The New Science of Complexity: Joseph L. Mccauley Physics Department University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204
The New Science of Complexity: Joseph L. Mccauley Physics Department University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204
The New Science of Complexity: Joseph L. Mccauley Physics Department University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204
Joseph L. McCauley
Physics Department
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204
[email protected]
arXiv:physics/0001029 13 Jan 2000
key words:
laws of nature
invariance principles
socio-economic sciences
the economy with the weather, a Newtonian system, economists assume that
prices and price changes can also obey abstract mathematical laws of motion.
chemistry have outgrown their former limitations, that chaos and complexity
provide new holistic paradigms for science, and that the boundaries between
the hard and the soft sciences, once impenetrable, have disappeared along
with the Berlin Wall. Three hundred years after the deaths of Galileo,
Descartes, and Kepler, and the birth of Newton, reductionism would appear
Socio-economic fields and "system theory"
equations, iterated maps, and deterministic and stochastic automata. The idea
describing prices and price changes, or other social factors, are determined by
evolves [1]. This assumption is not only sufficient but is also necessary if the
valid laws of motion, along with a universal law of gravity. Newton's laws
are "universal" in the following sense: they can be verified, often with very
high decimal precision, regardless of where and when on earth (or on the
observations, are performed. It is the main purpose of this paper to stress the
implications of the fact that no comparable result has ever been found in the
socio-economic fields.
(physics and chemistry), although since the time of Galileo the word "law" in
the first three cases does not have the same import as in the case of physico-
uses of the idea of natural law, he lumped together as "motion" the rolling of
a ball, the education of a boy, and the growth of an acorn [2]. Ibn-Rushd
motion in the thirteenth century. Aristotle did not use mathematics, but
In the first chapter of his text on elementary economics [3], Samuelson tries to
convince both the reader and himself that the difference between the socio-
economic fields and the laws of physics is blurry, so that economics can be
claims that physics is not necessarily as lawful as it appears, that the laws of
1), and is genetically related through academic mutation and evolution to a
sociology. The latter argue that a text has no more meaning than the symbols
physics are still just as valid as fields of scientific study as are physics and
astronomy since Galileo and Kepler (who revived the spirit of Archimedes).
Samuelson notes that physics relies on controlled experiments, and adds that
experiments. This is not an excuse for bad science: controlled experiments are
verified with high decimal precision. See also Feynman [4] for criticism of the
The divorce of the study of nature from Platonic and Aristotelian notions was
initiated by Galileo and Descartes [6], but that divorce was not complete: with
Galileo's empirical discoveries of two local laws of nature, the law of inertia
science. Biology, excepting the study of heredity since Mendel and excepting
biochemistry and biophysics since the advent of quantum mechanics, has
I will explain why economic and other social phenomena lie beyond the
to extract the crudest features like coarsegrained statistics. I will give reasons
nor nonintegrable, but is more or less integrable [10]. For most scientists the
explanation of various roots to chaos (via period doubling, e.g.) has tended to
submerge rather than clarify the question how to distinguish those two ideas,
are hard to translate into simpler mathematics. Here, I try to describe what
phase space,
dx = V(x)
dt , (1)
where phase space is a flat inner product space so that the n axes labeled by
(x1,...,xn) can be regarded as Cartesian [12], and V(x) is an n-component time-
then the global conservation law x1 + ... + xn = C follows. This abstract case
For a flow and for any initial condition xo the solution xi(t) = U(t)xio has no
confined to the complex time plane: the time evolution operator U(t) exists
for all real finite times t and defines a one-parameter transformation group
with inverse U-1(t) = U(-t), so that one can in principle integrate backward in
time, xoi = U(-t)xi(t), as well as forward. In other words, even driven-
integrations by the use of floating point arithmetic, and those errors violate
solutions either forward or backward in time after only a relatively short time
[12] . The simplest example is given by the one dimensional flow dy/dt = y,
all of whose streamlines have the positive Liapunov exponent λ = 1 forward
Chaotic unimodal maps zn = f(zn-1) like the logistic map f(x) = Dx(1-x) have a
multi-valued inverse zn-1 = f-1(zn) and therefore are not uniquely time-
Lorenz model
d x1
= σ (x 2 ± x 1)
d x2
= ρx 1 ± x 2 ± x 1x 3
d x3
= ± β x 3 + x 1x 2
dt (1b)
series [14] of x3(t) at discrete times to, t1, ..., tn, ... , where tn-tn-1 denotes the
time lag between successive maxima zn-1 = x3(tn-1) and zn = x3(tn), can not
zn-1 = U(tn-1 -tn)zn is unique for a flow, and the Lorenz model satisfies the
and nondifferentiable in order that the inverse map f-1 doesn't have two
in forward integration).
