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Schools Of Indian Philosophy 3
Ancient Philosophy
The term "Indian Schools of Ancient Philosophy" refers to several philosophical systems that have their roots in the Indian
subcontinent. In India, philosophy emerged as a search for answers to the mysteries of life and existence. Over the
years, two streams of philosophy have emerged in India's intellectual pursuit of truth: the Orthodox school and the
Heterodox school.
● Even though everyone advocated for these four goals as the ones that a person should strive for, the main goal
of life was to be free of the never-ending cycle of life and death.
● Slowly, differences in some schools of thought about the means to salvation arose, and by the beginning of the
Christian Era, two distinct schools of thought were ascending.
This viewpoint is regarded as early During the 4th century AD, modern features blended
Samkhya philosophy, and it dates from the with the older Samkhya paradigm, resulting in this
1st century AD. view.
They thought that the presence of a divine agent was not Purusha, or spirit, they claimed, was required for the
required for the Universe's the formation. formation of the Universe, together with the element of
They advocated for a reasonable and scientific perspective of They advocated for a spiritual interpretation of the Universe's
the universe's genesis. creation.
They also claimed that nature, or Prakriti, was responsible for They claimed that the world was formed by the collision of
the world's existence. natural and spiritual components.
This viewpoint is seen as belonging to the materialistic school This point of view is associated with a more spiritual school of
of thought. thought.
1.2.3 Nyaya School
● Nyaya school is one of the six astika schools of Indian Philosophy.
● This school's most significant contributions to Indian philosophy were the systematic development of the
theory of logic, methodology, etc.
● According to Nyaya Philosophy, nothing is acceptable unless it is in accordance with reason and experience
(scientific approach).
● Nyaya is regarded as a logical thinking technique. Features
● They believe in the process of logical reasoning to obtain salvation, as the name of the school implies.
● They regard life, death, and redemption as enigmas that can be deciphered via rational and analytical reasoning.
● Gautama, who is also known as the author of the Nyaya Sutra, is said to have developed this school
of thought.
● According to the Nyaya Sutras, there are four ways to gain valid knowledge: perception, inference, comparison,
and verbal testimony.
● The school claims that a human being can check the validity of a proposition or statement using logical techniques
such as inference, listening, and analogy.
● It holds that God not only created but also sustains and destroys the Universe.
● The emphasis in this philosophy was always on methodical reasoning and thinking.
● Many treatises on epistemology (branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge) were written and polished by
the Nyaya school, and they impacted many other schools of philosophy.
○ It was considered as a theory of knowledge by Nyaya, and it was evolved into Pramana-sastras
by its experts.
○ Pramana is a Sanskrit term that literally means "means of knowledge." It refers to one or more trustworthy
and legitimate methods for humans to get correct, real information.
● Ancient Mithila University was famous for Nyaya Shastra teaching.
1.2.5 Vaisheshika School
● Vaisheshika school is one of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy from ancient India.
● It is significant for its naturalism, a feature that is not characteristic of most Indian thought.
● The school's philosophy is based on the idea that all objects in the physical universe can be reduced to a finite
number of atoms, and that Brahman is the fundamental force that causes consciousness in these atoms. Features
● The Vaisheshika school is a realistic and objective philosophy that rules the Universe.
● It believes in the physicality of the Universe.
● The main book guiding Vaisheshika philosophy was written by Kanada,
who is commonly regarded as the school's founder.
● They claim that the five primary elements of fire, air, water, earth, and
ether (sky) formed everything in the universe.
○ Dravya is another name for these material constituents.
● They also claim that reality is divided into several categories, such as
action, attribute, genus, inherence, substance, and distinguishing
● Because of this school's scientific inclination, they also established the
atomic hypothesis, which states that all material objects are made up of
○ They claim that atoms and molecules merged to form matter,
which is the foundation for everything that can be physically felt
or seen, to explain the
phenomena of this universe.
● This institution was also the birthplace of physics in the
Indian subcontinent. They are said to be the
proponents of the Universe's mechanical creation
● Even though they advocate for scientific thought, they
believe in god and see him as the driving principle.
● God determines the merits and demerits of our
conduct, and man is sent to either heaven or hell as a
● They also believe that the principles of karma govern this Universe, implying that everything is determined by
human deeds.
● They believed in redemption as well, but it was in tandem with the cyclic process of the Universe's
creation and destruction, which was determined by God's intentions.
1.2.6 Difference Between Nyaya And Vaisheshika:
● The classical Indian philosophy Vaisheshik was the physics of ancient times.
● It propounded the atomic theory of its founder Kannada. At one time Vaisheshik was regarded as part
of the Nyaya philosophy since physics is part of science.
● But since physics is the most fundamental of all sciences, Vaisheshik was later separated from Nyaya and put
forth as a separate philosophy.
● To make it short, Vaisheshik is a realistic and objective philosophy of the universe.
Points of reference Nyaya Vaisheshika
Philosophy Liberation of the individual Ignorance is the root cause of all pain and
misery Features
● Mimamsa literally translates to "the art of thinking, interpretation, and application."
● This school focuses on the interpretation of Vedic writings such as the Samhita and Brahmana.
● They claim that the Vedas are the repository of all knowledge and contain the ultimate truth.
● If one wants to obtain religious merit, paradise, and salvation, one must perform all of the
responsibilities given by the Vedas.
● The Sutras of Jaimini (founder of this school), which were purportedly penned in the 3rd century BC, are
the books that describe Mimamsa philosophy in full.
● Two of their most ardent supporters, Sabar Swami and Kumarila Bhatta, made further inroads into the
● They say that practicing rituals can lead to salvation, but that understanding the explanation and
reasoning behind Vedic rites is also required.
○ It was vital to comprehend this logic if one wished to follow the rituals flawlessly and thereby achieve
● The merits and demerits of a person were determined by their activities, and a person would experience the
bliss of paradise as long as their virtuous acts lasted.
○ They would not, however, be exempt from the cycle of life and death. They will be able to break away from
this never-ending cycle after they have found
● Purva Mimamsa is a karma-Mimamsa system that examines Vedic teachings through the lens of
● Purva Mimamsa (or simply
Mimamsa) emphasizes the yagya's
9 Features
● Vedanta consists of two words: 'Veda' and 'ant,'
referring to the end of the Vedas.
● This school adheres to the life ideals outlined in the Upanishads.
● The Brahmasutra of Badarayana is the earliest scripture on which this philosophy is based.
● Brahm, according to this philosophy, is the truth of existence, whereas all else is illusory or Maya.
● In addition, the Atma, or self-consciousness, is analogous to the Brahm.
● This argument equates Atma with Brahm, implying that if a person achieves self-knowledge, he will
instantly comprehend Brahm and gain redemption.
● But, because of the philosophical involvement of Shankaracharya, who published comments on the
Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita in the 9th century AD, this philosophy evolved.
○ Advaita Vedanta arose from his transformations.
● Ramanujan, who lived in the 12th century AD, was another important philosopher of this school. His intervention
caused certain changes in the Vedanta school:
Shankaracharya’s View Ramanujan’s View
He believes that Brahm is devoid of all qualities. He believes that Brahm possesses certain qualities.
He believes that knowledge, or jnana/Gyan, is the most The road to salvation, he believes, is to love the religion and
important factor in achieving salvation. practice devotion.
Samkhya Kapila Sankhya Sutra Purusha (self, soul or mind) and Prakriti
(matter, creative agency, energy).
Yoga Patanjali Yoga Sutra Yogic techniques to control body, mind &
sense organs.
Uttar Badrayan or Uttar Mimansa believes world is unreal and the only
Mimansa or Maharishi Sutra reality is Brahman
Vedanta Vyas
1.3.2 Ajivikas
● Buddhism denies the Vedas' legitimacy. In contrast to Jainism, it likewise denies the notion of a soul (atman).
● There was a need to consolidate Buddha's teachings when he gained Mahaparinirvana at Kushinagar in 483 BC,
and four Buddhist Councils were established over the next 500 years to do so.
● As a result, three main pitakas were written: Vinaya, Sutta, and Abhidhamma, which were united to form the
Tripitaka. All of these documents were written in Pali.
1.3.4 Jaina Philosophy
● The Jain system is non-theistic. It denies the existence of God as the creator.
● Another distinguishing feature is that it is a pluralistic system. There are an infinite number of souls.
● Moksha is not absorption into the supreme, but rather the attainment of a perfect, luminous, and blissed
soul that is devoid of body and actions.
● Jainism's religious philosophy teaches that there are nine truths or realities (Nav-tattva), which are as follows:
● Jive (soul)
○ The principle of Jiva is a conscious substance that varies from person to person. There are an
infinite number of Jivas (souls).
○ The soul is not only the reaper of karma's fruits (bhokta) but also the actor, deeply involved in
worldly affairs and responsible for his act (karma), good or bad.
○ It transmigrates, that is, it takes successive births based on the nature of the stock of its deeds.
○ It can achieve emancipation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death by freeing itself from all
that is non-soul (ajiva), destroying accumulated karmas, and preventing further influx into it.
● Ajiva (non-soul)
○ Ajiva is the polar opposite of jiva, consisting of dharma, adharma, akash, pudgala, and kala substances,
the first three (medium of motion, medium of rest, space, or medium of accommodation)are
formlessand indivisible wholes.
○ The fourth substance is defined as what has the qualities of touch, taste, color, and smell.
○ Time has an atomic dimension, and kala atoms pervade all of cosmic space.
● Punya (merit)
○ Punya is the result of good and religious actions.Thereare nine ways to achieve that which in
a way aredistinct forms of practicingcharity.
● Paap (sin or demerit)
○ It is known as sin or evil, and it is a major factor in jiva's bondage. Injuring or killing living beings is a
heinous sin that carries a terrible penalty.
● Asrava (influx of karma)
○ Asrava represents the soul's inflow of karmic matter. As water flows into a boat through a hole, so
karmic matter flows into the soul through asrava.
○ The nature of the activity is shubha (meritorious) or ashubha
○ The principle "like causes produce like results" is accepted as a defining feature of the Jain doctrine of
● Samvara (stoppage of karmic matter)
○ Samvara refers to the stopping, controlling, or ceasing of the inflow of karmic matter into the soul.
○ Samvara is achieved through self-control (gupti), restrained movement (samiti), virtues (dharma),
contemplation (anupreksha), hardship conquest, and monastic conduct.
● Bandha (bondage)
○ Bandha is the union of jiva and pudgala (matter) or of the soul and non-soul particles.
○ The problem is caused by five factors: incorrect belief, attachment, carelessness, passions, and activity.
● Nirjara (shedding the karmic matter)
○ Nirjara meansto destroy and burn accumulated karma.
○ Consider the case of a tank. We stop the inflow of water into the tank, which stops the tank from
filling up. That's Samvara, but there's already water in the tank.
○ This water may be exposed to the heat of the sun for a period of time in order to dry. This is what
● Moksha (liberation)
○ Moksha is the highest level of spiritual attainment attained when all causes of bondage have been
removed and the soul has been liberated from karmic matter.
○ It is a stage of perfect faith, perfect knowledge, and having attained siddhi. ○ Moksha can be
attained through right faith, right knowledge, and right action.
● Five Great Vows: Five types of vows are recommended for the perfection of right conduct:
○ Nonviolence (ahinsa)
○ Truthfulness (Satya)
○ Non-stealing (asteya)
○ Celibacy (brahmacharya)
○ Non Attachment (aparigraha)
● Tri-Ratnas: Nirvana is the ultimate goal of life according to Jain philosophy. Nirvana can be attained by liberating
the soul from the bonds of the physical elements and putting an end to Karma and its consequences. This can
be accomplished through the practice of Triratna, or the three gems.
○ Samyak Darshan (Right View): This does not imply believing what is told or seen, but rather seeing
things clearly by avoiding preconceived notions and superstitions.
○ Samyak Gyan (Proper Knowledge): An effort to gain knowledge by overcoming ignorance. Only by
following the Tirthankaras' teachings can knowledge be gained.
○ Samyak Acharan (Right Conduct): This entails living one's life in accordance with Jains' ethical rules,
abstaining from violence against animals and humans, and freeing oneself from attachment and
negative thoughts.
● Concepts of Sin
○ Jainism not only emphasizes the observance of Vratas but also encourages his followers to avoid sin
because sin is what binds a man.
○ Untruth, theft, sexual relationships, anger, violence, dravya, greed, maya, ego, moh, backbiting,
speaking ill of others,Dosharopan (impute charges),
non-restraint, and False perception are among the 18 sins mentioned in Jain works.
● Karma Theory:
○ Mahavira was a firm believer in Karma and Atma (soul).
○ Man will be punished or rewarded for his actions in the next, present, or previous lives.
○ The soul creates its own present or future by doing good or evil deeds. This philosophy
emphasizes the Soul's immortality.
○ According to Mahavira, a person is born into a higher or lower caste based on sins or virtues
committed in a previous life.
● Concept of Knowledge:
○ Since knowledge is a relative quality, no absolute and final affirmation or denial is possible, according to
Jainism. This is known as the Syadvada theory.
○ Before determining the degree of truthfulness in a particular statement, there may be as many as seven
● Equality:
○ Jains place a high value on equality. Mahavira accepted caste but stated that a person's
goodness or badness could be determined by his actions rather than his birth.
● Existence of God:
○ Jainism recognized the existence of gods but regarded them as inferior, and it did not condemn caste, like
○ The universe, according to Jain philosophy, is eternal.
○ The universe was not created by God, who does not exist, but by six elements: Jeev (soul), Ajeev
(Physical Matter), Dharma, Adharma, Kal, and Akash.
● Rejected the Vedas:
○ Mahavira rejected the Vedas' and Vedic customs' supremacy.
○ He declared a strict and simple way of life, with the ultimate goal of achieving Kevalaya (Nirvana or Mokha).
○ He went ahead and refused to accept the Vedas' authority.
○ Against Rituals and Sacrifices
○ Jainism was a form of rebellion against Brahmin superiority and their sacrifices and useless rituals.
○ He stopped all sacrifices and rituals and instructed everyone to focus on Karma and soul. Vajrasattva
● Vajrasattva is a significant figure in the tantric Buddhism of the Kathmandu Valley's Newar people.
● He is commonly invoked in the guru mala, the basic ceremony for all other Newar Buddhist rites, and the daily
puja for Newar priests since he represents the perfect master.
1.4.2 Theravada
● In contrast to Mahayana and Vajrayana, Theravada is more conservative in terms of doctrine (pariyatti) and
monastic discipline (Vinaya).
● One aspect of this conservatism is Theravda's rejection of the Mahayana sutras' authenticity (which
appeared c. 1st century BCE onwards).
● Theravada is considered to be one of
the sub-sects of Hinayana Buddhism.
● It refers to the school of elder monks, which
has as its doctrinal foundation of Buddha's
teachings preserved in the Pali Canon (the
only complete Buddhist canon).
○ Pali is Theravada Buddhism's
sacred language.
1.4.3 Shaktism
● Shaktism considers Shakti/devi as the absolute and ultimate godhead.
● Shakti is regarded as the supreme Brahman, and all other Gods and Goddesses are manifestations of
Goddess Shakti.
● It is prominent in the Indian subcontinent, and also practiced in some neighboring countries.
● It is further divided in tantric and non-tantric forms.
● Two major subschools are
○ Srikula (family of Sri) - found predominantly in south India.
○ Kalikuli (family of Kali) - North and eastern India.
1.4.4 Tantrism
● It is a religious practice which appeared in India around 400 AD.
● It spreaded in Buddhism as well as Hinduism.
● In medieval India, Tantrism was a common element of all the major religions.
● Tantrism focuses upon ritual aspects that involve the use of the physical in sacred and worshipful settings to
access the supernatural.
● Tantrism also can be traced to Jainism and Bön, and elements of Tantric practice are also evident in
Burma, China, Japan, Mongolia, and Tibet.
● Tantrism comprises numerous texts referred to as Tantras.
● The primary philosophy and goal underlying the practice of Tantrism is that it promotes spiritual growth and
leads to personal freedom.
1.4.5 Shankaracharya
● Adi Shankara, also known as Adi Shankaracharya, was an Indian Vedic scholar and teacher (acharya)
whose works focused on liberating knowledge of the self, combining Advaita Vedanta teachings of
the period.
● Adi Shankaracharya was an Indian philosopher and theologian whose works had a significant influence on
Advaita Vedanta theology.
● He established mathas, which are thought to have aided in the historical growth, renewal, and
dissemination of his philosophy.
● The account told today was rebuilt from many Shankara Vijayam (Shankara Conquests) written
over the years.
● He is said to have been born in 788AD in the village of Kaladi on the banks of the Periyar, Kerala's
greatest river.
● He is thought to have attained samadhi at Kedarnath, while Kanchi and Thrissur are also mentioned as places
where Adi Shankara spent his final days.
● One of the mystic Bhakti poet-saint leaders who gave Hinduism a new direction.
● He advanced the Advaita (Monism) philosophy as well as the concept of Nirgunabrahman (god without
● The world's actuality is denied in Advaita, and Brahman is regarded as the only reality. Only Brahman, at its
core, gives it its reality.
● Among his most famous lines are 'Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya Jivo Brahmatra Naparaha,' which
means "The Absolute Spirit is the reality, the world of appearance is Maya," and 'Ekameva
Adviteeyam Brahma,' which means "The absolute is one alone, not two."
● He emphasized knowledge (Gyan) as the only way to salvation.
● Shankaracharya wrote works such as Upadesasahasri, Vivekachudamani, and Bhaja Govindum Stotra.
● He also contributed commentary to the Bhagavad Gita, the Brahma Sutra, and the Upanishads.
● He established mathas in Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri, and Badrinath.
● Advaita impacted and was influenced by a variety of Hindu philosophies and scriptures, including
Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, other Vedanta sub-schools, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, the Puranas, and the
1.4.6 Ramanuja
● Ramanuja, who was born in Sriperumbudur, near modern-day Chennai, preached Vishishta Advaita Vada
in the 12th century.
● He believes that God is Saguna Brahman and that the creative process, encompassing all of
creation's things, is genuine and not illusory, as Shankaracharya believed.
● As a result, Ramanuja believes that God, soul, and matter are all real. The inner substance, on the other
hand, is God, and the rest are his qualities.
● As in dualism, the universe and Brahman are considered two equally real entities in Vishishta Advaita Vada, but
the universe is generated out of Brahman rather than being separate from it.
● The Brahman is regarded as a personal god with omniscience who created the universe from himself.
● As a result, the world bears the relation of the portion to the whole or the relation of a 'qualified
consequence' to the base to Brahman.
1.4.7 Vallabha
● Vallabhacharya, also known as Vallabha and Vishnuswami, or Vallabha Acharya Mahaprabhu, is a JagadGuru
Vaishnav Acharya and Indian philosopher who developed the Krishna-centered PushtiMarg sect of Vaishnavism
and the Shuddha Advaita Vedanta philosophy in the Braj region of India.
● Achinto Bhadra' was another name for him.
● On the basis of the Maha Bhagavata Purana, he was the first to promote Krishna Bhakti. Shuddhadvaita
● Vallabhacharya, the founder philosopher and guru of the Vallabha sampradaya or Pushtimarg, a Hindu
Vaishnava tradition focused on Krishna worship, propounded the "purely non-dual" philosophy of
● The pure form (non-dualist) philosophy of Vallabhacharya differs from Advaita.
● Brahma Vada is another name for his way of thought.
● The entire universe, according to Vallabha, is real and delicately Brahman. Individual souls are one with
Brahman in essence. Jiva, Kala (time), and Prakriti are all eternal.
● They do not, however, exist as a part of Brahman. Shuddadvaita is a philosophy that is "purely non-
● The Shrinathji temple in Nathdwara, as well as the works of eight poets (aachap), notably Surdas, are
fundamental to the sect's worship.
● Various Shuddhadvaita proponents, such as Devarshi Ramanath Shastri, have enunciated the tenets of this
philosophy in his books 'Shuddhadvaita Siddhanta Sara' and Shuddhadvaita Darshan.
● These were created in response to devotees' requests. The passages define Pushtimarga's practical
● For devotees, the Shodash Granthas (doctrines) act as a beacon.
● They talk about growing one's devotion for Shri Krishna through performing Seva (service) and Smarana
● Mahaprabhu's doctrines are his manner of encouraging and inspiring believers on their spiritual path. The
Shodasha Granthas' fundamental message is unconditional surrender to the Lord.
Q. Indian philosophy and tradition played a significant role in conceiving and shaping the monuments and their art in India.
Discuss. (2020)
2 Architecture 20
2.1 Evolution of Indian Architecture 20
3 Harappan Civilization Architecture 20
3.1 Town planning in Harappan Civilization 20
3.2 Harappan Civilization's Urban Planning Lessons 22
3.3 Harappan Art - Pottery 23
3.4 Harappan Art - Metal Works 23
3.5 Harappan Art - Seals 23
3.6 Sculptures of the Harappan Civilization 23
3.7 Bronze Sculptures of Harappan Civilization 24
3.8 Terracotta Sculptures of Harappan Civilization 24
4 Mauryan Art and Architecture (4th to 2nd Century BC) 25
4.1 Mauryan Pillars (4th and 2nd Century BC) 25
4.2 Lion Capital, Sarnath 27
4.3 Terracotta Sculptures of Mauryan Periods 27
4.4 Mauryan Pottery 27
4.5 Coins 27
4.6 Stupas, Chaityas and Viharas 27
4.7 Mauryan Sculpture 28
5 Post Mauryan Art and Architecture 29
5.1 Bharhut Stupa 29
5.2 Sanchi Stupa 31
5.3 Schools of Art 32
5.4 Early Temples 34
5.5 Cave tradition in Eastern India 35
6 Gupta Architecture 35
6.1 Temple Architecture 36
6.2 Sculpture 38
7 Cave Architecture In India 39
7.1 Ajanta caves 39
7.2 Ellora caves 40
7.3 Elephanta caves 40
7.4 Barabar Caves 41
7.5 Lomas Rishi Cave 41
7.6 Bagh Caves 41
7.7 Junagadh Caves 41
7.8 Nashik Caves 41
7.9 Mandapeshwar Caves 42
7.10 Karle Caves 42
7.11 Kanheri Caves 42
7.12 Udayagiri Caves 42
7.13 Bhaja Caves 42
8 South Indian Art 42
8.1 Dravidian Architecture 42
8.2 Chola Sculpture 45
8.3 Other Schools of Art 45
2 Architecture
The word 'architecture' comes from the Latin word 'tekton,' which literally means "builder." The study of architecture originated
when early man began to construct his shelter to dwell in.
○ The citadel was constructed on a raised plate shape, while the lower town was constructed on a lower level.
○ The citadel was smaller than the lower town. While the citadel included public structures like the Great Bath, the
lower town mainly solely had private buildings.
○ Some cities, such as Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Kalibangan, Banawali, Rakhigarhi, Lothal, Dholavira, and
others, had citadel and lower town settlements, but most cities did not.
● No temples: Despite the fact that there is no evidence of temple construction or other religious sites, the people
followed religion. Some religious practices have been related to the Great Bath.
● No monuments to armament or battle: Military troops or weaponry for battle have not been discovered in this
culture's excavations. While other civilizations’ art has numerous depictions of prisoners, monuments to military
triumphs, and other warfare-related activities, the Indus Valley's art does not contain a single such portrayal.
● The early river valley civilization in India was notable for having a cooperative culture without the reign of rulers, according
to archaeological evidence. The focus appears to have been on peaceful trade rather than military power expansion.
3.1.1 Dockyard of Lothal
● A massive facility on the island of Lothal has been recognized as a tidal port for seagoing ships.
● There is a lot of evidence that the towns of the Indus Valley traded extensively with other civilizations throughout that time
● Trade with towns in this region is mentioned in Mesopotamian records, and items from the Indus region have been
discovered in West Asian cities.
