Planning Circular Building Code of Australia 2012 Key Changes 2012 07 27 - Subestaciones Electricas - Class 8

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PLANNING circular

Building regulation advisory note

Circular BS 12 001

Issued 27 July 2012


Building Code of Australia 2012 – key

This circular outlines to councils, certifiers, industry practitioners and other stakeholders of the key changes made
to the Building Code of Australia in 2012 as they apply to NSW.

Introduction • The ABCB’s seminar presentations on BCA

2012 can be downloaded from the ABCB
The National Construction Code (NCC) Series, website at under
introduced in 2011, comprises the Building Code of Education: Events and Resources - NCC
Australia (BCA) as Volume One and Two and the Information Seminars.
Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) as Volume Three.
Volume One and Volume Two of the NCC 2012 (the
The BCA 2012 amendment
BCA) came into effect in NSW on 1 May 2012, while Maintenance of format
Volume 3 of the NCC 2012 (the PCA) came into effect
in NSW on 1 July 2012. The format of the BCA component of the NCC remains
unchanged with BCA 2012. The two volumes of the
The BCA component of the NCC BCA continue to comprise three books, as follows:
The BCA sets national standards to ensure building • Volume One - deals with Class 2 to 9 buildings
works maintain safety, amenity and sustainability for (i.e. multi-unit residential, commercial,
current and future communities. It contains technical industrial and public buildings).
requirements for the design and construction of
• Volume One - Appendices - contains the
buildings and other structures and covers matters such
variations and additions of the states and
as structural soundness, fire resistance, access,
services, energy efficiency and provisions for health
and safety. • Volume Two - deals with Class 1 and Class 10
buildings (i.e. Housing Provisions). State and
The BCA is coordinated and published by the
territory variations and additions to Volume
Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) with each
Two provisions are contained within the
state or territory referencing it in their respective
legislation. It is given legal effect in NSW through the
Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act
1979 and EP&A Regulation 2000.
BCA 2012 Overview
The BCA is amended annually. New editions
commence on 1 May each year. This circular provides The majority of the amendments contained in BCA
information on some of the key changes made in BCA 2012 relate to:
2012 and relies on the reader having a working • changes to facilities required in early childhood
knowledge of the BCA. centres to align the BCA with the National
Information from ABCB Quality Framework for early childhood
education and care
This circular is intended to supplement the following
sources of information from the ABCB regarding the • exemptions from certain BCA requirements for
changes made with BCA 2012. Class 8 electrical network substations

• The Lists of Amendments, listing each • provisions for structural software

individual change made under BCA 2012, are • requirement for handrails to private stairs
contained in the back of the respective
volumes of the BCA.
Department of Planning & Infrastructure – Building Circular BS 12-001

