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Advisor I : Riryn Fatmawaty, M.Pd.

Advisor II: Dian Luthfiyati, M.Pd

By: Erika endang patria (062010014)

 Table of content :

Chapter I : background of study, Problem Of study, Objective of study,

Significance of study, scope and limitation, hypothesis.

Chapter II : Theory of Related literature, previous studies, conceptual

framework, Research hypothesis.

Chapter III: Research Design. Data source and Data : primary data,

Secondary data. Participant/Subject Of study: Population, Sample. Time and

location. Data Collection Technique. Reesearch Instrument. Data Analysis

Chapter I :

Background Of Study

Muhid (Muhid et al., 2020) said that a student's reading comprehension level can vary

depending on various factors, including educational background, reading experience, and interest

in certain topics. This comparison shows that students' reading comprehension involves the

ability not only to understand texts literally, but also to transmit, distribute and synthesize

information in more complex ways (Febrijanto et al., 2022).

It is important to remember that text comprehension can be developed, practiced, and

strengthened over time by actively studying and studying different types of texts (James et al.,

2021). Based on this description, this research aims to determine the comparison of students'

reading comprehension using quantitative research methods with the title "Comparison of

Reading Comprehension levels of higher education students At 2024 year in the Islamic

university of lamongan". This study uses a quantitative approach. Explain the importance of

quantitative research in using research instruments to collect general data to study a specific

population or sample.

Problem Of Study

What are the differences level of reading comprehension ability of higher education students

in the Islamic University of Lamongan?

Objective of study

To find out wether there are differences in the level of reading comprehension ability of

higher education students in the Islamic University of Lamongan

Significance of Study

1. Theoretically

Theoretically, the aim of the results of this research is to increase knowledge about several

reading comprehension problems among even semester students, and apart from that, this

research can also determine the level of reading comprehension of Lamongan Islamic

University students.

2. Practically

A. For English Teacher :

It is very important for teachers to focus on developing and improving students' English

reading comprehension skills.

B. For Students :

Learning reading comprehension in English helps students become critical thinkers. He

learns to analyze, evaluate and interpret texts, which are important skills for making

decisions and forming reasoned opinions.

C. For Readers :

The results of this research can be used as an alternative comparison for odd semester English

reading comprehension at Islamic University of lamongan.

Scope and Limitation

There are several limitations of the problem in completing the final task in the form of this

thesis, namely as follows : The chosen subject higher education students in the Islamic

University of Lamongan and this research is limited to knowing or identifying the differences in

the level of reading comprehension ability.

Also, in this study, there are still limitations that can be taken into consideration for further

writers to be able to get better results, including :

(a) Limited discussion space because there are only a few samples taken according to the writer’s

ability to analyse

(b) The selection data collection period, which is only 3 months (starting from February to

March 2024)

(c) The selection sample in using reading questions consisting of literal, inferential, critical and

creative questions, we can find out about the comparison of students' reading comprehension in

the even semester.


Based on the problem formulation, the writer determined this research by testing the following


H1: There is a significant on differences in reading comprehension among even semester


H0: There is no significant effect on differences in reading comprehension among even semester



Theory of Related Literature

Attribution Theory
Attribution theory explains that there is a connection between the environment and

one's attitudes. This can be an assessment of a person's reaction to a particular

social problem. According to this attribution theory, people act in ways that are

consistent with their attitudes and characteristics. As a result, it's possible to infer

someone's character traits and how they handle specific situations just by observing

their actions (Heider, 1958). In a statement by Fritz Heider (“Book Reviews,”

1958) , it was revealed that internal factors and external factors are interrelated in

influencing human behavior, especially in terms of literacy culture. In this research,

attribution theory is relevant because determining attitudes towards understanding

literacy is influenced by internal and external factors. This is in line with the

writer's intention to examine the internal and external factors that influence

differences in reading comprehension in the students to be studied.

Reading Comprehension Levels

Reading competently entails being able to use both broad reading

indicators and specific reading information to one's advantage. To read

thoroughly and comprehend what one reads, one must become proficient in all

parts of reading, and this is what comprehensive reading is all about. What

Capodieci means when he says "reading comprehensiveness" is "reading

comprehension" (Capodieci et al., 2020). Taking a look at Reading thoroughly

also involves reading intensely. A thorough reading program addresses every

facet of reading.Experts agree that this group includes students at colleges,

universities, institutes, and academies; read silently, read quickly, read technical,

language reading, summary reading. Then kind of read comprehensive includes;

read to make inferences, read to patterning text organization, effective reading of

long texts, reading for learning, critical reading (Nouwens et al., 2021). By

reading Comprehensive means students are able to master all aspects of reading


Reading Comprehension In High Education

One definition of "college student" is "anyone enrolled in a postsecondary

educational institution" (Kurniawan, 2023). People who attend schools such as

colleges, universities, or academies are called students. People who sign up to

attend a university are referred to as students. However, the definition of students

is not that simple, because students are agents of change who can provide

solutions to problems faced by society (Arum, 2022). Meanwhile, even semester

students are students who have administratively fulfilled the requirements and

have completed the odd semester to continue to the even semester. Even semester

students are students in semesters 2, 4, 6 and 8 (Kurniawan, 2021).

Previous Studies

In previous research, reading comprehension used research on elementary school, junior high

school, senior high school children, and the update uses students... here the research also uses

a rendem sample and has a purpose, the author here also uses attribution theory, because it is

to find out environmental factors, age or level, because the author wants to explain or

describe the factors of "reading comprehension

Conceptual Framework

Buat table: di proposal

Research Hypothesis

The temporary answer presented by the writer is formulated in the research hypothesis.

