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3 s2.0 B9781416003168500144 Main
3 s2.0 B9781416003168500144 Main
Skin Grafts
Molly Wanner, Christopher Adams and Désirée Ratner 9
There are two basic types of skin grafts: full-thickness skin Since donor site thickness and characteristics, irrespective
grafts (FTSG) and split-thickness skin grafts (STSG). FTSG are of site, will vary from patient to patient, a variety of FTSG
composed of epidermis and the full thickness of dermis, and donor sites should be examined for each individual defect.
STSG are composed of epidermis and partial-thickness dermis. At times, a regional approach may be used. Skin taken from
This chapter will discuss the design of and considerations for a particular anatomic region may be used to repair defects in
these two types of skin grafts, including harvesting and place- that same region.6 For example, grafts taken from redundant
ment techniques, modifications of FTSG such as composite upper eyelid skin may be used to repair the lower eyelid,
grafts and free cartilage grafts, and advantages, disadvantages, providing a good color and texture match as well as a well-
and complications of FTSG and STSG. camouflaged donor site scar. The nasolabial fold skin, in con-
junction with a Burow’s triangle, can be used for nasal tip
FULL-THICKNESS SKIN GRAFTS defects, and the donor site scar can be hidden in the remaining
fold. Similarly, the postauricular sulcus is an excellent donor
Design and Considerations site for defects of the ear.
Full-thickness skin grafts are often used to reconstruct surgical In cases where lack of available donor skin prohibits harvest-
defects resulting from skin cancer removal and can provide ing from the exact anatomic region, alternative FTSG donor
very good matching of color, thickness, and texture.1–6 Defects sites are available. Color and texture matching are heavily
on the nasal tip, ala, lower eyelid, and ear, which may be influenced by sun exposure, and thus, donor sites for FTSG
difficult to close primarily or with a flap, may be excellent of the face are traditionally from sun-exposed areas above the
candidates for placement of a FTSG.3,7–10 FTSG can yield shoulders. Thickness matching is also crucial to optimize the
excellent results because they include full-thickness epidermis aesthetic result. The thinnest grafts are usually harvested from
and dermis. They exhibit minimal wound contraction, and the upper eyelid or the postauricular sulcus. Medium thickness
dermal adnexal structures and sensation usually remain grafts are harvested from the preauricular and cervical regions.
intact. The supraclavicular region and nasolabial fold can be used for
FTSG have significant nutritional requirements and require thicker grafts. The surgeon can utilize skin from the nasolabial
a rich vascular supply both to promote capillary regrowth and fold, glabella, forehead, or conchal bowl to repair nasal defects
to support the development of a collagenous matrix by fibro- requiring thick, sebaceous skin.6,15–17
blasts, a requirement for graft adherence.11 Although FTSG Skin harvested from certain sun-exposed sites such as the
can support small avascular areas through vascular bridging, postauricular sulcus and the preauricular region may be used
the FTSG should not be used for large avascular areas such as as grafts for a variety of facial defects. The postauricular sulcus
exposed bone, cartilage, tendon, or nerve devoid of periosteum, is a good source of donor tissue for the eyelid, medial canthus
perichondrium, peritenon, or perineurium. and ear. Given its sun-exposed location and thickness, the
Host factors can influence the success of the FTSG as preauricular region often provides a good match for defects
well.1–3,12–14 The vascular and nutritional requirements for of the nasal dorsum, sidewalls, and tip. Donor site scars in
graft success may not be satisfied in a patient with diabetes these areas are well camouflaged and should not be very
mellitus or nutritional deficiencies such as protein deprivation noticeable when healing is complete.18,19 Care must be taken
or vitamin deficiencies, or in a cigarette smoker. Further, to avoid the accidental inclusion of hair follicles within the
inherited or acquired bleeding disorders, uncontrolled hyper- graft. This often limits the size of the potential graft to be taken
tension, or use of anticoagulants such as nonsteroidal anti- preauricularily to approximately 1.5 cm. If hair is accidentally
inflammatory drugs or aspirin may lead to graft failure because or unavoidably included in the graft, it may be treated with
of excessive bleeding and hematoma or clot formation beneath electrolysis or laser hair removal when healing is complete.
