Lec 3

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Lecture 3

Dr. Sohail Khan

Senior Faculty/Associate Professor, SPCAI

Sino-Pak Center for Artificial Intelligence (SPCAI)

Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (PAF-IAST)
Start Reading!
• As a graduate student you should get in the habit of reading many
technical papers, including all the ones mentioned in these notes
• Papers are divided into 1) journal papers and 2) conference
papers, with journal papers usually undergoing more review and
of high quality
• There are LOTs of exceptions
• Key journals in our area are from IEEE Power and Energy Society
(PES); PSCC is a top conference
• I read papers by looking at 1) title, 2) abstract, 3) summary, 4)
results, 5) intro, 6) the rest; many papers never make it beyond
step 1 or 2.
• Power in single phase AC circuit
• Complex power
• Power factor concept and improvement
• Complex power flow
• Balanced three phase circuits

Weekly Schedule
Week 1 Introduction to the electric power system, review of phasors and three-phase power
Week 2 Models for transformers, generators, and loads
Week 3 Per unit system of calculations: Selection of base and change in the base of per unit quantities, node equations, one-
line diagram and Problem Solution
Week 4 Bus admittance matrix: Importance and formulation
Week 5 Bus admittance matrix: Problem solution
Week 6 Load Flow Analysis: Importance, Static load flow equations, Gauss-Seidel Method
Week 7 Load Flow Analysis: Application of Gauss-Seidel Method for load flow studies and Problem Solution using GS method
Week 8 Load Flow Analysis: Newton Raphson Method, Application of Newton Raphson Method for Load Flow Studies

Week 9 Load Flow Analysis: Problem Solution using NR method

Week 10 Introduction to faults in power system, Type of Faults, Symmetrical/ Balanced faults
Week 11 Methods for the analysis of Symmetrical Fault: First order method
Week 12 Methods for the analysis of Symmetrical Fault: Bus Impedance Matrix method
Week 13 Symmetrical Components: Introduction and mathematical computation
Week 14 Unbalanced fault analysis: L-G, L-L, L-L-G faults
Week 15 Optimal Power Flow: Economic Dispatch, Energy Conservation
Week 16 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Power System

Synchronous Generator Model
• Field winding and armature winding have same number of poles
• Field winding excitation typically requires 0.2% to 3% of generator
rated output power
• Field winding is placed on the rotor while armature winding on stator
• Field winding is either excited by a DC generator (exciters) or AC
generator (brushless excitation)
• The generator excitation system on the field winding control the
reactive power flow.
• Rotor type can be cylindrical or salient. 70% of generators have
cylindrical rotors. Typical rating is 150 MVA to 1500 MVA.
Synchronous Generator Model
• Two pole three phase
generator is shown below
• Stator (armature) winding
contain three coils aa’, bb’, cc’
displaced by 120 degree
• Rotor (field) winding is rr’
• Rotor is excited to produce
airgap flux f per pole
revolving at constant angular
velocity 
• Flux linkage with coil aa’ is

Synchronous Generator Model – Voltage Induced
• The induced voltage in aa’ is

• Adding winding factor

• Kw is about 0.85 to 0.95

Synchronous Generator Model – Frequency
• The frequency of voltage
induced in aa’ is

• n is synchronous speed [rpm]

• P are number of poles

• In normal conditions
generator operates
synchronous with power grid
Synchronous Generator Model – Currents
• Due to synchronization with
grid, three phase balanced
currents are in armature

Synchronous Generator Model

• Excitation voltage
• Armature resistance
• Synchronous

Skip Sections 3.3

and 3.4

Transformer Model
The voltage E1 across
the primary of ideal
trafo represents the
rms voltage induced in
the primary winding by
the mutual flux f

R1 and R2 are primary and secondary winding resistances

X1 and X2 are primary and secondary leakage reactance
Ic is the core loss current, Rc1 is the core loss resistance
(eddy current and hysteresis losses)
Xm is magnetizing reactance
Transformer Model

Transformer Model

3.7, 3.8 and example 3.4 is

home assignment
Voltage Control of Transformers
• Tap Changing Transformer
• Off-load tap changing transformers
• Tap changing under load (TCUL or OLTC) transformers

V1’ is the supply phase voltage referred to the high voltage side
V2’ is the load phase voltage referred to the high voltage side

Voltage Control of Transformers, Example 3.6
A three-phase transmission line is feeding
from a 23 / 230-kV transformer at its
sending end . The line is supplying a 150-
MVA , 0.8 power factor load through a step-
down transformer of 230 / 23 kV . The
impedance of the line and transformers at
230 kV is 18 + j60 Ohm. The sending end
transformer is energized from a 23-kV
supply . Determine the tap setting for each
transformer to maintain the voltage at the
load at 23 kV

Per-Unit System
1. Procedure is very similar to 1f except we use a 3f
2. VA base, and use line to line voltage bases
a. Pick a 3f VA base for the entire system,
b. Pick a voltage base for each different voltage level, VB. Voltages are line
to line.
c. Calculate the impedance base
VB2, LL ( 3 VB, LN ) 2 VB2, LN
ZB   
S B3f 3S 1Bf S 1Bf

d. Exactly the same impedance bases as with single phase!

Per-Unit System
4. Calculate the current base, IB

S B3f 3 S1Bf S 1Bf

I3Bf     I1Bf
3 VB , LL 3 3 VB , LN VB , LN

Exactly the same current bases as with single-phase!

5. Convert actual values to per unit

Thank you!

SPCAI where Science Meets Business!

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