Based on the theoretical basis and thinking framework above, the research hypothesis presented

is: “There is a significant difference in reading comprehension among even semester students”.


Research Design

The writer uses quantitative research methodologies because the purpose of this study is to

compare and contrast the levels of reading comprehension that students at Islamic University of

Lamongan have during the months of February and March 2024. This time period spans the

literacy, psychology, and reading skills of the student population.

Data Source and Data

- Primary Data

The primers data used by the author in this study were obtained directly from research subjects.

Primary data is obtained from the responses from the respondents to the questionnaire. Primary

data obtained in the research. This is obtained directly from the source, namely the respondents

who in even semester of Islamic University of Lamongan

- Secondary Data

According to Ayu Rifka Sitoresmi (Sitoresmi, 2022) said to that secondary data is a type
of data in research based on how it is obtained, which means the source of research data is
obtained and collected by writers indirectly but with other parties. Unlike primary data,
secondary data is supporting data that can improve the quality of research. Secondary data
sources are data sources additionally responsible for fulfilling and executing data that required
for primary data. Secondary data that the author uses in this research was obtained from various
sources including: previous research, internet, articles and relevant journals towards this

Participant/ Subject of The Study

- Population
Population is the entire research object as a data source that represents certain
characteristics in a study (Suriani et al., 2023). The population used in this research is
even semester English education program students of the Islamic University of
The selection approach that is used in this investigation is known as purposive
sampling, which is a technique that involves picking samples based on preset criteria. The
principles that the English professor considered to be significant in the process of
choosing the sample for this investigatio, namely having the same number of students.
The samples used in this research were two classes used for the research class consisting
of the experimental class and the control class. The two classes used were the class
containing 2nd and 4th semester students consisting of 15 students as the control class
and the class containing 6th and 8th semester students consisting of 15 students as the
experimental class.
Time and Location
1. Research Location
This research was conducted at Lamongan Islamic University, on students in the even
semester of the 2023/2024 academic year of English Education Department at Jl. Veteran
No. 58 A, District. Lamongan, Kab. Lamongan, East Java.
2. Research Time
The writer doing this research on February to March 2024
Data Collection Technique
1. Questionnaire
It is also possible to apply this method when dealing with data that is conveyed in written
languages, such as narrative text or language that is employed in mass media. The data that is
obtained comes from the individuals who participate in the survey by filling it out.
In order to acquire the necessary information for this research, the technique consists of
many phases, which are as follows:
At the beginning of the process of gathering information, the questionnaires were distributed
to the participants.
The first step of the data collection procedure was distribute questionnaires. The
information was obtained via the use of questionnaires that were sent out by the writer during the
months of February and March in the year 2024.
The second step was identification. After the writer had collected all of the replies to the
questionnaire, they were examined.
The third step was the classification. Following the identification of the data, it was further
classified according to the degree of understanding of the reading. For the purpose of simplifying
the data, the writer selected one typical pattern to study out of all of the other patterns of
semantic changes that were categorized.
It is necessary for the writer to have access to a few pertinent sources in order to
carry out the investigation. These are designed to allow the writer to more easily analyze the
data they have collected. The following is a list of the activities that the writer carried out in
order to build the reference collection:
1) Searching through the collection of the library for books that are relevant
2) Browsing the Internet in search of items that are pertinent,
3) Conducting a search for suitable theses using the digital library.
The fourth step was deep classification. Reading comprehension can be categorized into
four levels of comprehension, namely literal understanding, inferential understanding, critical
understanding, and creative understanding.
2. Test
Based on the research plan used by the author, the data collection technique used in this
work is a test technique. A written test is a technique for determining students' skills,
intelligence, knowledge and skills in the form of an objective test using a series of
questions (Agung, 2014: 240)

Research Instrument
The writer used some kind of research instrument. First, the writer as the main instrument
(Cresswell, 2008). In this study, the writer acted to get the data that is founded in questionnaires.
In collecting data, the writer uses research instruments such as laptop and writing tools to write
the results.
Data Analysis Technique
we have developed this improved Likert scale. The middle response category is supported by the
following three factors:
(1) This group may be interpreted in two different ways: for someone who is still uncertain or
hasn't made up their mind, or for someone who is neutral, agreeing, disagreeing, or even
disbelieving. Both of these interpretations are valid.
(2) Because the responses are located in the center, people have a tendency to respond in the
middle region.
(3) The major objective of the SA-D-SD category is to identify patterns in the degrees of
agreement or disagreement in the responses of the respondents.
In light of this, the following four replies were taken into consideration for this study: SA, agree,
disagree, and strongly disagree. The Likert scale is a valuable instrument that may be used when
conducting surveys with people or groups to determine their ideas and emotions about social
problems (Riyanto & Hatmawan, 2020).
Testing the validity of this research test uses the Pearson Correlation Coefficients technique. The
writer determined the validity test using SPSS version 25. The following are the steps for validity
1. Data input.
2. Click View variables.
3. Then click the Analyze menu, then click Correlate and click Bivariate next to it.
4. All labels will move to the Variables box. Click Pearson in the Correlation Coefficients menu,
click Two-tailed in the Test of Significance menu and then click on the Significant Correlation
flag, then click the OK icon.
The criteria used to interpret the validity index are presented in the following table:
Table 3.5 Validity Index Criteria

Validity Criteria Category

85,01 – 100,00 Very Valid
70,01 – 85,00 Valid
50,01 – 70,00 Less Valid
01,00 – 50,00 Invalid

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