3rd Year Physics

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Third Year Syllabus

Department of Physics

Four Year B.Sc Honours Course

Effective from the Session : 2013–2014
National University
Subject: Physics
Syllabus for Four Year B. Sc Honours Course
Effective from the Session: 2013-2014

Year wise Papers and marks distribution


Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits

232701 Atomic & Molecular Physics 100 4
232703 Quantum Mechanics-I 100 4
232705 Computer Fundamentals and Numerical Analysis 100 4
232707 Electronics-I 100 4
232709 Nuclear Physics-I 100 4
232711 Solid State Physics-I 100 4
232713 Mathematical Physics 100 4
232714 Physics Practical-III 100 4
Total= 800 32

Detailed Syllabus

Paper Code 232701 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Atomic & Molecular Physics Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Quantum Theory: Quantum character of radiation, Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric

effect, Einstein’s photon theory, Photoelectric equation, Compton effect, Wave-particle
duality, De Broglie wave, Electron diffraction: Thompson and Davisson-Germer experiment.
2. Rutherford Nucleus: Rutherford alpha scattering experiment, Nucleus, Bohr quantization
rules, Hydrogen atom spectra, Franck-Hertz experiment, Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization
3. Electron Spin: Stern-Gerlach experiment, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Electronic
configuration of atom, Vector model, Coupling schemes, Hund’s rule.
4. Multiple Structures: Fine structure, Hyperfine structure, Zeeman effect, Paschen-Back
5. X-rays: Production and properties of X-rays, Continuous and characteristic X-rays, X-ray
spectra: X-ray absorption: Moseley’s law.
6. Molecular Spectra: Rotational and vibrational levels, Raman effect, Applications of Raman

7. Laser: Stimulated emission, Einstein’s A and B co-efficients, Population inversion, Laser

idea, three and four level lasers, Properties of a laser beam, Ruby, He-Ne and CO2 lasers.

Books Recommended:
1. Beiser, A. : Perspectives of Modern Physics
2. Beiser, A. : Concepts of Modern Physics
3. Svelto, O. : Principles of Laser
4. Weidner, R.T. and Sells R.L. : Elements of Modern Physics
5. Verdeyen, J.T. : Laser Electronics
6. Islam, G.S. : cvigvbweK c`v_©weÁvb 1g LÛ

Paper Code 232703 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Quantum Mechanics-I Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Physical Basis: Failures of Classical Mechanics and emergence of Quantum Mechanics,

Bohr atom model and old quantum theory, Quantization of the phase integral, Particle in a
box, Shortcomings of old quantum theory, Wave particle duality, De-Broglie wavelength.
2. Basic Concept of Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty principle, Postulates of quantum
mechanics: (a) Interpretive postulates and (b) Physical postulates, Correspondence principle
and complementary principle, Operators and its properties, Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues,
Scalar product of two functions, Orthogonality relations of any function f(x), Heisenberg
uncertainty relations for arbitrary observables, Momentum eigenfunctions, completeness.

3. Schördinger Wave Equation: Development of the wave equation, Interpretation of wave
function, Probability current density, Expectation value of dynamical variables and
Ehrenfest’s theorem.
4. Principle of Superposition of States and Fourier Transforms of Wave Functions: Co-
ordinates and momentum representations, Wave packets and uncertainty principle,
Monochromatic waves, Spread of Gaussian wave packets with time.
5. Problems in One-Dimension: Particle in a box, Potential step, Potential barrier, Barrier
Tunneling, Alpha particle decay, Square-well potentials, Linear harmonic oscillators.
6. Spherically Symmetric Systems: Schrödinger Equation for spherically symmetric
potentials, Spherical harmonics, Three-Dimensional square well potential, Hydrogen atom.

