Impact of Emotional Ads, Online Ads and Repetition Ads On Customer Buying Behavior
Impact of Emotional Ads, Online Ads and Repetition Ads On Customer Buying Behavior
Impact of Emotional Ads, Online Ads and Repetition Ads On Customer Buying Behavior
Companies are trying to increase the services for their customers. The following study examines the impact of
emotional ads, online ads and repetition ads on customer buying behavior. This research is conducted to answer
the question that whether these ads have impact on customer buying behavior. This study focuses only on
telecom sector of Pakistan. The data was collected from three universities of Islamabad Pakistan. Questionnaires
were used for collection of data. For the analysis of data Correlation analysis was used. Purpose of current study
was to explore the impact of ads on buying behavior of customers in telecom sector of Pakistan. Sample size of
current study is 308; Simple convenient sampling method was used to select the respondents from population.
Results show that emotional ads, online ads and repetition of ads have positive and significant impact on
customer buying behavior in telecom sector of Pakistan. Data was analyzed through SPSS and correlation test
has been run to check the relationship of variables. It has leave room for the future researches in way that they
can find the impact of ads on various other factors other than buying behavior in various industry sectors.
Keywords: Emotional Ads, Online Ads, Repetition Ads, Customer Buying Behavior
1. Introduction
The basic purpose of advertisers in the world is to gain valuable customers by influencing their knowledge,
attitude and their buying behavior. Everyone in this world can develop success by adopting mass media such as
billboards, television, newspapers, advertising, internet, films, videos and magazines (Latif and Abideen, 2011).
Among all the marketing weapons, advertising creates a major impact on the mind of viewers by increasing its
exposure (Katke, 2007). It is said by most of the agencies and advertisers that advertising can build magic into
the marketplace (Russell and Lane, 1991). In this current situation advertising is a foremost source of developing
and upholding significant customer buying behavior in challenging market. As stated by (Hussainy, 2008) any
company cannot be a market leader without much investing in its promotional plans. The brand cognizance leads
to influence attention, selection and then purchases (Romaniuk & Sharp, 2003).
In this recent situation most of the companies adopted different types of advertisement strategies to
achieve the potential customer behavior toward their brands. Researchers have suggested that emotional
advertisements have valuable importance for customer buying behavior. Now customers with different social
backgrounds and cultures, bring advertisers notice that how their customer will perceive their standardized
message (Frith & Mueller, 2003). And on the other hand some researchers argued that if emotional appeals
measure properly, it may have some significant impact on customer’s memory and may lead to customer buying
behavior (Aaker, Stayman, & Hagerty, 1986)
The marketplace is also rapidly transforming and going to shift in the direction of online purchasing of
products as well online market business awareness. Ramaraj and Suzanna (2003) stated that because of modifies
in environmental culture, the importance of online business has become an act of concentrating interest on online
ads. Gallagher, Katherine, Foster, and Parsons (2001) stated that customers are getting control and command
over online ads, on where, what ads, at what time and how endless they would prefer to watch them. It means
that customer has full command on their liking and disliking about ads and they can easily change or avoid ads
which they do not like to watch and can watch those ads which they want.
Marketers are getting attention for many years pragmatic and basic interest towards repeated exposure
of advertising. Early research on the effects of repetition was motivated by the need to estimate the parameters of
repetition function to be incorporated not advertising media models (Aaker & Bruzzone, 1985). If so, customers
are observing different ads and publicity stunt from different companies toward the brand acceptance in the
different time, place and situations. It is not easy for today’s customer to remind different types of products and
services at the time of purchase. But on the other hand due to nonstop repetition of ad can cause aggravation and
too much knowledge of ad can also cause slight attention towards products and services. (Hansen & Wank, 2009)
stated that the well-known and unknown product awareness can be increase by ad repetition.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.31, 2017
customer buying behavior in Pakistani market. The environment, latest technology, richness of a customer mind
and continued awareness in society lead to rise and fall the customer buying behavior. This study investigates
that how much significant impact is having emotional ads, online ads and repetition ads on customer buying
behavior in Pakistan’s mobile sector.
3. Research Objective
The purpose of this research study is to examining at what extent emotional ads, online ads and ads repetition
have influence on customer buying behavior. It is best for researcher’s knowledge that no research study has
been conducted in this direction with these variables having impact on customer buying behavior. This research
study replies the question that what extant emotional ads, online ads and repetition ads have impact on customer
buying behavior in telecom sector of Islamabad.
4. History of advertising
Previous studies have focused on the side Psychology advertising and suggest how to use the feelings of the
customers to attract attention and increase calls these ads, in the hope that lead to the purchase of this product to
a point in time (Elliot & Speck, 1998). These studies suggest that brand loyalty is a major barrier for new
companies in Lithuania to gain ground in the market and then, and provides researchers used several theories to
describe this consumer sentiment about a product or advertising .drop-off window. Heath, Brandt and Nairn
(2006) in their research showed that advertising associations in an attempt to achieve three things: flour, brand
awareness and persuasion.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.31, 2017
(Pitts and Snook 1990). Emotional advertising may cause of damaging the customer buying behavior by its
artificiality and extra dramatization.
6. Research Model
To implement the study there are following dependent and independent variables are shown in the research
Following hypothesis has been created:
H1: There is a significant and positive relationship between emotional ads and customer buying behavior.
H2: There is a significant relationship between online ads and customer buying behavior.
H3: There is a significant and positive relationship between repetition ads and customer buying behavior.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.31, 2017
7. Research Methodology:
7.1 Population and Sample
Population of current study is those people who are buying their mobile phones in independent way. Students
from International Islamic University Islamabad, Qaid- e Azam University Islamabad and National University of
Modern Language Islamabad were selected as a sample of current study.
Pearson Correlation
Emotional Ads
Sig. (2-tailed)
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.31, 2017
that indicate there is significant relationship between emotional ads and customer buying behavior. Online ads
are showing positively relationship with the customer buying behavior value of( r= .379**, p<0.05) that is
showing a significant impact of online ads on the customer buying behavior. Repetition ads are showing
positively relationship with the customer buying behavior value of (r= .457**, p<0.05) that is showing a
significant impact of online ads on the customer buying behavior. Overall results indicate there is significant role
of these ads on customer buying behavior of students of different universities in Islamabad. Degree of
association between dependent and independent variables is statistically significant as p value is 0.000 which is
less than on the basis on these results all three hypothesis has accepted as respondents are agree with
online ads, these ads do not irritate them instead of this online ads are great source of awareness . Results show
there is positive relationship between emotional ads, repetition ads on customer buying behavior.
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