G Amp V Booster B2

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Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 Student’s Book

Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14
units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2
level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures.

Key features
• Condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by a variety of exercises and a
revision section at the end of each unit
• B2 vocabulary presentation and practice by topic as well as practice on phrasal verbs,
prepositions and words often confused
• English in Use sections consisting of key word transformations, word formation, open cloze
texts and multiple choice cloze texts and sentences
• Regular review sections that revise the grammar and vocabulary of the preceding units
• Appendices on prepositions and prepositional phrases in alphabetical order

Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book (overprinted)
Tests & Quizzes (downloadable)

Jenny Dooley

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Published by Express Publishing
Irregular verbs
Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,
Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044) 1635 959 759 be \bi…\ was \wÅz\ been \bi…n\ learn \l‰…n\ learnt (learned) learnt (learned)
bear \be´\ bore \bO…\ born(e) \bO…n\ \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\ \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\
email: [email protected] beat \bi…t\ beat \bi…t\ beaten \"bi…t´n\ leave \li…v\ left \left\ left \left\
www.expresspublishing.co.uk become \bI"køm\ became \bI"keIm\ become \bI"køm\ lend \lend\ lent \lent\ lent \lent\
begin \bI"gIn\ began \bI"gœn\ begun \bI"gøn\ let \let\ let \let\ let \let\
© Jenny Dooley, 2022 bite \baIt\ bit \bIt\ bitten \"bIt´n\ lie (= to be in a flat lay \leI\ lain \leIn\
blow \bl´U\ blew \blu…\ blown \bl´Un\ position) \laI\
break \breIk\ broke \br´Uk\ broken \"br´Uk´n\ light \laIt\ lit \lIt\ lit \lIt\
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2022
bring \brIN\ brought \brO…t\ brought \brO…t\ lose \lu…z\ lost \lÅst\ lost \lÅst\
build \bIld\ built \bIlt\ built \bIlt\
First published 2022 make \meIk\ made \meId\ made \meId\
burn \b‰…n\ burnt (burned) burnt (burned)
mean \mi…n\ meant \ment\ meant \ment\
\b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\ \b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\
meet \mi…t\ met \met\ met \met\
Made in EU burst \b‰…st\ burst \b‰…st\ burst \b‰…st\
buy \baI\ bought \bO…t\ bought \bO…t\ pay \peI\ paid \peId\ paid \peId\
put \pUt\ put \pUt\ put \pUt\
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in can \kœn\ could \kUd\ (been able to
any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the \bIn "eIb´l t´\) read \ri…d\ read \red\ read \red\
publishers. catch \kœtS\ caught \kO…t\ caught \kO…t\ ride \raId\ rode \r´Ud\ ridden \"rId´n\
choose \tSu…z\ chose \tS´Uz\ chosen \"tS´Uz´n\ ring \rIN\ rang \rœN\ rung \røN\
come \køm\ came \keIm\ come \køm\ rise \raIz\ rose \r´Uz\ risen \"rIz´n\
This book is not meant to be changed in any way. cost \kÅst\ cost \kÅst\ cost \kÅst\ run \røn\ ran \rœn\ run \røn\
cut \køt\ cut \køt\ cut \køt\
say \seI\ said \sed\ said \sed\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0745-4 Student’s book deal \di…l\ dealt \delt\ dealt \delt\ see \si…\ saw \sO…\ seen \si…n\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0747-8 Digibooks app dig \dIg\ dug \døg\ dug \døg\ sell \sel\ sold \s´Uld\ sold \s´Uld\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0748-5 Student’s book with Digibooks app (set) do \du…\ did \dId\ done \døn\ send \send\ sent \sent\ sent \sent\
draw \drO…\ drew \dru…\ drawn \drO…n\ set \set\ set \set\ set \set\
dream \dri…m\ dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) sew \s´U\ sewed \s´Ud\ sewn \s´Un\
\dremt “dri…md‘\ \dremt “dri…md‘\ shake \SeIk\ shook \SUk\ shaken \"SeIk´n\
Acknowledgements drink \drINk\
drive \draIv\
drank \drœNk\
drove \dr´Uv\
drunk \drøNk\
driven \"drIv´n\
shine \SaIn\
shoot \Su…t\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
show \S´U\ showed \S´Ud\ shown \S´Un\
eat \i…t\ ate \eIt\ eaten \"i…t´n\
Author’s Acknowledgements shut \Søt\ shut \Søt\ shut \Søt\
fall \fO…l\ fell \fel\ fallen \"fO…l´n\ sing \sIN\ sang \sœN\ sung \søN\
I would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book.
feed \fi…d\ fed \fed\ fed \fed\ sit \sIt\ sat \sœt\ sat \sœt\
Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief ); Mary Swan and feel \fi…l\ felt \felt\ felt \felt\ sleep \sli…p\ slept \slept\ slept \slept\
Chris Baker (senior editors); Steve Hall (editorial assistant ); Sue Foster (senior production controller); the Express fight \faIt\ fought \fO…t\ fought \fO…t\ smell \smel\ smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled)
design team; and Neill Robinson, Jane Adams and Alan Lewis as well as those institutions and teachers who pilot- find \faInd\ found \faUnd\ found \faUnd\ \smelt “smeld‘\ \smelt “smeld‘\
ed the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. fly \flaI\ flew \flu…\ flown \fl´Un\ speak \spi…k\ spoke \sp´Uk\ spoken \"sp´Uk´n\
forbid \f´"bId\ forbade \f´"beId\ forbidden \f´"bId´n\ spell \spel\ spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled)
forget \f´"get\ forgot \f´"gÅt\ forgotten \f´"gÅt´n\ \spelt “speld‘\ \spelt “speld‘\
Photograph Acknowledgements forgive \f´"gIv\ forgave \f´"geIv\ forgiven \f´"gIv´n\ spend \spend\ spent \spent\ spent \spent\
Special thanks to Alamy, iStock and Shutterstock for images used in this book. freeze \fri…z\ froze \fr´Uz\ frozen \"fr´Uz´n\ stand \stœnd\ stood \stUd\ stood \stUd\
steal \sti…l\ stole \st´Ul\ stolen \"st´Ul´n\
get \get\ got \gÅt\ got \gÅt\
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the stick \stIk\ stuck \støk\ stuck \støk\
give \gIv\ gave \geIv\ given \"gIv´n\
sting \stIN\ stung \støN\ stung \støN\
publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. go \g´U\ went \went\ gone \gÅn\
swear \swe´\ swore \swO…\ sworn \swO…n\
grow \gr´U\ grew \gru…\ grown \gr´Un\
sweep \swi…p\ swept \swept\ swept \swept\
Express Publishing is not responsible or liable for any websites that may be accessed from links contained in this hang (= to hung \høN\ hung \høN\ swim \swIm\ swam \swœm\ swum \swøm\
publication, which are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; as such, Express suspend)
take \teIk\ took \tUk\ taken \"teIk´n\
Publishing makes no representation or warranty as to their availability, or the suitability or accuracy of their \hœN\
teach \ti…tS\ taught \tO…t\ taught \tO…t\
content, or for that of subsequent links. If you choose to link to these websites, you do so at your own risk. You are have \hœv\ had \hœd\ had \hœd\
tear \te´\ tore \tO…\ torn \tO…n\
hear \hI´\ heard \h‰…d\ heard \h‰…d\
advised to contact the external site administrators for answers to questions regarding their content. hide \haId\ hid \hId\ hidden \"hId´n\
tell \tel\ told \t´Uld\ told \t´Uld\
think \TINk\ thought \TO…t\ thought \TO…t\
hit \hIt\ hit \hIt\ hit \hIt\
throw \Tr´U\ threw \Tru…\ thrown \Tr´Un\
hold \h´Uld\ held \held\ held \held\
hurt \h‰…t\ hurt \h‰…t\ hurt \h‰…t\ understand understood understood
\Æønd´"stœnd\ \Æønd´"stUd\ \Æønd´"stUd\
keep \ki…p\ kept \kept\ kept \kept\
know \n´U\ knew \nju…\ known \n´Un\ wake \weIk\ woke \w´Uk\ woken \"w´Uk´n\
wear \we´\ wore \wO…\ worn \wO…n\
lay \leI\ laid \leId\ laid \leId\
win \wIn\ won \wøn\ won \wøn\
lead \li…d\ led \led\ led \led\
write \raIt\ wrote \r´Ut\ written \"rIt´n\

Cover_Gramm-Voc_Booster_B2_Ss.indd 2 15/06/2022 11:10

1 Grammar: Tenses ............................................. p. 4 8 Grammar: Wishes/Unreal past ...................... p. 80
Vocabulary: People ............................................. p. 14 Vocabulary: Environment ................................. p. 84
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often
words often confused (do, make) confused (related to the environment,
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word lose/loose)
formation, open cloze text, English in Use: Key-word transformations, word
multiple choice sentences ......... p. 16 formation, multiple choice cloze
2 Grammar: The infinitive/-ing form/ text, multiple choice sentences
(grammar/vocabulary) ............... p. 86
participles ...................................... p. 18
Vocabulary: Travel & tourism ........................... p. 26 9 Grammar: Reported speech .......................... p. 88
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, Vocabulary: Sports .............................................. p. 100
words often confused (drive, ride, sail) Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word confused (win, beat, earn, gain)
formation, multiple choice cloze English in Use: Key-word transformations, word
text, word formation..................... p. 28 formation, multiple choice sentences
3 Grammar: Modals ............................................ p. 30 (word formation), multiple choice
cloze text ........................................ p. 102
Vocabulary: Food ................................................ p. 36
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, 10 Grammar: Nouns/Articles .............................. p. 104
words often confused (refuse/deny, Vocabulary: Education ....................................... p. 110
false/artificial, clean/clear) Phrasal verbs, prepositions
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word English in Use: Key-word transformations, word
formation, word formation text, formation, multiple choice cloze
open cloze text.............................. p. 38 text, multiple choice sentences
4 Grammar: Adjectives/Adverbs/
(vocabulary) .................................. p. 112
........................................................... p. 114
Comparisons ................................. p. 40
Vocabulary: Houses & homes ........................... p. 48
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, 11 Grammar: Clauses/Linking words ................ p. 116
Vocabulary: Clothes & fashion ......................... p. 128
words often confused (like, as)
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word confused (lose/miss, wear/put, try/take/
formation, open cloze, multiple put/do/dress)
choice text ...................................... p. 50
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word
5 Grammar: The passive .................................... p. 52 formation, multiple choice sentences
Vocabulary: Health ............................................. p. 58 (vocabulary), word formation text. p. 130
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often
confused (feel, have, cut, break, hit, twist) 12 Grammar: Emphatic structures/Inversion .... p. 132
Vocabulary: Work ................................................ p. 136
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word Phrasal verbs, prepositions,
formation, multiple choice cloze words often confused (get, pay)
text, open cloze text .................... p. 60
English in Use: Key-word transformations,
REVIEW A ........................................................... p. 62 word formation, multiple choice
6 Grammar: The causative ................................ p. 64 sentences (vocabulary), multiple
choice cloze text ............................p. 138
Vocabulary: The arts ........................................... p. 68
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, 13 Grammar: Determiners/Pronouns ............... p. 140
words often confused (ways to see) Vocabulary: Shops & services ........................... p. 152
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word Phrasal verbs, prepositions,
formation, multiple choice cloze words often confused (match, suit, fit)
text, multiple choice sentences English in Use: Key-word transformations,
(word formation) .......................... p. 70 word formation, open cloze text,
7 Grammar: Conditionals .................................. p. 72 multiple choice sentences
(grammar & vocabulary) ............. p. 154
Vocabulary: Geographical features, weather,
animals ........................................... p. 76 14 Grammar: Questions/Answers ..................... p. 156
Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often Vocabulary: Technology .................................... p. 162
confused (related to weather) Phrasal verbs, prepositions, words often
English in Use: Key-word transformations, word confused (words related to technology)
formation, multiple choice cloze English in Use: Key-word transformations, word
text, multiple choice sentences formation, multiple choice cloze text,
(word formation) .......................... p. 78 multiple choice sentences (grammar
& vocabulary) ................................ p. 164
REVIEW C ........................................................... p. 166
Appendices ........................................................... p. 168

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1 Grammar

Present simple Present perfect

• permanent situations or states • action that started in the past and continues to the
She works in a bank. present
• repeated/habitual actions (especially with frequency He has been here since May.
adverbs: often, usually, always, etc) • recently completed actions
He always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. (Here “always” She has dyed her hair black. (The action is complete –
means every day.) her hair is now dyed black – evidence in the present)
• general truths or laws of nature • complete past actions connected to the present with
The sun rises in the east. stated or unstated time reference
• reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic narrative He has bought a house. (Now he owns a house.)
Smythe serves the ball and Lanyon misses it ... He has just returned from Paris. (stated time reference)
• timetables/programmes (future reference) • personal experiences/changes which have
The train leaves at 8.00. happened
I have lost weight recently.
• in exclamatory sentences
There goes the bus! • emphasis on number
He has seen three films this week.
She has had four cups of coffee since she woke up.
Time expressions
every day/week/month/year, usually, sometimes,
always, rarely, never, often, in the morning/ Present perfect continuous
evening/afternoon, at night, on Mondays, etc • actions that started in the past and continue to the
She has been doing her homework for an hour. (She
Present continuous started an hour ago and she’s still doing it.)
• actions happening at or around the moment of • actions that have just finished with visible results or
speaking effects in the present
The sun is shining now. He has been running. That’s why he’s out of breath.
He is studying for the exams. • to express anger, irritation, annoyance, explanation or
• temporary situations criticism
He is spending the week with his mother. She has been using my laptop! (annoyance)
• changing or developing situations • to put emphasis on duration, usually with for, since or
She is getting better and better at playing the piano. how long
He has been feeling unwell for days.
• frequently repeated actions with always, constantly,
continually, expressing annoyance or criticism
He’s always getting into trouble. (Here “always” means Time expressions
constantly.) just, ever, never, already, yet (negations &
questions), always, how long, so far, recently, since
• fixed arrangements in the near future (= from a starting point in the past), for (= over
I’m going to the theatre this evening. a period of time), today, this week/month, etc
For and since are usually used with Present
Time expressions perfect continuous to emphasise the duration
now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, of an action.
today, tonight, always, still, etc

Adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, usually,

often, etc) go before the main verb, but after the verb
to be.
have been to: have gone somewhere and come back
have gone to/been in: have gone somewhere,
but not back yet

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Grammar 1

Stative verbs
Stative verbs express a permanent state rather than an action and are not used in the feel and hurt can be used in
continuous forms. These are: verbs of the senses used to express involuntary actions either continuous or simple
(feel, hear, see, smell, taste, etc), verbs of feelings and emotions (adore, detest, dislike, forms.
enjoy, forgive, hate, like, etc), verbs of opinion (agree, believe, suppose, understand, etc) and She feels/is feeling better.
other verbs (belong, concern, depend, know, mean, own, possess, need, prefer, want, etc). Look, watch and listen
I see someone coming. She hates pop music. I don’t agree with you. He knows a lot about express deliberate actions
computers. and can be used in
Some stative verbs (be, love, see, smell, taste, think, etc) have continuous forms, but continuous forms.
there is a difference in meaning. He is listening to some records.
State Action
• I see them coming towards us. (= I have the ability) • She’s seeing her doctor today. (= she’s visiting)
• These flowers smell nice. (= they have a nice • Why are you smelling the food? Has it gone off?
smell) (= why are you checking the smell of )
• This soup tastes delicious. (= its flavour is good) • She’s tasting the soup. (= she’s testing the flavour)
• It feels like velvet. (= it has the texture of ) • He’s feeling the cloth. (= he’s touching the cloth)
• He has a house. (= he possesses) • We’re having a nice time. (= we’re enjoying ourselves)
• Do you like his new car? (= Is it nice?) • How are they liking the party? (= are they enjoying)
• I think he has left. (= I suppose, I believe) • I’m thinking about his suggestion. (= I’m considering)
• Ann is polite. (= her character is) • Tom is being very impolite. (= he is behaving impolitely)
• It looks as if it’s going to snow. (= it appears) • They are looking at the statue. (= they’re viewing it)

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present simple or 2 Choose the correct option.
the Present continuous.
1 We have been walking/have walked
1 A: I _____________ (see) there’s a great film on at the cinema since 3:00.
tonight. Would you like to go? 2 How long has she spoken/has she
B: No, I _____________ (see) the dentist about my toothache. been speaking to that customer?
2 A: _____________ (you/think) about going on a picnic this 3 Paul has bought/has been buying
afternoon? three shirts.
B: Not really. I _____________ (think) I need to study. 4 They haven’t explored/haven’t been
3 A: Is John OK? He _____________ (look) very red in the face. exploring the market all day.
B: Yes, I know. I _____________ (look) for the doctor’s telephone 5 Have you been knowing/Have you
number now. known Alex since you started school?
4 A: How _____________ (you/like) your stay in Budapest?
B: I am really _____________ (enjoy) myself. I particularly 3 Fill in has/have been to/in, has/have
_____________ (like) the Hungarian food. gone to.
5 A: Why _____________ (you/taste) the stew? 1 Bertha’s not here. She ___________
B: I think you _____________ (need) to add some spices; the library.
it _____________ (taste) a bit bland. 2 I ___________ Madrid, but I only
6 A: Why _____________ (you/feel) the radiator, Dad? spent a few days there.
B: I _____________ (not/think) it’s working; it _____________ 3 “How long _____ you ___________
(feel) very cold in here. Birmingham?”“For nearly two years.”
7 A: Tom _____________ (be) usually a very quiet boy. 4 Tom is alone because his parents
B: Yes, but he _____________ (be) very noisy today. ____________ the seaside.
8 A: _____________________ (you/have) a car? 5 Julia __________ the supermarket –
B: Yes, but I _____________ (have) some problems with it, so it’s at she’ll be back in about an hour.
the garage.
9 A: Why _____________ (you/smell) the roses?
B: They always _________ (smell) so wonderful at this time of year.

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1 Grammar

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present 6 Choose the correct option.
tenses. 1 James ___ to my email yet. Maybe he’s on holiday.
A doesn’t reply B isn’t replying
Hi John, C hasn’t replied
First of all, sorry I 1) _______________ (not/write) for so 2 Mike always ___ up early on weekdays.
long, but I was on holiday. 2) ______________ (you/get) A gets B is getting C has got
your exam results yet? I’m sure you 3) _______________
3 Your French ___ all the time, Sally.
(pass) them all since you always 4) _______________
A improves B is improving
(study) so hard. I 5) _______________ (wait) for mine at
C has improved
the moment, and I 6) _______________ (try) not to
worry! Well, I 7) _______________ (write) from my new 4 I ___ a cake; that’s why the kitchen is such a mess.
flat. Yes, I 8) _______________ (move) house! Now, we A make B making
9) ______________ (paint) and 10) _______________ C have been making
(clean) the place to make it look nice. When it’s finished, I 5 The plane ___ at 9:30 tomorrow morning.
want to have a party and, because I 11) _______________ A arrives B is arriving C has arrived
(not/see) you for weeks, I 12) _______________ (want)
you to come. Write soon and let me know if I’ll see you 6 Alice ___ for a job at the moment.
there. A looks B is looking C has looked
Talk soon, 7 This soup ___ delicious. What did you put in it?
Mary A smells B is smelling C has smelt
8 Their baby ___ to walk.
A just starts B has just started
C has just been starting
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present 9 We ___ a party next Saturday. Would you like to
tenses. come?
1 Alan ______________ (fly) to Barcelona tonight. He A have B are having C have had
________________ (already/pack) his suitcase, 10 I ___ for an hour and the bus still hasn’t come.
but he ________________ (not/call) a taxi yet. His A am waiting B have waited
plane ________________ (leave) at 8 pm. C have been waiting
2 Ann and Sally ________________ (be) flatmates. 11 I ___ this film three times already.
They sometimes ________________ (argue) A see B am seeing C have seen
because Sally ________________ (always/make) a
mess in the kitchen. 12 Melanie ___ at her father’s shop every day this week.
3 “Look over there! It’s John Cooper.” A works B is working C has worked
“Oh yes! But he ________________ (look) so 13 I can’t get in the house. I ___ my keys.
different! He ________________ (put on) at least A lose B am losing C have lost
15 kilos, and I ________________ (think) he
14 There ___ Luke on his new bicycle!
________________ (wear) a police uniform.”
A goes B is going C has gone
4 Ever since the accident, Susan ________________
(be) afraid to drive. Next week, she 15 I ___ the book you lent me. I’m really enjoying it.
________________ (see) a psychologist who A read B have read
________________ (specialise) in that sort of C have been reading
problem. 16 ___ you ever been to Lyon?
5 “What a great match! Johnson ________________ A Do B Are C Have
(pass) the ball to Green, who ________________
(shoot) and ________________ (score)!”
6 “What on earth ___________________________
(you/do)? Your clothes are all dirty!” “Well, I
____ ____________ (work) in the garden all day.
Look! I ________________ (already/plant) a lot of
flowers. I ________________ (plan) to cut the grass

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Grammar 1

Past simple Past continuous

• complete action or event which happened at a • action in progress at a stated past time
stated past time This time last week I was travelling across Africa.
She sold her car last week. (“When?”“Last week.” – • past action in progress interrupted by another past
stated past time) action. The longer action is in the Past continuous,
• past actions which happened one immediately after the shorter action is in the Past simple.
the other I was taking a shower when I heard the telephone ring.
She woke up, got out of bed and made a cup of tea. • two or more simultaneous past actions in progress
• past habit or state I was washing up while he was drying the dishes.
He rode his bike to school every day as a child. • background description to events in a story/narration
• complete past actions not connected to the present The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
with a stated or implied time reference
Shakespeare wrote at least 36 plays. (Shakespeare is Time expressions
dead – he won’t write any more.) while, as, the moment that, etc

Time expressions
yesterday, last week, etc, (how long) ago, then, just Past perfect continuous
now, when, in 2021, etc
• action continuing over a period up to a specific time
in the past
Past perfect She had been saving for a whole year before she
bought her ticket to Australia.
• past action which happened before another action
or before a stated past time • past action of certain duration which had visible
By his second day at camp he had made several friends. results in the past
He had been shouting so loudly that he had a sore
• complete past action which had visible results in the throat.
She felt much safer after she had locked all the doors.
Time expressions
for, since, before, etc
Time expressions
for, since, already, after, just, never, yet, before, by,
by the time, etc

7 Choose the correct option. 8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past
Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) decided/were deciding to
buy a house. They 2) had saved up/had been saving up Last summer, we 1) _________ (arrange) to go camping.
for ages, and by the end of May, they 3) put by/had put We 2) _________________ (look) forward to it for weeks
by enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) lived/were when finally the date of departure 3) __________ (arrive).
living in a tiny flat at the time. They 5) had searched/ We 4) _______________ (load) the car with our luggage
had been searching for only a few days when they and 5) _______________ (set off) early in the morning.
found exactly what they 6) were looking/had looked for The sun 6) _______________ (shine) brightly. There
– a two-bedroomed house with nearly an acre of garden. 7) ___________ (not/be) a cloud in the sky! While we
Unfortunately, the owner 7) was asking/had been 8) ________________ (travel) along the motorway, we
asking much more than they could afford, and when they 9) __________ (notice) that the car 10) _____________
8) looked/had looked more closely at the interior, they (make) a strange noise. Pete 11) ____________ (stop)
9) saw/had seen that whoever 10) was living/had been the car, 12) __________ (get out) and 13) ____________
living there before 11) made/had made an absolute (go) round to the back of it. To his surprise, the boot was
mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 12) liked/was wide open – whoever 14) _____________ (load) the
liking the location of the house and convinced Tom that, luggage 15) ______________ (not/close) it properly, and
despite the price, it was the perfect house for them. everything 16) ________________ (fall out)!

Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 7 10/06/22 14:57

1 Grammar

Present perfect Past simple

• He has left. (unstated time; we don’t know when he • He left a minute ago. (stated time – When? A minute
left) ago.)
• She has been in Rome for two months. (she’s still in • She was in Rome for two months. (she isn’t in Rome
Rome – action connected to the present) any more – action not connected to the present)
• He’s been to the cinema five times this month. • He went to the cinema five times last month. (action
(it’s still the same month – action connected to the not connected to the present – it’s the following
present) month now)
• I’ve seen Matt Dillon. (action connected to the • I saw Sir Lawrence Olivier. (action not connected to
present – he’s still alive) the present – he’s dead)
• The King has decided to give up the throne. • She announced her decision this morning. (giving
(announcing news) details of the news – stated time in the past)

9 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present perfect or the Past simple.
1 A: Is Paul there, please? 6 A: 1) _________________ (you/ever/taste) sushi?
B: Sorry, he 1) _________________ (leave) about B: Yes, I 2) _________________ (eat) sushi at least
10 minutes ago. I think he five times. I 3) __________________ (try) it for
2) _________________ (go) to the library. the first time on my dad’s 50th birthday. He
2 A: I 1) ______________________ (live) in Lisbon 4) _________________ (invite) the whole family
for two years now. to a Japanese restaurant.
B: Really? What a coincidence! I 2) _______________ 7 A: Hi, Carol! How are you?
(live) there for a year before moving to America. B: Great, thanks. We 1) _________________ (just/
3 A: I 1) ________________ (bump) into Peter at the come) back from Spain. We 2) _____________
supermarket last week. (stay) in Barcelona for two weeks.
B: Oh, really! I 2) _________________ (not/see) A: Oh, I 3) ________________ (never/be) to Spain,
him since last summer. How is he? but I’d love to go. 4) _________________ (you/
4 A: 1) _________________ (you/write) to Becky? have) a good time?
B: Yes, I have. I 2) ________________ (write) a long B: Yes, we did. The weather 5) _________________
letter yesterday, but I 3) _________________ (be) fantastic and we 6) _________________
(not/post) it yet. (spend) every day on the beach.
5 A: The chairman 1) _______________ (decide) to A: Lucky you!
B: Yes, actually he 2) _________________ (inform)
the managing director of his decision this morning.

used to – be/get used to – would – was going to

• used to expresses past habits and permanent states. • would expresses past repeated actions and
(Note that stative verbs are not used with “would”.) routines – not states.
When I was young, I used to go climbing once a month. When I was a child, I would go to the cinema every
(also: would go) He used to live in Paris. (NOT: would – Sunday. (also: I used to go .../I went ...)
state) • was going to expresses actions one intended to do,
• be/get used to (+ -ing form/noun/pronoun) means but didn’t do.
“be/get accustomed to”, “be/get in the habit of”. He was going to buy a house in New York,
She got used to living in London. but then he decided to move to Los Angeles.

Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 8 10/06/22 14:57

Grammar 1

10 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. 11 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate
Use two to five words. past tenses.
1 Sally went to ballet classes three times a week. 1 Last Friday, I _______________ (walk) to work
GO Sally ___________________________ when I _______________ (see) an old friend
ballet classes three times a week. I _________________ (not/see) for a long time.
2 It was my intention to phone you last night, but I I ________________ (throw) my arms around him.
forgot. He _______________ (stare) at me with an open
GOING I ______________________________ mouth. To my horror, I _______________ (realise) I
___________ you last night, but I forgot. ______________ (mistake) a stranger for my friend!
3 Lying on the beach all day is an unusual experience 2 By the time Paul and Thomas got back to their car, it
for me. _______________ (get) dark and a cold wind
USED I ______________________________ _______________ (blow) in their faces. They
_______________ on the beach all day. ______________ (walk) for more than three hours
4 When I was young, I used to visit my grandmother and they felt exhausted. It had all begun when they
every day after school. _______________ (go) hiking in the forest.
WOULD When I was young, _________________ Everything _______________ (go) well until it
_______________________ every day _______________ (start) to rain heavily.
after school. Unfortunately, they had lost their map as they
_______________ (cross) a river, but after a couple
5 Tom didn’t like the idea of living in a village, but soon
of hours they finally _______________ (find) their
he changed his mind.
way back. They _______________ (be) glad to get
GOT Tom ____________________________
in the car and drive home.
______________________ in a village.

Time words
• ago: back in time from now (used with Past simple) • yet is used with perfect tenses in negative sentences
Ann left an hour ago. after a contracted auxiliary verb or at the end of the
• before: back in time from then sentence.
Tony told me that Ann had left an hour before. He hasn’t yet called. He hasn’t called yet.
before is also used with present or past forms to It can also be used at the end of questions.
show that an action preceded another. Have they arrived yet?
He’ll arrive before you leave. He had cooked dinner • already is used with perfect tenses in mid or end
before she came home. position in statements or questions.
• still is used in statements and questions after the He had already fixed the tap when the plumber arrived.
auxiliary verb or before the main verb. Have you got dressed already?
She can still dance well. • just + present/past perfect
still comes before the auxiliary verb in negations. She has just finished studying.
She still hasn’t replied to my letter. just now + past simple
She finished studying just now.

12 Choose the correct option.

1 I haven’t finished the washing-up already/yet. 8 I can’t believe I’ve been here nearly a year yet/already.
2 I don’t think I’ve ever met her yet/before. 9 I’m afraid the plumber hasn’t arrived still/yet.
3 He’s still/yet got a good memory despite his age. 10 He can still/already speak and he’s only one year old.
4 I used to live here six years before/ago. 11 He has just/still left the house.
5 He’s lived in Rome all his life and he yet/still lives there. 12 Clean up that mess already/before your father sees it.
6 I’ve before/already read this book. It’s really good. 13 We still/yet haven’t called Jasmine to see how she is.
7 The last time I fed the goldfish was two days before/ 14 He came in already/just now.

Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 9 10/06/22 14:57

1 Grammar

Future simple
Note: by or not ... until/till are used with the Future
• decisions taken at the moment of speaking perfect. Until/till are normally used with the Future
(on-the-spot decisions) perfect only in negative sentences.
I’m hungry. I’ll cook something to eat. He will have completed his studies by the end of the
• hopes, fears, threats, offers, promises, warnings, year. (NOT: till/until) He won’t have arrived until tonight.
predictions, requests, comments, etc with: expect,
hope, believe, I’m sure, I’m afraid, probably. Time expressions
I promise I’ll be on time. before, by, by then, by the time, until/till
• predictions based on what we think
He’ll probably pass his driving test.
Future perfect continuous
• actions which will inevitably happen
Summer will be here soon. duration of an action that started in the past and will
continue up to a certain time in the future
be going to By May, he will have been teaching for 35 years.
• planned actions or intentions
Time expressions
Now that she’s passed her exams, she’s going to train
by ... for
to be a solicitor.
• evidence that something will definitely happen in
the near future
Present simple (future meaning)
Those dark clouds mean it’s going to rain soon.
Time expressions The play begins at 7 o’clock this evening.
tomorrow, tonight, next week/month, in two/three,
etc days, the day after tomorrow, soon, in a week/ Present continuous (future meaning)
month, etc fixed arrangement in the near future
She’s meeting her aunt this weekend.
Future continuous
• We can also use these expressions to refer to the
• actions in progress at a stated future time future: be on the verge of …, be about to …, be on the
This time next year, she’ll be running her own business. point of …, be due to … .
• actions which are the result of a routine (instead of • We never use future forms after: as long as, as soon
the Present continuous) as, after, before, by the time, if (conditional), unless, in
I’ll be playing tennis on Sunday. (I play tennis every case, until/till, when (time conjunction), whenever,
Sunday – it’s part of my routine.) while, once, suppose/supposing, on condition that, etc.
• when we ask politely about people’s arrangements Let’s buy some extra food in case they call round.
to see if they can do sth for us or because we want to (NOT: in case they will call round)
offer to do sth for them • when used as a question word and if meaning
Will you be going shopping at the supermarket today? “whether” (especially after I don’t know, I doubt, I
Can you buy me some milk? wonder, etc) can be used with future forms.
When will he bring the books back? We don’t know if
Future perfect he will be appointed to the post or not. (= whether)

• actions that will be finished before a stated future

They will have emigrated to Canada by Christmas.
• actions which will have lasted up to a point in the
He will have worked for us for two years next May.


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 10 10/06/22 14:57

Grammar 1

13 Choose the correct option. 14 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future continuous,
1 This time next week, we ____ to New York. Future perfect or the Future perfect continuous.
A will fly B will be flying 1 The guests are coming at 8 pm. I ________________
C will have been flying ________________ (finish) cooking by then.
2 By the time we get there, the shop ____ . 2 Don’t call after 11 o’clock because she
A will close B is closing __________________ (sleep) then.
C will have closed 3 By Christmas, I ____________________________
(live) in London for three years.
3 There’s someone at the door. I ____ see who it is. 4 He ____________________________ (not/paint)
A will go B going C will be going all the doors till Tuesday.
4 I doubt if Paul ____ by midnight. 5 I __________________________ (play) basketball
A returns B will return C is returning with my friends on Sunday, as usual.
6 By five o’clock, they ________________________
5 The train ____ at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
(lie) on the beach for four hours.
A leaves B will leave C will have left
7 “_________________________ (you/use) the car
6 We ____ a film later – want to join us? tonight?”“No, you can take it.”
A will watch B will have watched 8 Do you think she ___________________________
C are going to watch (see) the doctor by four o’clock?
7 Take an umbrella with you in case it ____ . 9 By next April, he ___________________________
A rains B will rain (teach) for twelve years.
C will be raining 10 _________________________ (you/wait) for her
when her plane arrives?
8 Ask Helen if you can use her laptop. I’m sure she ____ .
A won’t mind
C won’t have minded
B doesn’t mind
15 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future
9 By September, I ____ English for five years.
6:30 AM 100%
A will be studying B will have studied A
C will have been studying
Hi, Bill. It’s 6 am and I’ve just got to the office. I
10 “Will you ____ to the concert tonight?” 1) ___________ (call) our partner in Hong Kong at
“Yes – do you want a lift?” 7 am. Then I 2) ___________ (meet) three new
A be going B gone clients. Today I 3) ___________ (finish) work at 3
C have been going and after that I 4) _____________ (play) golf with
11 We’ve just bought Emily this watch. Do you think she the boss, as usual on a Wednesday afternoon. But
____ it? first, I’m about to have a video conference with our
A will wear B is wearing Dubai office. I doubt if I 5) ___________ (have)
C will have worn time to send you those files you need today.
12 He’s playing really badly. There’s no way ____ this
match. Amy
A he’s winning B he’ll be winning B
C he’s going to win Hi Amy. I still can’t believe it! This time tomorrow,
I 1) ______________________ (shop) in Vienna!
13 Wendy and I ____ married in the summer. We’ve I 2) ______________________________________
already agreed on the date. (stay) with Hilda and her family for three days, and by
A are getting B will be getting Tuesday I 3) ________________ (visit) every museum
C will have been getting in the city. Then we 4) _________________ (probably/
14 The company is ____ closing down. spend) a week skiing in Innsbruck, and if we have time, we
A is due to B is about to 5) _________ (go) to Salzburg as well. I’m sure we
C on the verge of 6) __________ (have) a wonderful time. By the end of my
trip, I 7) ______________________ (travel) around
Austria for nine days. Well, I must go now. My plane
8) ________ (leave) in a few hours. I 9) ___________
(call) you as soon as I 10) ________ (get) back. Bye!


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 11 10/06/22 14:57

1 Grammar

16 Choose the correct option. 17 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate
1 This time next week, we ___ in Italy. future tense.
A are skiing C will have skied A
B will have been skiing D will be skiing
Kenwhite’s one-day sale 1) _____________ (start) this
2 Robert ___ to Manchester next month. Monday. The store 2) _____________ (open) at 8 am and
A will have been moving C moves early morning shoppers 3) _________________ (be able
B is moving D will have moved to) enjoy shopping in peace and quiet before the crowds
3 Sandra fears she ___ everything by the time her 4) _________ (arrive). We 5) _________________ (offer)
guests arrive. substantial discounts on ladieswear and you
A won’t have prepared C won’t prepare 6) _________________ (come across) some real bargains
B won’t be preparing D isn’t preparing in our menswear range. By the end of the day, we are
sure that all of our customers 7) ______________________
4 Peter ___ football practice on Mondays at 7 pm. (find) what they are looking for.
A is having C will have
B will be having D has
5 My little brother ___ six next month. Anne Mayton’s latest book The S-Plan
A is being C will be Diet 1) ____________ (be) available in
B is D will have been bookshops soon. The new S-plan diet
6 It’s hot in here. I ___ the window. 2) ____________ (help) you lose
A open C ‘ll be opening weight safely and quickly. You
B ‘ll open D ‘ll have opened 3) ____________ (not/need) to miss
7 ___ this book by the end of the week? meals and you 4) ____________ (not/
A Are you going to read have to) spend hours measuring out
B Will you have been reading portions of food. By the end of the diet,
C Will you have read the author guarantees you
D Are you reading 5) ____________ (lose) at least 7 kilos.
8 We ___ at a French restaurant tonight. We’ve already
booked the table.
A will have eaten C are eating 18 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first. Use two to five words,
B will have been eating D eat
including the word in bold.
9 By April, Mr Johnson ___ in this company for twenty
1 Jenny has arranged to meet Mark in front of the
A is working C will be working
GOING Jenny and Mark __________________
B works D will have been working
_____________ in front of the cinema.
10 The band ___ at the same time next Saturday. 2 The teacher will not tolerate any disobedience in class.
A will be performing PUT The teacher _____________________
B will have been performing __________ any disobedience in class.
C will have performed 3 The play starts at 7:00, but we won’t get to the theatre
D performs before 7:15.
11 I’m not sure if the festival ___ ahead as it might rain. HAVE The play ________________________
A goes C will have been going by the time we get to the theatre.
B will go D will have gone 4 Next month, Chris will be celebrating ten years in the
12 ___ your cousin this weekend? field of psychology.
A Don’t you visit C Aren’t you visiting WORKING Next month, Chris _________________
B Won’t you be visiting D Won’t you have visited _______ as a psychologist for ten years.
5 Sarah turned down Alex and Jessica’s invitation to
their wedding.
NOT Sarah __________________________
_________ Alex and Jessica’s wedding.


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 12 10/06/22 14:57


19 Choose the correct option.

1 I can’t see you tonight because I always ___ to the 12 I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I ___ paid.
gym on Mondays. A will have got C will get
A am going C went B has got D get
B have gone D go 13 I wish they’d be quiet – they ___ for hours.
2 Simon looks happy – he ___ his maths test. A have been talking C were talking
A will pass C was passing B have talked D had talked
B has passed D had passed 14 By this time next week, we ___ in Lisbon.
3 I’m sorry, Mum can’t come to the phone because she A will arrive C are arriving
___ at the moment. B will have arrived D will be arriving
A cooks C will be cooking 15 He hasn’t finished the work ___, but he will have
B is cooking D has cooked finished by this evening.
4 I wonder where Jim is; I haven’t seen him ___ this A yet C before
morning. B still D just
A already C for 16 Before you ___ answering the questions, make sure
B since D just you read the passage carefully.
5 By the time we arrived at the restaurant, they ___ A will start C are starting
eating. B start D have started
A had been starting C will be starting 17 The president ___ Ohio in a week’s time.
B have started D had started A has visited C is visiting
6 You ___ on weight every day – you really should go B visits D would visit
on a diet. 18 She ___ on the project for two days before she
A will be putting C had been putting finished it.
B were putting D are putting A was working C used to work
7 Tim ___ while Pam was watching TV. B had been working D worked
A is sleeping C was sleeping 19 He ___ out with Sam when they were at university.
B has slept D has been sleeping A goes C was going
8 By the end of next year, he ___ in Madrid for three B had been going D used to go
years. 20 He hasn’t driven a car since he ___ that accident.
A will be C will have been A had C was having
B is going to be D had been B has had D had had
9 She ___ in Liverpool for ten years before she came to 21 Make sure you arrive on time tomorrow because the
London. bus ___ for you.
A was living C had been living A isn’t waiting C didn’t wait
B has been living D will be living B hasn’t waited D won’t wait
10 Ann locked up the house, ___ in her car and drove 22 Now that I’ve finished everything I had to do, I ___ a
away. little rest.
A get C was getting A was taking C will be taking
B got D had got B have taken D am going to take
11 She’s angry with her son because he ___ to her.
A used to lie C was lying
B has lied D had lied


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 13 10/06/22 14:57

1 Vocabulary

FAMILY 3 Find the odd word out.

1 Look at the pictures and complete the text with 1 narrow – pretty – small – energetic nose
the words in the list. 2 thin – full – serious – gorgeous lips
• grandfather • brother • cousins • straight 3 bushy – tall – thin – thick eyebrows
• curly • uncle • beard • sister • aunt • serious 4 large – thin – small – friendly mouth
• thin • grandmother • easy-going 5 clear – straight – pale – tanned complexion
6 curly – plump – fair – wavy hair

4 Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps.
• impatient • optimistic • dishonest • modest
Laura & Dennis Marie & Tom, Bella & Baby Joe • talkative • hard-working • disorganised
• gentle • rude • mean • organised • patient
• quiet • arrogant • pessimistic • generous
• polite • honest • aggressive • lazy

Mike, Samantha & Paula Abby 1 ______________ people always see the bright side
of things.
2 ______________ people think they are more
My dad, Mike, is tall and well-built and he’s got thick, important or more talented than others.
wavy hair. He’s cheerful and 1) ___________. Paula is 3 ______________ people always tell the truth.
of medium height and she’s got 2) ___________ hair. 4 ______________ people like to chat a lot.
She’s quiet and 3) ___________ . I’ve got a half- 5 ______________ people don’t like sharing money
4) ___________, too. Her name is Abby and she’s 23 with others.
years old. She’s 5) ___________ with blue eyes, red 6 ______________ people have very good manners.
hair and freckles. She’s shy and introverted. 7 ______________ people don’t mind waiting for
My mum, Paula, has got a 6) ___________. His name things.
is Tom and he’s my 7) ___________. He’s in his thirties 8 ______________ people can’t keep things in order.
and he’s got a shaved head. He’s polite and very kind. 9 ______________ people don’t like to work.
His wife is Marie and she’s my 8) ___________. She’s 10 ______________ people don’t like talking about
slim with long hair. She’s friendly and extroverted. Tom their achievements.
and Marie have got two children. They are my
9) ___________. Bella is five years old and Joe is a 5 Put the adjectives in the right column.
baby. He’s very cute! Our grandparents are Laura and
Dennis. Laura is our 10) ___________ and Dennis is • easy-going • bad-tempered • enthusiastic
our 11) ___________. Laura has got 12) ___________ • caring • spoilt • friendly • loving • energetic
hair and Dennis has got a 13) ___________. • popular • selfish • helpful • calm • indifferent
• creative • outgoing • ambitious • responsible
• cheerful • chatty • immature • reserved
2 Write the words under the correct headings in
Positive Negative
your notebook. Use them to describe yourself
and your classmates.
• short • glasses • fair • mid-thirties • well-built
• ugly • green • dark • expressive • plump • slim
• late/early teens • freckles • curly • tall • bald
• of medium height • blue • wrinkles
• good-looking • middle-aged • teenager
• shoulder-length • handsome • elegant • skinny
• beard • straight • moustache • of medium build
Use the adjectives to describe your friends’
Age Height Build Hair Eyes Special features General


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 14 10/06/22 14:57

Vocabulary 1

be about to: be on the point of Expressions with “Do”

be after: go after; chase one’s best/worst, business with sb, a crossword,
be against: be opposed to damage to, one’s duty, an exercise, an experiment,
be away: be absent sb a favour, good, one’s hair, harm, homework,
be back: return; come back housework, a job, lessons, sth for a living, miracles
be in: be at home/in one’s office, etc (for), research, right/wrong, a service, the shopping,
be in for: be about to experience (usually sth bad) a good turn, a translation, the washing-up, wonders,
be on: be shown in cinemas, theatres, etc work, etc
be over: be finished
be up to: 1) be equal to, 2) depend on Expressions with “Make”
break down: 1) (of machinery) stop working, allowances for, an appointment, an acquaintance,
2) (of a person) lose control of feelings amends for, an arrangement, a bargain, the beds, the
break in: 1) (intr) enter by force, 2) interrupt, best of, a cake, certain, changes, coffee, a deal with sb,
3) (horses etc) train a decision, a difference, a discovery, an effort, an
break into: 1) (tr) enter by force, 2) burst into (song, enemy of, ends meet, an excuse, friends with, a fuss,
laughter, etc) a fortune, haste, fun of, a fool of sb, an agreement,
break off: 1) stop temporarily, 2) (tr) end a relationship an impression, improvements, a joke, a mess,
break out: 1) begin suddenly (war, disease, fire, etc), a mistake, money, a note, a nuisance, a noise, an offer,
2) escape from a place peace, preparations, a profit, progress, sure,
break up: 1) (intr) separate; split up, 2) stop for a translation, trouble, war, a will, etc
holidays (schools etc)
8 Fill in do or make in the correct form.
6 Fill in the correct particle(s). 1 Have you _______ the washing-up yet?
1 It’s _____ you to decide what to do. 2 Will you _______ me a favour?
2 I thought the match would be _____ by now. 3 She tried to _______ a soufflé, but it was a complete
3 I’m afraid we’re _____ a bumpy flight. failure.
4 Your work isn’t _____ your normal standard. 4 Don’t _______ such a fuss about unimportant things.
5 She broke _____ their engagement because she 5 She _______ a very good impression at the interview
realised she didn’t love him. yesterday.
6 School breaks _____ for the holidays on 23rd 6 They’ve already _______ all the preparations for the
December. party.
7 He broke _____ when he heard the sad news. 7 I promise I’ll _______ my best to make it work.
8 Someone broke _____ our house yesterday. 8 I don’t think this _______ any sense.
9 Their marriage broke _____ after five years. 9 Don’t take so many pills. They won’t _______ you
10 Sam broke _____ the interview to answer the phone. any good.
10 I’m not feeling well. I’d better _______ an
appointment with the doctor.
11 My aunt _______ a fortune selling cosmetics.
7 Fill in the correct preposition. Check in Appendix 1. 12 After eight years of war, both countries agreed to
_______ peace.
1 Catherine was absent _____ school yesterday. 13 My cousin _______ a very good job of mending my
2 He is very attached _____ his parents. roof.
3 She isn’t accustomed _____ working late. 14 I can’t believe this is my old house. You ________
4 Doctors don’t approve _____ smoking. wonders with it!
5 He argues _____ his brother _____ everything. 15 The oil-producing companies _______ an agreement
6 He was angry _____ Ann _____ being late. to keep the prices low this year.
7 We were very anxious _____ him to arrive safely.
8 The film is based _____ the life of Kobe Bryant.
9 I can see no basis _____ changing our plans now.
10 You shouldn’t bet _____ the horses.


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 15 10/06/22 14:57

1 English in Use


• I’ve never met such a charming girl.
She’s the most charming girl I’ve ever met. We use these endings to form adjectives from nouns.
• It’s been a long time since she wrote to me. -ous danger – dangerous
She hasn’t written to me for a long time. -al critic – critical
• She started learning French two years ago. -ic enthusiast – enthusiastic
She’s been learning French for two years. -ical autobiography – autobiographical
• When did he buy the flat? -ish child – childish
How long ago did he buy the flat? -ive effect – effective
How long is it since he bought the flat?
• I’ve never seen this film before.
It’s the first time I’ve ever seen this film. 2 Complete the gaps with the correct words
derived from the words in bold.
• She came to London a year ago.
She has been in London for a year.
• The last time I went out was a month ago.
I haven’t been out for a month.
• He called me as soon as she left.
He didn’t call me until she had left.
He called me when she had left.
He waited until she had left before he called me.

1 Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

Use two to five words.
1 It’s been a week since I last saw him.
SEEN I ________________________ a week. 1 It’s an __________ restaurant, but
2 When did she move to France? it’s very popular. EXPENSE
SINCE How long ________________________ 2 Jamie can play any sport because
to France? he’s very __________. ATHLETE
3 He has never met her before. 3 Laura was feeling very __________
EVER It’s the first time _______________ her. before her driving test. NERVE
4 The last time we visited her was a week ago. 4 I felt so __________ when I realised
FOR We ______________________ a week. what I had done. FOOL
5 They started eating as soon as the last guests arrived. 5 The discovery of a cure for the disease
HAD They waited until the _______________ was quite __________. ACCIDENT
________________ they started eating. 6 He made a list of the students’ names
6 They started learning computing two months ago. in __________ order. ALPHABET
BEEN They ___________________________ 7 Liam was being very __________
_____________________ two months. about where he was going. MYSTERY
7 It’s the fastest car I’ve ever driven. 8 Her teacher thinks that she shows
NEVER I ________________________ fast car. real __________ talent. ARTIST
9 We only use __________ ingredients
8 The last time I went out was a week ago.
in our products. NATURE
BEEN I ________________________ a week.
10 It was __________ of Melanie to
9 How long is it since he broke his leg?
leave all the work to you. SELF
BREAK When ____________________ his leg?
10 It’s the first time he’s ever seen a skyscraper.
NEVER He _____________________________
_________________________ before.


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 16 10/06/22 14:57

English in Use 1
Read the text once to get
the gist of it.
3 Think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
Read the text and pay
attention to the words
before and after each gap.
TEGLA LOROUPE PEACE FOUNDATION Identify what part of speech
is missing (noun, verb,
preposition, etc.)
Tegla Loroupe was born in 1973 in western Kenya. She (0) grew up in an area
Once you have completed
where many tribes depend on raising cattle 1) _______ a living.
the text, read it again to see
At the age of seven, Loroupe started school and had to run 10 kilometres to and
if it makes sense.
from school every day. It was at school that she became aware 2) _______ her
talent for running and, with the support of her mother, she decided to pursue a
career 3) _______ a runner. Initially, the Kenyan athletics federation were not
too impressed with Loroupe, believing her to be too small and thin. This changed
after she won a prestigious cross-country race in 1988. She began to train for
international events and, in 1994, she became the first African woman
4) _______ history to win the New York City Marathon. She then went on to win
many major marathons around the world.
After retiring from professional running, Loroupe founded the Tegla Loroupe
Peace Foundation in Nairobi, Kenya, which aims to promote peace through
sport. She wanted to 5) _______ an end to the conflict between the tribes in
Kenya and across Africa. Her foundation created the Tegla Loroupe Peace Race,
an annual 10-kilometre running event that brings together runners from rival
African tribes. The race encourages them to lay down their weapons and build
stronger relations with 6) _______ other. Loroupe says that the Peace Race
had a significant impact 7) _______ reducing violence in the region within just
a few years. The foundation has also built a school 8) ______________ offers
children access to sports in addition to protection and education.


4 Read the sentences, then the options. Decide if the sentences focus on grammar or lexis. Choose the option
that best completes each gap.
1 He ___ no effort to help us. 6 Martyn is quite a ___ person.
A did B had C made A decisive B decision C decided
2 They ___ up after ten years of marriage. 7 How long is it since she ___ to the library?
A made B were C broke A go B went C gone
3 Ann could hardly make ___ meet, so she searched for a 8 He came to our school a month ___ .
second job. A ago B before C still
A changes B ends C wonders
9 We ___ talked to Bill for a week.
4 His shop wasn’t making a ___ so he decided to close it. A didn’t B won’t C haven’t
A profit B service C progress
10 Bob is a very ___ young man.
5 It was ___ of him to behave so rudely. A enthusiasm B enthusiastically C enthusiastic
A fooling B fool C foolish


Gram_Voc Booster B2 U1.indd 17 10/06/22 14:57


Forms of the infinitive

Active voice Passive voice Active voice Passive voice

Present (to) play (to) be played playing being played
Present continuous (to) be playing - — -
Perfect (to) have played (to) have been played having played having been played
Perfect continuous (to) have been playing - - -
Passive Present continuous and Perfect continuous infinitives are rarely used.

Forms of the infinitive corresponding to verb tenses

Verb tenses Forms of the infinitive

Present simple/Future simple Present
she cleans/she will clean (to) clean
Present continuous/Future continuous Present continuous
she is cleaning/she will be cleaning (to) be cleaning
Past simple/Present perfect/Past perfect/Future perfect Perfect
she cleaned/she has cleaned/she had cleaned/she will have cleaned (to) have cleaned
Past continuous/Present perfect continuous/Past perfect Perfect continuous
continuous/Future perfect continuous
she was cleaning/she has been cleaning/she had been cleaning/ (to) have been cleaning
she will have been cleaning

Write the appropriate form of the Choose the correct option.

1 I've looked everywhere, but the file appears to have misplaced/
1 she finished______________________________ to have been misplaced.
2 He is not old enough to be allowed/to have allowed to stay out late.
3 Since her illness, she seems to be found/to be finding work difficult.
2 he was driving__________________________
4 David seems to work/to have been working on this project for a
long time.
3 it has been taught 5 The little dog seems to have lost/to have been lost its master.
6 I don't think I'll be able to make it tomorrow. I'm supposed to be met/
4 they had come__________________________ to be meeting Jane for lunch.
7 She was only pretending to read/to be read; she was really
5 she tries___________________________________
8 No one is to be admitted/to be admitting to the concert without a
6 it is brought______________________________ 9 The team is said to be won/to have won the match through sheer
7 they are studying 10 I need you to help/to have helped me prepare the food for the party.
11 The accident is believed to have caused/to have been caused by
careless driving.
8 it will be accepted
12 The newspaper received many calls from people claiming to be seen/
to have seen UFOs.
9 it was written____________________________
13 He was the first British writer to be awarded/to be awarding the
Nobel Prize for Literature.
10 she has left ______________________________ 14 Aren't you supposed to be looking after/to have looked after your
sister at the moment?


• after: dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer to express

The to-infinitive
general preference.
The to-infinitive is used I like swimming, (in general)
• to express purpose. Note: like + to-infinitive = it's a good idea
You should take a few days off to recover. I like to help people.

• after certain verbs (agree, appear, decide, expect, • after: I'm busy, it's no use, it's (no) good, it's (not) worth,
hope, plan, promise, refuse, etc). what's the use of, can't help, there's no point (in), can't
He agreed to meet us tonight. stand, have difficulty (in), in addition to, as well as, have
trouble, have a hard/difficult time.
• after certain adjectives (happy, glad, sorry, delighted,
There's no point in arguing.
I was sorry to hear about your accident. • after: spend/waste (time, money, etc).
You waste too much time watching TV.
• after / would like/would love/would prefer to express
specific preference. • for activities/sports after the verb go.
Td love to visit India. He went swimming.

• after certain nouns. • after prepositions.

It's such a pleasure to be with you. He became rich by working hard and without
borrowing from anyone.
• after too/enough constructions.
It's too early to leave the party. • after: look forward to, be/get used to, be/get
He's rich enough to afford a Porsche. accustomed to, object to, admit (to), etc.
There's enough food to go round. I object to being told what to do with my life.

• with: it + be + adjective (+ of+ noun/pronoun). • after: hear, listen, notice, see, watch to express an
It was unkind of her to say that. incomplete action.
I saw him throwing rubbish out of the window. (I saw
• with: so + adjective + as.
part of the action. I didn't wait until he had finished.)
Would you be so kind as to pass the sauce f
BUT hear, listen, see, watch + infinitive without "to"
• with only to express an unsatisfactory result.
express a complete action.
He won in the lottery only to lose at the casino.
I saw him throw all the rubbish out of the window.
• after: be + the first/second, etc/next/last/best, etc. (I saw the whole action.)
She was the first to congratulate him.
• in the expression: for + noun/pronoun + to -infinitive. The infinitive without to
For John to lend you his car was very unusual.
The infinitive without to is used
• in expressions such as: to tell you the truth, to begin
• after most modal verbs (can, could, may, etc).
with, to be honest, etc.
He can go if he wants to.
To be honest, I didn't know how to react.
• after had better/would rather/wouid sooner.
If two infinitives are joined by "and" or "or", the "to" of
You'd better go to bed.
the second infinitive can be omitted. I'd prefer to go to
• after make/let/see/hear/feel in the active.
a disco and dance or talk to my friends.
She made the child eat all his soup.