• changes to the provisions for wet areas in • AS 1720 ‘Timber structures – Part 1 Design
buildings methods’ - Amendments 1 and 2.
• in Volume Two, removal of the Acceptable • AS 1926 ‘Swimming pool safety:
Construction Practice (ACP) for masonry.
o Part 2 Location of safety barriers for
Other amendments relate to: swimming pools’ - Amendment 2;
• minor technical changes o Part 3 Water recirculation systems’ -
Amendment 1.
• update of referenced documents.
• AS/NZS 3500 ‘Plumbing and drainage – Part 4
Amendments to NSW Variations update references to ‘Heated water services’ - Amendment 2.
reflect current terms and practices and clarify certain
current requirements. • AS 3600 ‘Concrete structures’ - Amendment 1
to the 2009 edition.
Changes to Referenced Documents
• AS 3959 “Construction of buildings in bushfire-
New editions and new references adopted prone areas’ - Amendment 3.
• AS/NZS 1170.2 ‘Structural design actions - • AS 4100 ‘Steel structures’ - Amendment 1.
Part 2 Wind actions’ - 2011 edition with 2002
edition required for determination of design • AS/NZS 4600 ‘Cold-formed steel structures’ -
wind speed (2002 edition retained for 12 Amendment 1.
months transition).
• NASH Standard ‘Residential and low-rise steel
• AS 2870 ‘Residential slabs and footings – framing – Part 1 Design criteria’ - Amendment
Construction - 2011 edition (1996 edition C.
retained for 12 months transition).
• In Volume Two only – AS 4773 ‘Masonry for
• AS/NZS 3666 ‘Air handling and water systems small buildings – Part 1 Design’ - Amendment
of buildings – Microbial control’ - 2011 editions 1.
o ‘Part 1 Design, installation and • AS 1038.15 – 1995 ‘Coal and coke – Analysis
commissioning’ and testing, Part 15 Higher rank coal ash and
coke ash – Ash fusibility’ - replaced by ISO
o ‘Part 2 Operation and maintenance’.
540 (see above).
• AS 3700 ‘Masonry structures’ - 2011 edition.
• ARI 460 – 2000 ‘Remote mechanical draft air
• AS 3740 Waterproofing of domestic wet areas’ cooled refrigerant condensers’ - transition with
- 2010 edition: Note also a change of title from AHRI 460 2005 completed.
the previous edition.
• ARI 550/590 – 1998 ‘Water chilling packages
• ISO 540 ‘Hard coal and coke – Determination using the vapour compression cycle’ -
of ash fusibility’ - 2008 edition replaces AS transition with AHRI 550/590 2003 completed.
1038.15 (see below).
• AS 3600 – 2001 ‘Concrete structures’ -
• ABCB ‘Protocol for Structural Software 2011 transition with the 2009 edition completed.
edition - new reference.
• Reference of AS 1288 Amendment 2 has
• In Volume One Only - Education and Care resulted in the deletion of:
Services National Law Act (Vic) - new o ASTM C1279 - 2009 ‘Standard test
reference (equivalent national law act for NSW method for specific stresses on glass’;
referenced in the NSW Footnote of other
legislation). o AS/NZS 2208 - 1996 ‘Safety glazing
materials in buildings’
• In Volume Two only – AS 1397 ‘Continuous
hot dip metallic coated sheet steel and strip- o EN 14179 – 2005 ‘Glass in buildings’ -
coatings of zinc and zinc alloyed with heat soak test for specified glass
aluminium and magnesium’ - 2011 edition: types.
Note also a change of title from the previous
• ABCB Protocol for House Energy Rating
edition (2001 edition retained for 12 month
Software – replaced by a new definition that
recognises NatHERS as the appropriate
Amendments adopted accreditation scheme for house energy rating
• AS 1288 ‘Glazing in buildings – Selection and software.
installation‘ - Amendment 2. • In Volume Two only
• AS 2159 ‘Piling – Design and installation’ - o AS/NZS 2699 - 2000 ‘Built in
Amendment 1. components for masonry construction
– Part 1 Wall ties – no longer

