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Division of City Schools Quezon City


Misamis Street, Brgy, Santo Cristo Quezon City

Adaptability and Resiliency: Lived Experiences

of Selected Grade 12 Students at
San Francisco High School in
Coping Up Amidst the COVID-19

A Research
Presented to the
Faculty and Staff of
San Francisco High School
Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

ALVAREZ, Wenerick
DORIA, William Guile
CAMORO, Carlanee
NAVELA, Kym Yvonne
SAFICO, Arianne

May 26, 2022

TITLE PAGE................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................ii

CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background

Statement of the Problem..................................4
Significance of the Study.................................4
Scope and Delimitation of the Study. ......................6

CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literatures......................................8
Local Literatures........................................9
Foreign Studies..........................................11
Local Studies............................................11
Conceptual Framework.....................................15
Theoretical Framework....................................16
Assumption of the Study..................................18
Definition of Terms......................................18

CHAPTER 3 Research Design and Methodology

Research Design..........................................20
Research Locale..........................................21
Subject/Participants of the Study........................21
Research Sampling Technique..............................22
Research Instruments.....................................22

Data Collection Procedure................................24
Data Analysis Procedure..................................25
Curriculum Vitae.........................................31

Figure Page
no.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 15


This chapter presents the background of the study,

statement of the problem, significance of the study, and
lastly scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

According to the article of Ojo, Fawehinmi, and Yusliza

(2021), the World Health Organization (WHO) declared
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a global pandemic two
months after it was first identified in Wuhan, China. As
determined by Worldometer (2021), COVID-19 had infected
exactly 166,243,526 million people worldwide by the 21st of
May 2021, with 3,451,708 million deaths confirmed.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant

changes in everyone's lives. Many people lost their jobs,
establishments and businesses were closed, students could not
come to school, and everyone was forced to stay at home to
avoid the continuous spreading of the virus. Millions of
Filipinos are suffering because of this adversity. Many cannot
have food on their table and even need facemask, face shields,
and alcohol when going outside the house. Fortunately, some
people who have kind hearts extend their hands to the needed
ones. The lives way back before were far from the current
situation. The usual looks when going out are now different
because of the face mask and face shields that people have to
wear to protect themselves from the virus. The places that
people used to visit, the restaurants they
used to eat, and the activities they used to do, and the
school that everyone used to study became impossible to

Demetriou, Drakontaides, and Demetris (2020) stated

that this pandemic had brought a domino effect globally. It
developed a more risky environment on people. It is indeed a
challenge and unprecedented global health crisis. For these
reasons, Some people are experiencing problems financially
and in their emotional and mental state. In addition, the
abrupt transition of the classes from typical face-to-face
learning to the new distance learning with sudden and
unpreparedness made everyone think if the student will be
able to adapt and learn effectively to this new classroom
set-up. Last year the government decided to push through the
classes with different learning modalities such as Online
Classes and Modular Classes. Students and parents are free to
choose whatever modality they want and think that can help
their children learn effectively. Wherein online class, the
student can learn new lessons with their teachers using
technologies. Through applications installed in smartphones
and computers, teachers can teach the students but
unfortunately only for a short period. Teachers also use
Google Classroom, which the students can easily access. In
this, the students can submit their works without leaving the
house and exposing themselves outside. On the other hand,
modular class is quite risky for the parents who make their
way to school every week to submit and pick up their
children's learning materials and worksheets. Considering the
capabilities and ability to learn of a student, some of them
may be a challenge, especially those who lack the resources,

limited space to study, and those students who have other
responsibilities aside from being a student.

COVID-19 has generated an atmosphere of fear among

people, putting a tremendous change on the lives of everyone.
Thus, numerous challenges have arisen as a result of this
event. Ojo et al. (2021) said that amid a crisis, a person's
resilience is critical to its survival and recovery. Cooke et
al. (2016) explained that resilience is a positive psychology
philosophy that stresses the attributes and values of
individuals in dealing with adversity. Resilience is
described as "the developable capacity to recover or bounce
back from adversity, conflict, and failure, as well as
positive events, development, and increased responsibility",
as claimed by Luthans (2002). Resilience is a positive
resource that helps people deal with difficult situations at
work and unexpected incidents such as the COVID- 19 pandemic.
(Ojo et al., 2021).