Books Recommended:
1. Schiff, L.I. : Quantum Mechanics
2. Powell, J.L. and Crasemann, B. : Quantum Mechanics
3. Rashid, A.M.H : Quantum Mechanics
4. Merziacher, E. : Quantum Mechanics
5. Mathews, P.T. : Quantum Mechanics
6. Golder, S.K. : ‡Kvqv›Uvg ejwe`¨v
7. Bhuiya, G.M. : Quantum Mechanics
8. Sherwin, C.W. : Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
9. Golam Md. Bhuiyan : ‡Kvqv›Uvg ejwe`¨v

Paper Code 232705 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Computer Fundamentals and Numerical
Paper Title: Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Fundamental Concepts: Block Structure of a Computer, Characteristics of Computers,

Problem Solving with Computers, Generation of Computers, Classification of Computers.
2. Logic Design: Boolean Algebra; De-Morgan's Law, Minimum Boolean Expression;
Karnaugh Map Method of Simplification of Logic Expression; Combinational and Sequential
Circuits; Arithmetic Circuits. Fixed Point Representation – Integer Storage, Largest Integer
Storage, Negative Integer Storage representation, Floating Point representation, Overflow
and Underflow.
3. Digital Devices: Logic Gates and their Truth Tables, Canonical Forms, Combinational Logic
Circuits, Minimization Technique, Arithmetic and Data Handling Logic Circuits. Decoders,
Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers. Combinational Circuit Design, Flip Flops, Half-Adder,
Full-Adder, Race around problems, Counters, Asynchronous Counters, Synchronous Counters
and their Applications, Odd Sequence Counter Design, Register of different types and their
Applications; Minimization of Sequential Circuits, and Memory Units.
4. Computer CPU: CPU Organization, Function of ALU, CPU Instruction, Types of Buses,
Size of CPU Registers –Program Counter, Memory Address Register, Memory Data

Register, Accumulator. Input-Output Devices – Architecture of Keyboard, Mouse, Webcam,
Scanner, Types of Monitor, Types of Printer
5. Input and Output Units : Their Functional Characteristics, Types of Primary (Main)
Memory, Types of Secondary Memory, Chache Memory, Physical and Virtual Memory,
Types of Optical Memory, RAM Disks. Addressing Modes – Direct Addressing, Indirect
Addressing, Indexed Addressing, Immediate Addressing Modes.
6. Computer Storage Devices: Overview of Storage Devices- Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact
Disk, Tape. Secondary Storage Devices, Sequential and Direct Access Devices, Magnetic Disk,
Floppy Disk, Winchester Disk, Mass Storage, Optical Disk, Magnetic Bubble Memory.
7. Software: What is Software, Low level and High Level languages for programming,
Relationship between Software and Hardware, Types of Software: System Software
(Meaning and its type), Application Software, Acquiring Software, Software Development
Steps, Firmware, Middleware.
8. Network: Computer Communication, basic concepts of LAN, WAN, Workstation, and Server,
Optical Fiber in Communication, World Wide Web (www) and E-mail, E-commerce.

9. Roots of Equations: Bisection methods, False-Position method, Newton-Raphson method,

Secant method, Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations, Naïve Gauss Elimination, Gauss-
Jordan method and matrix inversion, Gauss-Seidel method, Nurnerical Integration:
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules, Ordinary Differential Equations. Runge-Kutta methods
with different orders, Interpolation, Linear interpolation, Quadratic interpolation, Lagrange
interpolating Polynomials.
Books Recommended:
1. Sarah E. Hutchinson and Stacey. Swyer : Computers and Information Systemsl.
2. Byron Gottfried. : Programming with C.
3. Stephen G. Kochan. : Programming in C.
4. Herbert Schildt : Turbo C/C ++ (The Complete Reference)
5. Hidebrand F.M. and Scarborough. : Numerical Analysis.
6. Floyd & Jain : Digital fundamentals, Pearson Education.
7. Norton, P. : Inside the PC.
8. Ram, B. : Computer Fundamentals, Wiley, 1997.
9. French, C. S. : Computer Science
10. Trainer, T. N. : Computers (4th Edition) McGraw Hill,

Paper Code 232707 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Electronics-I Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. History of Electronics: Electronics and electricity, Vacuum diode, Triode.