The -ing form But in the passive: be made/be heard/be seen +

The -ing form is used The child was made to eat all his soup.
• as the subject or object of a sentence.
Note that "let" turns into"was/were allowed to" in the
Smoking is harmful.
• after certain verbs (admit, anticipate, appreciate, Her parents let her stay out till midnight.
avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, She was allowed to stay out till midnight.
escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (physical
The subject of the infinitive or the -ing form is
activities), imagine, involve, keep (= continue),
omitted when it is the same as the subject of the
mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise,
main verb.
prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, i I would like to help with the preparations. //
save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, etc).
: When it is different, however, it is not omitted.
They have postponed moving house till next week. i I would like her/Mary/my assistant to help X
i with the preparations. X

/ 19

Write what each word is followed by: F.l. (full Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
infinitive), B.l. (bare infinitive) or -ing form. infinitive or -ing form.

1 refuse +
2 finish +
3 dislike +
4 would rather+
5 would +
6 object to +
7 promise +
8 be known +
9 would like +
10 it's no use +
11 admit +
12 let +
13 hear +
14 it's no good +
15 decide +
16 deny +

Choose the correct option.

No visit to China would be complete without
1 She's too tired concentrating/to concentrate on her 1)(go) to Beijing, where you can expect
work today. 2)(find) a fresh, sophisticated, new city
2 John's father let him borrow/to borrow his car for the awaiting you. While its sights may not 3)
weekend. (be) as grand or historical as cities such as Shanghai or
3 Louise is hoping get/to get into university to study Xi’an, there’s certainly enough 4)(keep)
law. you enchanted during your visit to this rich and
4 Imagine living/to live in a big house like that! cosmopolitan city, which is said 5)(have)
5 You must be/to be hungry after working hard all day. a shining future as Asia’s major centre of economy and
6 She'd better have/to have a good excuse for being so trade.
late. No one anticipated the pace of change in Beijing
7 Paul spent the whole afternoon to play/playing 6)(be) quite as fast as it has been!
online games. In 1995, Beijing had one skyscraper; now it has hundreds,
8 It was such a shock hear/to hear from her after all in addition to 7)(have) literally hundreds
these years. of new air-conditioned shopping centres and convenience
9 The doctor worked for twelve hours without take/ stores.
taking a break. As well as 8)(drink) in the city’s vibrant
10 There's no point getting/to get there early as the atmosphere, don’t forget 9) (spend)
gates don't open till 10 am. some time 10) (look) around the
11 I’would love be lying/to be lying on a beach in the Forbidden City - which everyone can visit these days!
Bahamas right now. Above all, enjoy your trip! However, let me 11)
12 I'd rather not go/to go out tonight if you don't mind. (give) you a word of warning - it is perhaps best
13 You should have seen/to have seen his face when 12) (avoid) Beijing altogether during
she told him the news. Chinese New Year, but if you do decide 13)
14 You need to eat well and exercise regularly staying/to (go) during this time, be prepared 14)
stay healthy. (have) a hard time 15)(get) around in
15 Jessica soon got used to get/getting up early for the crowds. Also, most shops will be closed,
work. 16)(make) shopping difficult.


Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or
the infinitive with or without to. the infinitive without to.

1 I watched her(get up) and walk

slowly out of the room.
When Gilbert decided 1)(give up) his job and
2 I heard the phone(ring) twice and
2)(sell) all his possessions, everyone thought he
then stop.
was mad. But, as it turned out, he was just the first of many of
3 Tim saw Jill(stand) at the bus stop
my friends 3)(do) this. In fact, escaping the
as he was driving to work.
pressures of everyday working life has become a priority for
4 Jane stopped to watch the river
many people these days. They can’t stand the idea of
(flow) down the mountainside.
4)(work) until they are 65, only 5)
5 Listen to the wind(blow) through
(retire) to some boring suburb and 6)(waste)
the trees.
their time 7)(dig) the garden or 8)
6 We heard the workmen(drill) in
(gossip) with the neighbours. They would rather 9)
the road as we were eating breakfast.
(live) life to the full now, before they are too old 10)
7 The witness saw the driver(drive)
(enjoy) it. 11) (buy) a motorcycle and
through the red traffic light.
12)(tour) the world is a popular option. Other,
8 Listen to her(sing) the song and
less adventurous types might prefer 13)(buy)
then tell us what you think of it.
a small farmhouse and live off the land. Personally, I fancy
14)(sail) around the world in a yacht. As for
Gilbert, he bought a house in a little country village and spends
his time 15) (walk) around the village and
16)(talk) with the neighbours.

Verbs taking to-infinitive or -ing form without a change in meaning

• begin, continue, intend, start + to-infinitive or -ing be advised, be allowed, be encouraged, be permitted,
form. We don't normally have two -ing forms be required + to-infinitive.
together. They aren't allowed to talk in class.
He began speaking/to speak. NOT: He is beginning
need, require, want + to-infinitive/-ing form/
passive infinitive.
• advise, allow, encourage, permit, require + object + You need to wash the car.
to-infinitive. Your car needs washing.
She doesn't allow them to talk in class. Your car needs to be washed.
• advise, allow, encourage, permit, require + -ing
She doesn't allow talking in class.

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 We weren't advised to book in advance.

ADVISE They book in advance.
2 They need to consider the plan more carefully.
CONSIDERED The plan more carefully.
3 He advised us not to eat between meals.
EATING He between meals.
4 You really need to renew your passport before you go on holiday.
NEEDS Your passport before you go on holiday.
5 They require hotel guests to vacate their rooms by twelve noon.
ARE Hotel guests their rooms by twelve noon.

to-infinitive or -ing form

• forget + to-infinitive (= forget to do sth) • try + to-infinitive (= do one's best; attempt)

He forgot to switch off the TV. Try to eat less high-cholesterol food.
forget + -ing form (= forget a past event) try + -ing form (= do sth as an experiment)
I'll never forget meeting Jane for the first time. Try cutting down on fat. You might get thinner.

• remember + to-infinitive (= remember to do sth) • want + to-infinitive (= wish)

I hope you'll remember to tidy your room. I want to stop smoking.
remember + -ing form (= recall a past event) want + -ing form (= sth needs to be done)
I don't remember him ever tidying up his room. This room wants tidying up.

• mean + to-infinitive (= intend to) • stop + to-infinitive (= pause temporarily)

She means to start a new life. He stopped at the garage to have the tank filled,
mean + -ing form (= involve) stop + -ing form (= finish; cease)
I won't take the job if it means moving to Scotland. He stopped behaving foolishly.

• goon + to-infinitive (= finish doing sth and start • be sorry + to-infinitive (= feel regret about sth)
doing sth else; then; afterwards) I'm sorry to tell you your flight has been cancelled,
She finished one letter and went on to write another. be sorry for + -ing form (= apologise for)
go on + -ing form (= continue) He was sorry for hurting her feelings.
She went on writing till the early hours of the morning. • hate + to-infinitive (= hate what one is about to do)
• regret + to-infinitive (= be sorry to) I hate to cut in, but you must see the manager.
I regret to inform you that your services are no longer hate + -ing form (= feel sorry for what one is doing)
required. I hate causing you so much inconvenience.
regret + -ing form (= have second thoughts about • be afraid + to-infinitive (= be too frightened to do
sth already done) sth; hesitate)
He regrets misbehaving. She was afraid to climb the tree.
• would prefer + to-infinitive (specific preference) be afraid of+ -ing form (= be afraid that what is
Td prefer to see you in private. referred to by the -ing form may happen)
prefer + -ing form (in general) When she goes swimming, she's always afraid of being
I prefer working on my own. stung by jellyfish.
prefer + to-infinitive + rather than + infinitive
without to (say you like one thing instead of another)
He prefers to paint the flat on his own rather than hire
a professional.

Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

1 A: Oh, Mum, this programme's nearly finished. Can't 5 A: Why don't we stop (get)
I go on(watch) TV for a while? something to eat on the way home?
B: No, I want you to do your maths homework and B: OK, but we should really stop
then go on(write) your English (spend) money on junk food.
essay. 6 A: I'm sorry for(spoil) your plans
2 A: Your suit is filthy. It wants(wash). last weekend.
B: I know. I wanted(take) it to the B: That's OK. I was sorry(hear)
cleaner's yesterday, but they were closed. you weren't feeling very well.
3 A: Don't you hate(not/know) 7 A: Jane doesn't know how to use the photocopier, but
anyone here? she's afraid(ask) for help.
B: Yes, but I hate(worry) my B: But isn't she afraid of(get)
parents, so I tell them I've made lots of friends. into trouble if she breaks it?
4 A: I'll never forget(visit) Thailand 8 A: Did you remember(tell) Tim
for the first time. about the party?
B: Yes, it was such a wonderful holiday. If only I hadn't B: I don't remember(tell) him,
forgotten(take) my camera. but I'm sure I did.


Choose the correct option.

1 His lawyer advised him_____the journalist to court. 12 It's hot in here. Do you mind____ the window?
A take B to take C taking A open B to open C opening

2 I wouldn't advise_____that dog - it might bite you. 13 The bank manager agreed_____me £5,000.
A touch B to touch C touching A lend B to lend C lending

3 You'd better_____because the bank will close soon. 14 She put off____ her bags until a few hours before her
A hurry B to hurry C hurrying flight.
A pack B to pack C packing
4 Why do you keep_____me such silly questions?
A ask B to ask C asking 15 My parents always make me____ my homework before
I go out.
5 I would offer_____you with the housework, but I'm
A do B todo C doing
rather busy.
A help B to help C helping 16 She wrote him a note to remind him_____his laundry at
2 o'clock.
6 Students are not allowed_____during the exam.
A pickup B to pick up C picking up
A talk B to talk C talking
17 Steven is exhausted because he isn't used to_____much
7 They don't allow_____in this park because some boys
used to ride around too fast.
A do B to doing C doing
A cycle B to cycle C cycling
18 They don't let people_____loudly in the library.
8 I would rather until tomorrow before I do anything.
A speak B to speak C speaking
A wait B to wait C waiting
19 You should practise_____this tune on the piano until
9 I might not_____to school tomorrow - I'm getting a
you perfect it.
sore throat.
A play B to play C playing
A go B togo C going
20 We regret____ you that your application has not been
10 She is afraid____ the lift, so she uses the stairs.
A take B to take C taking
A inform B to inform C informing
11 The question was so difficult that no one could_____it.
A answer B to answer C answering

Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

1 A: Do you regret(offer) him the job?

B: Yes, I regret(say) he's not a reliable employee.

2 A: I think I'd prefer(go) on holiday to Greece this year and spend some time visiting ancient
B: Yes, I prefer(do) something interesting to just(sit) on a beach
all day. And I'd prefer(go) somewhere warm rather than(stay)
in England.

3 A: Did you mean(park) so far away?

B: Yes. Otherwise, it would mean(pay) at a car park.

4 A: I've been trying(contact) Mr Isaacs all morning.

B: Why don't you try(phone) his secretary to find out where he is?


Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -ing form.

Scotland was the perfect place 1) (grow up). My parents had spent years 2) (save
up) because they wanted 3)_____ (buy) a small farmhouse in the Scottish Highlands. Shortly after I
was born, their dream came true and our new life in the country began. To begin with, I was probably too young
4) (appreciate) the fresh air and breathtaking views, but as I grew up, I began 5)
(enjoy) exploring the unspoilt countryside. I soon got used to 6) (have) to walk miles to the
shops, and since it was too far 7) (travel) to the nearest primary school, my parents did their
best 8) (educate) me at home. However, I never felt lonely and was usually too busy
9)______ (help) my father on the land to worry about 10)I______________________ (not/have) any friends,
My brothers and sisters were also starting 11) (grow up) fast and we had no difficulty
12)_____________ (amuse) ourselves for hours on end. When I reached the age of eleven, my parents decided it
was time 13) ______________ (send) me to secondary school as they didn’t feel they were capable of
14)____________ (provide) me with the range of skills I would need for my future life. This would involve
IS) ____________ (travel) twenty miles to the nearest town and twenty miles back. I was sorry
16) (say) goodbye to my old way of life, but at the same time I looked forward to
17) ____________ (mix) with new people. After 18) (finish) school, I was forced
19)_____________ (move) to Edinburgh to look for work and I have now made the city my home. Although I love
the cosmopolitan lifestyle, I sometimes can’t help 20) (wish) I was back in the Highlands.


Present participles (verb + -ing) describe what Past participles (verb + -ed} describe how someone
somebody or something is. feels.
It was a boring lecture. (What kind of lecture? Boring.) They were bored by the lecture. (How did they
feel during the lecture? Bored.)

Choose the correct option.

1 He was encouraging/encouraged towards his children. 7 She told us a very entertaining/entertained story.
2 They found the film very excited/exciting. 8 They were all surprising/surprised when he turned up
3 He was exhausting/exhausted after the marathon. at the party.
4 They were worrying/worried that they would be late. 9 That book is really interested/interesting.
5 Her behaviour is extremely annoying/annoyed. 10 They were fascinated/fascinating by the view.
6 We were shocking/shocked by his attitude.

Choose the correct option.

1 Your passport might______ in the top drawer - did you 13 You must______ to have eaten such a big dinner last
look there? night.
A be C being A be starving C having starved
B to be D having been B being starved D have been starving

2 Melanie couldn't resist______ another piece of cake. 14 You're wasting your time______ to explain it to him.
A take C taking A try C trying
B to take D having taken B to try D be trying

3 Colin stopped______ a glass of water before he 15 We watched the bus______ over the hill.
continued his workout. A disappear C be disappearing
A drink C drinking B to disappear D to be disappeared
B to drink D to have drunk
16 The boss doesn't encourage______ in the office. He's a
4 It's unusual forThomas______ without saying goodbye. non-smoker.
A leave C leaving A smoke C smoking
B to leave D have left B to smoke D to be smoking

5 The house should ______ before you move in next 17 It appeared______ all night.
month. A be snowing C having snowed
A have painted C be painting B have snowed D to have been snowing
B being painted D be painted
18 She admitted to______ my favourite coffee mug.
6 I really dislike______ people mistreat animals. A have broken C having broken
A see C to be seeing B have been broken D have been breaking
B seeing D to have seen
19 This pencil is blunt - it needs______ .
7 We prefer to go camping rather than______ in a hotel. A sharpen C sharpening
A stay C staying B to sharpen D to be sharpening
B to stay D have stayed
20 Sophia pretended______ so that her brother would
8 Man is said______ the wheel about ten thousand years leave her alone.
ago. A sleep C having slept
A to be invented C to be inventing B sleeping D to be sleeping
B having invented D to have invented
21 He isn't old enough______ to stay out late.
9 We arrived at the theatre only______ that the tickets A to allow C to be allowed
had sold out. B to allowing D allowing
A to find C finding
22 The accident is believed by excessive speed.
B to be found D having found
A have caused C to cause
10 Your childish behaviour is beginning______ me. B to have been caused D being caused
A annoy C annoying
23 There's no point______ upset about it - let's just try to
B to annoy D to be annoying
find a solution.
11 It's no use______ with Philip - he won't change his A to get C getting
mind. B get D to getting
A argue C arguing
24 I'd rather______ there by bus; it's too tiring.
B to argue D being argued
A not to go C not go
12 I don't really like that kind of film,______ you the truth. B to not go D not going
A tell C telling
25 Will you let me______ your car for the weekend?
B to tell D to be telling
A to borrow C borrow
B borrowing D to be borrowing



a) Match the words (A-H) to the Match the words (A-F) to the pictures (1-6).
pictures (1-8).
A skiing holiday D cruise
B sightseeing holiday E walking holiday
C beach holiday F safari

C underground train
D motorbike
E van
F car
G bike
H plane

Match the type of holiday (1-7) to the correct activity (a-g),

then make sentences, as in the example.

1 safari a go for long hikes

2 activity holiday b visit museums
3. camping holiday c watch the wildlife
4 walking holiday d build a sandcastle
tllllll ■■ BtBIBBl 2 beach holiday e play in the snow
A city break f sit around a campfire
7 skiing holiday g try extreme sports
b) Which is your favourite means On a safari, you can watch the wildlife.
of transport?
Put the words in the list in the Fill in with: get, crowded, working, missed, fully-booked, poor, lost, car.
correct categories. Add three more
words to each category. 1 Maria was upset that she her flight.
2 People can sunburnt if they sit in the sun for a long
•coach • flight •hitchhike time.
• airport • tracks • yacht 3 He was badly injured in a crash.
• couchette • dock • pilot 4 I had to buy new clothes on holiday because the airline
• motorway • platform • port ______________ my luggage.
5 All the beaches on the island are in August.
6 The hotel staff was awful! Wed like our money back for the
Air 7 The air-conditioning wasn't so it was very hot
Travel inside the room.
Train 8 Make an early reservation to avoid finding only
Travel hotels.

Have you ever had a problem while on holiday? Tell your

bring about: cause to happen Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct preposition.
bring back: 1) recall, 2) reintroduce
1 They congratulated him getting his degree.
bring down: 1) cause to fall, 2) reduce
2 The airport was crowded holidaymakers.
3 He keeps boasting his new sports car.
bring forward: suggest an idea
4 The Prime Minister refused to comment the rumours about
bring on: cause, usu sth unpleasant
his resignation.
bring out: publish, release sth to the
5 He's very clever solving crosswords.
6 She's capable putting up a tent all by herself.
bring round: 1) help sb regain
7 The cause the fire was never discovered.
consciousness; bring to,
8 Don't put the blame him. It's not his fault.
2) persuade sb to change opinion
9 He blamed the traffic missing his flight.
bring up: 1) raise a child, 2) vomit,
10 They were astonished the beauty of the scenery.
3) introduce a subject, 4) mention
11 Which political party do you belong?
be/get carried away: be/get excited 12 Concentrate what you're doing.
carry off: do sth successfully 13 The taxi driver charged me £10 the ride.
carry on (with): continue esp despite 14 She was charged murder.
difficulties 15 The police are holding three suspects connection
carry out: perform, complete the bombing in Brighton last week.
carry over: postpone 16 Is there any connection sunbathing and skin cancer?
carry through: 1) complete despite 17 More money is needed to help care the homeless.
difficulties, 2) help sb survive 18 He cares deeply the welfare of his students.
during troubled times 19 Italian is frequently compared French as they are from the
same language family.
20 The standard of the hotels in this city compares favourably

Fill in the correct particle(s). the standards elsewhere.

1 The corruption scandal brought ' WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED

the government.
2 The cold weather probably brought Choose the correct option.
her illness. Check in your dictionary.
3 Stephen King's publisher is bringing
his new book next month.
4 A wet cloth helped to bring the drive T ride T sail
unconscious man.
5 She's brought five children a bus
on her own.
a sailing boat
6 My father didn't want to let me buy a
motorbike, but in the end, I managed a car

to bring him.
a horse
7 Jane carried her part in the
play without difficulty. a camel
8 After a short break, we carried
a bike
our journey.
9 Tom got carried and
wouldn't stop buying souvenirs.
10 If we don't pay the ransom, the
kidnappers will carry their

English in Use



It is exciting to watch a football match.
Watching a football match is exciting. We use these endings to form adjectives from nouns.
It's too cold for him to go swimming. -ful care - careful
It isn't warm enough for him to go swimming. -less breath - breathless
It is so cold that he can't go swimming. -ant dominance - dominant
They made her tell the truth. -able comfort - comfortable
She was made to tell the truth. -y rock - rocky
I prefer walking to riding a bike. -iy week - weekly

I prefer to walk rather than ride a bike.

Could you open the door?
Would you mind opening the door? Complete the gaps with words derived from the
words in bold. Check in your dictionary.
We were bored by the film.
We found the film boring. 1 Th is is- we have
The film bored us. to figure out another way. HOPE
2 Our club will hold its
He had difficulty (in) hearing the music.
meeting next Wednesday. MONTH
It was difficult for him to hear the music.
3 Only a very_________________________________
He found it difficult to hear the music.
person can afford to live here!__________ WEALTH
He could hardly hear the music.
4 The hotel is situated within a
They allowed him to attend the meeting.
______________________________________ distance
He was allowed to attend the meeting.
of the beach. REASON
It took her an hour to reach the station. 5 It's important to protect your skin
She took an hour to reach the station. from the____________________________________
Reaching the station took her an hour. effects of the sun. HARM
6 I don't think your arguments are
______________________________________ to this
Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use
discussion. RELEVANCE
two to five words. Do not change the word given.
7 The painting's a fake - it's completely
1 He arrived too late to catch the 9.30 train. WORTH
ARRIVE He ___________________________________________ 8 The book contains really
to catch the 9.30 train. ______________________________________ advice
2 He wasn't tall enough to become a policeman. on starting a new business. You should
SHORT He ___________________________________________ buy it. VALUE

_________________ a policeman. 9 I think it's dangerous to climb a mountain

in such__________________________________
3 She prefers taking the train to travelling by coach.
TAKE She prefers _____________________________
than travel by coach. 10 After a______________________________________
night's sleep, Penelope woke up
4 The police let the suspect make one phone call.
feeling refreshed. PEACE
WAS The suspect_________________________________
____________ one phone call.
5 The tourists found the carnival fascinating.
WERE The tourists_________________________________
________________ the carnival.
6 During the rush hour it takes me over an hour to get to
GETTING During the rush hour,
________________ over an hour.
7 It was difficult for me to hear what he was saying.
HARDLY I__________________________________________
what he was saying.
English in Use


Read the text once to get the gist of it.

People travel or go on holiday for various reasons, including to 0) 5 a break
from everyday life, to experience a warmer climate, to learn about different
Read the text and pay attention to the
cultures and to taste new cuisines. However, when there are too many
words before and after each gap.
visitors to a particular destination, this can 1)problems. This is known
Identify what part of speech is missing as ‘overtourism’.
(noun, verb, preposition, etc). Some places are so popular with tourists that it 2)the quality of life
Once you have completed the text, for local residents and negatively affects the surrounding natural
read it again to see if it makes sense. environment. When wildlife is scared away, and when it becomes difficult to
view landmarks because of the crowds, these are 3)of overtourism.
As for what is to blame for overtourism, there are a number of factors.
Read the text and decide which
Cheaper flights are making travel more accessible, giant cruise ships are
word A, B, C or D best fits each
dropping off thousands of passengers at once and home rental companies
space. There's an example
made thousands of beds 4)in towns and cities around the world.
at the beginning (0).
But what can we do to limit the effects of overtourism? What you can do is
choose to visit destinations outside of 5)season. This is more pleasant
for you, less 6)for residents, puts less pressure on things like public
transport and may even save you quite a bit of money, too. Another thing
you can do is visit less known destinations. For instance, Barcelona 7)
millions of visitors each year, and many of its residents are understandably
fed up, but Spain is a surprisingly large country and many of its cities are
not at all crowded with tourists. In 8), there are
many places around the globe that need, and want,
more tourists.

0 A make take C do D try

1 A create B explain C focus D solve
2 A declines B worsens c expands D weakens
3 A alarms B notes c signs D symbols
4 A available B convenient c shared D vacant
5 A extreme B major c peak D top
6 A anxious B nervous c restless D stressful
7 A appeals B attracts c notices D resists
8 A comparison B fact c practice D spite

Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Is My Trip Worth Insuring?

Paying an 0) insurance premium may seem like a waste of money, but on the INSURE
other hand, it can be an 1)wise investment, saving you from EXTREME
highly 2) situations while travelling abroad. There are STRESS
3)kinds of insurance plans covering such things as airline tickets, VARY
personal possessions and healthcare. You may even need extra cover if you’re taking
part in dangerous sports, such as skiing or scuba diving, but this is 4). OPTION
However, many people have a 5)not to bother with holiday and TEND
travel insurance. They feel that spending extra money to cover themselves in
the unlikely event of something going wrong while on holiday is not an
6)idea. They prefer to risk it and hope that all will AHRACT
be well while they are away. So, understandably, they avoid this kind
of insurance, but more 7)types will be willing to CAUTION
pay the premium to give them 8)if their holiday PROTECT
doesn’t go as planned.

Summary of functions of modal verbs

Use Present/Future Past

ability He can speak Japanese, (has the ability) He could/was able to speak Japanese.
(repeated action - ability in the past)
She's able to make people laugh, (has the ability) We were able to go on a three-month tour of
Australia, (single action)
possibility John can help us move, 1 think he has a van. (90% certain)
She could be angry. (50% certain; it's possible she is We could have had an accident, (luckily we
angry) didn't)
Sally may be teaching. (50% certain; it's possible that she John may have broken that vase, (perhaps he
is teaching) did it)
You might need to come tomorrow. (40% certain; Jane might have lost our telephone number.
perhaps you need to come tomorrow) (perhaps she has lost it)
It is likely that Sue will give up working. It was likely that she had taken the last train.
Sue is likely to give up working. She was likely to have taken the last train.
probability They will be in Spain tomorrow. (100% certain; prediction)
We should see him there. (90% certain; future only; it's He should have finished by now.
probable) (He has probably finished.)
She ought to be in Canada by now. (90% certain; she will They ought to have started the course by now.
probably be in Canada) (They have probably started the course.)
logical He must be exhausted. (90% certain - positive; I'm sure He must have won the lottery, (positive; I'm
assumptions he's exhausted) sure he has won the lottery)
She can't be serious, (negative; I'm sure she's not serious) She can't have married Ted. (negative; I'm sure
They couldn't be on holiday, (negative; I don't think they she didn't marry Ted)
are on holiday) They couldn't have been friends, (negative; 1
don't think they were friends)
permission You can/can't have a party. (You are/aren't allowed to; He wasn't allowed to/couldn't board the plane.
giving or refusing permission; informal)
Could 1 be excused? (Would it be possible? more polite; He was allowed to see the patient. (NOT: eeM)
asking for permission)
You may be excused. (You have permission; formal;
giving permission)
Might 1 bring a friend to the wedding? (Could 1 have
permission? more formal; asking for permission)
I'm afraid you can't/mustn't have visitors. (You aren't
allowed to; informal; refusing permission)
Guests may not smoke in their rooms. (They aren't allowed
to; formal; refusing permission - written notice)
necessity 1 must return these books soon. (1 need to; 1 say so) 1 had to return the books to the library. (1 was
obliged to)
She has to find a new job. (It is necessary; necessity She had to find a newjob after she was
coming from outside the speaker) dismissed.
They've got to sell their caravan. (It's necessary; informal) They had to sell their caravan.
The plants need watering / The plants need to be watered. The plants needed watering / The plants
(it's necessary) needed to be watered, (it was necessary)
She doesn't have to/doesn't need to/needn't leave when She didn't have to/didn't need to work as hard as
they do. (it isn't necessary - absence of necessity) me. (it wasn't necessary for her to work as hard
as me and she didn't - absence of necessity)
We ought to reply to the invitation, (it's necessary) She needn't have got a taxi, (it wasn't
necessary for her to get a taxi, but she did)

Summary of functions of modal verbs

Use Present/Future Past

advice You should try to make more of an effort, (general advice; You should have paid more attention, (but you
I advise you) didn't)
You ought to keep to the speed limit. (I advise you; most She ought to have reserved a table, (but she
people believe this) didn't)
You had better not keep her waiting. (It's not a good It would have been better ifyou hadn't kept her
idea; advice on a specific situation) waiting, (but you did)
Shall 1 apply for the job? (asking for advice)
criticism She could at least wait until 5 o'clock. She could at least have waited until 5 o'clock.
They should warn us. They should have warned us. (but they didn't)
You ought to be more polite to her. You ought to have been more polite to her. (It
was the right thing to do, but you didn't do it.)
obligation 1 must get more exercise. (1 need to; 1 say so) 1 had to get more exercise because 1 was unfit.
/ have to get more exercise. (I'm obliged to; the doctor 1 had to get more exercise because the doctor said so.
says so)
We ought to give more money to charity. (It's the right We ought to have given more money to charity.
thing to do, but we don't always do it.) (It was the right thing to do, but we didn't do it.)
requests Can 1 use your phone? (\s it OK if...? informal)
Could! use your phone? CNcM it be possible...? polite)
May 1 make a phone call, please?
(Do 1 have permission ...? formal)
Might 1 borrow your pen? (very formal)
Will you give me a hand? (very friendly) —
Would you mind helping me? (polite)
offers Can l/we do anything to help? (informal)
Shall l/we help you tidy up? (informal)
Would you like me to do it for you?
suggestions Shall we stop for a drink? (How about...?)
l/we can always leave early. (1 suggest...)
We could eat out tonight ifyou want. (1 suggest...) He could have asked for advice.
prohibition You can't wearjeans at work, (you aren't allowed to) They couldn't wearjeans at work, (they weren't
allowed to)
You mustn't walk on the grass, (it's forbidden)
You may not talk during the test, (formal)
duty All members must follow the rules. All members had to follow the rules.
People ought to live in peace. (It's the right thing to do, She ought to have treated us more fairly.
but people don't always do it.) (It was the right thing to do, but she
didn't do it.)

Choose the correct option.

1 I can/could play the guitar when I was seven years old. 6 You had better/don't have to have a licence to cycle
2 You mustn't/don't have to make any noise in the on the roads.
library. 7 The underground has to/will be very busy now.
3 Shall/Might we go to the cinema tonight? 8 May/Shall I have a glass of water, please?
4 "Where's John?""Tm not sure. He may/can be in his 9 Jeremy doesn't need/needn't to get a haircut yet.
office." 10 You can't/mustn't be hungry; you've just had dinner.
5 You couldn't/shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate. 11 All members need/must attend the meeting tomorrow.
That's why you feel sick now. 12 You may/might borrow the car tonight if you want.
13 You really ought/should to get your eyes checked.

mustn't - needn't

• mustn't (it's forbidden) needn't/don't have to (it isn't necessary)

You mustn't cross the street when the light is red. You needn't worry about it. I'll do it in a minute.

Fill the gaps with must, mustn't or needn't.

We are happy that you have come to work for us. Before you start work,
I want to familiarise you with some rules and regulations.
First of all, you 1)wear the uniform which is supplied, and
you 2) keep your hair covered at all times. You
Welcome to
3)wear gloves unless you choose to, except in a few
special areas. You 4)smoke anywhere in the factory and
you 5) forget to wash your hands after breaks. You

ImJ^ * 6) stay in the factory during your breaks, but you

7)clock in and out if you do leave the premises. You
8)work overtime, but we do encourage our workers to do
so if they wish. Last but not least, if you have any problems, you
9)go to your supervisor who will help you to sort them out.

needn't - didn't need to - needn't have

• don't have to/don't need to/needn't + present • didn't need to/didn't have to (It was not necessary in
infinitive (It is not necessary in the present or future) the past, and we may not know if the action
You don't have to/don't need to/needn't wear an happened or not.)
evening dress. It’s an informal party. (It is not necessary She didn't need to/didn't have to wear an evening
to wear...) dress as it was an informal party. (It wasn't necessary

• needn't + bare perfect infinitive (We know that for her to wear an evening dress, and we don't know

something happened in the past, although it was if she did or not.)

not necessary.)
You needn't have cooked as much food as you did last
night. (You did, although it was not necessary.)

Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

Use two to five words.

1 It wasn't necessary for him to write to his mum because 4 It wasn't necessary for Arthur to get the train because
she rang him. his brother offered to give him a lift.
NEED He______________________________________________ NEED Arthur_________________________________________
to his mum because she rang him. the train because his brother offered to give
2 We took more luggage than was necessary on our him a lift.
holiday. 5 She came early last night, which wasn't necessary
TAKEN We ____________________________________________ because the party didn't start till ten.
much luggage on our holiday. COME She ____________________________________________
3 There's no need for you to water the plants this early last night because the party didn't start
morning. till ten.
HAVE You ____________________________________________
the plants this morning.
must (affirmative logical assumption) - may/might (possibility) - Can't/COUldn't (negative logical assumption)

Present infinitive I'm sure he studies a lot. He must study a lot.

Perhaps he will study a lot. He may/might study a lot.
Present cont. infinitive I’m sure he is studying. He must be studying.
Perhaps he will be studying. He may/might be studying.
Perfect infinitive I’m sure he didn't study. He can't/couldn't have studied.
I'm sure he hasn't studied. He can't/couldn't have studied.
I'm sure he hadn't studied. He can't/couldn't have studied.
Perfect cont. infinitive Perhaps he was studying. He may/might have been studying.
Perhaps he has been studying. He may/might have been studying.

Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

Use two to five words.

1 I'm sure she has given up smoking. 12 Perhaps she'll come with us.
HAVE She ____________________________________________ MAY She _______________________________________
________________________ smoking. _ us.
2 I'm sure she isn't feeling sick now. 13 I'm sure she hadn't prepared her speech.
BE She ____________________________________________ HAVE She ____________________________________________
_____ now. _______ her speech.
3 Perhaps they were working for the enemy. 14 Perhaps he was asleep when we rang.
HAVE They ___________________________________________ BEEN He ______________________________________________
____________________ for the enemy. _______ when we rang.
4 Perhaps he will be on time. 15 Perhaps he'll be waiting when we get there.
BE He______________________________________________ MAY He______________________________________________
_____ time. when we get there.
5 Perhaps he was too ill to take part in the race. 16 I'm sure she didn't know about it.
BEEN He ______________________________________________ KNOWN She _______________________________________
to take part in the race. _ about it.
6 I'm sure they informed the police about the robbery. 17 I'm certain it has stopped raining now.
HAVE They ___________________________________________ HAVE It________________________________________________
about the robbery. _______ raining now.
7 Perhaps Harry will be sunbathing this time tomorrow. 18 Perhaps you left your keys on the table.
BE Harry___________________________________________ HAVE You ____________________________________________
________ tomorrow. your keys on the table.
8 I'm sure he had warned the soldiers about the coming
HAVE He______________________________________________
about the coming danger.
9 I'm sure Jenny hasn't been working there that long.
HAVE Jenny___________________________________________
_______ there that long.
10 Perhaps she was telling you the truth.
BEEN She ____________________________________________
_______ the truth.
11 Perhaps she's been working hard.
BEEN She ____________________________________________
___________________ h a rd.


Expressions similar to modal verbs

• Be supposed to + infinitive means "should", but it Is he likely to understand my feelings?

expresses the idea that someone else expects Is it likely that he will understand my feelings?
something to be done. Could he understand my feelings?
You're supposed to wear a suit to work. (Your employer Would you mind is used to express polite, formal
expects you to.) requests.
You should wear a suit. (It is a good idea because it Would you mind holding this fora moment?
makes a better impression.)
Let's.../1-low about...?/Why don't we...?/What about...?
• Beto + infinitive means "must", but it expresses the are used to make suggestions.
idea that someone else demands something. Let's stay in tonight. How about staying in tonight?
/ am to report for military training. (It's the law, so I Why don't we stay in tonight?
must obey.) What about staying in tonight?
I must report for military training. (If I don't, the army
Would you like to/Wouldyou like me to...? (= Shall I...?)
will look for me.)
are used when we offer to do something.
Be supposed to and be to are used to express what
Would you like me to read you a story? (Shall I read you
someone expects about a previously arranged event.
a story?)
Recruits are supposed to/are to have a haircut when
Be allowed to is used to express permission, to say
they arrive. (It is scheduled.)
what the rule is.
• Be likely to means "may" (possibility). To express
He was allowed to visit the prisoner.
possibility in questions we don't use "may", we use:
(NOT: He could visit.)
Is he likely to...?, Is it likely that he...?, Can he...?, Could
Was he allowed to visit the prisoner?
he...?, Might he...?.

How else can we say the Fill in a modal or a synonymous expression and the appropriate
following? form of the verb in brackets.

1 It is likely that she has got lost. 1 There's no reply when I ring him. He
(leave) the office already.
2 Don't give up so easily. You ________________________________________________
(do) it if you tried a little harder.
2 Shall I book a ticket for you as well?
3 That's no excuse! You know you___________________________________________
___________________________________________ (finish) this report by today.
4 He (mention) his plans on
3 How about inviting Paul and Helen? the phone last night, but I really can't remember.
5 Since she crashed the car, she_____________________________________________
(walk) to work every day.
6 If you find something valuable, you
4 I am to welcome the guests and show
(take) it to the nearest police station.
them to their rooms. 7 Passengers(not/waIk)
across the lines. They should use the footbridge.
8 You (know) better than to tell
5 Might he have forgotten all about it? her all your secrets.
9 You(destroy) the letter
as soon as you receive it.
10 You(enter) the building if you
6 You have to wait until dark before you
have a special pass.
leave. 11 Can you help me? (find out)
what time the London train arrives.
12 He looks very annoyed. He (wait) for ages.
13 I (take) the library books
back yesterday, but I forgot and now I'll have to pay a fine.

Grammar 3

7 Choose the correct option. 8 Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 Did you remember to turn off the cooker? I______
smell something burning. 1 Helen managed to get there in less than ten minutes.
A can C must GET Helen______________________________________
B may D should there in less than ten minutes.

2 You______ come with us if you don't want to. 2 I'm sure Peter ate all the biscuits - there are none left!

A mightn't C mustn't MUST Peter ______________________________________

B had better D don't have to all the biscuits - there are none left!
3 You are forbidden to take books out of the library
3 You______ slow down. You're driving too fast!
without a library card.
A need C shouldn't
MUST You_________________________________ books
B might D had better
out of the library without a library card.
4 I______ remember to get a present for Diana. It's her 4 So, how about trying that new Chinese restaurant
birthday next week. tonight?
A can C could SHALL So, _________________________________________
B must D shouldn't that new Chinese restaurant tonight?
5 ______ I borrow your pen for a moment, please? 5 They didn't let us use calculators in the exam.
A May C Should ALLOWED We_________________________________________
B Must D Needn't to use calculators in the exam.
6 It would have been a good idea to read the
6 I______ have slept longer, but I had to get up and take
instructions first.
the dog for a walk.
OUGHT We_________________________________________
A can't C could
the instructions first.
B must D should
7 Mark, could you turn down the volume, please?
7 Although I was underage, I______ enter the race.
MIND Mark, ______________________________________
A may not C am able to
down the volume?
B ought to D was allowed to
8 We didn't succeed in making it to the top of the
8 "______ I pick you up from the airport?" "No, that's OK. mountain.
I'll geta taxi." MAKE We_________________________________________
A Might C Shall ___________ to the top of the mountain.
B Would D Ought to 9 Would you like another cup of coffee?

9 The fire spread through the house very quickly but GET Can _______________________________________

everyone______ get out. another cup of coffee?

A could C needed to 10 Parents are responsible for making sure their children
B had to D was able to receive a good education.
MUST Parents____________________________________
10 Don't worry. I'm sure your new passport______ be
their children receive a good education.
ready soon.
11 We're lucky that no one got hurt in the accident.
A will C might
COULD Somebody _______________________________
B couldn't D hasto
in the accident.
11 I can't find that email anywhere. I think I______ have
12 It wasn't necessary for you to go to so much trouble.
deleted it. HAVE You
A should C must
gone to so much trouble.
B need to D may not
13 The shops will probably stay open late at Christmas.
12 If you don't want your old bicycle, you______ always LIKELY The shops_______________________
give it away. ____________________open late at Christmas.
A can C must 14 You ought to have told Jenny the truth.
B may D should BETTER It ___________________________________ ___

13 People______ to do more to protect the environment. you had told Jenny the truth.
A must C ought 15 The sign says we have to leave our luggage here.
B could D should MUST The sign says our luggage _____________
______________________________________ here.

PREPARING DISHES Choose the odd one out.

How do you like to eat the food in the pictures?
1 vegetable: garlic - plum - potato - spinach
Use the words in the list to discuss with your
2 fruit: kiwi - pear - strawberry - cucumber
3 meat: goat - beef - lamb - broccoli
• boiled • poached • scrambled • fried 4 dairy product: cream - yoghurt - rice - cheese
• roasted • steamed • baked 5 poultry: beef - chicken - turkey - duck
6 seafood: crab-nuts-cod-salmon


Fill in with sour, bitter, creamy, spicy, salty, sweet,

greasy to describe taste.

1 curry, chilli peppers, chilli powder

2 lemons, old milk, pickled onions
3 dark chocolate, black coffee, green tea
4 crisps, nuts, popcorn
5 chips, fried chicken, pizza
6 cake, chocolate, honey
7 soft cheese, yoghurt, milk

Match the words to make collocations.

1 I I pepper a vegetables
21 I mashed b steak
JO fried c beef
4| | poached d sauce
5 | | stale e juice
61 | traditional f meal
71 | well-done g potatoes
81 | steamed h eggs
91 | roast i bread
A: How do you like your eggs - boiled or fried?
10| | freshly squeezed j chicken
B: Actually, I prefer them scrambled.

Choose the correct word.
Fill in: bag, bottle, carton, loaf, bowl, bunch, can, jar,
1 I'd like a back/side order of salad with my burger and
bar, packet.
chips, please.
1 Jane eats a of cereal for breakfast every 2 It's important to follow a supported/balanced diet
morning. with plenty of nutrients.
2 She gave the child a of chocolate. 3 You should try to avoid eating so much fast/quick
3 Could you pick up a of milk on your food.
way home from work? 4 You should chew sugar-free/fat-free gum - it's much
4 We need to buy a of bread to make better for your teeth.
sandwiches. 5 Would you like some grated/grateful cheese on your
5 Eric ate a of crisps during his lunch break. pasta?
6 There is a of honey on the top shelf of 6 You can serve the ice cream in a desert/dessert glass.
the cupboard. 7 I can't drink milk, so I'll have a black/dark coffee,
7 George was feeling thirsty, so he drank a please.
of cola. 8 My mum gave me a sandwich and an apple for my
8 I need a of sugar to make the cake. boxed/packed lunch.
9 I'd like a of ketchup for my chips,
10 Don't forget to buy a of bananas.

come across: meet/find by chance Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct
come by: obtain preposition.
come down with: become ill with
come into: inherit 1 The taste of the soup depends the
come off: 1) happen, 2) succeed ingredients.
come out: 1) be published, 2) bloom 2 She had difficulty following the recipe.
come round: 1) visit casually, 2) regain consciousness; 3 Anne is very fond baking cakes.
come to, 3) be persuaded to change opinion 4 She was very disappointed the meal.
come on: come along; hurry up 5 He was delighted the invitation to dinner.
come through: survive
6 They decided a quiet wedding reception.
come up: be mentioned
7 This restaurant is famous its fresh seafood.
come up to: equal
8 Have you heard Aunt Sarah?
come up with: find (an answer, solution, etc)
9 Did you hear the new restaurant?
cut across: take a shorter route 10 Have you heard this brand of ice cream?
cut back (on): reduce (production) 11 He's an expert French cuisine.
cut down: reduce length of sth
12 Paul is an expert making desserts.
cut down (on): reduce amount consumed
13 He's experienced cooking vegetarian food.
cut in/into: interrupt (conversation)
14 I would never dream becoming a chef.
cut off: disconnect
be cut off: be isolated
cut out: 1) leave out; remove, 2) (for) (passive) be suited for ^ WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED
cut up: cut into small pieces
Tick (/) the correct boxes. Check in your dictionary.

7 Fill in the correct particle(s). refuse deny

an invitation
1 The meal at the restaurant failed to come
saying sth
his high standards.
an accusation
2 Sue came an old recipe book while she
was clearing out the attic.
an offer
3 She'll come to the idea of buying a
bigger fridge if we explain all the advantages.
4 Lovely yellow daffodils come in the to work

spring. responsibility
5 The question ofchanging the menu came false artificial
during the conversation.
6 The chef stayed at home in bed after he had come
__________ the flu.
7 He came a large fortune when his uncle
8 Her latest cookbook has just come.
9 The village was cut by the flood.
10 I don't think the new waitress is cut this alarm

kind of work. statement

11 Our electricity was cut after we forgot to clean clear
pay the bill. sky
12 If you cut the field, you'll save time.
13 We are advised to cut the amount of salt
in our diet.
14 You need to cut your summary - it's fifty
words longer than necessary.
15 She cut the conversation to remind Bob
it was time togo. record

KEY-WORD TRANSFORMATIONS 7 Shall I carry your shopping for you?
ME Would ________

Perhaps he is working now. your shopping for you?

He may be working now. 8 I'm sure Ann didn't do it on purpose.

HAVE Ann _____________________________________
I'm sure he hasn't got the letter yet.
________ on purpose.
He can't have got the letter yet.
9 Might I take some photos?
I'm sure she understood.
IF Would ______________________________________
She must have understood.
____________ some photos?
Shall I help you do your homework?
10 Let's go and see a film tonight.
Would you like me to help you do your homework?
WE Shall____________________________________
Was it necessary for you to help her? ____ a film tonight?
Did you need to help her?
• It's forbidden to smoke in here. WORD FORMATION
You mustn't smoke in here.
You aren't allowed to smoke in here.
He is likely to buy a sports car.
We use these endings to form nouns from adjectives.
It is likely that he will buy a sports car.
-ance arrogant - arrogance
He'll probably buy a sports car.
<y fluent - fluency
It isn't necessary for him to work today.
-ence convenient - convenience
He doesn't have to/doesn't need to/needn't work
-ion direct - direction
-iness happy - happiness
It wasn't necessary for them to buy so much food. -ness conscious - consciousness
They needn't have bought so much food. -ity major - majority
It would be a good idea to avoid eating sweets. -ty cruel - cruelty
You should avoid eating sweets. -y difficult - difficulty
Let's try doing this exercise.
Shall we try doing this exercise?
Would you mind if I used your pen? 2 Complete the gaps with words derived from the

May/Might I use your pen? words in bold.

1 The scientists didn't realise the

_____________________ of their discovery
Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
at the time. SIGNIFICANT
Use two to five words.
2 The_____________________ of cycling has
1 Perhaps the bridge collapsed because of the storm. been increasing steadily. POPULAR
HAVE The bridge _________________________________ 3 In all_____________________ , the book
because of the storm. was not as good as I expected. HONEST
2 He'll probably come to the party. 4 She can't stand_____________________ and
LIKELY He ___________________________________________ always pushes her students to do their
__________________the party. best. LAZY
3 You mustn't photograph any of the paintings. 5 To be good at this game, you need
ALLOWED You a reasonable level of__________________ .
_________________________________________ INTELLIGENT
any of the paintings. 6 The new computer system will reduce
4 It's forbidden to touch the statues in the museum. costs and improve_____________________ . EFFICIENT

TOUCH You _________________________________________ 7 There is growing__________________ of the

___________ in the museum. importance of eating a healthy diet. AWARE

8 _____________________ is the most
5 I'm sure he didn't cheat in the exam.
important thing in a friendship. LOYAL
CHEATED He ___________________________________________
9 The lake attracts an_____________________
________________ in the exam.
of wildlife. ABUNDANT
6 Was it necessary for you to call a doctor?
10 How long did you train in order to
NEED Did___________________________________________
achieve such_____________________ ? PERFECT
_________________________________ a doctor?
English in Use


Use the words in bold to form a word that fits in

the space in the same line.

Becoming 0) successful in your career is often a SUCCESS

1)of hard work, the right background COMBINE
and luck. Top chef, Jamie Oliver, is a good example.
His parents were restaurant owners, so from an early age
Jamie had the chance to develop his 2) CREATE
skills in the kitchen. He attended colleges in London and
France, and gained several years'3) PRACTISE
experience in London restaurants. In the famous River
Cafe, in particular, Jamie made his TV debut when a
4)about the restaurant was being DOCUMENT
filmed there. From there, he has never looked back. His
own 5)programme, The Naked Chef, COOK
became a 6)favourite. He has NATION
also published many highly popular cookbooks.
Two things have made Jamie stand out as a chef. The first
is his chain of restaurants that 7)in SPECIAL
training young people from poor backgrounds in the
catering business.The second is his campaign to ban
8)junk food from being served in British HEALTH
schools, replacing it with more nutritional meals.

Read the whole passage once to get the gist.

Read the text and try to decide what part of speech each gap asks for
Think of the word which best (noun, preposition, etc).
fits each space. Use only one Pay attention to the words before and after each gap.
word in each space.
When you complete the text read it again to see if it makes sense.

Roughly one-third of all the food produced for have enough food, 700 million people around
consumption each year is thrown 0) away. the world are currently starving or
That’s approximately 1.3 billion tonnes! Some malnourished. Clearly, we need to think
of the waste is out of date food from shops 4)how we can distribute food more
and supermarkets, or leftover food from evenly so nobody is hungry. The best way to
restaurants. We waste lots of food at home too. cut 5)on food waste is to avoid
Many of us buy more than we need, cook creating it in the first place. Planning your meals
more than we are going to eat and forget to 6)advance, making a shopping list
use 1)food in the cupboard or and sticking to it, and storing food correctly so
fridge before it is past its use-by date. that it keeps fresher for longer are just some of
This is harmful for our planet because when we the simple things you can do at home. Also,
waste food unnecessarily, we also waste the don’t be afraid to buy wonky fruit and
natural resources used to grow our food, and vegetables. Produce that is the wrong shape or
all the energy used to process, package and size is often discarded by supermarkets. It
transport it. Furthermore, the vast majority of might look a little different, but it tastes just
food that is thrown in the bin ends 7)good. Of course, some food
2)in landfill, where it breaks down waste is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean it
in a way that creates greenhouse gases like has to go in the bin. Food scraps such as
methane, which contribute 3)global banana peels and egg shells can be turned
warming. There is an ethical side to food waste 8)compost, a nutrient-rich soil that
as well. While most people are fortunate to can be used to help plants grow.

Order of adjectives

• When there are two or more adjectives, they normally go in the following order:

Fact adjectives
size age shape colour origin material type purpose noun
It's a beautiful big old round brown Italian oak four-sided dining table.

Afraid, alike, alive, alone, ashamed, asleep, content, ill, BUT a gold pen (a pen made of gold), feathery leaves
glad, etc. are never followed by a noun. (leaves which look like feathers) BUT a feather duster
The baby is asleep. (NOT: the asleep baby) (a duster made of feathers), metallic colour (colour that

Nouns of material, purpose or substance can be looks like metal) BUT a meta! chair (a chair made of

used as adjectives, a cotton skirt, a winter dress, a metal), leathery skin (skin looking/feeling like leather)

shopping bag However, certain adjectives derived BUT a leather wallet (a wallet made of leather), a

from such nouns are used metaphorically, silky hair leaden feeling (an unpleasant feeling) BUT lead pipes

(hair like silk) BUT a silk scarf (a scarf made of siIk), a (pipes made of lead), a steely look (a strong,

stony expression (cold expression) BUT a stone cottage determined look) BUT steel framework

(a cottage made of stone), golden hair (hair like gold) (framework made of steel).

Identify the adjectives in the sentences. Which Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives into
are factual? Which are opinion? the correct place. Identify what kind of adjectives
they are.
1 What a charming young man he is!
1 He was carrying a briefcase, (leather, nice, black, new)
2 Did you see that orange house? Why did they paint it

such an odd colour?

2 He gave her a scarf, (silk, fantastic, French, red)
3 An old wooden fishing boat sailed out of the harbour.

4 That new French film doesn't sound very interesting. 3 I bought three chairs from an antigue shop. (American,

5 I bought a pair of comfortable black leather shoes oak, old) _______________________________________________

during the sales. 4 She is an actress. (English, intelligent, young,

dramatic) _____________________________________________
6 Isn't George a wonderful intelligent young man?

7 The meal we had at the Indian restaurant was 5 The table lamp was broken by the children, (metal,
white, small)__________________________________________
absolutely delicious.

8 Sophia is a good-looking girl with long dark hair. 6 She bought a carpet, (expensive, Persian, antique,
9 We had such a great trip. The people were so friendly

and the countryside was fantastic. 7 He crashed his car yesterday, (sports, brand new,
10 Jeremy was given a cute little furry puppy for his

birthday. 8 It was a dress, (handmade, gorgeous, wedding,


9 I saw a film on TV last night. (Italian, exciting,


10 They live in a house, (big, lovely, country, old-fashioned,



Choose the correct option. Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1 She gave him a stone/stony look | »••

when he criticised her daughter.
2 These metal/metallic chairs are
Hi Louisa,
suitable for outdoor use as they are
We've nearly finished furnishing the cottage, and I must say I'm very
pleased with it. Yesterday, they delivered an 1)(oak,
3 The sky was full of light feather/
antique, French) cupboard which Peter had bought as a surprise for me. It
feathery clouds.
looks lovely in the 2)(upstairs, front, big) bedroom.
4 She is admired for her gold/golden
We've put up 3) (plain, linen, off-white)
hair and metal/metallic blue eyes.
curtains and I found two 4)_______________________________________________________
5 The old farmer had dark leather/
(woollen, old, beautiful, flower-patterned) carpets for the sitting room.
leathery skin.
We've made friends with our 5)(new, charming,
6 This new body lotion gives you smooth,
next-door) neighbours. He is a 6)(well-
silk/silky skin in a matter of days.
known, fiction) writer, and she is a garden designer. I'm hoping she'll help
7 She had a lead/leaden expression on
us with our 7)(old, overgrown, big) garden.
her face.
There's a 8) (thirty-year old,
8 The gold/golden candlesticks were
beautiful, cherry) tree at the bottom of the garden and we're planning to
very expensive so we bought some
build a 9)(stone, small, square) patio, so
silver/silvery ones instead.
we can sit outside in the summer. You must come over soon and enjoy a
9 He wears woolly/woollen suits and
10)(homemade, delicious) meal in our new
expensive leather/leathery shoes.
10 She has a steel/steely manner
Best wishes,
towards her colleagues.


• Adverbs normally describe verbs, adjectives, other Adjectives and adverbs which have the same form
adverbs or whole sentences. are: best, better, big, cheap
*, *,
clean *,
clear close
She dances well. (How does she dance? Well.) *,
cold, daily, dead, dear deep, direct, dirty, early, easy,
They say how (adverbs of manner - slowly), when *,
extra, far, fast, fine free, further, hard, high, hourly,
(adverbs of time -yesterday), where (adverbs of inside, kindly, last, late, long, loud
*, low, monthly, past,
place - next door), how often (adverbs of frequency *,
quick *,
quiet right, slow
*, *,
straight, sure, thin thick,
- usually) or to what extent (adverbs of degree - tight, weekly, well, wide, wrong, yearly, etc.
absolutely) something happens. There are also Ann was our last guest. She came in last.
sentence adverbs (possibly, etc.) and relative Those adverbs with an asterisk (*) can be found with
adverbs (where, why, when). -ly ending without a difference in meaning, but
then they are more formal.
Walk slow! (informal) ALSO Walk slowly! (formal) /

Identify the underlined words as adjectives or adverbs.

1 He felt uncomfortable because his jeans 5 Tom constantly arrives late for work.
were too tight. _____________________ 6 The late Prime Minister was
2 I buy Time Magazine weekly a collector of antiques.
whereas he subscribes to it on 7 The walls were so thjn you could
a yearly basis. _____________________ hear the next-door neighbours.
3 I couldn't get the book down from the 8 He worked hard all day to finish
top shelf because it was too high. painting the house.
4 If you want to find the post office, 9 She bought this rug cheap from
go straight down the high street the market. _____________________
and you'll see it on your left. 10 He kicked the ball high into the air.

