii tool (in the Tools menu) will
create both the sprayline outlet and its wetted radii.
See also:
By enabling the “User Defined” check box for “Lateral Direction”, and
then enabing the “Polyline” check box bent tapes can be drawn.
See also: TURF
Turf irrigation systems include golf courses, parks and reserves, and
landscape design. There are several situations where the Spray Block
tool is useful for setting up these types of systems.
For other types of turf systems where it is uncommon to use the block
tool use Zone|Sprayline. Use Unconnected spraylines as described in
Spray Block Tool, Section Use “Circular Cursor” or “Grid” and
“Snap To Grid” to place the spraylines an equal distance from the
boundary all the way around. See How to Layout a Design with Blocks
of Laterals (without using Block Entities), Section 2.5.7 and Tools to Aid
in Placing Laterals, Section This is particular useful when the
area is oval.
See also: SUMMARY
Blocks are used to layout multiple laterals at a designated
The physical arrangement of the laterals is entered before
drawing the blocks.
Cut Pipe is used to connect a submain to all existing laterals, or
other zone items.
“Circular Cursor”, Grid and “Snap To Grid” are tools to aid in
placing blocks or other items.
“Outlet Spacing” properties are entered before drawing Spray
Tapes are not the same as Connected Spraylines.
Spray Blocks can be used to place outlets at fixed spacing and
the pipes deleted after placement.
If the Spray Block tool is used to place the outlets the pipe can be
deleted after placement if required. Use Unconnected spraylines (see
How to Layout a Design with Blocks of Laterals (without using Block
Entities), Section 2.5.7). Grid and “Snap to Grid” can also be used to aid
with placement of the block in the design (see above). Alternatively
“Circular Cursor” in the Settings|Drawing Items menu can be enabled to
aid in drawing the block of laterals a specified distance from the field
boundaries. If using the Spray Block tool is not preferred then each
sprayline can be entered individually using the circular cursor to aid in
the placement of the pipe and outlets. The distance between the
spraylines should reflect the desirable overlap of the wetted radius of the
selected sprinklers. For example, if the requirement is to have the
sprinklers head to head then the distance should match the wetted
radius. The circular cursor will help to ensure that the last outlet on the
sprayline is at the required distance from the edge of the field.
Draw an irrigation area boundary just outside the existing field boundary
lines to orientate sprinklers to irrigate within the designated area by
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 125
using Zone|Area. Enter as many spraylines (using Zone|Sprayline)
within the field as possible. These can be Unconnected (the
“Connected” box unchecked) and the pipes deleted after placement if
required. If the sprinkler selected is a Variable or Matched sprinkler the
spraylines drawn along the boundaries of the field will automatically be
aligned to water inside the field (see Figure 2-37). If not, and half circle
sprinklers are required, select an outlet or nozzle that allows for 180 o
arcs and place along the field boundary. All outlets and pipe can be
moved or deleted and re-drawn. SUMMARY
Fill in regular shaped areas using Spray Block, Sprayline,
“Circular Cursor” or Grid to help with placement of outlets.
Use Area to orientate sprinkler arcs.
Draw a sprayline or place outlets around the boundary of the
field to complete.
Autohead will place sprinklers on the boundary and work into the center;
the center then tends to have irregularly spaced sprinklers. Hence it
works best when there is not much center to fill in. With larger sports
fields and parks Autohead is not usually used, as it is desirable to have
regularly spaced sprinklers in the center and acceptable to have
irregular spaced sprinklers on the boundary of the field. However, with
smaller parks and residential landscape design Autohead is a valuable
If the sprinkler has Matched precipitation rate nozzles with variable arcs,
make sure that a sprinkler with an appropriate radius of throw for the job
is selected, as only one nozzle needs to be used. If the sprinkler has
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 127
non-matched Variable arc nozzles, a range of nozzle sizes should be
available in the database to give roughly equal precipitation rates over
the range of arcs expected. Generally, this means that if a nozzle with a
360o arc as the representative sprinkler is selected, it should be one of
the larger nozzles in the range so that smaller nozzles can be selected
for 180o arcs and 90o arcs, and so on. When a sprinkler has Fixed arcs
(such as many of the pop-up spray heads available), a full range of arcs
and nozzle sizes should be available to allow the precipitation rate to be
matched. As with Variable arc nozzles, the representative nozzle / arc
combination that is selected should take this into account.
Once the Autohead has been completed for an area, further areas
(using the same sprinkler) can be drawn and have heads automatically
placed. To terminate the Autohead placement tool, select another tool or
Autohead, where possible, will space sprinklers so that the overlap lies
between the minimum and maximum values. The default values are
40% minimum to 60% maximum. (A 50% value corresponds to head-to-
head spacing). Reduce these values for closer spacing (e.g., in windy
areas), or increase them for wider spacing.
See also:
Note that, although there are no zone items, it is still necessary to carry
out the Zone Design function in order to set up the required pressures
and flows for each zone. Select Design|Zone Design|Analyse to do this.
Then run management and the Design|Mainline Design options.
If only one set of data is available (the flow through a valve at a specified
pressure) enter the Index as 0.5. Calculate the Constant to solve the
equation Q = Constant x Pressure0.5. If more than one set of data is
available for the valve, enter the pressure / flow combinations into the
Outlet Flow Curve Fit utility (Database Editor|View). Use the Constant
and Index generated when creating a nozzle for the trough.
The newly entered outlets or demand points are placed on the pipe
system where a water trough is to be situated, or already exists.
Note this method does not allow for any pipe exit losses.
See also: SUMMARY
Mainline Outlets are assumed to have on / off control and are
therefore zones.
Zone Design|Analyse and Management needs to be completed
before running Mainline Design.
Demand Points can be used to designate flow and pressure
requirements at placement points.
Place the wheel line (sprayline) on the screen. Make the length of the
wheel line relative to the lengths able to purchase the aluminum pipe in.
For example, if it is obtainable in 40 foot lengths, run the line out to a
number divisible by 40 and add an extra 20 feet for the hose from the
hydrant to the wheel line.
Place the Control Valve at the end of the wheel line to represent the
active hydrant. Use Mainline|Outlet to represent other hydrants as
Demand Points (see Simple Mainline Design - Using Demand Points,
Section An appropriate “Riser” can be selected with the
Demand Point. The required “Flow” and “Pressure” at the hydrant can
be entered. Set the “Pressure” and “Flow” for the demand points, as
required for the pressure and flow to be available in the mainline at the
hydrants. The pressure is an upstream pressure, not a downstream
pressure. Allow for the losses through the hydrant, losses through the
sprayline and any elevation changes. Grid points (Settings|Snap –
“Snap To Grid”) can aid in the placement of the items in this section.
Use a grid point spacing that enables you to calculate distances easily
for example, if the hydrants are 60ft (18m) apart logical grid spacing
would be 60 x 60 (18 x 18).
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 133
Mainline|Pipe is used to connect the Demand Points and Control
Valve(s) to the Water Supply. By running the Mainline Pipe out past the
last hydrant or Control Valve, IRRICAD will tee the mainline into the last
hydrant rather than elbow into it.
If two or more irrigators are running at a time then each system flow will
have two or more zones operating on it.
Create a fixed outlet (Fixed arc) for the irrigator in the database. The
nozzles will express the necessary pressure / flow relationship as
calculated by the Curve Fit utility from manufacturer's data (see Curve
Fit, Section 3.5.1). Each nozzle will have a different pressure / flow
relationship. Even though an irrigator may physically have many
nozzles, IRRICAD requires one nozzle to be used at a time to reflect the
Create an Outlet Connector for the hose. If the hose is a flexible hose,
the “Equivalent Length Diameter” may be different to the nominal
diameter e.g., 114mm flexible hose may have an internal diameter of
120mm when under pressure. To calculate the “Equivalent Length
Diameter” use trial and error to achieve the required headloss based on
the manufacturers information. To do this, connect an Outlet with the
“Riser” to a length of Pipe in IRRICAD. Connect a Control Valve to the
pipe and set up the management of the system to be one zone
operating on one system flow. Run Design|Zone Design|Analyse. Check
the reports to find the headloss through the length of riser (Reports|Zone
Design Reports|Zone Design Full - find the section labeled Inflows and
Outloss). Change the “Equivalent Length Diameter” in the database for
the Outlet Connector (“Riser”) until the headloss is correct.
If the outlets are above ground level, this static lift can be accounted for
as “Height” in the Outlet Connector component group dialog. For
example if the outlets on the irrigator are physically 10ft (3m) above the
ground, enter 10ft (3m) in the “Height” edit field.
Create the Outlet with a Fixed arc type, nozzle and outlet connector as
above (in Placing Each Item, Section, using the new constant
and index for the Nozzle dialog. Connect the Outlet, “Nozzle” and “Riser”
(selected using Mainline|Outlet) to the Mainline Pipe at the hydrant
See also:
Tool Operation
When the menu item is selected a dialog specifying the number of
systems flows is displayed. The system flow times will be automatically
filled out (day:hour:minute) with the default running time of one hour.
These times can be changed as required.
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 137
Figure 2-38 - System Flows
On clicking [OK] hatched symbols are displayed for all zones and water
supplies (if more than one) in the design. These symbols are color
coded with each color representing a different system flow. In addition
the zone name, flow (nominal if before Zone Design), and system flows
that the zone is assigned to are displayed in the centre of the symbol. To
aid clarity only the CONTROL_VALVES, MAINLINE_PIPES, and
MISC_HYDRAULIC layers are visible. In Figure 2-39 below three
systems flows have been specified and because management has not
been completed previously the colour of the zone symbols is set to
Zones are selected by simply left clicking on them and multiple zones
can be selected at once. Zones can be deselected by left clicking or
using the Clear Selection tool. Note that the status bar displays the
cumulative flow of the selected zones and the total “Design Flow” from
all water supplies.
The required system flow can be specified in the “System Flow Number”
field. If “Replace Existing System Flows in Zones” is enabled (the
default) then the selected Zones will be assigned to the specified system
flow and removed from any others. By leaving this field unchecked
zones can be assigned to more than one system flow.
In this way all zones can be assigned to system flows with the results
visually displayed onscreen as in Figure 2-41.
At any time during the process zones can be reselected and re-
assigned. When the arrangement of zones is acceptable it can be saved
by clicking the [Save & Exit] button or choosing Save and Exit from the
Right-click menu.
Water Supplies
If only one water supply is present in the design, then a symbol for it is
not displayed. It is assumed that the water supply will operate in all
system flows. Where multiple supplies exist they are displayed as
Hexagon shaped symbols that are 2.5 times the size of the base
database symbol size (specified under Settings|Miscellaneous). These
can be assigned to system flows in the same way as zones. Note that
the “Replace Existing Sys Flows in Water Supplies” checkbox applies to
water supplies rather than “Replace Existing System Flows in Zones”.
This is because typically System Flows are added to Water Supplies,
without replacing those already assigned, which is the reverse of what is
typically required for zones.
A range of about 75 different colours is used to signify different
system flows. This range of colours is repeated when the
number of system flows exceeds 75.
Management Symbol
The graphical management process automatically creates a symbol,
representing the current management arrangement, which can be
subsequently drawn onto the plan (see Figure 2-42).
Note: For quick editing of assigning zones to system flows there are
three options - Assign Zones to System Flows, Assign all Zones
to One System Flow, and Assign Each Zone to a Unique
System Flow.
This option is best used for small irrigation systems where actual start
and stop times for valves are important and need to be reported. Based
on the operating times entered, IRRICAD will calculate the resulting
system flows in the mainline.
Checks are made to ensure that the water supply flow, pressure or time
limits are not violated, both for individual zones and for the system flows
resulting from the management strategy entered. If violations occur, the
designer is required to modify the entered times so that all limits are
satisfied before being allowed to continue.
Adjust each run time to a shorter period to fit all system flows
within the 24 hour period
Edit the “Cycle time (days)” in Design Parameters|Economic
Parameters. For example, if the number of system flows is
between 24 and 48 set the “Cycle time (days)” to 2.
(Recommended option).
Click [OK] then IRRICAD checks for flow violation and if all Zones have
not been assigned to at least one system flow a warning is issued on the
screen to this effect. Continue (by clicking [Yes]), or click [No] to return
to the table to make further entries or changes. This is a warning
message only in case all zones were meant to be assigned. It can be
2.6.3 DESIGN
For completing a quick analysis of zone pipes or spraylines only,
mainline pipes and/or a water supply are not required; the zone pipes
and control valves are sufficient. A quick mainline analysis can also be
completed by providing at least one water supply and one or more
mainline outlets, e.g., Demand Points or VIH sprinklers, connected by
one or more pipes to the water supply.
Velocity Design sizes pipes based only on the flow in the pipes. Often,
this method is used to select pipe sizes as a starting point, particularly
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 145
where LP Design is unable to find a solution due to the constraints on
the system. Velocity Design will usually give a solution. However, there
is no guarantee that the pressures at the outlets will be within the
required range. If there is difficulty with LP Design, run Velocity Design
and then check the reports to identify problem areas. Velocity Design
must be used to size looped systems.
See also:
If the pressures at any outlets fall outside the allowable pressure range
of the outlet / nozzle combination as specified in the database, a
message will appear on the screen to that effect.
Select the Analyse option for pipes already sized where the downstream
valve pressure is unknown. IRRICAD will analyze the system based on
nominal pressures and flows and calculate the downstream valve
pressure. View the Reports|Design Reports|... SUMMARY
Select pipe sizes or Computer Selected pipe.
Uncheck the “Computer Sized” check box if wishing to fix the
manually selected pipe size.
Complete the design.
Run LP Design or Velocity Design to size pipe.
Run Detailed Analysis when sizing stage is complete.
There is a trade-off between the complexity of a zone and the size of the
zone that can be sized. The more complicated the zone in terms of
shape, elevation changes and the number of pipe sizes required in the
submain the smaller the zone will be before exceeding the memory
limits of LP. The time taken to find a solution will also be increased.
For a particular zone, there may be little that can be done to reduce the
complexity of shape or the effect of elevation changes without making
major changes to layout. However if a pipe in a submain has a fixed size
it does not need to be sized by LP, i.e., LP does not have to make a
choice of diameter for that particular pipe, and therefore it is not included
in the LP problem and hence reduces memory requirements.
If the end velocity for any tape is below the required velocity a message
will be issued during the design process and red asterisks will be
displayed in the "End Velocity" column of the Zone Flushing report.
When designing pipe sizes it is not appropriate to have the
"Flushing" option enabled. A message will be issued that
flushing analysis cannot be undertaken when designing the
The end flow for laterals has been added to the information
displayed in Object Info window.
Note that this field is not applicable for non-PC emitters and can
therefore be left at 0 for these types of components.
See also:
The emitters with the minimum and maximum pressure may also be
indicated on a plan by using the Zone Pressure Limits tool. See Section
Figure 2-43
Figure 2-44
Figure 2-46
Figure 2-47
Figure 2-48
Missing items can be entered into the database and enabled for
selection. New items that solve previously unsolved junctions will be
selected when Computer Selection of Fittings is re-run.
Items that have been selected to solve the junction are listed. Click the
[Add] or [Remove] buttons as required. Changes made here are
reflected in the Costing/BOM Reports. Note that any changes made
here will be lost if Computer Selection of Fittings is re-run. Hence it is
better to edit the database to solve fittings problems.
Miscellaneous items can also be selected and added to the design and
subsequently the Costing/BOM Reports by via Design|Miscellaneous
Costs and using the [Add] button to select any item currently in the
database. Note that any changes made via Miscellaneous Costs remain
if Computer Selection of Fittings is re-run.
1. Select all junctions that will have the same fitting to be changed
or added.
2. Select Modify|Change Type.
3. Click the [Show Fittings] button in the dialog.
4. Make the change required (e.g., click on the [Replace] or [Add]
button and select an item or items from the database dialog).
5. Click [OK].
6. Select the appropriate “Match” and “Change” fields in the
Change Type dialog. If All Fittings is enabled, for example,
then those items, e.g., sprinklers, which have the same fittings,
will be included in the global change. If Exact Errors is enabled,
then only those sprinklers, for example, which had the same
error message during Computer Selection of Fittings will be
included in the global change. The Bend Angle Range option
will broaden the Exact Errors option. For example, an error
message was displayed, concerning sprinklers in the design,
which a bend could not be found to solve the junctions. Where
each instance of the error displayed a slightly different bend
angle, the Bend Angle Range can be used to cover several
7. Click [OK].
If the design being created is getting larger and larger and the symbols
are disappearing when zoomed out, select Settings|Miscellaneous and
increase the “Base Database Symbol Size” until happy with the results.
Make sure the “Update Database Symbols” check box in
Settings|Irrigation Items is checked to ensure existing symbols in the
design are updated to the new size.
Changing the “Base Database Symbol Size” changes all the database
symbols in the design. To change the size of a particular hydraulic item
e.g., an outlet, change the symbol size of that item in the database. If
the symbol size is currently a size 5, increase the size of the symbol
relative to other symbols by selecting a size 6-10. To reduce the size of
this symbol relative to other symbols select a size 1-4.
There are a few key things to know when using hatches and fills:
If there are many closed objects or intersecting objects on the plan Seed
Hatch or Fill may have difficulty filling the selected area. A message may
appear indicating there are over 100 objects or IRRICAD may beep and
no fill or hatch appears. The Selection option can be used in this case
with the same results, if the correct items are selected.
See also:
See also:
Line Direction
The section headed “Line Direction” determines the direction of the
dimension line.
A section at the top right, headed “Mode”, selects the type of
dimensioning. To demonstrate the different modes, draw a 2-point
rectangle. Using Right-click|Snaps|Midpoint, place a line to divide the
rectangle in half. Name the top left corner A, the top midpoint B and the
top right hand corner C.
168 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
This section looks at Extension options.
The “Offset” value adjusts the space between the drawing object
and the end of the extension lines.
The “Above” value adjusts the distance that the extension line
extends past the dimension line and away from the drawing
The “Below” value adjusts the distance the extension line
extends beyond the dimension line and toward the drawing
object when Stretch is also unchecked.
Offset, Above, Below with Stretch on: When “Stretch” is checked, the
extension lines stretch to reach the drawing
object (minus the “Offset” distance). When
unchecked, the “Offset” setting is ignored, and
the extension lines follow the setting of the
“Below” distance. If “Proximity Fixed” is checked
when “Stretch” is checked, “Stretch” is ignored
as the dimension is placed at the offset distance
(see Figure 2-53).
This section allows the dimension arrow to be specified.
Two location options can be chosen (see Figure 2-57):
Note that Dimension can only have one font. If another font is selected
to use in a subsequent dimension, all previously placed dimensions will
change to the new font selected.
When the “Centered” check box is checked, dimension text is placed at the
midpoint of the dimension line, regardless of the orientation or mode chosen.
When unchecked, the dimension text is positioned by moving the cursor along
the dimension as the line is positioned (see
Figure 2-58).
Two options are available with “Orientation” – “Aligned” and “Horizontal”.
Dimension Text
Dimension text deals with the properties of True Type text placed. Select
the font required, type in the height required - which will be relative to
the size of the drawing, type in the aspect ratio required (width relative to
height), style required (bold, italics, underlined), and line spacing. The
line spacing sets the spacing (as a percentage of one line height)
between lines of text for stacked tolerance display (see Figure 2-55).
Angular Dimension will give the angle between any two points specified.
Use the Angular Dimension tool to measure any angle in the drawing by
first identifying a vertex and then a point on each ray. For every angle,
select the inside or the outside measurement to be dimensioned (see
Figure 2-60).
The first text placed will indicate the base point - 0.00ft (m). Now place
another click where required to dimension and place the text again. The
second dimension is the distance from the base point along the positive
axis (vertical if the direction point was placed in a vertical direction).
Continue to place origin points until a new dimension or new direction is
required (see Figure 2-61).
Note that Datum can only have one font. If another font is selected to
use in a subsequent dimension, all previously placed dimensions will
change to the new font selected.
Datum Dimension
Select the option required to place a datum - X and Y co-ordinates of the
point, X co-ordinates only, or Y co-ordinates only. If “None” is selected,
any text entered in the text edit field will be placed with the datum.
This section specifies how the arrow is to be displayed.
Leader Text
Dimension text deals with the properties of True Type text placed. Select
the font required, type in the height required - which will be relative to
the size of the drawing, type in the aspect ratio required (width relative to
height), style required (bold, italics, underlined), and line spacing. The
line spacing sets the spacing (as a percentage of one line height)
between lines of text. Use <Ctrl> + <Enter> to type a second line of text.
Datum Dimension
Datums are used to specify the co-ordinates of a point on the screen.
Where the first click is placed defines the datum value.
Datums are placed in the same way as Leaders. The first point placed
on the screen will become the arrow point. Draw the arrow as a
continuous line, placing points where a change of direction is required.
When completed select Right-click|Done. By moving the mouse, select
which side the text should be placed - either left or right. A “Shoulder”
may be added and an “Offset” placed before the text (see Datum /
Leader Settings, Section
This option allows only a single instance of the object to be inserted.
Tools|Insert OLE
Allows multiple instances of the object to be inserted.
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 181
Edit|Open OLE Item
OLE items that have previously been added can be opened and altered
in the appropriate application. To do this, simply select the OLE item and
then use Open OLE Item from the Edit menu. Any changes made will be
reflected in the inserted item.
In both cases, the required data needs to have been copied to
the clipboard in the appropriate application (e.g., the IRRICAD
report viewer) or a file copied in My Computer or Windows
Explorer). The size and shape of the OLE object is selected by
specifying two corners of a rectangle (clicking one corner then
moving the cursor to the desired second corner and clicking
again - NOT click and drag). Although there is no restriction on
the shape of the OLE rectangle it is advisable to ensure that the
relative dimensions of the rectangle approximate those of the
OLE object to be displayed.
OLE items are selected by using a select tool and clicking on the
bounding rectangle for the item. This rectangle is white and
therefore will be invisible when using a white background. It is
normally not difficult to select it, but should difficulty arise, using
a non-white background color may help.
Firstly, the required information using keywords and text is set in the
template (Settings|Labels) [Text] box. Keywords may be selected for the
dialog from the drop-down. Settings for background, border, and
alignment relative to the item can be specified in the main Labels dialog.
Enable the item types to be labeled by checking the "Name" column as
Secondly, to give complete control the Create Labels tool will only create
labels for selected (highlighted) items. Highlight the required items, or
use Modify|Select|All, then action Tools|Create Labels to create the
labels. Only the item types enabled via the checkboxes in
Settings|Labels that are highlighted on the plan will be labeled.
Note the list and useability of keywords can be found in the Technical
Reference (Appendix I: Keywords for use in Labels and Plot Templates,
Section 6.10.1).
More than one template can be saved for each type of label by using
Label Sets. When labeling one or both label sets can be enabled for
use. See Using Label Sets, Section for more information and a
working example.
For pipes to be combined the total angle between them must be less
than the value set in the “Angle Tolerance” field. If pipes branch
(attached tapes and connected spraylines are not considered to be a
‘branch’) then a new label will be produced. The LENGTH2D / ROLLS
and LENGTH3D / ROLLS3D keywords will be based upon the combined
length of the pipe segments.
The parameters contained in the “Label Options” panel are also retained
for each set and this feature is extremely useful to maintain, and apply,
an alternate set of labels, containing hydraulic keywords which cannot
be used with the “Combine pipe labels” option, for pipes.
Figure 2-68
Modifying Labels
Labels may be modified independently from their ‘parent’ items, all the
normal modification tools (Move, Rotate, Delete, Change etc.) can be
applied in the same way as for any other drawing symbol. If a label is
modified the parent item remains unchanged. Note that it is not
recommended that the symbol name is changed since each label has a
unique symbol definition created for it.
With Lateral Groups: Total Lateral Length / Num Laterals per Group *
Crop Width.
No Lateral Groups: Total Lateral Length * Crop Width.
Note that if “Crop Width” is greater than the Group Spacing + (Number
of Laterals per Group – 1) * Lateral Spacing, or the Lateral Spacing (with
no groups) then the normal method is used to calculate the area.
Meaning: round the value of ‘keyword’ to the nearest 0.1. This would
give one decimal place of accuracy; similarly 0.01 would give two
decimal places etc.
Two keywords, #ROLLS# and #ROLLS3D# are available, such that pipe
lengths can be displayed as a number of ‘rolls’ (based on the roll length
of the pipe type in the database – see the Pipe Fitting Matching Table).
Database symbols are used in the database to display a symbol for
each hydraulic item. The exception is the Pipes and Wires groups,
where a line type is selected.
Start with a clean design (File|New). Draw the new symbol at the size
100 inches by 100 inches (2.54 metres by 2.54 metres). This will make
sure that it is the same scale as the existing database symbols so a size
5 for the new symbol will be the same size as a size 5 of existing
symbols. Use any of the drawing tools to draw the elements of the
symbol on the screen.
Using a selection tool select all the items required to make up the
symbol. When everything is highlighted, use Tools|Create Symbol to
store the items as symbols. Enter a name for the symbol and check the
“Database” check box. Leave the path as suggested as this path is
stored in Settings|Irrigation Items, however the symbol can be saved
elsewhere if required. Now the symbol is present in the folder containing
the database symbols.
Run the database editor program and open the working database (if this
is not the default database click [Save Changes] on the database that
initially appears and select File|Open to open the working database). Go
the item required to use the new symbol for. Click the [Edit / View]
button when this item is highlighted. To the left of the “Plotting Symbol”
field is a small button with three dots on it. This is a [Browse] button.
Click this button and find the new symbol in the \symbols\database
folder or whereever it is stored. Select it and click [Open]. After making
the changes to this item click [Save] and [Save Changes] to save and
close the database.
Reports may be viewed on screen, copied and pasted into the design as
an OLE item, printed, and saved to a variety of formats as required.
Note that the on screen view is rendered for printing and as such
individual elements in a report are not selectable.
See also:
See also:
Click [OK] for the plot layout to be automatically produced. It will appear
centrally on the current screen view.
When a printing a smaller portion of the plan or when an image
is present “behind” the plan enable “Keep Fills”. This option will
place white fills underneath the legend and border so that items
outside of the plan or underneath legend areas don't obscure
the selected view .
Select the paper size required. If this size is not listed click the [Printer]
button (bottom right) and change the printer which will update the
available paper sizes.
Do NOT check “All Colors to Black” if fills have been enabled on
the plot layout as the fills will be printed in black.
Note that the scale in a PDF file is only nominal as it can be printed to
any size paper by the end-user.
A preview is displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog. The plan can
be dragged to a more suitable position with the mouse or the [Center]
button used. When the plan is ready to export click the [Save PDF]
Note: Ensure the "Paper" unit is appropriate for the current distance
unit settings. For US select the "English" unit, for metric select
the "Metric" unit option.
Unconnected spraylines can be used, with higher numbers of emitters, if
it is wished to have pipe sizing take account of the elevation at each
For connected spraylines minor losses, to account for barb losses at the
emitter/riser connections, are calculated in a similar manner, however
the loss assigned in a connected sprayline is 50% of the loss assigned
in an unconnected sprayline.
The allowance for minor losses (in pipes and connected spraylines) may
be disabled in Zone Design Configuration. This will effect both submains
and laterals in sprayline blocks. SUMMARY
Enter the required data into the database as a sprayline and
Duplicate the design, replace existing tapes with spraylines and
If using Zone LP Design to size the submain, guess a nominal
pressure, analyze and adjust as required so it simulates the tape
as closely as possible.
198 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
If the submain has been manually selected, guess at a nominal
outlet pressure and use detailed analysis to analyze.
In the pipe database add a pipe with the same internal diameter as the
tape entry (do not forget to give it a unique warehouse code). The
roughness for the pipe can be determined from trials to achieve the
same headloss through the pipe that the tape gives. In a clean design
run out a tape a set length (similar to the run length in the design) e.g.,
300ft (100m). Then run out the new pipe the same length. Connect with
a large submain pipe and a control valve. Analyze the zone and check
the Zone Design Full report. Change the “Pipe Roughness” factor for the
new pipe until it achieves the same headloss through the pipe that the
tape is giving.
In the outlet database, make an entry for the tape outlet. The constant
and index for this can be derived in a number of ways:
The radius is not important just use a Constant of say 1.0 and an Index
of 0.0.
Make a copy of the design by using File|Save As and save the design
under new name.
In the copy of the design, replace the existing tapes with connected
spraylines using the tape pipe and tape outlet created for this purpose.
IRRICAD User Guide User Manual 199
To do this select the block and then select Tools|Tapes to Spraylines
and select the new pipe and new outlet. SUMMARY
Simulate the tape as a pipe and outlet.
Use Change Type to change all tapes to spraylines using the
pipe and outlet.
Add the flushing main.
In the outlet database make an entry for the tape outlet. The constant
and index (for the Iteration calculation method) for this can be derived in
a number of ways:
In the pipe database add a pipe with the same internal diameter as the
tape entry (do not forget to give it a unique warehouse code). The
It is generally better to duplicate the tape design and make the changes
required to carry out the flushing analysis on a separate copy. To do
this, use the File|Save As command and save it with a different file
In the copy of the design select the tape block and change the tapes to
connected spraylines (use Modify|Select|Window then select
Tools|Tapes to Spraylines). Select the tape pipe entered above then the
tape outlet in the dialog.
Add the flushing main to the tape block using Zone|Cut Pipe.
Under detailed analysis this flushing outlet will need to have a pressure
of 1.4-2.1psi and the flow you are expecting from above. You can
change your manifold sizes or select a flushing valve size which will give
you the values from Detailed Analysis that you require. It is important to
focus on the Object Info data for the flushing outlets rather than the
pressure you entered into the outlet dialog as Detailed Analysis will tell
you the actual pressure and the actual flow at the outlet.
Also note that when trying to achieve the correct flushing velocities and
expected flow through the flushing valve, you can change the manifold
sizes to try and achieve these goals. ANALYSIS
Set the valve pressure required for the zone in Design|Zone Design
Configuration (you can get this from the Zone Summary report from the
design of the real tape block).
Now insert flushing valves where required (from the Outlet database)
onto the flushing main. You can vary the valve pressure as you wish and
examine the results in reports.
Note: A word of warning - Do not use a flush valve that is too big, i.e.
make sure you use one that has 2m or 3m of headloss at the
flushing flows you expect (use the Curve Fit utility to create the
correct data to input). If you use a flushing valve that has too low
a headloss, you will have problems getting a solution.
The required flushing velocity rule of thumb is 0.305m/s (1ft/s) down the
tapes. Set the valve pressure to achieve the correct velocity.
Add a new emitter / emitter nozzle to the database that has the same
index as one used on the single lateral / dripline. The constant will be n
times the single one, where n is the number of laterals being combined.
If using a tape / dripline then see the notes on flushing analysis for
sources of the emitter equation. Make sure that the warehouse code is
different to the normal emitter / nozzle.
Make a copy of the design and remove the laterals that are going to be
combined leaving one for each group. Generally it is best to have the
notional lateral approximately in the center of the group of laterals being
modeled. This means that a half lateral will be needed at the beginning
and end of the submain, the diameter and emitter parameters for this
lateral will need to be calculated and entered into the database
separately. For example if there are 100 laterals that are being split up
into groups of 10 then start and end with a group of 5 and then have 9
groups of 10 laterals in between. Change tapes to spraylines if required
and then replace the emitters and pipes with the Multiple items
determined above. SUMMARY
Create an outlet and nozzle to simulate the multiple laterals.
Create a new pipe.
Remove a group of laterals and replace with a single lateral.
A quick review of terminology will help clarify the following notes.
Flow +% Pressure -% Pressure
Exponent Pressure
Variation% Variation Variation
0.47 +/- 5 10.94 10.34 21.28
0.50 +/- 5 10.25 9.75 20.00
0.53 +/- 5 9.64 9.22 18.86
EU % Pressure Variation
90 30
85 65
80 100
Many tape blocks have more rows than the existing IRRICAD limits for a
zone. The Zone Design Configuration table can limit the selection of
pipe sizes in the submain. This will increase IRRICAD's design limits. If
the block is still too big the best way to design it is by using Velocity
Design. A couple of trial error runs may have to be done to find the
velocity setting that gives the pressure variation desired.
If the water supply is a river or open water source and therefore the
pressure may be zero, enter a small number for the water supply design
and maximum pressures so that IRRICAD will not calculate the pressure
required to run the system (e.g., 0.1).
If the water supply is a tank, enter the height of the water level above
ground level as the design and maximum pressures e.g., 2ft (m).
When a pump is used in a system, there are often more items that result
in a headloss. These items such as rising column losses (submersible
pump only), drawdown losses (well only), headworks losses, etc. can be
entered in to the design and therefore analysed as close to field results
as possible.
If the water supply is a well with a static water level below ground level,
there will be a negative pressure in the pipe between the water supply
and the pump, which will be reported during analysis. It does not matter
in which order the above items are placed on the mainline pipe, only that
they are placed so that any losses are accounted for. The items above
can be entered at the depth they are at, or left at zero for convenience.
Remember using the same pump in series doubles the pressure output.
Drawdown Losses
Drawdown losses are based on well tests. Determine the drawdown for
the well (pumping level - static water level).
For alluvial aquifers: If there is only one well test (Q-dd pair) available
estimate the index is around 1.5. For a large flow use 1.7 (> 50 l/s). Find
the value of the constant e.g., K = H/Q n. If there are two points supplied
(2 well tests) on the same well can calculate the index (exponent). N =
log (D1/D2)/log (Q1/Q2). K = D1/Q1n.
212 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
For wells that are uncased in rock or limestone use an index (n) close to
Enter the constant (K) and index or exponent (n) in to the correct edit
fields in the Other Hydraulic component group in the database. The
intercept (C) is 0.
Use a friction loss chart for the type of rising column used.
Enter at least three sets of numbers read from the chart for the correct
flow and rising column size into the Curve Fit utility for Valves (same as
Misc. Hydraulic but no intercept), making sure the units above each
column match the units from the chart. Click the [Fit Curve] button. The
Curve Fit generates two numbers to use in the database. This produces
constants and intercepts that IRRICAD uses in the Misc. Hydraulic
formula to calculate the headloss through the rising column. It is easier
to calculate for 100m and then adjust for the actual length.
For galvanised rising columns use the following: These have been
calculated for a column 328ft (100m) long
Alter the constant relative to the length of the rising column (using the
Headworks Losses
This Misc. Hydraulic item can be used to account for other losses
relative to the flow.
H = for example, if the estimated pressure loss in the headworks
is 5psi @ 26385gph (3.5m@100m³/h) assume n=2 (in most
cases) and solve for K.
However, if there are 2 or more water supplies present for the same
system and pumps will not be used in the design, enter at least the
pressure in to all water supplies (required). Increase or decrease the
pressure to achieve the flow required from each. If the water supplies
are supplying the same system then LP Design cannot be used. Use
Velocity Design to size the pipes.
