474415.TPWRD 00805 2008 - R
474415.TPWRD 00805 2008 - R
474415.TPWRD 00805 2008 - R
23 7,464
3 authors:
Ivica Pavic
University of Zagreb
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Development of an expert system for measuring lightning strokes parameters and protection of wind turbine blades in order to reduce failures and downtime View project
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Manuscript received October 26, 2008. The authors are with the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Unska 3 10000
Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Figure 1: Current waves 10/350 s and 8/20 s, 20 kA
[email protected]).
TPWRD-00805-2008 2
Table I shows the allocation of SPDs into relevant surge to leave out the first stage (SPD of Class I), as illustrated in
categories, as well as the associated task of a particular surge Fig. 3. Instead, an SPD of Class II should be installed in its
category. It is clear that every line that is entered into a place, thus the surge protection would be configured within
building (whether a communication or electrical line) in the two stages, as is the practice in the USA for power distribution
area where a lightning strike is possible needs to be protected [4]. The anticipated drawback of such a configuration would
by an appropriately located SPD of Class I. For a building that be a possible overload of an SPD of Class II at the service
is supplied by an overhead LV network, the case is illustrated entrance.
in Fig. 2. It is necessary to install a SPD of Class I (lightning Overvoltage categories
cannot be a barrier to use of Class II SPD at the service adopted for buildings connected to the LV network.
entrance. When a lightning strikes the highest conductor of a post
Induced currents (Fig. 6) in the LV network, the flashover happens to other
Phase A
Phase B
conductors as well. The electrical arc can be modeled in
Phase C
different ways. Most frequently, a typical voltage/time
225 value for a specific wave shape and the time required for a
flashover, is used. According to [13], for a plain analysis, the
electric arc, resulting from the flashing over the insulator, does
not need to be modeled in detail. The voltage/time
Usually, in the overhead LV network the SPDs of Class II
time (mikro s)
are located in a transformer substation (TS) cabinet and at the
Figure 4: Induced currents in all three phases at the beginning and at the end
end of the network. Recently, the SPDs of Class II have also
of an LV network (resistive load is matched to surge impedance).
been located on the first post of the LV network, in front of the
A. Procedure TS. It has also been assumed that the SPDs of Class II were
In this paper the procedure of choosing the SPDs in LV installed at the service entrance of a building. In order to
networks is presented. For each typical surge protection model a SPD in EMTP, it is essential to obtain its voltage-
application an appropriate EMTP model is devised. The current characteristic. Since voltage-current characteristics of
acceptable probability of energy overload for SPDs of Class II LV SPDs are usually not offered in manufacturers’ catalogues,
is then adopted. An appropriate lightning current is chosen they can be obtained in the laboratory. An example of a
according to the adopted probability. The lightning stroke voltage-current characteristic of a LV SPD, partly made in the
simulation is performed, and the energy load of the SPD is laboratory, is shown in Table II. The same characteristic was
calculated. The relative frequency of energy overload is thus used to model the SPD. The ATPDraw model of an LV
obtained, which is then associated with the adopted network is illustrated in Fig. 7.
probability. Based on above, a conclusion is drawn whether
SPD of Class II is adequate. The block diagram describing
such procedure is shown in Fig. 5.
Number of lightning strokes Acceptable risk of SPD class II
per square km annually energy overloading (RTi)
Family houses Family houses Other simple Complex ........
without LPS with LPS buildings buildings
Relative frequency Relative frequency
of energy overload of energy overload
(fri=fr1) (f ri=f r1+f r2)
SPD class I
There are the following earthings in the considered LV
network: Earthing of TS, earthing of the first pole (on this pole
SPD class II
the SPDs are installed) and earthing of the PEN conductor
Figure 5: Choice of adequate SPD for buildings placed every 200 m. TS earthing consists of three connected
rings made out of galvanized steel. The rest of the earthings
For example, the acceptable risk of fault, due to energy are made out of one ring. As a consequence, the earthing
overload for a SPD of Class II at the service entrance of a resistance of the TS is much lower than all the other earthing
family home without lightning protection system (LPS), of RTi resistance in the LV network.
= 10-2 (once in a hundred years) is suggested.