Adverbs with two forms and differences in meaning

deep = a long way down full = exactly; very lately = recently wide = off-target
deeply = greatly fully = completely near = close widely = to a large extent
direct = by the shortest hard = intently; with effort nearly = almost wrong = incorrectly
route hardly = scarcely pretty = fairly wrongly = unjustly
directly = immediately high = at/to a high level prettily = in a pretty way (wrongly goes before
easy = gently and slowly highly = very much short = suddenly verbs/past part. - wrong/
easily = without difficulty last = after all others shortly = soon wrongly go after verbs)
free = without cost lastly = finally sure - certainly
freely = willingly late = not early surely = without a doubt

Choose the correct option.

1 Lately/Late there has been a rise in the price of 6 He is very high/highly thought of at the office because
vegetables; they are not near/nearly as cheap as they he works so hardly/hard; that's why he full/fully
used to be. deserves a promotion.
2 I can hard/hardly believe that he has gone. Surely/ 7 You wrong/wrongly accused him of stealing the pen
Sure he wouldn't have left without me! without hearing his explanation first - now he is deep/
3 It is wide/widely believed among scientists that we deeply offended.
will short/shortly run out of natural resources. 8 She was prettily/pretty embarrassed when she
4 It is not wide/widely known that students are realised that she had arrived lastly/last at the party.
admitted free/freely to all the events. 9 He hard/hardly ever studies, yet he always produces a
5 He managed to get to Lisbon easily/easy by flying high/highly standard of work.
there direct/directly. 10 I fully/full understand your concern.

quite - rather - fairly - pretty

• Quite (to a high degree) is used in favourable Rather (to a higher degree) is used: a) in unfavourable
comments. comments.
She's quite good at painting. He's rather mean with money.
Quite meaning "completely" is used with adverbs, b) in favourable comments meaning "to an unusual
some verbs and adjectives such as: alone, amazing, degree".
brilliant, certain, dead, dreadful, different, exhausted, The lecture was rather informative. (It was more
extraordinary, false, horrible, impossible, perfect, informative than we expected); and
ridiculous, right, sure, true, useless, etc. c) with comparative degree.
I'm quite sure he stole the money. It's rather sunnier today than yesterday.
Quite is used before a/an. Rather is used before or after a/an.
She's quite a good dancer. I quite enjoyed the film. He's a rather rude person. He's rather a rude person.
Fairly and pretty are used to show a lower degree.
They can be used after a.
He's a fairly/pretty well-behaved person.

Choose the correct option.

1 It's quite/pretty a nice day. Let's go for a drive in the 5 Sam's a pretty/quite good chef. He started taking
countryside. cooking classes three months ago.
2 The film was fairly/rather interesting. In fact, I'm going 6 August is pretty/rather warmer than March.
to see it again. 7 Mia did fairly/rather well on the test, just well enough
3 "How are you feeling?" "Pretty/Rather good, but not to pass.
great." 8 That's quite/fairly an expensive watch you're wearing.
4 This phone has a quite/fairly new design, but the
latest ones are even slimmer.

Word order of adverbs

• Adverbs can be used in front, mid or end position in • Time adverbs go in end position. They also go in front
a sentence. Front position is at the beginning of position to emphasise the time.
a sentence. Mid position is normally before the main
verb or after the auxiliary. End position is at the end of subject + verb place manner time

a sentence. He goes to the park on his bike every day

Front Mid End time subject + verb place manner

At university 1 often saw her walking around confidently. Every day, he goes to the park on his bike.

• Adverbs of manner can go in any position. When • Adverbs of frequency (sometimes, always, usually,
placed in front position, they give emphasis. never, often, seldom, rarely, etc) go after an auxiliary,
He climbed up the stairs quickly. Quickly he climbed up but before the main verb.
the stairs, (emphasis) You are always late. He usually comes late.
• When there is more than one adverb in the sentence, They go before the auxiliary in short answers.
their usual order is manner - place - time. "Does he help you clean the house?"
"Yes, he always does."
subject verb manner place time
• Adverbs of degree (hardly, almost, nearly, etc.) go
She was studying hard in her room all night. before the words they modify.

• When there is a verb of movement, then the order is She works quite hard.

place - manner-time.

subject verb place manner time

He goes to school on foot every day.

8 Choose the correct option. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in the right place.

1 The girl speaks fluently English/ 1 He eats his sandwiches, (at break time/always/quickly)
English fluently.
2 Clare often is/is often late for school 2 Birds migrate, (to warmer countries/usually/in winter)
on Mondays.
3 You start off in the beginning slowly/ 3 The plane crashed, (into the sea/suddenly/an hour ago)
slowly in the beginning.
4 We have always/always have wanted 4 Politicians prepare their speeches, (thoroughly/at home/generally/
to live in France. in advance)______________________________________________________________
5 I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep/
keep hardly my eyes open. 5 The thiefcrept into the house, (silently/at midnight)
6 Philip goes frequently/frequently
goes to football matches. 6 Newspapers are delivered, (only/weekly/in remote areas)
7 I waited impatiently at the bus stop
for an hour/for an hour impatiently 7 Hundreds of people are imprisoned, (each year/
at the bus stop. wrongly)_________________________________________________________________
8 "Does Paul ever wear a tie?"
"No, he never does/does never." 8 People who sunbathe can get burnt, (badly/on the beach/
9 She nearly has finished/has nearly frequently) _______________________________________________________________
finished reading the novel she started
yesterday. 9 Hotplan's new washing machine has been designed to save you money,
10 I'm travelling today by car to (cleverly/now/in the home) __________________________________________
London/to London by car today.
10 Staff have been made aware of the consequences of a shrinking
market, (rapidly/recently/fully) _________________


Regular comparative and superlative forms

Adjectives Positive Comparative Superlative

of one syllable add -(e)r/-(e)st short shorter (than) the shortest (of/in)
to form their comparative and simple simpler (than) the simplest (of/in)
superlative forms big bigger (than) the biggest (of/in)

of two syllables ending in -ly, funny funnier (than) the funniest (of/in)
-y, -w also add -er/-est narrow narrower (than) the narrowest (of/in)
of two or more syllables take modern more modern (than) the most modern (of/in)
more/most intelligent more intelligent (than) the most intelligent (of/in)

We normally use than with the comparative form. Certain adjectives form their comparative and
Tim is shorter than Tony. superlative either with -er/-est or more/most.

We normally use the... of/in ("in" refers to places, These are: clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle,

groups, etc.) with the superlative form. narrow, pleasant, polite, shallow, simple, stupid, quiet,

She's the smartest of all. quiet - quieter - the quietest

ALSO quiet - more quiet - the most quiet

Adverbs Positive Comparative Superlative

adverbs having the same forms as their adjectives add -er/-est fast faster the fastest
early drops -y and adds -ier/-iest early earlier the earliest
two-syllable or compound adverbs take more/most (Compound often more often the most often
adverbs are adjectives + -ly. thoughtful - thoughtfully} patiently more patiently the most patiently

Irregular forms

Positive Comparative Superlative a) further/farther (adv) = longer (in distance)

good/well better best His house is further/farther away than John's.
bad/badly worse worst further (adj) = more
much more most I need no further help from you.
many/a lot of more most b) very + positive degree
little less least Tm very happy in myjob.
far farther farthest c) even/much/far/a bit + comparative degree
far further furthest The weather's even less bearable today; it's much worse than last year.
Well is the adverb of good. d) most + adj/adv of positive degree = very
She is a good dancer. She dances well. He was most helpful and answered all my questions.
e) any + comparative (used in negatives and questions)
Can you write any quicker, please?

Choose the correct option.

1 Mount Everest is highest/the highest mountain in the 6 The most amazing/amazingest thing just happened
world. to me!
2 The damage was far worse/worst than I'd expected. 7 She is the more polite/politest person I have ever met.
3 This suitcase is heavier/more heavy than it looks. 8 This is the less/least expensive pullover in the shop.
4 If you need any farther/further information, please 9 Lucy wakes up the earliest/most early in her family.
contact me. 10 You need to check your work a bit carefully/more
5 What's the cheapest/most cheap flight from Los carefully for spelling mistakes.
Angeles to Tokyo?


Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct Choose the correct option.
1 She drove very/even quickly along the lane.
2 "We will give you further/farther news as we receive
it,"the newsreader said.
3 Her parents were more/most pleased when she won
the prize.
4 Can't he speak any/much louder than that? No one
can hear him.
5 She plays very/much more noisily than any child I've
ever met.
Come and visit one of 1)(historical)
countries in the world — Egypt, where the people are Choose the correct option.
2)(hospitable) than anywhere else.
1 Nicole is than the other girls in her class.
You will see some of 3)(old) and
A taller C more tall
4)(famous) ancient monuments in
B tallest D the tallest
the world, as well as modern cities with 5)
(good) restaurants in the Middle East. To make travel 2 Children learn languages than adults.
arrangements 6)(easy), our tour includes A faster C more fastly
guided visits to all of 7)(popular) B fastest D more faster
tourist attractions in Egypt. You will also get the opportunity to 3 What's route to the stadium?
go on a cruise down the River Nile - the 8) A shorter C the more short
(long) river in the world! The experience is sure to be B the shortest D the most short
9)(amazing) than anything you’ve
4 Adam speaks French, but I can speak it better.
experienced before, as you see first-hand where one of
A well C better
10)(old) civilisations began. Our
B good D best
company offers tailor-made tours for 11)
(small) groups than is usual on a package holiday. We 5 I am about this exam than the last one.
provide accommodation in intimate hotels which offer a A worried C more worried
12)(friendly) service than the B the most worried D most worried
13)(large), 14)
6 We do similar jobs, but she earns than I do.
(impersonal) ones. Even 15)(frequent)
A many C more
traveller will experience something new in this unique country.
B most D much
Book today!
7 His fifth novel was of them all.
A more successful C the more successful
Fill in the relevant adverbs in their comparative B most successful D the most successful
or superlative forms. 8 Jenny's guests arrived than she expected.
A early C earliest
Bicycles look set to become 1)
B earlier D more early
(common) used form of transport in Britain. Not
only are bicycles better for the environment than 9 What's way to get around the city?
cars, but they allow you to travel 2) A easiest C the easiest
(convenient). You can get from point B more easier D the most easy
A to point B 3)(quick) than
10 I got lost, and to make things worse, it began to
by car, and you can find somewhere to leave your
bike much 4)(easy). Many
A very C most
younger people now ride a bike to work because B even D any
they find it 5)(good) suits their
lifestyle and enables them to get around
11 This is one of restaurants in town.
A more popular C very popular
6)(practical). In addition,
they often arrive 7)(early) than B most popular D the most popular

their colleagues who drive to work and who have to

wait 8)(long) in traffic jams than
they do.

Types of comparisons

• as... (positive degree)... as • comparative + and + comparative

For hair as soft as silk, try this new shampoo. Jobs are getting harder and harder to find.
notso/as... (positive degree)... as • prefer + -ing form or noun + to + -ing
The service isn't as good as it used to be. form or noun (general preference)
sucha(n)/so ...as She prefers living for the moment to thinking about
It's not such a long way as we thought. the future.
• twice/three times, etc/halfas... (positive degree)... as Most people prefer summer to winter.
She earns twice as much as me. • would prefer + to-i nfi n iti ve + rather than +
She's only half as well-qualified as her sister. infinitive without to (specific preference)
• the same as I would prefer to book our tickets now rather than
The ferry costs the same as a flight. wait until the last minute.

• look, sound, smell, taste + like • would rather/sooner + infinitive without to + than
That sounds like a good idea. + infinitive without to

• less... (positive degree)... than He'd sooner go alone than go with Edward.

the least... (positive degree)... of/in • clause+ whereas/while +clause

I have less free time than Cathy, but Laura has the (comparison by contrast)
least free time of all. Carol enjoys adventure, while/whereas her sister prefers

• the + comparative..., the + comparative peace and quiet.

The busier the roads are, the longer it will take to get
The less you sleep, the more tired you get.

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 Wouldn't you prefer to get a takeaway rather than have 8 Last night I felt more tired than ever.
to cook tonight? AS I have___________________________________
SOONER Wouldn't you I did last night.
have to cook tonight? 9 Tony finds history easier than geography.
2 If we stay longer, we can spend more time sightseeing. NOT Geography _________________________________
THE The___________________________________________ history for Tony.
time we can spend sightseeing. 10 As he gets older, he becomes less tolerant.
3 I'd rather go home than go to the cinema. THE The_____________________________________
THAN I'd prefer____________________________________ tolerant he becomes.
go to the cinema. 11 I love going to football matches, but my sister prefers
4 In some countries, men and women are paid the same. going to tennis tournaments.
AS In some countries, women WHEREAS I love going to football matches.
_________________________________________ men.
5 Crisps are not as nutritious as nuts. to tennis tournaments.
LESS Crisps_______________________________________ 12 Helen had twice as much work as Janet.
nuts. HALF Janet had __________________________________
6 No other job is as well-paid. Helen.
BEST It ____________________________________________ 13 I like being self-employed. It's better than working for
job. someone else.
7 John and I have received the same number of job TO I prefer ______________________________________
offers. ____________ for someone else.
MANY I have received 14 My grandfather is getting less and less patient as he
John. gets older.
IMPATIENT My grandfather is getting
_____________as he gets older.


16 Choose the correct option.

i My dog loves playing with a ball. 14 The more he practises, the he plays the piano.
A plastic small yellow C yellow small plastic A well C best
B small yellow plastic D small plastic yellow B better D good

2 David couldn't stand the suspense any. 15 Linda walks every evening.
A longer C more longer A quickly home after work
B longest D as long B after work quickly home
C home quickly after work
3 We to go to the theatre these days.
D after work home quick
A geta rarely chance C get rarely a chance
B geta chance rarely D rarely geta chance 16 You're looking now. Has your cold gone?
A best C more better
4 Burgers are than fruit and vegetables.
B better D more good
A less healthy C least healthier
B less healthier D least healthy 17 Her new job was than she thought it would be.
A far challenging C most challenging
5 I find history than geography.
B the challenging D more challenging
A much interesting
B very interesting 18 Joe could hit the ball than his competitor.
C much more interesting A powerfully C most powerfully
D more of interesting B more powerfully D the most powerfully

6 As the day went on, the weather got. 19 Reading a good book is way to relax.
A bad and worse C worse and worst A very leisurely C the most leisurely
B worse and worse D worse and bad B more leisurely D leisurely

7 On the floor was a rug. 20 The he gets, the more patient he becomes.
A large Persian round C Persian round large A far older C older
B round large Persian D large round Persian B oldest D old

8 Could you talk a bit, please? 21 This isn't the as the one before.
A less loudly C least loudly A such C like
B less louder D least loud B same D more

9 Our team's performance was a disappointment. 22 I'd prefer to watch TV rather than out.
A fairly C quite A go C to going
B pretty D more B togo D going

10 Can't you run faster? 23 She loves sci-fi films,her sister prefers action
A any C very films.
B more D many A while C less
B as D same
11 That yellow bicycle costs twice as as this blue
one. 24 That sounds a bad idea.
A more C much A than C as
B most D many B whereas D like

12 Nowadays I buy books online. 25 The weather is getting warmer and.

A more often C the most often A warmest C warm
B most theoften D most often B the warmer D warmer

13 She was wearing dress at the party.

A a short blue elegant cotton
B an elegant blue cotton short
C an elegant short blue cotton
D a short elegant blue cotton

ROOMS & FURNITURE a) Match the opposites.

Look and write the correct number (1-12).

spacious a old-fashioned
noisy d basic
5~n bright e messy
IO luxurious f dark

b) Complete the sentences using adjectives

from Ex. 3a.

1 Sorry the house is so; I haven't had time

to clean up today.
2 The kitchen is very in the morning
because it faces the sun.
3 The living room was so that we had
• dining room Q • attic Q • kitchen D enough room to fit two sofas in it.

• roof □ • garage D • child's bedroom D 4 Lisa's bedsit is very, so she wants to

move into a bigger flat in January.
• chimney D • front door D • master bedroom D
5 My neighbours often play loud music at night; they're
• living room D • garden D • bathroom D
very I
6 Theflat we looked at was quite; it had
PLACES OF RESIDENCE only one bedroom and wasn't furnished.

Label the photos, villa, detached house, cottage,

mansion, block of flats, terraced house, cabin, semi­ Tracy is looking for a flatmate and has attached a
detached house, houseboat. notice to the college noticeboard. Fill in the gaps
with: built-in, air-conditioning, microwave, dining,
mattress, carpet, central.

I'm looking for a flatmate to share my flat in

Gleeson Street. It's a cosy flat with 1)
heating for the winter and 2)
for the summer. My kitchen has a large
3)table and includes a(n)
4), oven and a cooker. You
will have your own bedroom, which has a(n)
5)on the floor and a large
6)wardrobe for your clothes.
I've also bought a new 7)for the
bed. If you're interested please call me on 087-

Compare the house in Ex. 1 to your house.


do away with: abolish Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct preposition.
do down: speak badly of sb
do in: kill 1 His wife insists buying a larger flat.
do out: clean 2 There has been a noticeable increase house prices.
do up: 1) fasten; tie, 2) redecorate 3 Many local residents objected the scheme.
do with: 1) need; want, 2) have a 4 Some people are indifferent the welfare of the homeless.
connection with 5 There has been a slight decrease crime in the area.
do without: manage to live or continue 6 What we lack our flat is enough storage space.
without 7 They were very impressed the view from the balcony.
fall back: move back; retreat 8 Gary prides himself his house.
fall back on: use sth in the absence of sth 9 The hostess was pleasant each of her guests.
else; turn to 10 I'm really pleased my new kitchen.
fall behind: 1) fail to keep up with,
2) be late with payment ' WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED
fall for: 1) be tricked, 2) fall in love with sb
fall in with: accept sb's plans, ideas
fall off: decrease
Like is used
fall on: 1) attack, 2) eat (food) hungrily • for similarities.
fall out (with): quarrel He works like a mule. (He isn't a mule.)
fall through: fail to be completed
• after feel, look, smell, sound + noun.
She looks like her mother.
It smells like burnt toast.
Fill in the correct particle(s).
with nouns, pronouns or the -ing form to express similarity.
1 I can't do an airconditioner Frogs'legs are supposed to taste just like chicken.
in the summer. Is that your mum? You look like her.
2 The government should do It's like walking on air.
those old regulations.
As is used
3 Youd better do your shoes
or you'll trip over your laces. • to say what sb or sth really is (jobs or roles).

4 He was arrested for doing He works as a dentist. (He's a dentist.)

a woman with a gun. in certain expressions: as usual, as...as, as much, such as, the same
5 This room could do a fresh as. She was late as usual.
coat of paint. after: accept, be known, class, describe, refer to, regard, use.
6 Theatre attendance has fallen He's regarded as an expert on computers.
because of the rise in ticket prices.
in clauses of manner to mean 'in the way that'.
7 Our holiday plans fell
We must write the essay as they have shown us.
when all the airlines went on strike.
8 After some disagreement, they finally
fell our suggestions. Fill in as or like.
9 Once we'd spent all our money, we fell
our credit card. 1 you mentioned, they are two peas in a pod. Jack

10 John fell with the rent looks exactly his twin brother, Jim. They even have the

after losing his job. same personality each other.

11 George always falls girls 2 Ugh! This soup tastes just water. Didn't you make it

with blonde hair. I told you?

12 I fell my flatmate and 3 He treats his friends dirt. I detest people behaving

didn't speak to her for a few days. that. He should treat people he'd like to be treated himself.
4 he didn't know what his relations looked, they
sent him a photo so he would recognise them at the airport.
5 I have been working a tour guide for two years now, but
I don't really regard it a serious career. It's time to do
something different. I might even go back to college my
sister has done.
4 English in Use



Jane is more beautiful than Mary.
Mary isn't as beautiful as Jane (is). Adverbs are formed from adjectives + -ly.
Mary is less beautiful than Jane. quick - quickly, calm - calmly
Can't you buy a cheaper coat than that? adjectives ending in consonant + -y —► -ily.
Is that the cheapest coat you can buy? sleepy - sleepily, weary - wearily, weepy - weepily
Joe's got the same number of suits as Ted. adjectives ending in -ic add -ally.
Ted has got as many suits as Joe. tragic - tragically, frantic - frantically

He's the fastest driver of all. BUT public - publicly

No one else drives as fast as he does. adjectives ending in -Ie drop -Ie and add -ly.
He's faster than any other driver. irritable - irritably, reliable - reliably
He is a faster driver than anyone else. adjectives ending in -e add -ly.
He drives faster than anyone else. false - falsely, BUT whole - wholly, true - truly
I've never seen such a tall man. adjectives ending in -ly (elderly, fatherly, friendly,
He's the tallest man I've ever seen. lively, lonely, lovely, motherly, silly, ugly, etc) form their
He's a good tennis player. adverb with in a(n)... way/manner.
He plays tennis well. in a motherly manner, in a lively way
As he gets older, he becomes more sensible.
The older he gets, the more sensible he becomes.
That dress is similar to this one. Complete the gaps with words derived from the

That dress and this one are alike. words in bold.

Tom is very fatherly to his children. 1 We heard a loud crash, so

Tom behaves in a fatherly way to his children. _____________________ we went outside
to see what had happened. NATURAL
2 Sitting in the garden, I could hear the
Complete the sentences using the words in bold. leaves moving_____________________
Use two to five words. in the breeze. GENTLE
3 _____________________ I had a map with me,
1 Unfortunately, we couldn't find a better solution in the
so I found the cottage easily. LUCKY
time available.
4 The house is__________________ in good
BEST U nfortu nately, it
condition. BASIC
we could find in the
5 The estate agent smiled__________________
time available.
as he opened the door. POLITE
2 Spanish and Portuguese are said to be alike.
6 You must spend your money
SIMILAR Spanish is ______________________________ SENSIBLE
___________ Portuguese.
7 They plan to announce the demolition
3 I've never seen such a small house. of the mansion_____________________
THE It's ___________________________________________ next week. PUBLIC
; I've ever seen. 8 A motorbike started up__________________
4 She is extremely disrespectful to her tenants. outside our house. NOISY
WAY She behaves _______________________________ 9 _____________________ , we'll be able
___________ to her tenants. to move into our new flat next week. HOPEFUL
5 Sandra is not as talented as her sister. 10 Melanie_____________________ believes
LESS Sandra is____________________________________ that they have to buy the house. TRUE
___________________ her sister.
6 She was the best prepared of all the candidates.
THAN She was ____________________________________
all the other candidates.
7 As prices increase, the cost of living becomes higher.
THE The_______________________________________
the cost of living becomes.


Think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

Would you pack your bags and move 0) into an underwater house? Perhaps you might even
dream of living in the fictional city of Atlantis. If it makes sense to go out and set 1)a
colony on Mars, then why not live in the ocean? It’s just as habitable and far closer to home.
Given that around 71 % of Earth is covered by water, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if we .WOBflfr
have to adapt to living away from land 2)some point. However, living underwater
does have its fair share of challenges, like cold temperatures and immense water pressure,
3)to mention a lack of oxygen. Even so, the technology to build underwater houses
already exists, so you could be moving into one sooner 4)you think.
There are already restaurants and hotels popping 5)around the world that allow
people to experience underwater living. In fact, floating underwater houses, where part of
the structure is lying beneath the surface of the sea, are currently for sale off the coast of
Dubai. From the underwater level, residents are able to view fish and seahorses swimming
around their natural habitat in the Arabian Gulf. Architects have even drawn 6)plans
to create whole underwater cities, complete with shops, schools and residential areas.
Certainly, living underwater would help to protect the human race 7)the effects of
rising sea levels and overpopulation, and would mean that we won’t have to cut 8)
any trees to make way for houses. It would also probably be more comfortable than living on


Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each
space. There's an example at the beginning (0).

Sustainable Citics?
A sustainable city is one that has been designed with bicycles as cars in the city, and nearly half the population
environmental concerns 0) B mind. More than half of the 4) ______by bike. This has not only dramatically 5) _______
world's population lives in cities, highlighting the need for carbon emissions, but also improved the health of its
sustainable practices in 1) ______areas. Sustainable cities citizens.
aim to change the way they function, ensuring that they do Other examples of things a sustainable city might introduce
not 2)_____ a strain on resources which will cause them to include roof gardens, solar panels, more efficient public
disappear before future generations have an opportunity to transport, water 6) ______ , improved recycling facilities,
benefit from them. tougher pollution controls, wind energy and more green
There is no single model of a sustainable city, but rather a spaces. These changes can be expensive and may take years
wide variety of changes which are intended to reduce the to put in 7)______, but they can have a gradual effect in
environmental impact of the city as a whole. These may reversing climate change. Simply planting roof gardens on
include individual lifestyle changes made by city residents tops of buildings, for instance, can dramatically reduce the
as well as schemes 3) ______ by local governments. In amount of heat 8)______by cities, keeping the temperature
Copenhagen, for example, the city introduced a vast down.
network of bicycle lanes. Now there are five times as many

0 A at ® in C on D to
1 A national B public C remote D urban
2 A feel B have c make D put
3 A delayed B implemented c involved D prohibited
4 A adjusts B commutes c shifts D transfers
5 A carved B chopped c cut D sliced
6 A conservation B motivation c observation D reservation
7 A location B place c site D spot
8 A absorbed B consumed c extended D occupied

Passive voice

The passive is formed with the appropriate tense of the verb to be + past participle. Present perfect continuous, Future
continuous and Past perfect continuous are not normally used in the passive. Note that only transitive verbs (verbs
which take an object) can be put into the passive.

Active voice Passive voice

Present simple They restore buildings. Buildings are restored.
Present continuous They are restoring the building. The building is being restored.
Past simple They restored the building. The building was restored.
Past continuous They were restoring the building. The building was being restored.
Future simple They will restore the building. The building will be restored.
Present perfect They have restored the building. The building has been restored.
Past perfect They had restored the building. The building had been restored.
Future perfect They will have restored the building. The building will have been restored.
Present infinitive They should restore the building. The building should be restored.
Perfect infinitive They should have restored the building. The building should have been restored.
-ing form They like people restoring buildings. They like buildings being restored.
Perfect -ing form Having restored the building,... The building, having been restored,...
Modal + be + p.p. They must restore the building. The building must be restored.

Note: Get is used in colloquial English instead of be to express something happening by accident.
He'll get hurt if he plays like that.

The passive is used

• when the person performing the action (agent) is when we are interested more in the action than the
unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context. agent, such as in news reports, formal notices,
The rooms have been searched thoroughly, (by the police instructions, processes, headlines, advertisements, etc.
- obvious agent) "Crocodiles have been set free..'.'

• to emphasise the agent. to make statements more formal or polite.

The maths lesson was given by the English teacher The vase has been broken, (more polite than saying
yesterday. "You have broken the vase.")

Choose the correct option. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive
1 This product has not been tested/has not tested on
animals. 1 Polar bears(hunt) for their fur.
2 Those windows really need to clean/be cleaned soon. 2 A lecture(give) in the main hall at
3 Kate was made take/to take piano lessons by her the moment.
parents. 3 After(award)
4 Some of our old family photos got lost/lost when we a medal for bravery, he became a local hero.
moved house. 4 Her ankle(hurt) when she fell down.
5 I don't like seeing/being seen in my pyjamas. 5 She th in ks her ca r(stea I)
6 Who was the television invented by/invented? by someone she knows.
7 John was seen leaving/leave through the back door. 6 The apartment(sell) last week.
8 My car is repaired/is being repaired this week, so I'm 7 I hate(lie to) by my friends.
going to work by bus. 8 Nurses really ought(pay) more
9 The dessert was made by/with bananas and cream. than they are.
10 The prize money will divide/will be divided between 9 The music must(turn down)
the two winners. by 12 o'clock at the latest.
10 Your free gift(send) to you in the
next few days.


Changing from active into passive

• The object of the active verb becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The active verb changes into a passive
form, and the subject of the active verb becomes the agent which is either introduced with "by" or is omitted.

Subject Verb Object Agent

Active Kate wrote the story.
Passive The story was written by Kate.

• By + agent is omitted when the agent is unknown, • For verbs which take two objects, it is more common
unimportant, obvious from the context or words to begin the sentence with the person.
such as: someone, people, I, they, etc. They gave her all the details. —► She was given all the details,
They will give more information soon. —► More (more common than: All the details were given to her.)
information will be given soon, ("by them"is omitted) • In passive questions with who, whom or which we
• By + agent is used to say who or what did the action. do not omit by.
She was knocked down by a lorry. With + instrument Who offered her thejob? -* Who was she offered thejob by?
or material is used to say what the agent used. • Make, hear, help, see are followed by a to-infinitive in
The policeman was stabbed with a knife. the passive.
• Verbs followed by a preposition (look after, accuse of, They saw him cross the street. -► He was seen to cross
etc.) take the preposition immediately after them the street. Note that hear, see, watch can be followed
when turned into the passive. by a present participle in the active and passive.
She looks after her daughter well. -♦ Her daughter is We heard him playing the guitar. —► He was
looked after well. heard playing the guitar. //

Choose the correct option.

1 Her hair_____at the moment. 9 Reservations can_____by calling the hotel directly.
A is dyeing B is being dyed A be made B been made
C being dyed C being made

2 A cure for the disease_____yet. 10 Our house_____weekly.

A hasn't discovered A be cleaned B are cleaned
B hasn't be discovered C is cleaned
C hasn't been discovered
11 He_____by his grandparents.
3 The Mona Lisa_____by Leonardo da Vinci. A was bring up B was brought up
A be painted B was painted C were brought up
C painted
12 Our new sofa_____yet.
4 Most olives_____in the Mediterranean. A hasn't delivered
A are grown B grown C being grown B been delivered
C hasn't been delivered
5 The problem_____now.
A is discussed B is been discussed 13 All the arrangements_____by the time you arrive.
C is being discussed A will have made
B will been made
6 The opening date_____yet.
C will have been made
A hasn't been announced
B hasn't be announced 14 Breakfast_____ between 7 and 10 a.m.
C haven't been announced A will be served B will be serve
C will served
7 My car_____into last night.
A was broke B was broken 15 The students_____about the trip last Friday.
C was breaking A are told B were told C be told

8 The first modern Olympic Games_____in 1896. 16 The dustbins____ recently.

A were held B are held C held A have emptied B have be emptied
C have been emptied


Fill in by or with. Change the sentences from the passive into the
1 This suit was designed Armani.
2 This cake is filled fresh cream. 1 Why was James asked to leave the club?
3 Who was Neptune discovered?
4 Ford cars are made experts.
5 The baby was covered a blanket. 2 They love being invited to parties.
6 "Carmen"was composed Bizet.
7 The coat was lined fur.
8 The food will be provided caterers. 3 The best cream cakes are made by Sayers.
9 The stew was flavoured garlic.
10 The Royal Wedding was watched millions.
4 By the end of the party, all the food had been eaten.
Change the sentences from the active into the
passive. Omit the agent where it can be omitted.
5 Gauff was beaten by Światek in the Women's Tennis Final.
1 The British eat around 2.5 billion burgers each year.

6 My glasses must have been thrown away by mistake.

2 Who wrote "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?

7 The building is being examined by Health and Safety

3 The bad weather has spoiled my holiday plans.
experts this week.

4 Do they always pay their workers on time?

8 Who was the Internet invented by?

5 The children picked the strawberries.

9 She was heard complaining about the new timetable.

6 She saw them go out.

10 She was sent a telegram by the queen on her 10Oth

7 You should wash those walls before you paint them.

11 The English language is now spoken by over 1.5

billion people worldwide.
8 The publisher has translated all her books into English.

12 The child is being taken good care of by doctors.

9 He objects to people telling him what to do.

13 Hundreds of free gifts are being given away by Donels

10 Tesco are converting the old bank into a supermarket.
this Saturday.

11 They told him not to say anything to her.

14 Why haven't the beds been made yet?

12 Did they give you a reward for finding their cat?

15 I hate being taken for granted.

16 The tickets should have been booked weeks ago.


Personal/lmpersonal constructions

The verbs believe, expect, feel, hope, know, report, say, think, etc are used in the following passive patterns in personal
and impersonal constructions.

• subject (person) + passive verb + to -infinitive Doctors expect he will recover soon.
(personal construction) He is expected to recover soon.

• It + passive verb + that-clause It is expected that he will recover soon.

(impersonal construction)

Turn the following into the passive, as in the Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
example. Use two to five words.

1 They say he is a millionaire. 1 The teacher scolded Jim for not paying attention.
He is said to be a millionaire. WAS Jim_________________________________________
It is said that he is a millionaire. for not paying attention.
2 They expect the plane will be landing soon. 2 Her parents named her after her grandmother.
The plane___________________________________________________ WAS She _______________________________________
It___________________________________________________ ______ her grandmother.
3 They believe he was working illegally. 3 Most people think that learning a language is difficult.
He___________________________________________________________ THOUGHT It ___________________________________________
It_____________________________________________________________ a language is difficult.
4 They say he is feeling better.
4 An editor will check the article.
BE The article_________________________________
_________________________________ an editor.
5 They thought he had been brave to do so.
5 The traffic warden will give you a ticket if you park
BE You _______________________________________
6 They think he has escaped from prison.
_______ if you park there.
6 A lot of men enjoy football.
IS Football ___________________________________
7 They expect he'll pass his exams.
_____________________________ a lot of men.
7 The builders will have finished the extension by July.
BEEN The_________________________________________
8 They say she lied to the police.
___________________ by July.
It_____________________________________________________________ 8 The teacher has given the students their homework.
9 They say they miss too many lessons. HAVE The_________________________________________

They__________________________________________________________ _______ their homework.

It_____________________________________________________________ 9 We saw the teacher telling the boy off.
10 They know she was always late for work. TOLD We saw____________________________________
She___________________________________________________________ ___________by his teacher.
It_____________________________________________________________ 10 People think that scientists have made an important
THOUGHT Scientists _________________________________
an important discovery.

Rewrite the text in the passive. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete
sentences using the passive.

The critics have greeted with enthusiasm Turning 1 KENYAN ATHLETE BREAKS
Point, Marvin Morton’s new play. They regard it as his MARATHON WORLD RECORD
most mature work. Morton wrote it after he had
studied people’s behaviour for a considerable time.
On the opening night, the audience called Morton
onto the stage and applauded him loudly. They are MAYOR WILL OPEN NEW LIBRARY NEXT WEEK
staging the play at the Apollo Theatre where they
expect thousands of people to see it. Film companies
have asked Morton to write a script for a film based
on the play. We do not know yet whether 3 LOTTERY WINNER HAS NOT
Morton will seriously consider
the proposal.

4 Police Questioning 2 Men about Fire


Rewrite the news report in the active. CAR FACTORY LAYS OFF 500 WORKERS LAST WEEK

Yesterday it was announced by the Ballymore council that

a new Leisure centre will be built on the outskirts of town.
A great deal of research has been carried out by the
council, and a suitable location has been found. The
opinions of Local residents also had to be taken into
account, but generally residents are in favour of the Leisure
8 Jewel Thief StiU Not Caught
centre being built. Work on the new Leisure centre will be
begun by builders in May, and it is expected to be
completed within 18 months. A range of activities is being
planned for the Leisure centre by the council, and details
of these will be given once they have been finalised.
Find and correct the mistakes.

1 Further information can obtain

from the local post office.
2 When will you been interviewed
for the position?
3 I hate be told lies.
4 Why has he been gave a promotion?
5 He were told not to reveal
their secret.
6 Th e cafe wa s fi 11 ed by s m o ke.
7 The film will be releasing tomorrow.
8 The book was written with
Agatha Christie.


13 Choose the correct option.

1 The house______ before they arrived. 14 Tomato plants must______ regularly.

A had cleaned C had be cleaned A watered C been watered
B been cleaned D had been cleaned B be watered D being watered

2 The sound of footsteps was heard______ up the stairs. 15 The novel______ by Lewis Carroll in 1865.
A came C coming A wrote C was write
B to come D becoming B was written D were written

3 The omelette______ eggs, cheese and peppers. 16 He was made______ at the station for two hours.
A made with C made by A wait C waited
B was made with D was made by B to wait D waiting

4 I had the feeling that I______ . 17 Your application______ by the end of the month.
A was being watched C am being watched A will review C will be reviewed
B was been watched D am watching B will be review D will have reviewed

5 Jamie______ be a talented actor. 18 Linda was knocked off her bike______ a bus.
A is said C says that he A by C with
B is said to D is said that he B on D from

6 She was made______ in her resignation. 19 We should______ about the dangers.

A handing C hand A have been warned C being warned
B to handing D to hand B have be warned D been warned

7 That wet paint should not______ . 20 The parcels,______ , were put on the boss's desk.
A touch C been touched A having delivered C have being delivered
B be touched D being touched B have been delivered D having been delivered

8 The report______ by the end of next week. 21 Sandra heard her name______ from across the street.
A will have finished C will have been finished A called C being called
B will been finished D have been finished B calling D having called

9 Philip______ while playing football. 22 Around 5,000 snow leopards are believed______ in the
A got injured C been injured wild.
B has injured D were injured A to be left C to have left
B being left D be left
10 I remember the announcement______ last week.
A making C being made 23 What______ you told to do?
B be made D being making A had C will
B were Dwould
11 A new stadium______ near the station.
A is building C is being built 24 A fashion show will_______ next week.
B building D being built A have held C held
B being held D be held
12 I don't know who______ that article, but it's very good.
A wrote C was written 25 Accommodation for new teachers______ by the
B is written D has been written college.
A provides C will provide
13 This chicken's really dry. It______ for too long.
B is provided D would provide
A has cooked C has been cook
B has be cooked D has been cooked


Fill in: twist, have (x7), cut, sprain, bruise, burn, break, Match the sentences to the illnesses in the list.
pull, hit. Which are (IL) illnesses? Which are (IN)
A concussion B food poisoning C a cold
injuries? Add three more items to each category.
D an allergy E a fever F a throat infection

11 | | I've got a runny nose and I can't stop coughing.

121 | I've lost my voice. I can hardly speak.
13 | | I was eating when a rash broke out on my skin and
I couldn't breathe easily.
|4| | I hit my head and now I have a terrible headache.
15 I I After lunch, I had a terrible stomachache and then
_______ I vomited.
your hand___ your eye___ a muscle 161 | I feel really hot and my whole body is shivering.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the list in the

correct form.

• have • give • treat • call • find • make

• take (x2)

1 The doctor Peter's temperature to

see if he had a fever.
2 Someone needs to an ambulance;
this woman is badly hurt!
3 The doctor decided to his patient's
illness with antibiotics.
4 That's a deep cut so you'll need to
some stitches.
5 Jill called the doctor's surgery and
an appointment for next Wednesday.
6 David the injured cyclist first aid
while he waited for the paramedics to arrive.
7 One day, scientists will probably
a cure for this serious disease.
8 I have to two of these pills three
times a day after meals.

Which alternative ways can you use to treat

these illnesses/injuries? Match and talk with
your partner.
a cough a stomachache your leg

11 I | an upset a drink camomile tea

stomach b eat chicken soup

LzL insomnia c have a massage

LUJ hiccups d listen to relaxing music
bL a sore throat e slowly drink a glass of

1st a cold water

a backache f gargle with salt water

a cold/theflu a sore throat your wrist



get about: move around; spread Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct preposition.
get sth across: make sth understood
get away (from): 1) escape, 2) leave 1 I don't know the results my blood test yet.
get along (with): have a friendly 2 Ryan's health problems resulted a poor diet and lack of
relationship exercise.
get at: 1) reach, 2) imply, suggest 3 All these things will eventually result you losing weight.
get away with sth: avoid being 4 I am obliged you all your kind assistance.
punished for sth 5 Was he really involved the incident?
get sb down: depress sb 6 Everybody needs someone to lean in times of trouble.
get off: 1) to avoid punishment, 7 The ladder was leaning the wall.
2) to descend from a bus, etc
8 David apologised us losing his temper.
get on: 1) enter a bus etc, 2) manage
9 I can't stand people who are cruel animals.
get on with: continue, often after
10 There are big differences the two cultures.
11 Claire is familiar the procedure.
get over: 1) return to usual state of
health, happiness, etc after sth bad, 12 The signs of this disease are familiar most doctors.
2) overcome 13 There is a relationship exercise and good health.
get (a)round: coax; persuade sb by 14 She has a good relationship her children.
kindness 15 I find it hard to sympathise Denise.
get through: 1) finish work, 2) reach sb 16 She's not very sympathetic the poor.
by phone 17 James was suspected spraying the graffiti.
18 Poor Jill suffers hay fever.
19 She spends a lot of money cosmetics.
Fill in the correct particle(s). 20 I'm sorry forgetting our anniversary.
21 She's very sorry the state of the house.
1 I couldn't get- the
22 The manager was not satisfied his staff.
line was engaged.
23 That's the same car mine.
2 He sometimes has trouble getting his
24 What are you so excited?
25 South Africa is a country rich gold.
3 It took Luke a long time to get
26 Kindly refrain throwing litter in the park.
his illness.
27 I am writing reference to your letter.
4 He was lucky to get
28 She referred his book in her speech.
with a small fine.
29 It's no use trying to reason her.
5 I want to get the city
30 There was no reason him to shout like that.
for a few days.
6 Tanya doesn't really get
her sister.
7 All this bad news is really getting me
Complete the gaps. Use the verbs in the list.

8 How are you getting

• feel • have • cut • break • hit • twist
without a cooker?
9 Stop talking and get
your work. 1 my finger/myself while shaving
10 You have a lot of revision to get 2 my ankle/my wrist
____________ tonight. 3 a high temperature/a bad cough
11 Alex has a broken ankle and finds it 4 sick/dizzy
difficult to get. 5 my head/a nerve
12 I don't quite understand what you're 6 a bone/my arm

f KEY-WORD TRANSFORMATIONS 7 The manufacturers expect the device will be on the
market early next year.
They made the customers wait outside in the rain. EXPECTED The device _______________________________
The customers were made to wait outside in the rain. ___________ on the market
early next year.
The professor gave the books to the students.
The students were given the books (by the professor). 8 Anne was sent a large bouquet of flowers by Harry.

The books were given to the students (by the professor). TO A large bouquet of flowers
__________________________ Anne by Harry.
I remember them giving the tickets to Paul.
9 Do you remember them taking me to hospital?
I remember Paul being given the tickets.
BEING Do you remember
I saw a reporter interviewing Chris on TV.
__________ to hospital?
I saw Chris being interviewed on TV.
10 Many people claim that children are spending less
People believe that dogs are intelligent animals. time reading these days.
Dogs are believed to be intelligent animals. CLAIMED It is_________________________________________
It is believed that dogs are intelligent animals. _______ less time reading
Scientists think the ice in Antarctica is melting quite fast. these days.
The ice in Antarctica is thought to be melting quite fast.
It is thought that the ice in Antarctica is melting quite fast. WORD FORMATION
We expect the weather will be better tomorrow.
The weather is expected to be better tomorrow.
Many people consider that Jane has been treated -able believe - believable

unfairly. -ible flex - flexible

Jane is considered to have been treated unfairly. -ive exhaust - exhaustive

-ent depend - dependent
-ing frighten - frightening (describes what
sb or sth is)
Complete the sentences using the words in bold. -ed interest - interested (describes how
Use two to five words. someone feels)

1 The teacher made the children learn the poem by

Complete the gaps with words derived from the
MADE The children
words in bold.
the poem by heart.
2 They offered Tom the leading role in a film. 1 Jessica stared at the painting,
OFFERED Tom _______________________________________ ___________________ by its detail. FASCINATE
_______ in a film. 2 The ozone layer forms a________________
3 They often say that elephants never forget anything. barrier against the sun's rays. PROTECT

SAID It ___________________________________________ 3 In warm weather, clothes made of

elephants never forget anything. natural fabrics are___________________ . PREFER

4 The instructions on the box are very
4 I don't remember them asking Sophia for her opinion.
BEING I don't remember
5 They've installed a security camera
__________________________ for her opinion.
as a___________________ to thieves. DETER
5 Journalists report that the best-selling author is
6 The Internet makes information
working on a new novel.
___________________ to great numbers
REPORTED The best-selling author
of people. ACCESS
7 She was___________________ at the
on a new novel.
thought of giving a speech in public. TERRIFY
6 He was made to clean his room by his parents.
8 Stephen's teacher said he was often
HIM His parents _______________________________
___________________ in class. DISRUPT
_________ his room.
9 It's very____________________to see how
much progress we've made so far. SATISFY
10 Stop worrying about the stain on your
shirt - it's barely___________________ . NOTICE

English in Use J I
5 MT


Read the text below and choose the best answer (A, B or C) to fill in the gaps. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

It still remains a mystery what 0) C when we sleep, but according

to recent research, sleep is far 1)significant than scientists
previously thought. Studies have 2)that good-quality sleep is
closely linked to good health, 3)mental and physical. Some
research also ties good sleep to a healthy immune system and a
4)life expectancy.
However, most teenagers today have ‘sleep debt’ - a lack of sleep
5)up over days, weeks and months. On average, teens need
about nine hours of sleep every night to function at their best. This
is more than the amount a child or an adult needs. Yet, sleep
research 6)that most adolescents only get about 6.5 - 7.5
hours’ sleep a night, and some get less.
Teenagers do not get enough sleep for a number of reasons. First
of all, teens’ body clocks naturally shift to make them 7)tired
0 A passes B develops C happens
later in the evening, but early school starts do not allow them to
1 A more B much C many
wake up later in the morning. Secondly, smartphones and other
2 A presented B examined c shown
devices used around bedtime reduce sleep time. Then there is
3 A also B both c either
homework, sports and other after-school activities, which also
4 A farther B wider c longer
8)to late bedtimes.
5 A built B created c formed
But does it 9)? Yes. Sleep debt can have dramatic effects on
6 A points B suggests c refers
a teenager’s life, including affecting their mental well-being and
7 A feeling B to feel c feel
reducing their academic performance at school. So if you have
8 A mean B lead c result
trouble staying awake in history class, 10)getting some
9 A matter B trouble c concern
extra sleep.
10 A can try B will try c try


Think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

The level of childhood obesity is increasing likely to be teased 5)their peers, or

0) at an alarming rate worldwide. In to have low self-esteem and depression. In
Europe, for example, one in five children addition, obese children and adolescents
and adolescents are either overweight are 6)high risk of becoming obese
1)obese. It has become so common adults, as well as developing life­
that the World Health Organization threatening health problems later in life.
considers it a global health concern. Lifestyle and diet changes can help
For most children, obesity occurs because overweight children to achieve and
they consume food that supplies far more maintain a healthy weight. Cutting
energy than they need. The extra energy is 7) unhealthy snacks, eating
turned 2)body fat. This, combined smaller meals and chewing food more
3)a lack of physical activity, may slowly can help them to eat less. Walking
gradually result in weight gain. However, a 30 minutes a day can help children feel fit
large part of the problem is the abundance enough to move on to more exercise. But
of junk food in our diet, which is high they should beware 8)weight-loss
4)fat and sugar. Obesity is also diets that promise quick results without
associated with social and emotional much effort. Most are actually harmful to
problems. Overweight children are more your health.


Choose the correct option.

1 From 14-20 June, Liverpool____ its International Garden 14 As soon as he entered the house, he realised that one of
Festival; everyone's welcome. the windows_____ .
A had held C has been holding A had broken C been broken
B are going to hold D will be holding B being broken D had been broken

2 She____ for her exam all night; she looks tired. 15 The poorer in carbohydrates your diet is,____ you might
A must be studying feel.
B must have been studying A the more depressed C the depressed
C can't be studying B more depressed D as depressed
D couldn't have studied
16 By the time the police arrived, the burglars____ .
3 When I moved from Paris to London, I____ on the left. A disappeared C had disappeared
A wasn't used to driving C didn't used to driving B were disappearing D had been disappearing
B wasn't used to drive D didn't use to driving
17 The flowers in my garden should____ at least once a
4 She'd sooner stay at home alone____ with James. week.
A than going out C than go out A watered C will be watered
B rather going out D rather go out B water D be watered
5 There's no point____ the phrase. I can't speak Chinese. 18 An additional bonus payment____ to all our employees
A to repeat_____________ C repeat next month.
B repeating D to repeating A will provide C be provided
6 A lot of people____ redundant last year due to the B will be provided D will provided
economic crisis. 19 I'm really scared of dogs. You____ me that you've got
A made C had made one.
B be made D were made A didn't have to tell C must have told
7 I don't feel like cooking.____ we go out for dinner? B needn't have told D should have told
A Shall B Shall be C Will D Are 20 I would prefer to eat at home rather than____ to a
8 It's Saturday, Jack. You____ your essay by Friday. Please restaurant.
do not miss the deadline next time. A togo B going C go D to going
A must be handed in 21 Life in the countryside isn't____ it used to be decades
B didn't need to hand in
C were supposed to hand in
A hectic as C as hectic than
D ought to hand in
B as hectic as D hectic than
9 Would you be so kind as____ my CV? I'm not experienced
22 He prefers living in the city centre____ to work for hours
enough in writing it.
from the suburbs.
A to proofread C proofread
A to commuting C commuting
B proofreading D to proofreading
B to commute D than commuting
10 "Why are you crying?" "I____ onions."
23 I haven't finished the report yet, but I'm certain I____ it
A cut C been cutting
by tomorrow afternoon.
B was cut D have been cutting
A complete
11 He doesn't derive pleasure from his work. I think he____ B will be completing
to resign soon. C will have completed
A is able B should C is likely D would D will have been completing

12 I bought a washing machine yesterday, but it____ yet. 24 John's so exhausted; he's been driving a car all day
A hasn't been delivered C been delivered without_____ a break.
B hasn't delivered D be delivered A to take B taking C take D to taking

13 Amanda is looking forward____ her sister in London. 25 What's this? You____ an umbrella with you. It's going to be
A to visit C visit sunny and hot today, according to the weather forecast.
B visiting D to visiting A needn't have taken C don't have taken
B didn't have to take D won't have taken



2 Choose the correct option.

i Don't forget to buy a____ of milk, please. 15 My grandfather____ a fortune selling recipe books.
A jar B can C carton D bar A made B did C caught D broke

2 Jim arrived at the airport too late and therefore, he____ 16 Jenny is a tall girl with dark____ hair. She's really
his flight. outgoing and helpful.
A missed B lost C got D caught A plump Btanned C wavy D narrow

3 I'm not sure whether she's going to wait for us. She's so 17 Do you think you could do the Internet for a week?
A without C out
A lazy C talkative B up D away with
B impatient D disorganised
18 It's a bad idea to goto London in July sinceall the sights
4 They'd been married for 5 years by the time they broke are____ with tourists.
A empty B full C booked D crowded
A into B down C out D up
19 Chris had the flu and it took him a longtime to get_____
5 I've always dreamt of watching wildlife. Finally, I'm lucky it.
to be going on____ . A through C away
A camping holiday C skiing holiday B over D in
B safari D beach holiday
20 Well, I'd like to buy a detached house or a cottage. Also,
6 You need to____ one pill twice a day before meals. I've got a car so there must be_____ next to the house.
A drink B give C take D make A an attic C a garage
B a chimney D a garden
7 My room is so cramped, I'm looking forward to moving
into a more____ one next year. 21 You might need to cut____ sugar to lose some weight.
A basic C old-fashioned A down with C through
B noisy D spacious B upto D down on

8 I'm not a fan of fried chicken because it's too____ . 22 James is so____ . He always thinks other people aren't as
A salty B spicy C sour D greasy qualified and skilful as he is.
A arrogant C modest
9 She decided to leave when she fell ____ with her
B optimistic D disorganised
A down B out C in D behind 23 "What's that?" "Don't worry, I____ myself while I was
shaving yesterday."
10 I used to suffer____ insomnia a lot. What helps me fall
A broke B twisted C hit D cut
asleep quickly now is listening to relaxing music.
A from B to C about D of 24 I've never____ a yacht, but I'd love to try!
A ridden B sailed C driven D gone
11 I'd like a burger with a____ order ofchips.
A packed B back C side D balanced 25 Unfortunately, the flat isn't equipped with_____ but you
can use the air-conditioner instead.
12 Mary has taken sick leave because she has a____ throat.
A a microwave oven C central heating
A sick B sore C ache D cold
B a built-in wardrobe D a carpet
13 I'm not accustomed____ working in a team.
A with B for C about D to

14 I didn't recognise Matt yesterday. He must have shaved

his____ off.
A wrinkles C freckles
B beard D spots

We use have + object + past participle to say that we arrange for someone to do something for us.
He asked the mechanic to repair his car. He had his car repaired. (He didn't do it himself- the mechanic did it.)

Present simple She looks after her children. She has her children looked after.
Present continuous She is looking after her children. She is having her children looked after.
Past simple She looked after her children. She had her children looked after.
Past continuous She was looking after her children. She was having her children looked after.
Future simple She will look after her children. She will have her children looked after.
Future continuous She will be looking after her children. She will be having her children looked after.
Present perfect She has looked after her children. She has had her children looked after.
Present perfect continuous She has been looking after her children. She has been having her children looked after.
Past perfect She had looked after her children. She had had her children looked after.
Past perfect continuous She had been looking after her children. She had been having her children looked after.
Infinitive She can look after her children. She can have her children looked after.
-ing form She likes looking after her children. She likes having her children looked after.

The verb to have, when used in the causative, forms Make/have + object + bare infinitive are used to
its negations and questions with do/does (Present express that someone causes someone else to do
simple) and did (Past simple). something, but their meaning is slightly different.
She doesn't have the flowers arranged. Did you have He made Liz send a fax. (He insisted that Liz should
the clothes ironed? send a fax.)

Get can be used instead of have in the causative. He had Liz send a fax. (He asked Liz to send a fax.)
Did you have/getyour hair cut? Get + object + to-infinitive is used to show that

The causative can be used instead of the passive to someone persuades someone else to do something.

express accidents or misfortunes. She got her husband to cut the grass.

He had his cheek bruised in a fight. (= His cheek was (She persuaded her husband to cut the grass.)

bruised in a fight.)

Choose the option that best describes each sentence.

1 Do you ask someone to type your essays? 7 He isn't going to take his glasses to be adjusted today.
a Do you have your essays typed? a He isn't going to adjust his glasses today.
b Do you type your essays? b He isn't going to have his glasses adjusted today.
2 Her photographs haven't been printed yet. 8 Did the detective order the constable to follow the
a She hasn't printed her photographs yet. suspect?
b She hasn't had her photographs printed yet. a Did the detective follow the suspect?
3 She doesn't like asking people to do her shopping. b Did the detective have the suspect followed?
a She doesn't like having her shopping done. 9 You should ask someone to collect your mail.
b She doesn't like doing her shopping. a You should have your mail collected.
4 Have you asked them to install a burglar alarm for you? b You should collect your mail.
a Have you installed a burglar alarm? 10 Has the chauffeur been driving Mary's kids to school
b Have you had a burglar alarm installed? for years?
5 I didn't use to employ someone to do the housework a Has Mary been driving her kids to school for years?
for me. b Has Mary been having her kids driven to school for
a I didn't use to do the housework. years?
b I didn't use to have the housework done. 11 Was his arm broken in a car crash?
6 The doctor examined her wound. a Did he have his arm broken in a car crash?
a She had her wound examined. b Did he break his arm in a car crash?
b She examined her wound.


Read the situations, then write sentences using Complete the sentences using have, make or get in
the causative form. the correct form, as in the example.

1 The optician is testing her eyes. What is she doing? 1 He insisted that Peter left immediately.
He made Peter leave immediately.
2 Janet persuaded Diane to drive her to the airport.
2 If he doesn't drive more carefully, the police will take Janet________________________________________________________
away his licence. What will happen to him? ____________________________________________ to the airport.
3 My car radio is being fitted by Gary today.

