SWQ Metrics Tool - Integrated Deliverable Template v13.3
SWQ Metrics Tool - Integrated Deliverable Template v13.3
SWQ Metrics Tool - Integrated Deliverable Template v13.3
1. This template must be updated at the time of the uploading the Deliverable related data like WBS, Defects, Size data etc into SWQ M
2. The project should manually enter the data into this template.
3. The order of header columns in all the data worksheets should not be interchanged.
4. The name of header columns in all the data worksheets should not be changed.
5. The data values should be entered in the same format as mentioned in header row.
6. WBS, Defect and Size Data etc entered in the respective worksheets should be related to the deliverable entered in the "Deliverable
7. This template should be used to collect all the deliverable related data i.e. WBS, Defects and Size data.
8. The data entered in respective data work sheets can be validated using the "VALIDATE DATA" button present in the respective work
will be displayed for the user to take the corrective action. The details will not be saved until the data in all the worksheets are correct
9. The worksheet names like "Deliverable Detail", "WBS Detail" etc should not be changed and system will not process the data if wor
10. In addition to excel level validation, the completeness of data entries will be finally checked with respect to the project measure pa
11. Maximum number of deliverables allowed in Deliverable Detail sheet is 100. If there are more deliverable details to be submitted,
Release Name Y
TAC Name Y
TAC Service Offering Name Y
TAC Cluster ID Y
Validation Comments C
Release Name Y
Work Product Name Y
Work Product Type Y
Phase Name Y
Validation Comments C
Release Name Y
Work Product Name Y
Phase Y
WBS Task Y
Phase Name O
Planned Start Date O
Planned End Date O
Actual Start Date O
Actual End Date O
Planned Labor Hours [in PH] O
Validation Comments C
Size Data Worksheet [This worksheet data is mandatory if the project has agreed to submi
Field Required?
Deliverable Name Y
Deliverable Type Y
Technology O
Development Language O
Size Unit Y
Planned Size O
Actual Size O
Actual Test Steps O
Object Type O
Test Cases Not Tested O
Test Cases Not Testable O
Test Cases Failed O
Cumulative number of requirements O
Cumulative number of requirements O
Cumulative number of requirements O
Source Type [Max 100 Chars] O
Validation Comments C
22-Dec-2014 3.7
6-Jan-15 3.8
8-Jan-15 3.9
14-Jan-15 4
18-Feb-15 4.1
23-Feb-15 4.2
24-Feb-15 4.3
11-Mar-15 4.4
16-Mar-15 4.5
13-Apr-15 4.6
29-Apr-15 4.7
27-Aug-15 4.8
4-Jul-16 4.9
11-May-16 5.0
30-Jul-16 5.1
21-Sep-16 5.2
14-Oct-16 5.11
05-May-17 5.17
26-Jul-17 6.0
10-Jan-17 6.6
16-Mar-18 6.8
16-Mar-18 7.3
29-Oct-19 8.2
29-Nov-19 10.1
20-Jul-22 12.5
16-May-23 13.3
s Tool - Integrated Deliverable Data Collection Template for New Development, Major Enhancement (Effor
me of the uploading the Deliverable related data like WBS, Defects, Size data etc into SWQ Metrics Tool.
ata into this template.
ata worksheets should not be interchanged.
ata worksheets should not be changed.
same format as mentioned in header row.
the respective worksheets should be related to the deliverable entered in the "Deliverable Detail" worksheet.
ll the deliverable related data i.e. WBS, Defects and Size data.
k sheets can be validated using the "VALIDATE DATA" button present in the respective worksheets. However, when the details are saved, all the she
rrective action. The details will not be saved until the data in all the worksheets are corrected.
Detail", "WBS Detail" etc should not be changed and system will not process the data if worksheet name(s) are changed.
completeness of data entries will be finally checked with respect to the project measure parameter setup (mandatory/optional)
wed in Deliverable Detail sheet is 100. If there are more deliverable details to be submitted, it has to be split into multiple sheets
Will display all the errors or the validation details corresponding to the row of data.
a Worksheet [This worksheet data is mandatory if the project has agreed to submit data for Size related data which includes testing da
Unique name of the deliverable.
Type of the Small Work Effort and it must have one of the following values only
‘Testing’, ‘New Development’, ‘Major Enhancement’
Name of the Application or Module or Tower Name.
Name information will be
of the Release. mandatory of
Combination provided
"Release the project
Name" has"Deliverable
and agreed to submit
Name"the application
should attribute.
be unique for the application. It should be a text v
Name of the work product against which the measures are to be submitted
Phase name of the deliverable.
Identify whether the selected size entry is the size of the deliverable. A deliverable can have multiple work product with in it with differen
But only one size unit can be identified as "Is this a Deliverable Size? (Y/N)" for that specific deliverable and marked as "Y". This size unit w
that deliverable.
Technology of the deliverable. Select one from the drop down option provided.
Development Language of the deliverable. Select one from the drop down option provided.
Size Unit. Should be one of the options from the drop down values provided.
Planned Size of the deliverable for the selected technology.
Actual Size of the deliverable for the selected technology.
This is for Ignite for all testing activities. The value is mandatory for Testing related Phases and Size Unit of test cases. Count of total test s
Test case count is then normalized based on the overall test steps count using multiplier factor as below:
< =100 – Actual test case count * 1
101 – 200 steps - Actual test case count * 2
201 – 300 steps - Actual test case count * 3
301 – 400 steps - Actual test case count * 4
>400 steps - Actual test case count * 5
Object type. Should be one of the options from the drop down values provided.