4.5 Coins
● The Mauryans minted largely silver and a few copper coins in a variety
of forms, sizes, and weights, each with one or more symbols punched
on them.
● The elephant, the tree in the fence sign, and the mountain are the
most popular emblems.
● The metal was cut first, then the device was punched, which was the
standard method of making such coins.
● We have various inscriptional evidence from the second century B.C. onwards naming benefactors for building the Stupas,
Chaityas and Viharas and, in some cases, their profession.
● Sponsorship had followed a largely communal structure, with relatively few examples of royal patronage.
● Gahapatis (householders, regular farmers, etc.) and monarchs are among the patrons. The guild's contributions are also
acknowledged in various places.
● The names of artists such as Kanha at Pitalkhora and his student Balaka at Kondane caves are only mentioned in a few
● Stone carvers, goldsmiths, carpenters, and other types of artisans are listed in the inscriptions. Traders kept track of their
donations and where they came from.
● Stupas were extensively created in the next century (mostly the 2nd century B.C.) with
various improvements such as the enclosure of the circulatory route with railings and
sculptural ornamentation.
● A cylindrical drum and a circular and with a harmika and chhatra on top made up the stupa,
which remained stable throughout with minimal alterations in shape and size. Later times
saw the addition of gateways.
Sudama Caves
● The sudama cave represents the earliest example of rock cut architecture in India.
● The caves belong to the Maurya period.
● The cave we dedicated by Ashoka in 261 BC
● It consists of a rectangular chamber connected to the circular chambar.
● A stupa is a relic-filled mound-like or hemispheric structure used for meditation.
● From the Vedic time onwards, stupas were used as burial mounds in India.
● It's a traditional depiction of a burial cumulus, where the dead's relics and ashes are maintained.
● The art of stupas reached its pinnacle during the era of Ashoka. During his reign, around 84000 stupas were built.
● Before the period of Ashoka, the stupa was common throughout India. The stupas became objects of cult worship from
the moment Ashoka broke up the Buddha's existing body relics and created monuments to enshrine them.
● According to Buddhist tradition, the nine stupas were originally built following Buddha's death, eight over the relics and
one over the vessel in which the relics were first put.
● At Rajagriha, Vaishali, Kapilvastu, Allakapa, Ramagrama, Vethadipa, Pava, Kushinagar, and Pippalvina, stupas were
built over Buddha relics.
● The stupa is made up of a cylindrical drum and a circular anda with a harmika and chhatra on top, which are mostly the
same with minor variations in shape and size.
Stupa - Features
● The stupa's core was composed of unburnt brick, with a burnt brick outer face covered in a thick coating of plaster.
● The stupa was capped by a wooden railing that encircled a pradakshina walkway (circumambulatory path).
● It is a magnificent stupa with a circumambulatory route and a circular mound. During the time of Ashoka, the big stupa
at Sanchi was erected with bricks, then covered with stone and many further additions were made.
● Gateways were added in addition to the circumambulatory circuit. With the elaborations in stupa design, architects and
sculptors had plenty of room to plan elaborations and carve out images.
● Wooden sculptures were used to embellish the medhi and toran. As a form of worship, devotees walk around the
pradakshina patha, or open ambulatory pathway.
● Sculptures were largely utilized to decorate stupas, the torana, and the medhi, as well as a form of religious
● The three chhatra on the stupas symbolize the Buddhist triratnas: Buddha (the enlightened), Dhamma (doctrine),
and Sangh (community).
● Gateways were added in addition to the circumambulatory circuit. With the elaborations in stupa design, architects and
sculptors had plenty of room to plan elaborations and carve out images.
● Bairat in Rajasthan has one of the outstanding examples of a stupa building from the third century BCE.
● Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh, for example, is the most well-known Ashokan stupa. The oldest is the Piprahwa
stupa in Uttar Pradesh.
● The representations of Vaishnava and Shaiva faiths, as well as Buddhist images, are prevalent in the Mathura style,
which is known for its assimilative quality.
● The pictures of Siva and Vishnu, as well as their consorts Parvathi and Lakshmi, were carved out in the Mathura school,
and the female forms of yakshinis and apsaras were also carved out magnificently.
● It's worth noting that the images of Shiva and Vishnu were created by their respective ayudhas (weapons).
● The Jain Tirthankaras' records can also be found in Mathura Style.
● Sarnath and Kausambi arose as key centres of art creation in the Mathura School of art, which is known for its vibrancy
and assimilationist nature, although Mathura remained the principal art production location.
● The Mathura Buddha images continue to depict folds in the drapery and the halo around the head is lavishly adorned.
● More emphasis was placed on internal beauty and face sentiments in Mathura style than on bodily gestures.
● The big pictures were carved with audacity since the earliest Mathura image-makers never intended to construct an
anatomically realistic human Buddha.
5.3.2 Gandhara School of art
● During the rule of Indo-Greek monarchs in Northwest India, the Gandhara School of art
flourished near Peshawar (now Pakistan), although the Sakas and Kushanas, particularly
Kanishka, were the true supporters of the Gandhara school of art.
● Following the Greek invasions, many painters from West Asia settled in the north-west of
India, and they were heavily affected by Graeco-Roman art throughout the Kushana
● The Kushana kings, particularly Kanishka, encouraged Gandhara artisans to carve
themes from Buddha's life and the jatakas, resulting in a huge number of Buddha and
Bodhisattva representations.
● The Gandhara School of Art is also known as the Graeco-Buddhist School of Art because
it applied Greek art techniques to Buddhist subjects (beautiful pictures of the Buddha and
● Gandhara style acquired almost all foreign influences, including Greek, Roman, Persian,
Saka, and Kushan.
● The reliefs of the Gandhara Sculpture show Buddha's birth, renunciation, and preaching,
with the best examples dating from the first and second centuries A.D.
● The drapery was thick, with broad and bold fold lines, and the human form was cast in a
realistic manner, with physical details like a moustache, muscles, and curly hair given
minute attention.
● The main sites where artworks of the Gandhara School have been found are Jalalabad, Begram, Hadda, Bamaran, and
Taxila, with the Bamiyan Buddha of Afghanistan considered an example of the Gandhara School.
● The Mathura School flourished ● Between 50 B.C. and 500 A.D., ● From 200-100 BCE, a different
on the banks of the river the Gandhara School type of art style arose and
Yamuna in the period between flourished in two periods. flourished at Amaravati for
1st and 3rd centuries B.C. about six centuries.
● Developed in the North West ● Developed in and around ● Developed in the lower Krishna-
Frontier, in the modern-day Mathura, Sonkh, and Godavari valley, in and around
Kandahar region. Kankalitala. Amaravati and
● Kankalitila was well-known for Nagarjunakonda
its Jain sculptures.
● It was created by indigenous ● It is also known as Indo- Greek ● It was created by indigenous
peoples without the influence of art because of the heavy peoples and was not affected
outside cultures. influence of Greek or by outside cultures.
● The narrative and imagery of all Hellenistic sculpture.
three religions of the time,
Buddhism, Hinduism, and
● Spotted red sandstone was ● Early Gandhara School ● White marbles were used to
utilised in the construction of buildings used bluish-grey create the sculptures at
this school. sandstone, whereas later used Amaravati School.
mud and stucco.
● The Mathura Buddha images ● The reliefs of the Gandhara ● Since the sculptures are often
continue to depict folds in the Sculpture show Buddha's birth, part of narrative art, there is
drapery and the halo around the renunciation, and preaching, less attention on Buddha's
head is lavishly adorned. with the best examples dating particular traits.
● More emphasis was placed on from the first and second ● The sculptures often depict
internal beauty and face centuries A.D. Buddha's life stories and the
sentiments in Mathura style ● The drapery was thick, with Jataka tales, i.e., former lives of
than on bodily gestures. broad and bold fold lines, and Buddha in both human and
the human form was cast in a animal form.
realistic manner, with physical
details like a moustache,
muscles, and curly hair given
minute attention.
● At Mathura, pictures of the ● The main sites where artworks ● Amravati, Nagarjunikonda, Goli,
Vaishnava and Shaiva faiths of the Gandhara School have Ghantasala, and Vengi are
can also be seen, but Buddhist been found are Jalalabad, notable locales where this style
ones predominate. Begram, Hadda, Bamaran, and evolved.
Taxila ● There is a symbolic picture of
Buddha's life, but he is also
personified in two or three
● The main shrine is erected on a rectangular pedestal, with four smaller subsidiary shrines at the four corners, in the
panchayatana style of architecture (making it a total number of five shrines, hence the name, panchayatana).
● This curving latina or rekha-prasada kind of shikhara further indicates that this is an early example of a traditional nagara
temple style.
● The temple displays Vishnu in many forms, it was assumed that the four ancillary shrines must have likewise held Vishnu's
avatars, and the temple was identified as a dashavatara temple.
6 Gupta Architecture
● Gupta architecture is a representation of the people's strong religious convictions during the time. The "Golden Period
of Indian Architecture" is typically referred to as the beginning of the Gupta Empire in the 4th century A.D.
● While the older Gupta monarchs were Buddhists who preserved Buddhist architectural traditions, temple building rose
to prominence under the patronage of the later Gupta rulers who were Hindus. Similarly, during the Gupta period,
Buddhist and Jain art achieved their pinnacle.
● The beginning of the Gupta Empire in the 4th century A.D. is considered the "Golden Period of Indian Architecture."
● Temple construction gained prominence under the sponsorship of the later Gupta rulers, who were Hindus.
● While the early Gupta kings were Buddhists who conserved Buddhist architectural traditions, temple building rose to
prominence under the patronage of the later Gupta rulers, who were Hindus.
● The Gupta kings were Brahmanical rulers, especially in the later phases. They, on the other hand, displayed exceptional
tolerance for all other religions.
● Vishnu was worshipped in the northern and central parts of India, Shiva in the southern section, and Shakti in the eastern
part of India, as well as on the Malabar coast or in the south-west.
● Simple shikhara with a square foundation and inward-sloping walls that lead to a point at the top.
● Later eras saw the Latina form evolve into a more complicated structure with many towers
grouped together.
● The garbhagriha was just beneath the highest structure in the centre.
● Roofs were made up of several slabs that slowly ascend to a single point over the center of the
● Roofs do not bend inwards like Latina roofs do, but instead slope upwards in a straight line.
● Phamsana structures are wider and shorter than Latina structures.
● In many temples, the garbhagriha is built in the Latina style, while the mandapa is built
in the Phamsana style.
● They had a rectangular base with a vaulted roof that rose into chambers.
● Wagon-vaulted roofs were another name for them. Sub-Schools Under Nagara Temple Architecture
6.2 Sculpture
● One new school was added i.e. Sarnath school of sculpture
● Noteworthy example is Sultanganj Buddha (7.5 ft in height) – (Near Bhagalpur in Bihar)
● Buddha images in Sarnath have plain transparent drapery covering both shoulders
● Halo around the head has very little ornamentation.
Kailash Temple
● The Rashtrakuta king Dantidurga oversaw the beginning of the temple's construction (735-757 AD).
● Although construction on the temple continued for more than a century under numerous succeeding kings, the bulk of
the work was completed by King Dantidurga's
successor Krishna I (757–773).
● It is situated in Maharashtra's Ellora.
● Other Facts
○ Ellora has 34 caves, each of which is assigned
a number based on its age.
○ The twelve Buddhist cave temples are
located on the southern side.
○ The 17 Hindu caves are located in temples 13
to 29.
○ The five Jain caves are located in temples 30–
○ One of the 34 cave temples and monasteries
that make up the Ellora Caves is the
Kailasanatha temple (Cave 16).
● Features
○ A pit was later dug around the temple on the
sloping side of the hill after it had initially been
carved from the mountain's peak.
○ In addition to the gopura, the main temple has Dravidian shikharas, a Nandi mandap, a sabha griha (hall),
vestibules, and the garbhagriha (sanctum) with the Shiv linga (towers). The gopuram and Nandi mandap
are connected by a bridge.
● Cultural Link
○ The temple is home to a number of elaborately carved panels that show scenes from the Ramayana, the
Mahabharata, and Krishna's adventures.
○ The temple grounds contain five separate shrines, three of which are devoted to the river goddesses
Saraswati, Yamuna, and Ganga.
● The tradition of rock-cut caves continued in the Deccan, with examples finding not
only in Maharashtra but also in Karnataka, primarily at Badami and Aihole, and in
Andhra Pradesh in the Vijayawada area, and in Tamil Nadu, primarily at
Mahabalipuram, under the patronage of the Pallavas.
● When the country's early history was based on collective public patronage, the post-
sixth-century CE era was based more on political patronage.
● This is where Maheshmurti's sculpture (Shiva in the centre, Bhairava, and Uma on
either side) may be found.
● The temple grounds were designed in the panchayatan style, with a main temple and four subsidiary shrines.
● Vimana: The main temple tower's form. It's a geometrically rising stepping pyramid (unlike the Nagara style Shikhara that
is curving).
● In Dravidian architecture, there is only one vimana on top of the main temple. In contrast to Nagara architecture, the
subsidiary shrines lack vimanas.
● The word shikhara is used in the Dravida style to describe the temple's crowning aspect (which is shaped like a stupika or
octagonal cupola).
● A vestibular tunnel known as antarala connected the assembly hall to the garbhagriha.
● The garbhagriha's entrance was adorned with sculptures of Dwarpal, Mithun, and Yakshas.
● The presence of a water tank inside the temple enclosure was a distinguishing feature of Dravidian architecture.
● Subsidiary shrines might be found both within and outside of the main tower.
● The garbhagriha is usually found in the lowest tower of a temple.
● With the passing of time and the growth of the temple population, the town's further boundary walls were built. The highest
gopuram would be found in the most recent building.
● There are seven concentric rectangular enclosure walls with gopurams at the Sriranganathar Temple in Srirangam,
Tiruchirappalli. The garbhagriha is located in the central tower.
● Kanchipuram, Thanjavur (Tanjore), Madurai, and Kumbakonam are famous temple towns in Tamil Nadu.
● From the eighth through the twelfth century, temples were not only religious centres, but also governmental centres with
enormous swaths of territory.
8.1.2 Classification of Dravidian Temples
There are basically five different shapes:
● Square, also known as kuta or caturasra;
● Rectangular, also known as shala or ayatasra;
● Elliptical, also known as gaja-prishta or elephant-backed;
● Circular, also known as vritta,
● Octagonal, also known as ashtasra.
8.1.3 Parts of Dravidian Temples
● The compound wall encloses the temple.
● The front wall's central entrance gateway is known as a gopuram.
● The main temple tower's shape is known as a vimana. It is a geometrically rising stepped pyramid (unlike the Nagara style
Shikhara that is curving).
● The crowning feature at the top of the temple in the Dravida style is referred to as a "shikhara" (which is shaped like a
stupika or octagonal cupola).
● There would be statues of ferocious dvarapalas guarding the temple at the garbhagriha's entrance.
● Usually, the complex contains a temple tank.
● It was possible to find subsidiary shrines either inside the main tower or next to it.
● The garbhagriha is usually found in the smallest tower of temples. It's the oldest as well. Additional boundary walls were
added as time went on and the temple-population town's increased. The tallest gopuram would typically be found on the
newest building.
● The majority of temple pillars in the Karnataka area resemble the sekhari and bhumija pillars seen in northern India.
● The stepped diamond plan, which may be seen in Chalukya temples, is a type of design arrangement.
● Nagara articulation projecting stepping diamond or stellate plan is seen in the majority of temples in Kalyani.
● During the early half of the Chalukya period, the Dravida influence is most obvious in the vimana of Chalukya temples.
● In Chalukya temples, miniature ornamental towers and wall ornamentation exhibit a mix of Nagara and Dravida styles.
8.3.2 Architecture of Chalukyas
● Their architecture was a combination of Nagara and Dravidian influences.
● Aihole, Badami, and Pattadakal all have temples erected during this period.
● There is no covered ambulatory walkway in temples erected during their historical period.
● The Virupaksha temple at Pattadakal, designed in the style of the Kailashnath temple, is the crown gem of Chalukyan
● The Rameshwaram temple at Ellora, which was established in the seventh century, was also constructed during the
Chalukyan period.
● Other notable structures created during this time period are the Lad Khan temple and the Durga temple at Aihole.
Ravana Phadi Cave, Aihole, ● It is an example of the early Chalukya style, which is distinguished by its
Karnataka distinctive sculptural style.
● Nataraja, one of the most important sculptures at the site, is surrounded by a
large depiction of saptamatrikas: three to Shiva's left and four to his right.
Lad Khan temple, Aihole, ● One of the oldest Hindu temples, it is dedicated to Shiva.
● The Chalukya Dynasty's Kings built it in the 5th century.
● It appears to be inspired by the wooden-roofed temples of the hills, except that it
is made of stone.
● The temple is named after a man named Lad Khan, who used to live in this
temple for a short time.
Durga Temple, Aihole, Karnataka ● The temple was constructed between the seventh and eighth centuries.
● The temple's architecture is predominantly Dravida, with Nagara influences in
some areas.
● The temple is regarded as a one-of-a-kind and magnificent Chalukya temple.
Temples at Pattadakal, Karnataka ● Pattadakkal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with ten temples, including a Jain
● It is possible to see a fusion of various architectural styles here.
● Four of the ten temples are built in the Dravida style, four in the Nagara style, and
one in the Jain style, with the Papanatha Temple built in a fusion of the two
● Rashtrakutas constructed the Jain temple (Jain Narayana temple) in the ninth
● Loka Mahadevi, the Queen of the Chalukya king Vikramaditya II, built the
Virupaksha temple in Pattadakal, also known as Sri-Lokeswar-Maha-Sila-Prasad
● It was most likely constructed around the year 740 CE to commemorate her
husband's victory over the Pallavas of Kanchipuram.
● On plan and elevation, it resembles the Kailashnath temple in Kanchipuram.
● It represents the Dravida architecture at its most developed and perfect stage.
Hoysaleswara Temple
8.3.5 Vijayanagara School Early Vijayanagara architectural styles
● The monument from the fourteenth century exhibits the first phase of Vijayanagara architecture.
● The Deccani style of architecture, which grew in popularity during the rule of the Chalukyas of Badami/Vatapi, had a
significant influence on monuments during this period. This phase's temples are plain and lack a lot of ornamentation.
● The best example is the Vidyashankar temple and Jaina Shrine in Hampi.
● For instance, King Devaraya I built the Hazara Rama temple in Hampi (the modern name for Vijayanagar), as well as
the Vitthala temple, Hazara Rama Swami Temple, and Virupaksha Temple in Hampi.
Arabesque Design
● Intricate "jaali" art adorned the structures, symbolising the value of light in Islamic traditions.
Jaali Work
● Water's importance was also evident in the building. It was primarily employed for aesthetic, cooling, and religious
● The charbagh method, which divides a garden into four halves, the Pietra dura type of inlay of stones and gems on
stone walls, and the foreshortening process, in which the inscriptions appear to be closer than they really are.
Charbagh Style
9.1.2 Indo-Islamic Architecture - Types of Buildings Mosques
● Mosques are religious gathering places where men congregate to worship. They are also known as "masjids" and are
used for prostration.
● They are vast columned halls known as hypostyle halls, and Madrasas are also part of the same edifice in certain
● The "mihrab" was an essential feature of the mosque. It is the wall niche that denotes the direction of Mecca, to which all
Muslims pray.
● The "minaret," a tower adjacent to or related to the mosque from which the call to prayer is broadcast, is the mosque's
most noticeable feature.
● The "dome," also known as "qubba" in Muslim architecture, is the most important (but inessential) aspect of Islamic
architecture and a component of the mosque.
● In mosques, calligraphy is also the most obvious ornamental feature. Forts
● Forts were palaces; a grander and more complete kind of lodging that formed a city inside a city.
● They were constructed for the sake of defence, to keep the kings and their subjects safe from their foes.
● In the building of the forts, we can also observe the effects of distinct regional architecture from Gujarat and Punjab. Tombs
● The most remarkable and beautiful edifice erected under the Islamic reign in India was Mumtaz Mahal's mausoleum, the
Taj Mahal, which is an interconnected complex of several structures.
● A harmonious and balanced design is implied by white domed marble, spacious gardens, ponds with fountains reflecting
the light, scenery, and four towering standing minarets around the edifice.
● This exemplifies the Indo-Islamic architectural style's magnificence. It is a great example of Mughal building art's
architectural achievement.
Qutub Minar
9.2.3 Khilji Dynasty
● From 1290 until 1320 AD, the Khilji Dynasty ruled and developed the Seljuk architectural style.
● The usage of red sandstone was prevalent in this period's structures.
● In addition, the dominance of the Arcuate style began at this time.
● Mortar became widely employed as a cementing ingredient in all types of structures.
● Ala-ud-din Khilji's Alai Darwaza, Siri Fort, etc are examples.
Alai Darwaza
9.2.4 Tughlaq Dynasty
● During the Delhi Sultanate, the Tughlaq Dynasty was an era of architectural catastrophe.
● However, certain building projects involving grey sandstone were still carried out.
● During this time, the emphasis was on the structure's strength rather than adornment, hence there was less emphasis on
decoration. The entrances were designed using both arch and lintel methods.
● Examples: Cities of Tughlaqabad, Jahanpanah, and Firozabad
9.2.5 Lodi Dynasty
● Architecture continued to take a back place under the Lodi dynasty.
● During this time, only tombs were commissioned.
● However, the emergence of double domes was a significant aspect of architecture at this time. It was made up of a
hollow dome that was nested inside the upper dome.
● The usage of multiple domes was done for two reasons:
○ to strengthen the structure and
○ to reduce the dome's interior height.
● During this period, graves were harsh and barren, with no costly adornment. They were erected in the shape of an
octagon, with a diameter of around 15 metres.
● The usage of various colored stones and marbles was the most conspicuous element of the structures here.
● The structures had big windows, possibly as a consequence of European influence, and were embellished with stylized
arches and pillars.
● Even the staircases were employed to improve the building's appearance.
● Minars, on the other hand, were not employed in this school of construction.
● Because of the following characteristics, the Malwa School of Architecture, also known as the Pathan School of
Architecture, is one of the greatest examples of environmental adaptation of the period.
● The structures and rooms were well aired due to the use of big windows, and the pavilions were softly arched, making
them airy and allowing the buildings to stay cool throughout the summer.
● Man-made reservoirs known as 'baulis' were built.
● Materials that were readily available in the area were utilised.
● The introduction of the batter system by the Tughlaqs improved the situation.
● Example: Rani Roopmati Pavilion, Jahaz Mahal, Ashrafi Mahal, etc.
10 Mughal Architecture
● In northern India, the Mughal period saw a remarkable rebirth of Islamic architecture.
● Persian, Indian, and diverse regional styles were combined under the patronage of the Mughal emperors to produce
works of exceptional beauty and finesse.
● It grew so popular, particularly in north India, that it was reflected in colonial architecture in the Indo-Saracenic style.
10.2.4 Akbar
● The golden age of Delhi, as well as the Mughal Architecture, began in 1556 when Akbar came to the throne of Delhi.
● The usage of red sandstone was a prominent aspect of the structures throughout Akbar's reign.
● He also popularised the term "Tudor arch" (four centered arch).
The following are some of the most notable construction projects done during Akbar's reign:
Agra Fort
● Ibadat Khana: This is where Akbar would meet with religious authorities to address issues.
● Pachisi Court, where Akbar is claimed to have played chess in the courtyard.
● The Hiran Minar was named after Akbar's favourite elephant, Hiran. It also acted as a traveller's lighthouse. It is a one-of-
a-kind design, with tusk-like spikes on the external wall.
● In Vrindavan, Akbar also constructed a Govind Dev shrine.
10.2.5 Jahangir
● Architecture took a back seat during Jahangir's reign, as he focused more on paintings and other types of art.
● He did, however, supervise the construction of several notable monuments, such as Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra.
● During his rule, he also built a number of gardens, including the Shalimar Bagh in Kashmir and in Lahore; he also
constructed the Moti Masjid.