3 This time tomorrow, an artist will be painting her son's ______________________________________ my car radio today.
portrait. What will she be doing? 4 She asked her sister to translate the article.
_________________________________________________ the article.
4 Someone has cut down the tree in our garden. What 5 I finally persuaded the landlord to change the locks.
have we done? I finally _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ the locks.
6 My mother insisted that I should wear a dress to the
5 They can vaccinate your children against smallpox. wedding.
What can you do? My mother ________________________________________________
__________________________________________ to the wedding.
7 I will ask John to pick me up at the station.
6 She will hire someone to build a shed for her. What I will ________________________________________________________
will she do? ____________________________________________ at the station.
8 Sue persuaded her colleagues to change their minds.
7 The dentist is polishing Tom's teeth. What is Tom ___________________________________________ their minds.
doing? 9 She is going to ask him to rewrite the assignment.
She is ______________________________________________________
__________________________________________ the assignment.
8 The police had been towing away his car. What had 10 I can't believe he asked me to return the gift.
been happening to him? I can't believe______________________________________________
____________________________________________________ the gift.
11 He insisted that they should stay at home.
9 Someone dry-cleans his suits every month. What He __________________________________________________________
does he do? ___________________________________________________ at home.
12 I will try to persuade him to give you the money he
owes you.
10 He has been paying a therapist to massage his back. I will ________________________________________________________
What has he been doing? _______________________________ the money he owes you.
13 The receptionist asked her to wait outside his office.
The receptionist___________________________________________
11 Sally gets a hairdresser to dye her hair every month. ________________________________________ outside his office.
What does she do? 14 The doctor insisted that she should go to hospital.
The doctor_________________________________________________
_______________________________________________ to hospital.
12 Max will be cooking dinner for us tonight. What will 15 He asked the porter to carry his luggage.
we be doing? He __________________________________________________________
______________________________________________ his luggage.

Complete the replies using the causative. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 A: I heard you painted your room.
B: That's not true. I ______________________________________ 1 They arranged for medical supplies to be flown into
the region.
2 A: Sorry to call you now. You must be cooking dinner. HAD They_________________________________________
B: Actually, we ___________________________________________ ____________ into the region.
____________________________________________ for us. 2 A shark bit Tony's leg.
3 A: Have you booked the venues for your tour? GOT Tony_________________________________________
B: Not really. I ____________________________________________ _________________ by a shark.
_____________________________________ for my tour. 3 A lawyer will have to sign this document for you.
4 A: Will he drive his clients to the airport? HAVE You _________________________________________
B: No, he __________________________________________________ this document signed by a lawyer.
__________________________________ to the airport.
4 Why did you insist that I buy this horrible cheese?
5 A: Had they cancelled the milk delivery before they
MAKE Why_________________________________________
went away?
this horrible cheese?
B: No. They________________________________________________
5 She pays someone to clean the windows every month.
_________________________________________ for them.
CLEANED She___________________________________________
6 A: His eye was bruised during the match.
______________ every month.
B: That's true. He_________________________________________
6 The labourers were forced to work seven days a week.
_____________________________ during the match.
MADE They_________________________________________
7 A: Had she been cutting the grass when you called?
seven days a week.
B: No, she_________________________________________________
__________________________________________ for her. 7 Someone will pick your pocket if you aren't careful

8 A: Who will look after her dog while she is away? around here.

B: Not me. She ___________________________________________ GET You _________________________________________

_________________________________________ by Jane. if you aren't careful around here.

9 A: Are you going to paint your fence? 8 They will take away your licence if they catch you
B: No, I_____________________________________________________ driving that way.
_________________________________________ by Peter. HAVE You _________________________________________
10 A: Does she put on her own make-up before each away if they catch you driving that way.
performance? 9 She arranged for her neighbour to walk her dog while
B: No, she_________________________________________________ she was away.
by Megan before each performance. HAD She___________________________________________
by her neighbour while she was away.
10 Please don't insist that I cook dinner tonight.
MAKE Please_______________________________________
____________ dinner tonight.
11 Someone stole their car while they were asleep.
HAD They_________________________________________
while they were asleep.
12 Her nose was broken in the accident.
GOT She___________________________________________
in the accident.
13 Did you insist they rewrite the composition?
MAKE Did___________________________________________
_________ the composition?
14 She hired someone to make new curtains for her
HAD She_________
______________ for her house.
15 He got someone at the garage to adjust the brakes.
ADJUSTED He ___________________________________________
______________ at the garage.
Grammar 6

Choose the correct option.

1 Alice_____her the money. 10 He_____before he left for work.

A got her brother lend A had had his car washed
B got her brother to lend B has had washed his car
C got to lend her brother C have had his car washed
D had her brother lent D had got washed his car

2 Jane is at the hairdresser at the moment. She_____ . 11 One of my teeth was hurting, so I went to the dentist
A has her hair done to_____ .
B is having done her hair A get it look at
C is having to do her hair B get it looked at
D is having her hair done C get it to look at
D had it looked at
3 I love talking to Jessica. She always_____.
A makes me laugh 12 Sally_____my shoes before I entered her house.
B makes meto laugh A made to take off
C makes me laughed B had me to take off
D makes laugh me C made me take off
D made me to take off
4 We should_____before Christmas.
A get painted our flat 13 When you order the tickets, can you_____to my work
B get our flat painted address?
C had our flat painted A sent them
D have our flat to paint B get sent them
C had them sent
5 Kevin_____ some time tomorrow.
D have them sent
A will get his tyres change
B will get his tyres changed 14 My cat loves_____ .
C will get changed his tyres A having its head scratched
D will have his tyres get changed B having scratched its head
C getting its head scratch
6 I don't have time to clean the house on my own, so I'd
D getting scratched its head
better_for me.
A get somebody do it 15 He_____for years before he bought a new pair.
B get somebody done it A had having his old shoes repaired
C get somebody to do it B had been having his old shoes repair
D get to do it somebody C had been having his old shoes repaired
D had been having repaired his old shoes
7 Were you_____when I called yesterday?
A got your shopping delivered 16 I'd better_____before we set off on our trip.
B having your shopping delivered A have the car look over
C getting delivered your shopping B get looked over the car
D having your shopping be delivered C get the car to look over
D have the car looked over
8 Melanie_____for hours.
A has been painted her portrait 17 They_____all next week.
B has having her portrait painted A will be getting their new kitchen installed
C been having her portrait painted B will been having their new kitchen installed
D has been having her portrait painted C will be getting to install their new kitchen
D have been having their new kitchen installed
9 This is the second time we_____this month.
A have the air conditioner fixed 18 I'm going to_____by Mike to see what is wrong.
B have get the air conditioner fixed A check my computer
C have had the air conditioner fixed B have checked my computer
D have had fixed the airconditioner C have my computer checked
D have my computer to check


Match the descriptions (a-f) to the film types Fill in: audience, bow, box office, stage, costumes,
(1-6). interval, play, seats.

111 comedy a a film that shows real events 1 You can pick up your theatre tickets from the
IzL romance or gives information on a before the show.
lik documentary topic 2 The lights came on just as the first actor came onto
|4| action film b a film that makes people the.
|s| science fiction laugh 3 We talked about the first half of the performance
horror c a film about a frightening during the.
story 4 An usher helped us find our near
d a film about life in space/the the front of the theatre.
future 5 The young actor looked into the to
e a film about a love story see if he could find his family.
f an adventure film 6 The cast took a(n)as the audience
applauded at the end of the show.
a) List the adjectives: gripping, moving, original, 7 Macbeth is a famous by Shakespeare
well/poorly-written, thrilling, involving, excellent, which is still performed today.
shocking, entertaining, disappointing, enjoyable, 8 The cast were wearing beautifully designed
confusing in the appropriate box(es). for the performance.

Plot Script Fill in: chapter, crime, characters, novel, poetry, tale,
volume, myth.

1 I love reading fiction. I'm reading a by

Steig Larsson at the moment.
2 In the fairy Sleeping Beauty, a princess
falls asleep for a hundred years.
3 The first in the Harry Potter series was
called The Philosopher's Stone.
4 I've almost finished this book - I'm on the last
____________ now.
5 The World is Czesław Milosz's most well-known
collection of.
6 I enjoy the suspense when I read fiction
like the classic Sherlock Holmes stories.
7 I really liked the that were portrayed in
the book.
8 The class was assigned homework about the
of Hercules.

Put the words below in the correct categories.

b) Fill in the gaps with words from Ex. 2a. What • author • biography • chapter • character
type of film(s) are they? • contents • fiction • front/back cover • hero
• narrator • non-fiction • novelist • play • poet
1 There were some really funny scenes, and overall I
• short story • title
found the film very.
2 It was such a story that I Type of Real or fictitious
couldn't stop crying when the couple parted forever. Part of a book
literature person
3 There were some really scary monsters, and there was
so much blood that I found it quite.
4 The chase scenes were so
that I was on the edge of my seat.


give away: 1) give sth for free, 2) reveal Choose the correct option. Check in your
give off: emit dictionary.
give back: return
give in: 1) surrender, 2) hand in 1 No wonder everybody_____at him. He always wears
give out: distribute such strange clothes.
give up: 1) stop (a habit etc), 2) surrender A browses B notices C stares

2 The boss_____at him when he saw him come in late

for work again.
Fill in the correct particle.
A glared B glimpsed C spotted
1 You must give smoking. It's ruining your health. 3 I found the article while I was_____through some old
2 Please give your essays by the end of the magazines.
week. A browsing B gazing C watching
3 Adam plans to sell or give all his books.
4 Natalie_____out of the window to see if the rain had
4 The milk is giving a horrible smell.
5 There were people at the entrance giving
A stared B glanced C scanned
6 He stopped resisting and gave himself to the 5 She_____ at the audience from behind the curtain.
police. A browsed B spotted C peeked
7 I lent a pencil to George, but he didn't give it.
6 Did you_____how Pamela kept looking at her watch?
8 She gave my secret, so I'm terribly hurt.
A glare B glimpse C notice
9 The soldiers fought bravely, but finally they had to
give. 7 Colin opened the letter,_____it briefly, and threw it
10 Sally gave her job and started writing poetry. away.
A scanned B gazed C glanced

F PREPOSITIONS 8 We all_____at the breathtaking sunset in the distance.

A peeked B gazed C glared

Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct 9 I'm glad you_____the mistake before it was too late.
preposition. A stared B scanned C spotted

1 He has absolutely no taste clothes. 10 I caught a_____of him before he disappeared into the
2 He succeeded getting a place at art school. crowd.
3 I think I was a bit mean Paula yesterday. A glance B glimpse C peek
4 Are you having trouble your car?
5 Not many people have such a talent acting. Choose the correct option.
6 Most writers are sensitive criticism.
A: Royal Theatre booking line. How can I help you?
7 This ticket is valid two days only.
B: Hi. I'd like two 1) adult/grown-up tickets for Master
8 I took pity the beggar and gave him some
and Margarita, please.
A: Certainly. When for? The play 2) runs/holds until the
9 The young actress is completely unaware
end of May.
the trouble she has caused.
B: This Friday night, if possible.
10 Children should be warned the dangers of
A: I'll just check ... I'm sorry, but that performance is
3) totally/fully booked. Would you like me to 4) test/
11 Robert felt a bit uneasy the plan, but he
try a later performance?
B: Yes, please. Perhaps you could check for Sunday.
12 There is no solution your problem.
A: OK ... there are two seats available near the stage
13 I try not to let my dance classes interfere
then. Would you like to 5) keep/reserve them?
my schoolwork.
B: Yes, please. Will I receive the tickets by email?
14 The cinema smelled freshly made popcorn.
A: No. You simply 6) take/collect them at the box office
15 He makes good use his talents.
on the evening of the performance.
16 She's not used being spoken to like that.
B: I see. Thank you.
17 Don't worry Gary. He'll be OK.
18 I'm not worthy such an honour.



The mechanic is repairing Paul's car this week.
We use these suffixes to form verbs from adjectives.
Paul is having/getting his car repaired this week.
Someone broke into their house recently. -en short-shorten

They had/got their house broken into recently. -ise special - specialise

The hairdresser should cut your hair - it's too long.

You should have/get your hair cut - it's too long. VERBS FORMED FROM NOUNS
I am going to ask them to send me a copy of the We use these suffixes to form verbs from nouns.
contract. -en length - lengthen
I am going to have/get a copy of the contract sent. -ise apology - apologise

Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

Use two to five words. Complete the gaps with words derived from the
words in bold.
1 A well-known architect designed their house.
HAD They ______________________________________ 1 Anne________________ her pencil

by a well-known architect. and started doing her homework. SHARP

2 Simon does nothing but________________
2 Harry should ask someone to deliver the package to
and complain all the time. CRITIC
Lillian's house.
3 He became angry and________________
HAVE Harry should
that he would go to the police. THREAT
__________ to Lillian's
4 You'll need time to___________________
yourself with the procedures. FAMILIAR
3 My aunt hired someone to paint her house last month.
5 The business will lose money if it
GOT My aunt___________________________________
doesn't________________ its equipment. MODERN
____________________________ last month.
6 A bunch of fresh flowers will
4 An interior decorator is redecorating our living room
__________________ up any room
at the moment.
in the house. BRIGHT
HAVING We _______________________________________
7 Swimming is good exercise.
living room redecorated
It________________ all the muscles
at the moment.
of the body. STRENGTH
5 Aren't you going to ask someone to repair the roof Your final paragraph should
before winter sets in? ___________________ the main points
HAVE Aren't you _______________________________ of the story. SUMMARY
________ the roof before
9 Add the remaining ingredients
winter sets in? and keep stirring until
6 The teacher explained the grammar to the students. the sauce___________________ . THICK
HAD The students 10 I would advise you to get out
__________________________ to them by their and________________ a bit more. SOCIAL
7 You can ask someone to collect your mail while you
are away.
COLLECTED You _______________________________________
while you are away.
8 Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass
GET Dad is going to
________ tomorrow.
9 The optician is testing Stephanie's eyes on Thursday.
TESTED Stephanie ___________________________
__________________________ on Thursday.
English in Use


Read the text below and choose the correct answer for each gap A, B, C or D. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

ver since the first cave paintings were produced, people have been motivated to

E 0) express themselves through art. It can even be claimed it is one of the unique qualities
that make us human. 1)_____ most people would deny being an artist. We assume that to
be an artist, we need to be able to create a masterpiece, but this is simply not the 2)_____ . on the ^ą(n
The truth is that everybody has the ability to express themselves through art, and perhaps
more surprisingly, we can all benefit from doing so.
One way we can benefit from art is improved self-esteem. Remember how proud you felt
as a young child when your mother hung your artwork up on the fridge or wall for the
entire world to see? Well, that feeling of 3)_____ doesn’t go away as an adult. Seeing a
finished work of art that you have created 4)_____ the release of the hormone dopamine
into our bodies, which reduces feelings of depression and 5)_____ feelings of confidence.
In other words, creating art makes you feel better about yourself.
Research has also shown that 6)_____ in some form of artistic activity for just 45 minutes
can significantly relieve stress. It turns out that creating art is similar to meditation. It forces
the mind to slow down, focus 7)_____ the details and block out distracting thoughts,
resulting in people feeling noticeably calmer and less anxious.
Even viewing art 8)_____ shown to improve our problem-solving skills. Exposing ourselves
to paintings, sculptures and photographs can lead to a sense of well-being, so consider
adding a beautiful portrait to your home for a quick surge of dopamine at the end of a
stressful day.

0 A convey express C imagine D portray

1 A Because B Due to C Thus D Yet
2 A cause B case c event D state
3 A accomplishment B disappointment c judgement D treatment
4 A inspires B invites c persuades D stimulates
5 A boosts B experiences c ignores D limits
6 A employing B engaging c involving D pursuing
7 A at B in c on D with
8 A had B has c has been D are having

Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct answer A, B or C.

1 After reading the novel, the students were asked to 6 The play caused a when it was first performed in
write a short of the plot. New York.
A sum B summary C summarise A sensationally B sensation C sensational

2 This painting is a fake - it's practically. 7 We were really with the movie - the ending was
A worthy B worthless C worthwhile so predictable.
A disappointing B disappointment
3 The film has received reviews so far.
C disappointed
A favourite B favoured C favourable
8 I really like the design of the new art gallery. It's
4 Despite my efforts to Clare to enter the short
story competition, she refused.
A tasty B tasteless C tasteful
A encourage B encouragement
C encouraging 9 To get into the theatre, you a ticket.
A require B requirement C requiring
5 The concert which was cancelled last night will now be
to a later date. 10 The actor was surrounded by fans, all wanting his
A rescheduled B unscheduled C scheduled autograph.
A admired B admirable C admiring


//■clause (hypothesis) Main clause (result clause) Use

Type 1 lf+ any present form Future/Imperative/Present simple true or likely to happen in
real present (Present simple, Present can/may/might/must/should the present or future
continuous or Present perfect) + infinitive without to

If the weather is nice, we will go on an excursion.

Ifyou have done your homework, you can watch TV.
Ifyou have a headache, take an aspirin.
Type 2 If+ Past simple or Past would/could/might + infinitive untrue in the present; also
unreal present continuous without to used to give advice
Ifl were you, 1 wouldn't speak to him again, (advice)
If he didn't eat so many sweets, he wouldn't have a problem with his teeth,
(but he eats a lot of sweets - untrue in the present)

Type 3 lf+ Past perfect or Past would/could/might + have + past imaginary situation contrary
unreal past perfect continuous participle to facts in the past; also used
to express regrets or criticism

If she had known how to use the mixer, she wouldn't have broken it.

• When the //-clause precedes the result clause, we • After if we normally use were instead of was for all
separate the two clauses with a comma. persons in Conditionals Type 2 in formal English.
If he had been more careful, he wouldn't have caused If I were/wasyou, I would tell her everything.
the accident. BUT He wouldn't have caused the • We do not normally use will, would or should in
accident if he had been more careful, (no comma) //-clauses.
• Conditionals are usually introduced by if. Other Ifyou want this, you can have it. (NOT: ifyou will want)
expressions are: unless (= if not), providing, provided However, will, would or should can be used in
(that), as long as, in case, on condition (that), but for //-clauses to make a request or express annoyance,
+ -ing form/noun, otherwise, or else, what if, doubt/uncertainty or insistence.
supposing, even if, only if. If he should come, show him in. (doubt/uncertainty -
Unless you work more efficiently, you'll be fired. I doubt that he will come...)
I will do it only ifyou promise not to tell anyone. Ifyou will/would be more patient, I'll be with you
in a minute, (request - Will you please be more
patient?) /

Choose the correct option.

1 If you don't put up/didn't put up this shelf, you won't 10 He wouldn't have gone/doesn't go with her if he had
have anywhere to put your books. known she would behave so irresponsibly.
2 If he changes/changed jobs, he would be a lot 11 I wouldn't have been able to do it unless she would
happier. help/had helped me.
3 If I were you, I would tell/told her how you feel. 12 Sometimes if you take/took a chance, it pays off.
4 If you continue to shout so loudly, you would wake 13 If he woke up/had woken up earlier, he wouldn't have
up/will wake up the baby. been late for work.
5 Even if he asked/had asked them, they wouldn't have 14 If they go on making so much noise, I will haveto/had
agreed to come. to punish them.
6 Unless you feel/felt any better, you can take the rest of 15 If we had intended/intend to spend the day in London,
the day off. we would have bought a day pass.
7 If she hadn't threatened/doesn't threaten him, he 16 Keep your voice down in case he overhears/overheard
wouldn't have left. us.
8 I don't trust/wouldn't trust him if I were you. 17 If she were/had been more experienced, she would be
9 If you're patient for a few minutes, I will be able/would more likely to get the job.
have been able to finish this.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Choose the correct option.

1 If we take a taxi, we(get)

there faster.
2 (Sandra/succeed) If I were a world leader, 11)to stop the destruction of
in getting the job if the interview had gone better? the Earth and I would make the world a better place for all
3 Shane will help you with your homework only if you people. If the world’s problems had been tackled sooner,
(not/disturb) him while he the quality of life 2)long ago. First of all, I would try
does his. to bring about peace in the world. As long as there is
4 I(not/touch) that iron if I fighting between nations, millions of people 3)to
were you. suffer and die. If wars continue, children 4)without
5 There would be fewer accidents if every museum parents and grow up in a world of misery and fear. As long
visitor(be) more careful. as people disagree over land and possessions, the fighting
6 You can borrow my phone, provided you 5). Therefore, I would ensure that all people were
(give) it back in 20 minutes. treated equally and given the same opportunities in life. It
7 We(not/find) ourselves lost would also help if all countries 6)producing arms, so
in the middle of nowhere if you had taken the map! weapons to fight with would no longer exist. In addition, I
8 Bring a scarf with you in case it would introduce laws to reduce pollution. If pollution levels
_________________________ (get) cold. had been controlled earlier, life 7)have become so
9 The team could have won the match if their best unbearable. If I 8)the power, I would ban all cars
player(not/injure) from city centres and increase public transport. If there
himself in training. 9)more trees, the air we breathe would be cleaner.
10 If anyone should call while I'm in the shower, there Unless measures 10)soon, it will be too late both for
(be) no need to answer the ourselves and our children.
11 If Greg had a better racket,
(he/win) more tennis matches?
12 Provided the sea(not/be) 1 A had tried B would try

too rough, we'll make the crossing tonight. C tried

2 A would improve B improved
13 The outing to the national park would have been
cancelled if it(rain). C would have improved

14 (you/lend) me your laptop 3 A will continue B are continuing

as long as I promise to take care of it? C would continue

15 The doctor(see) you if you 4 A will be left B leave

wait just a few minutes. C have left

5 A would go on B will go on
16 Unless Mr Sands(find) a
C goes on
garage soon, he'll run out of petrol.
6 A will stop B stopped
17 If I don't brush my teeth, what
(happen)? C would have stopped
7 A wouldn't B hadn't
18 Open a window if you(feel)
C didn't
19 Supposing that you had a million dollars, what 8 A have B had

________________________ (you/do) with it? C would have

9 A were B are
20 If we had finished the work in time, the teacher
________________________ (let) us play a game. C would be
10 A had been taken B were taken
C are taken


Omission of if

If can be omitted in //-clauses. In this case, should, were and hod (Past perfect) come before the subject.
If he should win the race, he'll be very happy. —► Should he win the race, he'll be very happy
If I were you, I wouldn't tell him. —► Were I you, I wouldn't tell him.
If I had known the truth, I'd have called the police. —► Had I known the truth, I'd have called the police.

Rewrite the following sentences omitting "if", as in the example.

1 If I were you, I would think twice before accepting his 4 If you get through to the theatre, could you reserve
offer. four tickets for tonight's performance?
Were I you, I would think twice before accepting his offer.
2 If you had saved enough money, we could have gone
on holiday._____________________________________________ 5 If you had paid the telephone bill on time, your phone
wouldn't have been cut off.
3 If I were you, I'd leave an hour earlier to be sure of
getting there on time.________________________________

Mixed conditionals

All types of conditionals can be mixed. Any tense combination is possible if the context permits it.

/f-dause Main clause

Type 2 If they were working all day, they will be tired now. Type 1
(They were working all day, sothey are tired now.)
Type 2 If 1 were you, 1 would have accepted the job. Type 3
(You are not me, so you didn't accept the job.)
If he were a better driver, he wouldn't have crashed the car.
(He is not a good driver, so he crashed the car.)
Type 3 If she had finished earlier, she would be going to the party tonight, Type 2
(She didn't finish earlier, so she isn't going to the party.)

Choose the correct option.

1 If I were you, I to Jane like that yesterday. 5 You wouldn't be feeling so cold now if you some
A wouldn't speak B didn't speak warmer clothes for the trip.
C wouldn't have spoken A had packed B pack
C packed
2 You would be feeling better now if you the
medicine the doctor gave you last week. 6 If you were me,the place at university I turned
A would take B had taken down?
C take A will you accept B would you have accepted
C would you accept
3 If they didn't take a phone with them, they able
to call us. 7 How far if they had been walking since 7 in the
A won't be B aren't morning?
C wouldn't have been A will they have gone B did they gone
C would they go
4 He would have been picked for the team if he
a better player. 8 You the race if you had a better bike.
A were B is A would have won B had won
C would be C will win


6 Choose the correct option.

i If you've finished tidying your room, you______ on your 13 ______ my aunt, I'd never have found this house!
computer. A Unless C Incase
A play C can play B But for D If
B played D could play
14 I______ longer if I had known for sure that you were
2 ______ here ten minutes ago, we would have seen the coming.
Prime Minister! A would wait C would have waited
A Had we been C Were we B had waited D waited
B If we were D Should we be
15 ______ you had three wishes, what would you wish
3 Supposing you______ Einstein, what would you have for?
asked him? A What if C Incase
A meet C met B Even if D On condition that
B will meet D had met
16 ______ you, I wouldn't try to pet that strange dog.
4 If I______ you, I wouldn't eat that chilli - it's very hot! A If I C Should I be
A am C will be B Had I D Were I
B were D had been
17 ______ turned up for work yesterday, you wouldn't
5 If your room were neater, it______ you ten minutes to have lost your job today.
find that book. A Had you C Did you
A won't take C doesn't take B Would you have D Should you have
B wouldn't taken D wouldn't have taken
18 Unless you eat all your food, you______ a dessert!
6 ______ anyone ask, I'll be in about an hour late A won't get C will get
tomorrow. B can get D wouldn't get
A Should C If
19 If the boys had left on time, they______ on the train
B Could D Would
that's just leaving now.
7 ______ a musical instrument if you got the chance? A will be C would be
A Would you learn C Will you learn B are D will have been
B Did you learn D Would you have learnt
20 drop by, tell him I'm in the cafe across the street.
8 The journalist took a notepad______ she had to write A Did Henry C If Henry
something down. B Should Henry D If Henry would
A unless C in case
21 Should anyone come into the shop,______ me a shout.
B provided D supposing
A you gave C give
9 I'll come and watch your basketball game______ you B to give D gave
come to the cinema with me afterwards.
22 The twins______ such a bad problem with acne if they
A if only C as long
ate less fried food.
B unless D only if
A didn't have C hadn't had
10 If John______ to the museum, he wouldn't have seen B wouldn't have D don't have
his favourite actor.
23 You can go on the school trip______ you promise to
A hadn't gone C didn't go
behave yourself.
B wouldn't go D hasn't gone
A otherwise C or else
11 If you gave me your name, I______ your file up on the B even if D as long as
24 If you______ teasing your little brother, I'll send you to
A would look C will look
your room.
B look D looked
A hadn't stopped C don't stop
12 Make a lot of food. They'll be starving if they______ all B didn't stop D wouldn't stop
A walking C are walking
B were walking D will be walking


Complete the gaps with words in the list. There are three extra words.

• bay • valley • glacier *0011109 • cloudy • harbour •rainforest •mountains • beach • sunny • humid
• Sea • rainy • Desert • volcano • coast • frosty • river • forest • freezing • lake • cliff • mild • coral reef
• Ocean • waterfall • island

A brown bear crosses a(n) 1) A beautiful view of Stromboli, a(n)

by a(n) 2)in the 13)that is also an
3)of Katmai National Park. active 14), on a(n)
Even in summer, the weather is 15)day in spring.
4)as it rains sometimes and Dolphins are a common sight in this
the temperature rarely rises above 15°C. area of the Mediterranean

A small 5)with a sandy Camels walk through the Sahara

6)in the Zingaro Nature 17)in a(n)
Reserve on a warm and 18)between the
7)day. There is a house sand dunes. It’s 19)
on top of a(n) 8)and hot during the day, but at night the
9)in the distance. temperature drops.

An elephant stands in a shallow A(n) 20)meets the

10)in a(n) Atlantic 21)on the

11)in Thailand. 22)of Greenland. It’s

It’s hot and 12)all 23)cold here and the

year round. weather is often snowy and

2 Complete the table. Read the collocations and use them to complete
the descriptions.

Noun Adjective • sharp beak/claws • thick fur • long tail

sun _ • feathery wings • webbed feet • hard scales


2)____________________ windy An eagle has a for

eating its food and
3)___________________ rainy _____________________ for flying.

cloud 4)___________________

fog 5)____________________

6)___________________ snowy

7)___________________ misty

storm 8)___________________

thunderstorm stormy NOT: thunderstormy


keep at sth: continue working on sth Choose the correct option. Check in your
keep away (from): stay away dictionary.
keep back: 1) stay back, 2) conceal
keep behind: make sb remain after others have left 1 The weather/whether forecast said it will snow
keep sb/sth down: control tomorrow.
keep (oneself) from: 1) prevent from, 2) avoid 2 You should avoid the heat/hit by staying out of the
keep in with: remain friendly with sun.
keep sb/sth off: (cause) to stay at a distance 3 Strong/Heavy winds blew some tiles off our roof
keep on: continue overnight.
keep up with: to continue doing or stay at the same level 4 Make sure you wrap up; the temperature will be
with (sb/sth)
under/below zero today.
5 I enjoy flying my kite when there's a gentle breeze
and a clean/clear blue sky.
Fill in the correct particle(s). 6 Most countries in Europe have a medium/mild climate,

1 She hired an assistant because she couldn't keep which means there isn't much extreme weather.

the work at the shelter.

2 The park ranger told us to keep from Complete the gaps with drizzle, shine, blow, pour,

the animals. melt, lash in the correct form. Check in your

3 It's a good idea to keep John as he
might be helpful to you later. 1 The wind was howling and the rain was
4 He's going to keep taking his driving our faces.
test until he passes. 2 You'd better take an umbrella with you - it's
5 He put up a "No Trespassing"sign to keep hikers already and could get heavier later.
his land. 3 The wind was so hard on the beach
6 Tell me the whole story; don't keep anything that it took our umbrella!
4 It was a beautiful day-the sun was
and the birds were singing.
' PREPOSITIONS 5 Let's go for a walk in the snow now because by
midday it will all have.
Fill in the correct preposition. Check in Appendix 2. 6 Toby was watching the rain down
1 There was a long queue the bus stop.
2 We have to protect wildlife all costs.
3 His habit left him seriously debt.
4 She left the oven on all day accident.
5 Many Asian countries, India instance, use
English as a second language.
6 My pen pal and I have a lot common.
7 The officer was charge of 20 men.
8 all accounts, he's a very capable teacher.
9 the beginning of the play, the hero sees the
heroine for the first time.
10 I thought he was honest the beginning, but
I was wrong.
11 I don't like being taken granted!
12 By the end of the documentary, the viewers were
______ tears.
13 Dr Milton discovered the vaccine chance.
14 Please don't change all your plans just my
15 Read the text detail, then answer the



Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
We can use these suffixes to form nouns from verbs.
Use two to five words.
-sion conclude - conclusion
1 I would have lent you my car, but I didn't know you
-sis analyse - analysis
needed to borrow it.
-tion recognise - recognition
HAD If ____________________________________________
-ure depart - departure
_________ needed to borrow
-y unite - unity
my car, I would have lent it to you.
2 As long as you are very careful, you can use my tablet.
PROVIDED You can use my tablet, Complete the gaps with words derived from the
____________ ve ry ca refu I. words in bold. Check in your dictionary.
3 If there isn't an interpreter at the conference, she won't
1 Jim has announced his
be able to understand the speakers.
________________ to step down
UNLESS She won't be able to understand the
as manager. DECIDE
2 They were very lucky to escape
_________ at the conference.
the accident without
4 He didn't get the job because he was late for the
3 The car broke down due
WOULD If he hadn't been late for the interview,
to engine_____________________ . FAIL
he ___________________________
4 He put great_____________________
__________________________ job.
on how to help stray animals. EMPHASIZE
5 I only learnt to drive because you taught me. 5 The aquarium offers free
NEVER I ______________________________________________ _____________ every Monday. ENTER
drive if you hadn't taught me. 6 His friends put___________________
6 You'd better see a doctor. on him to join the environmental
WERE If ____________________________________________ club. PRESS
________________ see a doctor. 7 The price includes
7 Tim will be able to operate the machine, but somebody ___________________ and transport. ACCOMMODATE
must show him how. 8 I'm afraid what he says has no
ONLY Tim will be able to operate the machine _____________________________ at all. BASE
__________________________ how. 9 They agreed to join in without
8 She didn't take an umbrella, so she got completely HESITATE
soaked. 10 Beth has a_______________________
HAVE If she had taken an umbrella, she for working hard to protect
______________________ soaked. endangered species. REPUTE
9 I will buy a new car, but I must save enough money
SAVE Provided____________________________________
first, I will buy a new car.
10 She broke her leg so she couldn't go skiing.
BROKEN If ____________________________________________
leg, she could have gone skiing.
11 Kay can't be at home, otherwise she would have
answered the phone.
WOULD If Kay ________________________________________
have answered the phone.
12 I would be grateful to receive any information you
may have.
COULD I would be grateful
____________ any information
you may have.

English in Use


For questions 1 -10, read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap, A, B, C or D.

Just to the north of the island of Sicily 1)the tiny island of

Stromboli, which is dominated by and named after Mount Stromboli,
one of Italy’s three 2)volcanoes. The name is connected to
the Greek word for 'round1, and in shape the volcano is almost a
perfect cone that rises to 926 metres above sea 3). The last
serious eruption of the volcano occurred in 1921, but there have
been continuous minor volcanic 4)for the past 2,000-5,000
years. 5)the dangers, people have lived on the island more or
less continually for the same period of time. However, the population
has 6)in recent years, and today inhabitants number in the
hundreds. In ancient times, it was believed to be the 7)that
the Keeper of the Winds, Aeolus, called home. It was there that he
gave Odysseus a 8)wind to take him back to Ithaca. He also
appears in the Aeneid by Virgil. Whatever the legend, in those times it
also had a practical 9): the smoke rising from its peak
10)be seen from so far away that sailors used it to guide their
ships, giving it its nickname "Lighthouse of the Mediterranean’’.

1 A lies B exists C rests D sights

2 A lively B active C alive D energetic
3 A height B quantity C level D amount
4 A happenings B situations C events D moments
5 A Though B Despite C Although D Nevertheless
6 A reduced B declined C disappeared D increased
7 A part B site C place D position
8 A beneficial B advantageous C positive D favourable
9 A reason B cause C purpose D aim
10 A could B can C must D had to

For questions 1 -10, complete the sentences below by choosing the correct answer A, B or C.

1 When you write the of your essay, try to include 6 He worked out the answer to the problem using pure
a quotation.
A conclusion B conclusive C concluding A illogical B logic C logical

2 To get into the cinema for this film, we that you 7 What is the best to do while we're in the national
prove to us you are over 18. park?
A requirement B require C requiring A active B activity C inactive

3 The customer must pay for any that occur in 8 The in the rainforest is nearly unbearable!
handling the items on sale. A humidity B humid C humidify
A break-ups B breakdowns C breakages
9 The weather's today - can we turn on the
4 This country is responsible for nearly half of the heating?
worldwide of sunflower seed oil. A frozen B freeze C freezing
A production B productive C producer
10 You were about my place of origin - I'm from
5 I think you've the number of people who will Japan, not Thailand!
come to the party - this is far too much food! A informed B information C misinformed
A estimated B overestimated
C underestimated


Form Use
1 wish (if only) + Past simple/Past continuous wish/regret about a present
(wish/regret about the present) situation we want to be different situation
1 wish we were in London now. (It's a pity we aren't.)
1 wish (if only) + could + bare infinitive wish/regret in the present
(wish/regret about the present) concerning lack of ability
I wish 1 could sing. (BUT 1 can't.)
1 wish (if only) + Past perfect regret that something happened
(regret about the past) or didn't happen in the past
I wish you had told us earlier. (BUTyou didn't.)
1 wish (if only) + subject + would + bare infinitive wish for a future change unlikely
(impossible wish for a. wish and would should have a different subject, to happen or wish to express
a future change) b. wish + inanimate subject + would is used to dissatisfaction; polite request
express the speaker's lack of hope or implying dissatisfaction or lack of
disappointment hope

I wish he would stop eating too much junk food. (BUT / don't think he will - wish for a future change unlikely to happen)
1 wish you would pay more attention to what I'm saying, (dissatisfaction)
1 wish the wind would stop blowing. (BUT I'm afraid it won't stop blowing - wish implying disappointment)
1 wish you would be more careful. (Please, be more careful - request implying lack of hope)

After I wish we can use were instead of was in all persons. I wish she were/was here.

Choose the correct option. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 I wish I_____the lecture, but I was out of town.

A didn't miss B wouldn't miss 0 New message
C hadn't missed
Hi Mum,
2 If only I_____why they aren't returning my calls.
A knew B had known C could know I feel really unhappy! I wish I 1)
(not/take) this job. If only I 2)
3 Oh no! I wish it_____snowing! I can't go to work.
(give) it more thought before I made the decision to
A would stop B stops C had stopped
come here. I wish the people here 3)
4 I wish you_____telling me what to do. (be) more friendly - that would make it much better.
A could stop B stop C would stop If only I 4)(have) longer breaks. Looking
at a computer screen all day is tiring, and sometimes
5 Jane wishes she_____a house in the countryside; she
I find myself wishing it 5)
doesn't like city life.
(explode)! I wish my boss 6)
A had B has C had had
(give) me something different to do. I wish there
6 Colin wishes he_____the piano. 7)(be) someone here I could talk
A plays B were playing C could play to, but I haven't made any friends. If only I
7 If only we_____a bigger flat. 8) (make) some, but it's very
A was having B had C would have difficult. I wish you 9)(live) nearer
to me! Please write. I miss you!
8 If only I_____to post the invitations. I'm really sorry.
A don't forget B hadn't forgotten C forgot
9 I wish I_____ how to cook, but I don't.
A would know B had known C knew
SEND A © 1S H « ☆ ■
10 I wish I_____you on holiday, but I have to look after my
sister's children.
A had joined B could join C would join
The Past simple can be used to talk about imaginary, unreal or improbable situations in the present, and the Past perfect
can be used to talk about imaginary, unreal or improbable situations in the past.This is called unreal past. Unreal past is
used as follows:

Past simple Past perfect

• Conditionals Type 2 (unreal in the present) • Conditionals Type 3 (unreal in the past)
Ifl were you, 1 wouldn't do that. If he had warned me, this wouldn't have happened.
• wish (present) • wish (past)
I wish she were more cooperative. If only 1 hadn't lost all my money last night.
• \'drather/sooner sb... (present) • \'d rather/sooner sb... (past)
I’d rather you paid me today. I'd rather you had not told everyone.
• Suppose/Supposing • Suppose/Supposing
Suppose your father caught you smoking, what Suppose he had left before the boss came, what would have
would you do? happened?

• as if/as though (untrue situation in the present) • as if/as though (untrue situation in the past)
She behaves as if she were the Queen. Soon after being introduced, they were talking to each other
as if they had been friends for years.

• It's (about/high) time...

It's time you started work.

would rather = I'd prefer

• when the subject of would rather is also the subject of the following verb
I'd rather + (^resent ^are i^0^ (present/future reference) I'd rather play tennis.
\ Perfect bare \nf\n\twe (past reference} I'd rather not have gone out with him yesterday.

• when the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the following verb
I'd rather sb +1 ^ast s'mP'e (P^sent/future reference) I'd rather you stopped smoking.
I Past perfect (past reference) I'd rather you had mentioned that before.

• prefer + -ing form/noun + to + gerund/noun (general).

I prefer (drinking) tea to (drinking) coffee.

• prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (general preference)

I prefer to drink coffee rather than (drink) tea.

• would prefer+ fu\\ infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (specific preference)
I'd prefer to live in London rather than (live in) Swansea.
• would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive
I'd rather fly to Munich than go there by car.

had better = should

• I had better + present bare infinitive (present/future reference)

He had better consult a lawyer. (= He should consult a lawyer.)
• It would have been better if+ Past perfect (past reference).
It would have been better ifyou hadn't talked to James last night. (= You shouldn't have talked to James last night.)

Choose the correct option. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 She had only lived there three months, but she spoke
the language as if she had been living/lived there 1 Your mother's worried about you. You should phone
longer. her.
2 If they went/had gone out less, theyd have more BETTER You ____________________________________________
money. your mother as she's worried about you.
3 I feel a bit sick now. I wish I hadn't eaten/didn't eat 2 Will you ever think about finding a flat of your own?
so much. TIME It's______________________________________________
4 We'd rather you took out/take out separate holiday about finding a flat of your own.
insurance. 3 Look at how he lives - he thinks he's a millionaire.
5 Sylvia wishes she had/has long hair. IF He lives _______________________________________
6 She'd rather didn't show/not show him her passport. a millionaire.
7 You'd better have gone/go to bed as we have to be 4 This summer, I would rather book a holiday in Monaco
up early tomorrow. than Lyon.
8 If only I wouldn't leave/hadn't left the window open! PREFER This summer, I _______________________________
9 Suppose they had cancelled/cancelled the flight. _____________ a holiday in Monaco
How would you have got home? rather than Lyon.
10 Tom's mother made him go to school, although he
5 Why didn't you tell me yourself that you were leaving?
would rather stayed/have stayed at home.
RATHER I'd ______________________________________________
11 I hate it when you speak to me as if I am/were a child.
me yourself that you were leaving.
12 Chris prefers to work/work mornings rather than
6 She wants to be more like her mother.
WISHES She ________________________________________
13 Suppose Helen invited/would invite Mark, would you
more like her mother.
still goto the party?
7 I should have taken that job in Canada last year.
14 It's high time he faced/had faced up to his
ONLY If________________________________________________
that job in Canada last year.
15 I'd rather Sam doesn't play/didn't play his music so
loud. 8 You should have checked the oil before you set out.
BETTER It________________________________________________

Find and correct the mistakes. you had checked the oil before you set out.

1 If I are you, I'd tell them the truth. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate auxiliary
2 I'd rather you leave now. verb.
3 Suppose he met Alan last
Monday, what would he have 1 He hasn't got a yacht, but he wishes he.
told him? _____________________ 2 She can't afford a maid, but she wishes she.
4 I'd rather to have a break now. 3 I didn't pay attention in class, but I wish I.
5 I'd prefer to stay in to go out. 4 He had his hair cut really short, but now he wishes he
6 He behaves as if he knows
everything. _____________________ 5 He's going to the dentist this afternoon, but he wishes
7 If only you came on time to the he.
meeting yesterday. 6 She made a terrible mistake, but now she wishes she
8 Suppose you had accepted their
proposal, would you move 7 They probably won't change their minds, but I wish
to N ew Yo rk n ext wee k? they.
9 If you had come, I would 8 He always brings his dog to my house, but I really
introduce you to James. wish he.
10 It's about time we get started. 9 I forgot to enclose the cheque, but I wish I.
10 He won't let me leave early, but I wish he.


7 Choose the correct option.

1 I only wish I_____with you now to help you. 14 If we hadn't got home late, we_____you.
A was being C am A could call C called
B were D had been B would have called D would call

2 It's about time you_____looking for a new job. 15 Supposing you_____the competition, how would you
A to start C would start spend the prize money?
B had started D started A won C have won
B win D had won
3 He prefers walking_____ driving.
A than C to 16 I'd rather you____ them where I was.
B from Drather A don't tell C weren't telling
B hadn't told D haven't told
4 If only I____ failed my exams.
A wouldn't C didn't 17 I'd sooner you_____today.
B couldn't D hadn't A to be coming C came
B to come D come
5 It's about time we_____.
A had left C have left 18 Suppose he had found the note, what_____him?
B are leaving D left A could you tell C had you told
B would you tell D would you have told
6 I'd rather live alone than____ a flat with a stranger.
A share C having shared 19 He orders us around as if he_____the boss.
B to sharing D to share A has been C is
B were D would be
7 Suppose you____ a week off, where would you go?
A had had C are having 20 I'd rather____ eaten a whole pizza.
B had D would have had A not to have C didn't
B hadn't D not have
8 If she had told them the truth, they____ got angry
with her. 21 I'd rather you_____the assignment yesterday.
A weren't C wouldn't have A had finished C have finished
B wouldn't D didn't have B finished D to have finished

9 I_____to talk to my friends than watch TV. 22 I____ to move to Rome rather than move to Milan.
A would rather C had better A would prefer C rather
B would prefer D rather B prefer D would rather

10 She behaves as if the cafe____ hers. 23 You'd better_____to the headteacher.

A has been C were A talking C talk
B is being D had been B to talk D had talked

11 I'd rather____ before he came. 24 She went to the meeting, but she wishes she
A had left C have left A hasn't C wasn't
B would leave D left B hadn't D doesn't

12 I forgot to text her, but I wish I_____. 25 It would have been better if you____ here straight
A wouldn't C hadn't after college.
B wasn't D didn't A were coming C would come
B came D had come
13 I prefer____ TV rather than go out.
A watch C watching
B have watched D to watch


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Match the words to make collocations.

Fill in the correct words in the list to make
carbon a fuels
collocations. Which describe: (T) threats to the
global b sprays
environment? (S) solutions?
infectious c footprint
• endangered • national • greenhouse • oil industrial d disease
• conservation • forest • thick • factory ozone e waste
• environmental • acid fossil f warming
aerosol g layer
1 species
2 parks
4 awareness Match the headlines (1-10) to the phenomena
5 waste (a-j).
6 smog
] famine
] blizzard
9 programmes c typhoon hi ] volcanic eruption
10 fires d landslide iI ] tsunami
|e| drought il ] earthquake
Match the actions/solutions (a-g) to the
environmental problems (1-7). Then make
1 No rain for last 4 months
exchanges with your partner.

2 Crops fail as dry weather continues

3 Locals evacuated as lava destroys village

4 Skiers lucky to survive as

snow covers resort

5 Disease threatens millions

6 Storm and high winds

leave thousands homeless

7 Families trapped in homes

Environmental Problems Actions/Solutions
as snow continues
11 I I disappearing a turn off lights when
forests we don't need them
8 Enormous waves hit
2 | animals being b use taps sparingly
California coast
hunted c use public transport
13 | | polluted beaches d recycle rubbish
|4| | energy waste e clean up the coastline 9 Main transport network
15 | | air pollution f protect endangered blocked by fallen bridges
161 | global water species
_______ shortage g plant trees
w Falling rocks and mud
171 | landfills full of
caused by heavy rain

Which of the phenomena in Ex. 4 are common in

your country?

let sth down: lengthen a garment Choose the correct word to complete the
let sb down: disappoint sentences. Check in your dictionary.
let sb off: not to punish
let on: reveal a secret 1 The government ordered locals living near the
let out: make (a garment) looser, larger, etc volcano to evacuate/rescue immediately.
let up: lessen, stop gradually 2 The police want to reduce the number of casualties/
survivors in road traffic accidents.
3 It didn't rain for three months during the draught/
Fill in the correct particle. drought.
4 They felt the ground shaking/rocking and worried
1 The judge let the boys with a warning.
that it might be an earthquake.
2 When she put on weight, she had to let all
5 The emergency/disaster services responded to the
her clothes.
floods very quickly.
3 It was raining hard earlier, but it's letting now.
6 The authorities are warning of extreme weather
4 John didn't let that Jim had broken the
states/conditions tomorrow evening.
7 The environmental group are calling/demanding for
5 This skirt is rather short. You'd better let it.
new laws to protect endangered species.
6 I thought I could trust Sam, but he let me.
8 They organised a campaign/an expedition to clean
up the polluted beaches.
^PREPOSITIONS 9 The tap water here isn't secure/safe to drink.
10 The latest research shows that raising/rising sea
7 Look at Appendix 2, then fill in the correct levels are caused by climate change.
preposition. 11 The climatic/climactic conditions in the area make it
an ideal place to grow olives.
1 The scandal has been the news for weeks
12 All rubbish is dumped in a landfill sight/site outside
the city.
2 We can offer you a 10% discount if you pay
Loose or lose? Complete the gaps. Check in your
3 Payment can be made cheque or credit card.
4 Martha was a loss to explain why she'd been
sacked. 1 money
5 There's a beautiful cottage sale in our village. 2 break
6 You're a good mood today! Have you had 3 dog
some good news? 4 a game
7 Your order will be sent post within 3 days. 5 my keys
8 There's a restaurant the top of the Eiffel Tower. 6 an advantage
9 The books were piled one top of the other. 7 clothes
10 We regret that the lift is not use today. 8 agreement
11 I'm sorry. I took your jacket mistake this 9 contact
morning. 10 the right to
12 The judges announced their decision the
end of the competition.
13 We were worried at first, but the end,
everything went well.
14 Let's go out to dinner a change.
15 The offices are 77 Oxford Street.



Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
We use these suffixes to form nouns from verbs.
1 I didn't pass my exams and now I can't go to university. -age pack - package
WISH I______________________________________________ -al arrive - arrival
my exams; then I could go to university. -ance accept - acceptance
2 I was about to buy the painting when I realised it was -ation alter - alteration
a fake. -ence reside - residence
IF I would have bought the painting -ion edit - edition
_______________________________ it was a fake.
3 I didn't watch the TV programme because I didn't
know it was on. Fill in the correct form of the words in bold
KNOWN If ____________________________________________ forming nouns from verbs.
the TV programme was on, I would have 1 To get to the beach, you have
watched it. to walk down a narrow
4 I think you should go on holiday. PASS
WERE If____________________________________________ 2 Our school puts great emphasis
I would go on holiday. on and
5 You shouldn't have told Sally my secret. social skills. COMMUNICATE
TOLD I'd____________________________________________ 3 Whatever you choose is really
Sally my secret. just a matter of personal
6 The way he behaves, you'd think he was a politician. PREFER
THOUGH He behaves_________________________________ 4 They have household
a politician. in case
7 You should be in bed now. It's late. they ever get burgled. INSURE

WENT It's to bed. 5 Jim has announced his

to join the
8 It would have been better if you had passed on the
wildlife organisation. DECIDE
6 The local animal shelter required
ONLY If ____________________________________________
the message. a letter of___________________
with my application form. RECOMMEND
9 If the teacher asked you to answer that question, what
7 They provided a clear
would you say?
of how
ASKED Suppose____________________________________
to become a volunteer
to answer that question, what would you
firefighter. EXPLAIN
8 The campaign aims to draw
10 It's a pity it's raining.
people's to
STOP I raining.
the harmful effects of pollution
11 She couldn't tell you because she didn't know. ATTEND
on the environment.
WOULD Had _________________________________________
told you.
12 Why did I listen to John? He always tells lies.
LISTENED If ____________________________________________
to John. He always tells lies.
13 We should have left by now if we don't want to miss
the bus.
TIME It's ___________________________________________
if we don't want to miss the bus.
14 I would have liked you to have informed my parents
about the change of plan.
RATHER I ______________________________________________
my parents about the change of plan.

English in Use


Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

SO ®D»=ffiW
Orang-utans are among the 0) most endangered species
on our planet. 1)we do more to protect
them, some scientists predict they will disappear within
50 years. There are 2)about 55,000 orang­
utans left in the world, and this number is falling. Hunters
kill the adults and sell the babies to circuses and zoos.
Natural disasters have also taken a toll on orang-utan
numbers. Indonesia, for example, one of the
3)orang-utans come from, was devastated
by severe forest fires in 2020. Hundreds of orang-utans
were killed and thousands left 4)food or a
place to live. Luckily, however, many were rescued and
taken to Tanjung National Park where they received
medical care and food.
The Indonesian government has now 5)
permission for a new centre to be built which will protect
and care for any orang-utans that need help. The Orang­
utans Foundation in London is helping to raise
6)for the construction of the centre. If you
would like to help raise funds, we would love to hear from
you. An organisation called Care For The Wild is running
an Orang-utan adoption scheme if you are 7)
in contributing to the care and upkeep of one particular
animal. There are many ways you can help to make sure
that these lovely animals don’t 8)extinct.
So, why don’t you help make a difference!

Choose the correct option.

1 I've never felt as proud I do today, helping put 6 It's time we all our part to reduce pollution.
out the fire in the forest. A did B have done C would do
A from B than C as
7 I never had the to explain to them what had
2 Everyone needs water for a healthy life. really happened.
A clear B clean C fine A occasion B opportunity C moment

3 You won't be allowed to enter the country unless you 8 We can all steps to protect our oceans and
a visa. marine life.
A don't have B will have C have A take B have C bring

4 Our lives on the environment, so we need to 9 Many of our rivers and lakes with chemicals and
take good care of it. industrial waste from factories.
A depend B base C count A have polluted B polluted C are polluted

5 She must to the Andes before. 10 It turned out a really interesting lecture.
A be B to be C have been A to be B being C be

Direct speech gives the exact words someone said. We We use say + to-infinitive but never say about. We
use inverted commas in direct speech. use tell sb, speak/talk about, instead.
"It's quite warm," she said. Mum said to be home by 10 o'clock. She spoke/talked
Reported speech gives the exact meaning of what about/told us about her adventures.
someone said but not the exact words. We do not use We use ask in reported questions and commands, or
inverted commas in reported speech. in direct questions.
She said it was quite warm. He said to me, “Help me!" —► He asked me to help him.
He asked, "Are you OK?" -> He asked me if I was OK.
Say - Tell - Ask

We use say in direct speech. We also use say in Expressions with say, tell and ask

reported speech when say is not followed by the

Expressions with say: say good morning/evening, etc,
person the words were spoken to.
say something, say one's prayers, say a few words, say
"I can't help you," he said. —► He said (that) he couldn't
so, say no more, say for certain/sure, etc
help me.
Expressions with tell: tell the truth, tell a lie, tell (sb)
We use tell in reported speech when it is followed by
the time, tell sb one's name, tell a story, tell sb a secret,
the person the words were spoken to.
tell sb the way, tell one from another, tell sb's fortune,
"\ can't help you," he said to me. -> He told me he
tell sb so, tell the difference, etc
couldn't help me.
Expressions with ask: ask a favour, ask
the time, ask a question, ask the price, etc

Fill in say, tell or ask in the correct form.

1 My parrot can a few words in English. 11 The old man always good morning to his
2 Please me what you think of my new dress. neighbours.
3 He that he couldn't reply to any more 12 "I'd love to go," she to me.
questions. 13 When I was younger I used to my sister all
4 My mother used to me a story before I went my secrets.
to bed. 14 "Could you help me with these bags?" she
5 He promised to no more about the matter. me.
6 She stopped to the time because she 15 Rachel keeps me that she's going to change
thought she was late. jobs, but she never does.
7 The little girl her prayers and then went to 16 He didn't anything to me about the job.
sleep. 17 My friend called and me if I was feeling
8 Sally couldn't for certain whether or not she better.
would be staying. 18 Can I you a question?
9 He had taken an oath, so he had to the truth 19 Could you me your name, please?
in court. 20 Linda for directions to the museum.
10 With identical twins you can rarely the
difference between them.


There are three types of reported speech: statements, questions and commands/requests/suggestions.


• Reported statements are introduced with say or tell. - the speaker is reporting something immediately
Inverted commas are omitted in reported speech. after it was said (up to date).
That is optional in the reported sentence. "The hotel is awful," he said. -► He said (that) the
"She is sleeping," Tom said. —► Tom said (that) she was hotel is awful, (up to date)
sleeping. - the direct sentence is unreal past, conditionals
• Tenses change as follows: type 2/type 3 or wishes.
"I wish I were rich," she said. —► She said she wished
Direct speech Reported speech she were rich.
Present simple —► Past simple • If the speaker expresses something which is believed

"He plays well," she said. She said (that) he played well. to be true, the tenses may change or remain
Present continuous —► Past continuous
7 love the place," she said. —► She said she loves/loved
"He is playing well," she She said (that) he was the place.
said. playing well.
• However, if the speaker expresses something which
Past simple —► Past simple/Past perfect is believed to be untrue, the tenses change.
"He played well," she She said (that) he played/had "China is a small country," he said. -► He said (that)
said. played well. China was a small country.