Moreover, this study aims to look at the whole picture

of adaptability and resilience of selected Grade 12 - Senior
High School Students of San Francisco High School amidst the
pandemic. This research aims to comprehend and understand if
the said participants are coping up or adapting to this
adversity by analyzing their lives through their experiences
and academic performance. Furthermore, it will demonstrate
the adaptability and significant problems faced by senior
high school students affected by the changes and uncertainty
of this COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of this study, the
researchers will show the adaptability and resilience of the
students during the pandemic to provide knowledge and

awareness and call the attention of the higher power to make
a solution, changes, and reformations.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate if the grade 12 senior

high school students of San Francisco High School are coping
up and adapting amidst the pandemic. Its purpose is to have
better understanding and insights in the lives of students
during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, It seeks
to find the answers to the following questions:

1. How do adaptability and resiliency affect SFHS

students' academic performance amidst the
2. Why does being adaptive and resilient require
the students to cope with this global pandemic?
3. What are the coping mechanisms that students of
SFHS performed to deal with this distance
4. How did the grade 12 students of SFHS deal with
the adversity in their lives brought by the

Significance of the Study

This study focused on investigating the experiences

and academic performances of selected Grade-12 senior high
school students of San Francisco High School in adapting and
being resilient amidst the pandemic. Furthermore, the results

of the study will be valuable and significant to the

Students. This study will benefit the students because

they can gain inspiration from the lives of other students
who overcome their challenges amidst the pandemic. Through
this, they can learn new coping strategies. In addition, they
will become aware and understand the impact of the pandemic.

Parents. This study will help the parents be aware of

their children's situation, leading to understanding their
feelings. Through this, they will be reminded to reach out,
approach, and give support and love to their child, especially
in this pandemic.
Teachers. The result of this study will give awareness
and empathy to the teachers in the situation of their
students. It will allow them to find a way to incorporate
motivation and encouragement in teaching. Moreover, the
teacher will be more tactical and will know the best way to
teach with love.

Readers. This research will give the readers knowledge

and allow them on how to cope up with the pandemic. In
addition, they will observe the relatedness of the pandemic
to the student's academic performance. Moreover, they will be
aware of their surroundings and the people around them.
Through this, they can also gain inspiration and coping

strategies that can help them to overcome their challenges
and adversities in life.

Guidance Counselor. This study will help the school's

guidance counselor to understand the situation of students
and provide or give more guidance and support to the students.
By this, they can make a program and online seminar regarding
the mental health of each student.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve

as a guide material or reference to the future researchers
who will conduct a study related to this research. It can help
them to have a prior understanding and background to the topic.
Moreover, through this research, they can create a new study,
theory, information, and realization that can widen and deepen
the comprehension of their study.

Overall, this research study will benefit the students,

parents, teachers, readers, guidance counselor and future
researchers, not by just having knowledge regarding this topic
but understanding and being aware of the situation as well as
the people around them.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on the adaptability and resilience

of students during the pandemic. The researchers will
investigate their life experiences, academic performance and
determine how they cope with the pandemic. It will show the

relatedness of the pandemic to the lives of the students.
However, it is limited and does not include other people's
life experiences, such as teachers, parents, senior citizens,
and pregnant women.

The participants of this study are selected grade-12

students of San Francisco High School who are one of the
numerous people affected by the pandemic. The school is
located at Misamis Street, Bago Bantay 1105 Quezon City,
Philippines. The respondents are those who are enrolled during
the School Year 2021-2022. In the overall grade 12, 66
students from different sections are randomly selected to be
participants in the study. This study will be conducted during
the fourth quarter period of this school year.

In this study, the researchers will use a phenomenology

research design and naturalistic approach because this
investigation will focus on the experience of the selected
grade 12 senior high school students of San Francisco High
School during the pandemic. The researchers will describe the
adaptability and significant challenges that the students
encounter during adversity. Moreover, interviews and
observation are how the researchers will collect information
or data from the participants. The researchers will interview
the selected participants individually, at the same time,
observe them. The data and the information that they will
collect will be analyzed carefully to determine the
adaptability and resilience of the students.



This chapter presents a review of literature and

studies both local and foreign, synthesis, conceptual
framework and theoretical framework which are relevant to
the present study.

