Volvo Penta BV Info
Volvo Penta BV Info
Volvo Penta BV Info
Volvo Group
Volvo Penta is a leading manufacturer of ness segment have power outputs rang- ers of trucks, buses and construction
engines and complete power systems for ing from 100 hp to 770 hp and complete equipment and holds leading positions in
marine and industrial applications. The power systems for marine and industrial
company’s products are sold in more than power systems for ship propulsion as well applications as well as aircraft engine
100 countries. Development and produc- as marine auxiliary engines. components. The Volvo Group focuses
tion of diesel engines are carried out in on transport vehicles for commercial
Vara and Skövde in Sweden. Gasoline en- The Industrial Engines business segment operations that create new conditions for
gines and drive systems for installation in includes engines for many different uses, increased
leisure boats are developed and produced such as in irrigation systems, generators, coordination benefits and improved com-
in Lexington, Tennessee, USA. power systems for trains and heavy forklift petitiveness.
trucks, terminal handling equipment and
The product range in Volvo Penta’s Marine farm machines are a few examples. Volvo is one of the best known brands in
Leisure business segment are gasoline the world, linked strongly to quality, safety
and diesel powered engines with power and care for the environment..
outputs in the range of 10 hp to 770 hp,
as well as complete power systems.
Volvo is one of the world’s largest produc-
Engines in the Marine Commercial busi-
Volvo Penta’s quality assurance system meets the international ISO 9001 standard
(ISO 9001 :2000) and is certified by Lloyd’s Register Ouality Assurance. Approval Cer-
tificate No 937890.
Volvo Penta’s environmental management system meets the the international ISO 14001
(1996) standard and is certified by Lloyd’s Register Ouality Assurance. Approval Certifi-
cate No 771827.
Please Note: Volvo Penta reserves the right, without Warranty: If the use of the product is of
Measurements of technical data in the prior notice, to revise prices, materials, a lower rating type than allowed the inter-
catalog fulfill the conditions required in standard equipment, specifications, national limited warranty will not be valid.
ISO standards 3046 models and to discontinue models. Not all The VP Int. Ltd. Warranty does not apply
and/or 8665. models, standard equipment, and acces- in countries where a
sories are available in all countries. national warranty applies, nor in countries
It is not always possible for customers to where VP is not
compare their own data with those in the represented.
catalog due to variations in installation,
ambient conditions, fuel quality and toler-
ances between individual engines.
The cost for TVC will be charged accord-
ing to the following principle:
9. Gears and transmissions Basic requirements for engines for life- Type approval and certificates.
Flexible couplings in a propeller shaft- and rescue boat propulsion.
system (between flywheel and reverse (Chapter III of 1983 Amendments to the A Classification Agreement closed with
gear etc.) should be approved by the clas- International Convention for the Safety of Bureau Veritas as Notified Body for the
sification Society. Life At Sea, 1974). new European Directive (MED) 96/98 EC
on Marine Equipment, authorizing Volvo
For reverse gears the following apply: The SOLAS Amendment was entered into Penta to certify engines for life boat and
An individual certificate for each reverse force on July 1, 1986. rescue boat propulsion duty.
gear is always required by DNv and GL
and for BV for engine power output over Requirements The certificates issued under this agree-
300 kW (main engine) or over 150 kW a. ment will be valid for all classification
(auxiliary engine). The engine shall be of sufficient strength societies within EU.
to withstand drop as installed in the boat The MED has been established to ensure
Type approval is required by LR and RINA into the water from a height of at least 3 that equipment which has to meet the
for engine power output over 220 kW m. requirements of international conventions
(main engine) or over 110 kW (auxiliary (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL), agreed at IMO
engine). b. (the International Maritime Organization),
The engine shall be provided with either additionally meets a common standard of
Propeller shafts and propellers should a manual starting system, or a power safety and performance.
always be individually classified. starting system with two independent
rechargeable energy sources. Any neces- It also ensures that certificates issued by
10. Auxiliaries and other equipment sary starting aids shall also be provided. EU member states, or on their behalf by
Besides normal spare parts and repair-kits The starting system including starting notified bodies, are acceptable to each
the classification societies require spare aids shall start the engine at an ambient member state through the harmonization
parts of a certain type and quantity. temp. of –15°C within 2 min. Denmark of their approval requirements.
and Sweden require –25°C and –30°C
respectively. In this case block heater is
The engine shall be capable of operating
for not less than 5 min after starting from
cold with the lifeboat out of water.
The engine shall be capable of operat-
ing when the lifeboat is flooded up to the
centerline of the crank shaft.
The propeller shafting shall be so ar-
ranged that the propeller can be disen-
gaged from the engine. Provision shall be
made for ahead and astern propulsion of
the lifeboat.
The exhaust pipe shall be so arranged as
to prevent water from entering the engine
in normal operation.
For self-righting partially enclosed life-
boats and totally enclosed lifeboats the
following demands shall be adhered to:
The engine and engine installation shall
be capable of running in any position
during capsize and continue to run after
the lifeboat returns to the upright or shall
automatically stop on capsizing and be
easily restarted after the lifeboat returns
to the upright and the water has been
drained from the lifeboat.