Past continuous —► Past perfect continuous • The Past simple changes to the Past perfect or
remains the same. When the reported sentence
"He was playing well," She said (that) he had been
contains a time clause, the tenses remain
she said. playing well.
Future simple —> would "The car broke down while I was driving to work," he
“He will play well," she She said (that) he would play said. —► He said (that) the car had broken down while
said. well. he was driving to work.
Note: If the reported sentence is out of date, the
Future continuous —► would + be + verb -ing
tenses change, but if it is up to date, the tenses can
"He will be playing well," She said (that) he would be remain the same.
she said. playing well. "He moved out a month ago," he said. —► He said (that)
Present perfect -► Past perfect he had moved out a month before, (speech reported

"He has played well," she She said (that) he had played after he had moved out - out of date)

well. "lam going to the cinema tonight,"she said. —► She

said (that) she is going to the cinema tonight, (speech
Present perfect continuous —► Past perfect
reported before she goes to the cinema - up to date)
• Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
"He has been playing She said (that) he had been
change according to context.
well," she said. playing well.
"No, I won't lend you my new car!" he said. —► He said
• Note that Past perfect and Past perfect continuous (that) he wouldn't lend me his new car.
remain the same in reported speech. • Certain words change as follows depending on the
• Tenses do not change in reported speech when context.
Direct speech: this/these here come
- the reporting verb (said, told, etc) is in the
"He will come to my house for dinner," she said.
Present, Future or Present perfect.
Reported speech: that/those there go
"The weather is hot," she says. —► She says (that)
She said (that) he would go to her house for dinner.
the weather is hot.
- the speaker expresses general truths, permanent
states or conditions.
'Water freezes at 0 °C," he said. —► He said (that)
water freezes at 0°C.
Time words can change or remain the same depending on the time reference.

Direct speech Reported speech

• tonight, today, this week/month/year • that night, that day, that week/month/year
• now • then, at that time, at once, immediately
• now that • since
• yesterday, last night/week/month/year • the day before, the previous night/week/month/year, the week/
month/year before
• tomorrow • the following day/the day after
• next week/month/year • the following/next week/month/year, the week/month/year after
• twodays/months/years, etc, ago • two days/months/years, etc, before

"I'm sitting an exam tomorrow" he said. —► He said he was sitting an exam the next/following day. (out-of-date reporting)
"I'm sitting an exam tomorrow," he said. —► He said he is sitting an exam tomorrow, (up-to-date reporting)

Choose the correct option. Choose the correct option.

1 "I've done my homework," Lia said to Paul. 1 "My dad ran a marathon at the age of 45."
Lia said/told Paul l/she had done/did my/her She told me that her dad_a marathon at the age
homework. of 45.
2 "I enjoy working in my garden," said Alex. A was running B had run C has run
Alex said/told that he/l had enjoyed/enjoyed
2 "We're meeting Thomas at 8 o'clock."
working in his/my garden.
She said that they_____Thomas at 8 o'clock.
3 "We played tennis for our school," said Alice.
A were meeting B have met
Alice said/told me we/they play/had played tennis
C had been meeting
for our/their school.
4 "I saw Victoria in the supermarket today," he said. 3 "I've written four pages of the report."

He said/told that he/l had seen/has seen Victoria in He said that he_four pages of the report.

the supermarket this/that day. A wrote B was writing C had written

5 "This is delicious," she said to him. 4 "I've been studying a lot."

She said/told him that that/these was/were delicious. He said he_____ a lot.
6 "I'll phone you tomorrow," said Jamie. A studies B have been studying
Jamie said/told he will phone/would phone me the C had been studying
day before/after.
5 "I'm sitting on this chair."
7 "I told Ryan to email you three days ago," she said.
She said that she____ on that chair.
She said/told that l/she has told/had told Ryan to
A will be sitting B was sitting
email me three days before/then.
C had been sitting
8 "We're having a great time here on holiday!" said his
parents. 6 "I worked as a waiter before becoming a chef."
His parents said/told we/they had/were having a He said he_as a waiter before becoming a chef.
great time there/then on holiday. A is working B has worked C had worked
9 "I wasn't paying attention right now," said Vicki. 7 "We were hoping to get married in June."
Vicki said/told that l/she didn't pay/hadn't been She told me that they_____to get married in June.
paying attention at once/at the time. A had been hoping B are hoping
10 "I really like the blue tie," he said to the sales assistant. C have been hoping
He said/told the sales assistant that he/l really liked/
8 "I commute 45 minutes to work every day."
had liked the blue tie.
He told me that he_45 minutes to work every day.
A has commuted___________________B commuted
C had commuted

9 "I had lived in four countries by the age of twenty."

She said that she_in four countries by the age of
A lived B was living C had lived

Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech

1 "I'm visiting Greece,"says Angela, (up-to-date 8 "If I see him, I'll invite him to the party," said Mary,
reporting)_____________________________________________ (out-of-date reporting)_____________________________

2 "I've never been to Paris before,"said John, (out-of- 9 "I was locking the car when a traffic warden turned up,"
date reporting)_______________________________________ she sa id. _______________________________________________

3 "I'm taking my driving test next week,"she said, 10 "I'm not going on holiday next week," he said, (up-to-
(up-to-date reporting) _____________________________ date reporting)_____________________________________

4 "I don't speak Spanish,"said Sarah. 11 "I've written five emails this morning,"said Eddy,
(up-to-date reporting) ___________________________
5 "My house is not far from the town centre," he says.
12 "I saw a car accident last night," he said to me.
6 "Water boils at 100°C," he said, (general truth)

7 "Australia is a very big country," he said, (true statement)

Reported questions - Direct questions

Reported questions are used to report someone else's question begins with a question word; b) ask + if/
questions, suggestions, offers or requests. In reported whether when the direct question begins with an
questions, we use affirmative word order and the auxiliary verb (do, have, can, etc). Tenses, personal
question mark becomes a full stop. Inverted commas are pronouns, possessive adjectives, time words, etc change
omitted. To report a question we use: a) ask + question as in statements.
word (who, which, where, how, etc) when the direct

Direct questions Reported questions

He asked her, "What is your name?" He asked her what her name was.
He asked her, "Do you like tea?" He asked her if/whether she liked tea.

Choose the correct option.

1 "Were the Smiths at the event?" he asked. 6 "Did you see the parade?" he asked us.
a He asked were the Smiths at the event. a He asked us if did we see the parade.
b He asked if the Smiths were at the event. b He asked us whether we'd seen the parade.

2 "Why are you leaving now?" she asked me. 7 "Why are you wearing sunglasses?" she asked him.
a She asked me why am I leaving now. a She asked why he was wearing sunglasses.
b She asked me why I was leaving then. b She asked why was he wearing sunglasses.

3 "Did you meet each other at university?" he asked them, 8 "How often do you use public transport?" she asked me.
a He asked them if they'd met at university. a She wanted to know how often I used public
b He asked them if did they meet at university. transport.
b She wanted to know how often did I use public
4 "Are you staying in tonight?" Jim asked her.
a Jim asked her if was she staying in tonight.
b Jim asked her whether she was staying in that 9 "Who else have you told?" they asked me.
night. a They asked me who else we'd told.
b They asked me who had we told else.
5 "What can we do about this?" we asked.
a We wanted to know whether we could do about it. 10 "Where will you be staying?" I asked her.
b We wanted to know what we could do about it. a I asked her if she would be staying.
b I asked her where she would be staying.

Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech.

1 "Will you be going to San Francisco next summer?" his 7 "Did you actually seethe man fall?" the reporter asked
boss asked. the bystander.

2 "Why were you in a hurry?"she asked me. 8 "Will you give me a hand lifting the piano?"the
workman asked his helper.

3 "Do you want a lift to work tomorrow?" he asked her.

9 "Can you check the brakes please?" she asked the
4 "What time have you arranged to meet Clare?" he
asked her.
10 "Have they finished renovating their house?" he asked me.

5 "How long has Jane been working here?"she asked me.

11 "Is Mary still having a party next Saturday?"she asked me.

6 "Who left the door open?" she asked them.

12 "Where does your father work?"the teacher asked him.

Reported questions - Indirect questions

Indirect questions are used to ask for information/ doubt..., the question mark is omitted. Question words
advice. They are introduced with: Could you tell me...?, {what, who, where, etc) or whether can be followed by
Do you know...?, I wonder..., I want to know..., I doubt an infinitive in the indirect question if the subject of the
..., etc and the verb is in the affirmative. If the indirect question is the same as the speaker.
question starts with I wonder..., I want to know... or I

Direct questions Reported questions

He asked me, "How old is Thomas?" Do you know how old Thomas is?
He asked me, "Is it correct?" He wondered if/whether it is/was correct.
He asked me, "Where can 1 leave it?" He wanted to know where he could leave it/where to leave it.

Rewrite the following sentences into indirect questions.

1 Where did I leave my glasses? (I wonder...) 5 Did he tell the truth? (I doubt...)

2 Is John planning to call a meeting? (Did you know...) 6 Where is the nearest swimming pool? (Could you tell

3 Have they ever had a hit single before? (Do you know...)
7 Who left this package on my desk? (She wondered ...)

4 When are you arriving in London? (I want to know...)


Reported commands/requests/suggestions

To report commands, requests, suggestions we use an introductory verb (advise, ask, beg, offer, suggest, etc) followed
by a to-infinitive, an -ing form or a thaf-clause depending on the introductory verb.

"Be careful," he said to me. -> He told me to be careful, (command)

"Please don't talk," he said to me. -> He asked me not to talk, (request)
"Let's watch TV," he said. -► He suggested watching TV. (suggestion)
"You'd better go to the dentist," he said. —► He suggested that I (should) go to the dentist, (suggestion/advice)

Choose the correct option. Choose the correct option.

1 "Don't drink this milk-it's gone off!" 1 "What about having the party outside?"
a He warned us not drinking the milk. She suggested_the party outside.
b He warned us not to drink the milk. A to have B about having C having

2 "OK, I won't talk about this anymore." 2 "Why don't you come and stay with us for a few days?"
a I agreed not to talk about that anymore. She invited us_and stay with them for a few days.
b I agreed not will talk about that anymore. A going B togo C went

3 "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to get involved." 3 "Don't open the window!"
a She refused to get involved. I told him not_____the window.
b She refused getting involved. A to open B opening C open

4 "Do you want me to drive you to the station?" 4 "I'm so sorry I missed your party."
a He offered drive me to the station. She apologised for____ my party.
b He offered to drive me to the station. A to miss B missed c missing

5 "Excuse me, but there aren't any clean towels in our 5 "I won't be late again!"
room." He promised not____ late again.
a They complained about not to have clean towels A being B will be c to be
in their room.
6 "I really must speak to the manager."
b They complained about not having clean towels
She demanded____ to the manager.
in their room.
A to speak B spoke c speaking
6 "You should come with us - it's going to be a lot of fun."
7 "Please leave the building now!"
a She wanted me to go with them.
The police ordered us____ the building immediately.
b She wanted me going with them.
A leave B leaving C to leave
7 "Your order will be ready in three days."
8 "We're definitely going to the concert. We have to see
a They informed me that my order was ready in
three days.
He insisted on us____ to the concert.
b They informed me that my order would be ready
A togo B going C go
in three days.
9 "I don't think it's a good idea to invite Sophia."
8 She asked herself, "Should I buy some new furniture?"
He advised us not_____Sophia.
a She wondered whether to buy some new
A to invite B inviting C invite
b She wondered should she buy some new 10 "I didn't close the door of the fridge properly."

furniture. He admitted not_____the fridge door properly.

A had closed B closing C to close
9 He asked himself, "Where can I get my laptop fixed?"
a He wondered where to fix his laptop. 11 "Don't cross the road without looking both ways."

b He wondered where he could get his laptop fixed. He warned us not____ the road without looking both
10 "I didn't have anything to do with what happened."
A cross B crossing C to cross
a She denied have anything to do with what happened,
b She denied having anything to do with what


Rewrite the following sentences from direct to reported speech.

1 "Don't run down the corridors, please," he said to us. 5 "Can you open the window?"she said to me.

2 "May 1 leave the room, please?"said the student. 6 "Shall we go ice-skating on Saturday?"said Miles.

3 "Let's turn on the television,"said Paul. 7 "Don't touch the statue!" he said to us.

4 "Soldiers! Stand to attention!"said the Major. 8 "Shall we go camping this summer?"said my brother.

Modal verbs in reported speech

Some modal verbs change in reported speech when the reported sentence is out of date, as follows:
will/shall —► would, can —► could (present reference}/would be able to (future reference), may -► might/could, shall ->
should (asking for advice)/wou/d (asking for information)/offer (expressing offers), must -► must/had to (obligation)
^must remains the same when it expresses possibility or deduction), needn't —► didn't need to/didn't have to (present
reference)/wouldn't have to (future reference).

Direct speech Reported speech

He said, "I'll phone you this evening." —► He said (that) he would phone me that evening.
He said, "1 can speak French." —► He said (that) he could speak French, (fact)
He said, "1 can join you soon." --► He said (that) he would be able to join us soon, (ability)
He said, "1 may be late home/’ -> He said (that) he might be late home.
He said, "How shall 1 get there?" —> He asked how he should get there, (advice)
He said, "Where shall we go?" —► He asked where they should go. (information)
He said, "Shall 1 take you home?" -* He offered to take me home, (offer)
He said, "You must try harder." -» He said (that) 1 had to try harder, (obligation)
He said, "You must be joking." -* He said (that) 1 must be joking, (deduction)
He said, "You should take a holiday." -> He said (that) 1 should take a holiday.
He said, "She had better tidy her room." —> He said (that) she had better tidy her room.
He said, "She needn't know who he was." —► He said (that) she didn't need to/have to know who he was.
He said, "You needn't meet me tomorrow." —> He said (that) 1 wouldn't have to meet him the next day.

would, could, might, should, ought to, had better, used to and mustn't do not change in reported speech.

Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech.

1 He said, "Shall I carry your bags?" 5 He said, "Kevin may need your help later."

2 He said, "She needn't see the report." 6 He said, "You must control your feelings."

3 He said, "HI pick you up at 4 o'clock." 7 He said, "You need to let me know tomorrow."

4 He said, "You should get away for a while." 8 He said, "She had better not say that again."


Special introductory verbs

Introductory verb Direct speech Reported speech

agree + to-infinitive "Yes, I'll be happy to help you." He agreed to help me.
demand "Tell the truth!" He demanded to be told the truth.
offer "Would you like me to open the door?" ► He offered to open the door.
promise "I'll definitely be here early." —► He promised to be there early.
refuse "No, 1 won't lend you any money." —► He refused to lend me any money.
threaten "Hand over your money or I'll shoot He threatened to shoot me ifl didn't hand over
you." my money.
claim "1 saw him steal the car." —► He claimed to have seen him steal the car.

advise + sb + to-infinitive "You should see a doctor." —► He advised me to see a doctor.

allow "You can borrow my car." He allowed me to borrow his car.
ask "Please, turn the light off." —► He asked meto turn the light off.
beg "Please, please stop shouting so loudly." He begged me to stop shouting so loudly.
command "Leave the room!" He commanded us to leave the room.
encourage "Go ahead, drive the car." He encouraged me to drive the car.
forbid "You must not arrive late tonight." He forbade me to arrive late that night.
instruct "Lift the receiver and wait for the —► He instructed me to lift the receiver and wait for
dialling tone" the dialling tone.
invite sb "Wouldyou like to come out to dinner —► He invited me to go out to dinner with him.
with me?"
order "Close the door immediately." He ordered me to dose the door immediately.
permit You may leave now." He permitted/allowed me to leave then.
remind "Don't forget to water the plants." —> He reminded me to water the plants.
urge "Try to be punctual." —► He urged me to try to be punctual.
warn "Don't go near the edge of the cliff." He warned me not to go near the edge of the cliff.
want "I’d like you to study harder." —► He wanted me to study harder.

accuse sb of + -ing form "You stole my handbag!" —► She accused me of stealing her handbag.
apologise for "I'm sorry 1 was rude to you." —► He apologised for being rude to me.
admit (to) "Yes, 1 broke the window." He admitted (to) breaking/having broken the
boast about "Tm more intelligent than you." —► He boasted about being more intelligent than me.
complain to sb about "You always leave the door open." —► He complained to me about my always leaving
the door open.
deny "No, 1 didn't break the window." —» He denied breaking/having broken the window.
insist on "You must take all the medicine." —► He insisted on me/my taking all the medicine.
suggest "Let's go out for a walk." —► He suggested going out for a walk.

agree + thot-clause "Yes, it's a great idea." —► He agreed that it was a great idea.
boast "Tm the best player of all." —► He boasted that he was the best player of all.
claim "1 know who stole your car." He claimed that he knew who had stolen my car.
complain "You never help me." She complained that he never helped her.
deny "1 never touched the vase!" —► He denied that he had ever touched the vase.
exclaim "It's a success!" He exclaimed that it was a success.
explain "It's a difficult theory to follow." —► He explained that it was a difficult theory to
inform sb "Your application is under review." He informed me that my application was under
promise "1 won't forget again." —► He promised that he wouldn't forget again.
suggest "You ought to help her out." —► He suggested that 1 help her out.

explain to sb + how "That’s how 1 crashed the car." —► He explained to me how he had crashed /
the car.

Special introductory verbs

Introductory verb Direct speech Reported speech

wonder where/what He asked himself, "How can she do that?" —► He wondered how she could do that.
why/how + clause He asked himself, "Where have they —► He wondered where they had gone.
(when the subject of the introductory gone?"
verb is not the same as the subject in He asked himself, "Why is Tom so rude?" -► He wondered why Tom was so rude.
the reported question) He asked himself, "What will they do?" —► He wondered what they would do.

wonder + whether + to-infinitive or He asked himself, "Shall 1 take the job?" -* He wondered whether to take/he
clause should take the job.
wonder where/what/how + He asked himself, "What shall 1 do next?" —► He wondered what to do next.
to-infinitive (when the subject of the He asked himself, "How can 1 break the —► He wondered how to break the
infinitive is the same as the subject of news?" news.
the verb)

Use the correct form of the verbs in the list to Use appropriate introductory verbs, to report the
complete the sentences. following sentences.

• refuse • tell • order • accuse • suggest • beg 1 "You took my bag, didn't you?" she said to me.
• forbid • agree
2 "I'll bring my homework tomorrow," he said.
1 He said/'Let's go shopping."
He going shopping.
2 "Please, please give me another chance." 3 "Get out of the room now!" he said to us.
I her to give me another chance.
3 "OK, I'll go to the cinema with you," she said. 4 "The train leaves at 6 o'clock," she said to Ann.
She to go to the cinema with him.
4 "You are not allowed to stay out past midnight."
5 "Don't forget to make a dental appointment," he said
Her father her to stay out past
to me.__________________________________________________
5 "Why don't we visit a museum on Sunday?" said Pat
6 "Please, please help me," she said to him.
to Joey.
Pat that they go to a museum on
Sunday. 7 "You must give us a call when you get back," she said

6 "Just wait for me outside the theatre." to us.____________________________________________________

I her to wait for me outside the
theatre. 8 "I won't help you," he said to me.
7 "You broke my mobile phone," she said to me.
She me of breaking her mobile 9 "Would you like to go out with us?" they said to me.
8 "I won't answer any questions without a lawyer
10 "If you do that again, I'll punish you," he said to me.
The criminal to answer any questions
11 "I didn't break the vase," she said.
without a lawyer present.
9 "Pay the fine within 30 days."
The judge the woman to pay the fine 12 "Will the rain ever stop?" she asked.
within 30 days.
10 "Yes, we'll be happy to lend you the money." 13 "First turn this knob, then flick the switch," he said to
The bank manager to lend him the me.____________________________________________________

14 "Yes, you're right," he said to Paul.


Choose the correct option.

1 He explained that that was a difficult situation, 8 Emily allowed me to call her by her first name.
a "It has been a difficult situation," he said, a "You may call me by my first name," said Emily.
b "This is a difficult situation," he said. b "You must call her by her first name," said Emily.

2 She boasted that she had met the Queen once. 9 She asked us to turn off all the lights before we left.
a "I met the Queen once," she said. a "Had you turned off all the lights before you left?"
b "I have met the Queen recently," she said. she said.
b "Please, turn off all the lights before you leave," she said.
3 He complained to me that I always left the bathroom
in a mess. 10 He ordered them to be there on time.
a "You always leave the bathroom in a mess!" he said, a "Be here on time," he said.
b "You always left the bathroom in a mess!" he said. b "Let's try to be there on time," he said.

4 He allowed me to use the photocopier whenever I 11 They urged me to tell them what was on my mind,
wanted. a "Go on, tell us what's on your mind," they said,
a "You could use the photocopier whenever you b "Would you like to tell us what's on your mind?"
wanted," he said. they said.
b "You may use the photocopier whenever you
12 She wanted him to cook dinner that night.
want," he said.
a "I'd like you to cook dinner tonight," she said.
5 She insisted on my staying until 5 o'clock every day. b "I wanted you to cook dinner last night," she said.
a "You must stay until 5 o'clock every day," she said.
13 She apologised for spoiling the surprise party.
b "You would stay until 5 o'clock every day," she said.
a "I wish I hadn't spoilt the surprise party," she said,
6 She demanded to be given the money. b "I'm sorry I spoilt the surprise party," she said.
a "Can you give me the money?" she said.
14 Luke agreed to lend us a hand.
b "Give me the money!" she said.
a "Sure, I'd be glad if you lent us a hand," said Luke.
7 He boasted about crossing the Atlantic by himself, b "Sure, I'd be glad to lend a hand," said Luke.
a "I'd like to cross the Atlantic by myself," he said,
15 She promised to never let us down again.
b "I crossed the Atlantic by myself," he said.
a "I'll never let you down again," she said.
b "I've never let you down before," she said.

Reporting a dialogue or a conversation

In conversations or dialogues, we use a mixture of since, so, and then he/she went on to say, while, then,
statements, commands and questions. When we report etc or the introductory verb in the present participle
dialogues or conversations, we use: and, as, adding that, form. Exclamations such as: Ohl, Oh dear!, Weill, etc are
and he/she added that, explaining that, because, but, omitted in reported speech.

Direct speech Reported speech

"I was sorry to hear you haven't been well. —► She said she was sorry to hear I hadn't been well and added
I hope you're feeling better now/she said. that she hoped I was feeling better.
"What a brilliant idea!" she exclaimed. —► She exclaimed that it was a brilliant idea and wondered why
"Why didn't I think of that?" she hadn't thought of it.
"Can you make dinner tonigh t, Tom?" she said. —► She asked Tom if he could make dinner that night, explaining
"I'm working late." that she was working late. y


Exclamations - Yes/No short answers - Question tags

• Exclamations are replaced in reported speech with OR subject + appropriate introductory verb.
exclaim, thank, wish, say, cry out in pain, etc, give an "Can you help me?" she said. "No," he said. —► She asked
exclamation ofsurprise/horror/disgust/delight, etc. him if he could help her, but he said he couldn't. OR She
The exclamation mark becomes a full stop. asked him if he could help her, but he refused.
Exclamatory words such as Ohl, Eek!, Wow!, etc are Question tags are omitted in reported speech. We
omitted in the reported sentence. can use an appropriate introductory verb to retain
"Wow!" she said when she saw the huge cake. -► She their effect.
cried out in surprise when she saw the huge cake. "They haven't made up their minds yet, have they?"
• Yes/No short answers are expressed in reported she said. -* She wondered if/whether they had
speech with a subject + appropriate auxiliary verb already made up their minds. / >

Rewrite the following conversation in reported speech.

"Hello John. Have a seat, won't you?" Mr Williams said.

"Thank you, sir," John replied. "I'm sorry I'm a bit late, but the traffic was dreadful."
"Don't worry John, it's not important," Mr Williams said. "You see, I finally made up my mind last night to give you Alan
Tomkin's job since he's retiring."
"That's excellent news, Mr Williams, and I give you my word I'll do my best to do a good job," John replied.
"Why don't you take your new contract home tonight and study it, John?" Mr Williams said.


The bare infinitive form of the subjunctive is used after simple form instead of the bare infinitive form of the
certain verbs and expressions to give emphasis. These subjunctive.
are: advise, ask, demand, insist, propose, recommend, It is essential (that) you finish this work today, (more usual)
request, suggest, it is essential, it is imperative, it is It is essentia! that you should finish this work today,
important, it is necessary, it is vital followed by (that) + (less usual)
subject. In British English we normally use should +

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 It is imperative that we___________________________________ 4 It is important that you

(follow) his orders to the letter. (take) these pills three times a day.
2 He insisted that he(pay) 5 He demanded that no one else
for the meal. (allow) to see the contract.
3 He proposed that Mr Hallam 6 She recommended that we
(appoint) president of the club. (stay) at the other hotel.

Grammar 9

17 Choose the correct option.

1 "Caroline's arriving today." 13 "We could ask Andrew for some ideas."
She told me that Caroline was arriving____ . He suggested_____ Andrew for some ideas.
A next day C then A ask C asking
B that day D ago B to ask D could ask

2 "I work in a bank." 14 "The weather is warmer than usual," said Peter.
He said that_____in a bank. Peter said_____warmer than usual.
A he had worked C he worked A the weather it is C the weather was
B he has worked D I work B that the weather D the weather be

3 "lam leaving for Paris tomorrow." 15 "We enjoyed the concert very much," Helen said to
She told us she____ for Paris the following day. Kevin.
A left C is leaving Helen told Kevin____ the concert very much.
B was leaving D has been leaving A they can enjoy C that they enjoying
B that enjoyed D they enjoyed
4 "I've been ill for a few days."
He told me he_____for a few days. 16 "I'm sorry I was so rude yesterday," said Jack.
A is ill C has ill Jack____ for being so rude the previous day.
B was ill D had been ill A accused C complained
B apologised D denied
5 "I'll lend you some books to read."
He told me he_____me some books to read. 17 "Where did you eat?"
A lent C would lend Julian asked me where____ .
B has lent D was lending A I had eaten C did I eat
B had I eaten D I have eaten
6 "The meeting may start early."
He told us that the meeting_____early. 18 "I didn't copy Mark's homework," Toby said.
A can start C would start Toby denied_____Mark's homework.
B might start D must start A had copied C that copied
B him to copy D having copied
7 "I must leave at 2 p.m. today."
He said that he_____at 2 p.m. that day. 19 "Have you signed the contract?"
A left C might leave Sarah_____signed the contract.
B could leave D had to leave A told me if I had C suggested that I had
B asked me whether I had D said if I
8 "I was at the doctor's this morning."
She told me she____ at the doctor's that morning. 20 "Would you like to come over for lunch on Sunday?"
A would be C had been she asked.
B has been D was being She invited_____over for lunch on Sunday.
A to come C us to come
9 "You should talk to Emma about it."
B us come D us coming
She said that I_____to Emma about it.
A could talk C would talk 21 "I'm studying now."
B should talk D talked David told me that he_____.
A was studying at that time
10 "I'll have it ready by tomorrow."
B would be studying now
He said he____ it ready by the following day.
C was studying now
A was having C will have
D is studying then
B would have D has had
22 "My car has broken down."
11 "I can't do it without your help."
Liam explained____ down.
She said she_____it without my help.
A his car to break C how his car breaks
A couldn't do C hadn't done
B us his car broke D that his car had broken
B didn't do D needn't do

12 "Be quiet!"
She told us
A be quiet C we be quiet
B to be quiet D we were quiet

a) Match the sports (A-L) to the pictures (1-12). Which are: team Label the pictures.
sports? individual sports? Which take place: indoors? outdoors?

A basketball
B karate
C hockey
D motor racing
E cycling
F baseball

b) Complete the table with the sports from Ex. 1 a.

play do go

Match the pieces of equipment

Fill in the verbs in their correct form: cross, win, climb, get, score,
(A-l) from Ex. 3 to the sports (1-9)
ride, take, break.
in which they are used.
1 The sprinter the world record in the 100 metres final. m basketball
2 The fans celebrated when their team a goal in the final 12 | | canoeing
minute of the match. 13 I I ice hockey
3 The marathon runner had to use the last of his energy to [TO volleyball
the finishing line. 15 | | scuba diving
4 The football team will need to score twice if they want to 161 | tennis
____________ the match. 171 | fishing
5 Debra likes to her bike in the country at weekends. 181 | horse-riding
6 You should make sure you have the proper equipment before you 191 | rock climbing
the mountain.
7 Sandra injured when she fell on her knee while playing
8 Tara plans to up golf after she retires.

look after: take care of Look at Appendix 2, then fill in the correct preposition(s).
look down on: despise (opp. look up to)
look for: search for 1 The situation is getting control; we must take action
look forward to: anticipate immediately.
look into: investigate 2 We heard our team won the news.
look on: 1) be a spectator, 2) regard; 3 He hasn't played tennis for a while, so he's practice.
consider 4 The parachutist landed a field.
look out (for): watch out 5 You are arrest; you have the right to call your lawyer.
look over: inspect carefully 6 The stadium is fire; vacate the area!
look through: study carefully (sth
7 The coach agreed to speak to me the record.
8 I'm sure the bus will arrive long.
look up: 1) look for information in a book
9 This must be posted delay!
or list, or on a computer, 2) visit sb after
10 I was the impression he failed to score a goal all season.
a period of time (especially sb living at
11 I'm writing regard to your recent application.
some distance)
12 our surprise, he won the tournament.
make for: move quickly towards
make up: 1) invent (story, poem, etc),
2) make an amount complete,
3) compose, 4) reconcile, 5) prepare (by
mixing) Fill in the following collocation grid.
make oneself up: put cosmetics on
make up for: compensate for
win beat earn gain
make out: 1) complete; fill in,
2) distinguish, 3) understand confidence
a contest
a living
Fill in the correct particle(s). an opponent
a prize
1 I've been looking my
tennis racket everywhere. a salary

2 The hotel manager will look speed

your complaint. a team
3 I must look this essay a medal
before I hand it in tomorrow.
4 Robert looks his brother
for not being good at sports.
5 He looks his father who he
considers to be a great athlete.
6 Look for sharks when you
go swimming.
7 Look the word in the
dictionary if you don't know what it
8 John looks the children
while Mary goes to the gym.
9 I'm sure he made the whole story

10 I'll make forgetting our

11 He made the cheque to
me personally.
12 Your handwriting is so bad I can
hardly make what you've

English in Use



Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
verb + -er/-or/-ar
1 "I don't like this kind of music," he said. (manage - manager, invent - inventor,
COMPLAINED He__________________________________ burgle - burglar)
like that kind of music. noun/verb/adjective + -ist
2 "Where's Sally going on holiday?" asked Jane. (science - scientist, pacify - pacifist, active - activist)
WAS Jane ___________________________________ verb + -ant/-ent
______________________________on holiday. (assist - assistant, correspond - correspondent)
3 "Don't touch that saucepan because it's hot," she said noun + -an/-ian
to me. (republic - republican, diet - dietician)
NOT She____________________________________
verb + -ee
the saucepan because it was hot.
(train - trainee)
4 "I'm sorry I missed the appointment," he said.
APOLOGISED He______________________________________
the appointment.
Complete the gaps with words derived from the
5 "You need to leave now," he said to me. words in bold.
NECESSARY He told me that it was
1 Emergency help is needed for
_______________________ of the
at once.
earthquake. SURVIVE
6 "Please, please don't go Suzie," she cried.
2 There were angry complaints from
BEGGED She go.
7 "You broke that window, Tom," said Mr Smith.
the noise. RESIDE
3 Peter is a good_______________________
_______________________________ window.
who gets things done quickly
8 "Oh, you look so beautiful," he said to her. and efficiently. EMPLOY
REMARKED He__________________________________ 4 She is a writer as well as a leading
_________________________ so beautiful. art_______________________ . HISTORY
9 "You needn't come tomorrow," said Grandma to me. 5 Julia's a better_______________________
HAVE Grandma said than I thought - they believed
every word she said. LIE
to go the next day. 6 Rio de Janeiro has nearly
10 "You shouldn't stay in the sun for longer than thirty 14 million_______________________ . INHABIT
minutes," the doctor told us. 7 Andrew's not a very good singer,
ADVISED The doctor but he's a talented
________ in the sun GUITAR
for longer than thirty minutes. 8 This device may be considered
11 "You must not enter the room without permission," he too expensive for the average
said to us. CONSUME
TO He______________________________________ 9 The final game attracted a crowd
the room without permission. of over 50,000_______________________. SPECTATE
12 "Do try and practise a bit more," she said to us. 10 He began his career as a
URGED She ______________________________ _______________________ for
a bit more. a French newspaper. JOURNAL

13 "I would like you to be there by 6 o'clock," she said to

WANTED She____________________________________
there by 6 o'clock.
14 "OK, I'll wait a little longer," she said.
TO She ____________________________________
a little longer.


Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct answer A, B or C.

1 That style of dress is very at the moment. 5 The situation has improved over the past few
A fashion B fashionably C fashionable years.
A considerate B inconsiderate C considerably
2 You can the soup by adding flour or potatoes.
A thicken B thickness C thickener 6 He studied the map, trying to the way to Jessica's
3 Her paid off when she was offered the job of
A memorise B memory C memorable
A persisting B persistent C persistence 7 Over 30,000 will run in the New York Marathon.
A competitors B competitions C competitively
4 I tend to be when I have to make an important
decision. 8 His speech was so that I couldn't help laughing.
A hesitated B hesitant C hesitation A humour B humorous C humourless


Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to fill in the gaps.

0 A outfield ® outdoor C outside

1 A actually B although C besides
2 A was writingI B had written c was written

5 A consists B conforms c contains Cricket is an 0) B team sport played with bats and a ball. It
6 A have B make c take developed in England as early as the 1200s, 1)it wasn't
7 A across B forth c forward until the 1700s that a set of rules for the sport 2). It is
also very popular in places that England once ruled as
8 A from B for c to
colonies, such as Australia, India, Pakistan, South Africa and
9 A vary B various c variety
the West Indies. It is now played in 3) than 100
10 A had B held c happened countries.
Cricket is played 4)a large oval field. In the centre of the
field is a long rectangular area called the pitch, which is about
20 metres long and 3 meters wide. At each end of the pitch is
a wicket, which 5)of three short wooden posts placed
closely together.
Two teams of 11 players compete in a cricket match, and
6)turns to bat. The team with the most runs (or points)
at the end of the match wins. Runs are scored by the two
batting players running back and 7)between the two
wickets after one of them has hit the ball. Runs can also be
scored by hitting the ball to the boundary of the field. The
fielding team tries to prevent them 8)scoring runs, and
can dismiss the batsmen in a number of ways.
Cricket matches 9)in length, with some lasting an
afternoon, and others taking up to five days to complete. An
international cricket competition called the World Cup was
first 10)in 1975. It takes place every four years between
the top cricket nations around the world.


• Some nouns of Greek or Latin origin form their plural

by adding Greek or Latin suffixes.
• Nouns are: abstract (invasion, visit, etc), concrete (basis - bases, crisis - crises, terminus - termini,
(invader, visitor, etc), proper (David, Madrid, Japan, criterion - criteria, medium - media, etc)
etc), collective (audience, family, government, etc) and
common (book, sofa, etc). Compound nouns

Compound nouns form their plural by adding -s/-es:

The plural of nouns
• to the second noun if the compound consists of two
Nouns are made plural by adding: nouns.
• -s to the noun. (corkscrew - corkscrews)
(book - books, etc) • to the noun if the compound consists of an adjective
• -es to nouns ending in -s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh. and a noun.
(bus - buses, class - classes, (steering wheel - steering wheels)
fox - foxes, church - churches, rash - rashes, etc) • to the first noun if the compound consists of two
• -ies to nouns ending in consonant + y. nouns connected with a preposition or to the noun if
(body - bodies, party - parties, etc) the compound has only one noun.
(doctor ofphilosophy - doctors of philosophy,
• -s to nouns ending in vowel + y.
hanger-on - hangers-on)
(boy - boys, play - plays, etc)
• at the end of the compound if this is not made up of
• -es to nouns ending in-o
any nouns.
(potato - potatoes)
(runaway - runaways)
• -s to nouns ending in: vowel + o (video - videos),
double o (taboo - taboos), abbreviations
Irregular plurals
(photograph/photo - photos), musical instruments
(cello - cellos) and proper nouns (Navajo - Navajos). man - men, woman - women, foot - feet,
Some nouns ending in -o can take either -es or -s. tooth - teeth, louse - lice, mouse - mice,
These are: buffaloes/buffalos, mosquitoes/mosquitos, child - children, goose - geese, sheep - sheep,
volcanoes/volcanos, zeroes/zeros, tornadoes/tornados, deer - deer, fish - fish, trout - trout, ox - oxen,
etc salmon - salmon, spacecraft - spacecraft,
• -ves to some nouns ending in -f/-fe. aircraft - aircraft, means - means,
(scarf- scarves) (BUT chiefs, roofs, cliffs, safes, etc) species - species, hovercraft - hovercraft

Write the plural of the following words.

1 potato 16 ship
2 calf 17 story
3 boyfriend 18 type
4 louse 19 fishing rod
5 mosquito 20 workman
6 child 21 stereo
7 video 22 fox
8 superstar 23 toy
9 trout 24 teacher
10 photo 25 house
11 flyover 26 stepmother
12 bunch 27 lorry
13 mother-in-law 28 wolf
14 zoo 29 baby
15 dessert spoon _______________________ 30 fish

Countable - Uncountable nouns

Nouns can be countable (those that can be counted) • Some nouns: accommodation, advice, anger,
1 egg, 2 eggs, etc or uncountable (those that can't be applause, assistance, behaviour, business, chaos,
counted) bread, wood, etc. Uncountable nouns take a countryside, courage, dirt, education, evidence,
singular verb and are not used with a/an. Some, any, no, homework, housework, information, intelligence,
much, etc can be used with them. knowledge, luck, music, news, peace, progress, seaside,
Luggage is obtained from the Luggage Reclaim Area. shopping, traffic, trouble, truth, wealth, work, etc
Can I have some bread, please? BUT a relief, a pity, • Collective nouns: baggage, crockery, cutlery, furniture,
a shame, a wonder, a knowledge (of sth), a help. jewellery, luggage, machinery, money, rubbish, stationery,
What a relief! What a pity! What a shame! etc
Uncountable nouns are: Note: With expressions of duration, distance or money
• Mass nouns (fluids, solids, gases, particles): meaning "a whole amount" we use a singular verb.
beer, blood, bread, butter, air, oxygen, corn, flour, etc Two months was too long to spend in hospital.

• Subjects of study: history, literature, maths, physics, Many uncountable nouns can be made countable:
accountancy, chemistry, economics, etc a piece ofpaper/cake/information/advice/furniture; a
• Languages: Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese, glass/bottle ofwater/beer/wine; a jar ofjam; a pint of
Italian, Chinese, etc beer; a box/sheet ofpaper; a packet of tea; a slice/loafof

• Games: baseball, billiards, football, golf, darts, rugby, bread; a pot ofyoghurt; a pot/cup of tea; a kilo/pound of

cricket, cycling, etc meat; a tube of toothpaste; a bar ofchocolate/soap; a bit/

piece of chalk; an ice cube; a lump of sugar; a bag of flour;
• Diseases: flu, pneumonia, measles, mumps,
a pair of trousers; a game of soccer; a(n) item/piece of
chickenpox, tuberculosis, etc
news; a drop/can of oil; a can of Coke; a carton of milk; a
• Natural phenomena: darkness, fog, gravity, hail, snow,
block of wood; a flash/bolt of lightning; a clap/peal of
sunlight, shade, etc thunder, etc

Plural nouns

• objects consisting of two parts: garments (trousers, headquarters, family, government, jury, press, public,
pyjamas, etc), instruments (binoculars, compasses, staff, team, etc) can take either a singular or a plural
etc), tools (scissors, pliers, etc) verb depending on whether we see the group as a

• these nouns: arms, ashes, barracks, clothes, whole or as individuals, (the staff as a group)

congratulations, earnings, (good) looks, outskirts, The staff were given a bonus at Christmas, (each
people, police, premises, riches, stairs, surroundings, member of the staff separately as individuals)

wages, etc. The police are looking for the bank robbers. The staff is required to fill out a medical form.

• Group nouns (army, audience, class, club, Note how certain nouns can be used in the singular

committee, company, council, crew, crowd, and plural with a different meaning.

Singular Plural

Give me a glass of water, please. I've been wearing glasses since 1 was 8 years old.
Has she always had short hair? There are so many hairs in the sink!
How would you rate this on a scale of 1 to 10? Can you put that fish on the scales for me, please?
In Japan it is not a custom to kiss your friends. Our bags were thoroughly searched at customs.
Have you got any lined paper 1 could use? He showed his papers to the customs officer.
She's wearing a ring made of wood. John loves his Sunday afternoon walk in the woods.
1 can't talk now; 1 have a lot of work to do. A lot of Dali's works are on display in this museum.
We had at least 200 people at our wedding. The peoples of Europe are hoping for change.
The rain is falling really heavily now. The villagers are hoping for the rains to come soon.
You need experience for this job. 1 had a lot of interesting experiences visiting Asia.
We used a compass to find our direction. Use your compasses to draw some circles.

2 Choose the correct verb form. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 Mathematics is/are my favourite subject. 1 Hard work(be) the key to success.

2 This company has/have six branches. 2 Gravity(pull) things towards the
3 Water is/are necessary for survival. centre of the Earth.
4 The scissors cut/cuts really well. 3 Decorating a house(be) a lot of trouble.
5 Your scales is/are not very accurate. 4 The committee(meet) every
6 Butter contain/contains a lot of fat. Wednesday in the boardroom.
7 This machinery is/are very noisy. 5 Your trousers(go) nicely with that
8 Most people is/are worried about the future. blue top.
9 My luggage was/were lost by the airline. 6 Good looks(be) all you need to be a
10 £300 is/are too much to spend on that dress. model.
11 The news was/were interesting this evening. 7 It is said that lightning never(strike)
12 Your furniture is/are so tasteful. in the same place twice.
13 Wood come/comes from trees. 8 The staircase(be) too steep for my
14 Tennis is/are a game played by 2 or 4 people. grandmother to climb.
15 Her advice was/were useful. 9 My favourite pyjamas(be) the ones
16 Japanese is/are difficult to learn. with red and white stripes.
17 Children usually like/likes sweet things. 10 A loaf of bread(cost) more now
18 That jewellery really suit/suits you. than it did ten years ago.
19 Your hair is/are so shiny. 11 Physics(involve) a lot of theoretical study.
20 Measles is/are infectious. 12 Olive oil(add) a lot of flavour to cooking.

Indefinite article (A/An)

• A/An is used with singular countable nouns to talk • The is used with singular and plural nouns, countable
about indefinite things. and uncountable ones, to talk about sth specific or
There's a man standing at the door, (indefinite) when the noun is mentioned for a second time.
We can use some in the affirmative with plural countable Can I try on the blue dress, please? (Which dress? The
nouns or uncountable nouns and any in questions and blue one; specific)
negations. There was a rat in the kitchen. I killed the rat with my
There are some people at the bus stop. Give me some boot.
milk, please. Are there any cups in the cupboard? There • A/An or the is used before singular countable nouns
isn't any sugar left. to refer to a group of people, animals or things.
• A/An can also be used meaning "per" (He goes to the A/The dolphin lives in the sea. (We mean all dolphins).
gym twice a/per week.) or with money (a/one pound), A/An or the is never used before a noun in the plural
fractions (a/one quarter), weight/measures (a/one when it represents a group.
metre), whole numbers (a/one thousand), price/weight Dolphins are intelligent animals.
(£2 a kilo), frequency/time (three times a week), distance/ (NOT: The dolphins are intelligent animals.}
fuel (60 miles a gallon), distance/speed (60 km an hour),
and illnesses (a fever, a cold, (a) toothache, (a) backache).

Fill in a, an, the, any or some where necessary.

1 I need car and I know kind of car I want. 4 man came to door this morning and
It must do 160 kilometres hour and also do 17 asked to see the water meter. I asked him if
kilometres litre. price of water was going up, and he said it
2 "How much is dress material in would increase by 10p cubic metre.
window?" "£5 metre, madam." "Do you have 5__ everyone knows lion is king of
any in blue?" "Yes, there's blue material jungle, but is shark king of
in stockroom." ____ sea?
3 If you need help with work I've 6 "Have you got money?" "I had this
given you, go to person who runs your morning, but I did shopping and fruit
department. was so expensive! £2 kilo for apples!"

Definite article

The is used before: The is omitted before:

• nouns which are unique, the Earth, the Colosseum • proper nouns.
• names of cinemas (The Plaza), hotels (The Savoy), I'll see Ann tomorrow.

theatres (The Palladium), museums (The Prado), • names of sports, games, activities, days, months,
newspapers/magazines (The Independent) holidays, colours, drinks, meals and languages (not
BUT (Times), ships (The Cutty Sark), institutions (The followed by the word "language").
British Council), galleries (The Tate Gallery). He plays football well. He likes red. We speak German.
• names of rivers (the Nile), seas (the Black Sea), groups BUT The ancient Greek language is hardly used now.

of islands/states (the Shetland Isles, the USA), • names of countries (England) (BUT the Argentine, the
mountain ranges (the Himalayas), deserts (the Sahara Netherlands, (the) Sudan, the Hague, the Vatican City),
Desert), oceans (the Atlantic), canals (the Manchester cities (London), streets (Carnaby Street) (BUT the High
Canal) and names or nouns with “of" (the Valley of the Street, the Strand, the Mall, the A11, the M4 motorway),
Kings, the Garden ofGethsemane). squares (TrafalgarSquare), bridges (Tower Bridge)
Note: the Equator, the Arctic/Antarctic, the South of (BUT the Bridge of Sighs, the Forth Bridge, the Severn
France, the South/West/North/East Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge), parks (Central Park),

• musical instruments, dances, the piano, the samba stations (Euston Station), individual mountains
(Kilimanjaro), islands (Sicily), lakes (Lake Victoria),
• names of families (the Hunters), nationalities ending in
continents (Africa).
-sh, -ch or -ese [(the) English, (the) Dutch, the Japanese,
etc]. Other plural nationalities are used with or without • possessive adjectives.

"the", [(the) North Americans, (the) Austrians, etc] That isn't your pen.

• titles (the Patriarch, the Duchess of Windsor, the King). • two-word names whose first word is the name of a

BUT"The"is omitted before titles with proper names. person or place.

King Carlos John F. Kennedy Airport, Windsor Castle BUT The White
House (because the first word “White" is not the name
• adjectives used as plural nouns (theyoung,
of a person or place.)
the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, etc) and the
superlative degree of adjectives/adverbs. • pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels which

He's the most friendly boy in the group. have the name of their founder and end in -s or -zs.
Woolworth's, Lloyds Bank, Tom's Bar BUT the Red Lion
• Note: "most" used as a determiner followed by a
(pub) (because "Red Lion" is not the name of a person or
noun does not take "the".
Most people like swimming. BUT Of all European
countries, Greece has the most ancient monuments. • bed, church, college, court, hospital, prison, school,
university, when we refer to the purpose for which
• the words: beach, cinema, city, coast, country(side),
they exist.
earth, ground, jungle, radio, pub, sea(side), sky,
John went to hospital. (He is a patient.) BUT His mother
station, shop, theatre, village, weather, world, etc but
went to the hospital to see him last week. (She went to
not before "man".
the hospital as a visitor.)
She went to the library to return some books.
Work (= place of work) never takes "the".
Note: "the" is optional with seasons, (the) summer
She is at work.
• morning, afternoon, evening, night.
• the words home, father/mother when we talk about
I'll be home late in the evening. BUT at night, at noon,
our own home/parents.
at midnight, by day/night, at 4 o'clock, etc
Father is at home.
• historical references/events.
• means of transport: by bus/by car/by train/by plane,
the Russian Revolution, the Renaissance, the Cold War
etc BUT in the car, on the bus/train, etc.
(BUT World War II)
She travelled by bus. BUT She caught the 5 o'clock bus.
• only, last, first (used as adjectives).
• We say: flu/the flu, measles/the measles,
He was the first person to arrive.
mumps/the mumps BUT He's got malaria.


Fill in the where necessary. Fill in a/an or the where necessary.

1 Shall we have lunch at home, or go to 1 Tower of London is on north side of

Royal Oak and Castle? Thames.
2 When Berlin Wall was pulled down, it was a 2 When I visit Netherlands, I always stay at
great moment in history. Park Hotel in Amsterdam.
3 Tarzan,Lord of Jungle, had a friend 3 She caught cold because she didn't come in
called Cheetah. from rain.
4 Many of England's young men died in 4 millionaire purchased mansion as
First World War. gift for his wife's birthday.
5 Pete's Bar is situated in Terminal 1 at 5 After six months in hospital, my grandmother is
Heathrow Airport. coming home.
6 Vatican City is one of most beautiful 6 Nile flows from near Lake Victoria to
places in Rome. Mediterranean.
7 We landed at Charles de Gaulle airport in 7 Of Seven Wonders of the World, I've only visited
Paris and were met by ambassador in person. Pyramids.
8 You'll find my house if you walk along Green 8 She goes to church every Sunday, and also goes
Street and turn right into Orchard Street. to church every Friday to help with the cleaning.
9 We decided to go to island of Sicily last summer, 9 After Prime Minister visited prison, he
and we've decided to go to an island again this year; promised to improve conditions in prisons.
either to Rhodes or Canary Islands. 10 month I spent in France was one of
10 Tim's gone to hospital to pick up results of best times in my life.
tests Mum had last week. 11 New Year celebrations are held in Trafalgar
11 In Jerusalem we visited Dome of the Rock Square in London and in Times Square in
and Church of the Holy Sepulchre and saw the New York.
site of Solomon's Temple. 12 We heard lovely sermon at church on
12 most world maps are out of date now due to Lord Street last night.
political events which have taken place recently. 13 He has visited a number of places including
13 Many people go trekking in mountains like USA,Middle East and Asia.
Alps or Himalayas. 14 University of Cambridge is one of most
14 people from Brazil dance samba famous in United Kingdom if not in
really well. Europe.
15 Lots of people go for exotic holidays in 15 Sunset Boulevard is most famous street in
Asia, but you must take care not to catch Hollywood.

A couple of, several, a few, many, a (large/great/good) number of, both are followed by a countable noun.
(Too) much, a little, a great/good deal of, a large/small amount/quantity of are followed by an uncountable noun.
A lot of, lots of, hardly any, some, no, plenty of are followed by a countable or uncountable noun.

Choose the expressions which can be used with the

nouns, as in the example.

1 The teacher gave us several, a lot of, many, too much, 6 Everyone can do with some, a little, both, a good
a few homework to do. deal of, several peace and quiet at times.
2 You've got some, a lot of, both, plenty of, many 7 There are a little, a number of, several, a small
beautiful furniture. amount of, no Asian people living in our street.
3 Can you lend me a few, some, a lot of, a couple of, 8 There are much, no, a small amount of, hardly any,
a little money? lots of people in the shop.
4 Jane likes both, a couple of, too much, a little, some 9 He spent a couple of, much, lots of, a good deal of,
your paintings. a few time reorganising his files.
5 Have you had a lot of, plenty of, both, a little, too 10 The children ate a good deal of, too much, a few,
much letters from Suzie? a good number of, a little food at the party.

Grammar LU

Choose the correct option.

1 Physics______ . my favourite subject. 14 The news at the hospital______ that good.

A are C be A weren't C aren't
B is D have been B isn't D haven't been

2 Where______ Mark's pyjamas? 15 We are afraid of

A is C was A mouses C mouse
B has been D are B mices D mice

3 ______ £30enough, ordoyou need more? 16 There were twelve______ in the symphony orchestra.
A Were C Are A celloes C cello
B Has D Is B cellies D cellos

4 Please buy me a______ of yoghurt. 17 The three______ carried a crew often each.
A carton C pot A aircrafts C aircraft
B pint D packet B aircraves D aircraftes

5 Chinese_____ _ a very difficult language to learn. 18 She has got____ _ flu, so she isn't coming to college
A are C have been today.
B be D was A the C a
B some D any
6 Your luggage______ at the hotel reception.
A is C were 19 Can I have______ . more cake, please?
B are D have been A the C an
B a D some
7 Suddenly, a .______ of lightning struck the roof of the
house. 20 I like both skirts. Can I please try on______ red one?
A block C peal A an C the
B bolt D clap B a D some

8 Excuse me! There______ hairs in my soup. 21 While we were in Venice, we visited______ Bridge of
A has been C was Sighs.
B are D is A the C -
B an D a
9 The police _____ searching the area for the robbers.
A are C was 22 ______ Titanic's wreck was discovered by Robert Ballard
B have D is in 1985,73 years after it hit an iceberg and sunk.
A - C The
10 He can't sneak French.
B A D One
A the C -
23 He gets £5_____ _ hour.
B some D well
A an C the
11 Pam was____ _ first person to leave. B a D -
A a C the 24 ______ whales live in every ocean.
B one D - A The C -
12 We went to Bath by bus. B A D Any
A an C a 25 They went to _____seaside for the weekend.
B the D - A - C a
B some D the
13 I'm afraid the information______ enough.
A isn't C haven't been
B aren't D weren't

10 J Vocabulary EDUCATION


Choose the correct option. Choose the correct option.

1 Tom went to a boarding/grammar school, so he only 1 Would you like to be/do in the school band?
came home during the holidays. 2 You could take/join an after-school club.
2 I want my children to go to a comprehensive/ 3 Our science class got/went on a field trip to the
single-sex school. I think it's better for boys and girls Natural History Museum.
to learn separately. 4 The school organised/recognised a charity event to
3 My parents couldn't afford to send me to a public/ raise money for new computers.
co-educational school. 5 Susie attends/attracts a horse riding school.
4 I go to a grammar/language school in the evening to 6 I play/have a hip hop class twice a week.
learn Spanish. 7 My piano teacher told me to learn/practise for an
5 Harry goes to a secondary/specialist school that only hour every night.
teaches dance. 8 How many students volunteered/participated to
6 Vocational/lndependent schools prepare students plant trees in the field outside the school?
for specific jobs rather than teach them academic
subjects. Fill in with: certificate, degree, diploma, qualifications,
examinations, results.
Match the two columns to form collocations.
1 We sit our final in June.
skip a late (for) 2 When I get my university in
2| turn up b in mind medicine, I'll become a doctor.
3 pay c sb's homework 3 To get a good job, you'll need the right
4| bear d school ______________________ and work experience.
5| take e part (in) 4 You need a teaching and
6| copy f attention (to) an English degree if you want to become an English
7| fail g by heart teacher.
8| learn h an exam 5 She received a(n)after
completing the hairdressing course at the learning
Complete the text with the correct form of six 6 My exam will be out tomorrow.
collocations from Ex. 2.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs
in the list.

I've got good news today. My brother Nick has • hand • write • cheat • get • fall • run
Helen's won the'Student of the Month'prize at school!
1 He worked hard and a very good
Blog He really deserves it. You know, he hasn't been
absent all year. He would never grade in physics.

1)____________________- he doesn't even take the 2 The deadline for in our essays is next

day off when he's sick. And he never Friday.

