ML Unit-5

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Analytical Learning-1: Introduction, learning with perfect domain theories:

PROLOG-EBG, remarks on explanation-based learning, explanation-based
learning of search control knowledge.
Analytical Learning-2: Using prior knowledge to alter the search objective,
using prior knowledge to augment search operators.
Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning: Motivation, inductive-analytical
approaches to learning, using prior knowledge to initialize the hypothesis.
Analytical Learning: A Definition

Given a hypothesis space H a set of training examples D and a domain

theory B consisting of background knowledge that can be used to
explain observed training examples, the desired output of an analytical
learner is a hypothesis h from H that is consistent with both the training
examples D and the domain theory B.

Explanation-Based-Learning works by generalizing not from the training

examples themselves, but from their explanation.
Learning With Perfect Domain Theories

A perfect domain theory is correct and complete.

A domain theory is correct if each of its assertions is a truthful
statement about the world.
A domain that is complete w.r.t target concept and X, if it covers
every positive example in the instance space.
Perfect domain theories are often unrealistic, but, learning in
them is a first step before learning with imperfect theories.
Prolog-EBG is an EBL learner. It uses sequential covering.
Step1: Explain
Step2: Analyze
Summary of Prolog-EBG

Prolog-EBG produces justified general hypotheses.

1. The explanation of how the examples satisfy the target concept
determines which examples attributes are relevant: those
mentioned in the explanation.
2. Regressing the target concept to determine its weakest
preimage allows deriving more general constraints on the value
of the relevant features.
3. Each learned Horn Clause corresponds to a sufficient condition
for satisfying the target concept.
4. The generality of the learned Horn clauses depend on the
formulation of the domain theory and on the sequence in
which the training data are presented.
5. Prolog-EBG implicitly assumes that the domain theory is correct
and complete.

Different Perspectives on Explanation-
Based-Learning (EBL)
EBL as theory-guided generalization of examples: EBL
generalizes rationally from examples.
EBL as example-guided reformulation of theories: EBL can
be viewed as a method for reformulating the domain
theory into a more operational form.
EBL as “just” restating what the learner already knows:
EBL proceeds by reformulating knowledge and this can
sometimes be seen as an important kind of learning (the
difference between knowing how to play chess and
knowing how to play chess well, for example!)

EBL of Search Control Knowledge
Given EBL’s restriction to domains with a correct and complete
domain theory, an important class of application is in speeding
up complex search problems by learning how to control search.
Two well-known systems employ EBL in such a way: PRODIGY
and SOAR.
In PRODIGY, the questions that need to be answered during the
search problem are: “Which subgoals should be solved next?”
and “Which operator should be considered for solving this
subgoal?”. PRODIGY learns concepts such as “the set of states in
which subgoal A should be solved before subgoal B”.

EBL of Search Control Knowledge
SOAR learns by explaining situations in which its
current strategy leads to inefficiencies. More
generally, SOAR uses a variant of EBL called chunking
to extract the general conditions under which the
same explanation applies.
SOAR has been applied in a great number of problem
domain and has also been proposed as a
psychologically plausible model of human learning

Problems associated with applying EBL to
Learning Search Control
In many cases, the number of control rules that must be
learned is very large. As the system learns more and more
control rules to improve its search, it must pay a larger
and larger cost at each step to match this set of rules
against the current search state.
In many cases, it is intractable to construct the
explanations for the desired target concept.

Standard Approach to EBL

The EBL Process

An Example
Domain theory:
Fixes(u,u)➔ Robust(u) // An individual that can fix itself is robust
Sees(x,y)  Habile(x) ➔Fixes(x,y) // A habil individual that can see another entity can
// fix that entity
Robot(w) ➔Sees(w,w) // All robots can see themselves
R2D2(x) ➔ Habile(x) // R2D2-class in individuals are habil



An Example (continued…)



Robot(r)  R2D2(r) ➔Robust(r)

History ??
EBL may be viewed as a convergence of several distinct lines of research
within machine learning.
EBL has developed out of efforts to address each of the following
◦ Justified generalization.
◦ Chunking.
◦ Operationalization.
◦ Justified analogy.


• Explanation Based Learning (EBL):

• Needs only one example.
• Requires complete knowledge about the concept.
• Shows the importance of prior knowledge in learning.

Chapter 2
Analytical Learning-2: Using prior knowledge to alter the search objective,
using prior knowledge to augment search operators.
Using prior knowledge to alter the search objective
Using prior knowledge to alter the search objective
The EBNN Algorithm
Domain theory
Each rectangular Hock represents a
distinct neural network in the
domine theory
•There is one network for each Horn clause in the domain theory.
•EBNN uses the top network to calculate the partial derivative of the
prediction with respect to each feature of the instance. (i.e., how much
does the output change as I tweak BottomIsFlat?).
•These derivatives are given to the bottom network which is trained with
a variation of TangentProp.
Using prior knowledge to augment search operators
Using prior knowledge to augment search operators
Dashed edges in the search
tree denotes an additional
l candidate specialization that
is considered by FOCL and
based on the domain theory

Solid edges in the search tree show

the general to specific search
steps considered in a typical
Search by FOIL
Chapter 3

Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning:

Motivation, inductive-analytical approaches
to learning, using prior knowledge to initialize
the hypothesis.
Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning
Using prior knowledge to initialize
the hypothesis
Example: The Cup Learning Task

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