Optimisation of The Extraction and Purification of Horseradish Peroxidase From Horseradish Roots

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Almero Barnard

Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

Master of Science in Biochemistry at the University of Stellenbosch

Supervisor: Prof. Pieter Swart

Co-supervisor: Dr. Michael Graz
Faculty of Science
Department of Biochemistry

September 2012
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By submitting this dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained
therein is my own, original work, that I am the owner of the copyright thereof and that I have
not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification.

September 2012

Copyright © 2012 Stellenbosch University

All rights reserved

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This study describes:

a) the optimization of the current industrial-scale extraction and purification of Horseradish

peroxidase from horseradish at BBI Enzymes, focussing on:
a. Raw material quality,
b. Extraction,
c. Ultra-filtration,
d. Salt fractionation,
e. Diafiltration,
f. Ion Exchange Chromatography,

b) developing an new in-process microtitre plate calorimetric assay,

c) characterization of main groups of HRP relevant to BBI Enzymes by SDS-PAGE- and HPLC

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Hierdie studie beskryf:

a) die optimisering van die huidige industriële-skaal ekstraksie en suiwering van peperwortel-
peroksidase vanuit peperwortel by BBI Enzymes, deur te focus op:
a. Rou material kwaliteit,
b. Ekstraksie,
c. Ultra-filtrasie,
d. Sout fraksionering,
e. Diafiltrasie,
f. Ioon-uitruilchromatografie

b) Ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe in-proses mikro-titer gebaseerde kalorimetriese toetsmetode

c) die karakterisering van die hoof groepe peperwortel-peroksidase belangrik vir BBI Enzymes

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I hereby wish to express my sincere gratitude to the following persons and institutions:

God, for everything and more, all the time...

My fiancé Candice for love, patience and motivation.

My parents for all the support and love.

Prof. P. Swart for guidance and independence.

Dr. M. Graz for his inquisitive approach and friendship.

Dr. J.A. Carney for mentorship, humour, off the subject discussions and expert advice.

Dr. Nic Lombard for educated opinions and making science fun.

BBI Enzymes for the financial support and opportunity.

Tinus de Wet, brother in arms, experiments.

Yolanda and Craig for PAS, Coomassie.

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DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... II

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. III

OPSOMMING .........................................................................................................................IV

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... V

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... 1

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... 4

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... 6

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 2: HORSERADISH PEROXIDASE: AN OVERVIEW ............................................................. 12

2.1. Mechanism of action, kinetic characteristics and functional role ...................................................... 13
2.2. Enzyme stability ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.3. Inhibitors ........................................................................................................................................... 16


PURIFICATION OF HRP FROM HORSERADISH AT BBI ENZYMES .................................................. 19
3.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.2. RAW MATERIAL QUALITY.......................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1. Cultivation of horseradish ............................................................................................................. 26
3.3. EXTRACTION PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 30
3.4. CONCENTRATION OF HORSERADISH EXTRACT ................................................................... 35
3.4.1. Membrane fouling ........................................................................................................................ 36
3.4.2. UF System development ............................................................................................................... 39
3.5. AMMONIUM SULPHATE FRACTIONATION ............................................................................. 47
3.6. DIAFILTRATION ............................................................................................................................ 49
3.6.1. Application of DF in HRP purification ......................................................................................... 50
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3.6.2. DF trials performed in HRP secondary processing ....................................................................... 53

3.6.3. Data and Results ........................................................................................................................... 54
3.7. CHROMATOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 65
EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES ................................................................................... 72
3.9. DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................... 76


BY SDS-PAGE AND HPLC ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 78
4.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 78
4.2. SDS-PAGE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 80
4.3. HPLC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 81
4.4. DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................... 85


ASSAY ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
5.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 87
5.3. DETERMINATION OF ASSAY CONDITIONS ............................................................................. 89
5.3.1. Detergents ..................................................................................................................................... 89
5.3.2. pH ................................................................................................................................................. 90
5.3.3. Substrate concentration and reaction time .................................................................................... 91
5.4. DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................... 94

CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION........................................................................................ 96

EXPERIMENTAL METHODS............................................................................................... 99
Review of U.S. raw material sources ............................................................................................................. 100
Raw material quality ...................................................................................................................................... 101
Extraction procedures .................................................................................................................................... 102
Concentration (Ultra-filtration) ...................................................................................................................... 103
Ammonium sulphate fractionation................................................................................................................. 104
DF .................................................................................................................................................................. 104
Chromatography ............................................................................................................................................ 105
Microtitre plate colorimetric assay development ........................................................................................... 105
SDS-PAGE analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 106
HPLC analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 107

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 108

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APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 116

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FIGURE 1. X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HRP C.. ................................................................................................. 13

FIGURE 3. CURRENT PRIMARY PROCESSING OF HRP AT BBI ENZYMES................................................................. 21
PROCESSING PER BATCH PROCESSED IN 2007.. ............................................................................................... 25

FIGURE 6. CROSS-SECTION OF HORSERADISH ROOTS OF LOCAL AND U.S.A. SOURCE. ................................................ 25

CHEMICAL STIMULI IN SOME CELL COMPARTMENTS......................................................................................... 27

BLENDING OF THE ROOTS. ............................................................................................................................. 34

FIGURE 10. PERCENTAGE IMPROVEMENT IN EXTRACTED HRP AFTER 4 HOURS. ........................................................ 34

FIGURE 11. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE PRINCIPLE OF TFF. ................................................................................. 35
FIGURE 12. MECHANISMS OF MEMBRANE FOULING. ................................................................................................ 37
CERTAIN PH DURING CLARIFICATION AND UF. .............................................................................................. 39

WATER. ......................................................................................................................................................... 40

FEED.. .......................................................................................................................................................... 41

CONCENTRATION FACTOR (VCF) WITH CLARIFIED HRP EXTRACT.. ................................................................. 42

FIGURE 17. UF SYSTEM VENDOR COMPARISON.. ...................................................................................................... 43

FIGURE 18. FILTRATE FLUX (L/HOUR) COMPARISON ALL TRIAL RUNS........................................................................ 46
CHROMATOGRAPHY STAGES. .......................................................................................................................... 51

CHROMATOGRAPHY STAGES. .......................................................................................................................... 52

CHROMATOGRAPHY. ..................................................................................................................................... 56
DURING DF OF 161455-GRADE HRP MATERIAL............................................................................................. 58

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FRACTIONS BETWEEN CM CHROMATOGRAPHY STEPS ONE AND TWO. ............................................................... 59

FRACTIONS BETWEEN CM CHROMATOGRAPHY STEPS TWO AND THREE. ............................................................ 59



CHROMATOGRAPHY. ..................................................................................................................................... 60
FILTRATE FLUX.............................................................................................................................................. 64

(AMICON® MODULINE®) CHROMATOGRAPHY COLUMNS. ................................................................................ 68
GAUGE AND VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE IS SHOWN. ................................................................................. 69
FLOW COLUMN. ............................................................................................................................................ 70
FIGURE 32. PAGE ANALYSES: COOMASSIE STAINING OF PROTEIN VISUALIZATION.. ................................................... 72
FIGURE 33. PAGE PREPARATION: PAS STAINING FOR CARBOHYDRATE VISUALIZATION. ............................................ 73
FIGURE 34. PAGE PREPARATION: COOMASSIE STAINING.. ....................................................................................... 74
PROCESS. ...................................................................................................................................................... 75

FIGURE 36. NEW SECONDARY PROCESS FLOW FOR HRP PURIFICATION. ................................................................... 77
FIGURE 42. ELUTION PROFILE OF 161455-GRADE HRP FROM A CM-HPLC COLUMN.............................................. 82
FIGURE 43. ELUTION PROFILE OF 161453-GRADE HRP FROM A CM-HPLC COLUMN.............................................. 83
FIGURE 44. ELUTION PROFILE OF 161457-GRADE HRP FROM A CM-HPLC COLUMN.............................................. 84
FIGURE 45. ELUTION PROFILE OF 161451-GRADE HRP FROM A CM-HPLC COLUMN.............................................. 85
FIGURE 37. EFFECT OF DETERGENTS ON HRP ENZYME ACTIVITY.. ........................................................................................ 91
CONCENTRATION. .......................................................................................................................................... 92

FIGURE 40. STANDARD CURVE OF MTP BASED HRP ASSAY. ..................................................................................... 94

ENZYMES. ..................................................................................................................................................... 99

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TABLE 1. KINETIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR HRP AS DETERMINED AT 25°C. ............................................................... 14

TABLE 3. SYSTEM AND PROCESS PARAMETER SETTINGS USED FOR EACH TRIAL RUN................................................... 45
(CF OF 10) EXTRACT. .................................................................................................................................... 48
TABLE 6. DF TRIAL RUN PARAMETERS AND DATA GENERATED. ................................................................................. 55
.................................................................................................................................................................... 56
TABLE 8. PARAMETERS FOR THE DF PRODUCTION PROCESS. ................................................................................... 63
OF A HORSERADISH EXTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 78

TABLE 9. FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING AN DETECTION SIGNAL TYPE ...................................................... 88
TABLE 10. NEW MTP-BASED HRP ASSAY CONDITIONS AND COMPONENTS. .............................................................. 93

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ABTS 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)

A/S Ammonium sulphate

BU Billion units*

B/T Break-though

CIP Clean-in-place

CM Carboxy-methyl. Negatively charge group that is linked to CM Sepharose®

resin beads. This group gives the CM Sepharose® its characteristic weak cation
exchange property.

DEAE Diethylaminoethyl

DF Diafiltration, a tangential flow membrane filtration process.

EC Enzyme Commission number, a numerical classification of enzymes.

HPLC High performance liquid chromatography

HRP Horseradish peroxidase

HRP C Horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C

Hz Hertz

IAA Indole-3-acetic acid

kcat Catalytic constant

kDa kilo-Dalton

Km Michaelis constant

MM Molecular weight marker

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Mr Molecular weight

mS milli-Siemens

MTP Microtitre plate

MU Million units*

MWCO Molecular weight cut-off

NaCl Sodium chloride

PES Polyethersulfone

PAS Periodic acid Shift method of staining for Carbohydrates

Pin Membrane inlet pressure

Pout Membrane outlet pressure

PAGE Poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis

QC Quality control. A system of maintaining standards of all factors that are

involved with production in order to ensure consistency and quality of product.

RO Reverse-osmosis

Rz “Reinheitzahl” value is the unit of measure representing the ratio of

absorbance at 403nm (wavelength at which haem groups of proteins absorb
light) to the absorbance at 275nm (wavelength at which aromatic groups of
proteins absorb light). This is used as a measure of the purity of the HRP
specific protein in the HRP process at different steps.

SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate

SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulphate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis

S/N Supernatant

t Tonne (1000kg)

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TMB 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine

Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer

TFF Tangential flow filtration

UF Ultra-filtration

U.S.A. United States of America

Vmax Maximal reaction rate

*Guaiacol enzyme units. Unit definition: The amount of enzyme which catalyzes the
conversion of one micromole of hydrogen peroxide per minute at 25°C.

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Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a haemoprotein classed in the oxidoreductases group of

enzymes (EC due to its ability to oxidize a wide range of substrates in the presence
of an oxidizing agent. Substrates catalyzed by HRP include ascorbate, ferrocyanide and
cytochrome C. This class of enzyme is expressed in both pro- and eukaryotic cells. HRP
isoenzyme C (HRP C), the most abundant isoenzyme in horseradish (Armoracia rusticana),
is one of the best studied enzymes of this class due to its wide range of applications. Studies
of isoenzyme C have proposed applications including cancer therapy, immunodiagnostics,
biotransformation, enzyme-linked assays and treatment of wastewater.

BBI Enzymes is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of natural enzymes derived from
plant and animal tissue. The company is located in Cape Town, South Africa and is one of
the world’s largest HRP manufacturers, selling more than 10 billion HRP enzyme units
(Guaiacol assay method) (1), annually. The methods employed in the current extraction and
purification process were selected due to the scale of the operation. These methods are,
however, time consuming, inconsistent, inefficient and yield low volumes of low purity HRP.
Because of the complexity of manufacturing and inadequate in-process control methodology,
it was not possible to optimally track the product yield of the previous HRP isolation and
purification processes.

The in-process quantitative enzyme analysis is very time-consuming and susceptible to a

number of factors that influence the accuracy of the method. These processes delay
production as operations cannot continue without results and lead to delays in the delivery of
product to our customers.

The aim of this project was to determine whether the currently applied methods for the
extraction, purification and in-process quantitative analysis of HRP from horseradish are
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optimal. The scope of improvements will include equipment and enzyme assays/detection
methods, whilst taking into consideration time, cost, expertise and quality of the final

An overview of the general properties of the HRP enzyme is given in Chapter two. The main
properties of the enzyme important to its successful extraction and purification are discussed.
The optimization of the extraction and purification of HRP is discussed in Chapter three. The
proposed focus for this optimization was extraction of the enzyme, concentration and
ammonium sulphate fractionation (A/S) of the extract, diafiltration and chromatographic
purification of HRP.

In Chapter four, the results of experiments aimed at the development of a new in-process
microtitre-based colorimetric assay for HRP is discussed. Parameters that will be reviewed
during development will be aimed at desensitizing the substrate, whilst generating a robust,
consistent assay. The characterization of the main groups of HRP isoenzymes, important to
BBI Enzymes, was also performed in this study and the results are discussed in Chapter five.
In Chapter six, the work performed in the thesis is discussed and conclusions are made.

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HRP is a haem-containing, 44kDa glycoprotein. It is classified in the oxidoreductases group

of enzymes (EC due to its ability to oxidize a wide range of substrates in the
presence of an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide. It is one of the best studied
enzymes of the oxidoreductases group (2; 3). Interest in HRP is due to its wide range of
biomedical applications including cancer therapy, immunodiagnostics, biotransformation,
enzyme-linked assays and treatment of wastewater (4; 5; 6). For example, in cancer therapy,
cancer cells are transfected with HRP cDNA. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a HRP substrate
acting as a prodrug, is oxidized as part of a gene-directed enzyme/prodrug therapy inducing
apoptosis in certain cancer cells (7). Enzyme-linked assays, on the other hand, exploit the
vast range of substrates oxidized by HRP. An example of this application is where antibody-
conjugated HRP create a colorimetric signal by oxidizing selected colourless substrates to
coloured measureable metabolites. The colour reaction enables the user to determine the
presence of the target molecule captured by the conjugate antibody. The oxidative coupling
of phenolic compounds by HRP is a three-step cyclic reaction.

HRP consists of a 308 amino acid polypeptide, with four disulphide bonds supporting the
structure of the active enzyme. Different HRP isoenzymes were first reported in 1942 (8). Of
the seven main isoenzymes characterized in literature, HRP isoenzyme C (HRP C) is the
most abundant, and subsequently the most studied (9). HRP C has also been adopted as the
main isoenzyme from horseradish for use in various applications. Catalytically active
isoenzyme C contains two metal centres, two calcium atoms and an iron (III) photohaemin IX
or haem group (9). Gajhede et al. was the first to elucidate the X-ray crystal structure of HRP
C (10). Their work is shown in Figure 1. From this figure it is clear that the amino acid
backbone of the enzyme structure consists mainly of α-helixes, with a number of β-sheet
regions. HRP C has a total of 9 glycosylation sites and is glycosylated at 8 of these positions
on the protein surface by asparagine linking. The role of N-linked glycans in the stabilization
of glycoproteins has been studied with contradictory results (11; 12). The role of these groups
in HRP has been shown to be related to the kinetic stability of the enzyme (13). These groups
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are of importance in a number of applications, as it is used in the preparation of conjugates

(14). Conserving these groups during the optimization of the HRP isolation and purification
process will be reviewed later in Chapter 5.