● During Jahangir's reign, his wife Noor Jahan also conducted some large construction projects, one of which being the
Tomb of Itmad-ud-daulah (Noor Jahan's father).
● During this time, white marble began to replace the previously utilised red sandstone as the primary construction
● Itmad-ud-daulah's tomb was the first Mughal structure composed entirely of white marble.
● It also has some of the best masterpieces in pietra dura.
● Jahangir's tomb was built at Lahore by his son Shah Jahan.
10.2.6 Shah Jahan
● Mughal architecture reached its pinnacle under Shah Jahan. The following are some of his most important works:
● The Taj Mahal is the best example of Mughal architecture, displaying the entire range of wealth and majesty.
● It was built in honour of his wife, Arjumand Banu Begum, also known as Mumtaz Mahal.
● The employment of calligraphy, pietra-dura works, foreshortening method, Charbagh style gardens, and the usage
of water in the premises for ornamentation were all hallmarks of Mughal architecture. Apart from that, the Taj Mahal has
several distinctive features:
○ The jaali work in Taj Mahal is lace-like and incredibly exquisite;
○ The marble carvings were low relief.
● Apart from the Taj Mahal, Shah Jahan built a number of other monuments, gardens, and structures, including the Red Fort
in Delhi, the Jama Masjid in Delhi, and the Shalimar Bagh in Lahore.
● Aside from large-scale structures, one of his outstanding works was the Peacock Throne, which is considered one of the
finest examples of metalwork during this time period.
Taj Mahal
10.2.7 Aurangzeb
● Mughal architecture deteriorated under Aurangazeb's reign. He did not take an active interest in the pursuit of art and
architecture since he was puritanical.
● Aurangzeb, on the other hand, commissioned the construction of Bibi-ka-Maqbara in honour of his wife, Begum Rabia-
ud-Daurani. It is located in Aurangabad and is said to be a poor copy of the Taj Mahal.
Bibi-ka-Maqbara, Aurangabad
11 Modern Architecture
● Modern Indian architecture was inspired by the Europeans who brought with them a plethora of architectural styles, which
can be observed in the various structures they built.
● The arrival of European colonists coincided with the collapse of the Mughal empire, igniting a power war between the
Portuguese, French, Dutch, Danish, and British that lasted until 1947.
Sé Cathedral, Goa
● The Cartesian grid layouts and scientific architectural designs were used to build the French colonies of Puducherry
and Chandernagore (now Chandannagar, West Bengal).
● As a display of authority, they constructed massive structures.
● They also established the notion of faceless architecture, which is characterised by a basic facade devoid of
embellishment or design, similar to modern structures.
● The coastal cities of Mahe (Kerala), Karaikal (Tamil Nadu), and Yanam were also established by the French (Andhra
● Puducherry's Sacred Heart Church and Chandannagar's Sacred Heart Church are two examples.
Supreme Court
Material Used The Portuguese employed brick as their The most common materials utilised
primary building material. Roofs and were red sandstone and coarse
stairwells were made of wood. limestone.
Structural The Portuguese maintained their western The Indo-Gothic style of architecture
Variations customs and did not make any structural arose from the British adoption of Indian
changes. elements and forms.
● He was nominated for the Pritzker Prize, also known as the Nobel Prize for Architecture, in 2006.
● His architectural style includes the following features:
○ Construction of environmentally friendly buildings using locally available materials.
○ Introduction of the concept of filler slab construction to reduce steel and cement consumption.
○ Emphasis on ventilation and thermal comfort arrangements.
○ He is renowned as "Indian Architecture's Conscience Keeper" and "Gandhi of Indian Architecture."
13 Dances of India 62
13.1 Historical Background 62
13.2 Classical dances of India 63
13.3 Folk dances of India 72
14 Music of India 73
14.1 Historical background 73
14.2 Fundamental elements of Indian classical music 73
14.3 Indian Classical Music 74
14.4 Regional Music 77
15 Musical Instruments 80
15.1 Historical background 80
15.2 Instruments 81
13 Dances of India
13.1 Historical Background
● Dance in India has a rich and vital tradition dating back to ancient times.
Excavations, inscriptions, chronicles, genealogies of kings and artists, literary
sources, sculpture and painting of different periods provide extensive evidence
on dance.
● In literature, the first references come from the Vedas where dance and music
have their roots.
○ A more consistent history of dance can be reconstructed from the
epics, the several Puranas and the rich body of dramatic and poetic
literature known as the nataka and the kavya in Sanskrit.
● A related development was the evolution of classical Sanskrit drama which was
an amalgam of the spoken word, gestures and mime, choreography, stylised
movement and music.
○ From the 12th century to the 19th century there were many regional
forms called the musical play or sangeet-nataka. Contemporary
classical dance forms are known to have evolved out of these musical
● Excavations have brought to light a bronze statue from Mohenjodaro and a
broken torso from Harappa (dating back to 2500-1500 B.C.E.) These are
suggestive of dance poses. The latter has been identified as the precursor of
the Nataraja pose commonly identified with dancing Shiva.
● The earliest treatise on dance available to us is Bharat Muni's Natyashastra, the source book of the art of drama, dance
and music.
○ It is generally accepted that the date of the work is between the 2nd century B.C.E- 2nd century C.E.
○ The Natyashastra is also known as the fifth veda.
● According to the author, he has evolved this veda by taking words from the Rigveda, music from the Samaveda,
gestures from the Yajurveda and emotions from the Atharvaveda.
○ There is also a legend that Brahma himself wrote the Natyaveda, which has over 36,000 verses.
● In terms of the classical tradition formulated in the Natyashastra, dance and music are an inextricable part of drama.
○ The art of natya carries in it all these constituents and the actor is himself the dancer and the singer, the performer
combined all the three functions.
● With the passage of time the status of an independent and specialised art, marked the beginning of the 'art' dance in India.
● As per the ancient treatises, dance is considered as having three aspects: natya, nritya and nritta.
○ Natya highlights the dramatic element and most dance forms do not give emphasis to this aspect today with the
exception of dance-drama forms like Kathakali.
○ Nritya is essentially expressional, performed specifically to convey the meaning of a theme or idea.
○ Nritta on the other hand, is pure dance where body movements do not express any mood (bhava), nor do they
convey any meaning.
● To present nritya and natya effectively, a dancer should be trained to communicate the navarasas.
○ These are: love (shringaar), mirth (haasya), compassion (karuna), valour (veera), anger (roudra), fear
(bhayanak), disgust (bibhatsa), wonder (adbhuta) and peace (shaant).
○ Some of the renowned performers and gurus of the early part of the century belong to the devadasi families, a well-
known name is Bala Saraswati.
● The repertoire of Bharatanatyam is extensive, however, a performance follows a regular pattern.
● At first there is an invocation song. The first dance item is the alarippu, literally meaning - to adorn with flowers.
○ It is an abstract piece combining pure dance with the recitation of sound syllables.
● The next item, the jatiswaram is a short pure dance piece performed to the
accompaniment of musical notes of any raga of Carnatic music.
○ Jatiswaram has no sahitya or words, but is composed of adavus which are pure
dance sequences - nritta. They form the basis of training in Bharatnatyam dance.
● As a solo dance, Bharatnatyam leans heavily on the abhinaya or mime aspect of dance -
the nritya, where the dancer expresses the sahitya through movement and mime.
● Shabdam follows the jathiswaram in a Bharatnatyam dance performance.
○ The accompanying song is generally in adoration of the Supreme Being.
● After the shabdam, the dancer performs the varnam. The varnam which is the most
important composition of the Bharatanatyam repertoire, encompasses both nritta and
nritya and epitomises the essence of this classical dance form.
○ The dancer here performs complicated well graded rhythmic patterns in two
speeds showing the control over rhythm, and then goes on to depict in a variety of
ways, through abhinaya the lines of the sahitya. This portrays the dancer's
excellence in abhinaya and also reflects the endless creativity of the
○ The varnam is by far one of the most beautiful compositions in Indian dance.
● After the strenuous varnam, the dancer performs a number of abhinaya items expressing
a variety of moods.
○ The bhava or rasa is woven into the sahitya and then expressed by the dancer. The common pieces are
keerthanam, kritis, padams and javalis.
■ In the keerthanam, the text is important whereas
kriti is a composition in which the musical aspect
is highlighted.
■ Both are usually devotional in character and
represent episodes from the lives of Rama, Siva,
Vishnu, etc. Padams and javalis, are on the
theme of love, often divine.
● A Bharatanatyam performance ends with a tillana which has its
origin in the tarana of Hindustani music.
● It is a vibrant dance performed to the accompaniment of musical
syllables with a few lines of sahitya. The finale of the piece is a series
of well designed rhythmic lines reaching a climax. The performance
ends with a mangalam invoking the blessings of the Gods.
● The accompanying orchestra consists of a vocalist, a mridangam player, violinist or veena player, a flautist and a cymbal
● The person who conducts the dance recitation is the Nattuvanar.
13.2.2 Kathakali Dance
Origin and influences
● Kerala is the home of several traditional dance and dance-drama forms, the most notable being
● Kathakali, as a dance form popular today, is considered to be of comparatively recent origin.
○ However, it is an art which has evolved from many social and religious theatrical
forms which existed in the southern region in ancient times.
○ Chakiarkoothu, Koodiyattam, Krishnattam and Ramanattam are few of the ritual
performing arts of Kerala which have had a direct influence on Kathakali in its form
and technique.
○ Legend has it that the refusal of the Zamorin of Calicut to send his Krishnattam troupe
to Travancore, so enraged the Raja of Kottarakkara, that he was inspired to compose
the Ramanattam.
● In the temple sculptures in Kerala and the frescoes in the Mattancherry temple of
approximately the 16th century, dance scenes depicting the square and rectangular basic
positions so typical to Kathakali are seen.
● For body movements and choreographic patterns, Kathakali is also indebted to the early
martial arts of Kerala.
● Kathakali is a blend of dance, music and acting and dramatises stories, which are mostly
adapted from the Indian epics.
○ It is a stylised art form, the four aspects of abhinaya - angika, aharya,vachika,
satvika and the nritta, nritya and natya aspects are combined perfectly.
○ The dancer expresses himself through codified hasta mudras and facial
expressions, closely following the verses(padams) that are sung. Kathakali derives
its textual sanction from Balarama-Bharatam and Hastalakshana-Deepika. Features
● Kathakali is a visual art where aharya, costume and make-up are suited to the characters,
as per the tenets laid down in the Natya Shastra.
● The characters are grouped under certain clearly defined types like the pacha, kathi, thadi,
kari or minukku.
● The face of the artist is painted over to appear as though a mask is worn.
○ The lips, the eyelashes and the eyebrows are made to look prominent.
○ A mixture of rice paste and lime is applied to make the chutti on the face which
highlights the facial make-up.
● Kathakali dance is chiefly interpretative.
○ The characters in a Kathakali performance are broadly divided into satvika,
rajasika and tamasika types.
○ Satvika characters are noble, heroic, generous and refined.
■ In pacha, green colour dominates and kirita (headgear) is worn by all.
Krishna and Rama wear special crowns decorated with peacock
feathers. The noble characters like Indra, Arjun and the Devas are some
of the pacha characters.
○ The kathi type depicts anti-heroes. Though they are of the rajasika category,
they are sometimes great warriors and scholars such as Ravana, Kamsa and
Sisupala to name a few.
■ The moustache and the small knob called chuttippu fixed on "the tip of
the nose and another in the centre of the forehead, is peculiar to the kathi character.
○ The characters of the thadi (beard) category are the chuvanna thadi, (red beard), vella thadi (white beard) and the
karutha thadi (black beard).
■ Vellathadi or the white bearded character is generally that of Hanuman, the dancer also wears the
costume of a monkey.
○ Kari are characters whose make-up has a black base, they wear black costumes depicting a hunter or forest
○ Apart from these, there are minor characters like minukku which are the women and sages.
● Kathakali costumes and make-up are elaborate and designed so as to give a super human effect.
○ The make-up of Kathakali can be classified into the teppu, chuttikuthu and uduthu-kettu.
■ The teppu is done by the actor himself. Each character has a distinct teppu.
■ The second stage is done by experts who specialise in make-up. The wearing of huge billowing skirts is
called uduthu-kettu.
● A simple stage is used. A large oil-fed lamp is placed in front of the stage and two people hold a curtain called Tirasseela
on the stage, the main dancers stand behind it before the performance.
● In no other dance style is the entire body used so completely as in Kathakali.
○ The technical details cover every part of the body from facial muscles to fingers, eyes, hands and wrists.
○ The facial muscles play an important part. The movement of the eyebrows, the eye-balls and the lower eye-lids as
described in the Natya Shastra are not used to such an extent in any other dance style.
○ The weight of the body is on the outer edges of the feet which are slightly bent and curved.
● A Kathakali performance begins with the kelikottu, calling the audience to attention followed by the todayam.
○ It is a devotional number performed where one or two characters invoke the blessings of the gods.
○ Kelikottu is the formal announcement of the performance done in the evening when drums and cymbals are played
for a while in the courtyard.
○ A pure nritta piece known as the purappadu comes as a sequel to this.
○ Then the musicians and drummers hold the stage entertaining the audience with an exhibition of their skills in
○ Tiranokku is the debut on the stage of all characters other than the pacha or minukku.
○ Thereafter, the play or the particular scene of the chosen play begins.
● Kathakali music follows the traditional sopana sangeet of Kerala.
○ It is said to be the ritual singing of the Ashtapadis on the flight of steps leading to the sanctum sanctorum.
● Now, Kathakali music also uses Carnatic ragas-the raga and tala conforming to the bhava, rasa and dance patterns (nritta
and natya).
● The orchestra, which is also used in other traditional performing arts of Kerala, normally comprises the Chenda, Maddalam,
Chengila, Ilathalam, Idakka and Shankhu.
● Ilakkanam is that part of the performance when the characters get an opportunity to demonstrate their excellence in
○ For the most part of the performance the dancers engage themselves in Koodiyattam which means acting in strict
conformity to the words in the padams sung by the accompanying musicians.
● Thanks to the service done by the poet Vallathol, this classical dance form received a new impetus and today many
innovations are also being made to suit the needs of a changing society.
13.2.3 Kuchipudi Dance
● Kuchipudi is one of the classical styles of Indian dance. Around the third and fourth decade
of the 20th century it emerged from a long rich tradition of dance-drama of the same name.
● In fact, Kuchipudi is the name of a village in the Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh.
○ It is about 35 km from Vijayawada. Andhra has a very long tradition of dance-
drama which was known under the generic name of Yakshagana.
● In the 17th century Kuchipudi style of Yakshagana was conceived by Siddhendra Yogi, a
talented Vaishnava poet and visionary who had the capacity to give concrete shape to
some of his visions.
○ He was steeped in the literary yakshagana tradition being guided by his guru
Teertha narayana Yogi who composed the Krishna-leela-tarangini, a kavya in
○ It is said that Siddhendra Yogi had a dream in which Lord Krishna asked him to
compose a dance-drama based on the myth of the bringing of parijata flower for
Sathyabhama, the most beloved queen of Krishna.
○ In compliance with this command Siddhendra Yogi composed the Bhamakalapam
which is till now considered the piece-de-resistance of the Kuchipudi repertoire.
● Siddhendra Yogi initiated young Brahmin boys of Kuchipudi village to practice and perform
his compositions particularly Bhamakalapam.
○ The presentation of Bhamakalapam was a stupendous success.
○ Its aesthetic appeal was so great that the then Nawab of Golconda, Abul Hasan
Tanashah issued a copper plate in 1675 A.D. granting the village Kuchipudi as
an Agrahara to the families of Brahmins who pursued this art.
● The followers of Siddhendra Yogi wrote several plays and the tradition of Kuchipudi dance-
drama continues till today.
○ It was Lakshmi Narayan Shastry (1886–1956) who introduced many new
elements including solo dancing and training of female dancers in this dance style.
● Solo dancing was there earlier, but only as a part of the dance drama at appropriate
○ At times, even though the dramatic situation did not demand, solo dancing was
being presented to punctuate the presentation and to enhance the appeal. Features
● By the middle of this century Kuchipudi fully crystallised as a separate classical solo dance
○ Thus there are now two forms of Kuchipudi; the traditional musical dance-drama and the solo dance.
● From the later part of the fourth decade of this century a sequence of the presentation of the solo recital has been widely
● A recital of Kuchipudi begins with an invocatory number, as is done in some other classical dance styles.
○ Earlier the invocation was limited to Ganesh-Vandanaa.
○ Now other gods are also invoked. It is followed by nritta, that is, non-narrative and abstract dancing.
● Usually jatiswaram is performed as the nritta number. Next is presented a narrative number called shabdam.
○ One of the favourite traditional shabdam numbers is the Dashaavataara.
○ The Shabdam is followed by a natya number called Kalaapam.
○ Next in the sequence comes a pure nritya abhinaya number based on literary-cum musical forms like padam,
jaavali, slokam, etc.
○ A Kuchipudi recital is usually concluded with tarangam.
● The music that accompanies the dance is according to the classical school of Carnatic music and is delightfully syncopathic.
● The accompanying musicians, besides the vocalist are: a mridangam player to provide percussion music, a violin or veena
player or both for providing instrumental melodic music, and a cymbal player who usually conducts the orchestra and recites
the sollukattu (mnemonic rhythm syllables).
13.2.4 Manipuri Dance
● Manipuri, one of the main styles of Indian “Art” or “Classical” dances originated in the picturesque and secluded State of
Manipur in the north-eastern corner of India. Because of its geographical location, the people of Manipur have been
protected from outside influences, and this region has been able to retain its unique traditional culture.
● The origin of Manipuri dance can be traced back to ancient times that go beyond recorded history. The dance in Manipur is
associated with ritual and traditional festivals, there are legendary references to the dances of Shiva and Parvati and other
gods and goddesses who created the universe.
● Lai Haraoba is one of the main festivals still performed in Manipur which has its roots in the pre-Vaishnavite period.
○ Lai Haraoba is the earliest form of dance which forms the basis of all stylised
dances in Manipur.
○ Literally meaning — the merry-making of the gods, it is performed as a
ceremonial offering of song and dance.
○ The principal performers are the maibas and maibis (priests and priestesses)
who re-enact the theme of the creation of the world.
● With the arrival of Vaishnavism in the 15th century A.D, new compositions based on
episodes from the life of Radha and Krishna were gradually introduced.
● It was in the reign of King Bhagyachandra that the popular Ras Leela dances of
Manipur originated.
○ It is said that this 18th century philosopher king conceived this complete dance
form along with its unique costume and music in a dream.
○ Under successive rulers, new leelas, and rhythmic and melodic compositions were introduced. Features
● Manipuri dance has a large repertoire, however, the most popular forms are the Ras, the Sankirtana and the Thang-ta.
● There are five principal Ras dances of which four are linked with specific
seasons, while the fifth can be presented at any time of the year.
● In Manipuri Ras, the main characters are Radha, Krishna and the gopis.
○ The themes often depict the pangs of separation of the gopis and
Radha from Krishna.
● The pure dance sequences performed in the Ras Leela follow the specific
rhythmic patterns and body movements, which are traditionally handed
● The Ras costume consists of a richly embroidered stiff skirt which extends
to the feet.
○ A short fine white muslin skirt is worn over it.
○ A dark coloured velvet blouse covers the upper part of the body and
a traditional white veil is worn over a special hair-do which falls
gracefully over the face.
○ Krishna wears a yellow dhoti, a dark velvet jacket and a crown of peacock feathers. The jewellery is very delicate
and the designs are unique to the region.
● The Kirtan form of congregational singing accompanies the dance which is known as Sankirtana in Manipur.
○ The male dancers play the Pung and Kartal while dancing. The masculine aspect of dance — the Choloms are a
part of the Sankirtana tradition.The Pung and Kartal choloms are performed at all social and religious festivals.
● The martial dancers of Manipur — the Thang-ta, have their origins in the days when man’s survival depended on his ability
to defend himself from wild animals.
○ Today, Manipur has an evolved and sophisticated repertoire of martial dances, the dancers use swords, spears
and shields.
○ Real fight scenes between the dancers show extensive training and control of the body.
● Manipuri dance incorporates both the tandava and lasya and ranges from the most vigorous masculine to the subdued
and graceful feminine.
● Generally known for its lyrical and graceful movements, Manipuri dance has an elusive quality.
● In keeping with the subtleness of the style, Manipuri abhinaya does not play up the mukhabhinaya very much — the facial
expressions are natural and not exaggerated — sarvang abhinaya, or the use of the whole body to convey a certain rasa,
is its forte.
● The Manipuri classical style of singing is called Nat — very different from both north and south Indian music, this style is
immediately recognizable with its high pitched open throated rendering with particular type of trills and modulations.
○ The main musical instrument is the Pung or the Manipuri classical drum.
○ There are also many other kinds of drums used in Manipuri dance and music. The Pena, a stringed instrument, is
used in Lai Haraoba and Pena singing.
○ Various kinds of cymbals are used in Sankirtana and Ras. The flute is also used to accompany vocal singing.
● The Ashtapadis of Jayadeva’s Geeta Govinda are very popular and are sung and danced in Manipur with great religious
● Besides the Ras and other leelas, each stage in one’s life is celebrated with Sankirtana performances — child birth,
upanayanam, wedding and shraddha are all occasions for singing and dancing in Manipur.
● The whole community participates as song and dance form part of daily life expressions. Features
● Odissi is a highly stylised dance and to some extent is based on the classical Natya Shastra
and the Abhinaya Darpana.
○ In fact, it has derived a great deal from the Abhinaya Darpana Prakasha by
Jadunatha Sinha, the Abhinaya Chandrika by Rajmani Patra, and the Abhinaya
Chandrika by Maheshwara Mahapatra.
● As in other parts of India, creative literature inspired the Odissi dancer also and provided
the themes for dance.
○ This is especially true of the 12th century Gita Govinda by Jayadeva. It is a
profound example of the nayaka-nayika bhava and surpasses other poems in its
poetic and stylistic content.
○ The devotion of the poet for Krishna permeates through the work.
● Odissi closely follows the tenets laid down by the Natya Shastra.
○ Facial expressions, hand gestures and body movements are used to suggest a
certain feeling, an emotion or one of the nine rasas.
● The techniques of movement are built around the two basic postures of the Chauk and the Tribhanga.
○ The chauk is a position imitating a square — a very masculine stance with the weight of the body equally
○ The tribhanga is a very feminine stance where the body is deflected at the neck, torso and the knees.
● The torso movement is very important and is a unique feature of the Odissi style.
○ With the lower half of the body remaining static, the torso moves from one side to the other along the axis passing
through the centre of the upper half of the body.
○ Great training is required for this control so as to avoid any shoulder or hip
○ There are certain foot positions with flat, toe or heel contact. These are used in a
variety of intricate combinations. There are also numerous possibilities of leg
movements. Almost all leg movements are spiral or circular, whether in space or on
the ground.
● Hand gestures play an important role both in nritta where they are used only as decorative
embellishments and in nritya where they are used for communication.
● The formal repertoire of Odissi has a certain order of presentation, where each successive
item is systematically put together to produce the desired rasa.
● Odisha has a continuing tradition of dancing of the Ashtapadis of Jayadeva's Gita Govinda
since the 12th century.
○ The lyricism of this poem is particularly suited to the Odissi style. Apart from the Gita
Govinda, the compositions of other Oriya poets like Upendra Bhanja, Baladeva
Ratha, Banamali and Gopal Krishna are also sung.
● An Odissi orchestra essentially consists of a pakhawaj player (usually the Guru himself), a singer, a flautist, sitar or violin
player and a manjira player.
● The dancer is adorned in elaborate Oriya silver jewellery and a special hair-do. The sari, usually stitched nowadays, is
unique to the style. In each performance, even a modern Odissi dancer still reaffirms the faith of the devadasis or maharis
where they sought liberation or moksha through the medium of dance.
