Normal cutaneous ulcer healing usually follows a well-
OBJECTIVE: A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the orchestrated trajectory. A complex network of biochemical
effectiveness of a polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) foam pathways and sequential cellular interactions ensure an inte-
dressing compared with a similar non-antimicrobial foam for the grated progression of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation
treatment of superficial bacterial burden, wound-associated pain, (matrix deposition), and remodeling. However, wound healing
and reduction in wound size. is often stalled at the inflammatory or proliferative stage,
SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: This study was conducted in 2 producing chronic wounds that do not heal at the expected
wound healing clinics—a university hospital-based clinic and a rate.1,2 These chronic nonhealing wounds are not inconsequen-
community-based clinic. Forty-five chronic wound subjects, tial, and they constitute a significant burden for patients and the
stratified to either foot or leg ulcers, were followed for 5 weeks. healthcare system contributing to substantial patient-centered
METHODS: A multicenter, prospective, double-blind, pilot, disability (eg, decreased quality of life, restricted activities of daily
randomized controlled clinical trial with 3 study visits (Weeks 0, living), morbidity (eg, amputations), and healthcare costs.3 The
2, 4) documented pain and local wound characteristics using exact mechanisms that contribute to poor wound healing remain
NERDS and STONEES clinical criteria to determine superficial elusive but likely involve an interplay of systemic and local
bacterial damage or deep/surrounding infection. factors. Converging evidence suggests that wound healing can
RESULTS: The use of PHMB foam dressing was a significant be noticeably delayed when the bacterial burden crosses a
predictor of reduced wound superficial bacterial burden (P = .016) certain colonization threshold to overcome host resistance,
at week 4 as compared with the foam alone. Pain reduction was causing local damage.4 – 6 The exact mechanism is not known,
also statistically significant at week 2 (P = .0006) and at week but bacteria may trigger the release of proteases that destroy
4 (P = .02) in favor of the PHMB foam dressings. Polymicrobial growth factors and wound matrix, compete with nutrients in the
organisms were recovered at week 4 in 5.3% in the PHMB wounds, or produce endotoxins and exotoxins that are toxic to
foam dressing group versus 33% in the control group (P = .04). the cellular wound microenvironment.
Subjects randomized to the PHMB foam dressing had a 35%
median reduction in wound size by week 4, compared with 28% in IMPORTANCE OF BACTERIAL BALANCE
the control group. All chronic wounds are colonized by microorganisms usually
CONCLUSIONS: PHMB foam dressing successfully reduced from external contamination. Contamination refers to the pres-
chronic wound pain and bacterial burden. ence of nonreplicating microorganisms on the wound surface
KEYWORDS: polyhexamethylene biguanide foam dressing, and evoking no clinical host response. As the microorganisms
antimicrobial foam dressing, reduction of bacterial burden and continue to proliferate and attach to the tissue within the
pain in chronic wounds wound, colonization is established in the absence of any detec-
ADV SKIN WOUND CARE 2011;24:78 – 84 table host injury. The concept of critical colonization (covert in-
fection, localized infection, increased bacterial burden) connotes a
R. Gary Sibbald, BSc, MD, MEd, FRCPC (Med Derm), MACP, FAAD, MAPWCA, is Professor, Public Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Toronto, Director of Toronto Regional
Wound Clinics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Director of the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course at the University of Toronto and President of the World Union of Wound
Healing Societies; Patricia Coutts, RN, IIWCC, is President, Canadian Association of Wound Care, and Clinical Care Director, Toronto Regional Wound Clinics, Toronto; Kevin Y. Woo, PhD,
RN, ACNP, GNC(C), FAPWCA, is Director of Nursing/Wound Care Specialist, Villa Colombo Homes for the Aged, Inc, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Wound Care Consultant, West Park
Healthcare Centre, Toronto; Assistant Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto; and Associate Director, International Interprofessional Wound Care
Course, MScCH Program, University of Toronto. Acknowledgment: This study was sponsored by Tyco Healthcare, DBA Covidien, Mansfield, Massachusetts. Submitted March 11, 2010;
accepted in revised form November 11, 2010.
