Summary Module 6 Prof Ed 7

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Assessment, learning, and teaching are interconnected, providing information for
effective instruction. Evaluating learning outcomes is crucial for teachers to determine student
learning and make necessary adjustments. ICT has significantly changed teaching and learning,
assisting teachers in assessing students’ performance through digital devices and online
applications. This unit discusses various online assessment tools, including ePortfolio
assessments, which allow learners to reflect on their learning process. It also discusses the
criteria for choosing the appropriate assessment tool.


Assessment is crucial in student learning, focusing on both the process and product. ICT
development offers numerous possibilities for assessing learning and providing immediate
feedback. Lesson 1 discusses assessment practices, technology integration, and emerging trends
in technology-based assessment in teaching and learning


1. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT – provides feedback and information during the

instructional process, while learning is taking place, and while learning is occurring.
2. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – takes place after the learning has been completed and
provides information and feedback that sums up the teaching and learning process.
3. DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT – can help you identify your students’ current
knowledge of a subject, their skill sets and capabilities, and to clarify misconceptions
before teaching takes place. Knowing students’ strengths and weaknesses can help you
better plan what to teach and how to teach it.
4. AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT – describes the multiple forms of assessment that reflect
student learning, achievements, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally relevant
classroom activities.


There are new technologies created to provide students with higher level thinking skills,
particularly the aspects of creative and critical thinking, and the opportunity to teach and assess
those skills. The use of ICT is very helpful to teachers because students information and results
of examination can be recorded and stored and can be easily retrieved.

In educational assessment, the use of technology as an innovation and support for

teaching and learning (sindhu, 2013) is essential to improve instruction and increase
performance. Tests play a vital role in traditional learning as well as e-learning and this helps the
teachers and the learners in measuring learning.

Online examination systems seek to efficiently evaluate the test takers through fully
automated system. One of the ADVANTAGES of using a web-based exam software or an online
examination system it gives a high level of transparency.

Some major advantages of online examination are:

1. Accessibility and flexibility

2. Time management
3. Save cost; and
4. Statistical analysis

Security and confidentiality should also be considered.


Traditional assessment like objective test such as multiple choice, matching type true or false and
other paper and pencil test received criticism by some experts in assessment.

The 21st century assessment includes:

1. Utilizing multiple measures of assessment

2. Increasing the use of technology
3. Focus on the growth and development of the learner, and
4. Differentiating the roles and responsibilities of the teachers, administrators and other

The 21st century, help students to become college and career ready, we need them to teach
how to apply what they are learning in school to the practical and intellectual tasks in their
everyday lives.

The concept ‘classroom’ has been shifting in recent years with dedication to purposefully
designed learning spaces and seamless integrations of technologies. As an educator, we know
that our students must graduate ready to function in this expanded world. Educational technology
is used to increase the efficiency of education in teaching, learning and assessment. Computers
are able to create a more attractive and effective learning environment (Keser & Ozcan, 2011).

Education technology has introduced now, exciting and innovative ways to engage
students in active learning while online. ROBLYER and EDWARDS (2000) as cited (Keser &
Ozcan, 2011) sagessed that there are important reason for teacher to use technology in

• Motivation
• Distinctive instructional abilities
• Higher productivity of teachers
• Essential Skills for information age
• Support for new teaching techniques (cited in Samal, 2006).


- Initiatives often fail to engage and teach learners because they are passive in nature.


- is any long activity in which the student interacts or engage with the material, as opposed
in passively taking in the information.


Assessment methods are strategies, techniques, tools and instruments for collecting
information to determine the extent to which students demonstrates desired outcomes.

The following may be considered in choosing appropriate assessment tools:

1. Goals of assessment

2. Methods of assessment

3. Interval in giving assessment


Involves looking at actual samples of student work produced in our programs.



Written Assignments

Oral Presentation



Provide useful supplement and check on the findings from direct measure.


Student satisfaction survey

Surveys of students and alumni

Exit interviews of graduating students

Student participation rates

Characteristics in selecting appropriate assessment tools whether conventional or ICT based


1. Measure the desired level of performance (level of satisfaction, productivity, efficiency

and student performance.)
2. Cost effective in terms of effort, time and money
3. Useful that will produce results that provide information that can be used in making
decisions to improve student learning.Jul 18, 2020
4. Reasonably accurate and truthful
5. Dependable, consistent responses over time
6. Evidence of being on-going, not once and done.

