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Volvo Penta BV Info

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Volvo Penta

Volvo Group
Volvo Penta is a leading manufacturer of ness segment have power outputs rang- ers of trucks, buses and construction
engines and complete power systems for ing from 100 hp to 770 hp and complete equipment and holds leading positions in
marine and industrial applications. The power systems for marine and industrial
company’s products are sold in more than power systems for ship propulsion as well applications as well as aircraft engine
100 countries. Development and produc- as marine auxiliary engines. components. The Volvo Group focuses
tion of diesel engines are carried out in on transport vehicles for commercial
Vara and Skövde in Sweden. Gasoline en- The Industrial Engines business segment operations that create new conditions for
gines and drive systems for installation in includes engines for many different uses, increased
leisure boats are developed and produced such as in irrigation systems, generators, coordination benefits and improved com-
in Lexington, Tennessee, USA. power systems for trains and heavy forklift petitiveness.
trucks, terminal handling equipment and
The product range in Volvo Penta’s Marine farm machines are a few examples. Volvo is one of the best known brands in
Leisure business segment are gasoline the world, linked strongly to quality, safety
and diesel powered engines with power and care for the environment..
outputs in the range of 10 hp to 770 hp,
as well as complete power systems.
Volvo is one of the world’s largest produc-
Engines in the Marine Commercial busi-

Volvo Penta’s quality assurance system meets the international ISO 9001 standard
(ISO 9001 :2000) and is certified by Lloyd’s Register Ouality Assurance. Approval Cer-
tificate No 937890.

Volvo Penta’s environmental management system meets the the international ISO 14001
(1996) standard and is certified by Lloyd’s Register Ouality Assurance. Approval Certifi-
cate No 771827.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System ISO 14001 Environmental Manage-

is applicable to: ment System is applicable to:
Development, design, manufacture, mar- The manufacture and development of ma-
keting and sales of Marine and Industrial rine and industrial engine power systems
Engine Power Systems including associ- in accordance with the publicly available
ated Parts Service. environmental policy.

Volvo Penta General - 1

Rating 1 Rating 3 Rating 5
Heavy Duty Commercial Light Duty Commercial Pleasure Duty
This power rating is intended for com- This power rating is intended for commer- This power rating is intended for pleasure
mercial vessels with displacement hulls cial boats with high demands on speed craft applications only, which presumes
in heavy operation, unlimited* number of and acceleration, planing or semiplaning operation by the owner for his/ her recre-
running hours per year. hulls in cyclical operation, running hours ation, running hours less than 300 h per
less than 2000 h* per year. year.
Typical boats: Coastal fishing boats.
Typical boats: Fast patrol, rescue, police, Full power could be utilized maximum 1
Load and speed could be constant, and light fishing, fast passenger and taxi boats h per 12 h operation period. Between
full power can be used without interrup- etc. full load operation periods, engine speed
tion. should be reduced at least 10% from the
Full power could be utilized maximum 2 obtained full load engine speed.
Rating 2 h per 12 h operation period. Between
Medium Duty Commercial full load operation periods, engine speed * When Volvo Penta commercial rated
This power rating is intended for commer- should be reduced at least 10% from the engines Cost Manager is used for lifetime
cial vessels with semiplaning or displace- obtained full load engine speed. expectancy calculations this result should
ment hulls in cyclical operation, running be regarded as expected lifetime.
hours less than 3000 h* per year. Rating 4
Special Light Duty Commercial
Typical boats: Most patrol and pilot boats, This power rating is intended for light
coastal fishing boats in cyclical operation, planing craft in commercial operation, run-
(gill-netters, purse seiners, light trawlers), ning hours less than 800 h* per year.
passenger boats and coastal freighters
with short trips. Typical boats: High-speed patrol, rescue,
navy, and special high speed fishing Please Note!
Full power could be utilized maximum 4 boats. Recommended minimum speed at The rating on each product in this
h per 12 h operation period. Between cruising, 25 knots. catalog states the toughest application
full load operation periods, engine speed allowed.
should be reduced at least 10% from the Full power could be utilized maximum 1 Of course, the product can also be
obtained full load engine speed. h per 12 h operation period. Between used in an application with a higher rat-
full load operation periods, engine speed ing. For example; TAMD63L, Rating 3,
should be reduced at least 10% from the can also be used for Rating 4 or 5!
obtained full load engine speed.

Please Note: Volvo Penta reserves the right, without Warranty: If the use of the product is of
Measurements of technical data in the prior notice, to revise prices, materials, a lower rating type than allowed the inter-
catalog fulfill the conditions required in standard equipment, specifications, national limited warranty will not be valid.
ISO standards 3046 models and to discontinue models. Not all The VP Int. Ltd. Warranty does not apply
and/or 8665. models, standard equipment, and acces- in countries where a
sories are available in all countries. national warranty applies, nor in countries
It is not always possible for customers to where VP is not
compare their own data with those in the represented.
catalog due to variations in installation,
ambient conditions, fuel quality and toler-
ances between individual engines.

2 - General Volvo Penta

ISO 3046 standard for power measurement

ISO 3046, Standard reference conditions Fuel:

Reciprocating internal combustion ISO 3046 Fuels used must at least satisfy national
engines – Performance Total barometric 100 kPa and international standards for commer-
This International Standard covers recip- pressure cial fuels, for example:
rocating internal combustion engines for Air temperature298 K (25°C)
land, rail-traction and marine use, exclud- Relative humidity30% EN 590 (adapted to national environmen-
ing engines used to propel agricultural Charge air coolant 298 K (25°C) tal and low temperature requirements)
tractors, road vehicles and aircraft. temperature ASTM D 975 No 1-D and 2-D
JIS KK 2204
ISO 8665 Power and fuel correction
Small craft – Marine propulsion en- When the engine has been tested under Merchant fuel may differ from this specifi-
gines and systems – Power measure- ambient conditions different from standard cation which will influence engine power
ments and declarations reference conditions or when the power output and fuel consumption
ISO 8665 specifies test requirements in shall be declared for conditions, the
additional to those given in ISO 3046-1 power and the fuel consumption shall be
for determine the power of marine corrected with respect to.
engines or systems for recreational craft - barometric pressure
and other small craft up to 24m (79 foot) - air temperature
length of hull. - relative humidity

Requesting a customized product

An customized product is a product PLEASE NOTE For further information, please contact:
combination that can not be ordered The basic product you are asking for Adaptation Center Europe
from the Sales Guide. When requesting must be in production. Please send your Fax. No. +46 31 663550
a customized product, please contact requests by fax or mail together with our E-mail: [email protected]
your Adaptation Center. The Adaptation request form, publication no 7738779. It Adaptation Center North America
Center will help you with cost, possible is possible to find a released customized Fax. No. +1 757 436 5159.
configurations and preliminary delivery product on Volvo Penta Intranet. E-mail: [email protected]
time. An example of a customized product
is different transmission, cooling system,
electrical system, etc.