the graft. Immunosuppression may also interfere with graft Larger defects of the scalp and forehead may require large
survival. donor grafts of sun-damaged skin. In these cases, the supra-
Careful attention to matching the donor and recipient sites clavicular region or lateral neck skin can be used.6 These donor
is essential for a good result. The surgeon must consider sites are more difficult to camouflage and may not be covered
epidermal, dermal, and environmental factors. Epidermal and by clothing, so the surgeon must orient the donor site scar
dermal thickness, dermal vascular pattern, sebaceous quality, carefully. Although color and texture match may not be optimal,
and epidermal color and texture are also important.1,3,7,9,13,15 areas below the neck with thin redundant skin, such as the
Environmental qualities such as the pattern of sun exposure upper inner arms, forearms, and inguinal areas, provide other
and the ability to camouflage a donor scar site should also donor site options.11 These donor areas are often used to graft
be considered. defects on the dorsal hand and distal lower extremities.
Skin grafts go through several stages of wound healing in waterproof pen to create an outline of the defect (Figure 9.1). A
the early postoperative period. The first 24 hours after graft flexible material such as a telfa pad is pressed against the
placement is the ischemic period, or the stage of plasmatic defect. The telfa may absorb some of the blood from the
inhibition, during which fibrin glue attaches the graft to its defect, as well as the ink surrounding it, providing a near exact
recipient bed. Vessel anastomoses form during the next 48 image of the defect.20 To accommodate for graft shrinkage, a
to 72 hours, after which vascular proliferation occurs. Full graft 3–5% larger than the template is often harvested. Grafts
circulation is not restored for 4–7 days.11 Limitation of activity used for lower eyelid defects may be oversized by even more
is essential for graft survival, both to minimize shearing forces to allow for contraction and to avoid the possible side effect
that would cause vessel disruption and to minimize the risk of ectropion.4 Increased tension on the graft because of
of overloading graft circulation in the early stages of healing. inadequate sizing can lead to graft failure. However, oversizing
Vigorous exercise, heavy lifting, and bending should be elimi- may lead to pin-cushioning of the graft.
nated for at least one to two weeks after skin grafting.1 Patients Injection of anesthesia should be delayed until the donor
should therefore be counseled to avoid activities that elevate site is marked, so as to avoid incorrect marking due to tissue
their blood pressure and pulse, including stair climbing, lifting stretch from lidocaine injection (Figure 9.1b). Adrenaline
heavy bags of groceries, or walking more than a few blocks at a (epinephrine) can be used and does not impair graft survival.21
moderate pace, for an additional one to two weeks after suture Appropriate surgical prepping and draping should follow. The
removal to maximize the likelihood of complete graft survival. graft is then gently excised from the donor site to the level
of the subcutaneous fat (Figure 9.1c), after which the donor
Technique defect is reapproximated with sutures (Figure 9.1d). Although
Although many techniques for harvesting and placing FTSG it is probably best to use immediately, harvested grafts may
have been described, creating a template for the graft is be preserved for 1–2 hours by placing it in a dish with normal
usually the initial step.1,3–6 The authors’ technique is described saline or on a saline-soaked gauze or, according to reports, up
below. The periphery of the donor site is inked with a to 24 hours if refrigerated or kept on ice.6,11
a b
c d
Full-Thickness Skin Grafts 109
a b c
Figure 9.2 Schematic view of a tie-over bolster. (a) Six tie-over sutures have been left uncut around the perimeter of the graft on the nasal
tip. (b) The 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock tie-over sutures are being secured to one another to stabilize the bolster material. (c) All of the tie-over
sutures have been sewn over the bolster, which will remain in place for one week.
