Cabinet Freestanding
Refer to Page 7 for Model Identification
Original Instructions
Keep These Instructions for Future Reference.
(If this machine changes ownership, this manual must accompany machine.)
3. Do not install or store the washer where it will be 12. Do not use fabric softeners or products to
exposed to water and/or weather. eliminate static unless recommended by the
4. To prevent fire and explosion, keep the area manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.
around machine free from flammable and 13. Always follow the fabric care instructions
combustible products. Do not add the following supplied by the textile manufacturer.
substances or textiles containing traces of the 14. Loading door MUST BE CLOSED any time the
following substances to the wash water: gasoline, washer is to fill, tumble or spin. DO NOT bypass
kerosene, waxes, cooking oils, vegetable oils, the loading door switch by permitting the washer
machine oils, dry-cleaning solvents, flammable to operate with the loading door open. Do not
chemicals, thinners, or other flammable or attempt to open the door until the washer has
explosive substances. These substances give off drained and all moving parts have stopped.
vapors that could ignite, explode or cause the 15. Be aware that hot water is used to flush the
fabric to catch fire by itself. supply dispenser. Avoid opening the dispenser
5. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be lid while the machine is running.
produced in a hot water system that has not been 16. Do not attach anything to the supply dispenser’s
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS nozzles, if applicable. The air gap must be
IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not maintained.
been used for such a period, before using a
washing machine or combination washer-dryer, 17. Do not operate the machine without the water
turn on all hot water faucets and let the water reuse plug or water reuse system in place, if
flow from each for several minutes. This will applicable.
release any accumulated hydrogen gas. The gas 18. Be sure water connections have a shut-off valve
is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame and that fill hose connections are tight. CLOSE
during this time. the shut-off valves at the end of each wash day.
6. To reduce the risk of an electric shock or fire, DO 19. Keep washer in good condition. Bumping or
NOT use an extension cord or an adapter to dropping the washer can damage safety features.
connect the washer to the electrical power If this occurs, have washer checked by a
source. qualified service person.
7. Do not allow children to play on or in the washer. 20. DANGER: Before inspecting or servicing
Close supervision of children is necessary when machine, power supply must be turned OFF. The
the washer is used near children. This appliance servicer needs to wait for at least 10 minutes after
is not intended for use by young children or turning the power OFF and needs to check for
infirm persons without supervision. Young residual voltage with a voltage meter. The
children should be supervised to ensure that they inverter remains charged with high voltage for
do not play with the appliance. This is a safety some time after powering OFF. This is an
rule for all appliances. imminently hazardous situation that, if not
8. DO NOT reach and/or climb into the tub or onto avoided, will cause severe personal injury or
the washer, ESPECIALLY if the wash drum is death. Before starting inspection of the inverter,
moving. This is an imminently hazardous check for residual voltage across main circuit
situation that, if not avoided, will cause severe terminals + and -. This voltage must be below 30
personal injury or death. VDC before the servicer can access the inverter
for inspection.
9. Never operate the washer with any guards, panels
and/or parts removed or broken. DO NOT bypass 21. Do not repair or replace any part of the washer, or
any safety devices or tamper with the controls. attempt any servicing unless specifically
recommended in the user-maintenance
10. Use washer only for its intended purpose, instructions or in published user-repair
washing textiles. Never wash machine parts or instructions that the user understands and has the
automotive parts in the machine. This could skills to carry out. ALWAYS disconnect the
result in serious damage to the basket or tub. washer from electrical, power and water supplies
11. Use only low-sudsing, no-foaming types of before attempting any service.
commercial detergent. Be aware that hazardous 22. Disconnect the power by turning off the circuit
chemicals may be present. Wear hand and eye breaker or by unplugging the machine. Replace
protection when adding detergents and worn power cords.
chemicals. Always read and follow
manufacturer’s instructions on packages of 23. Before the washer is removed from service or
laundry and cleaning aids. Heed all warnings or discarded, remove the door to the washing
precautions. To reduce the risk of poisoning or compartment.
