Doctrine of Election
Doctrine of Election
Doctrine of Election
It seems that in recent days, there is an element that is striving diligently to undermine and
overthrow the true Apostolic Doctrine of Election, as is fully and clearly taught in the Bible
However, this element is still in the minority, it must be nipped in the bud.
If I have a dozen arrows in my quiver, an the objective is to go deer hunting, and while en
route to the woods, I shoot all 12 arrows at rabbits, please tell me what I am going to shoot
at the deer? When I see the big buck standing broad sided at only 40 yards, what can I
shoot him with? 1 have already used up all my arrows on rabbits. I cannot reuse the same
arrows again on the deer...
The dilemma is what is being done concerning the eternal doctrine of election. All the
election texts are being used (set forth) as timely or disobedient texts, and can not also be
used for eternal doctrines.
If I use Romans 9:11-13 to set forth that Esau was a goat in disobedience and then in
obedience he became a sheep, then I have destroyed the main silver bullet and thereby
have lost one of the key proof texts on the Doctrine of Election.
Romans 9:11, (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil,
that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that
This text is so very clear, till you would have to have help to mess it up. It really takes
some twists, turns, alterations, modifications, wrestings, changes, subvertings, and lifting
out of context to make this text mean something else. Yet this is exactly what is being done
by some elements today -- 1991.
In Romans 9:11-13 Paul is requoting from Malachi 1:1-4. Notice in Mal.1:3-And I bated
Esau.... Notice, God did not just love Esau a little less than Jacob. In verse 4.. .The people
against whom the Lord hath indignation forever. The people under consideration in this
context is clearly found in these verses 1 to 4.. It is Esau!
Question: Will Esau ever be able to become an obedient sheep, if God has indignation
against him forever...?
Gen 36:1 Now these are the generation of Esau, who is Edom This entire chapter 36
chronicles the family tree of Esau. Now we know that in Mal 1:1-4 Esau is Edom. The people
against whom the Lord hath indignation forever....
Does this mean that all genetic members of Esau’s family are goats and non-elect? No, no,
no Rev 5: 9 tells me that the Elect family of God is out of every kindred, and tongue, and
people, and nation. But Esau is not chosen. Esau is a goat ...Goats will always be goats.
Jacob is chosen ... Jacob is a sheep ... Sheep will always be sheep. Goats never become
sheep, nor visa-versa....
Matt. 25:31-34 This is an end-time view The 2nd and final coming (Parousia) and arrival of
the glorified Christ ... Too late here for the goats to try to become obedient and turn into
sheep. Jesus comes in His glory and all nations are gathered before him...
Notice that this kingdom was prepared from the foundation of the world. The church
kingdom was set up in the days of these kings. See Dan. 2:44. The Church was not set up
from the foundation of the world. I do believe we must "press into the church kingdom" as
in Luke 16:16 - by gospel obedience, but only sheep have the desire to do such and not
even all of them press ... Notice that in Matt. 25:34, The Sheep inherit this kingdom. The
sheep do not press into this kingdom. The goats do not inherit the eternal kingdom, nor will
they press into the church kingdom. The goats do have a place to go, however, The lake of
fire - Matt. 25:41...
Notice, Matt. 25:41, Jesus speaking in the same context of verses 31-34 at his final
coming. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand. Depart from me, ye cursed, into
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. The everlasting fire is forever -
Greek: Ainois-Eternity future..
Again, concerning the sheep, notice, John 10:1, sheepfold: Verse 2- Shepherd of the
sheep; V. 3, Sheep hear his voice; V. 4 His own sheep; V. 5 Sheep will not follow a stranger
for they know not his voice; v. 7, I am the door of the sheep; v. 11, I am the good
shepherd, and I give my life for the sheep; v. 12, The hireling (wolf) catches and scatters
sheep; v. 13 The hireling careth not for the sheep; v. 14, I am the good shepherd, and
know my sheep, and am known of mine; v 16 Other sheep I have (gentiles, which are not
of this fold (Jews): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be
one fold, and one shepherd; v. 26, Ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep. V. 27,
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; V. 28,1 give unto them
(sheep only) eternal life.