2)for class in the morning. 3 Tom was so tired after studying all night that he

In fact, he usually arrives fifteen minutes _______________ asleep in class.

early. In class, he 3)__________________________ 4 The teacher asked us to a 500-word

to every word the teacher says and he essay on the conseguences of World War II.

always 4)in class 5 He was expelled from school for in

activities with lots of enthusiasm. The lazy an exam.

students often ask Nick if they can 6 She out of time and couldn't

5), but he tells complete the exam.

them that they should do their own

work. Sometimes, I'm a little jealous of In pairs, ask and answer the questions below.

Nick, but I should 6)

1 Do you go to a state/private school?
that I could be a top student, too ... if
2 Do you go to a co-ed school?
only I worked as hard as my brother!
3 How many students are in your class?
4 How many subjects do you study?
PHRASAL VERBS 7 Fill in the correct particle(s).

put aside: save (usually money) 1 Please put your cigarettes before entering
put away: put in the usual place the museum.
put down: 1) suppress by force, 2) write down; make a 2 The hotel receptionist put me to room 617.
note, 3) attribute to, 4) criticise 3 We put our wedding for another two months.
put forward: propose
4 She has some money put for her old age.
put off: postpone
5 She puts all her thoughts in a diary every
put on: 1) switch on, 2) increase (weight), 3) pretend to
6 I'll accept a lift if it doesn't put you too much.
put out: 1) extinguish, 2) cause inconvenience
put through: connect by phone 7 I can't put his rude behaviour any more.
put up: 1) offer hospitality, 2) erect, 3) raise prices 8 He always puts his wife by insulting her in
put up with: tolerate public.
9 Could you put the air conditioning? It's hot in
run across: meet or find by chance
run after: chase
run away with: steal 10 They have run money for the political campaign.
run down: 1) (of a battery) lose power, 2) (passive) be 11 He ran his notes before entering the
exhausted, 3) knock down, 4) speak badly of sb exam room.
run into: 1) meet unexpectedly, 2) collide with 12 The plans for the new road ran a lot of
run out of: come to an end local opposition.
run over: read through quickly; review 13 She feels run after working so hard recently.
run up against: face; encounter 14 The thief ran all the money from the
run through: examine quickly; rehearse bank.
15 He ran his ex-wife in the supermarket.

Prepositions of time

At In On
at 9.30 in the morning/evening/afternoon/night on Thursday
at Christmas/Easter in the Easter/Christmas holiday(s) on Easter Sunday, etc
at noon/night/midnight in October (months) on Christmas Day
at lunch/dinner/breakfast (time) in (the) winter (seasons) on Friday night
at that time in 2017 (years) on 18th January
at the moment in the 20th century on a winter afternoon
at the weekend (on the weekend: Am. English) in two hours (two hours from now) on that day

Look at the table above, then fill in the correct prepositions.

You'll arrive at the health farm 1)Thursday, opportunity to meet the other trainers. There'll be a
that's 2)15th June. You should try to arrive rest period 12)the afternoon followed by a
3) the morning if you can. 4) the swim and sauna for those who are interested. We
first day, we won't be doing a lot, just resting, so like to have a bit of a dance 13) Friday
you can go and lie by the pool if you like. You'll be nights, so bring your party clothes! We will be
expected to get up early 5)Friday morning conducting a period of meditation and relaxation
6) about 7 o'clock. Your day's programme 14) the weekend, but all the trainers
will be given to you 7)breakfast. 8) will be around to keep you busy. Don't
the summer we have a lot more guests and so forget that we are also running a second
9) that time, you'll be assigned to your session 15)August and another one
different groups. Lunch will be served 10) 16)Christmas.
noon, and, 11) lunch, you'll be given an


Complete the sentences using the words in bold. OPPOSITE MEANINGS
Use two to five words.
de- deactivate, dehydration
0 I had never been to London before. dis- disability, disagree
FIRST It was the first time I had ever been to in- inactive, invisible BUT il- (before I) illegible
London. im- (before b, m, p) imbalance, immoral,
1 The prime minister wouldn't say anything about the improbable ir- (before r) irregular BUT
new tax law. unrealistic, unreliable
MAKE The prime minister refused non- non-smoker, non-stop
un- unemployed, unlucky
on the new tax law. Some prefixes are added to words to form verbs.
2 "Shall I take the kitten home?" he asked himself.
en- circle - encircle
WHETHER He___________________________________
BUT em- (before b, m, p)
take the kitten home.
body - embody, power - empower
3 It's not worth talking to him.
POINT There____________________________________
to him. Fill in the correct form of the words in bold
4 I don't recommend eating at this restaurant. forming the opposite from the words given.
ADVISABLE It's___________________________________ 1 He felt like he had been working
at this restaurant. all year and
5 Don't forget to sign the application form before you desperately needed a holiday. STOP
post it. 2 I strongly having
HAS The application form to wait in long queues. LIKE
before you post it. 3 Visiting Malta was an
6 This particular mobile phone is very popular. experience. FORGETTABLE
DEMAND There____________________________________ 4 The company's estimate of the
this particular mobile phone. cost of the project was completely
7 I promised I would find time to reply to all my emails. ACCURATE
WORD I _________________________________________ 5 It is quite for her
I would find time to reply to all my to be late for work. USUAL
emails. 6 Food sta rts to

8 My parents don't want me to play outside in the cold when you leave it out of the fridge. COMPOSE

weather. 7 It is in most

OBJECT My pa rents countries to drive under

_____________________________ outside in the age of 18. LEGAL

the cold weather. 8 It's a I most that

we'll finish this task by the required
9 John was sitting by himself in the cafe.
deadline. POSSIBLE
OWN John was sitting
9 One of living
_______ in the cafe.
in the city is the lack of safe areas
10 Apart from Kelly, nobody liked my idea.
for children to play in. ADVANTAGE
ONE Kelly ____________________________________
10 Tim is reading a(n)
liked my idea.
book about important events
11 Our teacher has postponed our field trip for a week.
in history. FICTION
OFF Our field trip
11 Consuming too many sweets and
our teacher for a week.
fatty foods can be seriously
12 "What did the mugger look like?"the policeman asked HEALTHY
me. 12 The fall in house prices could
GIVE The policeman asked me _________________ the economy. STABILISE
__ of the mugger. 13 This information is completely
_________________ to what
we're discussing here. RELEVANT
English in Use 10

Choose the correct option.

1 A learn B learnt C learning

Learning an Instrument
2 A takes B is taking C has taken When most people start 1)a musical instrument,
3 A manage B achieve c gain they find it difficult to imagine ever becoming a
4 A tuition B training c rehearsal professional musician. This is not surprising. It 2)a
5 A if B whether c unless lot of years of serious instruction to 3)the level of
6 A part B piece c portion perfection required to play in an orchestra. The truth is, if
7 A whom B which c who you do not begin with serious 4)in childhood, you
8 A openings B opportunities c occasions are unlikely to play at a professional level 5)you
9 A hold B open c unblock have exceptional talent.
10 A express B to express c expressing When choosing what instrument to learn, you should
consider several things. Do you like the limelight, or are
you happier being 6)of a team? People who play
the piano are more likely to perform solo, whereas those
who play the flute are more likely to play with an orchestra.
What kind of music do you like? If it's jazz, you may want
to learn a brass instrument. If it's classical, you might want
to choose the violin. It is always a good idea to speak to
someone 7)plays the instrument. They will be able
to give you some idea of the difficulty involved in
mastering it, and also the 8)that will be open to you
once you are able to play it.
Of course, not everybody learns an instrument to 9)
the door to fame and fortune! Most people do so simply
for the sheer pleasure of 10)the creative side of
their character through the art of music.

Read the sentences below and decide which

answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1 Heavy prevented all planes from taking off. 6 When bank went up again, many customers
A fog C vapour closed their accounts.
B steam D moisture A charges C amounts
B prices D tolls
2 She was that it had taken so long for the truth to
be revealed. 7 The police could find no between the crime and
A strong C wild the suspect they were holding.
B rough D furious A together C bond
B connection D linkage
3 There was a of surprise from the audience when
the winner was announced. 8 I don't believe a word he said. He's probably the
A tide C gasp whole story.
B clap D flash A discovered C invented
B explored D researched
4 The teacher was extremely when the whole class
got 100% in the exam. 9 When Carol was made captain of the school basketball
A doubting C trustful , she was thrilled.
B suspicious D worrying A team C association
B group D company
5 Each member of the group was a different task
to complete. 10 The teacher asked us to collect for our history
A determined C assigned project.
B imposed D forced A substance C fabric
B matter D material

Choose the correct option.

1 Mary was____ her hair cut when she got a message. 13 Does Vicky ever make her son____ the grass?
A had C making A cut C cutting
B having D made B to cut D to have cut

2 I wish James so stubborn when I offered him a job. 14 I'd rather not____ to Barcelona last week.
A weren't________________ C wouldn't A travelled C travel
B wasn't be D hadn't been B have travelled D would have travelled

3 If Alice_____ enough free time, she'll start improving her 15 In____ , Susan called the police when she heard an
French. explosion.
A has C had A desperance C desperation
B would have D will have B desperiety D desperence

4 William asked David,"Are you into football?"-William 16 ____ Sarah get the job, we will definitely celebrate it.
asked David if_into football. A Should C Unless
A had he been C was he B If D If only
B he was D he had been 17 It's high time Matt____ married.
5 Not only have I seen a lot of____ at the zoo, but there A had got C would get
are also some kangaroos. B got D gets
A oxes C oxese 18 The manager will have had the project____ by Monday.
B ox D oxen A doing C done
6 She asked,"What shall we do tomorrow?"- She asked B to do D do

what they_do the day after. 19 "You lied to me!" - Barbara____ me of lying to her.
A shall C might A encouraged C accused
B must D should B refused D warned

7 ____ you ever had your passport stolen? 20 Sadly, Charles is still ill - he's____ hospital.
A Had C Have A at C in
B Were D Did B ata D ina

8 Can you bring me a____ of yogurt, please? 21 People often forget that____ also need food.
A pot C tube A homeless C the homeless people
B bottle D lump B the homeless D the homelesses

9 ____ Nick lends Michael that money, he won't be able to 22 Jason____ better sunbathe in the morning.
buy a car. A had C would have
A If C Although B would D be
B Unless D Provided
23 "Can you show me these shoes, please?"-The customer
10 I wish teachers____ never shout at me! asked me to show her_____ shoes.
A would C will A those C this
B wouldn't D won't B that D these

11 "Yes, it was me who broke your favourite cup." - Richard 24 Unfortunately, I can't____ my mum to stop eating
_____ having broken my favourite cup. unhealthy food.
A denied C suggested A let C make
B admitted D claimed B have D get

12 ____ lyou, I would tell the truth. 25 If Sam had realised how expensive the book was, he
A Would C Should wouldn't_____ it last week.
B Was D Were A have ordered C order
B ordering D be ordering

Choose the correct option.

1 Taking your partner____ granted is one of the biggest 13 A fire broke out in the town hall, but, luckily, no____ were
mistakes one can make. reported.
A as B for C like D by A casualties C troops
B survivors D refugees
2 The thing I'm looking forward to is being with my family
____ Christmas. 14 The man who lives next door is suspected____
A at B in C on D while corruption.
A at B in C of D for
3 Lack of rain for an extended period of time causes____ .
A avalanches C blizzards 15 ____ danger when you walk alone at night.
B famine D drought A Look down on C Lookup
B Look out for D Look at
4 Thank God I____ that awful mistake before handing the
test in. 16 Hurry up! Although it's only____ now, it might start
A glimpsed C glanced raining heavily in a moment.
B spotted D scanned A blowing C lashing
B pouring D drizzling
5 ____ a goal during that match was the best moment in
my life. 17 At the end of the conference, every participant will be
A Getting C Scoring provided with a____ .
B Setting D Breaking A certificate C degree
B diploma D qualification
6 I'd say that the climate in France is rather____ - it is
neither hot nor cold throughout the year. 18 I apologise for taking your coat____ mistake.
A polar C desert A out of C through
B mild D medium B of D by

7 I do understand that my neighbours are young and they 19 There are 16____ in this novel.
want to party every night, but I simply can't_this A volumes C poetries
B contents D chapters
awful noise. Next time I'll definitely call the police.
A put through C put aside 20 Let me____ forgetting to do the washing-up by cooking
B put forward D put up with dinner.
A make out for C look forward to
8 Even though Mike had been caught committing fraud, B make up for D look down on
he was_with just a fine.
A let down C let off 21 Keep____ ! Covid-19 spreads easily, so we need to keep a
B let out D letup safe distance.
A back B on C off D up
9 Stop____ at them! It's rude!
A staring C noticing 22 If you've already decided that you want to be a pilot and
B scanning D watching don't want to study unnecessary subjects, you ought to
attend a____ .
10 Hold your____ correctly while canoeing. Otherwise, your
A grammar school C vocational school
back will ache.
B comprehensive school D boarding school
A saddle C paddle
B hoop D puck 23 Protecting____ and not letting them die out ought to be
one of the most vital aims of each government.
11 ____ protect(s) polar bears from cold weather.
A endangered species C oil spills
A Thick scales C Thick fur
B fossil fuels D global warming
B Webbed scales D Webbed fur
24 Apple juice is rich____ iron.
12 We'll have to meet____ Friday night. Sadly, I can't make it
A for B in C at D with
earlier - I've got a lot of things to do.
A at B on C in D at the 25 Ben always____ me at basketball.
A wins B scores C beats D gains


Relative clauses

Relative clauses are introduced by: a) relative pronouns, i.e. who, whom, whose, which or that or b) relative adverbs,
i.e. when, where or why.

Relative pronouns

Subject of the verb of the relative Object of the verb of the relative Possession
clause (cannot be omitted) clause (can be omitted) (cannot be omitted)
used for who/that whom/who/that whose
people That's the man who/that stole The man (who/whom/that) you saw That's the girl whose brother is a singer.
the money. last night was my uncle.
used for which/that which/that whose/of which
things/ 1 read a book which/that was The cat (which/that) you saw lying on That's the coat the sleeves of which/
animals written by Samuel Johnson. the sofa is my favourite one. whose sleeves are made of velvet.
• Whom, which, whose can be used in expressions of quantity with of (some of, many of, half of, etc).
She received a lot ofpostcards. Most of them were from her friends. She received a lot ofpostcards, most of which were
from her friends.

• That can be used instead of who, whom or which, but it is never used after commas or prepositions.
She's the actress who/that was awarded the prize. The man in the corner, who is sitting next to Jane, is my uncle, ('that'is
not possible)

Relative adverbs Prepositions in relative clauses

Time when (= in/on/at which) We do not normally use prepositions before relative
2012 was the year (when) I moved to Wales. pronouns.
The house in which she lives is in the suburbs, (formal
Place where (= in/at/on/to which)
- not usual)
That's the hotel where we spent our honeymoon.
The house which she lives in is in the suburbs, (usual)
Reason why (= for which) The house she lives in is in the suburbs, (more usual)

That's the reason (why) they were celebrating.

Choose the correct option.

Having visited a few countries 1)___ the climate is different to yours,

you will appreciate how important it is to plan carefully before travelling.
Not planning well enough is the reason 2)___ some holidays can go
wrong. A holiday 3)___ involves a lot of walking, for example, means
you need to go at a time 4)___ it is neither too hot nor too cold. It also
means you need to plan to go with someone 5)___ enjoys walking and
6)___ stamina is equal to yours. A travel companion 7)____ likes the
same things as you is ideal, but it’s very difficult to meet someone
8)___ likes and dislikes are exactly the same as yours. In any case, you
need to decide on a holiday 9)___ suits both of you and a country
10)___ the climate is not uncomfortable for either of you.

1 A when B where C which 6 A whose B that C which

2 A whose B which C why 7 A which B of whom C who
3 A which B of which c whose 8 A in which B whose c that
4 A when B who c in which 9 A that B where c who
5 A which B of whom c that 10 A that B where c whom


Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use three to five words.

1 That's the zoo where they took the tiger. WHICH 4 He's the one person on whom she can depend. WHO
That's the zoo the tiger. He's the one person _________________________________
2 The place where you went is my home town. WHICH depend on.
The place_______________________________________________ 5 He bought two jackets; they were on sale. BOTH
is my home town. He bought two jackets,______________________________
3 That's the girl he gave the present to. WHOM on sale.
That's the girl__________________________________________ 6 That's my friend; he hasa Spanish cousin. COMES
the present. That's my friend from Spain.

Defining / Non-defining relative clauses

• A defining relative clause gives necessary Note how the commas change the meaning of the
information and is essential to the meaning of the sentence.
main clause. It is not put between commas. The players, who were involved in the fight, were sent
People who hunt illegally should be punished. off the pitch, (all the players were sent off)
• A non-defining relative clause gives extra The players who were involved in the fight were sent off
information which is not essential to the meaning of the pitch, (only the players who were involved in
the main clause. It is put between commas. the fight were sent off)

Her mother, who is a kind woman, has helped her a lot.

Fill in the relative pronoun adding commas where necessary. Write D for defining, ND for non-defining and
whether the relative pronoun can be omitted or not.

1 That's the man I was talking about.

2 The girl speaks four languages is in my class.
3 I've never met anyone before was quite so rude.
4 My team won the cup are going to tour Europe.
5 I met a really interesting doctor name I have since forgotten.
6 The necklace I bought in Egypt is very old.
7 I know few people are as considerate as she is.
8 Have you seen the pencil I bought yesterday?
9 She's the girl I'm sharing my flat with.
10 This book is about Vietnam is fascinating.
11 Ann contract expires next week is looking for another job.
12 She is the singer latest record reached the top of the charts.
13 The woman dog was stolen is offering a reward.
14 This jumper my grandmother knitted for me is too small.
15 They are the friends invited us to their daughter's wedding.
16 The documentary I saw last night was very informative.
17 His band is touring Europe is called Blunt.
18 This is the hospital was built in 1920.
19 That man name is Bill stole my purse.
20 She is a person I shall always be grateful to.
21 He's the man she's going to marry.
22 This house he inherited from his parents is worth a fortune.
23 Her school is very old is closing down.
24 King Lear is a play was written by Shakespeare.
25 Elephants are hunted for ivory are becoming extinct.

Use relative pronouns/adverbs to join the Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
following sentences, as in the example. Use two to five words.

1 That's the hotel. We stayed there last summer. 1 He lost his passport, which was silly of him.
That's the hotel where we stayed last summer. LOSE It was _________________________________________
2 This is the car. He drives to work in it every day. ___________________ his passport.
2 That's the hotel we are staying in.
WHERE That's _________________________________________
3 That's the actor. He was in the film you mentioned. __________________________ stayi n g.
3 That woman complained to the manager.
WHO That's _________________________________________
4 She bought a brooch. It once belonged to a duchess. ________________ to the manager.
4 We met several people from Portsmouth, but none of
them knew Dr Irons.
5 That's the house. It was damaged in the earthquake.
WHOM We met several people from Portsmouth,

Dr Irons.
6 They met a man. His fortune is believed to be around
5 The car we rented was very unreliable.
£3 million.
WHICH We________________________________________
very unreliable.
6 Clare Spender is the author; her book became a
7 That's the mansion. The Queen's youngest son lives
bestseller overnight.
WHOSE Clare Spender is
a bestseller overnight.
7 We bought a kilo of apples; some of them were
8 They called their neighbour. She was a doctor.
WHICH We bought a kilo of apples,
________________________ bruised.
9 We went back to the cafe. I'd left my purse there.
8 August is the month when most people take their
10 That's the painting. It is a Picasso masterpiece. WHICH August _______________________________________
most people take their holidays.
9 She has a class of twenty students; half of them are
Complete the sentences so that they are true WHOM She has a class of twenty students,
about you. Use relative pronouns and adverbs. _________________ are Canadian.
10 Sue tried on some shoes, but none of them fitted.
1 The sports person_________________________________________
WHICH Sue tried on some shoes,
_________________________________________ fitted.
2 The season ________________________________________________
11 At the film festival we saw many people; some were
famous actors.
3 My friend___________________________________________________
WHOM At the film festival we saw many people,

4 I like watching films ______________________________________

famous actors.

5 I'd like to travel to a place

6 The person ________________________________________________

Clauses of time

• Clauses of time are introduced by: after, as, as long as, She had finished reading before they came home.
as soon as, just as, once, since, when, before, by the (NOT: before-t-heycome home}
time (= before, not later than), while, until/till (= up to • When the time clause precedes the main clause, a
the time when), the moment (that), whenever, every comma is used. When the time clause follows, no
time, immediately, etc. comma is used.
He bought a villa as soon as he got the money When he finishes, he can go home. He can go home
• Time clauses follow the rule of the sequence of when he finishes.
tenses; that is, when the verb of the main clause is in • when (time conjunction) + present tense
a present or future form, the verb of the time clause When he comes, he'll tell you.
is in a present form, and when the verb of the main when (question word) + will/would
clause is in a past form, the verb of the time clause is When will he come?
in a past form, too. Note that will is never used in
• If is used for things which may happen.
clauses of time.
Wait for me if I'm late.
I'll give it to you when you tell me why you want it.
When is used for things which are sure to happen.
(NOT: when you will tell me}
I'll be back when I finish shopping.

Choose the correct option. Fill in if or when and put the verbs into the correct
1 They had finished packing by_____we returned from
work. 1 Tom will phone you he
A the time B before C soon (wake up).
2 do you think you
2 A door-to-door salesperson turned up just as I_____
(finish) the project?
the house.
3 there(be) any problems,
A had left B am leaving C was leaving
I will phone you.
3 When_____ back from work? 4 the exams(be) over, we
A is he B will he be C were he will go to the seaside.
4 By the time the ambulance_____ , the baby had already 5 Ted(apply) for the
been born. job, I'm sure he will get it.
A would arrive B had arrived C arrived 6 we(arrive) late at
the theatre, there will be no tickets left.
5 After he_____for a while, he realised he was being
7 we(have) nothing
else to discuss, we can all leave now.
A is walking B had been walking
8 (you/stop) interfering
C will be walking
in my life?
6 As soon as she____ the report, he will have it typed. 9 Please let me know you
A will finish B finishes C had finished (hear) from them, will you?

7 Make sure you lock all the doors_____ you leave the 10 I have no idea she

house. _______________________________ (return) from her trip

A after B as soon C before to Paris.

8 We'll have dinner after I_____the emails.

A send B will send
C will have sent

9 Give me a call_____you finish work.

A when B until C since

10 She'll come_____her children leave for school.

A once B by the time C just
Clauses of result Clauses of reason

Clauses of result are introduced by: • Clauses of reason are introduced by: as,
• that (after such/so...), (and) as a result, (and) as a consequence, since, because, for, the reason for, the
consequently, so, etc. reason (why), on the grounds that, etc.
The sea is so cold that they can't swim. As he was late for work, he got a taxi.
• such a(n) + (adjective) + singular countable noun • Because usually answers a why-question.
It was such a nice dress that she bought it. "Why did you lie to him?" "Because I was
• such + (adjective) + uncountable/plural noun afraid of being punished."
It was such bad weather that we stayed indoors. For always comes after a comma in
written speech or a pause in oral speech.
• such + a lot of + noun
I didn't tell him anything, for I don't trust
There were such a lot of people on the bus that there were no seats left.
• so + adjective/adverb
• Other ways of expressing reason:
He speaks so quickly that hardly anyone can understand him.
Because of/Due to + noun/-ing form
• so + much/many/little/few + noun
Paul was late because of/due to heavy
She won so much money in the lottery that she bought a mansion.
• so + adjective + a(n) + noun Because of/Due to + the fact that...
it was so delicious a cake that we ate it all. (not usual) Because of the fact that/Due to the
• as a result/therefore/consequently/so + clause fact that it had been snowing for - /
He didn't have a visa, and as a result, he couldn't enter the country. four days, all roads were dosed. / /

Choose the correct option. Choose the correct option.

1 It was_____hard job that we were exhausted by the

Mandy was getting 1) so/such bored one afternoon that she time we had finished.
decided to go shopping. She always took 2) such a/such A such a B so C such
pleasure in buying things for herself that she would often
2 He had to go home and get the report_____he had
spend lots of money in just one day. She set out feeling really
forgotten to bring it with him.
excited. After two hours, she had bought 3) so/such many
A therefore B because C due
things that she could hardly carry them. The shops were
closing and there was 4) so/such a lot of traffic in the streets 3 the food was bad, we complained to the
that she couldn’t find a taxi. She started feeling frustrated as manager.
the parcels and bags she was carrying were getting in A The reason why B Due to
everyone’s way. She was 5) such/so anxious to get back C Since
home that she decided to take the underground. She took
4 _____the fact that it was a long journey, they packed
6) such a/such long time to find her purse among her things
some food to take with them.
that people waiting behind her in the queue started
A Because B Consequently C Due to
muttering. When she finally found it, there was 7) such/so
little money in it that she didn’t have enough to buy a ticket. 5 I hate sailing is because I get seasick.
Mandy was 8) so/such embarrassed that she just wanted to A Such B The reason C For
disappear. She left the station and was in 9) so/such a 6 Their house is too small, and_____ , they are going to
desperate state that she didn't know what to do. "I’ve spent look for a larger one.
10) so/such much money,” she thought, "that I’ve made a A consequently B because C for
fool of myself in front of complete strangers.” Mandy
7 Sharon is busy this weekend, she can't come to
eventually got home with all her shopping after getting a lift
the seaside with us.
in a pizza delivery van!
A Due to B Since C Because of


Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 The team were so good that we couldn't beat them. 7 She had a very bad night's sleep, so she was exhausted.
SUCH Th ey we re RESULT She had a very bad night's sleep,
______________________we couldn't
beat them. she was exhausted.
2 It was such a boring film that we left in the middle of it. 8 Do you know the reason for her leaving her job?
SO It was WHY Do___________________________________
_____________________________ we left ______________________________her job?
in the middle of it. 9 The coffee was so strong that I couldn't drink it.
3 No one knows why they are emigrating. SUCH It ____________________________________
FOR No one knows ________________________ that I couldn't
________________________ emigration. drink it.
4 Our car broke down, so we were very late. 10 He was such a skilful player that he seldom lost a game.
CONSEQUENTLY Our car broke down, SO He was
____________________________ he seldom
very late. lost a game.
5 She was so insistent that we couldn't ignore her. 11 He didn't get the job because he was inexperienced.
TOO She was TO He didn't get the job
6 They couldn't go to the post office because of a experience.
snowstorm. 12 A lot of people use public transport because the traffic
AS They couldn't go to the post office is terrible.
DUE A lot of people use public transport
________________________ snowstorm. _________________________________ traffic.

Expressing purpose - Clauses of purpose

Purpose is expressed with: Negative purpose is normally expressed with:

• to/in order to/so as to + i nfi n itive • so as not/in order not + to-infinitive
I'll leave home early to get to work on time, (informal) She studied hard so as not/in order not to fail her test.
She's studying so as to qualify as a lawyer, (formal) (NOT: She studied hard not to fail her test.)
• so that + can/will (present/future reference) • so that + can't/won't (present/future reference)
She works hard so that she will have better career Tie up the dog so that it won't get out of the garden,
prospects. so that + couldn't/wouldn't (past reference)

• so that + could/would (past reference) She locked the door so that burglars couldn't get in.

He gave me directions so that I could find his house • for fear/lest + might/should
easily. He didn't say where he was going for fear he might be

• with a view to/with the aim of + -ing form followed.

He did a Master's degree with the aim of applying for a for fear of + noun/-/ngform

managerial post when he had finished. He gave them all his money for fear of being shot.

• for + noun/-ing form • prevent + noun/pronoun + (from) + -ing form

This is a knife for cutting bread. She put on her raincoat to prevent herself (from)
getting soaked.
• in case + Present Simple (present/future reference)
I'll write it down in case I forget it. • avoid +-ing form

(NOT: I will forget) He took a taxi to work to avoid being late.

• in case + Past Simple (past reference) Clauses of purpose follow the rule of the sequence of

He took an umbrella in case it rained. tenses.

She's going to buy a dictionary so that her spelling will /
improve. /
They tied him up so that he wouldn't escape.

Choose the correct option. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 If you are unable to attend, please phone the
reception as soon as possible_we can arrange an 1 I didn't tell her the bad news. I didn't want to upset
alternative date. her.
A inorder B so that C with a view AVOID I didn't tell her the bad news
_____________________________ her.
2 I bought her tickets to the concert with the_____of
cheering her up. 2 Mary wrote out a shopping list. She didn't want to

A order B fear C aim forget anything.

THAT Mary wrote out a shopping list
3 She didn't answer the phone to_____having to talk to
_________________ forget anything.
3 Paul trained hard every day. He wanted to be the best.
A avoid B prevent C view
AS Paul trained hard every day
4 They didn't go to the village it might snow. ____________________ the best.
A for B incase__________ C for fear 4 Lee gave up her job. She planned to continue her
5 They bought a bigger house to have more room. education.
A for fear B so that__________ C inorder VIEW Lee gave up her job
_________________ her education.
6 He always keeps a spare tyre in the boot in case he
5 She turned the oven off. She didn't want to burn the
a puncture.
A has had B has C will have
MIGHT She turned the oven off
7 The hospital staff went on strike with a_____to __________________burn the cakes.
protesting about working conditions. 6 He was saving all his money. He intended to buy a
A view B fear C case house.
8 Ann didn't go to the event so that she_____into Max. AIM He was saving all his money
A wouldn't bump B doesn't bump __________________a house.
C not bump

Clauses of manner

• Clauses of manner are introduced by: as if/as as if/as though + any tense form (expressing
though (after the verbs act, appear, be, behave, feel, similarity/probability - how sb/sth seemed)
look, seem, smell, sound, taste), as, how, (in) the way, She sounds as if she is Italian. (She may be Italian.)
(in) the way that, the way in which, (in) the same She looked as if she was tired. (She may have been
way, (in) the same way as. tired.)
It smells as if they are frying chicken. Do as you like. as if/as though + Past Simple/Past Continuous
• Were can be used instead of was in formal English in (unreal in the present)
all persons in clauses introduced with as if/as though. She treats me as if she were my mother, (but she isn't)
She behaves as if she were/was the Queen. as if/as though + Past Perfect (unreal in the past)
She talked about Marilyn Monroe as if they had /
• The tense forms used after as if/as though depend
been close friends, (but they hadn't been)
on whether the ideas are true or untrue.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Does he ever have a holiday? It seems as though he 5 He slept for ten hours last night, but today he's acting
(works) seven days a week! as though he(not/have) any sleep at all.
2 My father is so proud of his cooking - he behaves as 6 She isn't a member of the aristocracy, but she acts as
though he(be) a trained chef. though she(be).
3 The boy was staring at the motorbike as if he 7 My brother isn't rich, but he spends money as if he
(never/see) one before. (be) a millionaire.
4 She is so skinny! She looks as though she 8 He talked about Hawaii as if he(be) there,
(never/eat) a proper meal in her life! but we knew he hadn't.

Expressing concession - Clauses of concession whatever/no matter what + clause
Whatever you do, you won't succeed.
Concession is expressed with:
• although/even though/though + clause adj/adv + though + subject + verb/

Although it was expensive, she bought it. (may + bare infinitive)

Loudly though he knocked on the door,
• despite/in spite of+ noun/-ing form
nobody heard.
Despite his wealth/being rich, he never lends money.
adj/adv + as + subject + verb
• despite/in spite of the fact + fhat-clause
Exhausted as she was, she went to the
In spite of the fact that he's rich, he never lends money.
• while/whereas/but/on the other hand/yet + clause
She swam fast, yet she finished third. Note that a comma is used when the clause
• nevertheless/however + clause of concession either precedes or follows the
He is bright; however, he is rather lazy. main clause.
Whatever she says, he won't believe her.
• however/no matter how + adj/adv + subject (+ may) + verb
He won't believe her, whatever she says.
However clever you are, you won't solve this puzzle.
However fast he runs, he won't catch the robbers.

Choose the correct option. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to
five words.
1 However/Despite the great danger,
we decided to attempt the rescue. 1 She tried hard, but she couldn't solve the problem.
2 Even though/ln spite of strong AS Hard,
opposition from the public, the she couldn't solve the problem.
company went ahead with its plans. 2 However much you complain, they won't give you a refund.
3 Although/However he ate a lot of HOW No _____________________________________________________________
spicy food at the reception, he didn't complain, they won't give you a refund.
suffer from indigestion. 3 He's a writer, but he often makes spelling mistakes.
4 No matter how/No matter what BEING In_______________________________________________________________
measures the government takes a writer, he often makes spelling mistakes.
against hooliganism, there will still be
4 Although she exercises a lot, she's not very strong.
fans who overreact. FACT Despite________________________________________________________
5 In spite of the fact that/Despite she a lot, she's not very strong.
is disabled, she plays a lot of sports.
5 In spite of his leaving home early, he was late for the appointment.
6 I arrived late at the cinema, but/as I
THOUGH Even_______________________________________________________
still got a good seat.
early, he was late for the appointment.
7 He knows he is damaging his health,
6 The plot was complicated, but I enjoyed the film a lot.
despite/yet he continues to smoke.
THOUGH Complicated ,
8 Brilliant though/although the cook
I enjoyed the film a lot.
may be, he knows nothing about
7 John works as a travel agent, but he's never been abroad.
French sauces.
OF In a travel
9 He decided not to do the computer
agent, John has never been abroad.
course, although/whereas it would
have been useful to him. 8 However hard he tried, he didn't succeed.

10 I can't agree with you on this subject, MATTER He didn't succeed,___________________________________________

however/whatever hard you may try __________________he tried.

to convince me. 9 In spite of having a good voice, he could never be a professional singer.
HAS Although ,
he could never be a professional singer.
10 She did her best. She failed the exam.
YET She_____________________________________________________________
failed the exam.



; • Exclamations are used to express anger, fear, shock, • such (a/an) + (adjective) + noun
surprise, etc. They always take an exclamation mark It's such an old car!
(I). Some exclamations are: Oh dear!, Ah!, Oh!, Good • so + adjective/adverb
gracious!, etc. He's so nice to us!
• What + a(n) + (adjective) + singular countable • adverb/adverbial particle + subject + verb of
noun movement
What a nice day! Off he went!
• What + (adjective) + uncountable/plural noun • Here/There + subject + verb
What awful weather! What nice manners! There she goes! BUT There goes Mary! (when the
• How + adjective/adverb subject is a noun, it follows the verb)
How clever he is! How slowly he speaks! • Interrogative - negative question at the
• You + (adjective) + noun beginning of the sentence
You (filthy) liar! Isn't it awful!

Fill in: what (a/an), how, so or such (a/an).

1 ____________________ _ wonderful opportunity! 11 _________________ ____ fantastic costume!

2 ____________________ _ funny he is! 12 _________________ _sad music!
3 This is____________ _________ healthy meal! 13 _________________ _ enthusiastic she is!
4 ____________________ _ friendly staff! 14 He's___________ _________ imaginative artist!
5 He has___________ __________expensive taste! 15 They're_______ _____________ helpful!
6 ____________________ _ miserable he looks! 16 _________________ ____ wonderfully she sings!
7 She works_______ ______________ hard! 17 _________________ _ tasteful decorations you've got!
8 ____________________ _ terrible liar! 18 _________________ _ amazing achievement!
9 It's________________ _____tragedy! 19 They have____ _________________ much money.
10 She's_____________ _______ easy to talk to! 20 _________________ ____ ridiculous hairstyle!

Positive and, both ... and, not only... (but also/as well), too, She is young and successful.
addition moreover, in addition to, furthermore, further, also, not
to mention the fact that, besides

Negative neither... nor, nor, neither, either Neither Jane nor Paula has any desire to meet
addition him again. Jane has no desire to meet him
again. Nor does Paula.

Contrast but, not... but, although, while, whereas, despite, even She can speak Russian fluently; however, she is
if, even though, on the other hand, in contrast, unable to read or write it.
however, (and) yet, at the same time

Similarity similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally When you move house, you must notify the post
office ofyour change of address. Similarly, you
must register with the local council.

Concession but, even so, however, (and) still, (and) yet, She applied for the job even though she wasn't
nevertheless, on the other hand, although, even suitably qualified.
though, despite/in spite of, regardless of, admittedly,
considering, whereas, while, nonetheless

Alternative or, on the other hand, either... or, alternatively They could take a holiday now, or
alternatively, they could wait until
the summer. 7 x

Emphasis besides, not only this but... also, as well, what is / find him pushy and demanding and, what is
more, in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth, more, he is self-centred.
actually, indeed, let alone

Exemplification as, such as, like, for example, for instance, particularly, 1 enjoyed all the books you lent me, but in
especially, in particular particular, 1 liked Wild Swans.
Clarification that is to say, specifically, in other words, to put it He needs to concentrate more on his schoolwork.
another way, I mean Specifically, he has to pay more attention in the

Cause/Reason as, because, because of, since, on the grounds that, The company has decided to take on more staff
seeing that, due to, in view of, owing to, for, now that, now that sales are increasing.
Manner as, (in) the way, how, the way in which, (in) the same The manager explained how the organisation
way (as), as if, as though could increase productivity.
Condition if, in case, assuming (that), on condition (that), Please notify us in the event that/in case you are
provided (that), providing (that), unless, in the event unable to attend the meeting.
(that), in the event of, as/so long as, granted/granting
(that), whether, whether... or (alternative condition),
only if, even if, otherwise, or (else), in case of
Consequence consequently, then, under those circumstances, if so, 1 may take a long lunch break tomorrow.
of a condition if not, so, therefore, in that case, otherwise, thus If so, 1 can go to the hairdresser's then.
Purpose so that, so as (not) to, in order (not) to, in order that, 1 took plenty of magazines with me in case 1 got
for fear (that), in case bored during the flight.
Effect/Result such/so... that, consequently, for this reason, as a The room at The Ritz was double-booked, and as
consequence, thus, therefore, so a consequence, we were moved to another hotel.
Comparison as...as, than, half as...as, nothing like, the...the, twice You look nothing like your sister.
as...as, less...than
Time when, whenever, as, while, now (that), before, until, As a freelance writer, she can choose to work
till, after, since whenever she wants.
Place where, wherever She makes friends wherever she goes.

Exception but (for), except (for), apart from We have sent invitations to everyone apart from
the Fords.
Relative who, whom, whose, which, what, that Let me introduce you to the man whose ideas
have revolutionised the workplace.
Chronological beginning: initially, first..., at first, to start/begin with, First of all, we need to decide what the problem
first of all is.
continuing: secondly..., after this/that, second ..., Then, we need to consider all possible solutions.
afterwards, then, next, before this
concluding: finally, at last, in the end, eventually, Finally, we must decide on the best alternative.
lastly, last but not least

Reference considering, concerning, regarding, with respect/ Considering the length of time he took to write
regard/reference to, in respect/regard/reference to the report, it is not up to standard.
this/to the fact that With reference to what we agreed last week,
1 would like to remind you that the deadline has
been brought forward to 1 June.
Summarising in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, as I have said, To sum up, the film was a complete waste of z
as (it) was previously stated, on the whole, in all, all in time. /
all, altogether, in short, briefly, to put it briefly


Choose the correct option. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 You could_____leave now, or wait and ride with us.
A both B neither C either 1 I was born in that hospital.
WAS That's _______________________________________
2 He's not a very good tennis player_____he practises all
________________________ born.
the time.
A considering B despite C in spite 2 He has decided to emigrate to Australia; we can't stop
3 He decided to change jobs_____that he wanted a
PREVENT We can't ____________________________________
chance to be more creative. __________________ to Australia.
A at the same time
3 I didn't tell her the news because I didn't want to upset
B as a consequence
C on the grounds
SO I didn't tell her the news
4 I don't feel like going out tonight;_____ , I never enjoy ___________________________ her.
myself at pop concerts. 4 He couldn't get a credit card because he owed the
A particularly B similarly C besides bank money.

5 He's afraid of heights,_____ he wants to go rock RESULT He owed the bank money,

climbing. _________________ , he couldn't

A and yet B but also C let alone geta credit card.

5 It was such a rude remark that we all felt insulted.
6 We're going to go on with the project_____ they say
SO It was_______________________________________
it's no longer necessary.
we all felt insulted.
A owing to B even if C thus
6 He bought a computer as he intended to work from
7 _____she hardly ever practises the cello, she plays very home.
well. VIEW He bought a computer
A Apart from B Despite C Eventhough _________________ from home.
8 _____do I enjoy her company, but she's also been a 7 She seldom left the house because she was afraid of
great help to me. being attacked.
A Besides B Not only C Initially FEAR She seldom left the house
9 He isn't qualified for the job._____ , he hasn't had much
8 Whatever you say, I will never trust that man.
practical experience.
WHAT I will never trust that man
A What is more B Wherever C Eventually
_________________________________ you say.
10 She sings_____she were an opera star.
9 That's the shop where he used to work when he was
A as if B assuming C owing to
11 You can play tennis for free here_____you book in IN That's the shop
advance. __________________ when he
A except for B even so C provided was young.

12 Everyone agreed_____from James. 10 You must phone work if you are ill.

A but B apart C only EVENT You must phone work

__________________you are ill.
13 On the_____, it was a great performance.
11 She was tall, but she couldn't reach the top shelf.
A all B whole C summary
THOUGH Tall___________________________________________
14 She decided to accept the job offer even____ she not reach the top shelf.
would have to move to New York. 12 There was heavy traffic on the motorway, so we
A considering B despite C though arrived late.
15 He behaves_____he were the boss. DUE We arrived late
A in a way B with a view C as if _________ on the motorway.


Choose the correct option.

1 She wore a wig______ no one would recognise her. 14 I'll help you with the chores______ I finish my
A for fear C inorder homework.
B to avoid D so that A as soon as C just as
B by the time D while
2 James is the person______ decided to volunteer at the
local animal shelter. 15 He looks nothing______ his father.
A whose C who A as C like
B which D whom B such D less

3 We were late______ heavy rain. 16 The person______ you met last night is a vet.
A because C for fear A whose C where
B due to D in order to B whom D why

4 It was______ good news that everyone cheered. 17 ______ he didn't have the right qualifications, he
A as C so decided to apply for the post.
B sucha D such A Despite C Even
B Although D Whereas
5 That is the actress______ husband is an Oscar nominee.
A whose C which 18 ______ Paul nor Jenny accepted the offer.
B who D whom A But C Neither
B Either D Whereas
6 She moved to New York______ studying Art.
A in case C with the aim of 19 He's______ patient with children!
B with a view D so that A even so C such
B likewise D so
7 ______ being late, they didn't hurry.
A While C Despite 20 Take some extra money in case you______ it.
B In spite D Although A will need C would need
B are needing D need
8 She sounds______ she is Spanish.
A how C though 21 ______ nice presents! Thank you all!
B the way D as if A Such a C What
B How D So
9 Tired______ she was, she continued working on the
project. 22 The house in______ he lives belongs to his
A however C as grandparents.
B although D yet A where C that
B which D whom
10 She interviewed twelve students, one of______ was
Portuguese. 23 ______ not feeling well, he went to work.
A where C which A Despite C Although
B who D whom B In spite D Even though

11 She left early______ meeting them. 24 When he______ , we can go to the supermarket.
A in case C to avoid A comes C will come
B for fear D to prevent B had come D is coming

12 The company recruited more staff______ the summer 25 ______ hard he tries, he won't be promoted.
season is starting soon. A Despite C No matter
A due to C on the grounds B However D Whatever
B seeing that D in view of

13 Steve behaves as if he______ the owner of the cafe,

but he isn't.
A is C has been
B were D would be

I Vocabulary

CLOTHES, ACCESSORIES AND FOOTWEAR Choose the word that does not match.
Complete the descriptions with words from the
Accessories: earmuffs, wallet, boots, scarf, bow tie,
•T-shirt • suit •leggings • gloves •shirt Footwear: loafers, sneakers, trainers, necklace, sandals
• shoes • boots •trousers • skirt • jacket Clothes: raincoat, evening gown, cardigan, purse, vest
• tights • scarf • trainers • sunglasses Jewellery: slippers, necklace, bracelet, earrings,
• dress • belt brooch

Vintage Match the sentences to the accessories in the list.

• necklace • hairbands • watch • earrings

Milly is wearing a 1) on her
• bracelet • ring
head and a pair of 2) over her
eyes. She has got black 3) _____ on 1 I wear it around my neck when I go out with my

her hands and a black 4) with friends._____________________

2 I usually wear one in each ear at the weekends.
white spots. She is also wearing high-heeled shoes.

3 I wear it every day because I need it to tell the time.

Smart casual 4 I use them to tie my hair up in my PE and Science

Sam is wearing a light blue lessons.
and a grey waistcoat.
He has got a pair of black 5 It's a present from my grandma and I wear it on my
middle finger.____________________
______ on and some white
6 I just wear one on my wrist, but some of my friends
have got lots!____________________


Label the pictures with: floral, denim, plain, striped,
Polly is wearing a red 8) and
leather, cotton, polka dot, wool/woollen, silk, checked.
black top. She has got a pair of black
9) on her legs and trainers.

Amy is wearing a red evening dress. Chris 6

is wearing a black
10) with a bow tie
around his neck. He has got shiny black
11) on his feet.
1 ________________________ 6 ________________________
2 7 _________________________
3 ________________________ 8 ________________________

Fancy dress 4
Gemma is wearing a hairband on her head. She
has got a black 12)
Describe your favourite outfit.
a silver 13)_________ around her
waist and a black 14) / love wearing my denim jeans and white trainers with a
cotton T-shirt and a checked shirt. I wear my watch, too,
She has got purple 15)
and a necklace.
and black 16) on her feet.


see about: deal with; make arrangements for (= see to) Tick (/) the correct box. Check in your dictionary.
see sb off: go with sb to their point of departure
see sb out: accompany sb to the door/exit of a house/
see over: inspect (a house, flat, etc) money
see through sb/sth: not be deceived by sb/sth
see sb through: support sb until the end of a difficult weight
time the bus
see to: 1) make arrangements, 2) attend to sth
a film

a target

Fill in the correct particle. one’s mind

1 Don't do the washing up now; I'll see it later. control

2 Let's make an appointment to see the
a class
property with the surveyor.
3 He thinks he's clever, but I can see his tricks. the chance

4 You look after the children and I'll see the interest
washing up.
my jacket
5 We'll all come to the station to see you after
the fashion show. a game

an appointment
a flight

Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct the point

preposition. a deadline

1 She was expelled school when they caught

her taking some test papers.
Complete the gaps. Use: try, take, put, do or dress
2 He forgave me arriving late his
(x2). Check in your dictionary.
3 Don't worry - you'll be safe danger here. 1 People usually up for events like weddings.
4 I replied to the invitation the party. 2 It's really warm in the sun today. Why don't you
5 It's so typical of him to be late an appointment. off your coat?
6 Mozart was a genius composing operas. 3 He wants to up as a superhero at Halloween.
7 The train to Liverpool departs platform 7 at 4 Can you help Mikey up his coat? He's only
10.30. two years old, and he can't manage the buttons yet.
8 He was ashamed the way he had treated his 5 It's freezing cold outside.on a hat and
friend. some gloves when you go out.
9 In this city, you have to beware the busy 6 I think those jeans are too big for you.
roads as they're very dangerous. them on in the changing room before you buy them.
10 Kate is fond wearing scarves in the winter.
Wear or put on? Complete in the correct form.

1 Jane a uniform to work.

2 It's cold.your jacket.
3 I can't decide what to to the wedding.
4 your gloves before you go.
5 I sometimes my hair up.
6 Tony sometimes contact lenses.
7 He his coat and went out.
8 What are you going to to the reception?

English in Use


That's the town I was born in.
Prefixes are syllables which we add before certain
That's the town where I was born. words to form new words. The meaning of the new
That's the town in which I was born. word depends on the prefix that has been used.
They let us stay, which was kind of them. anti- against (antisocial)
It was kind of them to let us stay. bi- two (biannual)
co- with (co-driver)
This is Mr Foster; his son is a famous pianist.
counter- in the opposite direction (counteract)
This is Mr Foster whose son is a famous pianist.
ex- previous, former (ex-wife)
Sunday is the day when she got married. inter- between (international)
Sunday is the day on which she got married. mis- done wrongly or badly (misjudge)

I bought a fridge which was faulty. mono- one (monologue)

multi- many (multicultural)
The fridge I bought was faulty.
non- not (non-smoker)
That man gave my brother a job.
out- more, better (outgrow)
That's the man who gave my brother a job. over- (done) to a great extent (overconfident)
They arrested six men; two of them are Swiss.
They arrested six men, two of whom are Swiss.
Fill in the correct form of the words in bold using
the appropriate prefix.

1 Students organised a(n)

Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
protest against
Use two to five words.
conflicts around the world. WAR
1 I like all my dresses, but the red one is my favourite. 2 Mary is as
PARTICULAR I like all my dresses, but the red one she speaks both English and
Italian fluently. LINGUAL
favourite. 3 A i s a I ways
2 Once they all arrived, she began the seminar. on board the aircraft to assist
HAD She waited the captain during a flight. PILOT
____________________________________ before 4 The football team launched a
she began the seminar. _________________ against their
3 Gary was the only one who didn't enjoy the meal. opponent and scored. ATTACK
EXCEPT Everyone_______________________________ 5 After finalising their divorce,
_________________ Gary. Jane has no contact whatsoever
4 Always check the dictionary if you don't want to make with her________________________ . HUSBAND

spelling mistakes. 6 United Airlines covers

AVOID Always check the dictionary ________________________ flights
___ spelling mistakes. in lots of countries worldwide. CONTINENTAL

5 I'm not going to work today because I've got a cold. 7 Please don't________________________
me; I don't mean to be rude. UNDERSTAND
OWING I'm not going to work today
8 Jack is a________________________ and
______ I've got a cold.
owns his own private jet and island. MILLIONAIRE
6 His second film is very different to his first.
9 Access to the swimming pool is
LIKE His second film
prohibited to________________________ . MEMBERS
_________________________________ his first.
10 Jake always tries to
7 I'm writing concerning the advertised position.
________________________ everybody
REFERENCE I'm writing
else in the class. DO
the advertised position.
11 Make sure you don't__________________
8 This is Mr Jones; you will be helping him tomorrow.
as you will miss the train. SLEEP
WHO This is Mr Jones
12 The USA is a________________________
______ tomorrow.
country with people from different
nationalities living there. CULTURAL

English in Use 11

Choose the best option.

1 If you don't refund my money, I'll be forced to take 7 Her sister took her coat without asking first. She was so
legal. angry that she could barely her voice.
A step C move A manage C check
B action D measure B rule D control

2 Adam could not on his work because of the noise 8 She has been day and night for the piano recital
coming from his next door neighbour's radio. next month.
A assemble C devote A practising C exercising
B collect D concentrate B applying D learning

3 Rosa and Miriam remained silent the journey so 9 The play was a huge success. Over three thousand
as to enjoy the spectacular scenery. people the opening night.
A in C all A observed C attended
B at D throughout B heard D listened

4 Their dream came true when they finally set off on their 10 What did I like the? The fashion show! It was
to Mount Everest. spectacular.
A expedition C travel A great C much
B sightseeing D cruise B more D most

5 John felt that his mother would disapprove of his 11 Mary was thrilled when she found out that she had
plans to work in the fashion industry. been a place at Harvard University.
A accurate C definite A told C proposed
B guaranteed D certain B offered D said

6 You should leave early in order to the heavy 12 Jenny was with both her teachers and classmates.
traffic. A popular C well-known
A pass C keep B famous D well-off
B avoid D prevent


Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

the SilkWoRA
When you wear a silk shirt, scarf or tie, you might not 0) immediately th'mk IMMEDIATE
of where the material came from. The silkworm which produces it is not
1)a worm at all, but a kind of butterfly or moth. From its REAL
body, it spins its own 2)cocoon using silk which can be up PROTECT
to one mile in length.
For more than 4,000 years, these silk threads have been 3) WEAVE
into luxurious fabrics to provide clothes for the wealthy. Today, in China,
more than 10 million farmers raise silkworms, supplying more than one half
of the world’s 4). REQUIRE
When the caterpillars hatch from the eggs, they spend about a month
eating mulberry leaves before being put into 5)in their own ISOLATE
separate boxes. Here, they spin a cocoon around 6). After THEY
about two weeks, the caterpillars change into moths, and the cocoons are
ready to receive a hot steam bath 7)to loosen the thread. TREAT
This is carefully unravelled and wound into skeins of silk. This simple
8)process gives us our pure silk thread. NATURE


Emphatic structures

We use emphatic structures to emphasise a particular part of a sentence.

• it is/was (not) + subject/object + that/who(m) • that is/was + question word (statements)
(statements/negations) That's what he did to save the boy.
it was Mary that/who called you. It was the manager • is/was that + question word or question word + is/
that/who(m) I wrote to. was it + that (questions)
It was the radio that broke down, (only "that" can be Was that why they moved house? Why is it that you
used because the subject is not a person) are always late for work?
It wasn't me that/who called the police. It isn't the TV
• To express admiration, anger, concern, etc., we use
that needs to be repaired.
question words with ever.
• question word + subject + verb + is/was Whatever are you talking about?
What he needs is a long holiday.
• do/does/did + bare infinitive is used in the Present
• is/was it + subject/object + that/who(m) (questions) simple, Past simple or Imperative to give emphasis.
Is it Jim that/whom you are going to meet? Was it his I do promise to keep your secret. Do have some /
bicycle that got stolen last night? more coffee. He did buy the diamond ring. /

Rewrite the sentences as in the example. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 Ann decorated the pumpkin.
It was Ann who/that decorated the pumpkin. 1 You weren't paying attention when the accident
2 The children need somewhere to play. happened.
THAT It ___________________________________________
_______ paying attention
3 Did you give him that horrible pair of trousers? when the accident happened.
2 The doctor promised that I would be out of bed in a
couple of days.
4 What do you mean by talking to me like that? DID The_________________________________________
would be out of bed in a couple of days.
3 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
5 You should concentrate more while you're driving. WAS It ___________________________________________
discovered penicillin.
4 Did you meet Dwayne Johnson in Hollywood?
6 I telephoned our cousins.
MET Was _______________________________________
Dwayne Johnson in Hollywood?
5 The committee doesn't want to accept any new
7 Where are you going to be at Easter?
members into the club.
IS What the___________________________________
_______________________ to accept any new
8 You need a nice cup of tea.
members into the club.
6 He said he was coming with us.
SAY He _________________________________________
9 When did you get home?
___________________ with us.
7 Did you go to the Rivera Club last night?
IT Was ________________________________________
10 Why did you borrow money from Alan?
you went to last night?

^■9 12


We can invert the subject and the auxiliary verb in the • in conditionals when should, were, had (Past Perfect)
sentence to give emphasis. This happens: are placed at the beginning of the sentence. Note
• after certain expressions placed at the beginning of a that "if" is omitted.
sentence. Should you go out, leave the key under the mat. (Ifyou
Barely, Hardly (ever)... when, In no way, In/Underno should go out... - Type 1)
circumstances, Little, Never (before), Nor/Neither, No Were I you, I would apologise. (If I were you... - Type 2)
sooner... than, Noteven once, Not only... but also, Not Had he been invited, he would have come. (If he had
since, Not till/until, Nowhere, Only by, Only in this way, been invited... - Type 3)
On no account, On no occasion, Only then, Rarely, • after so, neither/nor, as to express agreement.
Scarcely (ever)... when, Seldom. "I enjoy romance films." "So do I." ("So" is used to agree
Little did he say about his accident. Rarely does he with an affirmative statement.)
visit us. "Tim didn't come." "Neither/Nor did Ann." ("Neither/
Note that when only after, only by, only if, only when, Nor"are used to agree with a negative statement.)
not since, not till/until are put at the beginning of a Her students loved her, as did her colleagues.
sentence, we use inversion in the main clause.
Only when you see him will you realise how much he In the following structures, we invert the subject and the
has suffered. main verb.
• after adverbs of place. There goes the bus!
• after so, such, to such a degree (in result
(BUT There it goes!)
clauses) placed at the beginning of a sentence.
Here is your pen! (BUT Here it is!)
So hard does he work that he will soon be promoted.
• in Direct Speech when the reporting verb comes
after the quote and the subject is a noun.
"What a nice dress!" said Susan.
(BUT "What a nice dress!"she said.)