chemical burns, keep them out of the reach of 24. Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this
children at all times (preferably in a locked washer according to the manufacturer’s
cabinet). instructions may result in conditions which can
produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
Figure 1
In order to minimize the risk of fire,
electrical shock and injury, THIS WASHER
MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. Never Extreme hot conditions can arise in the air
plug in or direct-wire an appliance unless it around the machine. Watch out for vapor
is properly grounded in accordance with that escapes from the washer extractor
all local and national codes. If more venting!
appliances are in the same location, W835
mutual grounding must be applied where
Replacement Parts
If literature or replacement parts are required, contact
the source from which the machine was purchased or
contact Alliance Laundry Systems at
+1 (920) 748-3950 for the name and address of the
nearest authorized parts distributor.
Customer Service
Contact your local distributor or call:
Alliance Laundry Systems
Shepard Street
P.O. Box 990
Ripon, WI 54971-0990
Phone: +1 (920) 748-3121
Ripon, Wisconsin
Alliance International
+32 56 41 20 54
Wevelgem, Belgium
1 5 2 3 4
A 6
7 10
R 12 X
Figure 2
Table 2
Use a lift truck or a manual skid cart for handling the
machine while in the transport package. If possible, After unpacking, check for any damage to the machine
leave the machine in the transport package or at least and that all accessories have been included with your
let it sit on the transport wooden skid until the time of order. Verify the type of your machine by the data
final installation on the foundation. plate located on the machine rear and find
corresponding information in the manual. The
accessories and the manual are located inside of the
drum, according to the information found in Door
Before the machine can be installed, remove the
packaging, loosen four nuts and lift the machine
carefully up. Make sure not to damage the machine
components located in the machine’s lower part. The
lift truck forks must be at least 10 cm longer than the
length of the washing machine frame (Table 3).
275 / 1200
Figure 3 2000 mm / 78.73″
Table 3
Handling During Installation
All activities should only be done by a worker who
knows all information about the machine. The
Space Requirements
machine is delivered to the customer in a wooden skid Required Machine Working Conditions
packaging and protected with polyethylene film. The
machine is attached to the skid by means of four bolts See Technical Specifications section.
The washer must not be installed or stored in an area
To remove the machine to its final location, follow where it will be exposed to water and/or weather.
these precautions: Avoid damp conditions where water or moisture could
run down the walls and covers of the washer or cover
1. All passages and spaces the machine has to be
the floor around the washer. Do not install the washer
transported through at installation should be
above an open gutter. Close any nearby gutters so that
reasonably dimensioned to meet the height and
waste water steam cannot collect near/inside the
width of the machine including the packaging.
2. Never push, pull or press the components
protruding from the contour line of the machine Size of a Laundry Room
(front part, filling door, control elements, belt
cover, water inlet, outlet pipes, etc.). IMPORTANT: Ignoring the requirement for spaces
between machines and walls can make service and
maintenance work difficult.
The nuts of the anchoring bolts have to be
tightened by means of a torque - limiting
wrench. Do not tighten the nuts of
anchoring bolts before the concrete base
around the bolts is completely cured.
110 110
Figure 4
Table 5
* - hole optimalized for new floor, drilled hole can be
smallish dimension
Install a steam supply disconnecting For placing of connection points see Figure 2. The
device in the vicinity of each washer. piping material must withstand a temperature of 80°C
Always disconnect the steam supply / 176°F and generated machine vibrations. The central
before any service or intervention, giving duct for multiple venting must be dimensioned for the
sufficient time to cool down the parts to total cross section of venting pipes of all machines.
avoid injuries. Make sure that this installation can not create any
W841 injuries.
Electrical Connection
The machine has been designed for connecting to the
WARNING power network according the specification of your
order. Before connection check the voltage values and
It is necessary to insert a filter with the frequency stated in the machine label (see Figure
permeability up to 300 micrometers in 2.) to see if they correspond to your power network.
front of the steam valve. Dirt and debris An individual branch circuit needs to be used for each
larger than 300 micrometers might damage machine. The connection is described in Figure 5. For
the steam valve and cause it to leak. electrical protection, a residual current device (RCD)
and a circuit breaker must be installed in the electrical
For dimensions of steam connection information, see installation of the building (laundry switchboard). For
Figure 2 and Table 1. Use an inlet steam pressure hose correct selection see below in Residual Current Device
only, adapted to the steam valve with appropriate seal (RCD).
that is suitable for the applied working pressure.