the patient or physician. Black grafts, on the other hand, a modified composite graft with dermal pedicles to improve
suggest necrosis. White grafts can imply necrosis as well; how- graft survival.39 The graft is sutured with small tissue bites
ever, a white graft can also be caused by epidermal maceration. to minimize vessel strangulation and maximize the number
In some cases, there may be a good cosmetic result despite of vessels available for reanastomosis. The cartilage does not
superficial necrosis of the epidermis since reepithelialization need to be sutured, as it will heal on its own. Similar to FTSG,
may occur from a healthy dermis and its adnexal structures. a pressure dressing or bolster is advisable, and if the graft
If a graft fails and becomes necrotic, the graft should not be is used to repair an alar defect, an intranasal antibiotic im-
debrided. The eschar provides a natural dressing and aids the pregnated gauze should be used to stabilize the graft. Because
healing process. of the high risk of failure with composite grafts and the high
bacterial colonization around the nares, oral antibiotics are
Modifications recommended.6 Some authors advocate the use of an ice pack
Composite grafts, or grafts consisting of one or more types over the graft for the first 24 hours, theorizing that cooling
of contiguous tissues (cartilage, subcutaneous fat, overlying may slow autolysis and protect large grafts from necrosis while
skin) are modified FTSG.27–34 Frequently used to repair small revascularization occurs.39
full-thickness defects of the nasal ala and the helical rim, com- Yet another modification of the FTSG is the free cartilage
posite grafts can also be used to fill partial-thickness defects graft, which consists of cartilage and its overlying peri-
that extend too deeply for a FTSG to heal without leaving a chondrium. Both functional and aesthetic concerns dictate
concave defect or contraction of the free margin. These grafts the need for a free cartilage graft. These grafts are particularly
can be used as a single-stage repair for small defects, but may useful for restoring the architecture of a site that has undergone
also be used to provide mucosal lining and structural support significant cartilage loss and for maintaining the natural
in combination with a nasolabial or forehead flap. contour of an affected free margin during healing.32,40–44 They
Since they are dependent on the bridging phenomenon provide a rigid, but flexible framework, and can maintain
for survival, composite grafts are generally small with graft airway patency in cases where collapse of the ala occurs after
diameters greater than 2 cm at higher risk for central necrosis.35 removal of tumor (Figure 9.3). They are also useful for defects
Composite grafts should never be more than approximately that result in loss of cartilage at the distal nasal tip or ala, and
1 cm from a vascular source, and, perhaps even more than for deep sidewall defects that involve loss of the lower lateral
FTSG, are threatened by any mechanism, such as shearing cartilage.43,45
forces, that hinders revascularization. Although hyaline cartilage, found in the nasal septum and
Matching donor and recipient site color and texture allows costal joints, can be used for the free cartilage graft, elastic
for optimal cosmesis. Because of the morphological and struc- cartilage, found in parts of the ear such as the conchal bowl, is
tural flexibility of the ear, donor sites for composite grafts a superb choice for donor cartilage, as it has a high degree
typically include the helical crus, helical rim, and conchal of memory and varied contours that can be matched to the
bowl.31,34,36–38 The helical rim or conchal bowl are typically desired nasal contours.32
used to repair more substantial defects, whereas small alar The donor graft can be harvested from the conchal bowl
defects with cartilage loss utilize the crus. Most auricular donor using an anterior or a posterior approach. Use of the anterior
sites can be allowed to granulate, although wedge excisions are surface provides for greater access during both the surgical
often appropriate for helical donor sites. procedure and postoperative wound care; however, the poste-
Harvesting a composite graft may involve the inclusion of rior approach allows for complete concealment of the donor
the cartilaginous portion of the graft beyond the margins site scar. After incision of the skin overlying the conchal bowl
of the overlying skin, to serve as stabilizing pegs once the cartilage, a 3- to 6-mm strip or a larger disk or oblong-shaped
graft is placed into the recipient site.36 Creating these pegs not piece of cartilage is harvested with its overlying peri-
only anchors the graft into the stable tissue surrounding the chondrium.6 The technique for securing the grafts varies based
defect, but also directly apposes portions of the graft cartilage on the type of graft. For narrow graft strips, the soft tissue
with tissue already fully vascularized. Some authors advocate of the recipient bed is undermined medially and laterally and
Full-Thickness Skin Grafts 111
Figure 9.3 A cartilage graft was not placed to stabilize the alar rim
at the time of this patient’s Mohs surgery for a basal cell carcinoma
fifteen years previously. Collapse of the left nasal ala is present, and
becomes more prominent with inspiration.
the ends of the graft inserted such that the graft interlocks
with its recipient bed (Figures 9.4). Sutures are subsequently
placed for additional security for this type of graft as well as for
the disk or oblong-shaped grafts. A variation of the narrow
strip graft, used to brace the side of the nose, involves the use
of multiple cartilaginous strips aligned in parallel and secured
with sutures. After the cartilage graft is placed, a flap or FTSG
may be used to cover the defect.
