DLP Heart and Lungs

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Catherine K. Domocom
At the end of the lesson the pupils, should be able to;
a. identify the parts of the heart;
b. observe the proper care of the heart; and,
c. draw and label the parts of the heart;


Topic: The Human Heart and it’s functions
Caring for the major organs
References: (S4LT-IIa-b-1) Science LM, page 81-95 TG page 88-
Materials: TV, pictures, model of human torso, materials intended for
the activity.
Values Integration: Health

a. Prayer (The students will
Before we start our lesson, can someone pray the “Our Father”)
lead the prayer?

b. Greetings Good morning

Good Morning Grade 4 students! teacher Cath!

c. Attendance None Teacher

Is there any absent today?

Ok! Very good!

d. Checking of Assignment
Class, did I give you an assignment Yes, Ma’am.

Ok, pass your assignment in front without (The students will

standing. pass their

1. Review
Eat a healthy foods
Based on our previous lesson how are you like vegetables and
going to take care of our stomach and have a proper diet.

The digestive system

Why do you need to take care of our is important as it
stomach and intestine? brings the nutrients in
our whole body and
stomach is the most
central organ that
other organs depend
on for life-supporting

A. Motivation

Guess and Put it on Game:

 The teacher put a Heart shaped
paper below the desk of the chosen
students armchair and they will be
the one who will answer the following
Ok! That was a great answer! Give yourself
a Jollibee Clap!
1,2,3 (clap) 123 (stamp) Jollibee Dance

Yes. that’s correct but the specific Liver

answer is all about Parts and
Functions of Heart and Lungs.

salts, water,
B. Presentation nitrogenous waste
Today we will perform an activity, we will
identify the parts and describe the functions
of the Heart.

Illustration of Heart and Lungs with


it’s all about the Major

Body Organs teacher.

Ok class, Who can describe the

pictures/models presented?
Yes, Go ahead.
Ok Very good!

Now, put your right hand on the upper left

part of your chest. What do you feel?

What causes the beating of your heart?

Next is, you must inhale and exhale.

1,2,3 Inhale, and Exhale

What enters your body as you inhale?

What comes out as you exhale?

Great answer! Give yourself a clap.

Today we will study about the important

major organs in our body, the heart and
lungs. Me Teacher!

The picture shows the

C. Discussion heart and Lungs of a
Human with it’s Label.

It’s beating Ma’am.

Maybe because our

heart pumps our
blood teacher.

(the students
following the
The heart is a hollow muscular organ instructions)
located between the lungs and it is protected
by the rib cage. It is about the size of your The air enters our
fist and is located in the middle of the chest lungs and carbon
cavity. The beating of the heart is due to the
contraction of your heart muscles. The dioxide moves out
cardiac muscles contract involuntarily. The from our body.
word cardiac refers to the heart. This means
its contraction cannot be controlled by your
will. It continuous to pump blood even when
you are sleeping.

What to do:
1. Look for your pulse by using your index
and middle fingers and pressing them
slightly on your wrist. (individual activity)
2. Count the pulses while in seated position
for 1 minute. Record your data. This will be
your resting rate.
3. Jog in place for 3 minutes and do the
jumping jack for 2 minutes. Count the pulses
for 1 minute after the activity. Record the
data. This will be your working heart rate.
Get the difference of working pulse rate to
resting pulse rate.
4. Assigned leader will gather all the data of
their group members,
5. Answer must be written on the manila

Guide Questions:
1. Compare your heart rate while resting,
and with your heart rate after exercise. What
did you observe? Are there differences in
your recorded data?

2. What is the effect of exercise to your

heart rate? What does this mean? Why does (The students started
it happen? to do the following
Very good! What a brilliant answer!

D. Generalization My pulse rate or my

heartbeat increases
The contraction continues allowing the heart when I am engaged in
receive oxygen from the lungs and a physical activity. My
continues to contract and pump blood to the heart’s resting rate or
rest of the body parts including the lungs my initial pulse is
through blood vessels also the heart and lower than my
lungs support each other to allow distribution working heart rate.
of nutrients and oxygen to all parts and the
removal of carbon dioxide as a waste The exercise can
product in the body. increase the
contraction of heart
muscles. It increases
In your own opinion, how important heart my pulse or
and lungs is? heartbeat. When
muscle contraction of
the heart increases,
the heart works and
can easily pumps
E. Application blood to distribute
nutrients to the
Value Integration: Health different parts of the
Proper care of the heart body.

1. Is there anyone in your family who

suffered ailments of the heart?

Yes. that’s good because having that is not

easy and very critical.

2. What do you think are the causes of

heart ailment?
3. Do you think we can prevent it?

4. What are the healthy practices to observe The heart and lungs
to have a healthy heart? is the two vital organ
in the body, the heart
receives blood from
the body and pumps it
to the lungs.

Yes, it is! Very good!

Let’s perform the Coca cola clap!

None Ma’am,

It is because of
unhealthy diet and
physical inactivity, (or
we should learn to
exercise everyday).

Yes Ma’am.

We should eat
healthy foods, do
exercise, don’t use
tobacco and don’t
drink alcohol
F. Evaluation
Directions: Complete the diagram below by writing the different Functions of the
heart. Choose the answer from the box below.


pumps blood
remove carbon dioxide
filters the oxygen receive oxygen

G. Assignment
Cut -out pictures of heart and paste them in your notebook.
Describe its main functions.

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