Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
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Carbon footprinting
An introduction for organisations
01 Introduction
08 Glossary
Carbon footprinting 01
Climate change is increasingly The total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly
and indirectly by an individual, organisation, event or
recognised as a major challenge. product is commonly called their carbon footprint.
It is widely accepted that the Establishing the carbon footprint of an organisation can
greenhouse gas emissions caused be the first step in a programme to reduce the emissions
it causes.
by humans are having a negative
impact on the environment. This publication is aimed at helping businesses and
organisations establish their carbon impact and introduces
The most important greenhouse gas, arising from human some of the key issues faced in the calculation of a
activity, is carbon dioxide (CO2). Virtually all human carbon footprint.
activities cause the CO2 emissions that lead to climate
change. By using electricity generated from fossil fuel
power stations, burning gas for heating or driving a petrol
or diesel car, every person is responsible for CO2 emissions.
Furthermore every product or service that humans consume
indirectly creates CO2 emissions; energy is required for their
production, transport and disposal. These products and
services may also cause emissions of other greenhouse
gases. Understanding and addressing the full range of
our impact is crucial for the effects of climate change to
be minimised.
The term carbon footprint is commonly 3. Indirect emissions from products and services
used to describe the total amount of Each product or service that is purchased by an organisation
CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) is responsible for emissions. So the way the organisation
emissions for which an individual or uses products and services affects its carbon footprint.
For example, a company that manufactures a product is
organisation is responsible. Footprints indirectly responsible for the carbon that is emitted in the
can also be calculated for events preparation and transport of the raw materials. Downstream
or products. emissions from the use and disposal of products can also
be indirectly attributed to the organisation.
The full footprint of an organisation encompasses a wide
It is clear, therefore, that producing a full footprint covering
range of emissions sources from direct use of fuels to
all three types of emissions can be quite a complex task.
indirect impacts such as employee travel or emissions
A further complexity in understanding published footprints
from other organisations up and down the supply chain.
is that they are rarely comparable for the following reasons:
When calculating an organisation’s footprint it is important
to try and quantify as full a range of emissions sources • Despite emerging international standards not all
as possible in order to provide a complete picture of the organisations follow the same approach to calculating
organisation’s impact. their footprint or classify their emissions in the same way
In order to produce a reliable footprint, it is important to • Some footprints are expressed on a time period basis,
such as the footprints of an individual or company which
follow a structured process and to classify all the possible
are typically measured annually. Others are expressed
sources of emissions thoroughly. A common classification
on a unit basis, such as per event or product purchased
is to group and report on emissions by the level of control
which an organisation has over them. On this basis, • Carbon footprints are typically calculated to include all
greenhouse gas emissions can be classified1 into three greenhouse gases and are expressed in tonnes of CO2
main types: equivalent (tCO2e). However, others calculate the footprint
to include CO2 only and express the footprint in tCO2
1. Direct emissions that result from activities the (tonnes of CO2).
organisation controls
The reasons for needing a carbon footprint will determine
Most commonly, direct emissions will result from which approach is the most appropriate. In some cases it
combustion of fuels which produce CO2 emissions, for may be possible to do a basic footprint – in others a much
example the gas used to provide hot water for the workspace. more rigorous process will be required. Both approaches
In addition, some organisations will directly emit other are discussed later in this publication.
greenhouse gases. For example, the manufacture of some
chemicals produces methane (CH4) and the use of fertiliser
leads to nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions.
There are typically two main reasons for Footprinting for accurate reporting
wanting to calculate a carbon footprint: Organisations increasingly want to calculate their carbon
footprint in detail for public disclosure in a variety of contexts:
• To manage the footprint and reduce emissions over time
• For CSR or marketing purposes
• To report the footprint accurately to a third party.
• To fulfil requests from business or retail customers,
Footprinting for management of emissions or from investors
Calculating an organisation’s carbon footprint can be • To ascertain what level of emissions they need to offset
an effective tool for ongoing energy and environmental in order to become ‘carbon neutral’.
For these purposes, a more robust approach is needed,
If this is the main reason that an organisation requires covering the full range of emissions for which the
a carbon footprint, it is generally enough to understand organisation is responsible. It may also be appropriate
and quantify the key emissions sources through a basic for the calculation to be independently verified to ensure
process, typically including gas, electricity and transport. that the methodology has been correctly used and that
This approach is relatively quick and straightforward. the results are accurate.
Having quantified the emissions, opportunities for reduction For more on the process of calculating a detailed carbon
can be identified and prioritised, focusing on the areas of footprint see page 4.
greatest savings potential.
