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Issue of Shares

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COMPANY: Under the companies Act, 1956 a Company means “A Company formed
and registered under that Act or under any previous Companies Act.


 Voluntary Association
 Independent Existence
 Artificial Person
 Compulsory Incorporation
 Common Seal
 Perpetual Succession
 Limited Liability
 Transfer-ability of shares
 Separation of Ownership and Management
 Large Membership
 Ability to raise large amount of Capital


Authorized Capital: This is the Maximum Capital which the company can raise in its life
time. This is mentioned in the Memorandum of the Association of the Company. This is
also called as Registered Capital or Nominal Capital.

Issued Capital: Part of the Authorized Capital which is issued to the public for
Subscription is called as Issued Capital.
Subscribed Capital: The issued Capital may not be fully subscribed by the public
Subscribed Capital is that part of issued Capital which has been taken off by the public
i.e. the capital for which applications are received from the public.

Called – up Capital: The Company may not need to receive the entire amount of capital of
capital at once. It may call up only part of the subscribed capital as and when needed in
installments. Called – up Capital is the part of „subscribed capital which the company has
actually called upon the shareholders to pay. Called – up Capital includes the amount paid
by the shareholder from time to time on application, on allotment, on various calls such as
First Call, Second Call, Final Call etc. The remaining part of subscribe capital not yet
called up is known as Uncalled Capital. The Uncalled Capital may be converted, by
passing a special resolution, into Reserve Capital, Reserve Capital can be called up only
in case of winding up of the company, to meet the liabilities arising then.

Paid-up Capital: The Called-up Capital may not be fully paid. Some Shareholders may
pay only part of the amount required to be paid or may not pay at all. Paid-up Capital is
the part of called-up capital which is actually paid by the shareholders. The remaining part
indicates the default in payment of calls by some shareholders, known as Calls in Arrears.
Thus, Paid-up Capital is Called-up Capital – Calls in Arrears.

A “share” has been defined by the Indian Companies Act, under sec.2(46) as “A share is
the share in the Capital of the Company”.

A Company can issue two types of shares – Equity and Preference.

Equity Shares: Equity shares means that part of the share capital which is not a Preference
share capital. It means all such shares which are not Preference shares. Equity shares are
also called as Ordinary Shares.
Preference Shares: Preference shares are those shares which fulfill both the following two
They carry preferential share right in respect of dividend at a fixed rate,
They also carry preferential right in regard to payment of capital on winding up of the
Preference shares can be further classified as follows:
Cumulative and Non – Cumulative : If in any year the profits are insufficient to pay the
preference dividend then in case of cumulative preference shares this dividend can be paid
in the subsequent year before any other dividend is paid. In other words the right to
receive the dividend goes on accumulating till it is paid. In case of Non – cumulative
preference shares the dividend can be paid only in that year. If there are insufficient
profits then such preference shareholders do not get any dividend for that year.

Participating & Non-Participating Preference Shares:

Participating preference shares are entitled to participate in the surplus profits remaining
after the payment of (a) Fixed dividend to Preference shareholders and (b) Dividend to the
equity shareholders. They are also entitled to participate in the surplus funds remaining at
the time of winding of the company after payment of (a) Preference share capital & (b)
Equity Share Capital. Non
– participating preference share are not entitled to participate in the surplus profits or
surplus funds left over at the time of winding off.



Issue of Prospectus: Whenever shares are to be issued to the public the company must
issue a prospectus. Prospectus means an open invitation to the public to take up the shares
of the company thus a private company need not issue prospectus. Even a Public
Company issuing it‟s shares privately need not issue a prospectus. However, it is required
to file a “Statement in lieu of Prospectus” with the register of companies. The Prospectus
contains relevant information like names of Directors, terms of issue, etc. It also states the
opening date of subscription list, amount payable on application, on allotment & the
earliest closing date of the subscription list.

Application of Shares: A person intending to subscribe to the share capital of a company

has to submit an application for shares in the prescribed form, to the company along with
the application money before the last date of the subscription mentioned in the prospectus.

Over Subscription: If the no. of shares applied for is more than the no. of shares offered to
the public then that is called as over Subscription.

Under Subscription: If the no. of shares applied for is less then the no. of shares offered to
the public then it is called as Under Subscription.

Allotment of Shares: After the last date of the receipt of applications is over, the
Directors, Procide with the allotment work. However, a company cannot allot the shares
unless the minimum subscription amount mentioned in the prospectus is collected within
a stipulated period.
The Directors pass resolution in the board meeting for allotment of shares indicating
clearly the class & no. of shares allotted with the distinctive numbers. Then Letters of
Allotment are sent to the concerned applicants. Letters of Regret are sent to those who are
not allotted any shares & application money is refunded to them.

Partial Allotment: In partial allotment the company rejects some application totally,
refunds their application money & allots the shares to the remaining applicants.

Pro-rata Allotment: When a company makes a pro-rata allotment, it allots shares to all
applicants but allots lesser shares then applied for E.g. If a person has applied for three
hundred shares he may get two hundred shares.

Calls on Shares: The remaining amount of shares may be collected in installments as laid
down in the prospectus. Such installments are called calls on Shares. They may be termed
as “Allotment amount, First Call, Second Call, etc.”

Calls–in–Arrears: some shareholders may not pay the money due from them. The
outstanding amounts are transferred to an account called up as “Calls-in-Arrears” account.
The Balance of calls-in-arrears account is deducted from the Called-up capital in the
Balance Sheet.

Calls–in–Advance: According to sec.92 of the Companies Act, a Company may if so

authorized by it‟s articles, accept from a shareholder either the whole or part of the
amount remaining unpaid on any shares held by them, as Calls in advance. No dividend is
paid on such calls in advance. However, interest has to be paid on such calls in advance.


A limited company may issue the shares on following different terms.

Issue of Shares for Consideration other than cash or for cash or on capitalization of
Issue of Shares at par i.e. at face value or at nominal value.
Issue of Shares at a Premium i.e. at more than face value.
Issue of Shares at a Discount i.e. at less than the face value.


When the shares are issued at a price higher than the nominal value of the shares then it is
called as shares issued at a premium. The amount of premium is decided by the board of
Directors as per the guide lines issued by SEBI. Such share premium collected by the
company is credited to a separate A/c called as “Securities Premium A/c”. Although
Securities Premium is a profit to the company, it is not a revenue profit, it is treated as
capital profit, which can be utilized only for the following purposes as per sec. 78 of the
Companies Act –
Issue of fully paid bonus shares to the existing shareholders.
Writing off the preliminary expenses of the company.

Writing off the expenses of issue or the commission paid or discount allowed on any issue
of shares / debentures.
Providing the premium payable on redemption of preference shares or debentures. The
company can utilize the security Premium for any other purpose only on obtaining the
sanction of the court.


The Companies Act, permits issue of shares at a discount subject to the following
conditions. (sec. 79) –
The issue must be of a class of shares already issued.
Not less than 1 year has at the date of issue elapsed since the date on which the company
became entitled to commence business.
The issue at a discount is authorized by a resolution passed by the company in the general
meeting & sanctioned by the company law board.
The maximum rate of discount must not exceed 10% or such rate as the company law
board may permit.
The shares to be issued at a discount must be issued within two months of the sanction by
the company law board or within such extended time as the company law board may


Refund of excess Application money o rejected

application XXX JOURNAL
Share Application A/c… Dr. XXX ENTRIES
To Bank Alc
Particulars Debit Credit
Adjustment of excess application money XXX
a) For receipt allotmentmoney
of application money due. XXX
Bank A/c… Application
Dr. A/c… Dr. XXX
To Share Allotment
To Share Application A/c A/c XXX
Receipt of Allotment money.
b) On Allotment XXX
TransferBank A/c…
of Dr.
Application money to
To Share Allotment A/c
Share Capital XXX
Share Application A/c. Dr. XXX
To Share
c) For Capital
making A/c
First Call
Share First Call A/c… Dr. XXX
AmountTo due to onCapital
Share Allotment
Share Allotment A/c… Dr. XXX
d) For
To Share receiptA/c
Capital of First Call Money XXX
To Securities PremiumDr.
Bank A/c… Account XXX
(if any) To Share First Call A/c XXX
e) For calls in arrears
Calls in Arrears A/c… Dr. XXX
To Share First Call A/c XXX
f) For receipt if calls in advance
Bank A/c… Dr. XXX
To Calls in Advance A/c XXX


A Company may take over a running business i.e. assets & liabilities of another business.
The Sellers of the business are known as Vendors. The company may offer shares to the
Vendors in settlement of the purchase price of the business. The buying company does not
receive any cash for shares offered to them.

