Man Service Letter

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB


Starting Air System

Main engine

December 2018

Owners and operators of MAN B&W
two-stroke marine diesel engines.
Type: MC/MC-C and ME/ME-C
Dear Sir or Madam
We have recently received reports of malfunctioning starting air Correct maintenance of starting air
systems that led to rupture of the starting air manifold. Based on system to avoid any ruptures
our findings in these cases we would like to emphasise the im-
portance of correct and timely overhaul of the starting air system
and of the main engine in order to minimise the risk of suffering
personal injuries or causing damage to the engine. Correct and
timely maintenance is to be carried out according to the instruc-
tion manual delivered with the engine.

Please direct any inquiries and questions regarding the content of

this Service Letter to our:

Operation Department at: [email protected].

Yours faithfully

Ruptured starting air manifold

Mikael Jensen Stig B. Jakobsen

Vice President Senior Manager
Engineering Operation

Blind flange at fore-end of the starting

air manifold

Head office (& po. address) PrimeServ Production Forwarding & Receiving MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Energy Solutions Teglholmsgade 41 Teglholmsgade 35 Teglholmsgade 35 Branch of MAN Energy Solutions
Teglholmsgade 41 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV SE, Germany
2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark Denmark Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Denmark Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Fax: +45 33 85 10 49 Fax: +45 33 85 10 17 Fax: +45 33 85 10 16 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Fax: +45 33 85 10 30 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] German Reg.No.: HRB 22056
[email protected] Amtsgericht Augsburg
Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Normal engine operation ses with discoloration of the paint as a consequence.

The bursting disc at the starting air valve in the pipe A possible reason for a rupture of a bursting disc can be
branch for the cylinder cover is designed to withstand a “hanging starting air valve” – leading the combustion
the 30 bar starting air pressure but will rupture in case of pressure back through the starting air valve towards the
a significantly higher pressure and in this way protect the starting air manifold.
starting air manifold, non-return valve and main starting
valve. Normal daily operation of the main engine and sched-
uled proper maintenance will limit incidents of ruptured
A hissing sound inside the bursting cap will indicate that bursting discs at the starting air valve in the pipe branch
a bursting disc has ruptured. for the cylinder cover.

Normally, only a single bursting disc will be found rup- The bursting disc must be exchanged and the starting
tured, and the branch pipe as well as the starting air air valve must be overhauled at the earliest opportunity if
valve will have been heated up by the combustion gas- the bursting disk has ruptured.

8 Bursting cap

1. Starting air valve

2. Drain/venting pipe
3. Starting air manifold
4. Bursting cap and bursting disc
5. Drain/venting pipe
6. Main starting valve
7. Starting air supply
8. Non-return valve
Example of ruptured bursting disc

Fig. 1 Starting air system

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Explosion in the starting air system Open drain pipes (gravity drain)
In the worst case an explosion in a starting air manifold
may lead to rupture of the manifold. Such incidents pose a
serious potential threat to property and persons, and may
even result in bodily injuries and/or fatal casualties. Proper
and timely maintenance can prevent such incidents.

In order for a combustion to take place in the starting air

system, a combustible mixture must be present inside the
starting air manifold.

The starting air manifold is designed in such a way that

any fluid will be drained out of the open drains by gravity
in both ends, to prevent any combustion from taking place
inside the starting air system.

If the drains are blocked, a combustible mixture may be Fig. 2: Main starting air valve
trapped inside the manifold or the branch pipes and thus
become a hazard, see Fig. 4.

Fig. 3: Drain/venting pipe at starting air manifold at blind end (low-

est point of starting air manifold).

Clear evidence that an oily substance has been

present inside the starting air pipe bend next to
the main starting valve (ball valve) at the lowest
point of the starting air manifold.

Hole for gravity drain, which has been blocked and

is thus not working correctly.

Fig. 4: Starting air pipe bend after main starting air valve towards

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

The most likely reason for the unintended combustible mixtures can be one of the below or a combination:

– Oil leakage from the compressor arrangement

Air bottles are normally drained automatically, for which reason the ship crew will not be able to determine if the
drain consists of water or a mixture of water and oil.

If an oily substance is present, the origin of the substance must be found and remedied as soon as possible.

– Fuel oil leakage from the cylinder cover

Fuel leakages from components near the drain groove on the top of the cylinder cover.

Any fuel leakage from fuel valves or pipings on the cylinder cover must be remedied as soon as possible.

– Defect O-ring sealing on the starting air valve

Leakage of combustible fluids may pass through the O-ring sealing on the starting air valve.

In case of a defect O-ring the starting air valve must be overhauled as soon as possible.

The below shown Figure shows an example of an open drain modified in a way that obstructs the intended
draining of the manifold by means of gravity. Any kind of modification to the drain pipe is prohibited for safety
reasons as modifications may increase the risk of blocking the pipes or create a water-lock in the pipe.