An LV network with aluminum/steel (Al/St) conductors Uc = 280 V , In = 10 kA, Imax = 20 kA, Up = 1.1 kV
(and self carrying cable bundle) was modeled taking into 1.03 kA 1.53 kA 2.03 kA 2.5 kA 4.5 kA 5.05 kA 5.75 kA 6.45 kA
account the frequency dependence. The same model was 750 V 800 V 840 V 880 V 980 V 1020 V 1030 V 1050 V
TPWRD-00805-2008 4
LV network
l 9/189
Rts Re Re Re kWh Re
are many variables when modeling the overhead network phase C, and finally to PEN conductor immediately after a
(location of the lightning stroke, parameters of lightning stroke stroke. In an LV network with a self carrying cable bundle
or location of the building connection relative to the location (Table IV) the probability of arcing to phase B, C and PEN
of a lightning stroke) some of those variables had to be kept conductor is equal.
constant. Subsequently, all simulations were carried out with Designations A, B and C in Table III to Table VI showed an
the same lightning current 88.87 kA, 9/189 s. Both network energy-overloaded SPD of Class II which was located at the
and connection parameters were also kept constant. The service entrance of the connected building and in such
location of the lightning stroke, as well as the location of the particular phase. Designations (1), (2) and (3) showed the
building connection was left variable. number of energy-overloaded SPDs of Class II in the TS for
The energy absorbed by the SPD using a MO disc is the given lightning stroke and building connection locations.
determined by the following expression: The dash -(-) showed no energy-overloaded SPD of Class II at
the service entrance nor in the TS.
E u( t ) i( t ) dt (5)
The accepted energy overloading criterion for all SPDs was
It is a well-known fact that the SPD limits the voltage; 1.5 kJ (a conservative value). There were SPDs of Class II
therefore u(t) in the above expression changes very slightly. with nominal current 20 kA and maximum current 65 kA (even
The current i(t) changes from less than 1 mA to several tens of 150 kA). Roughly, it can be assumed that an SPD of Class II
kA. This is the reason why the integration must be performed can discharge its nominal current 20 times, while it can
for as long as a significant current flows through the SPD, or discharge its maximum current at least once [16]. When a
for as long as the voltage drop on the SPD is greater that its current wave 8/20 s with amplitude of 65 kA is impressed
continuous operating voltage. into an SPD of Class II, the dissipated energy of more than 2
In transient processes varying in time, it is practically kJ is obtained. In [10] it is noted that the current wave 14.1
impossible to use the above expression for energy calculations. kA, 10/350 s, impressed into the newly developed MOV,
For such purpose, the EMTP uses the numerical integration produces energy of 4.8 kJ. Also, a current wave of 24 kA
based on the trapezoid rule (6). produces energy of 8.0 kJ.
j n
uj uj 1 ij ij 1 When taking into account the possibility of multiple
E t (6) lightning strokes, the level of the dissipated energy was
j 1
2 2
assumed to be 75% of 2 kJ, i.e. 1.5 kJ. Thus, the criterion for
If the energy absorbed by the SPD requires to be an overloaded SPD (based on a MO disc) is accepted, and
numerically calculated, it is necessary to perform the which defines this device as energy-overloaded whilst the
calculation for as long as a significant current flows through lightning stroke at the LV network produces absorbed energy
the SPD. The whole transient state needs to be observed until greater than 1.5 kJ.
it is fully attenuated. In case of a lightning strike into a 1 km After summing up all the cases in Table III, the following
long LV network, this would take approx. 2.5 ms, in some relation was obtained. Out of 363 possible cases, the energy
cases, even longer. overloading of an SPD of Class II, placed at the service
If the time of calculation is then divided by the calculation step entrance of a building, was noted in 66 cases, which represents
(increment) ( t = 0.01 s), it yields to 250000 calculation a relative frequency of energy overload of approx. 18.2%.
steps. Such a calculation would take approx. 1.5 minutes on After summing up all the cases in Table IV, the relative
present-day PCs. frequency of energy overload is approx. 14.0%. Considering
This is the reason why the calculation with both the building the adopted probability for the occurrence of lightning current
connection distance and the lightning stroke distance of 100 m amplitude, and also considering the adopted, worst-case
was performed first. A calculation, changing lightning stroke configuration with only one building connection, this
position and building connection at every post spacing (33 m), constituted an encouraging result and lead to the conclusion
was also performed but the results were almost the same. that the SPD of Class II is appropriate for installation at the
E. Results of simulation service entrance.
Apart from energy loading of the SPD of Class II at the service
The results of energy load simulations for an SPD installed
entrance, the calculations performed in the above simulations
at the service entrance of a building are presented in this
also included energy loads of an SPD of Class II installed at
chapter. These are the results for a model of an LV network
the post TS. In most cases, it was accepted that an SPD
with Al/St conductors and with a self carrying cable bundle.