Online task assigned by teachers will assess the collaborative problem solving construct and the
five strands (Participation, Perspective Taking, Social Regulation, Task-Regulation as well as
students’ Learning and Knowledge Building skills) according from Drigas and Karyotaki (2006)

Creating and Utilizing Rubric

A rubric is a set of criteria used to determine scoring for an assignment, performance or product.
This can be used to score many kinds of written assignments or exams, papers, projects, speeches
or ePortfolios.

The main purpose is to assess student performance. Teacher may observe the student in the
process of doing something, like making their projects, online drill, tutorial, and many more.

2 types of rubric

Analytic rubrics

Describe work on each criterion separately. It utilizes separate, holistic ratings of specific
characteristics, products, or behavior.

Holistic rubric

Describe work by applying all the criteria at the same time and enabling an overall judgment
about the quality of the work.

In today’s digital age, technology has become an integral part of education, and its use in
assessing student learning has gained significant popularity. Technology offers various
advantages over traditional paper-based assessments, such as faster score reporting,
individualized testing, and automatic marking. One such technology-based assessment method is
computer-based testing (CBT), also known as electronic examinations or e-exams. This essay
will explore the benefits of CBT, discuss its advantages over traditional paper-based assessments,
and provide examples of innovative assessment methods that can be implemented using

CBT offers several benefits over traditional paper-based assessments. Firstly, CBT allows
for the creation of item banks, which are databases of questions that can be used to generate
different exams for each student. This ensures that each student receives an exam of equivalent
difficulty level. Secondly, CBT facilitates automatic computerized marking, which provides
immediate feedback to students. This feedback is essential as it allows students to identify their
strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their areas of weakness. Thirdly, CBT allows
for frequent testing as it provides a rapid means of assessing and providing feedback to large
numbers of students. Fourthly, CBT facilitates the analysis of groups’ responses to questions,
which helps teachers identify areas where students are struggling and design remedial
interventions accordingly.

One example of an innovative assessment method that can be implemented using

computers is adaptive testing. Adaptive testing is a type of computer-based assessment that
adjusts the difficulty level of questions based on the student’s performance. The initial questions
are relatively easy, and as the student progresses through the exam, the difficulty level increases
or decreases based on their responses. This ensures that each student receives an exam that is
tailored to their skill level, making it more effective and efficient than traditional paper-based

Another example of an innovative assessment method is project-based assessment.

Project-based assessment involves students working on a project over a period of time, which is
then assessed using a variety of methods such as presentations, reports, and interviews. This
method allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical setting and develop critical
thinking skills. It also allows teachers to assess multiple skills such as collaboration,
communication, and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, technology has revolutionized the way we assess student learning by

providing faster score reporting, individualized testing, automatic marking, and innovative
assessment methods such as adaptive testing and project-based assessment. While computerized
testing facilities can provide a rapid means of assessing and providing feedback to large numbers
of students, it is essential to consider their use as part of the overall unit strategy to promote
deeper and more effective learning. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for
educators to stay informed about the latest developments in technology-based assessments and
incorporate them into their teaching practices to enhance student learning outcomes.”

- Paper and pencil testing is the mosts common assessment procedure utilized by teacher to
gather formal evidence about pupil learning.
- Paper and pencil instruments refer to a general group of assessment tools in which
students read questions and respond in writing.
- This includes test such as knowledge and ability tests, and inventories, such as
personality and interest inventories.

Electronic Portfolio

- An electronic portfolio which is also known as an eportfolio, digital portfolio or online


Types of ePortfolios

1. Ideal Portfolio – it contains all work of students. It is not given to provide students a
2. Showcase/professional eportfolios – primarily a way to demonstrate (showcase) the
highlights of a students academic career.
3. Documentation portfolio – (involves of a collection of work over time showing
growth and improvement reflecting students learning of identified outcomes.
4. Learning eportfolio – typically created by a student ad part of learning activity as a
way to demonstrate learning and the learning process.
5. Evaluation /assessment eportfolios – teacher may utilize this for both formative and
summative assessment feedback.

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