13.2.6 Sattriya Dance
● The Sattriya dance form was introduced in the 15th century C.E. by the great Vaishnava saint and reformer of Assam,
Shrimanta Shankar Deva (1449-1568 C.E.) as a powerful medium for propagation of the Vaishnava faith.
○ He integrated art and bhakti by creating a whole gamut of dance, drama and music for the upliftment of the
Assamese society then ridden with religious malpractices and
cryptic tantrism.
○ He advocated repudiation of caste privileges which appealed to
the broad tribal base of the state.
○ He composed a serene and peaceful Assamese drama in
Brajabuli language, a mixture of Maithili, Assamese, Hindi and
other elements, easily understood by the masses.
○ He made the audience aware of the bhakti rasa, selfless devotion
for the supreme being and introduced them to the art of
harmonious living.
● He introduced the concept of Sattras i.e.Vaishnava mutts or monasteries.
● Majuli, the world’s largest river island, surrounded by the waters of the
mighty Brahmaputra, houses the largest Sattra.
● This neo-Vaishnava treasure of Assamese dance and drama has been, for
centuries, nurtured and preserved with great commitment by the Sattras.
○ Because of its religious character and association with the Sattras,
this dance style has been aptly named Sattriya.
○ The dance form evolved and expanded as a distinctive style of dance later on. Features
● Sattriya dance has all the elements that make a dance form classical.
● It clearly distinguishes nritta from nritya and also has an element of natya.
● Like other classical dance forms of India, the Sattriya dances follow the authoritative treatises such as Bharatmuni’s ‘Natya
Shastra’, Nandikeshvara’s ‘Abhinaya Darpana’ and Shubhankara’s ‘Hasta Muktavali’.
● Sattriya dance tradition is governed by strictly laid down principles in respect of hasta mudras, footworks, acharyas, music
○ This tradition, has two distinctly separate streams - the Bhaona-related repertoire starting from the Gayan-
Bhayanar Nach to the Kharmanar Nach, secondly the dance numbers which are independent, such as Chali,
Rajagharia Chali, Jhumura, Nadu Bhangi etc.
○ Among them the Chali is characterised by gracefulness and elegance, while the Jhumura is marked by vigour and
majestic beauty.
● The word ‘Sattra’ is first used in the Satapatha Brahmana in the sense of sacrifice.
○ In the Bhagavata Purana also, there is reference to the word ‘Sattra’.
● The Sattra institution resembles to a certain extent, to the Buddhist monastery system or the Bengal mutt institution of
the mediaeval period.
○ But Sattra is more than a Buddhist vihar or mutt. It is a unique institution covering different aspects of Assamese
social life.
○ Sattra is characterised by a number of structural patterns associated with religious activities to accommodate
the devotees or disciples.
● The first Sattra was set up by Shrimanta Shankaradeva near his ancestral village at Bordowa. Gradually more Sattras
were established by his followers in different places of Assam.
● There are two kinds of Satras in Assam.
○ One is Grahasthya (married) Sattra and another is Udasin (celibate) Sattra. Udasin Sattras are richer in
dance, drama and music than the Grahasthya Sattra. The structural pattern and process of functioning of a
Sattra are its characteristic features.
● Namghar: The central prayer hall in a Sattra is the Namghar or Kirtan Ghar.
● Manikut: It is the sanctum-sanctorum of the whole establishment, literally meaning “the house of jewels or valued
property”. The sacred scripture of Bhagavata Purana or the idol of Lord Krishna is kept here.
● Hati: The Manikut and the Namghar are usually surrounded by four rows of residential huts meant to accommodate the
● Batchora: The gateway or entrance leading to the Sattra premises is usually characterised by a small open house with
a roof. This is known as Batchora or Korapat. Distinguished guests are usually welcomed at the Batchora.
● Sattra Administration: The head of the entire administration is popularly known as Satradhikar. With the exception of a
few Sattras, the Sattradhikar usually leads the life of a celibate. He is the religious head, who takes up the responsibility
of supervising the institutional ceremony, Sarana, of the devotees and then trains them in the monastic life of a Sattra. Features
● Mohiniyattam is characterised by graceful, swaying body movements with no abrupt jerks
or sudden leaps. It belongs to the lasya style which is feminine, tender and graceful.
● The movements are emphasised by the glides and the up and down movement on toes,
like the waves of the sea and the swaying of the coconut, palm trees and the paddy fields.
○ The foot work is not terse and is rendered softly. Importance is given to the
hand gestures and Mukhabhinaya with subtle facial expressions.
● Movements have been borrowed from Nangiar Koothu and female folk dances
Kaikottikali and the Tiruvatirakali.
● Mohiniyattam lays emphasis on acting. The dancer identifies herself with the character and sentiments existing in the
compositions like the Padams and Pada Varnams which give ample opportunity for facial expressions.
○ The hand gestures, 24 in number, are mainly adopted from Hastalakshana Deepika, a text followed by Kathakali.
○ Few are also borrowed from Natyashastra, Abhinayadarpana and Balarambharatam.
● The gestures and facial expressions are closer to the natural (gramya) and the realistic (lokadharmi) than to the dramatic or
rigidly conventional (natyadharmi).
○ The traditional repertoire includes Chollukettu, Jatiswaram, Padavarnam, Padam, Tillana and Slokam.
● Besides these Kondattam and Omanathinkal (lullaby), introduced by Vallatol are also popular and are often included in a
● Most of the compositions included in the repertoire have been composed by Swati Tirunal which emphasises the Sahitya
Bhava i.e. the literary content.
● These are portrayed through appropriate hand and facial expressions that include the nine sentiments.
71 Features
● The technique of movement in Kathak is unique to it.
○ The weight of the body is equally distributed along the horizontal and vertical axis.
○ The full foot contact is of prime importance where only the toe or the ball of the foot
are used, their function is limited.
○ There are no deflections and no use of sharp bends or curves of the upper or lower part
of the body.
○ Torso movements emerge from the change of the shoulder line rather than through the
manipulations of the backbone or upper chest and lower waist muscles.
○ In the basic stance, the dancer stands straight, holds one hand at a level higher than
the head and the other is extended out on the level of the shoulder.
● Today, Kathak has emerged as a distinct dance form. Being the only classical dance of India having links with Muslim
culture, it represents a unique synthesis of Hindu and Muslim genius in art.
● Further, Kathak is the only form of classical dance wedded to Hindustani or the North Indian music. Both of them have
had a parallel growth, each feeding and sustaining the other.
Dancer Dance
● Janani Jhumar, which is done by women, and Mardana Jhumar, which is performed by males, are the two varieties.
● Many fairs and festivals use it as a main attraction.
13.3.11 Danda-Jatra (Odisha)
● It's a one-of-a-kind combination of dance, drama, and music. While it mostly tells Shiva myths and legends, the overall
message is social harmony and brotherhood.
13.3.12 Bihu (Assam)
● Both men and women participate in a group performance.
● To highlight the pomp and gaiety, the dancers are clothed in colourful traditional costumes.
● Group formations, fast hand movements, and brisk footsteps are all part of the dancing performance.
13.3.13 Thang Ta (Manipur)
● Thang —denotes a sword, while Ta— denotes a spear.
● The dance performance is a one-of-a-kind demonstration of ability, originality, and agility in which the dancers act out a
fake fight sequence, leaping to attack and defend.
14 Music of India
14.1 Historical background
● The present Indian music has grown from ancient times. Almost every tribe or
people have lent their own share in this growth. What therefore, we now call a raga
might have started as a tribal or folk tune.
● It is usual to begin the history of Indian music with the melodic patterns of vedic
○ The oldest music, which possessed a grammar was the vedic. Of course,
the Rig-Veda is said to be the oldest: nearly 5000 years old. The psalms
of the Rig-Veda were called the richas. TheYajur Veda was also a
religious chant.
○ But actual music in Northern or Southern India, of those bygone days
could not have only been of this kind.
○ There were non-Aryan people with their own art. For instance, Santhal music from the Eastern region of India may
have been passed down from them.
○ While the differences are obvious, there is no doubt that such music of the people contributed to the formation of
what we now call Hindustani Classical Music.
● Natya Shastra of Bharata is another important landmark in the history of Indian music.
○ It is supposed to have been written sometime between the 2nd century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D.
○ The Natya Shastra is a comprehensive work mainly dealing with dramaturgy. But a few chapters of this deal with
○ Therein we get information on scales, melodic forms, tala and musical instruments.
14.2.1 Swara
● Term “Swara”- associated with recitation of Vedas.
● Oldest and grandest forms.
● Mentioned in Natyashastra (200 BC-200 AD).
● Owes its roots to older forms like Prabandha & Dhruva Panda.
○ Name derived from ‘dhruva’ and ‘pada,’ means that it denotes both verse forms of poetry & style in which it is
● Reached its zenith in Akbar’s court, who patronised musical masters like Baba Gopal Das, Swami Haridas and Tansen
(was one of Navaratna or nine gems).
○ Baiju Bawra sang at the court of Akbar.
○ Singers who mastered Dhrupad were in the court of Raja Man Singh Tomar (Gwalior).
● It is a poetic form that is incorporated into an extended presentation style that is marked by precise and overt elaboration
of a raga.
● Dhruva- means ‘unmoving’ and implies the return of Swara (tonal), Kala (time) and Shabda (textual) trajectories to a fixed
● Word ‘Khayal’ is derived from Persian and means “idea or imagination”.
● Origin of this style was attributed to Amir Khusrau.
● It is popular amongst the artists as this provides greater scope for improvisation.
● Based on the repertoire of short songs ranging from two to eight lines. Is also referred to as a ‘Bandish’.
● Khayal is also composed in a particular raga and tala and has a brief text.
● Texts mainly include Praise of kings, Description of seasons, Pranks of Lord Krishna, Divine love & Sorrow of separation
● Major gharanas in khayal: Gwalior, Kirana, Patiala, Agra, and Bhendibazaar Gharana
Gharana System
● A system of social organisation linking musicians or dancers by lineage or apprenticeship, and by adherence to a particular
musical style.
● Word ‘gharana ’ comes from the Urdu/Hindi word ‘ghar’, which means ‘family’ or ‘house’.
○ Refers to the place where the musical ideology originated.
○ Also indicates a comprehensive musicological ideology and differentiates one school from another.
○ Affects the thinking, teaching, performance and appreciation of music.
● Well known gharanas- for Hindustani classical music- Agra, Gwalior, Indore, Jaipur, Kirana.
● The oldest of these is the Gwalior gharana: The father of this school was one Nathan Peer Baksh, who settled down in
Gwalior, and hence the name.
○ He had two grandsons Haddu Khan and Hassu Khan who lived in the 19th century and were regarded as great
masters of this style.
○ The qualities of this gharana are an open voice, clear enunciation of words, and a comprehensive attention to raga,
swara and tala.
○ Some of the prominent musicians of this gharana are Krishna Rao Shankar Pandit, Raja Bhaiya Poonchwale etc.
● The Agra Gharana: is said to have been founded by one Khuda Baksh of Agra.
○ He had studied with Nathan Peerbaksh of Gwalior, but developed his own style.
○ Here again the voice is open and clear, a speciality of this gharana is its bol taan: that is, a fast or medium layakari
passage using the bols or words of the song.
○ The song itself is rendered in medium tempo. Of the most well known musicians of this gharana in recent times are
Vilayat Hussain Khan and Fayyaz Khan.
● The Jaipur Atrauli gharana: is said to take off directly from dhrupad.
○ It is associated with Alladiya Khan of the 19th-20th century. The khyal is always at medium speed.
○ The words are pronounced clearly and in an open and clear voice. The distinguishing characters are the passages
which are primarily based on alankars - that iS repetitive melodic motifs - and an almost metronomic insistence of
tala division.
○ Some of the prominent musicians of recent times are Mallikarjun Mansur, Kishori Amonkar etc.
● Rampur Sahaswan gharana: Since the earlier singers came from Rampur in Uttar Pradesh, this school has come to be
called so.
○ The slow and fast Khayals usually are followed by a Tarana. The style is very lyrical and full of finer tonal
○ Nisar Hussain Khan, Rashid Khan are the two prominent musicians of recent times belonging to this gharana.
● The Tappa consists of the song uttered in fast note patterns. It is a difficult composition and needs much practice.
● Both the Thumri and Tappa require special training as do the Dhrupad and Khyal forms of singing. Ragas in which
Tappa compositions are set remain the same as in Thumri style.
○ It is noted for its rhythmical excellence and the jati pattern used in it.
○ This is a musical form belonging to the realm of dance music.
○ The Varnam is a musical form in Carnatic Music. Whereas musical forms like the Kirtana, Kriti, Javali, Tillana, etc.
have their similar counterparts in Hindustani Music, the Varnam does not find a counterpart.
○ The Varnam is a beautiful creation of musical craftsmanship of a high order, combining in itself all the
characteristic features of the raga in which it is composed.
○ This form is aptly called a Varnam, since many of the svara group patterns called 'Varnas' in ancient music, are
dexterously interwoven in its texture.
○ There are two types of varnams, one called the Tana Varnam and the other called the Pada Varnam.
○ The Kirtanam had its birth about the latter half of the 14th century.
○ It is valued for the devotional content of the sahitya.
○ Clothed in simple music, the kirtanam abounds in Bhakti bhava. It is suited for congregational singing as well as
individual presentation.
○ The Kriti is a development from the Kirtana.
○ It is a highly evolved musical form. The highest limit of aesthetic excellence is reached in the Kriti composition.
○ The raga bhava is brought out in all the rich and varied colours in this form.
○ It was only after the emergence of the kriti as a musical form, that a definite style in musical compositions became
a possibility.
○ Padas are scholarly compositions in Telugu and Tamil. Though they are composed mainly as dance forms,
they are also sung in concerts, on account of their musical excellence and aesthetic appeal.
○ The theme is madhura bhakti, portrayed as bahir sringara and antar bhakti.
■ The characters nayaka, nayika and sakhi represent respectively the Lord (Paramatma), the Devotees
(jeevatma) and the Guru, who leads the devotee on to the path of mukti (liberation) by his sage counsel.
○ Various rasas are depicted in all their delicate shades, through suitable ragas which reflect such rasas. All the nava
rasas are portrayed in padas, though sringara is the main theme.
○ A javali is a composition belonging to the sphere of light classical music.
○ Sung both in concert programmes and dance concerts, the javalis are popular because of the attractive melodies
in which they are composed. In contrast to the padas which portray divine love, javalis This form resembles the
Thumris of Hindustani Music.
○ The Tillana, corresponding to the Tarana of Hindustani music, is a short and crisp form. It is mainly a dance form,
but on account of its brisk and attractive music, it sometimes finds a place in music concerts as a conclusion piece.
○ The name Tillana is composed of the rhythmic syllables, ti—la—na.
○ It is the liveliest of musical forms. This form is said to have had its birth in the 18th century. The sahitya of a tillana
may be in Sanskrit, Telugu or Tamil.
○ This is the most important branch of creative music.
○ It is in this branch of manodharma sangeeta, that the musician has ample opportunities of displaying his or her
creative talents, imaginative skill, and musical intelligence.
○ The term Pallavi is coined from the initial syllables of the three words: Padam, meaning words; Layam, meaning
time and Vinyasam, meaning variations.
○ This is a branch of raga alapana. It is raga alapana in Madhyamakala or medium speed.
○ There is a perceptible rhythm in this. The rhythmical flow of music, flowing in fascinating patterns, makes tanam
singing the most captivating part of raga exposition.
● The music is an indispensable component of functions such as weddings, engagements, and births. There are a plethora
of songs for such occasions. There are also many songs associated with planting and harvesting. In these activities the
villagers routinely sing of their hopes, fears and aspirations.
14.4.13 Qawwali
● Originally, Qawwalis were sung in praise of God. In India Qawwali was brought from Persia around the thirteenth century
and Sufis enlisted its services to spread their message.
● Amir Khusro (1254-1325) a Sufi and an innovator, contributed to the evolution of Qawwali. It is a mode of singing rather
than a form of composition.
● In performance Qawwali presents a fascinating, interchanging use of the solo and choral modalities.
14.4.14 Tappa, Punjab
● Tappa is a form of semi classical vocal music inspired by the folk songs of camel riders in the Punjab area.
● Tappa, in Punjabi and Pashto language, is set in ragas generally used for the semi classical forms.
● It is characterised by jumpy and flashy tonal movements with rhythmic and rapid notes.
● It may also be sung to welcome the king. It is sung to evoke the spirit of Pakhangba, the presiding deity. There is a belief
that this song is potent with magical powers.
14.4.22 Songs of Lai Haraoba Festival, Manipur
● The meaning of Lai Haraoba is the festival of gods and goddesses.
● It is performed for the Umang-Lai (forest deity). Ougri Hangen, song of creation and Heijing Hirao a ritualistic song is sung
on the last day of Lai Haraoba festival.
15 Musical Instruments
15.1 Historical background
● India is the inheritor of one of the most ancient and evolved music systems in the world. The continuity of the musical
traditions of India is established through a study of musical texts and numerous visual references one finds of musical
instruments in painting and sculpture from prehistoric times to the present day.
● The earliest evidence of music activity is found on the walls of cave paintings at Bhimbetka and in several parts of Madhya
Pradesh, which were occupied by man approximately 10,000 years ago.
● Much later, in the excavations of the Harappan Civilization also, evidence is available of dance and music activity.
● Musical instruments are the tangible and material representation of music which is an auditory art.
● A study of these helps in tracing the evolution of music and also explains many aspects of the material culture of the
group of people to which these instruments belong.
○ For instance, the hair used for making the bow, the wood or clay used for making the drum, or the hide of
animals used in the instruments, all these tell us about the flora and fauna of a particular region.
● The Tamil word for instrument—Karuvi is found in Sangam literature of the 2nd to 6th century A.D., the literal meaning of
which is "tool". This is extended to mean instrument in the context of music.
● Very ancient instruments may be seen as an extension of the human body and can be found even today, sticks and clappers.
○ Dried fruit rattles, the Kaniyani Danda of Oraons or the dried berries or shells tied to the waist are used for producing
rhythm, even today.
● The hand was referred to as the Hasta Veena, where the hands and fingers are used to show the notation system of vedic
chanting, coordinating sound with mudra-hand gesture.
15.2 Instruments
● In the Natya Shastra, compiled by Bharat Muni dated 200 B.C.—200 A.D., musical instruments have been divided into four
main categories on the basis of how sound is produced.
1. The Tata Vadya or Chordophones- Stringed instruments
2. The Sushira Vadya or Aerophones- Wind instruments
3. The Avanaddha Vadya or Membranophones- Percussion instruments
4. The Ghana Vadya or Idiophones- Solid instruments which do not require tuning.
15.2.1 Tata Vadya - Stringed Instruments
● The tata vadya is a category of instruments in which sound is produced by the vibration of a string or chord.
○ These vibrations are caused by plucking or by bowing on the string which has been pulled taut.
○ The length of the vibrating string or wire, the degree to which it has been tightened, determines the pitch of the
note and also to some extent the duration of the sound.
● The tata vadya are divided into two broad categories—the plucked and the bowed, and further subdivided into the fretted
and non-fretted variety.
● The oldest evidence of stringed instruments in our land, however, are harps in the shape of the hunters bow.
○ They had a varying number of parallel strings made of fibre or gut. There used to be one string for each note,
plucked either with the fingers or with the plectrum called the kona.
● Veena:
○ was the generic term for stringed instruments referred to in texts: and we have the ekatantri, the shata-tantri veena,
etc. The Chitra had seven strings and the Vipanchi nine; the first was played with the fingers and the second with
a plectrum.
● Kamaicha:
○ The Kamaicha is a bowed lute played by the manganiars of
west Rajasthan.
○ The whole instrument is one piece of wood, the spherical
bowl extending into a neck and fingerboard; the resonator is
covered with leather and the upper portion with wood.
○ There are four main strings and a number of subsidiary ones
passing over a thin bridge.
○ The kamaicha links the sub-continent to Western Asia and
Africa and is considered by some scholars to be the oldest
instrument, with the exception of the Ravana Hatta or
Ravana Hasta Veena.
15.2.2 Sushira Vadya
● In the Sushira Vadya group, sound is produced by blowing air into a hollow column.
○ The pitch of the note is determined by controlling the air passage and the melody is played by using the fingers to
open and close the instrument.
● The simplest of these instruments is the flute. Generally flutes are made of bamboo or wood and the Indian musician
prefers these due to the tonal and musical attributes of these materials.
○ However, there are references to flutes made of red sandalwood, black wood, cane, ivory, bronze, silver and gold
● Excavations of the Indus civilizations have shown bird whistles of clay, and seals which show wind and percussion
○ Actual musical instruments are made of bamboo, wood, animal hide, etc. which perish when buried for any length
of time, hence, flutes made of wood or bamboo have not
survived the ravages of time and are not found in excavations
of past civilizations.
● There is reference in the Vedas to an instrument-the Venu which was
used as an accompaniment to chanting and recitation.
○ There is also mention of a kind of a flute called the Nadi.
● The flute has a variety of names like Venu, Vamsi, Bansuri, Murali and
so on in the north, and Pullankuzhal, Pillankarovi and Kolalu in the
● The wind instruments are roughly divided into two categories on the
basis of how sound is produced. They are:
16 Languages in India 84
16.1 Indo Aryan Group of Languages 84
17 Classical Languages 85
18 Official Languages 86
19 Ancient Scripts of India 86
19.1 Indus Script 86
19.2 Brahmi Script 87
19.3 Gupta Script 87
19.4 Kharosthi Script 87
19.5 Vatteluttu Script 87
19.6 Kadamba Script 87
19.7 Grantha Script 87
19.8 Sarada Script 87
19.9 Gurmukhi Script 87
19.10 Devanagari Script 87
19.11 Modi Script 87
19.12 Urdu Script 88
20 Ancient Indian Literature 88
20.1 Vedas 88
20.2 Brahmanas 89
20.3 Arayankas 89
20.4 Upanishads 89
20.5 Ramayana 89
20.6 Mahabharata 90
20.7 Puranas 90
21 Sanskrit Drama 90
22 Sanskrit Poetry 91
23 Major Sanskrit texts 91
24 Literature in Pali and Prakrit 91
25 Mediaeval Literature 92
25.1 Persian 92
25.2 Urdu 93
26 Hindi 93
26.1 During Medieval times 93
26.2 During Modern times 94
16 Languages in India
● Language in its literary meaning is a system of communication through speech, a collection of sounds that a group of
people understand to have the same meaning.
● A language family includes individual languages related through a common ancestor that existed before the
recorded history.
● Dialect is a form of language spoken in a local area. It should be noted that several dialects can be derived from a
particular language.
● The languages spoken around the various corners of India belong to several language families where most of them
belong to the IndoAryan group of languages.
Development of Sanskrit
➢ The development of Sanskrit grammar began with Panini in 400 B.C. with his book Asthadhyayi being the oldest book
in Sanskrit grammar.
➢ Some of the Buddhist literature belonging to Mahayana and the Hinayana school are even written in Sanskrit
➢ The book Mahavastu of the Hinayana school is a treasure of stories. Lalitavistara, the most sacred Mahayana text
and Ashvagosha’s Buddhacharita were also written in Sanskrit.
➢ Sanskrit is the only language that transcended the barriers of region and boundaries. From north to south and from
east to west, there is no part in India that has not contributed to or been not affected by the Sanskrit language.
➢ The first evidence of the use of Sanskrit can be found in the inscriptions of Rudradamana at Junagarh in the
present Southern Gujarat region. ➢ However it was the Gupta period when the use of Sanskrit in poetries can be
traced. This is totally a period of creation of pure literature which is evident in the works as Mahakavyas (epics) and
Khandakavyas (semi-epics).
3. Shauraseni: It was widely used to write dramas in the medieval India. It is a predecessor to Northern Indian languages.