Make the water supply the PRV – enter the water supply pressure equal
to the PRV pressure setting e.g., if the PRV is to be set at 70psi (50m),
enter the water supply pressure as 70psi (50m). Never put PRVs in
loops. Manually check the PRV is able to regulate at that set pressure
and at that flow. OVERVIEW
Plot templates are borders with legends and title blocks that can be
placed around designs. Normally plot templates consist of the following:
Plot templates are normally created for specific paper sizes to ensure
that the proportions of legends and title blocks, and text and symbol
sizes, are appropriate to the paper selected.
Change the background color. In order to see the white fills and
black lines, it is best to change the background color so it is
neither black nor white.
Change the distance units to feet (meters). Determine the
maximum printable area on the paper and multiply by 1000 e.g.,
a printable area of 17 x 11" becomes 1416.67 x 916.67ft
(420mm x 297mm becomes 420 x 297m). B (A3) size paper with
an assumed margin perimeter around the paper of 0.3” (8mm)
then becomes 25ft (8m). If the lower left corner of the paper is
assumed have coordinates of 0, 0 then the printable area is from
25, 25 to 1391.67, 891.67 (8, 8 to 412, 289). To see a table of
paper sizes and their dimensions see Paper Sizes, Section
Start with a new design and draw a rectangle to represent the
paper size. Draw an inner rectangle to represent the maximum
printable area. Define the Active Area using Plot
Template|Active Area. Drawing a line between the bottom left
corner of the inner rectangle and the top right corner can do this.
It is a good idea to start and finish this line just beyond the
rectangle's extents.
A white fill can be used between the two rectangles to ensure
that any part of design that is outside the border (inner
rectangle) is not printed. Fills may also be placed under the title
block and as part of the legends (see Fills, Section
Draw lines to create an area that will be used for the legends,
company name and design details. Place literal text as required
216 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
using Draw|Text. Add a company logo or other symbols using
Draw|Symbol (see Placing Symbols on the Plan, Section 2.7.1)
or File|Import Image. To automatically place information about
the job and the company see Using Keywords, Section
Create the legends (see Creating Legends, Section
Select all the objects making up the template using
Modify|Select|Window and save it using Plot Template|Save
Template. The template is saved with the given name in the
folder specified in Settings|Drawing Items - “Plot Layout Path”.
The placeholders can be any line, symbol or text string since they do not
actually form part of the generated plot layout; they are merely used for
positioning information and drawing properties. However, the default
symbol called PlaceHolder is found in the \IRRICAD\symbols\database
folder and the default text is #TEXT#.
Pipe: lists the pipes, wires and spraylines used in the
Symbol: lists the outlets, valves, pumps, Misc. Hydraulic
objects and electrical objects used in the
Combined: combines both pipe and symbol legends
The “Order” relates to how the legends are filled. If three pipe legend
areas are being placed, designate the order in which these areas are
filled. The pipe legend area with the lowest number e.g., 1 will be filled
first. When this area is full, the area with the next lowest number e.g., 2
will be filled next. Only if an area is filled completely will items be placed
in the extra areas designated for that type of legend. If a legend of the
same type already exists, enter a higher number. FILLS
Fills are areas of a solid color (see Fill, Section 5.6.10).
In plot templates, fills are normally white and are placed in the legend
areas and outside the paper border line. They are used to prevent parts
218 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
of the design from being plotted in these areas. This is particularly useful
when a small part of a large design is printed or plotted.
To complete the plot template it is necessary to place a fill over the title
block section of the template so parts of the design will not be plotted in
the area containing the company name, scale, etc.
Note: that the Modify|Z-Order tools can also be used to move the fills.
See Section 6.10.2 for a complete list of the Plot Template Keywords
1. Change the background color. In order to see the white fills and
black lines, it is best to change the background color so it is
neither black nor white.
2. Start with a new design.
3. Select Plot Template|Edit Template. Select a plot template from
those available. These plot templates have either come with the
program or been converted from IRRICAD Version 6
(File|Convert|Plot Layouts). Select the plot template to change
and click [Open].
Literal text can be added using Draw|Text and placing the text where
required. Lines, rectangles etc. can be added using the appropriate tools
from the Draw menu.
1. Uncheck Text in the “Match” column. Do not match the text if all
text is to change not just the text phrase which was selected.
2. Keep both the “Match” and “Change” columns for the Font
checked. This means that all text (which has been selected)
which is the same font as the text selected will be changed to
the new font that has been selected.
Note the use of the selection filter to select text on top of a fill. This
method can be used to select any type of object on top of a fill e.g.,
symbols, lines.
Note: The text in a legend will not change. Explode the legend area to
change this text. Remember to re-make the legend with all is
components (line and / or symbol, text and fill) before saving the
plot template.
Any object obscured by fills can also be made visible by moving the fills
to the back (see Moving Fills to Back, Section
Editing Legends
Before a legend can be edited it must be exploded into its constituent
parts. Select Modify|Select Object and click on the legend to be
changed. Select Modify|Explode. Now the fill, placeholder text, line or
symbol can be changed as required (see Making Changes to the Design
or Drawing, Section 2.4.4).
When all the necessary changes have been made the legend must be
recreated. Use Modify|Select|Window and drag a window around the
legend items. Select Plot Template|Make Legend to recreate the legend
The plot template may be saved with the same name as the original in
which case it will overwrite the original or with a new name which will
create a new template. The template is saved in the folder specified in
Settings|Drawing Items - “Plot Layout Path”.
In Figure 2-75 three lines of information have been written. For all three
lines to be included, the key word #USER# needs to be added to Labels
[Text]. If only the 2nd line is required in the label, use the key word
#USER2# in Labels [Text] (and subsequent lines if required). If only
specific text from a line is required in the label then the #USER<TAG>#
is used. For example if only ‘Sauvignon Blanc’ is required from line 1,
use <CROP>Sauvignon Blanc<CROP> in place of ‘Sauvignon Blanc’
where CROP is simply a tag used in this case and can be any word in
uppercase (capitals).
Note that the decimal points are specified in the normal way, for
The total costs and parameters used for each design can be viewed in
the B.O.M with Costs, Zone/Mainline BOM, and Zone Summary/Mainline
BOM reports. Note that reported costs are effected by any selection set
and “Design Only” scope implementation (capital costs only) being used.
Figure 2-78
The parameters used to calculate the annual running costs are the
“Default pump efficiency (%)”, “Power Cost/kWh”, and “Operating hours /
yr” located in Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters. The
parameters used to calculate the annualized capital costs are the
“Default interest rate (%)”,and “Economic term (years)”, also located in
the Economic Parameters. Note that the operating hours and economic
term will be used even when “Trade capital costs vs running cost” is not
For example, if there are four system flows and three system flows
operate for one hour each and the fourth system flow operates for three
hours then if 2000 hours per year specified the first three system flows
will run for 333.33 hours and the fourth for 1000 hours per annum. The
annual run time for each system flow is then used to calculate running
costs for water supplies and pumps that pertain to it.
Only the default BiIl of Materials with costs reports show the additional
economic reporting as these reports include any rounding or extra %
228 User Manual IRRICAD User Guide
allowance as specified in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. Customized
Costing/BOM reports can have the economic reporting included if
required, email the report template to [email protected] for
Figure 2-80
1. The first time an error crash report appears enter your email
Figure 5-81
Figure 5-82
Figure 5-83
Click [Allow] to the complete the process and send the crash
report to IRRICAD Software.
Note: You can see the information IRRICAD is sending by clicking the
“What does this report contain” link in Step 1 above. The email
includes an ErrorLog.txt, a Session.log, a crashdump.dmp, and
a crashrpt.xml file.
To recover an AutoSave file select File|Open and browse for the Backup
folder normally located in C:\Program Files (x86)\AEI
Software\IRRICAD. Load the required backup design, denoted by the
design name appended by ~~Backup.dez). Use File|Save As to save
the file back in to the Designs folder; to retain the original file save under
a new name.
The default autosave time is 15 minutes. If you have opened the
corrupted design close it before IRRICAD autosaves and
overwrites the potentially good backup file.
Once the database has been updated with all possible tees, bends,
couplers and crosses with the correct inlet and outlet diameters for
solving the junctions, error messages become a rare occurrence.
Two solutions are possible. The first is to create an assembly using the
appropriate control valve plus the necessary bend and fittings. This
assembly is then selected for use at the appropriate place in the design.
Alternatively the required additional fittings can be added after fitting
selection by using the Modify|Change or Modify|Change Type tools.
See also:
Make sure that the elevation data is correct and that there are
adequate contours or spot heights in and around the design.
Fixed pipe sizes – revert to Computer Selected pipe until an
answer is achieved.
Leave the number of submain pipes as zero in Design|Zone
Design Configuration so as not to limit the number of pipes that
IRRICAD can choose for the system.
Leave the valve pressure as zero so as not to limit LP Design by
a valve pressure to work to (or the Water Supply pressure as
zero if sizing Mainline pipe).
Make sure that all possible pipes (lateral, zone and mainline) are
enabled in the database editor and that all information entered
for these pipes is correct.
If LP Design is having trouble, then adjust the maximum
allowable velocity to 30ft/s (10m/s) and try again. This means
that the velocity will not be a limitation as LP Design tries to find
a pipe size. This does not necessarily mean that the resulting
velocity in the pipes will be excessively high in the system.
Allow 2 or 3 lateral sizes to be used in Design|Zone Design
Increase the tolerances on the outlets.
Add a very small pipe e.g., 0.2” (5mm) and a very large pipe
e.g., 3ft (1m) to the database so IRRICAD will find a solution
and the position of the problem can be seen. Make changes to
the design manually.
The error messages are to give some idea why LP failed. While some
messages are self-explanatory, following the checklist above (LP Design
Errors, Section 2.10.3) will solve most.
Others, however, are a little more complicated and may stem from
memory limitations, program limitations or some form of corruption to the
Linear Program solver. An error message may also occur if, for a
particular design configuration, the Linear Program solver is not
converging towards a solution. In this case, Velocity Design should be
used, or the design layout changed in some way.
Make a better guess at the nominal pressure for the sprinklers as this
may give Detailed Analysis a better starting point.
The main problem with users in this respect is if they create a ‘Replica’
of the database. A replica cannot have new items added and IRRICAD
does not like the database in this form either. Once a replica is created
and the master (original) is moved or deleted there is no going back.
Start again with a normal database. If a lot of product has been edited
and added to the database, this can be an exceedingly frustrating loss of
Figure 2-85
The main reason that this problem arises is when a design is being
accessed on the CD or when the files have been copied to the hard
drive from a CD. CDs are read-only by definition so when files are
copied off a CD the properties must be changed so that the file(s) are
not read only. Highlight the file or files in Windows Explorer or My
Computer. Right-click and select Properties. Uncheck the “Read Only”
check box. SKELETON.MDB
The Skeleton.mdb is required when running IRRICAD or starting a new
design. If it is not in the IRRICAD folder or is Read Only, IRRICAD will
not be able to run. Make sure the file is present, or if it is not, either re-
install IRRICAD or email AEI Software for a new one.
If the design (and hence the internal database) is open at the time, the
internal database will be updated during Design.
Run Management again before re-running Design and saving the file.
This junction has four pipes connecting here. Each item has an Object
ID or UID. The four pipes connecting at this junction are 1, 6, 4 and 8.
If there are other items included in the Object Info dialog, they might be
a small length of pipe or something else. Reselect these items and press
the <Delete> key, this will delete everything within the select window
except for the junction connecting the existing pipes. Remember that an
item has to be completely with the select window to be highlighted and
deleted, and pipes cannot exist with their end junctions. If the item at this
point is not a junction but a valve or outlet, the item may need to deleted
to fix the problem and then re-insert the item.
When databases are modified, a dated copy should be taken. The name
of the database used for a design is automatically saved with the design.
In order to change the default, select the database of choice and save
the setting by clicking the [Save As Defaults] button. If the chosen
database is not saved as the default, the Database Editor will not open
with the desired database. However, the user can close the default
database and open one of their choice by selecting File|Open in the
database editor menu.
At the top of the screen is a series of tabs. These tabs are labeled
according to the component group associated with the tab. There are
eighteen component groups that make up the entire database. These
component groups hold all the technical and physical descriptions of the
items used for designing and analyzing the irrigation system.
At the bottom of the description list there is a field indicating the line
number where the cursor is (a small arrow is placed in the margin of that
line, indicating the selected item). If line number 250 is required, and is
currently on line number 40, simply highlight the line number in this field
and type the required number. The cursor will automatically find the line
required. If a number greater than the number of items available in the
list is entered, the cursor will simply stop at the end of the list. Arrows on
either side of this field can be clicked to move up and down the screen
as required. It is possible to also move through the list by using the up /
Figure 3-1
3.3.1 NEW
Select File|New to create a new database.
A message will appear to help outline the steps required – the steps are
listed below.
1. Select File|New.
2. A message will appear instructing to add pipe types and supplier
codes. Click the [OK] button. The database will be saved into
the same fodler as the current default database with the name
3. Close the new database and run IRRICAD. Select the newly
created database in Settings|Irrigation - DesignSpecific.
4. Select Design|Pipe Fitting Matching Table. Enter pipe types and
the necessary characteristics. (See Section 5.13.17)
5. Select Reports|Supplier Code Multipliers and enter supplier
codes and the necessary characteristics (see Section 5.14.16).
6. Exit IRRICAD.
3.3.2 OPEN
Select File|Open to open a database of choice.
To open a database:
1. Select File|Open.
2. Browse for the required database.
3. Click the [Open] button.
More than one database can be open at the same time. See the
Window menu for the list of open database and display options.
3.3.3 CLOSE
To close the currently viewed database without saving any changes:
1. Select File|Close.
2. Select [Yes] to close all databases, saving changes or [No] to
close all databases without saving or [Cancel] to not close the
Database Editor.
To merge a database:
1. Select File|Merge.
2. Select the database to have items added from - this database is
opened but will remain as it is (the ‘Source’ database).
3. Select the database to add items to - this database will have
items added (the ‘Destination’ database). If a copy of the original
database is required, make a copy in Windows Explorer or My
Computer before merging.
4. Click the [Merge] button.
A file is created (DBMergeReport.txt) in the \Irricad folder directory.
Check this file to see a report on the components that were merged.
Note: The file name in the MRU list may be abbreviated, but the full
path and file name can be seen in the application status bar.
3.3.7 EXIT
To save the changes to the database select File|Exit. If the changes are
not required to be saved, click the [No] button to close the current
database without saving. If the changes are to be saved, click the [Yes]
Figure 3-2
3.4.1 UNDO
Select Edit|Undo to undo the last action.
3.4.2 REDO
Select Edit|Redo to repeat the last action which was undone (see
3.4.5 COPY
To copy a description, warehouse, supplier code, etc on to the clipboard
to be used at a later time.
3.4.6 PASTE
To paste from the clipboard into the currently selected field.
The Copy Component function differs from Copy in that it will
completely copy all the fields of a component, including
assembly items or nozzles.
3.4.8 FIND
To search the database for particular words or phrases use the Find
tool. Find only looks in the current field (column) and tab.
Find Next: This action will move to the next record which
contains the keyword.
Cancel: [Cancel] will stop the search and close the Find
Match Case: If checked, the only items which the search will
find will be those with the correct case e.g.,
ANGLE if typed in upper case in the “Find” field.
Direction: The direction of the search can be specified as
above the current cursor position (“Up”) or
below the current cursor position (“Down”).
To search and replace specific words or phrases with a new word or
phrase, use the Replace tool. Replace only looks in the current field
(column) and tab.
Figure 3-3
Figure 3-4
Pressure Meters
Pounds/square inch
Flow Litres/second
Cubic meters/hour
US gallons/minute
US gallons/hour
Imperial gallons/minute
Imperial gallons/hour
Radius Meters
Having selected the required units at least three pairs of values must be
entered to allow IRRICAD to fit the data to the appropriate equation.
For accuracy, select a range of values that represent the likely operating
range of the device. Do not use extreme values if the device will never
be required to operate at those values.
Negative data values cannot be used. Zero entries for pressure and flow
will be ignored. If either pressure or flow (or radius) is zero, the entry is
not valid (put in 0.01 or something instead of zero). Warning messages
will inform the user of these conditions.
Click [Fit Curve] after the required data has been entered. The
parameters required by IRRICAD will now be calculated and displayed
at the bottom of the dialog.
If the value of r2 is less than 90% for the outlet or radius power curve,
IRRICAD attempts to fit a horizontal straight line to the data. If the r2 for
the straight line is greater than 90%, then the straight line option is used
and the index is set to zero. If the r2 for the straight line is less than 90%,
then the type of curve used is that which gives the best fit. The straight
line option gives better results for outlets that are pressure
IRRICAD User Guide IRRICAD Database Editor Manual 261
If the final value of r2 is less than 90% for any of the options, a warning
will be displayed. Usually this is caused by errors in data entry, although
for some radius calculations irregular data will sometimes result in a
poor fit. If r2 is less than 90% Do Not use the results in IRRICAD unless
it is known why the fit is poor and it is understood the consequences of
using the results in the design.
6. Click the arrow button to copy the calculated vales into the
relevant fields on the current record.
The status bar can allow you to resize the window to a required size
when not full screen size.
To hide the status bar, select View|Status Bar and click to uncheck the
To show the status bar if it is off, select View|Status Bar and click to
check the option.
Figure 3-6
To edit an assembly:
To edit an outlet:
item number
item description
warehouse code
supplier cost code
wholesale cost
retail price
These items are described below. Any exceptions are explained under
the description of the particular component type.
The Supplier Code is used to modify item prices using the supplier code
multipliers. These can be accessed in IRRICAD through the Reports
menu. Retail or wholesale prices can be entered as the base price. This
will make the supplier code multipliers act on the wholesale (or retail, if
selected) cost for the selected suppliers.
See also:
See also:
The “Usage” codes are different for pipes and assemblies. For pipes the
“Usage” codes are L, Z, F and M. L refers to a lateral pipe (placed using
the Zone|Sprayline or Zone|Block options) and Z to other Zone pipes
(downstream from a control valve). F refers to flushing pipes that are not
available for selection as zone pipes duing LP or velocity design but are
available in the drop-down boxes for manual selection. M refers to
mainline pipes (upstream from a control valve). Each pipe can have one
“Usage” code or a combination of any or all three “Usage” codes
assigned. If no “Usage” code is assigned to a pipe it can not be selected
or used in the design. For assemblies two extra “Usage” codes have
been assigned - X and A. These describe the type of listing required in
the Costing/BOM Reports. See About Assemblies, Section
The Wholesale cost can be set to be the cost used in the Costing
Reports and the BOM with Costs report by setting the “Default Pricing
Type” in Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters.
The retail or selling price of the item, before any discounts or cost
multipliers have been applied. This can be set to be the base price
through the IRRICAD menu Reports|Supplier Code Multipliers. This will
make the supplier code multipliers act on the retail cost for all the
selected suppliers.
The Retail price can be set to be the cost used in the Costing Reports
and the BOM with Costs report by setting the “Default Pricing Type” in
Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters.
Any consistent set of pipe codes can be used. Any code containing up to
four characters may be entered in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table,
Section 5.13.17 for use in the pipe database. A “Pipe Type” can only be
entered once, but a “Connection Code” can connect to more than one
“Pipe Type”.
See also:
S: slip connection
T: threaded connection
B: barbed or if used with FLA (flanged) - bolted
F: flanged
272 IRRICAD Database Editor Manual IRRICAD User Guide
For IRRICAD to select a fitting it must have the same “Connection Type”
as the item it is being selected for.
When selecting or changing the symbol, choose from the dropdown list
or click the browse button ([]) to select a new symbol from the
symbols\database folder. When creating a new database symbol it must
be saved in the symbols\database folder in order to be selected for use
in the database (see Creating New Database Symbols, Section 2.7.7).
Click the “Database” option in the Tools|Create Symbol dialog.
New Assembly
Edit Assembly
Add to Assembly
Remove from Assembly
Finish Assembly
3.8.1 PIPES
The pipe group consists of a list of all pipes and their characteristics. For
pipes, the main dialog lists the pipe descriptions, warehouse codes,
supplier codes and usage for all pipes in the database.
L means that the pipe can only be selected for use as a lateral for a
sprayline and will appear only in the dropdown list when Zone|Sprayline
or Zone|Block is selected
Z enables the pipe for use as a zone pipe only, and will appear in the
dropdown list when Zone|Pipe or Zone|Cut Pipe is selected.
F stands for flushing. Pipes marked with this code are treated the same
as those marked with Z except that they are not available for automatic
selection during Zone LP or Velocity design. Note that a pipes’ usage
should not include both the Z and F codes.
M enables the pipe for use as a mainline pipe only, and will appear in
the dropdown pipe selection list when Mainline|Pipe or
Mainline|Sprayline is selected.
A pipe can be enabled for more than one option if required. For
example, enable a pipe for use as LZ or for use in all three fields (LZM
or LFM). Pipes can be disabled by selecting the blank option in the
dropdown list or, deleting the current “Usage” code so that this field is
Figure 3-7
See also:
3.8.2 TAPES
Figure 3-8
The main screen lists the item descriptions, warehouse codes, supplier
codes, and usage for all tapes in the database. The “Usage” field
The values required for the “Iteration” flow calculation can be obtained
from manufacturer's data or from the Technical Support. The previously
used flow calculation type (leave the iteration check box unchecked) is
valid only for DOS IRRICAD databases. Tapes should be updated to the
new iteration method.
The Kd, constant and index are supplied by the manufacturer, though if
unable to secure this information, please contact the technical support
3.8.3 VALVES
Valves are zone control valves - used to control the operation of the
various zones. A control valve separates zone pipe from mainline pipes.
Figure 3-9
Inlet Diameter: Enter an “Inlet Diameter” for the item, i.e., the
upstream end of the hydraulic item (nominal
Outlet Diameter: Enter an “Outlet Diameter” for the item, i.e.,
the downstream end of the hydraulic item
(nominal diameter).
Constant: Enter the value calculated from
Miscelleaneous Pressure Loss from Flow
Curve Fit for the “Headloss Equation
Index: Enter the value calculated from
Miscelleaneous Pressure Loss from Flow
Curve Fit for the “Headloss Equation
Intercept Enter the value calculated from
Miscelleaneous Pressure Loss from Flow
Curve Fit for the “Headloss Equation
Fitting Type: For pressure reducing valves, to specify the
downstream pressure of the valve, enter
PRV in the “Fitting Type” field, otherwise
leave this field blank.
Minimum Flow Enter the “Minimum Flow” through the item.
Obtain this from the manufacturer’s data for
the item.
Maximum Flow: Enter the “Maximum Flow” through the item.
Flow,minimum Obtain this from the manufacturer’s data for
allowable the item.
Figure 3-10
Figure 3-11
Major Pipe Type: Select the “Major Pipe Type” from the
dropdown list to define the type of pipe the
LTO can connect to on its largest end.
Typically the major pipe is a submain for a
submain / lateral connection or a lateral for a
lateral / outlet connection.
Minor Connection A three-element code (matching code,
288 IRRICAD Database Editor Manual IRRICAD User Guide
Type: gender, joint type) used to describe the
connection on the small end of the LTO, i.e.,
the lateral end of a submain / lateral
connection or the outlet end of a lateral /
outlet connection.
Min Submain The minimum size of the major pipe the LTO
Diameter: can successfully connect to.
Lateral Diameter: The nominal pipe or fitting size on the minor
end of the LTO connection.
When selecting fittings for a three pipe junction, IRRICAD first
searches the LTO component group for a suitable connector
regardless of the sizes and types of pipes at the junction. If the
required LTO cannot be found in the LTO tab, tees with the
required reducers will be selected according to the three pipes
routines described in the Technical Reference, Appendix G:
Fitting Selection Details.
See also:
Couplers are used to connect two hydraulic items together. Couplers
may be reducers, adapters or plain connectors.
Figure 3-12
If all diameters in the fitting are the same, the data entry for the major
and minor diameters will also be the same.
Figure 3-13
If all diameters in the fitting are the same, the data entered for the major
and minor diameters will be identical.
3.8.8 TEES
Tees are used by IRRICAD to connect three hydraulic items together.
Figure 3-14
The terms major and minor are applied to both connection type and
diameter. For Tees the major connection type and diameter is applied to
the straight through section of the Tee and the minor is applied to the
branch, regardless of diameter.
If all diameters in a fitting are the same, the data entered for the major
and minor diameters will be the same.
Crosses are used to connect four hydraulic items together.
Figure 3-15
The terms major and minor are applied to both connector type and
diameter. For crosses the major connection type and diameter can be
applied to the larger diameter of the fitting with minor referring to the
smaller diameter.
If all diameters in the fitting are the same, the data entered for the major
and minor diameters will be the same.
3.8.10 PUMPS
The A, B and C coefficients that are calculated from the Pump Curve
Fitting utility specify pump performance data. This information is used to
determine the actual flow and pump pressures according to the
hydraulics of the rest of the system.
The database has been designed primarily for sprinklers with a range of
nozzle sizes, but can be used equally well for other outlets such as
drippers, constant flow outlets, demand points or irrigators.
Figure 3-17
Edit Nozzles
Add Nozzle
Remove Nozzle
Flow tolerance above and below the nominal flow for the outlet defines
the range of flows within which the outlet should operate.
Note: When entering outlet and nozzle data specify whether an outlet
is Fixed, Matched or Variable. If Fixed, the arc cannot be
changed because it is made to be a fixed angle. If Variable is
298 IRRICAD Database Editor Manual IRRICAD User Guide
selected, then the flow does not change as the arc changes i.e.
the same flow is emitted regardless of the arc selected upon
placement. However, for Matched outlets, IRRICAD assumes
that the data inputted is for 360o. If the arc is changed, the flow
is matched and is decreased accordingly. Therefore if 180o is
used as the arc then half the flow will be applied. If the said
outlet is indeed Matched, then enter the data for 360o so that
when the arc is changed the correct flow according to the
manufacturer’s data will be achieved.
To edit an outlet:
Tip: Quickly select a nozzle by clicking on the gray box at the left of
the nozzle description.
3.8.12 NOZZLES
In IRRICAD, any type of sprinkler, big gun, travelling irrigator or dripper
is given an outlet body and a nozzle, even if the outlet does not
physically have nozzles e.g., a dripper, or if the outlet we represent has
many nozzles e.g., a travelling irrigator. The outlet body contains the
description of the outlet, the arc type, price and some default values as
those most commonly used when the outlet is selected. When an outlet
is selected from the dropdown list, the default nozzle for that sprinkler
(as specified in the database, normally the most commonly used) is
initially selected. The required nozzle can be selected from the
dropdown list. Other default values can also be changed depending on
the arc type of the outlet.
The nozzle part of an outlet can be the actual nozzles supplied with an
outlet body, or simply hold the technical data for the outlet, such as a
dripper's hydraulic characteristics. Nozzles contain the minimum and
maximum recommended pressures from the manufacturer, and
parameters to calculate the flow and radius at a given pressure.
Figure 3-18
The Constant and Index values are used to calculate the pressure-flow
characteristics of the nozzle, where as Radius Equation A and B values
are used to calculate the wetted radius of the nozzle at any given
Swing joints
Risers - for overhead sprinkler applications
Distribution tube and stake for micro-sprinklers
Figure 3-19
IRRICAD User Guide IRRICAD Database Editor Manual 303
Common buttons are explained in Component Menu, Section 3.6,
Assemblies, Section 3.7.3 and Database Details, Section 3.7. Some
fields are particular to outlet connectors or have a specific explanation
when used in the Outlet Connections dialog.
3.8.14 WIRES
The wire component group contains the descriptive, technical and price
information for various types of electric cable used in designs. Any wire
types may be entered. There is no distinction between wire used for
electrical control or for lighting and other applications.
Figure 3-20
Controllers are electrical items that program the sequence of operation
of the electric solenoid valves that are used to control the flow into the
various zones.
Figure 3-21
3.8.16 LIGHTS
The lights component group contains items for garden or landscape
Figure 3-22
IRRICAD User Guide IRRICAD Database Editor Manual 307
Common buttons are explained in Component Menu, Section 3.6,
Assemblies, Section 3.7.3 and Database Details, Section 3.7. Some
fields are particular to lights or have a specific explanation when used in
the Lights dialog.
Figure 3-23
The Miscellaneous component group is used to store items such as
concrete, locking clamps, sealing plugs, valve boxes etc. so that these
items can also be included in the total cost of the project. To include
these items in the reports, select from the database using the [Show
Fittings] button found on the Change or Change Type dialog.
IRRICAD Pro comes equipped with pre-set queries, which can be used
to view or update various database tables. Examples include:- showing
the Pipe Table (this also allows you to add or edit pipe codes); and an
example of increasing pipe prices for a particular supplier.
Figure 3-25
The tools are available from the Query menu or short cut icons on the
Figure 3-26
IRRICAD User Guide IRRICAD Database Editor Manual 311
This option executes the current query (the SQL code for this is shown
in bottom pane of the query tab). Results of the query are shown in the
main grid pane of the Query tab.
To execute a query:
1. Choose the required query from the dropdown list on the tab.
2. Select Execute Query from the menu or toolbar.
To save a query:
To delete a query:
3.10.1 CASCADE
An option for displaying multiple databases in a cascading fashion i.e.
each next window displayed below the previous title bar. Found in
3.10.2 TILE
An option for displaying two databases one below the other on the
screen found in Window|Tile.
3.11.3 UNITS
These settings control the units used for display and entry for each type
of quantity.
To set units:
1. Select Settings|Units.
2. Edit each measurement as required.
3. Click [OK].
Note: The units set here will also change the default units in IRRICAD.
Options allow the choice whether or not the database editor displays
some warning messages.
If this option is not checked, the message does not appear and the
changes are automatically saved.
If this option is not checked, the selected item will be deleted without
displaying a message. APPLICATION
Maximize application on start-up
When checked, the database editor will open full screen.
Toolbars can be customized and their viewing controlled through the
View|Toolbars menu. A shortcut is also available by right-clicking on any
toolbar. The operation of this facility is described below.
Select Tools|Language to change the language as required and restart
the Database Editor.
About Irribase
Help|Contents opens the database editor manual on-line help. It is the
same as the printed manual.
The help file can be loaded as HTML Help or WinHelp. Internet Explorer
is required for HTML Help. If it is not available, WinHelp will
automatically open. Microsoft Office is required for WinHelp.
At the top of the help dialog are icons: Hide, Back, Print, and Options.
Hide / Show
If the left hand side of the help dialog, containing the contents, index and
search option is visible; clicking Hide will hide the left hand side. If the
left hand side is hidden, clicking Show will show the left hand side of the
If this tab is selected, the manuals content page is displayed. Each
heading with a + sign can be opened to reveal its sub-headings. The
sub-headings can be hidden by clicking on the - sign.
Clicking any heading will open that section of the manual. The text is
displayed on the right hand side of the help window.
Use Search to find a topic. Search lists all the places the word is found
in the on-line help.
To use Search:
Back to the last topic accessed, whether the topic was selected by using
Contents, Index or Search or used the yellow arrows at the end of each
topic to navigate.
Click Back as many times as required - this function will move back
through all the previous selections.
Note that the [order] field is an internal one that is not available in the
IRRICAD Database Editor. It can, however, be accessed via Microsoft
Access. By default, the order field for all items is the same and therefore
has no effect. If the order field is required to have another number to
change the ordering, this can be done in the column labeled Order
The order number is the same for all items unless the number has
modified in MS Access. It is recommended that the [Order] is left in first
place. However, if pipes are to be ordered on Description next, copy and
cut the [Description] (Ctrl+X) and paste (Ctrl+V) after [Order] so now the
value will read:
[Order],[Description],[Major1],[Reals1],[Reals4] FIELDS:
Major1 pipe type (pipes) or inlet / major connection type
Minor1 outlet / minor connection type
Reals1 nominal diameter, min submain diameter (LTOs),
inlet / major diameter (valves, misc. hyd., couplers,
tees, pumps, outlets), radius equation constant
(nozzles), size/diameter 1 (misc. items)
Reals2 actual (internal) diameter, lateral diameter (LTOs),
outlet / minor diameter (valves, misc. hyd., couplers,
tees, pumps) bend angle (elbows & bends), radius
equation index (nozzles), size/diameter 2 (misc.
Reals3 pipe roughness or constant (valves, misc. hyd, )
minor diameter (elbow & bends), A factor (pumps),
arc (nozzles)
Reals4 allowable pressure (pipes, tapes) or index (valves,
misc. hyd, ) B factor (pumps), constant (nozzles)
The purpose of these tutorials is to have you enter a small, yet complete
irrigation system, have it designed and costed, and the plans prepared.
You will simply be asked to do things, explanation as to ‘why?’ will be
limited - enough to show the process without getting involved in possible
alternatives. The intention is to illustrate how IRRICAD works and to do
this as simply as possible. Consequently, the system layouts used have
been devised with this in mind and the siting of some componentry may
not be ideal from an irrigation designer's viewpoint.
The database that is necessary for the tutorials is supplied with the
Designs in IRRICAD consist of Mainline Pipes (pipes connecting a water
supply or water supplies to Zone Valves), Zone Pipes (pipes connecting
Zone Valves to laterals or outlets, e.g., submains), and
Spraylines/Tapes (equivalent to laterals).
Spray Block and Tape Block (options in the Zone menu) are options for
laying out an area of equally spaced spraylines or tapes, nothing more.
Use of Block does not define an irrigation block.
This means that Block may be used to layout all of the spraylines for a
design at one time. The Spraylines may then be modified using
Tools|Cut Lasso to remove areas that are not required, Modify|Delete to
take out unwanted rows and so on. The Zones only become defined
when these Spraylines are connected to Zone Control Valves.
In addition the Help menu also contains a Release Notes section which
chronologically lists new features added and also details addenda to the
Use Search or Find to enter a key word and find the sections the key
word appears in.
Clicking the left mouse button selects or places. Clicking the right mouse
button will bring up additional menus of choices for aiding or finishing
tasks when using tools.
In most circumstances do not hold down the left mouse button after
placing the first click of a line, pipe, select window or similar. Simply left-
click then move the mouse and left-click again.
4. If you know approximately what size your design will be, you can
select a “Design Size” from Settings|Miscellaneous. This option
makes the symbols, on the screen, an appropriate symbol size
relative to the area the design covers. It can be altered at any
time by selecting another “Design Size” or typing in a “Base
Database Symbol Size”. Note if the “Update Database Symbols”
checkbox is checked, all hydraulic symbols, currently in the
design, will be updated to the new size.
6. You are now ready to enter your design. Note that all
Management and Design options are available from the Design
menu and all Zooms are available from the View menu.
Remember that if you cannot find a particular menu item or tool,
the Find or Search functions in Help|Help Topics can be used to
locate it.
Remember that you can enter items and information at any time and in
any order. Make sure only Mainline items are used upstream from a
8. You must tell IRRICAD how the system is to operate before you
can design the mainline. Select one of the management options
from the Design menu: Assign Zones to System Flows (or one
of the two partly automated options) or Zone Operating Times
before designing the mainline (Design|Mainline Design|...).
Happy Designing!
6. Reports
7. Finalise Design
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 331
8. Computer Selection of Fittings and Bill of Materials Report
Figure 4-1
We have drawn the layout of the system (see Figure 4-1), selected
valves and sprinklers and allowed IRRICAD to select pipe sizes and
calculate the required system duty.
