Ruhul Ameen

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2013/1108 sets gasenl hae ae Ally Sag ole Oman glee ei : GELAS BENS AuaSet Iyslactl elas Sultanate of Oman ae ‘Ministry of Commerce and Industry (ag 39 Ia al gat YJ) 5 La GLUM hat Ly al 5 s ee 2003/11/16 ey 3221121 WIS aes phy Cin Cline a iB sb at + eel Je y GS 58) so lalva gal enti 5S) Ks: G9 plsaly ADs 61974/5/14 GX ssa 674/3 98) gail Jal igi play thy aig Ket PISTO//A Gey sal 79/1 98 Helical yn 5 pa Net seine ; eo get Seal Aa 2w1s!11/15 BAR ae es yy AB Soa Aula Mat A pel AN 9p ya ash na iy pl NY gn 2 i Phas ARON Ba glia 1 EY Ag GAY Sa A ad hay 3 ee ya ie ei; | small: [email protected] ¢4y0¥haa8t- Ministry Website : «F Investors Services Department Website: inital! Glad 3 322121 CR Number Commercial Name cg att pull Bales Commercial Registration Certificate 12) gaa del ay dail aut Jy saab IS J Legal Type Individual Fiem / Merchant Ath agg ll YS. ten Alkan A-ha Noe Ish supe sp siialll aa gtpal POBox: OT a Postal Code: 0 Ok ‘Telephone: 9680 veka ok Email: . sg appl stavllshment Date: 16/11/2003 20/1116 sed at Registration Date: 16112003 Acive avi gate at Expiry Date: 15112023 ng Sat a oS Fiscal Year End: 31/12 Bat al ohh 45 Cash Capital: 250.000 250,000, sgl Dall ly Kind Cepital: 0 0 sind ul gay Total Capital (Omani Riyal): 250000 00) gl Quad ll al ua No. of Shares: 0 O regal) ase 1A a Waki mercial Activities po stores oFeecirieat eyulpments sores: of sanitary wore and thelr 410001 :Consruction © residential an nonresidential bal 475207:Reiail sale in speciaiza stones of eonsirution ‘The Commercial Reparation i ot considered a6 an approval er 3 swararty fora license of bngingm labo ete Spat Baad Page tof =r" Bavediai) Emi apy iy gD St La A ll AAA AA 75205 isa iy lll Aaa Ql 7S204 sulle elt ad 910001 ASD Spa aA pl ay gt75207 Ba oa 5a nen Jy fd Up Un eT ae mt ete} Wat SBEAD woHAMMED HILAL at Easy Gam) Invests Service Dsparinsal Webs et jmvesteay poo Sop ode sae comteeeeals Fhupltccbck sonfvessnsoman titulo myc ra ze CR Number 3221121 Places of Activities Reg. Dave: 161111200310: 4420575 ah /Al-Khabur/ Noh AI Bain AIK £410001:Construction of buildings (general constuction of residential and nonresidential burlings Wtre003 8 Reg. Date a AL Khabucat/ AleKhabura (Nord AJ Bains Governorate {475204:Retal sake in specialized Stovesk oF sanity wane and the fines 4475205:Retal sale in sposializedsiores of pests fan thee fics £475207:Retail sale in spasialize stores of eons tin imaterils Reg, Date: 17/1/2008 Al Khalsa J Al-Khabura / No: 4452001:Repuir, polishing and pai Reg. Deter 17/11/2003 4 AI Rhaburah / Al-Khabura / Nosh Al Satine Govsinorate |452007:Service stations of washing and lubrication of moto veticle The Commercial Registabon snot considered asm approval oa vvaany fora license of beagig sn labour eg D2 pet j anie/t128 : RE a. oer owwemerievind F:Atn/Taechovk.cominvesicas cra, 148 Page 2 0f4 og Jail! 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