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Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA.
* Address correspondence to this author at: Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 6400
Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810. E-mail [email protected]. Nonstandard abbreviations: T2D, type 2 diabetes; CNS, central nervous system; RCT,
Received June 13, 2017; accepted September 14, 2017. randomized controlled trial; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MACE, major ad-
Previously published online at DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2017.272815 verse cardiovascular events; NDA, new drug application; CVOT, cardiovascular out-
© 2017 American Association for Clinical Chemistry comes trial.
Obesity Pharmacotherapy
women (85%), white (86%), and aged ⬍44 years (5, 7 ), including the cortico-limbic systems that make up
with the possible explanation being a higher level of body ⬎80% of the human brain. This expanded system (Fig.
image distress among these groups. 1) is thought to integrate both the classical homeostatic as
well as the hedonic, emotional, and cognitive aspects of
WHO PRESCRIBES ANTIOBESITY DRUGS AND WHICH ARE THE food intake and energy expenditure (10 ). Clearly, with a
MOST PRESCRIBED? larger system comes increased heterogeneity of neu-
However, melanocortin-signaling is just one aspect of tion? One possibility for the corruption of hypothalamic
basomedial hypothalamic functions, with a recent study body weight regulatory mechanisms by palatable diets
identifying 50 transcriptionally distinct cell populations rich in saturated fats and sugar is their proinflammatory
in the arcuate nucleus-median eminence alone (15 ). The action mediated by increased numbers of microglia and
effects of the 5-HT2c agonist, lorcaserin, on food intake astrocytes in critical hypothalamic areas. However, cur-
appear to be primarily due to its activation of basomedial rent evidence suggests that the rapid initial hypothalamic
hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin neurons (16 ), al- gliosis is rather a neuroprotective response to cope with
though additional action on the mesolimbic reward cir- neural stress induced by an increased load of saturated
cuit has been suggested (17 ). Thus, targeting basomedial fats and that only long-term overnutrition eventually
hypothalamic signaling mechanisms remains a hot topic changes inflammatory signaling of hypothalamic micro-
in obesity drug development. glia and astrocytes to a more neurotoxic phenotype (19 ).
Importance of manipulating the reward value of food. The This clearly puts the blame for the initial cause of this
literature on nonhuman animals very clearly identifies vicious cycle to overeating of palatable diets high in sat-
palatable food as the major cause of obesity. More than urated fats and sugar. There is considerable evidence for a
40 years ago it was demonstrated that rats become rapidly role of the meso-corticolimbic reward pathways (20 ).
obese on a palatable cafeteria diet, an effect that was mod- Although dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter in the
erated by access to physical activity and completely re- reward system, it also depends on opioidergic, glutama-
versed by changing the diet back to regular laboratory tergic, ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic, and nicotinic
chow (18 ). How is diet-induced obesity possible in the cholinergic signaling, as well as signaling via orexin and
presence of powerful hypothalamic body weight regula- the melanin-concentrating hormone. Although currently
Year initially
Drug approved Comments
Phentermine 1959 Short-term use; most prescribed drug in the US; withdrawn in Europe in
2000 for unfavorable benefit-to-risk
marketed CNS-acting anorexigenic drugs affect the food thereby enhance associative memories and cognitive
reward system, there are further opportunities for devel- attention.
