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An Application of A Deep Learning Algorithm For Automatic Detection of Unexpected Accidents Under Bad CCTV Monitoring Conditions in Tunnels

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2019 International Conference on Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Emerging Applications (Deep-ML)

An application of a deep learning algorithm for automatic detection of unexpected

accidents under bad CCTV monitoring conditions in tunnels

Kyu Beom Lee Hyu Soung Shin

Department of Extreme Environment Research Center Department of Extreme Environment Research Center
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building
Technology (KICT),
Technology (KICT)
University of Science & Technology (UST)
Gyeonggi-Do , The Republic of Korea Gyeonggi-Do, The Republic of Korea
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— In this paper, Object Detection and Tracking the object detection involved. This object tracking technology
System (ODTS) in combination with a well-known deep has been successfully utilized for tracing of targeted
learning network, Faster Regional Convolution Neural Network pedestrian and the moving vehicle, accident monitoring in
(Faster R-CNN), for Object Detection and Conventional Object traffic camera, criminal and security monitoring in the certain
Tracking algorithm will be introduced and applied for local area of concern, etc. In the traffic control field, a case
automatic detection and monitoring of unexpected events on study on analysis and control of traffic conditions by
CCTVs in tunnels, which are likely to (1) Wrong-Way Driving automatic object detection has carried out in this paper. The
(WWD), (2) Stop, (3) Person out of vehicle in tunnel (4) Fire.
summaries are given as follows. According to [1], an on-road
ODTS accepts a video frame in time as an input to obtain
vehicle detection system for the self-driving car was
Bounding Box (BBox) results by Object Detection and compares
the BBoxs of the current and previous video frames to assign a
developed. This system detects vehicle object and classifies
unique ID number to each moving and detected object. This the type of vehicle by Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
system makes it possible to track a moving object in time, which The vehicle object tracking algorithm tracks the vehicle object
is not usual to be achieved in conventional object detection by changing the tracking center point according to the position
frameworks. A deep learning model in ODTS was trained with of the recognized vehicle object on the image. Then, the
a dataset of event images in tunnels to Average Precision (AP) monitor shows a localized image like a bird’s viewpoint with
values of 0.8479, 0.7161 and 0.9085 for target objects: Car, the visualized vehicle objects, and the system calculates the
Person, and Fire, respectively. Then, based on trained deep distance between the driving car and the visualized vehicle
learning model, the ODTS based Tunnel CCTV Accident objects. This process of the system enables to objectively view
Detection System was tested using four accident videos which the position of the vehicle object so that it can help assistance
including each accident. As a result, the system can detect all of the self-driving system. As a result, it can localize the
accidents within 10 seconds. The more important point is that vehicle object in vertical 1.5m, horizontal 0.4m tolerance at
the detection capacity of ODTS could be enhanced the camera.
automatically without any changes in the program codes as the
training dataset becomes rich. In [2], another deep learning-based detection system in
combination with CNN and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Keywords— Faster R-CNN for Object Detection, Object was developed to monitor moving vehicles on urban roads or
Tracking Algorithm, Object Detection and Tracking system, highways by satellite. This system extracts the feature from
Detection for Unexpected Events, Tunnel CCTV Accident the satellite image through CNN using the satellite image as
Detection System an input value and performs the binary classification with
SVM to detect the vehicle BBox. Besides, Arinaldi, Pradana,
I. INTRODUCTION and Gurusinga [3] developed a system to estimate the speed
Object detection technology has been successfully applied of the vehicle, classify vehicle type, and analyze traffic
to find the size and position of target objects appearing on volume. This system utilizes BBox obtained by object
images or videos. Several applications have appeared mainly detection based on videos or images. The algorithm applied to
in self-driving of vehicles, CCTV monitoring and security the system was compared with the Gaussian Mixture Model +
system, cancer detection, etc. Object tracking is another area SVM and faster RCNN. Then it appears that faster R-CNN
in image processing to be achieved by unique identification was able to detect the position and type of vehicle more
and tracking the positions of identified objects over time. accurately. In other words, it could be said that the deep
However, to track objects, it is necessary to define object class learning-based object detection approach is superior to the
and position first in a firstly given static image by object algorithm based object detection system. As a conclusion, all
detection. Therefore, it can be said that the results of object of the development cases in this paper deal with object
tracking should be deeply dependent on the performance of detection based monitoring system to obtain traffic