IRRICAD also checks that the flow through the valve is within the
manufacturers' specification and calculates the valve headloss. REPORTING
15. Select Reports|Zone Design Reports|Zone Design Summary.
This report summarizes what is happening in the zone – from
the outlets to the control valve as seen in Figure 4-2.
16. Possibly the most useful reports are the Full and Pipe reports.
The Full report will tell you the length of a pipe, its head
difference and its velocity (as seen in Figure 4-3) whereas the
Pipe report will tell you the pressure in the pipe and elevation of
the start and end point. Both reports will tell you the pipe size
and flow.
Figure 4-3
Figure 4-4
This tutorial shows a simple method for laying out several sprinklers and
connecting them to the water supply. It is for demonstration purposes
only and hence is of a relatively small size.
Figure 4-5
3. Go to the Units tab and click the [US] ([Metric]) button to restore
the default units for this tutorial. Note - Metric measurements are
displayed in brackets. These settings can be retained for each
design by clicking the [Save As Default] button.
Figure 4-6
Figure 4-7
Figure 4-8
Figure 4-9
19. The total zone flow is reported. The minimum and maximum
allowable outlet pressures are calculated based on the pressure
entered in the Outlet dialog and the flow tolerance specified for
the Garden Spray Sprinkler in the database. This tolerance
allows a pressure variation of 12.8%. The actual outlet pressure
variation in this system is 0%. IRRICAD calculates the required
downstream valve pressure and the resulting minimum and
maximum outlet pressures in the zone.
3. Go to the Units tab and click the [US] ([Metric]) button to restore
the default units for this tutorial. Note that Metric measurements
are displayed in brackets. These settings can be retained for
each design by clicking the [Save As Default] button.
Figure 4-10
Figure 4-11
7. Starting from the left-hand side, draw another line so that the
pipe will touch the extents of the wetted radii from the previous
line of outlets as in Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12
This method is similar to the one above but uses the length of the
sprayline drawn (i.e. the length of pipe) and places sprinklers at the start
and end of the line. Sprinklers, at approximately the spacing you have
specified, are then placed evenly between the start and the end.
3. Starting from the left-hand side, draw another line so that the
pipe will touch the extents of the wetted radii from the previous
line of outlets as in Figure 4-14.
Figure 4-14
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 347
4. IRRICAD determines that the sprinklers should only water within
the Area lasso, which is just outside the rectangle boundary.
The appropriate arc will be selected in most cases, depending
on placement of the sprinkler. Any arcs outside the Area can be
altered by using Modify|Change. Click on the wetted radii and
adjust the “Include Angle” as described in the above tutorial (A
Simple Turf Design).
Figure 4-15
The sprayline tool can be used to place sprinklers evenly and the pipes
subsequently deleted when the pipes need to be connected in a different
way. This tool can also be used without the Area tool, without having the
arcs or wetted radii showing, without using Snaps and can be used in
any application where even spacing or fixed spacing of outlets is
required. It can be used in conjunction with “Grid”, “Snap to Grid” or
“Circular Cursor” as placement aids. See Figure 4-16 for the difference
Figure 4-16
The third method used for placing sprinklers is a tool called Autohead.
Note that Autohead is normally used for small irregular areas.
Figure 4-18
Figure 4-19
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 351
6. Select Modify|Move and click on the bottom right sprinkler. To
move the sprinkler click to place it in its new position in the
bottom right corner.
Figure 4-20
An Area lasso can be drawn around an entire section which has the
same water requirements even if there are different sprinklers or several
zones (control valves) in this section.
Figure 4-21
Figure 4-22
Figure 4-23
You can set the run time in Assign Zones to System Flows to be that
which is reported in the Zone Flow Report (26 minutes). Open the Water
Requirements report with the updated run time of 26 minutes.
This tutorial shows the steps required for drawing and designing a drip
tape irrigation scheme. Read the notes below and then proceed with the
exercise. This exercise designs a drip tape block with no pressure
regulation within the block.
3. Go to the Units tab and click the [US] ([Metric]) button to restore
the default units for this tutorial. Note Metric measurements are
4. Select the Misc tab and click the “Medium Design Size”. Change
the “Base Database Symbol Size” to 10ft (3m). This determines
the size of the symbols according to the size of the design.
When you are finished click [OK].
Figure 4-24
5. Select Zone|Tape Block and select the Drip tape from the
dropdown list of tapes. Leave the depth as 0, as the tapes will
be at ground level. Leave the default “Inlet Pressure” as 12psi
(8.5m) and make sure that “Regulated” is unchecked. Checking
356 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
this option would mean that you have PRVs at the start of each
tape, which we do not have in this case. Type in 6ft (2m) for the
“Lateral Spacing” and leave the “Number of Laterals” as 0. Make
sure the “Determine Automatically” option for the “Lateral
Direction” is selected as in Figure 4-24. Click [OK].
6. Now move the cursor to the bottom left of the screen and draw
the outline of the block: left-click then draw a line upwards for
165ft (50m) as seen on the status bar d=165 (50) (approx.).
Left-click the mouse to place the line at this point, and then
continue drawing the block area by going 200ft (60m) to the
right and left-click. Now proceed downwards for 165ft (50m) left-
click then Right-click|Close after the third point has been placed.
This will close the lasso, and complete the tape block. The block
will automatically fill with tapes 6ft (2m) apart. Select View|Zoom
All. The block should look similar to Figure 4-25.
Figure 4-25
10. Select Zone|Control Valve. From the dropdown list select the 1”
(25mm) Electric Valve, leaving the “Depth” as 0, and place this
on the end of the submain on the right side of the screen.
Accept the default zone name.
Figure 4-26
16. The first step in Zone Design is to size the submain pipes.
Select Design|Zone Design|LP Design. It is always useful to
view some reports before continuing. Look at the Reports|Zone
Design Reports|Zone Design Summary this report gives a good
indication of what is happening in the zone. It should look similar
to Figure 4-27. The present maximum dripper pressure is
13.22psi (9.3m) and the minimum is 12psi (8.5m). The actual
pressure variation in the zone is calculated from the difference
between the actual maximum and minimum outlet pressures
relative to the actual maximum outlet pressure and is 9.28%.
This pressure variation includes the submain friction loss as well
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 359
as the loss in the tapes. Close the report window by clicking the
Figure 4-27
Figure 4-28
This tutorial shows the steps required for drawing and designing a drip
tape entity. Read the notes below and then proceed with the exercise.
3. Go to the Units tab and click the [US] ([Metric]) button to restore
the default units for this tutorial. Note Metric measurements are
displayed in brackets. These settings can be retained for each
design by clicking the [Save As Default] button.
4. Select the Misc tab and click the “Medium Design Size”. Change
the “Base Database Symbol Size” to 10ft (3m). This determines
the size of the symbols according to the size of the design.
When you are finished click [OK].
Figure 4-29
362 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
5. Select Zone|Tape Irrigation Block and select the Drip tape from
the dropdown list of tapes. Leave the “Depth” as 0, as the tapes
will be at ground level. Leave the default “Inlet Pressure” as
12psi (8.5m) and make sure “Regulated” is unchecked. This
Regulated option would mean you have PRVs at the start of
each tape, which we do not have in this case. Type in 6ft (2m)
for the “Lateral Spacing” and leave the “Number of Laterals” as
0. Make sure the “Determine Automatically” option for the
“Lateral Direction” is selected. Now click on the Block tab. Here
we can choose to have our submain and valve drawn
automatically if required.
Figure 4-30
7. Now move the cursor to the bottom left of the screen and draw
the outline of the block: left-click then draw a line upwards for
165ft (50m) as seen on the status bar d=165 (50)
(approximately). Left-click the mouse to place a vertex at this
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 363
point and then continue drawing the block area by moving 200ft
(60m) to the right and then left-clicking. Now proceed
downwards for 165ft (50m) left-click then Right-click|Close after
the third point has been placed. Because we selected
“Determine Automatically” for the “Lateral Direction” we now
have to select the boundary which defines the direction by
clicking on the left-hand vertical boundary. Once this is
completed the laterals are automatically drawn, with a submain
through the center of the block and with a valve 13ft (4m) to the
right as in Figure 4-30.
Figure 4-31
12. The first step is to size the submain pipes. Select Design|Zone
Design|LP Design. It is always useful to view some reports
before continuing. Look at the Reports|Zone Design
Reports|Zone Design Summary, this report gives a good
indication of what is happening in the zones. It should look
something similar to Figure 4-32. The present maximum dripper
pressure is 12.43psi (8.74m) and the minimum is 10.79psi
(7.59m). The actual pressure variation in the zone is calculated
from the difference between the actual maximum and minimum
outlet pressures relative to the actual maximum outlet pressure
and is 13.08%. This pressure variation includes the submain
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 365
friction loss as well as the loss in the tapes. Close the report
window by clicking the [X].
Figure 4-32
Figure 4-33
Figure 4-34
18. Click [OK] when you have finished entering the text, the dialog
should look like Figure 4-35below.
Figure 4-35
368 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
19. Now we can set the [Background] options. We can specify a
background and a border of the label in a colour of our choice.
Select a colour for the background and a colour and line
thickness for the border. Click [OK]. Leave the “Layer” set to
[DEFAULT] – this means that the labels will automatically be
placed on the IRRICAD Layer. The next option determines the
placement of the label. It can be BELOW the object (in this case
below the Block), ABOVE, INLINE (centered within the block), to
the LEFT or to the RIGHT. Select INLINE. Click [OK].
20. Now select Modify|Select All and then Tools|Create Labels. The
keywords will be resolved to appropriate values and a label will
be placed in the center of the Block.
22. Now select Modify|Select Object and click on the label. Select
Modify|Move and move the label to below the valve. See Figure
Figure 4-36
Figure 4-37
Figure 4-38
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 371 PLACING THE BLOCK
6. Before placing any laterals select Settings|Irrigation – Design
Specific. Check the “Create Wetted Radii” and “Create Sprayline
Outlets” check boxes (under normal circumstances “Create
Sprayline Outlets” should be unchecked as the number of
outlets may be high and will consequently slow down redrawing
of the design). Now go to the Layers tab and scroll down until
you see “SPRAYLINE_OUTLETS”. Check the box to turn this
layer on (this layer can also be turned on in View|Sprayline
Outlets). Click [OK].
10. Enter the “Lateral Spacing” as 13ft (4m). Enter the “Outlet
Spacing” as 11.5ft (3.5m).
11. Select the [Options] button and check “User Defined” for the
“Lateral Direction”, make sure that the option checked for
“Reference Outlet” is “Determine Automatically”. Click [OK].
13. Now click the Block tab, this tab contains options for
automatically placing submains and control valves.
Figure 4-40
Figure 4-41
Zone Design
20. Select Design|Design Parameters|Hydraulic Parameters and set
the “Maximum Zone Pipe Velocity” to 5ft/s (1.5m/s). Click [OK].
22. You will notice that 5 pipe sizes have been selected for the
submain. In order to simplify installation we will limit the number
of pipe sizes that can be selected for the submain. Select
Design|Zone Design Configuration and enter 3 in the “Number
23. It is advisable to check the data in the reports after zone design
(Reports|Zone Design Reports). At this stage the Zone Design
Summary report gives a good indication of the overall hydraulic
performance of the zone, showing the allowable range and
actual minimum and maximum outlet flows and pressures. Click
on the [X] to close the report window.
Figure 4-42
Figure 4-43
Figure 4-44
If you have had trouble completing this design, please check that the
size of the original rectangle is correct.
Note this tutorial could be repeated using the Zone|Tape Irrigation Block
tool for Drip tape blocks.
Figure 4-45
5. Run a mainline pipe from the existing mainline to the left and to
the right above the new valves. Now select Tools|Connect
Valves for IRRICAD to automatically connect mainline pipe to
the new valves. See Figure 4-47. Select and delete the center
mainline pipe below the intersection of the new mainline pipes.
Figure 4-47
Figure 4-48
13. Leave the “Operating Times” as the default (the actual running
time is unimportant in this case), click [OK] again.
14. Now you can visually select which zones will operate on each
system flow. Click on Area no. 1-1 and Area 1-2 (they will
highlight when they are selected), then Right-click|Assign to Sys
Flow. Click [OK].
15. Now click on Area no. 1-3 and Area 1-4, then Right-click|Assign
to Sys Flow. Make sure the “System Flow Number” has changed
to 2. Click [OK]. See Figure 4-50.
16. Re-run Mainline Design. Note that you do not need to re-run
Zone design or analysis since nothing has changed in the
zones. However, you will need to run LP Design for Mainline
Design because the required pipe sizes may well change with
the different flow regime.
Figure 4-51
Note this tutorial could be repeated using the Zone|Tape Irrigation Block
tool for Drip tape blocks.
Figure 4-52
4. Select Settings|Grid / Origin and enter the “X” and “Y” spacing
as 15ft (5m). Tab between the fields. Check the “Display Grid
8. You need to enter site data if elevation changes over the plan
are likely to affect the hydraulics of the system. If the design
area is essentially flat you do not need to enter any elevation
data and all objects will be given a default height of 0.
9. In this example there is a 5ft (1.5m) fall from the top to the
bottom of the screen. To allow for this, select Draw|Contour and
enter one contour line at the top of the screen. Move to the top
left of the screen just above and to the left of the boundary
rectangle. Click the left mouse button then drag the rubberband
horizontally to the right until it is above and to the right of the
boundary rectangle and click the left mouse button. Select
10. If you can still see the green rubberband color, select
View|Redraw. Your design should look something like Figure
Figure 4-53
12. Now select the Settings|Irrigation Items tab, and uncheck the
“Flow Check Enabled” box if it is checked. Click [OK].
13. Select the top left small rectangle by using Modify|Select Object
or clicking on the white arrow icon on the left-hand tool bar.
Once the rectangle is highlighted, select Zone|Spray Irrigation
Block. Click [Yes] on the ‘Create Block / Block Entities from
Selected Items’ message.
15. Click the [Options] button and in the dialog that appears leave
the “Number of Laterals” as 0 so that IRRICAD fills the blocks
completely with laterals. Leave the “Lateral Direction” as
Determine Automatically. Leave the “Extra Outlets” box
unchecked so that IRRICAD does not put additional sprinklers
on the ends of the lateral lines when the distance from the last
sprinkler to the end of the line is greater than half the outlet
spacing. Leave the “Outlet Orientation” at 0o and the “Reference
Outlet” as Determine Automatically. Leave the “Layer” as
<DEFAULT> so the spraylines will be entered into the
Spraylines layer. Leave the “Lateral Line Width” as 2.
17. Make sure the “Create Laterals” check box is checked. The
“Scope” determines if an item will be just for design purposes
only or for design and costing. Make sure Design + BOM is
20. Click [OK] and select the bottom boundary of the rectangle for
IRRICAD to align the laterals with.
25. Select Draw|Spot Height and place a spot height on the water
supply. Make the height 28.5 (8.75). This is to ensure that the
position of the water supply will be allocated the correct
elevation at that point. If spot heights are available for a client's
property, these can be used in conjunction with contour lines. If
you have the information it is a good idea to use it. Select
View|Zoom All. Your design should look like Figure 4-56. This
completes the entry of the hydraulic components of the design.
Figure 4-56
Checking Connectivity
26. Select Design|Check Outlet Connectivity to make sure that all
the outlets are connected to the zone control valve and that the
valve is connected to the water supply. If IRRICAD does not
Zone Design
27. Select Design|Zone Design Configuration. In the dialog you will
see all four blocks listed down one side. For each block you can
decide if you wish to design / analyze that zone. Leave this box
checked for all blocks. The next column allows you to turn on or
off the ability to allow for minor losses - leave this checked for all
blocks. “Change Diameter at Outlet” only applies to zones with
telescoping laterals. A check will ensure that a change in lateral
diameter will take place at an outlet location. It is not normally
used for dripper or micro-sprinkler systems, so leave this option
unchecked for all blocks. “Number of Lateral Sizes” allows you
to specify the maximum number of pipe sizes used in each
lateral (maximum 3). The default is 1. Change this to 2 for this
design. “Number of Submain Sizes” allows you to specify the
maximum number of pipe sizes to be used in the submain. Enter
this as 2 for all blocks (if this number is left at 0 IRRICAD is
unlimited in the amount of submains it can use to solve the
design). “Valve Pressure” is used when you wish to specify a
valve pressure for a zone. A 0 entry means that IRRICAD is
required to calculate a suitable pressure, so leave this as 0.0 as
in Figure 4-57. Click [OK].
Figure 4-57
Figure 4-58
30. It is advisable to check the data in the zone reports after zone
design (Reports|Zone Design Reports). At this stage the Zone
Design Summary report gives a good indication of the overall
design of the zones. As you will see, the minimum present outlet
pressure is 0.2psi (0.2m) below the allowable minimum outlet
pressure. We will not worry about this at this stage. Note down
the present downstream pressure of the valve that IRRICAD has
calculated for each zone as this will be used later for analysis. It
should be between 17-21psi (12m and 15m). Click on the X to
close the report window.
Figure 4-59
Mainline Design
32. Now have IRRICAD size the mainline for the design. Select
Design|Mainline Design|LP Design; IRRICAD will then size the
394 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
mainline for the design and calculate the water supply pressure
so that the zone control valves receive the required pressure.
33. Select Modify|Move Sizes. On the left side of the submain in the
first block find the junction furthermost from the submain where
the laterals change size. Draw a line vertically through the
laterals such that it passes through this junction by left clicking
above the block and then left clicking at the bottom of the block,
so that the line passes fully through all the laterals (holding the
<Ctrl> key down will help with a straight line – if “Ortho Mode” is
set to 0o) or use grid points as a guide to help you with this.
When you select Right-click|Done a dialog will give you the
choice of whether you want the lateral size change to take place
at a sprinkler or not and which size you want to move. Uncheck
the “Nearest Outlet” checkbox so that the lateral will change size
on the line. Select the “Close” option, so that the junction closest
to the line will be moved. Click [OK] and IRRICAD will move the
junctions to the line.
34. Repeat for both sides of the submain in all blocks. Your design
should now look like Figure 4-60.
35. The system can now be analyzed to assess the effect of the
modifications. Select Design|Zone Design Configuration and
type in the valve pressures you noted previously as the “Valve
Pressure” for the respective zone control valves. You can
specify the same pressure at each valve - choose the highest
pressure to enter for all. Click [OK].
Figure 4-61
396 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
37. Check that the outlet pressure variations (as seen in Figure 4-61
in the Zone Design Summary report) are within requirements.
Note the changes since you have moved the lateral pipe sizes
and run Detailed Analysis.
If you wish to narrow the pressure variation, there are several things you
can do:
Manually change the submain pipe sizes using Modify|Select Object and
Modify|Change or Modify|Change Type.
For details on how to use these tools see the Tool & Command
Reference, Section 5.
To have IRRICAD automatically select the pipe fittings required for the
design you need to select Design|Computer Selection of Fittings.
IRRICAD will look at each pipe or component junction in the design and
from the database select the fittings needed to join these pipes or
components together. The internal junction numbers will be displayed on
the status bar as it does this. OVERVIEW
A solid set system is one that is non-movable, tends to be unconnected
spraylines (though pipes and sprinklers are placed in one action, they
remain separately pipes and sprinklers) and has a low number of
sprinklers. Because we wish to place water on trees to protect from
frost, we require a riser to place the sprinkler 16.5ft (5m) above the pipe
in the ground.
3. Note that at the top of the dialog is a series of tabs. Select the
Design Details tab. Edit the design details for this design. For
the site type Stone Fruit Orchard and for the notes type Solid
Set Sprinkler Tutorial. If you prefer to work in Metric units, go
to Settings|Units and click the [Metric] button (Metric unit users
only). Note Metric measurements are displayed in brackets.
Select the Misc. tab and select the “Design Size” as “Medium”.
Change the “Base Database Symbol Size” to 26 (8). This
determines the size of the symbols according to the size of the
design. When you are finished, click [OK]. Select File|Save and
save the design.
5. Select the Snap tab and select the “Snap to Grid” option. Click
[OK]. Select Draw|Rectangle|3 Point. Place the cursor at the
bottom left and left mouse click. Draw a horizontal line to the
right, and then without clicking, type 1640<0 (500,<0) on the
keyboard and press <Enter>. Move the mouse upwards and,
without clicking the mouse, type 980 (300) on the keyboard and
press <Enter>. Select View|Zoom All. You now have a rectangle
1640x980 (500x300) on the screen.
Figure 4-62
12. Click on the Block tab. The “Headlands” and “Sidelands” will be
left at 0 and make sure the “Create Laterals” box is checked.
The “Scope” should be Design + BOM. Leave the “Submain
Properties” as Computer Selected and select the Start
“Position” for the submain with a 5ft (1.5m) “Stub Length” and a
20in (500mm) “Depth”.
14. Select the bottom edge of the left most rectangle for the laterals
to be aligned with. The rectangle will automatically fill with
spraylines at the correct row and outlet spacing.
Figure 4-64
17. Connect the four control valves by left clicking on each one then
select Right-click|Restart. Because the water supply cannot be
in-line on a mainline, tee-off a short piece of mainline on which
to place the water supply by moving to the center of the pipe
between the first 2 valves and left clicking, moving down about
65ft (20m) and left click again. Move right about 16ft (5m) and
left click again then select Right-click|Restart. DESIGNING
Checking Connections
19. First, select Design|Check Outlet Connectivity. If everything is
connected, proceed with Design. This tool is optional but is
recommended for new users and for complex designs. Any
unconnected items will be marked with a red cross in a circle.
These can be removed by selecting Design|Clear Connectivity
Zone Design
21. Now select Design|Design Parameters|Analysis Parameters. At
the bottom left of the dialog is a section headed Iterations. In the
box titled “Max. for Velocity & LP” is a default of 200. Increase
this value to 250 for this exercise. Under normal circumstances,
if LP or Velocity Design is having problems solving the design,
increase this value by 50 at a time. In Hydraulic Parameters
check the “Max. Zone Pipe Velocity” is 6.5ft/s (2m/s). Click
22. Before selecting the design process run the Database Editor by
clicking on the Start|All Programs|IRRICAD Pro|Databases. If
the Tutorial database is not your default database, it will not
automatically be opened (check the file name at the top of the
Database Editor window). If the opened database is not
Tutorial.mdb, click [Save Changes] and use File|Open to open
the Tutorial database from in the \Irricad\database folder.
23. The first component tab is the Pipe tab. Find the 4” (100mm)
Class C PVC Pipe and type ZM in the usage column (or
highlight the pipe and select [Edit / View Pipe]. Select ZM from
the dropdown list in the “Usage” field). [Save Changes] and
close the Database Editor.
Mainline Design
26. Now run Design|Mainline Design|LP Design.
This will analyze each block without making any changes to the pipe
sizes already selected. Detailed Analysis uses an iterative process to
exactly match the flow of an emitter, sprayline or control valve to the
pressure at that point and therefore allows a designer to more accurately
gauge how a system would perform in practice. This is especially so
when the resulting pressures are substantially different from those
specified. In the standard analysis mode IRRICAD uses the selected
nominal flows for emitters and spraylines to calculate the flow and
resulting pressures in a system. In most circumstances this method is
slightly conservative. Detailed Analysis gives us a better picture of what
is happening at the outlets. Detailed analysis can be used for zone
drippers, sprinklers, and spraylines, tapes and also VIH sprinklers in
mainline. There is obviously no advantage in running a detailed analysis
for systems that only contain pressure compensated emitters. For using
Zone Design|Detailed Analysis, valve pressures must be specified. For
running Mainline Design|Detailed Analysis, a water supply pressure
must be specified. REPORTING
31. Look at the reports. Useful reports which tell you the basics of
what is happening in the system at a glance are the
Reports|Zone Design Reports|Zone Design Summary and
Reports|Mainline Design Reports|System Duty Report.
Your Summary Report should look something like Figure 4-66, where
each zone flow is approximately 459gpm (104m 3/h), the actual outlet
pressure variation is 14% and the pressure loss through the valve is 0.
Look at some of the other reports for more results on the system.
To acquire a full costing report, we will want to price all the fittings as
well as the design we have just laid out. Select Design|Computer
Selection of Fittings. IRRICAD will automatically find fittings for the
junctions. When this is complete, look at any of the Costing / BOM
Reports in the Reports menu to find any fittings selection errors. Any
junctions that could not be solved with the items currently in the
database or flagged for usage will be listed at the end of the report.
See the Correcting Fittings Errors, Section 4.5.3 to find out how to fix
these by updating the database.
3. While in this dialog make sure that the “Create Wetted Radii”
checkbox is checked and change the line widths to the following:
Laterals: 2
Mainline: 4
Zone: 3
Wire: 1
4. Select the Misc. tab and select the Small “Design Size”. Enter
the symbol size as 1.7ft (0.5m). Click [OK].
7. Click on the 2nd to last box on the far right of the Status Bar
which currently says “Grid”. This will now change to “Connect”
and turn off the Grid at the same time and is the same as
changing the “Snap” option in Settings|Snap and turning off
“Display Grid” in Settings|Grid/Origin/GIS.
10. Select Modify|Select Object. Select the five polygon sides inside
the rectangle and the rectangle side inside the polygon by
holding down the <Shift> key clicking on them and select
Modify|Delete. Click [Yes] to confirm deletion of the selected
11. Click on the rectangle line where the rectangles meet (make
sure only the short side is selected) and select Modify|Delete.
Click [Yes] to confirm deletion of the selected objects. One line
will be deleted.
12. The second line is the complete side of the horizontal rectangle.
Select Modify|Break. Click on the line. Select Right-
click|Snaps|Endpoint and click where the line meets the right-
hand side vertical line of the two rectangles. Select Right-
click|Snaps|Intersection and place the cursor on the inner corner
where the second rectangle starts and left click. The line
between has been erased. The house should look like Figure
The bottom right hand side of the house is a garage. The driveway runs
from here straight down to the road. A path continues from the drive up
the side of the house to the front door. To draw these items in, we will
use a double line for the driveway, and a single line to continue the path.
13. The width of the house at this point is approximately 23ft (7m).
The path will be 3ft (1m) wide. Select Draw|Line|Double. The
“Left Offset” will be 0; the “Right Offset” will be 26ft (8m). Click
16. A sidewalk runs along the road at the bottom of the drive. Using
double lines again, draw a sidewalk 3ft (1m) wide. Select
Draw|Line|Double, leave the “Left Offset” as 0, but change the
17. Now select Draw|Line|Double again, and reverse the left and
right offsets, making the “Left Offset” 3ft (1m) and the “Right
Offset” 0. Click [OK]. Select Right-click|Snaps|Endpoint and
place the cursor at the bottom left-hand side of the drive, left
click, type 66,<180 (20,<180) and press <Enter>. If you cannot
move this far to the left without going off the edge of the screen
use your mouse wheel to zoom out. Select Right-click|Done.
Select View|Zoom All.
Figure 4-68
20. Move to the bottom right of the property and left click to place a
shrub between the house and the boundary. Select
Modify|Copy|Linear and click on the shrub symbol. Enter 7 as
the number of copies and click [OK]. Click the center of the
symbol and drag the copies vertically upwards to evenly space
them along the boundary next to the house. (You can hold the
<Ctrl> key down to achieve a straight line.) Left click to place.
21. Select Draw|Symbol and select BROWN TREE from the drop
down list. Check the “Dynamically Size” box. Click [OK]. Place a
tree in the top right corner of the property by clicking on the
corner of the boundary, and dragging the symbol size out until it
is a suitable size. Left click to place.
24. To help orientate the sprinklers, select Zone|Area and draw two
area boundaries, one around each piece of garden. To draw an
area place the cursor at a boundary point, left click, then trace
over the lines and curves, left clicking where required. Close the
area by selecting Right-click|Close. Ignore the “Max. Intensity”
and “Depth / Volume” values as we are using areas only for
orientating arcs. Make sure the “Set Arc Orientation Using Area”
checkbox is checked. Click [OK].
25. Select Zone|Sprayline. In the Sprinkler edit box, leave the pipe
as Computer Selected and enter a “Depth” of 12in (300mm).
Leave the “Scope” and Design + BOM. Select the Garden
Spray Sprinkler from the dropdown list. The default nozzle (10
garden) is the only “Nozzle” available with this outlet. Change
the “Pressure” to 20psi (14m). Note that the “Radius” 10.8ft
26. Move to the bottom right corner of garden area, just within the
area boundary on the driveway side. Click to place the start of
the sprayline. Move just inside the bottom left corner and click
again. Go to the top left corner, click and then extend the
sprayline along the top boundary about 10ft (4m). Click to place,
and then select Right-click|Restart. If the sprayline is snapping
to the area boundary and the arc is not being orientated to
inside the area, select Right-click|Snaps|Place before left
clicking to place each point inside the area.
28. We are now ready to place the lawn sprinklers. Delete the Areas
around the gardens. You can use Modify|Selection Filter to do
this. Select Area as the “Type” and check the “Filter” checkbox.
Select Modify|Select|All and press the <Delete> key. Go back to
Modify|Selection Filter and uncheck the “Filter” checkbox.
29. Select Zone|Area and draw an area that will encompass all the
lawn area. Check the “Set Arc Orientation Using Area”
checkbox. Click [OK].
31. Draw the spraylines just inside the lawn boundary. Start at the
right of the end of the top conservatory garden. Follow the edge
of the house, then the right boundary, top boundary and the
garden edges (within the Area you have drawn), clicking at each
change of direction to place the sprayline. Select Right-
click|Restart at the top end of the conservatory garden. Delete
the pipe back to the last sprinkler (do not do this elsewhere, only
back to the last lawn sprinkler placed). Use Zone|Outlet to place
Figure 4-71
33. We wish to place a tape to water the shrubs at the side of the
house. The first step is to set up the database to enable the drip
tape to be used. Run the IRRICAD database editor either from
your desktop or from the Start|All Programs|IRRICAD|IRRICAD
9 Pro Databases. When the database editor has finished loading
the current default database, click the [Save Changes] button. In
the screen that remains, select File|Open. Browse for the
Tutorial.mdb database in the Irricad\database folder. Click the
[Open] button.
34. Now select the Tapes tab at the top of the screen. Highlight the
Drip Tape 0.17/100' (1.65lph) and select the [Edit / View]
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 415
button. Change the “Usage” to L and the spacing at the bottom
of the dialog from 4.1ft (1.25m) to 1.6ft (0.5m). Click the [Save]
button on this dialog, and then the [Save Changes] button on the
main dialog. Exit the database editor.
35. Select Zone|Tape and from the dropdown list select the Drip
Tape 0.17/100' (1.65lph). Set the inlet pressure to 14psi (10m).
Do not check the “Regulated” checkbox as this tape is not
pressure regulated at the inlet. Click [OK] and draw a tape
through the line of shrubs at the right-hand side of the house,
from about the middle of the bottom shrub up to the middle of
the top shrub. Select Right-click|Restart. See Figure 4-72.
Figure 4-72
Because we have a maximum flow rate of 6gpm (1.4m 3/h), this limits
how many sprinklers we can have running at any one time. Because the
37. First we will enter a water supply to signify the tap that will
supply the sprinklers. Select Mainline|Water Supply and place
the water supply on the house wall boundary close to the end of
the conservatory garden (see Figure 4-73). In the Water Supply
dialog enter the “Name” as Mains Supply 1, the “Design Head”
of 50psi (35m) and “Maximum Head” as 60psi (42m), the
“Design Flow” and “Maximum Flow” as 7gpm (1.6m3h). Though
the tap will be above ground level we have not worried about
that in this example.
Figure 4-73
40. Place another valve at the top of the design on the garden
sprayline directly above the valve you have just placed.
41. Now connect two valves to the pipe above the water supply.
Place them opposite the water supply, one a little to the left and
one a little to the right. Select the piece of pipe between them
and delete.
42. Lastly, connect a valve to the top of the pipe connecting to the
tape. See Figure 4-74.
Figure 4-74
45. Left click on the water supply and draw the pipe vertically up to
connect to the pipe you have just drawn between the valves.
Left click on the pipe then select Right-click|Restart. Left click on
the valve in the conservatory garden near the water supply and
draw the pipe horizontally to connect to the mainline pipe from
the water supply. Make sure the pipe does not snap to the
center of the water supply itself, as only one pipe can connect to
the water supply. If this happens, select the pipe and delete it.
Start again, but this time before connecting to the mainline pipe
coming from the water supply use your mouse wheel to zoom in
on the water supply. Now connect to the existing mainline pipe.
Left click on this pipe then select Right-click|Restart. Select
View|Zoom All.
46. Connect a pipe between the two garden valves at the top and
bottom by left clicking on them then select Right-click|Restart.
47. Select View|Zoom Window and draw a window around the three
valves along the top boundary. Tee off the left-hand side vertical
mainline pipe by left clicking on it about 1.5ft (0.5m) below the
valve and draw the pipe horizontally to connect to the right-hand
side vertical mainline pipe, left click then select Right-
click|Restart. Select View|Zoom All.
Figure 4-75
Zone Design
52. We wish to size the zone pipes, so select Design|Zone
Design|LP Design. Look at the Reports|Zone Design
Reports|Zone Design Summary report to see what is happening
in the zones. The results should be similar to Figure 4-76. You
will notice that the zone flow for the tape zone is 0m 3/hr. This is
due to the low flow and the rounding of the numbers in the
report. Click the X to close the report window.
Figure 4-76
Mainline Design
54. Now select Design|Mainline Design|Analyze to analyze the
mainline pipes.
Database assemblies
Demand points
Assign system flows in management
This example will go over the design of a typical quarter mile (400m)
wheel line. OVERVIEW
An example wheel line system is shown in Figure WL1. In IRRICAD the
wheel line is entered in the Zone layer as a control valve and the idle
hydrants are entered as demand points in the Mainline layer. Each
hydrant becomes a zone. If a system has two wheel lines, they would
both be entered as spraylines and there would be two active hydrants.
See Figure 4-78.
Figure 4-78
The Assign Zones … option in the Design menu is used to tell IRRICAD
which zones will operate together. Any combination of hydrants can be
The layout of the typical quarter mile (400m) wheel line that will be used
for this exercise is shown in Figure 4-80.
Figure 4-80
Figure 4-81
8. Now click the [Options] button at the bottom of the dialog. In the
next dialog, leave the “Layer” as <DEFAULT> and change the
“Line Width” to 2. Leave the “Orientation” as 0 and make sure
that the “Fixed Spacing” check box is checked. Click [OK] on
both dialogs.
9. Move your mouse to the far right of the screen about half way
up. Place the start of the wheel line by clicking the left mouse
button. Move the mouse horizontally across the screen and
watch the distance at the bottom of the screen. When d= 1298ft
(396m) position the other end of the wheel line by clicking the
left mouse button, and then selecting Restart from the Right-
click menu.