IMPORTANT: Take care while installing and
If the machine is not equipped with a main
connecting steam supply to prevent accidental
switch then supply disconnecting devices need
contact. Due to the high temperatures, direct
to be provided in the installation for all
injuries will occur.
electrical supplies connected to the machine,
in accordance with EN 60204-1 standard,
point 5.3.
Make sure the supply voltage is always within
the limits specified in Table 1 in all
circumstances. When you have long distances
in the electrical installation, it may be
Figure 5
Residual Current Device (RCD) The cable should be as short as possible, directly
from the supply protection device to the machine
In some countries an RCD is also known as an “earth without branching off.
leakage trip”, “Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter”
(GFCI), an “Appliance Leakage Current Interrupter” No plug or extension cords: The machine is
(ALCI) or “earth (ground) leakage current breaker”. intended to be permanently connected to the
electrical network.
Tripping current: 100mA (if locally not available/
allowed use a 30mA trip current, preferably 1. Insert the cable through the hole in the rear panel.
selective type with small time delay set) Ensure a strain relief (turnbuckle) is used so that
the supply cable can not move.
Install a maximum of 2 machines on each RCD
(for 30mA, only 1 machine) 2. Strip the conductor ends according to Figure 6.
Type B. There are components inside the 3. The protective conductor must be longer so that
machine which make use of DC-voltages and when the cable is pulled out accidentally, this
therefor a “type B” RCD is necessary. For conductor is disconnected last.
information only: Type B is better performance 4. With stranded conductors, use “wire end tubes”
than type A, and type A is better than type AC. with an insulated sleeve (6) for L1/U, (L2/V),
When locally allowed, there must always be an RCD (L3/W), (N) conductors. Make sure there can not
installed. In some power network earthing systems (IT, be accidental contact, since the supply cable
TN-C,…), an RCD might not be allowed (see also IEC stays under voltage even when the main switch is
60364). off.
The machine control circuits are mostly supplied by a 5. Crimp a ring terminal (eyelet) to the protection
separating transformer. Therefore the RCD may not conductor for a good connection to the PE
detect faults in the control circuits (but the fuse(s) of terminal.
the separating transformer will). 6. Connect the supply cable conductors to the
Supply Protection Device terminals (main switch (1)) marked with L1/U,
(L2/V), (L3/W), (N), and the terminal (copper
A supply protection device basically protects the screw) marked with PE, see Figure 7.
machine and wiring against overloads and short
circuits. As a supply protection device, you can use 7. Provide a sag in the cable, in front of the cable
either (glow-wire) fuses or (automatic) circuit strain relief. This will avoid ingress of condensed
breakers. See Table 1 for the rating of the nominal water into the machine, see Figure 7.
current and other specifications of the supply
protection device. In this table it is specified that the
protection must be the “slow” type - for circuit
breakers which means curve D. Although not
recommended, if for some reason you can not use a
slow type, select the protection device with 1 step
higher nominal current rating to avoid disconnecting
during start-up.
Supply Cable
The supply cable is not delivered with the machine.
The conductors must have copper cores.
Stranded conductors are strongly recommended
(flexible wiring) to avoid conductor breaking
because of vibration.
The cross section depends on the used supply
protection device. See Table 6 for the minimal
cross section.
Figure 6
1 V,L2
1 Main Switch 3 -
2 Turnbuckle 4 Sag of inlet cable
Figure 7
Washer Protective Earth Connection and The external protective terminal for this purpose is
Equipotential Bonding located on the rear panel of the machine frame (Figure
8, pos. 3). The minimum protection conductor’s cross
Independent of the supply cable, the washer must be section depends on the supply cable cross section and
connected to the laundry protective earth system with can be found in Table 6. However, for the protection
a separate conductor. The protection conductor, purposes with the supply cable section of min. 4 mm²,
enabling this connection, is not included with the we recommend to select a larger conductor section, i.e.
washer. If there are other washers/appliances with 6 mm².
exposed conductive parts, which can be touched
simultaneously, make sure to make equipotential
bonding between all these appliances.