Adaptability and Resilience of Students Amidst the Pandemic

Adaptability and Resilience

Based on Lucinska and Wierzchon's (2009) study,

adaptability is the ability to cope with internal and external
changes and adjust to changing environments and unexpected
events. In sociology, a term is used to describe a person's
ability to adapt or adjust to a new environment, circumstance,
or condition (Bermejo et al., 2020 ). In addition, flexibility
in the face of problems and difficulties is called
adaptability (López-Sevillano, Díaz- Piraquive, & Crespo,
2020). On the other hand, according to psychologists,
resilience is the ability to adapt well in the face of
adversity, trauma, tragedy, dangers, or severe causes of
stress, such as family and relationship issues, serious health
issues, or work and financial difficulties (American
Psychological Association, 2012). It also indentified that as
much as resilience includes "bouncing back" from adversity,
it can also imply significant personal improvement. "It's
your ability to withstand adversity and bounce back and grow
despite life's downturns," stated Amit Sood. In sum,
adaptability refers to adjusting to changing circumstances,
whereas resilience refers to the ability to withstand or
recover from adversity (Developing Graduate Attributes,

The 2019 novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak,

creating the coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19), is a
global public health emergency with a wide range of severe
repercussions for people's lives and mental health (Vinkers
et al., 2020). Also, he explained that resilience is
essential for coping with stress and maintaining a healthy
balance. Dr. Barbara Walker mentioned that it is
unavoidable to experience a certain level of worry and
anxiety as standing together in this unprecedented moment
in time (Health, 2020). However, she added that resilience
would be boosted if everyone is conscious of how they are
reacting and practice diverse methods of self-care (Health,

Impacts of Internal and External Motivation

Gustiani (2020) conducted a study to illuminate the

students' motivation toward their online learning during
the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to sudden change of learning
because of the pandemic, some parent support was a positive
predictor in academic interest and future profession.

King and Ganotice (2014) tested a conceptual model

positing perceived social support from parents, teachers,
and peers as predictors of various achievement goals. Goals
are posited to influence the use of self-learning
strategies and following academic achievements. These

hypothesized relationships were tested in a one-path
analytic model, and the results showed that social support
from parents, teachers, and peers positively predicted
adaptive types of goals.

Academic Status and Performance

Martin and Marsh (2006) conducted a study on

resilience that involved 402 high school students in grades
11th and 12th in two high schools in Australia. The focus
of the research was to investigate the rapport between
resilience and behavioral effects in school and test the
rationality of a new resilience instrument

The results of the study showed that five factors

related strongly to academic resilience: planning, control,
self-efficacy, persistence, and low anxiety. Academic
resilience was also found to predict three educational and
psychological outcomes, including self-esteem,
participation, and enjoyment of school.

Reis, Colbert, and Hebert (2005) cited various

interesting components in the study. First, the
underachievers did not start underachieving until they were
in high school. In addition, several of the high achievers
had brief periods of underachievement, but they were able
to recover. Second, high and low achievers have family
problems that become a significant factor in their behavior
in their studies. It just differed on how they cope up with
their situation. Some students are poor- spirited and
cannot handle this kind of situation

correctly. On the other hand, some used this as fuel for
them to strive for something more. Furthermore, both groups
experienced socio-economic issues, although the parents of
the high achievers were employed in the majority of cases.

Parents' support was particularly crucial to both

middle school and high school pupils, according to Richman,
Rosenfeld, and Bowen (1998). The study results showed that
both middle and high school students acquired personal
assistance, emotional support, and reality conformation
support from their parents. Parents were also named the
key listening support by high school students, while peers
were named the key listening support by middle school
students. When it came to actual assistance support, middle
school children said their neighbors were the most
important, while high school students said their parents
and instructors were the most important.

Ricard Sagol (1996) explained that building

resilience in students need not take substantial time from
teachers' other instructional pursuits. Many of the
strategies are likely already in the toolkits of many
teachers. Authentic encounters produce sentiments of
competence, belonging, usefulness, potency, and optimism.
Majority knows that assemblies, classroom posters, and
smiley face stickers aren't going to transform a student's
attitude toward school or life in general. Infusing
resiliency-building events into the classroom and
curriculum can have a significant impact on children's
self-images. From this perspective, scholars can see that
resilience building and teaching are the same.

