Blended Learning

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Blended learning emerged as one of the most popular pedagogical concepts at the beginning of f2000.

With an increasing tendency, many researches have reported on blended learning since it flourished.
The lack of technological availability prevented blending of traditional face-to-face learning with
distributed learning environments. However, within the recent 10 years the introduction of the new
technological innovations filled the gap between traditional face-to-face learning and distributed
learning environments. The main purpose of this study is to review and analyze the

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Everything you need to know about blended learning

Published on April 16th, 2021 by FutureLearn

Category: General, Learning

We take a closer look at blended learning, exploring what it is, the different models, and the advantages
and disadvantages it brings.

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Over the last year, learning institutions worldwide have seen massive changes. The pandemic has
resulted in a shift in the way educators teach, and while some changes may be temporary, others could
be here to stay. Although the concept of blended learning has been around for a while, its use (and
limitations) have been very much in focus.

Here, we take a look at the essentials of blended learning. As well as providing a blended learning
definition, we also explore how it differs from other methods and what models are available. We’ll
examine some of the pros and cons of the practice, as well as some examples of how it works.

What is blended learning?

Let’s start with a definition of blended learning. As outlined in our open step on education design in
higher education, blended learning uses various combinations of traditional face-to-face learning
experiences with online and mobile technologies. The aim is that each element enhances the other.

Of course, the concept of using technology to supplement in-person learning isn’t a new one. What’s
more, definitions of blended learning have, in the past, been hard to pin down. However, in more recent
years, the consensus seems to be that blended learning is the combination of face-to-face and
technology-based learning.

In higher education, particularly, the implementation of blended learning seems to be common practice.
A report from 2016 identified blended learning as one of the most significant trends in education

Blended learning doesn’t necessarily follow a particular pedagogical approach. It can occur
simultaneously with in-person learning (synchronous) or apart from it (asynchronous). As we’ll see,
several blended learning models can be used.

UCL (University College London)

Blended and Online Learning Design

The University of Edinburgh

Making Blended Education Work

University of Leeds

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started

Blended learning vs hybrid learning

Quite often, you’ll see the term hybrid learning used interchangeably with that of blended learning.
Although there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with doing so, not-for-profit digital learning specialists
Jisc point out that there is a subtle difference between the concepts.

Jisc highlights that, although there is interchangeability, ‘hybrid learning is often used where the
students themselves have a greater degree of choice as to how they engage with their learning and can
move between onsite and remote delivery seamlessly.’

What is a flipped classroom?

Another concept that is closely linked to ideas of blended and hybrid learning is that of a flipped
classroom. Again, it’s a term that can be hard to define. However, essentially it describes a learning
structure where in-class exercises follow a pre-recorded lecture or other materials. As such, we can
consider a flipped classroom as a type of blended learning.

The structure is ‘flipped’ because learning that is traditionally covered in the classroom is instead
covered in the student’s own time. So, ahead of class time, learners may watch videos, access online
resources, or complete formative assessments.

Face-to-face learning then focuses more on interactivity and personalised learning, including activities
such as group work and case studies. You can find out more about how technology impacts the
classroom with our online course.

What are the types of blended learning?

As we’ve seen, the exact meaning of blended learning can be hard to pin down. However, that also
means that several different forms of teaching relate to blended learning. Along with a flipped
classroom model, we’ve picked out some other common blended learning best practices, as highlighted
Station rotation. With this blended learning model, students rotate through various ‘stations’ on a fixed
schedule. Usually, at least one of these stations is an online learning one.

Lab rotation. This method is essentially the same as the one above, except that online learning takes
place in a dedicated computer lab. It gives both students and educators more flexibility while making
use of existing resources.

Individual rotation. Again, this model is similar to both station and lab rotation. However, it’s tailored to
each individual student (either by an educator or an algorithm), and not every student will necessarily
visit each station.

Flex learning. This blended learning model is all about creating flexibility. Online learning is central to
this method, while teachers provide support and instruction when it’s needed by the student.

Enriched virtual learning. With this method, the majority of coursework is completed virtually and
remotely. Rather than have a regular classroom experience, students only attend for face-to-face
sessions when required.

Online driver. Unlike the other models, this one takes place entirely online. It’s self-directed by the
learner, and they can interact with an instructor through chat, email or message board. Although highly
flexible, it lacks the face-to-face interaction.

These represent just some of the blended learning models available to educators. It’s possible to mix
and match elements to create an environment that works best for students and teachers alike.

University of Leeds

Blended Learning Essentials for Vocational Education and Training

University of Leeds

Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships

The benefits of blended learning

We’ll get into some of the specific blended learning advantages and disadvantages further down.
However, it’s worth mentioning some of the general benefits that this type of teaching provides.

In our open step on the benefits of blended learning and a flipped classroom, a variety of educators
discuss their experience with using these models. On the whole, there are several points they raise:
It allows educators to link online and in-class activities, allowing them to draw upon the strengths of

It means a variety of different mediums and resources can be utilised for learning, such as videos,
presentations, podcasts, and industry material.

Resources can be created or recorded once and used multiple times and across various classes.