oping drugs that could selectively manipulate food re-
ward without having undesirable effects on mood, cog- HISTORY OF ANTIOBESITY DRUGS
nition, and executive functions. Drugs approved to treat obesity have been in existence
Fighting obesity through improvement of cognitive func- since the 1950s (Table 1). Until the approval of dexfen-
tions. Several lines of evidence in both rodents and hu- fluramine in 1996 for chronic weight management,
mans have shown strong interactions between obesity weight loss drugs were approved in the US for short-term
and cognitive functions, particularly with learning and use only, about 12 weeks. With the exception of fenflu-
memory (21, 22 ). The rescue of impaired learning and ramine, all drugs approved before 1996 were structurally
memory functions may be an effective strategy to modu- related to amphetamine, although they differed in their
late food intake and reduce body weight in obese subjects effects on enhancing the turnover of norepinephrine and
(23 ). Because habitual and “mindless” behavior routines dopamine, thus differing in their abuse potential. Al-
such as instinctively responding to environmental food though randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of at least 1
cues with eating or automatically taking the elevator in- year were lacking, these sympathomimetic drugs showed
stead of the stairs are less accessible to cognitive modula- a fair amount of efficacy, averaging approximately 3.0 –
tion (24 ), a case can be made for shifting from subcon- 3.6 kg weight loss relative to a placebo (26 ); of these
scious procedural to more conscious, associative forms of drugs, mazindol was discontinued by the manufacturer
memory and more mindful behavior. Because habit for- in 1999. Phentermine, diethylpropion, phendimetra-
mation appears to depend on a shift of activity from zine, and benzphetamine have remained on the US mar-
progressively more ventral to more dorsal striatal loops ket, with phentermine being the most prescribed weight
(25 ), a potential strategy would be to prevent or attenu- loss drug in this class, as well as among all approved
ate this shift. It will thus be important to identify the antiobesity drugs. Fenfluramine, first approved in 1973,
molecular signatures of these different striatal domains to was withdrawn worldwide 24 years later, along with its
ultimately pharmacologically target specific subsets and newly-approved isomer, dexfenfluramine, in 1997 fol-
Table 2. 1-Year weight loss and secondary efficacy of currently available antiobesity drugs.
Drug Weight loss relative to placebo Glycemic measures Blood pressure Lipids
Orlistat Approximately 3.0% +++ ++ ++
Lorcaserin 3.0 to 3.6% +++ + +
lowing echocardiographic demonstration of increased publication (30 ) that reported a 36-week RCT that com-
risk of mitral and aortic regurgitation among patients pared phentermine 30 mg/day continuously, phenter-
treated with these drugs. It was also in 1997 that sibut- mine 30 mg/day intermittently (1 month on, 1 month
ramine, a serotonin and norepinephrine uptake inhibi- off), and a placebo continuously. All subjects (n ⫽ 108,
tor, was approved for long-term treatment of obesity; women) were instructed to follow an energy-restricted
however, the manufacturer voluntarily withdrew the diet of 1000 kcal/day. Results were reported only for the
drug worldwide at the request of the US Food and Drug 64 women who completed the study. Weight changes
Administration (FDA) in 2010 when results of a long- with continuous phentermine (n ⫽ 17), intermittent
term trial (27 ) in high-risk patients revealed a slightly phentermine (n ⫽ 22), and a placebo (n ⫽ 25) were
increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events ⫺12.2 kg, ⫺13.0 kg, and ⫺4.8 kg, respectively. A sig-
(MACE) with sibutramine treatment relative to a pla- nificant placebo-subtracted weight loss of 6.4 – 6.7 kg
cebo (hazard ratio, 1.16; 95% confidence interval 1.03– was reported for phentermine 30 –37.5 mg/day in two
1.31; P ⫽ 0.02). There was considerable enthusiasm for 12-week RCTs among Korean obese patients (31, 32 ).
cannabinoid receptor-1 antagonists when rimonabant, In a recently reported 28-week RCT that compared var-
the first drug in that class, was approved in the European ious treatments, phentermine 15 mg/day led to weight
Union in 2006; however, due to increased frequency of loss of 6.1% vs 1.7% for a placebo (33 ). Common side
mood disorders and suicidal behaviors (28 ), it received a effects of phentermine are dry mouth, constipation, and
negative recommendation from an FDA advisory com-
insomnia. There is no scientific evidence that phenter-
mittee, resulting in the manufacturer withdrawing the
mine used alone increases the risk of valvular heart disease
new drug application (NDA). In 2008, the European
(34 ).