Figure 1. X-ray crystal structure of HRP C. The position of the two calcium atoms is shown by the
two blue spheres, with the iron (III) protoporhyrin IX coloured in red. The α-helix regions are shown
in purple, with the β-sheet regions identified in yellow (15).

2.1. Mechanism of action, kinetic characteristics and functional role

HRP oxidizes a wide range of substrates in the presence of an oxidizing agent such as
hydrogen peroxide. The reaction starts by the reduction of HRP by hydrogen peroxide

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(oxidizing agent) forming compound I, followed by the oxidation of substrate (represented by

“AH” in the peroxidase cycle scheme below) by the enzyme:



The catalytic constant (kcat) and Michaelis constant (Km) of isoenzyme C for different HRP
substrates are shown in Table 1. The data illustrates that 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine
(TMB) has the highest kcat of the substrates reviewed (16; 17; 18). 2,2’-Azino-bis 3-
ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) also have relatively high kcat value, when
compared to that of the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by HRP during the formation
of Compound I. The catalytic efficiency of the various substrates were compared by
determining the value of kcat/Km. From the data, it is shown that TMB is the most efficient of
the three substrates reviewed. For reaction cycles involving H2O2 and Guaiacol (2-
methoxyphenol), the rate limiting reaction would be the oxidation of Guaiacol. The higher
Km value for the oxidation of H2O2 by HRP than that of the reaction with TMB (8.5 times
higher) and ABTS (8.4 times higher) indicates lower affinity by the enzyme for H2O2.

Table 1. Kinetic characteristics for HRP as determined at 25°C (16; 17; 18).

Substrate kcat Km kcat/Km

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) 1 3.48 x 103 s-1 3.7x10-3M 9.4x105
3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) 1 4 x 103 s-1 0.434x10-3M 9.2x106

2,2’-azino-bis 3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
226 ± 14 s-1 (0.44 ± 0.03)x10-3M 5.1x105
acid (ABTS)
Guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol) 3 13.8s-1 2.8 x 10-3M 4.9x103
[TMB] = 2.5mM, [HRP] = 2.5 x 10-11M, [H2O2] = 1 x 10-3M.
Reaction in 0.1M phosphate buffer, pH6.0, [HRP] = 1 x 10-10M, [H2O2] = 7 x 10-4M.
Reaction in 0.02M potassium phosphate, pH7.0, [H2O2] = 2 x 10-4M, [HRP] = 6nM.
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The affinity of HRP for ABTS and other substrates is pH dependant. The maximal reaction
rate for ABTS at a concentration of 2mM/L is achieved at pH4.2 (19). By increasing the pH
of the reaction solution, the enzyme affinity for the substrate is reduced. This property of the
enzyme-substrate interaction will be exploited during the desensitizing of the colorimetric
assay discussed in Chapter 5(Figure 43).

Gaspar et al. reported observations linking a cascade variation of peroxidase isoenzyme

levels in relation to growth and developmental processes such as abscission, root formation
and flower initiation (20). Increased levels of free radicals and peroxides during stress-
induced membrane depolarization initiated lipid peroxidation. The changes in membrane
integrity lead to changes in ionic fluxes (potassium and calcium) and the secretion of basic
peroxidases into the intracellular matrix, aiding in the reduction of peroxides and free
radicals. During the stress-response and other growth and developmental processes, basic
peroxidases was found to bind cell membrane structures and play a role in the increase in
acidic peroxidase activity. Acidic peroxidase is linked to the lignification of damaged or
developing cell walls (3). The mechanism of stress-response in the plant is exploited during
the cultivation of high HRP content horseradish and will be discussed during the review of
raw material quality (Chapter 3).

2.2. Enzyme stability

HRP is stable at neutral to basic pH between pH 5.0 – 10.0. Thermal stability of the enzyme
is affected by a number of factors, including buffer conditions, calcium ion bond strength,
disulphide bridges and glycosylation (21). It has been shown that high concentrations of
sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, reduce the thermal stability of the enzyme (22). This is of
importance as phosphate buffer is used in the current HRP preparation process at BBI.
Thermal or pH-inactivation leads to the de-stabilization of α-helix and haem regions of the
tertiary structure and is irreversible (23). The use of 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB)
and luminol has been shown to increase the stability of HRP in solution (24). This property
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was exploited during the development of the microtitre-based HRP assay described in
Chapter 5.

2.3. Inhibitors

HRP inhibitors include divalent ions such as dichromate, lead (Pb+2), cobalt (Co+2) cadmium
(Cd+2), manganese (Mn+2), copper (Cu+2) and nickel (Ni+2). Other inhibitors include
vanadate, sodium azide, cyanide, fluoride, ethylenethiourea, hydroxylamine, sulphide, L-
cystine, p-aminobenzoic acid, and carbon monoxide (25; 26). A number of these small
molecules bind to the iron atom of the haem group, leading to the formation of six-coordinate
peroxidase complexes with reduced or no catalytic activity. This is also the haem group
formation observed at alkaline pH where the enzyme has reduced reduction-oxidation
potential (27). Cobalt, a non-competitive inhibitor, slowly binds to the enzyme and induces
conformational changes at higher concentrations. The most significant of these changes take
place in the active site of the enzyme (28).

The commercial grade of ammonium sulphate (A/S) used for the saturation of the HRP
solution during fractionation and chromatography, on an industrial scale, contains sulphide
ions. Sulphide is a known reversible inhibitor of HRP and the level of inhibition was
investigated by Theorell et al (26). In Figure 2, the suppression of HRP activity is illustrated
with an increase in A/S concentration. The data shown in this figure is from a single
experiment performed. A single experiment was performed following observed losses across
fractionation steps. This suppression of enzyme activity is suspected to be an irreversible
inhibition, as exhaustive dialysis of HRP could not reconstitute the activity. This ineffective
reversal of the inhibition may contribute to the lower enzyme activity. Other inhibiting
contaminants present in this grade of A/S include Lead, Cobalt and Manganese (29). The
solution would be to use a higher purity grade of A/S with a lower concentration of sulphide.
Alternatively, the use of sodium phosphate can be investigated. The use of commercial grade
A/S for the initial fractionation of the HRP extract at the end of primary processing will,
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however, be continued in the near future due to the financial implications of changing to a
more expensive higher grade of A/S.

Figure 2. Effect of percentage A/S saturation on the activity of 161451-grade HRP. Solutions of
reconstituted HRP was saturated with A/S, dialysed, lyophilized and the HRP activity tested (161451-
Grade HRP is a BBI specific product grade).

HRP activity, as measured by conversion of dianisidine, is increased in the presence of

imidazole, an alkaloid organic compound (30). The peroxidation of dianisidine is also
increased significantly by nitrogenous compounds such as ammonia, or A/S (30). This effect
on dianisidine conversion has lead to use of different substrates for in-process HRP activity
testing due to the presence of high levels of A/S.

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The enzyme stability, activators and inhibitors are important factors to consider in the
extraction and purification of HRP. Introduction of new grades or types of chemicals, used
directly or indirectly (cleaning or sanitizing of equipment) in production, needs to be
reviewed for their effects on the enzyme stability and activity. Trace contaminants are one of
the main risks and a review of the chemical composition of the product, together with lab-
scale production trials were performed to minimize the risk of activity loss and enzyme yield.
The reduced thermal stability of HRP in sodium phosphate buffer, for instance, has lead to
the removal of this buffer from the process. Critical control points during the process include
a maximum temperature limit and a defined pH range. These factors ensure enzyme stability
during the process. All these factors were considered during the optimization of the HRP
production process and will be addressed in subsequent chapters.

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HRP was first extracted and purified by Seravac Laboratories (today BBI Enzymes) in 1958.
Since then BBI Enzymes has been a bulk producer of HRP for 53 years.a Initial markets were
mainly enzymes for biochemical/biomedical research, but as the use of enzymes as
components in immunodiagnostic test systems were identified, the market for HRP grew. The
method employed to extract and purify HRP was an adaptation of the process developed by
Keilin et al. in 1950 (31). The method was adapted to a previous revision of the current
method in 1966, after Shannon et al. published their review of the peroxidase isoenzymes
present in horseradish (9). Between 2001 and 2010, BBI Enzymes produced and sold an
average of 7 billion units (BU) of HRP enzyme annually (1).b At the high-grade final product
yield achieved in 2007 of 8 million units (MU) of enzyme per tonne of raw material input, 7
BU of HRP equates to the processing of 875 tonnes of horseradish roots.c This yield
(8MU/tonne) was, however, not commercially viable due to the rising costs of raw materials
and reagents (Table 2).

Lifescan - Horseradish Peroxidase from SERAVAC. Cape Town : SERAVAC, 1993.
BBI Enzymes. Sales - Products. Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa. 22 July 2003.
BBI Enzymes. 161457 BBI Peroxidase Product Specification. BBI Enzymes Quality Management
System. Cape Town : s.n., 2010, p. 161457BBI.

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Table 2. Raw material and reagent cost increases for HRP production over the past 13 years.

1998 2011 Percentage

Raw material or reagent Cost (ZAR/Kg) Cost (ZAR/Kg) increase

Horseradish roots: South African R6.50 R12.75 196%

Horseradish roots: North American – R14.04 216%*
Ammonium sulfate (A/S) R1.53 R4.537 297%
* Compared to the price for horseradish roots (South African) in 1998.

As enzyme yield and isoenzyme distribution are crucial factors for the viable processing of
horseradish, there has always been a large emphasis on the quality of the raw material
processed by BBI enzymes.

The extraction and purification of HRP can be achieved using a variety of techniques. The
important considerations, when deciding on the use of these techniques, are the cost,
robustness and consistency at the scale of operations. Affinity chromatography matrices
including Sepharose-bound Concanavalin A and p-acylamidobenzoic acid have been
developed and lead to rapid purification of HRP (32; 33). The use of these resins are
impractical in the large-scale production of the enzyme due to the low throughput, cost of the
matrices, low pH stability and their relatively short cycle life, which can be as little as 20-30
cycles (34). In addition the specificity of p-acylamidobenzoic acid towards isoenzyme C as
capturing group during affinity chromatography does not satisfy the aim of BBI Enzymes to
purify the full complement of neutral, basic and acidic isoenzymes (35).

The original method for HRP production at BBI Enzymes is divided into primary and
secondary processing. Primary processing entails maceration of the horseradish roots and
liberation of the enzyme from the plant material by exposing it to a slightly saline, aqueous
solution. The extracted plant material is then removed by centrifugation and the supernatant
clarified using diatomaceous earth. The clarified extract is then concentrated to approx. 15 –

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30% of the original 16000L volume by using Ultra-filtration with a molecular weight cut off
(MWCO) membrane of 10 kDa (Figure 3).

Secondary processing at BBI Enzymes begins with salt fractionation. This step reduces the
amount of proteins that do not form part of the product in the extract. The ionic strength of
the fractionated HRP extract is then reduced by dialysis. The HRP solution is purified
through a series of ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography steps (Figure
4). The final product is a salt-free lyophilized powder. In this chapter the factors affecting
raw material quality and the optimization of the HRP extraction and purification process
followed at BBI Enzymes will be reviewed.

Figure 3. Current primary processing of HRP at BBI Enzymes.

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Figure 4. Current secondary processing (purification) of HRP at BBI Enzymes. The HRP product
grades 161455, 161453, 161457 and 161451 will be discussed later in this document.

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When reviewing new horseradish raw material, the main parameters reviewed is the
workability of the material over the primary production processes, HRP enzyme content and
isoenzyme distribution, specifically isoenzyme C content. The rigidity of the root is of
concern and reflects the level of lignification (36). This is of importance as more lignified
roots show better workability and may be correlated to high levels of HRP. The colour may
also be an indication of the degree of lignification of the root. The process of lignification is
started mainly by the involvement of acidic peroxidases, whilst it is suspected that the
initiation, due to hormonal stimulation, is controlled by basic HRP isoenzymes (37; 38).
Lignification in roots, grown for a single season, may also be related to a higher HRP
content, as reports in the literature suggests that HRP play an important role in the
lignification and root formation (39). Evidence suggests that roots left in the soil to mature
for an additional growing season yields lower HRP isoenzyme C (basic isoenzyme) content
(2). This may be due to the down-regulation of HRP involved with the lignification of the
plant during the rapid growth phase and stress response stimulated by the decrease in soil
temperature during autumn and winter months (20). Down-regulation will take place once the
plant has been protected to a level where it is resistant to the stressors (2). By standardizing
the harvesting procedure, variability in the isoenzyme compliment is reduced. This is of
importance as certain customers require minimum levels of isoenzyme C. Failure to achieve
this minimum level will lead to additional costs incurred whilst specifically purifying this
isoenzyme, reducing the final product yield.

Historically, horseradish roots have predominantly been sourced from South African farmers,
exclusively producing the material for BBI Enzymes. Trials have also been done on northern
hemisphere sources of horseradish roots, including North American (U.S.A.), German,
Hungarian, Polish, Israeli, British and Chinese sources.d Sources other than U.S.A. were not
favoured due to low workability, price and supplier capacity.

BBI Enzymes. HRP Assay Log Books. Cape Town : QC Department, 1958 - 2006.

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In 2007, increased demand for HRP from BBI Enzymes, the seasonal availability of local raw
material, storage costs and storage capacity lead to the identification and sourcing of
horseradish roots from the U.S.A. In addition to identifying a second supplier of raw material,
having a northern hemisphere supplier ensures a constant supply of fresh roots throughout the
year. Initial lots of roots showed poor yields of HRP (Figure 5) and low workability. During
the mincing and extraction of U.S.A. roots, received in 2007, it was observed that a higher
concentration of finer particles (fines) was released into the aqueous extract. These higher
levels of fines put increased pressure on the production equipment, as the fines needed to be
removed prior to Ultra-filtration. The removal process was challenging, as the fines stay
suspended, even after overnight settling of the extract. As a result, increased amounts of
filtration aid (diatomaceous earth and potable water) and operating hours were required to
clarify the material, increasing the product unit cost.

An investigation was launched into the poor yields from the U.S.A. roots, when compared to
yields achieved from raw material obtained locally. Initially, a morphological comparison
was performed (Figure 6). The morphological comparison highlighted a difference in the
colour of the roots, as well as their rigidity. The causes for the lower workability and yields
observed for this consignment of U.S.A. roots were proposed to be the variety cultivated, low
lignification of the roots and the absence of stress prior to harvesting.

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Figure 5. Comparative line graph indicating the HRP enzyme yield recovered at the end of primary
processing per batch processed in 2007. The two lines represent local and U.S.A. sourced raw
material. The process yield for locally sourced raw material follows the trend as illustrated by the 8
batches shown.

Figure 6. Cross-section of horseradish roots of local and U.S.A. source. The arrow indicates where
the colour of the South African roots was significantly different to roots received from the U.S.A.

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3.2.1. Cultivation of horseradish

Horseradish is cultivated commercially from root cuttings, typically about 15cm long. During
the induction of development of the planted horseradish cutting, the total level of peroxidase
activity increases (2). At the point where growth is initiated, the total level of peroxidase
activity reaches a maximum. At this point, the level of basic peroxidases decreases, with the
levels of the acidic peroxidase continuing to rise (2). A basal level of basic and acidic
peroxidases remain present throughout the growing season of the horseradish, as there is a
continuous need to expand the lignin support structure of the plant.

The increase in peroxidase activity and content in plants under stress have been well
documented (40). Bastin demonstrated that an increase in peroxidase activity, in response to
injury, takes place in most tissues (41). Gaspar et al. documented the stress response pathway
in HRP (20) (Figure 7). It was observed that there is a cascade variation of isoperoxidases,
starting with the immediate migration of basic peroxidases from the cytoplasm to the site of
the injury, followed by the upregulation and increased concentration of basic peroxidases

BBI Enzymes. Horseradish roots Raw material specification . BBI Enzymes Quality
Management System. Cape Town : s.n., 2010, pp. BP6.4.2. - RM45.
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Figure 7. Illustration of the suggested general pathway in response to different physical and chemical
stimuli in some cell compartments. It shows the two-step control of cathodic (yellow) and anodic (red)
peroxidases and their interdependent roles in lignification, as mediated by ethylene. The vertical
arrow indicates the stimuli. The arrow along the bottom of figure indicates the time elapsed (20).