10. The wheel line with sprinklers is now drawn on the screen. Use
Reports|Show Flow to confirm the flow rate. Select
Reports|Show Flow then draw a lasso around the wheel line by
left clicking near one end then moving near the other end and
left clicking again then moving down / up and left clicking then to
near the first point and left clicking then selecting Right-
12. The other idle hydrants will be spaced 60ft (18m) apart on a
mainline. These hydrants are entered in the mainline layer as
demand flows. To make it easier to place them 60ft (18m) apart
a grid can be set up. We need to align the grid with the hydrant
valve. Place the cursor exactly on the valve and note down the
coordinates (x,y =) displayed on the status bar. Select
Settings|Grid / Origin and enter the “X” and “Y” spacings as 60ft
(18m). Check the “Display Grid Points” check box. Enter the “X”
and “Y” “User Origin” as the coordinates of the hydrant valve. In
the Snap tab select the “Snap to Grid” option. Click [OK].
14. Select the Wheel line 4" (100mm) idle hydrant riser
assembly in the “Riser” field. Leave the “Orientation” as 0, and
click [OK].
15. Now position your mouse on one grid point above the wheel line
hydrant by left clicking. Because mainline outlets are valve-in-
head sprinklers, you will be asked to enter a zone name. Enter a
17. Select Settings|Snap and turn off the “Snap to Grid” option by
selecting “Connect”. Click [OK].
18. Select View|Zoom Window and draw a window around the water
supply and the hydrants. Select Mainline|Pipe. Leave the
selected pipe as Computer Selected and the “Depth” as 0.
Click [OK] and go to the water supply on the screen.
19. Connect the pipe to the water supply and to all the hydrants by
left clicking the mouse each time the pipe passes over a
hydrant, and draw a straight line through all the hydrants ending
with the active hydrant. Connect about 10ft (3m) of mainline pipe
past the last hydrant. This will allow IRRICAD to tee the mainline
into the last hydrant rather than elbow into it. Select Right-
click|Restart. See Figure 4-82.
Figure 4-82
Figure 4-83
26. Select View|Zoom All. Now select Zone|Misc. Hydraulic and find
the Wheel Line Mover assembly in the dropdown list. Click
[OK]. Select View|Sprayline Outlets. Place the misc. hydraulic
item on the wheel line between two sprinklers half way along the
27. Since some changes have been made, the hydraulics need to
be recalculated. Select Design|Zone Design|Analyze. Now run
Mainline Design|Analyze.
28. To look at the pressures and flows in the system, look at the
Design reports. Select Reports|Mainline Design Reports|System
Duty, which will show you the pressure and flow required from
the water supply to met each system flows needs. The
Reports|Zone Design Reports|Zone Summary report will show
you the minimum and maximum pressures in the wheel line and
also the pressure loss through the hydrant. Close the reports by
clicking on the X.
The sprinklers on a wheel line are approximately 3.5ft (1.05m) above the
ground. IRRICAD will take this into account when it determines
pressures. To allow for the friction loss in the leveler and leveler elbow,
an equivalent length and equivalent pipe diameter are used. If a 5gpm
(19lph) nozzle is used, the friction loss that IRRICAD will calculate using
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 431
the equivalent of 5ft (1.5m) of ½” (12mm) pipe is approximately 2psi
The idle hydrants are laid out in the mainline layer by selecting a
demand flow from the Outlets component database. The riser to that
demand flow is then selected from the Outlet Connections component
database. Selecting the Wheel line 4" idle hydrant assembly will
ensure that for every idle hydrant a 4" (100mm) hydrant valve, 3ft
(0.91m) of 4" (100mm) PVC pipe and 2 PVC male adapters are
At the upstream end of the wheel line a zone valve is positioned. The
Wheel line 4" (100mm) active hydrant assembly should be selected
for this valve. This ensures the valve opener, hose and fittings listed
above are included.
The Wheel line Mover assembly is selected and positioned mid way
along the wheel line. Note the assembly has only three wheels when the
mover actually requires four wheels. This is because the mover
displaces one wheel on the wheel line so the total in the bill of materials
will be four.
IRRICAD will look for an end cap for the aluminum pipe during
Computer Selection of Fittings. The Wheel line 4" (100mm) plug
assembly will be selected and it will include the 4" (100mm) end plug
and the band-lock.
These tutorials assume you have completed at least the Basic Start
chapters and the Simple Design Tutorials. These tutorials assume you
know how to select items, connect items, and select the working
database and the units of preference.
Demand points are only useful if you know the pressure and flow
required at a particular point. Remember a hydraulic analysis is only as
correct as the information you put in. Demand points can be used to
make a quick mainline analysis.
8. Once all outlets are placed we must tell IRRICAD how the
system is to run. We call this Management. If all nodes are to
run at one time (as is assumed the usual or the worst case
scenario for rural water supply systems) select Design|Assign
All Zones to One System Flow. IRRICAD will automatically fill
out the table with 1 system flow running for a default time of 1
hour (the running time is not important, we just want to know
what happens when it is running) and all zones assigned to run
on system flow 1. Click [OK].
10. Now view the reports. Because this is a mainline design, the last
4 design reports will be most useful. Select Reports|Mainline
Design Reports|System Duty. IRRICAD reports the pressure
and flow required at the water supply to run the system you
have designed. A pump can be sized from this data. The
Mainline Design Full report is useful if you wish to know the
velocity in the pipes, length of pipes and head difference. The
Mainline Summary Report gives a summary of actual and
required pressures at the zone control valve. The Mainline VARIATIONS
11. Draw some contours or spot heights on the design. Elevation
information can also be imported using File|Import Contours.
Keep in mind that the elevation information needs to span all
hydraulic input. Now redesign the system and view the reports.
Note: You do not have to layout a design in a specific order. You can
place the nodes first, then pipe, then water supply if you wish.
IRRICAD is very flexible until the Design section where
management is required, then Zone Design then Mainline
Design in that order. Remember the items available in the
tutorial database are only a small set of items available in full
IRRICAD databases. Databases are also easily changed or
added to in the complete retail version.
Probably the most future time saving task will be to create separate
databases for the different types of designs you do. This is particularly
true if you do quite different design work which all use different
materials. One database may be Residential.mdb, another
Vineyard.mdb, and another Stockwater.mdb. Now instead of turning
items on and off in the database depending on the type of design you
are doing today, you will only have the items you use for that particular
system. This means your databases are smaller and you have more of
them, and that you do not have multitudes of extraneous items you will
never use present.
4. Enter a name for your pipe, describing its basic qualities e.g., 2”
(50mm) PVC Class 6.
5. Now enter a unique warehouse code for the pipe. This can be
your ordering code or an inventory code.
7. Enter a pipe type for your pipe, e.g., PVC, LDP etc. You can
make your own in IRRICAD – Design|Pipe Fitting Matching
Table but be warned IRRICAD uses this pipe type to select
12. Enter a wholesale cost and retail price and select a plotting
colour and line type for this pipe. Click the [Save] button .
The other item dialogs do not differ too much from this format. However,
you can find information on this in the IRRICAD Database Editor section
of the manual.
6. The table you see requires at least three sets of data. Firstly
make sure that the units above each column are set to match
the units you are reading off the manufacturer’s data. Enter the
Pressure and the resultant Radius from the data sheet into the
7. Click the [Fit Curve] button. The Constant and Index will be
calculated for you. Make sure that R2 is above 90% or re-check
your data. Copy the Constant in to the “Radius Equation
Constant (K)” field and the Index into the “Radius Equation
Index(n)” field by clicking the green arrow button.
8. When you get down to the “Flow Equation Constant (K)” and
“Flow Equation Index (n)” fields below, you need to select Outlet
flow from pressure from the dropdown list. Once again read
the data off the manufacturer’s sheet for this nozzle. Firstly
make sure that the units above each column are set to match
the units you are reading off the manufacturer’s data. Enter the
Pressure and the resultant Flow from the data sheet into the
9. Click the [Fit Curve] button. The Constant and Index will be
calculated for you. Make sure that R2 is above 90% or re-check
your data. Copy the Constant in to the “Flow Equation Constant
(K)” field and the Index into the “Flow Equation Index (n)” field
by clicking the green arrow button.
10. Finish by selected a plotting symbol, size and colour. Click the
[Save] button.
11. Repeat this process for as many nozzles as you which to add
into the nozzle component group.
13. Select Component|Add Item. IRRICAD will copy the outlet the
cursor is currently on so if there is an existing outlet similar to
the outlet you are adding to the database, click on this before
selecting Component|Add Item and start entering the relevant
information into each field.
14. For Outlets the inlet connect type (how the outlet connects to a
riser or on to the pipe) can be NONE but still requires a gender
and connect type e.g., NONE F S (or T for threaded, or B for
15. Leave the “Default Nozzle” field at this stage. The inlet diameter
is the size of the outlet body e.g., 20mm for a popup body or
4mm for a dripper.
18. Finish filling in the fields and [Save] the new outlet.
20. Now click on the little grey box to the left of the required nozzle
name to automatically be added to your outlet. Select all of the
new nozzles you have just created for this outlet. You can see
the added nozzles in the list below the main grid. Once you have
added all the required nozzles, select Component|Edit Nozzles.
If there are many options for IRRICAD to choose from but you wish a
particular item or set of items to be selected change the connection
codes to be unique to those items so there is no other choice for the
selection. Instead of BSP F T try BSPS F T making sure the item it is
connecting to also has been given the unique connection code for this
design. You can also make the item cheaper than its competitors.
The internal rules are: select the riser pipe that is the same size as the
top item and the same type as the bottom item. This means that if the
submain (100mm PVC MS) is buried at 500mm and the valve (80mm
444 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
BSP FT) is at –300mm (above ground) the riser pipe selected will be an
80mm PVC MS pipe.
You can override the internal rule by either specifying your own rule or
selecting the pipe you want used in a particular situation. Select
Design|Riser Selection Rules. Enter the depths to which this rule
applies. The first depth entered must be the higher depth. Now select
either Rule or User. If you select Rule, you have the options of
specifying how the size and type of the riser is determined. If you select
User, select the pipe you wish to be used from the drop down list on the
far right.
Select Design|Riser Selection Rules. The rules you set can only be
applied to a particular change in depth. Therefore you can set a riser
rule for the riser selection between a submain and the laterals. This will
not effect the riser selection between the mainline and valve providing
the valve is at a different depth than the laterals or the mainline is at a
different depth than the submain.
Note: If there are more than 40 fitting for IRRICAD to choose from,
when solving a particular junction, a warning message will be
issued just to let you know.
More than one type of pipe can connect to a fitting type, but each pipe
type can only connect to one fitting type, e.g., PVC, PV1, PV2 and PV3
pipe types can all connect to PVC fitting type, but PV1 pipe type can
only connect to PVC fitting type.
The Bill of Materials will round up the lengths of pipes, whereas the
costing reports will display the exact length. The rounded lengths in the
BOM Reports can be altered by the extra allowance, the rounding, and
the rolls / lengths.
Remember that for an item to connect to another item it must have the
same nominal diameter, the same connection type and be the opposite
Supplier codes can also be used to increase across the board prices for
a particular manufacturer.
US Units:
X: 102.20 Y: 263.82
X: 102.20 Y: 263.82
IRRICAD reports the connection types of the existing items in the design
in the fittings errors, not the items it requires. In some instances it is
straightforward where we could enter an item in to the database based
on the information above, just reversing the gender so the items
connect. In more complicated situations, it a good idea to go and look at
the junction to see which junction IRRICAD is trying to solve. Reading
up on the Fitting Selection Rules (in Appendix G) will help you
understand the items IRRICAD needs to solve the junction.
You can create an assembly of the items you require, as long as those
items are in the database.
Figure 4-84
7. Go to the Pipe tab and select the ¾" (20mm) Class 125 PVC
Pipe. Type 0.66ft (0.2m) for the length required.
Because the tee branch connecting to the street elbow is PVC FS, and
the elbow end of the 3/4" (20mm) female PVC 90 Street Elbow is PVC
FS, these items will require a coupler in order to be joined together in
the field. A 3/4" (20mm) PVC male coupler that has an inlet and outlet
connection type PVC MS is required.
2. Return to the Coupler tab and click on the f=grey box to left of
the 3/4" PVC Male Coupler to add to the assembly. Type in 1 for
the number to be selected. Click [OK]. Select Component|Finish
Assembly. Exit the database and click the [Yes] button to save
1. Select Settings|Grid / Origin / GIS and enter “X” and “Y” spacing
of 20 (6) and check the “Display Grid Points” checkbox.
2. Now select the Snap tab and select the “Snap to Grid” option.
Click [OK].
5. Repeat for the three branches on the right hand side of the tree
in mirror image. Your symbol should look like Figure 4-85.
7. Click [OK] on the color dialog and click [OK] on the Drawing
Properties dialog. Because there is more than one type of object
selected (e.g., line and arc), the Change / Match dialog appears
with the color in the “Change” column checked. Click [OK].
10. Experiment with placing grass symbols with and without the
boxes checked to see the effects of these options.
4. Now select Draw|Polyline. Move to the grid point on the top left
diagonal nearest the center of the clothesline. Left click and
move horizontally to the equivalent grid point on the top right
diagonal and left click again. Repeat for the bottom right then
bottom left diagonal then back to the starting point, or select
Figure 4-86
8. All that remains now is to save the symbol for later use. As
before, select the symbol with Modify|Select Window and draw
the window around the symbol. Save the symbol with
Tools|Create Symbol and enter a new name e.g.,
9. If you want to replace the old symbol definition with the new so
that you have only one CLOTHESLINE symbol you must first
unload the old definition before saving the new. Select
Draw|Symbol, click the [Unload] button, select CLOTHESLINE
and click [OK] on the [Unload] dialog then click [Cancel] on the
Symbol dialog. Now you can use the Create Symbol tool to
create the new CLOTHESLINE symbol. These symbols can now
be used in subsequent designs.
Figure 4-87
For this example we will use the Micro Irrigation Design, Section 4.3.5
1. Complete the tutorial if you have not done so already. Open the
completed tutorial by using File|Open and browsing for a design
3. Select Draw Plot Layout. The printer and paper size is set to the
defaults. Click the [Printer] button on the bottom left of the dialog
and select the printer you wish to print to from the dropdown list.
Click [OK].
4. Select B (A3) as the paper size from the dropdown list if your
printer will allow. Otherwise select A (A4) or C (A2) size paper.
Select the paper source, e.g., Upper Tray. Select Landscape as
the required “Orientation”.
8. Click the [OK] button. The plot layout will be created at the
specified scale.
9. Look at the plan with the layout. You will notice that details such
as Company Name, Site, Client Name, Designer Name, Date,
10. If you wish to center the layout on the design, select the border
of the layout using Modify|Select Object and then select
Modify|Move and position the layout correctly.
11. You are now ready to print. Select File|Print. The Print dialog will
remember the settings from the Plot Layout dialog so you should
not have to edit anything.
Figure 4-89
12. You may need to center the layout on the printable page. You
can click the [Center] button or drag the print preview until
positioned properly. Click the [Print] button.
First we need to create a scaled plan from which to digitize – see Figure
4-91 (metric units) or Figure 4-92 (US units).
When tablet mode is on, the puck cannot be used to select menu items
or tools - use the mouse or the keyboard. To use the keyboard, hold
down the <Alt> key and click the underlined key (usually a letter) in the
menu description (e.g., <Alt>+D for the Draw menu), then use the arrow
and enter keys or the underlined key to select a particular menu item.
The digitizer puck buttons are set up to emulate the mouse buttons.
Typically, button 1 is the left mouse button, button 2 the right mouse
button, button 3 the middle mouse button (for 3 button mice) and
button 4 is Esc. These defaults can be changed in the Windows Control
Tablet mode may also be toggled using the puck button assigned to the
middle mouse button.
1. Change the background color. In order to see the white fills and
black lines, it is best to change the background color so it is
neither black nor white. To do this go Settings|Drawing Items
and in the lower middle section of the dialog box you will see
“Background Color”. Click on the color to bring up the selection
palate and select a light shade of a color you prefer. Avoid green
as this is the default highlight color. Click [OK].
5. Edit the template by using any drawing tools such as lines, arcs,
rectangles, text and symbols or other IRRICAD tools such as
Change, Move and Delete to add and change objects as
1. Change the background color. In order to see the white fills and
black lines, it is best to change the background color so it is
neither black nor white. To do this go to Settings|Drawing Items
and in the lower middle section of the dialog box you will see
“Background Color”. Click on the color to bring up the selection
palate and select a light shade of a color you prefer. Avoid green
as this is the default highlight color. Click [OK].
3. Decide the paper size that you wish to create a plot template for.
e.g., Size B (A3) paper. Determine the maximum printable area
on the paper and multiply by 1000 e.g., a printable area of 17 x
11" becomes 1416.67 x 916.67ft (420mm x 297mm becomes
420 x 297m). B (A3) size paper with an assumed margin
perimeter around the paper of 0.3” (8mm) then becomes 25ft
(8m). If the lower left corner of the paper is assumed have
coordinates of 0, 0 then the printable area is from 25, 25 to
1391.67, 891.67 (8, 8 to 412, 289). To see a table of paper sizes
and their dimensions see Paper Sizes, Section
14. Select Modify|Select Object. Place the cursor just at the top of
the outer rectangle and click on the edge. Only the outer
rectangle should be highlighted. Click the <Delete> key to delete
the rectangle.
15. While still in Select Object mode, place the cursor just at the
inside edge of the inner rectangle and click on the edge. Only
the inner rectangle should be highlighted. Select Modify|Change
and change the “Line Width” to 4. While still in Select Object
mode, click on the diagonal line.
The next part of the process is to place dividing lines and text.
20. Select Modify|Change, select the line you just placed and
change the “Line Width” to 4. Don't worry if it appears thicker
than the border rectangle. Go to Draw|Text and type in
#CONA#. Select a font, set the size to 13.33ft (4m) and click on
“Left” justification. Place the text in right side area of the bottom
section. See Figure 4-95. #CONA# is the key word that causes
IRRICAD to insert the company name into the design. Many
more dividing lines and text can be added to the template.
24. Make a copy of this rectangle to the right of the original. Select
Modify|Copy|Linear, click on the rectangle and then click [OK]
for 1 copy. Click on the top left of the rectangle and while
holding the <Ctrl> key down, move the copy to the right of the
original. Click to place the copy. (Holding the <Ctrl> key down
while drawing an object activates the “Ortho Mode”). See Figure
IRRICAD User Guide Tutorials 471
Figure 4-96
28. Select Modify|Select Object. Place the cursor just at the top of
the left rectangle and click on the edge. Only the rectangle
outline should be highlighted. Click the <Delete> key to delete
the rectangle outline. Repeat for the right rectangle. See Figure
29. Select Draw|Line|Single and draw a short line in the top left of
the small rectangle. Select Modify|Select Object, then
Modify|Change and then click on the line. Change the “Line
Width” to 3.
30. Select Draw|Text and type the word Pipe. Set the font to your
choice and set the size to 10ft (3m). Place the text to the right of
the short line.
31. If at any time the line and text disappear behind the fill, select
View|Redraw. It is easier to use Modify|Select|Window to select
an item located within a fill.
33. Select Draw|Text and type in the word Symbol. Set the font and
size the same as for the pipe legend. Place the text to the right
of the symbol. See Figure 4-98. FILLS
To complete the plot template in this working example it is necessary to
place a fill over the bottom section of the template so parts of the design
will not be plotted in the area containing the company name, scale,
legends etc. To do this:
40. Click the right mouse button and select Snaps|Endpoint. Click
on the end of the left end of the dividing line above the legends.
43. Select Right-click|Done. The whole area under the dividing line
should now be white. Any text and lines will have disappeared
behind this fill.
Figure 4-99
45. Go to Plot Template and click on Move Fills to Back. The legend
symbols, text and #CONA# should now be visible. See Figure
46. Save the template for the last time in this exercise. Select
Modify|Select|Window and place a window to encompass
everything on the screen including the fills. Select Plot
Template|Save Template. Type in the same name that you used
Figure 4-100
476 Tutorials IRRICAD User Guide
If the water supply is a river or open water source and therefore the
pressure may be zero, enter a small number for the water supply design
and maximum pressures so that IRRICAD will not calculate the pressure
required to run the system (e.g., 0.1).
If the water supply is a tank, enter the height of the water level above
ground level as the design and maximum pressures e.g., 2ft (m).
When a pump is used in a system, there are often more items that result
in a headloss. These items such as rising column losses (submersible
pump only), drawdown losses (well only), headworks losses, etc. can be
entered in to the design and therefore analyzed as close to field results
as possible.
Figure 4-101
Enter a new pump into the Tutorial database from a pump curve.
3. Click the [Fit Curve] button. Make sure the R2 is greater than
90%. If it is not, re-enter the points. Leave this dialog open.
4. Click on the Pump component group tab and click [New Pump].
Enter the “Usage” (Y), “Description”, “Warehouse Code”,
“Connection Types” (use PUMP F S so it easy to identify in the
reports) and “Diameters”. You can copy and paste the numbers
from the pump curve fitting into the appropriate fields in the
Pump Details dialog or write them down and type them in. Enter
the “Minimum Flow” and “Maximum Flow” for that pump and
Drawdown Losses
Drawdown losses are based on well tests. Determine the drawdown for
the well (pumping level - static water level).
For alluvial aquifers: If there is only one well test (Q-dd pair) available
estimate the index is around 1.5. For a large flow use 1.7 (> 50 l/s). Find
the value of the constant e.g., K = H/Qn.
If there are two points supplied (2 well tests) on the same well can
calculate the index (exponent). N = log (D1/D2)/log (Q1/Q2). K =
For wells that are uncased in rock or limestone use an index (n) close to
Enter a new Drawdown loss item in to your database. The data you
have is a flow of 49m3/h and with 9.6m drawdown. Calculate the
Constant K and the Index (exponent) n.
Enter at least three sets of numbers read from the chart for the correct
flow and rising column size into the curve fitting utility for valves (same
as Misc. Hydraulic but no intercept), making sure the units above each
column match the units you are using from the chart. Click the Fit Curve
button. The curve fitting generates two numbers to use in the database.
This produces constants and intercepts that IRRICAD uses in the Misc.
Hydraulic formula to calculate the headloss through the rising column. It
is easier to calculate for 100m and then adjust for the actual length.
For galvanized rising columns use the following: These have been
calculated for a column 328ft (100m) long
Headworks Losses
This Misc. Hydraulic item can be used to account for other losses
relative to the flow.
You can calculate the headloss through each of the items in the
headworks or expected to be in the headworks at a particular flow and
therefore calculate the constant and the index. The headloss will change
as the flow increases or decreases. Note that existing systems tend to
have high headloss at the headworks.
4. Place a valve upstream from the Outlet. Design the system and
view the reports to see the effect on the system the above items
have. The best report to see this in is the Mainline Design Full
However, if there are 2 or more water supplies present for the same
system and you are not concerned about pumps, you must enter at least
the pressure in to all water supplies. You can increase or decrease the
pressure to achieve the flow you require from each. If the water supplies
are supplying the same system then LP Design cannot be used. You
must use Velocity Design to size the pipes.
Figure 4-102
5. Now select the demand point and move it closer to the left-hand
water supply. Re-analyze the mainline and view the System
Duty Report.
6. Now select the demand point again and move it closer to the
other right-hand water supply. Re-analyze the mainline and look
at the System Duty Report.
Make the water supply the PRV – enter the water supply pressure equal
to the PRV pressure setting e.g., if the PRV is to be set at 70psi (50m),
enter the water supply pressure as 70psi (50m). Never put PRVs in
loops. Manually check the PRV is able to regulate at that set pressure
and at that flow.
Figure 4-104
2. Enter 25in (0.1m) as the “Design Head” and “Max Head” for
both water supplies.
3. Select an 8-inch (200mm) pipe for the mainline pipe. Select the
Pump 350gpm @ 70psi (1320lpm @ 50m) as the pump.
4. Use the Demand Flow outlet as the Mainline Outlet and enter a
“Pressure” of 68psi (48m) and a “Flow” of 39578gph
5. Assign all Zones to One System Flow and enter system flow 1 to
be supplied by both water supplies.
1. Edit the above drawing so that there is only one water supply.
Figure 4-105
Remember using the same pump in series doubles the pressure output.
This reference guide will explain the mechanical use of each item, tool
and dialog.
Figure 5-1
Figure 5-2
Figure 5-3
5.1.1 DONE
Found in the Right-click menu, this option is used to finish an object that
has multiple line segments, e.g., polyline, curve, contour, hatch
boundary, tape, etc. Done can also be selected for some hydraulic tools,
such as Zone|Area where the area has not been closed.
5.1.3 SNAPS
Found in the Right-click menu, snaps give the user the ability to place or
constrain points in relationship to other objects in the drawing. When
using a Snap command while locating a point, the point snaps into
position. The following snaps are available:
The user can use a snap whenever a point requires placing. For
example, when selecting Draw|Line|Single, the user is prompted for the
starting point of the line. Before the user clicks the point, the user can
choose a snaps option from the Right-click menu, which will affect the
placement of the starting point. For example, if the user chooses the
Right-click|Snaps|Closest and clicks near the end of an object, the
starting point of the line will be placed exactly at the endpoint of that
object. PLACE
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Place command to place a hydraulic item
instead of connecting it to an existing hydraulic item.
See also: MIDPOINT
1. Select Right-click|Snaps|Midpoint.
2. Click anywhere on the target line or arc.
3. The point is set at the midpoint of the target object.
See also:
1. Select Right-click|Snaps|Endpoint.
2. Click near one end of the target object. The cursor immediately
snaps to the end point of the target.
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Perpendicular command when a single or
continuous line must be drawn perpendicular to a target object. The user
can use the Perpendicular command as a snap (which terminates the
line on the target object) or as a constraint (which sets the originating
point on the target object and constrains the line perpendicular to the
To use as a snap:
1. Select a Line command from the Draw menu and place the first
point. This initiates rubberbanding as the user is prompted to
pick the second point.
2. Select Right-click|Snaps|Perpendicular. IRRICAD prompts the
user to pick an object.
3. Click the target object to set the second point.
IRRICAD terminates the line perpendicular to the target object. If the line
cannot be drawn perpendicular to the target object itself, the line is
drawn perpendicular to a calculated extension of the object.
To use as a constraint:
See also: PERCENT
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Percent command when a required point is
located along an object at a distance from the end equal to a specified
percentage of the length of the target object. This can be used on lines,
continuous lines, and arcs available from the Draw Menu.
See also: OBJECT
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Object command in drawing or editing
operations to locate a point on an object when the specific location on
the object is not critical.
To snap to an object:
1. Select Right-click|Snaps|Object.
2. Click the target object to snap to.
The point is set on the target object.
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Intersection command in drawing or editing
commands where an exact point of intersection must be found.
1. Select Right-click|Snaps|Intersection.
2. Click near the point where the two target objects intersect.
The point is set at the point of intersection of the two target objects. If
there are multiple points of intersection (such as a line passing through a
circle), IRRICAD finds the point of intersection nearest the mouse click.
See also: TANGENT
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Tangent command primarily when a line must
be drawn tangent to a target object. The user can use the Tangent
To use as a snap:
1. Start the Line command from the Draw menu and place the first
point. IRRICAD prompts the user to pick the second point.
2. Instead of immediately picking a terminating point, select Right-
click|Snaps|Tangent. IRRICAD prompts the user to pick an
3. Click the target object.
IRRICAD terminates the line tangent to that object. If the line cannot be
drawn tangent to the target object itself, the line is drawn tangent to an
imaginary extension of the object.
To use as a constraint:
If the user wants the tangent line to originate on a specified point on the
target object or elsewhere, use a snap command to start the line. The
snap determines a fixed starting point for the new line, which is free to
Stretch along its axis, but not move laterally.
See also:
See also: CENTER
Use the Right-click|Snaps|Center command to find the center point of a
closed object like a circle or polygon. This command differs from the
Right-click|Snaps|Midpoint command, which finds the midpoint along the
length or perimeter of an object.
See also: QUADRANT
The Right-click|Snaps|Quadrant command is especially useful when an
extreme horizontal or vertical point on a circle or arc is needed. For
example, the user can snap a horizontal or vertical dimension directly to
the outer edge of a hole or column. The user can also easily measure
the diameter of a circle by snapping to opposite quadrant points.
See also: PARALLEL
To draw a parallel line starting at an exact, user-placed point:
See also:
5.1.4 ZOOMS
The Right-click menu offers a short cut to the Zooms available from the
View menu. Those available in the Right-click|Zooms menu are:
Figure 5-4
See also:
This tool can be accessed from the Tools menu, or from the Right-click
menu. In common with other IRRICAD tools Object Info can be used to
apply to an existing selection (information for multiple objects can be
displayed simultaneously), or if no items are selected operated by
clicking on individual objects.
See also:
See also:
To use the Undo Vertex while running a continuous line, right click and
choose Undo Vertex from the popup Right-click menu.
The last placed-line segment and vertex is removed, and the rubber
band line is attached to the previous vertex.
5.1.8 MODIFY
Found in the Right-click menu, Modify provides a shortcut to modifying
tools such as Delete, Delete Type, Change, Change Type, Move, Move
Point, Copy, Rotate, Explode, Resize, Break, Adjust Image, Z-Order,
Trim and Extend. These tools are also found in the Modify menu.
See also:
5.1.9 CLOSE
Found in the Right-click menu, select to close a lasso, contour, curve,
polyline, double line and areas when at least three points have been
Note: If the user is drawing an area and selects the Close option,
make sure that the closing line, which will return to the starting
point, will not cut any of the other boundary lines for the area.
5.1.10 LAYERS
The Right-click menu offers a short cut to turning layers on and off. The
options are:
The Layer Bar can be toggled on and off from the Right-click menu.
Figure 5-5
See also:
5.1.11 STOP
Found in the Right-click menu, select to stop the drawing of a Pressure
Map; Block tools; Cutpipe; or Cut Lasso.
Shortcut to Change
Double-clicking on an item when in Select Object mode brings up the
change dialog.
Selection Tool
To assist with selection when items are in close proximity hold the <Ctrl>
key down while selecting items with the Select Object tool. A context
menu will appear that lists all items close to the clicked point.
Highlighting each menu item will select that item in the design. A Modify
tool can then be applied to the selected item.
Figure 5-6
Clearing a Selection
Pressing the <Esc> key twice in quick succession clears the current
selection and returns to the default Select Object tool.
502 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Stopping Redraw
Redrawing a large design may be stopped by pressing the <Esc> key.
Sequential Copying
All Copy tools have a “no dialog” shortcut, which repeats the last copy
without showing the dialog each time. To action, hold the <Shift> key for
the 2nd and subsequent copies.
Ortho Mode
Holding the <Ctrl> key down when in “Ortho Mode” will disengage
“Ortho Mode”. Holding the <Ctrl> key down when not in “Ortho Mode”
will engage “Ortho Mode” and at the angle set in this dialog field. Ortho
mode settings can be found in Settings|Drawing Items.
In the single select mode clicking nothing (empty space) will clear the
current selection.
Distance Counter
The <F9> key will zero the 'd=' on the status bar and is used to measure
distances from where <F9> was invoked. To use a distance counter for
any object on the screen, place the cursor over point 1 and press the F9
key to zero the distance counter. Move the cursor to the end of the
distance the user to wish to measure and read the status bar. The
distance and angle moved since pressing F9 will be displayed.
Edit Item can quickly open the item dialog by pressing the <Enter> key.
Figure 5-7
1. Select File|New.
5.3.2 OPEN…
Use File|Open or click on the Open Folder icon on the toolbar to
continue work on a design, or to load an old design file type .dgt from
DOS IRRICAD in the new format
Figure 5-8
1. Select File|Open.
2. By default, IRRICAD lists files with the .dez or .des extension.
3. To see the list of DOS IRRICAD designs, change the file type
from .des to .dgt in the Files of Type list.
4. If necessary, change the path and drive in order to locate the file
the user wishes to open.
5. In the list box, double-click the file name, or select the file name
and click [Open].
The *.dez file can be uncompressed with any zip utility (e.g., 7-
Zip, PKZip, WinZip). If extracting the design manually, the *.dbm
file should be renamed *.mdb before opening the design in
IRRICAD. Note internal databases should not be used as the
component database for the design.
5.3.3 SAVE
Use File|Save to save the design. Save during and at the end of a
session, before exiting IRRICAD. This command saves the design to
disk under the current name.
Figure 5-9
1. Select File|Save.
The name of the database used for a design is automatically saved with
the design.
To save the file in a different file format, so that it can be used with other
computer-aided design (CAD) programs or older versions of IRRICAD,
use the Export command.
Figure 5-10
Note: To save the design as a ZIP archive .dez file in the "File name"
field of the dialog overwrite the .des with .dez.
5.3.5 IMPORT…
Use the Import command to load files from other programs into an
IRRICAD design file. The file formats supported by IRRICAD are:
Figure 5-11
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 509
To open an existing drawing file, using the Import command:
1. Select File|Import.
2. By default, IRRICAD lists files with the .dxf extension. The user
can select other files types from the dropdown list.
3. If necessary, change the folder in order to locate the file to open.
4. In the dialog, double-click the file name, or select the file name
and click [Open].
Tip: Data in CSV or TXT files is written in a particular order and for
IRRICAD to read and display the information correctly this order
needs to be specified. The "Field order", or order of the column
headings, can be seen in the Windows Explorer preview as
seen above or by opening the file in Notepad prior to importing.
Note: If the same ID is repeated in the file (see the above tip) this
indicates the data contains polylines rather than points. Enable
the "Import as polylines" option.
IRRICAD will read the file and convert all lines and polylines in the
selected layers to contours and all points and symbols to spot heights.
These are displayed on the screen as they are converted. All height data
is imported; this can be seen if Right-click|Object Info or Modify|Change
are used on the selected contour or spot height.
If the elevation layers chosen do not have elevation data
associated with the drawn item, the elevation will be displayed
as 0 or as -328,000 (-1,000,000).
Note: If the same ID is repeated in the file (see the above tip) this
indicates the data contains polylines rather than points. To
import as polylines enable the "Import as polylines" option.
Windows Metafile
To import an image:
Figure 5-13
Figure 5-14
Click [Yes] to accept and the image will be placed at the specified
coordinates and at the correct scale.
Tips: When prompted for the bottom left corner, the user may type in
coordinates e.g., 0,400 (in world units).
514 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
When prompted for the top right corner, the user may type in
coordinates e.g., 300,0, or the user may type in a distance
(diagonal distance from top left corner) in world units.
The user may simply place the bottom left and top right at any
scale (make sure “Lock Aspect Ratio when placing the image is
checked in [Settings]) and scale using Modify|Scale Image.
Note: This tool can be used to import any image into IRRICAD
including logos etc.
If the image is not placed using the ‘bottom-left, top right’ order,
then it will be flipped horizontally and/or vertically as appropriate.
Relative Path
This option is not editable until after the image has been imported.
“Use relative path” cannot be set when initially importing the
image but can be checked when accessing the image settings
through the Change dialog.
This option is not editable until after the image has been imported.
Flip Horizontal
The image can be flipped horizontally.
Flip Vertical
The image can be flipped vertically.
Display Image
Images can be individually turned off for display by unchecking the
“Display Image” option. If the image is turned off in “Display Image” the
border automatically displays.