Surprise has been expressed that it was found possible to describe a certain
"nonintegrable" does not mean not solvable: any flow, even a critical, chaotic
or complex one, has a unique, well-defined solution if the velocity field V(x)
respect to the n variables xi. If, in addition, the velocity field is analytic in
solution of (1) can in principle be described by the power series (2) combined
with analytic continuation for all finite times [15] . It is well known that this
The point is that a large category of deterministic chaotic and complex flows
are precisely determined over any desired number of finite time intervals by
impossible for the case of truly "random" motion (like α-particle decays),
diffusive motion, where almost all trajectories are also continuous and
According to Jacobi and Lie, a completely integrable dynamical system has n-1
global time-independent first integrals (conservation laws) Gi(x1,...,xn) = Ci
dGi = V⋅∇G = V ∂G i = 0
i k
dt ∂xk (3)
along any streamline of the flow. In addition, these conservation laws must
(in principle, but not necessarily via explicit construction) determine n-1
"isolating integrals" of the form xk = gk(xn,C1,...,Cn-1) for k = 1,...,n-1. When all
of this holds then the global flow is a time-translation for all finite times t in
defined by the n-1 conservation laws, and the system is called completely
conservation laws. For the special case of a canonical Hamiltonian flow with f
uses the n-1 conservation laws to eliminate the constants Ci in favor of the
n-1 variables xi in f to obtain the function F. Whether one can carry out all or
description (4) of the flow all effects of interactions have been eliminated
"parallelizes" (or "rectifies" [13]) the flow: the streamlines of (1) in the y-
coordinate system are parallel to a single axis yn for all times, and the time
asserted formally, without proof, that all systems of differential equations (1)
are described by a single time translation operator [16], but this is possible
globally (meaning for all finite times) only in the completely integrable case.
Although time-dependent first integrals are stressed in discussions of
integrable cases of driven-dissipative flows like the Lorenz model [8], there is
substitution into the other n-1 time-dependent conservation laws yields n-1
The n initial conditions xio = U(-t)xi(t) of (1) satisfy (3b) and therefore qualify
the Lie coordinate system (4), where the streamlines are parallel for all finite
times: dyi/dt = 0, i = 1,...,n-1, and dyn/dt = 1.
d L1
= a L 2L 3
d L2
= ± bL 1L 3
dL = c L L
1 2
dt , (5)
that each term in (4) should be given by a single function: for each period τ of
the motion, the transformation function F has four distinct branches due to
the turning points of the three Cartesian components Li of angular momenta
motion must be multivalued at a turning point. Note also that the Lorenz
model defines a certain linearly damped, driven symmetric top: to see this, set
literature usually have assumed that first integrals must be analytic or at least
continuous [13] (however, see also ref. [11] where nonanalytic functions as
first integrals are also mentioned). This is an arbitrary restriction that is not
always necessary in order to generate the transformation (4) over all finite
flow, is generally integrable via a conservation law but that conservation law
is typically singular. The conservation law is simply the function G(x1,x2) = C
and sinks like attractors and repellers (equilibria and limit cycles provide
examples of attractors and repellers in driven-dissipative planar flows) [12] .
