Med Surg (Midterm)
Med Surg (Midterm)
Med Surg (Midterm)
If the child has kerion, may prescribed: - It involves drug development epidemiological studies
and study of zoonoses.
- Cortiscosteroid
- Organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food
- Prednisone
or at the expenses of its host. Can cause disease in
Prevention human.
4. Asthma - Asthma is a condition in which your airways What causes asthma? Asthma symptoms are brought on by
narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can airway inflammation, which can be brought on by various
make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling factors in different people. The muscles surrounding the
sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of airways constrict (squeeze) due to the inflammation. The
breath. airways narrow as a result of this. Air entering and exiting the
lungs is then more challenging. Wheezing and shortness of
Symptoms of asthma breath result from this. Additionally, the excess mucus that
the inflammation induces in the airway lining leads to
Coughing and wheezing are typical asthma
coughing and further airflow obstruction.
Shortness of breath Things that may trigger asthma symptoms
Chest tightness or pain
Infections - particularly colds, coughs and chest
- Different persons and different periods in the same person infections.
may experience mild to severe asthma symptoms. The Pollens and molds- asthma is often worse in the hay
duration of each bout of asthma symptoms might range from fever season.
an hour or so to days or weeks if untreated. Exercise - getting asthma symptoms when you
exercise often means your asthma is undertreated. If
What are the typical symptoms if you have mild
it happens, it may mean you need to step up your
untreated asthma?
usual preventer treatment (see below). Sport and
For instance, if you have a cold or a chest infection, exercise are good for you if you have asthma. If
you can start to cough and wheeze mildly. necessary, you can use an inhaler before exercise to
prevent symptoms from developing.
You can get slight effects when you exercise or
during the hay fever season. Certain medications - for example, about 1 in 50
people with asthma are allergic to aspirin, which can
You may not experience any asthma symptoms for
trigger symptoms. Other medicines that may cause
the majority of the time. A youngster with mild
asthma symptoms include: Anti-inflammatory
asthma could cough irritatingly every night, but they
painkillers such as ibuprofen (for
usually feel well throughout the day.
example, Nurofen®), diclofenac, etc. Beta-blockers
What are the typical symptoms if you have moderate such as propranolol, atenolol, or timolol. This
untreated asthma? includes beta-blocker eye drops used to treat
You occasionally get wheezing and coughing Smoking and cigarette - if you smoke and have
You occasionally run out of breath. Spells, often very asthma, you should make every effort to stop. See a
long spells, are possible without any symptoms. pharmacist or practice nurse for help if you find it
On most days, however, you likely to have some difficult. Passive smoking can make asthma worse
wheezing. The morning or the evening hours are too. Even where adults smoke away from children,
frequently when symptoms are at their worst. Some smoke on clothes, hair, etc., may make asthma
nights, you can wake up hacking or with a tight chest. worse. All children deserve to live in a smoke-free
Young children might not display the usual home - in particular, children with asthma.
symptoms. In young children, it could be challenging Emotions - asthma is not due to 'nerves'; however,
to distinguish between asthma and recurrent chest such things as stress, emotional upset, or laughing
infections. may trigger symptoms.
Allergies to animals- for example, pet cats and dogs,
and horses. Some people notice that their symptoms
become worse when close to certain animals.
House dust and mites- this is a tiny creature which GP may be able to provide this test, or you may be referred
lives in mattresses and other fabrics around the to a local clinic.
home. If you are allergic to it, it may make symptoms
worse. It is impossible to get rid of house dust mite Diagnosing asthma in children under 5 years old
completely. To greatly reduce their number takes a
Children under 5 often can't do the tests above accurately.
lot of time and effort and involves taking various
So guidelines recommend that if your doctor suspects your
measures. For example, using special mattress
under 5-year-old has asthma, they offer treatment based on
covers, removing carpets and removing or treating
their symptoms. However, once they reach the age of 5, they
soft toys. However, if symptoms are difficult to control
should have one or more of the tests below if they still have
with treatment and you are confirmed to be allergic to
house dust mite, it may be worth considering trying to
reduce their number. See the separate leaflet called Diagnosing asthma in 5- to 16-year-olds
House Dust Mite and Pet Allergy for more details.