A study of Mangaoil (2018) concluded that their
research findings showed that students are prompt in
completing academic assignments and free from wasteful
delay and distractions in terms of study habits and
attitudes. While it was revealed that students have the
academic drive, which refers to the persistence and
determination to achieve academic work, it was also found
that they have a variety of study strategies. Furthermore,
the academic self- engagement program was created to assist
students in improving the following non-intellectual
elements, particularly students' collaboration with
educational activities, which had the lowest mean.


Adaptability is defined as the ability to cope with

internal and external changes and adjust to changing
settings and unexpected events, according to Lucinska and
Wierzchon (2009). Resilience, on the other hand, is defined
as the ability to adapt well in the face of adversity,
trauma, tragedy, hazards, or extreme sources of stress such
as family and relationship concerns, serious health issues,
or work and financial challenges, according to
psychologists (American Psychological Association, 2012).
The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in 2019, a novel coronavirus, is a
global public health emergency with a wide variety of
devastating consequences for people's lives and mental
health (Vinkers et al., 2020). Resilience is necessary for
coping with stress and maintaining a healthy balance,
according to Vinkers et al. (2020). During the Covid -19
epidemic, Gustiani (2020) (foreign) did a study to

enlighten students' motivation toward their online

The study looked at how supportive relationships with

parents, instructors, and friends might motivate
teenagers. Peer support was found to be a strong predictor
of pursuing prosocial goals. Academic interest and future
career were both positively correlated with teacher
support. The usage of self-learning practices and
educational outcomes are said to be influenced by goals.
Sagol, Ricard (1996) proved that building student
resilience does not have to take up much time from a
teacher's other responsibilities. Incorporating
resilience-building activities into the classroom and
curriculum can have a big impact on kids' self-esteem. Many
of the tactics are likely already in many instructors'

Genuine contacts elicit feelings of competence,

belonging, utility, potency, and optimism. Planning,
control, self-efficacy, persistence, and low anxiety were
found to be substantially linked to academic resilience in
the study. Academic resilience was also discovered to be
a predictor of three educational and psychological
outcomes. The findings of Armina B Mangaoil
(Psychological Factors and Academic Performance,2018)
revealed that students are quick in completing academic
tasks in terms of study habits and attitudes. The academic
self-engagement program was designed to help pupils
improve the non-intellectual elements listed below.

Scholars agree that students' academic accomplishment
is a 'net outcome' of their cognitive and non-cognitive
characteristics, as well as the sociocultural milieu in
which they study (Lee & Shute,2010; Lee & Stankov, 2016).
The current issue has eight studies investigating the
impact of various cognitive, non-cognitive or
psychological, and environmental factors on students'
academic attainment from varied sociodemographic and
sociocultural backgrounds. First and foremost, reflective
exercises do not appear to have a negative impact on
academic performance or student motivation (Liem &
McInerney, 2018; Liem & Tan, 2019). Furthermore, reflecting
exercises appear to have an emotive rather than a cognitive
effect on students in the near term. All students, notably
those living in poverty, have been affected by school
closures and social isolation. A mental health crisis is
erupting, compounding the damage to their learning since
many pupils have lost access to school- based treatment.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Input, Process, Output of Adaptability

and Resilience of Students Amidst the Pandemic.

This diagram explains the plan and goal of the research.
This conceptual framework incorporates the diverse range of
applications and understanding associated with adaptability
and resilience amidst pandemics. This chapter has presented
some practices in which a student might engage in order to
adapt and be resilient in their academic journey amidst a
pandemic. The input is the students' practices to survive the
challenges they needed to face amidst the pandemic. The input
includes reading and writing, time management, strengthening
social connections, and different strategies while studying.
Moreover, the process part defines the methods or steps that
the student applies to perform their adaptability and
resiliency practices in the midst of the pandemic. Also, the
output of the researcher’s conceptual framework is the results
of the adaptability and resilience practices that the students
performed amidst the pandemic. At the end of this study, the
presented research aimed to provide or increase knowledge and
awareness, draw the attention of a higher power to bring about
changes and reformation, coping strategies, understanding the
students' current situation, and lastly, analyzed the effects
of adapting and resiliency to the academic performance of
every student status in the midst of pandemic.