The following entries are passed in case of such takover of the business:
For recording takeover of the business
Sundry Assets A/c Dr. xxx
To Sundry liabilities A/c xxx
To Vendor A/c xxx
For issue of shares to Vendor
Vendor A/c Dr. xxx
Discount of Issue of shares A/c Dr. (if any)
To Share Capital A/c xxx
To Securities Premium A/c (if any) xxx


When shares are allotted to an applicant, it becomes a contract between the shareholder &
the company. The shareholder is bound to contribute to the capital and the premium if any
of the company to the extent of the shares he has agreed to take. as & when the Directors
make the calls. If the fails to pay the calls then his shares may be forfeiture by the
directors if authorised by the Articles of Association of the company. The Forfeiture can
be only for non-payment of calls on shares and not for any other reasons.

When the directors forfeiture the shares the person looses his membership in the company
as well as the amount already paid by him towards the share capital and premium. His
name is removed from the register of members. The directors must observe strictly all the
legal formalities required by the Articles of Association before forfeiting the shares.


Share Capital A/c Dr. xxx

(no of forfeited shares*amount called up per shares)
Security Premium A/c Dr. xxx
(to the extent premium not received)
To Calls in Arrears A/c xxx
To Share Forfeiture A/c xxx
(amount received towards share received)

Note: Once the security premium is collected it cannot be cancelled later on. Therefore if
he Forfeited shares were issued at a premium and the premium money is already received
on those Forfeited shares, security premium A/c will not be cancelled or debited.


If the Forfeited shares are issued at a discount, the proportion amount of discount allowed
on such shares should be cancelled if the discount of shares has already been debited.


The Directors may reissue the Forfeited shares at par, at premium or at a reissued at a
discount, the maximum discount is restricted to the amount Forfeited on these shares +
the original discount.

Accounting Entries
Bank A/c Dr. xxx
Share Forfeited A/c Dr. xxx
To Share Capital A/c xxx
Any profit on reissue of Forfeited shares represents capital profit & hence it should be
transferred to capital reserve.
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. xxx
To Capital Reserve No. xxx

Profit making companies may desire to convert their profit into share capital. This can be
done by issue of bonus shares. Issue of Bonus shares is also called as conversion of profit
into share capital or capitalization of profits. Bonus can be of two types-
Making partly paid shares into fully paid by declaring bonus without requiring
shareholders to pay for the same.
Issue of fully paid equity shares as bonus shares to the existing equity shareholders.

Making partly paid shares into fully paid by declaring bonus without requiring
shareholders to pay for the same.

Accounting Entries
Making the call:
Equity Share Call A/c Dr. xxx
To Equity Share capital A/c xxx

Declaring the bonus:

Capital reserve A/c Dr. xxx
Investment Allowance A/c Dr. xxx
Development Rebate Reserve A/c Dr. xxx
General Reserve A/c Dr. xxx
P & L A/c Dr. xxx
To Bonus to equity shareholders A/c xxx

Issue of fully paid equity shares as bonus shares to the existing equity shareholders.

Accounting Entries
Declaring the Bonus:
Capital Redemption Reserve A/c………….…..Dr. XXX
Securities Premium A/c Dr. XXX

Capital Reserve A/c Dr. XXX

Investment Allowance A/c Dr. XXX
Development Rebate Reserve A/c Dr. XXX
General Reserve A/c Dr. XXX
P&L A/c… Dr. XXX
To Bonus to Equity Shareholders A/c XXX
Issue of Bonus Shares:
Bonus to Equity Shareholders A/c Dr. XXX
To Equity Share Capital A/c XXX
Adjusting Call Made Against bonus declared
Bonus to equity shareholders A/c …………Dr. XXX
To Equity Share Call A/c XXX

Note: (1) Capital Reserve can be utilized for this bonus only if it is realized in cash.
(2) Capital Redemption Reserve and Securities Premium cannot be utilized for this type
of bonus.


Under Sec.94 of Companies Act, A company can issue additional shares at any time by
passing an ordinary resolution at its General Meeting. However, under Sec. 81 of that,
such additional shares must be 1st offered to the existing equity shareholders in the
proportion of the shares already held by them. Such additional shares are called “Rights
Shares”. Following legal provisions are pertinent in this regard.
The issue should be within the limits of the authorized capital, if not so, then the
authorized capital must be increased first suitably.
The issue is to be made after two years from the formation of the company or after one
year from the first allotment of shares.
The shares should be offered to the equity shareholders in proportion to the capital paid-
up on their shares.
The offer should be made by a written notice specifying the no. of shares offered & the
time limit for acceptance which should be atleast 15 days from the date of offer.
Unless prohibited by the Articles, the offer should include & specify the power of the
shareholder to renounce (sale) the right shares to others.

The shares not taken up by the shareholders can be sold by the Board of Directors in a
manner most beneficial to the company.
Such right offer need not be made to the existing shareholders, if
A special resolution to that effect is passed by the shareholder in the General Meeting or
An ordinary resolution to that effect is passed and approved from the Central Govt. is
obtained for issue of shares to persons other than the existing shareholders.


A shareholder who is not able to pay the call money may surrender it‟s shares to the
company. The company cancels such surrender shares. Surrender is a voluntary act on the
part of the shareholder, whereas Forfeiture is a compulsory act on part of the company.
The effect of both surrender & Forfeiture is the same,
i.e. cancellation of the shares. The company can accept surrender of shares if permitted by
its Articles of Association. The accounting treatment in respect of surrender of shares is
same as that of Forfeiture of Shares.

Problem – 1

Ashok Ltd. invited application for 15,000 shares of Rs.100/- each. The share amount was
payable as under –

Rs.20/- on Application Rs.30/- on Allotment Rs.20/- on First Call & Rs.30/- on Final Call

Applications were received for 10,000 shares. An applications were accepted by the
directors. All moneys were called and duly received. Pass necessary journal entries and
prepare ledger account and Balance Sheet.

In the books of Ashok Ltd., Journal

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 2,00,000
To Equity Share Application A/c
(Being application money received at 2,00,000
Rs.20/- per share for 10,000 shares.)
2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 2,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,00,000
(Being 10,000 Equity Shares allotted to all
applicants as per B D R no dated &
application money received there on
transferred to share capital.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 3,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,00,000
(Being allotment money due on
10,000 shares at Rs.30/- per share.)

4 Bank A/c… Dr. 3,00,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 3,00,000
allotment money received)

5 Equity Share 1st Call A/c… Dr. 2,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,00,000
(Being 1st call made on 10,000 equity share
at Rs.20/- per share vide B D R no. dated

6 Bank A/c Dr. 2,00,000

To Equity Share Call A/c (Being 1st Call 2,00,000
amount received.)

7 Equity Share 2nd Call A/c… Dr. 3,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,00,000
(Being 2nd Call made on 10,000 Equity
share at Rs.30/- per share vide B D R no.
dated )

8 Bank A/c Dr. 3,00,000

To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c (Being 2nd 3,00,000
Call amount received.)

Problem – 2

A Company issued Rs.5,00,000/- new capital divided into Rs.10/- shares at a premium of
Rs.4/- per share payable as
On Application Re.1/- per share
On Allotment Rs.4/- per share & Rs.2/- premium
On Final Payment Rs.5/- per share & Rs.2/- premium

Overpayments on application were to be applied towards sum due on allotment. Where

no allotment was made money was to be returned in full. The issue was oversubscribed to
the extent of 13,000 shares. Applicants for 12,000 shares were allotted only 1,000 shares
and applicants for 2,000 were sent letters of regret. All money due on allotment and final
call was duly received. Make the necessary entries in the company‟s book.

