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EMI - Question Bank - II Sem 2022-23

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Course Details

Class : III-Year, B. Tech Semester : II Academic Year :

Course Title : Electrical measurements and Instrumentation Course Code :
20EE2011 Program/Dept.: EEE Batch : 2020-24 Credits : 3 Regulation
: R2020 Faculty : D VenkataBramhanaidu

Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
1 1 State the essentials of indicating instruments explain in detail? 1 2 12
2 (a) 1 Classify the different measuring instruments. 1 2 6
2 (b) 1 Distinguish between absolute and secondary instruments. 1 2 6
3 1 Explain different torques in indicating instrument in detail. 1 2 12
Explain with neat diagram, construction and working of PMMC
4 (a) 1 1 2 8
type instrument.
4 (b) 1 Write the advantages & disadvantages of MC type instruments 1 2 4
5 (a) 1 Derive the torque equation for MC instrument. 1 2 6
A PMMC instrument has a coil of dimensions 10 mm x 8 mm.
The flux density in the air gap is 0.15 Wb/m2. If the coil is
5 (b) 1 wounded for 100 turns, carrying a current of 5 mA then calculate 1 2 6
the deflecting torque. calculate the deflecting if the spring
constant is 0.2 x 10-6 Nm/degree.
Explain how the ranges of ammeters and voltmeters can be
6(a) 1 1 2 6
A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 10 ohms and gives a
full-scale deflection, when carrying 50mA. Show how it can be
6(b) 1 1 2 6
adopted to measure: (i) voltage upto 75 V and (ii) current upto
Explain with neat sketch the construction and principle working
7(a) 1 1 2 6
of moving iron attraction type instrument.
Explain with neat sketch the construction and principle working
7(b) 1 1 2 6
of moving iron repulsion type instrument.
Derive an expression for the Deflecting torque in MI type
8(a) 1 1 2 6
The inductance of attraction type instrument is given by
L=(10+5θ-θ2) μH where θ is the deflection in radian from zero
8(b) 1 1 2 6
position. The spring constant is 12 x 10 -6 N-m/rad. Find out the
deflection for a current of 5A.
Explain how the MI ranges of ammeters and voltmeters can be
9(a) 1 1 2 6
A moving coil instrument has the a resistance of 10Ω and gives
9(b) full scale deflection when carrying a current of 50mA. Show how 1 2 6
it can be adapted to measure voltages upto 750V.
Design an Aryton shunt to provide an ammeter with the current
10 1 ranges 1 A, 5 A and 10 A. A basic meter resistance is 50Ω and 1 2 12
full scale deflection current is 1 mA?
Analyze scale of moving iron instruments is non-uniform while
11(a) 1 1 2 6
that of PMMC instruments is Uniform?
1 List the advantages & disadvantages of MI type instruments ? 1 2 6
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
12(a) 1 Discuss about errors and compensations of PMMC instruments? 1 2 6
1 Discuss about errors and compensations of MI instruments? 1 2 6


Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
Explain the constructional and working details of electro
1(a) 2 2 2 6
dynamometer type wattmeter with a neat sketch.
List the advantages & disadvantages of electro dynamometer
1(b) 2 2 2 4
type wattmeter.
Derive the torque equation of electro dynamometer type
2 2 2 2 10
wattmeter. (i) for DC measurement (ii) for AC measurement
Explain the measurement of power in a 3-phase circuit using
3 2 2 2 10
two wattmeter method.
Show that
4 (a) 2 2 4