Medicines Agency ordered removal of rimonabant from
European markets. Following withdrawal of rimonabant,
further clinical development of at least 3 other cannabi-
noid receptor-1 antagonists—taranabant (Merck), CP-
945 598 (Pfizer), and BMS-646256 (Bristol Myers
Squibb)—was halted without NDA submission. Orlistat. Orlistat, a pancreatic lipase inhibitor that re-
duces intestinal absorption of fat by about one-third, has
been available since 1999. Orlistat 120 mg three-times-
daily achieves a placebo-subtracted weight loss of approx-
Phentermine, approved in 1959 for short-term use, is a imately 3% (Table 2) and somewhat less in RCTs of
norepinephrine-releasing agent, with possible norepi- longer duration (35, 36 ). Low-dose orlistat (60 mg
nephrine uptake inhibition with lower abuse potential three-times-daily), approved for use without a prescrip-
than amphetamine due to lack of significant dopaminer- tion, achieved a placebo-subtracted weight loss of 1.2 kg
gic effects (29 ). It is the most prescribed weight loss drug (1.6%) after 4 months in the nonprescription NDA
in the US despite the availability of 5 approved drugs for study and 2.3 kg (2.4%) at 6 months in 2 prescription
long-term use in recent years. A 2002 metaanalysis esti- NDA studies (37 ). In December 2003, orlistat was ap-
mated that treatment with phentermine 30 mg/day for proved for weight management of obese adolescents age
8 –24 weeks achieved a mean weight loss of 3.6 kg relative 12 years and above, and to date it remains the only anti-
to a placebo (26 ). Other drugs in this class have fewer obesity drug approved for pediatric patients. In a 1-year
published clinical trials. Although most clinical trials of study of obese adolescents, BMI decreased by 0.55 kg/m2
phentermine were of short duration, there was a 1968 with orlistat treatment compared with an increase of 0.31
kg/m2 with a placebo; weight increased only 0.5 kg with practice, it would be ideal that a drug prescribed to in-
orlistat but 3.1 kg with a placebo (38 ). duce weight loss is compatible with commonly used an-
tidepressants. However, because the safety of lorcaserin
Lorcaserin. Lorcaserin, a selective serotonin 5-HT2C re- coadministered with selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
ceptor agonist, was approved in the US in 2012 and tors, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and
became available almost a year later due to a delay in other drugs that affect serotonergic system has not been
Drug Trade Name (s) Recommended Dose schedule Comments
Phentermine Adipex-P 18.75–37.5 mg QD IV
Fastin 30 mg QD Recommended TID dosing is 30–60 min before meals. QD dosing is in the
Suprenza 15–30 mg QD morning. Avoid dosing close to bedtime.
tenance after they had achieved an average 6.0% weight weight loss (⫺10.7%) that was significantly superior to
loss with a low-calorie diet (52 ). During the maintenance the weight loss achieved by each of the other 3 compari-
phase, mean weight changes were ⫺6.2% for liraglutide sons (placebo ⫺2.1%, phentermine ⫺4.6%, topiramate
vs ⫺0.2% for a placebo. Although liraglutide is associ- ⫺6.3%). Subsequently, a once-daily formulation was
ated with an increase in resting heart rate of 2–3 bpm tested in a 28-week RCT in which 2 doses of combina-
compared to a placebo, a long-term CVOT of 9340 pa- tion therapy (phentermine/topiramate 7.5/46 mg or
decreases food cravings in obese humans, with weight loss the pharmacological actions of the various drugs. For
reported for female subjects (64, 65 ). A 16-week proof- example, for patients who report intense food cravings,
of-concept trial (66 ) revealed no difference in weight loss phentermine/topiramate and naltrexone/bupropion may
achieved with bupropion alone (⫺3.6%) vs a naltrexone/ be good options based on published studies of topiramate
bupropion combination (⫺4.0%). In a subsequent RCT and naltrexone (64, 74 ), lorcaserin for patients who struggle
of 24-weeks duration, in which study dropout rates were with impulse control (75 ), phentermine/topiramate for eat-
acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting Stock Ownership: None declared.
or revising the article for intellectual content; and (c) final approval of Honoraria: None declared.
the published article. Research Funding: K.M. Gadde, NIH, AstraZeneca; J.W. Apolzan,
NIH, USDA; H.-R. Berthoud, NIH.
Authors’ Disclosures or Potential Conflicts of Interest: Upon man- Expert Testimony: None declared.
uscript submission, all authors completed the author disclosure form. Dis- Patents: K.M. Gadde, awarded several patents related to obesity and
closures and/or potential conflicts of interest: body weight. The inventions disclosed in Gadde’s patents have not
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