In addition to composite grafts and free cartilage grafts,
there are several other variations of the FTSG. The placement b
of a FTSG may be delayed to allow for granulation of the base
of the recipient bed with minimal, if any, difference in the
cosmetic or functional result.46 Alternatively, small dermal
grafts may be used as tissue fillers prior to the placement of
the FTSG, and may be especially useful for elevation of deep
postsurgical defects of the nose and alar rim.47 These dermal
grafts may be harvested from the dog-ears of FTSG donor
sites. The epidermis should be removed prior to dermal graft
placement to prevent the formation of epidermoid cysts at the
graft site.
Burow’s grafts may be used to repair defects of the nasal
sidewall and dorsum, and sometimes the forehead, lateral
neck, or other areas.48 These grafts are obtained from the
excised Burow’s triangle, and can provide outstanding results
because they utilize skin immediately adjacent to the defect.49
Burow’s grafts eliminate the need for a separate donor site, but
necessitate a larger scar line at the original defect site.
For large defects, or defects with exposed cartilage or bone c
at the edge of the wound, the use of the purse-string suture
Figure 9.4 Placement of a free cartilage graft and FTSG for a defect
may decrease the chance of graft failure. The purse-string
of the nasal tip and left nasal ala after Mohs micrographic surgery for
suture is a subcuticular stitch placed around the periphery of a
a basal cell carcinoma. (a) Defect extending to the level of the
circular or oval defect and allows partial closure of the defect perichondrium of the left alar cartilage. (b) A strut consisting of
by advancing skin from the entire periphery of the wound.50,51 conchal bowl cartilage and its overlying perichondrium has been
The purse-string suture also decreases defect size, and thus placed to stabilize the medial aspect of the alar rim. The free
enables the surgeon to use a smaller graft from preauricular, cartilage graft has been interlocked into soft tissue pockets on either
postauricular, or supraclavicular donor sites, which provide side of the defect, and secured with an absorbable suture to the
better matching of color and texture for defects of the face or underlying dermis. (c) A FTSG taken from the patient’s preauricular
scalp. skin has been sewn into place over the free cartilage graft.
The FTSG offers several advantages: it is functionally and
cosmetically more appealing than the STSG.11 Texture, color,
and thickness matching is significantly better and graft
contraction is minimal. FTSG generally have good sensation
and appendageal function, and excellent durability with low
infection risk.
For large deep defects, modified full-thickness grafts, such
as the composite graft, provide additional structural support
for defects of alar rim, thereby preventing distortion during
inspiration and at rest. Furthermore, composite grafts may
provide a single-stage alternative for the repair of small full-
thickness alar rim defects, sparing the patient the need for a
more complicated, multistage repair.
The major disadvantage of FTSG is that they may not match Figure 9.5 An electric dermatome is used to harvest a large STSG
the donor site in terms of skin tone, texture, or thickness from the anterior thigh. (Photo courtesy of Donald J Grande, MD.)
as well as a local flap. If the donor site is a poor match, the
graft is seen as a visible patch. In addition, grafts have high
nutritional and vascular requirements and, as such, may not amount of dermis included.6 Although less cosmetically
be appropriate for avascular tissue.11 Composite grafts have appealing and less durable than the FTSG, STSG are more
an even higher rate of graft failure because of the thicker piece versatile. They are more likely to survive under conditions
of tissue that must be revascularized. This often limits the size of vascular compromise and can be used to cover areas
of composite grafts. with limited vascular supply such as the periosteum, peri-
In general, all grafts are at risk for both short- and long-term chondrium, peritenon, and perineurium (Figure 9.5). They are
postoperative complications.3,12 Short-term problems include easier to apply than FTSG and can be used for large defects,
infection, hematoma, seroma, and mechanical shearing forces including those that cannot be covered by a flap or would heal
of the graft over the recipient bed. Although antibiotics are too slowly by second intention.1,2,55,57 The STSG allows for
routinely given for composite grafts, traditional FTSG do not early visualization of recurrent tumor and may be used to cover
require antibiotics except in certain circumstances.6 Patients postsurgical defects at risk for tumor recurrence.
with diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression, or patients Optimal matching of color, texture, and thickness is not
who were subject to a prolonged intraoperative period, may critical when selecting a donor site for a STSG. Rather, place-
benefit from oral antibiotics covering staphylococcus and ment of the donor site scar should be carefully considered.58
streptococcus. STSG should be harvested from a broad area of skin that can
Long-term complications of FTSG relate to cosmetic and be concealed beneath clothing. Wounds should not interfere
functional problems. FTSG may take months to appear natural. with ambulation. Common donor sites include the anterior,
In the first postoperative month, they may appear concave, medial, and lateral portions of the upper thigh, the inner
although this depression usually corrects itself. Despite the and outer aspects of the upper arm, and the inner aspect of the
surgeon’s best attempts at matching color, texture, and thick- forearm. The most common donor site is the anteromedial
ness, spot dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be necessary thigh. The buttock, although cosmetically ideal, may require
six weeks to six months after the procedure to improve surface assisted postoperative care. In addition to ease of postoperative
matching of the graft and the surrounding skin.52–54 Hyper- care, the type of instrument used to harvest the graft may
pigmentation is another complication and may be treated with dictate the donor site. A Davol dermatome can be used in a
topical hydroquinone and/or tretinoin.55 Wound contraction variety of locations to harvest smaller grafts, whereas other
is generally limited in FTSG and rarely leads to functional power-driven dermatomes and large freehand knives are limited
complications, but may occur in some cases, depending upon to donor sites such as the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks
the thickness and elasticity of the donor site.2,56 When non- because they require larger flat donor surfaces (Figure 9.5).
sun-exposed skin is used to repair a defect on the face, a color
mismatch generally occurs. One way to minimize this is to use Technique
a variety of lasers to improve the quality of the surrounding
donor skin. Vascular lasers may be used to remove sun-induced There is not a consensus approach to harvesting and placing a
telangiectasia and pigmented lesion lasers may be used to STSG.1,2,5,6,59–61 Both electric dermatomes and freehand
remove solar lentigenes. This helps the grafts blend into the devices such as scalpel blades, double-edged razor blades, and
surrounding area and makes it much less noticeable. knives, such as the Weck blade, can be used to harvest a graft;
however, the freehand devices require more technical skill.
SPLIT-THICKNESS SKIN GRAFTS Standard #15 or #15c blades may be used to harvest small
medium-thickness STSG.6 After marking and anesthetizing
Design and Considerations the donor site, the donor site is scored lightly with the blade.
Split-thickness skin grafts consist of epidermis and a portion The assistant applies tension to the donor site, and the blade
of the dermis. Thickness of the grafts varies, and they are is oriented parallel to the graft site, just beneath the surface, to
classified as thin (0.013 to 0.033 cm), medium (0.033 to harvest a medium-thickness STSG. Blade sharpness diminishes
0.046 cm), or thick (0.046 to 0.076 cm), depending on the quickly, and several blades may be required to obtain the graft.
Conclusion 113
choice for many well-vascularized defects, whereas STSG can After the tumor was cleared, the defect measured 2.0 × 1.9 cm2,
survive on recipient beds with limited vascularity. The and extended to the perichondrium of the lower lateral cartilage
composite graft is a good choice for full-thickness nasal defects (Figure 9.7). The defect was repaired with a full-thickness
with significant alar or cartilage loss, whereas the free cartilage skin graft taken from the supraclavicular region (Figure 9.8).
graft provides structural support for partial-thickness alar rim The graft was pink at the time of suture removal one week
defects and allows the surgeon the flexibility to choose between after the surgery (Figure 9.9). The patient was advised that his
flap and a graft. Grafting may be an option in a multitude of graft had survived, but that he should avoid exercising for two
situations, and knowledge of the applications, advantages, and additional weeks.
disadvantages of grafting is invaluable for the dermatologic At the time of the patient’s three-week follow-up visit, a
surgeon. yellowish eschar was present over the superior half of the graft,
and a brown eschar was present over the inferior half of the
GRAFT COMPLICATION graft (Figure 9.10). The patient stated that he had been walking
several miles per day since the time of his suture removal,
This 74-year-old man underwent Mohs surgery for a recurrent although he had not been playing tennis. The eschar was not
squamous cell carcinoma of his right lower nasal sidewall. debrided, but was instead left in place to serve as a natural
Figure 9.7 This patient underwent Mohs surgery for a recurrent Figure 9.9 The graft was pink at the time of suture removal one
squamous cell carcinoma of his right lower nasal sidewall. After the week after the surgery.
tumor was cleared, the defect measured 2.0 × 1.9 cm2, and
extended to the perichondrium of the lower lateral cartilage.
Figure 9.8 The defect was repaired with a full-thickness skin graft Figure 9.10 At the patient’s three-week follow-up visit, a yellowish
taken from the supraclavicular region. eschar was present over the superior half of the graft, and a brown
eschar was present over the inferior half of the graft.
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