978-1-7281-2914-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 7

DOI 10.1109/Deep-ML.2019.00010
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information, showing outstanding performance with deep object is simultaneously classified by the object
learning. However, they all were hard to assign unique IDs to detection module.
the detected objects and track them by keeping the same ID
over time. Then, based on the detected object information, a
dependent object tracking module is initiated to assign the
Therefore, in this paper, an attempt is made for generate an unique ID number to each of the detected objects, and
object detection & tracking system (ODTS), that can obtain predict the next position of each of the objects, ′ . The
moving information of target objects by combining object number of tracking BBox u is different from n. But If past
tracking algorithm with the deep learning-based object tracked BBox is 0, the number of tracking BBox equals to the
detection process. The full ODTS procedures (Figure 1) will number of the detected objects. For example, in time T+c, if u
be described in details in the following section. Also, the is 0, u’ equals to n’. In other words, when the past tracking
tunnel accident detection system in the framework of ODTS BBox did not exist, the current tracking BBox takes from the
will be taken into consideration [4,7]. This system is used for detected objects per each class. This object tracking module
detecting accident or unexpected events taking place on was composed by introducing an object tracking algorithm
moving object and target local region on CCTV. called SORT algorithm[5], which uses a concept of
Intersection Over Union (IOU) to trace the same object with
II. DEEP LEARNING-BASED OBJECT DETECTION AND the same ID number and also uses Kalman filter and
TRACKING SYSTEM Hungarian algorithm for prediction of the next position of the
detected objects.
A. Concept At the next time step T+c, the same processes are followed
on the newly given image to obtain and C
Figure 1 shows the process of object detection and
tracking by the ODTS over time[7]. It is assumed that ODTS by the same object detection module as used at the time T.
has been trained enough to perform object detection properly Then, IOU of all the possible pairs between the predicted
on a given image frame. ODTS receives selected frames of positions, ′ at time T and detected objects positions,
video at specified time interval c and gains sets of coordinates, at the time T+c are calculated. The nearest objects,
n BBoxs are detected. of objects on the given image namely the pair with the highest IOU value, will be assumed
frame at the time T, from the trained object detection system. the same object with the same ID. And any object in ′
The corresponding type or class of each detected which has no object pair with higher than IOU value of 0.3
will be considered as disappeared from the region of interest
Similarly, any object in which has no object pair
Time with higher than IOU value of 0.3 will be considered as newly
appeared into the RoI at T+c. The freshly emerged object will
T T+c T+2c be assigned by a new ID number not overlapped with the
Image Image Image previous ID number.
This system utilizes a faster RCNN learning algorithm[5]
Object Object Object for object detection and a SORT[6] for ID assignment and
Detection Detection Detection object tracking. It is known that SORT[6] enables multi-object
tracking by 100-300fps degree speed. These system processes
n n’ n” object tracking using SORT[6] algorithm based on IoU value,
so the object tracking ability was affected by video frame
interval c[7]. Video frame interval can reduce the computation
amount over time by adjusting the detection interval of the
object detection network. To check this, object tracking
Grant ID and Grant ID and Grant ID and ability over the frame interval experimented, and then it was
Predict Predict Predict possible to track the objects until six frame interval[7].
Next Position Next Position Next Position
Increasing frame interval significantly reduces object tracking
Each Each Each ability, so that the video frame interval should be optimized
Class Class Class for the number of camera devices simultaneously connected
u u’ u” to a deep-learning server.
′ ′ ′

B. Tunnel accident detection system

Figure 1. Object detection and tracking process of Object Detection- Driving in a road tunnel is dangerous because it is
Tracking system over time. When class and BBox were obtained by
object detection, object tracking algorithm grants ID and predicts inadequate space to evacuate compared to a general highway,
next position using current and past BBox. and should inform the drivers if an emergency occurs in the
tunnel[7]. Therefore, in South Korea, Person, Fire, Stop, and