For the damped simple harmonic oscillator, for example, the conservation
the sink. The planar flow where dr/dt = r and dθ/dt = 0 in cylindrical
required to leave or reach an equilibrium point, but the infinite time limit is
In differential equations [13] and differential geometry [18] there is also an idea
of local integrability: one can parallelize an arbitrary vector field V about any
"noncritical point", meaning about any point xo where the field V(x) does not
vanish. The size ε(xo) of the region where this parallelization holds is finite
means that we can "rectify" even chaotic and complex flows over a finite
time, starting from any nonequilibrium point xo. By analytic continuation
[11,19] , this local parallelization of the flow yields n-1 nontrival "local"
conservation laws yi = Gi(x) = Ci that hold out to the first singularity of any
one of the n-1 functions Gi, in agreement with the demands of the theory of
first order linear partial differential equations (the linear partial differential
equation (3) always has n-1 functionally independent solutions, but the
Contemplate the trajectory of a "nonintegrable" flow that passes through any
nonequilibrium point xo, and let t = 0 when x = xo. Let t(xo) then denote the
time required for the trajectory to reach the first singularity of one of the
conservation laws Gk. Such a singularity must exist, otherwise the flow
would be confined for all finite times ("globally") to a single, smooth two-
variables [11]. Generally, as with solutions of (1) defined locally by the series
expansion (2), the n-1 local conservation laws Gi will be defined locally by
in the complex extension of phase space. The formulae (4) then hold for a
finite time 0≤t<t(xo) that is determined by the distance from xo to the nearest
complex singularity. Let x1(xo) denote the point in phase space where that
the fact that the singularities of the functions Gi are either branch cuts or
phase singularities): we can again parallelize the flow about the singular point
x1(xo) and can again describe the streamline for another finite time
where t(x1) is the time required to reach the next singularity x2(xo) of any one
of the n-1 conservation laws Gi, starting from the second initial condition
dateline, except that a nonintegrable flow is generally not confined globally to
different sets of formulae of the form (4) hold in principle for consecutive
finite time intervals 0≤t(xo)<t(x1), t(x1)≤t<t(x2), ... t(xn-1)≤t<t(xn), .... , giving
intervals by the simple formulae of the form (4) except at countably many
singular points x1(xo), x2(xo), ... , where the n-1 initial conditions yio and the
We have often read over the last twenty years that deterministic chaos can
"complex". This was the point of view in the era when computers were used
systems using controlled approximations via a purely digital method called
"symbolic dynamics".
Since we are going to talk about digit strings it is both wise and useful to begin
with the idea of a computable number [20,21]. The reason for this is simple:
mathematical continuum but require infinite time and infinite precision for
arithmetic, like the usual grade school algorithm for the square-root
operation in base ten (the same algorithm also works in any other integer
and chemistry are computable, e.g. via (2) combined with analytic
chaotic dynamical system the part of the program that directs the trajectory
into the distant future is encoded as the end-string εN+1... of digits in an initial
εi+1(n-1), ε1(n-1) = 0
εi(n) =
1 - εi+1(n-1), ε1(n-1) = 1 . (6b)
the program, or else flips the bit and reads it, then moves one bit to the right
and repeats the operation. The logistic map at the period doubling critical
Unlike the binary tent map in binary arithmetic, most dynamical systems do
not admit a "natural" base of arithmetic. The logistic map f(x) = Dx(1-x) with
D arbitrary and the Lorenz model are examples. The series solutions of these
defined, and solved digitally at least in principle, if the map has a generating
partition [23]. For the binary tent map (6) the generating partition, in
backward iteration of the entire unit interval by the map (a chaotic one
the generating partition can be labeled by an n-bit binary (L,R) address (L and
The symbol sequence tells us the itinerary of the map, for n forward
iterations, for any initial condition that is covered by the interval l(n)(ε1ε2...εn)
the binary tent map) can be obtained merely by reading the sequence while
sliding an N-bit window one bit at a time to the right, as is indicated in figure
mimic the uniform invariant density of the binary tent map (e. g.,
xo = .101001000100001... qualifies and follows from an obvious algorithm). I
Because the binary tent map generates all possible infinite-length binary
sequences (almost all of which are not computable via any possible algorithm