Choose the correct option. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
Use two to five words.
1 Only if you agree can we go/we can go on with the
plan. 1 I've never had such fun anywhere else.
2 Under no circumstances will Elaine leave/Elaine will ELSE Nowhere__________________________________
leave the house. such fun.
3 Were/Should the river rise any higher, the town will 2 Lynn didn't realise that her mother was so worried
be flooded. about her.
4 Did/Had you paid on time, you wouldn't have been REALISE Little that
cut off. her mother was so worried about her.
5 No sooner/Not only had he recovered from the flu 3 The army marched forward into battle.
than he caught a bad cold. MARCHED Forward __________________________________
6 So/Such a long holiday did he take that he forgot into battle.
how to do his job.
4 Her parents and her friends warned her not to go
7 Only if/by shouting and waving their arms did they
manage to get our attention.
AS Her parents warned her not to go
8 Only when he is really desperate he asks/does he ask
for help.
5 She sang so well that she was offered a record deal.
9 I'll give him your message should/were I see him.
SING So _____________________________________
10 Neither/Never does Tom seem worried about his
that she was offered a record deal.
6 Unemployment hasn't been at such a high level at any
11 Barely had she finished cooking than/when her first
time since the 1930s.
guests arrived.
BEEN Not since the 1930s
12 Only when I have nothing else to do I watch/do I
at such a high level.
watch TV.

Rewrite the sentences using so or such at the Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
beginning of the sentence. Use two to five words.

1 As the exams were difficult, many students complained. 1 The door to the basement is to be left open on no
So___________________________________________________________ account.
ACCOUNT On _________________________________________
2 His dream was so strange that his psychiatrist wrote to the basement to be left open.
about it in a medical journal. 2 We won't tell anybody the good news until we're
So___________________________________________________________ certain it's true.
WILL Not until we're certain it's true
3 The explorers took such a long time to find the tomb ____________ anybody the
that they had nearly run out of supplies. good news.
Such________________________________________________________ 3 He felt so unwell that he had to cancel their date.
DID So _________________________________________
4 Many people think she's English because she speaks that he had to cancel their date.
the language so fluently. 4 Bob forgot his mother's birthday and his sister's too.
So___________________________________________________________ DID Bob didn't remember his mother's
5 She is so ignorant that she has never heard of Shakespeare. his sister's.
Such________________________________________________________ 5 He was so anxious that he kept biting his nails.
HIS Such_______________________________________
6 He was so surprised that he nearly fell off his chair. he kept biting his nails.
Such____________________________________________________ 6 Brown bread is healthier and tastier than white bread.
ONLY Not_____________________________________
than white bread, but it's healthier too!
Fill in so, neither/nor and the appropriate pronoun
and verb. Choose the correct option.

1 "I don't feel like staying in today." 1 see Jack, please ask him to call me.
". Let's go to the beach instead." A You should B If should you
2 "I really like our new teacher." C Should you
". She's really patient, isn't she?" 2 On no should you touch that switch.
3 "I can't decide what to buy Chris for his birthday." A circumstances B account C way
". What can you give a man 3 difficult were the questions that no one could
who has everything?" answer them.
4 "I should really start doing some kind of exercise." A Too B Such C So
". I've put on a lot of weight." 4 John!
5 "I'd really love to go out tonight." A It comes B Here comes
". Let's go to the new Italian C Comes there
place round the corner." 5 you, I'd accept the invitation.
6 "I can't stand this heat any more." A Should I be B Were I C Had I been
". Let's get in the car and go for 6 Seldom his hometown.
a drive." A does he visit B he does visit C he visits
7 "I had the time of my life at the party last night." 7 come, tell her to wait for me.
". I'll never forget you dancing A Should she B Would she C Were she
the tango with old Mrs Marple." 8 Little she had moved to Paris.
8 "I've spent lots of money on clothes this month." A we did know B we knew
".There's hardly any space left C did we know
in my wardrobe." 9 No sooner had we left the village it started
9 "I won't be surprised if they don't turn up this evening." snowing.
". They've been known to let A that B than C when
people down in the past." 10 Only when I get a better job able to afford a
10 "We're thinking of going to Ibiza this summer." bigger flat.
". We've heard it's a great A I will be B be I will C will I be
holiday destination."

9 Choose the most appropriate option.

1 On no account______ to be left open. 14 Tom didn't return my calls,______ reply to any of my

A the door is C will the door emails.
B is the door D the door be A neither he did C nor did he
B he did neither D he did either
2 ______ I you, I would accept the offer.
A Am C Should 15 No sooner had we reached the station______ the train
B Had D Were arrived.
A that C than
3 ______ was her disappointment that she started to cry.
B but also D when
A Rarely C Such
B So D Such a degree 16 ______ who won first prize?
A Was John it C Was John
4 ______ expect that they would reject my proposal.
B John was D Was it John
A Little I C I little
B I do little D Little did I 17 ______ is to move to a bigger house.
A He wants what C What he wants
5 ______ did to help his neighbours.
B What wants he D He wants
A What he C That's what he
B It was he D Was he 18 Not until 1 saw him______ we had met before.
A did 1 remember C did remember
6 "They love water sports." "______ "
B 1 did remember D will 1 remember
A I do, either. C I do so.
B Neither do I. D So do I. 19 ______ have some more cake.
A You do C Do you
7 ______ that he always lies about his age?
B Do D Does he
A When is it C Is it
B Why is it D Whatever is it 20 "______ great news!"said Kathy.
A Here C What
8 ______ did we go to Paris, but we also visited Rome.
B How D There
A No sooner C Not only
B Neither D So 21 way can the prime minister win the election.
A Seldom C On no
9 ______ did they say about the accident.
B Only in this D Not since
A Not even C Little
B So D Scarcely 22 go to the supermarket, buy some cheese.
A You should C Had you
10 ______ fall below 0°C in Spain.
B Were you D Should you
A Seldom temperatures do
B Seldom do temperatures 23 ______ asked, he would have helped.
C Do seldom temperatures A Should he be C Was he
D Temperatures do seldom B Had he been D Did he

11 ______ they talking about? 24 So quickly______ that the others couldn't keep up with
A Was that why C Whatever were him.
B Why did D What did A ran he C runs he
B did he ran D did he run
12 She loved the new film,______ her brother.
A and so C seldom did 25 "Stacey hasn't replied yet.""______ has Jennifer."
B as did D were her A Nor C Should
B Either D Seldom
13 Look! There______ !
A the train went C go the train
B goes the train D the train goes


JOBS & WORKPLACES Complete with long, low, work, high-powered, job,
Label the pictures with the words in the list. working to form collocations.
Then, complete the table with the jobs below.
1 The conditions at the factory
• plumber • accountant • engineer • electrician were very bad. That's why they closed it down.
• surveyor • musician 2 My dad works hours at the
hospital. Sometimes, his shifts last 14 hours!
3 I've got a lot of experience in
retail. I was a shop assistant for five years.
4 He wants a permanent job because he believes
security is more important
than money.
5 She's got a job. She's the
director of a company with 700 employees.
6 He doesn't mind the wages
because he gets 60 days holiday a year.

Read the questions and choose the correct word.

Then use the questions to talk with your partner.
1 ________________________ 4 ________________________
1 Are you interested in a career/living in business?
2 ________________________ 5 ________________________
Why/Why not?
3 ________________________ 6 ________________________
2 Have you ever had a part-time/permanent job during
your summer holidays? What did you do?
University On-the-job training/ 3 Which do you think is more important in a job,
degree Learn on your own making/earning a high salary or enjoying your work?
4 At what age do people retire/promote in your
5 Is there high resignation/unemployment in your

Fill in with: pension, pay, expenses, salary, benefit,

bonus, wage.
Complete the sentences with: beauty salon,
1 Ken earns a monthly of £1,200.
department store, factory, farm, hospital, office,
2 The company pays for all of George's travel
restaurant, school.

1 Karen works as a salesperson in the footwear section 3 Th e e m p I oye r offered a of £400 a

of the new. week.
2 My cousin is a cook at an Italian 4 The unemployment that Ben
on Fleet Street. receives will help him until he finds a new job.
3 Not all hairdressers work in a(n). 5 Each worker received a because
Some visit people's houses and cut their hair at home. the company had a very successful year.
4 My brother is a teacher and he works at a secondary 6 After working at the company for 5 years, Rachael
asked her boss for a rise.
5 There are over 500 workers at the toy. 7 AfterTed retired, he began receiving a
6 My secretary arrives at the at from the government.
8:30 am and leaves at 6 pm.
7 Ben and Amy's parents are farmers, and their whole
family lives on a.
8 There aren't enough nurses at the

Choose the correct preposition. Check in your
set about: 1) begin to do, 2) attack
set aside: save for a special purpose 1 David has been out/over of work for over a year.
set back: 1) delay progress of sth, 2) delay an event till a 2 Laura works from/for a company that makes sports
later date, 3) cost (slang) equipment.
set out: 1) begin a journey, 2) start a course of action with 3 The workers decided to go on/for strike after their
a clear aim in mind
boss refused to increase their wages.
set in: start and seem likely to continue
4 WhatdoesChrisdowith/for a living?
set on: (cause to) attack
5 Paula is on/in unemployment benefit until she can
set up: 1) start a business, 2) build; erect, 3) establish
find a new job.
6 Henry hopes to start a career by/in journalism.

6 Fill in the correct particle. 7 Mr Jones is off/on sick today.

8 The customer asked to see the person in/over charge.
1 Jinn sets a little money every month. 9 Fred applied to/for a job as a software designer.
2 As soon as the last guest had gone, he set 10 Frank is a mechanic in/by profession.
cleaning the flat.
3 When Anna finished university, she set her
own computer company.
4 He set to become a millionaire before the
age of thirty.
Tick the correct box. Check in your dictionary.
5 We'll need warm clothes now that the cold weather
has set.
6 That laptop set me£300. get pay
7 The sound equipment has been set for the
a job
8 The storm did a lot of damage and set construction wages
by a week.
9 The gang of hooligans set him with sticks.
10 She set a committee to oppose the plans permission
for the new building. a promotion

someone a visit
Look at Appendix 1, then fill in the correct started
a compliment
1 The boy was named his grandfather.
2 Joan is frightened empty spaces.
3 The barrister was very happy the jury's a pension

4 The sales tax is included the price written
on the item.
5 It's about time you stopped relying your
parentsand got a job.
6 If you persist calling me such horrible
names, I'm going to tell the manager.
7 Jimmy agreed his boss on where to hold
the event.
8 I was shocked the price they charged.
9 Don't forget to thank Sheila her present.
10 The hijackers surrendered the police.

12 a English in Use

J KEY-WORD TRANSFORMATIONS ■ 7 His uncle met him at the station.

WHO It was
Mary got her degree in physics. him at the station.
It was Mary who got her degree in physics. 8 You should never park on double yellow lines.

Why did she get angry with Pam? CIRCUMSTANCES Under

Why was it that she got angry with Pam? _________ on

double yellow lines.
We can buy this car only if he lends us the money.
Only if he lends us the money will we buy this car.
If I were you, Id tell them the truth.
Were I you, Id tell them the truth.
If you should need help, please let me know. post- after (postgraduate)
Should you need help, please let me know. pre- before (prehistoric)
If he had admitted his mistake, they would have pro- in favour of (proactive)
forgiven him. re- again (reconsider)
Had he admitted his mistake, they would have semi- half (semi-final)
forgiven him. sub- under, less (subzero)
super- big, more (superstar)
He had just opened the door when the phone rang.
trans- (travel) from one side, group, etc., to
No sooner had he opened the door than the phone
another (transatlantic)
tri- three (triathlon)
She managed to finish the project by working
under- not enough (undercooked)
uni- one (unicycle)
Only by working weekends did she manage to
finish the project.
She danced so gracefully that everyone applauded. Complete the gaps with words derived from the
So gracefully did she dance that everyone applauded. words in bold.

1 Matthew enrolled in a
course after completing his first degree. GRADUATE
Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
2 By atte n d i n g a,
Use two to five words.
young children learn important social
1 He broke his leg during the summer holidays. skills by interacting with other children. SCHOOL
THAT It was during 3 I was asked to_________________________
__________________________ he broke his leg. my assignment as my professor thought

2 He didn't realise a surprise party awaited him. it was unsatisfactory. WRITE

KNOW Little_________________________________________ 4 The Smiths thought it would be better

___________ a surprise party to move into a____________________

awaited him. house in the suburbs.____________________ DETACHED

5 She lives in the suburbs and takes the
3 Why did you leave work early today?
to work. WAY
THAT Why was________________________________
6 Spider-Man is a fictional comic book
___ early today?
____________________ who has lots of
4 It was impossible for us to have a day off work.
special powers. HERO
COULD On no account
7 Many police officers and firefighters
_______________________________ a day off work.
often complain that they are
5 You had to be lucky to discover gold in those days.
for the dangerous
COULD Only if you _____________________________
work that they do.________________________ PAID
________ discover gold in
8 This school requires all students to
those days.
wea r a eve ry d ay. FORM
6 Hillary and Norgay were the first climbers to reach the
summit of Mount Everest.
WHO It was_______________________________________
____________ reached the
summit of Mount Everest.
English in Use 12

Read the sentences below and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each blank.

1 The manager had to write a(n) on every 6 Tim knew he'd had a escape when he wasn't
employee in his department. injured in the accident.
A examination B research C report A fortune B well-off C lucky

2 James was able to that he had not been in the 7 All passengers must the ship at least one hour
office when the fire started. before departure.
A indicate B prove C imply A get in B get up C board

3 You'll have to if you can't remember the answer. 8 Without technical skills, you may not find a good
A predict B calculate C guess job.
A advanced B progressed C increased
4 Sandy couldn't remember what her manager had told
her the week. 9 John continued the family by becoming a dentist.
A previous B early C former A culture B habit C tradition

5 The office is in a beautiful overlooking the small 10 I've only seen her on one other; it was when she
harbour. got promoted.
A position B angle C mark A incident B occasion C celebration

Choose the correct option.

Factory work is often dull and repetitive, 1)it

generally isn’t difficult. Most people work on a

production line, 2)individuals are responsible
for the completion of one stage of a process.
3)of the work doesn’t require 4)and
is unskilled. Still, it often helps if you have some
knowledge. An unpleasant aspect of the job is that it
often 5)shift work, including nights. Overtime
is also common; normally, workers 6)paid
extra for it. Strike action - when people stop work for
a 7)of time - is not uncommon in factories,
and it is the workers’ 8)of demanding a pay
increase. Some factory workers enjoy their job
because it 9) a reliable income. Others,
because they feel they are underpaid, frequently scan
the jobs section of local newspapers 10)to
find something better.

1 A even B although C despite

2 A where B when C that
3 A Lots B Many c Much
4 A teaching B practice c training
5 A involves B calls c supposes
6 A get B do c have
7 A space B period c matter
8 A move B way c manner
9 A carries B provides c serves
10 A to hope B hope c hoping



Determiners are: indefinite article (a/an), definite article (the), demonstratives (this - these/that- those), possessive
adjectives (my, your, his, etc.), quantifiers (some, any, every, no, both, each, either, neither, enough, several, all, most,
etc.) and numbers (one, two, etc.).

Demonstratives (this - these/that-those)

This/These are used: That/Those are used:

• for people or things near us. • for people or things not near us.
This box is yours. That boy over there is my son.
• for present/future situations. • for past situations.
Tm going out with Ted this week. That day was the worst day of his life.
• when the speaker is in or near the place they are • to refer back to something mentioned before.
referring to. "We're moving to York." "That's fantastic!"
This house was built in 1856. (The speaker is near or in • when speaking on the phone to ask who the other
the house.) person is.
• to introduce people or to identify ourselves on the Hello? This is Alan Smith. Who's that, please?
Ann, this is Jane.

Note: This/These - That/Those are not always followed by nouns. This is all I can do to help you.

Fill in: this, that, these or those.

1 I'll never forget my holiday in Thailand.was

the holiday of a lifetime!
2 records you threw out were my original hits
from the sixties!
3 "I've been accepted by my first choice of university."
"Congratulations.is fantastic!"
4 "What are you doing Thursday?" "Well, I have
to go to work as usual."
5 "belonged to my grand mother,"said Tim as
he slipped the diamond ring onto Ann's finger.
6 "lamp needs repairing.""is what I
was trying to tell you."
7 Do you think trousers suit me?
8 Do you see girl over there? She's my cousin's
9 biscuits are delicious. Did you make them
10 I can't go out in dress. It's much too tight.
11 Mmm!is the best soup I've ever tasted!
12 Hello,is Mrs Cook. Can I speak to Mr Brown,
13 Aren't boys over there your students?
14 Don't you think new electronic devices that
we saw in the shop are really clever?
15 were the days when we didn't have the
Internet or social media.
16 "I just love striped shoes.""They look great on

• All refers to more than two people or things. It has a • None refers to more than two people or things. It has
positive meaning and takes a verb in the plural. It is a negative meaning and isn't followed by a noun.
the opposite of none. 'Are there any mistakes?" "No, none."
All the students failed. All of them failed. They all failed. None ofvs used before nouns or object pronouns
All five of them failed. followed by a verb either in the singular or plural. It is
All + that-clause (= the only thing) takes a singular the opposite of all.
verb. None of the three boys/them know(s) how to do it.
AH that he said was not to worry. Note: no + noun. There's no room for them.
• Both refers to two people or things. It has a positive • Every is used with singular countable nouns. It refers
meaning and takes a verb in the plural. It is the to a group of people or things and means "all",
opposite of neither/not either. "everyone", "everything", etc.
Pam and Ann are British. Both Pam and Ann are British. He goes to the library every day.
They are both British. Both of them are British. Both • Each is used with singular countable nouns. It means
girls are British. "one by one", considered individually.
• Whole (= complete) is used with countable nouns. Each member of the team was given a medal.
We always use a, the, this, my, etc. + whole + Note that everyone and each one have of
countable. constructions.
the whole week = all week Every one of/Each one of the players was given a
• Either (= any one of two}/Neither (= not one and not bonus.
the other) refer to two people or things and are used • One/Ones are used to avoid repetition of
before singular countable nouns. a countable noun.
Neither girl enjoys horror films. Neither of/Either of "Which camera do you like?" /j
"This one." /
take a verb either in the singular or plural.
Neither of them is/are French.

Choose the correct option.

1 Both/Neither Mozart and Beethoven were great 16 You're going to have to look through each/both one of
composers. these files separately.
2 Neither/Either Sam or David will clean the garage. 17 There's a leak in both/each the hot water tank and the
3 I finished the all/whole exercise in five minutes. cold water tank.
4 I've kept in touch with all/every my old school friends. 18 Neither/Either of the books you bought sounds
5 Neither/Either of the girls passed the exam. They both interesting to me.
failed. 19 None/AII of the girls were ready for the dance on time.
6 Victor goes to the same cafe every/all day. They got there late.
7 None/Each of the people he contacted were interested. 20 "Do you like these boots?" "No, I prefer these one/ones."
8 We have to pay our telephone bill each/every three 21 Each/AII one of the candidates was given a
months. questionnaire before the interview.
9 You'll get fat if you eat all/none those biscuits. 22 Fiona and I went to the opera. We both/all enjoyed it
10 Either/Both Tom and Lynn had a good time. very much.
11 She spent the whole/all afternoon lying on the beach. 23 There's no/none space for a washing machine in my
12 Each/Every of the candidates will be interviewed kitchen.
individually. 24 All/Every that she wants is another baby. She simply
13 None of/Every the students believed that the exam adores big families.
results would be released so early. 25 I go swimming nearly either/every day.
14 I don't like either/neither of these coats. I'll look for one 26 My drama group put on a play, but none/all of us were
somewhere else. pleased with the performance.
15 You'd better read through the all/whole contract
before you sign it.

13 Grammar

Fill in: all, both, whole, either, neither, none, every, each or one(s).

1 ______________ of them was paying any attention to the 6 In game, there is an element of risk.
lecturer so they all got in trouble. 7 John and Fiona had a lot of work yesterday,
2 He's studying______________ politics and modern of them went out.
languages at university. 8 "Do you like this skirt?" "I think that is
3 I think these are the____ __________ you like. more flattering."
4 They spent the__________ ____ afternoon packing for 9 The members of the club were given
their holiday. copies of the regulations.
5 She spends______________ . her time studying for her 10 Both of these dictionaries are excellent -
exams. one of them will help you in your studies.

Both... and... + plural verb. Both Ann and Liz are vegetarians.
Neither... nor.../Either... or .../Not only... but also... + singular or plural verb depending on the subject which
follows nor, or, but also.
Neither Bill nor John is willing to help. Not only Sue, but also her family are going to the wedding.

Rewrite the sentences using both... and, neither... Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
nor, either... or, not only... but also. Use two to five words.

1 Ann is a doctor and so is Chris. 1 My aunt lives on a farm and so does my cousin.
AND Both my __________
____________ on a farm.
2 Kate will pick you up from the station or else Sam will.
2 Danny can speak Chinese and so can his brother.
BUT Not_________________________________________
brother can speak Chinese.
3 John hasn't been to Italy and his brother hasn't either.
3 Gordon is a journalist; his wife is too.
ARE Both___________
______________ journalists.
4 Jo and Jim speak Spanish. 4 The exhibition will be opened by the mayor or the
5 Pete doesn't like going to the cinema. Tom doesn't either. OR Either the _________________________________
open the exhibition.
5 Not only Ann, but also her husband want to emigrate.
AND Both___________
6 James likes going fishing; so does Mark.
________ to emigrate.
6 She doesn't enjoy sleeping in a tent and nor does her
7 This weekend Liz is going skiing; so are her friends. NOR Neither____________________________________
______ sleeping in a tent.
7 Bob is about to leave; Helen is about to leave too.
ALSO Not only___________
8 Tim will fix your bike or else Mike will. _____ about to leave.
8 My father didn't go to university and neither did my

9 Pete and Nicki prepared the dinner. mother.

NOR Neither my _______________________________
____________ to university.
9 You can ask John orTom to help you prune the trees.
10 Jane is going on a picnic this Sunday and so are her cousins.
EITHER You can _________
to help you prune the trees.

a lot of- many - much

countable nouns uncountable nouns

Positive a lot of/lots of/many a lot of/lots of/much There are a lot of animals in the zoo.
(formal) (formal) There is a lot of sugar in my coffee.
Interrogative many much Are there many books in the library?
Did you have much time to read any of them?
Negative many much There aren't many cakes left.
1 won't make any more as 1 don't have much flour left.
a few (= some)/ a little (= some)/ A few students passed the test, (some)
very few (= not many, very little (= not Very few people came to the event, (not many)
not enough) much, not enough) A little salt gives flavour to food, (some)

• A lot of/Lots of+ countable/uncountable nouns are • A few (= some, a small number) + countable noun
normally used in positive sentences. a little (= some, a small amount of) + uncountable
A lot of people attended the ceremony. She’s got lots of noun have a positive meaning.
furniture. A lot of can also be used in questions and I have a little money left, so I'll buy a few sweets.
negations in informal English. • Few (= not many, almost none) + countable noun /
Was there a lot of disagreement over the proposal? Little (= not much, almost none) + uncountable
• Many + countables/muc/i + uncountables are noun have a negative meaning and are rather forma
normally used in questions or negations. English. Very few/very little, only a few/only a little
Are there many cakes? There isn't much cola. Many and are more usual.
much are often used in positive sentences after too, Few English people speak a second language. I've had
so, how or in formal English. very little success in my exams. He had only a few
She didn't realise how much money she had spent. You problems in the test, though he had done only a little
should slow down;you're doing too much. work for it.

Note: most, all, some, any, many, a few, several, both, one, two, much, (a) little are followed by of when a noun follows,
preceded by possessives or words such as: this, that, these, those, the or a.
How much of the money I gave you did you spend? I liked two of her books. So many of my friends are away that / /
I've got no one to talk to. x

Fill in: a lot of, much or many.

1 It takes patience to bring up children. 9 We don't get on very well as we haven't got
2 Have new people joined the club in common.
this year? 10 She doesn't have time to herself these
3 She's eaten too sweets, so she doesn't days.
feel well. 11 I hope we didn't make noise when
4 Will there be guests at the wedding? we came in late last night.
5 She must have money to afford such 12 He's very popular. He always has
expensive clothes. people at his house.
6 There are too mistakes in your 13 There's still food left over from the
composition. party last night.
7 There can't be people who haven't 14 You need courage to be a firefighter.
heard of Harry Potter. 15 Why haven't you washed the dishes? You didn't have
8 There's poverty in some African countries. ____________ else to do.

13 JM

Choose the correct option.

1 Very______ people can guess what the future will be 9 There are________sandwiches left on the table.
like. A a little B much C a few
A few B much C little ^q John's schoolwork leaves______ room for improvement.
2 There are______ cars on the roads. A lots of B many C few
A l’^'6 $ too many C much ^ Did you spend______ money on this blouse?

3 There's______ light coming in through that window. A many B a few C much

A aB afew C much ^ There are only______ days left before the holiday.

4 We've had______ problems with the car. A a little B afew C a lot of

A much B very little C a lot of 13 I don't like______ of that director's films.

5 Did you learn______ English on your summer course? A many B much C little
A many B much C afew 14 Sally ate too______ cake, and now she feels sick.

6 He was late because he had______ work to do. A many B much C little

A l'ttle B few C a lot of 15 There are______ flowers in the garden.

7 I'm afraid 1 haven't got______ information about that A little B a little C a few
matteL 16 I have only books, but I'd like to have more.
A much B many c a little A a|Me B a few C a lot of

8 Only______ people knew it was my birthday.

A afew B a lot of C a little

some - any -no- every

Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs

people things places
Positive some someone/somebody something somewhere
any anyone/anybody anything anywhere
Interrogative any anyone/anybody anything anywhere
Negative no/not any no one/notanyone nothing nowhere
nobody/not anybody not anything not anywhere
Positive/Negative/ every everybody (a\\ people) everything everywhere
Interrogative everyone (all things) (in all places)

Some is used before countable or uncountable nouns. Any and its compounds can be used after /fin a
I'll boy some apples. He gave me some money. positive sentence.
Some and its compounds (somebody, something, If anything is broken, I will hold you responsible.

etc.) are normally used in positive sentences. They are • No/Not any are used before countable and
also used in questions when we want to make an uncountable nouns. No/Not any and their
offer, a request or when we expect a positive answer. compounds (no one/notanyone, nothing/not
There's someone at the door. (= positive) Would you anything, etc.) are used in negations.
like something to eat? (= offer) Could I have I know no one at this party. I don't know anyone at this
something to drink? (= request) Is there someone party. Any and its compounds are used with
waiting forme? (= I expect there is) BUT Is there negative words (hardly, never, without, seldom, rarely
anyone waiting forme? (= I'm asking in general) etc.). I never go anywhere alone at night. (NOT: l-never-

Any is used before countable or uncountable nouns. g&nowhere alone at night.)

Is there any sugar? Any and its compounds (anyone, • Every is used before singular countable nouns. Every
anything, etc.) are normally used in questions. Is there and its compounds take a verb in the singular.
anyone here?They are also used in positive sentences Every employee has been well trained. (= all the
meaning "It doesn't matter how/what/which/when/ employees) We've bought everything we need.
who/where". You can go anywhere you want. (= all the things)

8 Choose the correct option.

1 He didn't say anything/nothing to the police. 10 Are you going nowhere/anywhere for your holiday?
2 Sally isn't going anywhere/nowhere this weekend. 11 I can't find my sister anywhere/nowhere.
3 I need any/some more milk for this cake. 12 He needs any/some time to work out the answer.
4 Anybody/Everybody congratulated us. 13 I think there's anything/something wrong with my car.
5 There is nowhere/everywhere in the world I'd like to 14 Anybody/Nobody told me you were leaving.
visit more than Egypt. 15 She goes to school every/some day.
6 There was hardly no one/anyone at the party. 16 Will you give them nothing/some homework today?
7 Shall I go and buy some/anything cheese? 17 John goes to sleep at 11 pm any/every night.
8 I didn't buy some/any flour. 18 No one/Anyone was at home when I called.
9 He doesn't want anything/nothing in particular for his 19 Is there everything/anything good on at the cinema?
birthday. 20 Call round any/some time you like.

Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1 knows that the sky is blue, but few people 9 I've never been without finding
know why. _______________________ interesting to see.
2 If you have questions, please contact us. 10 If is going to the supermarket,
3 wanted to miss the important could they get me milk?
match, so arrived early. 11 Don't speak to me. There is you can
4 The teacher asked if knew the say to me that will make difference
answer to her question. to how I feel.
5 Would you like cheese or maybe 12 We never go for our holidays. Why
_______________________ sweet? don't we go this year?
6 Have you seen Jim? I've been 13 Jerry is very tidy; he hates being
looking for him. out of place.
7 If you have spare time, there's 14 "I'll get you coffee.""Have you got
I want to talk to you about. ________________________________ cold -________________________
8 is looking for Mike, but juice perhaps?"
has seen him since yesterday.

Ever can be added to certain question words to mean "any". These words are: whoever (anyone who), whatever
(anything that), whichever (any of), whenever (any time that), wherever (anyplace that), however (in any way that).
You canco" ■. whenever.: . ■ (= any time that you like)

Fill in: whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever or however.

1 I'm not sure how to advise you. I suggest you do 6 "Welcome! Come in and sit down you
you think best. can find an empty seat."
2 You know where to find me-come round 7 The interview is informal, so you can dress
you want, and we'll talk over your you want.
problem. 8 My pen is missing!has borrowed it,
3 There are two different routes from here to Manchester. kindly return it immediately.
Why not take is the shortest to save 9 Red and green both look good on you.
time? colour you choose, I'm sure it will suit you.
4 mum decides to put the washing out, it 10 wins the elections is sure to be the best
always starts raining. candidate.
5 You must get some advice about the career you wish
to follow so that one you choose, you
won't regret it.

13 i Grammar

• Else (= more; different) is followed by a singular verb It can also be used with who, what, where and how
and can be used with the indefinite pronouns and to refer to people, things, places, etc.
adverbs everyone, something, nobody, anywhere, What else can be done to prevent crime?
etc. Else forms its possessive case with's.
You'd better ask Joanne. Nobody else knows better Don't use my pen. Take someone else's.
than her.
Or else means "otherwise".
Get an umbrella or else you'll get wet.

Complete the sentences using "else" structures.

1 You must study for the test 6 We always watch football; can't we watch
you won't do well. for a change?
2 Sandra and Cilla will be there, but I don't have a clue if 7 You have to speak to Mary;
_______________________________ is coming. can make such an important decision.
3 I only bought two tickets for the concert, as I wasn't 8 The waiter asked if we wanted to order
sure if would want to go.
4 She wasn't in the bank when it got robbed; you'd 9 We always go to this restaurant. Can't we go
better ask. ?
5 cancookaswellasmy 10 When he was moving, he brought the big things in
mother. a van and in his car.

"Other" structures

• the other(s) = the rest. • the other day = a few days ago.
These books are Tom's; the others are mine. I bumped into George the other day; he looked well.

• others = several more apart from those already • the other one(s) = not this/these, but something else.
mentioned. No, not that shirt. I want the other one; the black one,
People have different opinions when it comes to please. These shoes are too small - can I try the other
vegetarianism; some believe it's unhealthy and ones, please?
unnatural not to eat meat, while others believe it is • another = one more apart from those already
much better for our health. mentioned.
• each other = one another. Could you do me another favour?
Good friends always help each other out. Another can also be used with expressions of
• every other = alternate. distance, money and time.
It'll cost another £5 to get it. //
I go jogging every other day.

Fill in: another, (the) other(s), each other, every other.

1 We went skiing day. It was fun. 7 Kate is very keen on playing the piano. She has lessons
2 No, we're not close to our destination yet - we have day and, in between, she practises at
_______________ six miles to go. home.
3 Those magazines belong to Jim, 8 Some commuters believe it's economical to cycle to
belong to me. work, while prefer to carpool.
4 Even though they see every day, they 9 In four years, Tom will have qualified
still want to spend more time together. as a doctor.
5 This shirt doesn't fit me - can I try one 10 There were only enough seats for 20 passengers on the
on, please? bus -had to stand.
6 Only four people turned up at the party. All
invited guests had to go somewhere else.


Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Reflexive-Emphatic pronouns

before verbs after verbs followed by nouns not followed by nouns
as subjects as objects
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its - itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves

Note: We use the instead of a possessive adjective with parts of the body after prepositions. Verbs used in this pattern
include: bite, hit, kiss, pat, punch, slap, sting, touch, etc.
She slapped the boy in the face. (NOT: in-his face)
Own + possessive adjective is used to emphasise the fact that something belongs to one person and no one else.
She's got her own car./She's got a car of her own.

Fill in the correct pronouns or possessives. Choose the correct option.

1 He was crying because a wasp had stung him on the/

[SI New message — Z X
her/him nose.
2 A falling brick nearly hit me on mine/the/me head.
Hi Lynn, 3 The little boy kissed his/him/himself sister on the/
1)__________ 're really enjoying 2)___________ on herself/her cheek.
holiday in York and have found something different to 4 She stroked him/his/himself hair and told him not to
do every day. 3) __________ Tl never guess what worry.
happened to 4) __________ last night. Fred and 5 She patted him lightly on the/himself/him shoulder
5)________ went to see a comedy show which stars to get him/his/the attention.
Stan the Funny Man. Have 6) ________ heard of 6 The boxer punched his opponent on the/his/himself
7) ? He is a young, up-and-coming nose.
comedian who is just starting to make a name for 7 Behave you/yourself/yours.
8)__________ . At the end of 9)___________ act, he 8 She hugged her/hers/herself son and said, "I'm proud
asked if anyone in the audience was celebrating of you."
10) __________ birthday that night. To
11 ) ________ embarrassment, Fred shouted out
that it was 12) _________ ! I was invited onto the
stage and Stan presented 13) __________ with a
bunch of flowers. After the show, he met Fred and
14) __________ in the lobby and introduced
15 )________ to the other members of the cast and
they all signed 16)__________ names on the back of
one of 17) __________ programmes. I haven't
enjoyed 18) __________ so much in ages. We both
agreed that Stan had definitely made 19)__________
holiday. Hope 20)__________ was just as memorable.
Talk soon.

SEND A © i 0 E c-d VY 1


Reflexive - Emphatic pronouns

Reflexive pronouns (myself,yourself, himself, herself, Emphatic pronouns have the same form as reflexive
itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) are used after pronouns, but a different meaning. They give
certain verbs (behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, kill, look emphasis to the noun, or the fact that a certain
at, etc.) when the subject and the object of the verb person performs an action. She herself organised the
are the same. Did you cut yourselfTVney can also be feast. They can also mean "without help".
used after be, feel, look, seem to describe emotions or He painted the house himself, (without help)
states. She hasn't been herself recently. Reflexive Note these idioms: Enjoy yourselves! (= Have a good
pronouns can be used after prepositions, but not after time!) Behave yourself! (= Be good!) He likes being by
prepositions of place. She is very pleased with herself himself. (= He likes being alone.) He lives by himself.
BUT She looked behind her. (NOT: behind herself) (= He lives on his own.) By myself, by yourself, by
Certain verbs (wash, shave, dress, undress, meet, rest, himself, etc. (= on my own, on your own, on his own,
relax, stand up, get up, sit down, wake up, etc.) do etc.) Help yourself to tea. (= You're welcome to take
not normally take a reflexive pronoun. some tea if you want some.) Do it yourself. (= Do it
She woke up and dressed. (NOT: She woke up herself without being helped.) Make yourself at home! (=
and dressed herself.) Wash or dress can be used with a Feel comfortable.) Make yourself heard. (= Speak
reflexive pronoun to talk about young children or loudly enough to be heard by others.) Make yourself
animals. The little girl can dress herself. understood. (= Make your meaning clear.)

Note: Each other means "one another". Compare: Tom and Bill are brothers who have been brought up to look after
each other. They are capable of looking after themselves despite their age.

Fill in the correct pronouns, then identify them: Choose the correct option.
reflexive, emphatic or neither.
1 He left family to go and live abroad.
1 The girl decorated the pumpkin. A his own B of his own C own

2 I would like to have a room.

2 The winner looked very proud of.
A in my own B on my own C my own

3 She brought up her children by. 3 She couldn't lift the table, so she asked her
husband to help her.
4 The couple texted when they had to A on her own B on herself C her own
spend time apart. 4 Let them handle this matter, will you?
5 The children enjoyed when they A on themselves B on them own
visited Disneyland. C on their own
6 Ann was afraid of spiders, so she didn't go into the
5 They had house designed by a top architect.
room by.
A them own B their own C theirs
7 Instead of hiring a catering company for the party,
she decided to do all the cooking. 6 He's about to set up business and has asked me
to help organise it.
8 The boy was asked to behave at the A himself B of his own C his own
7 She enjoys spending time.
9 He shouted loudly above the noise to make
A others B by her
________________heard.___________________ C on her own
10 Cats are very clean animals; they are always washing
8 I'd really like a car so I don't have to rely on my

11 Doctors advise us that we have to exercise regularly in friends all the time.

order to keep healthy. A my own B by myself C of my own

12 The weather is affecting me at the moment. I don't 9 He repaired the bike.

feel at all! A himself B of his own C of himself
13 He's very vain and loves looking at in
10 Behave young man.
the mirror.__________________
A on your own B by yourself C yourself

Possessive case

Vs'(people or animals) of (inanimate things)

• singular noun + 's the cat's claws, the boy's hats • of + inanimate thing/abstract noun
• regular plural noun + ' the door of the house, the beauty of the view
the tourists' passports, the Smiths'house • of + possessive case/pronouns when
• irregular plural noun not ending in s + 's there is a determiner {this, any, etc.) before
the men's room, the children's playroom the nouns
Look at this painting of Picasso's, (one of
• compound noun + 's his mother-in-law's car
Picasso's paintings), a dress of hers (one of
• 's after the last of two or more names to show common possession
her dresses)
Ann and Sally's flat (They share the same flat) BUT Ann's and Sally's
of+ people (in longer phrases)
flats (each one has got a flat)
That's the brother of one of my friends,
• phrases of place + 's at the butcher's
's/ofto talk about places or organisations
• time/distance expression + 's/' last week's news, ten minutes'drive
London's attractions/the attractions of
• singular names ending in -s —* 's/'James's car/James'car London

Rewrite the following using the correct Complete the following sentences using the
possessive form. words in bold. Use two to five words.

1 the butterflies-the wings 1 In England, Queen Victoria was the queen from 1837
to 1901.
2 my physics professor - the report OF Queen Victoria
England from 1837 to 1901.
3 thebaby-thepram______________________________________ 2 The gallery has just bought a painting by Monet.
4 Lucy and Emily - the mother ONE The gallery has just bought
______________________ paintings.
5 drive - three hours________________________________________ 3 In France, the president is elected every five years.
6 the park - the playground OF The_________________
________________ every five years.
7 the department store - the staff
4 It takes half an hour to walk into town.
IS It _______________
8 my mother-in-law - the garden
______________________ into town.
5 This necklace belonged to my mother-in-law.
9 the president-the decision
WAS This ___________________________________________
10 the Smiths - the car______________________________________
_________ necklace.
11 some friends - my brother
6 I saw a play by Shakespeare at The Globe.
PLAYS I saw___________________________________________
12 bread - the price _________________________________________
_________ at The Globe.
13 the men-thechanging rooms

14 the sea - the waves ______________________________________

15 living - the cost___________________________________________
16 Athens - Acropolis________________________________________
17 the house - my father's closest friend

18 the students - the books

19 John and Paul - the wives


• There + be: used for something mentioned for the first time or to say It is also used for distance, temperature,
that someone or something exists. time expressions, weather and in the
There are some letters for you on your desk. following expressions: It seems that, It
• Personal pronoun + be/other verb: used to give more details about appears that, It looks like, It is said that, It
something or someone already mentioned. doesn't matter, etc.
There's someone at the door. He wants to see you. It's freezing today, isn't it? It appears that
he's been promoted; he's just bought a new
• lt + be: used for identification.
car. It seems that there is a problem with
There's someone outside. It's your landlord.
the machine. (BUT we also say: There
• lt + be... to-infinitive/thot-clause is used to begin a sentence.
seems to be a problem with the machine.
It's nice to be here. It's a pity that he didn't come.
It looks like it's going to rain.)

Fill in: thereof it. 20 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to
five words.
1 's very cold today;
has been snowing all night. 1 Everyone thanked me except Paul.
2 's a policeman at the door; PERSON The only________________________________________________
seems that the neighbour ______ me was Paul.
has complained about the noise. 2 She said, "I dislike French films and so does Jim."
3 's a holiday tomorrow, so NEITHER She said that_______________________________________
no one has to go to work. _ French films.
4 Let's go by taxi to the cinema; 3 If you decorate the house on your own, it will be cheaper.
's much too far to walk. YOURSELF Ifyou ,
5__ 's a letter on the doorstep; _ it will be cheaper.
_________ 's for you. 4 It takes me twenty minutes to drive to work every morning.
6 This report you've shown me is DRIVE It's ______________________________________________________
confusing -appears to be a to my work every morning.
mistake in it.
5 Try to watch your behaviour at the wedding reception.
7 are many changes to be
YOURSELF Try______________________________________________________
made to this report, but
at the wedding reception.
shouldn't take us too long.
6 I don't like being alone in the house at night.
8 is my privilege to
BY I don't like______________________________________________
introduce our distinguished guest
____________________________ in the house at night.
7 There are only a few people who can speak Welsh.
9 's nothing much on TV
NOT There___________________________________________________
tonight -'s a pity we don't
____________________________ can speak Welsh.
have a streaming service.
10 is a shame you weren't 8 She left the shop with another person's bag by mistake.

able to come to the party. SOMEONE She left the shop

were lots of people there. ____________________________ by mistake.

9 We spent all afternoon cleaning the living room.
WHOLE We spent ______________________________________________
______ the living room.
10 We don't know much about supernatural phenomena.
KNOWLEDGE We have________________________________________________
______________ about supernatural
11 She passed the written exam and the oral exam as well.
BOTH She passed _____________________________________________
____________________________ exams.

Choose the most appropriate option.

1 ______ is someone waiting for you in your office, Ms 14 ______ that he said was true.
Smith. A Any C Every
A That C It B No D All
B There D This
15 ______ Nancy but also Helen refused to participate in
2 Jane bought a tablet______ last Saturday. the event.
A it hers C of hers A Both C Not any
B of herself D of her own B Either D Not only

3 ______ of the students failed the test. 16 ______ of the cake is left.
A Every C Either A Whole C Each
B None D Ones B None D Every

4 Neither Jane______ Kate will attend the meeting. 17 ______ easy to drive an electric car.
A nor C but A It's much C It's
B or D and B There's no D There's

5 She passed her driving test.______ great, isn't it? 18 Sam,______ is my nephew, Bob. Bob, say hi to Sam.
A This's C It's a A himself C this
B There's D That's B that D there

6 Very______ people write letters nowadays. 19 Were there______ people on the beach?
A few C little A a lot of C some
B much D many B much D a little

7 The band's performance was praised by______ last 20 Where he goes on holiday depends on how______
night. money he can save up.
A much C a little A few C lots of
B anyone D everyone B many D much

8 Could I have______ to eat, please? I'm hungry. 21 ______ Dennis and Laura can play the flute well.
A everything C anything A Both C Neither
B something D nothing B All D Either

9 The mosquito bit her on______ arm. 22 If______ calls me, tell them I'll be back in an hour.
A the C own A a few C each
B its D herself B himself D anyone

10 Neither student______ basketball. 23 Danny went to______ meeting by himself.

A plays C are playing A yesterdays'______________ C yesterday's
B play D were playing B the yesterday D yesterday

11 What______ can we do to help you? 24 I've got______ suggestions on where we can spend
A else C other the weekend.
B little D another A a few C a little
B lots D all
12 You can visit us______ you like.
A wherever C whoever 25 We spent the______ afternoon in the garden.
B whenever D whatever A each C whole
B all the D every
13 She never goes______ by herself.
A anywhere C somewhere
B nowhere D everywhere

13 Vocabulary


Label the shops. Fill in with: formal, go, sale, suit, medium, size, pair,
try, wear.
• bookshop • boutique • florist's • optician's
• greengrocer's • baker's • toy shop •fishmonger's A: Good afternoon. Can I helpyou?
B: Yes, I'm looking for a 1)of black trousers.
A: Would you like something 2)or casual?
B: They should be smart. I want to 3)them
fora job interview.
A: The trousers are over here. What about these ones?
They're on 4)but they only come in grey
and blue.
B: That could work. Do you think they'd 5)
A: Yes, of course. Why don't you 6)them
on? What 7)are you?
B: I'm a 8).
A: OK. Here you go.
B: Can I try them with a blue shirt as well? I just want to
see if they 9)well together.
A: Sure. Take this one.
B: Perfect. I'll be right back.


Match the notices (1-7) to the pictures (A-G).
Then, name the shops which they advertise.

Match the places (A-H) with the services they
_ offer- ^r^

®*» wuSh ®t ESTATE AGENT'S


CHARnv^^SHOP ®DelicatesseN

®M¥ ®WEE®GiffSH0P
11 I I You can have your suit cleaned without water.
121 | We raise money for sick people by selling old clothes 11 I I Sweet Savings - Valentine's Chocolates Only £2.50
_______ and books. 121 | Huge Reductions - 40% off all bracelets - From as
13 | | We can give you a new hairstyle. little as £60
141 | You can find presents for any occasion here. 13 | | Save Your Pennies! Carrots 80p per kilo!
15 | | Come here to have your car cleaned. 141 | Wonderful Wooden Desks and Cabinets - At
161 | We sell materials you can make your own furniture _______ Wonderful Prices!
_______ with. 15 | | Spring Specials - Buy 6 Bagels Get 3 Free
171 | We can find you a new house in the city. 161 | Save on writing materials - All items £4 or less
181 | We've got a range of high quality cheeses, salads | 71 | Great Offers! Digital cameras from £50 - PCs
and meats you can choose from. starting at £399

stand by: 1) remain loyal esp in a difficult situation, Look at Appendix 1 and 2, then fill in the correct
2) watch passively, 3) be ready for action preposition.
stand for: 1) represent, 2) (usu in questions and
negations) tolerate; put up with 1 These T-shirts are demand, so we'll sell them
stand in for: replace sb temporarily all within a week.
stand out: be very noticeable, prominent 2 Could I try this on a size large, please?
stand up for: support; defend 3 My laptop is guaranteed two years.
stand up to: resist; stay in good condition 4 During the sales, I'll be able to buy these sunglasses
be taken aback: be strongly surprised half price.
take after: look like 5 I can't believe I found such a nice coat the
take sth back: admit that one was wrong in what one said sales.
take down: 1) lengthen a garment (let down), 2) separate 6 I'd buy the camera if I had enough money
into pieces in order to repair or remove, 3) write down me.
take in: 1) give accommodation, 2) deceive 7 They don't have the blue coat stock anymore.
take for: identify sb or sth wrongly 8 I don't want my friends to spend too much money
take off: 1) remove clothes, 2) to suddenly become
me for birthday presents.
successful (of a product, business, career, etc.)
9 Our new line of laptops will be the market
take on: 1) undertake responsibility, 2) employ
from Monday.
take sb out: take sb to the theatre, etc.
10 Do plumbers usually charge the hour?
take over: take control or responsibility
take to: like 11 You can buy two bottles of shampoo the
take up: begin to do sth as a hobby price of one.
12 You can place an ad the newspaper if you
want to sell something.
Fill in the correct particle(s). 13 Our restaurant menu caters the tastes of
young children.
1 More and more people are beginning to stand 14 We've got huge discounts all our winter
their rights. clothing.
2 She's so tall, she stands in any crowd.
3 The initials EU stand European Union.
4 Although he's in prison, his wife is standing
Fill in: match, suit, fit. Check in your dictionary.
5 The star of the show was ill, so someone had to stand
_______ her. 1 This green dress your green eyes.
6 We're not going to stand this injustice any 2 This jacket me well; it's the right size.
longer. 3 This shirt doesn't with the skirt you are
7 I was taken by his offensive manner. wearing.
8 He wanted an energetic hobby, so he took 4 I can't into these trousers. I think I need a
waterskiing. bigger size.
9 I'm sorry, I take what I said. You're not lazy 5 This colour you well; you should wear it
and selfish. more often.
10 My mother takes foreign students to make 6 These jeans me like a glove.
extra money. 7 I think red you.
11 The vice president took the company when 8 You'd better choose a hat that your coat.
the president retired.
12 I took you your brother from a distance. You
look so alike.
13 She takes her mother; they have the same
14 He was talking too fast and we didn't manage to take
the whole lecture.
15 They're taking extra staff at the car factory.

13 J English in Use
Choose the correct option.

1 Each part of the department store operates of

Tom, Steve and Paul don't like tennis.
the others.
None of them like/likes tennis.
A independently B independent
Ann is a lawyer. Mary is a lawyer, too. C dependent
Both Ann and Mary are lawyers. 2 She leads quite an life travelling and designing
Sally, Sue and Pam enjoy swimming. outfits for teens.
All three of them enjoy swimming. A adventure B adventurer
C adventurous
• There isn't anything in the garden.

There is nothing in the garden. 3 Before Sarah Boone's of the ironing board,
dressmakers used a wooden plank they stretched
• No one will make me stay.
across two chairs to iron clothes.
There isn't anyone that/who will make me stay.
A inventive B invention C inventor
Lynn doesn't like milk. Andy doesn't like milk, either.
4 Coco Chanel is one of the most designers of all
Neither of them like(s) milk.
Neither Lynn nor Andy like(s) milk. A famously B famous C fame

5 We put all our clothes and camping in the boot

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. of our car and headed off to the mountains.
Use two to five words. A equip B equipped C equipment

1 No one knows the answer to my question. 6 We're still in with the management about the
ANYONE There __________________________________ new changes within the boutique.
the answer to my question. A disagree B disagreement
2 There isn't anything I can do to help. C disagreeing
IS There ______________________________________ 7 The successful will work with the stylist.
_______________________________ do to help. A applicant B application C applied
3 Bob lives in Rome. John lives in Rome, too.
8 She launched her spring/summer during the
LIVE Both_______________________________________
winter season.
_________________ in Rome.
A collective B collector C collection
4 Pete, Robert and Bill cook delicious meals.
THEM All _________________________________________ 9 All in the clothes factory are very satisfied with

_________ delicious meals. the new management.

A working B work C workers
5 Mr Green can't drive. Mr Smythe can't drive either.
CAN Neither Mr Green 10 The fashion show in Milan was one of the most
________________ drive. ones I have ever attended.
6 The boys all dislike Brussels sprouts. A fascinating B fascinated C fascinate
LIKES None ______________________________________
_______ Brussels sprouts.
7 These machines are not difficult to operate.
OF None ______________________________________
difficult to operate.
8 There wasn't anything he could do to avoid crashing.
NOTHING There ______________________________________
______ to avoid crashing.
9 Five is an odd number. Seven is an odd number, too.
ARE Both___________________________________
______ odd numbers.
10 No one on the jury believed the witness.
ANYONE There ______________________________________
______ jury that believed
the witness.

English in Use


Complete the gaps with the most appropriate word.

Gabrielle Bonheau Chanel (1883-1971) was a poor girl. She

learned to sew 1) school, and she enjoyed making
clothes for dolls. After she finished school, Gabrielle worked
2)a shop assistant by day and a singer at music cafes
in the evenings, but she always dreamed of opening her
3)shop. In 1913, she did! Gabrielle designed clothes
that looked great. Also, unlike all 4) fashionable
women’s clothes at the time, they were comfortable! People
loved them and, by the late 1920s, Gabrielle employed 2,000
factory workers, scientists and designers. Gabrielle had a lot of
modern ideas. Before her, trousers and pyjamas were only for
men, and there were no sports clothes 5) business
suits for women. Black wasn’t a fashionable colour to wear
6)Gabrielle created the ‘little black dress’ for women
to wear at parties. She didn’t like the fashion trend for big hats,
so she designed small, beautiful 7)for women to wear
on their heads. She also designed the first shoulder bags so
women didn’t need to carry them in their hands.
By the 8)Gabrielle died at the age of 87, she was a
millionaire. She is still famous around the world, but these days
we know her by her business name, Coco Chanel.


Choose the correct option.

1 I can't these shoes. They are too expensive.

7 The table he ordered from MNC was delivered
A pay B afford C waste
yesterday, but it's not the one.
2 You'd better, or the shops will close before you A exact B right C good
get there.
8 Covent Garden is a shopping area for teenage
A hurry B to hurry C hurrying
3 She me £20 which I gave back to her when I got A famous B best C known
9 They markets in Bermondsay Square on Tower
A borrowed B lent C saved
Bridge Road since 1855.
4 She him of breaking the TV. A are holding B have been holding
A insisted B denied C accused C had held

5 Mr Smith,wife works with Dad, has a gift shop 10 During 2020, online sales in the UK from 20% in
on Bryant Street. February to almost 34% in May.
A whose B who C whom A rose B raised C arisen

6 I four lists of things we need to buy and do

A have written B have been writing
C will have written

To form Yes/No questions (questions ^-questions begin with a question word (who, what, where, why,
which ask for Yes or A/o in the answer) we when, whose, which, how, etc.). They are asked with a falling intonation.
put the auxiliary or modal verb {be, have, How old is hefWhen there is a preposition, it usually goes at the end of
can, etc.) before the subject. the question. In formal English it can be put before the question word.
He is watching TV. -> Is he watching TV? Who was he accused by? (more usual)
With all other verbs we form Yes/No By whom was he accused? (formal English)
questions with Do/Does (Present simple) Questions are used to ask for information or permission. They are also
or Did (Past simple) used to make suggestions, requests, offers or invitations.
He likes pizza. -► Does he like pizza? Did you How far is the station? (information)
go to the library? May I go out? (permission)
Yes/No questions are asked with a rising Shall we play tennis? (suggestion)
intonation. Could you help me with the dishes? (request)
Do you enjoy cartoons?^ Would you like some more coffee? (offer)
Would you like to come to the beach with us? (invitation)

Form complete questions.

1 you look after/the baby tonight? 6 What time/the next bus leave?

2 we go/the cinema this weekend? 7 I use/the phone?

3 How old/be Mary on her birthday? 8 we buy/Joan/a book for Christmas?

9 you/give me a lift to the station?

4 you like/another cup of coffee?
10 you see/Mick at school yesterday?
5 you like/come to my party on Saturday?

