The Formulation of A RBANS Effort Supplement

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The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement

Joshua Seth Goldberg

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School of Psychology
in conjunction with the
Faculty of Graduate Studies


The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement


Joshua Seth Goldberg


A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of

the requirements for the degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology


September 2019
© 2019

Joshua Seth Goldberg

All Rights Reserved
Each person whose signature appears below certifies that this dissertation in his/her
opinion is adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree Doctor of

Chai erson

Ky~a,~~ofes~o~,'~hysical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Kendal C. Boyd, Asso iate Professor of sychology

Travis G. Fogel, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Grace Lee for continuously

providing me with unconditional support to pursue excellence in my graduate studies and

beyond. Your mentorship is truly unparalleled and it has been one of my life’s great joys

to have learned from you and to have worked with you so closely throughout my

graduate school career.

I would also like to thank Dr. Travis Fogel for introducing me to the world of

clinical neuropsychology. Your enthusiasm and passion for clinical neuropsychology

cultivated my interests in cognitive rehabilitation and effort detection. I cannot articulate

how thankful I am for your guidance and your willingness to share this project’s vision

with me.

This project also would not have been possible without Dr. Kyrstle Barrera and

Dr. Kenny Boyd. Thank you both for the time and effort you dedicated to this study. I

most assuredly could not have completed this project without your advice and direction.

This project also would not have been possible without my family and friends.

Your support propelled me along my graduate career. I extend a special thank you to my

parents, Maureen and Harry, for their unconditional love, generosity, and encouragement.

And of course, I am eternally grateful for my fiancé, Sarah Barney; thank you for always

believing in me.


Approval Page .................................................................................................................... iii

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iv

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x

List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... xi

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ xiii


1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................1

Effort’s Relevance to Neuropsychology ............................................................1

Common Modalities of Effort Detection ...........................................................4

Forced Choice Recognition..........................................................................6

Non-Forced-Choice Measures .....................................................................9

The RBANS .....................................................................................................12

2. Aims and Hypotheses ............................................................................................16

3. Methods..................................................................................................................17

Participants and Procedures .............................................................................17

Instruments .......................................................................................................18

The Dot Counting Test...............................................................................19

The RBANS ...............................................................................................20

Immediate Memory..............................................................................20

List Learning ..................................................................................21

Story Memory ................................................................................21

Visuospatial Ability .............................................................................21

Figure Copy ...................................................................................22

Line Orientation .............................................................................22

Delayed Memory .................................................................................22

List Learning Free Recall...............................................................22

List Learning Recognition .............................................................23
Story Memory Free Recall .............................................................23
Figure Free Recall ..........................................................................23

Language ..............................................................................................23

Picture Naming ..............................................................................23

Semantic Fluency ...........................................................................23

Attention ..............................................................................................24

Digit Span ......................................................................................24

Coding ............................................................................................24

Total Scale ...........................................................................................25

RBANS Effort Supplement........................................................................25

Story Memory Recognition..................................................................25

List Learning Forced Choice ...............................................................25
Picture Naming Forced Choice ............................................................26
Figure Copy Forced Choice .................................................................26
Coding Task .........................................................................................26
RES Total Score ...................................................................................27

The RBANS Effort Scale ...........................................................................27

The RBANS Effort Index ..........................................................................27

4. Results ....................................................................................................................29

Participant Demographic Information .............................................................29

Independent Variables of Interest ....................................................................31
RES Reliability Analyses .................................................................................34
RES Validity ....................................................................................................34
Exploratory Analyses .......................................................................................41

5. Discussion ..............................................................................................................46

Clinical Implications ........................................................................................48

Limitations .......................................................................................................49
Research Implications and Future Directions ..................................................49
Conclusion .......................................................................................................50

References ..........................................................................................................................52


A. RES Study Demographics Questionnaire ..........................................................58

B. IRB Approval Documents ..................................................................................59

C. Manuscript for Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Journal .........................61


Figure Page

Chapter 4

1. ROC Curve Analyzing RES Sensitivity and Specificity .......................................42

2. ROC Curve Analyzing RES Sensitivity and Specificity without RES

Coding Subtest .......................................................................................................43

3. ROC Curve Analyzing EI Sensitivity and Specificity ...........................................44

4. ROC Curve Analyzing ES Sensitivity and Specificity ..........................................45


Tables Page

1. Demographic Statistics for Experimental Groups .................................................30

2. Descriptive Statistics for Experimental Groups on RBANS Indices .....................32

3. Descriptive Statistics for Experimental Groups on Effort Outcome

Measures ................................................................................................................33

4. Partial Correlations among RES and Effort Indices ..............................................36

5. Descriptive Statistics of RES Performance by Raw Subtest and Total

Score ......................................................................................................................39

6. RES Descriptive Statistics for Effort Groups ........................................................40


MMPI-2 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

L Lie

F Infrequency

Fb F Back

K Correction

VRIN Variable Response Inconsistency

TRIN True Response Inconsistency

F-K F Minus K

S Superlative Self-Presentation

Fp Infrequency/Psychopathology

SVT Symptom Validity Test

PVT Performance Validity Test

TOMM Test of Memory Malingering

DCT Dot Counting Test

RDS Reliable Digit Span

WAIS-IV Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Fourth Edition

CVLT-II California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition

WMS-IV-LM Wechsler Memory Scales- Fourth Edition- Logical


WAIS-R Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised

RBANS Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of

Neuropsychological Status

MCI Mild Cognitive Impairment

AD Alzheimer’s Disease

AUC Area under the Curve

ROC Receiver Operating Characteristics

EI Effort Index

ES Effort Scale

RES RBANS Effort Supplement

CNO Clinical Neuropsychology Outpatients

SEG Suboptimal Effort Group

ADHD Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

TBI Traumatic Brain Injury

MND Major Neurocognitive Disorder

PD Parkinson’s Disease

LD Learning Disorder

MS Multiple Sclerosis

KR-20 Kuder-Richardson 20

ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance


The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement


Joshua Seth Goldberg

Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology

Loma Linda University, September 2019
Dr. Grace J. Lee, Chairperson

Assessment of effort detection is an essential component of a neuropsychological

evaluation to ensure results of testing are valid indicators of an individual’s true level of

cognitive functioning. Effort detection in the initial screening process provides

neuropsychologists information regarding patients’ test engagement prior to

administering longer testing batteries. Two effort measures are embedded in the

Repeatable Battery for Assessment of Neuropsychological Status

(RBANS), a neuropsychological screening assessment, but both have demonstrated

elevated false positive rates for classifying individuals with memory impairment as those

putting forth poor effort. These embedded measures rely on cut-off scores on digit span

and memory subtests. In contrast, this RBANS Effort Supplement (RES) utilizes several

forced-choice subtests, reflective of current research emphasizing the importance of

multiple methods of effort detection; subtests in this measure included list learning

forced-choice, figure copy forced-choice, picture naming forced-choice, a coding task,

and a story recognition component utilized for face validity of memory assessment. Fifty-

nine participants were recruited from an outpatient neuropsychology facility in

conjunction with 14 poor effort simulators; each participant was administered the

RBANS, the RES, and the Dot Counting Test (DCT). Results supported the RES’

reliability at the individual decision-making level. Validity analyses demonstrated that

the RES exhibited strong convergent validity with established effort detection measures

and that individuals putting for poor effort scored significantly lower on the RES than

individuals who put forth adequate effort, as delineated by the established DCT cutoff

score of 17. In summary, the RES was shown to be a valid indicator of effort detection.

Clinical implications of the RES include reduction of time and costs involved in

neuropsychological assessment.



Cognitive assessment within the realm of a neuropsychological framework is a

useful tool in diagnosing prominent neurological disorders. Often, patients are referred

for neuropsychological assessment from a neurologist or primary care physician as

changes within cognitive functioning become more apparent to either the patient and/or

their surrounding community. As part of the assessment, patients are asked to put forth

their best effort throughout the administration of cognitive testing so that valid data may

be compiled that is an accurate representation of their cognitive functioning.

Occasionally, patients can consciously or unconsciously fail to provide adequate effort

resulting in invalid testing data.

Effort’s Relevance to Neuropsychology

There are three prominent psychological occurrences that may explain the

manifestation of suboptimal effort in neuropsychological testing. The unconscious failure

to provide adequate effort as a reflection of an unidentified need or conflict is labeled as a

somatoform disorder. The conscious need for a patient to assume a sick role is defined as

a factitious disorder. Finally, malingering is typically defined as intentionally poor effort

in order to maximize an external incentive (Larrabee, 2007). Malingering is more

typically suspected within the medical-legal context, when there is a significant

discrepancy between the individual’s claimed symptomatology and objective findings,

the presence of antisocial personality disorder, and an individual’s lack of overall

cooperation in neuropsychological testing. Within the clinical setting, researchers suggest

utilizing alternative phrasing rather than malingering, as the rationale for improper effort

during testing may not be definitively identifiable. Thus, researchers within the

neuropsychological field suggest using phrasing such as the mobilization of effort and

test investment when referring to possible cases of malingering (Carone, Iverson, &

Bush, 2010). Regardless, the predominant focus of this study was effort detection within

neuropsychological testing.

Glenn Larrabee (2007) explains that suboptimal effort is not necessarily

uncommon in neuropsychological settings. It is estimated that cases of poor effort occur

in 29% of personal injury cases, 30% of disability cases, 19% of criminal cases, 38.5% of

personal injury cases, and 8% of general medical cases involving symptom exaggeration.

Thus, suboptimal effort occurs at relatively high rates in typical neuropsychological

settings and as such, there is a necessity for valid measures of poor effort to distinguish

between individuals who have genuine impairments and those whose symptoms may be

attributed to other factors. Neuropsychologists agree that effort measurement is an

integral part of both forensic and clinical settings (Martin, Schroeder, & Odland, 2015)

and it is estimated that approximately 79 percent of neuropsychologists utilize effort

measures in forensic type assessments (Slick, Tan, Strauss, & Hultsch, 2004).

Determination of suboptimal effort within clinical neuropsychology differs somewhat

across settings; however, a large consensus of neuropsychologists agrees that more

confidence in definitively diagnosing poor effort occurs through multiple effort measures

with little methodological overlap to limit redundancy (Larrabee, 2008; Mittenberg,

Patton, Canyock & Condit, 2002).

The assessment of suboptimal effort can be achieved through several different

modalities. Effort may be assessed through self-report measures, most prominently

through notable personality inventories such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

Inventory-2 (MMPI-2; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989).

Personality assessments often utilize subscales that identify when subjects are

exaggerating psychological symptomatology, the most common of which are somatic

subscales (Heilbronner, Sweet, Morgan, Larrabee, Millis, & Participants, 2009), or

reporting symptomatology that is rare even among those with confirmed psychiatric

illnesses. Specifically, the MMPI-2 has developed particular scales for individuals

attempting to fake good behavior (L scale), faking psychological impairment (F and Fb

scales), answering defensively (K scale), answering questions inconsistently across

similar questions (VRIN), answering all questions indiscriminately as true or false

(TRIN), not answering questions honestly (F-K), attempting to present as excessively

good (S), and overreporting of psychopathological symptoms (Fp). The validity scales for

the MMPI-2 and other self-report measures that simultaneously measure feigned

symptomatology are considered symptom validity tests (SVT’s), whereas assessment of

effort typically resembles tests of cognitive performance, known as performance validity

tests (PVT’s; Larrabee, 2012). A primary focus of this study was to formulate an

efficacious and time-efficient PVT to be utilized within the initial neuropsychological

screening process.

Despite the abundance of effort detection methods currently available to

neuropsychologists, there is a lack of consensus regarding when to use specific PVT’s.

Often, neuropsychologists utilize clinical judgment when incorporating a PVT’s into their

testing batteries (Bigler, 2012). However, the use of standalone PVT’s in forensic

evaluations is strongly encouraged where there is a high risk of invalid responding.

Standalone measures are often lengthier than comparative PVT’s, but such time is

considered medically necessary given the risk of suboptimal effort in these clinical

contexts (Heilbronner et al, 2009).

Symptom Validity testing is also encouraged in cases where an individual

presents with subjective cognitive abilities usually associated with mood concerns.