See also:
1. From the File menu, select Import from Google Earth…. The
import utility will then start.
2. Navigate to the area of interest and specify the required
importation options; Import Image, Rectify Image, Import
Elevations, Number of elevations.
3. Click the [Import] button. A disclaimer message will appear to be
read and accepted.
Figure 5-17
5.3.9 EXPORT…
Exporting is used to save a design in a different file format, which can
then be read into other CAD programs. The file can be saved as:
To export a file:
1. Select File|Export.
2. By default, IRRICAD exports .dxf files. To save as a different
format select a format from the “Save as Type” list. If necessary,
change the folder the user wishes to save the file to.
3. Click [Save].
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 521
Figure 5-18
To export to KML/KMZ:-
1. Select File|Export.
Object name: Select the option to export the required data for
hydraulic items that do not have names such as
pipes, zone outlets and Misc. Hydraulic items.
Select Description to label the items with its
description, Unique identifier to label the items
with its UID number, Label Set 1 to label the
items with its existing label from label set 1,
Label Set 2 to label the items with its existing
label from label set 2, or None to export no
information with the items. Note the Name
option has no effect for this field.
This information will be available in Google Earth on the image and
under “Places”. Expand the tree on the left-hand side to turn layers on or
off and, under the appropriate layers, see the list of names.
The coordinates need to be in UTM and the UTM zone specified
in Settings|Grid/Origin/GIS.
If the coordinates of any items are beyond the limits of UTM the
following message will appear and those items will not be
exported to Google Earth.
PDF files are compact and complete, and can be shared, viewed, and
printed by anyone with the free Adobe Reader® software which can be
downloaded at Customers that have the full Adobe
Acrobat software can redline the drawings and return them for revisions.
526 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
PDF output from IRRICAD also has optional security features to protect
sensitive drawings. If desired password protection can be set for
opening PDF files, as well as permissions for printing, editing and
Figure 5-19
Although many of the settings options are unique to images, the Export
Image dialog layout is based on the Print dialog.
Figure 5-20
5.3.12 REPAIR
This utility attempts to repair the current design. It runs through all
objects in the design looking for invalid objects, invalid connections,
misplaced objects and so on. Some of the problems which may occur
and which may be solved by File|Repair are:
When hydraulic entities are deleted in a design gaps will be left in
IRRICAD's internal structures. These gaps take up space both in
memory (i.e. while the program is running) and also on disk when the
design is saved. Other situations, such as importing dxf / dwg / vcd files
into a design containing hydraulic entities, can also give rise to this
Figure 5-21
Figure 5-22
To convert a database:
1. Select File|Convert|Database.
2. Find the correct folder where the old database files are stored,
e.g., IRRICAD5 folder. Click on one .dbs item in the folder.
3. Click [Open].
4. Select where to save the converted file (e.g.,
IRRICAD will convert all the .dbs files present in the first folder to one
.mdb file in the second folder. The new .mdb database can be selected
for use in new designs in Settings|Irrigation – Design Specific. The
original Version 6 files remain unchanged.
536 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide CONVERT DESIGNS
This tool will convert old design file types .dgt to the current design file
type .des. Convert the database used by the old design prior to
converting the design itself.
To convert a design:
1. Select File|Convert|Design.
2. To use the currently selected database (i.e. the default
database) select [Yes]. Select [No] if a different database is to
be used. A dialog will appear in which you can browse for and
select the required database as shown in
Figure 5-23. Click [Open].
Figure 5-23
3. Find the folder where the design file is stored, e.g., IRRICAD5
folder on C drive. Click on the .dgt design the user requires.
Figure 5-24
Tips: Convert the relevant database and any symbols or plot layouts
prior to converting the design.
Figure 5-25
1. Select File|Convert|Symbols.
2. Find the folder where the file is stored, e.g., IRRICAD5 folder on
C drive.
3. Select the symbol library the user wants to convert (.blk file or
Symbols.dat). Click [Open].
4. Select where to save the converted symbols (e.g.,
\IRRICAD\symbols \drawing).
Each symbol in the .blk file will be converted to a .vcs file with the same
name as the symbol and can be selected using Draw|Symbol. The
original Version 6 file remains unchanged.
538 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide CONVERT PLOT LAYOUTS
This tool will convert old plot layout files (.lay) or the standard plot layout
file type (pl_def.dat) to the new .vcs files.
Note: If the user has symbols associated with a plot layout file (e.g.,
company logo), convert the appropriate symbol libraries prior to
converting plot layouts.
Figure 5-26
For each plot layout in the .lay or pl_def.dat file, select the paper size for
which the template will be used, e.g., D (A3). If the “Convert this Layout”
check box is unchecked, that particular layout will not be converted and
the conversion process will skip to the next layout in the file. To stop the
conversion process click [Cancel].
5.3.15 MERGE
IRRICAD designs may now be merged together using the Merge…
option in the File menu. This function will merge the drawing and
hydraulic objects, as well as the fittings, management and design
To merge designs:
Figure 5-27
Given the case where Design B is merged into Design A, the user
should be aware of the following:
5.3.16 PRINT…
Select File|Print to print the current design. If a Plot Layout (Section
5.6.14) is selected prior to printing, the user will not need to change any
properties in the print dialog. Simply click Print as IRRICAD will have
inserted into the print dialog the required information based on the
choices in the Draw|Plot Layout dialog.
If printing without a plot layout, set the print dialog fields as required,
before clicking [Print].
Figure 5-29
See also:
The Direct Plot option should not be used unless the following situations
are evident:
The Plot routine is designed to enhance the control over vector output
devices (old style pen plotters). By using Direct Plot, the Windows
drivers are bypassed allowing IRRICAD to send information directly to
the plotter or to printers not supported through standard Windows
The Direct Plot dialog can be accessed from the File menu. In order to
use direct plot, the plotter should be configured to hardware flow control.
Direct plot does not support TrueType fonts. Vector fonts will be
substituted for TrueType fonts when direct plot is used.
The Direct Plot dialog contains many of the same settings found in the
normal print command along with specific settings for controlling pen
mapping and language output. The basic controls allow for standard
output features such as orientation and size. In addition to these
settings, there are many advanced settings for accessing the plotter
pens and the language code for controlling the plotter.
Figure 5-30
Note: The file name in the MRU list may be abbreviated, but the full
path and file name can be seen in the application status bar.
5.3.20 EXIT
Use the Exit command the exit IRRICAD. If an unsaved design is
loaded, IRRICAD prompts the user to save the design file before closing
To exit IRRICAD:
1. Select File|Exit.
550 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
5.4 EDIT
The Edit menu contains:
Figure 5-31
5.4.1 UNDO
Multiple actions mistakenly performed can be reversed.
Figure 5-32
5.4.2 REDO
Actions that have been undone can be redone. Redo is located in the
Edit menu.
Figure 5-33
Settings|Miscellaneous|Undo Section
5.4.4 PASTE
Use the Paste command to paste copied items on the IRRICAD screen.
To use Paste:
1. Copy the item required. This may be a report which the user can
copy by using the Edit|Copy option in the Report Viewer.
2. Select Edit|Paste.
3. On the screen click for the bottom left corner.
4. Move the mouse (do NOT drag) and then click to place the top
right corner.
Figure 5-34
This option allows only a single instance of the object to be
OLE items are selected by using a select tool and clicking on the
bounding rectangle for the item. This rectangle is white and
therefore will be invisible when using a white background. It is
normally not difficult to select it but an alternative is to use a
non-white background color.
See also:
Note: Any changes made to the opened OLE item will immediately be
reflected on the pasted OLE item on the IRRICAD Screen.
See also:
Figure 5-35
5.5.1 REDRAW
Use the Redraw tool to refresh the screen. When the user moves or
erases an object, its old location is re-drawn with the background color.
This effect tends to break up or obscure remaining objects that it
overlapped or intersected. The user can use the Redraw tool to clean up
the screen after this happens. This tool is especially useful when editing
lines drawn on top of each other or objects that overlap.
The objects are re-drawn in the order they were created or edited
1. Select View|Redraw.
Only currently visible layers are displayed and used to calculate the
appropriate zoom factor (see Settings|Drawing Items, Section 5.10.5).
To zoom all:
The screen is re-drawn at the highest zoom value that will entirely show
all displayed objects.
See also:
5.5.3 ZOOM IN
Use the Zoom In tool to quickly magnify the current screen image. This
tool’s zoom is at a set magnification. The user can set or edit this
magnification in Settings|Drawing Items. The center of the screen stays
constant during zooming in.
To zoom in:
See also:
To zoom out:
See also:
See also:
See also:
The view will change so that the selected objects just fill the screen.
See also:
5.5.8 PAN
Use the Pan tool to pan across the design without changing the
1. Select View|Pan.
2. Place a point where the new view is to be centered.
See also:
Tips: The dynamic pan tool can be accessed directly by clicking and
holding the center mouse button (or wheel) while dragging the
mouse to move the drawing.
See also:
Figure 5-36
Tips: The user can use the tab key between the X and Y coordinate
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 559
Two numbers from the clipboard can be pasted directly into the
X and Y fields using the <Ctrl>+<V> shortcut key combination in
either field.
Do not use the mouse to click [OK], instead use the <Enter>
key, and the crosshairs will then go to the coordinates specified.
See also:
To center the view (at the current zoom state) over any particular point
on the design, just click on that point in the Birds Eye View. The display
box can also be dragged to any new position by left clicking anywhere
inside the box and dragging it to the required position. Right-clicking
anywhere in the Birds Eye View brings up a Right-click menu that gives
access to a set of zoom tools that can also be used to re-size or re-
position the view. Using these tools can greatly speed up moving around
a large design by eliminating unnecessary re-draws.
The Birds Eye View window can be resized like any other window by
dragging an edge or corner using the mouse. To close the Birds Eye
View window click on the X or reselect View|Birds Eye View.
See also:
Toolbars provide a fast and convenient way of accessing commonly
used commands and tools, IRRICAD Pro includes many more Toolbars
and Toolbar buttons than previous versions. The location, style and
content of these Toolbars can be customized to suit individual users’
preferences in View|Toolbars or by right-clicking on any toolbar.
Toolbars Tab
The display of individual Toolbars may be toggled using the check boxes
provided. At any time when the Toolbar “Customize” dialog is open
buttons may be ‘dragged’ from one toolbar to another, dragging a button
onto the main view area or any other area that is not a Toolbar will
remove a button.
Commands Tab
This tab contains the commands that can be represented by a button;
they are grouped in a way that matches the default Toolbars. Clicking on
a category shows the buttons that are available; these buttons can then
562 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
be dragged onto any existing Toolbar (default or user defined). Note that
the same command/button can exist in more than one Toolbar.
The current Toolbar configuration for IRRICAD is stored in an
initialization file called Winicad.ini in the Irricad config folder commonly
located in C:\Program Files\AEI Software\Irricad Pro.
Figure 5-38
Figure 5-39
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 563
The Current toolbar can be customized in the normal way via the
View|Toolbars Commands tab.
The status bar serves several functions. It is broken into sections, each
of which can give the user valuable visual feedback about the entity or
tool currently in use. The status bar displays messages during design,
flow through connected hydraulic items, prompts for using tools,
distances and angles from the last mouse click and the X and Y
coordinates of the current mouse position.
Figure 5-40
Figure 5-41
Figure 5-42
Shown filtering the TEMPORARY layer, items with RGB (0, 128, 0), all
line types (-2), all line widths (-2), all types (<All>) and all groups (<All>).
Figure 5-45
Figure 5-47
The Goto View command
switches the focus to the
linked view on the Views
Figure 5-48
Figure 5-49
The Goto Group command
switches the focus to the
linked group on the Groups
Wetted radii need to be created before this tool will work. Wetted radii
can be created with the outlets, or after outlets have been drawn on the
Note: To turn off sprayline wetted radii, the user must turn off the
SL_WETTED_RADII layer in Settings|Layers.
See also:
Sprayline outlets need to be created before this tool will work. Sprayline
outlets can be created with the drawing of spraylines or created after the
sprayline has been drawn on the screen. If creating sprayline outlets,
turn the layer on by selecting View|Sprayline Outlets.
See also:
Figure 5-50
5.6.1 POINT
Use the Point tool to place a point for use during the construction of
another object or to mark a particular spot.
To place a point:
1. Select Draw|Point.
2. Place a point where the point marker is to be located.
3. Repeat step 2 as required.
Tip: Type in coordinates to place the points (e.g., 30,40) and then
press the <Enter> key. Note that the coordinates the user type
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the point. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing
Items. To change the properties of a particular point, select
Modify|Change and click on the point the user wishes to change.
See also:
5.6.2 LINE
A line can be drawn on the screen by selecting one of the Draw|Line
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the line. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing Items.
To change the properties of a particular line, select Modify|Change and
click on the line the user wishes to change.
1. Select Draw|Line|Single.
2. Place the starting point.
3. Place the ending point.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Line|Double.
2. A dialog box will appear where the right and left offsets can be
Figure 5-51
574 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
3. The user may also check the “Solid Fill” box to have the space
between the lines filled with the current drawing color.
4. Click [OK].
5. Place the starting point.
6. Place points to define each new bend in the set of double
continuous lines.
7. Finish the line by selecting Done from the pop up Right-click
menu, double-clicking or pressing the <Esc> key. Selecting
Right-click|Close can close the line.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 as required.
Note: The left and right offset directions are defined relative to the
movement of the cursor; the left offset applies to the left of the
cursor’s forward direction, and the right offset applies to the
right. This applies whether the cursor is moving up, down, left or
right on the screen. For example, if drawing from the bottom of
the screen to the top, the left offset line is on the left side of the
double line as the user view the screen. If, however, drawing
from the top to the bottom, the left offset is actually on the right
side of the double line as the user view the screen.
Tip: The user can select, modify and delete each line of a double line
See also:
1. Select Draw|Line|Continuous.
2. Place the starting point.
3. Place the end point of the first line segment. This is also the
starting point for the second segment.
4. Place additional points to create the line segments of the
continuous line.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 575
5. Select Right-click|Done, double-click, or press the <Esc> key to
stop drawing line segments. Alternatively, select Right-
click|Close to create a closed boundary.
6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 as required.
See also:
Polyline is another name for Continuous Line and is used in exactly the
same way.
See also:
A rectangle can be drawn on the screen by selecting one of the
Draw|Rectangle options:-
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the rectangle. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing
Items. To change the properties of a particular rectangle, select on the
Modify|Change and select the rectangle the user wishes to change.
See also:
See also:
Note: In most cases, the second and third points can be placed using
a snap tool.
See also:
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the polygon. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing
Items. To change the properties of a particular polygon, select
Modify|Change and click on the polygon the user wishes to change.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Polygon|Center.
2. Enter the number of sides for the polygon and select
circumscribe or inscribe in the dialog that pops up. Click [OK].
3. Place a point to locate the center of the polygon.
4. Place a point to complete the polygon.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as required.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Polygon|Side.
2. Select the number of sides for the polygon. Click [OK].
3. Place the starting point for one side of the polygon.
4. Place an end point for one side of the polygon.
5. Move the cursor to either side of this line to flip the polygon if
required and click the left mouse button to complete the
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 as required.
See also:
Snaps Section 5.1.3
Running Snaps Section
580 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Polygon Tips Section 5.6.5
1. Select Draw|Polygon|Irregular.
2. Click to place the first point.
3. Place additional vertex points around the perimeter of the
4. Select Right-click|Done, or double-click to complete the polygon.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as required.
An end point does not have to be placed on top of the starting point;
IRRICAD connects the first and last vertices automatically.
See also:
See also:
5.6.6 CIRCLE
A circle can be drawn on the screen by selecting one of the Draw|Circle
3 Point
Center Radius
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the circle. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing
Items. To change the properties of a particular circle, select
Modify|Change and click on the circle the user wishes to change.
See also:
Use the 3 Point Circle tool to create a circle when the center and radius
are not known. The circumference must pass through three specific
points in the drawing.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Circle|Diameter.
2. Place a point that will be on the circumference of the circle. As
the cursor is moved, the user sees a dynamic preview of the
3. Place a second point to define the circle.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required.
Tip: If the user know the diameter, simply type it while the user are
dragging the preview circle in the required direction and press
the <Enter> key.
See also:
See also:
To draw an ellipse:
1. Select Draw|Circle|Ellipse.
2. Place the starting point of the first axis.
3. Place the endpoint of the first axis. This defines the length and
orientation of the ellipse. As the user move the cursor
perpendicular to the first axis, a preview of the ellipse follows the
4. Place a third point to complete the ellipse.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as required.
Tip: If the user know the length of the first axis, simply type it while
the user are dragging the preview circle in the required direction
and press the <Enter> key.
5.6.7 CURVE
A curve is a line that is not straight. It can be manipulated to any size or
shape. A curve can be drawn on the screen by selecting one of the
following Draw|Curve options:
Single Bezier
Continuous Bezier
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the Curve. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing
Items. To change the properties of a particular curve, select
Modify|Change and click on the curve the user wishes to change.
Tip: IRRICAD provides extensive support for snap and break tools
involving both Bezier and Spline curves. For example, the user
can trim a continuous Bezier curve to a line, circle, or even
another Bezier curve. The user can also use Right-
click|Snaps|Tangent and Right-click|Snaps|Perpendicular to
each of these entities.
See also:
Tip: The user can place the points of the curve by typing in the
coordinates and pressing the <Enter> key.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Curve|Spline.
2. Place the starting point of the curve.
3. Place additional construction points to create the required curve.
4. Select Right-click|Done, double-click, or press the <Esc> key to
complete the curve.
See also:
5.6.8 ARC
An arc is a part of a circle. An arc can be drawn on the screen by
selecting one of the Draw|Arc options:
This tool uses the current values of layer, color, line type and line width
to draw the arc. These current values are set in Settings|Drawing Items.
To change the properties of a particular arc, select Modify|Change and
click on the arc the user wishes to change.
See also:
See also:
See also:
1. Select Draw|Arc|Elliptical.
2. Draw the parent ellipse. Follow the procedure included for the
Ellipse Circle tool (Section 0). When the ellipse is completed, a
rubberband connects the center to the ellipse to the cursor. The
rubberband line represents a cutting line; the intersection of this
line and the ellipse will be the start of the elliptical arc.
3. Place the first endpoint of the elliptical arc.
4. Place a point to complete the elliptical arc.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as required.
590 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
See also:
5.6.9 HATCH
A hatch is a pattern drawn within an area on the screen to represent
different materials or textures. A hatch can be drawn on the screen by
selecting one of the Draw|Hatch options:
In order for the hatch to be displayed, the “Display Hatch” check box
must be checked in Settings|Drawing Items.
This tool uses the current values of layer and color to draw the hatch.
These values are set in Settings|Drawing Items.
Figure 5-53
See also:
See also:
1. Select Draw|Hatch|Boundary.
2. Select a hatch pattern and enter a scale and angle in the dialog.
Click [OK].
3. Place points to define an imaginary irregular polygon that would
enclose the hatch pattern.
4. Rubberbands are displayed connecting the cursor to the last
point placed and to the first point placed. These lines provide a
preview of the area to be hatched.
5. When finished defining the area to be hatched, select Right-
6. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 as required
See also:
Tips: If there are 100 or more objects on screen when the user selects
Hatch|Seed, IRRICAD will not fill the object.
See also:
5.6.10 FILL
Fill is a tool that can be used to add a solid-color fill to objects.
Fill Selection
Fill Boundary
Fill Seed
In order for the fill to be drawn the “Display Fills” check box must be
checked in Settings|Drawing Items.
This tool uses the current values of layer and color to draw the hatch.
These values are set in Settings|Drawing Items.
See also:
1. Select the objects the user wishes to fill. Remember that the
objects must be closed (sharing the same beginning and end
2. Select Draw|Fill|Selection.
The selected objects will be filled with the current drawing color.
See also:
1. Select Draw|Fill|Boundary.
2. Place points to define an imaginary, irregular polygon that
encloses the fill. Rubberbands connect the cursor to the last
point placed and to the first point placed. These lines provide a
preview of the area to be filled.
3. When finished defining the area to be filled, select Right-
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as required.
See also:
Tips: If there are 100 or more objects on screen when the user selects
Seed Fill, IRRICAD will not fill the object.
See also:
Use Dimension tools when the user requires an exact measurement to
be displayed.
Tip: IRRICAD gives the user extensive control over the appearance
and other properties of each part of a dimension. The user can
set and edit these properties when selecting any of the
Dimension command tools.
Figure 5-54
The options in this section determine whether dimensions are to be
placed individually or in connected groups, and how grouped
dimensions are related.
Line Direction
The line direction is the orientation used when measuring a distance and
drawing dimension lines. This direction is not necessarily aligned with
the object being dimensioned. Measured distances on the object are
projected onto the dimension direction. For example, the horizontal
dimension of a line drawn at a 30o angle represents the horizontal
component of the true length of that line.
Extension lines, also called witness lines, visually connect the
dimensioned object to the dimension line. They are always drawn
perpendicular to (and usually beyond) the dimension line. IRRICAD
allows extension lines to be configured as follows:
When “Proximity Fixed” is off, the user can place the dimension line at
any distance away from the dimensioned object. This means that either
the Offset distance or the Below distance must give. If “Stretch” is
checked, the Below section of the extension line will Stretch to fill the
gap between the Offset distance and the dimension line. If “Stretch” is
unchecked, the Below distance will remain constant and the Offset
distance will give to fill the gap.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 599
These options determine the type and angle of arrowheads that will
terminate the ends of each dimension line. If terminators are added to
the lines, the user can end lines with arrowheads, circles, or slashes.
Figure 5-55
Vector Settings
Char Space: Specifies the spacing between characters of a
text line as a percentage of the character size.
The default is 20%. This option only applies to
vector text.
Slant Angle: Specifies the angle at which vector text is
slanted to emulate italics. The angle must be
between -45º and 45º. This option only applies
to vector text.
Mono Space: When checked, all characters are the same
width. When unchecked, wide characters (M
and W) take up more space than narrow
characters (I and L).
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 601
Fill Text: When checked, characters are solid filled.
When unchecked, characters are displayed in
outline, making both redrawing and printing
Sets the real-world size of dimension text in current drawing units.
When checked, dimension text is placed at the midpoint of the
dimension line, regardless of the orientation or mode chosen above.
When unchecked, the user positions the dimension text by moving the
cursor to position the line. Thus, for the first dimension in a chain, the
user will simultaneously position both the dimension line and the
dimension text.
Horizontal: Specifies that dimension text is horizontal
regardless of orientation of the dimension line.
Applies only if dimension text placement is set
to the In Line Dist option (see description
Aligned: Specifies that dimension text will always be
oriented parallel to the dimension line. This
option is set automatically if the dimension text
relationship to the dimension line is set to the
Above option (see description below).
Dimension Text
These options let the user set the font and size of dimension text, and its
orientation with respect to the dimension line. The dimension text is set
in the Dimension Font box in the Dimension Text tab.
Figure 5-56
Drawing Properties
The drawing properties can be altered to the preferences.
Datum Dimension
Datum Dimension options set the datum dimension style to display X
values, Y values, or both.
Sets the distance between the tail end of the leader shoulder, and the
leader text.
Adjusts the size of the leader tail’s horizontal segment that is nearest the
Leader Text
These options let the user set the font and size of dimension text, and its
orientation with respect to the dimension line. The dimension text is set
in the Dimension Font box in the Dimension Text tab.
See also:
See also:
See also:
See also:
See also:
To place a leader:
See also:
1. Select Draw|Dimension|Datum.
2. Edit the dialog as required (see Leader / Datum Settings,
Section Click [OK].
3. Click the point to dimension.
4. Click additional points to draw the leader. Select Right-
click|Done to complete the leader line.
5. Click to position the datum text.
See also:
5.6.12 SYMBOL
Symbols are collections of objects that are grouped together, named,
saved, and treated as a single object. The user can insert them
repeatedly in the same drawing, or save them on disk for use in future
designs. This saves the user the time that would be necessary to draw
the same objects over and over.
1. Select Draw|Symbol.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 611
3. Place the symbol in the design.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-57
Figure 5-58
To load symbols:
1. Click [Load].
2. In the Open dialog box, select one or more symbol files to be
loaded into the design. The user can browse for .vcs symbol
files in other directories such as symbols\database, to load
database symbols.
3. Click [Open].
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 613
The selected symbols will be loaded ready for use.
Tips: The user may need to check the “Placement Color” check box in
the dialog if the symbol has been created in white.
The user can load more than one symbol at a time by holding
down the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key on the keyboard.
To unload symbols:
1. Click [Unload].
2. Select the symbols to unload.
3. Click [OK].
Note: If the user tries to unload a symbol that is used in the design,
IRRICAD will display a message and the symbol will not be
5.6.13 TEXT
This tool allows the user to place text on the screen.
1. Select Draw|Text.
2. Type in the required text or label.
3. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
4. Place the text where required on the design. The box displayed
is approximately the size of the text entered.
5. Repeat Step 4 as required.
True type text is shown by the presence of a star to the right of the font
Figure 5-59
Keep Fills: Check this option if the generated plot layout should
retain any fills in the template. The user will need to do this if
printing only a portion of the plan where the plot layout overlaps
the design so that the parts of the design underneath the plot
Figure 5-60
See also:
Figure 5-61
Figure 5-62
Drawing Properties
Layer: The default layer is IRRICAD.
Symbol Name: The default symbol is PipeReduction but can
be replaced by any other symbol.
Symbol Size: The default symbol size is 5.
Figure 5-64
Drawing Properties
Layer: The layer field setting applies to the tree block
boundary only. The <DEFAULT> is DRAWING.
Color: The color of the tree block boundary.
Line Type: The line type for the tree block boundary.
Line Width: The line width for the tree block boundary.
Block Properties
Block Name: The name of the block.
Tree Row Spacing: The spacing between tree rows within the block.
If the Select "Tree Type" is used this spacing is
nominal only.
Tree Spacing: The spacing between trees along a row. If the
Select "Tree Type" is used this spacing is
nominal only.
Tree Spacing Properties: The type of pattern that the trees are placed
Rectangular - Rectangular tree
configuration in the block.
Triangular - Triangular tree
configuration in the block.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 625
Offset - The distance of the first tree
from the start of the row.
Tree Row Direction: Determines the row direction. All other rows are
placed relative to this, based on the row
spacing. It can be User Defined where the user
specifies the position and alignment of a row, or
Automatic where the row direction is aligned
with either the first boundary drawn or a
selected block side.
Number of Tree Rows: The number of rows to be inserted in the block
when a specific number of rows is required. If
left at zero IRRICAD will fill the area defined by
the block boundaries.
No. Rows per Group: If greater than zero, the number of rows in each
group. If this field is set at zero then the “Group
Spacing” field will be disabled and all rows will
be spaced identically.
Group Spacing: The spacing between groups of rows (which will
be spaced at the tree row spacing).
Reference Tree: Determines a precise tree position. All other
trees are placed relative to this position based
on the tree spacing. This can be User Defined
where the user specifies the tree location or
Automatic where the first tree is placed on the
first row relative to the Offset.
Extra Trees on Ends: When enabled extra trees will be placed on the
ends of the tree rows if the distance from the
last tree to the end of the row is 45% of the tree
spacing or greater.
User Attributes
The [Attributes] button allows the user to attach any extra information to
these items and can subsequently be used in labels and reports.
Note: If making changes to the Tree Block after creation the "Tree
Row Direction" and "Reference Tree" fields will be disabled.
Enable the "Change" option to make any required changes.
5.6.18 CONTOUR
Contours are used to enter topographic information.
To draw contours:
626 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
1. Select Draw|Contour.
2. Place the starting point.
3. Place the end point of the first segment. This is also the starting
point for the second segment.
4. Place additional points to create the line segments at the
contour line.
5. To finish select Right-click|Done.
6. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
7. Repeat Steps 2 to 6 as required.
Figure 5-65
Contours may be closed in a similar manner to polylines.
See also:
Figure 5-66
See also:
Figure 5-67
The Zone menu allows the user to place and connect zone items in the
design. A Zone is defined as connected hydraulic items downstream
from a control valve.
5.7.1 PIPE
Pipes are hydraulic items connecting outlets and valves to water
To place a pipe:
1. Select Zone|Pipe.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Place the starting point.
4. Place the end point. This is also the starting point of the next
pipe. Place additional points to create connected pipes.
630 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
5. To finish, select Right-click|Restart.
Figure 5-68
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer is ZONE_PIPES or
MAINLINE_PIPES respectively.
Line Width: The line width can be changed and saved as
default in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific.
Color and symbol are edited in the Database
Editor only (see Pipes, Section 3.8.1).
Pipe Properties
Item: The currently selected pipe. Pipes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the pipe database.
Computer Sized: Check to get IRRICAD to select a suitable pipe
size during Design. Uncheck if manually
selecting a pipe or to keep the pipe size
previously selected by IRRICAD during Design.
Permanent Junctions: Check to create permanent junctions at the start
and end of pipe segments. Non-permanent
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 631
junctions are removed during design if the pipe
segments are considered to be close to a
straight line.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Scope: This determines whether this item is to be
designed only, in BOM reports only or both.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
See also:
A method of spacing outlets uniformly along a pipe.
To draw a Sprayline:
1. Select Zone|Sprayline.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Place the starting point.
4. Place the end point of the first sprayline segment. This is also
the starting point of the second segment. Place additional points
to create the sprayline segments.
5. To finish select Right-click|Restart.
Figure 5-69
Sprinkler: The currently selected outlet body. The outlets
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Riser: The currently selected riser. The risers available
in the dropdown list have been entered and
enabled in the Database Editor.
Sprayline Properties
Outlet Spacing: The spacing between the outlets on the
Offset: The distance of the first sprinkler from the start
of the sprayline.
Options: Click this button to edit other properties of
Scope: This determines whether the item is to be
designed only, in BOM reports only or both.
Connected: If checked, IRRICAD is to treat the sprayline
with outlets as one item. If unchecked, sprayline
is Unconnected. Once placed the spraylines
becomes individual entities of pipes and
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
5.7.3 TAPE
Tapes are laterals with built in emitters.
To draw a Tape:
1. Select Zone|Tape.
2. In the dialog, select the tape item that is required in the design.
3. Type in the required depth, if any, and edit the Inlet Pressure if
4. If the design requires a regulated submain pressure, check the
Regulated box, and type in a minimum submain pressure in the
box below. The nominal SDR is shown at the bottom of this
dialog. This value has been entered in the tape database.
5. Click [OK].
6. Place the start of the tape by clicking the left mouse button. End
the tape by a left click. Bent tapes can be drawn in much the
same way as polylines. Select Right-click|Done to finish.
7. Repeat step 6 as required.
Figure 5-70
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer is SPRAYLINES.
Line Width: The line width can be changed and saved as
default in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific.
Color and symbol are edited in the Database
Editor only (see Tapes, Section 3.8.2).
Tape Properties
Tape: The currently selected tape. Tapes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the database.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Inlet Pressure: The pressure is required at the start of each
Pressure Regulation: Indicates whether or not pressure regulation
(e.g., PRVs, spaghetti tube) will be used to
control the pressure at the tape inlet. During
analysis it is assumed that the regulation device
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-71
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer is ZONE_PIPES.
Line Width: The line width can be changed and saved as
default in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific.
Color and symbol are edited in the Database
Editor only (see Pipes, Section 3.8.1).
Pipe Properties
Item: The currently selected pipe. Pipes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the pipe database.
Computer Sized: Check to get IRRICAD to select a suitable pipe
size during Design. Uncheck if manually
selecting a pipe or to keep the pipe size
previously selected by IRRICAD during Design.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-72
Sprinkler: The currently selected outlet body. The outlets
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Nozzle Properties
Nozzle: The currently selected nozzle. The sprinkler
nozzle currently selected. Nozzles available in
the dropdown list have been entered and
enabled in the Database Editor.
Pressure: Operating pressure for the sprinkler; the default
value is user-defined in the database.
640 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Flow: Flow rate for the sprinkler at the pressure
Arc: The plan angle over which the sprinkler
operates (in degrees).
Radius: The wetted radius for the selected nozzle at the
selected pressure.
Intensity: Flow rate divided by area of application for a
single sprinkler; used as a simple measure of
precipitation rate.
Riser: The currently selected riser. The risers available
in the dropdown list have been entered and
enabled in the Database Editor.
Block Properties
Lateral Spacing: The spacing between laterals within the block.
Options - Laterals
Number of Laterals: This is used when a specific number of laterals
is required in the block. Otherwise IRRICAD will
fill the area defined by the block boundaries.
No. Laterals/Group: If greater than zero the number of laterals in
each group. If this field is set at zero then the
“Group Spacing” field will be disabled and all
laterals will be spaced identically.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
See also:
Tape Properties
Tape: The currently selected tape. Tapes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the database.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Lateral Properties
Spacing: The spacing between laterals within the block.
Number of Laterals: This is used when a specific number of laterals
is required in the block. Otherwise IRRICAD will
fill the area defined by the block boundaries.
Lateral Direction: The direction in which the laterals are required
to run. This can be user defined, or determined
automatically by IRRICAD upon the first block
boundary that is drawn. If “User Defined” is
selected, the user have has the option to draw
bent tapes by checking the “Polyline” check
No. Laterals/Group: If greater than zero, the number of laterals in
each group. If this field is set at zero then the
“Group Spacing” field will be disabled and all
laterals will be spaced identically.
Group Spacing: The spacing between groups of laterals (which
will be spaced at the lateral spacing).
Figure 5-73
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
To define an Area:
1. Select Zone|Area.
2. Place the starting point.
3. Place the end point of the first segment of the boundary.
4. Continue placing points to create the area boundary.
5. To finish select Right-click|Close.
Note: An Area boundary may be completed later using the Area tool
by connecting a new boundary segment to one end of the
existing boundary and continuing to place points.
Area Properties
Name: The name of the area.
Set Arc Orientation Using Area: Check this box if all sprinklers that will
be encompassed by the area, require toshould
have their arcs rotated to water within the area
only. Sprinklers added after the area has been
drawn will automatically have their arcs
orientated to water within the area regardless of
this setting.
Max. Intensity: The maximum allowable mean precipitation rate
for the area. Actual precipitation rates are
checked against this value. Can be left as 0 if
the area is used only to orientate sprinkler arcs.
Required Quantity of Water: The amount of water to be applied to the
Irrigation Area on a daily basis expressed as a
depth or as a volume. Can be left as 0 if the
area is used only to orientate sprinkler arcs.
Figure 5-74
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 647
Note: Areas work in the opposite way to most other hydraulic tools, i.e.
most tools: Select tool, dialog to set properties, draw or place.
Areas: Select tool, draw area, dialog to set properties.
See also:
Most of the items on this dialogs are self-explanatory. The fields on the
Lateral tab have exactly the same function as those on the Sprayline
Block tool dialogs. Similarly those on the Area tab are identical to those
on the Irrigation Area tool dialog.
Figure 5-75
Pipe Properties
Pipe: Computer sized or manually selected pipe.
Depth: The depth of the pipe below ground level.