Some foods - this is uncommon. Food is not thought The European Respiratory Society (ERS) has suggested the
to be a trigger in most cases. main tests that should be used to diagnose asthma in young
people. These include:
- Some people only experience the symptoms of asthma
when they are exposed to a specific trigger, such as • Spirometry.
exercise-induced asthma. As was already noted, for many
asthmatics, exercise might exacerbate symptoms. However, • FeNO (see above).
some people only experience symptoms when they exercise;
• Using a 'reliever' inhaler to compare peak flow within
otherwise, they are well. Another illustration is the fact that
a few minutes compared to before using it.
some people only experience symptoms after being exposed
to certain toxins. • Some other specialist tests if the tests above don't
give a diagnosis either way.
• It does not recommend the following for diagnosis in
Spirometry is a test which measures how much air you can
5- to 16-year-olds:
blow out into a machine called a spirometer. Two results are
important: • Making a diagnosis based on symptoms alone,
without doing tests.
- The amount of air you can blow out in one second -
called forced expiratory volume in one second • Relying on a single abnormal test.
- The total amount you can blow out in one breath - • A peak flow diary, looking at how peak flow varies.
called forced vital capacity (FVC). Your age, height
Treatments for asthma
and sex affect your lung volume. So, your results are
compared with a graph showing the average Inhalers- Most people with asthma are treated with inhalers.
predicted for your age, height and sex. Inhalers deliver a small dose of medicine directly to the
airways. The dose is enough to treat the airways. However,
A value is calculated from the amount of air that you can blow
the amount of medicine that gets into the rest of your body is
out in one second divided by the total amount of air that you
small so side-effects are unlikely, or minor. There are various
blow out in one breath (called FEV1:FVC ratio). A low value
inhaler devices made by different companies. Different ones
indicates that you have narrowed airways which are typical in
suit different people. A doctor or nurse will advise on the
asthma (but a low value can occur in other conditions too).
different types. Medicines delivered by inhalers can be
Therefore, spirometry may be repeated after treatment with a
grouped into relievers, preventers and long-acting
reliever inhaler. An improvement in the value after treatment
bronchodilators (medicines that keep the airway open for a
to open up the airways, is typical of asthma.
longer time):
FENO TEST - The National Institute for Health and Care
• A reliever inhaler is taken as needed to ease
Excellence (NICE) issued guidance in 2017 that most
symptoms. The medicine in a reliever inhaler relaxes
patients suspected of having asthma should have a fractional
the muscle in the airways. This makes the airways
exhaled nitrous oxide (FeNO) test. A FeNO test measures
open wider and symptoms usually quickly ease.
the levels of nitric oxide in the breath. Increased levels are
These medicines are also called bronchodilators, as
thought to be related to lung inflammation and asthma. Your
they widen (dilate) the bronchi and airways
(bronchioles). There are several different reliever • Dupilumab (Dupixent®).
medicines - for example, salbutamol (Ventolin®)and
terbutaline. These come in various brands made by WHAT ARE THE DOSAGES OF TREATMENT?
different companies. If you only have symptoms
- Everyone is different. The correct dose of a preventer
every now and then, the occasional use of a reliever
inhaler is the lowest dose that prevents symptoms. A doctor
inhaler may be all that you need. However, if you
may prescribe a high dose of a preventer inhaler at first, to
need a reliever inhaler three times a week or more to
'get on top of symptoms' quickly. When symptoms have
ease symptoms, a preventer inhaler is usually
gone, the dose may then be reduced by a little every few
weeks. The aim is to find the lowest regular dose that keeps
• A preventer inhaler is taken every day to prevent symptoms away. Some people with asthma put up with
symptoms from developing. The medicine commonly symptoms. They may think that it is normal still to have some
used in preventer inhalers is a steroid. There are symptoms even when they are on treatment. A common
various brands. Steroids work by reducing the example is a night-time cough which can cause disturbed
inflammation in the airways. When the inflammation sleep. But, if this occurs and your symptoms are not fully
has gone, the airways are much less likely to become controlled, tell your doctor or nurse. Symptoms can often be
narrow and cause symptoms. It takes 7-14 days for prevented - for example, by adjusting the dose of your
the steroid in a preventer inhaler to build up its effect. preventer inhaler, or by adding in a long-acting
Therefore, it will not give any immediate relief of bronchodilator.
symptoms. However, after a week or so of treatment,
A typical treatment plan for asthma
the symptoms have often gone, or are much
reduced. It can take up to six weeks for maximum • Some people may need to add in an LTRA and/or a
benefit. You should then continue with the preventer long-acting bronchodilator if symptoms are not
inhaler every day even when your symptoms have controlled with the above.
gone - this is to prevent symptoms from coming back.