Disorder-specific inventories with incorporated validity scales are recommended for

targeted analysis of an individual’s mood concerns and their association with their current

cognitive symptoms. General personality inventories with validity scales are also

encouraged when time is available to more fully grasp an individual’s response bias

tendencies (Heilbronner et al, 2009).

Common Modalities of Effort Detection

The measurement of effort in neuropsychology occurs in many different

modalities and formats. Primarily, effort is analyzed through either standalone measures

or embedded measures. Standalone measures, such as the Test of Memory Malingering

(TOMM; Tombaugh, 1997) and the Dot Counting Test (DCT; Boone, Lu, & Herzberg,

2002) are tests specifically designed to measure effort that can be utilized independently

without incorporating information present in any other neuropsychological test within the

test battery. Standalone measures may be designed using an encoding/memory

recognition format (TOMM) or a visual perceptual format (DCT).

An embedded memory measure is an analysis of effort utilizing data collected

within an existing neuropsychological test that may be originally designed to assess a

different aspect of cognitive functioning (Institute of Medicine, 2015). Examples of

embedded measures include Reliable Digit Span from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence

Scale- Fourth edition (RDS; WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008) and the California Verbal

Learning Test-Second Edition forced-choice condition (CVLT-II; Delis, Kramer, Kaplan,

& Ober, 2000). Effort measures of this nature typically utilize memory recognition

(CVLT-II) or attention (RDS) to assess an individual’s concerted effort.

Effort measures may also utilize either a forced-choice or non-forced-choice

paradigm. Forced choice measures appear to be difficult but are in fact, easy tasks.

Typically, in forced-choice, an individual is asked to encode a series of pictures or words

and then later asked to select each of the target pictures or words from two choices.

Participants who perform below chance levels (i.e., below 50%) are identified as

individuals who may been putting forth suboptimal effort. However, commercially

available neuropsychological effort measures typically do not rely on comparing the total

correct responses to the number expected by guess. Rather prominent neuropsychological

effort measures typically examine poor effort as falling in a range of scores that would be

expected by guessing throughout the measure (Frederick & Speed, 2007).

Non-forced-choice paradigms utilize a variety of methods including memory

recognition, such as Logical Memory II Recognition from the Wechsler Memory Scale-

Fourth Edition, motor skills (The B Test; Boone, Lu, & Herzberg, 2002), and perceptual

skills (DCT). Neuropsychological batteries often include several methods of effort

detection to create a more comprehensive approach. The purpose of this study was to

incorporate various methods of effort methodology into one brief but comprehensive

supplement to aid in effort analysis within the initial neuropsychological screening

process. To fully examine the framework of the measure, it is necessary to discuss the

prominent methodologies and existing assessments of effort currently being utilized

within the field of neuropsychology.

Forced-Choice Recognition

Forced choice recognition is becoming an increasingly popular method of

analyzing effort. As explained previously, in forced-choice measures, the target stimuli

are presented, after which the original targets are presented together with a foil and the

subject is asked to choose which of the two items was presented previously. Forced

choice recognition of memory malingering typically assesses how the examinee performs

according to chance level (Grote & Hook, 2007). If an examinee performs below chance

levels (i.e., less than 50% accuracy), it is thought that the examinee must knowingly be

choosing the wrong answer, as an individual with no previous exposure to the original

stimuli would still be expected to perform at chance levels. Research has indicated there

is no significant correlation between memory capacity and forced-choice performance

(Root, Robbins, Chang, & Van Gorp, 2006). Clinically referred patients in

neuropsychology clinics routinely performed at near perfect levels within the forced-

choice paradigm. Thus, performance at below levels of chance is characterized as

suboptimal effort.

One forced-choice recognition test that is commonly utilized within the clinical

neuropsychological field is the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM). When given the

TOMM, subjects are presented a series of 50 pictures of objects. Immediately following

the initial presentation, the examinee is presented with each object along with a foil and

asked to pick the picture they saw previously. Subjects are corrected on incorrect

responses. Following the first trial, the subject is once again presented with the same

pictures but in a different order. Immediately following the second presentation of

pictures, the subject is once again asked to pick the correct pictures from foils. After a

fifteen-minute delay, an optional retention trial can be administered where the subject is

once again administered the forced-choice paradigm between original images and foils,

but without being presented with the original stimuli. Results from TOMM research

studies have found that the test is considered relatively easy for individuals with

depression, chronic pain, and dementia. The TOMM is considered a good screener for

overall effort but is often criticized for being too easy and too long (Strauss, Sherman, &

Spreen, 2006). Like the majority of forced-choice measures, it is recommended that the

TOMM be utilized in conjunction with other measures of effort. In a cognitively impaired

setting, the TOMM achieved high sensitivity of 90% when diagnosis of dementia was

ruled out. However, when accounting for dementia diagnoses, the TOMM misclassified

patients with dementia as putting forth suboptimal effort by over 70%, suggesting that the

measure may be overly sensitive for individuals with dementia (Teicher & Wagner,

2004). These contrasts findings suggesting that the TOMM, along with the CVLT-II

forced-choice, is reliably sensitive to suboptimal effort in cases of feigned traumatic brain

injury (Moore & Donders, 2004). Thus, this current study will aim to provide a globally

valid measure of effort within a neuropsychological setting.

As alluded to previously, another forced-choice measure is an embedded measure

in the second edition of the California Verbal Learning Test. The CVLT-II is a verbal

memory test where subjects are presented with a list of 16 words and asked to recall them

over several trials at several different time points, both spontaneously and with category

cues (immediate free recall, immediate cued recall, short delay free recall, long delay free

recall, long delay cued recall, and yes/no recognition). Following the yes/no recognition

portion of the CVLT-II and a ten-minute delay thereafter, subjects can be given a forced-

choice recognition trial.

In a medicolegal setting, the CVLT-II forced-choice paradigm performed

similarly to the TOMM, in that it was suggested to be very sensitive (ranging from 81-

93%), and only moderately specific (32-60%). Furthermore, it was recommended that the

forced-choice component of the CVLT-II not be used for individuals suffering from frank

dementia (Root et al., 2006). Thus, caution should be taken when definitively diagnosing

poor effort as reflected by the CVLT-II forced-choice, especially in settings assessing for

cognitive impairment. This is inherently problematic considering that dementia cases are

extremely common within neuropsychological practices. Additionally, it is also worth

mentioning that forced-choice measures should not be used in isolation to identify faulty

effort. Although researchers have stated that forced-choice measures are the most

effective modality of assessing suboptimal effort, it is recommended that forced-choice

measures be utilized in combination with other effort measures to provide a more

comprehensive overview of an individual’s effort during testing (Strauss, Sherman, &

Spreen, 2006). A forced-choice measure alone would not adequately define an

individual’s effort as suboptimal. This study will attempt to create a globally specific and

sensitive effort measure utilizing both forced-choice and non-forced-choice paradigms to

optimize the detection of suboptimal effort.

Non-Forced-Choice Measures

Despite the effectiveness of forced-choice measures in assessing for poor effort,

there are some limitations that warrant utilization of additional measures. As discussed

previously, researchers have highlighted the importance of examining multiple non-

interrelated measures of effort in order to validly examine definitive inadequate effort

(Boone & Lu, 2007). Additionally, some standalone forced-choice measures often require

lengthy durations to properly administer, and many can also be overly sensitive to

legitimate memory impairment. Neuropsychologists often bolster stand-alone forced-

choice malingering measures with non-forced-choice embedded effort measures.

Individuals putting forth suboptimal effort on embedded measures of effort,

specifically those involving recognition, tend to exaggerate poor performance on memory

tasks after delayed recall (Axelrod, Fichtenberg, Millis, & Wertheimer, 2006). On the

Wechsler Memory Scales, Fourth Edition Logical Memory (WMS-IV-LM; Wechsler,

2009) patients are presented with two stories that they are asked to recall immediately

and after a 20-30-minute delay. After the delay, patients are asked to recall the story from

memory and are then administered a series of yes/no questions designed to see if they can

recognize story details in this format. Literature has indicated that yes/no questions are

different from forced-choice recognition in that they present targets and foils one after

another, as opposed to forced-choice recognition measures that present targets and foils

simultaneously (Bayley, Wixted, Hopkins, & Squire, 2008).

Recognition is typically easier than spontaneous recall (McDougall, 1904;

Postman, 1963), as researchers have identified that recalling an item from memory

requires more memory storage than simply recognizing the item via prompt. Thus, many

patients (apart from those with severe dementia) who have difficulty recalling story

details during the delayed recall trials tend to perform better on the recognition trial,

when questions are posed in a yes/no format. In a study examining simulators acting as

malingerers in comparison to individuals of mixed etiology and healthy controls,

simulated malingerers performed significantly worse on the WMS-IV-LM Recognition

test than both patients with mixed etiology and the healthy controls (Bouman, Hendriks,

Schmand, Kessels, & Aldenkamp, 2016). Such findings indicated that individuals who

feign impairments commonly overestimate the extent of cognitive deficiencies of patients

who have true disorders.

Another prominent embedded measure is the Reliable Digit Span (RDS). RDS

was originally derived from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R;

Wechsler, 1981) Digit Span subtest, a measure of attention and working memory

(Greiffenstein, Baker, & Gola, 1994). Within this subtest, examinees are asked to repeat a

series of digits, initially forwards and then in backwards order until they provide incorrect

responses on both trials of any given length of digit sequence. RDS is calculated by

taking the sum of the length of the longest consecutive strings successfully repeated

forward and backward. RDS is utilized within neuropsychological effort testing because

it is based on the assumption that digit span appears to be a test on which brain-injured

patients may exhibit difficulty but in reality, it is relatively preserved among patients with

brain dysfunction including amnesia (Etherton, Bianchini, Greve, & Heinly, 2005).

Research has demonstrated RDS is moderately sensitive and specific to poor

effort in a forensic setting (Sensitivity = 63%, Specificity = 86%) and can distinguish

individuals who provide suboptimal effort from individuals with appropriate effort by

more than one pooled standard variation (Jasinski, Berry, Shandera, & Clark, 2011:

Larrabee & Berry, 2007). Thus, RDS seems to be an adequate measure of detecting poor

effort in conjunction with additional embedded recognition tasks such as WMS-IV-LM

Recognition and forced-choice measures. Despite the documented utility of embedded

non-forced-choice measures of effort such as those included in the Wechsler scales, a

standalone non-forced-choice effort measure was an ideal choice for optimizing effort

detection in the current study.

Another method of analyzing effort is through the usage of standalone non-

forced-choice measures. A commonly used effort measure that is neither embedded nor

of the forced-choice variety is the Dot Counting Test (DCT; Boone, Lu, & Herzberg,

2002). On the DCT, patients are presented a series of cards with dots and are asked to

count the dots as quickly as possible without committing any errors. Cards one through

six contain dots disseminated randomly across the page, whereas cards 7-12 contain dots

that are organized in clusters. A composite score (E-score) is computed based on the

patient’s average time to complete cards 1-6, summed with the patient’s average time on

cards 7-12 and total number of errors. Patients who may attempt to feign impairments

often overestimate the difficulty of the DCT, and consequently take an inordinate amount

of time to complete each item and/or commit numerous counting errors (Strauss,

Sherman, & Spreen, 2006). The DCT has been shown to have moderate sensitivity (70%)

and high specificity (90%) within clinical settings and is highly correlated with simple

digit span (56% shared variance). However, like other effort measures, it is recommended

that this assessment be used in conjunction with other effort measures.

Neuropsychological research has identified improved accuracy in malingering

detection when multiple measures of heterogeneous methodology are utilized together in

order to substantiate effort claims. Current recommendations for neuropsychological

practice suggest utilizing several effort indicators throughout a testing battery to

definitively confirm suspect effort (Heilbronner et al., 2009). Specifically, research has

indicated that failure on two effort measures likely suggests the presence of feigned

impairment (Larrabee, 2003). Chaining measures of independent methodology increases

the likelihood of correctly identifying suspect effort, whereas chaining effort measures

with methodological overlap may inflate such probability (Grimes & Schulz, 2005). This

study similarly aimed to create an effort measure utilizing multiple methods of analyzing

effort within the neuropsychological screening process.