The currently selected outlet body. The outlets available in the dropdown
list have been entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
The currently selected riser. The risers available in the dropdown list
have been entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Block Properties
Lateral Spacing: The spacing between laterals within the block.
Scope: This setting is read only in this dialog and
cannot be changed.
Outlet Spacing: The spacing between the emitters along the
Rectangular: Rectangular outlet configuration in the block.
Triangular: Triangular outlet configuration in the block.
Offset: The distance of the first sprinkler from the start
of the sprayline.
Connected: IRRICAD is to treat the sprayline with outlets as
one item.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-76
Lateral Properties
Number of Laterals: This is used when a specific number of laterals
is required in the block. Otherwise IRRICAD will
fill the area defined by the block boundaries.
No. Laterals/Group: If greater than zero, the number of laterals in
each group. If this field is set at zero then the
“Group Spacing” field will be disabled and all
laterals will be spaced identically.
Group Spacing: The spacing between groups of laterals (which
will be spaced at the lateral spacing).
Lateral Direction: The direction in which the laterals are required
to run. This can be user defined, or determined
automatically by IRRICAD when the user
selects the block boundary.
Outlet Properties
Orientation: The orientation in degrees for the outlet symbol.
Reference Outlet: An indication where the first outlet is placed on
the sprayline. This can be user defined where
(the user can specify where the first outlet is to
be placed), or determined automatically (where
the first outlet is placed at the start of the first
Tree Block
Figure 5-77
Figure 5-78
The distance between the drawn block boundary and the start and end
of the laterals.
The distance between the drawn block boundary and the edges of the
first and last laterals. Note that if the angle between the boundary and
Create Laterals
If checked then laterals are created for the block.
This determines whether the item is to be designed only, in BOM reports
only or both. This setting is read only during the initial block creation.
Submain Properties
Submains may be automatically placed and connected when the block is
created. The options for the submain position are:-
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Create Manifolds
If checked then flushing manifolds are created for the block.
This determines whether the item is to be designed only, in BOM reports
only or both. For flushing manifolds, the Scope is BOM only during the
initial block creation and can be edited at a later stage by using the
Change Type tool. The flushing manifolds can then be analyzed if
Note: If more than one type of item is selected to change the Scope,
use the Change tool instead of Change Type.
Pipe Properties
Pipe: Select the size of pipe the user wishes to use
for the flushing manifold.
Depth: Depth of the flushing manifold.
Manifold Properties
Max Laterals Per Manifold: The manifold(s) are connected in even
groups of up to the specified number of laterals.
Figure 5-80
Area Properties
Name: The name of the area.
Max. Intensity: The maximum allowable mean precipitation rate
for the area. Actual precipitation rates are
checked against this value. Can be left as 0 if
the area is used only to orientate sprinkler arcs.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 659
Required Quantity of Water: The amount of water to be applied to the
Irrigation Area on a daily basis expressed as a
depth or as a volume. Can be left as 0 if the
area is used only to orientate sprinkler arcs.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-81
Tape Properties
Tape: The currently selected tape. Tapes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the database.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Inlet Pressure: The pressure is required at the start of each
Regulated: Indicates whether or not pressure regulation
(e.g., PRVs, spaghetti tube) will be used to
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 661
control the pressure at the tape inlet. During
analysis it is assumed that the regulation device
burns up the difference between the sub-main
pressure and the nominal inlet pressure at the
start of the tape.
Submain Min Pressure: The minimum pressure required in the
submain. Required for pressure regulated
tapes. The difference between the submain
pressure and tape inlet pressure provides a
differential pressure in which the pressure
regulators must operate. If the Regulated option
is unchecked, the submain minimum pressure is
not used.
Nominal SDR: The nominal Specific Discharge Rate specified
in the database and used for Show Flow and
Management reports only. This can be changed
in the Database Editor.
Scope: This setting is read only in this dialog and
cannot be changed.
Lateral Properties
Spacing: The spacing between laterals within the block.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
662 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide BLOCK TAB
The Block tab contains a number of fields the use of these is described
Figure 5-82
The distance between the drawn block boundary and the start and end
of the laterals.
The distance between the drawn block boundary and the edges of the
first and last laterals. Note that if the angle between the boundary and
an edge lateral is greater than 30 degrees then the Headland value is
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 663
Create Laterals
If checked then laterals are created for the block.
This determines whether the item is to be designed only, in BOM reports
only or both. This setting is read only during the initial block creation.
Submain Properties
Submains may be automatically placed and connected when the block is
created. The options for the submain position are:-
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-83
666 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
This feature allows for flushing manifolds to be created for bill of
materials and manifold numbering purposes only.
Create Manifolds
If checked then flushing manifolds are created for the block.
This determines whether the item is to be designed only, in BOM reports
only or both. For flushing manifolds, the Scope is BOM only during the
initial block creation and should NOT be changed.
Pipe Properties
Pipe: Select the size of pipe the user wishes to use
for the flushing manifold.
Depth: Depth of the flushing manifold.
Manifold Properties
Max Laterals Per Manifold: The manifold(s) are connected in even
groups of up to the specified number of laterals.
No of Manifolds: The laterals are connected in even numbers to
the specified number of manifolds (the number
of laterals is evenly divided by the number of
No of Manifolds (Even Flow): In this mode the user must specify both
a number of manifolds and a target outlet
velocity. This velocity is used to calculate the
outlet flow per lateral and this is combined with
the nominal irrigation (emitter) flow. Laterals are
connected to the manifolds such that the flow is
evenly distributed to each manifold. Please note
that this velocity is used purely to balance the
manifold flows, is does not guarantee that the
specified outlet flow will be achieved and it is
not a design parameter.
Flushing: If two assemblies per manifold are required, the
‘flushing’ assembly is placed at one end of the
manifold and the ‘end’ assembly is placed at the
other. If more than two assemblies per manifold
are specified then the assemblies are placed on
the ends as above, and the required number of
‘flushing’ assemblies are placed at even
intervals along the manifold.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
The Autohead tool automatically places sprinklers in a given area.
To use Autohead:
See also:
To place a junction:
1. Select Zone|Junction.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Click to connect the junction where required.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-85
Junction Properties
Permanent: Check if the junction is required to be
permanent – i.e., will not be deleted during
design if it is on a straight piece of pipe.
Orientation: The orientation in degrees of the junction
symbol. The orientation of the symbol is purely
visual, e.g., an orientated square is a diamond
See also:
5.7.12 OUTLET
Outlets are devices that discharge water from an irrigation system.
Figure 5-86
Sprinkler: The outlet body currently selected. Sprinklers
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Nozzle Properties
Nozzle: The sprinkler nozzle currently selected. Nozzles
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Pressure: Operating pressure for the sprinkler; the default
value is user-defined in the database.
Flow: Flow rate for the sprinkler at the pressure
Arc: The plan angle over which the sprinkler
operates (in degrees).
Radius: The wetted radius for the selected nozzle at the
defined pressure.
Intensity: Flow rate divided by area of application for a
single sprinkler; used as a simple measure of
precipitation rate.
Riser: The riser currently selected. The risers (outlet
connectors) available in the dropdown list have
been entered and enabled in the Database
Orientation: The orientation in degrees for the nozzle
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-87
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer will place Misc.
Hydraulic items on the MISC_HYDRAULIC
layer. Color and symbol are edited in the
Database Editor only (see Other Hydraulics,
Section 3.8.4).
Item Properties
Item: The Misc. Hydraulic item currently selected. The
miscellaneous hydraulic items available in the
dropdown list have been entered and enabled in
the Database Editor.
Orientation: The Orientation in degrees for the misc.
hydraulic item symbol.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Scope: This determines whether this item is to be
designed only, in BOM reports only or both.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Note: If the user knows the first letter of a database entry, N for a
Nelson product for example, pressing N on the keyboard will
take the user to the first N entry in the database.
Tip: Holding the <Shift> key when placing the control valve will
bypass the name dialog, accepting the default name.
Figure 5-88
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer is the
CONTROL_VALVES layer. Color and symbol
are edited in the Database Editor only (see
Control Valves, Section 3.8.3).
Show Fittings
This button allows the fittings to be viewed, added or removed.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
See also:
Figure 5-89
The Mainline menu allows the user to place and connect mainline items
in the design.
If there are multiple water supplies supplying the same system enter the
“Head” and “Flow” data in the edit boxes provided.
Figure 5-90
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer for the water supply is
Color: To change the color of the water supply symbol
by clicking on the color edit field and selecting a
color from the chart, or by changing the default
layer color in Settings|Layers, and selecting the
By Layer option in the dialog.
Symbol Name: The default symbol is the Water Supply symbol.
Select from the dropdown list in the dialog if the
user wish to changethe user wishes to change
the symbol used. Be aware that some symbols
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
See also:
Figure 5-91
Drawing Properties
Layer: The default layer is MAINLINE_PIPES.
Line Width: The line width can be changed and saved as
default in Settings|Irrigation - Design Specific.
Color and symbol are edited in the Database
Editor only (see Pipes, Section 3.8.1).
Pipe Properties
Item: The currently selected pipe. Pipes available in
the dropdown list have been entered into and
enabled in the pipe database.
Computer Sized: Check to get IRRICAD to select a suitable pipe
size during Design. Uncheck if manually
selecting a pipe or to keep the pipe size
previously selected by IRRICAD during Design.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
User Attributes
This button enables any extra information to be attached to these items
and subsequently used in labels and reports.
Tip: Holding the <Shift> key when placing the sprayline will bypass
the name dialog, accepting the default name.
The default layers for mainline spraylines are MAINLINE_PIPES for the
sprayline pipe, OUTLETS for the outlet the user have selected, and
OUTLET_WETTED_RADII for the outlets wetted radii. These can be
turned on or off in Settings|Layers. Wetted radii default settings can be
changed in Settings|Irrigation Items.
See also:
1. Select Mainline|Pump.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Click to connect the pump. If the pump is a main supply pump
connect it slightly downstream of the water supply. If it is a
booster pump connect it within a pipeline not at a tee junction.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-92
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer for pumps is
MISC_HYDRAULIC. The symbol and color
Item: The pump currently selected. All pumps
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Orientation: The orientation in degrees for the pump symbol.
Depth: The depth of the hydraulic item below ground
level. If the hydraulic item is above ground level
enter this height as a negative number.
Scope: This determines whether this item is to be
designed only, in BOM reports only or both.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Note: If the user knows the first letter of a database entry, N for a
Nelson product for example, pressing N on the keyboard will
take the user to the first N entry in the database.
Tip: Holding the <Shift> key when placing the outlet will bypass the
name dialog, accepting the default name.
Sprinkler: The outlet body currently selected. Sprinklers
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Nozzle Properties
Nozzle: The sprinkler nozzle currently selected. Nozzles
available in the dropdown list have been
entered and enabled in the Database Editor.
Riser: The riser currently selected. The risers (outlet
connectors) available in the dropdown list have
been entered and enabled in the Database
Figure 5-93
Orientation: The orientation in degrees for the nozzle
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
See also:
1. Select Mainline|SprayBlock.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Place the starting point.
4. Place the end point of the first sprayline segment. This is also
the starting point of the second segment. Place additional points
to create the sprayline segments.
5. To finish press <Esc> on the keyboard.
Tips: Holding the <Shift> key when placing the sprayline will bypass
the name dialog, accepting the default name.
Figure 5-94
The Electrical menu allows the user to place electrical items in the
design for costing purposes only.
5.9.1 LIGHT
Used to place electrical lighting in the design.
1. Select Electrical|Light.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Click the place the light where required.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-95
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
5.9.2 WIRE
Used to place electrical wiring and to connect other electrical items in
this design.
To place a wire:
1. Select Electrical|Wire.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Place the starting point.
4. Place the end point of the first wire segment. This is also the
starting point of the next segment.
5. Continue placing points to create wire segments.
6. To finish select Right-click|Restart.
Figure 5-96
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer for Wire is
Line Width: The line widths range from 1 to 15. Color and
line types are edited in the Database Editor only
(see Wires, Section 3.8.14).
Wire Properties
Item: The wire currently selected. All wires in the
dropdown list have been entered and enabled in
the Database Editor.
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 693
A controller is an electrical device which is able to turn valves on and off
as required.
To place a Controller:
1. Select Electrical|Controller.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Click to place the item where required.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-97
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer for the controller is
ELECTRICAL. Edit the layer if necessary. Color
and symbol are edited in the Database Editor
only (see Controllers, Section 3.8.15).
Item Properties
Item: The controller currently selected. All items in the
dropdown list have previously been entered and
enabled in the Database editor.
694 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Orientation: The orientation in degrees for the controller
User Attributes
This button allows the user to attach any extra information to these items
and subsequently use it in labels and reports.
Figure 5-98
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 695
Drawing Properties
Layer: The <DEFAULT> layer for Misc. Electrical items
is ELECTRICAL. Color and symbol are edited in
the Database Editor only (see Other Electrics,
Section 3.8.17).
Item Properties
Item: The misc. electrical item currently selected. The
misc. electrical items in the dropdown list have
been entered and enabled in the Database
Orientation: The orientation in degrees of the misc. electrical
item symbol.
To place a Junction:
1. Select Electrical|Junction.
2. Edit the dialog as required. Click [OK].
3. Click to place the junction where required.
4. Repeat Step 3 as required.
Figure 5-99
Junction Properties
Permanent: Has no effect for Electrical Junctions.
Orientation: The orientation in degrees of the junction
symbol. The orientation of the symbol is purely
visual, e.g., an orientated square is a diamond
See also:
Figure 5-100
Settings are the default values, modes or limits that IRRICAD will use.
System settings are those settings which, once set, will remain in force
from design to design until the user changes them. They will not be reset
when the user starts a new design. Examples of system settings are the
cursor color and IRRICAD units.
Design settings are those settings which are set for each design and
which will be reset to defaults when a new design is started. Examples
of design settings are the selected database and lateral line width.
Design settings are stored with the design and are therefore restored
when the user opens an existing design.
5.10.1 CLIENT
Figure 5-101
See also:
5.10.2 COMPANY
Figure 5-102
1. Select Settings|Company.
2. Enter the required information.
3. Click [OK]. COMPANY
Short Company Name: Abbreviated or popular company name, e.g.,
Acme for use as an adjective in letters etc., e.g.,
The Acme sprinklers ...
Formal Company Name: Normal form of name, e.g., Acme Irrigation,
this may appear on a plot.
Legal Company Name: Full legal company name to be used in
documents such as contracts, e.g., Acme
Irrigation Services Pty. Ltd.
Company Address: Address of company head office (in full).
Company Phone: Phone number of company head office.
Company Fax: Fax number of company head office. BRANCH
Branch Name: Name of local branch of company.
Branch Code: Code of local branch (if company has codes for
Branch City: City local branch is located in.
Branch Phone: Phone number of local branch.
Branch AH Phone: After hours phone number of local branch (if
Branch Fax: Fax number of local branch.
Branch Contact: Name of person for clients to contact.
See also:
5.10.3 CURSOR
The cursor settings control the appearance of the cursor.
Figure 5-104
Note: Use this field to enter additional notes, especially if re-doing the
design in a different way. These will be printed at the start of
each report. MISCELLANEOUS
Rep Name: Name of local branch representative or
Rep Code: Code for local branch rep (if company uses
Job Address: Full address of site for the design.
Quote Number: Unique reference for use in documents.
Acceptance Date: Date quote is accepted.
Commencement Date: Date installation is commenced.
Completion Date: Date installation is completed.
Labor: Total number of labor for installation (hours).
Mileage: Total distance traveled (miles or km) for the job.
Installation Cost: Total cost of installation excluding tax.
See also:
Figure 5-105 COLORS
The number of colors available in IRRICAD has been increased to 256.
Find the file vga.pal in the IRRICAD folder using Windows Explorer.
Rename it to Vcadd.pal, for example. In the same folder, find either
acadwindows.pal or acaddos.pal, depending on whether t Windows or
DOS AutoCAD colors are required, and rename it to vga.pal.
Note that changing the palette will affect all designs; even those created
with the old palette will have their colors changed.
Note: Holding the <Ctrl> key down when on “Ortho Mode” with
disengage “Ortho Mode”. Holding the <Ctrl> key down when not
in “Ortho Mode” will engage “Ortho Mode” and at the angle set
in this dialog field.
1. Select Settings|Grid.
2. Edit the grid properties as required.
3. Click [OK].
Grid Visibility
Display Grid Points: toggles on or off the display of the grid.
Grid Spacing
Spacing: Sets the spacing of grid points to any
convenient spacing in the X and Y directions.
Grid Origin
Origin: Moves the grid so that a specified point of the
drawing falls exactly on a grid point.
Tips: Turning the grid display on or off does not affect the status of
Snap to Grid. This can still be on (constraining cursor movement
to grid points only) even if the grid points themselves are not
See also: ORIGIN
Typically when data from GPS or GIS software is imported into IRRICAD
(usually via a DXF or DWG file) the resulting coordinates are very large.
This can make it very awkward when viewing reports and entering
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 709
coordinates via the keyboard. IRRICAD Pro includes a facility to set a
user defined origin which has the effect of reducing the magnitude of the
coordinates displayed on screen and in IRRICAD reports. The original
origin is retained internally so that if any data is exported it will use the
original coordinate system.
Figure 5-108
User Origin
X,Y: The X and Y Coordinates of the user origin, all
coordinates displayed will be relative to this
Enable User Origin: When checked the origin defined in X,Y will be
The original world coordinates are still retained internally in
IRRICAD. This means that when importing another drawing
(with the same coordinate system) into the same design, or
exporting the design, the world coordinates will be used.
The exact position of the user origin can be set to a specific item
on the plan e.g., end or corner of a fence line. In this way the
coordinates on the design will reflect the distance from this item
on the plan.
Figure 5-109
GIS Settings
Current UTM Zone: Displays the current UTM (imported) zone.
Zone - The zone number e.g., UTM 59
North - If the UTM zone is North, this radio
button will be checked.
South - If the UTM zone is South, this radio
button will be checked.
Conversion Utility:
Converts UTM to WGS84 coordinates and WGS84 coordinates to UTM.
UTM: Set the UTM zone.
Zone - The UTM zone
N - The hemisphere if North.
S - The hemisphere if South.
Convert Buttons: Convert from UTM to WGS84 or from WGS84
to UTM.
WGS84: Set the WGS84 coordinates.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 711
Latitude - The latitude in decimal degrees.
Longitude - The longitude in decimal degrees.
Figure 5-110
Figure 5-111
This section describes the various parameters that can be set that
control the importing and exporting of Autocad DXF and DWG files.
Figure 5-112
Export to AutoCad
Select the required export format.
Xref Conversion
Leave this as Keep as DWG.
Figure 5-113
This tab allows the user to control how fonts in translated AutoCAD
drawings are imported into IRRICAD. The Import AutoCAD Font
Mapping options display list boxes of AutoCAD font names, IRRICAD
font names, and a list box showing which AutoCAD fonts have been
mapped to which IRRICAD fonts.
The pair of font names will appear in the map table list box.
Figure 5-114
This tab allows the user to control how fonts will be translated when
IRRICAD drawings are exported into AutoCAD .dwg format. The “Export
AutoCAD Font Mapping” options display list boxes of IRRICAD/Visual
CADD font names, AutoCAD font names, and a list box showing which
IRRICAD fonts have been mapped to which AutoCAD fonts.
The pair of font names will appear in the map table list box.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 715
To delete a mapped pair of fonts from the map list
1. Click and highlight the pair of mapped font names the user
wishes to delete from the map list.
2. Click the left arrow button.
Tips: IRRICAD will not map one source font to more than one
destination font.
The user can save font maps and then load them for later
The user can add new fonts and delete fonts from the AutoCAD
font list in both Import and Export to be used in mapping.
Default maps are provided for both AutoCAD Windows’s colors and a
default of 1-to-1 (DWG color 0 to VCD color 0, DWG color 1 to VCD
color 1, etc.). It is however possible to create maps, for AutoCAD DOS
or any other combination of colors. Line widths can also be mapped to
colors, color mapping ignored on import and all colors forced to a
designated color.
Alternatively, check the “All Colors to:” checkbox and type a color
number in the right hand edit box to force all DWG colors to the one
IRRICAD color.
Figure 5-115
Pressing the [Reset] button returns all settings in the current map to the
Default: DWG color 0 is VCD color 0, DWG color 1 is VCD color 1, etc.
The user should never reset the AutoCAD Windows map.
Tip: Prior to AutoCAD 2000, line width in a DWG was not an option.
When importing from an earlier version, the user can map DWG
Figure 5-116 SPRAYLINES
Create Wetted Radii Setting: If checked, a wetted radius arc will be
created for each outlet drawn. If “Create
Sprayline Outlets” is also checked then a wetted
radius arc will also be created for each sprayline
outlet drawn. If this option is left unchecked
when the user places outlets, wetted radii will
not be created. See Tools|Create Wetted Radii,
Section 5.12.4.
Create Sprayline Outlets Setting: If checked, sprinkler symbols will be
created for each connected sprayline drawn. If
this option is left unchecked when the user
places spraylines, sprayline outlet symbols will
not be created. Note: Wetted radii and sprayline
outlets may be created later using Tools|Create
Wetted Radii and Tools|Create Sprayline
Outlets. It is a good idea not to create sprayline
outlets as there tend to be many sprayline
outlets in a sprayline design. The presence of
these sprayline outlets can slow down
redrawing and other tools markedly. See
View|Sprayline Outlets, Section 5.5.16 and
Tools|Create Sprayline Outlets, Section 5.12.5
Rotate Wetted Radii Independently: If checked then a wetted radius
arc may be selected and rotated independently
of its sprinkler symbol. Usually a sprinkler
symbol and its wetted radius arc are rotated
together as a single unit. LINES
Item: The name of the hydraulic item type (pipes or
wires) to which the drawing property applies.
Line Width: Select a specific line width from the dropdown
list or <BY LAYER> to use the line width
property of the current layer for this type of item.
Figure 5-118
Autohead, where possible, will space sprinklers so that the overlap lies
between the minimum and maximum values. The default values are
40% minimum to 60% maximum. (A 50% value corresponds to head-to-
head spacing). Reduce these values for closer spacing (e.g., in windy
areas), or increase them for wider spacing.
Check the enabled box and enter the maximum flow required for a zone
into the max field.
IRRICAD has an internal limit for the number of contour segments that
can be used during the elevation interpolation process. If contours are
imported from a DXF file it is occasionally possible for this limit to be
exceeded due to a combination of the ‘smoothness’ (i.e. the number of
722 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
small line segments making up the line) and the number of contours
lines that are imported. It is also possible for a similar situation to arise
when using the Convert to Elevations tool.
In this version a facility has been added to ‘simplify’ any curves and
polylines, that are imported as contours (or selected by the Convert to
Elevations tool), to avoid exceeding the allowable number of contour
segments. Two new items have been added to the Irrigation Items tab of
the Settings menu (see
Figure 5-118) to control the behavior of this option.
The number of individual segments is now counted during the
contour importing process. A warning message (UTIL 1606) will
be generated if this number exceeds the internal limit. If this
occurs then there are a number of possible solutions including: -
Turn on contour simplification and re-import the contours.
- Increase the contour simplification tolerance and re-import the
- Delete some contour lines. LINES
Item: The name of the hydraulic item type to which
the drawing properties apply
Color: Either select a specific color by clicking on the
color or select By Layer to use the color
property of the current layer for this type of item.
Note that wetted radii have a third alternative By
Nozzle that uses the same color as the sprinkler
nozzle to which the wetted radius belongs.
Line Type: Select a specific line type from the dropdown list
or <BYLAYER> to use the line type property of
the current layer for this type of item.
Line Width: Select a specific line width from the dropdown
list or <BYLAYER> to use the line width
property of the current layer for this type of item. SYMBOLS
Item: The name of the hydraulic item type to which
the drawing properties apply
Color: Either select a specific color by clicking on the
color or select By Layer to use the color
property of the current layer for this type of item.
Symbol Name: The name of the database symbol for this type
of item.
Symbol Size: The size of the database symbol for this type of
item. Select from the dropdown list or enter a
specific value. Normally the user would use a
value between 1 and 10. The base size is 5 with
other values proportional to this, e.g., a symbol
with size 3 would be 3/5 the base size.
Label Set 1 / Label Set 2: Selects the label set to edit.
Load Label Set: Load an existing Label Set, from one previously
saved, into the current label set.
Save Label Set: Save the current label set to an .lbl file.
Checkbox: The checkbox beside the description of each
type controls whether labels are constructed for
this type of hydraulic item. If not checked then
labels for this type of item will not be created,
with the label tool, regardless of whether they
are selected/clicked or not.
Label Text: Keywords can be found in Technical Reference
Appendix I: Keywords for Use In Labels,
Section 6.10.1. The other fields in the Text
dialog set the properties of the label text in the
same way as the Draw|Text dialog. One thing to
note is that the size of a label will be determined
solely by the text height selected and the length
of the resulting label string. The text color for
labels can be specified using the color button in
the text dialog.
Background Settings: Sets the properties of the label background. A
background ‘fill’ can be selected and enabled
for display. Note that for items that have in-line
labels specified it is desirable to select a
Figure 5-119
Note: Label sets saved to a file for a later use may be copied and
shared with other Irricad users. The default location for storing
.lbl files is the Irricad “config” folder.
5.10.11 LAYERS
Everything the user draws in IRRICAD is placed on a layer of the
1. Select Settings|Layers.
2. Select a layer from the dropdown list. The value <DEFAULT>
means an object will be placed on the default layer for that type
of object as specified above, e.g., control valves will be placed
Tip: For hydraulic objects, the current layer acts as a default layer.
The user can change the current layer for a particular of object
in the dialog for that tool when selected from the Zone or
Mainline or Electrical menu.
Figure 5-120
If the user does not wish to view a layer, select Settings|Layers, and
uncheck the “Show” column in the Layer Manager corresponding to the
layer the user wishes to turn off. SPRAYLINE_OUTLETS and
OUTLET_WETTED_ RADII can also be turned off and on by checking /
unchecking these two items in the View menu.
Add new layers by clicking on the [New] button. Remove layers (except
hardwired ones) by selecting a layer and clicking on the Remove button.
Layer Properties:
Name: The name of the layer.
Show: Checked means all objects drawn on the layer
are visible, unchecked means they are hidden.
Figure 5-121
1. Select Settings|Miscellaneous.
2. Edit the settings as required.
3. Click [Save As Defaults] if the user wishes to retain these
settings between designs. Click [OK]. DESIGNER
Designer: Name of person completing the designs.
Selecting a design size will alter the suggested base database symbol
size. The user can type in a base database symbol size instead of
selecting a design size.
Base Database Symbol Size: The world size of a hydraulic item on the
screen corresponding to symbol size 5 in the
database. Other sizes are proportional to this.
Update Database Symbols: Check this box if the user has changed the
“Base Database Symbols Size” so that all the
database symbols already present in the design
will be updated to reflect the new size. If this
box is unchecked, then all existing symbols in
the design will remain unchanged, but all new
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 733
symbols inserted into the design will be in the
new world size. UNDO
The number of Undo actions retained is limited only by the available PC
memory. The amount of memory currently used may be displayed by
clicking the [Get Size] button. If a large amount of memory is consumed
by stored actions it can be freed by selecting [Clear]. MISCELLANEOUS
Cad Error Checking: If this box is checked, error messages from the
CAD engine will be displayed. Under normal
circumstances leave this option unchecked.
Debug Object Info: When this check box is checked, the Right-
click|Object Info option will include much more
information to help the IRRICAD technician find
the source of a problem. Under normal
circumstances leave this option unchecked.
Hydraulic Object Info: Check this box if the user wishes to view
hydraulic information when viewing Right-
click|Object Info on a selected hydraulic object.
Depending on the type of object selected,
hydraulic information displayed can be
pressure, flow, headloss and / or velocity. The
last values entered or database items selected
in all the dialogs for Hydraulic Item are now
retained with each individual design. Previously
they would revert to the default values.
Supplementary Character Set: A setting for the supplementary
character set (Settings|Miscellaneous). This, in
conjunction with the Windows "Language for
Non-Unicode Programs" setting (Control Panel |
Regional and Language Options), allows non-
western character sets to be displayed
correctly. In addition this setting also controls
the "Codepage" used when exporting DWG and
DXF files (R2004/2006 and older formats). For
more information on using this feature refer to
the V11 release notes.
5.10.13 MOUSE
This section under the Settings menu allows the configuration of the
wheel mouse and scroll functions. IRRICAD Pro supports the use of
‘wheel mouse’ devices to both zoom and pan.
Three specific functions are allowed, zoom, pan vertically and pan
horizontally. Each of these functions can be applied to one of three
mouse wheel actions which are: mouse wheel only; mouse wheel with
the shift key pressed; mouse wheel with the control key pressed. In
addition dragging with the mouse wheel depressed allows ‘dynamic’
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
Right-click menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is checked then
the effect of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default
effect. The amount of zoom that each mouse wheel ‘click’ represents is
controlled by the “Zoom Factor”. This number is the ratio of the new to
the old zoom state and must greater than 1 and less than 10. For
example 1.5 will give an increase of 50% when zooming out for each
wheel click and a decrease of 2/3 when zooming in.
Figure 5-122
Vertical Scroll
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
Right-click menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is checked then
the effect of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default
By default this function is attached to the mouse wheel with the shift
key pressed action. Rotating the mouse wheel forwards will move the
view of the design up while rotating it backwards will move it down.
Horizontal Scroll
The required mouse wheel action may be selected from the dropdown
Right-click menu on the right. If the “Reverse” checkbox is checked then
736 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
the effect of rotating the mouse wheel is reversed relative to the default
Note: that if the cursor is on a scroll bar then rotating the mouse
wheel pans by moving the scroll bar slider appropriately
regardless of whether the shift or control keys are pressed.
When enabled scroll bars allow the user to pan vertically and
horizontally using the standard Windows scroll operations. The user can
move by dragging the slider bars, clicking on the scroll arrows or left
clicking in the body of the scroll bar.
Multi Select
The check box allows the user to toggle between multi-select and single
In both modes:
Window-select mode can be entered by holding down the
left button and dragging the mouse.
A block may be automatically selected from a block sub-item
(e.g., a lateral) by holding down the <Alt> key when
selecting. The block outline (irrigation area) must be visible
for this to work.
Pressing the <Esc> key twice in quick succession will now
clear the current selection and return the user to the default
Select tool.
5.10.15 NAMES
Sets the default names for Zones, Mainline Spraylines (valve-in-head
sprinklers), Water Supplies and Areas including automatic numbering if
required. The defaults start at number one and name the items
consecutively, e.g., Water Supply No 1, Water Supply No 2, etc.
1. Select Settings|Names.
2. Change the name in the name box as required for any of the
four items: Zones, Mainline Spraylines, Water Supplies or
3. Change the numbering if required – the default starts at 1.
4. Click [OK].
Note: If the user has deleted some items, the numbering does not
acknowledge the deletion and will carry on the numbering as if
those items still remained. Simply change the numbering to that
the user wishes to start from e.g., 3 and then continue placing
the items.
Figure 5-123
See also:
Figure 5-124
See also:
Figure 5-125
RN Snaps On
If checked turns on the selected running snaps
Show Aperture
The aperture is the circle that is centered on the cross-hairs of the
cursor that provides a visual clue that the cursor is close enough to an
entity to snap, or select it. The “Show Aperture” checkbox allows the
aperture for the cursor to be shown or hidden. If “Show Aperture” is not
selected then the cursor is displayed as cross-hairs without the circle.
The size of the aperture is determined by the “Snap Tolerance” value in
Show Preview
When selected, a suitable snap icon will be displayed when the cursor is
within range of a snap point. If “Show Preview” is toggled on, the object
being snapped to will change color when the cursor is in range of the
snap point. The “Color” dropdown box allows this color to be
Tip: Hold down the alt key to temporarily disable running snaps when
left clicking the mouse to place a point.
Snap Tolerance: The distance to which an item will be connected
to a like item (Drawing or Hydraulic) in inches or
mm on the screen.
Min Tolerance: Indicates the minimum distance in world terms
(ft or m) that an item will need to be placed on
the screen in order to be connected to another
hydraulic item.
5.10.17 UNITS
These settings control the units displayed and entered for each type of
To change units:
1. Select Settings|Units.
2. Edit each measurement as required.
3. Click [OK].
Note: The units that are present when IRRICAD is exited become the
default units. The default units are used in the Database Editor,
but can also be set in the Database Editor for use in IRRICAD.
Before digitizing the drawing IRRICAD requires the user to either specify
a scale or to enter known reference points on the drawing.
When Tablet Mode is on, a box appears around the cursor. When Tablet
Mode is off, the box around the cursor disappears. When Tablet Mode is
on, the puck can not select from the main Right-click menus, hence
Tablet Mode may be turned off temporarily before the Right-click menu
can be used. As well as selecting this command from the Settings menu
to turn Tablet Mode on or off, this mode may also be toggled using the
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 745
digitizer puck button assigned to the middle click button. Buttons can be
assigned in the control panel for the digitizer. Tablet Mode is
automatically turned off when the Right-click is invoked and
automatically turned on again when the selection is made and the cursor
is returned to the input screen.
The zoom state does not affect the digitizer referencing. Select the View
menu options with the mouse or keys to zoom in or out as required.
When in Tablet Mode the Zoom, Draw and Settings menus are also
available in all Right-click menus to make it easier to change tools and
settings while digitizing.
Tip: The user can only use Tablet Mode with WinTab compliant
hardware and drivers. SCALE
Select this option to specify the scale of the drawing to digitize into
IRRICAD. Use this option with one-sheet digitizing.
This option can be used when the user know the scale of the drawing. If
a line has a known world distance, the user can use the Reference
option or use it as a check for the scale the user has used. REFERENCE
Use the Reference option to align the reference frames and to determine
the scale factor between the screen and paper drawing. Reference is
used to prepare to digitize a paper drawing, when at least one world
distance or set of coordinates on the paper drawing is known. The
coordinates need to be in a world distance. Reference not only
calculates the scale factor of the paper drawing, but will also give a
746 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
warning if the scale entered is more than 5% different to the calculated
Tips: The digitizer scale is only used when in Tablet Mode. When in
drawing mode, the digitizer scale has no effect.
1. Select the required language in Settings|Language.
To enable the use of different layouts or reports (if the language choice
was not selected at installation) the path settings can be found in
Settings|Drawing Items - Miscellaneous. Alternatively the preferred
templates and reports can be copied into the standard locations and the
English templates and reports copied to another folder. Do Not remove
any folders created by the IRRICAD installation.
Figure 5-127
Figure 5-128
Note: that if the user has upgraded an existing Pro Version 9, the
default will be the multi-select.
See also:
To clear a selection:
Note: In the single select mode clicking nothing (empty space) will
clear the current selection.
To invert a selection:
The filter will apply until the user unchecks the “Filter” check box.
Figure 5-129
Drawing Properties
Layer: Select the specific layer to filter to if required.
E.g.: if DRAWING is selected, only items that
meet the criteria and are on the DRAWING
layer are selected.
Color: Select the specific color to filter to if required.
