04 Acknowledgement

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First and Foremost I thank the Heavenly Father for His blessings to complete my

Research work.

I would like to express my profound gratitude and sincere thanks to my guide

Dr. S. Franscisca for her skillful guidance and valuable suggestions for the successful

completion of this research work.

I am most grateful to my co-guide Dr. A. Amalraj for his valuable guidance and

wise counseling right from the selection of the research topic till its completion.

I take this opportunity to render my sincere gratitude to Dr. D. Thomas

Alexander, S.J., for having given me a golden opportunity to do my research work

through the Centre, St. Xavier's College of Education, Palayamkottai.

I owe my sincere thanks to Rev. Dr. S. Sebastian. S.J., and Dr. P. Annaraja for

their indirect motivation and encouragement from the beginning of my research work.

I express my thanks to all the professors, service staff, Mr. T. Thangaraj and

the librarian of St. Xavier's College of Education for their help during my course of


I acknowledge the co-operation and the help extended by the Head of the

institutions, teachers and higher secondary students in carrying out this research


I express my sincere thanks to the priests, relatives and friends for their support

and prayer to this challenging work. Finally, I also thank with profound gratitude all

those who have directly or indirectly helped me to complete my project successfully.

I am indebted to my Loving Parent, Husband, Brothers and Sisters who

generously supfK)rted and encouraged me in various ways to accomplish this research


I express my sincere thanks to Rev. Fr. Charles, teaching and non-teaching

staff members of St. Joseph College of Education, Metur.

J. Maria Prema

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