Effort measures can often be integrated into initial consultations along with

neuropsychological screening measures to help identify the cognitive capacities of new

patients as well as determine whether interpretations and future testing may be needed

after the initial consult. A commonly administered screening measure is the Repeatable

Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS; Randolph, 1998).

The RBANS, originally developed to detect dementia, consists of five domains:

immediate memory, visuospatial/constructional skills, language, attention, and delayed

memory. One of the key utilities of the RBANS is that it is highly correlated with longer

neuropsychological assessments, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV Full

Scale Intelligence Quotient (r = .75), but it only requires thirty minutes to complete

(Hartman, 2009). Research within the last decade has also revealed that among

commonly used dementia screening measures, total RBANS performance is one of the

better measures in predicting total brain volume (Paul et al., 2011). Despite the RBANS

lack of sensitivity (Total Scale Sensitivity = 0.55) towards classification of individuals

with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI; Duff, Hobson, Beglinger, &

O’Bryant, 2010), the RBANS does seem to be a valid diagnostic indicator of more

pronounced neurologic disease. In terms of its diagnostic accuracy for Alzheimer’s

disease (AD), the RBANS demonstrated high probability of correctly classifying

individuals with and without AD across all index scores (Duff, Clark, O’Bryant, Mold,

Schiffer, & Sutker, 2008). Specifically, Duff et al. analyzed areas under the curve (AUC)

of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) to examine the diagnostic utility of the

RBANS to correctly classify individuals with and without AD according to their

performance on all RBANS indices within a 0 to 1 scale. High diagnostic accuracy was

reflected on all RBANS indices, including visuospatial/constructional (AUC = 0.74),

language (AUC = 0.83), and attention (AUC = 0.81), and particularly high accuracy on

immediate memory (AUC = 0.96), delayed memory (AUC = 0.98), and total index score


The RBANS’ relevance to dementia screening in neuropsychology has warranted

the development of accompanying effort measures to detect feigned impairment.

However, the effort measures associated with the RBANS currently do not completely

capture feigned impairment when it occurs in testing. As the RBANS’ utility as a

cognitive screener has become more established, neuropsychological researchers have

attempted to develop embedded malingering measures within its framework. Two such

measures include the RBANS Effort Index (EI; Silverberg, Wertheimer, Fichtenberg,

2007) and the RBANS Effort Scale (ES; Novitski, Steele, Karantzoulis, & Randolph,

2012). The EI is calculated by combining the digit span subtest and list recognition scores

into weighted scores, based on the utility of digit span and recognition formats that have

been previously validated for symptom validity measurement. The ES utilizes the same

subtests as the EI but includes an additional adjustment based on free recall scores (ES =

List Recognition – (List Recall + Story Recall + Figure Recall) + Digit Span). Novitski et

al. (2012) formulated the ES in this manner in order to discriminate between memory

impairment and feigned impairment, as patients with true memory impairment are likely

to have extremely low free recall scores (close to zero) by the time recognition scores

begin to drop.

Despite the empirically validated research from which these measures were

constructed, research has demonstrated that their validity may be somewhat limited.

Research has illustrated that although the EI exhibits good specificity for simulated

malingerers with a false-positive rate of 19% or less at selected cutoffs, it has only

moderate sensitivity (66%), which risks the possibility of misdiagnosing malingerers with

memory-related conditions (Crighton, Wygant, Holt, & Granacher, 2015). Additionally,

the EI has been shown to have an elevated false-positive rate within populations of

individuals suffering from dementias (Novitski et al., 2012; Duff et al, 2011).

Concurrently, the ES has misclassified participants as malingerers due to its heavy

emphasis on subtracting free recall scores as an overall reflection of its focus on patients

with amnesia and has also reflected high false-positive rates as well (Crighton et al.,

2015). Thus, despite the presence of current embedded effort measures within the

RBANS, such measures have exhibited limitations in correctly categorizing good effort

and poor effort in dementia populations. There would appear to be a need for a more

valid measure of effort detection utilizing the RBANS.

In this study, a new measure, the RBANS Effort Supplement, was formulated and

assessed for reliability and validity to detect suboptimal effort through the sole usage of

the RBANS assessment. The formulation of the RES had several particular advantages. It

was designed to be a quick measure to administer, with the opportunity for cost-

efficiency in that a subsequent longer evaluation would not be needed if effort were

found to be a significant issue. It also included different methods/formats of malingering

detection: forced-choice and memory recognition, reflective of Glenn Larrabee’s research

concerning how the aggregation of varying measures of effort provide a more definitive

finding of suboptimal effort (Larrabee, 2008). Thus, the primary aim of this study was to

establish the reliability and validity of the RBANS Effort Supplement (RES). It was

hypothesized that the RES would be specific and sensitive towards detecting suboptimal

effort in a simulator group compared to a generalized clinical neuropsychology




The primary aim of this study was to determine if the RBANS Effort Supplement

(RES) was a reliable and valid measure of effort. To measure the RES’ reliability, the

RES was assessed for internal consistency utilizing the Kuder-Richardson 20 method

(Kuder & Richardson, 1937). It was hypothesized that the RES would be internally

consistent. Following reliability analysis, the construct validity of the RES was examined.

Specifically, The RES was assessed for convergent validity utilizing partial correlations

controlling for age and years of education. It was hypothesized that the RES would

exhibit convergent validity with the RBANS Effort Index, RBANS Effort Scale, and the

Dot Counting Test. Further, we hypothesized that participants within the experimental

malingering sample would score significantly lower on the RES in comparison to clinical


An exploratory aim of this study was to examine the specificity and sensitivity of

the RES. Such analyses were conducted utilizing ROC curve analyses according to a RES

cut-off score to be determined according to frequency characteristics of the RES itself. It

was hypothesized that the RES will be specific and sensitive in correctly classifying

individuals engaging in suboptimal performance clinical groups.



Participants and Procedures

Our study included two independent samples, a clinical neuropsychology

outpatient (CNO) and a comparative suboptimal effort group. The CNO group was

comprised of 59 outpatients, who were referred for neuropsychological testing at the

Loma Linda University Medical Center East Campus neuropsychology service. Our

suboptimal effort group was recruited from Loma Linda University and included 15

students from the graduate student population. All subjects fell within the age range of

20-89 and all spoke English fluently. One participant was excluded utilizing the outlier

labelling rule on the RES total score to help correct for the skewness of the data. As such

our analyses included 59 individuals included in the clinical outpatient group in

comparison to 14 individuals included in the suboptimal effort group.

Participants involved in the CNO group were individuals who had been referred

for clinical neuropsychological services for various reasons, including mild cognitive

impairment, traumatic brain injury, stroke, epilepsy, ADHD, and varying mood disorders.

After participants had completed a structured clinical interview as part of their

neuropsychological referral, they were asked to participate in the current study. Agreeing

participants completed the informed consent process and gave permission to use the

results of their clinical testing (i.e. RBANS, RES, Dot Counting Test) for the current

study. Participants then completed a brief additional structured interview asking for basic

demographic information (i.e. age, ethnicity, education, referral complaint, handedness,

engagement in previous neuropsychological testing, and current legal involvement).

Participants were administered the RBANS as part of their routine neuropsychological

assessment and were additionally administered the RES immediately thereafter.

Participants enrolled in the suboptimal effort group (SEG) were recruited from

Loma Linda University’s graduate population. Subjects were recruited from various

departments in the university through department-wide email notifications and campus-

wide postings. Participants completed the informed consent process and a brief structured

interview of demographic information. Participants were given the following script

(DenBoer & Hall, 2007), prompting them to approach the neuropsychological tests as if

they were trying to appear brain damaged in order to receive financial compensation in an

ongoing lawsuit:

You are about to take some cognitive tests that examine mental abilities such as attention, memory,
thinking and reasoning skills, and your ability to think quickly. While responding to the tests, please
pretend that you have experienced brain damage from a car accident involving a head-on collision.
You hit your head against the windshield and were knocked out for 15 minutes. Afterwards, you felt
‘‘dazed’’ so you were hospitalized overnight for observation. Because the driver of the other car is at
fault, you have decided to go to court to get money from the person responsible. During the next few
months following the accident, the negative effects from your head injury disappear. Your lawsuit has
not been settled yet, and your lawyer has told you that you may get more money if you look like you
are still suffering from brain damage. As you pretend to be this car accident victim, try to respond to
each test as a patient who is trying to appear brain damaged in order to get money from the lawsuit.
Thus, your performance on the tests should convince the examiner as well as the people involved in
deciding the outcome of your lawsuit that you are still suffering from brain damage.

Approval for the study was obtained from the Loma Linda University Human

Subjects Committee Institutional Review Board, and written informed consent was

acquired from all participants upon enrollment. It should be noted that Loma Linda

University associated legal counsel stated that the RBANS Effort Supplement was

considered legally permissible as long as primary investigators did not attempt to earn a

profit from the measure itself. The RES was only utilized for the purposes of this study.


Prior to the examination of participants, examiners interviewed participants using

a standardized questionnaire (See Appendix B) in order to gather relevant demographic

information, including age, years of education, gender, ethnicity, referral, handedness,

prior neuropsychological testing, and engagement in ongoing litigation. Of note, none of

the participants were involved in previous litigation and three participants had engaged in

previous neuropsychological testing (one participant in 2016, another in 1985, and the

third at an unknown time) .

The Dot Counting Test

Boone, Lu, and Herzberg’s Dot Counting Test (2002) is a measure of symptom

validity and malingering. Participants are presented with a series of twelve dotted cards

and are asked to count the number dots as quickly as possible and relay to the examiner

the number of dots that they counted. On cards one through six, the dots on the cards are

disseminated in no organizational fashion. In cards seven through twelve, the dots on the

cards are grouped in such a way that it is easier to count the number of dots quickly. An

E-score is tabulated according to the participant’s response times and number of errors on

the test itself (lower E-scores reflect fewer errors and faster response times). Research has

identified that the DCT is an adequate measure of suspect effort, with moderate

sensitivity and high specificity of identifying possible malingerers. It has been

encouraged that the DCT be utilized in conjunction with other measures when assessing

for symptom validity (Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2008). Previous research has

suggested a general cut-off score of >17 for classification of suboptimal effort (Boone et

al., 2002).


Randolph’s RBANS (1998) is a neuropsychological assessment used to test the

cognitive status of individuals suffering from neurological diseases or head trauma. One

of the core advantages to using the RBANS is its brevity. The RBANS takes

approximately 30 minutes to administer, as opposed to other cognitive assessments that

require a much longer duration to fully administer.

The RBANS is comprised of five indices (immediate memory, delayed memory,

visuospatial ability, language, and attention) and twelve subtests (list learning, story

memory, figure copy, line orientation, digit span, symbol digit coding, picture naming,

semantic fluency, list recall, list recognition, story recall, and figure recall). All index

scores are comprised of two subtests except for the delayed memory domain, which

consists of four subtests. The RBANS total score provides an overall outcome statistic for

an individual’s overall neuropsychological functioning. In addition to the total score,

individual subscale scores for immediate memory, visuospatial ability, language,

attention, and delayed memory can be calculated. All subtests are given a subtest raw

score. Raw scores of subtests within each domain are added and converted to an age-

corrected index score. Index scores can also be converted to percentile scores, according

to the age-based normative conversions from the RBANS manual.

Immediate Memory

The Immediate Memory domain assesses an individual’s ability to remember and

recall a small amount of information directly after it has been presented. The immediate

memory domain is assessed using two subtests:

List Learning

List Learning consists of a list of 10 unrelated words, read for immediate recall

over four trials, with a maximum score of 40. Words used in the List Learning task are

considered moderate-high imagery words with relatively low age of acquisition. The high

imagery levels and low age of acquisition of these words is considered helpful in

reducing education effects on neuropsychological performance and allows for easing

language translation difficulties.

Story Memory

This subtest is comprised of a story with 12 itemized details; the story is read for

immediate recall over two trials, for a total maximum score of 24.