Routine for handling of TVC

When a Torsional Vibration Calculation actual cost.
is required, please order your calculation It is therefore of extreme importance
through the Volvo Penta ordering system that the documents for the calculation
with the appropriate kit number. are complete and that no information is
missing. In order to minimize the risk of
1. missing information, we require you to
Fill in the PDF form you will find in the use our publication “Input data for TVC”.
sales support tool (order specification) Publication number 7733565.
and send it together with all necessary
documentation to Volvo Penta Production
Classification Function (47870)

The cost for TVC will be charged accord-
ing to the following principle:

If the received documentation is complete

from the beginning a basic calculation will
be charged according to the price list.
Each additional operation e.g. recalcula-
tion due to missing or wrong information
or complex calculations will be charged at
Volvo Penta General - 3
Classification issue

The classification procedures outlined Classified engine, range of use orientated)

below are general and can be changed An engine with equipment which is used To achieve a classification certificate it is
from time to time by the Classification in a classified vessel must be approved by necessary that both the engine and its
Societies. the Classification Society which handles components and the installation and test
the matters relating to the ships’ sea wor- run are approved by a surveyor from the
The classification procedure was origi- thiness. The rules apply for instance to the Classification Society in question. The
nated for the purpose of introducing simi- propulsion engine, auxiliary engine, power surveyor can, after final inspection and
lar and comparable rules and regulations take off, reverse gear, shaft and propeller. with certificates from the built in machin-
for, among other things, production and ery, issue the final certificate for the ves-
maintenance of ships and their machinery This means that if an installation needs to sel. (Thus the final certificate cannot be
and equipment. As a result of these rules be classified this shall be stated clearly issued by AB Volvo Penta).
and regulations “safety at sea” could be when addressing inquiries and quotation Usually the procedure is initiated as a
improved and for insurance matters better requests to AB Volvo Penta. result of a request from a customer or
documentation could be introduced. dealer who has to deliver an engine in a
Special rules for different operational classified installation. For these orders we
The government authorities in most coun- conditions normally start at Volvo Penta with a “type
tries concerned with shipping have autho- The classification Societies have, in approved engine”. During production of
rized the classification societies to handle general, different rules relating to the fol- such an engine the surveyor checks the
these rules and make sure that they were lowing: production if we don’t have a quality as-
fulfilled. The classification procedure is surance system agreement.
dated a long time ago. It can be noted Varying shipping conditions e.g.: Crankshaft, Connecting rods,
that Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London, – Shipping in tropical water Heat exchanger, Oil cooler,
was founded as early as 1760. – Coastal shipping turbo charger, Coupling,
– Ocean shipping Reverse gear, Propeller and Shaft,
The Classification Societies that are of – Operation in ice (several different Generator, Alternator.
most interest to us are classes)
Type of load e.g.: Separate certificates are issued for some
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) –Passenger shipping of these components. The surveyor then
Bureau Veritas (BV) –Tanker shipping checks the pressure testing and test run-
China Classification Society (CCS) –Freezer shipping ning of the engine after which a certificate
Det norske Veritas (DnV) Type of manning e.g.: for the engine itself, will be issued.
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) –Unmanned machine room Torsional Vibration Calculations (TVC)
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR) –Manned machine room must be carried out for the complete
Korean Register of Shipping (KR) installation of the engine in the vessel and
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) The rules are adapted so that each vessel approved by the Classification Society.
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) can be assumed to function faultlessly in These calculations are carried out to
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, the area or type of operation for which it is check that no critical torsional vibrations
(RMRS) approved. occur in the speed range at which the
engine is operated.
As examples of government authorities Type approval The procedure can be somewhat differ-
responsible for ship’s sea worthiness we To be able to classify an engine, the type ent depending on which Classification
can note the following: Sjöfartsverket, of engine must first be type approved. In Society issued.
Sweden (National Maritime Administra- such cases, where Volvo Penta is con-
tion), Sjöfartsdirektoratet, Norway, Statens cerned, an application for type approval is Simplified rules for engines produced
Skibtilsyn, Danmark, Department of Trans- sent, followed by the required drawings, in series (Process orientated classifi-
port, England. data and calculations to the Classification cation)
Society in question. Most Classification Societies can use
The Classification Societies have estab- simplified classification procedures based
lished their rules so that the authorities’ After certain tests and checks and on a well implemented Quality Assurance
requirements are covered. For lifeboats possible demands for supplementary system at the Engine Manufacturer.
however the authorities have requirements information, the engine is type-approved As Volvo Penta fulfills the Quality Assur-
that are not included in the Classification for a specified maximum power at a given ance according to Swedish standard
Societies’ rules. rated speed. This type approval must not SS-ISO 9001, AB Volvo Penta has been
however be considered as a classifica- approved by the Classification Societies
In 1974 an International Convention for tion, it is only a certificate which states below:
the Safety of life at sea (SOLAS) was ad- that the engine type with specified power
opted by International Maritime Organiza- is able to be classified. Final classification Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR)
tion (IMO). This document ratifies uniform can only be given when all components Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
rules for life saving equipment on board are approved and the installation and test
on lifeboats and rescue boats. run in the vessel are completed and being
found in order.

Lists of type approved and classifi-

able diesel engines are available within
the “optional equipment”-chapter pos.
Procedure for classification (Product 89.41-89.50.