Theoretical Framework

Norman Garmezy's Resilience Theory by Dr. Norman

Garmezy stated that resilience is intended to depict the
capability of recovery and maintained adaptive behavior
that may follow initial retreat or incapacity upon
commencing a stressful situation, rather than being immune
to stress. Someone with high resilience is not always

strong in the face of hardship; instead, they can maintain
functional capability despite emotional distress (Optimist
Minds, 2021). Dr. Garmezy added that to be resilient, one
must demonstrate functional adequacy despite intervening
emotionality to measure resilient conduct under stress.

The theory of Dr. Norman Garmezy supports this study

because the researchers will investigate the life of senior
high school students amid COVID-19. Thus, their objective
is to perceive the actual situation of the students and
recognize if the said participants are adapting and being
resilient. In addition, they aimed to acknowledge if there
is the relatedness of academic performance or status of
the students in the pandemic. Conservation of Resources
Theory by Steven E. Hobtoll stated that stress is not
primarily a result of people's perceptions of events but
rather has central environmental, social, and cultural
roots in terms of people's demands to acquire and protect
the occurrences that ensure their well-being and keep them
safe from threats to their well-being. As per the COR
theory, stress arises from a culture's members' inability
to achieve common goals.

The theory of Steven E. Hobfoll supports this study

because the researchers will investigate how senior high
school students adapt to their situation in this time of
the pandemic. Therefore, they will also study the impact
of internal and external motivation on students.
Furthermore, they aimed to determine any relatedness of
academic performances or status of the students in the

The theories discussed above genuinely led the
researcher to believe that resilience is critical in
dealing with adversity in life to survive. Moreover,
internal and external motivation is linked to resilience.
In addition, it has an impact on the student's academic
position or performance.

Assumptions of the Study

These are beliefs that are held to be true based on logic or

In this study, the following assumptions are made:

1. Researchers may go into great detail about the

study's setting and participants.
2. Changes to questions may be made based on responses
to feedback gathered from prior discussions with
3. Participants will provide answers based on their
knowledge of the questions posed.

4.The researchers will present the proposed

solution consistently.

Definitions of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally according

to how they are being used in the study:

Academic performance. measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects. (Ballotpedia)

Adaptability. an ability or willingness to change in order to

suit different conditions. (Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Conservation of Resource Theory (COR). According to the COR
theory, stress results when an individual’s resources are
threatened, depleted, or when investment(s) in new resources
do not accrue adequately. (Joyner & Leake, 2018)

Cope. to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and

difficulties. (Merriam-Webster)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). is an infectious disease

caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. (World Health

External motivation. External motivation comes from outside

to motivate people. (Marinoff, 2021)

Internal Motivation. The motivation to engage in a behavior

arises from within the individual because it is naturally
satisfying to you. (Cherry, 2019)

Norman Garmezy's Resilience Theory. Someone with great

resilience is not necessarily someone who is extremely brave
despite adversity, it is someone who is able to show
functional adequacy despite the emotional turmoil.
(Optimist Minds, 2021)

Pandemic. A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads

across countries or continents. (WebMD, 2016)

Resilience. Resilience is typically defined as the capacity

to recover from difficult life events. (Hurley, 2020)



The methods to be employed in the study are presented

in this chapter. It also describes the study subjects, the
instruments used, the procedure of data gathering, and the
analysis of data.

This study will create an in-depth understanding on the

adaptability and resilience of grade-12 senior high school
students in San Francisco High School in coping with the
pandemic by analyzing their lives through their experience
and academic performance.

Research Design

This study is naturalistic research, with an

association of phenomenology approach. The reason for that,
the investigation will focus on the experience of the
selected Grade 12 students of San Francisco High School
during the pandemic. Researchers will describe the
adaptability and significant challenges the students
encounter during adversity. Grade 12 students from San
Francisco High School will be the participants in this study.
The researchers will randomly select the participant through
cluster sampling. It's either boy or girl who will be the
participants because everyone is affected by the sudden
occurrence of the unprecedented global health problem
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) that was the subject of this
Research Locale

The study was conducted at San Francisco High School

(SFHS); this place was selected because it is feasible for
the researchers to gather and collect data. It is located at
Misamis St., Brgy. Santo Cristo, Quezon City. It is headed
by their principal Mrs. Edna Banaga. The school that the
researchers have chosen is the school where they are
studying. Therefore, it is easy and convenient to access and
get information. The participants of the research are the
Grade-12 senior school students in SFHS.

