EMI - Question Bank - II Sem 2022-23
EMI - Question Bank - II Sem 2022-23
EMI - Question Bank - II Sem 2022-23
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
1 1 State the essentials of indicating instruments explain in detail? 1 2 12
2 (a) 1 Classify the different measuring instruments. 1 2 6
2 (b) 1 Distinguish between absolute and secondary instruments. 1 2 6
3 1 Explain different torques in indicating instrument in detail. 1 2 12
Explain with neat diagram, construction and working of PMMC
4 (a) 1 1 2 8
type instrument.
4 (b) 1 Write the advantages & disadvantages of MC type instruments 1 2 4
5 (a) 1 Derive the torque equation for MC instrument. 1 2 6
A PMMC instrument has a coil of dimensions 10 mm x 8 mm.
The flux density in the air gap is 0.15 Wb/m2. If the coil is
5 (b) 1 wounded for 100 turns, carrying a current of 5 mA then calculate 1 2 6
the deflecting torque. calculate the deflecting if the spring
constant is 0.2 x 10-6 Nm/degree.
Explain how the ranges of ammeters and voltmeters can be
6(a) 1 1 2 6
A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 10 ohms and gives a
full-scale deflection, when carrying 50mA. Show how it can be
6(b) 1 1 2 6
adopted to measure: (i) voltage upto 75 V and (ii) current upto
Explain with neat sketch the construction and principle working
7(a) 1 1 2 6
of moving iron attraction type instrument.
Explain with neat sketch the construction and principle working
7(b) 1 1 2 6
of moving iron repulsion type instrument.
Derive an expression for the Deflecting torque in MI type
8(a) 1 1 2 6
The inductance of attraction type instrument is given by
L=(10+5θ-θ2) μH where θ is the deflection in radian from zero
8(b) 1 1 2 6
position. The spring constant is 12 x 10 -6 N-m/rad. Find out the
deflection for a current of 5A.
Explain how the MI ranges of ammeters and voltmeters can be
9(a) 1 1 2 6
A moving coil instrument has the a resistance of 10Ω and gives
9(b) full scale deflection when carrying a current of 50mA. Show how 1 2 6
it can be adapted to measure voltages upto 750V.
Design an Aryton shunt to provide an ammeter with the current
10 1 ranges 1 A, 5 A and 10 A. A basic meter resistance is 50Ω and 1 2 12
full scale deflection current is 1 mA?
Analyze scale of moving iron instruments is non-uniform while
11(a) 1 1 2 6
that of PMMC instruments is Uniform?
1 List the advantages & disadvantages of MI type instruments ? 1 2 6
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
12(a) 1 Discuss about errors and compensations of PMMC instruments? 1 2 6
1 Discuss about errors and compensations of MI instruments? 1 2 6
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
Explain the constructional and working details of electro
1(a) 2 2 2 6
dynamometer type wattmeter with a neat sketch.
List the advantages & disadvantages of electro dynamometer
1(b) 2 2 2 4
type wattmeter.
Derive the torque equation of electro dynamometer type
2 2 2 2 10
wattmeter. (i) for DC measurement (ii) for AC measurement
Explain the measurement of power in a 3-phase circuit using
3 2 2 2 10
two wattmeter method.
Show that
4 (a) 2 2 4
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
Why non-electrical quantities have to be converted into
5 5 2 6
electrical quantity? What are theirs name? Define them.
Classify the transducers based on their principle of transduction
5 5 1 4
and list them out
List-out the transducers used for measurement of displacement
5 5 1 5
and briefly explain how LVDT is used for the same.
The output of an LVDT is connected to a 5V voltmeter through
an amplifier whose amplification factor is 250. An output of
2 2mV appears across the terminals of LVDT when the core
5 moves through a distance of 0.5mm. Calculate the sensitivity of 5 2 5
the LVDT and that of the whole set-up. The milli-voltmeter
scale has 100 divisions. The scale can be read to 1/5 of a
division. Calculate the resolution of the instrument in mm.
5 List the advantages and disadvantages of LVDTs 5 1 5
A steel cantilever is 0.25m long, 20mm wide and 4mm thick.
a) Calculate the value of deflection at the free end for the
cantilever when a force of 25N is applied at this end. The
5 modulus of elasticity for steel is 200GN/m2 5 2 5
b) An LVDT with a sensitivity of 0.5V/mm is used. The
voltage is read on a 10V voltmeter having 100 divisions.
Two tenths of a division can be read with certainty
Explain how semiconductor strain gauges can be used to
5 5 2 5
measure force.
Explain “peizoresistive effect” and prove it with suitable
5 5 2 5
5 Explain the principle of working of RTDs 5 2 5
A platinum thermometer has a resistance of 100Ω at 25 ° C. (a)
5 Find its resistance at 65 ° C if the platinum has a resistance
5 5 2 5
temperature coefficient of 0.00392/° C . (b) If the thermometer
has a resistance of 150Ω, calculate the temperature
What are thermistors? What they are transducing? With a
5 suitable circuit arrangement, explain how thermistor is used to 5 2 5
measure temperature.
A thermistor has a resistance of 3980Ω at the ice point (0 ° C )
6 and 794Ω at 50 ° C . The resistance-temperature relationship is
5 given by RT =a R0 e b /T . Calculate the constants a and b . 5 2 5
Calculate the range of resistance to be measured in case the
temperature varies from 40 ° C to 100 ° C
Explain briefly about Piezoelectric effect and list out the
5 5 2 5
materials generally used as piezoelectric transducers
A Quartz piezoelectric crystal having a thickness of 2mm and
7 voltage sensitivity of 0.055V-m/N is subjected to a pressure of
5 5 2 5
1.5MN/m2. Calculate the voltage output. If the permittivity of
quartz is 40.6 × 10−12 F /m, Calculate the charge sensitivity.
Draw equivalent circuits of peizo-electric transducers and
5 5 2 5
substantiate with brief explanation
A piezoelectric crystal having dimensions of
5 mm ×5 mm ×1.5 mm and a voltage sensitivity of 0.055V-m/N
5 5 2 5
is used for force measurement. Calculate the force if the voltage
developed is 100V.
Explain anyone of the pressure measurement method that uses
9 5 5 2 10
electrical transducer as secondary transducers.
10 5 Explain any one of the method to measure linear velocity in 5 2 10
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL
No: S
detail with neat diagram
Explain functional arrangement of electromagnetic flow meter
11 5 5 2 10
with diagram
12 5 Explain how ultrasonic method can be used to measure flow 5 2 10