For more information on carbon offsetting see the Carbon
Explanation of the basic approach to carbon footprinting Trust publication ‘The Carbon Trust three stage approach
can be found on page 4. to developing a robust offsetting strategy’ (CTC621).
04 Carbon footprinting
2. Specify the boundary and scope of coverage 3. Collect emissions data and calculate the footprint
Be clear about which set of emissions will be quantified. The accuracy of the footprint relies on correct data and
This is commonly referred to as defining your ‘boundary’. may include collecting information on:
Common issues include:
• Onsite fuel consumption
• Treatment of emissions from wholly or partially owned
• Owned transport utilisation
• Emissions from chemical reactions in manufacturing
• Treatment of emissions from leased assets, such as from processes or from land use or agricultural activities
a van which is leased from a hire company.
• Electricity consumption
It is usual to define the boundary to include the full range of
• E mployee travel by air, rail and in vehicles not owned
emissions that the organisation controls directly and this is
by the organisation
likely to include subsidiaries and leased assets. Established
methodologies such as the GHG Protocol provide rules for • Suppliers’ emissions.
allocation of the emissions to the organisation.
For gas and electricity, collect consumption data in MWh
Having defined the boundary, consider what types of or kWh. Data for other fuels can be collected in a variety
emissions will be included. Ask the following questions: of units, for example, kWh, MJ, Litres and so on. For transport
emissions it may be necessary to estimate the total fuel
• CO2 only or all greenhouse gases? consumption based on the mileage of the vehicles and fuel
• Direct emissions from fuel use onsite and from transport? economy assumptions.
• Direct emissions from manufacturing processes onsite? Data on energy consumption can be translated into
• Emissions from the electricity the organisation purchased? equivalent CO2 emissions data using standard emissions
factors, which are available from DEFRA and reproduced
• Emissions from the organisation’s supply chain and other
on the Carbon Trust website. For other emissions sources,
activities for which the operation is indirectly responsible,
more complex calculations may be required.
such as outsourced activities or manufacture and transport
of raw materials, by another company, which your
Emissions of other greenhouse gases must be translated
organisation then uses?
into equivalent emissions data in tCO2e, using the global
warming potential factors published by DEFRA and
The GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 discussed above provide
available from the Carbon Trust.
helpful guidance and accepted standards on these questions.
It is common to report all directly controlled emissions and
Before collecting the data, decide what level of accuracy
emissions from electricity in full. Emissions from indirect
is required, and how much margin for error is acceptable.
sources, such as the supply chain, are more complex to
define and are usually treated as optional reporting items.
4. Verify results
However, where indirect sources contribute very large
amounts of emissions it may be important to include Having a carbon footprint verified by a third party, such
them – a lot will depend on the purpose of reporting the as a consultancy or accountancy firm can lend credibility
carbon footprint. to an organisation’s claims. Verification typically involves
analysis of the methodology, data collection techniques
Whatever the approach taken to the organisational boundary and the calculation process that was used.
and inclusion of emissions sources, it is important to
document the decision transparently. Different levels of assurance or verification of your results
are available. Greater levels of assurance or verification
are more onerous and expensive to achieve, but provide
greater confidence in the results.
06 Carbon footprinting
• The methodology
• What boundary conditions were set and which types
of emissions are included and excluded
Assurance Greenhouse gases
The process of an independent third party checking the Greenhouse gases are those which contribute to the
methodology, data and calculation processes to ensure greenhouse effect when present in the atmosphere. Six
that they are robust. greenhouse gases are regulated by the Kyoto Protocol,
as they are emitted in significant quantities by human
Carbon neutral activities and contribute to climate change. The six
Commonly accepted terminology for something having net regulated gases are Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane
zero emissions (for example, an organisation or product). (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
As the organisation or product will typically have caused Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
some greenhouse gas emissions, it is usually necessary to
use carbon offsets to achieve neutrality. Carbon offsets are Emissions of greenhouse gases are commonly converted
emissions reductions that have been made elsewhere and into carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) based on their
which are then sold to the entity that seeks to reduce its 100 year global warming potential. This allows a single
impact. In order to become carbon neutral it is important figure for the total impact of all emissions sources to be
to have a very accurate calculation of the amount of produced in one standard unit. Conversion factors of
emissions which need to be offset – requiring calculation greenhouse gas to CO2e are calculated by the IPCC and Defra
of a carbon footprint. publish guidance on which set of conversion factors to use.
The Carbon Trust works with UK business and the public sector
to create practical business-focused solutions through its external
work in five complementary areas: Insights, Solutions, Innovations,
Enterprises and Investments. Together these help to explain,
deliver, develop, create and finance low carbon enterprise.
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The Carbon Trust is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under
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