PYP 3 Admission Paper

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Name Of Child:

Applying for Grade : Grade 3

Language Skills: Listening, Speaking, Viewing and Presenting

1.Read out the story,give a summary of the story in your own words.
Reading and writing: 2. Read the story and answer the questions that follow
3.Make a T-chart and sort the nouns into common and proper nouns:
Read the sentences and change the underlined word from present tense to
past tense.
1. I run through the road.

2.They talk to each other politely.

3.They all sit on the carpet to hear the announcement.

4.Jim tell Mary a secret.

5.We walk in the garden.

Fill in the blanks using prepositions from the word bank. (Any 5)

by from to with in

of for out on off

1. I went _________ the store __________ my family.

2. Can you buy me a gift _____________ my birthday, please?

3. My grandma is originally _______________ Russia.

4. We got a new car _______________ my elder brother.

5. I like to spend time _______________ my room.

6. My mom was mad because I left all _________ my clothes ________ the

7. We have always lived ___________ a lot of pets.

8. Jim went __________ France ___________ his vacation.

Assessment Criteria

Statement Y N Comment

Speaks clearly
Is able to convey his/her needs and ideas

Is able to summarize the story

Is able to comprehend the story and answer

the questions

Is able to identify nouns and its types

Is able to punctuate the sentences

Math Skills:
Strand: Number
1.Tick the correct answer:

2.Shade the correct part to show each fraction

3.Find the amount :
Strand: Shapes and Space
1. Tick the correct answer:

This figure is formed by -

a) ___________ squares

b) ___________ rectangles

c) ___________ circles

d) ____________ semicircle

e) ____________ quarter circles

f) ____________ triangles
Strand:Pattern and Function
Complete the pattern.
Strand :Data Handling

Statement Y N Comment
Was focussed on the task

Has age appropriate readiness

concepts (spatial relations,
number sense, following

Displays problem solving skills

Can skip count

Can state the properties of 3D shapes

Can understand patterns

Is able to infer data from the bar graph

and anser the questions


Statement Y N Comment

Was comfortable in the environment

Was at ease meeting new people

Showed interest in the surroundings

Answers simple questions

Asks questions

Had to be encouraged/coaxed to leave

his/her parents

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