[20]), we can use that map to generate any histogram that can be constructed in
different initial conditions will allow the dynamical system to generate the
same coarsegrained statistics because the precise ordering of L's and R's in a
dynamical systems like the Lorenz model or the logistic map generally
yield the same Liapunov exponent λ. Correspondingly, we can say that a class
entropy per iteration s(λ) of all symbol sequences with the same Liapunov
exponent λ defines the fractal dimension D(λ) = s(λ)/λ of that class of initial
Both critical [22] and chaotic [23] dynamical systems may generate a natural
understood qualitatively, without the need to compute specific trajectories
initial condition. For example, one need only determine the possible symbol
sequences and then read them with a sliding n-bit window in order to
suggest that nature far from equilibrium evolves from unknown initial
intervals l(n) = 2-n characterize the binary tent map and the binary Bernoulli
can be defined that permit one to study the simplest system in the
For maps of the unit interval, both the symmetric and asymmetric logistic
maps peaking at or above unity belong to the trivial universality class of the
binary tent map [21] (where all possible binary sequences are allowed). The
complete binary tree. Dynamical systems that generate complete ternary trees
or incomplete binary trees, e.g., define other universality classes. The two
maps of the unit interval peaking beneath unity. The simplest model in this
topologic universality class is the symmetric tent map with slope magnitude
between 1 and 2, and the class is defined by a certain incomplete binary tree
partition and symbol sequences can be used to describe the motion at long
times, to within any desired degree of precision l(n), and multifractal scaling
laws (via the D(λ) spectrum) show how finer-grained pictures of trajectories
imply relatively simple dynamics in spite of the fact that the word "complex"
Complex dynamics
From the standpoint of computable functions and computable numbers we
the initial condition as the program [21]. Thinking of dynamics from this
point of view, it has been discovered that there is a far greater and far more
computer time allows, nothing can be said in advance about the future either
precision for that initial condition, iteration by iteration, to see what falls out:
from the coarse-grained behavior via scaling laws, or to look into the very
but these definitions, based soley on computability theory, have not satisfied
qualitative definition the Henon map is not complex but a living cell is. In
that generates information, but this is too easy: the square root algorithm and
the logistic map f(x) = 4x(1-x) generate information at the rate of one bit per
complexity, neither over short time intervals (cell to embryo to adult) nor
compute [36], but not error-free like a Turing machine or other deterministic
dynamical system.
Moore has speculated that computational universality should be possible in a
flow [28] , but so far no one has constructed an analytic example of the
arguments have been made that some diffusive dynamical systems may have
permit the derivation of scaling laws for eddy cascades in open flows, or in
condition and the dynamics can in principle be encoded as the digit string for
another computable initial condition yo. If the computable trajectory
y(t) = U(t)yo could be digitally decoded, then we could learn the trajectory
x(t) = U(t)xo for the first initial condition (self-replication without copying
in low dimensional nonintegrable conservative Newtonian dynamics. Some
based on the low order unstable periodic orbits of a chaotic dynamical system
[40], but we have no hint what might be the behavior of a low dimensional
quantum mechanical system with a computationally-complex Newtonian
limit. Interacting DNA molecules obey the laws of quantum mechanics but
Can new laws of nature emerge from studies of complicated motions? [42]
The empirical discovery of mathematical laws of nature arose from the study
trajectories of apples and Keplerian orbits of two bodies (the sun and one
planet) interacting via gravity, and quantum mechanics via the hydrogen
nature? Some researchers expect this to be possible, but without saying how
[41]. Consider first an example from fluid dynamics where an attempt has
been made to extract a simple law of motion from a complicated time series.
partial differential equations are the stumbling block in our attempt to
nonlinear partial differential equations of either the first or second order well
in either the finite or infinite Reynold's number limit from the Navier-
Stokes equations in a systematic way that starts with the laws of energy and
far, this goal remains nothing but an unfulfilled hope. Setting our sights
iterated map that describes only the transition to turbulence, near criticality?