Department of Planning & Infrastructure – Building Circular BS 12-001

referenced in the deemed-to-satisfy

(DTS) provisions due to the removal of • Bushfire areas (GP5.1 and P2.3.4)
the ACP for Part 3.3.
The Performance Requirement for buildings
o AS/NZS 4858 – 2004 ‘Wet area
constructed in a bushfire prone area has been
membranes’ – no longer referenced in
amended to more accurately reflect the risks in
the DTS provisions due to the
bushfires, following recommendations of the
restructure of provisions for wet areas
Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission.
(see below).
Key amendments to national BCA The amendment is three-fold:
provisions o to explicitly state the types of bushfire
Changes made in both volumes of BCA 2012: attack that a building may have to
• Provisions for structural software (B1.5
o to include the concept of “to the
degree necessary” to acknowledge
that in some circumstances, a
Software used in computer aided design of
construction response to the risk may
structural framing systems of a building must
not be warranted
now comply with the ABCB Protocol for
Structural Software, which can be found on the o to remove the restriction on the
ABCB website. duration of the protection, as it is
generally accepted that buildings can
This provision aims to provide an alternative come under ember attack well before
path for regulating structural framing systems and after the fire front arrives and can
– in which the design utilises the DTS continue to be exposed to radiant heat
provisions of relevant Australian Standards but and flame after the fire front has
has not been undertaken with the intended passed.
sign off by a professional engineer.
• Energy efficiency (Section J and Part 3.12)
• Slips, trips and falls changes (D2.17 and Minor changes have been made to a number
of clauses for the purposes of alignment,
New requirements are made for handrails to clarification, expansion and refinement.
private stairs and ramps (within Class 1
buildings, in sole occupancy units of Class 2 A new BCA definition of ‘house energy rating
and 3 buildings, and in Class 4 parts of software’ refers to the Nationwide House
buildings). Handrails can assist in preventing Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) that has
and arresting falls. They must provide a been recognised as the appropriate
continuous handhold along a flight but are not accreditation scheme. Therefore, reference to
required where a change of level is less than the ABCB Protocol for House Energy Rating
one metre. Software has been deleted.

• Wet areas in buildings (F1.7 and Part 3.8.1) • Minor technical changes

Relevant parts of each volume of the BCA Some minor changes have been made in
have been restructured to include a table of each volume.
requirements for when an element in a wet
area of a building must be waterproof or water Changes made in Volume One of BCA 2012:
resistant. The provision continues to be
applicable to a building of Class 1, 2 and 3 or • Verification Method for emergency lighting
a Class 4 part of a building and requires (EV4.1):
compliance with the newly referenced 2010
edition of AS 3740. A new Verification Method has been included
for verifying if a proposed emergency lighting
In Volume Two, the Acceptable Construction system meets the safe illumination level
Manual has been removed, as AS 3740 no required by the Performance Requirement.
longer stands alone. It must be used in
conjunction with the requirements of the table The Verification Method stipulates lux levels to
and together, form the Acceptable be achieved in various areas and the time
Construction Practice (ACP). All other frames for achieving and maintaining those
previous provisions in the ACP have been levels.
• Early childhood centres (F2.3, F2.5, F4.2,
GP1.5 and G1.3)