Fig. 5: Example of a modified drain (highlighted in yellow)

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Starting air valve in cylinder cover

It is important to check the condition of the sealing ring
for the starting air valve and exchange it, if needed.
We strongly recommend also to change the O-ring to
a Fluoro rubber O-ring if the present O-ring is made of
silicone rubber, as the Fluoro rubber is a more robust
O-rings made of silicone rubber may decompose during
service and thus not last the expected 12,000 hours as
stated in the current Service Letter for guidance overhaul
We recommend that only original Fluoro rubber O-rings
are used.
The mentioned colours of the O-rings are solely referring
to the products delivered or purchased through MAN ES. Fig. 6: Example of an O-ring with no sealing effect in the starting air
The colour may deviate for O-rings supplied otherwise. valve. Please note the light between O-ring and steel ruler, which
indicates that there is no sealing effect.
Please contact the supplier (engine maker) to clarify the

Fig. 7: Fluoro rubber O-ring, green Fig. 8: Silicone rubber O-ring, red (NOT to be used)

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Proposal for regular onboard routine check to prevent Test procedure for checking of external air leakage
failures in the starting air system, as a supplement to from starting air valves for MC/MC-C engines
normal start-up inspections and procedures:
– Prepare the engine for start.
– The drain point positioned at the starting air manifold – The engine control is shifted to manual control at the
must always be open to ensure free drainage based engine side console.
on gravity. – The air supply for the starting air distributor is “cut
off” on the starting air distributor valve handle.
At engine start-up – 1 person is located at the engine side console.
Immediately after starting the engine, listen for a – At least 1 person is positioned on top of the engine to
“hissing sound” from the drain points when venting check for leakages.
the starting air manifold from 30 bar pressure to 0. – Press the start bottom on the engine side console
and check that the shaft is not rotating.
At “Finished with engine”
Visually inspect the area below the drainpipes for water If the shaft rotates partly, a starting air valve is leaking
or oily substance. Check by poking a steel rod through – Press the start button and keep it active when the
the pipe and watch for overpressure and fluids. tightness from starting air valves and the complete
starting air system has been checked for leakages.
Visually inspect for fuel leakage during daily routine
watch. Check that the drain from the cylinder cover is All starting air valves are to be checked for leakages
open and working properly. from the sealing in the cylinder cover.

– The condition of the sealing ring on the starting air

valve is checked, and it is replaced, if necessary. Be aware that there will be a noisy “blow-off” from
the drain pipes in each end of the starting air pipe.
At “Finished with engine” Ensure that these drains are not blocked or ex-
The drain groove in the cylinder cover around the tended. The blow-off pipe must be of original length
starting air valve may be filled with water (only for which is a few cm.
starting air valves mounted on the top surface of cyl-
inder cover). By gravity, a defective O-ring sealing will
drain the water into the starting air valve. Check the – With open indicator cocks, it can be checked if there
water level by a visual inspection after 1 hour. If water are any leakages present from the starting air valves
is drained into the starting air valve, the O-ring is de- by listening and feeling for any air from the indicator
fective and must be exchanged. valve.

Before start-up of engine This test can also be made with the engine in C/R control
The drain groove in the cylinder cover around the with good communication lines between
starting air valve may be filled with water (only for the involved persons.
starting air valves mounted on the top surface of cyl-
inder cover). See also General overview of Starting Air System page 7.

During start-up of the engine or during slow turning

any air leakage through the O-ring on the starting
air valve can easily be detected by observing if any
spray of water comes from the leaking O-ring.

The manual drain (normally closed) in the starting air

piping between the air bottles and the main engine
must be drained regularly, and the content of the
drainage must be checked visually for any oily sub-

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

General overview of Starting Air System (valid for both MC/-MC-C and ME/ME-C engines)

1. Starting air valve placed vertically in cylinder cover.

2. Check for air leakage from O-ring sealing between cyl-

inder cover and start valve.

3. Confirm – starting air drainage from drain pipe (fore)

without any traces of water/fuel.

4. Confirm – starting air drainage from aft drain pipe with-

out any traces of water/fuel.

Note: The engine will turn in case the starting air

valve is stuck in (partly) open position.

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Test procedure for checking of external air leakage from starting air valves for ME/ME-C engines
This MOP test procedure describes how to pressurise the main starting air pipe with closed starting air valves during
engine standstill and stand-by condition, ready to start.

Fig. 9: Engine in standby condition – Ready to start without any start blockings or shutdowns.

Fig. 10: Close shut-off valve to starting air distributer – Note: Engine Not Ready/Start blocked.

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Fig. 11: Select test function of three (3) solenoid valves – marked yellow above.

Fig. 12: Valve test function will appear – Note: Close Valve is activated (blue shadow around).

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Service Letter SL2018-668/KNB

Fig. 13: Test: Open Slow Turn Pilot Valve – Check for external air leakages – Close Valve.

Fig. 14: Test: Open main starting valve (A or B) – Check for external air leakages – Close valve.

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