Jain monks wrote mainly in this version of Prakrit. An important text of Digambars, ‘Shatkhandgama’ is written in
4. Maharashtri Prakrit: Spoken till 9th century AD, it was a predecessor to Marathi and Konkani. It was used widely in
western and southern India. It was the official language of Satavahana dynasty. Several dramas were written in it like
‘Gaha Kosha’ by King Hala, ‘Gaudavaho’ (slaying of the king of Gauda) by Vakpati.
5. Elu: ancient form of modern Sinhala language of Sri Lanka, it is similar to Pali.
6. Paishachi: It is also called ‘Bhuta-Bhasa’ (dead language) and it is often regarded as Prakrit. Gunadhya’s Brihatkatha
(6th century), an ancient epic is written in Paishachi. It is regarded as an unimportant dialect.
7. Apabhramsa By 6th-7th century, the development of ‘Apabhramsa’ (corrupt or non-grammatical) took place.
Apabhramsa is also an umbrella term which means dialects other than Sanskrit or even Prakrit. It represents a
transition from Middle to Modern Indo-Aryan Group of languages. Apabhramsha gradually became a literary language
and was used to write several texts, legends, etc. By the 7th century, Apabhramsa developed its own identity.
16.1.3 Modern Indo Aryan Group
The languages belonging to this group are Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Sindhi, Odia, Urdu
etc. The languages under this sub-group developed gradually after 1000 AD. These languages are mainly spoken in the northern,
western and the eastern parts of India.
● Dravidian Group- This group comprises mainly of the languages spoken in the southern part of India. Around 25% of
the Indian population is covered under this group.
➢ Proto Dravidian gave rise to 21 Dravidian languages. They can be broadly classified into three groups:
Northern group, Central group and Southern group.
➢ Among these 21 languages of the Dravidian Group, the four major languages of the Dravidian group are: Telugu
(numerically the largest of all Dravidian languages) Tamil (oldest and purest form of language) Kannada,
Malayalam (smallest and the youngest of the Dravidian group).
● Sino-Tibetan Group- Languages under this group belong to Mongoloid family and stretch to all over the Himalayas, North
Bihar, North Bengal, Assam and up to the North-Eastern frontiers of the nation. These languages are considered to the older
than the Indo-Aryan languages and are referred to in the oldest Sanskrit literature as Kiratas. 0.6% of the Indian population
speaks languages belonging to this group.
● Austric- Languages under this group belong to Austro-asiatic sub-family which are represented by the languages of
Munda or Kol group and spoken in Central, Eastern and North-Eastern India. Some of them also belong to Mon-
Khmer group, viz Khasi and Nicobarese.
➢ The existence of these languages have been much before the advent of the Aryans and were referred to in
ancient Sanskrit literature as Nisadas.
➢ Santhali is the most important language under this group which is spoken among by Santhal tribals of
Jharkhand, Bihar and Bengal. With the
exceptions of Khasi and Santhali, all Austro-asiatic languages on Indian territory are endangered.
17 Classical Languages
● In 2004, the Government of India declared that languages that meet certain requirements would be accorded the status of a
“Classical Language in India”. These criterion include:
➢ High antiquity of its early texts/recorded history over a period of 1500–2000 years;
➢ A body of ancient literature/texts, which is considered a valuable heritage by generations of speakers;
➢ the literary tradition be original and not borrowed from another speech community;
➢ The classical language and literature being distinct from modern, there may also be a discontinuity between the
classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.
● Languages so far declared to be Classical language are:
● Tamil ● 2004
● Telugu ● 2008
● Malayalam ● 2013
● Sanskrit ● 2005
● Kannada ● 2008
● Odia ● 2014
● Government of India’s resolution states that the following benefits will accrue to a language declared as a “Classical
➢ Two major international awards for scholars of eminence in Classical Indian Languages to be awarded
➢ A ‘Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Languages’ will be set up. ➢ The University Grants
Commission will be requested to create and to start with at least in the Central Universities, a certain number of
Professional Chairs for Classical Languages for scholars of eminence in Classical Indian Languages.
18 Official Languages
● Article 343 (1) of the Constitution of India states that “The Official Language of the Union Government shall be Hindi in
Devanagari script.” “Unless Parliament decided otherwise, the use of English for official purposes was to cease 15
years after the Constitution came into effect”, i.e. on 26 January 1965.
● It means over a period of fifteen years since the commencement of the Indian Constitution, Hindi will replace English as
the official language. However, Parliament can decide whether to use English as the official language or not.
● This led to protests across the nation by the non-Hindi speaking communities against the change in official language from
English to Hindi. The protest resulted in the enactment of the Official Language Act, 1963. This Act declares Hindi in
Devanagari script as the official language of the Union. English has been given the status of “subsidiary official
language” of the union. The Constitution of India made a provision for each of the Indian states to choose their own
official language for communications at the State level.
● There are many languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution which may be used by the States for the
official purpose. The language to be adopted by the States need not be one of those listed in the Eighth Schedule. Initially 14
languages were selected under the Eighth Schedule. They were:
Assamese Hindi Malayalam Telugu Marathi Sanskrit Gujarati
● Later Sindhi was added as the 15th language through the 21st Amendment Act of 1967.
● Three more languages were added by 71st Amendment Act, 1992. They are Konkani, Manipuri, and Nepali.
● 92nd Amendment Act, 2003 added four more languages to the Eighth Schedule. They are Bodo, Maithili, Dogri and
Santhali. At present there are 22 languages in total listed under the eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution.
Note- There is no national language of India. Hindi is not a national language. Neither does the Constitution nor any Act
defines the national language.
● The best-known Brahmi inscriptions are the rock-cut edicts of Ashoka in north-central India, dated to 250–232 BCE.
The script was deciphered in 1837 by James Prinsep.
● Brahmi is usually written from left to right. Brahmi is an abugida, meaning that each letter represents a consonant,
while vowels are written with obligatory diacritics called matras in Sanskrit, except when the vowels commence a word.
● It is a Brahmic script, having evolved from the Brahmi script in Tamil Nadu.
● The Malayalam script is a direct descendant of Grantha as are the Tigalari and Sinhala alphabets.
● The Urdu alphabet is the right-to-left alphabet used for the Urdu language. It is a modification of the Persian
alphabet, which is itself a derivative of the Arabic alphabet and has its origins in the 13th century.
● It is closely related to the development of the Nastaliq style of Perso-Arabic script. Urdu script in its extended form is
known as Shahmukhi script and is used for writing other Indo-Aryan languages of the North Indian subcontinent like
Punjabi and Saraiki as well.
20.1 Vedas
● The word ‘Veda’ signifies knowledge and the texts are actually about providing humans about knowledge to conduct their
entire life on earth and beyond. ● It is written in highly stylised poetic style and the language is full of symbols and
myths. The Vedas were initially handed down orally by generations of Brahmin families but it is estimated by historians that
they were compiled around 1500 BC-1000 BC.
● In the Hindu tradition, they are considered sacred because they are the divine revelations, which were determined by gods
to guide humans eternally. They also have larger implications on our lives as they treat the universe and its inhabitants
as one big family and preach Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
● There are four major Vedas: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. These were mostly written by vedic
seers and poets called the rishis who envisioned the cosmic mysteries and wrote them in the form of Sanskrit poetry. All
the Vedas give prominence to yagna (sacrifice). The Brahmanas, the Upanishads and the Aranyakas accompany each
20.1.1 Rig Veda
● The Rig Veda is the oldest existing Veda amongst the other four. It consists of 1028 individual Sanskrit hymns. It is said to
be one of the first extensive compositions in any Indo-European language that has survived for our perusal.
● Historians argue that it was compiled around 1200-900 BC. The focus of this Veda is on worldly prosperity and natural beauty.
The text is organised in 10 books, known as Mandalas, of varying age and length.
● Furthermore, each mandala comprises several Suktas or hymns, which are usually for sacrificial purposes. Most of the
hymns concentrate on the themes of life, death, creation, sacrifice and for seeking godly pleasure or soma.
● The entire Rig vedic hymns are dedicated to several deities, in particular to their chief deity, Indra. The other prominent
Gods mentioned in the Rig Veda are Agni (God of fire), Varuna (God of water), Rudra (God of wind/storm), Aditya (a
form of Sun God), Vayu (God of air) and the Ashwini twins.
● There are several hymns dedicated to female Goddesses too; like Usha (Goddess of dawn), Prithvi (Goddess of earth)
and Vak (the Goddess of speech).
20.1.2 Atharva Veda
● This Veda is also known as Brahma Veda and has been attributed to two rishis called Atharvah and Angira, respectively.
Because of its association with the two rishis, in the olden times it was also called Atharvangirasa.
● While it is mostly concerned with peace and prosperity of the human society and covers all aspects of a man’s daily
life, it specifically focuses on treatment of several ailments.
● The book is known to prescribe treatment for almost 99 diseases. There are two major recensions (sakhas) of the text
called the Paippalada and Saunakiya.
● Most of the text deals with healing and black and white magic; speculation on the changes in the universe; and even
touches upon issues of the everyday problems in a householder’s life.
20.1.3 Yajur Veda
● The name ‘Yajus’ signifies ‘sacrifice’ and this Veda concentrates on rites and mantras of different types of sacrifices that
were prevalent in the Vedic times.
● There are two major recensions (samhita) of the Yajur Veda: Shukla (white/pure) and Krishna (black/dark).
● These samhita’s are also called: Vajasaneyi Samhita and Taittiriya Samhita. The Yajur Veda is predominantly a ritual
Veda as it acts like a guide book for the rishis/priests who conduct sacrificial rituals.
20.2 Brahmanas
● The Brahmanas are part of the Hindu sruti (revealed knowledge) literature. Each Veda has a Brahmana attached to it,
which is essentially a collection of texts with commentaries on the particular Veda.
● They are usually a mixture of legends, facts, philosophy and detailed explanations of Vedic rituals. They also consist of
instructions as to how to properly conduct rituals and enunciate the science of sacrifice.
● They also explain the symbolic significance of the sacred words used in the rituals. Although historians disagree on
the dating of the Brahmanas, it is usually pegged to be composed and compiled between 900-700 BC. As mentioned
above, each Veda has its accompanying Brahmana.
20.3 Arayankas
● The Arayankas are also texts attached to the Vedas and they describe the rituals and sacrifices involved in the Vedas
from various perspectives.
● They are said to be compilations of ritualistic information on the birth and death cycles as well as the complexity of
the soul.
● It is argued that holy and learned men, called Munis, who preferred to dwell within the limits of the forests, taught them.
20.4 Upanishads
● The term Upanishad or u (at), pa (foot), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e. to sit down near (the teacher), describes the text
completely. We have more than 200 known Upanishads and the teacher usually passed them down verbally to his
students in the forest while they sat in front of him. This tradition was part of the guru-shishya parampara.
● These are treatises written in Sanskrit and give an account of the Vedas in predominantly monastic and mystical terms. As
they are generally the last part of the Vedas, they are also known as Vedanta or ‘end (anta) of the Veda’.
● The Upanishads are said to have the ‘truth’ about human life and show the way towards human salvation or moksha.
● They continue to talk about the abstract and philosophical problems faced by mankind, especially about the origin of this
universe, supposed origin of mankind, life and death cycle and the material and spiritual quests of man.
● Out of the above-mentioned 200 Upanishads, a set of 108 Upanishads has been called the Muktika Canon. This is
supposed to be an important canon as the number 108 is equivalent to the number of beads on a Hindu rosary or mala.
● The teachings propounded in the Upanishads have been part of the founding rituals of Hinduism.
● Some of the important Upnishads are:
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Maitri Upanishad
Chandogya Upanishad
20.5 Ramayana
● The most famous and revered recension of the Ramayana is by the sage Valmiki who is also called as Adikavi or the
first amongst the poets. By the same logic Ramayana is called Adikavya or the first amongst the poetry.
● Although there is a great debate on the dating of Ramayana, most historians argue that it was first compiled around 1500
BC. In this epic, through the story of Rama who is projected as the ideal man, we are instructed on how to achieve the four-
fold objectives (Purushartha) of mankind:
➢ Dharma- Religion or righteousness
20.6 Mahabharata
● The Mahabharata has several versions, but the most popular one is penned by Ved Vyas. It was written in Sanskrit and
initially had 8,800 verses. This version was called ‘Jaya’ or the story of ‘victory’.
● After that several stories were compiled and added to this collection. The number of verses increased to 24,000 and it was
renamed as ‘Bharata’ after the earliest Vedic tribes. The current form consists of 1,00,000 verses and is divided
into 10 parvas (chapters) with insets in the texts which are called Itihas Purana (mythical history).
● The story is based on the conflict between the Kauravas and the Pandavas over the right to claim the throne of
● The sutradhar of the story is Lord Krishna. The Mahabharata also consists of an important didactical text of Hindus, i.e., the
Bhagwata Gita. This text is like a concise guide to Hindu religions’ philosophical dilemmas and even acts like a guide to
mankind on how to live a righteous life.
● Most of the text is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and the Pandava prince Arjuna about the duties of a man,
warrior and prince. He also elaborates on the problem of violence versus non-violence; action versus non-action and
in the end about the Dharma.
● He even makes distinction between various kinds of Dharma and prefers that Arjuna and mankind should follow
Nishkama Karma, i.e. to perform one’s duty to the family and the world in a selfless way.
● Both the above-mentioned epics have been retold in several Indian and foreign languages. It has been dramatised by
theatres as well as by television. It is not only because both the stories have a universal appeal, but because they show
the right way of human existence and of the necessity of positiveness of human actions.
20.7 Puranas
● As the word ‘Purana’ suggests, these texts talk about ‘that which renews the old’. These are ancient Indian
mythological texts, which consist of the narrative stories about the creation of the universe and illustrate its history till
the supposed destruction of the universe.
● It contains the stories of the kings, heroes, sages, and demiGods, but it focuses on the divine Hindu trimurti or
trinity/ three Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.
● There are 18 major Puranas (Mahapuranas) and each gives prominence to a particular deity and expound on the
philosophical and religious concepts related to them.
● Some of the more prominent and well-known Puranas are Bhagvata, Brahma, Vayu, Agni, Garuda, Padma,
Vishnu and Matsya.
● These contain anecdotes about the social, cultural and religious life of post-Vedic India and provide the historians with
critical information about the geography, history and the dynastic genealogies.
● These Puranas are written in the form of stories, which combine myths, legends and sermons about the deities and this
easy form of story-writing made it very popular amongst the masses who did not always understand the complex Vedas.
● Panchtantra written by Vishnu Sharma is didactic fable comprises of several stories with morals and knowledge about the
world through animals.
● Another well-known work from the same genre is Hitopadesha, written by Narayan Pandit. This also has several non-
human and animal elements imparting the wisdom to humans.
21 Sanskrit Drama
The rules regarding the performance, acting, gestures, stage direction and acting have been illustrated in the Natyasastra by
Bharata (1 BC–1 AD). Major dramas written in this period are:
Sudraka ● Mricchakatika (The Little Clay Cart) Love affair of young brahmin
Charudatta with a wealthy courtesan
Vishakhdutta ● Mudra Rakshasa (is a political drama and narrates ascent of king
Chandragupta Maurya to power in India)
● DeviChandraguptam
Harshavardhana ● Ratnavali (about the love story of princess Ratnavali, daughter of the
king of Ceylon and king Udayana. We find here, the mention of
celebration of Holi for the first time).
● Nagananda (story of how prince Jimutavahana gives up his own
body to stop a sacrifice of serpents to the divine Garuda. One unique
character in this drama is invocation to lord Buddha in the Nandi verse)
● Priyadarsika (union of Udayana and Priyadarshika, daughter of
King Dridhavarman)
22 Sanskrit Poetry
● This genre is also called Kavya or poetry. Unlike the drama section where the story is the main focus of the text, poetry
concentrates more on the form, style, figure of speech, etc.
● One of the greatest Sanskrit poets is Kalidasa who wrote Kumara Sambhava (the birth of Kumar), and Raghuvamsa (the
dynasty of the Raghus). He also wrote two smaller epics called Meghaduta (the cloud messenger) and Ritusamhara
(medley of seasons).
● One should not forget to mention the contribution of poets like Harisena who wrote during the Gupta period. He wrote
several poems in praise of valour of Samudra Gupta and it was so well appreciated that it was inscribed on the Allahabad
● Another extremely popular Sanskrit poet was Jayadeva who wrote Gita Govinda in the 12th century. It concentrates on
the life and escapades of Lord Krishna. The text combines elements of devotion to Lord Krishna, his love for Radha and
the beauty of nature.
● The Buddhist literature can be divided into Canonical and Noncanonical works. The Canonical literature consists of
‘Triptikas’ or baskets (of knowledge). ● The three Tripitakas are: Vinaya Pitaka, which covers the rules and
regulations, which should be followed by the Buddhist monks.
● The Sutta Pitaka contains dialogues and speeches of the Buddha that deal with morality and righteous dharma.
● Lastly, the Abhidhamma Pitaka that concentrates on the philosophy and metaphysics. It also contains discussions
on various topics like ethics, theory of knowledge and psychology.
● The Jatakas are the best example of Buddhist non-canonical literature. These are compilation of the stories from the previous
births of Buddha. The stories of the Bodhisattva or the (future) would-be Buddha are also discussed in these Jatakas. Buddhist
literary texts:
● Dipavamsa: It was probably written in 3rd-4th centuries BCE in Anuradhapur (Sri Lanka), during the reign of King
Dhatusena. It literally means “Chronicle of the Island”. It mentions about the visit of Buddha to Sri Lanka and the relics of
● Milinda Panha: It contains a dialogue between King Meander (or Milinda) and Buddhist monk Nagasena. It means
“Questions of Milinda”. These are one of the highest philosophical enquiries.
● Mahavamsa: It is an epic poem written in Pali language. It dates back to 3rd-4th centuries BCE during the reign of King
Vijaya. It is a historical account of various kingdoms of South Asia.
● Mahavastu: It contains Jakata and Avadana tales. It is written in mixed Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit. It is said to compiled
between 2nd century BC-4th century AD. ● Lalitavistara Sutra: meaning “The play in full”, it is an important Mahayana text.
It contains various stories associated with the life of Buddha till his first sermon at Sarnath.
● Udana: It is one of the oldest Theravada (Old School) Buddhist text. It contains the famous story of “Blind Men and the
● Bodhi Vamsa: It was prose-poem, written in 10th century in Sri Lanka. It was translated from a Sinhalese version. It was
written by Upatissa and is written in Pali. ● Udanavarga: It is a compilation which contains utterances of Buddha and his
disciples. It is written in Sanskrit.
● Mahavibhasa Shastra: It is said to be written around 150CE. It contains discussions about other non-Buddhist
philosophies also. It is essentially a Mahayan text. ● Abhidharmamoksha: It is written by Vasubandhu and is a widely
respected text. It is written in Sanskrit. It contains discussion on Abhidharma.
● Visuddhimagga: It is written by Buddhagosha in 5th century. It is a text of Theravada doctrine. It contains
discussions on various teachings of Buddha.
Jaina Literature:
● Another major religion, Jainism, produced texts in Prakrit.
● They form the basis of the Jain canonical literature. Some of the Jain texts were also written in Sanskrit like the
Upamitibhava Prapancha Katha of Siddharasi (906 A.D.).
● The most important Jain texts written in Prakrit are the Angas, the Upangas and the Parikramas.
● Apart from these the Chhedab Sutra and the Malasutra are also considered to be sacred by the Jains.
25 Mediaeval Literature
25.1 Persian
● Although the roots of Persian language are as old as Sanskrit, it came to India with the coming of Turks and Mongols in
the twelfth century.
● It is during their rule that Persian became the mode of communication of the court. One of the finest Persian poets is Amir
Khusrau Dehlavi (Amir Khusrau of Delhi). Apart from his Diwan (collection of poetry in Persian), he also wrote Nuh
Sipihr and the Masnavi Duwal Rani Khizr Khan, that is a tragic love poem.
● In the Delhi Sultanate, multiple texts were written in Persian. Most of them were concerned with creating histories for the
rulers. Zia-ud din Barani is amongst the top historians of that period and he wrote Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi.
● Another famous historian was MinhajusSiraj. There are several travel accounts written by famous travellers like Ibn
Batuta (Moroccan traveller) that explain the socio-political scenario of the period.
● The production and dissemination of literature in Persian shot up in the Mughal period. Mughal emperor Babar wrote
Tuzuk-I-Babari in Turkish, which is his autobiography and gives us important information about the Mughal
conquest of India.
● One of the greatest sources about the period of Jahangir was Tuzuk-I-Jahangiri. Another important work is Humayun-
nama which gives an account of his life and struggles to get the throne, written by half-sister of Humayun, Gulbadan
● The greatest emperor of this period was Akbar and Ain-e Akbari and Akbarnama written by his court historian Abul
Fazl, are the best examples of literature of this period.
● The Akbar Nama is divided into three books of which the first two are chronicles. The third book is the Ain-i Akbari.
● The Akbar Nama was written to provide a detailed description of Akbar’s reign in the traditional diachronic sense of
recording politically significant events across time, as well as in the more novel sense of giving a synchronic picture of all
aspects of Akbar’s empire – geographic, social, administrative and cultural – without reference to chronology.
● In the Ain-i Akbari the Mughal Empire is presented as having a diverse population consisting of Hindus, Jainas,
Buddhists and Muslims and a composite culture.
● A pupil of Abu’l Fazl, Abdul Hamid Lahori is known as the author of the Badshah Nama. Emperor Shah Jahan,
hearing of his talents, commissioned him to write a history of his reign modelled on the Akbar Nama. The Badshah
Nama is this official history in three volumes (daftars) of ten lunar years each.
● Lahori wrote the first and second daftars comprising the first two decades of the emperor’s rule (1627-47); these volumes
were later revised by Sadullah Khan, Shah Jahan’s wazir. Infirmities of old age prevented Lahori from proceeding with
the third decade which was then chronicled by the historian Waris.
● Edited versions of the Akbar Nama and Badshah Nama were first published by the Asiatic Society in the
nineteenth century. In the early twentieth century the Akbar Nama was translated into English by Henry Beveridge
after years of hard labour. Only excerpts of the Badshah Nama have been translated into English to date; the text in its
entirety still awaits translation.
● All books in Mughal India were manuscripts, that is, they were handwritten. The centre of manuscript production
was the imperial kitabkhana.
● Although kitabkhana can be translated as library, it was a scriptorium, that is, a place where the emperor’s
collection of manuscripts was kept and new manuscripts were produced.
● The creation of a manuscript involved a number of people performing a variety of tasks. Paper makers were needed
to prepare the folios of the manuscript, scribes or calligraphers to copy the text, gilders to illuminate the
pages, painters to illustrate scenes from the text, bookbinders to gather the individual folios and set them
within ornamental covers.
● The finished manuscript was seen as a precious object, a work of intellectual wealth and beauty. It exemplified the
power of its patron, the Mughal emperor, to bring such beauty into being.
● At the same time some of the people involved in the actual production of the manuscript also got recognition in the
form of titles and awards. Of these, calligraphers and painters held a high social standing while others, such as
paper makers or bookbinders, have remained anonymous artisans.
● Calligraphy, the art of handwriting, was considered a skill of great importance. It was practised using different styles.
Akbar’s favourite was the nastaliq, a fluid style with long horizontal strokes. It is written using a piece of
trimmed reed with a tip of five to 10 mm called qalam, dipped in carbon ink (siyahi). The nib of the qalam is usually
split in the middle to facilitate the absorption of ink.
● He ordered several translations of Sanskrit texts like Ramayana, Bhagwata Gita and several Upanishads into Persian. Two
major examples are the Mahabharata which when translated into Persian was called Razmnama. One of the highly
illustrated works from this period is called Hamzanama, which depicts the story of the mythical Persian hero, Amir
Hamza. Malik Muhammad Jayasi also composed his Padmavat in this period.
● Other major writers of this period include Badauni, who wrote on ethics of political rule and Faizi who was considered a
master of Persian poetry. Several texts were produced in the period of Shah Jahan, especially about the emperor like
the Shah Jahan-nama of Inayat Khan.
