Eee 321
Eee 321
Eee 321
Similar to three phase induction motor, single phase induction motor also has two main parts;
Stator: The stator winding is single phase winding instead of three phase winding; the stator core is the
same as the core of the three phase induction motor. In a single phase induction motor there are two
winding used in the stator expect in shaded pole induction motor. Out of these two windings, one winding
is the main winding and the second is auxiliary winding. The stator core is laminated to reduce the eddy
current loss. The single phase is given to the stator winding (main winding).
Rotor: It consists of a cylindrical laminated core with parallel slot for carrying the rotor conductors. It
should be noted clearly, are not wires but consist of heavy bars of copper, aluminum, or alloys. Instead of
rotor winding, rotor bar are used and it is short-circuited at the end by end rings. Hence, it makes a
complete path in the rotor circuit. The rotor bars are permanently short-circuited on themselves, it is not
possible to add any external resistance in series with the rotor circuit for starting purpose.
b. A typical (ATLAS 125-1hp 2850r/min 230v rating and ±10 tolerance) ac motor is a rewindable motor
coil aluminum surface water pump is ideal for water supply from reservoir and wells for domestic use.
Determine the minimum and maximum voltage that could be applied to the motor and what is the running
torque of the ac motor? (6 marks)
Data given:
Vrated = 230v and ±10 percent tolerance, f = 50Hz, S = 2850rpm, P = 1hp, Vmin=? Vmax=? T=?
= 230 – (0.1×230)
= 230 – 23
Vmin = 207v
= 230 + (0.1×230)
= 230 +23
Vmax = 253v.
Therefore, the minimum and maximum voltage that could be applied to the motor are 207v and 253v
Recall P = TS/5252 and running torque is given as: T = 5252P/S
T = 5252×1/2850, T = 1.8lb-ft
a. What is meant by synchronizing alternator and state the conditions to be satisfied for proper
synchronizing of alternator (5marks)
The process of connecting two or more alternator in parallel for supplying a common load is
called synchronizing. The condition to be satisfied for proper synchronizing of alternator;
The terminal voltage of the incoming alternator must be the same as bus-bar voltage
The speed of the incoming alternator must be such that its frequency equal to the bus-bar
The phase sequence of the incoming alternator must be the same as that of the other
alternator or bus-bar
b. Determine the efficiency of a motor that delivers 1.7hp while drawing 12A from a 240v supply at
a pf of 0.7 (5marks)
Data given
A shaded pole motor is basically a small single phase squirrel cage motor in which the starting winding
is composed of short circuited copper ring (called shading coil surrounding) one third of each pole. The
effect of the shading coil is to cause a flux to sweep across the pole faces from unshaded to shaded
portion of the pole producing a weak rotating magnetic field. As a result, the rotor is set in motion due to
induction principle
B. list and briefly explain the type of rotor used in alternator (5 marks)
Cylindrical rotor
Salient pole rotor
Cylindrical rotor has a uniform air gap because of which its reactance remains the same. However, the
synchronous machine (Alternator) with salient pole has non uniform air gap due to which it reactance
varies with the rotor position. The cylindrical rotor machine possesses one axis of symmetry (pole axis or
direct axis) where as salient pole machine possesses two axes of geometric symmetry;
C. outline the advantage of three phase motor over single phase motor (5 marks)
a. What is slip and determine the rated speed of a six pole, 120v 50 Hz motor that has 5 percent slip rate
speed (6marks)
This difference between the speed of rotor and speed of the rotating magnetic field in the stator is called
slip, it is unit less.
Data given:
Rated Speed =? No. of poles = 6, voltage = 120v, f = 50Hz, %S = 5
But Ns = 120f/P
Ns = 1000r/min
N = 950r/min
b. A certain mechanical system normally require 0.7 hp but under adverse condition may require 0.9 hp
can a 3/4hp motor with a service factor of 1.25 be used to power the system (5marks)
Data given
Find: Pmax
Therefore, A 3/4 hp motor with S.F = 1.25 will sufficient because Pmax is greater than Pload
C. why are resistance split phase induction motors most popular (4marks)
These motors are most popular due to their low cost. They are used where moderate starting torque is
required and where the starting periods are not frequent. They drive fans, pumps, washing machines,
small machine tool etc. They have power rating between 60watts and 250watts.
Synchronous generator is also known as alternator. This machine consists of two main parts;
i. Field winding (rotor winding) – winding that produce the main magnetic field in the machine
ii. Armature winding (stator winding) - winding where the main voltage is induced.
Main construction;
It has a 3 phase distributed winding (AC supply) similar to induction machine. The stator winding
is sometime called the armature winding.
It has a winding (DC winding) called field winding. Field winding is normally fed from an
external dc source through slip rings and brushes. Rotor can be dividing into two groups;
Salient pole rotor: Magnetic poles stick out from the surface of the rotor
Cylindrical rotor:
It rotor is in cylindrical form with dc field winding embedded in the rotor slots
It has a uniform air gap and provide greater mechanical strength
It is use in high speed turbo generator
B. Give the rate rotation of the magnetic field in the synchronous machine (2marks)
The rate rotation of the magnetic field in the synchronous machine is given as;
NS = (120fe)/P
C. state, draw the circuit and phasor diagram of the three types of load for synchronous machine
a. If a single phase motor is driven in any direction by any means it starts running in that direction.
Explain why? (5marks)
If a single phase motor is driven in any direction by any means it starts running in that direction because
actually a pulsating torque has two components which are equal in magnitude and rotate in opposite
direction with synchronous speed at unity slip. Now if the motor rotates in any direction, the slip decrease
and the torque component in this direction increases than the other component increases than the other
component and hence motor runs in that direction.
B. a 3phase Y-connected synchronous generator supplied a load of 10Mw at power factor 0.85 lagging
and the terminal voltage is 11Kv. The synchronous reactance of 0.66 ohm/phase. Calculate the armature
voltage and voltage regulation. Draw the phasor diagram (10 marks)
Data given
Ø = cos -1 PF
EA = VØ ∟ 0̊ + (IA ∟- Ø) (RA+jXs)
= 6624.07 ∟ 2.72̊ V