4 - General Volvo Penta

Basic Requirements
1. Power ratings 4. Important units of equipment
Diesel engines are to be so designed that when running at rated speed their rated power Below is a list of important units of equip-
can be delivered as a continuous power. Continuous power means the net brake power ment for which the workmanship is to be to
which an engine is capable of delivering continuously between the maintenance intervals the Surveyor’s satisfaction. it should also
stated by the engine manufacturer. be to the Surveyor’s satisfaction that the
To determine the power of all engines used on board ships with an unlimited range of components are suitable for the intended
service, the following ambient conditions are to be used: purpose and duty.
Classification Barometric Temperatures Relative
societies Pressure* Humidity Main propulsion engines, including gear-
ing, flexible coupling and superchargers.
Intake air Seawater/ Auxiliary engines which are the source of
Charge Air power for service essential for safety or for
Coolant the operation of the ship at sea.
DnV According to ISO 3046/1 Steering machinery.
BV 1000 mbar 45°C 32°C 60% Athwart ships thrust units, their prime mov-
ers and control mechanisms.
GL 1000 mbar 45°C 32°C 60% All pumps necessary for the operation
LRS 1000 mbar 45°C 32°C 60% of main propulsion and other essential
RINA Propulsion 1000 mbar 15°C 15°C - machinery, e.g. cooling water circulation
pumps, oil fuel pumps and lubrication oil
RINA Aux.service 1000 mbar 45°C 30°C - pumps.
Engines driving generators are to be capable of developing 10% for a short period (15 All heat exchangers necessary for the
minutes). operation of main propulsion and other
essential machinery, e.g. air coolers, water
2. Inclinations coolers and lubrication oil coolers.
All components and systems shall natibe capable to operate in the following trim and Air compressors, air receivers and other
pitch positions. pressure vessels necessary for the opera-
Angle of inclination 1) tion of main propulsion and other essential
Installa- ÁBS NV GL LR RINA machinery.
tion All pumps essential for safety of the ship,
e.g. fire-, bilge- and ballast pumps.
Stat. Dyn. Stat. Dyn. Stat. Dyn. Stat. Dyn. Stat. Dyn. Valves and other components intended for
Main and 15 22.5 15 22.5 15 22.5 15 22.5 15 22.5 installation in pressure piping systems.
AUX Alarm and control equipment.
Athwart Electrical equipment and electrical propel-
ships ling machinery.
For-and- 5 7.5 5 7.5 5 7.5 5 2) 7.5 5 7.5
Note: Surveyor means Surveyor from the
Classification Society.
Emer- 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
ships 3)
For-and- 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1) Athwart ships and for-and-aft inclinations may occur simultaneously.
2) Where the length of the ship exceeds 100 m, the for-and-aft static angle of inclination
may be taken as: (500)°/L, L=length of ship (m).
3) In ships for the carriage of liquefied gases and of chemicals the emergency power
supply must also remain operable with the ship flooded to a final athwart ships inclina-
tion up to maximum 30°.
3. Hydraulic tests Turbo charger, cooling 4 bar, at least 1,5 P
Hydraulic pressure tests are normally to be carried out as per water space
the table below. Modifications to these test requirements may be Exhaust gas line, cooling 4 bar, at least 1,5 P
specially agreed upon. water space
Component Test pressure, Cooler, both sides 4 bar, at least 1,5 P
P (bar) 1) 2) (after cooler
Cylinder cover, 7 bar only on water side)
cooling water space Main-engine-driven 4 bar, at least 1,5 P
Cylinder liner, over 7 bar pumps (oil, water, fuel
whole length of and bilge pumps)
cooling water space Starting and control 1,5 P before
Cylinder jacket, 4 bar, at least 1,5 P air systeminstallation
cooling water space
Pump body, 1,5 P or P+300 bar 1) P (bar)=maximum permissible working
delivery side (whichever is less) pressure of component concerned.
Fuel injection system Valves 1,5 P or P+300 bar 2) Components shall normally be hydraulically tested. In the case
(whichever is less) of engines other than large, slow-speed engines, where design
Pipes 1,5 P or P+300 bar features may call for modification of these test specifications,
(whichever is less) other special arrangements may be agreed.
Volvo Penta General - 5
Components and System Requirement

1. Engine label fuel-oil filters. 7. Engine controls

The engine label shall indicate Engines intended for unmanned machin- Requirements on the speed control of
a complete identity of the engine ery rooms shall have well shielded fuel-oil main propulsion engines.
rated maximum power and rated speed pressure pipes, in case of a broken pipe The speed governor should prevent the
serial number prevents fuel-oil to leak on hot surfaces engine speed from exceeding the rated
which can cause fire. The most effective speed the engine has been classified for
2. Crank mechanism way to fulfill this requirement is to use by more than 15%.
The crankshaft and the connecting rods double-jacketed pressure pipes. Engines with a rated continuous power
shall fulfill the Classification Society’s greater than 220 kW must be equipped
rules for dimensions, material and heat Hoses in the fuel-oil system is usually not with an approved separate over speed
treatment. permitted except as short linings near- protection device that prevents the
They shall be individually classified with est to the engine between the fuel-oil engine speed to exceed the maximum
a certificate. An exception to this is if a tank and the engine. Hoses should be rated speed by more than 20% for main
Quality Assurance – agreement exists, approved by the classification societies. engines .
in which case it is acceptable with an RINA require, besides a conventional The over speed protection device should
individual identity – code (charge-code) to approval, that the hose shall stand fire-test be independent of the normal standard
be able to trace the component back to at 800°C during 30 minutes in an open governor.
its material – certificate. gas-flame.
Requirements on the speed control of
A complete documentation (drawings, 5. Intake- and exhaust system engines driving generators.
material-specification etc.) shall be Where the temperatures on external sur- The speed governor should prevent mo-
submitted to the Classification Society for faces in the intake- and exhaust systems mentary speed variations over 10% of the
approval. are exceeding 220°C the systems shall rated speed when the rated load of the
be well insulated. generator is suddenly thrown on or off.
3. Lubricating – oil system If not fixed insulation material is used the At all loads between no load and rated
If the crankcase has a volume greater than insulation material should be covered by load the permanent speed variation is not
0.6 m3 it has to have an over pressure sheets of metallic material or equivalent. to be more than 5% of the rated speed.
relief-valve. This requirement is applicable also for The engine should be able to take a sud-
connections, flanged joints and elastic den load in two steps, 50% + 50% of the
For main propulsion engines with a power compensators. rated power of the generator, and should
greater than 370 kW, some classifica- The exhaust system ought to be water- achieve steady state conditions in no
tion societies require a lube-oil pump in cooled (water-jacketed). more than 5 seconds.
“standby”. The speed variation at steady state
The engine shall be able to run (with re- conditions should not exceed 1% of the
For main propulsion engines the lube- duced power) with a failed turbo charger. declared speed.
oil filters shall be able to be cleaned or Engines with a continuous power greater
replaced when the engine is running. 6. Cooling – water system than 220 kW must be equipped with an
Valves to by-pass the filters are usually not Hoses in the seawater system should be approved separate over speed protection
permitted. avoided. If hoses are used they should device that prevents the engine speed
be of a fireproof quality which means that to exceed 15% of the rated speed at a
Hoses in the lube-oil system is usually they should be of at least fire-resistant sudden drop in load. The additional over
not permitted. If a hose has to be used it class no 2 according to standard ISO speed protection device should operate
should be of a type approved hose, which 162222. independent from the standard speed
means that the hose shall stand fire-test Twin acid-resistant clamps should always governor.
at 800°C during 30 minutes in an open be used at both connection ends of the When using an electronic governor an
gas-flame. hose. electrical system used as a “back-up”
should be connected to the governor.
Requirements on oil-coolers: Requirements on heat-exchangers:
Each individual oil-cooler shall be Each individual heat-exchanger should Installation of twin remote control stations
pressure-tested with 1.5 x the working be pressure tested with 1.5 x the working requires a system of preference that
pressure, but at least a pressure of 4 bars pressure, but at least a pressure of 4 bars prevents the engine to be operated from
on both the water- and oil-side. at the seawater and freshwater side. more than one control station at a time.
Switch over between the bridge and the
Requirements on lube-oil pumps: Requirements on charge-air coolers (after engine room is only to be possible from
Each individual oil pump shall be pressure coolers): the engine room.
tested with 1.5 x the working pressure, Each individual charge-air cooler should Main propulsion engines should be able
but at least a pressure of 4 bars. be pressure tested with 1.5 x the working to the stopped from the bridge with a
pressure, but at least a pressure of 4 bars system independent of the normal remote
4. Fuel-oil injection system at the seawater and freshwater side. control system.
The hand-feed pump must be of metal/
steel. (Plastic is not permitted). Requirements on water pumps (sea water
and freshwater) and bilge pumps:
For main propulsion and auxiliary- Each individual pump should be pressure
emergency service the fuel-oil filters shall tested with 1.5 x the working pressure,
be able to be cleaned or replaced when but at least a pressure of 4 bars at the
the engine is running. It is not allowed seawater and freshwater side.
to have plastic or glass anywhere in the