● In Aurangzeb’s period, several satirists like Mir Jafar Zatalli wrote their Kulliyat (collection of verses). Texts like Tabqat-
i-Alamgiri give us a good idea about the period of eighteenth century. Padshahnama was written by Abdul Hamid
Lahori. It is about Shah Jahan.
25.2 Urdu
● The linguists have debated that Urdu developed through the interaction of Persian and Hindi, especially in the barracks
of the Turkish army.
● Amir Khusrau also wrote several texts in Urdu, which was in its nascent stage in this period. The language mostly follows
the grammar of Hindi and the form and script of Persian.
● As it was used by the Bahamani state of Ahmedabad, Golconda, Bijapur and Berar, it was initially also called Dakkani
(southern). One of the greatest Urdu poets is Mirza Ghalib who composed Diwan (collection of poetry) in Urdu.
● Several other Urdu poets were Sauda, Dard and Mir Taqi Mir. In the twentieth century, a major figure in Urdu literary
writing was Iqbal who wrote Bang-i-Dara. ● He is famous for writing ‘Saare jahan se achcha’, which has become a
celebrated nationalistic song. Apart from the last emperors of the Mughal empire like Bahadur Shah Zafar, who also wrote
in Urdu; the Nawabs of Awadh patronised several scholars who composed in Urdu.
● In the twentieth century, it was given uplift by the moderniser Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan who wrote several didactic and
nationalist texts in Urdu and English.
26 Hindi
26.1 During Medieval times
● Hindi as we know it today, evolved between 7th and 14th century from Apabhramsa, which was evolved from Prakrit.
● The language got its biggest boost with the Bhakti movement, which shunned the use of Sanskrit as it was the language
of the Brahmins and common people did not use it.
● Hence, they started writing in the language of the people and the twelfth century onwards we see a sharp rise in regional
languages like Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, etc.
● For a long time, Hindi literature was in the shadow of its Sanskrit antecedents, but Prithviraj Raso was the first Hindi
book and it documents the life and challenges faced by Prithviraj Chauhan.
● The bulk of the work is poetry by Bhakti writers like Kabir who is famous for his dohas (couplets) that are used by the
common people of India even today. Tulsidas produced couplets in Braj and was peppered by Persian.He became
immortal by writing Ramcharitmanas, one the most revered Hindu texts.
● Lord Krishna’s life also became the subject of various medieval poets like Surdas who wrote Sur Sagar about Krishna’s
infancy and adolescent affairs with the gopis. Rahim, Bhushan and Raskhan also wrote about the devotion to Lord
Krishna. Mirabai is also famous as the woman who renounced the world for Lord Krishna and wrote Bhakti poetry for
him. Bihari’s Satsai is also famous in this regard.
27 Indian Paintings 97
27.1 Principles of painting 97
27.2 Prehistoric Paintings 97
27.3 Classification of Indian Paintings 99
27.4 Folk Painting 113
28 Indian Sculptures 116
28.1 Sculptures of the Harappan Civilization 116
28.2 Pre-Mauryan Sculpture 118
28.3 Mauryan Period Sculpture 118
28.4 Post Mauryan Sculpture 119
28.5 Gupta Sculptures 121
28.6 Other Pre - Medieval Age Sculptures 121
28.7 Medieval Age Sculptures 121
28.8 British Colonial period Sculptures 121
28.9 Post-Independence Period Sculptures 122
29 Indian Theatre 122
29.1 Classical Sanskrit Theatre 122
29.2 Folk Theatre 123
29.3 Modern Indian Theatre 126
30 Indian Puppetry 127
30.1 String Puppets 127
30.2 Shadow Puppets 128
30.3 Glove Puppets 129
30.4 Rod Puppets 129
31 Martial Arts in India 130
31.1 Kalaripayattu 130
31.2 Silambam 131
31.3 Thang-ta and Sarit Sarak 131
31.4 Cheibi Gad-ga 131
31.5 Pari-khanda 131
31.6 Thoda 132
31.7 Gatka 132
31.8 Mardani Khel 132
31.9 Lathi 132
31.10 Inbuan Wrestling 132
31.11 Kuttu Varisai 133
31.12 Musti Yuddha 133
32 Indian Handicrafts 133
32.1 Glassware 133
32.2 Cloth Handicrafts 134
32.3 Ivory Carving 137
27 Indian Paintings
Indian Paintings have been there since prehistoric times. Paintings, in India, have a long history that began with cave paintings
and has progressed via ceramics, textiles, miniature paintings, and eventually modern paintings. The range of painting styles in
different sections of the country reflects the country's cultural diversity, with culture and livelihood serving as themes for paintings,
which were later dominated by religion.
● There are numerous references to the art of painting in the Brahmanical and Buddhist literature, for example, the
representation of the myths and lore on textiles is known as Lepya Chitra.
● The play, Mudrarakshasa by Vishakhadutta, also mentioned the name of various paintings or patas, which are important
to understand the different styles of paintings and to observe all the principles of paintings.
● Some of the styles were:
● Paintings of Narsinghgarh (Maharashtra) show skins of spotted deer left drying. Use of minerals for pigments e.g.,
Ochre or Geru. They also used minerals in various colours.
● In India, the earliest paintings have been reported from the Upper Paleolithic times.
○ These are dated to be painted around 1000 BC. Chhattisgarh is also home to a variety of caves in the district of
Kanker like the shelter of Udkuda, Garagodi, Khairkheda, Gotitola, Kulgaon, etc.
○ These shelters depict human figurines, animals, palm prints, bullock carts, etc. which show a higher and
sedentary type of living.
○ Similar paintings can be found in Ghodsar and Kohabaur rock art sites in the district of Korea.
● Another interesting site is in Chitwa Dongri (Durg district) where a Chinese figure riding a donkey, pictures of dragons,
and agricultural scenery can be found.
● Several interesting rock paintings have also been found in Limdariha in Bastar district and Oogdi, Sitalekhni in
Surguja district.
● In Odisha, Gudahandi Rock Shelter and Yogimatha Rock Shelter are also prominent examples of early cave paintings
Ajanta Caves Maharashtra ● The Ajanta caves were sculpted out of volcanic rocks in the 4th
century AD.
● It is made up of 29 caves carved in the shape of a horseshoe.
● These caves are well known for their stunning fresco paintings,
which were created during the rule of the Mauryan Empire and
took four to five centuries to finish.
● The Sunga period is represented by the murals in caves 9 and 10,
while the Gupta period is represented by the rest.
● The cave paintings in caverns 1 and 2 are the most recent of
Ajanta's caves.
Bagh Caves Madhya ● In terms of design, execution, and ornamentation, they are an
Pradesh extension of the Ajanta school.
● The figures are more neatly modelled, have a sharper contour, and
are more terrestrial and human in appearance.
● Rang Mahal, Cave No. 4, features exquisite murals on the walls
illustrating Buddhist and Jataka tales, similar to those found in
Armamalai Cave Paintings Tamil Nadu ● In the eighth century, natural caves were turned into a Jain temple.
● The tales of Astathik Palakas (deities defending eight corners) and
Jainism are shown in stunning colourful murals on the walls and
Sittanavasal Cave (Arivar Koil) Tamil Nadu ● These murals have a striking resemblance to paintings from Bagh
Paintings and Ajanta.
● Not only are there artwork on the walls, but also on the ceiling and
● The paintings are based on the Jain Samavasarana subject.
● Vegetable and mineral colours are utilised as the painting medium,
which is applied on a thin layer of wet lime plaster. Yellow, green,
orange, blue, black, and white are prevalent colours.
● A pond with lotuses is the focal point of the paintings at
Ravan Chhaya Rock Shelter Odisha ● These ancient fresco paintings on a rock shelter in the Keonjhar
district of Odisha are in the shape of a half-opened umbrella.
● This shelter is thought to have served as a royal hunting lodge.
● The painting depicting a royal procession, which dates from the 7th
century, is the most remarkable.
● The relics of Chola era paintings from the eleventh century are
also significant.
Lepakshi Paintings Andhra ● In the 16th century, mural paintings were painted on the walls of
Pradesh Veerabhadra temple in Lepakshi.
● They were created during the Vijayanagara period and have a
religious theme centered on the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and
Vishnu's incarnations, however they were secular paintings.
● Primary colours, particularly blue, are conspicuously absent from
the paintings.
Jogimara Cave Paintings Chattisgarh ● It is an artificially created cave in Chattisgarh's Surguja district. It
dates from roughly 1000-300 BC and contains a few paintings and
inscriptions in Brahmi script depicting a love story.
● It dates from roughly 1000-300 BC and contains a few paintings
and inscriptions in Brahmi script.
● The cave is said to be an addition to the amphitheatre, and it was
decorated with paintings.
● Paintings include dancing couples as well as creatures such as
elephants and fish.
● A strong red outline can be seen on the paintings. White, yellow,
and black are among the other colours used
Badami Murals Karnataka ● The paintings are a continuation of the mural painting tradition in
south India, which stretches from Ajanta to Badami.
● The king and queen's faces are reminiscent of the Ajanta
modelling, with wide eye sockets, half-closed eyes, and protruding
● By contouring different regions of the face to create projecting
structures of the face itself, these artists of the 6th century CE
were able to generate volume.
● Human beings have been rendered in three dimensions using vibrant and
vivid colours.
● Paintings on the walls of shrines, temple cloister walls, and palace walls.
● The paintings' subject matter ranges from common Hindu mythology to
localised interpretations of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, as well as
oral tales.
● Three palaces where these mural paintings are present are - the Dutch
Palace in Kochi, the Krishnapuram Palace in Kayamkulam, and the
Padmanabhapuram Palace in Padmanabhapuram (Travancore, now in
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu).
● Panayannarkavu (temple) in Pundareekapuram, Thrikodithanam Sri Rama
temple in Thrikodithanam, Vadakkunnathan temple in Thrissur are other
● The Indian subcontinent has long traditions of these miniature paintings and many schools have developed that have
differences in composition and perspective.
● Miniature means mini or small in size but paintings of this style were with minute details. The different objects can be
easily delineated in miniature paintings.
● These paintings are handmade, small-sized, and very colourful.
● The primary characteristic of these Miniature paintings is that they incorporate complex and gentle brushwork, which
gives them a unique character.
● Human figures are generally seen inside profiles, bulging eyes, slim waist, pointed nose, etc. Diverse colours were
used for different characters and a variety of bases was used. Regularly painted on paper, clothes, and palm leaves.
● The tradition of Indian miniature painting can be traced from the 9th- 10th Century in the Buddhist Pala period palm-
leaf manuscript of eastern India and in western India in the Jaina palm leaf manuscript.
● The entrance of Muslims changed the characteristics of miniature paintings to a great extent.
● The key changes have been earthy tones, the absence of primary colors, detached appearances etc.
● The characteristics of miniature painting were varied in different regions of the country.
● During the Lodi period, (1451- 1526 AD) a Sultanate bourgeois school of manuscript emerged.
● The Sultanate illustrated manuscript represented the court style.
● The Mughal era, (1526- 1757 AD) witnessed the evolution of miniature paintings when studios were established at the
Imperial court.
● The female figurines have long hair, and their eyes and hair are almost always black.
● Men typically dress in traditional attire and wear a turban on their heads.
● Akbar was in charge of creating an entire department dedicated to painting and
scribbling his paperwork.
● He founded Tasvir Khana, a professional artistic studio where artists were engaged
on pay and developed their own styles.
● Akbar regarded painting as a means of both study and recreation. He believed
that a painting could convey a subject's demeanor and regularly awarded painters
who created lifelike images.
● The use of three-dimensional figures and the continued use of foreshortening are
distinguishing features of Akbar's paintings.
● The artists also encouraged the use of calligraphy in their paintings.
● One of the distinguishing features of this period was the transformation of popular
art to court art, in which the artist was more concerned with depicting scenes of
court life rather than scenes of popular life.
● Daswant, Basawan, and Kesu are some of the most well-known painters of this era.
● During Akbar's reign, notably illustrated manuscripts include Tutinama,
Hamzanama, Anvar-i-Suhaili, and Gulistan of Sadi.
● During the reign of Jahangir, Mughal paintings achieved their pinnacle.
● By nature, he was a naturalist who loved paintings of flora and fauna, such as birds, animals, trees, and flowers. He
emphasised the importance of incorporating naturalism into portrait
● One of the distinctive trends that emerged during this time period was the
use of decorated margins around paintings that were sometimes as
elaborate as the paintings themselves.
● Jahangir was regarded as a talented artist, and he maintained his own
private workshop, though no major works by him have survived.
● His atelier primarily produced miniature paintings, the most famous of
which were naturalistic paintings of the zebra, turkey, and cock.
● Ustad Mansoor, a master of drawing the features of the most complex
faces, was one of his era's most famous artists.
● During his reign, an animal fable called Ayar-i-Danish (Touchstone of Knowledge) was illustrated.
Shah Jahan
● During Shah Jahan's reign, the tone of Mughal art shifted dramatically.
● In contrast to his father and grandfather, who preferred naturalistic images, Shah Jahan preferred to use artificial
elements in his paintings.
● According to legend, he attempted to diminish the vitality of the paintings and introduce unnatural stillness as a result
of European influence.
● He changed the drawing and painting techniques from the previous period. He discouraged the use of charcoal in
drawing and instead encouraged the artists to draw and sketch with a pencil.
● He also directed that more gold and silver be used in the paintings.
● In addition, he preferred brighter colour palettes than his predecessors.
● As a result, we can say that the Mughal atelier expanded during his reign but changed significantly in style and technique.
● The Rasikapriya, the Ramayana, and the Bhagavata Purana are all shown by Sahibdin during this period of Mewari art.
● The style of Mewar paintings shifted after Sahibdin's death. The majority of the paintings showed
life in Mewar's courts.
● The remarkable 'tamasha' paintings, which depict court rituals and city views in unprecedented
detail, are a highlight of this period.
● Rao Bika Rathore established one of the most prominent kingdoms of Rajasthan, Bikaner,
in 1488. During his regime, Anup Singh (1669–1698) instituted a library in Bikaner that
became a repository of manuscripts and paintings.
● As a result of long association with the Mughals, Bikaner developed a distinctive language
of painting that was influenced by the Mughal elegance and subdued colour palette.
● Several master artists of the Mughal atelier visited and worked in Bikaner in the seventeenth
○ Karan Singh had employed Ustad Ali Raza, who was a master painter from Delhi.
○ His earliest work represents the beginnings of Bikaner School, which can be dated
back to around 1650.
● In the reign of Anup Singh, Ruknuddin (whose ancestors came from the Mughal court)
was the master artist, whose style was an amalgamation of the indigenous idiom with
Deccani and Mughal conventions.
○ He painted significant texts, such as the Ramayana, Rasikapriya and Durga
● Ibrahim, Nathu, Sahibdin and Isa were other well-known painters in his atelier.
● A prevailing practice in Bikaner was to set up studios called Mandi, where a group of
artists worked under the supervision of a master artist. From inscriptions, it can be gathered
that Ruknuddin, Ibrahim and Nathu managed some of these professional studios.
● Several Mandis existed in Anup Singh’s reign. On the completion of a painting, the court archivist entered the name of the
master artist and the date behind the painting.
● This practice resulted in the name of the master artist being inscribed on works of his pupils, who may not be painting in
the same style as the master.
● However, it becomes evident from these entries that the master artist would occasionally put finishing touches to the
● The term used for this was gudarayi, literally meaning to ‘lift’. Apart from its activities of making new miniatures, the
studio was entrusted with the task of marammat or repairing and making nakals (copies) of older works.
● The custom of having portraits of artists is unique to the Bikaner School and most of them are inscribed with information
regarding their ancestry.
○ They are referred to as Ustas or Ustad.
● Accounts from the Bahis, royal archival day-to-day diaries, and numerous inscriptions on Bikaner paintings make it
one of the best documented schools of painting.
● Inscriptions in Marwari, and occasionally, Persian reveal the names of artists and dates, and in some cases, even the
place of production and occasions for which the works were commissioned. Pahari School of Painting
Basohli Paintings
Chamba Paintings
● The style of Chamba paintings is comparable to that of Mughal art.
● It is heavily influenced by the Deccan and Gujarat painting styles.
● The Basohli style dominated Chamba paintings in the late 17th century, paving the way for the Guler painting tradition.
Bilaspur Paintings
● Around the mid-seventeenth century, this town witnessed the growth of Pahari art.
● Painters created paintings on coverlets for sacraments and rites in addition to the Bhagavata Purana, Ramayana, and
Ragamala series.
Guler-Kangra Style Paintings
● Around the year 1800, the Guler Kangra painting style was formed.
● It was a naturalized version of the artwork, with noticeable differences in the treatment of
the eyes and face modeling.
● Landscapes were also frequently shown in Guler-Kangra art.
● This style also emphasized Indian women's grace and delicacy.
Garhwal Paintings
● When painters from outside the region settled in Srinagar, Garhwal Paintings began.
● The Mughal style was first dominant.
● Later, it came to reflect a more straightforward interpretation of Kangra customs.
Kulu Paintings
● Two Madhumalati manuscripts, the Bhagavata Purana, and other Kulu-style paintings
are included.
Mandi Paintings
● From 1684 through 1727, Mandi witnessed the birth of a new school of painting under Raja Sidh Sen.
● The king was depicted as a monstrous person with exaggeratedly large heads, hands, and feet in the paintings.
● Other pieces featured geometric configurations and delicate, realistic features.
Nurpur Paintings
● Himachal Pradesh is home to the Nurpur paintings.
● Bright colors and flat backgrounds are common in Nurpur paintings.
● Later periods substituted subdued colors for bright ones.
Ragamala Paintings
● Ragamala Paintings are a series of illustrative paintings from medieval India based on
Ragamala or the ‘Garland of Ragas’, depicting various Indian musical Ragas. They
stand as a classical example of the amalgamation of art, poetry and classical music
in medieval India.
● Ragamala paintings were created in most Indian schools of painting, starting in the 16th
and 17th centuries and are today named accordingly, as Pahari Ragamala, Rajasthan or
Rajput Ragamala, Deccan Ragamala, and Mughal Ragamala.
● In these paintings, each raga is personified by a colour describing the story of a hero
and heroine (nayaka and nayika) in a particular mood. It also elucidates the season and
the time of day and night in which a particular raga is to be sung.
● Moreover, many paintings also demarcate the specific Hindu deities attached with the
raga, like Bhairava or Bhairavi to Shiva, Sri to Devi etc.
● The six principal ragas present in the Ragamala are Bhairava, Deepak, Sri, Malkaush,
Megha and Hindola.
● Then came the newly introduced Western philosophy of naturalism, whose most prominent proponent was Raja Ravi
● Abanindranath Tagore made an attempt to stem this cultural quagmire, and under his inspired guidance, a new school
of painting was born, which was decidedly nostalgic and romantic at the outset.
● For more than three decades, it was known as the Bengal School of Painting, also known as the Renaissance School
or the Revivalist School.
● The period following WWII unleashed extraordinary and entirely new political and cultural forces and situations, which the
artist had to contend with.
● The time roughly corresponded to the country's independence. With independence comes the possibility of never-before-
seen possibilities.
● With far-reaching effects, the artist was placed on a general road of modernization and confrontation with the large, wide
world, particularly with the Western World.
● The artists assimilated the change that was forced upon them by the situation and a desire to modernise (to adopt the
ideas such as impressionism, expressionism or post-expressionism in the realm of arts).
Company Paintings
● During the colonial period, a hybrid painting style arose, combining Rajput,
Mughal, and other Indian painting styles with European influences.
● They influenced the artwork with European styles and techniques. When the
British Company officers hired painters who had been schooled in Indian styles,
these paintings resulted.
● As a result, they combined their Indian training with their bosses' European
sensibilities. The 'Company Paintings' were dubbed as such.
● The use of water colour set them apart, as did the appearance of linear
perspective and shading in technique. Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Patna, Varanasi,
and Thanjavur were the birthplaces of this painting style.
● Lord Impey and Marquess Wellesley were patrons of the painters, and several
of them were working on paintings of India's "exotic" flora and animals.
● Until the twentieth century, this style of painting was popular.
Bazaar painting
● The European encounter in India had an impact on this school as well. They
differed from the Company paintings in that they combined European and Indian
methods and themes.
● The Bazaar school was influenced by Roman and Greek culture rather than
Indian culture. The painters were forced to imitate Greek and Roman statuary.
● This school was quite popular in Bengal and Bihar. Apart from Greco-Roman
history, they created paintings depicting everyday bazaars in India with a
European backdrop.
● The depiction of Indian courtesans dancing before British officials was one of the
most well-known genres.
● They painted religious themes as well, but figures of Indian Gods and
Goddesses with more than two axes, as well as elephant faces such as Lord
Ganesha's, were forbidden since they departed from the European notion of a natural human figurine.
● Another group of artists drew the attention of the art world in 1947 with their use of advanced and daring topics. These
ideas were mixed up with softer, more abstract ones.
● They didn't have much in common, yet they were all inspired by European Modernism. Francis Newton Souza
founded the organisation, although its most well-known members included S.H Raza, H.A Gade, Ara, and others.
● M.F Hussain, a well-known cubist painter, was a member of the Progressive Artist Group.
● Mulk Raj Anand was a patron of their first art show, which took place in 1948. They've grown into a major collective
since then, with numerous galleries in Delhi and Mumbai.
Madhubani Paintings Bihar ● It's also known as Mithila paintings, and it's traditionally
done by women from villages near Madhubani town.
● The art can be found in Nepal's Terai region and its
surrounding areas. The paintings all have a common
theme and are usually inspired by Hindu religious motifs
such as Krishna, Rama, Durga, Lakshmi, and Shiva.
● The figures in the picture are symbolic; for instance, a
fish represents good fortune and fertility.
● On a base of cow dung and mud, these were
traditionally painted on walls with rice paste and
vegetable colours.
● With time, the foundation shifted to handmade paper,
clothing, and canvas, with natural colours remaining.
● The paintings appear two-dimensional due to the lack of
shading. The double line border, intense use of colour,
intricate floral patterns, and exaggerated facial features
are all prevalent aspects of these paintings.
● They have been accorded the GI (geographical
Indication) status as it has remained confined to
compact geographical areas and skills have been
passed on through centuries, but the content and the
Patua Art Bengal ● Patua art, Bengali art, dates back over a thousand
years. It began as a local custom in which artists would
tell Mangal Kavyas or auspicious stories about Gods
and Goddesses.
● These paintings are done on pats or scrolls, and scroll
painters, or patuas, have been travelling to different
towns to sing their stories in exchange for food or
money for generations.
● These were traditionally painted on fabric and told
religious stories, nowadays, they are painted with
poster paints on sewed-together sheets of paper to
make political and social statements.
Kalighat Painting West Bengal ● Kalighat paintings were created by rural migrants who
lived around the Kalighat temple in the then British
capital of Calcutta (now Kolkata) in the 19th century as
a consequence of the evolving urban civilization of
Calcutta (now Kolkata) (Calcutta).
● Watercolours were painted on mill paper with calf and
squirrel hair brushes.
● The paintings originally represented religious themes,
particularly Hindu Gods and Goddesses. These
artworks were used to depict social attitudes over time.
● Kalighat paintings are the first of their sort in the
country, expressing subaltern sentiments and directly
addressing buyers.
Kalamkari Paintings Andhra Pradesh ● The name derives from the word kalam, which means
pen, and refers to the pen that is used to create these
beautiful works of art.
● The pen is constructed of sharp-pointed bamboo and is
used to control the flow of the colours.
● The fabric is made of cotton, and the colours are made
with vegetable dyes.
● The images were created freehand and were inspired
by Hindu mythology.
Manjusha Painting Bihar ● Angika art is another name for it, with 'ang' referring to
Cheriyal scroll painting Telangana ● It originated from Cheriyal, a place situated in the
Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh.
