04 Acknowledgement
04 Acknowledgement
04 Acknowledgement
First and Foremost I thank the Heavenly Father for His blessings to complete my
Research work.
Dr. S. Franscisca for her skillful guidance and valuable suggestions for the successful
I am most grateful to my co-guide Dr. A. Amalraj for his valuable guidance and
wise counseling right from the selection of the research topic till its completion.
I owe my sincere thanks to Rev. Dr. S. Sebastian. S.J., and Dr. P. Annaraja for
their indirect motivation and encouragement from the beginning of my research work.
I express my thanks to all the professors, service staff, Mr. T. Thangaraj and
the librarian of St. Xavier's College of Education for their help during my course of
I acknowledge the co-operation and the help extended by the Head of the
institutions, teachers and higher secondary students in carrying out this research
I express my sincere thanks to the priests, relatives and friends for their support
and prayer to this challenging work. Finally, I also thank with profound gratitude all
J. Maria Prema