This evidence support the theory for the production of high HRP content roots by introducing
a stressor (defoliation, lower soil temperature) prior to harvesting and cultivation in areas
where the plant is exposed to seasonal soil temperatures that drop below 10°C.

The cultivation practices of South African farmers also involve stress induction. The aim is to
cultivate raw material with a high HRP, and specifically isoenzyme C, content. The protocol
for stress induction and harvesting of horseradish cultivated specifically for high HRP
concentrations is as follows:

1. Harvesting commences once the first frost in autumn appears. Soil (Environmental)
temperature falls to below 50°F (10°C).
2. Defoliation. Remove all leaves from the plant (bush cutter), leaving the roots in the

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3. Two weeks after defoliation, harvest the roots (removal from soil).
4. Freeze slowly to at least 5° F (-15°C). This stops all cell activities and eliminates the
down-regulation of HRP at the end of the stress response. e

This procedure has ensured that the raw material that BBI receives is of consistent quality,
enabling BBI Enzymes to predict the product output. The protocol, together with the
requirement for varieties of horseradish root highly lignified root material in order to increase
workability of the material, was presented to the U.S. growers.f Compliance to the
stressing/harvesting procedure is ensured by supplier quality agreements and annual audits of
the facilities and documents.

The U.S. growers cultivate 3500 to 4000 acres of horseradish annually.f This is
predominantly for the consumer market and varieties are selected to contain the lowest levels
of lignin (visual estimation by panel of growers, consumers) possible, as more rigid, barky
roots are not wanted. Southern Illinois University (Illinois), in collaboration with the Illinois
Horseradish growers, cultivated up to 3000 seedlings in greenhouses annually.f Twenty-eight
of these seedlings were selected by the Illinois Horseradish growers and propagated in test
plots and four of these varieties were subsequently commercially cultivated.f This has
enabled the U.S. growers to supply BBI Enzymes with material from different varieties for
production-scale samples in order to identify the variety that best fit BBI Enzymes’

BBI Enzymes. Report on visit to U.S. Horseradish growers. Cape Town : s.n., 2008.

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A total of four U.S.A. horseradish varieties were shipped to BBI Enzymes from the
2008/2009 harvesting season. The material was processed and two varieties were identified
as the most suitable, 630D and K15g. Variety 630D yielded significantly higher levels of
isoenzyme C than the minimum 40% content required, with a number of final product lots
exceeding 55%. Variety K15 had significantly higher total enzyme content. Higher levels of
total HRP enzyme were also shown in a number of the other varieties, but their workability
was low and resulted in lower recoveries due to additional processing. As a result, growers
were instructed to subsequently only cultivate 630D and K15 varieties horseradish for BBI
Enzymes. This allowed for the review of the extraction procedures with reduced risk of
variability in raw material.

BBI Enzymes. HRP Assay Log Books. Cape Town : QC Department, 1958 - 2006.

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Horseradish peroxidase is extracted from horseradish by maceration of the roots, followed by

suspension of the solids in a saline medium. The challenge to commercial extraction and
purification practices lies in the liberation of the maximum amount of HRP, whilst limiting
the amount of non-specific species extracted. Non-specific molecules can potentially reduce
the performance of downstream filtration and purification techniques. The proposal was to
determine the optimum level of maceration and feasible (achievable with processing
equipment constraints) ratio between the macerated horseradish and the extraction medium.
The downstream workability of the extract was also reviewed for each of the improvements
investigated, ensuring that the changes made would not reduce the performance of the
process downstream.

On a daily basis, 7 days a week, a minimum of 3.5 tonnes (single batch input) of horseradish
roots are minced through a 10mm hole plate and subjected to extraction in 12500L of
extraction medium consisting of: 12750L potable municipal water, 222kg of sodium chloride
and 25L formaldehyde (bacteriostatic preservative).

The extraction of horseradish is performed at a root: liquid ratio of 3.6 to 1. Sodium chloride
is added to increase the solubility of extracted proteins (42). Formaldehyde reduces the
bioburden of the extract, limiting the risk of fermentation of the extracts during production.
Extraction is performed for a minimum of 12 hours overnight. The raw material input,
extraction time and methods for enzyme liberation was reviewed.

The temperature of the extract is not controlled and the addition of formaldehyde is of
particular importance due to the seasonal variances in ambient temperature. The seasonal
variance in ambient temperature for Cape Town (site location) is illustrated in Figure 8. The
high temperature observed during the first and last months of the year lead to the extract
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temperature rising to favourable conditions for microbial growth. The addition of

formaldehyde has shown to have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects on microbial growth

It was determined that a 4 hour extraction period is sufficient for maximal extraction of HRP
enzyme (Figure 9). No major increases in HRP activity in the extract was observed after 4
hours. This illustrated that the current extraction process could be shortened to 4 hours, in
order to increase the daily raw material input.

Figure 8. Average ambient and HRP extract temperature variances in Cape Town. The actual HRP
extract, daily average, average minimum and maximum temperatures are shown (44).

A higher ratio between minced raw material and extraction medium (more liquid) was
investigated. The hypothesis was that an increased diffusion gradient of HRP between the
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raw material and the extraction medium may increase the efficiency of the extraction. Results
obtained from extraction trials illustrated that a higher HRP content were extracted when
using a higher ratio. The current average extracted HRP activity obtained by employing a 1:
3.6 ratio is 23.44 MU/tonne (t). An average of 42.2% more HRP activity (33.3 MU/t) was
extracted using a 1: 5 ratio (Figure 10). A 1: 5 root to liquid ratio is the highest ratio
achievable with the current equipment due to tank volume constraints. The proposal therefore
would be to extract 2.5 t batches at a 1: 5 ratio rather than the current
current 3.5 tonnes at 1: 3.6
ratio. At the improved yield of 33.3MU/t, the total amount of HRP enzyme extracted per
week when extracting 2.5tonne batches (83.3MU of HRP), would exceed that achieved when
extracting 3.5tonnes at the current root to liquid ratio (82.0MU of HRP).

Figure 9. Increase in enzyme activity of the extract in the current process and when introducing
blending of the roots. There is an increase in
in the initial free HRP in the extract after blending.

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Figure 10. Percentage improvement in extracted HRP after 4 hours. The current extraction
performance (control) was compared to extraction after additional maceration (“Blended”), a higher
liquid to root ratio (“1:5” ratio), in the presence of cell-wall macerating enzymes (“ENZYME”) and
combinations of these possible improvements. Results shown are averages from multiple repeats of
the experiments

The degree of agitation of the extraction medium affects the amount of HRP released by the
roots. By simply introducing more vigorous stirring, there is a 6.6% increase in activity. After
the effect of additional vigorous stirring was observed, attention was aimed at finding more
efficient methods of liberation of the enzyme. Blending (homogenization of the raw material
to a fine pulp), as well as enzymatic maceration was investigated. It was found that blending
of the raw material instantly liberated about 89% of the extractable HRP (Figure 9). The
increase in total extracted HRP enzyme was 21% higher than what is achieved in the current
process. Blending of roots at a ratio of 1: 5 resulted in a 54.4% increase in extracted HRP.

Pectinases are a group of enzymes that degrade pectin, a polysaccharide that is found in the
cell walls of plants. The hypothesis was that the addition of a cell wall macerating enzymes to
the extraction medium would increase the liberation of HRP from the cell wall, as Kawaoka
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et al. illustrated that the levels of HRP in the soluble fraction horseradish decreased during
wounding (45). It was also shown that the HRP content of the cell wall fraction increased
significantly, supporting the proposal for pectinase digestion as part of extraction (45). It was
found that the addition of pectinase increased the amount of HRP liberated by 28.9% and
51.3% for a 1:3.6 and 1:5 ratio extractions, respectively (Figure 10). However, the digestion
of the pectin cell support structure would ultimately lead to higher levels of fines, reducing
the workability of the extract. Additional liberation of fines requires a larger filtration surface
than what is available during clarification.

Introducing a foreign enzyme would also be seen as a major change to the current process,
and extensive validations would be required by customers before they will accept this major
change to the process. The cost of the addition of enzymes would also be high, as the levels
of pectinase enzyme, shown to increase liberation of the enzyme significantly, are 240mg per
litre of extraction medium (46). In addition the introduced enzyme will also have to be
removed later in the process and relative amounts of enzyme, still present after removal,
would need to be tested. It was also found that some pectinases show cross reactivity with the
Guaiacol assay used for in-process control of HRP (47).

After evaluating the different methods used to increase the efficiency of the extraction
process, a combination of the improvements was trialled together. In light of the risk involved
with the inclusion of a foreign enzyme in the extract during the increase in extraction
efficiency, only changing maceration and the liquid to root ratio, were evaluated. A
combination of additional maceration (blending), a higher liquid to root ratio (1: 5) and the
addition of pectinase enzymes resulted in a 67.2% increase in extracted HRP. Extraction of
blended material at a higher liquid to root ratio increased the extracted enzyme level by
54.4%. A higher liquid to root ratio and increased maceration of the roots was implemented.

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One mechanism of concentration is tangential flow filtration (TFF). This process can be
performed in combination with A/S fractionation and chromatography to enhance either
product yield or purity. In tangential flow or cross-flow filtration, the feed is passed across
the filter membrane (tangentially) at positive pressure relative to the filtrate side (Figure 11).
Compounds in the feed with molecular masses lower than the membrane pore size pass
through the membrane as permeate or filtrate; all other molecules/compounds should be
retained on the feed side of the membrane as retentate. The tangential motion of the bulk of
the fluid across the membrane causes trapped particles or foulants on the filter surface to be
removed. This means that a cross-flow filter should operate continuously at relatively high
solids loads without blinding or fouling.

High pressure (Lumen ± 1.00

Positive trans-
membrane pressure
(0.8 Bar)

Lower pressure (Filtrate ± 0.20

Figure 11. Diagram illustrating the principle of TFF. Feed is passed across the filter membrane
(tangentially) at positive pressure (e.g. 1.00 Bar) relative to the filtrate side (e.g. 0.20 Bar). This
creates a positive trans-membrane pressure, favouring filtrate flux (48).

In order to process the extract through the secondary stages of the process, the volume needs
to be decreased by concentrating the clarified horseradish extract at an economically
acceptable rate of flux. Previously, ±16000L of clarified extract was concentrated to 15 –
30% of its original volume. The expected concentration to 10% of the original volume was
not achieved due to inefficiencies of the ultra-filtration (UF) system employed. An
investigation was conducted into the identification of a suitable replacement system, as well
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as the optimum conditions for the effective, sustainable concentration of the clarified HRP
extract. The increase in efficiency of the system also needed to double the capacity of the
concentration step to allow for HRP processing at a higher throughput. The required capacity
for the reduction in extract volume of the new UF system would need to be 1600L/hour, in
order to reduce 32000L (two extracts) of extraction medium to 3200L in 18 hours.

3.4.1. Membrane fouling

As discussed in the review of the raw material, it is important to process roots that are well
lignified. By doing so, less fines are generated that needs to be removed during clarification.
Any level of fines not removed during clarification, directly affects the performance of the
UF system due to membrane fouling (Figure 12). Fouling is a process where the membrane
surface and pores are coated and blocked by the deposit of particles present in the solution
filtered. The starch content of the roots, when harvested at the incorrect time of the season,
also has a major effect on the rate and onset of fouling. Harvesting in the autumn, when there
is overnight freezing, can alleviate this problem as the lower ambient temperature promotes
the conversion of sugars to starch (49). The main factors that influence the onset of
membrane fouling and membrane performance is:

• Nature of the solution (feed) filtered.

• Temperature.
• pH.
• Hydrodynamic environment of the feed.
• Transmembrane pressure (TMP).
• Feed rate.
• Filtrate flux.
• Membrane properties.
• Hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of the membrane surface molecules.
• Surface charge.
• Pore size and distribution.
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The onset and rate of membrane fouling is measured by monitoring the TMP and filtrate flux.
As the membranes foul, the membrane permeability reduces and a reduced flux can be
observed. As a result of the reduced pressure dissipation across the membrane due to the
reduced flux, the TMP also increases.

Bourgeous et al described three types of membrane fouling as gel/cake formation, pore

plugging and pore narrowing (50). Gel formation is the term describing a coating of the
whole membrane (concentration polarization) with a layer of particles larger than the
membrane pores, with pore plugging and narrowing describing the effect of smaller particles
on the membrane pores (Figure 12). The most important factors to be considered in fouling
reduction are: flow conditions, extract pre-treatment, rinse water quality, membrane
properties and operational factors (51).

Figure 12. Mechanisms of membrane fouling. Three are illustrated: “A” pore narrowing; “B” pore
plugging; and “C” gel formation (50).

By increasing the cross-flow velocity over the membrane surface and reducing the TMP, the
thickness of the polarization layer is reduced (51; 52). This is achieved due to the reduced
applied pressure allowing for the adsorption of the foulant and shear force that reduces the

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secondary membrane by collision with unbound particles in the extract. It is, however,
important to always consider the amount of energy (electricity input) and change in
equipment required for the change in hydrodynamics.

The horseradish extract is pre-treated by filtration. Diatomaceous earth filter beds are
prepared in a Pressure Leaf Filter and Cloth filter Press. The first bed is prepared using a
coarser powder (Celite® 545), retaining particles up to ±4 micron (nominal) in size (53). Final
clarification through a Celite® Hyflo Super-cel filter bed reduces the nominal particle size in
the extract to ±1 micron (53).

The pH of the extract is currently monitored to be within the pH range of 5 – 6. Herrero et al

concluded that filtration at a pH far from the isoelectric point should reduce the rate of onset
of fouling (54). Following trials performed on the optimization of extract pre-treatment, it
was found that the pH of the extract during pre-treatment is important. Maintaining a pH
closer to the upper limit of the primary processing pH range showed increased performance
(percentage reduction in volume per hour) during ultra-filtration (Figure 13). This may be due
to the increased aggregation of impurities at the higher pH, leading to removal of a higher
concentration of non-specific molecules during clarification. The lower concentration of
impurities would ultimately reduce the rate and extent of fouling. As a result, the pH range
over the primary stages of the process was amended to be 5.5 - 6.0.

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Figure 13. Concentration performance: Percentage reduction (per hour) in extract volume at a
certain pH during clarification and UF. The pH shown was maintained during clarification and UF.

3.4.2. UF System development

Trials were conducted on a small-scale (0.1m2 membrane surface area, 30cm fibre length)
using membranes from three manufacturers of tangential flow filtration (TFF) systems,
General Electric (GE), Pall Corporation and Sartorius. GE and Pall validated hollow fibre
membranes, whilst Sartorius focussed on membrane cassettes. These trials would allow for
the identification of a membrane capable of concentrating clarified extract, whilst retaining
HRP activity. Initially, a nominal water permeability (NWP) run was performed to establish a
benchmark for determining the efficiency of the cleaning procedure, as well as monitoring of
the performance of the membranes after use (Figure 14). This experiment was performed
once prior to use of the membrane.

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♦ Filtrate flux (LMH)

Flux (LMH)

TMP (Bar)

Figure 14. Initial NWP data of Pall Microza SLP 3053 polyethersulfone (PES) membranes with clean
water. The linear correlation between TMP and filtrate flux indicate a clean membrane.