● It is a modernised and stylized version of Nakashi art.
● A rich scheme of colours is used to depict the scrolls of
narrative format from mythology and folklore.
● These paintings are Cheriyal scrolls because these
paintings are now only confined to Cheriyal villages.
● This style of painting is considered culturally and
sociologically significant by the people of the Telangana
part of Andhra Pradesh.
● By virtue of its distinct traditional style and
characteristics Cheriyal Paintings received GI status in
Pithora paintings Gujarat and Madhya ● The paintings are done by some tribal communities of
Pradesh Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh and are said to serve
religious and spiritual purposes.
● They are painted on the walls of the houses to bring
peace and prosperity.
● They are drawn on special family occasions as a ritual.
Depiction of animals is common, especially horses.
28 Indian Sculptures
● Sculpture on the Indian subcontinent mostly consists of stone, metal, or terracotta sculpture, partially due to the Indian
subcontinent's climate, which makes long-term survival of organic materials problematic.
● There was clearly a lot of painting and sculpting in wood and ivory throughout these times, but only a few pieces have
● By the beginning of the Common Era, all of the major Indian faiths had evolved the use of religious sculpture, after a shaky
start, and the use of stone was becoming more common.
● In Mohenjo-Daro, a Bearded Man (Priest Man, Priest-King) was discovered. The main features of the figure were:
○ Steatite figurine of a bearded guy.
○ The figure is covered in a shawl that comes under the right arm and covers
the left shoulder, indicating that it is a priest. The shawl has a trefoil design on
○ As in contemplative concentration, the eyes are extended and partially
○ The nose is well-formed and of average size.
○ Short beard and whiskers, as well as a short moustache.
○ A basic woven fillet is carried around the head once the hair is separated in the
○ A right-hand armlet and holes around the neck imply a necklace.
○ Overall, there is a hint of the Greek style in the statues.
● Male Torso
○ Red sandstone was used to create it.
○ The head and arms are attached to the neck and shoulders through socket
openings. Legs have been broken.
○ The shoulders are nicely browned, and the belly is a little protruding.
○ It is one of the more expertly cut and polished pieces
28.1.2 Bronze Sculptures of Harappan Civilization
● Bronze casting was conducted on a large scale in practically all of the civilization's main sites.
● Bronze casting was done using the Lost Wax Technique.
Dancing Girl
● Founded in Mohenjo-Daro, it is one of the best-known artefacts from the Indus valley.
● It depicts a girl whose long hair is tied in a bun and bangles cover her left arm.
● Cowry shell necklace is seen around her neck with her right hand on her hip and her left hand
clasped in a traditional Indian dance gesture.
● A few figures of bearded males with coiled hairs are found in terracotta, their stance firmly erect, legs slightly apart, and
arms parallel to the sides of the torso. The fact that this figure appears in the same posture over and over again suggests
that he was a divinity.
● There was also a clay mask of a horned god discovered.
● Terracotta was also used to create toy carts with wheels, whistles, rattles, birds and
animals, gamesmen, and discs.
● Mother Goddess figurines are the most important clay figures.
● The main example of a terracotta figure is:
○ Mother Goddess
■ Found in Mohenjo-Daro
■ These are mainly crude standing figurines.
■ Wearing a loin robe and a grid, she is adorned with jewellery dangling
from her large breast.
■ The mother goddess's distinctive ornamental element is her fan-shaped
headpiece with a cup-like protrusion on either side.
■ The figure's pellet eyes and beaked snout are exceedingly primitive
(constructed in a rudimentary way).
■ A tiny hole indicates the mouth
Ingredient Bluish-grey sandstone while the Spotted red sandstone. White marbles.
Used later period saw the use of mud
and stucco.
Religious Mainly Buddhist imagery, Influence of all three Mainly Buddhist influence.
Influence influenced by the Greco-Roman religions of the time, i.e.
pantheon. Hinduism, Jainism and
Area of North West Frontier, in the Mathura, Sonkh and Krishna-Godavari lower
Development modern day area of Kandahar Kankalitila. Kankalitila was valley, in and around
famous for Jain sculptures Amaravati and
Features of The Buddha is shown in a Buddha is shown in a Since the sculptures are
Buddha spiritual state, with wavy hair. delighted mood with a generally part of a narrative
Sculpture He wears fewer ornaments and smiling face. art, there is less emphasis
seated in a yogi position. The body symbolises on the individual features of
The eyes are half closed as in muscularity, wearing tight Buddha.
meditation. dress. The sculptures generally
A protuberance is shown on the The face and head are depict life stories of Buddha
head signifying the omniscience shaven. and the Jataka tales, i.e.,
of Buddha. Buddha is seated in previous lives of Buddha in
padmasana with different both human and animal
mudras and his face reflects form
A similar protuberance is
shown on the head.
29 Indian Theatre
It has been postulated that the excavated ruins at Sitabena and Jogimara caves represent the world’s oldest amphitheatres.
This is just one of the instances that highlight the long tradition of theatre in the Indian cultural scenario. In Bharat Muni’s Natya
Shastra, Lord Brahma created the Natya Veda for the pastime of Gods, combining elements of the four Vedas. Natya shastra
itself was written in the period between 200 BC and 200 AD and is the first formal treatise on dramaturgy. In it, ten types of play -
from one-act play to 10 acts - has been described and covers all aspects of classical Sanskrit literature.
Koodiyattam (Koodiyattam)
It is India’s oldest continuing form of theatre and living tradition that has
survived since 10th century AD in Kerala. It completely adheres to the rules
laid down in Natya Shastra and is the traditional privilege of the Chakyar
and Nambiar castes of Kerala. The play is performed in Sanskrit, Prakrit
and Malayalam, with musical instruments Mizhavu and Edakka providing
the background music. All the characters begin the play with Nirvahana, a
recollection of the past events of the story. After this, the story unfolds in a
leisurely fashion with commentaries on social, philosophical, and political
behaviour. MargiMadhu Chakyar is a leading exponent of this art form. Ramlila
● Ramlila is a popular folk theatre in the region of Uttar Pradesh. It is an enactment of Ramayana using songs, dances, and
dialogues, mainly during the period before Dussehra.
● It is generally performed by male actors, who perform the role of Sita as well.
124 Raslila
● Raslila is a dance drama enactment of the adolescent love stories of Krishna and Radha, popular mainly in the region
of Gujarat and even in some parts of North India. Ramman
● It is a ritualistic theatre in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. It is dedicated to Bhumiyal Devta, the local deity.
● It is listed in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
● People of the Bhandari caste wear the sacred mask symbolizing Narasimha (half-man and half lion).
● Dances are performed and various songs are sung. Stories of Lord Rama are also narrated. Kala
● Kala is an ancient Vaishanvite folk theatre.
● It is primarily concerned with Vishnu's lives and incarnations.
● Dashavatar Kala, Gopal Kala, and Gaulan Kala are some of the most well-known Kala branches. Bhavai
● Bhavai is a popular folk theatre form of mainly Gujarat and Rajasthan. This form incorporates an extensive use of dance
to narrate a series of small plays.
● The theme of the play is generally romantic and the performers balance a number of earthen pots or brass pitchers.
● The play is accompanied by semi-classical music, played in a distinct folk style with instruments such as Jhanjhar and
● The sutradhar is known as Nayaka in the Bhavai theatre. Daskathia
● Daskathia is a form of folk theatre popular in Odisha.
● In this form, there are two narrators - Gayaka, who is the chief singer and Palia, who is the conarrator.
● The narration is accompanied by dramatic music composed using a wooden musical instrument called kathia.
● The theme mainly revolves around Lord Shiva. A close variant of this form is the Chhaiti Ghoda, which uses two musical
instruments – dhol and mohuri – and three narrators. Garoda
● This is a popular art form of the ‘Garoda’ brahmin community of Gujarat.
● It uses painted pictures to narrate stories of romance and valour. Jatra
● Jatra is a popular folk theatre of Eastern India.
● It is generally an open-air performance that was initiated by Vaishnava Saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
● During his travels through rural Bengal, he used the medium of Jatra to propagate the teachings of Lord Krishna.
● Later, variants such as Rama Jatra, Shiv Jatra and Chandi Jatra also came into existence that narrates stories of Puranic
● In modern times, Jatra was used to narrate stories of secular, historical and even patriotic themes. In Odisha, a
popular form of street theatre known as Sahi Jatra is prevalent. Kariyila
● It is another form of open-air theatre that is popular in the foothills of Himachal Pradesh.
● Generally staged during village fairs and festivals, the performance occurs through the night and comprises a series of
small plays and skits. Maanch
● Maanch is the folk theatre of the region of Malwa in Madhya Pradesh.
● Initially, it was based on mythological themes such as Mahabharata and Ramayana. Later, romantic folk tales were
included into its repertoire.
● The unique feature of this form is the dialogues, which are delivered in the form of couplets known as Rangat Dohas. Nautanki
● An offshoot of Swang, Nautanki is the most popular form of theatre in North India, which finds mention in Abul Fazl’s
● The plays are themed around historical, social, and folk tales and delivered through dance and music.
● Dialogues are delivered in a lyrical fashion, accompanied by the beats of a drum called Nagada.
● In the later period, two schools of Nautanki seated around Kanpur and Lucknow gained importance. Oja-pali
● Oja-pali is a unique narrative theatre form of Assam, primarily associated with the festival of Manasha or the Serpent
● The narration is a prolonged affair, with three distinct parts – Baniya Khanda, Bhatiyali Khanda and Deva Khanda.
● Oja is the main narrator and Palis are the members of the chorus. Powada
● When Shivaji killed his adversary Afzal Khan, a play was written lauding the heroic deeds of Shivaji, which later came
to be known as Powada.
● They are operatic ballads depicting stories of valour and sung by the folk musicians known as Gondhalis and Shahirs.
● It is popular mainly in the region of Maharashtra. Tamasha
● Tamasha is form of folk theatre in the region of Maharashtra, known for its humour and erotic content.
● The unique feature of Tamasha is the presence of female actors, who play even the male roles.
● The Tamasha performances are generally accompanied by Lavani songs. Bhaona
● It is a folk theatre of Assam, especially the Majuli Island.
● The idea is to spread religious and moral messages to people through entertainment and drama.
● It is a presentation of Ankia Naat and Vaishnavite themes are common.
● Sutradhar (Narrator) narrates the play and sings verses from holy texts. Songs and music are also a part of it.
● This folk theatre was created by Sankardeva in the early 16th century. Dashavatar
● It is a popular form of drama by the farmers of Konkan region, notably Sindhudurg (Maharashtra) and North Goa.
● It is to honour the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
● It has two parts: ‘poorva-ranga’(initial part) and ‘uttararanga’(second part).
● The second session is the main act and is based on mythological stories. Swang
● Swangs are another popular source of entertainment in the region of Rajasthan and Haryana.
● They are mainly musical dramas, sung through verses, accompanied by the music of ektara, harmonium, sarangi,
dholak, and khartal.
● It also involves mimicry accompanied by dialogue.
Theatre Features
Villu Paatu The term ‘Villu Paatu’ means bow-song. It is a form of musical theatre popular in Kerala and some
parts of Tamil Nadu, in which stories of Ramayana are narrated using bow shaped instruments.
Yakshagana It is perhaps the oldest theatre tradition, which is prevalent till date in Karnataka and parts of Kerala. It
originated in the royal courts of the Vijayanagara empire and was performed by a particular
community known as Jakkula Varu. Originally, it was largely a descriptive dance-drama enacted by a
single artist. Later forms adopted further variations and became a typical dance drama. It is strongly
influenced by Vaishnava Bhakti Movement.
Burra Katha Burra Katha is a popular story-telling tradition of Andhra Pradesh. It derives its name from Burra – the
percussion instrument used extensively during the performance. The performance consists of a main
artist or narrator and two co-artists who provide the rhythm as well as the chorus.
Pagati Veshaalu It is the folk tradition popular in the Telangana region as well as the Krishna district of Andhra
Pradesh. It is primarily a role-playing act, revolving around a principal character known as vesham
(disguise) and other sub-characters.
Bayalata It is an open-air theatre tradition of Karnataka that is performed during the worship of the local deity.
The stories are also based on the love of RadhaKrishna.
Tal-Maddale Tal is a kind of Cymbal and Maddale is a kind of drum. It is generally considered as the predecessor
of Yakshagana. The play is performed while sitting and without any costumes, dance or acting. The
narration is done by a Bhagavata who is aided by a group of Arthadharis. It is mainly performed in
coastal Karnataka and Kerala
Krishnanattam It is a colourful dance-drama tradition of Kerala that originated in the mid 17th century. Based on the
works of Krishna Geethi, it is a carnival that lasts for eight days, with performances in eight
consecutive nights at temples narrating the life story of Lord Krishna.
Theyyam Theyyams are performed in Kerala. It is similar to a practice in Karnataka, called Bhuta Kola. It is an
open theatre and is performed in front of the local temples to mainly honour the spirit of the ancestors
besides gods. Themes of Vaishnavism, Shaktism and Shaivism are now common. The actors wear
elaborate headgear and colourful costumes.
Kuruvanji Originated around 300 years ago, Kuruvanji is characterised by classical Tamil poetry and songs. The
first Kuruvanji was composed by Thirukutarajappa Kaviyar. The basic theme revolves around a love-
struck heroine. Kuruvanji literally means ‘fortune-teller’ who predicts the fate of the heroine. It is
performed in a dance ballet form with Bharatnatyam being the principal dance form in Tamil Nadu.
○ His themes included nationalism, spirituality, socio-political situation, etc. Other noted personalities were
Prasanna Kumar Thakur, Girishchandra Ghosh, Dinabandhu Mitra (Nildarpan), etc
● In 1943, lndian People’s Theatre Association (ITPA) was formed as a cultural wing of Communist Party. Although it was
disbanded in 1947, it played an important role in further development of theatre. They wrote plays on various social
themes like Bengal Famines, etc. Notable personalities associated with ITPA were Balraj Sahni, Prithviraj Kapoor, Bijon
Bhattacharya, Ritwik Ghatak, Utpal Dutt, etc. IPTA now exists in Chhattisgarh, Punjab and West Bengal.
● Prithvi Theatre was established in 1944, by Prithviraj Kapoor. It was a moving theatre with an entourage of 150 artists
and held more than 2000 plays. It was only in 1978 when a permanent theatre was opened in Mumbai and it still exists.
● Sangeet Natak Akademi was founded in 1952 to promote performing arts, especially theatre, and to help the growth of
theatre in India.
● The National School of Drama has contributed to the development of notable theatre figures.
30 Indian Puppetry
● Puppets with sockets have been discovered in the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro excavation sites, indicating that
puppetry was a popular art form in those days.
● Around 500 BC, several allusions to marionette theatre have been discovered.
● Puppetry is mentioned in the Tamil classic Silappadikaram, written during the first and second centuries BC, as well as
in the Mahabharata.
● Puppetry has philosophical significance in Indian culture, in addition to being an art form. God is characterised as a
puppeteer in the Bhagavad Gita, directing the cosmos with three strings: Satta, Raja, and Tama.
● In Indian theatre, the storyteller is known as Sutradhar, which means "string bearer."
● In many areas of India, a wide range of puppetry
traditions have arisen, each with its own particular
style of puppets.
● Mythology, folklore, and local tales were used as
inspiration. Painting, sculpture, music, dance, and
drama have all been infused into puppetry,
resulting in a unique form of artistic expression.
However, in current times, this art form has been
steadily declining due to a lack of loyal audiences
and financial uncertainty.
Ravanchhaya Odisha ● It's the most dramatic kind of shadow puppetry, and it's a
popular form of entertainment in Odisha.
● The deer-skin puppets represent powerful and dramatic
● They do not have any joints, thus it's a more difficult art to
● Non-human puppets, such as trees and animals, are
frequently used.
● The Ravanchhaya artists have received extensive training
in their craft, allowing them to create a poetic and sensitive
theatrical narrative.
Putul Nach West Bengal ● It is the Bengal-Odisha-Assam region's traditional rod puppet dance.
● The figurines are usually three to four feet tall and costumed like
Jatra characters.
● A musical troupe of three to four musicians plays harmonium,
cymbals, and tabla during the performance.
31.1 Kalaripayattu
● One of the oldest martial arts in India, Kalaripayattu, although
practiced in most parts of Southern India, originated in the state of
Kerala around 3rd century BC.
● Kalari, a Malayalam word, refers to a specific type of
school/gymnasium/training hall where martial arts are practiced or
● This art form includes mock duels (armed and unarmed combat)
and physical exercises.
● Not accompanied by any drumming or song, the most important
aspect is the style of fighting.
● Kalaripayattu’s most important key is footwork; it also includes kicks, strikes and weapon-based practice. Even women
practise this art.
● Kalaripayattu is still rooted in traditional rituals and ceremonies. Kalaripayattu includes a number of techniques and
● Some of them are: Uzhichil or the massage with Gingli oil, Fighting with Otta (an ‘S’ shaped stick), Maipayattu or body
exercises, Puliyankam or sword fight, Verumkai or bare-handed fight, Angathari or use of metal weapons and sticks of
31.2 Silambam
● Silambam, a kind of staff fencing, is a modern and scientific martial
art of Tamil Nadu.
● Pandyas, Cholas and Cheras, promoted it during their reign. The
reference to the sale of silambam staves, pearls, swords and
armour to foreign traders can be found in a Tamil literature
Silappadikaram, which dates back to 2nd AD.
● The silambam bamboo stave was one of the most popular trading
items with the traders and visitors from Rome, Greece and Egypt.
This art is believed to have travelled to Malaysia from its originating
State, where it is a famous sport apart from being a mode of self-
● The long-staff was used for both mock fighting and self-
● There are different kinds of techniques that are used in
Silambam including swift movements of the foot, use of both hands to wield staff, use of thrust, cut, chop and sweep to
achieve mastery and development of force, momentum and precision at different levels of the body (head, shoulder, hip
and leg level).
● The player must be trained to diffuse an uncontrollable mob by using strokes like snake hits, monkey hits, hawk hits and
also deflect stones thrown by them.
31.5 Pari-khanda
● Pari-khanda, created by Rajputs, is a form of martial art from Bihar.
● It involves fighting using a sword and shield. Still practised in many parts of Bihar, its steps and techniques are widely
used in Chhau dance.
● The name of this martial art consists of two words, ‘Pari’ that means shield while ‘khanda’ refers to sword, thus the use
of both sword and shield in this art.
31.6 Thoda
● Originating from Himachal Pradesh, Thoda is a mixture of
martial arts, sports and culture. It takes place during the
Baisakhi festival in April every year.
● A number of community prayers are done so as to invoke
the blessings of Goddesses Mashoo and Durga, the
principal deities. The martial art relies on a player’s skill of
● Thoda can be dated back to Mahabharata, the times when
bows and arrows were used in the epic battle, in the Valleys
of Kullu and Manali.
● In the game, there are two groups of roughly 500 people
each. Most of these are not archers but dancers who come
along to boost the morale of their respective teams.
● The game is played in a marked court so as to ensure a
certain degree of discipline.
● The two teams are called Pashis and Saathis, who are believed to be the descendants of Pandavas and Kauravas of
● The archers aim for the leg, below the knee, as there are negative points for striking any other parts of the body.
31.7 Gatka
● Gatka is a weapon based martial art form, performed by the Sikhs
of Punjab.
● The name ‘Gatka’ refers to the one whose freedom belongs to
● Gatka features the skillful use of weapons, including stick, Kirpan,
Talwar and Kataar.
● The attack and defence in this art form is determined by the various
positions of hands and feet and the nature of the weapon used. It is
displayed on a number of celebrations in the State including fairs.
31.9 Lathi
● An ancient armed martial art form of the country, Lathi also denotes one the
world’s oldest weapons used in martial arts.
● Lathi refers to a ‘stick’ (usually cane sticks), which is generally 6 to 8 ft in
length and sometimes metal tipped.
● Indian police can be seen using such Lathis to control crowds. Majorly
practised in Punjab and Bengal, it still is one of the popular sports in villages.
● The way to win this is by lifting the opponent off their feet, while stringently
adhering to the rules.
● It also involves catching the belt (worn around their waist) by the wrestlers.
32 Indian Handicrafts
● Hastkala, hastshilp, dastkari, and karigari are typical Indian terminology for handicrafts.
● They all indicate workmanship, but they also refer to products manufactured with craftsmanship, i.e., specialized hand
skills that are also beautiful.
● The aesthetic element of such products is an integral aspect of their worth, implying that the object of usefulness has a
value that extends beyond its utility and is also attractive to the sight.
● A handcrafted product is rarely purely ornamental, and whether it is unadorned or heavily embellished, its real purpose
is served only when it is both functional and beautiful.
● Some of the major handicrafts of India are:
○ Glassware
○ Cloth Handicrafts including Tie and Dye and Embroidery Crafts
○ Ivory Carving
○ Terracotta Craft
○ Silver Crafts
○ Clay and Pottery Work
○ Metal Crafts
○ Leather Products
○ Toy Making
○ Stoneware
○ Embroidery Craft
○ Floor Designs
32.1 Glassware
● The Indian epic Mahabharata has the earliest mention of glassmaking.
● The earliest tangible evidence came in the shape of magnificent glass
beads from the Ganges Valley's Painted Grey Ware civilization (1000
● The glass was referred to as kanch or kaca in the Vedic literature
Satapatha Brahmana.
● Archaeological evidence has been discovered of a glass industry in
Maharashtra's Bramhapuri and Kolhapur that operated between 2 BC and
2 AD and produced specialised glassware known as lenticular beads.
● The Sanskrit literature Vyasayogacharita has allusions to eyeglasses,
indicating that the glass industry dabbled in optical lenses.
● Archaeological evidence of glass has been discovered at Maski, a Chalcolithic site in the Deccan, in the southern region
of India.
● Ahar (Rajasthan), Hastinapur and Ahichachhatra (Uttar Pradesh), Eran and Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), and other
locations have provided glass evidence.
● During the medieval period, the Mughals favoured glassware and used it as a decorative element in their monuments,
such as the Sheesh Mahal.
● Glass hookahs, perfume boxes or ittardans, and engraved glasses were some of the other noteworthy glass objects
made for the Mughals.
● The glass business currently has various sides, but the most well-known is that of glass bangles.
● The most exquisite is known as 'Churi ka jodas' and is created in Hyderabad.
● Firozabad is well known for its glass chandeliers and other beautiful items.
● The city of Saharanpur, which makes 'panchkora' or glass toys for children, is another glass-producing center in Uttar
● Similarly, Patna (Bihar) makes a unique type of ornamental glass bead known as 'Tikuli.'
● In the hallways of industrialization, this craft has virtually vanished.
● The Santhal tribes of Bihar, however, continue to wear it.
● Bihar's Tikuli Art is now being produced on glazed hardboards in order to restore the art form in a contemporary and
modern environment. Other Tie and dye, Cloth Painting and Cloth printing varieties
Paagadu Bandhu Tie Andhra Pradesh ● It is also known by the Indonesian name Ikat. In this tie- dye
and Dye process, the fabric is woven first, resist bindings are then
applied to the fabric which is then dyed.
Tehlia Rumal (Resist Andhra Pradesh ● It literally means ‘Oily handkerchief’ where alizarin dyes are
dyed Textiles) used to make the cloth oily.
● It was accorded a GI tag in 2020.
Dabu printing Rajasthan ● It is an ancient mud resist hand block printing technique and
is very unique
Kani Shawl (GI) Jammu and kashmir ● It is made of delicate Pashmina wool collected from the
underbelly of wild Tibetan and Ladakh mountain goats.
Kotpad Handloom Odisha ● Its designs are taken from the geometrical pattern of duck,
Fabric (GI) hand fan, flower, palanquin, fish, animal, etc.
Pochampalli Andhra Pradesh Silk and cotton saree with intricate motifs and geometric ikat style of
dyeing. Air India airlines crew wears this saree.