replicating microbial burden in the wound surface compartment domized to gauze dressings moistened by either PHMB solu-
with subtle clinical signs of host injury. Wound infection occurs tion (Lavasept; Fresenius AG, Bad Homburg, Germany) or
when the level of microbial burden or virulence has overwhelmed Ringer’s solution for the treatment of surgical wounds. Accord-
the host responses, and the microorganisms invade the host ing to microbiology results from bacterial swabs, wounds that
tissues locally (surrounding or deep) or systemically, causing clini- were treated with PHMB solution for 15 days in the study
cal host injury. The susceptibility of the host to wound infection demonstrated faster and significant reduction in bacterial
is a function of a symbiotic relationship between the host re- count. In another randomized controlled study, Motta and
sistance and the bacteria number and their virulence.4 – 6 Accord- Trigilia12 demonstrated that tracheotomy sites were relatively
ing to Sibbald et al,5 bacterial damage can be conceptualized and free of pathogens for 11 days in subjects assigned to the PHMB
separated into superficial or deep/surrounding compartments dressing, compared with a shorter duration of 6 days in subjects
that necessitate different management strategies. randomized to the regular drain sponge. To examine the ef-
The superficial compartment extends approximately 1 to 3 mm fectiveness of PHMB for deep wounds, Motta et al13 recruited
below the wound surface. Certain bacteria favor the superficial 21 subjects with wounds that required gauze packing for 5
compartment because of its poor blood supply and relatively weeks in a study using a randomized controlled design. At
hypoxic environment. To reduce bacterial burden and its de- baseline, 15 isolates were recovered from the PHMB study
leterious effect on wounds, a plethora of topical antimicrobial group versus 12 isolates in the control group. One week later, 6
agents have been developed. Many active ingredients are im- isolates were recovered from wounds that were treated with
pregnated in dressings that may be released into the wound in PHMB versus 10 isolates in the control group. Overall study
the presence of wound fluid or exudate.6,7 Alternatively, bac- results demonstrated that the group randomized to the PHMB
teria can be entrapped and sequestered in the microarchitecture dressing ‘‘exhibited a greater reduction in the total number of
of a dressing and ultimately inactivated. For bacterial damage microorganisms recovered throughout the study duration.’’13
that involves the surrounding and deep compartment in a However, the gauze material is suboptimal as a wound dress-
chronic wound, systemic agents are usually recommended. An ing because of its poor fluid-handling capacity, inferior mois-
effective topical antimicrobial may still be considered to elimi- ture balance properties, and low tensile strength, which tends to
nate the bacteria that migrate to the superficial compartment leave debris/fibers on the wound base upon dressing removal.
where the circulation may be less than optimal.7,8 With the emer- An innovative dressing (Kendall AMD antimicrobial foam
gence of bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus dressing; Tyco Healthcare Group LP, DBA Covidien, Mans-
aureus that are resistant to commonly used oral antibiotics, the field, Massachusetts) was developed characterized by a foam
use of topical antimicrobial agents has become a propitious local matrix that is impregnated with PHMB as an antimicrobial
alternative. Ideally, these topical antimicrobials should be ef- agent. The PHMB in the dressing serves as a chemical barrier
fective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, are low in cyto- against bacterial invasion from the environment and as a
toxicity, and are safe with a low sensitization potential.5 bactericidal agent to thwart bacterial proliferation within the
Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) (Cosmocil CQ; Ave- wound bed. The use of foam provides a highly absorbent,
cia Biocides, Wilmington, Delaware) is a common antimicrobial nonlinting platform that is designed to handle moderate to
agent deployed in cosmetics, baby wipes, contact lens cleaning heavy exudate. A moist wound environment is facilitated by
solutions, and swimming pool cleaners. PHMB, which is re- the foam dressing without causing damage to periwound skin,
lated to chlorhexidine digluconate, consists of a hydrophobic while enabling autolytic debridement and reducing pain. The
backbone with multiple cationic groupings (biguanides) sep- open cell structure of the dressings also allows the exchange of
arated by hexamethylene chains.9 PHMB initially binds to the gases, such as oxygen and water vapor.