Figure 8
assembly. Figure 10
CAUTION: Secure the location of the wiring and
hoses in such a way that they can not be pinched,
damaged or rubbed. Only authorized workers, WARNING
with a valid qualification, should do the
installation. Before you start to use liquid soap, Check that the hose connections are tight
check with your liquid soap supplier whether the (check the clamps)! Any leakage of
liquid soap is harmless and inert to HD-PPE and chemicals may cause serious bodily
PVC material in order to avoid a problem that the injuries as well as serious damage to the
manufacturer is not responsible for. washer. If one of the nipples are open,
The washer has provisions for connecting external close and secure the opening with an
dosing of liquid soaps. On the back side, a plastic hose appropriate cover.
connection part is present. To connect the liquid soap
The transport braces must be removed
prior to putting your machine into service,
otherwise your washing machine can be
seriously damaged!
Figure 11
Caution, dangerous electrical tension, Do not put your hands on the marked area
electrical devices
Machine in operation
Caution - Increased temperature
Figure 12
1 Button for drum rotating, direction of rotating is 5 Button for permission of washer tilting - two-
clockwise from the front view. hand control.
2 Button for drum rotating, direction of rotating is 6 Button for permission of drum rotation - two-
counter clockwise from front view. hand control.
3 Button for tilting, direction of tilting is forward to 7 Key switch
4 Button for tilting, direction of tilting is backward 8 Button CENTRALSTOP
to basic position.
Figure 13
Micro Microprocessor
Figure 14
Figure 15
Before Washing
Sort the linen according to temperature and
instructions determined by fabric manufacturer. Check
laundry for strange objects like nails, screw, needles,
etc., to prevent washer-extractor or linen damage. Turn
sleeves of shirts, blouses, etc., inside out. To get a
better washing result, mix the bigger and smaller
pieces of linen and put them into the washer
When using the tilting control to tilt the
machine, always stand on the side of the
machine. Do not stand in front or behind
the moving machine!
Never put fingers between the door sealing
and drum to avoid possible injury!
Program Selection
Choose one of the available wash programs, best
corresponding to the quality of linen and allowed wash
temperature in the wash load. Selection of the program
determines temperature and time for washing and
NOTE: To change factory settings and/or washing
programs and for other settings options - see
Programming Manual.
Figure 16
Add the detergents before the start of the wash cycle.
For washing machines connected to a liquid soap
supply system:
Check if the liquid soap supply system is in operation
and if there is sufficient qauntity of liquid soap.
For standard wash programs versus custom made
wash programs:
This explanation is only valid for standard wash
programs. For custom made programs, it is possible
that other dispensers have been selected. (See
Programming Manual.)
NOTE: If it advisable to use only detergents with
“reduced foaming” which can easily be found in
Step 3 Minutes
Figure 17
Always follow safety instructions! Do not IMPORTANT: Do not use solvents or acids to clean
bypass any safety devices or their parts. the rubber door gasket!
Any interference to the machine functions
IMPORTANT: Do not use oil or grease on rubber!
and construction are prohibited! Use the
proper chemical agents which avoid After the machine has been cleaned up, leave the door
calcium sediments on heating elements open to provide venting to the machine and to prolong
and other machine parts. Discuss this the life of the door gasket. We recommend shutting off
issue with your supplier of washing all main inlets of electric power and steam (the laundry
products. The manufacturer of the main valves and switches).
machine is not responsible for the
damage of heating elements and other Monthly or After 200 Working Hours
machine parts due to calcium sediments.
1. Lubricate according to Lubrication.
To avoid injuries:
• Do not operate the machine with 2. Check for leaks on external liquid soap supply
broken/missing parts or opened system.