Journal of a Company

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 63,000
To Equity Share Application A/c 63,000
(Being application money received on
63,000 shares at Re.1/- per share.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 50,000
(Being application money on 50,000 shares
transferred on Share Capital on allotment.)

3 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 2,000

To Bank A/c 2,000
(Being application money refunded on
2,000 shares application since no share
were allotted to them.)

4 Equity share allotment A/c Dr. 3,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 2,00,000
Premium A/c 1,00,000
(Being allotment money due on 50,000
shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.2/-

5 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 6,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 6,000
(Being excess application money on 1,000
shares adjusted towards allotment money

6 Bank A/c Dr. 2,94,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 2,94,000
allotment amount received.)

7 Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c…..Dr. To 3,50,000

Equity Share Capital A/c 2,50,000
To Security Premium A/c 1,00,000
(Being call made on 50,000 shares at Rs.7/-
per share including Rs.2/- on premium. )

8 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 5,000

To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c 5,000
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards 1st call.)

9 Bank A/c Dr. 3,45,000

To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c 3,45,000
(Being 1st & Final Call
amount received.)

Bank Account

Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt.

To Equity Share 63,000 By Equity Share

Application By Bal. C/d 2,000
To Equity Share 2,94,000
Allotment 7,00,000
To Equity Share 1st 3,45,000
& Final call

7,02,000 7,02,000

Balance sheet of the Company

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

Equity Share Capital 5,00,000 Bank 7,00,000

Securities Premium 2,00,000

7,00,000 7,00,000

Problem – 3

P & Co. Ltd. issued 5,000 shares of Rs.100/- each. The share amount was payable as
follows –
On Application – Rs.30/- On Allotment – Rs.30/- On First Call – Rs.20/- On Final Call –

The public applied for 5,500 shares. Applications for 100 shares were immediately
rejected. In respect of applicant for 5,400 shares, directors decided that 5,000 shares
would be allotted on

Prorata basis and the application money received on 400 shares would be used towards
payment of allotment money. You are asked to prepare Cash Book and Ledger accounts
assuming that all calls were made and received.

Journal of P & Co. Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 1,65,000
To Equity Share Application A/c 1,65,000
(Being application money received on
10,500 shares at Rs.100/- per share.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 1,50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,50,000
(Being application money on 5,000 shares
transferred on Share Capital on allotment.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. 1,50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,50,000
(Being allotment money due on 5,000
shares at Rs.30/- per share)

4 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 3,000

To Bank A/c 3,000
(Being application money refunded on 100
shares at Rs.30/-.)

5 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 12,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 12,000
allotment amount due.)

6 Bank A/c… Dr. 1,38,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 1,38,000
allotment money received.)

7 Equity Share Call A/c Dr. 1,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,00,000
(Being call made on 5,000 shares at Rs.20/-
per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 1,00,000


To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 1,00,000

(Being 1st Call amount received.)

9 Equity Share Final Call A/c… Dr. 1,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,00,000
(Being Final Call made on 5,000
shares at Rs.20/- per share.)

10 Bank A/c… Dr. 1,00,000

To Equity Share Final Call A/c (Being Final 1,00,000
Call amount received.)

Problem – 4
Modi Ltd. issued 4,500 Equity shares of Rs.200/- each payable Rs.20/- per share on
application, Rs.80/- per share on allotment, Rs.50/- per share on first call & the balance as
& when required. The application list was closed on that date, the analysis of the
application showed as under –

From Maharashtra 3,500 shares From U.P. 2,000 shares

From M.P. 500 shares

The directors allotted all the Maharashtra applications & half of the UP applications. All
the applications from MP were absolutely rejected and the application money was
refunded. But excess application money on UP was not refunded and was appropriated
towards the allotment money due on the shares allotted to them. The balance of allotment
money was duly received. Show the journal entries in the books of the company.

Solution :
Journal of Modi Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 1,20,000
To Equity Share Application A/c (Being 1,20,000
application money received on
6,000 shares at Rs.20/- per shares.)
2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 90,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 90,000
(Being application money on 6,000 shares
transferred on Share Capital.)
3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 3,60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,60,000

(Being allotment money due on 4,500
shares at Rs.80/- per shares.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 10,000

To Bank A/c 10,000
(Being application money refunded on 500
shares at Rs.20/-.)

5 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 20,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 20,000
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 3,40,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 3,40,000
allotment amount received.)

7 Equity Share 1st Call A/c… Dr. 2,25,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,25,000
(Being call made on 4,500 shares at Rs.50/-
per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 2,25,000

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call 2,25,000
amount received.)

9 Equity Share 2nd Call A/c Dr. 2,25,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,25,000
(Being final call made on 4,500 shares at
Rs.50/- per share.)

10 Bank A/c… Dr. 2,25,000

To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c (Being Final 2,25,000
call amount received.)

Working note :

Categories Maharashtra UP MP Total

No. of Applicants
Received 3,500 2,000 500 6,000
Application money
Received 70,000 40,000 10,000 1,20,00
No. of shares Allotted 3,500 1,000 4,500

Applicant money 70,000 20,000 90,000


transfer to share capital

Allotment money due 2,80,000 80,000 3,60,000
Excess Applicant money - - 20,000 10,000 10,000
refunded Excess
Applicant money adjusted - 60,000 20,000
towards allotment
Allotment money
received 2,80,000 3,40,000

Problem – 5
Gujarat Production Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.10/- per
share. The share amount was payable as under –
On Application Rs.20/-
On Allotment Rs.40/- (including
premium of Rs.10/-) On First Call Rs.30/-
On Final Call Rs.20/-

Applications were received for 30,000 shares. The shares were

allotted as under.
To the applicants of 15,000 shares – full.
To the applicants of 10,000 shares – 5,000 shares & To the applicants of 5,000 shares –

The application money on the totally rejected applicants was refunded. The excess of
application money received from applicants to whom partial allotments was made, was to
be retained by the company for utilization against money due on allotment and the calls.
The Director made all the calls except the final call. All the money was received except
the first call on 1,000 shares.

Give Journal entries & the Balance Sheet of the company.

Journal in the books of Gujarat Production Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 6,00,000
To Equity Share Application A/c (Being 6,00,000
application money received on 30,000
shares at Rs.20/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 4,00,000


To Equity Share Capital A/c 4,00,000

(Being application money on 20,000 shares
transferred on Share Capital.)
3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 8,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 6,00,000
Premium A/c 2,00,000
(Being allotment money due on 20,000 at
Rs.30/- per share including Rs.10/-

4 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 1,00,000

To Bank A/c 1,00,000
(Being application money refunded on
5,000 shares at Rs.20/-.)

5 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 1,00,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,00,000
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 7,00,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 7,00,000
(Being allotment money due at Rs.40/- per
share & premium at Rs.10/- each.)

7 Equity Share 1st Call A/c… Dr. 6,00,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,00,000
(Being call made on 20,000 shares at
Rs.30/- per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 5,70,000

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call 5,70,000
amount received.)

9 Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 30,000

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 30,000
(Being balance on call a/c transferred to call
in arrears a/c.)

Working Note:

Categories A B C Total
No. of Applicants Received
Application money 15,000 10,000 5,000 30,000
No. of shares Allotted 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000 6,00,000
15,000 5,000 - 20,000

Applicant money transfer to

share capital 3,00,000 1,00,000 - 4,00,000
Allotment money due 6,00,000 2,00,000 - 1,00,000 8,00,000
Excess Applicant -
money refunded - - 1,00,000
Excess Applicant money - 6,00,000 -
adjusted towards allotment
Allotment money received 1,00,000 1,00,000

1,00,000 7,00,000

Problem – 6

Doli Ltd. invited application for 10,000 shares of Rs.100/- each at a premium of Rs.5/- per
share and payable as follows –
On Application - Rs.25/- On Allotment - Rs.35/- On Final Call - Rs.45/-
Applications were received or 15,000 shares and the company made a pro-rata allotment.
Miss Lata holding 500 shares failed to pay the share allotment money & share final call
money. Her shares were Forfeited and reissued at Rs.85/- per share.
Show the entries in the books of the company.
Journal of Doli Ltd.

D Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Bank A/c Dr. 3,75,000
To Equity Share Application A/c (Being application money 3,75,000
received on 15,000 shares at Rs.25/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 2,50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,50,000
(Being application money on 10,000 shares transferred on
Share Capital.)
3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 3,50,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security Premium A/c 3,00,000
(Being allotment money due on 50,000
10,000 shares at Rs.35/- per share including Rs.5/- premium.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 1,25,000


To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,25,000

(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)
5 Bank A/c Dr. 2,13,750
To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 2,13,750
allotment money received
except on 500 shares held by Ms. Lata.)

6 Equity Share Call A/c Dr. 4,50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st & 4,50,000
final call made.)
7 Bank A/c Dr. 4,27,500
To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call 4,27,500
amount received.)
8 Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 33,750
To Equity Share Allotment A/c To Equity 11,250
Share 1st Call A/c 22,500
(Being allotment & call money due from
Lata transferred to call in arrears
9 Equity Share Capital A/c… Dr. 50,000
To Call in arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 33,750
A/c 16,250
(Being 500 shares allotted to Ms. Lata
Forfeited for non payment of allotment
& call money.)
10 Bank A/c… Dr. 42,500
Share Forfeited A/c… Dr. 7,500
To Equity Share Capital A/c 50,000
(Being 500 Forfeited shares reissued at
Rs.85/- for cash.)
11 Share Forfeited A/c… Dr. 8,750
To Capital Reserve A/c 8,750
(Being Credit balance in share Forfeited A/c
after reissue of Forfeited shares to cancel
representing capital profit transferred to
Capital Reserve.)

Working Note:

Default made by Lata in payment of allotment money

= Allotment money due (–) Excess application money adjusted towards allotment.
= (500 X 35) – (250 X 25)
= 17,500 (–) 6,250
= 11,250

Allotment money received


= Allotment money due (–) Excess application money adjusted towards allotment (–)
Default of Ms. Lata
= 3, 50,000 (–) 1, 25,000 (–) 11,250
= 2, 13,750

Problem – 7
Bajaj Ltd. invited application for 15,000 shares of Rs.10/- each. The share amount was
payable as follows –
On Application -Rs.4/- On Allotment - Rs.4/- &
On First & Final Call - Rs.4/-
Application was received for 20,000 shares. Applications for 2,000 shares were rejected
& allotment was made among the remaining applicants proportionately.
A person holding 200 shares did not pay the allotment & call moneys. The directors
decided to forfeit these shares. They were reissued as fully paid at Rs.9/- per share. Give
journal entries in the books of Bajaj Ltd.

Journal of Bajaj Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 80,000
To Equity Share Application A/c 80,000
(Being application money received on
20,000 shares at Rs.4/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 60,000
(Being 15,000 share allotted & application
money transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 30,000
Premium A/c 30,000
(Being allotment money due on
13,000 shares at Rs.4/- per share.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c………Dr. 12,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 12,000
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)

5 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 8,000

To Bank A/c 8,000
(Being application money refunded on
2,000 shares at Rs.4/- each.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 47,360

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 47,360
(Being allotment money received
except on 200 shares.)

7 Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 640

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 640
(Being allotment money due on 200 shares
transferred to call in arrears)

8 Equity Share Call A/c Dr. 60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c (Being 1st Call 60,000

9 Bank A/c… Dr. 59,200

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st call 59,200
amount received.)

10 Call in Arrears A/c… Dr. 800

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 800
(Being allotment & call money due from
transferred to call in arrears A/c.)

11 Equity Share Capital A/c. Dr. 2,000

To Call in arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 1,440
A/c 560
(Being 200 shares allotted, Forfeited for non
payment of allotment & call money.)

12 Bank A/c Dr. 1,800

Share Forfeited A/c… Dr. 200
To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,000
(Being 200 Forfeited Share reissued at
Rs.9/- each.)

13 Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 360

To Capital Reserve A/c 360
(Being credit balance in share Forfeited are
representing capital profit transferred to
capital reserve.)

Working Note:

Default made by a person holding 200 shares

= (200 X 4) – (200 X 3/5 X 4)
= 800 (–) 160
= 640

Allotment money received

= 60,000 (–) 12,000 (–) 640
= 47,360

Problem – 8 Alpa Company was newly formed with an authorized capital of

Rs.5,00,000/- divided into 50,000/- shares of Rs.10/- each. On 1st Jan. 2008 the
company issued 25,000 shares at a premium of Rs.2/- per share payable as under on
Application Rs.2/-, Allotment Rs.5/- (including premium) on Call Rs.5/-. (one month after

The issue was over subscribed to the extent of 5,000 shares. The directors went on to
allotment on 10th January & on the same date the excess money received on application
was returned. All money due on allotment & on calls was received with the following

Shri Kulkarni who failed to pay the allotment & call money on 100 shares allotted to him,
Mr. Joshi who failed to pay the call money on 200 shares allotted to him.

On 31st March, 2008 the directors Forfeited the shares on which Rs.7/- or less than Rs.7/-
(including premium) had been received. They re-issued the shares so Forfeited to Shri
Kamat at Rs.10/- per share.

Pass the journal entries (including cash) to record the above in the books of Alpa
Company Ltd.
Journal of Alpa Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1st Jan. (Receiving the application money) Bank

2008 A/c Dr. 60,000
To Equity Share Application A/c (Being 60,000
application money received on
30,000 shares at Rs.2/- per

1st Jan. Equity Share Application A/c ……Dr. 50,000

2008 To Equity Share Capital A/c 50,000
(Being application money received
transferred to Capital A/c.)
1st Jan. Equity Share Allotment A/c………Dr. To 1,25,000
2008 Equity Share Capital A/c 75,000
To Security Premium A/c 50,000
(Being allotment money due on 25,000
shares at Rs.5/- per share including Rs.2/-
as premium.)
10thJan. Equity Share Application A/c….…Dr. 10,000
2008 To Bank A/c 10,000
(Being excess application money
refunded on 50,000 shares at Rs.2/-
10thJan. Bank A/c Dr. 1,24,500
2008 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 1,24,500
allotment money received
except on 100
shares of Mr.
10thJan. Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 500
2008 To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 500
allotment money due from Mr. Kulkarni
transferred to call in arrears A/c.)

10thFeb. Equity Share 1st Call A/c… Dr. 1,25,000

2008 To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,25,000
(Being 1st Call made on 25,000 shares at
Rs.5/- per share.)
10thFeb. Bank A/c… Dr. 1,23,500
2008 Call in Arrears Ac/ Dr. 1,500
To 1st & final Call A/c 1,25,000
(Being 1st call amount received.)
31st Equity Share Capital A/c… Dr. 3,000
March, Security Premium A/c Dr. 200
2008 To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 2,000
A/c 1,200
(Being 300 shares cancelled.)
31st Bank A/c… Dr. 3,000
March, To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,000
2008 (Being 300 Forfeited shares
31st Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 1,200
March, To Capital Reserve A/c 1,200
2008 (Being profit transferred to Capital

Working Note:
Allotment money received = due (–) default
= 1,25,000 (–) 100 X 5
= 1,24,500

Share Forfeited means amt., Forfeited which is paid towards. KulkarniJoshi Share Capital
100 X 2 200 X 2 + 3
= 200
2 = application, 3 = premium
With application 1,000 + 200 = 1,200

Problem – 9
Emperor Ltd. invited application for 10,000 shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.5/-
per share payable as follows –

On application Rs.3/- per share, on allotment Rs.6/- per share including premium & the
balance in two calls of equal amount.
Application was received for 18,000 shares & allotment was made on application of
15,000 shares at the rate of two shares for every three applied for G failed to pay the
allotment money for the 40 shares allotted to him & these shares were Forfeited when he
failed to pay the first call. L failed to pay the calls in respect of 120 shares allotted to him
& these shares were Forfeited after the second call.
40 shares allotted to G originally & another 40 shares allotted to L were later issued to M
as fully paid on payment of Rs.9/- per share.