Subject/Participants of the Study

There was only one (1) group of participants in this
study: the selected grade-12 senior high school students at
San Francisco High School (SFHS) in all sections. They were
selected through cluster sampling. Moreover, they were chosen
to be the participants because they are one of the numerous
people affected by the sudden occurrence of an unprecedented
global health problem, namely Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19), which was the subject of this study. These
randomly selected students are either male or female.

In the overall population of grade 12 students in

San Francisco High School, particularly the 1,317 grade-12
students, they consist of different strands and sections. The
population in this study is the 11 sections from the STEM
strand (417 students), 9 sections from the ABM strand (343
students), 8 sections from the GAS strand (336 students), and
6 sections from the TVL track (221 students). With that
population, 66 students from different sections are randomly
selected to study using cluster sampling. These 66

respondents represent 10% of the 1317 population of grade 12
students enrolled at San Francisco High School. The research
participants are those who were enrolled during the school
year 2021–2022.

Sampling Technique

The researcher used cluster sampling in this study as a

sampling technique. Cluster sampling is a technique of
choosing entire groups rather than individuals from a
specific population with suitable modifications at random.
This technique must identify and characterize the population,
establish the required sample size, and choose respondents
in cluster sampling. Create a logical cluster by identifying
and defining a logical cluster. List all clusters that make
up the cluster population. Calculate the average number of
people in each cluster. Divide the sample size by the
expected cluster size to determine the number of clusters
required. Through this technique, the number of participants
in this study is determined. Grade-12 senior high school
students from different sections were selected.

Research Instrument

The prerequisites for designing good data collection

equipment were taken into consideration when preparing the
instruments. Online interviews and observation will be used
to present and collect as much valuable and relative
evaluation as possible. It will be divided into two parts:
an interview and an observation.

Construction. The interview will be the primary data

collection tool for this study. To acquire the necessary

information, the interview will use a researcher-
created question. Based on the researchers' readings,
past studies, and professional literature, a draft of
the question for the online interview was created. The
questions of the interview gather information on the
participants' profiles, such as their name, gender, age,
strand and section. Next, the questions regarding the
pandemic will consist of open-ended questions. The
instrument is thus approved to gather accurate replies
from the participants. The interview will consist of a
series of questions that will address the study's
questions. The question is related to the research, and
these questions will be asked consequently. These online
interviews will generate an understanding on their
adaptability and resilience in coping with the pandemic.
It will be used in analyzing their life through their
experiences and academic performances. The students will
be asked how they deal with the adversity in their lives,
their common experiences, and the impact on their
academic performance brought by the COVID-19. The
observation will be held in the online interview. While
interviewing the participants, the researchers are also
observing them on their actions, behavior, how they
respond, and answered the questions given to them.

Validation. Before the instrument is used in the study,

the instrument will be evaluated by research
professionals and English teachers. Their
recommendations and corrections will be integrated into
the interview questions.

Data Collection Procedure

To present this study, the researchers perform a step-

by-step on collecting data. The steps are as follows:

1. First, the researchers will construct the questions

they will ask the participants in the online interview.

2. Second, investigators will submit the researcher-

made questions to their respective teachers so that they
are guided accordingly, and their questions do not stray
from the study's objective. The researcher-created
questions will be validated too by other research
professionals and English teachers.

3. Next, the researchers will integrate the corrections

and suggestions of the validators.

4. Then, the researchers will start communicating with

the 66 participants of the study that was selected by
the cluster sampling. The researchers conducted an
online consultation with their respondents to seek
approval to perform this data collection.

5. Before the data collection proceeds, the researchers

explain the objective and procedure of the study to the

6. Followed by the collection of information or data

from the individuals through interviews and observation.
The researchers will conduct interviews with the
selected individuals individually. The researchers will
consequently interview the

participants. In addition, the researchers are also
observing them.

7. Lastly, the data and information collected will be

examined thoroughly to measure the students'
adaptability and resilience.