• Before maintenance work, IMPORTANT: Check all hose joints, screw joints
disconnect the machine power and connections on the external liquid soap system
supply! to make sure it is leakproof.
• When the main switch is turned off,
the inlet terminals of the machine Every 3 Months or After 500
main switch are still under current! Working Hours
1. Check the bearing house for leaks.
When replacing any parts of the machine, replace
them with original parts obtained from your dealer or 2. Make sure the machine is disconnected from
ordered through the spare parts manual. main power supply by the laundry switch or
circuit breaker, and that the other workers are
Introduction well informed about the machine maintenance
Due to the quality construction and reliable parts and
3. Check the tightness of the bolts.
materials of the machine, the preventative
maintenance has been limited to a minimum of steps. 4. Visually inspect the pipes and hose connections
inside the machine for leakage.
While the machine is still under warranty, call your
dealer to perform the monthly, 3 month and 6 month 5. Make sure that the control components are
procedures listed below to avoid warranty protected against moisture and dust during clean
cancellation. up. Wipe and clean the machine inside.
6. Lubricate according to Lubrication.
7. On machines with electric heating, check the
Perform daily: tightness of the heating element terminal contacts
1. Water and steam inlets for leakage. and other power terminals (main switch, fuse
disconnectors, contactors, etc.).
2. Drain valve for leakage during washing process
and for proper opening (the valve is in the open 8. Put the covers back and switch on the power
position without electric current). supply by the main laundry switch or circuit
3. Clean the machine cabinet to remove any traces
of washing soaps. 9. If there is an earth leakage trip installed in the
inlet circuit of the laundry electric switch board,
4. Soap hoppers must be cleaned at the end of each test it according to Earth Leakage Trips.
working day.
1 1
4 2
6 60
B 2
3 3
375 mm / 14.76"
Figure 18
275 / 1200
Pressure regulator
Force F measured by
N -
Frequency measured
Hz 35 - 37
by device
Table 8
Before you start, turn off the main switch
to avoid possible injuries!
The belts are accessible after the rear or side cover has
been dismantled. if the belts are too tight, the bearing
seatings are under stress and their life service has been
If the belts are too loose, they can slip on the pulley
and cause noisy operation.
In the case of need, tighten the belts. Change the belts
if worn out or damaged.
Testing force of belt tensioning which can be CFD844N
measured by tension meter is indicated in Table 8. 1 Main housing with 3 Drive motor
the pulley
The procedure for approximate belt tensioning 2 Drum 4 Ruler
according to the force measured by the tension meter:
Apply a load at the middle of the belt. Belt deflection Figure 20
is 9 mm / 0.35″; the force in belt deflection is 20 - 22
N. The data is valid only for belts from the
Figure 21
Figure 22
Spring Unit
Adjusted by manufacturer.
Figure 23
A qualified worker must perform a test of
the earth leakage trip function at least
once every 3 months.
Lock without Tensions before the 1. Verify if all conditions are present to safely open
Program Start the door.
It is possible to open and shut the washing machine 2. Unscrew the bolt in the lock cover, Figure 24.
door any time. The lock will not be blocked; coils with Insert a screwdriver into the hole in the lock
the latch are not active. cover and push softly.
Main Switch and Emergency Stop Button 3. By this, the latch mechanism is lifted up and the
are Switched On lock is unblocked. The lock stays unblocked even
after the tool removal.
Door Shutting
4. Open the door if all safety conditions are
The lock is secured by a blocking latch after the door fulfilled.
is shut and the program has been started. In this
moment, it is not possible to open the door.
Door Opening
The door can be opened after the lock is unblocked
and when the blocking latch moves to the non-active
position. This situation occurs at the end of a program
or when pressing the Stop button.
Current Failure During Operation
When the power supply has been interrupted during a
wash cycle, the door lock stays in a blocked position,
and the door cannot be opened.
Unblocking the Door Lock in Case of
If the power blackout takes too long, you can make an
emergency unblocking of the door lock. The
emergency door opening procedure is as follows: Figure 24
Machine Disposal
Take all necessary action and precautions
when disassembling the washer to avoid
injuries by glass or sharp metal edges.