62-CS Automobile Technology

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Course Structure of Diploma in Engineering Probidhan-2022 (Mechanical Allied Technology)

Name of Technology: Automobile

Automobile Technology(62) 1st Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 21011 Engineering Drawing - 6 2 - - - 50 50 100 100
2 25711 Bangla-I 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
3 25712 English-I 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
4 25911 Mathematics -I 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
5 25912 Physics -I 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
6 26211 Automobile Fundamentals 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
7 26711 Basic Electricity 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
Total 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
Total Period 33
Theory:Practical (%) 45.5% 54.5%

Automobile Technology(62) 2nd Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25721 Bangla -II 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
2 25722 English-II 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
Physical Education & Life Skills
3 25812 - 3 1 - - - 25 25 50 50
4 25913 Chemistry 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
5 25921 Mathematics-II 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
6 25922 Physics-II 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
7 26221 Automotive Engine System-I 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
8 27011 Basic Workshop Practice - 3 1 - - - 25 25 50 50
Total 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
Total Period 33
Theory:Practical (%) 45.5% 54.5%
Course Structure of Diploma in Engineering Probidhan-2022 (Mechanical Allied Technology)
Name of Technology: Automobile

Automobile Technology(62) 3rd Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25811 Social Science 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
2 25931 Mathematics-III 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
3 26231 Automotive Engine System-II 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
4 26811 Basic Electronics 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
5 27012 Machine Shop Practice I 1 6 3 20 30 50 50 50 100 150
6 27031 Mechanical Engineering Materials 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
7 28511 Computer Office Application - 6 2 - - - 50 50 100 100
Total 12 21 19 240 360 600 175 175 350 950
Total Period 33
Theory:Practical (%) 36.4% 63.6%

Automobile Technology(62) 4th Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25841 Accounting 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
2 26241 Automotive Body Building 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
3 27041 Engineering Mechanics 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
4 27043 Metallurgy 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
5 27131 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
6 27142 Fuels & Lubricants 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
7 29041 Environmental Studies 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Total 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
Total Period 33
Theory:Practical (%) 45.5% 54.5%
Course Structure of Diploma in Engineering Probidhan-2022 (Mechanical Allied Technology)
Name of Technology: Automobile
Automobile Technology(62) 5th Semester
Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25852 Industrial Management 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
2 26251 Automobile Air- Conditioning 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
3 26252 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Automotive Mechanisms 2 3
4 27051 Fluid Mechanics & Machineries 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
5 27052 Mechanical Estimating & Costing 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
6 27053 Advanced Welding-I 2 6 4 40 60 100 50 50 100 200
7 27055 Manufacturing Process 3 - 3 60 90 150 - - - 150
Total 16 18 22 320 480 800 150 150 300 1100
Total Period 34
Theory:Practical (%) 47.1% 52.9%

Automobile Technology(62) 6th Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25831 Business Communication 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
2 25851 Principles of Marketing 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
3 26261 Engine Overhauling & Inspection 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Suspension, Brake, Steering &
4 26262 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Transmission System of Vehicle
Specialized Vehicles, Two &
5 26263 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Three Wheelers
6 27054 Foundry & Pattern Making 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
7 27061 Strength of Materials 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
Mechanical Measurement &
8 27062 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Total 17 18 23 340 510 850 150 150 300 1150
Total Period 35
Theory:Practical (%) 48.6% 51.4%
Course Structure of Diploma in Engineering Probidhan-2022 (Mechanical Allied Technology)
Name of Technology: Automobile

Automobile Technology(62) 7th Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 25853 Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2 - 2 40 60 100 - - - 100
Electrical, Electronic & Vehicle
2 26271 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Networking System
Automotive Testing & Emission
3 26272 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Shop Equipment, Service Station
4 26273 2 3 3 40 60 100 25 25 50 150
Operation & Workshop Practice
5 26274 Automobile Engineering Project - 6 2 - - - 50 50 100 100
6 27071 Design of Machine Elements 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
7 29231 Mechatronics & PLC 3 3 4 60 90 150 25 25 50 200
Total 14 21 21 280 420 700 175 175 350 1050
Total Period 35
Theory:Practical (%) 40.0% 60.0%

Automobile Technology(62) 8th Semester

Marks Distribution
Sl. Subject Code & Name Period Per Week
Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Code Name Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 Industrial Attachement - 24 8 - - - 200 200 400 400
2 Project Presentation - 12 4 - - - 100 100 200 200
Total - 36 12 - - - 300 300 600 600
Total Period 36
Theory:Practical (%) 0.0% 100.0%
Course Structure of Diploma in Engineering Probidhan-2022 (Mechanical Allied Technology)
Name of Technology: Automobile

Automobile Technology(62) Summary Structure (All Semester)

Marks Distribution
Sl. Period Per Week
Semester Credit Theory Assessment Practical Assessment Grand
Theory Practical Continuous Final Total Continuous Final Total Total
1 1st Semester 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
2 2nd Semester 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
3 3rd Semester 12 21 19 240 360 600 175 175 350 950
4 4th Semester 15 18 21 300 450 750 150 150 300 1050
5 5th Semester 16 18 22 320 480 800 150 150 300 1100
6 6th Semester 17 18 23 340 510 850 150 150 300 1150
7 7th Semester 14 21 21 280 420 700 175 175 350 1050
8 8th Semester - 36 12 - - - 300 300 600 600
Total 104 168 160 2,080 3,120 5,200 1,400 1,400 2,800 8000
Total Period 272
Theory:Practical (Ratio) 38.2% 61.8%

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