Advantages of blended learning

Now let’s explore some of the specific advantages of blended learning for students and teachers. It’s
important to bear in mind that different methods will be suitable for different students and their specific
needs. You can find out more about developing a more inclusive style of education with our online

Advantages for learners

Students can move at their own pace. Those who are familiar with the subject matter can work through
online material faster, while those who are less confident can pause and re-watch the tricky parts.

Material is available at all times. Whatever time a student works best at, they can log on and access the
classes, lectures, and other materials when they’re going to learn best.

Students can prepare before class. When looking at blended learning for practical work, students can
explore key themes and topics through online learning ahead of face-to-face demonstrations. This
allows them some familiarity with the material, meaning more time can be spent on interesting and
engaging activities.

It may improve retention. Several studies from the 2000s suggested that blended learning helped
students to retain more information. Although newer studies are needed, it could prove beneficial.

It can help with independent learning. With many blended learning models, students are given self-
advocacy and freedom to take the initiative with their studies. This can help to prepare them for further
education, as well as the workplace.

It introduces new technologies. Blended learning gives scope for learners to experience new software
and hardware. Discovering how to use such technology can prepare them for future endeavours.

Advantages for educators

Teaching across contexts. Educators can draw on a wide range of resources to provide learning materials
across different contexts. For example, they could use lectures, tutorials, and practical settings when
teaching a particular topic.
Technology can facilitate different pedagogical approaches. Using blended learning can encourage active
learning, the use of real-world scenarios, social learning, and the application of knowledge to new

Set goals and track progress. Many blended learning tools allow teachers and trainers to track the
performance of their students. This can give educators a better insight into which methods are most

Create a tailored approach. By creating online resources, educators can then focus on tailoring their
face-to-face class time to the needs of their students.

Disadvantages of blended learning

Of course, as with many methods of teaching and learning, there is the potential for downsides when it
comes to blended learning. Below, we’ve picked out some of the drawbacks for both learners and

Disadvantages for learners

Access to resources. A blended learning model often requires students to utilise technology outside of
the classroom. Not every learner will have equal access to the resources, which can make online
learning difficult or even impossible.

Supporting individual learners. There is no catch-all approach to education. Students with different
needs and digital literacies may not find technology-based learning as accessible without the right level
of support.

A lack of direct contact. Although self-directed learning can be beneficial, learners that are struggling
with online material may not be able to find solutions by themselves.

Disadvantages for educators

It’s often a bottom-up approach. Teachers or other staff often have to take the initiative with blended
learning. As such, there is a need for formal instruction and professional development to support their
blended learning practice.

The infrastructure may not exist. It can be difficult to set up the internal structure needed to implement
blended learning. The resources and budget may not be available.

Time constraints. Moving towards a blended learning environment can take time. As well as the
necessary setup and logistics, training and material preparation is often needed. It can be difficult to
manage this time alongside current teaching requirements.
EIT Climate-KIC

Digital Learning Toolkit: Resources for Successful Online Teaching

University of Leeds

Blended Learning Essentials: Developing Digital Skills

Examples of blended learning

As we’ve seen, there are all kinds of models and approaches to blended learning and teaching. Creating
a blended learning model that works takes a lot of time and planning. However, it’s useful to gain some
specific examples of how these methods can be used.

Below, we’ve picked out several blended learning examples to demonstrate how it can be

Blended learning in healthcare

This example is taken from our open step on training healthcare trainers and relates to a blend of
learning routes used to teach the skill of cannulation:

Outcome Delivery route

Name the main veins of the forearm Online

Identify components of a cannula Online

Insert a cannula correctly Classroom

Cannulate patients Bedside (mentored)

As you can see, the theoretical learning outcomes can be completed online, leaving time for face-to-face
learning to show more practical elements.

Blended learning in language teaching

This example is taken from our open step on the different digital tools for different types of learning.
Here, the instructor uses FlipGrid to help students rehearse their speaking skills. They created a
recorded and written version of the particular question, and students can then record a response.

The tool allows students to practice together, then individually record what they’ve done on audio and
video. The teacher then offers personalised feedback for each one, and finally, they share their best
examples with each other.

Blended learning for practical work

This example is taken from our open step on blended learning for practical work. It looks at how a
teacher can get the most out of their class time, which focuses on group discussion and practical work.

Students can prepare for the in-class activities by completing a pre-class learning experience. The
teachers create a straightforward type of activity that requires students to review some information and
input a textual answer. They are required to engage with the material, helping them to later contribute
in class discussions.

Final thoughts

It’s easy to see why blended learning has become popular over recent years. The approach of combining
online and remote activities with face-to-face learning can help both students and teachers. However,
it’s important to remember that not everyone will benefit from this type of learning, and it doesn’t
necessarily reflect the needs of all learners.

If you’re interested in learning more about blended learning and the various approaches available, our
ExpertTrack Blended Learning Essentials for Vocational Education and Training covers many of the
fundamentals. You can also find a range of courses on inclusive teaching that explore some of the
different aspects of blended learning.

University of Cape Town

Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion

Raspberry Pi Foundation

Creating an Inclusive Classroom: Approaches to Supporting Learners with SEND in Computing

Queensland University of Technology

Inclusive Education: Essential Knowledge for Success

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