All three vendors validated MWCO membrane modules of 10kDa. The membranes were
manufactured from polyethersulfone (PES), a hydrophilic, thermoplastic polymer. PES was
chosen for its resistance to pressure, low protein retention and wide range of pH stability (pH
1 – 14) (55). The low protein retention property of this type of membrane is ideal for the
processing of proteinaceous biological material. During ultra filtration with membranes from
all three manufacturers HRP activity was retained. A 10 times concentration (and higher) of
the clarified extract was observed without the cartridges/cassettes showing severe fouling
during the initial run. However, the membranes could only recover 85% of their original
NWP after the second product run. Additional
Additional cleaning could not recover the lost
performance. This may be attributed to the irreversible blocking of intra-membrane pores
(internal fouling) with small particles.

An optimization plot shows the relationship between permeate flux and TMP and illustrates
the TMP at which the relationship is not linear (Figure 15). The point at which the
relationship between TMP and filtrate flux is not linear indicates the maximum efficiency

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(filtrate flux) at the TMP investigated. A cross-flow of 1m/s and 1.5m/s was selected and a
filtrate flux of 66L/m2/hour (LMH) was achieved at 1.5m/s (Figure 15).

1 m/s Cross Flow 1.5 m/s Cross Flow

Flux (LMH)

TMP (Bar)

Figure 15. Optimization plot for Pall Microza SLP-3053 PES membranes with clarified HRP extract
as feed. The Filtrate flux at various TMP setpoints is illustrated for a 1m/s and 1.5m/s crossflow.

The appropriate cross-flow was determined after taking into consideration the following
disadvantages and advantages of high feed flow in the application:

• Higher cross-flow will lead to higher shear (more passes of product through pump).
• Increased energy input (larger pump, more electricity).
• Larger piping, leading to larger hold-up volume and indirectly product losses
(unrecoverable holdup).

On the basis of the trials performed, it was shown that an average

average filtrate flux of 40LMH
could be achieved with a new membrane (Figure 16). In order to achieve 1800L/hour flux, a
minimum membrane surface area of 45 m2 would be required. A surface area of 72m2 was
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proposed. This figure was extrapolated from the initial concentration plot, taking into account
the 10-15% loss in performance due to irreversible fouling of smaller intra-membrane pores
observed in the trial membrane modules after continuous use. Due to the increased path
length of the full-scale membrane modules (1129cm in length compared to the 30cm trial
module), a reduced average filtrate flux
flux is expected and additional 25% membrane surface
area was included. A 15% buffer capacity was also incorporated under recommendation of
the supplier.

A higher crossflow was not investigated, as the required energy input to achieve higher flow
rates would not be sustainable. The largest rotary lobe pump commercially available would
also not be able to achieve such high feed rates for a system with the required amount of
membrane surface area.

Figure 16. Concentration plot illustrating

illustrating the filtrate flux as a function of the log volumetric
concentration factor (VCF) with clarified HRP extract. A gradual decrease in flux is shown as the
VCF increases.

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Pall Life Sciences was identified as the preferred supplier for the large-scale unit. The main
reason for the decision was lead-time on delivery of the large-scale UF system and cost
(Figure 17).

Figure 17. UF system vendor comparison. The cost and time to delivery of a system that meets BBI
Enzymes’ requirements are illustrated.

Pall Microza membranes have properties identical to a PES membrane, with the additional
benefit of being a double-skin tube. This unique membrane construction increases the
MWCO specificity and increases the strength of the fibre. The double skin allows for reverse
filtration, specifically reverse-flushing
-flushing in this application, to break down foulant build up.

A fully automated Pall Microflow 20/16 AUTO UF system was acquired. This system was
fitted with 16 Pall Microza SLP3053 Membranes (72m2 membrane surface area), with the
option of increasing the membrane surface area to 90m2. The system was fully automated and
required only the delivery of the extract to the inlet, as well as batch information input. Due

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to the lower shear rate observed for a rotary lobe pump, when compared to a centrifugal
pump, this type of pump was fitted in all applications where product was pumped. Parameters
that could be adjusted and controlled were:

• Filtrate flux (L/min).

• System pressure (Inlet pressure (Pin), Outlet pressure (Pout) and filtrate pressure).
• Concentration factor.
• Cross-flow velocity by means of controlling the pump speed (as a percentage of the
maximum rate).
• Backflush intensity and frequency.
• Clean in place temperature.
• TMP.

During the performance qualification of the Microflow system, the process conditions were
optimized. Different trial runs were performed. During the first runs, it was observed that the
performance of the system was reduced due to excessive fouling. It is the view that this was
due to concentration polarization of the proteins in the extract (54). The “closed system”
approach of the Microflow system was one of the main impediments to the optimal
performance of the system. During concentration, the concentrated retentate is not fed back to
the extract holding tank, but to a small UF system holding tank (3500L). As the extract
volume in the UF system is reduced, the system tops up the 3500L holding tank with balance
material in the larger 30000L holding tank. This approach entails that the concentration in the
system (3500L holding tank plus circulation loop), is significantly higher than that of the total
extract in the 30000L holding tank and system combined, from the start of production when
the first filtrate is generated. For example, if the total volume of clarified extract in the UF
system (3500L tank plus circulation loop) is 3650L, and after approx. 4 hours 3650L of
filtrate has been produced, the effective concentration factor (CF) in the UF system is ±2.
However, the actual CF of the total volume of extract is only 1.14 (if the total extract volume
to be concentrated is 30000L).

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A number of system and process parameter settings were tested in order to optimize the UF
process (Figure 18). The system and process parameters settings changed between trial runs
were crossflow, TMP and whether the system was run as an open or closed unit or whether a
pit stop was performed (Table 3). The trial runs performed were:

1. A Cycle mode “Pit Stop” run with the total batch volume divided into parts. A pit stop
involves stopping the concentration run, recovering the concentrated product to a holding
tank and performing a hot water rinse of the system. After completion of the rinse, the
concentration run is resumed.
2. Open system. The CF of the liquid inside of the 72m2 membrane surface area UF system
is spread over the total volume of the clarified extract batch by allowing for bleeding of
concentrate from the UF system back to the 30000L extract holding tank.
3. Open system with a higher cross-flow. The system is open as in Trial 2, but at a higher
cross-flow rate.
4. Open, higher membrane surface area system and crossflow. The system is open as in
Trial 2 (above), but 4 additional membrane modules were fitted to the system, increasing
the total membrane surface area to 90m2. The system is also run at a higher cross-flow
5. Open higher membrane surface area system, with adjusted TMP and high crossflow. The
system is open as in Trial 2 (above), but 4 additional membrane modules was fitted to the
system, increasing the total membrane surface area to 90m2. The feed rate and TMP are
both higher.

Table 3. System and process parameter settings used for each trial run.

Open or Pit stop Feed rate Crossflow

Trial closed system performed (% Pump speed) (m/s) TMP
1 Closed Yes 75% 1.2 0.9
2 Open No 75% 1.2 0.8
3 Open No 93% 1.5 0.8
4 Open No 93% 1.5 0.8
5 Open No 93% 1.5 1

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Figure 18. Filtrate flux (L/hour) comparison all trial runs. The differences in conditions for the trials
are discussed earlier in this document.

It was found that a combination of higher membrane surface area, high crossflow, TMP of 1
Bar and the implementation of an open system was the most efficient setting for the
concentration of clarified extract (Trial 5). The Microflow parameters were therefore set to
the following:

• Filtrate flux (L/min) – No control

• System pressure
• Inlet pressure (Pin) = 1.1 Bar
• Outlet pressure (Pout) = 0.9 Bar
• Filtrate pressure = 0 Bar
• Concentration factor = 10
• Cross-flow velocity = 1.5m/s

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• Backflush intensity and frequency during production = Every 20 minutes, for 15

• Production maximum temperature limit = 30°C
• Clean in place (CIP)
• Chemical composition = 0.5M Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 500ppm Sodium
hypochloride (NaOCl)
• Temperature of CIP solution = 45 – 55°C
• TMP = 1 Bar

During the first month of operation of the optimized UF system, input cost of the production
line was reduced by ZAR1 133 064. The main contributor to this saving was the reduced
volumes of concentrate subjected to downstream A/S fractionation.


The separation or fractionation of proteins in an aqueous solution with the aid of A/S is one
of the most common initial separation techniques employed during the purification of
proteins. The sulphate ion of A/S is kosmotropic, making this a kosmotropic salt.
Kosmotropic molecules aid in stabilizing water-water interactions, leading to the increased
intermolecular interaction of proteins (56). The increased interaction between the proteins
leads to aggregation and subsequent precipitate formation. The solubility of the different
proteins in an aqueous solution is exploited during this process. Ammonium sulphate is
preferred due to its stabilizing effect to proteins, availability, price and its solubility (57).

During the primary processing of HRP extract, a two-step A/S fractionation is performed.
The percentage saturation is calculated using temperature dependent tables prepared
according to work published in Data for Biochemical Research (58). The first, saturation to

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45% is aimed at removal of unwanted molecules. The material is clarified through

diatomaceous earth to retain the precipitated material. HRP in the filtrate precipitates at 85%
A/S saturation. During the optimization of the concentration step previously described, the
final CF of the extract was increased from 3 to 10. To determine the percentage A/S
saturation of HRP extract that would lead to maximal recovery of HRP, whilst removing the
maximum amount of unwanted protein, both the CF 3 and CF 10 HRP extracts were
subjected to A/S saturations ranging from 30% - 45%. To determine the percentage A/S
saturation of HRP extract material that would precipitate 95% of the total HRP activity, both
CF 3 and CF 10 extracts were subjected to A/S saturations ranging from 70% - 85%. Trials
performed on the CF 10 extract illustrated that saturation percentages of 45% and 75% was
sufficient for recovering the maximum HRP during A/S precipitation (Table 4).

Table 4. Experimental and Production data and interpretation of A/S fractionation of concentrated
(CF of 10) extract. Activity shown was the total activity measured in one millilitre of extract. A
correction of the results for the fractionated samples was incorporated to compensate for the dilution
effected by the addition of ammonium sulphate.

These results illustrate that the fractionation of more concentrated HRP extract at the current
A/S saturation of 45% ensures the HRP recovery over the stage, while keeping the amount of
non-specific protein carried to the chromatography stages at the same level as in the current
process. The precipitation of HRP from a more concentrated solution was also achieved at a
lower 75% A/S saturation. This reduces the A/S consumption of the process and leads to an
average monthly saving of ZAR10 500. The saturation of the clarified 45% saturated
concentrate to 75% and not 70% saturation was implemented to reduce the risk of product
loss. During large-scale production, the 75% A/S filtrate is only sampled for reference and
pumped to a waste tank.

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In addition to the optimization of the percentage saturation, the variance in temperature of the
extract, due to daily and seasonal changes in ambient temperature, on A/S precipitation
efficiency of HRP extracts was also considered. There is an 8°C (±1°C) difference between
the daily minimum and maximum temperatures and an 18°C difference between the
maximum temperature of the hottest month and temperature minimum of the coldest month
(44). Extract temperatures, however, rarely exceed a maximum of 25°C and minimum of
15°C, due to the insulation and height of the HRP facility roof. The current method for A/S
fractionation of the HRP extract fractionates all extracts using the concentrations (grams/L)
of A/S calculated for fractionation at 25°C (59). When fractionating a batch of extract at
15°C, with the A/S concentration calculated for fractionation at 25°C to the same percentage
A/S saturation, the error is 0.5% and 4g/L less A/S is needed for the required saturation. This
higher percentage saturation will result in a loss of enzyme due to precipitation together with
the discarded fraction and an increase in the cost of processing a 1500L batch of extract by
R27.00. This figure is insignificant compared to the total cost of processing a batch of HRP
extract to final product. However, taking into consideration the average annual processing of
269 batches of HRP during 2010-2011, this would lead to an additional cost of R7209 or 1.59
tonnes of A/S.

The use of ammonium sulphate for the initial fractional purification of HRP leads to a
challenge ahead of downstream chromatography: reducing the ionic strength of the extract.
Diafiltration was reviewed to replace the traditional membrane tube dialysis that relies on


Diafiltration (DF) is a tangential flow filtration (TFF) process that can be performed in
combination with A/S fractionation and chromatography to enhance either product yield or
purity. During DF, buffer is introduced into the retentate tank while filtrate is removed (Figure
19). In processes where the product required is in the retentate, diafiltration can be used to
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remove unwanted low molecular weight contaminants and affect a buffer exchange. When
the product is a membrane permeable molecule its passage through the membrane and
retention of larger, non-specific contaminants lead to purification.


Figure 19. Diagram illustrating the different components of a Diafiltration/TFF system (60).

3.6.1. Application of DF in HRP purification

Currently, a three-step process consisting of 85% saturated A/S precipitation, filtration of the
precipitate and passive membrane tube dialysis (diffusion process) is followed between all
chromatography steps (Figure 20). This process accounts for approximately 15 days of
production during the manufacture of the highest grade of HRP (161451-grade) produced by
BBI Enzymes.

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0/85% A/S
fractionation (2 hours)

Filtration (5 - 15 hours)

Dialysis (2 - 3 days)



Figure 20. Diagram illustrating the current procedure followed to process material between
chromatography stages.

With the optimization of the DF process in the secondary purification stages of HRP
extraction and purification, special care was taken to ensure the conservation of the product
with a molecular mass of ≈40kDa. In this application, DF would perform three functions:
purification, change of buffer and concentration of the HRP preparations:

Purification. The HRP solution would be purified by removing low molecular weight
molecules. Molecules smaller than the MWCO of the membrane pass through the
10kDa MWCO Pall Microza SLP-3053 membrane, thereby reducing the amount of
unwanted, low molecular weight protein and other contaminants in the fraction.
Change of buffer. The buffer used to elute the enzyme from the CM chromatography
column has a higher conductivity and pH than the buffer used to equilibrate and load
the HRP preparations onto the column. The different chromatography media
employed also utilizes different types of buffer. The elution conditions of the material

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are changed by DF to the conditions required for loading before commencing the next
chromatography stage.
Concentration. Large volume chromatography fractions can be concentrated
significantly. By doing so at the start of DF, relatively small volumes of diluent liquid
are required to dilute the solution during DF. After achieving the required solution
conditions, the preparations can be concentrated again. Loading of the column with
the minimum volume results in recovery of smaller fractions during chromatography
where the target molecules do not interact with the resin.

By implementing DF, the time required to produce 161451-grade material would be

shortened by a minimum of 7 full work days (Figure 21).

Column chromatography

Diafiltration (1 - 4 hours):
1. Concentration.
2. Reduction in product conductivity (to between 0.25 - 0.5mS) by
addition of RO water.
3. Buffer addition.

Column chromatography

Figure 21. Diagram illustrating the proposed procedure followed to process material between
chromatography stages.

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3.6.2. DF trials performed in HRP secondary processing

Process parameters were optimized during production runs with potable water, as well as
during the initial batch DF. Important parameters that needed to be optimized were:

• Temperature.
• Filtrate flux (L/min).
• System pressure (Inlet pressure (Pin), Outlet pressure (Pout) and filtrate pressure).
• Conductivity (measured in milli-Siemens (mS)).
• Initial concentrate volume.
• Buffer volume.
• Pump speed (measured in Hertz (Hz)).

Twenty-three runs were performed and data collected. The total HRP activity present prior to
and post DF was determined, as well as the HRP activity in the filtrate. The trials were
performed on batches of material at various stages in the secondary processing (Table 5). In
Table 6, the filtrate flux and relative purity, as measured by the Rz-valueh, is illustrated. This
data demonstrates that the filtrate flux increased with the purity of the product.

“Reinheitzahl” value is the unit of measure representing the ratio of absorbance at 403nm (wavelength at
which haem groups of proteins absorb light) to the absorbance at 275nm (wavelength at which aromatic
groups of proteins absorb light). This is used as a measure of the purity of the HRP specific protein in the
HRP process at different steps.

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Table 5. List of in-process batches diafiltered between Chromatography steps. The DF of fractions
with an asterisk suffix was not taken to completion. Reasons why are given in a later section.