Data Analysis

The data and information they acquire will be fully

reviewed to assess the students' adaptability and resilience.
Interviews and observations will be used to get information
or data from the participants. A research-created question
will be used in the interview. There will be open-ended and
demographic profile questions about their status amidst the
pandemic. The interview will consist of a series of questions
addressing the study's concerns. These questions will be
asked in response to the question, which is linked to the
research. These online interviews will be used to assess
their ability to adapt and cope in the face of the pandemic.
It will be used to evaluate their lives based on their
experiences and academic achievements. The students will be
asked about how they deal with challenges in their lives,
their shared experiences, and the effects of the COVID-19 on
their academic performance. The observation, on the other
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Address: 24 F Carlos Basca QC

Contact No: 09512928869

Email Address: alca aras.136519120029 de ed

Personal Background:

Age: i8 Religion: Catholic

Birthday'. Janua w <3. 2Ooq Birthplace: Las Pinas City
Status: Single Nationality. Filipino

Educational Background:

Primal.” Lucas R. Pascual

144 Houwart Rd. Quezon City, 1lo6 Metro Manila


NHS : San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Qiiezon City

zoi6 -2OsO

SHS San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Qriezon City

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

zozo - Present

Curriculum Vitae

ALVAREZ, Wenerick F.
Address: 247 MacArthur St. Brgy. Pasong Tamo

Contact No: 09674801642

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal Background:

Age: i 9 Religion: Roman Catholic

Birthday: February 2, 2003 Birthplace: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single Nationality. Filipino

Educational Background:

Primary: Old Balara Elementary School

Laura St. Brgy. Matandang Balara Q.C

zoo9 — zoi6

JHS Judge Feliciano Belmonte Senior High School

AFP Rd. Garcia Heights Brgy. Holy Spirit. Q.C



DORIA, William Guile R.

Personal Background:

Age: i8 Religion: Roman Catholic

Birthday: December 3, 2OO3 Birthplace: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino

C Educational Background:

Primary." Placido Del Mundo Elementary School

ii6 Qriirino He,', Novaliches, Quezon City, ii6 Metro Manila

zoo9 — zoi6

.IHS Tandang Sora National High School

Mindanao Ave. Ext., Brgy. Tandang Sora Quezon City

SHS San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Quezon City

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

mono - Present

CAMORO, Ma Carlanee M.
Address: 23 A Patok Street, Quezon City

Email Address: camoro.136491090030 de ed

C Personal Background:

Age: i 7 Religion: Roman Catholic

Birthday: September o8, z** 4 Birthplace: Bulacan
Cir il Status: Single Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background:

PzUnay: Demetrio Tuazon Elementary School

Don Manuel Agregado, Santa Mesa Heights, Quezon City

2O O9— 201$

JHS Eulogio Rodriguez Jr High School

Mayon St, La Lorna, Quezon City


Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma High School

Molave, Quezon City, Metro Manila


SHS San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Bra'. Sto. Cristo, Quezon City

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

NAVELA, Kym Yvonne M.
Address: 503 Jordans 74 Interior Kaingin Road Q.C

Email Address: naveIa.136516120004 de ed

Personal Background:

Age: i8 Religion: Born Again Christian

Birthday-. June 12, 200 3 Birthplace: Gumaca, Quezon
Status: Single Nationality: Filipino

C Educational Background:

Primal”. Apolonio Samsom Elementary School

Q. Baetiong Drive, Balintawak, QuezonCity, Metro Manila

iio6 Quezon City, Philippines


JHS Masambong High School

o6 Capoas Street, Masambong, Quezon City

zoi6 zozo

SHS San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Quezon City

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

mono - Present
SAFICO, Arianne S.
Address: 20C Salazar Drive Balumbato Q.C

Contact No: 09093585579

Email Address: safico.1365 17090101 de ed

Personal Background:

Age: i8 Religion: Roman Catholic

Birthday: March 18, 2OOd Birthplace: Manila
Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino

Educational Background:

Primary . Balumbato Elementary School

2i Salazar Dr, Quezon City, Metro Manila


JHS Villager Montessori College

i8 Dalsol Rd, Project 8, Quezon City, iii6 Metro


zoi6 — zozo

SHS San Francisco High School

Misamis St. Bago Bantay Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Quezon City

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


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