Visuospatial Ability

The Visuospatial domain prompts participants to examine, comprehend, and

recreate spatial relations. Notably, this domain assesses participants’ ability to estimate

distance and depth and navigate the surrounding environment. The subtests used to

analyze visuospatial/constructional ability are as follows:

Figure Copy.

The Figure Copy subtest prompts participants to draw an exact copy of a complex

figure comprised of geometric shapes. The subtest itself is considered very similar yet

less complex to the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (Meyers & Meyers, 1995). The

RBANS figure is comprised of 10 components, and a structured simplified scoring guide,

which provides for a maximum score of 20.

Line Orientation

On this subtest, participants are presented with an arrangement of 13 lines,

beginning at a common point of origin and fanning out across 180 degrees, which serves

as the reference figure. Each item consists of two target lines that are shown beneath the

reference figure. Subjects must correctly identify which two lines in the reference match

the two target lines. Line orientation consists of 10 items, each comprised of two target

lines, for a total maximum score of 20.

Delayed Memory

The Delayed Memory domain of the RBANS requires participants to recall

information for an extended length of time. These subtests are presented to the

participants approximately 20 minutes after initial presentation.

List Learning Free Recall

Free recall of the words from the List Learning subtest (max = 10).

List Learning Recognition

Yes/No recognition of the words from the List Learning subtest, with 10 foils

(max = 20).

Story Memory Free Recall

Free recall of the story from the Story Memory subtest (max=12).

Figure Free Recall

Free recall of the figure from the Figure Copy subtest (max = 20).


The language domain prompts participants to execute communication skills to

verbally name and retrieve previously learned semantic information. Two subtests are

included in this domain:

Picture Naming

Picture Naming is considered a confrontation-naming task, with 10-line drawings

of objects that the participant must name.

Semantic Fluency

Participants are allotted one minute to provide as many examples from a semantic

category as possible (i.e., animals, fruits).


The RBANS attention domain assesses an individual’s ability to select a

component of information to focus on in subsequent processing and integration tasks.

The attention domain prompts the participant to manipulate previously presented material

(visual and oral) that has been stored within the individual’s short-term memory. This

domain includes the following subtests:

Digit Span

Subjects are asked to repeat a series of numbers, with stimulus items increasing in

length from 2 digits to 9 digits. The items are presented in order of length (shortest to

longest), and the test itself is discontinued when the participant fails all trials within a

given string length. It should be noted that there is no digit span backwards on the



Coding is an assessment of an examinee’s processing speed that is very similar to

the Coding subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Subjects are asked to fill in

digits matching with corresponding shapes on a coding key as fast as they can. After

practice items are completed, participants have 90 seconds to complete as many items as


Total Scale

The Total Scale is the overall outcome statistic for an individual’s overall

neuropsychological functioning as comprised by the sum of all the index scores of the

RBANS (Attention, Immediate Memory, Delayed Memory, Visuospatial/Constructional,

and Language).

RBANS Effort Supplement

The RES is comprised of one Yes-No Recognition component (Story Memory)

and four components in Forced-Choice Recognition format: List Learning, Picture

Naming, Figure Copy, and Coding. It should be noted that the RES has never been

utilized in previous research. The RES was constructed utilizing the stimuli in RBANS

form A, with all non-target stimuli for verbal and nonverbal information derived from

alternative forms of the RBANS.

Story Memory Recognition

Participants were administered 12 questions in a yes/no format regarding details

from the story that was read to them twice previously in the RBANS Story Memory

subtest (max = 12). This subtest was not included in the final RES Total score and was

meant to serve as face valid indicator of memory performance.

List Learning Forced Choice

Participants were administered a forced-choice task involving the 10 words from

the List Learning subtest. For each item, participants were prompted with two words, one

word from the original list and one novel word, and subsequently asked to select the word

that appeared on the original list (max =10).

Picture Naming Forced Choice

Participants were administered a forced-choice task involving the 10 objects from

the Picture Naming subtest. For each item, participants were prompted with two pictures,

one that was presented during the Picture Naming task and one that was not and asked to

select the picture they had seen previously. It should be noted that the non-target pictures

were pictures from alternate forms of the RBANS. (max =10).

Figure Copy Forced Choice

Participants were administered a forced-choice task involving the Figure Copy

subtest. On each item, participants were prompted with two figures, one that was a

component of the original figure presented during the Figure Copy task and one that was

not and asked to select the component they had seen previously. It should be noted that

figures that were presented that were not components of the original complete figure

were figure components from alternate forms of the RBANS (max = 12).

Coding Task

Participants were administered a task involving the 9 symbols from the Coding

subtest. Participants were asked to select 9 coding symbols from a larger set, which they

thought matched those they had seen during the previous administration of the RBANS

Coding subtest. Participants were also asked to recall where each symbol was located in

the original key; this location task was not included in the final RES Total Score and was

meant to serve as a ruse that the measure appeared to be more difficult than it actually

was. It should be noted that symbols that were presented that were not components of the

original complete figure were symbols used in alternate forms of the RBANS (max = 9).

RES Total Score

The Total RES score was computed by adding all total scores except for RES

Recognition (Max = 41).

The RBANS Effort Scale

The RBANS Effort Scale (Novitski et al., 2012) is an existing embedded measure

in the RBANS, which is calculated by subtracting delayed free recall scores from

recognition and then adding the score from the RBANS digit span subtest. The measure

was validated on a population of individuals with amnestic disorders and compared

against a mild traumatic brain injury group who had failed a second measure of effort. ES

scores less than 12 are considered suspicious for poor effort. However, a limitation of the

ES is that it yields significantly negative scores when individuals perform at a high level

on measures of delayed free recall and has been cautioned to only be utilized in

circumstances where effort during testing is in question.

The RBANS Effort Index

The RBANS Effort Index (Silverberg, Wertheimer, & Fichtenberg, 2007) is

another embedded effort measure in the RBANS. Primary investigators for the EI

converted raw scores into a common metric based on their relative infrequency in a

derivation sample with true cognitive impairment and then summed these weighted

scores to arrive at an index score. More infrequent scores on digit span and list

recognition were assigned higher weighted values. The EI is then calculated by using

weighted scores on RBANS raw scores of digit span and list recognition and computed

by adding the sum of these weighted scores. Thus, a higher EI score indicates worse

effort. The measure was validated on a clinical neurological disorders population and

compared against a mild traumatic brain injury group in conjunction with three

“suboptimal” groups. EI scores greater than 3 are considered suspicious for suboptimal




Participant Demographic Information

The demographic characteristics of participants in the CNO and SEG are shown

in Table 1. In sum, 73 participants were included in analyses for this study. The CNO

was comprised of 59 participants (50.9% male) with an average age of approximately 54

years (M = 53.54, SD = 20.23). The majority of participants were Caucasian (66.1%)

with an average of approximately 15 years of education (M = 14.89 years, SD = 2.49). In

contrast, the SEG included 14 participants (36.7% male) with an average age of

approximately 30 years (M = 30.29, SD = 12.02). The majority of participants were

Caucasian (28.6%) with an average of approximately 16 years of education (M = 16.42,

SD = 1.16)). Of note, the SEG was significantly younger and had more years of education

than the CNO group, p <.05.

The distributions of outcome measures (e.g. RES, Dot Counting Test, RBANS

Effort Scale and RBANS Effort Index) were examined. The RES was found to be

negatively skewed. To correct for skewness, logarithmic transformations of RES were

used; the RES was then normally distributed. We found that the Dot Counting Test

(DCT) and RBANS Effort Index (EI) were positively skewed. We then performed

logarithmic transformations of these outcome measures as well, resulting in normal

distributions for both outcome measures. The RBANS Effort Scale (ES) was normally

distributed and did not require transformations.

Table 1. Demographic Statistics for Experimental Groups

Total N = 73 Clinical Actor Group

Group N = 14 Statistic p Value
N = 59
Gender (%)
Male 30 (50.9) 5 (36.7) 2 = 1.04 .31
Female 29 (49.1) 9 (63.3)
Age (SD) 53.54 (20.23) 30.29 (12.02) t = -4.11 .00**
Ethnicity (%) 2 = .00**
Caucasian 39 (66.1) 4 (28.6)
African American 7 (11.9) 2 (14.3)
Latino 5 (8.5) 3 (21.4)
Asian 2 (3.4) 4 (28.6)
Indian 1 (1.6) 1 (0.4)
Other 5 (8.5) 0 (0)
Education Years (SD) 14.93 (2.49) 16.42 (1.16) t = 2.32 .03*
Diagnosis (%)
Suboptimal Effort - 14 (100)
MCI 20 (33.9) -
Somatoform 7 (11.9) -
Normal 6 (10.2) -
ADHD 6 (10.2) -
TBI 5 (8.1) -
MND 4 (6.8) -
PD 3 (5.1) -
Mood 3 (5.1) -
LD 2 (3.4) -
MS 1 (1.7) -
Epilepsy 1 (1.7) -
Executive 1 (1.7) -

Note. *denotes significance at p <.05. ** denotes significance at p <.01

Independent Variables of Interest

Descriptive statistics calculated for all experimental groups on RBANS indices

are shown in Table 2. Additionally, descriptive statistics on relevant outcome measures

are shown in Table 3.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Experimental Groups on RBANS Indices
Immediate Visuospatial Language Attention Delayed Total Scale
Clinical Groups (Total) 77.46 (15.34) 88.92 (16.59) 92.81 (13.29) 89.44 (16.83) 82.63 (20.87) 82.25 (14.94)

MCI 75.00 (15.04) 91.35 (18.39) 91.55 (12.55) 97.20 (14.70) 81.70 (20.79) 83.55 (14.20)

Somatoform 78.14 (13.40) 89.14 (21.24) 94.29 (9.36) 75.57 (17.03) 80.00 (20.73) 78.86 (16.64)

Normal 88.33 (20.39) 90.17 (13.57) 101.50 (9.48) 97.33 (22.12) 91.83 (19.29) 91.33 (24.11)

ADHD 80.83 (6.31) 91.50 (13.53) 94.83 (16.33) 84.17 (8.84) 89.67 (10.69) 84.33 (8.94)

TBI 82.40 (14.54) 90.80 (14.69) 89.80 (11.67) 88.00 (19.90) 82.00 (34.76) 83.20 (21.42)

MND 59.00 (6.93) 67.50 (5.80) 77.75 (16.46) 79.00 (10.68) 58.75 (14.64) 61.00 (8.60)

PD 68.67 (6.35) 88.67 (13.50) 93.33 (7.09) 95.00 (6.25) 93.33 (8.08) 83.67 (5.51)

Mood 87.67 (28.10) 97.67 (12.50) 107.67 (10.97) 88.33 (22.19) 84.67 (21.36) 91.67 (24.11)

LD 77.00 (5.66) 97.00 (7.07) 100.00 (11.31) 73.00 (12.73) 77.00 (5.66) 78.00 (16.97)

MS 65.00 (-) 64.00 (-) 99.00 (-) 91.00 (-) 65.00 (-) 75.00 (-)

Epilepsy 78.00 (-) 72.00 (-) 74.00 (-) 72.00 (-) 78.00 (-) 72.00 (-)

Executive dysfunction 94.00 (-) 92.00 (-) 71.00 (-) 100.00 (-) 94.00 (-) 87.00 (-)

Actor Group 65.93 (15.32) 65.07 (11.17) 70.00 (27.47) 62.00 (20.36) 61.43 (20.20) 59.50 (15.47)

Notes. Scores are standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15). Abbreviations: MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment), ADHD (Attention-Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder), TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), MND (Major Neurocognitive Disorder), PD (Parkinson’s Disease), LD
(Learning Disorder), MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Experimental Groups on Effort Outcome Measures
Clinical Groups (Total) 39.59 (2.29) 7.69 (10.15) 0.95 (1.46) 11.76 (4.10)

MCI 39.20 (2.82) 13.10 (8.78) 0.70 (1.34) 11.60 (4.02)

Somatoform 39.29 (2.63) 2.29 (5.74) 2.86 (1.95) 14.29 (5.96)

Normal 40.50 (0.84) 2.67 (6.06) 0.33 (0.82) 8.17 (2.04)

ADHD 40.83 (0.41) -3.00 (4.10) 1.17 (1.32) 10.17 (2.14)