Batch Fractions subjected to DF

Breakthrough Combined post CM B/T fractions, material washed from the chromatography
(B/T) columns
175/17609 CM1 fraction (pre-CM2)
177/17809 CM1 fraction (pre-CM2); CM2 fraction (pre-CM3); CM3 fraction (pre-DE); DE
fraction (Pre-0/45%)*
179/18009 CM2 fraction (pre-CM3); CM3 fraction (pre-CM4); CM4 fraction (pre-DE)*; DE
fraction (Pre-0/45%)
181/18209 CM2 fraction (pre-CM3); DE fraction (Pre-0/45%); Phenyl fraction (Pre-F/D)*
183/18409 CM3 fraction (pre-DE)
187/18809 CM2 fraction (pre-CM3); CM3 fraction (pre-DE)*
192/19309 CM2 fraction (pre-CM3); CM3 fraction (pre-DE)*
* DF of these fractions was not taken to completion.

3.6.3. Data and Results

The parameters reviewed and data generated during the DF optimization runs on HRP extract are
shown in Table 6. The performance as measured by monitoring filtrate flux for different purities of
HRP extract is shown in Table 7.

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Table 6. DF trial run parameters and data generated.

Initial temperature (°C)

Inlet pressure (Pin, kPa)

Final temperature (°C)

Volume buffer/diluent
pressure (TMP, Bar)

Filtrate volume (L)

Conductivity (mS)

Pump speed (Hz)

Outlet pressure
(Pout, kPa)

added (L)

1 B/T 102 18 0.6 0.87 10.4 22.1 916 500 48

2 CM1 fraction (pre-CM2) 109 27 0.6 1.77 8.6 21.5 785 525 49
3 CM2 fraction (pre-CM3) 100 13 0.6 1.4 12.9 21.7 285 305 48
4 CM1 Fraction 82 08 ↑20 21.3 25 390 400 42
5 Post CM3 92 61 0.8 1.59 20 23 250 200 29
6 Post CM4 70 45 0.6 1.68 21 26.1 225 145 20
7 DEAE fraction 90 60 0.8 4 21 26.1 210 150 20
8 DEAE fraction 100 51 0.8 0.68 21.2 20.1 210 100 25
9 CM2 fraction 90 68 0.8 1.64 20.9 22.1 210 135 40
10 Post CM2 90 69 0.8 1.90 21.8 25.8 280 120 27

11 DEAE fraction 100 52 0.8 0.23 Stopped, high haem and HRP
concentrations in filtrate
12 Post CM2 89 61 0.8 0.80 21.9 24.5 245 475 25
13 DEAE fraction 70 39 0.6 0.31 21.1 22 50 50 25

14 Phenyl fract. 60 30 0.5 ↑20 Stopped, high haem and HRP

concentrations in filtrate
15 Post CM2 76 14 0.5 1.79 16.1 18 350 170 27
16 Post CM2 60 30 0.5 1.43 15.9 21 230 75 20
17 CM2 fraction 60 35 0.5 0.47 21.7 22.3 155 140 20
CM3 fraction 90 58 0.8 - Stopped, high haem and HRP
19 concentrations in filtrate
20 CM2 fraction 70 48 0.6 1.61 14.5 21.3 285 170 27
21 CM2 fraction 70 48 0.6 1.43 15.1 22 250 145 27
22 CM1 fraction 90 46 0.7 2.78 18.3 24.5 1025 840 27
23 CM1 fraction 89 48 0.7 2.3 19.5 24.4 630 390 27

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Table 7. Average Filtrate flux (L/hour) and Rz-values of HRP material of different grades or purity.

Material grade Average Rz-value of grade Filtrate flux

(Ascending) material (L/min) at 27Hz
pump speed
455 (Post CM1) 0.28 – 0.6 3.5
453 (Post CM2) 0.8 – 2.1 5.3
457 (Post DEAE) 2.0 – 3.3 6.25
451 (Post Phenyl) 3.0 and higher 6.7

In order to demonstrate that this process could be used to successfully exchange the CM
chromatography 50mM sodium acetate (pH4.9) elution buffer (e.g. from the CM1 column)
with the 5mM sodium acetate (pH4.5) “start” buffer (e.g. for application to CM2) a CM
column binding demonstration was performed. HRP product was eluted from a lab scale CM
column, diafiltered and applied to a second lab scale CM column. In Figure 22 neutral and
basic HRP isoenzymes are shown to bind in a red band.

Figure 22. Lab-scale CM Sepharose® column loaded with material (H175/17609) diafiltered after
CM1 Chromatography. The neutral and basic HRP isoenzymes are shown to bind in a red band at the
top of the column.

After confirming that the buffer exchange could be performed successfully with DF,
production-scale trials were performed. Figure 24 to 27 are photographs to show the colour of
the diafiltrate and include a visible range wavelength scan that will show absorption of haem

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at 403nm. The presence of a haem peak will indicate the presence of HRP. However, the
presence of active HRP, and not haem derived from denatured HRP, needed to be confirmed
by performing a kinetic assay (1). This experiment was carried out and the presence of a peak
at 403nm correlated with the presence of active HRP. From the scans a progressive leaking of
enzyme (Mr. 44,000kDa) through the 10kDa membrane is illustrated. Wavelength scans
(230nm – 550nm) were performed on pink/red coloured filtrate 5 minutes into every run to
rapidly identify high levels of haem (HRP sub-unit absorbing at 403nm). As seen in the scans
in Figure 26 and 27, a peak is observed at 403nm, indicating the presence of haem
corresponding with the presence of HRP (9). The yellow appearing filtrate produced during
the DF of lower purity material, was characterized using SDS-PAGE analysis. It was found
that a small amount of HRP passed through the membrane, together with smaller proteins or
protein fragments (approx. 6kDa) and a high concentration (as a function of the intensity of
the band) of a 30 – 40kDa protein (Figure 23).

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1 2 3 4 5






Figure 23. SDS-PAGE analysis of filtrate from a 10kDa MWCO Pall Microza SLP-3053 produced
during DF of 161455-grade HRP material. Lane 1: Molecular weight marker (MM); Lane 2:
Alkalized casein (protein control); Lane 3: 161451-Grade HRP Product; Lane 4: DF filtrate; Lane 5:
Molecular weight marker (MM). All samples were prepared by dilution of a 10mg/L sample solution
with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final amount of 25µg of product was loaded per well for
each of the samples. The gel was stained with a protein stain as discussed in the Experimental
methods at the end of this document.

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No Haem

Figure 24. Picture and wavelength scan (230 – 550nm) of typical filtrate generated during the DF of
fractions between CM chromatography steps one and two. The Rz-value of a fraction of this purity
will be approx. 0.28 – 0.6. The presence of yellow-appearing contaminating molecules is clear in the
image of the filtrate.

No Haem

Figure 25. Picture and wavelength scan (230 – 550nm) of typical filtrate generated during the DF of
fractions between CM chromatography steps two and three. The Rz-value of a fraction of this purity
will be approx. 0.8 – 1.5.

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Haem present

Figure 26. Picture and wavelength scan (230 – 550nm) of typical filtrate generated during the DF of
fractions between the final CM chromatography and DEAE chromatography steps. The Rz-value of a
fraction of this purity will be approx. 0.8 – 2.1.

Haem present

Figure 27. Picture and wavelength scan (230 – 550nm) of filtrate generated during the DF of
fractions between the final chromatography steps, DEAE and Phenyl Sepharose chromatography.
The Rz-value of a fraction of this purity will be approximately 3.0 and higher.

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Initial trials were performed on material of low purity to optimize the DF. The filtrate flux
observed for runs performed on batches of lower purity HRP (161455-grade, i.e. CM1
fractions), compared to runs performed on high grade material i.e. post Phenyl Sepharose®
and DEAE Sepharose® chromatography fractions, was significantly lower. This was
attributed to the presence of more membrane foulants, decreasing the membrane permeability
and was confirmed during the CIP performed after the completion of the runs. During the
CIP, yellow to dark-brown coloured retentate and filtrate was observed immediately after the
cleaning solution was flushed through the system after DF of 161455-grade material. As the
purity of the material subjected to DF increased, the visually observed colour change of the
CIP solution (clear to yellow or dark-brown) became insignificant when compared to the
lowest grade of material. This indicated a lower concentration of foulants.

During the trials, two of the batches were observed to have a minimum conductivity in excess
of the allowed maximum of 0.5 mS. Exceeding this conductivity reduces the efficiency of
CM chromatography. It was observed that the conductivity of the material could not be
reduced to within the range of 0.25mS to 0.5mS, even when additional DF was performed.
The native conductivity of the solution is suspected to originate from a property of the
compliment of molecules present in the extract.

The temperature increase observed in initial trials was reduced by the addition of cold buffer
to the product during DF. With the optimization of the DF process, the duration was also
reduced to approx. 1.5 hours from the initial 4 hour runs. Consequently, the amount of time
the product was exposed to heat transfer from the pump was significantly reduced.

Trial runs performed on the batches indicated with a suffix (Table 5) were aborted due to the
identification of HRP in the filtrate. Diafiltered HRP production batch runs where high
concentrations of haem were observed in the filtrate were DEAE and Phenyl chromatography
fractions. This lead to an initial hypothesis that there might be some inactivation or
conformational changes occurring in the HRP due to the buffers used, as this was not
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observed for runs performed on CM fractions. To confirm whether the problem was
associated with the integrity of a specific membrane, or the series of nominally rated 10kDa
MWCO membranes, a trial run was performed on a new 0.1m 2 surface area 10kDa MWCO
Pall Microza SLP-1053 membrane. High purity material (a phenyl sepharose®
chromatography fraction, 161451-grade material) was subjected to DF by use of the SLP-
1053 membrane under similar conditions to that of the large-scale DF system. After two
minutes of concentration, pink filtrate was formed. A wavelength scan was performed, which
confirmed the presence of haem. In addition it was found that 7.7% (0.048MU) of the initial
amount of HRP (0.619MU at 5mg/ml concentration) subjected to DF had passed through the
membrane after 5 minutes. Following the investigation, it was concluded that the purity of the
material diafiltered was the determining factor, as all the batches with significant HRP
passing through the membrane had higher Rz-values than material that did not show
measurable HRP permeability. With the results obtained during the trials, the proposal is to
limit the use of the 10kDa DF system to material that does not exceed an Rz-value of 1.5.

The reason for the passing of 44kDa proteins through the 10kDa MWCO membrane is the
way in which MWCO of the membrane is determined. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) of known
molecular weight is concentrated by the membrane and the percentage passing determined.
However, PEG is a linear molecule, whilst HRP is globular. This difference leads to the
ability of HRP to pass through the membrane during production runs where low fouling is
observed. Fouling tightens the MWCO of the membrane by pore narrowing, leading to the
initial qualification of 10kDa Pall Microza membranes for use in concentration of HRP.

With the completion of the DF trials necessary for implementation, the major benefits to the
process at BBI Enzymes became evident. The improvements include:

• Additional purification. Low molecular weight molecules pass through the 10kDa
molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) Pall Microza SLP-3053 modules. Material of 161455
–grade subjected to DF, showed an average increase in Rz-value of 0.25, indicating a
significant decrease of contaminating proteins during the DF process.

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• Reduction in Ammonium sulphate consumption. The fractionation step currently set in

motion after the chromatography fraction was collected, is now obsolete for material of
161455 and 161453-grade, where DF showed consistent results*.
• Reduction in process time. Because the processes of 0/85% Ammonium sulphate
fractionation, Precipitation (filtration) and Dialysis is not performed the duration of the
process is also shortened by a minimum of 7 days.
• Reduction in risk of product loss. By replacing three steps with one, the consequent
reduction in the handling of the product reduces the risk of product loss. Performing of a
wavelength scan (from 450nm down to 250nm) will also be part of the method, as a
means to rapidly identify product loss to the filtrate side of the membrane.
• Concentration. Allows control over the volumes of batches at all stages post DF
irrespective of initial batch size.
• Change of buffer conditions. Allows rapid and controllable buffer exchange in between
chromatography stages.

* Results that indicate no or little loss of product, inclusive of all improvements listed in the

With the completion of the trials, the desired parameters for the production process were
identified and confirmed (Table 8). These parameters and conditions will be compiled in the
DF work instruction (BP5.3.2 – WI24) at BBI-enzymes.

Table 8. Parameters for the DF production process.

Parameter Setting

Pump setting 27Hz

Inlet pressure 90kPa
Outlet pressure 47 – 55kPa
Filtrate pressure 17 – 22kPa
TMP ± 50kPa
Maximum product temperature 25°C

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The TMP was set lower than that of the production UF conditions due to the absence of a
back-flush system. During batch process runs, where the filtrate flux decreased, performance
was recovered by stopping the filtrate flow for a short period, while maintaining the cross-
flow velocity. In Figure 28, the flow-dynamics in the DF system under these conditions are
shown. It is observed that pressure difference between the membrane lumen inlet and outlet,
as well as the effective pressure on the filtrate side lead to a net directional force favouring
the movement of foulant away from the membrane surface towards the outlet of the
membrane. The lower overall differential pressure between the inside and outside of the
membrane also reduces the force favouring fouling.

Figure 28. Diagram illustrating the self-cleaning of an TFF membrane during conditions of no filtrate
flux. The net directional pressure is indicated by the gray arrow.

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The chromatography practices employed at BBI Enzymes in the separation and purification
of HRP include ion-exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). Ion
exchange chromatography consists of carboxymethyl (CM) - and diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-
Sepharose® resin processing. HIC is performed by use of Phenyl Sepharose® resin (Figure 4).
The characteristic red colour of HRP due to its haem-group allows for the collection of
fractions containing the enzyme by visual determination.

Cation exchange (CM) chromatography is first performed on the HRP-containing material

precipitated during the A/S fractionations post primary concentration. The aim is to separate
basic and neutral HRP isoenzymes from acidic isoenzyme and other proteins with low
isoelectric points. By removing these proteins, the following HIC chromatography step
requires less of the more expensive chromatography media. The HRP material is buffered
with a 5mM sodium acetate buffer to a pH of 4.5 and loaded onto the column.

Two CM column runs are performed per batch of product. During the first CM run, most of
the cathodic (basic) and neutral isoenzymes bind to the resin, with the anionic (acidic) HRP
isoenzymes being collected in the flow-through (9). The first CM column is run as a
clarification step, removing a grey contaminant that strongly associates with and competes
for binding sites on the CM resin beads with HRP. The bound HRP fraction is eluted by
applying 50mM sodium acetate buffer, pH4.9 to the resin. This buffer does not elute the grey
contaminant. The flow-through and eluate are combined and prepared for the second CM
chromatography step. The grey contaminant is removed during regeneration of the resin by
use of 1M NaCl.

The second chromatography step is performed under the same conditions binding all cathodic
(basic) and neutral isoenzymes to the resin, separating it from the anionic (acidic) HRP
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isoenzymes (9). The fraction that does not bind to the column (flow-through) contains the
acidic HRP isoenzymes. A portion of yellow-appearing molecules are removed from the HRP
solution prior to the start of collection of the acidic isoenzymes. The acidic peroxidase is
precipitated with an 85% A/S saturation and is now a commercial product. The eluted
fraction (neutral and basic isoenzymes) is processed to 161455- or 161453-grade product, or
further purified by anion exchange (DEAE) chromatography (See Figure 4).

The DEAE Sepharose® column is run at a condition (high pH) that favours only partial
binding of the neutral and basic isoenzymes and removes proteins that co-eluted with these
isoenzymes on CM Chromatography, as well as trace amounts of the acidic isoenzymes that
may be present due to inefficient CM chromatography. The resin is equilibrated and washed
with 5mM Glycine buffer, pH 10.2. Acidic isoenzymes bind to the column, while the neutral
and basic isoenzymes are isolated by fractionation of the flow-through. During the column
wash, more of the yellow-appearing molecules are removed from the neutral and basic
isoenzyme solution as it is also washed from the resin before these isoenzymes. The flow-
through fraction (neutral and basic isoenzymes) is processed to 161457-grade product, or
subjected to a final chromatography step (Figure 4).