positively charged surface of the bacteria and then travels to the A multicenter, prospective, double-blind, pilot, randomized
bacteria’s inner cytoplasm and the cytoplasm membrane, dis- controlled clinical trial was conducted to more closely examine
rupting the integrity and permeability of the phospholipid the PHMB-impregnated foam dressing’s performance with
structure, leading to cell death. Although PHMB has been dem- chronic wounds, specifically diabetic foot ulcers and leg ulcers.
onstrated to be lethal to a broad spectrum of bacteria in vitro, it
has very low toxicity to human cells that possess a more com- CLINICAL TRIAL
plex and protective structure. Using an ex vivo model, Werthén Study Objectives
et al10 documented that Pseudomonas aeruginosa extracted from The primary objective of this clinical trial was to compare the
infected wound fluid was effectively eliminated by PHMB. In a efficacy of PHMB-impregnated foam (Kendall AMD antimi-
prospective randomized controlled trial,11 50 patients were ran- crobial foam dressing) versus a regular foam dressing without
the antimicrobial agent (Kendall foam dressing, Tyco Health- Study Protocol
care Group LP, DBA Covidien) in reducing superficial bacterial After randomization, the assigned dressings were applied over
burden and promoting healing (surface area change) in chronic the study wound after cleansing with sterile water or normal
wounds. saline. Dressings were changed up to 3 times per week during
Secondary objectives were to the course of the study. Follow-up evaluations were conducted
& evaluate surface colonization of the wound bed using swab by the research team at weeks 2 and 4 (the final visit). The ulcer
culture (bacteriology), characteristics, wound surface area, periwound skin condition,
& examine pain and other clinical signs of increased bacterial and pain levels were documented at each visit (baseline/week
burden (pain, wound, and periwound assessments), and 0, week 2, week 4). Where appropriate, wounds were debrided
& document any potential adverse effects (see Results). to remove debris in accordance with best practice. Wound
swabs were obtained after cleansing and debridement using the
Methods Levine technique at weeks 0 and 4 for quantitative culturing.
In this prospective, double-blind, pilot, randomized controlled Although other topical antimicrobial agents and cleansing solu-
clinical trial, 45 subjects with leg (n = 23) and foot (n = 22) ulcers tions were excluded, systemic antibiotics were prescribed for the
were recruited from 2 wound clinics in Canada. After signing an treatment of deep infection as needed.
informed consent document, subjects were screened for eligibil-
ity and then followed prospectively for 4 weeks at the clinic every Wound Surface Area
2 weeks (weeks 0, 2, and 4). A total of 40 subjects completed the The percentage decrease in wound surface area was calculated
clinical trial per protocol. Subjects who did not complete the by measuring the wound surface area during each study visit
study protocol cited the following reasons: 2 subjects withdrew (week 2, week 4) and comparing that visit’s value to the base-
from the study for reasons not related to wound care or an line wound measurement (week 0). Wound surface areas were
adverse event, 2 subjects were lost to follow up, and 1 subject measured by multiplying the longest length by the widest width
withdrew because of an adverse event. This adverse event was that were perpendicular to each other (length width = cm2).
an infection (moderate severity) that resolved in 30 days after
withdrawal with antibiotic therapy. All wounds were at least 1 Pain
cm2 in size with adequate vascular supply to support healing as Subjects were asked to rate their current levels of pain at the
indicated by either a palpable pulse (approximately z80 mm study wound prior to dressing removal on a 5-point Likert
Hg), ankle brachial index greater than 0.5, or a toe pressure verbal descriptor scale. The verbal descriptor scale was made up
greater than 50 mm Hg. Subjects with a known allergy to of 5 word adjectives, ‘‘none,’’ ‘‘mild,’’ ‘‘moderate,’’ ‘‘severe,’’
chlorhexidine gluconate were excluded from the study. and ‘‘extreme,’’ thus describing increasing severity of pain. The
After written consent was obtained, eligible subjects were ran- purpose for this scale was to assess the level of pain localized at
domized to either PHMB-impregnated foam (Kendall AMD anti- the study wound.
