MIPRO2014final 1
MIPRO2014final 1
MIPRO2014final 1
18 2,074
6 authors, including:
Sasa Zelenika
University of Rijeka
All content following this page was uploaded by Sasa Zelenika on 04 November 2016.
Abstract – A comparison between different DC motor II. DC MOTOR POSITIONING CONTROL ALGORITHMS
positioning control algorithms is performed in this work.
Transient responses while employing a PID controller, a A. PID control
cascade controller and a state-space controller are
considered. LabVIEW programming environment with a One of the most common controllers in industrial
suitable acquisition card and a miniature DC motor with an applications and control systems is the Proportional-
integrated encoder are used for experimental assessment. Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The transfer
Calculations and control system simulations are made using function of an ideal parallel PID structure can be
Matlab. The PID controller is implemented via the expressed as (refer to the list of symbols at the end of the
predefined PID block in LabVIEW. In turn, the state-space paper) [1]:
controller is modelled by using Matlab while the accuracy of
the results is confirmed experimentally using LabVIEW. 1
The cascade controller is developed as a series of two
1 (1)
Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers, one representing the
positioning and the other the velocity loop. The obtained The PID parameters are defined as:
results allow establishing that positioning control via the - KP proportional gain
state-space controller has the fastest response and the lowest - TI integral time
settling times. - TD derivative time
I. INTRODUCTION E(s) can be calculated as the difference between the
reference position Y0(s) and the actual position Y(s):
A widely used actuator in positioning systems is a
Direct Current (DC) motor. It finds application in many (2)
of today’s mechatronics systems such as robots, precision
positioning machines or industrial applications. In the time domain, the PID controller can be
Positioning control of mechatronic devices is also used in expressed as:
situations when there is a need for an accurate response in 1
a predictable and repeatable manner. In a pick-and-place ∙ (3)
machine for production of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB),
for example, components must be placed precisely on the Using the finite time values:
board before the soldering process. Another example is a
→ (4)
robot manipulator that uses several motors for 2D or 3D
positioning of the robotic arms. Although stepper motors a discretized form of PID controller can be obtained [1]:
are sometimes employed for these purposes, DC motors
can also be a viable solution. However, when DC motors
are used, a feedback sensor is needed in order to establish ∙
positioning control [1, 2]. (5)
A DC motor with an embedded quadrature rotational
incremental encoder as a feedback sensor is employed in
this work. Three different control algorithms are The PID controller is implemented in this work via
compared in the terms of simulations in Matlab and the predefined PID block in LabVIEW. The tuning of the
experimental results obtained by using the LabVIEW PID controller parameters is conducted in two steps. The
programming environment. Ziegler-Nichols method is used first to achieve a rough
estimate of the gains; in a second step, an experimental
method of fine-tuning of PID parameters is performed.
Figure 5. Reading and encoding signals from the encoder Figure 7. Cascade control VI: front panel (up), block diagram (down)