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Wrong Way Driving(WWD) are the target objects and events
to be monitored in the national regulation[4]. Driving in a road Direction
tunnel is dangerous because it is inadequate space to evacuate
compared to a general highway. Therefore, drivers should be
informed as soon as possible when an emergency occurs in the
tunnel[7]. In South Korea, The objects or events: Person, Fire,
Stop, and WWD should be detected and monitored according
to the Korean national regulation [4].
Meanwhile, The monitoring of the target objects and
unexpected events are undertaken through CCTVs in tunnels.
And an automatic object detection system for the targets
would be adopted for the purpose with an excellent
performance outside of tunnels. However, the system doesn’t
work at all in a tunnel. It is because: (1) In the tunnel video
has low Illuminance, so the video was greatly influenced by
Crop & War
the tail light of the driving vehicle or the warning light of the p
car in operation. (2) The tone of the tunnel video was a dark
color. In other words, it has a different color compared to the Object
road of the tunnel outside. Since the above two reasons, the Detection
video monitoring system developed on the roads outside of
the tunnels was likely to fail to operate appropriately in the
tunnel. Therefore, an automatic accident detection system
specialized for road tunnel is required. Car Car ID: 1
Car Car ID: 2
To overcome the problems above, deep learning-based Identification
Tunnel CCTV Accident Detection System was developed in and
[7]. A deep learning model of Faster R-CNN was used for Person Tracking Person
training. And this model was based on a model that learns
image datasets that include some accidents in tunnels. Then,
ODTS uses an object tracking function only with Car object, Fire, Person Car Accident
and the tracking information of the target Car object is used Detection
for determining Stop and WWD events by using Car Accident Algorithm
Detection Algorithm(CADA) periodically. Stop,
Wrong way driving
The procedure of CADA detects an accident state, as
Figure 2. Accident detection process using tunnel CCTV. Object det
shown in Figure 2. First, set Region of Interest(RoI) to on ection can find Fire, Person accident and object tracking finds Stop
CCTV screen in the tunnel and proceed crop and warp to the and Wrong way driving accident
extracted image from the ROI of the original image of a
time interval with CADA. At this time, WWD was decided by
CCTV screen. This procedure is similar to [1], but the purpose
Intersection over Line(IoL), and Stop was decided by IoU. IoL
of this system is to achieve a coherent standard for identifying
is a concept, the ratio of overlapping lines similar to IoU. Use
Stop and WWD events. The image extract makes the image
only the vertical value of BBox to determine inversion, as
more comfortable to be trained by removing unnecessary
shown in the following equation.
image area out of ROI and by making a similar size of objects
of the near and far side. These points are different from [1]. IoL =

Next, detect Car, Fire, Person objects by trained Faster R- ℎ
The criterion of WWD is based on the warped tunnel
Next, To prevent false detection of the Fire object, Extra CCTV image to detect the vertical velocity of the BBox in the
‘No Fire’ object was defined by directly defining the object image. If IoL is less than 0.75 and the direction of vertical
class to reduce the wrong answer for Fire object. The No Fire driving is the opposite, it was judged to be inverse.
object is assigned for misleading objects like tunnel light, tail
light of the car, etc. The feature of those data is reflected in IOU was used as a criterion for determining the Stop event
training that designates the pre-defined object class different because the position and size of the BBox should be
from the exception of background in Faster R-CNN training. considered regardless of the direction. If it is 0.9 or more, it is
With this method, the reduction of Fire misdetection on judged as a stop.
untrained data could be possible. Through the process as mentioned above, the tunnel
Then, the Car object is numbered by object tracking CCTV video accident detection system is applied for an
algorithm, and the previous cycle BBox of the same ID is
compared with the current cycle BBox at a predetermined

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experiment with real object images and event videos obtained The number of Fire objects is a little because the
from tunnel monitoring sites. occurrence of fire events in the tunnel is infrequent to happen.
Therefore, there is a high possibility of false detection and
missed detection for fire, and what is vital in the tunnel control
III. EXPERIMENTS center is that false detection should be fewer than missed
Experiments with the developed system in this study are
divided into two parts: the learning performance measurement If the system installed in the field is frequently informed
of deep learning and the accident detection performance of the that false detection has occurred even in the absence of false
entire system. The SORT used in ODTS is greatly affected by detection, the reliability of the system is substantially
object recognition performance. Therefore, to complete this degraded. On the other hand, in the case where the data was
system, high performance of object detection through proper not detected, it was possible to improve the detection
learning of deep learning object detection network was performance automatically with the enriched dataset in the
required. time-lapse which is periodically included in the training
dataset. Therefore, the experiment focused on reducing false
Then, based on the trained deep learning model, the entire detection, so that the number of No Fire objects were much
system was tested to see if it can detect the targeted four higher than these of fires.
accident events. In this case, since both the object detection
performance of the deep learning model and the 10 epochs proceeded faster R-CNN training. The deep
discriminative ability of the CADA were both required, the learning framework was Tensorflow 1.3.0 on Linux[7]. The
system was tested for each image to determine whether it is hardware of Faster R-CNN training uses Nvidia GTX 1070.
possible to detect each situation. The training time took 60 hours, and the inference
performance of each object class evaluates by Average
A. Deep learning training
Training of the deep learning network was undertaken by
not a video but a series of still images. In this paper, a single Number Average Precision (AP)
cycle of the training process for a whole dataset is defined by of images Car Person Fire
one epoch. The dataset to be learned involves the images in
accident events. Faster R-CNN[5] was used for training. 70914 0.8479 0.7161 0.9085