TBI 39.20 (2.68) 6.40 (13.10) 1.00 (1.41) 11.40 (3.05)

MND 37.00 (2.16) 21.00 (6.88) 0.75 (0.96) 15.00 (2.45)

PD 41.00 (0.00) 12.33 (5.86) 0.00 (0.00) 13.67 (5.51)


Mood 40.00 (1.73) 2.67 (9.29) 1.00 (1.73) 11.00 (5.57)

LD 40.50 (0.71) 4.00 (9.43) 1.00 (1.41) 11.50 (2.12)

MS 40.00 (-) 17.00 (-) 0.00 (-) 9.00 (-)

Epilepsy 40.00 (-) -2.00 (-) 0.00 (-) 17.00 (-)

Executive dysfunction 41.00 (-) -6.00 (-) 0.00 (-) 12.00 (-)

Actor Group 33.14 (8.05) 5.43 (5.40) 4.79 (4.84) 19.79 (7.57)

Note. Abbreviations: MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment), ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), TBI (Traumatic Brain
Injury), MND (major neurocognitive disorder), PD (Parkinson’s Disease), LD (Learning Disorder), MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
RES Reliability Analyses

To analyze the primary aim of assessing the internal consistency of the RES, the

Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20; Kuder & Richardson, 1937) was utilized. The

KR-20 is recommended over the split half method of internal consistency reliability

because the split-half method artificially reduces a test’s reliability by its division of the

analysis into two parts. Additionally, the KR-20 is recommended for a test that is

dichotomously scored such as the RES (Cortina, 1993). Our internal consistency analysis

revealed that the 41-item RES with picture naming, figure copy, coding, and word list

subtests had a reliability coefficient of α = 0.91, which is in accordance with acceptable

standards for individual decision-making (Nunnally, 1978). Individual reliability

analyses for individual subtests were as follows: RES picture naming α = 0.81, RES

figure copy α = 0.72, RES coding α = 0.65, RES word list α = 0.81. As such, no

individual subtest alone demonstrated an acceptable reliability for individual

decision-making. Considering the low reliability level of the RES coding, the RES’

reliability was assessed once again after extracting the coding subtest, which

revealed similar reliability, α = 0.91.

RES Validity

To determine convergent validity, partial correlations were used between the RES

total score to assess for associations with existing effort measures such as the DCT, ES,

and EI controlling for age and years of education. Analyses revealed that the RES was

negatively associated with the EI (r = - 0.83, p <.01) and the DCT (r = -0.52, p <.01). As

such, higher scores on the RES were associated with lower scores on the EI and DCT. It

was not significantly associated with the ES, p > .05.

Additionally, partial correlations were utilized for all individual RES subtests to

examine their associations with the DCT, ES, and EI, again controlling for age and years

of education. RES picture naming was negatively associated with the EI (r = -0.86, p <

.01) and the DCT (r = -0.53, p < .01) but was not significant associated with the ES, p

>.05. RES figure copying was negatively associated with the ES (r = -0.28, p < .01), the

EI (r = -0.73, p < .01), and the DCT (r = -0.56, p < .01). The RES word list was

negatively associated with the EI (r = -0.85, p < .01) and the DCT (r = -0.52, p < .01) but

was not significantly associated with the ES, p > .05. RES coding was significantly

associated with the ES (r = -0.35, p < .01) and the EI (r = -0.42, p < .01) but was not

significantly associated with the DCT, p > .05, see Table 4.

Table 4. Partial Correlations among RES and Effort Indices

RES Total Picture Naming Coding Figure List ES EI DCT

RES Total - 0.93** 0.71** 0.93** 0.90** -0.22 -0.83** -0.52**

Picture Naming - - 0.48** 0.83** 0.88** -0.07 -0.86** -0.53**

Coding - - - 0.59** 0.44** -0.35** -0.42** -.18

Figure - - - - 0.76** -0.28** -0.73** -0.56**


List - - - - - -0.06 -0.85** -0.52**

ES - - - - - - -0.15 0.13

EI - - - - - - - .51**

DCT - - - - - - - -

Notes.* denotes significance at p <.05. ** denotes significance at p <.01 level.

Because the RES coding subtest demonstrated the weakest reliability (α = 0.65)

and weakest associations with existing effort detection measures in this study, an

additional exploratory analysis was included. After eliminating coding from the RES,

the RES was more significantly associated with the EI (r = -.86, p <.01) and the DCT

(r = -0.57, p <. 01).

To assess the RES’s criterion validity, an Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

was utilized to examine how the RES could accurately differentiate between participants

groups espousing adequate and suboptimal effort, see Table 5. Because of the possibility

that members of the CNO would also provide suboptimal effort on neuropsychological

testing, it was decided to recategorize the groups according to the more established DCT

E-score. Previous research has suggested a general cut-off score of >17 for classification

of suboptimal effort (Boone et al., 2002), which was used for our reclassification of

variables. As such, we re-classified our data into two groups (good and poor effort

according to DCT E score) and compared the two groups on their RES performance.

Following this reclassification, 17 participants were left in the suboptimal effort group

and 56 participants in the adequate effort group. Using the log-based transformation for

the RES to conform with the univariate assumption of normality, the ANCOVA was

significant [F (1,69) = 14.87, p < .01, r2 = .19]. As such, individuals engaging in adequate

effort (M = 39.41, SD = 3.01) scored significantly higher on the RES than individuals

who engaged in suboptimal effort (M = 34.88, SD = 7.30), p <.01 which suggests that the

full RES was a valid indicator of effort detection on neuropsychological testing, see

Table 6. Similarly, when RES Coding was extracted from the full RES analyses, the

adequate effort group continued to perform significantly better than the suboptimal effort

group [F (1,69) = 16.48, p < .01] with an equivalent effect size (r2 = .19).

Similar analyses were examined on log-based transformations of individual RES

subtests. The adequate effort group performed significantly better than the suboptimal

effort group on RES Picture Naming [F (1,69) = 38.99, p < .01, r2 = .39], RES Figure

Copy , [F (1,69) = 23.15, p < .01, r2 = .25], RES List Learning, [F (1,69) = 21.81, p < .01,

r2 = .26], and RES Coding , [F (1,69) = 8.30, p < .01, r2 = .17], see Table 6. Analyses

indicated that RES Picture Naming demonstrated the largest effect among individual

subtests (r2 = .39), whereas coding demonstrated the smallest effect (r2 = .17).

Additional analyses indicated that individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive

impairment or dementia did not perform significantly differently on the RES than other

clinical populations, p >.05.

Table 5. Descriptive Statistics of RES Performance by Raw Subtest and Total Score
RES Picture Naming RES Coding RES Figure RES List RES Total Score
Clinical Groups 9.92 (0.28) 8.44 (1.21) 11.48 (0.86) 9.76 (0.73) 39.59 (2.29)

MCI 9.90 (0.31) 8.35 (1.39) 11.25 (1.07) 9.70 (0.57) 39.20 (2.82)

Somatoform 9.71 (0.49) 8.86 (0.38) 11.71 (0.49) 9.00 (1.73) 39.29 (2.63)

Normal 10.00 (0.00) 8.67 (0.82) 11.83 (0.41) 10.00 (0.00) 40.50 (0.84)

ADHD 10.00(0.00) 9.00 (0.00) 11.83 (0.41) 10.00 (0.00) 40.83 (0.41)

TBI 10.00 (0.00) 8.00 (1.73) 11.20 (1.10) 10.00 (0.00) 39.20 (2.68)

MND 9.75 (0.50) 7.00 (2.16) 10.50 (1.00) 9.75 (0.50) 37.00 (2.16)

PD 10.00 (0.00) 9.00 (0.00) 12.00 (0.00) 10.00 (0.00) 41.00 (0.00)

Mood 10.00 (0.00) 8.33 (1.15) 11.67 (0.58) 10.00 (0.00) 40.00 (1.73)

LD 10.00 (0.00) 8.50 (0.71) 12.00 (0.00) 10.00 (0.00) 40.50 (0.71)

MS 10.00 (-) 9.00 (-) 11.00 (-) 10.00 (-) 40.00 (-)

Epilepsy 10.00 (-) 8.00 (-) 12.00 (-) 10.00 (-) 40.00 (-)

Executive dysfunction 10.00 (-) 9.00 (-) 12.00 (-) 10.00 (-) 41.00 (-)

Actor Group 7.96 (2.34) 7.93 (1.27) 9.42 (2.41) 7.86 (2.57) 33.14 (8.05)

Note. Abbreviations: MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment), ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), TBI (Traumatic Brain
Injury), MND (major neurocognitive disorder), PD (Parkinson’s Disease), LD (Learning Disorder), MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Table 6. RES Descriptive Statistics for Effort Groups

Picture Naming Coding Figure List Total Score

Adequate Effort 9.84 (0.63) 8.41 (1.30) 11.45 (1.03) 9.71 (0.76) 39.41 (3.01)

Suboptimal Effort 8.53 (2.18) 8.12 (0.93) 9.88 (11.45) 8.35 (2.52) 34.88 (7.30)
Exploratory Analyses

Exploratory analyses included ROC curves examining the sensitivity and

specificity of the RES with and without the coding subtest. When examining the full

RES, our analyses revealed a cutoff score of 39.50 was associated with moderate

sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.73) with moderate specificity (specificity = 0.59), see Figure 1.

When excluding the coding subtest, a cut-off of 30.50 (out of a total of 32 points) was

associated with moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = .80) and moderate specificity

(specificity = .53), see Figure 2.

In comparison to the RES, the EI also had moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.65)

and moderate specificity (specificity = 0.68) at a cut-off at 0.5, see Figure 3. The ES had

moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.71) and moderate specificity (specificity = 0.54)at a

cutoff at 3.50, see Figure 4.

Figure 1. ROC curve analyzing RES sensitivity and specificity.

Figure 2. ROC curve analyzing RES sensitivity and specificity.

Figure 3. ROC Curve analyzing EI sensitivity and specificity.

Figure 4. ROC curve analyzing ES sensitivity and specificity.



This study analyzed the reliability and validity of a performance validity

supplement to the RBANS. Data was collected for this study from September 2018 until

April of 2019. This study analyzed data from 59 clinical neuropsychology outpatients

from Loma Linda University Medical Center’s Clinical Neuropsychology Clinic and 14

experimental suboptimal effort actors from Loma Linda University’s graduate student


The purpose of this study was to build upon existing measures of effort detection

within the initial screening process. Researchers have developed embedded effort

detection measures in the RBANS, namely the RBANS Effort Scale (2012) and the

RBANS Effort Index (2007), which estimate effort through analysis of recall and digit

span scores. Both measures have been found to be sensitive but limited in specificity

when classifying clinical patients from individuals exhibiting suboptimal effort. As such,

this study centered around the validation of a new supplement, which incorporated

multiple forced-choice paradigms to create a more well-rounded effort-detection


The primary hypothesis of this study was that the RES would be a reliable and

valid measure of effort detection. KR-20 analyses revealed that our hypothesis was

confirmed from a reliability standpoint. However, none of the individual subtests alone

reached acceptable alpha levels for individual decision-making. RES Coding

demonstrated the lowest alpha level and after extracting it from the total RES, the RES

had an equivalent alpha level. Validity analyses confirmed our hypothesis that the RES

would demonstrate convergent validity with existing measures of effort detection

including the EI and DCT. It should be noted that the RES was not significantly

correlated with ES; this may be emblematic of the primary caveat of the ES in that

individuals who excel on free recall on the RBANS have significantly negative scores on

their ES composite score. Individual subtests demonstrated similarly significant

associations with the EI and the DCT, with RES Picture Naming having the strongest

correlation among subtests with existing effort measures. RES Coding had the weakest

correlation with existing effort measures and after extracting it from the total RES score,

the RES’ associations with the EI and the DCT slightly improved. The RES also

demonstrated construct validity; participants who had been classified into a suboptimal

effort group according to DCT E-score performed significantly worse than their

counterparts in the similarly classified in the adequate effort group. All individual

subtests reflected similar group differences, with RES Picture Naming again

demonstrating the strongest effect and RES Coding demonstrating the weakest effect.