6 - General Volvo Penta

8. Electrical system made according to “International Electro
A two-wire electrical system is normally re- As a general rule all electrical equip- technical Commission (IEC) Publ. No.
quired. During cranking a one-wire system ment should be easily accessible to 92-3 (1965). Electrical Installations in
is accepted. adjust,repair and exchange. Ships, Part 3”.
Electrical equipment in engine rooms
should be able to operate during ambi- Electrical connections should be insulated Instrumentation
ent temperatures of between 0°C and + acc. to IP44. Wires should be deloaded All instruments should have a marking on
45°C. Lower or higher operating tempera- before connected to the senders or the scale for abnormal running conditions.
tures may be required if the actual ambi- switches. The instrumentation should be able to
ent conditions are different and exceed enclose.
these limits. Electrical components should The function and pre-set value shouldbe
normally be insulated according to IP44 easy to check on temperature- andpres- Monitoring Systems
(IEC publ. 144). For electrical equipment sure switches. This could beachieved In general there should be some kind of
above floor, IP22 may be accepted. IP44 by installing the temperature-switches in monitoring system on main propulsion and
requires insulation against splashing tubular housings and bymounting taps auxiliary engines regardless type of class
water, touching and penetration of objects
8. Electrical system before the pressure-switches where cali- (manned- or unmanned
technical Commission (IEC) machinery
Publ. No.room).
greater than 1 mm. IP22- isAatwo-wire
requirement bration
electrical system gauges canbe
is normally As a generalconnected.
rule all electrical equipment 92-3 (1965). Electrical Installations in
of a lower degree and requiresrequired. During cranking a one-wire
among should be easily accessible to adjust, The monitoring Ships, Part 3". should comprise of: an

system is accepted. repair and exchange.

other things insulation against dripping Senders
- Electrical equipment in engine rooms
and switches, and also other- alarm system that warns for abnormal
water. electrical Electrical
equipment, connections
should should be
be properly- conditions through should
All instruments an acoustical and opti-
have a marking
should be able to operate during
insulated acc. to IP44. Wires should on the scale forsystemabnormalthat running
ambient temperatures ofmarked between so 0°Cthey easily can be identifiedon cal signal a safety intervenes
be deloaded before connected to the conditions.
and + 45°C. Lower or higher operating
Starting Batteries plans and in instrument senders orlists. switches. automatically in the process and limits the
The instrumentation should be able to
temperatures may be required if the
For main propulsion engines there
actual are conditions
ambient to are different The function and pre-set value should
enclose. of failures (automatic stop
be at least two separate batteries
and exceed withthese limits. All monitoring systems be easy to should
check on fulfill the
temperature- andor reduction of engine speed).
Monitoring Systems
- Electrical components
enough capacity for 6 consecutive start- should
special normally
requirementspressure that are setThis
switches. bycould be In general there should be some kind
be insulated according to IP44 (IEC achieved by installing the vibra-
ing attempts. publ. 144). For electricaltheclassification
equipment societies regarding The safety systemsystem
of monitoring for main engines
on main should
switches in tubular housings and by and auxiliary engines regardless typein an
above floor, IP22 may betion, accepted.humidity, temperature resistance
mounting taps before the pressure- etc. be able to by-pass from the bridge
of class (manned- or unmanned
For auxiliary engines there IP44
are torequires insulation against
be either switches where calibration gauges can emergency situation.
machinery room).
splashing water, touching and
two separate batteries or power could be It would make a be
penetration of objects greater than 1
final classification easier
The monitoring should comprise of:
taken from the main engine’s mm.batteries,
IP22 is a requirement if the
of a switches
lower are approved
Senders by theand
and switches, clas-also otherThe alarm system should have a continu-
- an alarm system that warns for
but in this case from a separate
degree circuit.
and requires among sification
other societies. electrical equipment, should be properly
ous power supply
abnormal and become
conditions through anactive
things marked so they easily can be identified
The capacity of the batteries forinsulation
auxiliaryagainst dripping water. on plans and in instrument lists.
upon a current
acoustical shortage
and optical or have another
- a safety system that intervenes
engines should be enough for 3 consecu-
Starting Batteries Cables and wires system to monitor the power
automatically in the process and limits
supply to the
tive starting attempts. For main propulsion engines All cables
there areentries Allshould
monitoring besystems
enclosed.should fulfill thealarm system (self monitoring).
the consequences of failures
to be at least two separate The batteries
cable shouldspecial always be de-loaded
requirements that are set by the (automatic stop or reduction of engine
with enough capacity for 6 consecutive classification societies regarding speed).
For engines for emergencystarting
use the capac-
attempts. either direct in the cable entry or with a The power supply for the safety system
vibration, humidity, temperature
ity of the batteries should be enough for 3 type of clamp before the
resistance etc. connection to a should Thebe monitored
safety system for automatically
main engines for un-
For auxiliary engines there are to be should be able to rooms by-pass from
consecutive starting attempts where after switch
either two separate batteries or power
or terminal. manned machinery and theautomati-
It would make a final classification bridge in an emergency situation.
there should be the possibility to connect
could be taken from the main engine’s easier if the switches are approved by cally monitored machinery rooms.
another source of power with a capac-
batteries, but in this caseCablefrom a separ- entry to a the terminal box from
classification above
societies. The alarm system should have a
ate circuit. The capacity of the batteries continuous power supply and become
ity of 3 more starting attempts within 30 is usually not allowed. The entry should The alarm- and the safety system should
active upon a current shortage or have
for auxiliary engines should be enough Cables and wires
minutes. This requirementfor applies if therestartingbe
3 consecutive from the sideAllorcables
attempts. from entries
should be enclosed.
work independent
another system toofmonitor each theother.
is not a satisfactorily working starting sys- With the entry from the side
The cable should analways
be de-loaded supply to the alarm system
For engines for emergency use the (self monitoring).
tem. The engine should becapacity
able to of start enclosure
the batteries should be should be used.
either direct in the cable entry or withThe a system design of a monitoring system
at 0°C. At lower temperatures anforengine type of clamp before the connection to
for engines
The power usedsupply in unmanned machinery
for the safety system
enough 3 consecutive starting
a switch or terminal.
heater should be installedattempts where after there
and approved The should be
conductor cross-sectional area of roomsshould
and be monitored automatically
automatically monitored for ma-
the Cable entrythan
to a terminal box from above unmanned machinery rooms and
by the Classification Society. cables
possibility to connect another source of
and wires of less 1 mm2 are chineryautomatically monitored machinery differ-
rooms is complex and has
is usually not allowed. The entry should
power with a capacity of not 3 more to starting
be used except in instrumentation
be from the side or from underneath. ent requirements
rooms. on its design dependent
Charging alternator and attempts
governor. within 30 minutes. wiringThis where an With areathe notentry
less than
from the 0,5
side an on whatThe kind
alarm-of and automation
the safety systemapplies to
requirement applies if there is not a
Electrical connections should be insulated mm2 can be used if the enclosure
approved current, should
is maxbe1A used. every should
independent The of each require-
satisfactorily working starting system.
acc. to IP44. Further, rotating partsshould
The engine should be able and
to start the at short-circuit current cross-sectional
The conductor is max 100 A. area ofmentsThe between different
system design of a monitoring
be covered for accidental 0°C.access. The cables and wires of less than 1 mm societies also show some used indiscrepancies.
At lower temperatures an engine system for engines unmanned
heater against
should be installedThe and insulating are not to be
approved material for cables on the used except in
alternator should be protected For each specific
machinery rooms installation a discussion
and automatically
by the Classification Society. instrumentation wiring where an area monitored machinery rooms between
is complex the
harmful over voltages if the connection engine should be at least of quality2 PVC should therefore
not less than 0,5 mm can be used if the and has different requirements on its take place
with the battery is brokenCharging
while the engineand governor.
alternator type V75. For instrumentationcurrent, is max 1Awiring and thePVC in- volved
short-circuit designparties
dependent to agree
on whaton who
kind of has the
is running. Electrical connections should typebe V60 may becurrent used.is max 100 A. responsibility
automationand applies who to should perform the
every specific
insulated acc. to IP44. Further, rotating installation. Thedifferent
requirements between
The insulating material for cables on installation of the components in
parts should be covered for accidental different classification societies also
Starter Motor the engine should
The protective sheath over the core insula- the system be at least of quality
access. show some discrepancies. For each
PVC type V75. For instrumentation
Electrical connections should be insulated
The alternator should be tion
protected should be atwiring leastPVC of quality PVC type
type V60 may be used. specific installation a discussion should
according to IP44. against harmful over voltages if the
SV2, PCP type SP1 or Chlorosulpho- therefore take place between the in-
connection with the battery is broken The protective sheath over the core volved parties to agree on who has the
while the engine is running. nated Polyethylene type SH1.
insulation should be at least of quality responsibility and who should perform
- Electrical air preheating should be PVC type SV2, PCP type SP1 or the installation of the different
insulated acc. to IP44. ForStarter Motorfor
engines Cables are to beChlorosulphonated
securely clamped with
Polyethylene components in the system.
Electrical connections should be type SH1.
emergency use an air preheating system
insulated according to IP44. a spacing of max 250 mm between the It is the responsibility of
cannot be used if more than 45 seconds clamps. The clamps Cables should
are to be besecurely
of a fire-re-
clamped with the engine installer to
- Electrical air preheating should be a spacing of max
are required before full load can be ap- sistant material and
insulated acc. to IP44. For engines for
should not250havemmsharp between the
ensure that surfaces
clamps. The clamps should be of a
plied to the engine. edges that can damage
emergency use an air preheating fire-resistant thematerial
and should not
which have a
- Monitoring equipment – senders
system cannot and be used if more than 45 have sharp edges that can damage the temperature exceeding
switches. seconds are required before full load insulation. 150°C (302°F) are
can be applied to the engine. protected from contact.
- Monitoring equipment – senders and general the design of cables should
In general the design of cables should be be
switches. made according to “International Electro