You should then not need to use a reliever inhaler • At first, adjusting doses of inhalers is usually done on
very often (if at all). the advice of a doctor or nurse. In time, you may
agree an asthma action plan with your doctor or
Tablets to open up the airways nurse.
Most people do not need tablets, as inhalers usually work What is an asthma action plan?
well. However, in some cases a tablet (or medicine in liquid
form for children) is prescribed in addition to inhalers if An asthma action plan is a plan agreed by you with your
symptoms are not fully eased by inhalers alone. Various doctor or nurse. The plan enables you to make changes to
tablets may be used which aim to open up the airways. Some the dose of your inhalers, depending on your symptoms
young children use liquid medication instead of inhalers. and/or peak flow readings. The plan is tailored to you. It is
Biologic therapies for keeping airways open Monoclonal written down, usually on a standard form, so you know what
antibodies are biologic treatments used for treating many to do at any time.
diseases. They work by targeting specific cells and proteins
to make the disease better. In asthma, they work by Your plan should include:
interfering with the immune system to reduce inflammation in
• What to do when you are unwell - for example, with a
the airways. These are medicines that are only used in a
cold - and when to seek help
small number of people who have severe persistent allergic
asthma that have not been controlled by other treatments. • What to do if your symptoms become worse with hay
So, it is not a common treatment. They are most commonly fever or exercise.
given by injection. These treatments can only be started by a
specialist. A discussion on ways to reduce your exposure to air pollution
around you, both indoors and outdoors. If your asthma is
• Mepolizumab (Nucala). triggered by household sprays, air fresheners or aerosols,
you should try to avoid using them or use non-spray
• Reslizumab (Cinqaero®) - this one is given through
alternatives instead. Mould and house dust mites in the home
your vein as a drip.
can also make asthma worse. If you have problems with
• Benralizumab (Fasenra®). mould in your home, speak with your GP - they sometimes
can help you request a housing assessment from the local
• Omalizumab (Xolair®). authority.
Does asthma go away? Signs and symptoms
There is no once-and-for-all cure. However, about half of the - Restlessness, anxious, irritability, edema, skin
children who develop asthma grow out of it by the time they flushed, and dry, dry mouth, fatigue, increased thirst
are adults.For many adults, asthma is variable with some (polydipsia)
good spells and some spells that are not so good. Some
people are worse in the winter months and some are worse in Hyponatremia (135mEq/L)
the hay fever season. Although not curable, asthma is
- Headache, nausea, abdominal pain, lethargy
treatable. Stepping up the treatment for a while during bad
(fatigue) , restlessness
spells will often control symptoms.
Dietary source of sodium.
Don't underestimate asthma!!!?
Because modern management is so effective, many people - Green leafy vegetables, dried fuits, carrot and
with asthma are well controlled. However, this has led to the raddish
belief that asthma is a mild and even trivial condition. - Animals food like; milk, egg white, fish and meat
5. Electrolyte imbalance Potassium- plays a vital role in cell metabolism. Keeps blood
pressure levels stable, regulates heart contraction. Normal
Electrolytes – are nutrients that are important for a variety of value (3.5-5 mEq/L)
essential functions in your body including brain, nerve,
muscle function, and hydrate the body.. Imbalance of potassium can result to;
Sodium – plays a critical role in helping the right balance of Hypermagnesemia (2.5 md/dL)
fluid. Normal values( 135-145mEq/L). most abundant
electrolyte in your body. Signs and symptoms (low everything aka sedated)
Imbalance sodium can result to; - Low HR (bradycardia), Low bp (hypotension) low rr
( bradypnea
Hypernatremia (145 mEq/L)
Hypomagnesemia (1.5 md/dL)
Signs and symptoms ( high everything aka not sedated) - A variety of foods naturally contain phosphorus and
the richest sources are diary, red meat, poultry,
- High HR (tachycardia. High BP (hypertension), seafood, legumes, and nuts. Phosphorus from these
seizures, irritability is called organic phosphorus.
- Milk, pork, organ meats, chicken and turkey
Dietary source of magnesium.
(roasted), salmon,scallops, tilapia, sunflower and
- Avocado, pumpkin seeds, some fatty such as salmon pumpkin seeds, peanuts, green peas, cauliflower,
and mackerel, cacao, sesame seeds, broccoli, okra cabbage (green or red) carrots.
Hypocalcemia (9 mg/dL)