We have noted above that the binary tent map can generate all possible
therefore inadequate to infer the dynamical law that generates the observed
extract the generating partition of the dynamical system from the empirical
down the map's universality class and also the map, from a chaotic time
precision and finite time one must always resort to some guesswork after a
few steps in the hierarchy of unstable periodic orbits, which are arranged
practice one can discover at most only a small section of the tree and its
extremely precise. Given the most accurate existing data on a fluid dynamical
system near a critical point, the unique extraction of the universality class of
an iterated map from a chaotic time series has yet to be accomplished without
empirical problem that one faces in any attempt to extract an unknown law of
The method of topologic universality classes [21,23,24] is the only known way
For truly complex dynamical systems, therefore, our analysis suggests that the
chaotic dynamics from raw statistics or the analysis of time series [45]. The
Einstein apparently became Platonic later in life, but Platonism was not
gravitational field. This local symmetry principle was not accounted for by
or less invariant rules? Many economists and system theorists [32,47,48], and
Mathematical economists often speak of the economy [48], which is
determined by human behavior and man-made rules (and also in part by the
weather, geology, and other limiting physical factors), as if the economy could
In the latter case the equations of motion are known but cannot be solved
bodies that can not use intelligience to choose whether or not to obey the
works in physics but not in the socio-economic fields. Comparing the weather
according to the diffusion equation beyond the possibility of human
arbitrary times that cause it to deviate from and eventually contradict any
algorithm that tells us how to compute the probabilities correctly for later
times, excepting at best the trivial case of curve-fitting at very short times, and
Economists stress that they study open systems, whereas physics concentrates
on closed systems. This claim misses the point completely. We can describe
collapse of the Soviet Union or the financial crisis in Mexico on the basis of
any known set of dynamics equations in spite of the fact that the world
of the Mark. This is the reason that artificial law ("law") must be used by
both individually and collectively. Socio-economically, everything that is
artificial law (the Roman method) or strong community traditions (the tribal
nothing is left invariant by the time evolution. That nothing is left invariant
dynamical systems, even discrete ones [52b], have local conservation laws.
prevent any external constraint from being imposed on the system. You can
law of motion.
like behavior was made by Descartes [53]. In the Cartesian picture animals are
mechanically to stimuli. People, in contrast with robots, can reason and make
decisions freely, or at least arbitrarily. Even the most illiterate or most stupid
people can speak, can invent sentences creatively, and can behave
unpredictably in other ways as well. The most intelligent dog, cat, or cow
or a capitalist economy.
theory accurately describe the motions studied in physics, but not the
"motions" (in Aristotle's sense) studied in economics, political science,
and the reason that this mathematical interplay is at all possible is due to
invariance principles).
law of motion can never be discovered. For example air resistance had to be
negligible in order that Galileo could discover the law of inertia and the local
law of gravity.
The empirical discovery of mathematical laws of motion that correctly
invariance principles, but there are no laws of nature that can tell us the
[54]. Why must mathematical laws of motion that describe nature obey
invariance principles?
"It is not necessary to look deeper into the situation to realize that laws of
many texts of elementary physics even though only few of the readers of
these texts have the maturity necessary to appreciate these explanations. If the
correlations between events changed from day to day, and would be different
even catalogue, the correlations between events which are the laws of nature.