Baluchari Murshidabad, West Bengal Depicts ancient stories on its border and pallu. Silk threads are
extensively used.
Tanchoi Brocades Varanasi A kind of banarasi saree where weaving technique involves a single or
double warp and two to five colors on the weft on Silk fabric.
Chanderi Madhya Pradesh Silk, zari and cotton woven together to make a fabric that is lighter
than a feather. It is a see through saree.
Nauvari Maharashtra A single nine yard sari also known as Kasta saree.
Ilkat Karnataka Use of kasuti embroidery with chariot and elephant as common motifs.
Paithani Maharashtra Silk saree embroidered with gold colour thread and use of parrot as
Dabu Chittorgarh, Rajasthan Dabu is an ancient mud resist hand block printing technique used on
cotton fabric.
Jamawar Jammu and Kashmir Base used is generally wool with a little addition of cotton. The
brocaded parts are woven in Silk or Pashmina. Intricate weaving of a
Jamawar involves months of hard work.
Uppada Jamdani Andhra Pradesh Finest silk along with pure zari are used as raw materials. Jamdani
Saree (GI) Sari is a Persian terminology, in which Jam means flower and Dani
means Vase.
Kotpad Saree (GI) Odisha Use of natural maddar in dyeing of cotton yarn is the USP of Kotpad
products. The design is mainly inspired by the surroundings like duck,
hand fan, flower, palanquin, fish, animal, etc.
Sozni (or suzani) (GI) Jammu and Kashmir Dorukha is another name for this form of
needlework. The designs are made in
satin stitch and are identical on both
sides, but the colours are different.
Phool Patti Ka Kaam Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh Floral petals and leaves are used as
motifs in the needlework.
32.2.3 Weaving
● Weaving refers to the process of interlacing yarn to produce textiles and fabrics.
○ The vertical thread is called the warp, while the horizontal thread is referred to as the weft.
○ Warp and weft are usually laced in fixed patterns using a loom. The different ways of lacing result in varied types
of weaves.
Pata Weaving Bastar, Chhattisgarh Sari of this kind is mainly used by tribal women.
Mashru Weaving Gujarat This is a handwoven mix of Silk and Cotton textiles.
Bohra Cap weaving Gujarat and Madhya It is made using an aluminium vessel as a base, the crochet is begun
Pradesh at the centre and proceeds in a spiral form, from the core to the outer
edge. Here both geometric and floral patterns are created.
Crochet Work Andhra Pradesh It is a process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn, thread, or
strands of other materials using a crochet hook.
Pattu Weaving Rajasthan It is mainly done on woollen textile. Threads of Pattu is made of either
camel or sheep wool.
Wangkhei Phee Manipur Very fine white cotton is used for this. The fabric is transparent with
(traditional weaving) designs and patterns on it.
Shaphee Lanphee Manipur This traditional textile fabric is woven as a shawl. Meitei women are
weaving (GI) usually involved in making this type of shawl.
● Recent discoveries have revealed that ivory and ivory-based products such as ivory dice were traded from India to
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and areas of the Persian Gulf during the Harappan period.
● An inscription from Sanchi has been discovered dating from 2 BCE. It mentions the
Vidisha guild of ivory workers and the carved sculptures in the Sanchi Stupa.
● Aside from these literary references, archaeological remains of an ivory comb from
Taxila have been discovered, demonstrating that ivory was popular even in 2 A.D.
● There are numerous ivory artefacts from the Mughal period that were used for
combs, dagger handles, and other ornaments.
● Traditional ivory carving centres include Delhi, Jaipur, and parts of West Bengal. They
have created beautiful works of art, caskets, palanquins, and the well-known Ambari
● Other important areas include:
○ Kerala - It is well-known for paintings on ivory.
○ Jodhpur - It is famous for ivory bangles.
○ Jaipur - It is well-known for its ivory jali work, which is used in homes and
small art objects.
● Evidence of red and black pottery dating from 1500-300 BC has been discovered in several sections of the nation. They
were discovered in significant sections of West Bengal.
● Northern Black Polished Ware was another form of ancient pottery, which was produced in two phases: 700-400 BC and
400-100 BC.
● These periods overlapped with the Mauryan period to some extent.
● Furthermore, fragments of 'Roulette Pottery' dating from 200-100 BC have been discovered in southern India. The
majority of the evidence was discovered near Puducherry in Arikamedu.
● We see fresh ornamental methods like ornamentation, painting, stamping, and moulding after the commencement of
the Gupta era (4th century AD).
● Evidence of glazed pottery may be found with the arrival of Indo-Islamic cultures. Every region of India now specialises in
a certain form of clay craft.
Khurja Pottery Uttar Pradesh Colourful and durable, it's commonly used to manufacture home
Blue Pottery Jaipur, Rajasthan Multani Mitti was used to make this piece.
Kagzi Pottery Alwar, Rajasthan Delicate, thin, and slightly fragile ceramic
Karigari Pottery Tamil Nadu South Arcot has a number of special centers.
Rare Jain imagery and icons Reflects the need of ancient Jain pilgrim Karnataka
centres in Karnataka.
Dokra Casting Used for ornaments made of brass. Odisha and West Bengal
Pahaldar Lamps Copper and brass lamps in different Jaipur and parts of Uttar Pradesh
styles and shapes
Pembarthi Crafts Exquisite sheet metal (brass) art to Warangal district, Telangana
adorn Chariots and temples.
32.8.1 Pempharti
● Sheet metal art, which is prominent in Pembharti in Telangana's Warangal district.
● This type of art was often employed on chariots and temples under the Kakatiyas Empire.
● The art is now employed on vases, containers, and plaques made of brass.
32.8.2 Jaipur Metal Works
● Rajasthan's lacquering and brass engraving capital is Jaipur. The shiny surface of the
pots, plates, boxes, and other items is embossed with beautiful patterns.
● Bronze sculptures and Koftagiri, the skill of encrusting one metal with another, are also
● One of the most well-known techniques of Rajasthan is Marori work, which involves using
metal to create etchings on the base metal and filling the gaps with resin.
32.8.3 Dhokra metal craft
● It is an ancient practice by one of the nomadic tribes of India.
● It dates back to the times of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.
● It is essentially stunning metal figurines fashioned from bronze and copper-based alloys using
a ‘lost wax casting’ known as ‘cire perdue’ in French.
● There are several processes involved in the making of
Dhokra art and hence, a single piece could take up to a month
or two to be created.
● It originated in West Bengal, over time the tribes moved to
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa and Chhattisgarh as well as
places like Kerala and Rajasthan and now it has spread all
over India.
● Most Dhokra artefacts are human or animal figurines.
Bidri Craft Karnataka Hookahs, vases, jewellery, showcase objects, and other things
made of a blackened zinc and copper alloy are inlaid in thin sheets
of silver and have a significant export market.
Chandi Tarkashi (Silver Odisha The alloy is made up of 90% or more pure silver.
Filigree) Ornaments are made using unique techniques including
granulation, snow glazing, and casting.
Swamimalai Bronze Tamil Nadu Swamimalai is a historic spot where this skill has been done since
Icons the Chola era.
For religious purposes, bronze and "panchaloha" (copper, brass,
lead, silver, and gold) idols are manufactured.
Kerala Teakwood Used to make Tharavad Houses that are famous for their
deep brown colour and intricate woodwork.
Nagaland Kumisyng Local wood found in most parts of the Northeastern states
and noteworthy for huge log drums
Rajasthan Rohilda Used to make decorative items like sindoor boxes and
turned bowls.
32.12 Stoneware
● Stone masonry and crafting is one of the most popular arts in the country.
● To create exquisite monuments during the ancient period, artisans needed carving and sculpting skills.
● South Indian towns have the best examples of stonework.
● The artisans worked with a variety of stones to create their masterpieces, including soft-brittle sandstone, patchy red
stone, and hard granite.
● The task was to create lifelike structures that resemble natural human postures.
● The evidence of sculptures and architectural facades from Mauryan Period monuments can be seen.
● The rock-cut caves of Ajanta and Ellora, the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho, and the Buddhist carvings of Sanchi and
Bharhut are the best examples.
● A good example in the hilly areas is the monolithic carving of the rock cut temple at Masrur in the Kangra district.
● This trend shifted dramatically during the Mughal period, when stonework gave way to marble stonework.
● They concentrated on Pietra Dura Work, which is inlay work with colourful stones on marble.
● They also erected numerous monuments out of sandstone. The Taj Mahal and Itmad-ud-tomb, Daulah's both made of
white marble, are among the most magnificent monuments.
● Rajasthan, which produces the renowned 'Sang-e-Marmar' or white Makrana marble, is a major source of marble.
● Another important location is Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, which produces articles made of dark brown stone known as Sang-e
● It is a natural way of drawing, starting in the centre and expanding with the repetition of
a pattern.
● The basic motif of the Chowkpurna designs of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, as well
as the Aipan designs of Himachal Pradesh, is squares, circles, and triangles.
● Mandana of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh means "mandan" (decoration).
Patterns include squares, hexagons, triangles, and circles.
○ To make a mandana, the ground is cleaned with cowdung and several times
finished with crimson red, which is made by mixing reticulated iron with water
(red earth).
● In Gujarat, Santhias are made to decorate the entrance of houses on special
● In Maharashtra, Rangoli employs elegant shapes and motifs such as lotus, swastik,
and others.
● South Indian Kolam designs are drawn to connect an array of dots that vary in
number, combination, and form.
● The thin lines are created on a wet ground with powdered rice or white crushed stone
powder. Red geru is used to outline kolam designs.
● Hase is another name for it in Karnataka, Muggulu in Andhra Pradesh, and Golam in
● Cosmological bodies, particularly the Sun and Moon, are also depicted.
● Mandapa Kolams are large floor designs created specifically for marriage
● These kolams, made from wet rice paste, add sanctity to the marriage hall. Every
morning, the space for worship in many homes is sanctified with a Graha Kolam.
● The Odisha Jhonti and West Bengal and Assam Aripana designs are highly
stylized. Conch shells, fish motifs, serpents, flowers, and other motifs are frequently used.
● The designs are drawn with chalk powder on the floor and filled with coloured powder or rice paste coloured with alta
(sindoor) for red and turmeric for yellow. Each Aripana design is traditionally preceded by a flower.
33 Indian Festivals
Indian festivals are displayed throughout the year as diverse as the country's landscapes and as vibrant as its people. Festivals
and fairs are an integral part of Indian culture, serving as an expression of our beliefs and emotions. Each community has its
festivals and holy days, but this does not prevent other religious groups from participating in these celebrations. India is a secular
country, and holidays are declared for a variety of festivals associated with various faiths and communities.
● India is a secular country, and holidays are observed for a variety of religious and community celebrations.
● Some festivals are on the ‘restricted list’ which means that the employer can choose whether or not to designate it as a
● Festivals are detrimental to understanding Indian culture, and even visitors from other countries make them a part of their
trip to India.
● Festivals are divided into two categories.
○ Religious festivals
○ Secular festivals
● For example, the Hindu community around the world celebrates the Diwali festival.
33.2.1 Hindu Festivals
Festival Significance
Diwali ● It is also known as the 'Festival of Lights,' and it is observed by all Hindu groups in India
and worldwide.
● It occurs on the auspicious day of the 'new moon,' or Amavasya, in the Karthik month,
which is normally in October or November.
● Several Hindu priests refer to it as 'Krishna Chaturdashi.'
● The day before Diwali is known as Naraka Chaturdasi, and it is one of the numerous
auspicious days that precede the arrival of the festival.
● This represents Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Naraka.
● The following day is Diwali, also known as Lakshmi Puja.
● Diwali is also known for the Chopad Puja, which commemorates Lord Krishna's sermon
on Karma Yoga to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
Sharad Purnima ● This festival, which occurs 15 days before Diwali, celebrates the harvest season.
● It occurs on the Navanna Purnima, or full moon night.
● The festival's unique feature is that individuals sip saffron-colored milk during the moonlit
night, a custom known as Kojagiri.
● This rite is associated with the Goddess Durga in some parts of India.
● In a torch-lit procession known as Chhabina, the Goddess's idol is carried across the
temple grounds.
Holi ● It's known as the 'Festival of Colours,' and it's celebrated with enthusiasm and colour
across the country.
● It is a festival that characterises Indian culture and is observed by people of many
religions and communities.
● Holi is celebrated in many ways around the country; for example, in Vrindavan and
Mathura, Lathmar Holi is observed, in which the ladies of the family come out and beat
their husbands with sticks.
● It's done in a lighthearted manner with plenty of merriment.
● In many regions of rural Maharashtra, it is known as Rangapanchami.
Makar Sankranti ● It is a festival honouring the Sun God, who is also known as the King of the Planets.
● Makar Sankranti commemorates the Sun's arrival in the northern hemisphere.
● The celebration is also tied to the agricultural cycle that most rural farming communities
Janmashthami ● It is Lord Krishna's birth anniversary, which is commemorated by Hindus all throughout
the country.
● It occurs during the month of Shravan (July/August), and the date is determined by the
lunar calendar and the moon's position.
Ram Navami ● Lord Rama's birth anniversary is commemorated with this celebration.
● The event takes place in the months of March/April, also known as Chaitra.
● The event is observed all over the country, however Ayodhya and Puducherry are two
particular regions where it is observed.
Durga Puja ● The holiday of Dussehra is identical to the Bengali, Assamese, and other communities'
Durga Puja celebrations.
● This festival commemorates Goddess Durga's victory over the demonic 'Mahisasura.'
Ganesh Chaturthi ● The celebration is held to commemorate Lord Ganesha's birth anniversary.
● It occurs on the fourth day of Bhadra (August/September) month.
Chhath ● Chhath is an ancient Hindu festival that has been held since the Vedic era.
● It is dedicated to Surya, the Sun God, who is the source of all life on Earth.
● It is celebrated six days after Diwali on the sixth day of the lunar fortnight of the Kartik
Festival Significance
Eid-ul-Fitr ● This is one of the Muslim festival celebrated around the world.
● The event takes place on the last day of Ramadan (Ramzan), which is the Islamic
calendar's ninth month.
● People fast for the full month of Ramadan, beginning at daybreak and ending at dusk
Milad-Un-Nabi ● This festival, also known as the Barah-wafat, commemorates the Prophet
Muhammad's birth anniversary.
● The Prophet was born on the twelfth day of Rabi-al-Awwal, the third month of the
Muslim calendar, according to the Quran.
Shab-e-Barat ● The 'Night of Emancipation,' as it is sometimes known, occurs on the night between
the 14th and 15th day of the month of Shaban.
● Every person's fate is determined on this night, according to Muslim tradition.
Shab-e-Miraj ● Shab-e-Miraj literally translates to "night of Ascension." It was thought that the Holy
Prophet would continue his trip and come closer to the Almighty.
● This occurred on the 27th day of Rajab, two years before Hijra. The journey did not
take place in a physical body
Festival Significance
Christmas ● The birth anniversary of Jesus Christ is commemorated on this day all around the
● Every year on the 25th of December, it is observed.
● The celebrations begin with the Midnight Mass, which is celebrated in all churches
on the night of December 24th - 25th, and commemorates Christ's birth at midnight.
Easter & Good Friday ● The resurrection of Jesus Christ is commemorated on this day.
● According to the Bible, Jesus was resurrected three days after he was crucified,
hence Easter is supposed to represent the triumph of life over death.
Festival Significance
Maghi ● It is the Sikhs' seasonal meeting, which takes place once a year.
● In Muktsar, it is commemorated in honour of forty Sikh martyrs (Chalis Mukte) who
resisted the Mughals.
Hola Mohalla ● It is a major holiday for Sikhs, as well as the start of the Sikh New Year.
● It is usually held in Anandpur Sahib in the month of March on the second day of the lunar
month Chett.
Vaisakhi ● Every year on the 13th or 14th of April, a religious event is held.
● This event commemorates the Sikh new year as well as the birthday of the Khalsa Panth.
For the Sikhs, this is the spring harvest festival.
● Gurudwaras are ornamented and kirtans are held there.
Lohri ● On the 13th of January, in the month of Magh, a day before Makar Sankranti, this
occasion is commemorated.
● Lohri is a Hindu festival that honours fertility and the spark of life.
Festival Significance
Mahavir Jayanti ● The festival is observed by the Jain community. It is held to commemorate Lord
Mahavira's birth anniversary as the 24th Tirthankara and one of Jainism's
● It occurs on the thirteenth day of Chaitra, the month of the rising moon.
Mahamastakabhisheka ● It is a Jain festival held once every twelve years in the Karnataka town of
● The holy bathing ceremony of Siddha Bahubali, son of Rishabhdev, is held at
this festival.
Gyana Panchami ● "Gyana Panchami" is the name given to the fifth day of Kartika.
● It's known as "Knowledge Day." The Holy Scriptures are presented and revered
on this day.
Varshi Tapa or Akshay ● This festival commemorates Rishabhdev, the first Jain Tirthankara, who fasted
Tritiya Tapa for a total of 13 months and 13 days.
● His fasting came to an end on the 3rd day of the light fortnight of the Jain
calendar's Vaishakh month.
Festival Significance
Buddha Purnima ● The Buddha Purnima, also known as the Buddha Jayanti, commemorates the birth of
Lord Buddha.
● It occurs throughout the months of April and May and is widely observed in portions of
North-east India.
● In Sikkim, it is known as Saga Dawa (Dasa), and in the Theravada tradition, it is known
as Vishakha Puja.
Songkran ● This Buddhist festival is celebrated in the same way that spring cleaning occurs.
● During the middle of April, it is commemorated for many days.
● People wash their clothes, clean their homes, and enjoy sprinkling fragrant water on the
Ploughing Festival ● This event commemorates Buddha's first enlightenment, which occurred while he was
seven years old and was watching ploughing with his father.
Ullambana ● From the first to the fifteenth days of the eighth lunar month, this festival is
● The gates of hell are said to open on the first day, allowing ghosts to enter the world for
fifteen days
Losar Festival ● It is one of the most important holidays in Arunachal Pradesh, as it commemorates the
Tibetan New Year, which resonates with the region's significant Tibetan and Buddhist
Festival Significance
Chaliho Sahib ● It is the Sindhi Community's event. In the months of July and August, the Sindhis
conduct a forty-day fast.
● They fast for forty days in order to pray to Lord Jhulelal, and then they commemorate
the occasion as Thanksgiving Day.
Cheti Chand ● The occasion is Sindhi New Year, which is observed all around the world. On the first
day of Chaitra, it is commemorated.
● Cheti Chand is a Sindhi festival commemorating the birth of Jhulelal, the Sindhis' patron
Festival Significance
Jamshedi Navroz ● The Parsi community celebrates the holiday of Navroz as the New Year's
● According to the Shahanshahi calendar, it falls on the Roj Hormuzd, or the first
day of the first month (Mah Farvardin)
Zarthost No Deeso ● On the eleventh day of the tenth month (Khorshedroz, Daemah) of June.
● Prophet Zoroaster's death anniversary.
Festivals Significance
Gangaur Festival ● It originated in medieval Rajput times and is most frequently observed in Rajasthan.
● It is commemorated in honour of Goddess Parvati or Gauri, Lord Shiva's wife, although
it is observed by the entire community, regardless of religion.
● It is a celebration of the coming of spring, the harvest, and martial fidelity.
● On this day, unmarried women pray for the blessing of a good spouse, while married
women pray for their husband's well-being, good health, and long life.
Khajuraho Dance ● This festival was founded in 1975 by the Government of India in partnership with the
Festival Madhya Pradesh Kala Parishad.
● The purpose of this dance festival was to encourage tourism in the state and to
emphasise the beauty and eroticism of the Khajuraho temples.
● The festival is also intended to express the spirit of perpetual grandeur and
perseverance of dance and architectural landmarks that represent our cultural heritage.
Tyagaraja Aradhana ● It is conducted every year to honour the legendary Tamil saint and composer
Tyagaraja's 'Samadhi' day.
● It takes place in January near Thanjavur, on the banks of the Kaveri River.
● Leading representatives of Carnatic music attend the festival to pay their respects to
the saint.
● Saint Tyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar, and Shyama Sastri form the Carnatic
music Trinity.
● Thousands of Carnatic music enthusiasts who come to watch the concerts are looking
forward to it.
Raksha Bandhan ● This celebration honours the bond that exists between brothers and sisters.
● It literally means 'protective connection.' Sisters tie silk strands around their brother's
wrists and pray for his well-being and success on this day.
● In turn, the brother makes a promise to defend their sisters in any manner he can.
● It is observed on the full moon day of the Shravan month.
● It is observed all over India. It is also significant to the Jain community.
Sarhul ● For the tribals of Jharkhand, Sarhul signifies the start of the New Year.
● The Munda, Oraon, and Ho tribes are the principal celebrators.
● Sarhul literally translates to 'Worship of Sal.' It is observed during the spring season
or in the Hindu calendar month of Phagun.
● Tribals revere nature and Mother Earth is worshipped throughout the celebration.
● Sarhul is a festival that lasts many days and features the major traditional dance
Baisakhi ● In Punjab, 'Baisakhi,' derived from the month of 'Vaisakh,' is celebrated as New
Year's Day.
● It occurs on April 13th and commemorates the end of the Rabi harvest.
● Baisakhi is always celebrated with remarkable vim and gaiety, as well as Bhangra
● It also has religious significance for Sikhs, as the Khalsa Panth was created during
the Baisakhi celebrations in 1699 A.D. by the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind Singh.
● People come to Amritsar on Baisakhi to pray at the Golden Temple and take a plunge
in the Holy Sarovar.
● Sikhs go to gurdwaras to hear kirtans and talks, as well as read texts from the holy
Guru Granth Sahib.
Bohag Bihu ● Bohag Bihu, also known as Bhogali Bihu, is a spring celebration celebrated on April
14th. It is the start of the first month of the Assamese calendar.
● Rongali Bihu (Bihu of Merriment) is another name for the festival.
● Goru Bihu (Animals Bihu) is the first day of Bihu when the cattle are cleansed and
decorated with garlands.
● The following day is Manuh Bihu (Human Bihu) when people share New Year's
Gudi Padwa or Gudi ● In Maharashtra, New Year's Day is celebrated as Gudi Pava on the first day of
Pava Chaitra in March/April. It is a day of immense celebration and joy.
● People get up early to clean their homes, which are then decorated with beautiful
rangoli designs.
● A silk cloth is fastened to a pole and topped with a brass goblet or Kalash, which is
meant to ward against evil.
● During this festival, fresh neem tree leaves, puran-poli, and Shrikand are consumed.
● Gudi Pava commemorates the victory of Satavahana monarch Shalivahana over his
adversaries around 1921 years ago.
Ugadi ● Ugadi, also known as Chaitra suddha padhyami, is observed as a New Year's Day in
certain areas of India, most notably in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
and Goa.
● Gudi Padwa (Maharashtra), Samvatsar Padvo (Goa), Naba Barsha (West Bengal),
Puthandu (Tamil Nadu), and Vishu (Kerala) are all names for this festival.
● On this day, Lord Brahma is said to have begun creation, and it also marks the start of
a new Hindu lunar calendar.
Naba Barsha ● Naba Barsha, or Bengali New Year's Day, is observed on April 14th.
● The day begins with Prabhat pheris, which are early morning processions accompanied
by song and dance routines.
● People take ritual baths in a river or tank, and women adorn their dwellings with
exquisite floor decorations (Alpana).
Bundi Festival ● Bundi Festival is held at Bundi, Rajasthan, and draws a considerable number of foreign
● Several one-of-a-kind festivities are planned during this festival, including a colourful
procession of camels and bullock carts.
● The famed Jaitsagar Lake hosts a Deep Daan, or lamp flux.
Moatsu Mong ● It is a festival of the Ao tribe of Nagaland. This marks the end of the sowing season.
● It is a three-day festival celebrated from May 1 to 3 every year.
● This festival begins with cleaning wells and brewing beer. During the festival, people
enjoy the local cuisine and cultural programs.