2. Semiconductor Diode: p-n junction, Forward and reverse bias, I-V curve, Diode equation,
Ge and Si diodes, Breakdown PIV rating, DC and AC resistance, Load line and Q-point,
Maximum current.

3. Diode Applications: Application in reverse voltage protection or auto polarity (using bridge)
of dc equipment and as an OR gate in instant emergency power supplies, Half wave and full
wave rectification of sinusoidal AC, Average voltage, Capacitor smoothing, Ripple factor
and voltage, Zener voltage regulator.
4. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): npn and pnp configurations, transistor action, CB, CE
and CC configuration, alpha and beta parameters, CE characteristics, Load line and operating
points, Cut-off and saturation, Transistor as a switch, Active region for liner amplification,
Q-point, Graphical analysis, Class A, B and C amplifiers, Transistor biasing: Fixed bias,
collector feedback and voltage divider bias, Emitter feedback for bias stabilization (including
bypass capacitor), Ohm meter testing of transistor, Photo transistor characteristics.
5. Equivalent Models and Circuits: Constant voltage and constant current sources, Thevenin’s
and Norton’s theorems and determination of equivalent circuits for known and unknown
network, Superposition theorem, Two-port network equations Z and h-equivalent circuits and
parameters, Ebers Mol model and h-equivalent model for a transistor.
6. CE Amplifier: Small signal analysis of a CE amplifier with voltage divider bias (voltage
gain, input and output impedences) using Ebers Moll and approximate h-equivalent circuits,
Typical CB and CC (Emitter Follower) amplifier circuits, Comparison of important features
of CB, CE and CC amplifier, RC couple cascaded CE amplifier, Equivalent circuit and
7. Frequency Response of Amplifiers: General voltage gain and phase response
considerations, Bandwidth, Decibel (dB), Voltage gain, Identification of low pass and high
pass elements in CE amplifier including stray capacitance and Miller effect capacitance and
their responses.
8. Operational Amplifier: Basic concepts on difference amplifier (double ended input, single
ended output) as the input stage of an op-amp, Differential and Common mode operation,
Common mode rejection ratio, Necessity of negative feedback, analysis for gain, input and
output impedance for voltage series feedback, Frequency response, Gain-bandwidth product,
Ideal op-amp approximations, Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting amplifier, Adder,
Subtractor, Comparator, Applications in millivolt meter and current meter.
9. DC Stabilized Power Supply: Series voltage regulation with feedback using transistor and
op-amplifier, IC regulators (positive and negative, fixed and variable).

Books Recommended:
1. Brophy, J.J. : Basic Electronics for Scientists
2. Malvino, A.P. : Electronic Principles
3. Boylestad, R. and Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
4. Millman, J. and Halkias, C.C. : Electronic Devices and Circuits
5. G.M. Chowdhury : B‡j±ªwb·

