Back To School Kid Craft
Back To School Kid Craft
Back To School Kid Craft
1. Color the printable: Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to color
the different parts of the backpack, color, pencil and notebook. Let
your creativity shine! You can use any colors you like.
2. Cut out the pattern: Carefully use scissors to cut along the outline of
the shape. Be sure to cut out any straps or additional decorative
elements included in the printable.
3. Fold and assemble: Carefully fold your printable along the instructed
fold lines to create the backpack. Then, use glue or a glue stick to
secure the flaps together.
4. Attach straps: Cut out and attach them to the backpack using glue.
Make sure to position them in the correct places on the backpack.
5. Add any additional decorations: Cut out the additional decorations
and glue or put them inside the pocket of the backpack.
6. Let it dry: Allow the glue to dry completely before handling or using
the backpack.