installed at the post TS was of Class II (MO). The adopted
As illustrated in Table III to Table VI, the lightning stroke
criterion for energy overloading is the same as for the SPD at
location varies from the TS to the end of the LV line in steps
the service entrance. Therefore, if the energy absorbed by an
of 100 m. The location of a building connection also varies
SPD, at the moment of the lightning strike to the LV network,
from the beginning to the end of the LV network. The
is greater than 1.5 kJ, such SPD is energy overloaded. The
lightning always strikes the highest conductor (phase A), in
results from Tables III are unexpected. Almost every stroke to
accordance with the electro-geometrical model. In a great
the LV network resulted in an energy-overload for one, two or
majority of cases, there will be an arcing to phase B, then to
TPWRD-00805-2008 6
three SPDs of Class II that were installed at the TS. The increased to 5 (Table V), the relative frequency of energy
relative frequency of the energy overload for the SPD of Class overload of the SPD of Class II at the service entrance (in LV
II installed at the TS equaled to 72.2% (262/363). The relative network with Al/St conductors) is greater than 24.2% whereas
frequency of energy overload for the SPD of Class II at the TS at the TS, is lower than 9.6%. Similarly, when TS earthing
in Table IV is 30.9%. On the other hand, the capacitors resistance is increased to 10 (Table VI), the relative
required for compensation of reactive power in the TS did not frequency of energy overload at the service entrance equals
decrease the energy load of the SPD installed at the TS. The 32.5% and at the TS 8.8%.
results in Table III and Table IV are for typical earthing It needs to be stressed out that SPDs of Class II were also
resistances for the LV network in question (TS 2 , all other located on the first post of the LV network, in front of the TS.
earthing resistances 10 ). The results for the increased TS Such SPDs absorbed portion of energy and have decreased the
earthing resistance to 5 are shown in Table V whereas Table energy loading of SPDs class II at the TS.
VI shows results for the increased TS earthing resistance to 10 Most of the overloading of SPDs at service entrance and at TS
. It needs to be mentioned that TS earthing resistances are are characterized by absorbed energy just above 1.5 kJ. That
atypically high for the TS in comparison to all other earthings means, according to [10] and [11], SPDs based on MO disk
in the LV network. When the TS earthing resistance is have good prospects for installation at the service entrances.
Distance from TS of Lightning Strike to Low-Voltage Network (Strike to Phase A)
0m 100 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 800m 900 m 1000 m
0m A (1) - (1) - (1) - (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (1)
100 m A (1) A, B, C (1) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (2) A (3)
Connection from TS
200 m A (1) A (3) A, B, C (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (3) A (3)
Distance of Building
300 m A (1) - (3) - (3) A, B, C (2) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) A (3)
400 m A (1) - (3) - (3) A (2) A, B, C (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) A (3)
500 m A (1) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) A, B, C (2) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (3) A (3)
600 m A (1) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) A (1) A, B, C (1) A (3) A (3) A (3) A, B, C (3)
700 m A (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (1) A, B, C (2) A (3) A (3) A, B, C (3)
800 m A (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (1) A, B, C (1) A, B (2) A, B, C (3)
900 m A (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (1) - (2) A, C (2) A, B, C (3)
1000 m - (1) - (3) - (3) - (3) - (2) - (2) - (2) - (1) - (2) - (1) A, B, C (3)
Distance from TS of Lightning Strike to Low-Voltage Network (Strike to Phase A of SCCB)
0m 100 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 800m 900m 1000 m
0m A (1) - (1) A (1) - (-) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (1)
100 m A (1) A (1) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (1)
Connection from TS
200 m A (1) - (3) A (1) - (2) - (1) - (2) - (-) - (2) - (-) - (-) A (1)
Distance of Building
300 m A (1) - (3) A (1) A, B, C (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (1)
400 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) A (1) - (2) - (-) - (2) - (-) - (-) A (1)
500 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) A, B, C (1) A (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (1)
600 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) A (-) - (2) A (-) - (2) A, B, C (1)
700 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) - (-) A (-) - (-) - (2) A, B, C (1)
800 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-) A (2) A, B, C (1)
900 m A (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) - (1) - (-) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (1)
1000 m - (1) - (3) - (1) - (2) - (1) - (-) - (1) - (-) A (-) - (-) A, B, C (1)