The final chromatography step is a hydrophobic interaction (HIC) process. The Phenyl
Sepharose® resin is equilibrated with 5mM sodium acetate buffer saturated to 45% with A/S,
pH5.0. During this step, the neutral and basic HRP isoenzymes bind to the resin. Purification
is achieved by washing retained impurities (yellow-appearing molecules) from the resin. The
HRP fraction is eluted and processed to 161451-grade product, BBI Enzymes South Africa’s
highest purity of HRP (Figure 4).

Currently all the chromatography processes (CM, DEAE and Phenyl) are performed with
resin packed in open top Perspex columns and yield highly variable results. During the
addition of buffer or product, the resin bed is disturbed and cavitates, causing an uneven
loading of the product. The columns are also run by gravitational flow and differences in the
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volume of buffer loaded to the top of the column will cause differences in the flow rate. The
columns are packed on a filter paper disc and the bottom of the column is drained through 10
holes at different positions. This film of paper and the drain holes are ineffective in allowing
for the uniform flow from the bottom of the column. During regeneration, the resin is
removed from the column in order to remove the filter paper disc which becomes blocked by
the combination of CIP solution and the eluted impurities. This handling of the resin causes
significant losses of the chromatography media. All of these factors reduce the consistency,
output and quality of the chromatography performed.

Control of resin bed surface, height and compression, flow rate and distribution by
implementation of semi-automated columns was investigated. Due to the scale of production
at BBI Enzymes, three high volume (120L capacity) Amicon® Moduline® P630 x 500
columns were reviewed and optimized for use during CM Chromatography. The columns
were equipped with adjustable flow distribution cells and 30 micron polyethylene sinters
optimized for the even flow of liquid onto and from the resin and a range of bed heights (61).
The differences between the open top Perspex columns, used in the past, and the Amicon ®
Moduline® P630 x 500 are illustrated in Figure 29. The difference in effectiveness of the
outlet flow distribution is evident between the two pieces of equipment.

In order to allow for semi-automated operation of these columns, a positive displacement

pump, with adjustable flow rate control (variable frequency drive), was fitted to the column
to allow for product and buffers to be pumped onto the column automatically and at a
constant feeding rate. An in-line pressure gauge was fitted after the pump to measure the
feeding pressure of the column. The feed pressure of the column must be maintained at a
constant value and is controlled by the feeding rate. This ensures that the batch-to-batch
performance of the resin bed is not compromised due to cavitation or compacting. The
maximum head pressure on the resin bed, as proposed by the manufacturer, was limited by
the installation of an in-line pressure sensor and trip switch, shutting down feed to the column
in the event of a sudden pressure increase. To protect the column and pump from potential

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damage (delays due to re-packing) caused when air is allowed into the system, it was fitted
with a run dry protection sensor that shuts off the pump when air passes through the feed line.

Figure 29. Diagrams of the inlet and outlets designs of the current (open top Perspex) and proposed
(Amicon® Moduline®) chromatography columns (61).

With the current open top column system, resins were regularly subjected to contamination
and/or blockage with foreign particles, insoluble protein in the extract or large inorganic
material. To prevent this in the new system, in-line filters (20 and 5 micron nominal retention
rating). The filters were fitted in series after the pump, in order to also eliminate fragments of
the pump components to enter the column in the event of a failure (Figure 30).

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Figure 30. BBI Enzymes Amicon® Moduline® chromatography column. The feed pump, feed
pressure gauge and variable frequency drive is shown. The in-line pre-filters are not visible. T column
is packed with 120L of CM Sepharose® Fast Flow resin.

All three P630 x 500 columns were filled with 120L of regenerated CM Sepharose® Fast
Flow (CM, weak cation exchanger) resin. HRP material produced during A/S precipitation
was subjected to cation exchange chromatography on the CM resin, equilibrated with 5mM
sodium acetate buffer, pH4.5. During the loading, washing and elution of the column, clear,
horizontal bands were observed (Figure 31).

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Figure 31. Elution of the BBI Enzymes Amicon® Moduline® chromatography CM Sepharose® Fast
Flow column. Clear horizontal bands are visible, indicating a good, even progression of product
through the column. All visible bands are combined as product.

The implementation of semi-automated columns improved the efficiency of the

chromatography step. As discussed, the Amicon® Moduline® columns were equipped with
flow distribution cells and sinters on the inlet and outlet side of the resin. This eliminates the
cavitation and bed disturbance observed in the previous system. The 30 micron sinter discs
on the in- and outlet further improves flow distribution, but also eliminates the requirement
for the removal of the resin from the column. The Amicon® columns allow for quick buffer
exchange of the resin by lowering the adjustable top flow cell onto the resin bed. The fitment
of a feed pump reduces the variability of the linear velocity through the column, which in
turn increases the consistency of the process from run to run. A production run is started on
the chromatography system, with the required amount of equilibration or wash buffer
prepared in the buffer container. The system will then proceed to complete the equilibration
or washing step of the resin unsupervised, stopping once the buffer is depleted. This is
managed by the run dry detection system. Overhead costs are thus reduced, and the allowed
daily production can exceed normal working hours, performing regeneration and
equilibration or washing steps of the column after hours. The in-process performance of the
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columns during trial processing of production batches indicated an average increase of the
Rz-value of the HRP extract over the conventional CM chromatography step of Rz 0.6 – 2.00
. Similar columns were subsequently introduced for the DEAE and Phenyl Sepharose®
chromatography steps.

By implementing DF, as discussed earlier in this document, the processing of fractions that
were further purified was shortened. It was also discovered that levels of yellow-appearing
contaminating molecules in the product was reduced during DF, as the molecule passed
through the membrane to the discarded filtrate (Figure 24). The improved chromatography
and additional purification achieved by implementation of DF eliminated the requirement for
a second cation exchange chromatography step when producing intermediate or higher grade
product. This second CM run was previously performed due to the inefficiencies of the
system, and the high concentration of non-specific protein that bound and saturated a major
part of the resin binding capacity under the same conditions as the neutral and basic
isoenzymes. The levels of contaminating proteins were reduced during DF by passing
through the membrane and concentration polarization (fouling). Concentration polarization
led to the reversible precipitation of non-specific proteins on the DF membrane surface,
which was subsequently removed during CIP. The chromatography media and process
conditions were not changed, as such changes would affect the different, established, product
grades BBI Enzymes produces.

BBI Enzymes. HRP Assay Logbook. Cape Town : QC Department, 2009.

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Comparative analyses between current product and that produced from the optimized process
were performed in order to ensure the quality of the product produced would be higher, yet
within the specification of the customer. The carbohydrate content of material generated by
following the proposed new process was compared to two batches of product from the current
method. Carbohydrates present in HRP preparations are normally glycans associated to the
enzyme at glycosylation sites (62). The main risk to product quality is the presence of glycans
not bound to glycosylation sites. Four PAGE analyses were performed on the material. Two
of the gels were stained for protein (Coomassie, Figure 32 and 34), and two were stained for
carbohydrate following a PAS (Periodic Acid Schiff) protocol (Figure 33 and 35). Two of the
gels (Figure 34 and 35) were deliberately overloaded in order to demonstrate the purity of the

Figure 32. PAGE analyses: Protein visualization by Coomassie staining. Material generated following
the proposed HRP process. Molecular marker (Mr) was run in lane 1. Lane 455 represents 161455-
grade material. Lane 453 represents 161453-grade material. Lane 457 represents 161457-grade

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material. Lanes C1 and C2 were loaded with two 161457-grade control batches (C1 and C2). Lane
Iso-C was loaded with a sample of purified Isoenzyme C (purified by gradient Ion Exchange
Chromatography). Lane BSA was loaded with a BSA standard. All samples were prepared by dilution
of a 10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final amount of 25µg of
product was loaded per well for each of the samples. The gel was stained with a protein stain as
discussed in the Experimental methods at the end of this document. Coomassie staining was then
performed on the gel to visualize protein bands. (63).

Figure 33. PAGE preparation: Carbohydrate visualization by PAS staining. Material generated
following the proposed HRP process. Molecular marker (Mr) was run in lane 1. Lane 455 represents
161455-grade material. Lane 453 represents 161453-grade material. Lane 457 represents 161457-
grade material. Lanes C1 and C2 were loaded with two 161457-grade control batches (C1 and C2).
Lane Iso-C was loaded with a sample of purified Isoenzyme C (purified by gradient Ion Exchange
Chromatography). Lane BSA was loaded with a BSA standard. All samples were prepared by dilution
of a 10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final amount of 25µg of
product was loaded per well for each of the samples. The gel was stained with a protein stain as
discussed in the Experimental methods at the end of this document. PAS staining was then performed
on the gel to visualize carbohydrates. Molecular marker (Mr) was run in lane 1 (63).

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Figure 34. PAGE preparation: Coomassie staining. Material generated following the proposed HRP
process. Molecular marker (Mr) was run in lane 1. Lane 455 represents 161455-grade material. Lane
453 represents 161453-grade material. Lane 457 represents 161457-grade material. Lanes C1 and C2
were loaded with two 161457-grade control batches (C1 and C2). Lane Iso-C was loaded with a
sample of purified Isoenzyme C (purified by gradient Ion Exchange Chromatography. The gel was
deliberately overloaded in order to demonstrate the purity of the preparation. All samples were
prepared by dilution of a 10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final
amount of 50µg of product was loaded per well for each of the samples. The gel was stained with a
protein stain as discussed in the Experimental methods at the end of this document. Coomassie
staining was then performed on the gel to visualize protein bands. Molecular marker (Mr) was run in
lane 1 (63).

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Figure 35. PAGE preparation: PAS staining. Material generated following the proposed HRP process.
Molecular marker (Mr) was run in lane 1. Lane 455 represents 161455-grade material. Lane 453
represents 161453-grade material. Lane 457 represents 161457-grade material. Lanes C1 and C2 were
loaded with two 161457-grade control batches (C1 and C2). Lane Iso-C was loaded with a sample of
purified Isoenzyme C (purified by gradient Ion Exchange Chromatography. The gel was deliberately
overloaded in order to demonstrate the purity of the preparation. All samples were prepared by
dilution of a 10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final amount of 50µg
of product was loaded per well for each of the samples. The gel was stained with a protein stain as
discussed in the Experimental methods at the end of this document. PAS staining was then performed
on the gel to visualize carbohydrates. Molecular mass marker (Mr) was run in lane 1 (63).

From these results it is evident that the preparations obtained were of high purity. All the
proteins in the enzyme preparations are heavily and seemingly equally glycosylated. It is
important to note that the only carbohydrate present in the gel is bound to the protein. As both
the origin and leading front of the gel are shown in the figures it is clear that there was no free
carbohydrate in the samples applied to the gel. The non glycosylated protein, Bovine Serum
Albumin (BSA), loaded in last lane of the first two gels was shown to only stain with
Coomassie, not the PAS stain. This confirmed the staining to be specific to glycoproteins and
is further confirmed by the absence of PAS staining of the non-glycosylated molecular

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weight markers. The current and proposed process yielded product that is indistinguishable
by PAGE analysis and selective staining.


The optimization of the extraction and purification of HRP have resulted in an increased
quality, efficiency, throughput and control over the manufacture of all grades of HRP enzyme
produced by BBI Enzymes. The standardization of raw material pre-harvest treatment has
shown to improve the HRP content and workability of the roots supplied to BBI Enzymes.
Extraction at a higher liquid to root ratio, with improved maceration has shown to liberate
significantly higher concentrations of HRP. Optimization and up-scaling of the UF system,
including the pre-treatment of the extract allows for more control over the concentration step,
higher throughput and a reduction in A/S usage due to its increased concentrating ability. Pre-
treatment was found to be essential and efficacy of the step crucial to the performance of the
UF system. This included more control over the extract pH and use of different grades of
diatomaceous earth in order to reduce the extract particle size. These improvements lead to
the investigation and optimization of the A/S fractionation step.

The changes in the A/S saturation conditions increased enzyme recovery and reduced A/S
consumption as a consequence of the higher concentration factor achieved. DF reduced
production lead times significantly by replacing additional A/S precipitation and passive
dialysis, and added to the purification of the product, due to the semi-permeable nature of the
membranes. The semi-automated chromatography columns implemented increased control,
consistency and robustness of the chromatography practiced. Overhead cost per enzyme unit
was also reduced due to the option of running the machine unattended. Literature linking
reduced thermal stability of HRP with sodium phosphate buffer has lead to the adoption of
use of acetate buffer as a replacement.

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Comparative analyses between current product and that produced from the optimized process
showed that the preparations obtained were of high purity. The current and proposed process
yielded product that is indistinguishable by PAGE analysis and selective staining. This
ensured that the product produced would comply with the existing specifications. These
results confirm the effectiveness of the optimized method for the production of HRP. The
implementation of the improvements discussed in this document, forms part of the HRP
purification process to the different BBI Enzymes product grades from the clarified root as
shown in Figure 36. The characterization of the main groups of HRP relevant to BBI
Enzymes as product was also performed consisted of further PAGE and high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) as discussed in Chapter 4.

Figure 36. New secondary process flow for HRP purification. The stages where the 5 grades of HRP
product (161455-,161453-,161457-,161451- and Acidic peroxidase grades) produced by BBI
Enzymes are yielded is shown.
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HRP is extracted and purified at BBI Enzymes employing an adaptation of the process
developed by Keilin et al. in 1950 (31). The method was adapted to a previous revision of the
current method in 1966, after Shannon et al. published their review of the peroxidase
isoenzymes present in horseradish (9). They described the contributions to total HRP activity
of the various isoenzymes in a horseradish extract (9). These values are shown in Table 9. It is
important to note that the isoenzyme content and ratios are ultimately dependent on raw
material quality, as discussed during the review of the raw material.

Table 9. The seven main HRP isoenzymes and their percentage contribution to the total HRP activity
of a horseradish extract (9).

% Total HRP
Isoenzyme group Isoenzyme activity* Comment
Acidic A1 13 Removed at CM
Acidic A2 2 Removed at CM
Acidic A3 5 Removed at CM
Neutral B 20 Eluted from CM
Neutral C 36 Eluted from CM
Basic D 4 Eluted from CM
Basic E 6 Eluted from CM

*Activity of homogenate = 100%

Isoenzymes B and C are the main contributors to the HRP activity compliment of the extract.
As discussed in the review of Chromatography, neutral and basic isoenzymes are purified
together. In Figure 36, the new secondary process flow for HRP purification at BBI Enzymes

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is shown and the separation of groups of isoenzymes is indicated. The different BBI Enzymes
product grades and their minimum purity requirements are shown in Table 10.

BBI Enzymes customers for higher grades of HRP (161457- and 161451-grade) have a
minimum isoenzyme C requirement. The reason for this is the separation of the different
isoenzymes in this grade of product by the customers themselves. Isoenzyme C is separated
by customers and purified for use in enzyme conjugation (64). BBI Enzymes do not sell pure
isoenzyme C, primarily for the reason that there is no significant market that would absorb
the levels of isoenzyme B that would be produced in the process (20% of HRP activity
present in the extract).

Table 10. BBI Enzymes HRP product specification minimum purity requirements.

Product grade Minimum specific activity* Minimum Rz-value

161455 60U/mg 1.00
161453 100U/mg 2.00
161457 200U/mg 2.50
161451 250U/mg 3.00
* Specific activity expressed as Guaiacol HRP Activity units per milligram of lyophilized product (1).