Volvo Penta offers two alternatives preferable system (Conventional inboard system)
Today Volvo Penta offers two alternative Water jet systems are, due to the absence preferable
propulsion systems for marine application of appendages, generally very efficient in In application from lower to medium
namely: water jet- and propeller systems. high speed crafts speed vessels (speeds relative vessel
Each of them have their features, to avoid The water jet unit`s low water resistance size). Usually speeds up to 35-40 knots
a poor selection it is important to be means that the water jet is very efficient at within Volvo Penta`s power range.
aware of the predicted operational condi- high speeds.
tions of the vessel. Examples of decisive Open propellers (fixed pitch) are relatively
factors/features are listed below: When the draft is to be minimized. Water seen most efficient at cruising speeds
Shallow draft e.g. grounding jet systems are suitable for vessels used and perform good thrust for temporary
High trust e.g. towing for grounding and transportation in shal- towing in normal installations.
High maneuverability low waters.
Cruising speed exceeding 25 knots The conventional inboard system provide
Rough sea conditions When operating in vicinity of e.g dis- good course stability.
Operation at various displacement tressed persons.
Water containing branches an suchlike The conventional inboard system are reli-
Operation in vicinity of people in the water If there are very specific maneuvering able in rough sea and do not aerate easily.
Comfort demands requirements. Water jet systems makes
Cruising speed it possible to achieve extremely powerful A controllable pitch propeller can optimize
Stability and center of gravity maneuvering due to the fact that the direc- efficiency and thrust over the entire speed
Appendages tion of the water jet controls the direction range.
Safety aspects of movement.
Description of function
Water enters through the inlet duct. The
bottom plate of the inlet duct is positioned
flat against the hull of the boat. At low
speeds, most of the water is sucked in,
while at higher speed most of the water is
pressed in.
An important part of the Volvo Penta The service option If you decide to carry out the servicing
Cost Control Program is the ability to To gain the protection of the Three Year yourself, it must be completed according
extend the 12 month warranty to a full Warranty the engine must be serviced to Volvo Penta’s recommendations. You
three years. And with no running hours according to the recommended schedule will also need to have a condition test car-
limitation. A single low cost premium is as specified in the engine manual. The ried out every six months at a Volvo Penta
all that is needed, plus your commitment servicing can be done either by a special- specialist commercial dealer and also
to service the engine according to the ist Volvo Penta commercial dealer or you you will have to certify your service record
recommended schedule for the entire can undertake to do it yourself. You will sheets. One other important condition
thirty-six months. be asked to decide which method you will is that you only use genuine Volvo Penta
use when you sign the agreement. parts together with engine oils, lubricants
Which engines are included and what and fuel recommended by Volvo Penta.
is the extent of the cover?
The Three Year Warranty simply extends Worldwide coverage
the existing international Volvo Penta The Volvo Penta Three Year Warranty is
twelve month warranty by a further two available for almost all countries. A list of
years. It covers all Volvo Penta com- qualifying countries is available from your
mercially rated 4 to 16 liter propulsion local Volvo Penta commercial importer or
engines, with the exception of Rating 4 nearest dealer.
rated engines. To qualify for the warranty, In the event that you should need to make
registration must be completed within a claim whilst in a country that does not
three months of delivery of the engine operate the Three Year Warranty option,
unit to the vessel operator. Full details are you should settle the account directly with
provided in the “Terms and Conditions of the local Volvo Penta dealer that carried
Warranty”. out the work. Then, on returning to your
home port, present the invoice to your
The warranty is transferable if you decide Volvo Penta importer or the nearest autho-
to sell your boat. The only conditions are rized Volvo Penta dealer who will arrange
that the service record sheets are in order a refund.
and up-to-date, and that you notify the lo-
cal Volvo Penta importer of the change of
ownership within 14 days of the transfer.
International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL 73/78 From January 1, 2005 all commercial diesel engines with a per
Annex VI cylinder volume of up to 2.5 liter must comply with Tier 2 and all
The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency diesel engines with a per cylinder volume of 2.5 – 5.0 liter with
of the United Nations responsible for measures to improve the Tier 1. Recreational engines up to 2.5 liter per cylinder must
safety of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution comply with Tier 2 two years after commercial engines.
from ships.
U.S. EPA marine commercial Tier 2 standards
This international regulation sets limits for NOx from marine die- disp./cylinder HC+NOx PM CO Starting
sel engines above 130 kW (175 hp). The IMO MARPOL 73/78 date
Annex IV will entry into force May 19, 2005. litres g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
disp.<0.9 & ≥ 7.5 0.4 5.0 2005
The regulation is retroactive and will cover all marine engines 37kW
that are either built new or exstensively modified after January 0.9 ≤ disp. < 1.2 7.2 0.3 5.0 2004
1, 2000 Sea going ships must carry individual certificates
1.2 ≤ disp. < 2.5 7.2 0.2 5.0 2004