microbial foam dressing) or the regular, nonantimicrobial foam In addition, subjects were requested to indicate their pain levels
(Kendall foam dressing). Randomization schedules were gen- 5 minutes after the randomized foam dressing was applied to
erated by a computer program. Block randomization ensured the study wound. This pain assessment utilized the visual analog
that comparable numbers of subjects with leg and foot ulcers scale (VAS), with the objective being to assess for any stinging
were stratified into either the intervention or the control groups. or burning sensations. The VAS is the most commonly used
Treatment assignments were kept in sealed envelopes that were instrument to evaluate pain with a ratio scale property.14 It is
opened only after consents were obtained. To ensure allocation unidimensional, consists of a continuous 100-mm vertical or
concealment, all dressings and packages appeared the same, horizontal line with anchors of ‘‘no pain’’ on one end and ‘‘worst
with the exception of a letter X or Y printed on the front of the pain’’ on the other end, representing the 2 extremes of pain in-
package as the only identifier for treatment assignments. All tensity. Subjects were asked to place a mark on the line (VAS)
clinical investigators and assessors of the study were blinded to that best represented their pain intensity.
the group assignments and their corresponding letters.
Wound and Periwound Skin Assessments
Ethical Approval Wound characteristics were documented using a standardized
Each study site received approval from its respective research tool (NERDS and STONEES checklist, Table 1).8 Periwound
ethics board. Written informed consents were obtained from all skin condition was evaluated and described as intact, macer-
participating subjects. ated, erythematous, or blistered.
Table 1. RESULTS
NERDS AND STONEES MNEMONIC Study Subjects/Disposition
S z Size Forty subjects with leg (n = 20) and foot (n = 20) ulcers completed
T Temperature difference by 3- F by infrared thermometry all study visits; data generated from 21 subjects randomized to
O Probe/exposed bone
the control foam dressing and 19 subjects randomized to the
N New satellite area breakdown
E Erythema and edema antimicrobial foam dressing are reported in the final analysis.
E z Exudate Overall, 82% of these subjects were men, with a mean age of
S Smell
55.8 (SD, 13.13) years. The mean body mass index was 52.6
N Nonhealing (SD, 11.95) kg/m2, with 95.6% of the subjects categorized as
E z Exudate obese. The 2 study groups were comparable with no statisti-
R Red Friable Granulation
cally significant differences noted on baseline characteristics
D Debris on the surface
S Smell and comorbidities (eg, smoking, diabetes mellitus, peripheral
vascular disease, hypertension, and recent surgery).
A larger proportion of subjects randomized to the control
Bacteriology foam dressing (61.9%) was prescribed antibiotics prior to the
Wound swabs were obtained at baseline and at week 4 to study versus those randomized to PHMB foam dressing (31.6%);
determine the microbiological profile. After dressing removal, the difference did not reach a significant level (P = .067).
the wounds were irrigated with sterile water or normal saline,
and all patients received appropriate debridement. The bacte- Wound Surface Area
rial swab was obtained by rotating the swab tip 360 degrees in a The wound surface areas between the 2 study groups were
1-cm2 area of the cleanest part of the wound (Levine technique). similar at baseline: median of 3.8 cm2 (1.1 – 94.8 cm2) for the
The swab was then placed in the transport media to be sent
to a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments–certified Table 2.