E.g.: if Red is selected, only items that meet the
criteria and are Red are selected.
Line Type: Select the specific line typer to filter to if
required. E.g.: if DOT is selected, only items
that meet the criteria and are the DOT line type
will be selected.
Line Width: Select the specific line width to filter to if
required. E.g.: if 6 is selected, only items that
meet the criteria and are line width 6 are
See also:
5.11.5 SELECT
Use a Select tool to specify which objects a subsequent editing tool acts
See also:
1. Select Modify|Select|Window.
2. Click on the screen to place any corner of the window.
3. Drag the cursor and click again to place the opposite corner.
4. All objects totally inside the Window will be selected. This tool is
also available from the left-hand tool bar
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Select|Crossing.
2. Click on the screen to place any corner of the window.
3. Drag the cursor and click again to place the opposite corner.
4. All objects partly or totally inside the window will be selected.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required.
Selects all objects inside an irregularly shaped boundary.
1. Select Modify|Select|Lasso.
2. Place the starting point.
3. Place additional points to create the boundary.
4. Select Right-click|Close, or cross the last line segment over the
first corner to stop drawing the boundary.
See also:
See also:
1. Select Modify|Select|Adjoining.
2. Click on an object joining another object or objects.
See also:
See also:
1. Select Modify|Select|Screen.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Select|All.
See also:
5.11.6 DELETE
Use the Delete tool to delete unwanted objects.
To delete objects:
1. Select Modify|Delete.
2. Click on an object to delete it.
3. Repeat step 2 as required.
Only selected objects of the same type as the representative object and
matching the representative object on the checked properties will be
Figure 5-130
See also:
To change objects:
1. Select Modify|Change.
2. Select the object to change.
3. Change the properties in the dialog as required. Click [OK].
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as required.
The [Hide Fittings] button will close the dialog and return to the
Junctions dialog.
The [Delete] button will delete any item on the fittings list which
has been highlighted.
The [Add] button allows the user to manually add items from the
database that the user requires at the junction. To select an
item, highlight it and click the [Select] button. The item will be
added to the list of selected items (alternatively, click on the gray
box to the left of the item description as this automatically
selects the item). Select all the items required by clicking on the
component groups and selecting items. Click [Close] when
The [Replace] button will replace any highlighted fittings item
with one that is selected from the pop-up database. To replace
an item highlight it and click the [Select] button. The item will be
added to the list of selected items (alternatively, click on the gray
box to the left of the item description as this automatically
selects the item). Click [Close] when finished.
To change the quantity of fittings items, click in the “Quantity” column
and type in the required number. Unwanted items or items mistakenly
added from [Add] or [Replace] can be deleted by highlighting and
clicking the [Delete] button.
See also:
Figure 5-131
See also:
5.11.10 MOVE
Use the Move tool to change the location of selected objects without
changing the orientation or size.
To move an object:
1. Select Modify|Move.
2. Select the object to move.
3. Place a reference point that will define where the object will be
moved from.
Figure 5-132
Some objects like Continuous Line are treated as a single object and a
segment cannot be moved on its own, unless the object is first exploded.
To move a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e., select the
objects first, then the move tool.
Figure 5-133
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 761
4. Click to set the point in the new location.
The point the user selected is moved to the new location, and the form
or size of the selected object is updated.
Steps 1 and 2 may be reversed but the tool can then only be applied
5.11.12 COPY
Use the Copy tools to duplicate objects already in the design.
See also:
Tip: For all the copy tools, the user may hold down the <Shift> key
when using the tool to avoid the copy dialog and repeat the copy
with the previously used settings.
1. Select Modify|Copy|Linear.
2. Select the object to copy.
762 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
3. Enter the number of copies required and click [OK].
Figure 5-134
4. Place a point to define the starting point for the relative offset of
each copy.
The distance and angle from this point to the next point will be used as
the offset distance and direction for each new copy relative to the
previous. Neither point has to actually be on, or even near the objects
being copied. After this point is placed, a rubber band will display
between the first point and the cursor location. This line previews the
offset vector. In addition, a bounding box will appear for each copy that
the user specified, each placed at the relative offset defined by the
rubber band line. The location and spacing of these bounding boxes
provides a dynamic preview of where the copies will be placed.
5. Place a point to define the ending point for the relative offset.
6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 as required.
To copy a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e. select the
objects first then the linear copy tool.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Copy|Radial.
2. Select the object to copy.
Figure 5-135
The copies will be placed around the center point, with the copies
spanning the specified angle. Each copy will be the same distance away
from the center point, with the original selection at the beginning of the
angular span, and the last copy at the end of the angular span.
To copy a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e. select the
objects first then the radial copy tool.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Copy|Array.
2. Select the object to copy.
3. Enter the number of copies (number of grid columns excluding
the original selection) and the number of grid rows then click
Figure 5-136
4. Place a point to define the starting point for the first relative
offset vector.
The distance and angle from this point to the next point will be used as
the offset distance and direction from copy to copy in the first row.
Neither point has to actually be on or even near the objects being
5. Place a point to define the ending point for the first relative offset
The first row of copies will be placed at the first relative offset. A second
rubber band line will appear, tethered to the starting point of the first
vector. A bounding box will appear for each copy that the user specified
for the array, with the spacing between rows determined by the relative
offset defined by the second rubber band line.
To copy a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e. select the
objects first then the array copy tool.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Copy|Multiple.
2. Select the object to copy.
3. Click to define a reference point on the object.
An image of the object now follows the cursor around the drawing area.
To copy a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e. select the
objects first then the multiple copy tool.
See also:
1. Select Modify|Copy|Mirror.
766 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
2. Select the object to copy.
3. Click once to define the start of the axis of reflection. An image
of the object is now reflected in the floating axis.
Figure 5-137
To copy a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e., select the
objects first then the mirror copy tool.
See also:
Note: This tool only functions on single items and does not work on
connected hydraulic objects.
1. Select Modify|Copy|Offset.
2. Select the object to copy.
3. In the dialog, select a fixed or non-fixed offset. A fixed offset will
copy the object at the specified distance. In non-fixed mode, the
user may place the offset copy free hand.
Tip: Hold down the <Shift> key while the tool is active to quickly
repeat an offset copy.
Figure 5-138
See also:
5.11.13 ROTATE
Use the Rotate tool to rotate a selection around an axis.
To rotate a selection:
1. Select Modify|Rotate.
2. Select the object to be rotated.
3. Place a point to serve as the center of rotation.
The selection will rotate as the cursor moves around the axis point.
Figure 5-139
768 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
4. Place a point when the object is rotated to the correct
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as required.
Some objects like continuous line are treated as a single object and a
segment cannot be rotated on its own unless the object is first exploded.
To rotate a group of objects reverse Steps 1 and 2 above i.e., select the
objects first then the Rotate tool.
5.11.14 EXPLODE
The Explode tool is normally used when the user want to individually edit
an object contained within a compound object. For example, to change
the color of a single segment within a continuous line, the user must first
explode the continuous line.
To explode an object:
1. Select Modify|Explode.
2. Select the object to be exploded.
3. Repeat Step as required.
Compound objects within the selection will be exploded to the next lower
The results of the explode tool depend on the object being exploded. An
object may contain other objects requiring more than one exploding
operation to reduce it to its elemental parts. The following list
demonstrates the results when the object is exploded:
5.11.15 RESIZE
Use the Resize tool to rescale or change the size of an object.
To resize an object:
1. Select Modify|Resize.
2. Enter the scale. Numbers between 0 and 1 will make the object
smaller. Numbers greater than 1 will make the object larger.
Select the reference point required. This is the point about which
an object is scaled. If “Specify Coordinates” is selected then
enter the required coordinates. Click [OK].
Figure 5-140
To resize a group of objects select the objects first then the resize tool.
Note that in this case, the scale and reference point refer to the extents
of the selected objects.
770 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
5.11.16 BREAK
Use the Break command when creating a gap in an object. For example,
the user may want to create an opening in a wall or trim where two
objects intersect. The break tool can only be used on geometric objects
not on hydraulic objects.
1. Select Modify|Break.
2. Select the object to break.
3. Place a point at or near where the break begins.
This point need not be exactly on the object; the break will start at the
point closest to the point the user place. A dynamic preview of the break
appears, shadowing the cursor movement.
Tip: To trim a line place the first point on the line where the user
want to trim from and the second point beyond the line end. To
break an object without creating a gap click twice in the same
Note: The user cannot use the break tool on a group of objects.
Note that using the change tool to alter the size of the bounding
rectangle of an image is no longer supported and is replaced by this
1. Using one of the selection tools (e.g., select object) select the
image rectangle or click on the image near the edge.
2. Now select Modify|Scale Image.
3. Click on the start and then the end of the fence line or known
4. Change the length displayed in the “Scaled length” field to the
known length, 200 in this case.
Figure 5-142
5. Click [OK] and the image will be resized so that the fence line
being considered will now be 200ft (m) long.
5.11.18 Z-ORDER
Use these tools to adjust the drawing order of IRRICAD elements.
Note: Move To Front draws the selected object last, it will be ‘on top’.
Move To Back draws the selected object first, it will be
5.11.19 TRIM
Use the Trim tool to trim lines to a common target object (or the
extension of the target object).
As the cursor is moved back and forth across the target object, a
dynamic preview displays, showing the objects as they would appear
trimmed to that side of the target object.
5.11.20 EXTEND
Use the Extend tool to extend a lines so that they all terminate on a
common target object (or the extension of the target object).
Figure 5-143
Figure 5-144
Cut Only: Cuts pipe at the intersection of the pipe and the
lasso, inserting a junction at this spot.
Cut and Change: Cuts pipe then invokes the Change Type tool on
pipes inside the lasso. (Click on one of the
pipes to be changed to bring up the Change
Type dialog).
When the Trim Spraylines lasso is closed, all connected sprayline ends
inside the lasso will be trimmed to the nearest emitter provided the end
of the sprayline is not connected to other objects such as submain
pipes, other spraylines or extra outlets.
To trim one end of a sprayline, lasso that end. If both ends are to be
trimmed in one operation, then the entire sprayline must be inside the
lasso. Note that if the starting end of a sprayline is trimmed, the offset is
set to zero.
To trim spraylines:
To move sizes:
Pipe Size
Close: The junction closest to the line will be moved to
the line.
Small: The smaller pipe will be moved to the line.
Large: The larger pipe size will be moved to the line.
Nearest Outlet: Check the “Nearest Outlet” box if the user wants
the size change to take place at the outlet
closest to the line. Leave it unchecked if the
size change is to be at the intersection of the
line and the laterals.
Tip: To quickly show or hide all wetted radii in the default layer, use
View|Wetted Radii. To create wetted radii on a sprayline, the
user does not need to create sprayline outlets first. However, to
To quickly show or hide all sprayline outlets in the default layer use
View|Sprayline Outlets.
To create a symbol:
Replace Original with Symbol: Check this box to replace the objects
on the screen that make up the symbol with the
created symbol. Note that if the symbol contains
hydraulic items these items will lose all
hydraulic significance and become one
geometric item (the symbol).
Figure 5-146
Figure 5-147
Drawing Properties
Layer: Specifies the layer which the item will be
placed. The <DEFAULT> layer for calculate
contours is DRAWING. Select a different layer
from the dropdown list if required.
Color: Specifies the color of the displayed element.
Select a new color from the color chart by
clicking on the color edit box, or select the By
Layer option to use the default layer color.
Line Type: Specifies the line type of the displayed element.
Select a different line width from the dropdown
Line Width: Specifies the line width of the displayed
element. Select a different line width from the
dropdown list.
Contour Properties
Contour Interval: The elevation difference between contours
780 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Minimum Elevation: the minimum elevation based on the exiting
spot height elevations
Maximum Elevation: the maximum elevation based on the exiting
spot height elevations
No. of Contour Levels: Based on the contour interval and the range of
elevation, the number of contours to be
produced will be calculated.
Mark as calculated: This is the default setting. If the setting is
disabled the contours will be "real" (primary)
elevations though this is not recommended.
Note: Calculated contours are for display purposes only and their
elevations cannot be edited. They are classed as secondary
sources of elevation data and do not form inputs to the elevation
interpolation functions.
To convert to elevations:
Figure 5-148
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 781
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as required.
If a line segment is selected then IRRICAD will find all connected line
segments and create a single contour.
Figure 5-149
Figure 5-150
Elevation Highlighting
Color Contours By Elevation: The total range of elevation is split into
16 equal graduations and all contours and spot
heights are then colored appropriately. Colors
run from red through yellow, green then blue
with the largest elevation graduation set to red
and the smallest to blue. An example of the
results of this option is shown in
Figure 5-150 above.
Highlight Contour Limits: This option changes the color of all contours
and spot heights that are within the range
specified by the “Min. Limit” and “Max. Limit”
fields to green. Items with elevations larger than
the “Max. Limit” are colored red while those
lower than “Min. Limit” are colored blue.
Reset Contour Color: All contours and spot heights are returned to the
default color as specified in Settings|Irrigation
Figure 5-151
Delete Outside: Contour lines are split where they intersect with
the lasso and all contours and spot heights
outside the lasso are deleted. Use this mode to
retain a defined area of elevation information.
Delete Inside: Contour lines are split where they intersect with
the lasso and all contours and spot heights
within the lasso are deleted. Use this mode to
trim contours.
See also:
This tool will will create multiple labels for the selected contour(s) at the
specified spacing when “Contours” are enabled for labelling and based
on the Contour label properties in Settings|Labels.
Figure 5-152
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 785
Steps to use the Multi-Label tool are:-
See also:
See also:
Figure 5-153 SLICES
None: No slices
Distance: Slices of the specified distance will be made
with the specified gap between them (the gap
may be zero). The slices start from the first
lateral, which is defined as the one closest to
the block lateral direction, and are repeated
over the extents of the block. Any remaining
distance will also constitute a slice.
Number: The block will be split into the specified number
of slices as evenly as possible. No gaps are
Rows: Similar to the distance option except that the
slices and gaps are specified in terms of
number of rows. Again it is permissible to set
the gap to 0.
Multiple Values: If either the “Distance” or “Rows” option is
selected a series of different values can be
specified by clicking the [Multiple] button and
entering pairs of values into the “Slices” dialog.
These values will be used in the subdivision process if the “Use Multiple
Values” check box is ticked. Note that slices specified by this method
are not repeated and any remaining distance or rows not covered by the
multiple values will not constitute a slice.
788 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Figure 5-154 CUTS
None: No cuts.
Distance: Cuts of the specified distance will be made with
the specified gap between them. Note that the
gaps between cuts cannot be zero; the
minimum value allowed is 0.1m while the
minimum recommended value is 0.5m. Cuts
span the block starting from the beginning of the
first lateral (defined as the one closest to the
block lateral direction) and are repeated over
the extents of the block. Any remaining distance
will also constitute a cut.
Number: The block will be split into the specified number
of cuts as evenly as possible with the specified
gap between the cuts.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 789
Multiple Values: If the “Distance” option is selected a series of
different values can be specified by clicking the
[Multiple] button and entering pairs of values
into the “Cuts” dialog. These values will be used
in the subdivision process if the “Use Multiple
Values” check box is ticked. Note that cuts
specified by this method are not repeated and
any remaining distance not covered by the
multiple values will not constitute a cut.
Cut Direction: By default the direction of the cuts is
Perpendicular to Laterals but the cut direction
may also be specified by two other methods.
Select Boundary Line: The cut direction will be
parallel to one of the line segments that make
up the boundary of the block being subdivided.
This segment is selected by left clicking on it
after the subdivision dialog is closed.
Manual: Any direction can be specified by
simply drawing a line that the cuts will be
parallel to. Again this line is drawn once the
subdivision dialog is closed.
This process can be repeated and will in effect allow more than two
areas to be joined together.
Figure 5-157
Blocks may be re-subdivided, when this happens any existing sub-
blocks are removed when [OK] is selected. Subsequently cancelling
from the operation will not restore the original sub-blocks.
Subdividing Sub-Blocks
Any IRRICAD Block Entity can be subdivided. This means that blocks
that are the result of subdivision can be further subdivided themselves.
A useful application of this feature is where an irregular block needs to
be subdivided into a number of equal areas and it is not critical that the
cuts all line up. The block can be sliced without any cuts and then the
resulting sub-blocks cut individually (without any slices).
Prior to Version 9.09 blocks with the “Lateral Group” option selected and
‘Indented’ blocks could not be subdivided.
Select All
This button will select everything in the current Object Info window.
Select All can also be achieved by using the <Ctrl> + <A> keys.
This button will copy the selected text on to the clipboard. Copy can also
be achieved by using the <Ctrl> + <C> keys.
This button will close the Object Info window.
Pasting in to Dialogs
The automatic pasting of coordinates into Go To Coordinates and into
the Settings|Grid / Origin dialogs has been enabled. This means that a
coordinate string copied from the Object Info screen which includes both
X and Y coordinates, units and descriptors (e.g., x = 25.28 m, y = 8.46
m) can be inserted in one action into the appropriate fields in these
Note: that the copied string can only contain two numbers for this
function to work correctly (i.e don't include the ‘P1:’ from object
info when selecting the coordinate string).
The required data needs to have been copied to the clipboard in
the appropriate application (e.g., the IRRICAD report viewer) or
a file copied in ‘My Computer’/’Windows Explorer’. The size and
shape of the OLE object is selected by specifying two corners of
a rectangle (clicking one corner then moving the cursor to the
desired second corner and clicking again - NOT click and drag).
Although there is no restriction on the shape of the OLE
rectangle it is advisable to ensure that the relative dimensions of
the rectangle approximate those of the OLE object to be
OLE items are selected by using a select tool and clicking on the
bounding rectangle for the item. This rectangle is white and
therefore will be invisible when using a white background. It is
normally not difficult to select it but an alternative is to use a
non-white background color.
See also:
Figure 5-159
Note: If the valve is very close to the nearest mainline, then the valve
will be connected directly to the mainline.
Figure 5-160
Note: If the outlet is very close to the nearest pipe, then the outlet will
be connected directly to the pipe.
Quickly find the area within a region. For example, the paddock
corners outside of a centre pivot circle.
Manually subdivide an area.
Figure 5-161
Figure 5-162
Figure 5-163
Flushing Parameters
Required velocity: The minimum required flushing velocity for the
tapes. If the resultant velocity is below the
required velocity warning messages will be
issued during the analysis process and these
tapes will be indicated in the Flushing report by
Manifold back pressure: The estimated back pressure in the manifold.
This value indicates the pressure that must be
overcome for the flow to exit. It includes the
headloss as the flow exits the tapes, the
headloss along the manifold (if used) and the
headloss through the flush valve (if used). If no
manifold exists, and the tapes will be flushed by
simply opening the ends of the tapes, enter a
small value close to 0.
Assign Virtual Manifolds: In zones without physical manifolds this flag
controls the use of virtual manifolds. The flag
has no effect if manifolds have been created via
the tape irrigation block tool. If all laterals are to
be flushed at the same time, leave this box
unchecked; all laterals will be assigned to "0"
which can then be specified in Zone Design
Virtual manifold size: Controls how many tapes are to be flushing at
any one time. This value has no effect if
manifolds have been created via the tape
irrigation block tool or if "Assign Virtual
Manifolds" is not enabled.
The zone and mainline design reports will include the message “Hazen-
Williams C Factor has been globally adjusted” if an adjustment was
specified for the last design run.
Rationalization Parameters
Zone Pipe Sizes: When enabled, sizes will be logically rearranged
from large to small, in submains and zone
pipes, to produce a more practical arrangement.
The rationalization process occurs after LP
Design has selected pipe sizes and set the
valve pressure. The resulting arrangement of
pipe sizes is then re-analyzed based on the
valve pressure already selected.
Mainline Pipe Sizes: When enabled sizes will be logically rearranged
from large to small pipes to produce a more
practical arrangement. The rationalization
process occurs after LP Design has selected
pipe sizes and set the water supply pressure (if
not user-defined). The rationalized arrangement
of pipe sizes is then re-analyzed based on the
water supply pressure already selected.
Figure 5-164
Margin or Discount
A modifier that can be applied to the prices of components calculated
using the default pricing type. If the default pricing type is Wholesale
then the percentage entered will be added as a margin to the wholesale
price otherwise it will be subtracted as a discount from the component
When "Trade capital cost vs running cost" is not enabled, pipe selection
will select the least expensive pipe(s), within the velocity limit, where the
outlet pressure tolerance is met.
Cycle Time
The maximum time in days that the irrigation system is likely to require
to complete an irrigation cycle. Its main purpose is to check that any
operating times entered in the management dialogs fall within the cycle.
The allowable range is 1-21 days.
See also:
Figure 5-165
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 805
These parameters should not be changed under normal circumstances.
Maximum for Velocity & LP: The maximum number of iterations
allowed to achieve a solution during computer
pipe sizing.
Maximum for Detailed Analysis: The maximum number of iterations
allowed to achieve a solution during Detailed
Analysis. The user can increase this number, if
required; however, this will not guarantee that
the solution will converge.
Info Delay Time: Information warnings, which appear during
design, will stay on the screen for the length of
time set here. If the user does not wish to get
such messages, set the “Delay Time” option to
zero. Note the units are in milliseconds, i.e.,
2500 equals 2.5 seconds.
Tape Calculation: Pressure tolerance used to check convergence,
i.e., to decide when the iterations have finished
when doing tape calculations.
LP Convergence: A tolerance used to determine when LP has a
close enough solution.
Detailed Analysis Flow Close Fraction: Determines how accurate the
final emitter flows are – the smaller the value,
the more accurate the flows. A value of 0.001
gives flows to 0.1%.
Convergence Ratios
Mainline Analysis Factor: Do not change this under any circumstances
unless specifically told to do so by the technical
support person. The default is 0.001.
Detailed Analysis Factor: The default value is 0.75 and in normal
circumstances this should not be changed.
Valid values are however between 0.0 (fastest)
and 0.99 slowest), using a smaller factor may
mean some systems will not converge at all.
D.E.M. Options
Interpolation Method: The DEM (Digital Elevation Model) used by
Irricad has been greatly improved with the
implementation of an ABOS system
(Approximation Based On Smoothing). The
ABOS method is much quicker than the old AEI
method, and is much better at representing
likely topography, especially when based on a
low number of height points. It does not show
the artefacts sometimes generated by the old
method. The ABOS method is the default, but
the user may switch back to using the old AEI
method if required.
The grid spans the contours and not the hydraulic parts of the design.
This means that a large area of elevation data effectively reduces the
resolution. Increase the DEM Grid Size to increase accuracy in these
situations or leave as 0.
The size of the symbol used is 20% larger than the “Base database
symbol Size” in the Miscellaneous Settings tab. Note that the symbol
used is named ‘Unconnected.vcs’ and is located in the Symbols\Drawing
folder – users may alter this symbol as they wish.
IRRICAD will check that all hydraulic items in the design are connected.
Figure 5-167
If there are any unconnected items, a warning message will tell the user
the coordinates of the item(s).
It is not necessary to select this option for a new design, as elevation will
be automatically calculated for all objects. For subsequent runs of
design, elevations for new objects that have been added will also be
automatically calculated. Elevations for objects, which previously had
elevations calculated, would not have elevations recalculated unless
Interpolate Elevations is first selected.
To interpolate elevations:
Figure 5-169
The [Set Selected] and [Unset Selected] buttons set and unset all
selected checkbox values. For example to turn off the processing for all
zones the “Process” column would be clicked and then [Unset Selected].
Note these buttons only affect checkbox cells. The Space bar may also
be used to toggle the state.
A selection is copied to the windows clipboard by using the standard
windows shortcut <Ctrl> + <C> (hold the Ctrl key down and press ‘c’).
Paste Selected
This button pastes a single value from the clipboard into all selected
cells. For example to set all D/S valve pressures to 30.0 the following
process would be used.
Cells that have been selected and copied may be pasted by using the
standard windows shortcut <Ctrl> + <V>. For example to set all the D/S
Valve pressures to the results of the last zone design (as a precursor to
running detailed analysis, for example) the following process would be
Note: that groups of cells may be selected and pasted into the same
or other columns. Data may not however be pasted into any
non-editable cells.
The results of previous pasting operations may be ‘undone’ by using the
<Ctrl> + <Z> undo shortcut.
List suitable valves: Only valves which have flow ranges appropriate
for the zone flow will be listed as well as the
currently selected valve.
List all valves: All valves enabled in the database will be listed.
Figure 5-170
Note that after making changes in the dialog you should re-run Mainline
Design/Analysis to incorporate the revised pressures and/or flows.
Figure 5-171
Figure 5-172
Figure 5-173
The default On / Off times are set for one hour, one hour apart. The user
can change the On / Off times if the actual starting and stopping times
are important.
See also:
Figure 5-174
The default On / Off times are set for one hour, one hour apart. The user
can change the On / Off times if the actual starting and stopping times
are important.
Note: If the number of zones exceeds 23, and the cycle time is 1 day,
a warning message will occur. To fix this, the user can either
allocate less than 1 hour to each system flow, or increase the
cycle time in Design|DesignParameters|Economic Parameters.
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 819
See also:
Figure 5-175
Up to 10 start and stop times for each water supply can be specified.
Where the Assign System Flow… options are used, multiple water
supplies can be designated to operate on certain system flows or groups
of zones. If Zone Operating Times are used, Water Supply Times must
be entered if more than one water supply is present. This ensures that
the resulting system flows from overlapping operating times will have the
information required to know which water supply they are running on.
Figure 5-176
Allocate times to the system flows and designate which zones will
operate on which system flows.
For systems with two or more water supplies, each supply can be
assigned to any or all of the system flows. This means the user can
control which water supply will supply each valve. If there is only one
water supply, the supply is not mentioned as all system flows operate on
the one water supply.
If the user increases or decreases the number of system flows, the user
may need to click on the screen, for this change to take place.
The default On / Off times are set for one hour, one hour apart. The user
can change the On / Off times if the actual starting and stopping times
are important.
See also:
Figure 5-178
See also
Figure 5-179
To over ride the default riser selection rules, select the selection rules for
the specified depths or select a riser pipe to be used.
See also:
Figure 5-181
All reports have a header showing the client, job address, quote number,
date and description as entered in Settings|Design Details and
Report Settings
Show Flow
View Errors
3D DEM View
Show Zone Pressure Limits
Show Zone Pressure Map
Show Zone Flow Map
Show Allowable Submain Position
Hydraulic Gradeline
Management Reports
Zone Design Reports
Mainline Design Reports
Costing/BOM Reports
Miscellaneous Costs
Supplier Code Multipliers
Costing Reports Options
Zone Design Reports Configuration
Mainline Design Reports Configuration
Save: Saves the report to a file. To do this select the
file type required in the “Save as Type”
dropdown, Enter a filename, navigate to the
desired folder using “Save In” and click the
[Save] button. Four different file formats are
Rich Text Format (*.rtf): this format can be read by most word
processing software, graphics and formatting
are retained.
Html Format (*.htm): readable by web browsers and most word
processors. Graphics and formatting are
retained but .rtf is generally better.
Text Format (*.txt): Simple text format that can be opened in almost
all word processors and text editors. Although
graphics and formatting are not retained this
format can be useful to import inventory reports
into other programs (Microsoft Excel ® for
Native Format (*.frc): Native format of the report writer, not
Print: Opens the standard Windows Print dialog and is
used to print the report.
Preview: If checked shows a complete page in the report
viewer window.
Exit: Closes the report.
Jump: Moves to the page number specified.
Copy: Copies individual pages or the complete report
to the clipboard.
The report menus are constructed by using the ‘Report Name’ from the
template not the filename. It is therefore important to change this to
avoid having two items with the same name in the menu. The report
name can be changed via the File|Report Parameters menu item. Note
that if #Sort# appears at the end of the report name it MUST be retained
(it will not be displayed in the menu).
Now make the changes that are required. On-line help can be found
under the Help menu, note that double clicking with the left mouse
button opens a dialog for editing an item while double clicking with the
right button allows the font properties to be altered.
Figure 5-182
This dialog allows the user to change settings that affect the reports.
Printer Page Length: The maximum number of lines that will fit on
one printed page. Used for automatic pagination
of reports.
Report Border Type: Controls the appearance of the border around
each report. Note not all fonts can display an
IBM type border.
The “Page Length” and “Border Type” fields only apply to the Version 7
style reports.
Min Pressure
When checked, the minimum zone pressure will be labelled, based on
the following settings:
Max Pressure
When checked, the maximum zone pressure will be labelled, based on
the following settings:
Figure 5-183 OPERATION
This facility is available by selecting 3D DEM View from the Reports
menu. Elevations of the DEM points are color coded in a similar fashion
to contours - from red through yellow green and then blue.
The 3D view can be: rotated by Left-click and dragging; zoomed with
<Shift> Left-Click and drag; panned with Right-click and drag.
The scale of the Z axis can be altered by holding down the shift key and
using the mouse wheel.
Note: Pausing the mouse pointer over the grid will display a tooltip
showing the X,Y location and elevation (Z value).
Figure 5-184
The size, format and colors of the indicator text and the size of the
indicator are specified via the Report Settings option in the Reports
This dialog operates in exactly the same way as for Label Settings . The
size of the indicator symbol is determined by the “Symbol Size” field.
Figure 5-185
836 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Note: Zone design must be completed before this tool can be used.
The markers and labels, which make up the graphical indication,
can be moved and or deleted independently from each other.
This is useful, for example, when the indicators obscure each
other or parts of the design.
The pressure map dialog shows the pressure limits from zone
configuration, as well as the actual maximum and minimum emitter
pressures in the zone.
Map Info
Zone Pressure Limits: The minimum and maximum allowable zone
pressure limits.
Figure 5-186
Map Properties
The pressure map can be created using the zone pressure limits or
custom limits may be specified on the dialog.
Tape Block:
Figure 5-187
IRRICAD User Guide Tool and Command Reference 839
Spray Block:
Figure 5-188
Emitter flow is above the minimum flow, but inside the lower 10%
of the flow range.
Emitter flow is below the maximum flow, but inside the upper 10%
of the flow range..
Figure 5-189
Map Info
The flow map dialog shows the flow limits for the zone, as well as the
actual maximum and minimum emitter flows in the zone.
Map Properties
The flow map can be created using the zone limits or custom limits may
be specified on the dialog. Custom limits could be used to show the
range within a smaller tolerance if required e.g., 0.86lpm– 0.90lpm.
Use Zone Pressure Limits: Select this option if the actual pressure
limits are outside of the allowable pressure
Use Custom pressure limits: Select this option if the actual pressure
limits are inside of the allowable pressure limits
and set custom limits to give the view of where
the outlets which are just in or just out of the
pressure limits are.
Min Pressure: Editable when “Use Custom pressure limits” is
selected. Set a minimum pressure limit above
the actual minimum pressure limit to view the
outlets which are just in range.
Max Pressure: Editable when “Use Custom pressure limits” is
selected. Set a maximum pressure limit below
the actual maximum pressure limit to view the
outlets which are just in range.
Individual markers on connected spraylines: Individual circular fills
can be placed at the location of each emitter by
enabling this check box (as below in the Spray
Block image). This can cause slow redrawing at
higher numbers of emitters.
Create Legend: A legend can be created and placed on the left-
hand side of the flow map. The legend can be
moved using the Move tool.
Figure 5-190
Emitter flow is below the maximum flow, but inside the upper 10%
of the flow range.
Emitter flow is above the minimum flow, but inside the lower 10% of
the flow range.
It is important to note that this tool inherently does not take into account
any zoning considerations (i.e. the location or number of control valves).
The shaded area simply shows where submains (i.e. not necessarily a
single submain and valve) could be placed such that the resulting lateral
lengths are acceptable. Obviously if the shaded area doesn’t exist, or
span all laterals, it is an indication that laterals are too long and need
further subdivision.
Multiple laterals or blocks can be selected, before invoking the tool, thus
aiding in the decision on the best placement of mainlines.
Figure 5-191
Show Envelope: Unchecking “Show Envelope” will turn off the
display of the submain placement.
Selecting “Fill” or “Points” determines how the
envelope is displayed – “Fill” shows the area as
a filled polygon, whilst “Points” displays the
points that define the polygon individually. The
points can have a specified size.
Show Optimum Submain Position: Checking this will display the
optimum submain position point on each lateral
in the “Optimum Color”.
Pressure Range: The allowable pressure range from the
database or from Zone Design Configuration.
Show Pressure Limits: Checking this option will display the allowable,
or customized, pressure limits as text in the
centre of the envelope.
Customize Pressure Limits: Overrides the pressure limits displayed in
the pressure range field. NOTES
Show Allowable Submain Position is a guide only and other
considerations (e.g., suitable pipes available in the database,
elevation changes along the submain etc.) may mean that it is
not possible to successfully design a submain placed within the
designated area. This will be more likely near the edge of the
area. Conversely it does mean that it will not be possible to
design submains placed outside the area.
The laterals must have been sized for this tool to work. Tapes
are inherently pre-sized.
This tool uses the Slope Elevation method when calculating the
possible and optimum submain locations.
Figure 5-193
Figure 5-194
Legend This button toggles the visibility of the legend(s).
Elevation This button toggles the visibility of the elevation series.
Limits This button toggles the visibility of the limit(s) series.
Pipe This button controls whether the pipe head series are
Colors displayed using the pipe colors from the design
Exit Closes the dialog.
Figure 5-195
Figure 5-196
The above information for each zone is summarized for the Irrigation
Area, where:
See also:
Within each system flow section listed in the report the following
information is presented:
See also:
Operating Time: The time in days, hours and minutes within the
irrigation cycle that the zone needs to operate to
apply the amount of water specified in Irrigated
Areas dialogs.
Precip. Rate: The mean precipitation rate for the zone and the
water supplies operational at the time.
Maximum Precip. Rate: The maximum allowable mean precipitation
rate for the Irrigation Area.
Note: For a design which contains tapes, the zone flows reported in
this and other management reports will be based on the nominal
852 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
specific discharge rate of the tape as specified in the Tape
component group in the database.
See also:
Figure 5-197
Figure 5-198
The report displays information for both tapes and manifolds (virtual if no
physical ones are defined) that are operating under flushing conditions
and those in irrigation mode. The tapes that are currently flushing are
indicated by ** in the right-hand column. Values displayed are:-
Total Flow for each tape – total emitter flow plus any flushing
End Flow for each tape.
End Velocity for each tape
Manifold Flushing Total Flow - the total combined irrigation plus
flushing flow.
Manifold Irrigation Flow - the total combined irrigation flow.
Manifold End Flushing Flow - the total combined flushing flow.
All reports have a header showing the Client, Site, Designer and Date
information as entered in Settings|Design Details.
See also:
1 1
CU 100 D i M M i
M n i 1
n i 1
CU: Christiansen’s Coefficient of Uniformity (%)
D: Average absolute deviation from the mean
M: Mean application
Xi: Individual application
n: number of individual applications
Note: that it is assumed that all emitters in the zone have the same
coefficient of variation.
CU: Christiansen’s Coefficient of Uniformity (%)
D: Average absolute deviation from the mean
M: Mean application
Xi: Individual application
n: number of individual applications
See also:
Note: If actual pipe pressure exceeds the pressure rating for the pipe,
a + will be printed at the end of the entry (after the type code) for
the pipe.