The different grades of HRP produced by BBI Enzymes are used for different applications.
The higher purity grades (161457 and 161451) uses include coupling to immunoglobulins for
use in immunodiagnostics, chemiluminescent assays and recently in cancer therapy (65). It is
also used in combination with one of the other enzymes in BBI Enzymes’ product catalogue,
glucose oxidase, to monitor glucose levels in diabetes test kits. Lower grades (161455 and
161453) are generally sold to customers that further purify the enzymes. The neutral and
basic HRP isoenzymes are selectively purified to yield two main fractions, high purity
isoenzyme C and the balance of neutral and basic isoenzymes (64). The balance of HRP is
used as indicator enzyme in systems where one of the by-products of the reaction identified is
hydrogen peroxide. It is also used for the preparation of apo-peroxidase. This denatured form
of HRP, produced by removal of the haem group, is used for the blocking of peroxidase
antibodies in immunohistochemistry applications (66).
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During the review of the chromatography performed at BBI Enzymes, the aim of each of the
purification stages and the step-wise purification and separation of the different grades of
HRP was reviewed. The characterization of these grades of HRP will be discussed in this


Gel electrophoresis was performed in order to characterize the different grades of HRP
product produced at BBI Enzymes. SDS-PAGE analyses of 161457- and 161451-grades
yielded a single band corresponding to a molecular mass of 40,000 kDa (Figure 37). Because
of the heterogeneous glycosylation of HRP it is not possible to obtain a well-defined sharp
band as is the case for non-glycosylated proteins. When the gel was overloaded, a low
concentration of lower molecular mass proteins can be observed as shown in Figure 34.
Analysis of samples of 161455- and 161453-grade both show that, although there are several
other proteins present in these preparations, HRP is still the major protein component (Figure

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Figure 37. SDS-PAGE analysis of the different grades of HRP product produced by BBI Enzymes.
Lane 1: Empty; Lane 2: Molecular mass marker (MM); Lane 3: 161455-Grade Product; Lane 4:
161453-Grade Product; Lane 5: 161457-Grade Product; Lane 6: 161451-Grade Product; Lane 7:
Molecular mass marker (Mr) was run in Lanes 2 and 7. All samples were prepared by dilution of a
10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of sample buffer. A final amount of 25µg of product
was loaded per well for each of the samples. The gel was stained with a protein stain as discussed in
the Experimental methods at the end of this document.


Cation exchange (CM) HPLC was performed on the BBI Enzymes HRP product range.
Acidic peroxidase was not characterized using this method, as the run conditions of the
system and resin used do not support separation of the components in this product. Figure 38

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to 41 represent the CM-HPLC chromatograms of samples of 161455-, 161453-, 161457- and

161451-grade products, respectively. The identification of the different peaks was performed
by determining the retention of isoenzyme standards acquired from Roche Applied Science.
From these chromatograms the reduction in contaminating proteins can be clearly observed
as the product increases in purity. In Figure 38, a CM-HPLC chromatogram of the lowest
grade of HRP sold by BBI Enzymes is shown. The large acidic HRP contribution is eluted
from the CM column within the first minutes of the chromatography run. Contaminating
proteins are eluted at increased ionic strength buffer after the neutral and basic isoenzymes
and is represented by the large, broad peak towards the end of the chromatogram.

Figure 38. Elution profile of 161455-grade HRP from a CM-HPLC column. The complement of peaks
representing the neutral and basic, non-HRP resin binding protein and acidic isoenzymes are
indicated. The peak representing isoenzyme C is also identified. Absorbance was detected at 280nm
for the column eluate. A Waters Protein PAK CM, 8-HR, 8m column was used. A linear gradient
consisting of eluent A (0.01 M sodium acetate, pH 4.4) and eluent B (0.01 M sodium acetate, 0.2 M
NaCl, pH 4.4) at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min was used during separations.

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The chromatogram of 161453-grade material (Figure 39) illustrates the successful removal of
the majority of the contaminating proteins. Due to the significant purification performed
during preparative CM-chromatography, acidic peroxidase is regularly added back to the
eluate to reduce the purity, ensuring compliance with customer specifications.

Figure 39. Elution profile of 161453-grade HRP from a CM-HPLC column. The peak representing
isoenzyme C is indicated. Absorbance was detected at 280nm for the column eluate. A Waters Protein
PAK CM, 8-HR, 8m column was used. A linear gradient consisting of eluent A (0.01 M sodium
acetate, pH 4.4) and eluent B (0.01 M sodium acetate, 0.2 M NaCl, pH 4.4) at a flow rate of 0.8
ml/min was used during separations.

The production of 161457-grade product includes purification through a second ion-exchange

chromatography step (Figure 40). This step removes proteins that were separated with the
neutral and basic isoenzymes on CM Chromatography, as well as trace amounts of the acidic
isoenzymes that may be present due to inefficient cation exchange chromatography.

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Figure 40. Elution profile of 161457-grade HRP from a CM-HPLC column. The peak representing
isoenzyme C (61.12% of the total protein) is indicated. Absorbance was detected at 280nm for the
column eluate. A Waters Protein PAK CM, 8-HR, 8mm column was used. A linear gradient
consisting of eluent A (0.01 M sodium acetate, pH 4.4) and eluent B (0.01 M sodium acetate, 0.2 M
NaCl, pH 4.4) at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min was used during separations.

The highest grade of HRP produced is also purified through HIC as discussed in Chapter 3.
During this step, the neutral and basic HRP isoenzymes bind to the resin. Purification is
achieved by washing retained impurities (yellow-appearing molecules) from the resin. The
eluate is a pure, heterogeneous neutral and basic HRP isoenzyme preparation (Figure 41).

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Figure 41. Elution profile of 161451-grade HRP from a CM-HPLC column. The peak representing
isoenzyme C (64.86% of the total protein) is indicated. Absorbance was detected at 280nm for the
column eluate. A Waters Protein PAK CM, 8-HR, 8mm column was used. A linear gradient
consisting of eluent A (0.01 M sodium acetate, pH 4.4) and eluent B (0.01 M sodium acetate, 0.2 M
NaCl, pH 4.4) at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min was used during separations.


The characterization of the different product grades by SDS-PAGE and CM-HPLC

demonstrated that material with a higher specific activity (Activity) and an increased
percentage of the neutral isoenzyme C was obtained after each successive purification step.
The increase in HRP isoenzyme C content is of major importance to the customers of BBI
Enzymes, as the market trend still leans towards the use of mainly isoenzyme C in most
applications. As illustrated in the SDS-PAGE gel analyses, discussed earlier in this chapter,
and the comparative analysis discussed in the first chapter, the proteins in the enzyme
preparations are heavily and seemingly equally glycosylated. The only carbohydrate present
in the gel is bound to the protein. The review of the main groups of HRP isoenzymes relevant
to BBI Enzymes highlighted the importance of producing a product range that satisfies
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market requirements and allows for the marketability of the full HRP isoenzyme compliment.
All the improvements discussed in this document rely on the accurate, real-time availability
of enzyme activity results. The development of a new microtitre plate-based colorimetric
HRP assay will be discussed in Chapter 5.

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The number of HRP in-process samples submitted to the Quality control (QC) laboratory
fluctuates on a daily basis between 5 and 22. The main reason for this variance is that there
are several batches of HRP extract at different stages of the process at any given time. The
option of running production 20.5 hours a day will lead to even higher amounts of samples
submitted for testing. The current in-process QC method (kinetic Guaiacol assay) is time-
consuming and susceptible to both temperature and pipetting errors due to high dilution
factors. The results generated are not confirmed by duplication. As a consequence, the daily
assay capacity of a QC analyst is a maximum of 20 samples. The day is divided into 1.5
hours of set-up time, 12 minutes per run, 3 minutes for interpretation of each run and 30
minutes at the end of the day to update the Assay Logbook. An analyst also has to work
exclusively on testing HRP samples, and overtime is incurred on a weekly basis in order to
limit the accumulation of untested samples. This leads to the delay of results required by the
production staff in real-time. These factors stressed the need to develop a rapid, quantitative
microtitre plate(MTP) based calorimetric assay. The assay must be capable of processing
multiple samples simultaneously and deliver accurate, real-time results to production to
overcome the constraints of the current method.

Most assays measuring HRP seek the maximum sensitivity. These assays aim to detect the
enzyme at picograms quantities per millilitre sample. As a consequence of the scale of HRP
operations at BBI Enzymes, large amounts of HRP can be found in ubiquitous deposits. Even
with routine cleaning, the levels present on all surfaces in the facility will react with sensitive
substrates. This created a problem unique to BBI Enzymes. The objective was therefore to
develop a sub-optimal substrate test system that would be quantitative but relatively
insensitive in order to limit background interference by the ubiquitous HRP.

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Several substrates, specific to HRP, are commercially available. The substrates can be
grouped into different categories, chromogenic, chemiluminescent or chemifluorescent (67).
The key factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing detection signal type
is shown in Table 11.

Table 11. Factors to consider when choosing a detection signal type (67).

Colorimetric Substrates Chemifluorescent Chemiluminescent

Substrates substrates

Medium/low sensitivity High sensitivity High sensitivity

Generally less expensive Generally more expensive Generally more expensive

Wide range of substrates Few substrates available Few substrates available

Slow signal detection Rapid signal generation Rapid signal generation

Enzyme catalyzed rapidly Enzyme activity retained Enzyme catalyzed rapidly

Small linear range/poor low-end Large linear range/enhanced Large linear range/enhanced
linearity low-end linearity low-end linearity

Flexible (stopped, non-stopped Flexible (stopped, non- Non-flexible

and kinetic assays) stopped and kinetic assays)

Spectrophotometer detection Fluorometer detection Luminometer detection

Chromogenic substrates were investigated, due to its lower sensitivity, cost, slow signal
development and flexibility. Chromogenic reactions are detected using standard

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spectrophotometers. The challenge with the use of a chromogenic substrate signal type is
identifying the linear range of the standard curve and establishing standard dilutions of the in-
process samples that would be measurable in this range. The use of 2,2’-azino-bis(3-
ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or ABTS was investigated, due to its relatively low
sensitivity when compared to other commercially available chromogenic substrates (68). The
oxidised ABTS substrate yields a blue-green colour that can be optimally measured in a range
of 405 nm to 415 nm (68).


The low sensitivity substrate was further desensitized by sub-optimal assay conditions.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) and phosphate buffer was investigated as it is
effective as a buffer between pH 7.1 – 9.0, a range which is sub-optimal to HRP activity (69).
Other factors that reduce the sensitivity were also investigated, including the addition of
detergents. Sodium perborate is used as electron source. This donor was identified due to its
stability and as a consequence long shelf life as part of a substrate buffer.

5.3.1. Detergents

The addition of Tween 20 and octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside to the assay buffer was

investigated for their ability to stabilize or reduce the enzyme activity by partial protein
denaturation and interference with substrate-enzyme interaction (70). In Figure 42, the effect
of the two detergents on HRP enzyme activity is illustrated at different concentrations.

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Figure 42. Effect of detergents on HRP enzyme activity. Enzyme activity was determined at different
HRP concentrations in the presence of Tween 20 or octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside.

Both Tween 20 and octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside show inhibition of enzyme activity on a

comparable scale.

5.3.2. pH

An increase in the pH of the assay system away from the optimum pH of HRP was
investigated to slow down the reaction. The optimum pH for HRP enzyme activity is in the
range of pH 6.0 to 6.5 (71). In Figure 43, the effect of different pH conditions on the enzyme
reaction is shown. The pH was maintained by use of a suitable Tris buffer.

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Figure 43. Effect of buffer pH on HRP enzyme activity. Enzyme activity was determined at four pH
values for different concentrations of HRP.

The decrease in enzyme activity, associated with an increase in pH, may be due to a lower
affinity for the substrate by the enzyme (72). This observation will aid in the desensitizing of
the assay.

5.3.3. Substrate concentration and reaction time

At sub-optimal assay conditions for the HRP enzymatic reaction, it is important to ensure
sufficient time is allowed for signal development. In assays run manually the reaction time is
determined by the addition of a stop solution. A commercially available stop solution,
containing 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) in 25 mM HCl, was investigated. The use of
an automated plate reader allowed for the accurate, consistent duration of incubation without
the use of a stop solution. This was due to the system immediately performing the absorbance
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reading of the pre-defined plate content at the end of the incubation period. The concentration
of HRP substrate in the reaction mixture also determines the speed and sensitivity of the
assay. If the substrate concentration is too low the reaction rate will also be extremely low
and the minimum signal required for accurate measurement will not be obtained. As a
consequence, it is important to review the development of the reaction over time, and at
different substrate concentrations. In Figure 44 the effect of chromogen (ABTS)
concentration, at an HRP concentration of 10µg/mL, on signal development is illustrated. It
was determined that an incubation period of 5 – 15 minutes, at room temperature was
optimal, as the kinetics is linear during this period. At lower concentrations of HRP
(5µg/mL), the kinetics was found to be linear between 10 – 20 minutes. The new, MTP-based
assay conditions and components are noted in Table 12.

Figure 44. Signal development over time for different concentrations of ABTS at 10µg/mL HRP
concentration (pH7.5). Colour development of chromogen concentrations of 100% (6 x 10-4 Mol/L),
80% (4.8 x 10-4 Mol/L), 60% (3.6 x 10-4 Mol /L) and 40% (2.4 x 10-4 Mol /L) were monitored at an
absorbance of 405 nm for 30minutes at 25°C.
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Table 12. New MTP-based HRP assay conditions and components.

Description Composition Quantity or volume per


Sample preparation 100mM Phosphate buffer, Dilution dependent

buffer pH7.5

HRP Standard solution Range 0,125µg - 5µg per mL 10µL of each prepared dilution

Duration 10 Minutes

Substrate In 100 µL: 50µL undiluted 100µL per well

ABTS, 50µL 0.01% Tween 20
in 1% Tris buffer (pH7.5)
Stop solution (1% SDS in 25 mM HCl) not required for use with automated plate reader timing

Three independent experiments were performed to review the reproducibility of the standard
curve. The standard deviation for data points above an enzyme concentration of 1µg/ml were
higher than for data points lower than this enzyme concentration. It was determined that the
linear part of the standard curve and most accurate results are obtained when read from the
curve at an absorbance of between 0.3 – 0.8 (Figure 45). The graph represents the standard
curve from one of three independent experiments.

In the event of two of the dilutions prepared for a sample yielding an absorbance within this
range, the value closest to 0.6 would be most accurate. An internal control (enzyme preparate
of known purity and activity) was also established and included in each test run. The result is
required to be within a 5% variance range from the known enzyme content for the test run to
be accepted thus ensuring the consistency of the method and assayist.

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Figure 45. Standard curve of MTP based HRP assay. The most linear part of the curve is between 0.3
– 0.8. The R-squared value for the curve is 0.9525.


The current method for determining HRP activity is time-consuming (12 minutes per sample
run for an experienced assayist) and susceptible to temperature variations. The results
generated for in-process control are not confirmed by duplication. Following the development
of a rapid, quantitative microtitre plate based colorimetric assay, it is now possible to
accurately characterize the processes of product purification. This MTP-based assay is
capable of processing multiple samples simultaneously and delivers accurate, real-time
results to production. The system is capable of generating duplicate results of 10 different
samples at 3 different dilutions in one run, while the use of a spectrophotometer, which
calculates and prints out the concentrations of enzyme activity in the samples, eliminating
assayist calculation errors. These enhancements increase the turn-over of results and

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eliminates delays incurred due to the repeat analyses of samples that fall outside the accurate
range of the system. By running the standard curve and control samples on the same plate
during each run, the effect of temperature differences between runs are eliminated.

This newly developed microtitre-based HRP assay is simple, rapid and robust and has been
illustrated to be accurate in producing real-time in-process control results. The in-process
control points generate samples of varied HRP concentration and as a result different
dilutions are required to produce absorbance readings that coincide with the accurate range of
the standard curve. As part of the assay development, standard dilutions for every control
point sample was determined and documented as part of the assay protocol, in order to reduce
the occurrence of out of range results i.

BBI Enzymes. Peroxidase Microtitre Assay - AM147. Assay Manual. Cape Town : s.n., 2009.