10 Volvo Penta Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines, 63 - 163 series, 2001/2002

Volvo Penta General - 7
Engines for life boats and rescue boats

9. Gears and transmissions Basic requirements for engines for life- Type approval and certificates.
Flexible couplings in a propeller shaft- and rescue boat propulsion.
system (between flywheel and reverse (Chapter III of 1983 Amendments to the A Classification Agreement closed with
gear etc.) should be approved by the clas- International Convention for the Safety of Bureau Veritas as Notified Body for the
sification Society. Life At Sea, 1974). new European Directive (MED) 96/98 EC
on Marine Equipment, authorizing Volvo
For reverse gears the following apply: The SOLAS Amendment was entered into Penta to certify engines for life boat and
An individual certificate for each reverse force on July 1, 1986. rescue boat propulsion duty.
gear is always required by DNv and GL
and for BV for engine power output over Requirements The certificates issued under this agree-
300 kW (main engine) or over 150 kW a. ment will be valid for all classification
(auxiliary engine). The engine shall be of sufficient strength societies within EU.
to withstand drop as installed in the boat The MED has been established to ensure
Type approval is required by LR and RINA into the water from a height of at least 3 that equipment which has to meet the
for engine power output over 220 kW m. requirements of international conventions
(main engine) or over 110 kW (auxiliary (e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL), agreed at IMO
engine). b. (the International Maritime Organization),
The engine shall be provided with either additionally meets a common standard of
Propeller shafts and propellers should a manual starting system, or a power safety and performance.
always be individually classified. starting system with two independent
rechargeable energy sources. Any neces- It also ensures that certificates issued by
10. Auxiliaries and other equipment sary starting aids shall also be provided. EU member states, or on their behalf by
Besides normal spare parts and repair-kits The starting system including starting notified bodies, are acceptable to each
the classification societies require spare aids shall start the engine at an ambient member state through the harmonization
parts of a certain type and quantity. temp. of –15°C within 2 min. Denmark of their approval requirements.
and Sweden require –25°C and –30°C
respectively. In this case block heater is

The engine shall be capable of operating
for not less than 5 min after starting from
cold with the lifeboat out of water.

The engine shall be capable of operat-
ing when the lifeboat is flooded up to the
centerline of the crank shaft.

The propeller shafting shall be so ar-
ranged that the propeller can be disen-
gaged from the engine. Provision shall be
made for ahead and astern propulsion of
the lifeboat.

The exhaust pipe shall be so arranged as
to prevent water from entering the engine
in normal operation.
For self-righting partially enclosed life-
boats and totally enclosed lifeboats the
following demands shall be adhered to:

The engine and engine installation shall
be capable of running in any position
during capsize and continue to run after
the lifeboat returns to the upright or shall
automatically stop on capsizing and be
easily restarted after the lifeboat returns
to the upright and the water has been
drained from the lifeboat.

8 - General Volvo Penta

How to select the right propulsion system

Volvo Penta offers two alternatives preferable system (Conventional inboard system)
Today Volvo Penta offers two alternative Water jet systems are, due to the absence preferable
propulsion systems for marine application of appendages, generally very efficient in In application from lower to medium
namely: water jet- and propeller systems. high speed crafts speed vessels (speeds relative vessel
Each of them have their features, to avoid The water jet unit`s low water resistance size). Usually speeds up to 35-40 knots
a poor selection it is important to be means that the water jet is very efficient at within Volvo Penta`s power range.
aware of the predicted operational condi- high speeds.
tions of the vessel. Examples of decisive Open propellers (fixed pitch) are relatively
factors/features are listed below: When the draft is to be minimized. Water seen most efficient at cruising speeds
Shallow draft e.g. grounding jet systems are suitable for vessels used and perform good thrust for temporary
High trust e.g. towing for grounding and transportation in shal- towing in normal installations.
High maneuverability low waters.
Cruising speed exceeding 25 knots The conventional inboard system provide
Rough sea conditions When operating in vicinity of e.g dis- good course stability.
Operation at various displacement tressed persons.
Water containing branches an suchlike The conventional inboard system are reli-
Operation in vicinity of people in the water If there are very specific maneuvering able in rough sea and do not aerate easily.
Comfort demands requirements. Water jet systems makes
Cruising speed it possible to achieve extremely powerful A controllable pitch propeller can optimize
Stability and center of gravity maneuvering due to the fact that the direc- efficiency and thrust over the entire speed
Appendages tion of the water jet controls the direction range.
Safety aspects of movement.