When extracting RES Coding from the RES Total score, the effect size was equivalent.

Notably, the no significant differences were detected in the Total RES and the

RES without Coding scores were between individuals with a memory disorder and other

clinical participants. Participants presenting with memory impairment are not expected

to perform significantly worse than individuals without memory impairment on the RES,

as the RES is not a memory measure. These results demonstrate the RES’ strength as an

effort detection measure, despite its face validity as memory measure. Given these

results, the RES appears to be a true measure of effort, and not a measure of memory


Exploratory analyses indicated that the Total RES was moderately sensitive and

specific at a cutoff of 39.50; when coding was extracted, the measure was slightly more

sensitive and slightly less specific. It should be noted that the RES demonstrated greater

sensitivity and specificity than the ES and the EI in this study.

Clinical Implications

There are many exciting clinical implications from this study. Given the RES’

observed reliability and validity, our study demonstrates its utility in the initial

neuropsychological screening process. The RES’ compilation of several effort measures

in one supplement may provide clinicians with a more well-rounded analysis and

characterization of their patient’s effort. The RES’ multifactorial detection of effort is

also a measure that can be completed in approximately 10-15 minutes with the

opportunity to give providers valuable information prior to committing to a full

neuropsychological evaluation. This notion may be associated with significant cost

reduction while also saving significant time. Additionally, the RES may provide

clinicians the opportunity to immediately discuss effort from a multidimensional

standpoint when it is in question. Such discussions may conjunctively be useful in

determining whether to pursue further neuropsychological testing as well.

Broader implications include the importance of assessing effort in most if not at

all clinical contexts. Effort detection options are widely available for neuropsychologists

to utilize with most referral questions. Effort detection also validates the nature of

neuropsychological services in that clinicians can validate an individual’s diagnosis and

subsequently provide appropriate recommendations for on their behalf. Effort detection

rules out the possibility of feigned impairment for personal gain and essentially provides

credence to the field of neuropsychology.


This study is not without limitations. Primarily, a control group would have

provided a baseline comparison to both the clinical and suboptimal effort groups.

Additionally, the study would have benefitted from a larger sample size in general with

larger representation from common neuropsychological referrals. Understanding

performance from various neuropsychological perspectives would be helpful in analyzing

RES performance trends from a diversity of neuropsychological presentations. Our

experimental groups differed significantly in terms of sample size, which may have

contributed to the skewness of the original raw data. Additionally, sampling in itself may

have been a confounding issue. Specifically, participants in the experimental suboptimal

effort group were highly educated, averaging over 16 years of education, and were

actively participating in graduate education. Most graduate programs in Loma Linda

University emphasize a broad academic curriculum and it is possible that participants

may have had prior knowledge of suboptimal effort presentations on neurocognitive


Research Implications and Future Directions

This study leads to several questions regarding future research. It may be useful to

consider including a digits backward component to the RES; this may allow for the

computation of reliable digits similar to the WAIS-IV and would add yet another

component of effort detection to the supplement. Additionally, it is recommended that the

RES be analyzed for reliability and validity in other clinical settings as well. The RES

would certainly benefit significantly from replication in other settings and among a wide

variety of clinical and demographic populations.


In summary, this study analyzed the reliability and the validity of a novel measure

of effort and motivation, the RBANS effort supplement. This study found that the RES

was a reliable measure of effort detection. Additionally, the RES exhibited convergent

validity with an established embedded effort detection measure from the RBANS (the

RBANS Effort Index) and the DCT, which is another well-established independent effort

detection measure. The RES demonstrated construct validity in that participants who

were classified in the suboptimal effort group according to their performance on the DCT

performed significantly worse on the RES than did individuals who had been classified

into the adequate effort group. A ROC curve analysis was performed and demonstrated

that the RES exhibited moderate sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off score of 39.50.

Clinical implications of this study include the potential for screening for effort from a

multifactorial approach during the initial neuropsychological screening process, which

may significantly reduce costs and save a significant amount of time. Key limitations

include a lack of a control group, small sample size, and lack of greater representation

from common outpatient referral sources. Future research directions include replication

of reliability and validity analyses in a different neuropsychological setting. This study

identified the RES as a useful measure in detecting effort, but further research is

undoubtedly necessary to fully understand the extent of its utility in a clinical

neuropsychological setting.


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The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement: A Validation Study

Joshua S. Goldberg, Travis G. Fogel, Kyrstle D. Barrera, Kendal C. Boyd,

and Grace J. Lee

Loma Linda University

Author Note

Joshua Goldberg, Department of Psychology, Loma Linda University

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joshua Goldberg,

Department of Psychology, Loma Linda University, School of Psychology, Loma Linda,

CA, 92354

Email: [email protected]


Assessment of effort detection is an essential component of a neuropsychological

evaluation to ensure results of testing are valid indicators of an individual’s true level of

cognitive functioning. Effort detection in the initial screening process provides

neuropsychologists information regarding patients’ test engagement prior to

administering longer testing batteries. Two effort measures are embedded in the

Repeatable Battery for Assessment of Neuropsychological Status

(RBANS), a neuropsychological screening assessment, but both have demonstrated

elevated false positive rates for classifying individuals with memory impairment as those

putting forth poor effort. These embedded measures rely on cut-off scores on digit span

and memory subtests. In contrast, this RBANS Effort Supplement (RES) utilizes several

forced-choice subtests, reflective of current research emphasizing the importance of

multiple methods of effort detection; subtests in this measure included list learning

forced-choice, figure copy forced-choice, picture naming forced-choice, a coding task,

and a story recognition component utilized for face validity of memory assessment. Fifty-

nine participants were recruited from an outpatient neuropsychology facility in

conjunction with 14 poor effort simulators; each participant was administered the

RBANS, the RES, and the Dot Counting Test (DCT). Results supported the RES’

reliability at the individual decision-making level. Validity analyses demonstrated that

the RES exhibited strong convergent validity with established effort detection measures

and that individuals putting for poor effort scored significantly lower on the RES than

individuals who put forth adequate effort, as delineated by the established DCT cutoff

score of 17. In summary, the RES was shown to be a valid indicator of effort detection.

Clinical implications of the RES include reduction of time and costs involved in

neuropsychological assessment

The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement

As part of the neuropsychological assessment, patients are asked to put forth their

best effort throughout the administration of cognitive testing so that valid data may be

compiled that is an accurate representation of their cognitive functioning. Occasionally,

patients can consciously or unconsciously fail to provide adequate effort resulting in

invalid testing data.

Glenn Larrabee (2007) explains that suboptimal effort is not necessarily

uncommon in neuropsychological settings. It is estimated that cases of poor effort occur

in 29% of personal injury cases, 30% of disability cases, 19% of criminal cases, 38.5% of

personal injury cases, and 8% of general medical cases involving symptom exaggeration.

Determination of suboptimal effort within clinical neuropsychology differs somewhat

across settings; however, a large consensus of neuropsychologists agrees that more

confidence in definitively diagnosing poor effort occurs through multiple effort measures

with little methodological overlap to limit redundancy (Larrabee, 2008; Mittenberg,

Patton, Canyock & Condit, 2002).

Effort measures may utilize either a forced-choice or non-forced-choice paradigm.

Forced choice measures appear to be difficult but are in fact, easy tasks. Typically, in

forced-choice, an individual is asked to encode a series of pictures or words and then later

asked to select each of the target pictures or words from two choices. Participants who

perform below chance levels (i.e., below 50%) are identified as individuals who may

been putting forth suboptimal effort.

Effort measures can often be integrated into initial consultations along with

neuropsychological screening measures to help identify the cognitive capacities of new

patients as well as determine whether interpretations and future testing may be needed

after the initial consult. A commonly administered screening measure is the Repeatable

Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS; Randolph, 1998).

Research within the last decade has also revealed that among commonly used dementia

screening measures, total RBANS performance is one of the better measures in predicting

total brain volume (Paul et al., 2011). The RBANS’ relevance to dementia screening in

neuropsychology has warranted the development of accompanying effort measures to

detect feigned impairment. Two such embedded measures include the RBANS Effort

Index (EI; Silverberg, Wertheimer, Fichtenberg, 2007) and the RBANS Effort Scale (ES;

Novitski, Steele, Karantzoulis, & Randolph, 2012).

Despite the empirically validated research from which these measures were

constructed, research has demonstrated that their validity may be somewhat limited.

Research has illustrated that although the EI exhibits good specificity for simulated

malingerers with a false-positive rate of 19% or less at selected cutoffs, it has only

moderate sensitivity (66%), which risks the possibility of misdiagnosing malingerers with

memory-related conditions (Crighton, Wygant, Holt, & Granacher, 2015). Concurrently,

the ES has misclassified participants as malingerers due to its heavy emphasis on

subtracting free recall scores as an overall reflection of its focus on patients with amnesia

and has also reflected high false-positive rates as well (Crighton et al., 2015).

In this study, the RBANS Effort Supplement was formulated and assessed for reliability

and validity to detect suboptimal effort through the sole usage of the RBANS assessment.

It was designed to be a quick measure to administer, with the opportunity for cost-

efficiency in that a subsequent longer evaluation would not be needed if effort were

found to be a significant issue. It also included different methods/formats of malingering

detection, reflective of Glenn Larrabee’s research concerning how the aggregation of

varying measures of effort provide a more definitive finding of suboptimal effort

(Larrabee, 2008). Thus, the primary aim of this study was to establish the reliability and

validity of the RBANS Effort Supplement (RES)

Aims and Hypotheses

The primary aim of this study was to determine if the RBANS Effort Supplement

(RES) was a reliable and valid measure of effort. To measure the RES’ reliability, the

RES was assessed for internal consistency utilizing the Kuder-Richardson 20 method

(Kuder & Richardson, 1937). It was hypothesized that the RES would be internally

consistent. Following reliability analysis, the construct validity of the RES was examined.

Specifically, The RES was assessed for convergent validity utilizing partial correlations

controlling for age and years of education. It was hypothesized that the RES would

exhibit convergent validity with the RBANS Effort Index, RBANS Effort Scale, and the

Dot Counting Test. Further, we hypothesized that participants within the experimental

malingering sample would score significantly lower on the RES in comparison to clinical


An exploratory aim of this study was to examine the specificity and sensitivity of

the RES. Such analyses were conducted utilizing ROC curve analyses according to a RES

cut-off score to be determined according to frequency characteristics of the RES itself. It

was hypothesized that the RES will be specific and sensitive in correctly classifying

individuals engaging in suboptimal performance clinical groups.


Participants and Procedures

Our study included two independent samples, a clinical neuropsychology

outpatient (CNO) and a comparative suboptimal effort group. The CNO group was

comprised of 59 outpatients, who were referred for neuropsychological testing at the

Loma Linda University Medical Center East Campus neuropsychology service. Our

suboptimal effort group was recruited from Loma Linda University and included 15

students from the graduate student population. All subjects fell within the age range of

20-89 and all spoke English fluently. One participant was excluded utilizing the outlier

labelling rule on the RES total score to help correct for the skewness of the data. As such

our analyses included 59 individuals included in the clinical outpatient group in

comparison to 14 individuals included in the suboptimal effort group.

Participants involved in the CNO group were individuals who had been referred

for clinical neuropsychological services for various reasons, including mild cognitive

impairment, traumatic brain injury, stroke, epilepsy, ADHD, and varying mood disorders.

After participants had completed a structured clinical interview as part of their

neuropsychological referral, they were asked to participate in the current study. Agreeing

participants completed the informed consent process and gave permission to use the

results of their clinical testing (i.e. RBANS, RES, Dot Counting Test) for the current

study. Participants then completed a brief additional structured interview asking for basic

demographic information (i.e. age, ethnicity, education, referral complaint, handedness,

engagement in previous neuropsychological testing, and current legal involvement).

Participants were administered the RBANS as part of their routine neuropsychological

assessment and were additionally administered the RES immediately thereafter.