Distance from TS of Lightning Strike to Low-Volatage Network (Strike to Phase A)
0m 100 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 800 m 900 m 1000 m
0m A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-)
100 m A (1) A, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-)
Connection from TS
200 m A (1) A, B (1) A, B, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-)
Distance of Building
300 m A (1) A (1) A (-) A, B, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, C (-)
400 m A (1) A (1) A (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (1) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-)
500 m A (1) A (1) - (-) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (1) A (-) A (-) - (-) - (-) A, B (1)
600 m A (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-) A, B, C (1) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (1)
700 m A (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, B, C (1) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (1)
800 m A (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-) A, B, C (1) A, B (-) A, B, C (1)
900 m A (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, C (1) A, B, C (1)
1000 m A (1) - (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, B, C (1)
TPWRD-00805-2008 7
Distance from TS of Lightning Strike to Low-Volatage Network (Strike to Phase A)
0m 100 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 800 m 900 m 1000 m
0m A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-)
100 m A, B (3) A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-)
Connection from TS
200 m A, B, C (3) A, B (-) A, B, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-)
Distance of Building
300 m A, B, C (3) A (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, C (-)
400 m A, B, C (3) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (1) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (-)
500 m A, B (3) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A, B, C (-)
600 m A, B, C (3) - (-) A, B (-) A (-) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (1) A, B (1) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (-)
700 m A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-) A, B, C (-) A, B (-) A, B (-) A, B, C (-)
800 m A, B, C (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (-) A (1) A, B (-) A, B, C (-)
900 m A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, B (1) A, B, C (-)
1000 m A (1) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) - (-) A, B, C (1)
[9] I. Uglesic, V. Milardic: Surge Protection of Low-Voltage Systems Ivo Uglešić was born in Croatia in 1952. He
Connected to Overhead Line, 28th International Conference on received Ph.D. degree from the University of Zagreb,
Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, 18-22 September 2006. Croatia in 1988. Presently, he is a Professor of the
[10] A. Stagoj, V. Murko, A. Pirih: High Energy Lightning Impulse Department of High Voltage and Power Systems at
Discharge Capability Metal Oxide Varistors, 28th International the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Conference on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, 18-22 September Zagreb. He is a head of the High Voltage Laboratory
2006. of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
[11] N. Tsukamoto, Y. Wakahata: Development of ZnO Disks with High Computing in Zagreb. His areas of interest include
Energy Withstand Capability for Low Voltage Surge Protective high voltage engineering and power transmission.
Devices, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection, He is a member of Cigré WG C4 301.
Kanazawa, 18-22 September 2006.
[12] P. Hasse: Overvoltage protection of low voltage systems (in Ivica Pavić was born In Croatia in 1962. He
German), TÜV-Verlag GmbH, Köln, 1998. received the B.Eng., the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees
[13] IEEE Working Group 15.08.09: Modeling and Analysis of System from the University of Zagreb in 1987, 1992 and
Transients Using Digital Programs, 1998. 1999 respectively. He has one year of working
[14] IEEE Working Group: A Simplified Method for Estimating experience in Rade Koncar - Electric Systems.
Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines, IEEE Transactions on Presently, he is a Professor of the Department of
Power Apparatus and System, Vol. 104, No. 4, April 1985. High Voltage and Power Systems at the Faculty of
[15] CIGRE, Working Group 01 (Lightning) of Study Committee 33: Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb. He
Guide to Procedures for Estimating the Lightning Performance of published over 30 scientific and professional papers
Transmission lines, Paris, October 1991. in domestic and international publications. He
[16] A. Rousseau, T. Perche: Coordination of Surge Arresters in the Low successfully organized and participated in several industry related projects,
Voltage Field, INTELEC '95 (17th International Telecommunications mainly in the area of Power Systems Planning and Analyses, especially in
Energy Conference), Soule, Bagneres de Bigorre, France, 29 Oct.-1 cooperation with Croatia Electric Utility and Croatian Railways.
Nov. 1995.