Safety aspects, water jet systems are pro-

viding the best maneuvering safety ever
to obtain. A “cross over” (full ahead to full
astern) manouevre is performed extremely
smooth. It is carried out without changing
the rotating moment of inertia

Factors making a water jet system Factors making an open propeller

Volvo Penta General - 9

How to select the right water jet system

General Operation restrictions

Volvo Penta Advanced Propulsion System The flow of water then accelerates via Depending on the combination of shaft
is suitable for almost every application the guide vane chamber and the steering speed (absorbed power) and ship speed,
however to get the best propulsive ef- nozzle (which is located on the end of the the water jet units are operating within
ficiency out of each installation there are guide vane chamber) and out in to the air. different cavitation zones, reflecting the
some basics to bear in mind. It is the difference between the ingoing intensity of impeller cavitation.
and outgoing speeds which generates
The speed in which the boat shall operate thrust. This can be explained using the The choice of size of a water jet unit
is the most essential factor for the hull momentum theory: should be based on the design resistance
design. The speed in relation to the water- curve, and that curve should include the
line length is crucial to the created wave T = r Q( nout— nin ) following: Full load displacement, effects
pattern and the look of the wave pattern from normal sea conditions in the area of
is decisive to the categorization. A short Where: operation.
boat will create the same wave pattern at T = thrust (N)
lower speed as a longer(up scaled) boat r = water density (kg/m3) Application flow chart
at higher speed. Q = volumetric flow (m3/s) The flow chart below gives an indication
nout = average speed out (m/s) of how to plan for a successful applica-
In order to get a correct categorization of nin = average speed out (m/s) tion.
the boat regarding speed it is helpful to For further information see the application
calculate a factor called Froudes number & installation guide
based on length or for fast boats, Froudes
number based on displacement. The
volumetric Froudes number is suitable for
values above three.

One of the advantages of water jet units

is that there are no appendages protrud-
ing from the hull but this also means
that special attention needs to be taken
regarding the course stability. It is of great
importance that the hull is designed with
this in mind.

Hard chines are generally better than

round bilge. In addition to this it is impor-
tant to install the water jet unit appropriate
with taking special care not to get aerated
water in the water jet unit intake.

Short and wide boats will have a more

evident hump contrary to long and narrow
boats. This will also be the case with the
center of gravity moved aft.

Description of function
Water enters through the inlet duct. The
bottom plate of the inlet duct is positioned
flat against the hull of the boat. At low
speeds, most of the water is sucked in,
while at higher speed most of the water is
pressed in.

The pump is said to be operating at heavy

or light load. Inside the inlet duct the
speed of the water is reduced, causing
the pressure to increase. There is a further
increase in pressure by the impeller until
the guide vanes in the guide vane cham-
ber eliminate the rotation of the water flow.
This maintains the energy generated by
the rotation.

For further information, refer to Volvo Penta Partner Net-

work, log-on id required.

10 - General Volvo Penta

How to select the right propeller system
If you want to get the best performance out The relations between pitch and diameter ratio of 0.7, or whether it should be better
of your boat, you need to select the propel- should be: when not trawling with a slightly higher
ler and gearing that will suit your particular pitch ratio.
boat, engine and speed range. P/D=pitch/diameter
Adjustable propellers are an excellent solu-
Below you will find a brief description of 0.9–1.15 at 20 knots tion for trawlers, tugs and freighters.
how propeller systems are designed. It is 1.0–1.3 at 30 knots
not just the engine capacity which deter- 1.05–1.35 at 35 knots As a very rough estimate, the bollard pull
mines the speed of the boat; it depends thrust can be calculated using the formula
just as much on the efficiency of the re- Generally, a larger propeller with narrow
verse gear and the propeller system. Using blades and low revolutions is more ef- Adjustable propeller (kp) ¢ 13– 14 x hp
the right propeller system will not only give ficient than a small, high-speed revolving Fixed propeller (kp) ¢ 11–12 x hp
you good fuel economy, higher speed; you propeller. When the boat’s speed goes
will also experience greater comfort, with above 24–28 knots, the resistance of the An adjustable propeller fitted to “the right
less noise and vibration. shafts, rudders and propeller supports boat” (up to 10 knots) can therefore save
starts to become so great that the greater a lot of fuel.
Planing boats efficiency of the propeller is not beneficial.
In planing boats over 20 knots, the size of The resistance on the propeller system can Speed range between 15 and 20 knots
the propeller depends on the engine pow- be reduced by reducing the shaft diameter, Within this speed range, a large slow
er. To transfer the power from the engine selecting stronger materials and reducing propeller is preferable to a small, fast one.
to the water, you need approximately 7–8 the rudders and surfaces of the propeller The blade surface is designed as a com-
cm2 propeller blade surface per kW shaft supports. Lower gear ratios also mean promise between kW/cm2 and m2/ton of
power. If the shaft is at an angle in relation thinner shafts. It is necessary to find a bal- tractive force.
to the flow of the water, this requirement ance between propeller efficiency, water
may be considerably greater: 8–15 cm2/ resistance on the shaft, etc. The above description is very general and
kW is reasonable, depending on the angle describes only superficially how propel-
of the shaft and the water flow. Displacement and semiplaning boats lers are designed. The propeller manual
Boats of less than 15 knots need propel- “Propellers – Marine Engines, 60 to 120
At a shaft power of 400 kW, therefore, the lers which are as large as possible. For Series, Part A – Calculation and Propel-
propeller blade surface may need to be example, in a trawler it is possible to save ler Selection” contains a more in-depth
400 kW x 9 cm2/kW = 3 600 cm2. 20–30% fuel or to gain 20% greater thrust description of propellers.
when trawling by increasing the propeller
This surface may be divided over three, diameter by 50% and reducing the propel- Volvo Penta also have various catalogs
four or five blades. ler speed by 40%. which contain proposals for propellers
for each type of engine and reverse gear,
The efficiency of a propeller blade dimin- The blade surface of the propeller is de- “Propellers, Part B”.
ishes when it becomes far too wide in signed according to the minimum of 0.17
relation to its length. This means that if the m2 per ton of thrust. Over the last year, Volvo Penta has been
propeller diameter is limited in size (as is developing computer programs for calcu-
often the case), it is better to select several As described above, a large, slow-moving lating speed, gear ratios and propellers.
narrower blades (four or five) rather than propeller is preferable. At a speed of 12 This is excellent for calculating speed and
three wide ones, for example. knots, for example, a three-blade propel- propellers simply and safely.
ler with a 50% blade area will achieve an
The angle of the propeller shaft should be efficiency rate of approximately 57% if the The estimated speed in the individual com-
as small as possible. Shaft angles of less propeller blade cuts through the water at puter programs is based on the experience
than 12° do not usually cause any major 50 knots with 70% of its diameter. At a gained from a number of installations. It is
problems, but shaft angles of more than blade speed of 70 knots, approximately often better to calculate the speed from
14–15° should be avoided. only 47% efficiency is achieved. your own experience: propeller manual A
and the like simply calculate the propellers
The distance between the bottom of the The formula: using the computer program.
boat and the propeller blades should be
at least 12–13% of the diameter of the T Newton=propeller effiency Volvo Penta is constantly developing new,
propeller. x shaft output in kW x1944 powerful, more refined computer programs
speed of boat
which will enhance both speed and propel-
When you have selected the diameter of can be used to calculate the thrust and, ler calculations. However, these calcula-
the propeller, you are ready to go on to therefore, the blade surface. tions will never improve upon the values
select the pitch. which have been built up over many years
Three-blade propellers are often more effi- of experience and programmed into the
Propeller blades should no travel faster cient for large, slow-moving propellers than computer.
than 60–70 knots through the water at four-blade or five-blade propellers. How-
70% of the maximum propeller diameter. ever, four-blade propellers usually produce Volvo Penta manufactures its own very
This means that the speed of the propel- less vibration, which is often preferable. In efficient reverse gears and collaborates
ler revolutions must be reduced when the general, there is a tendency towards four- with leading suppliers of reverse gears and
engine capacity is greater, which requires blade propellers. manufacturers of propellers, shafts, stern
a larger blade surface and therefore a A suitable pitch ratio at 10 knots is tubes etc. If you buy the entire “package”,
greater diameter. 0.7–0.9 and at 15 knots 0.8–1.05. from engine to propellers, from us at Volvo
Penta, you can be sure that all your com-
As the best pitch ratio varies according to ponents will fit together properly.
the speed of the boat, it is necessary to
decide whether the propeller should be
at its best when trawling, e.g. with a pitch
Volvo Penta General - 11
The Volvo Penta Cost Control Program
Economy and efficiency at sea
With the Volvo Penta Cost Control Pro- Within the Cost Control Program, there Operational cost calculations
gram, you have the ability to gain a firm is a range of dedicated marine diesels The Volvo Penta Cost Manager shows
grip on your costs. With it, and with the spanning 4 to 16 liter. you the extent to which different operat-
help of your local Volvo Penta dealer, Overall, optimum efficiency and per- ing factors will affect your overall costs.
you can take even greater advantage formance is ensured through a well Calculated on your own operating condi-
of Volvo Penta’s complete range of matched drive line, including transmis- tions and routines, it provides a detailed
products and services to maximize sion and propeller, and through highly year-by-year analysis of expenses, includ-
your operating economy. professional installation support. Volvo ing fuel, lube oil, maintenance, repairs
The Cost Control Program starts by Penta’s preventative service agree- and also reconditioning costs. Indeed, by
analyzing your operational needs ments are designed to keep downtime making one change to any of these basic
through a computerized calculation to a minimum and offer you a choice variables and you will see immediately
of your current costs and operating of maintenance program including the how it effects your annual costs.
schedules. This allows us to help you option of a Three Year Engine Warranty.
select the engine that is best suited to
you for overall economy and reliability.