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HRP was first extracted and purified by BBI Enzymes in 1958, and since then the company
has been a bulk producer of HRP for 53 years j. The method employed to extract and purify
HRP was an adaptation of the process developed by Keilin et al. in 1950 (31). In 1966, after a
review of the peroxidase isoenzymes present in horseradish was published by Shannon et al.,
the method was adapted to the current method developed to extract and purify HRP (9). BBI
Enzymes produces an average of 7 billion units (BU) of HRP enzyme annually. At this scale
of operations, the emphasis on yield is critical. A review of the HRP enzyme was performed.
This allowed for optimization of the process whilst taking into consideration inhibitors,
physical properties and stability of the protein. The optimization of the extraction and
purification of HRP was investigated in an attempt to increase yield, quality, efficiency,
throughput and control over the manufacture of all grades of HRP enzyme produced by BBI
Enzymes. This study focussed on the horseradish raw material, techniques used in the
extraction and purification of the product and the development of a real-time, robust enzyme
assay. The standardization of raw material pre-harvest treatment was shown to improve the
HRP content and workability of the roots supplied to BBI Enzymes. Varieties of horseradish
were identified that specifically contained higher enzyme, and in particular higher isoenzyme
C levels. The scientific basis of pre-harvest treatment was also reviewed and was illustrated
to be an essential part of horseradish cultivation for BBI Enzymes. Extraction at a higher
liquid to root ratio, with improved maceration was shown to liberate higher concentrations of
HRP. Additional mechanical and enzymatic maceration was reviewed but not proposed as
part of the optimized process due to challenges concerning the removal of additives and
reduced workability of the extract.

SERAVAC. Lifescan - Horseradish Peroxidase from SERAVAC. Cape Town : SERAVAC, 1993.

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Optimization and up-scaling of the UF system, including the pre-treatment of the extract
before UF, was reviewed and it was found that optimising these factors were essential to the
optimum performance of the UF system. These factors included more control over the extract
pH and removal of particles larger than one micrometer by use of Celite® Hyflo
diatomaceous earth during clarification, which increased throughput and reduced A/S usage
due to increased concentration ability. These improvements lead to the review of the A/S
fractionation step. The changes in the saturation conditions increased enzyme recovery and
reduced A/S consumption as a consequence of the higher concentration factor achieved
during UF concentration. DF was reviewed as an alternative to the time-consuming and
labour intensive process followed when including passive dialysis in the production process.
The use of DF reduced production lead times significantly by replacing additional A/S
precipitation and passive dialysis, and added to the purification of the product. The use of
semi-automated chromatography columns was reviewed and implementation increased
control, consistency and robustness of the chromatography practiced. Overhead cost per
enzyme unit was also reduced due to the option of running the chromatography system

A review of the composition and quality of current product and that produced from the
optimized process was performed in order to ensure the quality of the product produced
would be higher, yet within the specification of the customer. This was achieved by
performing SDS-PAGE analyses with selective staining. It was shown that the preparations
are comparable at the lower grades and equal or purer for the higher grades. This achieved
the goal of producing material to fit the customer specifications and purity ranges.

The different product grades produced by BBI Enzymes following the optimized
manufacturing process were characterized by use of PAGE- and HPLC-analysis. The review
demonstrated that the material obtained after each successive purification step was of higher
purity (SDS-PAGE), had a higher specific activity (enzyme activity) and had an increased
percentage of the neutral isoenzyme C (CM-HPLC). The increase in isoenzyme C yield is of
major importance, as the market trend still leans towards the use of mainly isoenzyme C in
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most applications. As illustrated in the SDS-PAGE gel analyses discussed in Chapter 5 and
the comparative analyses discussed in Chapter 1, the proteins in the enzyme preparations are
heavily and seemingly equally glycosylated. The review of the main groups of HRP
isoenzymes relevant to BBI Enzymes highlighted the importance of producing a product
range that satisfies market requirements and allows for the marketability of the full HRP
isoenzyme compliment.

The development of an MTP-based colorimetric HRP assay was discussed. The new test
system is capable of processing multiple samples simultaneously and delivers accurate, real-
time results to the production section. Duplicate results of 10 different samples at 3 different
dilutions are performed in one analysis. This increases the turn-over of results and eliminates
delays incurred due to the repeat of samples that fall outside of the accurate quantification
range of the assay system. An internal control was also established and included in each test
run. The result is required to be within a 5% variance range from the known enzyme content
for the test run to be accepted. This ensures control over the consistency of the method and

The work discussed in this thesis has lowered input cost for the commercial-scale production
of HRP, whilst increasing throughput and product yield by the implementation of new
processes, equipment and control.

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All large-scale trials were performed on site at BBI Enzymes (Epping 2, Cape Town),
utilizing 314-grade stainless steel piping and tanks. For temporary hosing, 2.5” Kanaflex
PVC tubing (Kanaflex Corporation, Vernon Hills, IL) with 314-grade stainless steel
couplings were used. Paddle stirrers used for the extraction, clarification and concentration
stages of HRP production are designed as follows:

Figure 46. Illustration of the design of the production scale extraction stirrers and tank at BBI

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Extraction, clarification and concentration holding tank stirrers agitate at a rate of 20RPM.
Secondary stirrers agitate at a rate of 40RPM and are three-blade mixing propellers modelled
on the marine propeller.

All HRP enzyme activity determinations were performed using the Guaiacol substrate kinetic
assay developed by Hans Ulrich Bergmeyer (1). Guaiacol substrate and other reagents were
acquired from Merck Chemicals. The assay method is attached as APPENDIX 1 at the end of
this document.

Review of U.S. raw material sources

The first U.S. horseradish was received from J.R. Kelly Company (Collinsville, IL) in May
2007. However, as extraction and purification of HRP from this source began, a significant
difference in HRP content and workability of the batches over the steps of our process
became apparent. The main findings were: low concentrations of HRP present; finer mince /
root particles were generated during maceration; low lignification – thin, tender cell walls;
more, fine particles in Spun Extract (supernatant from centrifuged extract) during processing
that is not removed by the Alfa-Laval decanter centrifuge under current conditions; difficulty
when clarifying according to standard procedure; inefficient concentration through Hollow
fibre membranes due to sub-optimal clarified extract; excessive concentration polarization
and/or fouling of membranes.

The main reason for this was suspected to be the root variety received. The varieties received
are selected and cultivated specifically for key properties required for the food market
including low lignification, whiteness, yield (tonnage per acre), and disease resistance. The
selection of these properties lead to contradictory characteristics to what have been
established as key properties of horseradish associated with high HRP content, i.e. high
lignification and susceptibility to stress (disease, drought, temperature, etc.).

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Currently, S.A. farmers are cultivating a single variety of horseradish. These roots have been
used as stock for the next growing year, each year, for over 45 years. Consequently, this line
of horseradish have been subjected to annual stress and the result is a continually evolving (to
adapt to stress) horseradish strain.

A number of different cultivars of horseradish were received from the U.S. farmers and
reviewed for performance against the S.A. sourced raw material. The parameters reviewed
are described under Raw material quality (Chapter 3).

Raw material quality

Raw material quality was reviewed against three main parameters:

1. Good workability. Low fine generation and good performance across clarification stages:
clarified extract turbidity reduced to lower than 15 Formazin Turbidity Units (method
included at the end of this document as APPENDIX 2).
2. High HRP enzyme content. HRP enzyme content as determined by use of the Guaiacol
assay method (refer to APPENDIX 1)
3. High isoenzyme C content. A 45% isoenzyme C content is the target concentration, with
the minimum concentration of 40% (method included at the end of this document as an
4. High HRP content. Total enzyme activity for the HRP isoenzyme compliment is required
to be a minimum of 12MU/tonne of raw material, with an average of 14MU/tonne.

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Extraction procedures

The amount of HRP liberation that can be achieved was determined by blending different
samples of horseradish from S.A. and U.S.A origin at a root to liquid ratio of 1: 3.6 and
higher ratios. For each experiment performed on the extraction optimization:

1. Aliquots were cut into 1-3cm3 cubes (from different regions – top, middle, end, outer
layers and inner layers – of the root), or aliquots were removed from the production line
post mincing to determine current maceration.
2. The cubes were homogenized with a Waring blender for 3 minutes in the presence of
potable water or saline (NaCl) solution, in the case of experiments investigating
3. The final volume of water or buffer used during blending or added to mince samples
from the production line was dependent on the conditions reviewed.
4. Stirring of the extract was performed using a magnetic desktop stirrer with 3cm magnetic
follower. All trials were performed at ambient temperature.
5. The duration of the extraction was dependent on the conditions reviewed.

The effect of the degree of agitation on extraction was investigated by stirring extract
samples at the current rate of 20RPM and 100RPM. Control experiments were conducted on
mince aliquots collected from the production line.

Improved extraction by use of cell wall macerating enzymes was reviewed by addition of
three different enzyme powders from Shin Nihon Chenical (Showa-cho, Anjyo, Japan):

1. Sumizyme AP2. Pectinase, cellulase and hemicellulase activity.

2. Sumizyme C. Cellulase and hemicellulase activity.
3. Sumizyme MC. Pectinase, amylase and protease activity.

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Minced horseradish samples were collected from the production line. It was suspended in
19.92U/mL Sumizyme enzyme solutions of potable water at a ratio of 1: 3.6. The solution
was agitated with a desktop magnetic stirrer and 3cm follower. Incubation duration was 1
hour, after which solids separation was achieved by centrifugation at 4200RPM for 7 minutes
with a Beckman J-6B. The supernatant enzyme activity was determined as set out in
APPENDIX 1. Trials were also performed at a 1: 5 root to liquid ratio at the same enzyme

Trials on additional mechanical maceration were performed by extending the duration of

blending with the desktop waring blender by 3 minutes. Mince samples from the production
line (minced using Weiler® Grinder with double knife set and 10mm hole plate) was also
used as start material. Mince was blended at a 1: 3.6 or 1: 5 ratio in the presence of potable
water, for 3 minutes.

Concentration (Ultra-filtration)

The ultra-filtration trials were performed on desktop scale using a Watson Marlow Loadsure
peristaltic pump. The inlet, outlet and filtrate pressures were visualized with in-line WIKA
manual pressure gauges. The feed-flow was determined by manual measurement with a
100mL Pyrex glass measuring cylinder and TIMEX stopwatch.

The membranes reviewed were:

1. Sartorius Hydrosart® 0.1m2 10kDa (3051443901E-SW) tangential flow filtration

stabilized cellulose based membrane cassette.
2. Pall Microza® SLP-1053 0.1m2 10kDa Hollow fibre PES membrane module.
3. GE Healthcare Start AXM 10kDa PES Cross-flow cartridges (UFP-10-C-2U).

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Large-scale production trials were performed on the installed Pall Microflow® 16/20A UF
system and based on the method attached at the end of this document, APPENDIX 4.

Chemicals used for the CIP of the membranes were acquired from Crest Chemicals (Midrand,
South Africa): Sodium hypochloride (Sodium Hypo) and sodium hydroxide (Caustic Soda
Solution - MBC). All water used is potable. Air pressure feed to the Microflow system was
supplied at a pressure of 5.5 Bar, regulated to 4.5 Bar for operation.

Ammonium sulphate fractionation

HRP extract fractionation trials were performed with DSM® Fibre Intermediates (Sittard, The
Netherlands) ammonium sulphate (161-CPH Ammonium sulphate Technical grade).
Calculations for saturation concentrations investigated were determined according to work
published in Data for Biochemical Research (58). Fractionations were performed according
to the temperature of the concentrate. The effect of ammonium sulphate on HRP and its
activity was determined by performing Guaiacol substrate kinetic assay as described in
APPENDIX 1. Desktop magnetic stirrers with 3cm magnetic followers were used for the
agitation of the concentrate during fractionation. For step-wise fractionation experiments, the
fractionate was clarified by use of a Bucher funnel laden with Whatman® (1575-grade,
Schleicher & Schuell, Germany) filter paper and washed Celite® filter aid (Hyflo®-grade,
World Minerals®). The filtrate activity was compared to that of the un-fractionated


The DF of HRP was performed with Pall Microza® SLP-1053 (lab-scale, 0.12m2 membrane
surface area) and SLP-3053 (production scale, 4.5m2 membrane surface area) hollow-fibres
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at conditions as set out in Chapter 3 (3.6). The inlet, outlet and filtrate pressures were
visualized with in-line WIKA manual pressure gauges. The feed-flow was determined by
manual measurement with a 100mL Pyrex glass measuring cylinder (lab-scale) and a
calibrated 20L polybin (production scale) and a TIMEX stopwatch. Chemicals used for the
CIP of the membranes were acquired from Crest Chemicals (Midrand, South Africa): Sodium
hypochloride (Sodium Hypo) and sodium hydroxide (Caustic Soda Solution - MBC). All
water used was potable.


The Ion-exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) media were all
acquired from GE Healthcare (Uppsala, Sweden). Ion exchange chromatography were
performed with Carboxymethyl (CM)- Fast flow and Diethylaminoethyl-Sepharose® Fast
Flow resin. HIC was performed by use of Phenyl Sepharose® Fast flow Low Sub resin. Lab-
scale trials were performed in 10mL Pharmacia® chromatography columns under gravity
flow. Buffer salts were concentrated food grade acetic acid and sodium hydroxide (Caustic
Soda Solution – MBC) for the preparation of buffers and pH adjustment were acquired from
Crest Chemicals. Glycine EP/USP 80 MESH and phosphate buffer crystals were acquired
from Warren Chem Specialities (Cape Town). All buffers were prepared using reverse-
osmosis (RO) water prepared with an in-house RO system. Ammonium sulphate (161-CPH
Ammonium sulphate Technical grade) was acquired from DSM® Fibre Intermediates (Sittard,
The Netherlands).

Microtitre plate colorimetric assay development

The microtitre plate reader used was a Thermo Multiskan EX with SkanIt Software. PS-
Microplate 96-Well flat bottom plates used for the assay was acquired from Greiner Bio-One
GmbH. Reagents used were: 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate)
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diammonium salt (ABTS) acquired from Roche Applied Science (Code 10102946001);
Tween (Code P 5927), Octyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside (Code O8001), SDS ≥98.5% (Code
L4390), HCl 37% reagent grade (Code 435570) and Tris buffer (Tris-Hydroxymethyl-
Aminomethane, (HOCH2)3CNH2) crystals (Code T7443-250G, commercial name Trizma
Pre-set Crystals) were acquired from from Sigma-Aldrich®.

SDS-PAGE analysis

SDS-PAGE analysis was performed according to the manufacturer instruction (PIERCE

Precise™ Protein Gels – Tris-HEPES-SDS Precast Polyacrylamide Mini Gels booklet). The
4-20% Precise Protein Gels (10 Well) poly-acrylamide gels (25204) was acquired from
Thermo Scientific; Laemmli Sample Buffer from BioRad (161-0737); and High Range
Rainbow Molecular weight Marker acquired from GE Healthcare (RPN756V). 2-
Mercaptoethanol was acquired from Merck Chemicals (Art. 805740). All samples were
prepared by dilution of a 10mg/L sample solution with an equal volume of Laemmli Sample
Buffer. The diluted samples were heated for 5 min at 100°C and allowed to cool down to
room temperature before being loaded onto the gel. A final dissolved amount of 25µg of
product was loaded per well for each of the samples.

Electrophoresis was carried out using a Pharmacia Fine Chemicals ECPS 3000/150 at 20mA
for 3.5 hours. The BioRad Minicell electrophoresis housing was filled with BupH Tris-
HEPES SDS Running Buffer (28398) acquired from Thermo Scientific. After
electrophoresis, gels were removed and stained with Simply Blue™ SafeStain for 1 hour. The
staining solution was discarded and the gel destained in distilled water overnight.

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HPLC analysis

The HPLC procedure, chemicals, equipment and software used is described in APPENDIX 3.

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