See also:
See also:
See also:
Note: The flow reported in this and other design reports for zones that
contain tapes is based on the calculated flow into each tape, not
based on the nominal specific discharge rate for the tapes. The
calculated flow takes into account the length, slope and nominal
inlet pressure of the tape.
A negative flow indicates that the flow direction in the pipe is
from the end coordinate of the pipe to the start coordinate.
For each pipe in the zone the flow is reported at the start of the pipe and
at the end. For ordinary zone pipes these two values will be the same,
but for connected spraylines or tapes the end flow will be less than the
start by an amount equal to the total outlet flow which has occurred
between the two points.
Max Pres. and Min Pres. are the maximum and minimum
allowable pressures which result from the flow tolerance
specified in the emitter database when applied to the nominal
flow of the emitter.
Valve-in-Head Outlets
For a valve-in-head sprinkler the zone pressure loss is zero because
there are no pipes in the zone - the sprinkler is a zone in itself.
The pressure required for the zone is the pressure required at the valve
inlet of the VIH sprinkler.
Valve-under-Head Outlets
Where an outlet is connected directly to a control valve (i.e. a valve and
outlet are connected at the same position), the pressure loss through the
valve is shown in the Zone Full Design report as the difference between
upstream and downstream pressure loss at the control valve.
The required pressure at the valve includes the connector pressure loss.
See also:
Figure 5-199
See also:
See also:
The information printed for each pipe in the mainline system is the same
as for zone pipes in the Zone Full Design Report.
See also:
See also:
Note: If actual pipe pressure exceeds the pressure rating for the pipe,
a + will be printed at the end of the entry (after the type code) for
the pipe.
The component costs are calculated using the default pricing type (only
as set in Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters from the
costs entered in the database.
The component costs are calculated using the default pricing type in
conjunction with the costs entered in the database - Retail, Wholesale,
or Multiplier. If Multiplier is selected (Design|Design
Parameters|Economic Parameters) and the multipliers are set in
Reports|Supplier Code Multipliers the multiplier used is reported at the
start of each Costing report. Multipliers do not affect the BOM with Costs
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Design|Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length”
is used in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is
reported instead of the total length.
All reports have a header showing the client, job address, quote number,
date and description as entered in Irricad Options|Design Details and
Irricad Options|Client.
Figure 5-200
4. Click [Yes] to include only the selected items in the report. Note
that if items are selected when accessing a BOM/Costing report
and a filtered report is not required simply click [No].
5. The report will open displaying the name given in step 3 and
listing only the selected items:-
The reporting of assemblies is controlled by the usage codes given to
the assemblies in the databases.
Where the usage code Y is used, any assemblies used in a design will
be broken down into their individual components and these components
will be listed in the report.
Where the usage code A is used, the assemblies will be listed in the
reports as an assembly description and not be broken down into
individual components.
Where the usage code X is used, the assemblies will be listed in the
reports as in A above but will also be listed at the end of each report with
a list of their components.
Figure 5-202
See also:
See also:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance but do not include the rounding.
The length is rounded so as not to have any decimal places to the
nearest number (down if less than 0.5, up if greater than 0.5). The extra
allowance is also rounded up or down to the nearest whole number,
instead of rounding up as in all other BOM reports. If “Roll / Length” is
used in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is
reported instead of the total length.
See also:
Finally, a summary of all items used in the design is given in the same
format as the data presented above.
Note: Unit prices (and therefore total prices) can also be adjusted
according to the settings for “Default Pricing Type” in
Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters, and therefore
may not necessarily be the same as those listed in the
See also:
This report can be saved as an ASCII file (using File|Print) and has the
following format:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
See also:
See also:
This report can be saved as an ASCII file (using File|Print) and has the
following format:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
See also:
So that a summary of materials required for a design can be easily
transferred into inventory packages, a simplified list containing the
number of items required and the description and warehouse code for
those items is given. All title, borders and paging have been removed.
This report can be saved as an ASCII file (using File|Print) and has the
following format:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
See also:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
Note: Unit prices (and therefore total prices) can also be adjusted
according to the settings for “Default Pricing Type” in
Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters, and therefore
may not necessarily be the same as those listed in the
See also:
See also:
Zone control valves
Note: Unit prices (and therefore total prices) can also be adjusted
according to the settings for “Default Pricing Type” in
Design|Design Parameters|Economic Parameters, and therefore
may not necessarily be the same as those listed in the
See also:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
See also:
Pipe lengths include the extra allowance and are rounded according to
the settings in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table. If “Roll / Length” is used
in the Pipe Fitting Matching Table, then the number of rolls is reported
instead of the total length.
See also:
Note: For multipliers to be used in Costing reports, the user must first
enable Multiplier as the “Default Pricing Type” in Design|Design
Parameters|Economic Parameters.
Figure 5-204
The default setting is that all zones are included in the reports.
Figure 5-205
The default setting is that all system flows are included in the reports.
Figure 5-206
Note: Start a new design in order to have a clean screen when editing
To edit a template:
See also: KEYWORDS
Keywords created as text objects may form part of the template. When
IRRICAD generates the plot layout in Draw|Plot Layout it recognizes
these keywords and replaces them with the required information.
Keywords start and end with #.
See also:
1. Select the entity or entities whose extents will define the active
2. Select Plot Template|Make Active Area.
See also:
Tip: Use a selection window or lasso for this as clicking on a fill will
only select the fill not the objects behind it.
See also:
Tip: Use a selection window or lasso for this as clicking on a fill will
only select the fill not the objects behind it.
Note: Move Fills to Back can be used for normal drawing items and
fills. However, Fills cannot be moved behind hydraulic items.
See also:
1. Select the objects that will be part of the template (usually all
2. Select Plot Template|Save Template.
3. Type a template name in the dialog. Click [OK].
See also:
Figure 5-207
To delete an item simply select it in the “Contents” area and click the
[Delete] button. The order of items can be altered with the [Move Up]
and [Move Down] buttons.
The Release Notes follow the same layout as the Help Topics. (See
Help Topics, Section 5.17.2).
User Manual
Database Editor Manual
Tool & Command Reference
Technical Reference
At the top of the help dialog are icons: Hide, Back, Print, Options.
If this tab is selected, the manual's content page is displayed. Each
heading with a ‘+’ sign can be opened to reveal its sub-headings. The
sub-headings can be hidden by clicking on the ‘-‘ sign.
Clicking any heading will take the user directly to that section of the
manual. The text is displayed on the right hand side of the help window.
Use the Index tab to select an indexed keyword. These words have
been selected to aid the user in finding topics. Select a topic and click
the Display button.
Use Search to find a topic. Search lists all the places the word is found
in the on-line help.
To use Search:
1. Type in the word the user wishes to find. Make the word as
specific as possible e.g., type X to find the meaning of this
usage code for assemblies.
2. Click List Topics.
3. Select a topic from those listed.
4. Click [Display]. The selected topic will be displayed on the right
hand side.
Back takes the user back to the last topic accessed, whether the user
has selected the topic by using Contents, Index or Search or used the
yellow arrows at the end of each topic to navigate.
Click Back as many times as required - this function will move back
through all the previous selections.
Options include:
Select Options|Forward if have used Options|Back and wish to return to
the previous document.
Select Options|Home if require to connect to our website
Select Options|Stop to stop searching for topics or loading a page.
Select Refresh to reload the current HTML help page
Internet Options
Select Options|Internet Options to change the internet options.
Clicking on any heading will take the user directly to the appropriate
section of the manual. The text is displayed on the right hand side of the
help window.
Use the Index tab to select an indexed keyword. These words have
been selected to aid in finding topics. Select a topic and click Display.
Use Find to search for a topic. Find lists all the places the word is found
in the on-line help.
1. Select Help|Send Problem Report and click [Yes] and then [OK]
on the messages.
Figure 5-208
Figure 5-209
Note: The design must be saved (i.e have a design name) before it
can be sent using this method.
894 Tool and Command Reference IRRICAD User Guide
To find the version of IRRICAD: AUSTRALIA:
Netafim Australia Pty Ltd.
Bassim Awad
Daheyet al Rasheed,
Al Za'tari St.
Eliezer Gilary
Derech Hashalom 10,
Tel Aviv,
Israel 67892
The single *.dez file can be uncompressed with any zip utility (e.g., 7-
Zip, PKZip, WinZip). If extracting the design manually, the *.dbm file
should be renamed *.mdb before opening the design in IRRICAD. Note
internal databases should not be used as the component database for
the design. Note the *.dez file contains a renamed internal database file
(*.dbm) to facilitate emailing through spam and virus filters.
IRRICAD User Guide Technical Reference 903
The Hazen-Williams C values listed below apply to hydraulically smooth
pipes with flow velocities of 3.3ft/s (1m/s). Do not use these values for
tapes or driplines with built-in emitters. Contact technical support for
these values.
Pipe Diameter
Inches MM C Value
½ 13 137.2
- 16 137.8
¾ 19 138.8
1 25 140.0
1¼ 32 141.2
1½ 40 143.0
2 50 144.4
2½ 65 146.0
3 80 147.2
4 100 148.0
5 125 148.6
6 155 149.0
8 190 149.3
9 225 149.5
12 300 150.0
Note that the [order] field is an internal one that is not available in the
IRRICAD Database Editor. It can, however, be accessed via Microsoft
Access. By default, the order field for all items is the same and therefore
has no effect. To give the order field another number to change the
ordering, do so in the column labeled Order Number.
Couplers [Order],
[Major Connection Type],
[Minor Connection Type],
[Major Diameter],
[Minor Diameter],
Crosses [Order],
[Major Connection Type],
[Minor Connection Type],
[Major Diameter],
[Minor Diameter],
LTOs [Order],
[Major Pipe Type],
[Minor Connection Type],
[Minimum Submain Diameter],
[Lateral Diameter],
Lights [Order],
Nozzles [Order],
Outlets [Order],
[Inlet Connection Type],
[Inlet Diameter]
Pipes [Order],
[Pipe Type],
[Nominal Diameter],
[Allowable Pressure],
Pumps [Order],
[Inlet Connection Type],
[Outlet Connection Type],
[Inlet Diameter],
[Outlet Diameter],
Tapes [Order],
[Nominal Diameter]
Tees [Order],
[Major Connection Type],
[Minor Connection Type],
[Major Diameter],
[Minor Diameter],
Valves [Order],
[Inlet Connection Type],
[Outlet Connection Type],
[Inlet Diameter],
[Outlet Diameter],
Where objects fall outside the contour lines, but are close to a contour
line, the height of the object is set equal to the height of the closest
contour line or spot height. If objects are placed outside the contour lines
but not close to them, again the object height is set equal to the closest
contour height and the user is warned by a message displayed on the
screen that this has happened.
Note: Elevations for pipes are only calculated and reported at pipe
If the zone contains both regulated and unregulated tapes, the highest
value resulting form the calculation of the regulated and unregulated
cases is used.
With computer sizing, any pipes which have their Computer Sized check
box checked will have their diameters calculated or recalculated
regardless of whether or not they have been previously sized.
IRRICAD User Guide Technical Reference 913
If a particular size is required for a pipe, then that pipe must be manually
specified or having been previously computer sized have the automatic
“Computer Sized” check box unchecked. This is achieved via the
Change tool (See Making Changes to the Design or Drawing, Section
If Analyse or Detailed Analysis is selected and pipes exist that have not
been previously sized either manually or by IRRICAD, an error message
will appear indicating this.
Using these simulated pipes and outlets, all pipes are sized according to
the sizing method selected (LP or Velocity). The system is analyzed to
provide the start and end pressures for the laterals. The laterals are then
sized using one, two or three diameters (as specified in Design|Zone
Design Configuration) using specially developed lateral sizing
techniques. Each of these new laterals is converted to pipes and outlets
for final analysis and reporting.
If a zone or block has a central submain and has laterals in three sizes
each size of the submain, internally within IRRICAD there will be six
pipes and three outlets each side of the submain. In terms of the limits
on the number of pipes used for analysis, each of these pipes is treated
as an individual pipe. This means, for example, that a block with
50 laterals, three sizes each side of the submain, will be treated as a
zone with 650 pipes and 300 outlets. Similarly, a block with 50 laterals in
one diameter fed from one end will be treated as a zone with 150 pipes
and 50 outlets.
The number, the diameter and the type of pipes in any junction, and the
angle at which those pipes enter the junction determine which fittings
are required to make up that junction.
Straight connections
Connections with a change in angle
Two pipes are to be joined, one 3" (80mm), one 4" (100mm). Both are
PVC with a slip fit (glued).
as a 4" PVC M S pipe fits into a 4" PVC F S end of fitting and a 3" PVC
M S pipe fits into a 3" PVC F S end of fitting.
Where more than one solution to the junction can be found, IRRICAD
chooses the arrangement that is cheapest.
If a bend has been selected, the connection between the bend and each
pipe (or other component) is treated as straight coupling.
Figure 6-1
IRRICAD determines the angles between the pipes entering the junction
(Angles A, B, C above).
The largest angle determines the two pipes that could form the major
axis. The remaining pipe forms the minor axis.
The reason for this is that it is more difficult to bend short pipes to
accommodate angle changes than to bend long pipes.
At least one of the three branches of the tee will already be aligned with
one pipe. If necessary, up to three bends can be used to resolve angles
on either of the two remaining branches of the junction.
If the number of near 90o entry angles is greater than two, then the
remaining angle is also near 90o. A cross can be selected for this
If there are any adjacent 90o entry angles, a cross can also be selected.
If either of the above two conditions does not hold, then two tees will be
Figure 6-2
If a cross cannot be found, then two tees will be used in the junction.
Group 1
If an angle is near 180o (for example, Angle D above), the major axis of
the two tees as aligned with the average direction of the two pipes
forming the near 180o bend (pipes (a) and (b) above).
Having positioned the major axis of the two tees, the three-pipe junction
routines are used to resolve what are effectively two three-pipe
junctions. The connection between the two tees is resolved with the
straight coupler routines.
Group 2
If any two opposite angles are approximately 90o (i.e. in the above
example if Angle C and Angle A were approximately 90o), one tee is
aligned so that its major axis is in the same direction as pipe (b) with
Having fixed the major and minor axis for the two tees, the three-pipe
junction routines are used to resolve two three-pipe junctions:
Group 3
If the junction does not fall into the above two categories, then angles A
and B, and angles B and C are summed.
The total that is closest to 180o defines the two pipes that form the major
axes of the two tees.
The major axes of the two tees are aligned with these two pipes.
The process to solve the junction is then the same as that used in Group
A bend can be selected for a junction if the required angle lies within the
bend plus or minus the angle tolerance.
Two solutions are possible. The first is to create an assembly using the
appropriate control valve plus the necessary bend and fittings. This
assembly is then selected for use at the appropriate locations in the
design. Alternatively the required additional fittings can be added after
fitting selection by using the [Show Fittings] button on a hydraulic dialog.
The actual forms of the equations for the four types of components are
described below. The units shown are those output by the Curve Fit
utility (see Section 3.5.1) and used internally by IRRICAD in its
Pumps: H = AQ2 + BQ + C
Outlet Flow: Q = K Hn
Outlet Radius: R = K Hn
Valves: H = K Qn + C
Note: that labels can also be created for individual laterals and sub-
main segments that are part of a block.
User Use
#USER# Displays the entire contents of the user attribute
#USERn# Displays line n from the user attribute string (n is an
#USER<tag># Displays tagged information from the user attribute
string. Data should be tagged with XML style tags
e.g., <mytag>My data goes here</mytag>. tag may
be any string that excludes the characters <,>, and
Redundant Keywords:
Redundant Keywords Use
#COA1# } Company address
#COA2# }
#COA3# }
#NOT1# } Design notes
#NOT2# }
#NOT3# }
#NOT4# }
#NOT5# }
#DNUM# Drawing number
#JOA1# } Job address
#JOA2# }
#JOA3# }
938 Technical Reference IRRICAD User Guide
Windows Network of computers.
USB network version of the IRRICAD dongle.
Access to to download the installation and
patches, or a current installation CD.
An internet connection for the duration of the installation
Install the dongle driver on the server or computer that the dongle is
attached to
Direct the client computers to look at the server for the dongle.
Windows 7:-
Click on Start then right click on Computer
Windows 8:
Swipe to select Settings | PC Info.
Click on Advanced system settings, the Advanced tab, then
Environment Variables.
Locate the variable NSP_HOST.
Edit the variable so the value is the IP address of the server
presenter’s computer.
Figure 6-4
Windows 8:
Swipe and select Settings | Control Panel | System and Security
| Windows Firewall
Click on “Allow an app or feature program through Windows
Figure 6-5
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lincoln Agritech
Key Values Defa Description
FileName string surge These provide the base name
in for the input files to surgef.exe.
Suffix characte a The files can be found in the
r Irricad directory:-
surgein.dta – a text file defining
the xyz input points for the
During the operation of IRRICAD it is possible that mistakes will be
made or problems arise that cause warning messages to be displayed
on the screen. Because of space limitations it is often not practical to
display a detailed description of the problem, nor of the best course of
action to remedy the situation. This section has been prepared to
answer both of these questions.
Figure 6-6
Problems can occur for many reasons but can roughly be classified into
two groups:
The files that are generated by IRRICAD during the course of a design,
their file extension, and the location in IRRICAD where they are created
If none of the above options solve the problem take careful note of the
warning error message, save the design files and contact the service
agent or Lincoln Agritech Ltd.
The hard disk is full; that is, there is no more room to continue
writing information to the hard disk. Delete unwanted files or
transfer files to floppy disk.
There is a hardware fault i.e. a faulty disk drive or a device not
properly connected.
The file has been made Read Only. Find the file in the
Irricad\Designs directory and check the properties of the file by
right clicking on it and selecting Properties. Make sure the Read
Only check box is not checked.
If the file is on a network drive and the network connection has
been broken.
CST 219 : Second depth must be larger than first - please re-enter
Where editing the Riser Selection Rules (Design menu) Depth 1 must
always be the smaller of the two depths and Depth 2 the larger.
CST 1108 : No of database items exceeds limit, design too big to cost
The costing section of IRRICAD can deal with a maximum number of
unique database items up to the limit set in Appendix A: IRRICAD
Limits, Section 6.2 for any one design. If this limit is reached the design
is too large to be costed. It may be possible to reduce the complexity of
the design or break it into smaller sections for costing purposes.
CST 1121 : Not all fittings loaded into memory, costing may be
At the beginning of costing IRRICAD attempts to load the fittings data
into memory to speed up this part of the program. If there is insufficient
room to do this the costing process may take longer than normal.
DBS 188 : Too many pipes enabled for use - only the first 40 loaded
The number of pipes with L, Z or M flags, i.e., pipes available for use is
greater than that allowed.
IRRICAD will continue to run but the pipes listed in the database beyond
the limit for the appropriate pipe type will not be used. To be sure that all
valid pipes are considered in the design, reduce the number of pipes
with L, Z or M codes to the limit allowed. See Appendix A: IRRICAD
Limits, Section 6.2 for limits
DES 333 : More than max. number outlets on a branch within a zone
The pipe network for the zone cannot be interpreted due to its
The solution to this problem is to rearrange the pipe network layout for
the zone so that the limit in any one branch within the zone is not
exceeded. See Appendix A: IRRICAD Limits, Section 6.2.
960 Technical Reference IRRICAD User Guide
DES 334 : Too many unique junctions and outlets in a zone
The number of different sprinklers / nozzle types used in a zone is such
that the maximum number of unique junctions and outlets is exceeded.
Change the layout of the zone to reduce this number. See Appendix A:
IRRICAD Limits, Section 6.2.
If this does not solve the problem, the only solution is to delete and re-
insert sections of the mainline until the error is removed. If the error
persists save the design and contact the local agent or Lincoln Agritech
If this does not solve the problem, the only solution is to delete and re-
insert sections of the design until the error is removed. If the error
persists save the design and contact the local agent or Lincoln Agritech
DES 411 : Water supply pressure not specified in water supply data
The mainline analysis program cannot find a water supply pressure to
use as a reference.
If the problem persists delete the .management files associated with the
design via Design|Clear Management abnd re-run management as
described above.
Check the design reports to ensure that the resulting flows are
acceptable (if strange flows are reported this indicates the analysis was
not converging).
DES 428 : Max velocity criteria exceeded with available pipe sizes
The pipe sizes available from the database cannot meet the maximum
velocity criteria specified for the design. The solution is to:
DES 430 - 431 : Refer to IRRICAD File Handling Messages (Section 6.13.2)
The cause of this problem is that the pressure calculated for a particular
size pipe exceeds the maximum allowable pressure specified for that
pipe in the database. It will be necessary to either select or enable pipe
types of a higher pressure rating or modify the design to reduce the
actual pipe pressures.
specifying some pipe diameters which are too small or too big
incorporating some high headloss Miscellaneous Hydraulic
not having a sufficient range of pipe sizes enabled in the
velocities too low, etc.
One cause of this message can also be that not all the zones are on for
processing and IRRICAD has lost the previous information from the
zones that are currently not being processed. Turn all zones on for
processing in Design|Zone Design Configuration and re-run Zone
DES 450-469 :
This group of messages relates to the program used to analyze zone
and mainline pipe systems. Trouble shooting in this area is very difficult
but in the unlikely event of problems arising the following steps are
If the error occurs during zone design, rerun management. This error
can also be caused by loops of pipe in the zone.
This error can occur also when a flush valve has been manually placed
on the flushing manifold where a tape end also connects.
If any of the above messages occur and the reason for the problem
cannot be found, save the design and contact the local agent or Lincoln
Agritech Ltd.
If any of the above messages occur and the reason for the problem
cannot be found, save the design and contact the local agent or Lincoln
Agritech Ltd.
DES 484 : Too many contour line segments. Some contours ignored
A maximum of 4000 line segments may be used to define contour lines.
If more than this number is entered there will be some loss of elevation
information over part of the design area.
This message may also occur if one of the water supplies is not
connected to the system. Check the water supply connections.
Make the necessary changes to the tape identified (note that only one
end of the tape will be listed, the problem however may be anywhere
along this tape).
DES 489 : Tape pressure range cannot be met for conditions given
The combination of tape length and elevation changes is such that the
allowable pressure range specified for the tape in the database is
exceeded. Check that the input data is correct and that the specified
tape pressure range is realistic. If the user wants to see how far out of
range the pressures are likely to be, use the Velocity option to design
the zone.
DES 493 : Pump head near zero, check pump choice & water supply
During the network analysis, the flow through a pump is such that the
required pump head is close to zero. The network analysis may fail
under these conditions. Check the pump selected has the right
characteristics for the expected duty, and that the water supply pressure
is correctly specified.
DES 494 : Only five pumps are permitted in any looped system
A maximum of 5 pumps is allowed in a looped system. If more than 5
pumps are encountered, the above message is given, and Design
DES 495 : Available heads across PRV not enough for proper
There is insufficient head across one or more PRVs to ensure their
proper operation, i.e. the required downstream pressure cannot be
achieved. Check pressure settings for any upstream PRVs and the valve
or water supply pressure (if set).
DES 554 : Only use LP with single water supplies and branched
At present the LP pipe-sizing method in use can only handle branched
(i.e. no loops in the pipe network) systems with single water supplies.
For multiple water supplies or looped systems use the Velocity option.
DES 556 : Large enough pipe not enabled - LP may not achieve
Prior to performing the LP analysis, IRRICAD selects a range of
candidate diameters. During this process the program wanted to choose
a diameter larger than the largest pipe enabled in the database. If the
user continue it is likely that the program will find a solution. There is a
possibility, however, that the LP solver will fail. If this occurs, enable (or
add) a larger pipe size in the database and re-run Design.
DES 557 : Iterations exceeded - tape probably too long - flow set to
This message can mean that the tape runs are too long. Decrease the
length of the tapes and re-run design.
DES 558 : Headloss too high:- fixed pipe sizes or PRV etc, too small
A fixed diameter pipe (either user specified, or fixed due to pipes flagged
in the database if computer selected), or a Miscellaneous Hydraulic item
(e.g., PRV) has a pressure loss which is too high to allow the required
maximum or minimum heads at the outlets to be met. If manually fixed,
increase the diameter of the pipe at the indicated location. If computer
sized, make larger pipes available in the database.
DES 559 : User selected pipe diameter too large - headloss too low
A fixed diameter pipe (either user specified, or fixed due to pipes flagged
in the database if computer selected), or a Miscellaneous Hydraulic item
(e.g., PRV) has a pressure loss which is too low to allow the required
maximum or minimum heads at the outlets to be met. If manually fixed,
reduce the diameter of the pipe at the location given or change the pipe
to computer selected.
DES 562 : Solution not found - fixed pipe sizes too big in path:-
This message indicates the LP analysis was unable to find a design
solution that meets both the pressure requirements at the outlets and
the pipe velocity limits set in Design|Design Parameters|Hydraulic
Parameters, using the pipe sizes available. The analysis indicates that a
likely reason is that some of the pipes in the path indicated by the
coordinates given have been fixed in diameter and are too large. This
could be because small enough pipes (of the correct usage) have not
been enabled in the database, or the user has selected a pipe in the
design that is too big, or because the pipe size has been limited by the
velocity specified in Design|Design Parameters|Hydraulic Parameters.
Check for any manually specified pipe sizes first. If there are none or
they are suitable, check the Database and make sure an appropriate
range of sizes have been flagged as available with the correct usage
If the design still fails with this message try increasing (temporarily) the
velocity limit in Design|Design Parameters|Hydraulic Parameters until
the zone or mainline section will design. Check the Zone Design Full
report to see what actual velocities resulted and if necessary return to
the IRRICAD screen and fix the diameters of the offending pipes
manually and then run Analyse to determine the effects of these
changes on the pressure distribution.
DES 563 : Solution not found - fixed pipe sizes too small in path:-
This message indicates the LP analysis was unable to find a design
solution that meets both the pressure requirements at the outlets and
the pipe velocity limits set in Design|Design Parameters|Hydraulic
Parameters, using the pipe sizes available. The analysis indicates that a
likely reason is that some of the pipes in the path indicated by the
coordinates given have been fixed in diameter and are too small. This
DES 564 : Invalid outlet data, Pmax less than Pmin, re-select outlet
IRRICAD has detected inconsistent data for the minimum and maximum
allowable pressures for a nozzle. This could be an error in the database
or some other problem. Check the pressures of the nozzle for the outlet,
and if OK, go back to the IRRICAD screen and re-select the outlet.
DES 567: Could not set the elevation for items. THIS MAY CAUSE
CALCULATIONS. Please check the error log for details.
This warning will occur if there is insufficient elevation data, typically due
to the elevation data not covering the extents of the hydraulic design.
Either add more elevation data or check the elevation assigned to the
items to ensure that a reasonable elevation has been assigned.
DES 600 : Make sure Pumps are NOT placed within loops - PLEASE
A warning to say that the presence of both pumps and loops in the
system has been detected. If pumps are included within a looped
system, the analysis will fail or the results will be in error. Make sure
pumps are placed only in the branched sections of a design.
DES 603 : No zones with flow found in any system flows. Possibly
re-run management
Run Design|Check Outlet Connectivity and then re-run Management
before running Design.
DES 605 : Could not interpolate elevations. Please check error log
Currently not used.
DES_607: Zone was marked for flushing but this was ignored for a
Design run.
The zones have been marked for flushing in the Zone Design
Configuration. However flushing analysis cannot be undertaken when
designing the system, the flushing flag has been ignored.
The DEZ is a zip archive file containing the designs files. If there is a
problem saving to the DEZ it may that it is open in another program.
Close other programs and try again. Alternatively, when saving overwrite
the file extension with DES.
File 43: There was a problem extracting files from the archive.
Please try again.
The DEZ file cannot be opened. Check the latest patch for your version
has been installed from
The DEZ is a zip archive file containing the designs files. If there is a
problem opening the DEZ it may that it is open in another program.
Close other programs and try again.
GEO BADUTM: Some entities in this design do not have valid UTM
coordinates. They will not be exported.
Though geographical information has been located this information is
not in an expected format and has not been exported.
GEO UTM ZERR: NOTE: UTM Zone conflicts with existing zone: %d %s
When a UTM zone has been set or specified via IRR_SHOWSETTINGS
– Misc tab (Miscellaneous) this messge will occur when importing a file
that specfies a different UTM zone. Either adjust the import file before
importing or set a new UTM zone via IRR_SHOWSETTINGS – Misc tab
IDS FAILED LOAD PRINT : Failed to load print values into the print dialog
This is unlikely to occur. If it does, exit IRRICAD and restart. If it persists
contact your technical support.
INP 215 : Unable to calculate flow for sprayline / tape, try again
The lasso defining a Show Flow area must not cut a sprayline into more
than one section unless it includes a sprayline end. Redefine the
boundary and try again.
INP 1034 : This action is not recommended. If you are sure you wish
to proceed, please click OK."
The calculated contours are about to change to real contours. This
action is not recommended however, if the original spot heights have
been removed click [OK] to proceed.
INP 1035: This action will permanently disconnect this entity from
the associated tree block.
Exploding the tree block will mean that each item is an individual symbol
and they cannot be re-arranged via the Tree Block dialog
INP 1709: Could not parse system flow number. Please check
Use only commas and/or dashes to indicate individual system flows or
ranges of system flows.
INP 1710: Too many system flows specified. You may specify up to
18 single system flows, or 9 system flow ranges.
Each zone can only be assigned to 18 different system flows, or 9
system flow ranges.
INP 1901 : Required nozzle arc not found for selected sprinkler
The shape of the irrigated area is such that nozzle arcs are required that
are not listed in the database for the particular sprinkler selected.
INP 1982: Calculated zone run time exceeds one day - setting to
To apply the required amount of water to the area the zone must run for
more than 23 hrs 59 minutes. Change the amount required, for example
if required amount is for the week change to per day or per two days.
Alternatively change the outlets to apply a higher volume of water.
To resize pipes, tapes and spraylines delete them and place new ones
in the design at the new length.
INPT 39 : Slices too small for group option. Laterals in sub blocks
may be displaced
Happens when subdividing a ‘grouped’ block and the slices are too
small to contain a “Group”. Make the slices larger to include at least one
MAN 346: Problem finding valve from design file. Please re-run
Re-run Management.
The operating times for the zones must be rescheduled so that the
resulting flow required is less than the maximum flow available.
The operating times for the zones must be rescheduled so that the
resulting flow required is less than the maximum flow available.
MAN 350 : The same zone name has been used twice
Two or more zones have been given the same name.
Change the zone name given to the duplicate zone control valve (use
the Change tool).
MISC 6 : Internal UID's too large - export and re-import dxf/dwg file
Can happen very occasionally when importing DWG/DXF files. Can be
the cause of problems later on (e.g., connectivity check failing when it
shouldn’t etc.) Solution is to re-import into a clean design then export
and re-import.
NO PIPES : No pipes
No pipes (of any type) enabled in pipe database. Enable pipe before
continuing with LP sizing.
PERM 168 : Cannot have negative or zero values for power curves
Negative data values cannot be used in the curve fitting utilities.
PERM 192 : Same flow value entered twice: Please check data
Two identical flow rate values have been entered. This is not valid for
the relationship the user is trying to generate.
PIPE TYPE ERROR: Could not find pipe type in default file
The database used for this design does not contact a pipe type table.
Locate a component (external) database for use in this design.
PUMPS AND LOOPS: Pumps and loops detected in this zone or system
If a design contains loops and pumps this message will always occur.
Please check that pumps are located on the branches only and not
within the loop.
Tool Error: Seed Boundary was invalid. Make sure entities are a
closed boundary and then try the seed tool again
This message can occur if the magnitude or span of coordinates in a
design is large and an internal origin (Offset) and scale hasn’t been, or
cannot be, correctly set. Delete the items outside of the plan drawing
and run Compress.
UTIL 1608 : Could not convert file. Please check error logs
The conversion to DXF of a .SHP or .CSV file has failed in some way.
When Irricad imports contours from a .SHP or CSV file it first converts
the file to a DXF in the background and this conversion will have failed.
Check the Reports|View Errors.
7 Index
Analyze (Existing Sizes) 146
Analyzing Existing Systems 95
Angle Tolerance 826, 924
Angular Dimension 176, 607
Arc Orientation 94, 97
Arc tool 588
centre start end 590
elliptical 590
start mid end 589
Arc Type 76, 296
demand point 76, 136
< fixed 76
matched 76
<DEFAULT> 23, 24, 70, 729, variable 76
731 Arcs 300
aligning 97
2 Area 739
arc orientation 94, 97
2 Point Rectangle 577 arcs 93, 97, 647
subdivide 99
3 Area tool 97, 126, 128, 646
dialog details 646
3 Point Circle 583 Areas 64
3 Point Rectangle 578 odd shaped 129
3D DEM View 835, 943 Array Copy 765
Assemblies 78, 133, 234, 275
A about 275
add 265
A Simple Orchard Design 327 creating 264, 276, 291, 450,
Actual Diameter 279, 281 924
Add Item (database button) 263 example of construction 276
Add Nozzles .. (database finish 266
button) 299 listing components 248, 266,
Add to Assembly .. (database 868, 880
button) 265 modifying 265, 452
Add,nozzles (database button) remove 266
267 reporting 263, 270, 275, 868
Aids 24 usage codes 276, 868
Aligning Arcs 97
Allow Extra Pipe 826
IRRICAD User Guide Index 7-1
Assembly Construction 264, zone Summary / mainline bom
276 870
Assign All Zones to One Birds Eye View 560
System Flow 137, 142, 818 Block
Assign Each Zone to a Unique automatic 648
System Flow 137, 142, 819 definition 17
Assign System Flows to Zones mainline spray 690
94, 137, 822 spray 639
Assign Zones to System Flows symbols 457
137, 816 user defined lat. direction 122
Assigning System Flows to Block of Symbols 457, 765
Zones 143 Block tool 85, 270
Autocad dialog details 639
colors 21, 716 group spacing 101
Autohead 127, 129 laterals per group 101
Autohead tool 669 user defined lat. direction 639,
spacing 128, 722 642, 643
Automatic BOM Report 866, 878
labeling 184 BOM with Costs Report 874
submains and valves 100 pricing options 803
AutoSave 20, 232 Break tool 771
Available Line Types 63, 79,
263, 706, 909 C
Calculate Contours 779
notes 49
Background Information 34 Capital Cost 803
importing 34 Center Polygon 580
Backup 20, 734 Center Radius Circle 584
Basic Initial Design 333 Center Start End Arc 590
Bend Angle 291 Change 98
Bill of Materials Reports 160, fittings 160
803, 828, 879 layers 70
bom 878 scope globally 71
bom by supplier 877 shortcut 502
bom with costs 874 spraylines to tapes 786
inventory 874 tapes to spraylines 786
inventory by description 873 Change tool 56, 63, 72, 98,
inventory by w/h code 872 499, 511, 758
junction 872 Change Type tool 56, 66, 162,
unconnected items 876 759
zone / mainline bom 869, 870 groups of items 65, 98, 162