Because of local conditions, not all

markets are able to participate in the
full CCP scheme, or certain parts of it.
Check with your Volvo Penta importer.

Professional installation support

MACP 2 – Marine Application Com-
Volvo Penta is able to offer a vast pool of
puter Program – a speed and power
installation knowledge and experience
prediction software by Volvo Penta
gained from over eighty years of working
with work boat applications. This experi-
- Windows user interface.
ence has also resulted in us being able to
- Hull resistance prediction, displace-
offer well matched transmission systems
ment, semiplaning and planing vessels.
to suit a variety of individual applications
- Optimum wageningen B-series propeller
through the close associations we have
developed with several leading transmis-
- Fixed diameter wageningen B-series
sion suppliers.
propeller analysis.
- Partial engine propeller load analysis.
Speed, thrust and propeller calcula-
- Propeller shaft dimensions, standalone
tions, carried out with the aid of sophisti-
cated computer programs
- Shaft material data file.
(MACP 2)are able to provide you with
- Graphical representation with numerical
vital information on performance and
analysis and zoom.
economy, well in advance of purchase.
- Five independent system analysis per
Total installation support, direct from
- Customized input units setup metric and
your local Volvo Penta dealer, and cover- Correct choice of engine and drive line
ing engine transmission, auxiliary units ensure reliability and security, better
Reports including input, results and
etc. further ensures that your engine control of costs and longer term profit-
comments in A4 and letter formats.
delivers its performance fully according to ability.
Example files.

12 - General Volvo Penta

Dedicated marine diesels Auxiliary applications. The range spans Volvo Penta Marine Propulsion
Offered within the Volvo Penta Cost Con- from 7 to 16 liter and all are well suited Diesels – for superb fuel economy,
trol Program is a complete range of in-line to multi-engine installations. Each engine excellent reliability and good overall
six diesel engines and transmissions with can be fully equipped to meet the require- operations economy.
displacements from 4 to 16 liter. Each ments of leading classification societies
engine is designed and specifically built for operation in unmanned engine rooms.
for the demanding conditions at sea and
each provides a solid business basis for
good long term reliability and efficient
operating economy.

Latest combustion technology – for su-

perb fuel economy, high reliability and low

Built-in servicing features – for easier

and more cost efficient service and
maintenance. Oil and fuel filters mounted
within easy reach, heat exchangers of the
tube type, separate cylinder heads and
inspection cover to the lower crankcase
of almost all 10-16 liter engines are good
examples of small, but important features
that greatly facilitate routine servicing.

Easy to install. A number of power take-off

positions greatly assist the fitting of extra

Quality assurance program. This is in ac-

cordance with ISO 9001 and approved
by classification societies LR and RINA.
Type approvals can also be obtained from
other classification societies.

Preventative service agreements Emergency parts back-up systems

Volvo Penta offers a choice of mainte- to ensure that any part you need which
nance programs which can be adapted to is not stocked locally is delivered to you
meet your individual needs. A commitment quickly – usually through our round the
to regular preventative service routines clock service. Full details are to be found
significantly increases both safety and in the Volvo Penta Nonstop Parts Service
economy at sea. Dealer Guide.

The extended warranty option. This pro-

vides you with the opportunity to extend
the standard Volvo Penta warranty from
twelve months to a full three years.

The Volvo Penta condition test. This is a vi-

tal part of the Cost Control Program and a
condition of the extended warranty option. Nonstop Parts Service
Carried out twice a year, the test provides In more than 120 countries throughout
you with a full and comprehensive insight the world, you will have the support of
into your engine’s current status. local Volvo Penta service dealers, each
stocking a comprehensive range of
The full service agreement provides you replacement parts and providing profes-
with the ability to plan and have total sional service facilities. In addition, and as
control over your engine and maintenance a part of the Cost Control Program, other
cost – well in advance. specialist support services have been
developed for commercial operators.
Individually tailored preventative ser-
These include:
vice agreements reduce unscheduled
downtime, provide greater reliability
A network of dedicated Nonstop
and lower operating costs.
Parts Service Dealers across Europe,
equipped with specialized tools, equip-
ment and large stocks of genuine Volvo
Penta parts.