Show the relevant entries in the Cash book & journal of Emperor Ltd.
Journal of Emperor Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 54,000
To Equity Share Application A/c (Being 54,000
application money received on
18,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.)
2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 30,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 30,000
(Being application money received
transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 10,000
Premium A/c 50,000
(Being allotment money due on 10,000
shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.5/-
as premium.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 9,000

To Bank A/c 9,000
(Being application on 30,000 shares

5 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 15,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 15,000
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 44,820

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 44,820
(Being allotment received except on 40
shares allotted to G.)

7 Call in Arrears A/c… Dr. 180

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 180
(Being allotment money due from G
transferred to call in arrears.)

8 Equity Share First Call A/c… Dr. 30,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 30,000
(Being 1st call made on 10,000 shares at
Rs.3/- per share.)

9 Bank A/c… Dr. 29,520

Calls in Arrears A/c… Dr. 480
To 1st & Final Call A/c (Being call amount 30,000

10 Equity Share Capital A/c… Dr. 280

Security Premium A/c Dr. 140
To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 300
A/c 120
(Being 40 shares cancelled.)

11 Equity Share Final Call A/c Dr. 29,880

To Equity Share Capital A/c 29,880
(Being Final Call made on 9,960
shares at Rs.3/- per share.)

12 Bank A/c Dr. 29,520

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 360
To Equity Share Final Call A/c (Being Final 29,880
Call amount received.)

13 Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 1,200

To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 720
A/c 480
(Being 120 shares cancelled.)

14 Bank A/c Dr. 720

Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 80
To Equity Share Capital A/c 800
(Being Forfeited 80 shares issued at Rs.9/-
per share.)

15 Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 200

To Capital Reserve A/c 200
(Being profit transferred to Capital Reserve

Working Note:
Total allotment money received 10,000 X 6 = 60,000
Amt. received of 15,000 shares 5,000 X 3 = 15,000
Therefore, 60,000 (–) 15,000 = 45,000
Default made by G = 40 X 6 – 40 X 3/2 = 180
Allotment Due = 60,000 (–) 15,000 (–) 180
= 44,820

W .N. for (9)

40 shares are allotted to G. He has paid only application 3:2 money.
i.e. 60 shares X 3 = 180.
The shares are forfeited only after making 1st call.

Therefore, share capital already credited

= 3 on application + 1 on allotment + 3 on 1st call
= 7 per share

Therefore, share capital Dr. = 40 X 7 = 280 Security Premium due from him = 40 X 5 =

Excess application money received from him, adjusted towards allotment

= (60 – 40) X 3
= 60
This 60 is treated as received against security premium.

Therefore, Security Premium not received

= 200 (–) 60
= 140

Amt. to be Forfeited
= 40 shares X amt. received against share capital
= 40 X 3 = 120

W.N. for (14)

Amount forfeited from G‟s salary = 120
Discount given on reissue of these shares = 40 X 1 = 40 Therefore Profit = 120 (–) 40 =

Profit on L‟s share

Total shares allotted = 120
Amount Forfeited from him = application 3 + 1 allotment = 4
= 120 X 4
= 480

Out of this 40 shares are reissued.

Therefore, amount Forfeited on this 40 shares
= 40 X 4 = 160 (1)
These shares are re-issued at a discount of Re.1 per share. Therefore, Discount to be
adjusted towards Forfeiture
= 40 X 1 = 40 (2)

Therefore, profit on re-issue = (1) – (2)

= 160 (–) 40 = 120 transferred to Capital Reserve.

Therefore, L + G
120 + 80 = Total profit on re-issue of Forfeited shares.
= 200

Problem – 10 Wampire Ltd. invited application for 15,000 of it‟s equity shares of Rs.10/-
each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share, payable Rs.3/- on application, Rs.6/- on allotment
(including premium) Rs.3/- on 1st call & Rs.3/- on final call. Application was received for
20,000 shares & it was decided to deal with the same as follows in arrangement with the
stock exchange authorities.

To refuse allotment to applicants for 2,000 shares.

To give full allotment to applicants for 5,000 shares.
To allot the remaining shares pro-rata among other applicants.

To utilize the surplus received on application in part payment of amount due on allotment.

Ramesh holder of 200 shares (to whom full allotment was made) & Rajesh, holder of 400
shares (to whom pro-rata allotment was made) failed to pay the allotment money. Jayesh
holder of 100 shares failed to pay the first & final call.

All these shares were Forfeited & re-issued 300 shares (Full allotment of Ramesh & 100
of Rajesh) at Rs.8/- per share.
Show the entries in the books of the company.

Journal of Wimpier Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 66,000
To Equity Share Application A/c 66,000
(Being application money received on
22,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 45,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 45,000
(Being application money received
transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 90,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 15,000
Premium A/c 75,000
(Being allotment money due on 15,000
shares at Rs.6/- per share including Rs.5/-
as premium.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 6,000

To Bank A/c 6,000
(Being money received on 2,000
shares refunded at Rs.3/- each.)

5 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 15,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 15,000
(Being excess amount received on 10,000
shares adjusted towards allotment A/c.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 72,000

Calls in arrears A/c Dr. 3,000
To Equity Share Allotment A/c 75,000
(Being allotment received except on 600

7 1st Call A/c Dr. 45,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 45,000
(Being 1st call made on 15,000 shares at
Rs.3/- per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 42,900

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 2,100
To Share 1st Call A/c 45,000
(Being 1st call amount received except from
Ramesh 200 shares Rajesh 400 shares,
Jayesh 100 shares.)

9 2nd Call A/c Dr. 45,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 45,000
(Being 2nd call made on 15,000

10 Bank A/c Dr. 42,900

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 2,100
To 2nd Call A/c 45,000
(Being 2nd call amount received except
from Ramesh, Rajesh & Jayesh.)

11 Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 9,400

To Call in Arrears A/c To Share Forfeited 7,200
A/c 2,200
(Being 700 shares cancelled.)

12 Bank A/c Dr. 2,400

Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 600
To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,000
(Being 300 Forfeited shares of Rs.10/- each
re-issued at Rs.8/-.)

13 Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 300

To Capital Reserve A/c 300
(Being profit on shares Forfeited
transferred to share capital.)

Working Note:

W.N. for (11)

Ramesh Rajesh Jayesh

Applied 200 600 100
Allotted 200 400 -
Security Premium 200 X 5 400 X 5 100 X 5
Due 1,000 2,000 500
Excess app.
money 200 X 3
Security Premium Nil 600 500
S.P. not received 1,000 1400
Therefore, Dr. Total = 2,400

W.N. for (12) – Profit on re-issue of Forfeited shares.

Particulars Ramesh Rajesh

No. of shares Alloted 200 400
Amount paid (only 200 X 3 = 600 400 X 3 = 1,200

Therefore total amount forfeited = 300 + 600 = 900 Discount given on re-issue = 600
Therefore, 900 (–) 600 = 300 (profit)

Problem – 11

Body Builders Ltd. made an issue on 30,000 shares of Rs.10/- each payable Rs.3/- on
application, Rs.5/- on allotment & Rs.2/- on call.

93,200 shares were applied for & owing to heavy over – subscription,
allotment was made thus.

Applicants for 21,500 shares (in respect of application for 2,000 & more) received 10,200

Applicants for 50,600 shares (in respect of application for 1,000 or more but less than
2,000) received 12,600 shares.

Applicants for 21,100 shares (in respect of application for less than 1,000) received 7,200

Cash then received, after satisfying the amount due on application, was applied towards
allotment & call money and any balance was then returned. All moneys due on allotment
& call were realized.