We normally use the following question words to ask about:

people things/animals place time quantity manner reason

Who What Where How long How many How Why
Whose (possession) Which (of) How often How much
Which (of) What time
What When

• Which is used when there is a limited choice. a description of physical appearance), What... for?,
Which is your favourite film star - Jennifer Lawrence or What colour?, What size?, Whatkind/sort?, What
Scarlett Johansson? time?, What is he like? (asking for a description of
It can also be used with the comparative and character), What is it used for?, etc.
superlative. What colour are his eyes? What is your new teacher
Which is more comfortable, a bicycle or a motorcycle? like? He's friendly and patient. What does Ann look
Which is the quickest route to York? like? She's slim with a fair complexion.
• What is used when there is an unlimited choice. • What and which are sometimes both possible.
What kind of music do you like? It can also be used in Which/What fruit does he like eating? /
the following patterns: What... look like? (asking for

Choose the correct option. 3 Ask questions where the word/phrase in bold is
the answer.
1 "_____starred in the film The Godfather?" "Al Pacino."
A Who B Which C What 1 Pete works for National Rail.

2 "_____calories do you consume every day?" "About

1,800." 2 Sara owns two cars.
A How B How much C How many
3 She's tall and fair.
3 "_____of these skirts do you prefer, the blue or the
pink?" "The blue one."
A Whose B What C Which 4 It's nearly seven o'clock.

4 "_____do you go to the gym?" "About once a week."

5 I have French lessons twice a week.
A What time B How often C Why

5 " sugar do you take in your coffee?" "One spoonful."

6 I went to Hawaii on holiday.
A How B What C How much

6 "_____are we going to the restaurant?" "At 6 o'clock." 7 There are six students in my class.
A When B How long C How often

7 "_____did it take you to write your essay?" "About five 8 She's very shy and quiet.
A How much B How often C How long 9 I wasn't at work today because I was ill.

8 "____ are you crying?" "I've hurt my arm."

A When B Why C How 10 David's car was stolen.

9 "____ is your favourite colour?" "Purple."

11 We lived there for ten months.
A Which B What C Which of

10 "____ pen is this? I found it onthe floor." "It's mine."

12 She's gone out shopping.
A Which B Why C Whose

Subject/Object questions

If who, which or what are the subject of the question, the word order is the same as in statements (subject questions),
if they are the object of the question, the verb is in question form (object questions).

subject object subject object

Greg hit David. Greg hit David.

Who hit David? (NOT: Who did hit David?) Who did Greg hit?

Write questions for the sentences below. The words in bold should be the answer.

1 Tom broke the window. 9 Jane lost the keys to her car.
2 Phil borrowed you r ca r.___________________________________
3 Hugh was rude to Jill.____________________________________ 10 Kate gave the letter to Julie.
4 Jenny forgot to do her homework.
11 Anthony arrived late. ____________________________________
5 Tracy loves ice cream.____________________________________ 12 He likes basketball. ______________________________________
6 Jo lost her purse. _________________________________________ 13 Lions live in Africa._______________________________________
7 Professor Evans gave the lecture. 14 Peter opened the door.
15 Jill invited Paul to the party.
8 Sue dropped her glasses.

14 Grammar

Negative questions

• Negative questions are formed with not, but there is • Negative questions are used to express: surprise
a difference in word order for the short and full form, (Didn'tyou know she was my Mum?), annoyance or
auxiliary + n't + subject + verb (short form) Hasn't sarcasm (Can'tyou be more patient?), a wish to
she called you yet? (everyday speech) persuade someone (Won't you tell me who you
auxiliary + subject + not + verb (full form) Has she went out with?) and expectation of a Yes-answer
not called you yet? (used for emphasis) (Don'tyou know she got promoted?) A

In the following dialogues, make negative questions using the words given and fill in Yes or No, as in the

1 A: You're still in your pyjamas. Aren't you supposed to be 5 A: She had her tenants evicted. _____________________
getting ready? (supposed to/get ready) _________________________________ ? (a mean thing to do)
B: No, I've still got plenty of time. B: ________ . She's got a reputation for being heartless.
2 A: Your mother is shouting for you._____________________ 6 A: That was a rather tactless thing to say.___________
_____________________ ? (hear her) ____________________________________________ ? (realise she
B: ________ , but I want to play basketball a little longer. was Anne's sister)
3 A: You've been learning German for years._____________ B: ________ .You could have mentioned it earlier.
____________________________ ? (speak yet) 7 A: There was a terrible car crash._____________________
B: ________ , but I'm too shy to try in front of strangers. _____________________________ ? (see it on the news)
4 A: Why aren't you coming to the party?______________ B: ________ , I didn't get home until late last night.
_________________________________ ? (feel like going out) 8 A: It's past your bedtime._______________________________
B: ________ , but I've got to babysit tonight. _____________________________ ? (be in bed by now)
B: ________ . I'm allowed to stay up late at the weekend.

Question tags

Question tags are short questions added to the end of a statement to ask for confirmation of, or agreement with,
the statement. They are formed with an auxiliary verb and the appropriate personal pronoun. They take the same
auxiliary verb as in the statement if there is one, otherwise they take do/does (Present simple) or did (Past simple).
She speaks French, doesn't she? He isn't rich, is he?
A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag, and a negative statement is followed by a positive
question tag. He plays well, doesn't he? He can't do it, can he? Note that everyone/someone/anyone/no one form their
question tags with an auxiliary verb + they. Everyone offered to help, didn't they?
Study the following question tags.
1 "I am" "aren't I?" / am older than you, aren't 1?
2 "I used to" "didn't I?" He used to go to school with you, didn't he?
3 Imperative "will you/won't you?" Phone me later, willyou?/won't you?/
"can you/could you?" can you?/could you?
4 "Let's" "shall we?" Let's go home now, shall we?
5 "Let me/him", etc. "will you/won't you?" Let her decide for herself, willyou/won't you?
6 "Don't" (negative imperative) "will you?" Don't come round so late again, will you?
7 "I have got" (= possess) "haven't I?" She has got her own office, hasn't she?
8 "I have"(idiomatic use) "don't I?" We had a great time, didn't we?
9 "There is/are" "isn't/aren't there?" There is some mail for me, isn't there?
10 "This/That is" "isn't it?" That's your car over there, isn't it?
Questions tags can be said with a rising intonation when we are not sure and expect an answer, or a falling
intonation when we are sure and don't really expect an answer.
They're moving house, aren't they?^ (not sure) He caused the accident, didn't he?^ (sure)

■V 14

Fill in the appropriate question tag.

1 That film is new,? 6 Let him finish his coffee,?

2 Don't forget to go to the chemist's,? 7 I'm due at your house at ten,?
3 Let's go out for dinner,? 8 He has got an electric car,?
4 They left last night,? 9 He used to work at a supermarket,?
5 There is a hotel near you,? 10 Give me that book,?

• Question tags can also be affirmative-affirmative. If • Echo tags are a response to an affirmative or negative
said with a rising intonation, we ask for more sentence. They are used in everyday speech to ask for
information. more information or to show anger, concern,
She is seeing John, is she? confirmation, interest, surprise, etc.
If said with a falling intonation, we express negative Affirmative: He quit his job. - He did, didn't he?
feelings such as disappointment or disapproval. We (confirmation) He quit his job. - He did? (surprise)
don't expectan answer. Negative: He hasn't called. - He hasn't, has he?
The team lost, did they? (confirmation) He hasn't called. - He hasn't?

Add an appropriate response expressing disappointment/disapproval, confirmation or surprise.

1 "Tulips grow in Holland.""" 6 "They got engaged."""

(confirmation) (confirmation)
2 "She's going out with him again.""" 7 "He seems to be having a hard time."""
(disapproval) (confirmation)
3 "He's started biting his nails again." 8 "It's ten o'clock already."""
""(disapproval) (surprise)
4 "He could have been killed.""" 9 "She didn't accept the job offer."""
(surprise) (surprise)
5 "I'll have to sit the exam again.""" 10 "She's been to Paris.""" (surprise)

Short answers

Short answers are used to avoid repetition of the question Negative short answers are formed with No + personal
asked before. Positive short answers are formed with Yes + pronoun + negative auxiliary verb.
personal pronoun + auxiliary verb (do, can, have, will, etc.). "Did he mention anything?"" No, he didn't."
"Can she do it?" "Yes, she can."

Fill in question tags and short answers in the statements below, as in the example.

1 "There's room for me in your car, isn't there?" "Yes, there 6 "This is the way to Brian's house,_______________
is'.' "Yes___________________ ."
2 "He's got a friendly face,__________________________ ?" "Yes, 7 "They had a holiday in Florida last year,
?" "Yes,
3 "Leave me more space,__________________________ ?" "No, 8 "You won't ask for my opinion,_________________ _r
"No___________________ ."
4 "You will help me with my suitcases, 9 "He used to have a moustache,________________ _r
_________________ ?" "Yes,__________________ ." "Yes___________________ ."
5 "They are still in France,_____________________ ?" "No, 10 "You went to Crete last month,________________ _J"

14 J Grammar

so - neither/nor - but

• So + auxiliary verb + personal pronoun/noun (positive addition to a positive sentence).

She speaks Spanish. So do we. (We speak Spanish, too.) John went to Florida. So did Kate. (Kate went to Florida, too.)
• Neither/Nor + auxiliary verb + personal pronoun/noun (negative addition to a negative sentence).
Stephanie can't play the drums. Neither/Nor can I. (NOT: So can-L)
• But + personal pronoun/noun + affirmative auxiliary verb (positive contrast to negative statement)
Jim has never been to a pop concert, but I have. She hasn't done her homework, but he has.
• But + personal pronoun/noun + negative auxiliary verb (negative contrast to positive statement)
John looks happy, but Jane doesn't. John has done his homework, but she hasn't.
• When we wish to express surprise at what somebody has said, we use so + subject + auxiliary verb.
Michael: Look, that woman's got pink hair! Alison: So she has!

9 Fill in so, but or neither/nor, as in the 1 0 Rephrase the sentences using so, neither/nor or but, as
example. example.

1 "He's extremely angry." "So he is!" 1 Both George and Mary sing really well.
2 "We can't explain his behaviour." George sings really well. So does Mary.
"can I."
2 John has passed his test. Emily hasn't passed her test.
3 "She's gone on a three-month cruise."
"has he!"
4 Betty doesn't like working in an office, 3 Tom and Paul don't need any help.

____________ I do.
5 "He's been voted Employee of the 4 I have never been to Australia. David has been to Australia
Month.""he has!"
6 She wants to go to Spain,
5 Both Sarah and Marion went to Leeds University.
her sister doesn't.

Asking for permission/Making requests Giving/Refusing Permission/Answering requests

Can l/Could 1 close the window? I'm freezing. Yes, you can./Yes, of course (you can)./No, you can't.
May l/Might 1 use your computer? Yes, you may./Yes, of course (you may)./No, you may
not./l'd rather you didn't./l'm afraid not.

Making suggestions/invitations Answering suggestions/invitations

Will you/Would you/Would you like to join me for dinner? I'd like to./l'd love to./Yes, all right./I'm afraid 1 can't./
Shall we go out for a walk? I'd love to, but 1 can't./l'm sorry, 1 can't./Yes, okay.
Making offers Answering offers
Shall l/we, Can l/we, Would you like me to help you? Yes, please./No, thank you./No thanks. / /

Choose the correct option.

1 A: Shall we spend the afternoon by the lake? 5 A: Can you close the door before you go out, please?
B: Yes, all right./Yes, you can. The kids would love to B: Yes, of course./No, thanks. Shall I lock it, too?
feed the ducks. 6 A: Shall I water your plants for you while you're on
2 A: Dad, can we go to the amusement park? holiday?
B: No, thanks./Yes, of course. I'll give you a ride. B: I'm afraid not./Yes, please. That would be very kind
3 A: Would you like to have dinner tonight? of you!
B: Yes, you may./l'm sorry, I can't. I'm working late tonight. 7 A: Would you like meto give you a lift to work
4 A: Can I turn the volume down on the radio? tomorrow?
B: I'd love to./l'd rather you didn't. I won't be able to B: No, thanks./l'm sorry, I can't. I prefer to cycle.
hear it then!

Grammar 14

12 Choose the most appropriate option.

i you please help me cook dinner? 13 I don't know_____his favourite sport is.
A Shall C Should A who C which
B May D Could B what D what sort

2 they come yet? 14 Let her help you,____ you?

A Haven't C Aren't A can C will
B Didn't D Weren't B are D shall

3 ____ is your favourite actor - Ryan Reynolds or Chris 15 "Paul is wearing a nice jacket.""____ ."
Evans? A Is he not C But he isn't
A Whose C Which B So he is D Nor he is
B What D Who
16 That's their car,_____?
4 Let's have a snack,_____? A isn't there C isn't this
A will they C shall they B is that D isn't it
B won't we D shall we
17 _____you like meto iron the clothes?
5 They play tennis well._____ A Do C Shall
A So do we. C So we play. B Would D Will
B So can we. D So we can.
18 They had a great time in Venice,_____they?
6 _____I open the window? It's a bit stuffy in here. A hadn't C didn't
A Will C Would B did D had
B Could D Do
19 "Might I borrow your pen?" "Yes,_____."
7 Sam has got a small flat downtown,____ he? A you may C can you
A hasn't C has B you would D may you
B doesn't D does
20 _____does your brother look like?
8 I'd love to come to the cinema with you, but I'm afraid A What C How
B Who D Whose
A will come C can't
21 lam shorter than her,_____?
B not come D don't
A am I C is she
9 _____we meet after school to go to the mall? B aren't I D isn't she
A Shall C Have
22 Bob's left,_____Mark is still here.
B Did D Are
A neither C but
10 Paul can't drive a car.____ can his brother. B so D nor
A Not C But
23 _____far is it to the airport?
B So D Neither
A How often C What
11 There are some people outside our house, aren't_____? B Is it D How
A they C them
24 Don't be late,_____?
B those D there
A do you C will you
12 "Has he sold his old car?" "I think_____." B don't you D won't you
A that C so
25 ____ they know Max was promoted? I thought they
B course D has
A Haven't C Did
B Didn't D Doesn't

14 Vocabulary


Match the devices (A-F) to the functions (1-6). a) Label the computer parts with the words:
Make sentences. keyboard, printer, screen, modem, scanner, speakers,

b) Tick the ways you use a computer. Tell your

smartwatch laptop printer
• playgames • surf the Net
11 I I send text messages & take photos
• do online • search for
|2| I playgames
shopping information
13 | | scan & print documents
• send emails • chat online
141 | experience virtual reality
• type/print • store pictures
| 5 | | monitor health condition
161 | create documents & store files

Fill in with: chat, design, print, read, save, surf.

Which of the items in the pictures run on
electricity? Which need batteries to work? 1 My laptop won't the DVD, so I can't watch
the film.
2 Can you the document in colour and
leave it on my desk, please?
3 You should your documents in different
folders to find them easily.
4 I usually the Net looking for interesting
blogs to read in the evening.
5 We use Skype to online with our relatives
in the USA.
6 Chris and Mike are really into computer programming
- they even want to their own websites.

Answer the questions.

1 What three electrical devices or appliances couldn't

hairdryer vacuum cleaner you live without? Why?
2 What are the pros and cons of communicating by
3 How have computers changed our everyday lives?

smoke alarm thermostat


turn away: 1) refuse to let in, 2) refuse to help Look at Appendices 1 & 2, then fill in the correct
turn down: 1) reduce volume, power, etc. (opp: turn up), preposition.
turn in: go to bed 1 It never occurred me that you were right.
turn into: convert into 2 She is a computer programmer profession.
turn off: switch off (opp: turn on) 3 He was asked to leave short notice.
turn on: switch on 4 You're colour. Aren't you feeling well?
turn out: 1) prove to be in the end, 2) force sb to leave, 5 My brother is brilliant mathematics.
3) produce 6 Can I pay you cheque?
turn to: go to sb for help, advice, etc.
7 My name's Elizabeth; they call me Liz short.
turn over: go to the next page
8 He failed his attempt to break the code.
turn up: increase the volume, pressure, etc. (opp: turn down)
9 Could you give me some advice this matter?
work on: be busy with 10 I can't cope this situation any longer.
work out: 1) find by reasoning, 2) turn out successfully 11 They arrived good time for the lecture.
work up: develop
12 We entered a contract with the other party.
13 She took no notice the warning.
14 He invested all his money shares.
Fill in the correct particle.
15 They let me have this antique mobile phone
1 I'm so tired afrer working on my computer all day, I nothing.
think I'll turn early tonight.
2 I always turn my mother for help and advice. WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED *
3 Turn the radio a little bit - it's too loud.
4 The Internet cafe was turning people because 8 Choose the correct option. Check in your
it was full. dictionary.
5 Turn the TV. It's time for the news.
6 They turned the old warehouse a new office 1 browse/look the 4 save up/back up files
block. website 5 fill in/clickon an icon
7 Don't forget to turn the TV before you leave 2 wave/surfthe 6 pass/go online
the house. Internet 7 divide/share a video
8 I turned the job because the money wasn't 3 go into/entera web 8 join/connecttothe
good enough. page Internet
9 We trusted him, but he turned to be a liar.
10 If you turn the page, you'll find the answer. Fill in with: click, connect, copied, disconnect, search,
11 After a day working on my computer, I had really turn, upload.
worked an appetite.
12 We can't work________ this mathematical equation.
13 I wanted to become a graphics designer, but it didn't
How to 1)___________________ pictures from your
14 Let's work________ the best way to solve the problem.
digital camera to your computer
15 He is working________ on a new video game at the
moment. • First, 2)on your digital
camera and 3)it to the
• Then, 4)for your
camera's files in 'My Computer'.
5)_____________________ on the pictures you
want to upload.
• Click on 'Upload Selected Pictures'. The
pictures will automatically be
6)_____________________ onto your computer.
• Finally, 7)the camera
from your computer.
14 2 English in Use

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Choose the correct option.
Use two to five words.
1 It is a basic that you have a good knowledge of
1 He regrets notapplying for the job. computer skills.
WISHES He____________________________________ A required B require C requirement
________ the job. 2 James is a member of his local club where he
2 She wants to pursue a singing career and no one can specialises in the long jump.
stop her. A athletic B athlete C athletics
PURSUING Noone _________________________________
3 Although we didn't believe him, he claimed that he
_ a singing career.
was telling us nothing but the.
3 The moment she left, they started talking.
A truth B truly C truthful
SOONER No___________________________________
they started talking. 4 I'm working on a project to save local wildlife.
A conservator B conservation C conservative
4 If he hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have finished on time.
HIS But , 5 Danny lives in Astoria, New York, but is from
we wouldn't have finished on time. Sicily in Italy.
5 This tea is so strong that I can't drink it. A origin B original C originally
ME Thisteais 6 The of America was a turning point in European
drink. history.
6 They gave him a gold watch as a present. A discovery B discoverer C discovered
WAS He___________________________________
7 This mysterious masterpiece was painted by a(n)
a gold watch as a present.
artist of the 19th century.
7 I think that this law should be abolished.
A knowledge B unknown C know
DO I think they
this law. 8 Your life changes when you have children.

8 They bought very little furniture for their new flat. A drama B dramatic C dramatically

MUCH They ________________________________ 9 Unfortunately, she is a(n)candidate for the

fortheir new flat. required position.
9 They are installing a new computer in our office today. A insuitable B nonsuitable C unsuitable
HAVING We are______________________________
10 Medical experts stress the of healthy eating and
in our office today.
exercise for a person's well-being.
10 You can go to the party, but be home by midnight. A importantly B importance C important
LONG So__________________________________
11 The World Cup final attracted more than 70,000.
by midnight, you can go to the party.
A spectators B spectacles C spectates
11 The mistake wasn't her fault.
BLAME She______________________________________ 12 Her dreams had finally become a when she
the mistake. signed her first record deal.
12 Jill sent him three emails before getting an answer. A real B realistic C reality
UNTIL Jill didn't get an answer 13 Dishes in each region of Italy have their own
___ three emails. flavours.
13 I've missed the train, so it's not worth going to the A characterised B characteristic C character
station now.
14 Albert Einstein was a in the field of physics, and
POINT I've missed the train so
is famous for his theory of relativity.
_____________ g o i n g to
A research B researcher C researching
the station now.
14 Please allow meto pay for the meal. 15 His behaviour at times can be quite- he often
LET Why ____________________________________ has mood swings.
pay for the meal? A predictive B unpredictably
C unpredictable
15 Mario didn't want us to help him.
TURNED Mario __________________________________
offer of help.
English in Use r 14

Choose the correct option.

he Wright brothers started 0) A in 1902. Their first

T flight was in a glider, 1)_ they designed to test

the stability of its wings. Once they were satisfied that
they could fly 2)the air steadily without the fear
of falling straight down, they began working on their
3) for the first aeroplane, which would be
propelled by a motor. They wrote to several carmakers,
asking if they could 4) a motor for them, but
most either did not reply or said they were too busy.
Finally, they decided to do it themselves. The major
problem they 5) was how to make the motor
powerful enough to propel the aeroplane without being
too heavy. They soon realised that they would need to
0 flying B to flying C fly D be flying make the aeroplane bigger, 6) than make the
1 A who B what C which D that motor smaller. After months of planning, they were
2 A over B across c on D in ready with the first prototype. It was a funny looking
3 A design B pattern c method D plot machine with four wings and no seat for the pilot. The
4 A form B do c assemble D build two brothers were very 7)of their invention, but
5 A opened B faced c looked D met could not decide who would be the one to fly it. They
6 A sooner B rather c better D more tossed a coin and Wilbur won. The world's first ever
7 A good B glad c pleased D proud aeroplane 8) off and flew into the air, making
8 A got B ran c took D left history.

Choose the correct option.

1 Heavy prevented all planes from taking off. 9 The cost of living has risen in recent years, causing
A fog B steam C fume hardship to families.
A little B lots C many
2 These days, factory can be controlled by the use
of filters. 10 The teacher was extremely suspicious when the
A admissions B omissions C emissions class gave the same answers in the exam.
A whole B all C every
3 She was furious that it so long for the truth to be
revealed. 11 When bank went up again, many customers
A had taken B will have taken C takes closed their accounts.
A charges B prices C amounts
4 The patient's condition began to very quickly.
A fall B deteriorate C drop 12 The police could find no between the crime and
the suspect they were holding.
5 The children were in a state of after their ball
A together B connection C bond
broke the window.
A shock B anxious C afraid 13 I don't believe a word he said. He's probably the
whole story.
6 Scientists have to find a cure for the common
A discovered B made C invented
A not B fairly C yet 14 When Carol was made captain of the school basketball
, she was thrilled.
7 There was a gasp of surprise from the audience when
A team B group C company
the winner.
A was announced B announced 15 Inspector Marbles came to the that the bank had
C had announced been robbed by one of its clerks.
A end B conclusion C result
8 The dog began to pant after the cat around the
A chase B to chase C chasing
Choose the correct option.

1 Actually, Betty____ to retire earlier. 14 Lilly looked at me as if we____ before.

A does wants C does want A had met C met
B do want D want does B have met D were met

2 There are two fascinating parks in my neighbourhood. 15 You don't need to give me a lift. I have a car
However,_of them are close to my house. A my own C mine
A either C all B of my own D of myself
B neither D none 16 ____ to my mum, I wouldn't have bought that pricey van.
3 ____ fast a horse runs, it will never be able to compete A Should I listen C If had I listened
with a car. B Had I listened D Were I to listen

A However C Nevertheless 17 Gregory sent a complaint to the restaurant he visited

B Although D Despite how yesterday_____ receiving compensation.
4 I'm the leader of our team,____ ? A with a view of C with a view for
A isn't it C amn't I B with the aim of D with the aim to
B am I D aren't I 18 There were____ onions left, and that was the reason
5 Ann didn't want to leave the performance early____ she why I decided not to cook pork.
might miss something interesting. A very little C little
A out of fear C in fear B not much D very few
B of fear D for fear 19 Hungry____ he was, he didn't complain at all and
6 Neither Donald____ Paul are familiar with the system continued with his work.
A either C and A than C that
B nor D or B as D like

7 A: Is it going to rain? 20 Don't touch the exhibit,____ you?

B: It appears____ . A will C can
A like that C such B shall D would
B that D so 21 There are____ clothes in Patrick's wardrobe that it's
8 Only when you travel around the world____ your impossible to find anything in there.
homeland. A so lots of C such
A will you appreciate C you would appreciate B so much D so many
B you will appreciate D would you appreciate 22 ____ amazing was the book that I immediately decided
9 A: Frankly speaking, I don't have a hobby. to obtain the second part.
B: . A How C Such
A Neither have I. C Neither do I. B So D Such an
B So do I. D Really? I don't. 23 ____ you experience any problems, please contact me
10 Do not touch this microwave. It's____ . immediately.
A Donna and Carols' C Donna's and Carol's A Were C Had
B Donna and Carol's D of Donna and Carol B Should D Unless

11 Alex wrote down Clare's phone number____ forget it. 24 There is____ mustard in the fridge.
A so that not to C so as not to A none C few
B in order to not D not to B many D no

12 A: I have never been to Portugal. 25 It was Mark____ needed to consult a lawyer.

B: A that C which
A So have I. C So haven't I. B whom D whoever
B Neither haven't I. D Neither have I.

13 I would definitely treat animals better____ .

A were I you C was I you
B had I been you D should I be you

Choose the correct option.

1 Some people believe that the unemployment____ 13 Do you have to____ a uniform at school?
should be cut. A wear C try on
A bonuses C pensions B dress D put on
B benefits D wages 14 He looks so weird. I don't think that shirt____ the suit
2 Unfortunately, there is no____ in the office, but you can he's wearing.
take a picture of the document instead. A suits C wears
A scanner C tower B fits D matches
B modem D printer 15 I'm looking for a____ job; I don't need a temporary one.
3 He presented Kate with a very nice jewellery set - a pair A part-time C full-time
of earringsand____ . B permanent D high-powered
A a hairband C a bracelet 16 Sarah can't help crying when she sees people____ at the
B a bow tie D a watch airport.
4 I've read these examples three times, but I still can't work A through C over
____ the rule of the third conditional. B out D off
A on B up C for D out 17 She looked gorgeous at the party and certainly stood
5 What are you going to do____ a living after graduating ____ from the crowd.
from university? A out B by C for D up
A with B by C to D for 18 A: Have you bought a new suit?
6 I don't like shopping online because I can't____ clothes B: No, it's my old one. I've just collected it from the____ .
before buying them. A gift shop C dry cleaner's
A wear C try on B charity shop D car wash
B dress D put on 19 I would definitely buy this dress if it were on____ .
7 Students aren't allowed to____ photos to social media at A discount C boutique
B sale D match
A download C surf 20 He's inclined to believe that getting a____ salary can be
B upload D search demotivating for employees.
8 When I was younger, I didn't mind working____ hours in A short B long C high D low

the office. 21 A: Oh, no! I've broken my glasses.

A long B low C high D big B: Shall we go to the____ to get them repaired?
9 These jeans are too tight; they don't____ me. A boutique C optician's
A suit C put on B bookshop D greengrocer's
B match D fit 22 A: My secretary will show you to the door.
10 The manager refused their demand for improving____ B: Don't worry, I'll see myself____ .
conditions. A out B off C about D through
A working C long 23 She tends to think that clothes with a____ pattern make
B high-powered D low her look slimmer.
11 James frequently goes on business trips, and the A cotton C silk
company pays for all travel____ . B striped D woollen
A bonuses C expenses 24 He's a system administrator____ profession.
B pays D benefits A in B of C at D by
12 I can hardly hear what you're saying. Please turn the TV 25 I'm going to ____ the Net in order to find some
information for my school project.
A down B up C away D out A sail B surf C ride D swim

A B compare with (v) (how people and

bad at (adj) (BUT He was very bad to things are alike and how they are
abide by (v)
absent from (adj) me.) different)

abstain from (v) ban sb from sth (v) compare to (v) (show the likeness

accompanied by (adj) base on (v) between sb/sth and sb/sth else)

according to (prep) basis for (n) comparison between (n)

account for (v) beg for (v) compete against/for/with (v)

accuse sb of (v) begin by/with (v) complain of (v) (= suffer from)

complain to sb about sth (v) (= be
accustomed to (adj) believe in (v)
acquainted with (adj) belong to (v) annoyed at)

addicted to (adj) benefit from (v)

compliment sb on (v)

adequate for (adj) bet on (v) comply with (v)

adjacent to (adj) beware of (v) conceal sth from sb (v)

advantage of (n) (BUT there's an (put the) blame on sb (n) concentrate on (v)

advantage in - (have) an blame sb for sth (v) (have) confidence in sb (n)

advantage over sb) blame sth on sb (v) confine to (v)

advice on/against (n) boast about/of (v) confused about/by (adj)

bored with/of (adj) confusion over (n)

afraid of (adj)
agree to/on sth (v) borrow sth from sb (v) congratulate sb on sth (v)
connection between (n) (BUT in
agree with sb (v) brilliant at (adj)
ahead of (prep) bump into (v) connection with)

aim at (v) busy with (adj) conscious of (adj)

allergic to (adj) buy sth at (v) connect to/with (v)

amazed at/by (adj) consider sb for sth (v)

amount to (v) C consist of (v)

amused at/with (adj) contact between (n) (BUT in contact

call at/on (phrv)
angry at what sb does (adj) with)
campaign against/for (v)
angry with sb about sth (adj) content with (adj)
capable of (adj)
angry with sb for doing sth (adj) contrary to (adj)
care about (v)
annoyed with sb about sth (adj) contrast with (v)
care for sb (v) (= like)
(in) answer to (n) contribute to (v)
care for sth (v) (= like to do sth)
anxious about sth (adj) convert to/into (v)
(take) care of (n)
(be) anxious for sth to happen (adj) cope with (v)
careful about/of/with (adj)
apologise to sb for sth (v) correspond to/with (v)
careless about/with (adj)
(make an) appeal to sb for sth (n) count against (v)
cater for/to (v)
appeal to/against (v) count on sb (phrv)
cause of (n)
apply in writing (v) cover in/with (v)
certain of (adj)
apply to sb for sth (v) covered in/with (adj)
change into (v)
approve of (v) crash into (v)
characteristic of (n/adj)
argue with sb about sth (v) (have) a craving for sth (n)
charge for (v)
arrange for sb to do sth (v) crazy about (adj)
charge sb with (v)
arrest sb for sth (v) crowded with (adj)
check for (v)
arrive at (a small place) (v) cruel to (adj)
choice between/of (n)
arrive in (a town) (v) cruelty towards/to (n)
clever at (adj) (BUT It was very clever
ashamed of (adj) cure for (n)
of you to buy it.)
ask about/for (v) (BUT ask sb a curious about (adj)
close to (adj)
question) coax sb into (v)
assure (sb) of (v) D
coincide with (v)
astonished at/by (adj) collaborate with (v) damage to (n)
attached to (adj) collide with (v) date back to (v)
attack on (n) comment on (v) date from (v)
attack sb for sth (v) communicate with (v)
deal with (v)
attend to (v) dear to (adj)
(un)aware of (adj) decide on/against (v)

decrease in (n) engaged to sb/in sth (adj) free from/of/for (adj)

dedicate to (v) engagement to sb (n) friendly with/to (adj)
deficient in (adj) enthusiastic about (adj) frightened of (adj)
definition of (n) envious of (adj) full of (adj)
delay in (n) equal to (adj) furious with sb about/at sth (adj)
delight in (v) escape from/to (v)
delighted with (adj) example of (n) G
demand for (n) excellent at (adj) generosity to/towards (n)
demand from (v) exception to (n) (make an exception genius at (n)
depart from (v) for/of sth/sb = treat sth/sb as a glance at (v)
departure from (n) special case - take exception to glare at (v)
depend on/upon (v) sth = object to sth) good at (adj) (BUT He was very good
dependent on (adj) exchange sth for sth else (v) to me.)
deputise for (v) excited about (adj) grateful to sb for sth (adj)
descended from (adj) exclaim at (v) grudge against (n)
describe as (v) excuse for (n) guess at (v)
describe sb/sth to sb else (v) excuse sb for (v) guaranteed for (adj)
description of (n) exempt from (adj) guilty of (adj) (BUT He felt guilty
die of/from (v) expel from (v) about his crime)
die in an accident (v) experienced in/at (adj)
differ from (v) experiment on/with (v) H
(have) difference between/of (n) expert at/in (sth/doing sth) (n) (=
happen to (v)
different from (adj) person good at)
happy about/with/for (adj)
difficulty in/with (n) expert at/in/on (sth/doing sth) (adj)
harmful to (adj)
disadvantage of (n) (BUT there's a (= done with skill or involving
have money on me (phr)
disadvantage in doing sth) great knowledge)
hear about (v) (= be told)
disagree with (v) expert with sth (n) (= good at using
hear from (v) (= receive a letter)
disappointed with/about/by (adj) sth)
hear of (v) (= learn that sth or sb
disapprove of (v) expert on (n) (= person very
discharge sb from (v) knowledgeable about a subject)
heir to (n)
discount on (n)
hinder from (v)
discouraged from (adj) F
hint to sb about sth (v) (BUT hint at
discussion about/on (n) face up to (phrv) sth)
disgusted by/at (adj) fail in an attempt (v) hope for (v)
dismiss from (v) fail to do sth (v) hope to do sth (v)
dispose of (v) failure in (an exam) (n) (no) hope of (n)
disqualified from (adj) failure to (do sth) (n) hopeless at (adj)
dissatisfied with (adj) faithful to (adj)
distinguish between (v) fall in (n) I
divide between/among (v) familiar to sb (adj) (= known to sb)
divide into/by (v) idea of (n)
familiar with (adj) (= have
do sth about (v) identical to (adj)
knowledge of)
doubtful about (adj) ignorant of/about (adj)
famous for (adj)
dream about (v) ill with (adj)
fed up with (adj)
dream of (v) (= imagine) impacton (n)
fill sth with sth else (v)
dressed in (adj) impressed by/with (adj)
find sth in (v)
(make an) impression on sb (n)
finish with (v)
E improvement in/on (n)
fire at (v)
incapable of (adj)
eager for (adj) flee from (v)
include in (v)
economise on (v) fond of (adj)
increase in (n)
efficient at (adj) forget about (v)
independent of/from (adj)
(put) effort into sth (n) forgive sb for (v)
indifferent to (adj)
emphasis on (n) fortunate in (adj)
indulge in (v)


inferior to (adj) M popular with (adj)

information about/on (n) married to (adj) praise sb for (v)
(be) informed about (adj) marvel at (v) pray for sth/sb (v)
inject sth into sb/sth (v) mean to (adj) prefer sth to sth else (v)
inoculate against (v) mention to (v) (have a) preference for (n)
insiston (v) mistake sb for (v) prepare for (v)
instead of (prep) mix with (v) present sb with (v)
insure against (v) prevent sb/sth from (v)
intelligent at (adj) N (take) pride in (n)
intent on (adj) pride oneself on sth/on doing (v)
name after (v)
(have no) intention of (n) profit from (v)
necessary for (adj)
interest in (n) prohibit sb from doing sth (v)
need for (n)
interested in (adj) prone to (adj)
neglect of (n)
interfere with/in (v) protect against/from (v)
nervous about (adj)
invasion of (n) protection from (n)
new to (adj)
invest in (v) protest about/at (v)
nice to (adj)
invitation to (n) proud of (adj)
nominate sb (for/as sth) (v)
invite sb to sth (v) provide sb with (v)
(take) (no) notice of (n)
involve in (v) punish sb for (v)
notorious for doing sth (adj)
irritated by (adj) puzzled about/by (adj)

obedient to (adj)
jealous of (adj) quarrel about sth/with sb (v/n)
object to (v)
join in (v) qualify as/in (v)
objection to (n)
joke about (v) qualified for (adj)
obliged to sb for sth (adj)
quick at (adj)
obvious to (adj)
K quotation from (n)
occur to (v)
knock at/on (v)
offence against (n)
know about/of (v) R
operate on (v)
keen on sth (adj) opinion of/on (n) rave about (v)
keen to do sth (adj) opposite of/to (n) react to (v)
kind to (adj) reaction to (n)
key to (n) P ready for (adj)
knowledge of (n) reason for (n)
part with (v)
reason with (v)
patient with (adj)
L rebel against (v)
pay by (cheque) (v)
lack in (v) receive from (v)
pay for (v) (BUT pay a bill)
lack of (n) (keep) a record of (n)
pay in (cash) (v)
late for (adj) recover from (v)
peculiar to (adj)
laugh at (v) reduction in (n)
persist in (v) (BUT insist on)
lead to (v) refer to (v)
(take a) photograph of (n)
lean on/against (v) (in/with) reference to (n)
picture of(n)
learn about/by (v) refrain from (v)
pity for (n)
leave for (v) (= head for) regard as (v)
take pity on sb (phr)
lend sth to sb (v) regardless of (prep)
pleasant to (adj)
listen to (v) related to (adj)
pleased with (adj)
live on (v) relationship between (n) (BUT a
(take) pleasure in (n)
long for (v) relationship with sb)
(have the) pleasure of (n)
look at (v) relevant to (adj)
point at/to (v)
look for (v) (= search for) rely on (v)
(im)polite to (adj)

remind sb of/about (v) silly to do sth (adj) (BUT it was silly of terrified of (adj)
remove from (v) him) thank sb for (v)
replace sth with sth else (v) similar to (adj) thankful for (adj)
reply to (n/v) skilful/skilled at (adj) think about/of (v)
report on (n/v) slow in/about doing sth/to sth (adj) threat to sb/sth/of sth (n)
reputation for/of (n) smell of (n/v) threaten sb with sth (v)
research on/into (n) smile at (v) throw at (v) (in order to hit)
respect for (n) solution to (n) throw to (v) (in order to catch)
respected for (adj) sorry about (adj) (= feel sorry for sb) tire of (v)
respond to (v) (BUT I'm sorry for doing sth) tired of (adj) (= fed up with)
responsibility for (n) speak to/with sb about (v) translate from... into (v)
responsible for (adj) specialise in (v) tread on (v)
result from/in (v) (= be the specialist in (n) trip over (v)
consequence of) spend money on sth (v) trouble with (n)
result in (v) (= cause) spend time in/doing sth (v) try sth on (v)
result of (n) split into/in (v) typical of (adj)
resulting from (adj) spy on (v)
rhyme with (v) stare at (v) U
rich in (adj) strain on (n) unaware of (adj)
(get) rid of (phr) study for (v) understanding of (n)
rise in (n) subject to (adj/v) uneasy about (adj)
(make) room for (n) submit to (v) (BUT submit sth for upset about/over sth (adj)
rude to (adj) publication) (make) use of (n)
subscribe to (v) used to (adj)
S succeed in (v) useful for/to (adj)
safe from (adj) suffer from (v)

same as (adj) sufficient for sth/sb (adj) V

satisfied with/by (adj) suitable for (adj)
valid for (length of time) (adj)
save sb from (v) superior to (adj)
valid in (places) (adj)
save sth for sb (v) sure of/about (adj)
value sth at (v)
scared of (adj) surprised at/by (adj)
vote against/for (v)
search for (v/n) surrender to (v)
vouch for (v)
(be in) search of (n) surrounded by (adj)
sensitive to (adj) suspect sb of sth (v)
sentence sb to (v) suspicious of (adj)
wait for (v)
separate from (v) sympathetic to/towards (adj)
warn sb against/about/of (v)
serious about (adj) sympathise with (v)
waste (time/money) on (v)
settle for/on (v)
weak in/at (adj)
share in/of sth (n)
wink at (v)
shelter from (v) T
wonder about (v)
shocked at/by (adj) take sth to sb/sth (v)
workas/in/at sth (v)
shoot at (v) talent for sth (n)
worry about (v)
short of/on (adj) talk to sb about sth (v)
worthy of (adj)
shout at (v) (have) taste in (n)
write about (v)
shy of (adj) taste of(v)
write to sb (v)
sick of (adj) terrible at (adj)
wrong about (adj)


AGAINST at once by law in addition to (+ -ing

against the law at peace/war by marriage form)
ata place by means of in advance (of)
at present by mistake in agreement (with/on/
at a profit by nature about)
at an advantage
at the prospect by now in aid of
at the age of
at random by one's watch in all (= all in all)
at the airport
at any rate by oneself in an attempt
at an auction
at one's request by order of in answer to
at the beginning of (when
at the same time by phone in an armchair
sth started) (BUT in the
at school by post in bed
beginning = originally)
at sea by mail in the beginning (=
at one's best
at short notice by profession originally)
at breakfast/lunch, etc
at (high/full) speed by request in blossom
at the bottom of
at/in the station by (the/one's) side in a book
at the bus stop
at sunset by surprise in brief
at church
at the table by the time in business
at college
at (the/that) time by the hour in any case
at the corner/on the
at times by the way in cash
at the top of (BUT on top in the centre of
at all costs
of) FOR in charge (of)
at the crossroads
at the weekend in cities
at dawn for ages
at work in code
at one's desk for breakfast/lunch/dinner
at 230 Mills St. in colour
at the door for certain
in comfort
at ease fora change
BEFORE in common
at the end (= when sth is for fear (of)
in comparison with
finished) (BUT in the before long for fun (= for amusement)
in conclusion (to)
end = finally) for good
in (good/bad) condition
at your expense BY for granted
in confidence
at fault for hire
by accident in control (of)
at first fora holiday
by all accounts in the corner
at first hand for keeps
by appointment in the country
at first sight for instance
by the arm/hand in danger
ata glance for luck
by auction in the dark
at half price tor lite
by birth in debt
at hand for love
by bus/train/plane/ in demand
at heart for nothing
helicopter/taxi/ship/ in detail
at home for once
boat/sea/air/car, etc (be) in difficulty
at/in a hotel for the price of one
(BUT on a/the bus/ in the direction of
at... miles/kilometres per for the rest of
plane/train/ship/boat in doubt
hour for safe keeping
- in a taxi/car/ in dollars
at large for one's sake
helicopter/plane) in a... dress
at last for the sake of
by chance in due course
at the latest for sale (= to be sold)
by cheque in the end (= finally)
at least for short
by correspondence in exchange for
at the very least for the time being
by day/night in existence
at length fora walk
by degrees in fact
at liberty fora while
by the dozen in fashion
at a loss for two years
by the hour in favour of
at lunch by eye in flames
at the match by far FROM
in the flesh
at midnight by force from now on in focus
at the moment by hand from scratch in one's free time
at most by heart in full swing
at night by invitation IN in fun
at noon by land/sea/air
in action in the future
in gear in practice/theory on average on page...
in general in principle on bail on parade
in good time in prison on balance on the pavement
in half in private/public on the beach on the phone
in hand in all probability on behalf of on a platform
in haste in progress on one's birthday on principle
in good/bad health in question on board on purpose
in hiding in reality on the border on the radio/TV
in honour of in return on the bottom on the right
in hopes of in the right/wrong on business on the (Missouri) River
in the hospital in a row/rows on call on sale (= sold at reduced
in a hotel in ruins on a campsite (at a price) (BUT for sale =
in a hurry in safety campsite) to be sold)
in ink/pencil/pen in the sale on the coast on schedule
in sb's interest in season on condition on the screen
in length/width, etc in secret on the contrary on second thought(s)
in all sb's life in self-defence on credit on the side
in the limelight in the shape of on a cruise/excursion/ on sight
in a line in short trip/tour on the sofa
in the long run in sight (of) on (a...) day on this street/on the
in love (with) in the sky on demand street(s)
in luxury in silence on a diet on strike
in the meantime in some respects on duty on good/bad terms
in a mess in stock on earth on time
in the middle of in style on edge on top of
in a mirror in the streets on an expedition on the trail of
in moderation in succession on a farm (BUT in a field) on a trip
in a moment in the suburbs on fire on vacation
in a good/bad mood in the sun/shade on the (4th) floor (of) on the way (to) (= as I was
in the mood in good/bad taste on the floor going)
in the morning/afternoon in tears on foot on the weekend
in mourning in theory on the ground on the whole
in name only (= not in in time on the one hand
reality) in no time on the other hand OUT OF
in need of in touch on holiday
out of breath
in the news in town on horseback
out of character
in a newspaper in tune (with) on impulse
out of condition
in the name of (= on in turn on the Internet of font
ni it UI
behalf of) in two/half on an island (BUT in the Ai it H^nnor
uui ui Udi iyci
in the nick of time in uniform mountains)
out of date
in the north/south in use on a journey
out of debt
in a nutshell in vain on one's knees
out of fashion
in the open in view of on leave
out of focus
in one's opinion in a loud/low voice on the left
out of hand
in orbit in a way (= in a manner) on loan
out of 1liUk-ix
kJU I irk
in order of/to in the way on the market (= available
out of order
in other words in writing to the public)
out of the ordinary
in pain in a word on me
out of place
in pairs in the world on one's mind
out of practice
in the paper on that morning
out of print
in the park ON on the move
out of the question
in particular on New Year's Day
on account of out of reach
in the past on the news
on a... afternoon/evening out of season
in person on this/that occasion
on the agenda out of sight
in pieces on order
on the air out of step
in place of on the outskirts
on approval out of stock
in politics on one's own
on arrival out of tune

out of turn off the point UNDER under repair

out of use off the record under the weather
under arrest
out of work off the road under one's breath
off school/work under control WITHOUT
OFF off the top of your head under the control of without fail
off the air under discussion without delay
off colour TO under the impression
off duty to some extent under orders WITH
off limits to someone's surprise under pressure
with regard to
off the map

in/inside on at near under above

on top of below (a)round through between

behind in front of up down opposite beside/by/

next to

into over

along across from ... to past towards/to/in the direction of


1 -(emending 4 -/e ending

a words ending in -s, -ss, -ch, -x, -sh, -z, -o add -es words ending in -ie change -ie to -y before -ing
bus - buses, mass - masses, pitch - pitches, die - dying
mix - mixes, topaz - topazes, tomato - tomatoes
b nouns ending in vowel + o, double o, short forms/ 5 dropping -e
musical instruments/proper nouns ending in -o a words ending in -e drop -e and add -ing, -ed,
add -s -er, -est
rodeo - rodeos, igloo - igloos, NGO - NGOs, save - saving - saved (BUT be - being)
piano - pianos, Filipino - Filipinos tame - tamer - tamest
b adjectives ending in -e add -ly to form their
2 -f/-fe ending adverbs
nouns ending in -f/-fe drop -f/-fe and add -ves rare - rarely, nice - nicely (BUT true - truly)
wife - wives, leaf- leaves c adjectives ending in -Ie change -Ie to -ly to form
their adverbs
3 -y ending incredible - incredibly (BUT whole - wholly)
a words ending in consonant + y drop -y and add d verbs ending in -ee add -ing
-ies, -ied, -ier, -iest, -ily see - seeing
hurry - hurries - hurried, funny - funnier - funniest,
ready - readily
b words ending in consonant + y add -ing
worry - worrying
c words ending in vowel + y add -s, -ed, -ing,
-er, -est
employ - employs - employed - employing,
coy - coyer - coyest

Pronunciation of ~(e)s ending (noun plurals and the 3rd Pronunciation of-ed ending
person singular of verbs in the Present Simple)
/id/ after /t/, /d/
/s/after/f/,/t/,/p/,/k/ lifted, branded
laughs, spots, drips, racks
/t/ after /k/,/tj/,/f/,/s/,/f/,/p/
/iz/ after /z/, /ds/, /tj/, /s/, l\l baked, matched, laughed, anced, dashed, trapped
houses, dodges, ditches, passes, lashes
/d/ after /b/, /ds/, /m/, /v/, /g/, /I/, /n/, /z/ vowel + /r/
/z/ after /b/, /g/, /m/, /d/, /!/, /n/, /v/ or any vowel sound snubbed, nudged, dimmed, craved, drugged, spilled, opened,
dabs, rigs, beams, leads, thrills, pains, leaves, toys cruised, cared

Published by Express Publishing
Irregular verbs
Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,
Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044) 1635 959 759 be \bi…\ was \wÅz\ been \bi…n\ learn \l‰…n\ learnt (learned) learnt (learned)
bear \be´\ bore \bO…\ born(e) \bO…n\ \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\ \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\
email: [email protected] beat \bi…t\ beat \bi…t\ beaten \"bi…t´n\ leave \li…v\ left \left\ left \left\
www.expresspublishing.co.uk become \bI"køm\ became \bI"keIm\ become \bI"køm\ lend \lend\ lent \lent\ lent \lent\
begin \bI"gIn\ began \bI"gœn\ begun \bI"gøn\ let \let\ let \let\ let \let\
© Jenny Dooley, 2022 bite \baIt\ bit \bIt\ bitten \"bIt´n\ lie (= to be in a flat lay \leI\ lain \leIn\
blow \bl´U\ blew \blu…\ blown \bl´Un\ position) \laI\
break \breIk\ broke \br´Uk\ broken \"br´Uk´n\ light \laIt\ lit \lIt\ lit \lIt\
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2022
bring \brIN\ brought \brO…t\ brought \brO…t\ lose \lu…z\ lost \lÅst\ lost \lÅst\
build \bIld\ built \bIlt\ built \bIlt\
First published 2022 make \meIk\ made \meId\ made \meId\
burn \b‰…n\ burnt (burned) burnt (burned)
mean \mi…n\ meant \ment\ meant \ment\
\b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\ \b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\
meet \mi…t\ met \met\ met \met\
Made in EU burst \b‰…st\ burst \b‰…st\ burst \b‰…st\
buy \baI\ bought \bO…t\ bought \bO…t\ pay \peI\ paid \peId\ paid \peId\
put \pUt\ put \pUt\ put \pUt\
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in can \kœn\ could \kUd\ (been able to
any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the \bIn "eIb´l t´\) read \ri…d\ read \red\ read \red\
publishers. catch \kœtS\ caught \kO…t\ caught \kO…t\ ride \raId\ rode \r´Ud\ ridden \"rId´n\
choose \tSu…z\ chose \tS´Uz\ chosen \"tS´Uz´n\ ring \rIN\ rang \rœN\ rung \røN\
come \køm\ came \keIm\ come \køm\ rise \raIz\ rose \r´Uz\ risen \"rIz´n\
This book is not meant to be changed in any way. cost \kÅst\ cost \kÅst\ cost \kÅst\ run \røn\ ran \rœn\ run \røn\
cut \køt\ cut \køt\ cut \køt\
say \seI\ said \sed\ said \sed\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0745-4 Student’s book deal \di…l\ dealt \delt\ dealt \delt\ see \si…\ saw \sO…\ seen \si…n\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0747-8 Digibooks app dig \dIg\ dug \døg\ dug \døg\ sell \sel\ sold \s´Uld\ sold \s´Uld\
ISBN 978-1-3992-0748-5 Student’s book with Digibooks app (set) do \du…\ did \dId\ done \døn\ send \send\ sent \sent\ sent \sent\
draw \drO…\ drew \dru…\ drawn \drO…n\ set \set\ set \set\ set \set\
dream \dri…m\ dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) sew \s´U\ sewed \s´Ud\ sewn \s´Un\
\dremt “dri…md‘\ \dremt “dri…md‘\ shake \SeIk\ shook \SUk\ shaken \"SeIk´n\
Acknowledgements drink \drINk\
drive \draIv\
drank \drœNk\
drove \dr´Uv\
drunk \drøNk\
driven \"drIv´n\
shine \SaIn\
shoot \Su…t\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
show \S´U\ showed \S´Ud\ shown \S´Un\
eat \i…t\ ate \eIt\ eaten \"i…t´n\
Author’s Acknowledgements shut \Søt\ shut \Søt\ shut \Søt\
fall \fO…l\ fell \fel\ fallen \"fO…l´n\ sing \sIN\ sang \sœN\ sung \søN\
I would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book.
feed \fi…d\ fed \fed\ fed \fed\ sit \sIt\ sat \sœt\ sat \sœt\
Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief ); Mary Swan and feel \fi…l\ felt \felt\ felt \felt\ sleep \sli…p\ slept \slept\ slept \slept\
Chris Baker (senior editors); Steve Hall (editorial assistant ); Sue Foster (senior production controller); the Express fight \faIt\ fought \fO…t\ fought \fO…t\ smell \smel\ smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled)
design team; and Neill Robinson, Jane Adams and Alan Lewis as well as those institutions and teachers who pilot- find \faInd\ found \faUnd\ found \faUnd\ \smelt “smeld‘\ \smelt “smeld‘\
ed the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. fly \flaI\ flew \flu…\ flown \fl´Un\ speak \spi…k\ spoke \sp´Uk\ spoken \"sp´Uk´n\
forbid \f´"bId\ forbade \f´"beId\ forbidden \f´"bId´n\ spell \spel\ spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled)
forget \f´"get\ forgot \f´"gÅt\ forgotten \f´"gÅt´n\ \spelt “speld‘\ \spelt “speld‘\
Photograph Acknowledgements forgive \f´"gIv\ forgave \f´"geIv\ forgiven \f´"gIv´n\ spend \spend\ spent \spent\ spent \spent\
Special thanks to Alamy, iStock and Shutterstock for images used in this book. freeze \fri…z\ froze \fr´Uz\ frozen \"fr´Uz´n\ stand \stœnd\ stood \stUd\ stood \stUd\
steal \sti…l\ stole \st´Ul\ stolen \"st´Ul´n\
get \get\ got \gÅt\ got \gÅt\
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the stick \stIk\ stuck \støk\ stuck \støk\
give \gIv\ gave \geIv\ given \"gIv´n\
sting \stIN\ stung \støN\ stung \støN\
publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. go \g´U\ went \went\ gone \gÅn\
swear \swe´\ swore \swO…\ sworn \swO…n\
grow \gr´U\ grew \gru…\ grown \gr´Un\
sweep \swi…p\ swept \swept\ swept \swept\
Express Publishing is not responsible or liable for any websites that may be accessed from links contained in this hang (= to hung \høN\ hung \høN\ swim \swIm\ swam \swœm\ swum \swøm\
publication, which are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; as such, Express suspend)
take \teIk\ took \tUk\ taken \"teIk´n\
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teach \ti…tS\ taught \tO…t\ taught \tO…t\
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tear \te´\ tore \tO…\ torn \tO…n\
hear \hI´\ heard \h‰…d\ heard \h‰…d\
advised to contact the external site administrators for answers to questions regarding their content. hide \haId\ hid \hId\ hidden \"hId´n\
tell \tel\ told \t´Uld\ told \t´Uld\
think \TINk\ thought \TO…t\ thought \TO…t\
hit \hIt\ hit \hIt\ hit \hIt\
throw \Tr´U\ threw \Tru…\ thrown \Tr´Un\
hold \h´Uld\ held \held\ held \held\
hurt \h‰…t\ hurt \h‰…t\ hurt \h‰…t\ understand understood understood
\Æønd´"stœnd\ \Æønd´"stUd\ \Æønd´"stUd\
keep \ki…p\ kept \kept\ kept \kept\
know \n´U\ knew \nju…\ known \n´Un\ wake \weIk\ woke \w´Uk\ woken \"w´Uk´n\
wear \we´\ wore \wO…\ worn \wO…n\
lay \leI\ laid \leId\ laid \leId\
win \wIn\ won \wøn\ won \wøn\
lead \li…d\ led \led\ led \led\
write \raIt\ wrote \r´Ut\ written \"rIt´n\

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Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 Student’s Book
Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14
units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2
level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures.

Key features
• Condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by a variety of exercises and a
revision section at the end of each unit
• B2 vocabulary presentation and practice by topic as well as practice on phrasal verbs,
prepositions and words often confused
• English in Use sections consisting of key word transformations, word formation, open cloze
texts and multiple choice cloze texts and sentences
• Regular review sections that revise the grammar and vocabulary of the preceding units
• Appendices on prepositions and prepositional phrases in alphabetical order

Student’s Book
Teacher’s Book (overprinted)
Tests & Quizzes (downloadable)

Jenny Dooley

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