Nearly every elementary physics text shows that the experiments that Wigner
had in mind are the parabolic trajectories of apples and blocks sliding down
inclined planes, the two physical systems originally studied by Galileo in his
motion. Those discoveries would have been impossible in the absence of four
Without translational and rotational invariance in space and translational
invariance in time (at least locally, on earth and within our solar system),
simple mathematical laws of motion like the Keplerian planetary orbits and
the Galilean trajectories of apples could not have been discovered in the first
place. The experiments that are needed to discover the law of inertia are
homogeneous and isotropic (space is locally Euclidean) and that the flow of
means that the law of inertia can be verified regardless of where, in a tangent
plane on earth, you perform the required experiment. The law of Galilean
depend upon absolute position and absolute time, which is the same (for all
come second, invariance principles come first. The law of inertia had to be
empirical laws, the law of inertia and the local law of gravity. Described from
foundation of all of physics: from it and Galileo's local law of gravity follow
two of Newton's three laws of motion and his law of gravity as a
generalization, when Kepler's first law and the action-reaction principle are
used [12]. It is superficial and misleading to imagine that the law of inertia can
be "derived" from Newton's second law merely by setting the net force equal
to zero.
If absolute time and absolute position were relevant initial conditions then
neither the law of inertia nor the local law of gravity would hold: identically
places and at different times. In this case there could have been no regularities
mechanics could have been proposed by Newton. Physics would, in that case,
former Soviet Union and the peasant rebellion in Chiapas. This is a strange
language, "laws" of economic behavior certainly could not exist. Dogs, cows
and even peasants generally don't invent money-economies. In contrast, the
of motion held locally in our corner of the universe long before human
Wigner considers that we can not rule out that "holistic" laws of nature
(beyond general relativity, for example) might exist, but if so then we have no
least clever people. People and groups who violate artificial law are
Galilean sense).
Darwinism and neo-Darwinism [551]
taking us far enough in our understanding of the world (see the introduction
to ref. [32] and also [56]; see also any attempt by the so-called postmodernists to
adaptable systems" [32]), but so far they have not been able use their invented
while postmodernists like to toss around the notion of "a new paradigm for
"Paradigms" are very important for philosophers who have not understood
science at the level of Galilean kinematics, and who can not distinguish
for people who know that a particular model doesn't represent what the
history, and other phenomena was revived by Bertanffly in 1968 [59] under
the local correlations of the connected links that determine the behavior of
the whole.
ignores all nonquantifiable qualities, and there are plenty of qualitative and
principle [60].
There is no effective way to "reduce" the study of DNA to the study of quarks
but this is not a failure of reductionism: both quarks and DNA are accounted
to the illusion that reductionism might also be able account for biological and
consideration everything that hasn't been accounted for by physics, which
includes many practical problems that ordinary people face in everyday life.
in the doings of ordinary people) try to follow suit but merely postulate or
needs, desires, and illusions. The idealized free market system described by
make sense in both sports and the socio-economic context of daily life but
was strongly influenced during the cruise of the Beagle by his second reading
philosopher. Terms like "selection" and "adaptation" are reminiscent of
level [35] but the use of that terminology seems either superfluous or forced: a
before 1925, to believe that the language of the Bohr model correctly described
There are two main sources of Darwin's vague notion of "natural selection".
doctrine, which derives from Calvinism [61] and can be traced through the
the neo-Platonist St. Augustine [6], who bequeathed to the west the notion of
completely arbitrarily into "the elect" and "the damned" (according to Luther,
man is only an ass ridden by both God and the devil, with no choice
mathematical idea that describes the time-evolution of a dynamical system.
The second and only scientific motivation for Darwin's vague idea of
only true case of selection because they proceed via manipulating certain
endlessly to try to find out what their terminology means because that
necessity [39] and was trained more in mathematics and physics than in
biology. In contrast with Luther and Calvin, Mendel was not Augustinian in
while, and approached the problem of heredity via isolation of cause and
impossible [64]. It was only after Mendel's reductionist discovery that some
read by an "oracle" capable of "infinite knowledge" of both future and past).
By ignoring "the whole" in favor of the most important parts inferred from
taught in physics and chemistry courses, but you may scour the literature to
phenomena, which constitute only one very small part of the entire
prosaically in 1952:
point of view, for nobody's sake. The most objective history conceivable is
interests and based on some particular beliefs. It can be more nearly objective
if those interests and beliefs are explicit, out in the open, where they can be
freely examined and criticized. Historians can more nearly approach the
detachment of the physicist when they realize that the historical 'reality' is
symbolic, not physical, and that they are giving as well as finding meanings.
