Eee 22
Eee 22
Eee 22
a. Discuss briefly the electromechanical energy conversion? And State the principle of
conservation of energy? (5 marks)
An electromechanical energy conversion device is the device that converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy or mechanical energy into electrical energy. Electromechanical energy
conversion takes place via the medium of a magnetic field, but most practical converters use
magnetic field as the coupling medium between electrical and mechanical system. This is because
the electric storing capacity of the magnetic field is much higher than that of the electric field.
Electromechanical energy converter is either gross-motion device such as microphone, loud
speakers, electromagnetic relays or certain electrical measuring instrument etc.
According to the principle of conversation of energy; Energy can neither be created nor be
destroyed it can only be transformed from one state to another
b. Draw the graphical relation between field energy and co-energy. Explain field energy and co-energy?
(5 marks)
Co energy is an energy used for a linear system computation keeping current as constant. It will not be
applied to the nonlinear system while field energy is the drawn by virtue of change in the distance
moved by the rotor in electrical machines in field configuration.
c. Calculate the ripple factor for a π type filter employing 10H choke and two equal capacitor 16µf each
and fed from a full wave rectifier and 50Hz mains? (5marks)
Data given
Thus, the riffle is 0.055% which shows that with π filter the output is almost pure dc
Distribution transform is a small step down transformer having maximum rating up to about 500KvA. It
is used to step down the voltage (11Kv) to standard service (3Ø, 415v)
Power transformer is the transformer with rating above 500KvA and used in generating station and
substation for stepping up or down the voltage
Generators – which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Faraday’s law dictates that if a
coil of N turns experiences a change in magnetic flux, then the induced voltage V is given by V=N(dØ/dt)
If a coil of area A rotates with respect to a field B, and if at a particular time it is at an angle to the field,
then the flux linking the coil is BAcos and the rate of change of flux is given by
Motor – which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Electric motors take power either from
direct current (DC) sources such as from batteries or rectifier or from alternating current (AC) source
such as power grid, inverters or electrical generators.
AC motors it simply convert the alternating current into mechanical power it is further classify into single
phase and three phase motors. They are the induction motor, synchronous motor and linear motor
DC motor it converts dc electrical power into mechanical power. It is divided into two major types
Mentions two methods that electric power may be that transmitted? (1mark)
3a. A voltage V=300cos100t is applied to half wave rectifier with RL= 5kΩ. The rectifier may be
represented by ideal diode in series with resistance of 1kΩ. Calculate;
Data given
V = Esmcosωt
Rf = Rs = 0 (ideal diode)
a. convert the following binary number into decimal (101.01)2 and (10101.0101)2 (4 marks)
(101.01)2 ≡ ( )10
101.01 = 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20 + 0 × 2-1 + 1 × 2-2
= 5.25
Therefore, (101.01)2 ≡ (5.25)10
While (10101.0101)2 ≡ ( )10
10101.0101 = 1 × 24 + 0 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20 + 0 × 2-1 + 1 × 2-2 + 0 × 2-3 + 1 × 2-4
= 16 + 0 + 4 +0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + ¼ + 0 + 1/16
= 21.375
Therefore, (10101.0101)2 ≡ (21.375)10
(1745.246)8 ≡ ( )16 is obtained by first converting it into binary and then into hexadecimal. Therefore,
for integer part we have;
1745 = (001111100101)2
Now make group of 4 bits, the hexadecimal equivalent is obtain i.e
0011 1110 0101
5 14 5
Thus, (1745) ≡ (3E5)16
Now, for fractional part we get
(0.2468)8 = (0.010100110)2
Again making groups, we have
We know that A 1 3 B
10 1 3 11
= 10 × 4096 + 256 + 48 + 11
= 41275
(A13B)16 ≡ (41275)10
7 C A 3
7 12 10 3
= 31907
7CA3 ≡ (31907)10
7 F D 6
7 15 13 6
We have
= 32726
It is an abbreviation for binary digits and it has two possible values 0 and 1. Where 1 can be defined as
on/true and 0 can be defined as off/false. Bit is one of the smallest unit values in computing and digital
communication. In a bit it contains some data in the form of electrical signals, in these signals there is
only two state either 1 (on) or 0 (off) which is used to measure electrical voltage, pulse, internet data
speed, circuit , telecommunication etc.
(ii) Byte It is combination of 8 bit where it is denoted by capital ‘’B’’. Byte is mainly used for measuring
the size of the data files. Let say in your computer or any computing device having some data like
movies, images, or any document file etc. these data have some amount of size in it
5a. list and explain 3 types of logic gate you know (6marks)
OR gate
AND gate
NOT gate
OR gate
An OR gate has two or more input signals and only one output signal. For an OR gate the output voltage
is high if any one or all the input voltage are high. The logical equation for OR gate is Y = A + B
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
AND gate it has two or more inputs and a single output. The output of AND gate is high only if all input
are high. In other words the output of AND gate is 1 only if all the input are 1. The logical equation of
AND gate; Y = A.B
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
An inverter or NOT gate changes on logic level to the opposite level. In other words it changes a 1 to a 0
and a 0 to a. NOT gate has only one input and one output. Hence when input is low, output is high and
when input is high, output is low. The logical equation for NOT gate is Y = A
Inpu Output
0 1
1 0
b. Determine the voltage current and power gain of an amplifier that has an input signal of 1mA at
10mA and a corresponding output signal of 10mv at 1v. Also express all the gains in decibels (dB)
Class A amplifier
Class B amplifier
Class AB amplifier
Class C amplifier
Common Emitter
Common Base
Common Collectors