Department of Planning & Infrastructure – Building Circular BS 12-001

Requirements for facilities in early childhood requirement has been changed from vehicles
centres have been expanded to align with to vehicle ‘spaces’ on the basis that a ‘space’
those aspects of the National Quality is a more defined, measurable concept.
Framework for early childhood education and
care that affect the design and construction of As a consequential amendment, the definition
centres and their facilities. of ‘private garage’ has also been changed to
refer to ‘spaces’.
New provisions include:
• Class 8 electrical network substations
o a new definition that relates to the (ENS) (numerous provisions)
provision of a centre-based education and
care service within the meaning of the Class 8 ENS have been exempted from the
Education and Care Services National BCA requirements for a range of installations
Law legislation. Services that are licensed and facilities, on the basis of the control
or approved under state and territory systems applied to the design and
children's services law are also referenced construction of these buildings through the
national and state-based network provider
o kitchens must restrict the access of
children by using child-proof latches
o required nappy change facilities for Class 8 ENS are purpose built, usually
children under three years of age – size, unoccupied and contain hazardous electrical
dimensions and facilities are specified equipment. As water is inappropriate when
dealing with fires in electrical equipment, BCA
o adult hand washing facilities required in
provisions for fire hose reels, hydrants and
kitchen and nappy change areas
sprinklers are affected, among other things.
o the ability to supervise the facility from
specified areas. Note: this provision may The control systems of the network providers
affect the design of an early childhood include measures that compensate for the
centre from its early stages exemptions provided in the BCA.
o sanitary facilities for children to be
The term ‘electrical network substation’ has
accessible from indoor and outdoor play
been defined to provide an understanding of
areas and constructed to meet specified
the intended application of the concessions
only to substations that meet the specified
o a percentage of the windows in children’s criteria.
rooms to have low sill heights to provide
children with visibility of adjacent areas
and the outside Changes made in Volume Two of BCA 2012:
o the BCA requires the provision of a barrier
• Masonry (Part 3.3)
around an outdoor play area that complies
with AS 1926.1. It also specifies the
AS 4773 Masonry for Small Buildings was
modified application of the standard to
referenced as an Acceptable Construction
ensure the barrier is designed to keep
Manual (ACM) in BCA 2011, and the
children inside the play area. The
Acceptable Construction Practice (ACP)
modification is required, as AS 1926.1
provisions were retained for a 12 month
provides requirements for a barrier to keep
children out of a swimming pool.
In BCA 2012, the ACP from 3.3.1 to 3.3.4, has
• Carpark ventilation (F4.11) been deleted, following completion of the
transition period. This new reference to AS
Requirements for an atmospheric contaminant 4773 now replaces the ACP and forms an
monitoring system installed in a carpark have alternative ACM to AS 3700.
been relocated from Part J5 to Part F4.
Carpark ventilation requirements are now • Energy Efficiency (Part 3.12)
located with other ventilation requirements
relative to health and safety. In addition to the changes affected in both
volumes as above, in Volume Two, changes to
The provisions have been expanded to allow a the Australian Government’s Renewable
choice of strategies to control the ventilation – Energy Target scheme have resulted in the
a mechanical system of intermittent operation term ‘Renewable Energy Certificate’ being
to provide a minimum number of air changes replaced by the term ‘Small-scale Technology
per hour during a given period or natural Certificate’.
ventilation equivalent to the mechanical rate.

The threshold measurement for the

Department of Planning & Infrastructure – Building Circular BS 12-001

NSW Variations – amendments for BCA Further information

2012 For further information please contact the Department
of Planning & Infrastructure’s information centre on
NSW both volumes: 1300 305 695.

• Referenced documents (NSW This and other Department of Planning & Infrastructure
Specification A1.3 and Part 1.4) building circulars are published on the web at:
The Swimming Pools Act, the Swimming Pools circulars
Regulation, the Environmental Planning and
Assessment Act, the Environmental Planning Authorised by:
and Assessment Regulation and the Rural Susan Budd
Fires Act have been added to the NSW Tables A/Executive Director
of Referenced Documents, due to their
references in the NSW variations.

The Rural Fire Service’s “Planning for Bushfire Important note: This circular does not constitute legal advice. Users are advised to
seek professional advice and refer to the relevant legislation, as necessary, before
Protection” has been deleted from NSW taking action in relation to any matters covered by this circular.
Tables of Referenced Documents as the NSW
Variations were previously amended and the © State of New South Wales through the Department of Planning & Infrastructure
document was no longer referred to.

Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this
• Footnote: Other legislation affecting document is correct at the time of publication, the State of New South Wales, its
buildings agencies and employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of
anything or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance
References have been updated to reflect new upon the whole or any part of this document.
names of departments and agencies and to
include the new regulating agencies for
plumbing and children’s services.

NSW Volume One:

• Special fire protection purpose definition
(NSW A1.1)

The definition has been updated to reflect

changes in the names of referenced NSW
State Environmental Planning Policies.
• Fire hazard properties (NSW C1.10)

Amendments to clarify the intended application

of the current provisions, have been made to:
o specifically identify materials that may
be treated with retardants
o ensure that national exemptions are
not applicable to materials used in an
entertainment venue that are
regulated via the NSW variation.
• Energy efficiency (NSW J(A)1.2)

The provision relative to the application of

energy efficiency provisions in NSW is
updated to remove reference to a passed
implementation date and simply refer to

• Other NSW variations (various clauses)

Changes to align with amendments to the

national provisions have been made in a
number of NSW clauses for the purpose of
maintaining consistency.


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