Paper Code 232709 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Nuclear Physics-I Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Basis Properties of Nuclei: Constituents of nuclei, Nuclear mass, charge, size; Nuclear
density, Mass defect, Binding energy, Nucleon separation energy, Liquid drop mode, Semi
empirical mass formula.
2. Nuclear Spin: Nuclear spin and angular moment, Nuclear moments, magnetic dipole
moment, Effective magnetic moment expression, Electric moments (Multipole expression).
3. Radioactivity: Radioactive decay laws, Half life, Mean life, Transformation law of
successive changes, Secular and transient equilibrium, Measurement of decay constant,
Artificial radioactivity, Radioisotopes; production and uses, Units of radioactivity, Energy
loss of charged particles, Collision energy loss, Radiation energy loss, straggling of alpha
particles range in the absorber.
Radiation hazards, Biological effects of radiation, interaction of radiation with human cells.
4. Alpha Decay: Alpha instability, Fine structure, Large range alpha particles, Alpha particle
spectra and nuclear energy levels, Theory of alpha decay.
5. Beta Decay: Energy measurement, Conservation of energy and momentum, Neutrino
hypothesis, Evidence for antineutrino, orbital electron capture, Positron emission.
6. Gamma Decay: Energy measurement, Pair spectrometer, Theory of gamma emission, Mean
lives for gamma emission, Internal conversion, Mossbauer effect.
7. Nuclear Fission and Fusion: Fission process, Energy release in fission, Chain reaction,
Nuclear reactor, Nuclear fusion, Thermonuclear reaction is stars.
8. Detectors: Ionization chambers, Proportional counter Geiger-Muller counters, Solid State
Detector, Scintillation counter.
9. Nuclear Reactions: Reaction dynamics, The Q-Value equation and threshold energy
Conserved Properties.
Books Recommended:
1. Enge, H.A. : Introduction to Nuclear Physics
2. Cohen, B.L. : Concepts of Nuclear Physics
3. Meyerhoff, W.E. : Elements of Nuclear Physics
4. Burcham, W.E : Nuclear Physics
5. Irving Kaplan : Nuclear Physics
6. Gelly, A.H. : Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics
7. Krane, K.S. : Introductory Nuclear Physics
8. Islam, A.K.M.A. and Islam, M.A., : wbDK¬xq c`v_©weÁvb 2q ms¯‹iY
9. Islam, G.S. : cvigvYweK c`v_©weÁvb 2q LÛ
10. Sen Gupta : wbDK¬xqvi c`v_©we`¨v
11. Knolls : Principle of Radioactive protection.

Paper Code 232711 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Solid State Physics-I Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Crystal Structure: Crystalline state of solids, Unit cells and Bravais lattices, Symmetry
operations, Miller indices, Crystal planes and directions, Simple crystal structures,
Diffraction of X-rays by crystals, Laue equations and Bragg law of x-ray diffraction,
Experimental diffraction methods – Laue method, Rotating crystal method and Powder
method, Reciprocal lattice.
2. Crystal Bonding: Interatomic forces and crystal bonding, lonic crystals – Calculation of
electrostatic energy, Madelung constant, Repulsive interactions and bulk modulus, Covalent
crystals, Crystals of inert gases – Van der waals, Metal crystals and Hydrogen bonded
3. Lattice Vibrations and Thermal Properties: Vibrations of monatomic linear lattice,
Vibrations of diatomic linear lattice, Phonon, Phonon momentum, Enumeration of normal
modes, Lattice specific heat, Einstein and Debye models, Lattice thermal resistivity.
4. Defects in solids: Point defects, Thermodynamic consideration of defect concentration –
Schottky and Frankel types of defects, Colour centers in ionic crystals, Line defects, Various
types of dislocations.
5. Free Electron Theory of Metals: Free electron gas, Energy levels, Degenerate and Non-
degenerate states, Fermi-energy absolute zero temperature, Density of state, Fermi-function,
Effect of temperature on Fermi energy, Average kinetic energy. Electronic specific heat,
Electrical conductivity, Thermal conductivity, Hall effect of free electron, Wiedmann-Franz
6. Fundamentals of Semiconductors: The electrical properties of solids, Energy levels in
crystalline solid, Insulators, Conductors, Semiconductors, Doped semiconductors, n-type
semiconductors, p-type semiconductors, pn-junction, Majority and minority carriers, Junction
rectifier, Diode, Light-Emitting Diode (LED), Transistor, Integrated Circuit (IC).

Books Recommended:
1. Kittel, C. : Introduction to Solid State Physics
2. Dekker, A.J. : Solid State Physics
3. Omar, A.M. : Elementary Solid State Physics
4. Singhal, R.L. : Introduction to Solid State Physics
5. Saxena, Gupta and Sexena : Fundamentals of Solid State Physics
6. Islam, M.S. : KwVb Ae¯’vi c`v_©weÁvb
7. mvB`y¾vgvb : mwjW †÷U wdwR·

Paper Code 232713 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 hrs.