Participants enrolled in the suboptimal effort group (SEG) were recruited from

Loma Linda University’s graduate population. Subjects were recruited from various

departments in the university through department-wide email notifications and campus-

wide postings. Participants completed the informed consent process and a brief structured

interview of demographic information. Participants were given the following script

(DenBoer & Hall, 2007), prompting them to approach the neuropsychological tests as if

they were trying to appear brain damaged in order to receive financial compensation in an

ongoing lawsuit:

You are about to take some cognitive tests that examine mental abilities such as attention, memory,
thinking and reasoning skills, and your ability to think quickly. While responding to the tests, please
pretend that you have experienced brain damage from a car accident involving a head-on collision.
You hit your head against the windshield and were knocked out for 15 minutes. Afterwards, you felt
‘‘dazed’’ so you were hospitalized overnight for observation. Because the driver of the other car is at
fault, you have decided to go to court to get money from the person responsible. During the next few
months following the accident, the negative effects from your head injury disappear. Your lawsuit has
not been settled yet, and your lawyer has told you that you may get more money if you look like you
are still suffering from brain damage. As you pretend to be this car accident victim, try to respond to
each test as a patient who is trying to appear brain damaged in order to get money from the lawsuit.
Thus, your performance on the tests should convince the examiner as well as the people involved in
deciding the outcome of your lawsuit that you are still suffering from brain damage.

Approval for the study was obtained from the Loma Linda University Human

Subjects Committee Institutional Review Board, and written informed consent was

acquired from all participants upon enrollment. It should be noted that Loma Linda

University associated legal counsel stated that the RBANS Effort Supplement was

considered legally permissible as long as primary investigators did not attempt to earn a

profit from the measure itself. The RES was only utilized for the purposes of this study.


Prior to the examination of participants, examiners interviewed participants using

a standardized questionnaire (See Appendix B) in order to gather relevant demographic

information, including age, years of education, gender, ethnicity, referral, handedness,

prior neuropsychological testing, and engagement in ongoing litigation. Of note, none of

the participants were involved in previous litigation and three participants had engaged in

previous neuropsychological testing (one participant in 2016, another in 1985, and the

third at an unknown time) .

The Dot Counting Test.

Boone, Lu, and Herzberg’s Dot Counting Test (2002) is a measure of symptom

validity and malingering. Participants are presented with a series of twelve dotted cards

and are asked to count the number dots as quickly as possible and relay to the examiner

the number of dots that they counted. On cards one through six, the dots on the cards are

disseminated in no organizational fashion. In cards seven through twelve, the dots on the

cards are grouped in such a way that it is easier to count the number of dots quickly. An

E-score is tabulated according to the participant’s response times and number of errors on

the test itself (lower E-scores reflect fewer errors and faster response times). Research has

identified that the DCT is an adequate measure of suspect effort, with moderate

sensitivity and high specificity of identifying possible malingerers. It has been

encouraged that the DCT be utilized in conjunction with other measures when assessing

for symptom validity (Strauss, Sherman, & Spreen, 2008). Previous research has

suggested a general cut-off score of >17 for classification of suboptimal effort (Boone et

al., 2002).

Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status.

Randolph’s RBANS (1998) is a neuropsychological assessment used to test the

cognitive status of individuals suffering from neurological diseases or head trauma. One

of the core advantages to using the RBANS is its brevity. The RBANS takes

approximately 30 minutes to administer, as opposed to other cognitive assessments that

require a much longer duration to fully administer.

The RBANS is comprised of five indices (immediate memory, delayed memory,

visuospatial ability, language, and attention) and twelve subtests (list learning, story

memory, figure copy, line orientation, digit span, symbol digit coding, picture naming,

semantic fluency, list recall, list recognition, story recall, and figure recall). All index

scores are comprised of two subtests except for the delayed memory domain, which

consists of four subtests. The RBANS total score provides an overall outcome statistic for

an individual’s overall neuropsychological functioning. In addition to the total score,

individual subscale scores for immediate memory, visuospatial ability, language,

attention, and delayed memory can be calculated. All subtests are given a subtest raw

score. Raw scores of subtests within each domain are added and converted to an age-

corrected index score. Index scores can also be converted to percentile scores, according

to the age-based normative conversions from the RBANS manual.

Immediate Memory. The Immediate Memory domain assesses an individual’s

ability to remember and recall a small amount of information directly after it has been

presented. The immediate memory domain is assessed using two subtests:

List Learning: List Learning consists of a list of 10 unrelated words, read for immediate

recall over four trials, with a maximum score of 40. Words used in the List Learning task

are considered moderate-high imagery words with relatively low age of acquisition. The

high imagery levels and low age of acquisition of these words is considered helpful in

reducing education effects on neuropsychological performance and allows for easing

language translation difficulties.

Story Memory: This subtest is comprised of a story with 12 itemized details; the story is

read for immediate recall over two trials, for a total maximum score of 24.

Visuospatial Ability. The Visuospatial domain prompts participants to examine,

comprehend, and recreate spatial relations. Notably, this domain assesses participants’

ability to estimate distance and depth and navigate the surrounding environment. The

subtests used to analyze visuospatial/constructional ability are as follows:

Figure Copy: The Figure Copy subtest prompts participants to draw an exact copy of a

complex figure comprised of geometric shapes. The subtest itself is considered very

similar yet less complex to the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (Meyers & Meyers,

1995). The RBANS figure is comprised of 10 components, and a structured simplified

scoring guide, which provides for a maximum score of 20.

Line Orientation: On this subtest, participants are presented with an arrangement of 13

lines, beginning at a common point of origin and fanning out across 180 degrees, which

serves as the reference figure. Each item consists of two target lines that are shown

beneath the reference figure. Subjects must correctly identify which two lines in the

reference match the two target lines. Line orientation consists of 10 items, each

comprised of two target lines, for a total maximum score of 20.

Delayed Memory. The Delayed Memory domain of the RBANS requires

participants to recall information for an extended length of time. These subtests are

presented to the participants approximately 20 minutes after initial presentation.

List Learning free recall: Free recall of the words from the List Learning subtest (max =


List Learning Recognition: Yes/No recognition of the words from the List Learning

subtest, with 10 foils (max = 20).

Story Memory Free Recall: Free recall of the story from the Story Memory subtest


Figure Free Recall: Free recall of the figure from the Figure Copy subtest (max = 20).

Language. The language domain prompts participants to execute communication

skills to verbally name and retrieve previously learned semantic information. Two

subtests are included in this domain:

Picture Naming: Picture Naming is considered a confrontation-naming task, with 10-line

drawings of objects that the participant must name.

Semantic Fluency: Participants are allotted one minute to provide as many examples from

a semantic category as possible (i.e., animals, fruits).

Attention. The RBANS attention domain assesses an individual’s ability to select

a component of information to focus on in subsequent processing and integration tasks.

The attention domain prompts the participant to manipulate previously presented material

(visual and oral) that has been stored within the individual’s short-term memory. This

domain includes the following subtests:

Digit Span: Subjects are asked to repeat a series of numbers, with stimulus items

increasing in length from 2 digits to 9 digits. The items are presented in order of length

(shortest to longest), and the test itself is discontinued when the participant fails all trials

within a given string length. It should be noted that there is no digit span backwards on

the RBANS.

Coding: Coding is an assessment of an examinee’s processing speed that is very similar

to the Coding subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Subjects are asked to fill

in digits matching with corresponding shapes on a coding key as fast as they can. After

practice items are completed, participants have 90 seconds to complete as many items as


Total Scale. The Total Scale is the overall outcome statistic for an individual’s

overall neuropsychological functioning as comprised by the sum of all the index scores of

the RBANS (Attention, Immediate Memory, Delayed Memory,

Visuospatial/Constructional, and Language).

RBANS Effort Supplement.

The RES is comprised of one Yes-No Recognition component (Story Memory)

and four components in Forced-Choice Recognition format: List Learning, Picture

Naming, Figure Copy, and Coding. It should be noted that the RES has never been

utilized in previous research. The RES was constructed utilizing the stimuli in RBANS

form A, with all non-target stimuli for verbal and nonverbal information derived from

alternative forms of the RBANS.

Story Memory Recognition: Participants were administered 12 questions in a yes/no

format regarding details from the story that was read to them twice previously in the

RBANS Story Memory subtest (max = 12). This subtest was not included in the final

RES Total score and was meant to serve as face valid indicator of memory performance.

List Learning Forced Choice: Participants were administered a forced-choice task

involving the 10 words from the List Learning subtest. For each item, participants were

prompted with two words, one word from the original list and one novel word, and

subsequently asked to select the word that appeared on the original list (max =10).

Picture Naming Forced Choice: Participants were administered a forced-choice task

involving the 10 objects from the Picture Naming subtest. For each item, participants

were prompted with two pictures, one that was presented during the Picture Naming task

and one that was not and asked to select the picture they had seen previously. It should be

noted that the non-target pictures were pictures from alternate forms of the RBANS. (max


Figure Copy Forced Choice: Participants were administered a forced-choice task

involving the Figure Copy subtest. On each item, participants were prompted with two

figures, one that was a component of the original figure presented during the Figure Copy

task and one that was not and asked to select the component they had seen previously. It

should be noted that figures that were presented that were not components of the original

complete figure were figure components from alternate forms of the RBANS (max = 12).

Coding Task: Participants were administered a task involving the 9 symbols from the

Coding subtest. Participants were asked to select 9 coding symbols from a larger set,

which they thought matched those they had seen during the previous administration of

the RBANS Coding subtest. Participants were also asked to recall where each symbol

was located in the original key; this location task was not included in the final RES Total

Score and was meant to serve as a ruse that the measure appeared to be more difficult

than it actually was. It should be noted that symbols that were presented that were not

components of the original complete figure were symbols used in alternate forms of the

RBANS (max = 9).

The Total RES score was computed by adding all total scores except for RES

recognition (Max = 41).

The RBANS Effort Scale (ES).

The RBANS Effort Scale (Novitski et al., 2012) is an existing embedded measure

in the RBANS, which is calculated by subtracting delayed free recall scores from

recognition and then adding the score from the RBANS digit span subtest. The measure

was validated on a population of individuals with amnestic disorders and compared

against a mild traumatic brain injury group who had failed a second measure of effort. ES

scores less than 12 are considered suspicious for poor effort. However, a limitation of the

ES is that it yields significantly negative scores when individuals perform at a high level

on measures of delayed free recall and has been cautioned to only be utilized in

circumstances where effort during testing is in question.

The RBANS Effort Index (EI).

The RBANS Effort Index (Silverberg, Wertheimer, & Fichtenberg, 2007) is

another embedded effort measure in the RBANS. Primary investigators for the EI

converted raw scores into a common metric based on their relative infrequency in a

derivation sample with true cognitive impairment and then summed these weighted

scores to arrive at an index score. More infrequent scores on digit span and list

recognition were assigned higher weighted values. The EI is then calculated by using

weighted scores on RBANS raw scores of digit span and list recognition and computed

by adding the sum of these weighted scores. Thus, a higher EI score indicates worse

effort. The measure was validated on a clinical neurological disorders population and

compared against a mild traumatic brain injury group in conjunction with three

“suboptimal” groups. EI scores greater than 3 are considered suspicious for suboptimal



Participant Demographic Information

The demographic characteristics of participants in the CNO and SEG are shown

in Table 1. In sum, 73 participants were included in analyses for this study. The CNO

was comprised of 59 participants (50.9% male) with an average age of approximately 54

years (M = 53.54, SD = 20.23). The majority of participants were Caucasian (66.1%)

with an average of approximately 15 years of education (M = 14.89 years, SD = 2.49). In

contrast, the SEG included 14 participants (36.7% male) with an average age of

approximately 30 years (M = 30.29, SD = 12.02). The majority of participants were

Caucasian (28.6%) with an average of approximately 16 years of education (M = 16.42,

SD = 1.16)). Of note, the SEG was significantly younger and had more years of education

than the CNO group, p <.05.

The distributions of outcome measures (e.g. RES, Dot Counting Test, RBANS

Effort Scale and RBANS Effort Index) were examined. The RES was found to be

negatively skewed. To correct for skewness, logarithmic transformations of RES were

used; the RES was then normally distributed. We found that the Dot Counting Test

(DCT) and RBANS Effort Index (EI) were positively skewed. We then performed

logarithmic transformations of these outcome measures as well, resulting in normal

distributions for both outcome measures. The RBANS Effort Scale (ES) was normally

distributed and did not require transformations.