Notice the flowing context is only concerning sheep. I did not notice a single goat in this
Again, in Luke 15:4, Jesus is speaking What man of you, having an hundred sheep, If he
lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that
which is lost, until he find it?
Notice that only sheep were discussed in this lesson ... 99 sheep were in the fold, and one
sheep was lost. They were always and only sheep ... the lost sheep was not a goat even
while he was lost. He was just a lost sheep, which was found. Jesus has never gone looking
for a lost goat.
It is interesting to notice that immediately following the 100 sheep lesson, that there
follows the story of The Two Sons. The 100 sheep sets the stage in principle for the Two
Now: In Luke 1 5:11-32 teaches a lesson of sheep in the symbols of Two Sons. They were
always children of their father, regardless of their obedience. The prodigal son was just a
lost sheep. ‘The son : at home was an obedient sheep. The son at home had much more
blessing than the prodigal. The prodigal was still as much a son as the other, though he
forfeited his timely blessings, and suffered much chastisement for his disobedience. The
point is that neither son was ever a goat. Theologically, Goats are always in the disobedient
category and sheep are shown to be both obedient and disobedient timely.
Isaiah 53- Prophesies of Jesus 1st coming Isaiah 63 Prophesies of Jesus 2nd coming
Isaiah 63:1-5 Clearly sets forth that Jesus comes to, and then from Bozrah, Edom (Esau) -
His enemies ... He is traveling in the greatness of his strength. I that speak in
righteousness, mighty to save. This does not sound like His first coming as a baby wrapped
in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger in an ox stall, in poverty (2nd Cor. 8:9). This is
his glorious second and final coming. V. 2-3 He has trodden the winepress alone, of the
people there was none with him: He will tread Edom (Esau) then in his anger - trample
them in his fury; and their enemy-Edom-(Esau) blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments,
and I will stain all my raiment says Jesus; V. 4, For the day of vengeance is in mine heart,
and the year of my redeemed is come; V.5,1 looked (says Jesus), and there was none to
help; I wondered that there was none to uphold; therefore mine own arm brought salvation
unto me; and my fury, it upheld me, and so on...
Let us notice carefully the contrast with His first coming: Isaiah 53:1-12 He shall grow us
as a tender plant; a root out of a dry ground; no form nor comeliness; when we shall see
him, there is no beauty, that we should desire him: despised, rejected of men; a man of
sorrows, acquainted with grief; we hid our faces from him; He was despised and we
esteemed him not; He hath borne our grief's; carried our sorrows; we esteem him stricken;
smitten of God; afflicted; wounded; bruised; chastised; by his stripes we are healed.. .v. 6.
All we like sheep have gone astray (not goats); The Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all;
Jesus was oppressed, afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; brought as a lamb to
slaughter; as a sheep before her shearers dumb, so he openeth not his mouth and so on...
This is quite different from his 2nd coming in Isaiah 63 ... In his first coming he is meek,
mild, quiet, submissive, etc., but in his 2nd coming he is comely, beautiful, glorious in his
apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength; speaking in righteousness, and mighty to
save ... The blood sprinkled on his raiment is his enemies blood as he treads the winepress
of the wrath of God in anger, fury and vengeance. He did this alone, with no ones help ...
See the Apostle John’s view of this same scene in - Rev. 19:11 —16.. Here we see the final
outcome of victory of Jesus Christ in His 2nd Coming, especially in verse 15... and he
treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. This fulfills the
prophecy of Isaiah 63... I admit I have heard many use Isaiah 63, especially verse 5, as
Jesus on The Cross, but this is not even close to the true context.. .For both Comings of
Christ see... Heb. 9:28.
Having said all this, I now return to Jacob and Esau ... I realize the historical background of
Esau in Genesis, and there are some that strive to make him a child of God. I have heard
and read of several elements that use and present Jacob and Esau as a lesson in obedience
and disobedience.