central laboratory for susceptibility testing, identification of
microbes, and quantitative cultures. To provide quantitative cul- DEMOGRAPHICS AND BASELINE
ture data, the bacterial swabs were placed in a known aliquot of CHARACTERISTICS
liquid (1 mL) and then serially diluted. Wound infection was Kendall Foam Kendall AMD Total
Parameter (n = 23) Foam (n = 22) (n = 45) Pa
equated to the equivalent of greater than 105 colony-forming
Age, y 0.3680
units per milliliter. The number and types of bacterial species No. of patients 23 22 45
cultured were calibrated. Mean (SD) 55.1 (11.01) 56.4 (15.28) 55.8 (13.13)
Median 55.0 57.5 55.0
(Minimum, (36.0, 83.0) (20.0, 79.0) (20.0, 83.0)
Statistical Methods Maximum)
An additional purpose for this pilot study was to establish a Sex, n (%) 0.4591
statistically significant sample size and confirm study end points Male 20 (87.0) 17 (77.3) 37 (82.2)
Female 3 (13.0) 5 (22.7) 8 (17.8)
and methodology for a pivotal clinical trial. Thus, there were no Race, n (%) 0.7682
formal sample size calculations conducted for this pilot; a sam- Asian/South Asian 1 (4.3) 2 (9.1) 3 (6.7)
ple size of 40 evaluable subjects was deemed sufficient to meet Black/African American 2 (8.7) 1 (4.5) 3 (6.7)
White 20 (87.0) 18 (81.8) 38 (84.4)
these study objectives. Other 0 (0.0) 1 (4.5) 1 (2.2)
The statistical analysis was conducted per protocol; however, BMI 0.5071
adverse event data were analyzed using the intention to treat No. of patients 22 22 44
Mean (SD) 52.8 (7.73) 52.4 (15.26) 52.6 (11.95)
principle. Median 53.9 53.2 53.8
Nonparametric tests (eg, 2-sample Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (Minimum, (35.4, 70.6) (27.3, 94.0) (27.3, 94.0)
test, Kruskal-Wallis test) were applied to compare the percent- Maximum)
Weight status
age decrease in wound surface area at each study visit to Overweight 0 (0.0%) 1 (4.5%) 1 (2.2%)
baseline wound measurements, the difference in pain ratings, (25 – 29.9)
and the number of bacterial species and bacterial count Obese (z30) 22 (95.7%) 21 (95.5%) 43 (95.6%)
between baseline and the end of the study (Table 2). Logistic a
P for age and BMI obtained using 2-sample Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. P for sex
and race obtained using 2-sided Fisher exact test. P for weight status obtained using
regression analysis was used to evaluate potential factors that
Kruskal-Wallis test.
contributed to changes in the wound surface bacterial count.
PHMB foam dressing group compared with 4.5 cm2 (21.0–21.9 cm2) Minimal adverse events were reported during this trial, and
for the foam dressing group (P = .55). At week 2, the PHMB none were assessed as being related to the study dressings
study group exhibited a 32% (32.0 cm2) median decrease in or procedures. Events of interest include 2 subjects in the
wound surface area as compared with the 21% (21.1 cm2) control group who developed infections localized at the study
median reduction observed in the control group (P = .31). Upon wound. One subject in the control group required a new pre-
completion of the study, subjects randomized to the PHMB scription for systemic antibiotic related to the study wound.
foam dressing had a 35% median reduction (34.9 cm2) in None of the subjects randomized to the PHMB foam dressing
wound surface area by week 4, compared with 28% (27.8 cm2) in developed wound infections. Periwound infection was defined
the control group (P = .85). as the presence of 3 or more criteria from the STONEES mne-
monic (Table 1).
At baseline, there was no difference in the number of mi- DISCUSSION AND OVERALL CONCLUSIONS
croorganisms recovered from wounds between the 2 study Wound-related bacterial damage and infection can result in
groups. At week 4, polymicrobial organisms were detected poor wound healing and other adverse patient outcomes.
in 5.3% of wounds treated with PHMB foam dressing Among patients with diabetic foot ulcers, several studies15 – 18
compared with 33% with the control foam dressing (P = .04). suggest that wound infection was one of the major risk factors
Logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the that heralds amputations. Length of hospital stay and mortal-
factors that contributed to the reduction of bacterial burden ity were significantly increased in surgical patients who had
on the wound surface. A number of independent variables wound infection. Although Gram-positive organisms pre-
were selected, such as treatment assignment, wound location, dominate in wounds initially, they are combined with Gram-
age of wound, diabetes, and so on. The PHMB-impregnated negative organisms and anaerobes (polymicroorganisms),
foam dressing was the only significant predictor of the which are usually detected in chronic wounds. Wound healing
reduction of wound superficial bacterial burden (P = .016) at has been found to be noticeably compromised when the bac-
week 4. terial burden crosses a certain colonization threshold (1.0 106
or higher number of colony-forming units per gram of tissue)
Wound and Periwound Characteristics or incorporates 4 or more pathological bacterial species.4 – 6
Wound scores, NERDS and STONEES checklists, and peri- Together, multiple microorganisms may aggregate to produce
wound skin assessments were similar between the 2 subject biofilms and exchange virulence factors, rendering them even
groups at baseline. The percentage of maceration at the peri- more difficult to be eliminated over time. Although there are
wound demonstrated a similar trend during the study period numerous antimicrobial products available, not one product is
in both study groups. From baseline to week 4, periwound going to be appropriate for all patients. Results of this clinical
maceration of the subjects allocated in the PHMB group in- trial suggest PHMB-impregnated foam dressing as a viable
creased from 36.8% to 57.9%, and subjects allocated to the option for the treatment of critically colonized chronic wounds.