Give journal entries including that of cash & write up the cash account & ledger account
relating to this issue of shares in the books of the company.

Journal of Body Builders Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 (Receiving the application money) Bank A/c

Dr. 2,79,600
To Equity Share Application A/c
(Being application money received on 2,79,600
93,200 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c ………Dr. 90,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 90,000
(Being application amount received
transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 1,50,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,50,000
(Being allotment money due on
30,000 shares at Rs.5/- per share.)

4 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 1,32,900

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,32,900
(Being excess application money
adjusted towards allotment.)

5 Bank A/c Dr. 17,100

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 17,100
(Being allotment received on 30,000 shares
at Rs.5/- each.)

6 1st Call A/c Dr. 60,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 60,000
(Being 1st call made on 30,000 shares at
Rs.2/- per share.)

7 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 30,900

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 30,900
(Being excess share application money
adjusted against 1st call due.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 29,100

To Share 1st Call A/c 29,100
(Being 1st Call money received on 30,000
shares at Rs.2/- each.)

9 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 25,800

To Bank A/c 25,800
(Being excess application money

Working Note:

Particulars Category Category Category Total

No. of Application Received
Application money Received 21,500 50,600 2,110 74,210
No. of shares Allotted
Applicant money transferred 64,500 1,51,800 63,300 2,79,600
to share capital 10,200 12,600 7,200 30,000
Excess application money
received (2 – 4)
Allotment money due (3 X 5 30,600 37,800 21,600 90,000
33,900 1,14,000 41,700 1,89,600

Excess Application amount 51,000 63,000 36,000 1,50,000

adjusted towards allotment
Balance Allotment money
received (2 – 4) 33,900 63,000 36,000 1,32,900
I – call
Excess application money
adjusted towards call 17,100 - 25,200 14,400 17,100
Excess application money 20,400 60,000
Call money received 25,200 5,700
- 30,900
25,800 - 8,700
- 2,04,001 - 25,800

Problem – 12

Yashwant Co. Ltd. issued 1, 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a discount of 10%. It
has complied with all the legal requirements for the issue of shares at discount. The share
amount was payable along with the application. Applications were received for all the
shares. You are asked to pass the journal entries & show the Balance sheet.

Solution :
Journal of Yashwant Co. Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Bank A/c Dr. 10,80,000

To Equity Share Application A/c 10,80,000
(Being share application money

2 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 10,80,000

Discount on issue of Shares A/c …Dr. 1,20,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,20,000
(Being application money received on
1,20,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each at
Rs.9/- per share, Re.1/- share being
discount allowed as sanctioned by the
shareholder per General Meeting
Resolution No. Dated &
Co. Law Board Letter No.
Dated )

Balance sheet as on

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

Share Capital : Current Assets : Bank

Authorized ? 10,80,000
Issued Subscribed, Expenditure :
Called-up & Paid up Discount on issue of
1,20,000 Equity Shares 1,20,000
shares of Rs.10/-
each fully paid. 12,00,000

12,00,000 12,00,000

Problem – 13 Amit Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 shares of Rs.100/- each at a
discount of 6% payable as follows –

On Application Rs. 25/-

On Allotment Rs. 34/- On First &
Final Call Rs. 35/-

The applications were received for 9,900 shares & all of these were accepted by the
Directors. All money due were received except the first and final call on 10 shares which
were Forfeited out of these 5 shares were issued at Rs.90/- as fully paid. Assuming that all
the requirements of the law were complied with, pass entries in the Cash book & journal
of the Co. Also prepare the Balance sheet of the Co.

Journal of Amit Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 24,75,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 24,75,000
(Being application money on 9,900 shares
at Rs.25/- per share transferred to Capital
A/c on allotment.)

2 Equity Share Allotment A/c… Dr. 3,36,600

Discount on issue of Share A/c … Dr. 59,400
To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,96,000
(Being allotment money due on 9,900
shares at Rs.40/- per share, including
discount of Rs.6/- per share.)

3 Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c…Dr. 3,46,500

To Equity Share Capital A/c 3,46,500
(Being first & final call amount due on
9,900 Equity shares at Rs.35/- per share.)

4 Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 1,000

To Equity Share 1st & Final Call A/c To 350
Discount on Equity Share A/c To Equity 60
Share Forfeited A/c 590
(Being Forfeiture of 100 Equity shares for
non-payment of first & final call of Rs.35/-
per share; the discount of Rs.6/- per share
being written back & the amount of
Rs.59/- actually paid being credited to
Share Forfeited Account.)

5 Discount on issue of Shares A/c ...Dr. 30

Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 20
To Equity Share Capital A/c 50
(Being discount allowed on 5 Equity
Shares reissued @ Rs.90/- as fully paid -
the “Discount on issued of Shares” being
Rs.6/- per share, the balance of Rs.5/- per
share debited to Share Forfeited

6 Share Forfeited A/c Dr. 275

To Capital Reserve A/c 275
(Being Profit remained after reissue of 50
shares transferred to Capital Reserve

Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amt. Particulars Amt.
To Equity Share By Balance c/d 9,30,700
Allotment A/c 2,47,500
(Application money
received on 9,900
Equity Shares @
To Equity Share
Allotment A/c 3,36,600
(Allotment received
on 9,900 Equity
Share @ Rs.34/-.)
To Equity Share first & 3,46,150
Final Call A/c
(First & Final Call
received on 9890
Equity Share @
Rs.35/- per share.)
To Equity Share 450
Capital A/c
(Reissue of 5 Equity
Shares as fully paid
up @ Rs.90/- per
9,30,700 9,30,700
To Balance b/d 9,30,700

Balance sheet of Amit Ltd. as on

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

(Rs.) (Rs.)
Share Capital : Equity Current Assets :
Share Capital (excluding Cash at Bank 9,30,700
the shares previously
issued); 9,895 shares of Miscellaneous
Rs.100/- each fully paid Expenditure : Discount
up. 9,89,500 on issue of Shares @
Rs.6/- on 9,895 shares.) 59,370
Shares Forfeited A/c 295

Reserves & Surplus:

Capital Reserves 275

9,90,070 9,90,070

Problem – 14

Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd. invited application for 2,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at par,
payable as under –

On Application Rs.3/- per share On Allotment Rs.2/- per share On

First Call Rs.3/- per share On
Final Call Rs.2/- per share

All the shares were subscribed for by the public. An applicant for 200 shares failed to pay
the first call money & his shares were Forfeited after giving due notice. These Forfeited
shares were re-issued at Rs.6/- per share, credited as Rs.8/- paid up. Make journal
entries & show the Balance Sheet. The company has not made 2nd call.

Journal of Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Bank A/c Dr. 6,000

To Equity Share Application A/c 6,000
(Being application money received on
2,000 shares at Rs.3/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 6,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,000
(Being application amount received
transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c ………Dr. 4,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 4,000
(Being allotment money due on
2,000 shares at Rs.2/- per share.)

4 Bank A/c Dr. 4,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 4,000
(Being allotment received on 2,000 shares
at Rs.2/- each.)

5 1st Call A/c Dr. 6,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 6,000
(Being 1st call made on 2,000 shares at
Rs.3/- per share.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 5,400

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 600
To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 6,000
(Being call amount received
on 1,800 shares at Rs.3/- per
7 Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr. 1,600
To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share 600
Forfeiture A/c 1,000
(Being 200 shares of Rs.10/- each Rs.8/-
paid up forfeited for non- payment of 1st
call of Rs.2/- per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 1,200

Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 400
To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,600
(Being 200 Forfeited Equity Shares re-
issued at Rs.6/- per share Cr. as Rs.8/-
paid up.)

9 Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 600

To Capital Reserve A/c 600
(Being profit on reissue of Forfeited
shares, representing capital profit
transferred to Capital Reserves.)