The important meanings of history are not simply there, lined up, waiting to
be discovered."
"The nineteenth century, in western Europe and North America, saw the
which every tradition which has previously mediated between man and
John Berger, in a very beautiful essay introducing the latest edition of Pig
Earth [67], emphasizes what he calls the peasants' view of "circular time" in
contrast with the abstract idea of linear time used in Newtonian mechanics. A
related viewpoint was developed earlier by the Spengler [68], who was one is
mechanistic time-evolution that proceeds via local cause and effect. "Destiny"
"destiny" and local cause and effect Spengler was not aware of the idea of
"destiny" but proceeds purely mechanically according local cause and effect.
nature, have been replaced by the abstract driving force of late civilization, the
approximation, all traditions and ideas that interfere with "progress" defined
units may be dollars or marks. The dialogue paraphrased below can be found
on pg. 16 the book Complexity, Metaphors, Models, and Reality [32] about
complex adaptable systems in biology, economics, and other fields. A, A', and
a number and that doesn't tell you anything about the system. Assume that
there's a particular state that you want to create, a slightly better state of the
economy, for example. Suppose that you want to know how complicated that
solve it?'
slightly better, and you find out that you can measure its complexity in terms
decimal or bit by bit, by computation time, but there are also integrable many
body problems that are not complex but also require large amounts of marks
or dollars. A'' also asserts in the same book Complexity (pg. 11) that low
dimensional chaos is "not complex in a true sense: ... the number bits
required for specification of where you are is highly limited." In part, this
assertion is false: note that the binary specification of a single state xn in the
logistic map f(x) = 4x(1-x) requires precisely N(n) = 2n(No - 2) + 2 bits, where No
order of m iterations the first bit (and all other bits) in xn', where n' ≈ n + m, is
multiplication is done incorrectly at any stage then after only a few more
iterations the bits in xn cannot be known even to one-bit accuracy. I expect that
condition for equality. ... bourgeois and Marxist ideals of equality presume a
struggling against this scarcity and a just sharing of what the world produces.
the fruits of knowledge but he never supposes that the advance of knowledge
reduces the extent of the unknown. ... Nothing in his experience encourages
him to believe in final causes ... . The unknown can only be eliminated
Dieser Aufsatz basiert teilweise auf meinem Eröffnungsvortrag beim Winter
seminar März 1996 auf dem Zeinisjoch. Mein Dank gilt Professor Dr. Peter
Plath, der mich zu diesem Vortrag eingeladen hat und auch zu dieser
Bewirtung auf dem Zeinisjoch. Obgleich der größte Teil des Seminars auf
Deutsch abgehalten wurde, entschied ich mich doch, meinen Vortrag auf
1. J. L. Casti (1990) Searching for Certainty, What Scientists can know about
York) 308-17.
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin).
10. A. Wintner (1941) The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics
Cambridge, Mass.).
17. S.A. Burns and J.I. Palmore (1989) Physica D37, 83.
20. A. Turing (1937) Proc. Lon. Math. Soc. (2) 42, 230.
23. P. Cvitanovic, G. Gunaratne, and I. Procaccia 1503 Phys. Rev. A38 (1988).
24. G. H. Gunaratne (1990) in Universality beyond the onset of chaos , in
26. J. Krug (1994) in Modern Quantum Field Theory II, ed. S. R. Das et al
(World, Singapore).
30. M. R. Garey and D.S. Johnson (1979) Computers and Intr actability: A Guide
34. M. Eigen und R. Winkler-Oswatitsch (1987) Stufen zum Leben, (R. Piper,
150 427.
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Verlagsbuchhandlung, München).
Figure Captions
continuous line between two points plus a closed curve that, unlike both
Lorenz model are plotted against each other (from McCauley [21]). The
4. The complete binary tree defines the topologic universality class of the
binary tent map, and all unimodal maps of the unit interval that peak at or