control group increased from 47.6% to 61.9%. These study findings indicate that a significantly lower num-
ber of bacterial species were recovered from wounds that were
Pain randomized to the PHMB dressing versus the control dressing.
Baseline pain assessments were also comparable between the Moreover, the use of the PHMB foam dressing was the sole
2 study groups (33.3% no pain PHMB foam vs 31.6% control, significant predictor of reduced wound superficial bacterial
P = .79). At week 2, a higher proportion of subjects in the burden. Pain was also significantly reduced with the antimi-
PHMB foam group (78.9%) reported no pain prior to dressing crobial dressing. Cutting and Harding19 originally proposed
change than in the control group (33.3%), as measured by the that the presence of unexpected pain/tenderness along with
5-point Likert scale. The difference was significant (P = .0006). other criteria is indicative of infection in granulating wounds.
Pain ratings remained consistently lower through week 4, with More recently, an international Delphi panel of 54 members
73.7% in the PHMB group reporting no pain (P = .02) versus arrived at a consensus20: changes in the nature of pain should
38.1% in the control group. At week 2, pain levels 5 minutes indeed raise the suspicion of infection in a variety of acute and
after dressing application were also measured via the VAS; the chronic wounds. Gardner et al21 evaluated the validity of a
same trend in pain reduction was apparent, with subjects ran- checklist of 12 clinical signs and symptoms to identify localized
domized to the antimicrobial foam dressing reporting greater chronic wound infection (n = 36). Quantitative biopsy cultures
comfort (P = .05). equal to or greater than 106 colony-forming units per gram of
wound tissue were used as the criteria to determine the in- Week 2
fection status of each study wound. For wounds that were not
infected, none of the subjects complained of increasing pain.
Pain was a useful indicator of bacterial damage and infection
with high specificity value (100%) and interrater reliability (n =
0.73) in this study population. The mechanism linking infection
to pain remains elusive. One theory links the wound-related
pain to irritation from proinflammatory mediators via Toll-like
receptors, a family of pattern recognition receptors that
mediate innate immune responses to pathogenic stimuli.
Although the change in wound surface area was nonsig-
nificant, wounds that were treated with PHMB foam dressings
exhibited faster healing rates than wounds managed by the
control foam dressing. This trend warrants further investigation
in a randomized controlled clinical trial of a larger sample size,
with selection criteria enforcing a more uniform wound size
upon study entry for closer scrutiny. The wound surface area decreased by 62% to 2.72 cm2. Periwound assessment
Overall, results from this double-blind, randomized con- demonstrated both healthy/intact skin and redness with continuing dermatitis.
The subject reported his pain level as ‘‘none.’’
trolled clinical trial demonstrated that the PHMB dressing
significantly reduced polymicrobial organisms, decreased pain Week 4
levels, and was a significant predictor for reduced wound super-
ficial bacterial burden. Perhaps equally important, both the sub-
jects and nursing staff stated that they were highly satisfied with
the PHMB dressing’s performance with chronic wounds.
Week 0
The wound surface area was 0.5 cm2, resulting in a total reduction of 93% from
study baseline (Week 0). Periwound assessment reported some maceration with
continuing dermatitis. The subject again reported his pain level as ‘‘none.’’ He did
not experience any adverse events during this clinical trial.
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