Balance Sheet of Mumbai Cycle Co. Ltd. as on


Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

Share Capital : Current Assets :

Authorized Capital ? Cash at Bank 16,600

Issued & Subscribed

2,000 Equity Shares of
Rs.10/- each. 20,000

Called up and Paid up:

2,000 Equity Shares of
Rs.10/-each Rs.8/-
called up & paid up 16,000
Reserves & Surplus :
Capital Reserve 600
16,600 16,600

Problem – 15
Dinu Ltd. issued 2,000 Equity shares of Rs.50/- each, at a discount of Rs.2/- per share,
payable as follows –
On Application Rs.10/-
On Allotment Rs.28/-
On First & Final Call Rs.10/-

All the shares were duly subscribed for and the amounts were received except the first &
final call on 100 shares. These shares were Forfeited & re-issued as fully paid. Pass
journal entries of the Company.

Journal of Dinu Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Bank A/c Dr. 20,000

To Equity Share Application A/c 20,000
(Being application money received on
2,000 shares at Rs.10/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 20,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 20,000
(Being application amount received
transferred to Capital A/c.)

3 Equity Share Allotment A/c ………Dr. 56,000


Discount on issue of Shares A/c... Dr. 4,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 60,000
(Being allotment money due on 2,000
shares at Rs.30/- per share including
discount Rs.2/- per share.)

4 Bank A/c Dr. 56,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 56,000
(Being allotment received on 2,000 shares
at Rs.28/- each.)

5 1st Call A/c Dr. 20,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 20,000
(Being 1st call made on 2,000 shares at
Rs.10/- per share.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 19,000

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 1,000
To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 20,000
(Being call amount received
on 1,900 shares at Rs.10/- per
7 Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr. 5,000
To Discount on issue of shares A/c To 200
Calls in Arrears A/c 1,000
To Share Forfeiture A/c 3,800
(Being 100 shares of Rs.50/- each
forfeited for non-payment of 1st call of
Rs.10/- per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 4,500

Discount on issue of Shares A/c…Dr. 200
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 300
To Equity Share Capital A/c 5,000
(Being 100 Forfeited Equity Shares re-
issued at Rs.45/- per share Cr. as fully

9 Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 3,500

To Capital Reserve A/c 3,500
(Being profit on reissue of Forfeited
shares, representing capital profit
transferred to Capital Reserves.)

Problem – 16

D Ltd. issued 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.5/- per share
payable as –
On Application Rs.6/- (including premium Rs.3) On Allotment Rs.5/- (including
premium Rs.2) Balance in 2nd calls.

The applications were received for 35,000 shares. The allotment was made as follows –
Category A – Application 5,000 full allotment
Category B – Application 20,000 share allotted 15,000 shares on pro-rata basis
Category C – Application 10,000 share rejected

Excess amount received on application was adjusted against allotment money due. Both
the calls made. One shareholder holding 500 shares failed to pay 2nd call. His shares
were forfeited & reissued later at Rs.9/- per share. Give necessary journal entries &
Balance Sheet.
In the books of D Ltd.

Date Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)

1 Bank A/c Dr. 2,10,000

To Equity Share Application A/c 2,10,000
(Being application money received for
35,000 shares at Rs.6/- per shares.)

2 Equity Share Allotment A/c ………Dr. To 1,00,000

Equity Share Capital A/c 60,000
To Security Premium A/c 40,000
(Being allotment money due on 20,000
shares at Rs.3/- per share for the capital &
Rs.2/- per share for premium.)

3 Equity Share Application A/c… Dr. 1,20,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Security 60,000
Premium A/c 60,000
(Being Equity share application money on
20,000 shares transferred as Rs.3/- per
share to capital & Rs.3/- per share to

4 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 30,000


To Equity Share Allotment A/c 30,000

(Being excess application money on
5,000 shares towards allotment money

5 Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 60,000

To Bank A/c 60,000
(Being excess application money on
10,000 shares refunded.)

6 Bank A/c Dr. 70,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Being 70,000
allotment money received.)

7 Equity Shares 1st Call A/c Dr. 40,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 40,000
(Being 1st Call made on 20,000 shares @
Rs.2/- per share.)

8 Bank A/c Dr. 40,000

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c (Being 1st 40,000
Call amount received.)

9 Equity Share 2nd Call A/c Dr. 40,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 40,000
(Being 2nd call made on 20,000 shares at
Rs.2/- per share.)

10 Bank A/c Dr. 39,000

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 1,000
To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c 40,000
(Being 2nd call received except on 500

11 Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 5,000

To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share 1,000
Forfeiture A/c 4,000
(Being 500 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each
fully called up, forfeited for non payment
of call of Rs.2/- per share.)

12 Bank A/c Dr. 4,500

Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 500
To Equity Share Capital A/c 5,000
(Being 500 forfeited Equity Share
reissued at Rs.9/- per share.)

13 Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 3,500


To Capital Reserve A/c 3,500

(Being credit balance in Share Forfeiture
A/c after re-issued of forfeited share
representing capital profit transferred to
Capital Reserve.)

Working Note:

Category A B C Total
No. of application received 5,000 20,000 10,000 35,000
Application money received 30,000 1,20,000 60,000 2,10,000
No. of shares allotted 5,000 15,000 - 20,000
Allotment money due 25,000 75,000 - 1,00,000
Application money received 30,000 90,000 - 1,20,000
transfer to share capital
Excess application money - 30,000 - 30,000
adjusted towards allotment
Excess application money - - 60,000 60,000
Allotment money received 25,000 45,000 - 70,000

Balance Sheet as on

Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt.

Share Capital Bank balance 3,03,500
Authorized ?

Subscribed, Called
up & Paid up
20,000 Equity
shares of Rs.10/-
each fully paid 2,00,000
Reserves & Surplus
Security Premium 1,00,000
Capital Reserve 3,500

3,03,500 3,03,500

Problem – 17

Anita Ltd. issued 30,000 Equity Shares of Rs.20/- each at a premium of Rs.4/-. The
amount was payable as under –

On Application Rs.6/-
On Allotment Rs.8/-
On 1st Call Rs.5/-
On 2nd Call Rs.5/-
The applications were received for 80,000 shares. The allotment was made as under.

Category Applied Allotted

AB 10,000 10,000
C 60,000 20,000
10,000 NIL

Mr. X belonging to Category A holding 200 shares failed to pay allotment & 1st call
money. His shares were forfeited after 1st call was made.

Mr. Y belonging to Category B holding 200 shares failed to pay allotment & 1st call
money. His shares were also forfeited after 1st call.

All other money was received properly. The forfeited share were reissued at Rs.18/-. Give
necessary journal entries & prepare Balance sheet Excess application money to be
adjusted against allotment & 1st call money.

Date Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

1. Bank A/c Dr. 4,80,000

To Equity Share Application A/c (Being 4,80,000
application money received.)

2. Equity share Allotment A/c Dr. 2,40,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c To Securities 1,20,000
Premium 1,20,000
(Being allotment money due on 30,000
shares at Rs.4/- for the capital & Rs.4/-
for premium.

3. Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 1,80,000


To Equity Share Capital A/c

(Being Equity Share application money
on 30,000 transferred to Share capital.)

4. Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 60,000

To Bank A/c 60,000

5. Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 1,60,000

To Equity Share Allotment A/c 1,60,000

6. Bank A/c Dr. 78,400

Securities Premium A/c… Dr. 800
Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 800
To Equity Share Allotment A/c

7. Equity Share 1st call A/c… Dr. 1,50,000

To Equity Share Capital Account (Being 1,50,000
1st Call made.)

8. Equity Share Application A/c Dr. 80,000

To Equity Share 1st Call A/c 80,000

9. Bank A/c Dr. 68,800

Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. 1,200
To Equity Share 1st Call A/c

10. Equity Share Capital A/c Dr. 6,000

To Calls in Arrears A/c To Share 2,000
Forfeiture A/c 4,000
(Being 400 Equity shares of Rs.20/-
each, Rs.15/- called up, forfeited for non
payment of call.)