AP values for the three target objects to be detected were
Number Number of objects shown in Table.2. in the training dataset, the number of Car
Number of
Videos Car Fire Person objects is the largest object and very high AP value was
obtained for the Car object in comparison with other classes.
45 70914 427554 857 44862 That is, the object detection performance of deep running of
the Car in the video was expected to be highly reliable. On the
other hand, in Table.2, AP for Person object results in
Table.1 shows the status of the dataset used for training. relatively low value because Person object exists long, tiny
This dataset is composed of 70,914 video images by dividing shape in small size.
45 videos into frames. Unlike general deep learning process,
learning data and inference data were not separated in the The AP of Fire object was high as 0.9085, but false
training process of deep learning. This is because, unlike the detection for the object might be highly possible as the number
publicly available datasets, the dataset used in this paper is that of the objects available for training was very small, 857.
the images are continuous in each video. In other words, the Nonetheless, training about deep learning, including No Fire
images present in each video file have the same image objects, could reduce the false detection of Fire object.
background and differ depending on the presence of the However, to detect the Fire in the tunnel control center, it was
objects. If the training data and the inference data were necessary to collect and involve more images of a Fire event
divided for each image, the inference performance of the in training.
object detection network would show similar performance.
On the other hand, the stability of the object detection on the
whole video may be deteriorated, which adversely affects the B. Accident detection test using entire Tunnel CCTV
detection performance of the accident, so it is difficult to test Accident Detection System
the detection procedure of the entire tunnel CCTV image Based on the trained deep learning model, the performance
accident detection system. Therefore, training was performed in accident detection of the deep learning-based Tunnel
by collecting all available data, and evaluation of the deep CCTV Accident Detection System needs to be evaluated. For
learning object detection performance uses the learned data. this, 4 videos were selected to check up for 4 events as in


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Table 3. A visualization program was generated to show Person showed relatively low object detection performance.
detection results on the video. However, in the case of Fire, there is a high probability of false
detection in the untrained videos due to the insufficient
The video frame interval was set to 6 frames per second at number of Fire objects. Nonetheless, it is possible to reduce
30 fps, and it was evaluated that it was detected within 10 the occurrence of false detections by simultaneously training
seconds after visual observation[7]. The length of the video, objects that are No Fire. The fire object detection performance
the time of occurrence, and the detected time are summarized of the deep learning object detection network should be
in Table 3. improved by securing the Fire image later.
TABLE III. DETCTIED TIME OF THE EACH ACCIDENT BY ACCIDENT Although the ODTS can be applied as an example of a
Tunnel CCTV Accident Detection System, it is also used to
Accident Item on video time
fields that need to monitor the dynamic movement of a
video specific object such as vehicle speed estimation or illegal
Video Occurrence Detected
information length time time parking monitoring will be possible. To increase the reliability
of the system, it is necessary to secure various images and to
Stop 126s 5s 7s
secure Fire and Person objects. Besides, through the
Wrong Way
29s 4s 12s application and continuous monitoring of the tunnel
Driving management site, the reliability of the system could be
Fire 64s 29s 29s improved.
person 72s 50s 50s REFERENCES
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and the detection of Stop and WWD events. Since this is a 112, pp. 178-189.
characteristic of CADA, in our experiment, it is detected every [2] L. Cao, Q. Jiang, M. Cheng, C. Wang, “Robust vehicle detection by
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2.4-sec cycle. Nevertheless, the system could detect the Neurocomputing, 2016, vol. 215, pp. 225-231.
difference of 2 seconds for Stop and 8 seconds for WWD. On
[3] A. Arinaldi, J. A. Pradana, A. A. Gurusinga, “Detection and
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is a limitation that the images used in Table 3 are images used [4] K. B. Lee, H. S. Shin, D. G. Kim, “Development of a deep-learning
for training so that it will be different from the case where it based automatic tunnel incident detection system on cctvs,” in Proc.
was installed directly in the field. Therefore, the application Fourth International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics,
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[5] S. Ren, K. He, R. Girshick, J. Sun, “Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-
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IV. CONCLUSION [6] A. Bewley, Z. Zongyuan, L. Ott, F. Ramos, B. Upcroft, “Simple Online
and Realtime Tracking,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
This paper proposes a new process of ODTS by combining Image Processing, 2016, pp. 3464-3468.
deep learning-based object detection network and object [7] K. B. Lee, H. S. Shin, D. G. Kim, “Development of a deep-learning
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On the other hand, the object detection performance is
important because SORT used in ODTS object tracking uses
only information of BBox without using an image. Therefore,
continuous object detection performance may be less needed
unless the object tracking algorithm is relatively dependent on
object recognition performance.
And Tunnel CCTV Accident Detection System based on
ODTS was developed. The experiments on training and
evaluation of deep learning object detection network and
detection of an accident of the whole system were conducted.
This system adds CADA that discriminates every cycle based
on dynamic information of the car objects. As a result of
experimenting with the image containing each accident, it was
possible to detect the accidents within 10 seconds.
On the other hand, training of deep learning secured the
object detection performance of a reliable Car object, and


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