Paper Title: Mathematical Physics Exam Duration: 4 Hours

1. Functions of complex Variable:

i) Complex algebra, Cauchy-Riemann equations as conditions of analyticity, Cauchy’s
integra theorem for analytic function.
ii) Taylor series expansion, Types of singularities, Laurent expansion, Cauchy’s Residue
Theorem, Contour integration using the residue technique.
iii) Gamma function and Beta functions, their recursion properties and singularities.
2. Fourier Series and Integral Transformations:
a) Fourier’s theorem about periodic functions. Determination of Fourier coefficients. Gibbs
phenomenon. Parseval relation. Summation of series using Fourier method.
b) Fourier transformation via Fourier series. Inverse Fourier transformation. Idea of a
function Space and the fourier transforms as its dual space. Properties of Fourier
transformations. Parseval relation. Dirac delta function. Fourier sine and cosine
transformation. Use of Fourier transformations for solving differential equations.
Convolution theorem.
3. Transformations: Laplace transform. Inverse Laplace transformation: Bromwich integral.
Elements of operational calculus.
4. Special Functions in Physics: Gamma and Beta functions. Series solution of differential
equations by Forbenius method.
Bessel Functions. Legendre. Hermite and Laguerre Polynomials-generating functions,
recursion relation and orthogonality properties.
5. Theory of Matrices: Type of matrices (unitary, hermitian. Symmetric etc.); Determinant of a
square matrix; Equivalence; Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix; Liner equations; Linear
transformations: Similarity transformations.

Books Recommended:
1. Arfken, G.B. : Mathematical methods in Physics, (4th ed.)
2. Mary, L. Boas : Mathematical Methods in Physical Science
3. Pipe, L.A. : Applied Mathematics for Physicists and

Paper Code 232714 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Practical Class Hours: 60 hrs.
Paper Title: Physics Practical-III Exam Duration: 6 Hours

To perform two experiments each of three hours duration.

i) Experiments (3 hours each) 2 x 40= 80
ii) Laboratory note book 10
iii) Viva-voce 10
Total marks = 100
Marks for each experiment shall be distributed as follows:

a) Theory 5
b) Data collection and tabulation 15
c) Calculation, graphs and result 15
d) Discussions 5
Total marks = 40
1. Formalization of an oscilloscope
i) Stabilization of a signal display using triggering mechanism.
ii) Measurement of tune period and amplifier.
2. Determination of Rydbegr constant using spectrometer.
3. Determination of dispersive power and resolving power of a prism.
4. Determination of dispersive power and resolving power of grating.
5. To determine the separation between D1 and D2 lines of sodium by Michelson
6. To determine the refractive index (or thickness) of a film by Michelson interferometer.
7. To determine wavelength of monochromatic light by Michelson interferometer.
8. Determination of resonance frequency in LCR circuit with (a) L and C in series and (b) L and
C in parallel.
9. Plotting the characteristic curve for a semi-conductor diode.
10. Plotting the characteristic curves of a transistor.
11. To construct a power supply and to find the ripple factor of full wave rectifier for two different
12. Construction of an audio frequency amplifier employing transistors and study its frequency
13. To study the frequency response of a low pass RC filter.
14. Determination of Planck’s constant.
15. Study of voltage divider bias for a CE amplifier.
Books Recommended:

1. Worsnop B.L. and Flint, H.T. : Advanced Practical Physics

2. Ahmed, G.U. and Uddin, M.S. : Practical Physics
3. Ahmad, G. and Nasreen, F. : Advanced Practical Physics
4. Din, K. and Matin, M.A. : Advanced Practical Physics
5. Ahmed, R. : Experiments in Basic Electronics
6. ‡PŠayix, Gm.G : e¨envwiK c`v_©we`¨v


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