Height of Instrument Method

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Methods of Reducing Levels

Height of Instrument Method
• This method consist of finding H.I. for every
setup of instrument, and then obtaining the
R.L. of point of reference with respect to H.I
Height of Instrument Method
• The following staff readings were observed
successively with a level the instrument is moved by
third, sixth and eighth readings.
• 2.228 :1.606 :0.988 :2.090 :2.864 :1.262 0.602 :1.982
:1.044 :2.684 m
• enter the reading in record book and calculate R.L. if
the first reading was taken at a B.M of 432.383m
H.I. Method

CHECK Σ B.S-Σ F.S = 5.964-6.916= -0.952 = LAST R.L-FIRST R.L= 431.432-432.384=-

• The following readings were taken with a dumpy
level and 4m leveling staff. The instrument was
shifted after 3rd and 6th readings. The readings are
2.665, 3.225, 2.905, 1.85, 0.98, 2.62, 1.585, 0.96,
0.425. m Enter the above readings in a page of level
book and calculate R.L. of points, if the first reading
was taken with a staff held on B.M. of 240 m. use
rise and fall method. Apply arithmetic checks
HI Method
Station B.S. I.S. F.S HI RL Remarks
A 2.665 242.665 240 .00 BM
B 3.225 239.44
C 1.85 2.905 241.61 239.76 3rd CP
D 0.98 240.63
E 1.585 2.62 240.575 238.99 6th CP
F 0.96 239.615
G 0.425 240.15

6.1 5.95
∑ BS- ∑ FS= 0.15 L.RL –F. RL= 0.15
• The Following observations were taken with dumpy level and
4 m leveling staff. The instrument were shifted after the 4th
and 7th reading. The first reading was taken on a bench mark
whose R.L. was 15.575 m. prepare a page of level book and
calculate RL of all the points. The observations were taken at
every 30 m interval. Use H.I. Method. Observations are:
0.565, 1.250, 1.675, 3.695,0.125, 2.345, 0.500, 1.785, 2.535.
Observations are: 0.565, 1.250, 1.675,
3.695 (CP),0.125, 2.345, 0.500 (CP), 1.785, 2.535.
Station B.S. I.S. F.S HI RL Remarks
A 0.565 16.14 15.575 BM
B 1.250 14.89
C 1.675 14.46
D 0.125 3.695 12.565 12.44 CP
E 2.345 10.22

F 1.785 0.500 13.85 12.065 CP

G 2.535 11.315

2.47 6.73
∑ BS- ∑ FS= -4.26 L.RL –F. RL= -4.255
• Gradient of line AG = Diff of RLs

• Gradient of line AG = 4.260


= 1

= 1 in 42.25 Gradient.
The following readings are taken on continuous
falling ground with staff of 4 m the are 0.4 m,
0.765, 1.270, 2.56, 3.22, 3.95, 0.390, 1.690, 3.5,
0.8, 1.920, 2.45, 3.98. Enter the reading in the
page of level book and calculate the RLs of all
point if the first reading was taken on Benchmark
of 100m.
0.400, 0.765, 1.270, 2.560, 3.220, 3.950, 0.390,1.690,3.500,0.800,1.920, 2.450,3.980
(Continuous Sloping Ground) 4m staff

Station B.S. I.S. F.S HI RL Remarks

A 0.400 100.4 100.00 BM
B 0.765 99.635
C 1.270 99.13
D 2.560 97.84
E 3.220 97.18

F 0.390 3.950 96.84 96.45 CP

G 1.690 95.15

H 0.800 3.500 94.14 93.34 CP

I 1.920 92.22 CP
J 2.450 91.69
K 3.98 90.16
∑ 1.59 11.43
CHECK ∑ BS- ∑ FS= -9.84 m L.RL –F. RL= -9.84 m
• The following consecutive readings were taken with a level
and a 4m staff at a common interval of 30m; The first reading
was taken at B.M. having R.L. =100m. The instrument were
shifted after the 4th and 9 th readings. Rule out a page of a
level book, enter the readings given and also calculate the
reduced levels of the points by the collimation method. Also
apply arithmetic checks.
• Consecutive readings are: 2.650, 1.745, 0.625, 0.260, 2.525,
2.160, 1.235, 0.870, 1.365, 0.625, 1.790, and 2.535.
Consecutive readings are: 2.650, 1.745, 0.625, 0.260 (CP), 2.525, 2.160,
1.235, 0.870, 1.365 (CP), 0.625, 1.790, and 2.535.
Station B.S. I.S. F.S HI RL Remarks
A 2.65 102.65 100 m BM
B 1.745 100.905
C 0.625 102.025
D 2.525 0.260 104.915 102.39 CP
E 2.160 102.755
F 1.235 103.68
G 0.87 104.045
H 0.625 1.365 104.175 103.55 CP
I 1.79 102.385
J 2.535 101.64
K 5.8 4.16

CHECK ∑ BS- ∑ FS= 1.64 m L.RL –F. RL= 1.64 m
• The following consecutive readings were taken with a
level and a 4m leveling staff on a continuously
sloping ground at a common interval of 30 m on line
Chainag 0 30 60 90 120 150
Level 0.585 0.930 1.95 2.845 3.645 3.93
Station A B

The reduced level (RL) of station A is 50.00. Calculate the

reduced levels at all the points where the leveling staff is placed.
Tabulate the results and apply usual checks. Also determine the
gradient of line AB.
Station B.S. I.S. F.S HI RL Remarks

A (0 m) 0.585 50.585 50.00 BM

B (30 m ) 0.930 49.655
C (60 m) 1.950 48.635
D (90 m) 2.840 47.745
E (120 m) 3.645 46.94
F (150 m) 3.930 46.655
G (180 m)

0.585 3.930 3.345

∑ BS- ∑ FS= -3.345 m L.RL –F. RL= 3.345 m

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