Offer Letter Akash
Offer Letter Akash
Offer Letter Akash
Offer Letter
Mr. Aditya Lashkare
We are pleased to offer you the post of "Lead Generation Executive" on prohibition basis
with the following terms and conditions:
1. Date of Appointment and Location:
Your date of joining for the training is 02/01/2023 after successful completion of training
status of your appointment will be communicated to you. The aforesaid compensation
will be applicable only after successful completion of your training.
2. Probationary Period:
You will be on prohibition for a period of Three Month. However, in case your
performance during the prohibition period is not found satisfactory then your services
shall be terminated.
3. Salary, Reimbursements and Allowances:
You will be paid an all-inclusive total salary package of Rs.144000/-per annum on a cost
to the Company basic (Refer to the Salary Annexure A for the breakdown)
4. Full time employment:
Your position is a whole time employment with the Company and you shall devote
yourself exclusively to the business ad interests of the company. You will not take up any
other work for remuneration (part time or otherwise) or work in an advisory capacity, or
be interested directly or indirectly(except as shareholder/debenture holder), in any other
trade or business during your employment with the company, without permission in
writing of the Board of Directors of the Company. You will also not seek membership of
any local or public bodies without first obtaining specific permission form the
5. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality:
During the course of your employment or anytime thereafter, you will not disclose to any
person, firm, or Company any confidential information or technique or otherwise
concerning the affairs of the establishments. You will also not undertake or carry on
either alone or in partnership or be employed directly with any of our competitors as a
principal, agent or otherwise any other business, trade or profession whatsoever.
6. Notice Period:
You will have to serve a notice period of 30 days and in the absence of such a notice, the
management is not bound to pay you any compensation and complete your exit
formalities. The management reserves the right to terminate this contract without giving
any formal notice in case you violate any of company policies.
8. Employment Conditions:
Your offer and salary structure is subject to submission of valid documents, terms and
the sole Discretion of INFLUX OUTSOURCING PVT LTD.This offer may be
withdrawn (or your employment terminated if it has already started) with immediate
effect and without liability should the reference and/or pre-screening results be
9. Past Records:
This letter of appointment is based on the information furnished in your application for
employment and during the interviews you had us. If you are found to have willfully
suppressed any material information, in such cases, you will be liable to removal from
services without any notice.
10, Retirement:
The retirement age is 58 years. You will retire from the employment of the Company at
the end of the month in which you attain 58 years of age.
cost data, drawings, affects or records belonging to the Company or relating to its
business and shall not retain or make copies of these items.
Upon resignation/termination of employment, you will also return all company property,
which may be in your possession.
Notwithstanding the above condition, the contract of service may also be terminated
because of under mentioned stipulations. This will be without payment of any
✓ If you fail, refuse or neglect to carry out and perform your duties assigned to you by the
✓ For loss of confidence in you by the company for any of the act committed by you.
✓ If you are found unfit for being entrusted with the responsible work commensurate with
your position in consequences of any misconduct, moral turpitude.
✓ If you commit any act prejudicial to the continuing good relationship between company.
✓If you become physically in capacitated for the performance of your duties.
12. Authority
No authority is vested upon you to make any financial commitment and enter into
agreements/contracts/understandings of any nature with any second party and third party
without seeking the prior permission/approval of the management. Any violation to
exceed your specified authority as mentioned will be seriously viewed and
disciplinary/appropriate legal action will be taken.
ANNEXURE ‘A’: COMPENSATION DETAILS (Salary & applicable benefits)
Name : Aditya Lashkare
Designation : Lead Generation Executive
Date of joining : 02nd January 2023
Location : Pune
a) Remuneration
Details Yearly Grand Totals Monthly
Less: Deduction
Please confirm your acceptance of the appointment on the above terms and conditions by
signing and returning this letter for our records.
Yours faithfully,
I have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of appointment
and I hereby confirm unconditional acceptance of the same