11. Equity Share 2nd Call A/c Dr. 1,48,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,48,000

12. Bank A/c Dr. 1,48,000

To Equity Share 2nd Call A/c 1,48,000

13. Bank A/c Dr. 7,200


Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 8,000

To Equity Share Capital A/c

14. Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. 3,200

To Capital Reserve A/c 3,200

Working Note: W.N.1:

Category A B C Total

No. of application received 10,000 60,000 10,000 80,000

Application money received 60,000 3,60,000 60,000 4,80,000

No. of shares allotted 10,000 20,000 - 30,000

Allotment money due 80,000 1,60,000 - 2,40,000

Application money received 60,000 1,20,000 - 1,80,000

transfer to share capital

Excess application money - 2,40,000 - 2,40,000

adjusted towards allotment

Excess application money - - 60,000 60,000


Allotment money received 78,400 - - 78,400

W.N.2:Excess Application money to be adjusted against call money.

Category Adjusted
ABC - 80,000

Call due = 1, 50,000
(-) adj. =

Problem – 1

Ambica Ltd. issued 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at par. The amount was payable
as under –

On Application Rs.2/- per share On Allotment Rs.3/- per share On

1st Call Rs.3/- per share
On 2nd Call Rs.2/- per share

The applications were received for 10,000 shares. All the applicants were allotted the
share. All money was duly received. Give necessary journal entries & also prepare
Balance Sheet.

Problem – 2

Jindal Ltd. issued 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.2.50/- per
share payable as follows –

On Application Rs.7.50/-
(including premium)
On Allotment Rs.2/-
On 1st & Final Call Rs.3/-

Applications were received for 7,60,000 shares. The directors allotted 5,00,000 shares to
the applicants of 5,10,000 shares on pro-rata basis & rejected applications for 2,50,000
shares. The excess application money on 10,000 shares was adjusted against allotment
money due. The call was duly made & received on 20,000 shares. Prepare Cash book &
Journal of Jindal Ltd. & Balance Sheet.

Problem – 3
N. Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.6/- per share. The amount
was payable as follows –
On Application Rs.3/-
On Allotment Rs.8/-
(including premium)
On 1st & Final Call Rs.5/-

The applications were received for 80,000 shares. The allotment was made as follows –
Category A 10,000 – Full
Category B 55,000 – 40,000 shares allotted Category C 15,000 – Nil
All excess money paid on application was to be adjusted against allotment money due.
The shares were fully called up and

paid up except Mr. A who had applied for 1,100 shares failed to pay allotted money and
call money. His shares were forfeited after the final call & reissued later at Rs.9/- per
Give necessary journal entries & prepare Balance sheet.
Working Note:W.N. 1:

Category A B C Total
No. of application received 10,000 55,000 15,000 80,000
Application money received 30,000 1,65,000 45,000 2,40,000
No. of shares allotted 10,000 40,000 - 50,000
Allotment money due 80,000 3,20,000 - 4,00,000
Application money received 30,000 1,20,000 - 1,50,000
transfer to share capital
Excess application money - 45,000 - 45,000
adjusted towards allotment
Excess application money - - 45,000 45,000
Allotment money received 80,000 - - 80,000

W.N. 2: Default of Mr. A

Applied Allotted
1,100 800 (1,100 X 40,000 / 55,000)

Allotment money due.

800 X 8 6,400
(-) Excess application money adjusted [(1,100 – (900)
800) X 3]
W.N. 3: Allotment money received from Category B.

Allotment money due 3,20,000

(-) Excess application adjusted (45,000)
(-) Default of Mr. A (5,500)

Problem – 4
Granny Ltd. issued 30,000/- shares of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs.8/-. The amount
was payable as under –
On Application Rs.5/-
On Allotment Rs.10/- (including
premium Rs.8/-) On 1st & final call Rs.3/-
Applications were received for 80,000/- shares. The allotment was made as follows.

Category Application Allotment

ABC 10,000 10,000
60,000 20,000
10,000 NIL

Mr. X holding 300 shares from Category B failed to pay allotment & call money. His
shares were forfeited after 1st call. All the call money was received except Mr. X. Give
journal entries and Balance Sheet of Granny Ltd.
Working Note:

Category A B C Total
No. of application received 10,000 60,000 10,000 80,000
Application money received 50,000 3,00,000 50,000 4,00,000
No. of shares allotted 10,000 20,000 - 30,000
Allotment money due 1,00,000 2,00,000 - 3,00,000
Application money received 50,000 1,00,000 - 1,50,000
transfer to share capital
Excess application money - 2,00,000 - 2,00,000
adjusted towards allotment
Excess application money - - 50,000 50,000
Allotment money received 1,00,000 - - 1,00,000

Problem – 5
Ravi Ltd. issued 30,000 Equity shares of Rs.20/- each at a premium of Rs.5/-. The amount
was payable as under –

On Application Rs.7/-
On Allotment Rs.12/- (including
premium) On 1st Call Rs.3/-
On 2nd Call Rs.3/-

Applications were received for 80,000 shares. Allotment was made as follows.

Category Applied Allotted

ABC 10,000 10,000

60,000 20,000
10,000 NIL

Mr. Ali holding 200 shares from Category B failed to pay allotment & 1st call money. His
shares were forfeited after 1st call. Mr. Sunil

holding 400 shares category a failed to pay 1st & 2nd Call his shares was also forfeited.
Excess money to be adjusted against allotment and call money. All the forfeited shares
were reissued at Rs.18/- each.
Working Note:

Category A B C Total
No. of application received 10,000 60,000 10,000 80,000
Application money received 70,000 4,20,000 70,000 5,60,000
No. of shares allotted 10,000 20,000 - 30,000
Allotment money due 1,20,000 2,40,000 - 3,60,000
Application money received 70,000 1,40,000 - 2,10,000
transfer to share capital
Excess application money - 2,40,000 - 2,40,000
adjusted towards allotment
Excess application money - - 70,000 70,000
Excess App. money adjusted - 40,000 - 40,000
towards 1st call
Allotment money received 1,20,000 - - 1,20,000

W.N. 2 : Default of Mr. Anil Call amount due = 600

Excess application money (400 X 7) 2,800

(-) Allotment money adjusted 2,400

Default = 200 Mr. Sunil

Call amount due = 1,200 Default of Sunil = 1,200

W.N.: 3
1st Call amount received due 90,000
(-) Excess Application Adjusted (40,000)
(-) Default of Anil & Sunil (1,400)
Problem – 6

Kumar Ltd. issued 40,000 Equity shares of Rs.15/- each at a premium of Rs.5/-. Amount
was payable as follows.

On Application Rs.6/-
On Allotment Rs.8/- (including
premium) On 1st & Final Call Rs.6/-

Application were received for 60,000 shares, allotment was made as followed –

Category Applied Allotted

AB 10,000 10,000
C 45,000 30,000
5,000 NIL

X from Category A did not pay allotment & call money holding for 200 shares. Y from
Category B holding 300 shares did not pay allotment & call money.

All other money was received. The expenses for issue of share amounted to Rs.40, 000/-.
All the shares of X & Y were forfeited & reissued at Rs.12/- per share.

Working Note:


Category A B C Total

No. of application received 10,000 45,000 5,000 60,000

Application money received 60,000 2,70,000 30,000 3,60,000

No. of shares allotted 10,000 30,000 - 40,000

Allotment money due 80,000 2,40,000 - 3,20,000

Application money received 60,000 1,80,000 - 2,40,000

transfer to share capital

Excess application money - 90,000 - 90,000

adjusted towards allotment

Excess application money - - 30,000 30,000


Allotment money received 78,400 1,48,500 - 2,26,900


Default of Mr. Y

Holding 450 shares

(-) Allotted 300 shares

Excess 150 shares

Excess application received (150 X 6) = 900

Allotment money due (300 X 8) = 2,400

(-) Excess application (900)

Actual default 1,500


Allotment received

Due 2, 40,000
(-) Adjusted 90,000
1, 50,000
(-) Default 1,500
1, 48,500
W.N. 4:

Securities Premium
X = 200 X 5 = 1,000
Y = 300 X 5 = 1,500
Default of Mr. Y (900)

200 X 3 = 600
300 X 3 = 900

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