Number of test cases not tested for the phase. To be provided if the phase identified as 'Testing' phase and Size Unit identified is related
Number of testing cases not testable for the phase. To be provided if the phase identified as 'Testing' phase and Size Unit identified is rel
Number of test cases failed for the phase. To be provided if the phase identified as 'Testing' phase and Size Unit identified is related to Te
Cumulative number of requirements which got changed for the deliverable.
Name of the external source (if any) like RTC etc from where data has been extracted to report in the tool.
Will display all the errors or the validation details corresponding to the row of data.
Verification Method. Should be one of the options from the drop down values provided.
Whether defect reported by customer (Y/N) option
Defect Root Cause Category. Should be one of the options from the drop down values provided.
Defect Priority. Should be one of the options from the drop down values provided.
Name of the external source (if any) like RTC etc from where data has been extracted to report in the tool.
Mandatory if the Status is set to Closed.
This is a ONLY associated with the defect if Deliverable Type is New Development or Major Enhancement. It is not applicable for Testing d
This is decided based on value in Column B in both templates.
Will display all the errors or the validation details corresponding to the row of data.
Yes, required
Yes, calculated or may be entered
Depends on other data.
# While opening the file, 'Enable Macros' button must be clicked for the template to work properly.
# Mandatory fields are marked as Blue. Cell level format and data lookup values [wherever required]. Max Deliverable allowed
# Click on 'Validate Data' button to validate the data at any time. The result of validation can be checked in column
# File will not get saved until the user corrects the data as per the validation comments.
# While opening the file, 'Enable Macros' button must be clicked for the template to work properly.
# Mandatory fields are marked as Blue. Cell level format and data lookup values [wherever required]. Max Deliverable allowed is 100,
# Click on 'Validate Data' button to validate the data at any time. The result of validation can be checked in column 'Validation Comme
# File will not get saved until the user corrects the data as per the validation comments.
Application / Module /
Deliverable Name Deliverable Type Tower Name Release Name
ancement (Effort > 120 PH) work types.
# While opening the file, 'Enable Macros' button must be clicked for the template to work properly.
# Mandatory fields are marked as Blue. Cell level format and data lookup values [wherever required] are provided upto
# Click on 'Validate Data' button to validate the data at any time. The result of validation can be checked in column
# Click on 'Delete Row' button will delete the selected row.
# Click on 'Insert Row' button will insert a blank row below the selected row.
# File will not get saved until the user corrects the data as per the validation comments.
# Data entered in the 'WBS Task' column must be indented as per the WBS hierarchy. [Use the 'Decrease Indent
# Data against Columns 'B' to 'G' must be entered in the 'yyyy-mm-dd' format only.
Application /
Deliverable Name Deliverable Type Module / Tower Release Name
ent, Major Enhancement (Effort > 120 PH) work types.
quired] are provided upto 500 rows. If data exceeds 500 rows, the format to be copied to the rest of the rows.
n be checked in column 'Validation Comments' at the end. Data will also be automatically validated, every time the file is saved.
Work Product Name Phase WBS Task Planned Start Date (yyyy-
time the file is saved.
Planned End Date (yyyy- Actual Start Date (yyyy- Actual End Date Planned Labor Hours
mm-dd) mm-dd) (yyyy-mm-dd)
Actual Labor Hours Review Effort Rework Effort
Source Type [Max 100 Chars] Validation Comments
SWQ Metrics Tool - Size data collection template for New Development, Major Enhancement (Eff
# While opening the file, 'Enable Macros' button must be clicked for the template to work properly.
# Mandatory fields are marked as Blue. Cell level format and data lookup values [wherever required] are provided upto 20
# Please read the "Instructions" work sheet for more information regarding the Size data columns given below.
# Click on 'Validate Data' button to validate the data at any time. The result of validation can be checked in column
# Click on 'Delete Row' button will delete the selected row.
# Click on 'Insert Row' button will insert a blank row below the selected row.
# File will not get saved until the user corrects the data as per the validation comments.
Application / Module /
Deliverable Name Deliverable Type Tower Name Release Name
ew Development, Major Enhancement (Effort > 120 PH) work types.
Is this a Development
Deliverable Size? Technology Language Size Unit Planned Size
Test Case Test Case Not Test Case
Actual Size Actual Test Steps Object Type Not Tested Testable Failed
Cumulative number of Cumulative number of Cumulative number of Source Type [Max
requirements changed requirements added requirements deleted 100 Chars]
Validation Comments
Note: The default format of date columns in this template is set to mm/dd/yy. However, yyyy-mm-dd format is also
Application /
Deliverable Name Deliverable Type Module / Tower Name
ever, yyyy-mm-dd format is also a valid date format type. And clicking on 'Validate Data' in this sheet will validate only the 'Ph
Work Product
Release Name Name Phase
eet will validate only the 'Phase Detected' and 'Phase Injected' columns.
Micro Design
Manage the Project
Close the Project
Test Assessment and Planning
Test Case / Script Design & Development
Test Case / Script Execution and Reporting
Regression Testing
Test Automation
apping Details
TAC Cluster Name
Argentina Java CAD Cluster 01
AIS eCmsI CN 01
ESB Implementation EG
AIS Ecomm 05
AIS Java CAD 06
AIS LnK 03
Solution Startup
BI Strategy and Planning
Solution Outline
Macro Design
Micro Design
Build Cycle
Test Assessment and Planning
Test Case / Script Design & Development
Test Case / Script Execution and Reporting
Regression Testing
Test Automation