Independent Variables of Interest

Descriptive statistics calculated for all experimental groups on RBANS indices

are shown in Table 2 (See Appendix A). Additionally, descriptive statistics on relevant

outcome measures are shown in Table 3.

RES Reliability Analyses

To analyze the primary aim of assessing the internal consistency of the RES, the

Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20; Kuder & Richardson, 1937) was utilized. The

KR-20 is recommended over the split half method of internal consistency reliability

because the split-half method artificially reduces a test’s reliability by its division of the

analysis into two parts. Additionally, the KR-20 is recommended for a test that is

dichotomously scored such as the RES (Cortina, 1993). Our internal consistency analysis

revealed that the 41-item RES with picture naming, figure copy, coding, and word list

subtests had a reliability coefficient of α = 0.91, which is in accordance with acceptable

standards for individual decision-making (Nunnally, 1978). Individual reliability

analyses for individual subtests were as follows: RES picture naming α = 0.81, RES

figure copy α = 0.72, RES coding α = 0.65, RES word list α = 0.81. As such, no

individual subtest alone demonstrated an acceptable reliability for individual

decision-making. Considering the low reliability level of the RES coding, the RES’

reliability was assessed once again after extracting the coding subtest, which

revealed similar reliability, α = 0.91.

RES Validity

To determine convergent validity, partial correlations were used between the RES

total score to assess for associations with existing effort measures such as the DCT, ES,

and EI controlling for age and years of education. Analyses revealed that the RES was

negatively associated with the EI (r = - 0.83, p <.01) and the DCT (r = -0.52, p <.01). As

such, higher scores on the RES were associated with lower scores on the EI and DCT. It

was not significantly associated with the ES, p > .05.

Additionally, partial correlations were utilized for all individual RES subtests to

examine their associations with the DCT, ES, and EI, again controlling for age and years

of education. RES picture naming was negatively associated with the EI (r = -0.86, p <

.01) and the DCT (r = -0.53, p < .01) but was not significant associated with the ES, p

>.05. RES figure copying was negatively associated with the ES (r = -0.28, p < .01), the

EI (r = -0.73, p < .01), and the DCT (r = -0.56, p < .01). The RES word list was

negatively associated with the EI (r = -0.85, p < .01) and the DCT (r = -0.52, p < .01) but

was not significantly associated with the ES, p > .05. RES coding was significantly

associated with the ES (r = -0.35, p < .01) and the EI (r = -0.42, p < .01) but was not

significantly associated with the DCT, p > .05, see Table 4.

Because the RES coding subtest demonstrated the weakest reliability (α = 0.65)

and weakest associations with existing effort detection measures in this study, an

additional exploratory analysis was included. After eliminating coding from the RES,

the RES was more significantly associated with the EI (r = -.86, p <.01) and the DCT

(r = -0.57, p <. 01).

To assess the RES’s criterion validity, an Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

was utilized to examine how the RES could accurately differentiate between participants

groups espousing adequate and suboptimal effort, see Table 5. Because of the possibility

that members of the CNO would also provide suboptimal effort on neuropsychological

testing, it was decided to recategorize the groups according to the more established DCT

E-score. Previous research has suggested a general cut-off score of >17 for classification

of suboptimal effort (Boone et al., 2002), which was used for our reclassification of

variables. As such, we re-classified our data into two groups (good and poor effort

according to DCT E score) and compared the two groups on their RES performance.

Following this reclassification, 17 participants were left in the suboptimal effort group

and 56 participants in the adequate effort group. Using the log-based transformation for

the RES to conform with the univariate assumption of normality, the ANCOVA was

significant [F (1,69) = 14.87, p < .01, r2 = .19]. As such, individuals engaging in adequate

effort (M = 39.41, SD = 3.01) scored significantly higher on the RES than individuals

who engaged in suboptimal effort (M = 34.88, SD = 7.30), p <.01 which suggests that the

full RES was a valid indicator of effort detection on neuropsychological testing, see

Table 6. Similarly, when RES Coding was extracted from the full RES analyses, the

adequate effort group continued to perform significantly better than the suboptimal effort

group [F (1,69) = 16.48, p < .01] with an equivalent effect size (r2 = .19).

Similar analyses were examined on log-based transformations of individual RES

subtests. The adequate effort group performed significantly better than the suboptimal

effort group on RES Picture Naming [F (1,69) = 38.99, p < .01, r2 = .39], RES Figure

Copy , [F (1,69) = 23.15, p < .01, r2 = .25], RES List Learning, [F (1,69) = 21.81, p < .01,

r2 = .26], and RES Coding , [F (1,69) = 8.30, p < .01, r2 = .17], see Table 6. Analyses

indicated that RES Picture Naming demonstrated the largest effect among individual

subtests (r2 = .39), whereas coding demonstrated the smallest effect (r2 = .17).

Additional analyses indicated that individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive

impairment or dementia did not perform significantly differently on the RES than other

clinical populations, p >.05.

Exploratory Analyses

Exploratory analyses included ROC curves examining the sensitivity and

specificity of the RES with and without the coding subtest. When examining the full

RES, our analyses revealed a cutoff score of 39.50 was associated with moderate

sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.73) with moderate specificity (specificity = 0.59), see Figure 1.

When excluding the coding subtest, a cut-off of 30.50 (out of a total of 32 points) was

associated with moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = .80) and moderate specificity

(specificity = .53), see Figure 2.

In comparison to the RES, the EI also had moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.65)

and moderate specificity (specificity = 0.68) at a cut-off at 0.5, see Figure 3. The ES had

moderate sensitivity (sensitivity = 0.71) and moderate specificity (specificity = 0.54)at a

cutoff at 3.50, see Figure 4.


This study analyzed the reliability and validity of a performance validity

supplement to the RBANS. Data was collected for this study from September 2018 until

April of 2019. This study analyzed data from 59 clinical neuropsychology outpatients

from Loma Linda University Medical Center’s Clinical Neuropsychology Clinic and 14

experimental suboptimal effort actors from Loma Linda University’s graduate student


The purpose of this study was to build upon existing measures of effort detection

within the initial screening process. Researchers have developed embedded effort

detection measures in the RBANS, namely the RBANS Effort Scale (2012) and the

RBANS Effort Index (2007), which estimate effort through analysis of recall and digit

span scores. Both measures have been found to be sensitive but limited in specificity

when classifying clinical patients from individuals exhibiting suboptimal effort. As such,

this study centered around the validation of a new supplement, which incorporated

multiple forced-choice paradigms to create a more well-rounded effort-detection


The primary hypothesis of this study was that the RES would be a reliable and

valid measure of effort detection. KR-20 analyses revealed that our hypothesis was

confirmed from a reliability standpoint. However, none of the individual subtests alone

reached acceptable alpha levels for individual decision-making. RES Coding

demonstrated the lowest alpha level and after extracting it from the total RES, the RES

had an equivalent alpha level. Validity analyses confirmed our hypothesis that the RES

would demonstrate convergent validity with existing measures of effort detection

including the EI and DCT. It should be noted that the RES was not significantly

correlated with ES; this may be emblematic of the primary caveat of the ES in that

individuals who excel on free recall on the RBANS have significantly negative scores on

their ES composite score. Individual subtests demonstrated similarly significant

associations with the EI and the DCT, with RES Picture Naming having the strongest

correlation among subtests with existing effort measures. RES Coding had the weakest

correlation with existing effort measures and after extracting it from the total RES score,

the RES’ associations with the EI and the DCT slightly improved. The RES also

demonstrated construct validity; participants who had been classified into a suboptimal

effort group according to DCT E-score performed significantly worse than their

counterparts in the similarly classified in the adequate effort group. All individual

subtests reflected similar group differences, with RES Picture Naming again

demonstrating the strongest effect and RES Coding demonstrating the weakest effect.

When extracting RES Coding from the RES Total score, the effect size was equivalent.

Notably, the no significant differences were detected in the Total RES and the

RES without Coding scores were between individuals with a memory disorder and other

clinical participants. Participants presenting with memory impairment are not expected

to perform significantly worse than individuals without memory impairment on the RES,

as the RES is not a memory measure. These results demonstrate the RES’ strength as an

effort detection measure, despite its face validity as memory measure. Given these

results, the RES appears to be a true measure of effort, and not a measure of memory


Exploratory analyses indicated that the Total RES was moderately sensitive and

specific at a cutoff of 39.50; when coding was extracted, the measure was slightly more

sensitive and slightly less specific. It should be noted that the RES demonstrated greater

sensitivity and specificity than the ES and the EI in this study.

Clinical Implications

There are many exciting clinical implications from this study. Given the RES’

observed reliability and validity, our study demonstrates its utility in the initial

neuropsychological screening process. The RES’ compilation of several effort measures

in one supplement may provide clinicians with a more well-rounded analysis and

characterization of their patient’s effort. The RES’ multifactorial detection of effort is

also a measure that can be completed in approximately 10-15 minutes with the

opportunity to give providers valuable information prior to committing to a full

neuropsychological evaluation. This notion may be associated with significant cost

reduction while also saving significant time. Additionally, the RES may provide

clinicians the opportunity to immediately discuss effort from a multidimensional

standpoint when it is in question. Such discussions may conjunctively be useful in

determining whether to pursue further neuropsychological testing as well.

Broader implications include the importance of assessing effort in most if not at

all clinical contexts. Effort detection options are widely available for neuropsychologists

to utilize with most referral questions. Effort detection also validates the nature of

neuropsychological services in that clinicians can validate an individual’s diagnosis and

subsequently provide appropriate recommendations for on their behalf. Effort detection

rules out the possibility of feigned impairment for personal gain and essentially provides

credence to the field of neuropsychology.


This study is not without limitations. Primarily, a control group would have

provided a baseline comparison to both the clinical and suboptimal effort groups.

Additionally, the study would have benefitted from a larger sample size in general with

larger representation from common neuropsychological referrals. Understanding

performance from various neuropsychological perspectives would be helpful in analyzing

RES performance trends from a diversity of neuropsychological presentations. Our

experimental groups differed significantly in terms of sample size, which may have

contributed to the skewness of the original raw data. Additionally, sampling in itself may

have been a confounding issue. Specifically, participants in the experimental suboptimal

effort group were highly educated, averaging over 16 years of education, and were

actively participating in graduate education. Most graduate programs in Loma Linda

University emphasize a broad academic curriculum and it is possible that participants

may have had prior knowledge of suboptimal effort presentations on neurocognitive


Research Implications and Future Directions

This study leads to several questions regarding future research. It may be useful to

consider including a digits backward component to the RES; this may allow for the

computation of reliable digits similar to the WAIS-IV and would add yet another

component of effort detection to the supplement. Additionally, it is recommended that the

RES be analyzed for reliability and validity in other clinical settings as well. The RES

would certainly benefit significantly from replication in other settings and among a wide

variety of clinical and demographic populations.


In summary, this study analyzed the reliability and the validity of a novel measure

of effort and motivation, the RBANS effort supplement. This study found that the RES

was a reliable measure of effort detection. Additionally, the RES exhibited convergent

validity with an established embedded effort detection measure from the RBANS (the

RBANS Effort Index) and the DCT, which is another well-established independent effort

detection measure. The RES demonstrated construct validity in that participants who

were classified in the suboptimal effort group according to their performance on the DCT

performed significantly worse on the RES than did individuals who had been classified

into the adequate effort group. A ROC curve analysis was performed and demonstrated

that the RES exhibited moderate sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off score of 39.50.

Clinical implications of this study include the potential for screening for effort from a

multifactorial approach during the initial neuropsychological screening process, which

may significantly reduce costs and save a significant amount of time. Key limitations

include a lack of a control group, small sample size, and lack of greater representation

from common outpatient referral sources. Future research directions include replication

of reliability and validity analyses in a different neuropsychological setting. This study

identified the RES as a useful measure in detecting effort, but further research is

undoubtedly necessary to fully understand the extent of its utility in a clinical

neuropsychological setting.

Additional Information


Funding for this study was provided by Loma Linda University.


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