Two wattmeters are connected to measure the input power to

balance 3-phase circuit indicates 2000 watts and 500 watts
respectively. find the power factor of the circuit
4(b) 2 2 2 6
(i) when both the reading are positive.
(ii) Later the reading is obtained after receiving the connection
to the current coil coil is reversed.
5 (a) 2 Discuss the effects of load power factor on watt meter readings. 2 2 4
A 3-phase Induction motor working on 400V takes a line current
of 30A at a power factor of 0.866 Lagging. two wattmeters are
connected to measure the input power to the motor. what will be
5 (b) 2 the wattmeter readings? If the power factor were changed from 2 2 6
lagging to leading, the values reaming the same. Find the new
readings of the wattmeters assuming the input power remaining
Explain the construction and operation of single phase induction
6 2 2 2 10
type energy meter.
Explain driving system, moving system and braking system in a
7 (a) 2 2 2 6
single phase induction type energy meter.
A single phase kilo watt hour meter makes 500 revolutions per
7 (b) kilo watt hour. It is found on testing as making 40 revolutions in 2 2 4
58.1 seconds at 5KW full load. Find the percentage error.
8 (a) 2 Discuss the function and errors of single phase energy meter? 2 2 6
A 50A , 230 V meter on full load test makes 61 revolutions in
8 (b) 2 37 seconds . if the normal disc speed is 520 revolutions per 2 2 4
Kwh , find the percentage error.
Explain the construction and working of dynamometer type
9 2 2 2 10
power factor meters.
Explain the construction and working of moving iron type
10 2 2 2 10
power factor meters.
Derive torque equation of single phase induction type energy
11 2 2 2 10
Explain the significance of wattmeter usage in the measurement
12 2 2 2 10
of power instead of voltmeter and ammeter.
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
Classify resistances and list the methods that are being used to
3 3 2 4
measure medium valued resistances.
Describe the function of Wheatstone bridge and derive an
3 3 2 6
expression for its sensitivity
A Wheatstone bridge has ratio arms of 1000Ω and 100Ω and is
being used to measure an unknown resistance of 25Ω. Two
galvanometers are available. Galvanometer A has resistance of
50Ω and a sensitivity of 200 mm/µA an galvanometer B has
3 values of 600Ω and 500mm/µA. Which of the two 3 2 6
galvanometers is more sensitive to a small unbalance on the
above bridge, and what is the ratio of sensitivities? The
galvanometer is connected from the junction of the ratio arms to
the opposite corners. Comment upon the results
3 Discuss the limitations of the Wheatstone bridge. 3 2 4
List the methods used for low resistance measurements and
4 3 Explain the concept of low resistance measurement with neat 3 1 10
circuit diagram of Kelvin double bridge
A 4 terminal resistor of approximately 50µΩ resistance was
measured by means of a Kelvin bridge having following
component resistances:
Standard resistor = 100.03Ω; Inner ratio arms = 100.31Ω and
5 3 3 2 10
200Ω; Outer ratio arms = 100.24Ω and 200Ω;
The resistance of link connecting the standard and the unknown
resistance = 700µΩ. Calculate the unknown resistance to the
nearest 0.01µΩ
List out the methods being used to measure high value
3 resistances and Explain the loss of charge method with circuits 3 2 5
to derive an expression for the resistance under measurement
3 Explain the function of Megger with neat diagram 3 2 5
Explain how self-inductance of a coils can be measured with
3 3 2 6
7 suitable diagram
3 Differentiate the Maxwell’s inductance-Capacitance bridge. 3 2 4
Explain the Hay’s bridge with neat circuit diagram and derive
8 3 3 2
the balance equations
Explain the Anderson’s bridge with neat circuit diagram and
9 3 3 2
derive the balance equations
Explain the Desauty’s bridge with neat circuit diagram and
10 3 3 2
derive the balance equations
Explain the Schering’s bridge with neat circuit diagram and
11 3 3 2
derive the balance equations
12 3 3
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
4 List the ratios generally used for instrument transformers 4 1 4
4 List the errors in Current transformers and explain them briefly 4 1 6
Explain how errors can be reduced by suitable core design in
2 4 4 2 10
current transformers
A current transformer has a single turn primary and a 200 turns
secondary winding. The secondary winding supplies a current of
5A to a non-inductive burden of 1Ω resistance. The requisite
flux is set up in the core by an mmf of 80A. The frequency is
3 4 4 2 10
50Hz and the net cross section of the core is 1000 mm 2.
Calculate the ratio and phase angle of the transformer. Also find
the flux density in the core. Neglect the effect of magnetic
leakage, iron losses and I 2 R losses
Discuss how a current transformer differs from potential
4 4 2 4
List-out the errors in potential transformers and briefly explain
4 4 2 6
any two
Explain the function of a basic slide wire potentiometer and
5 4 4 2 10
explain what is meant by “standardization”.
A basic slide wire potentiometer has a working battery voltage
of 3.0V with negligible internal resistance. The resistance of the
slide wire is 400Ω and its length is 200cm. A 200cm scale is
placed along the slide wire. The slide wire has 1mm scale
6 4 divisions and it is possible to read up to 1/5of a division. The 4 2 10
instrument is standardized with 1.018V standard cell with
sliding contact at the 1.018 cm mark on the scale. Calculate (a)
working current (b) the resistance of series rheostat (c)
measurement range (d) the resolution of the instrument
Explain the principle and operation in detail with neat diagram
7 4 4 1 10
of Crompton’s potentiometer
Explain how DC potentiometers can be used to measure
4 4 2 5
resistance and current
A simple slide wire is used for measurement of current in a
circuit. The voltage drop across a standard resistor of 0.1Ω is
4 4 2 5
balanced at 75cm. Find the magnitude of the current if the
standard cell emf of 1.45V is balanced at 50Cm
Elaborate how standardization process can be done for AC
9 4 4 2 4
Briefly explain the function of the polar type and the coordinate
4 4 1 6
type AC potentiometers
Explain the operation of digital voltmeter with neat functional
10 4 4 1 10
Explain Multiplexer in detail with neat diagram and justify its
11 4 4 2 5
use in digital meters
Explain Demultiplexer in detail with neat diagram and justify its
4 4 2 5
use in digital meters
Explain the operation of integrating type digital voltmeter with
12 4 4 1 10
neat functional block diagram

Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
Why non-electrical quantities have to be converted into
5 5 2 6
electrical quantity? What are theirs name? Define them.
Classify the transducers based on their principle of transduction
5 5 1 4
and list them out
List-out the transducers used for measurement of displacement
5 5 1 5
and briefly explain how LVDT is used for the same.
The output of an LVDT is connected to a 5V voltmeter through
an amplifier whose amplification factor is 250. An output of
2 2mV appears across the terminals of LVDT when the core
5 moves through a distance of 0.5mm. Calculate the sensitivity of 5 2 5
the LVDT and that of the whole set-up. The milli-voltmeter
scale has 100 divisions. The scale can be read to 1/5 of a
division. Calculate the resolution of the instrument in mm.
5 List the advantages and disadvantages of LVDTs 5 1 5
A steel cantilever is 0.25m long, 20mm wide and 4mm thick.
a) Calculate the value of deflection at the free end for the
cantilever when a force of 25N is applied at this end. The
5 modulus of elasticity for steel is 200GN/m2 5 2 5
b) An LVDT with a sensitivity of 0.5V/mm is used. The
voltage is read on a 10V voltmeter having 100 divisions.
Two tenths of a division can be read with certainty
Explain how semiconductor strain gauges can be used to
5 5 2 5
measure force.
Explain “peizoresistive effect” and prove it with suitable
5 5 2 5
5 Explain the principle of working of RTDs 5 2 5
A platinum thermometer has a resistance of 100Ω at 25 ° C. (a)
5 Find its resistance at 65 ° C if the platinum has a resistance
5 5 2 5
temperature coefficient of 0.00392/° C . (b) If the thermometer
has a resistance of 150Ω, calculate the temperature
What are thermistors? What they are transducing? With a
5 suitable circuit arrangement, explain how thermistor is used to 5 2 5
measure temperature.
A thermistor has a resistance of 3980Ω at the ice point (0 ° C )
6 and 794Ω at 50 ° C . The resistance-temperature relationship is
5 given by RT =a R0 e b /T . Calculate the constants a and b . 5 2 5
Calculate the range of resistance to be measured in case the
temperature varies from 40 ° C to 100 ° C
Explain briefly about Piezoelectric effect and list out the
5 5 2 5
materials generally used as piezoelectric transducers
A Quartz piezoelectric crystal having a thickness of 2mm and
7 voltage sensitivity of 0.055V-m/N is subjected to a pressure of
5 5 2 5
1.5MN/m2. Calculate the voltage output. If the permittivity of
quartz is 40.6 × 10−12 F /m, Calculate the charge sensitivity.
Draw equivalent circuits of peizo-electric transducers and
5 5 2 5
substantiate with brief explanation
A piezoelectric crystal having dimensions of
5 mm ×5 mm ×1.5 mm and a voltage sensitivity of 0.055V-m/N
5 5 2 5
is used for force measurement. Calculate the force if the voltage
developed is 100V.
Explain anyone of the pressure measurement method that uses
9 5 5 2 10
electrical transducer as secondary transducers.
10 5 Explain any one of the method to measure linear velocity in 5 2 10
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
detail with neat diagram
Explain functional arrangement of electromagnetic flow meter
11 5 5 2 10
with diagram
12 5 Explain how ultrasonic method can be used to measure flow 5 2 10

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