Question: Was Esau a goat because of his disobedience, or was he disobedient and he
thereby became a goat? If he, by his own works of righteousness, can change back and
forth between these two different animals, then he really becomes his own Saviour, by his
own actions! This is absurdo reducto!
I can write and print Ford all over a Chevrolet, but; it is still and will always be what it was
originally made as.. .Man’s work cannot change a goat into a sheep.. .I admit some sheep
act like goats, and some goats (wolves) try to act like sheep- Matt. 7 :15. ..I once heard
that if you could baptize a goat, what would you have? Answer: Just a wet goat...
The historical account of Esau in Genesis, is also found with further testimony: Joshua
24 :4- God gave Jacob and Esau unto Isaac: God then gave Esau Mount Seir; Jacob and his
children went down into Egypt ... Mt Seir was renamed Edom by Esau ... This is the
geographic area of the Ishmaelites - East side of Arabah, from Akabah to the Dead Sea,
previously inhabited by the Horites Deut. 2:1, 8... Ezek 35 - prophesied of the perpetual
desolation of Mt. Seir, and all Idumea... Amos 1:11-12 - Teaches further the perpetual
wrath forever of Esau - Edom, with no pity, and his anger did tear perpetually, and God sent
fire upon Teman, which devoured the palaces of Bozrah..
All of these Old Testament account of Esau are in the negative perpetually forever...
Anytime you read in the Bible concerning these names,. Cain, Ishmael, Esau, Edom,
Idumea, Teman and many others, they all teach the Doctrines of the Non-elect. Study the
entire chapter of Genesis 36,. for many more names. Gen. 36:1,8- Clearly states that Esau
is Edom. It is also interesting to note that Esau married the daughter of Ishmael - Gen.
In the New Testament we find further confirmation of the Doctrine of the Elect and the Non-
elect in: Gal. 4:28-31 - Teaching that the promise and inheritance was in Isaac, but he that
was born after the flesh (Fallen in Adam without Spiritual Renewal) always persecutes who
ever is born after the spirit. Paul reaches back in history in V. 30- using for reference and
proof of point, Hagar the bondwoman and her son Ishmael who shall not be heir with Sarah
the free woman and her son Isaac. V.31- clearly sets forth the Bible Doctrine of Election
(Only) in Isaac; and the Doctrine of the Non-elect in Ishmael...
2nd Tim. 1:9-Paul declares unequivocally that the application of the Doctrine of the Election
of God is a Saving, Holy Calling, according to his own purpose and grace, given us in Christ
Jesus before the world began, and such is not according to our works - obedience or
Heb. 11:20 - Paul again declares precisely that it was - by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and
Esau concerning things to come.
Timely - Jacob and his children, what their blessings and the place (land) they would
inhabit; Also where Esau and his family would. inhabit - Joshua 24:4. ..It is very important
to notice that the “walk by faith” was of Isaac. Esau did not walk by faith, as he had none
- Gal. 5:22-23.
I conclude this writing with a strong Silver Bullet” Text concerning the Eternal Final
Outcome and classification of Esau in: Heb. 12:16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane
person, as Esau , who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. Heb. 12:17 - For ye know
how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing.. He was rejected: for he
found no place for repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
Interpretation: Esau would have inherited the natural estate of Isaac, which was the
blessing timely, but he sold out He then realized he made a great mistake, and was
heartbroken naturally in tears, and sought carefully for a place of repentance. The natural
man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God (Rom. 8:5-8; 1st Cor. 2:11). Esau wanted
repentance, even with tears, because he lost the estate through mismanagement. Esau did
not know that The goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance. Rom. 2:4.. Esau did not
have “godily sorrow” because such worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented
of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death” - 2nd Cor. 7:10. This describes precisely
Esau’s circumstance The carnal dead alien sinner cannot repent with Godly sorrow ...
Finally, Rom. 9:11-13 sets forth strongly the Doctrine of Election in Jacob who God loved,
and the Doctrine of the non-elect in Esau who God hated ... I rest my Case!