Volvo Penta General - 13

Optional three-year warranty for Rating 1/2/3

An important part of the Volvo Penta The service option If you decide to carry out the servicing
Cost Control Program is the ability to To gain the protection of the Three Year yourself, it must be completed according
extend the 12 month warranty to a full Warranty the engine must be serviced to Volvo Penta’s recommendations. You
three years. And with no running hours according to the recommended schedule will also need to have a condition test car-
limitation. A single low cost premium is as specified in the engine manual. The ried out every six months at a Volvo Penta
all that is needed, plus your commitment servicing can be done either by a special- specialist commercial dealer and also
to service the engine according to the ist Volvo Penta commercial dealer or you you will have to certify your service record
recommended schedule for the entire can undertake to do it yourself. You will sheets. One other important condition
thirty-six months. be asked to decide which method you will is that you only use genuine Volvo Penta
use when you sign the agreement. parts together with engine oils, lubricants
Which engines are included and what and fuel recommended by Volvo Penta.
is the extent of the cover?
The Three Year Warranty simply extends Worldwide coverage
the existing international Volvo Penta The Volvo Penta Three Year Warranty is
twelve month warranty by a further two available for almost all countries. A list of
years. It covers all Volvo Penta com- qualifying countries is available from your
mercially rated 4 to 16 liter propulsion local Volvo Penta commercial importer or
engines, with the exception of Rating 4 nearest dealer.
rated engines. To qualify for the warranty, In the event that you should need to make
registration must be completed within a claim whilst in a country that does not
three months of delivery of the engine operate the Three Year Warranty option,
unit to the vessel operator. Full details are you should settle the account directly with
provided in the “Terms and Conditions of the local Volvo Penta dealer that carried
Warranty”. out the work. Then, on returning to your
home port, present the invoice to your
The warranty is transferable if you decide Volvo Penta importer or the nearest autho-
to sell your boat. The only conditions are rized Volvo Penta dealer who will arrange
that the service record sheets are in order a refund.
and up-to-date, and that you notify the lo-
cal Volvo Penta importer of the change of
ownership within 14 days of the transfer.

Two-year warranty for Rating 5 (Pleasure Duty)

Greater security for owners

All new Volvo Penta inboard diesel The warranty stays with the engine Service dependent
engines included in this sales guide and The warranty is transferable. So even if To minimize the risk of stoppages or
with outputs of between 300 and 770 hp the boat changes ownership within the breakdowns at sea, it is important that the
are covered by a two-year warranty up to two-year period, the warranty still remains engine is regularly maintained according
a maximum of 1000 running hours. The valid. That is as long as the service book to the recommended service schedule.
warranty, which is free and valid world- has been completed correctly and the Full individual service requirements are
wide, is conditional only on the engine new owner is informed of the terms of the supplied with each engine.
being serviced in accordance with the warranty. The maintenance of correct service
instructions handbook and when carried procedures together with the exclusive
out by authorized Volvo Penta service Worldwide protection use of Genuine Volvo Penta Parts are also
personnel. The Two-year engine warranty applies essential requirements in maintaining the
wherever in the world Volvo Penta is rep- two-year warranty commitment.
Extended to pleasure craft only resented. In the rare event that warranty
The two-year warranty applies to engines work need to be carried out, skilled ser-
installed in craft used by their owners for vice and assistance is available from any
private recreational purposes only. That of Volvo Pentas network of 5000 dealers
excludes boats used for charter, for carry- in more than 100 countries.
ing of paying guests or for any other com-
mercial activities. Volvo Penta has special
warranties to cover those situations.

14 - General Volvo Penta

Exhaust Emission Certification for Commercial Diesel Engines
As a world wide supplier of marine engines, Volvo Penta U.S. EPA Marine Regulation 40 CFR part 94
products have to confirm with a number of emission rules and Starting in 2004, all new commercial marine diesel engines in
regulations. In many cases there are also strong customer de- US waters must be certified by the United States Environmental
mands regarding exhaust emissions. Volvo Penta works actively Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Tier 1 standards limits regulates
to develop resource efficient products with low environmental only NOx acc to IMO regulation MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI
impact during its useful life. levels.
Tier 2 also sets limits to NOx, HC, CO and Particulates. US EPA
These four are the most important regulations in force world wide Tier 2 standard is the most stringent major standard in force for
today: commercial diesel engines.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL 73/78 From January 1, 2005 all commercial diesel engines with a per
Annex VI cylinder volume of up to 2.5 liter must comply with Tier 2 and all
The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency diesel engines with a per cylinder volume of 2.5 – 5.0 liter with
of the United Nations responsible for measures to improve the Tier 1. Recreational engines up to 2.5 liter per cylinder must
safety of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution comply with Tier 2 two years after commercial engines.
from ships.
U.S. EPA marine commercial Tier 2 standards
This international regulation sets limits for NOx from marine die- disp./cylinder HC+NOx PM CO Starting
sel engines above 130 kW (175 hp). The IMO MARPOL 73/78 date
Annex IV will entry into force May 19, 2005. litres g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
disp.<0.9 & ≥ 7.5 0.4 5.0 2005
The regulation is retroactive and will cover all marine engines 37kW
that are either built new or exstensively modified after January 0.9 ≤ disp. < 1.2 7.2 0.3 5.0 2004
1, 2000 Sea going ships must carry individual certificates
1.2 ≤ disp. < 2.5 7.2 0.2 5.0 2004

IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI

Speed (n) NOx
EU Inland Waterway Vessels
rpm g/kWh The Non-Road Mobile Machinery directive (97/68/EC) was
n < 130 17 amended by a new directive (2004/26/EC), EU will set limits to
NOx, HC, CO and Particulates emissions on inland waterway
130 ≤ n < 2000 45 * n^-0.2
vessels. Mutual acceptance of EU Inland waterway certificates
≥ 2000 9.8 issued acc to EU directive 2004/26/EC and CCNR certificates
is expected . The standards, which start to apply in 2006, will
have the same levels as the U.S. EPA Tier 2.
Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation (RVIR) Chapter 8a
The Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine EU Inland Waterway directive
(CCNR) has the task of ensuring the safety of navigation on the disp. / cylinder HC+NOx PM CO Starting
river Rhine and its environment. date
litres g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
Tier 1 emission standards is in force since January 1, 2003 and disp. < 0.9 & ≥ 37 7.5 0.4 5.0 2007
limits NOx, HC, CO and Particulates. Tier 2 levels for marine kW
engines on the river Rhine are planned. However, mutual ac- 0.9 ≤ disp. < 1.2 7.2 0.3 5.0 2007
ceptance of EU Inland waterway certificates issued acc to EU
1.2 ≤ disp. < 2.5 7.2 0.2 5.0 2007
directive 2004/26/EC and CCNR certificates is expected.

Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation Tier 1 standards

Power (P) Speed (n) NOx HC PM CO
kW rpm g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
37≤P<75 - 9.2 1.3 0.85 6.5
75≤P<130 - 9.2 1.3 0.70 5.0
P>130 n≥2800 9.2 1.3 0.54 5.0
45*n^ 1.3 0.54 5.0

Volvo Penta General - 15

16 - General Volvo Penta

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