Inversion Point of Emulsions As A Mechan
Inversion Point of Emulsions As A Mechan
Inversion Point of Emulsions As A Mechan
Justiniano, M. R.; b Romero, O. J. 1
North Fluminense State University, Engineering and Petroleum Exploration Laboratory – LENEP, Macae – RJ – Brazil
Federal University of Espírito Santo – UFES, Graduate Program in Energy, São Mateus – ES – Brazil
This work addresses the transportation of viscous crude oil as concentrated oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions
flowing in a partially submerged onshore pipeline. The main goal of this study is to analyze the effects of
inversion point of the water-in-oil emulsion in the pressure drop with the aid of Pipesim® software.
Pressure drop is determined by applying the Dukler correlation (Taitel and Dukler, 1976) to represent
dead oil viscosity as a function of temperature, and API density using the Hossain correlation (Hossain et
al., 2005). The Brinkman model (Brinkman, 1952) is applied to calculate the viscosity of the emulsion, with
the Brauner and Ullmann (2002) equation for the water cut off method (inversion point). The pipeline, of
3,600 m and 4 inches in diameter, transports the oil and consists of three sections. The first and third
sections are above ground and are in contact with the external environment. The intermediate section is
sitting on the river bed and is the critical part of the pipeline, once high heat losses are observed. The
results of this 1D and non-isothermal problem show that water cuts of 5 and 6%, for low heat exchange
and high heat exchange, respectively, make it possible to transport the oil, as an oil-in-water emulsion,
through the entire extension of the pipeline. However, a water cut of 10% creates a high-pressure drop in
the system, assuring the movement of the fluid in long sections without compromising the system
operation. The use of isolation influences the temperature gradient but doesn’t have a high influence on
pressure gradient compared to emulsions.
heavy oil; oil pipeline; heat exchange; head loss reduction; emulsion
To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Address: Federal University of Espírito Santo, Rodovia Governador Mário Covas, km 60, Litorâneo, São Mateus, ES, Brazil.
ZIP Code: 29.932-540 | Phone: (27)9-9882-0255 | e-mail: [email protected]
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
a) O/W emulsions are formed when oil droplets are dispersed in the continuous water phase; dp = dispersed
phase, cp = continuous phase. Source: adapted from Perazzo et al. (2015).
Figure 1. Effect of the water cut in the effective viscosity of the emulsion.
The present work aims to study the influence of 2.1 Problem statement
oil in water (O/W) and water in oil (W/O)
emulsions on pressure and temperature drops The oil-water mixture flows at 21 m³/d in an
when it flows in a horizontal pipeline partially onshore pipeline of 3,600 m length and 4 inches in
submerged in a river. diameter. As shown in Figure 2, oil enters at the
left side of the three-section pipeline at Pin = 5
kg/cm² pressure and Tin = 66.7 °C temperature,
being pumped along the one-dimensional
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS horizontal pipeline with dimensions and
operational conditions described in Table 1. Table 2
The present work is a continuation of a previous details the main properties of water and oil.
paper by Romero et al. (2016), which analyzed
heat transfer of a fixed proportion of water, oil, The dispersed mixture transported is
and gas flowing in a pipeline, by using numerical susceptible to heat loss because the external
tools. The geometry of the pipeline and operational ambient is at a lower temperature. An intense heat
conditions are similar in both works. For that loss rises the oil viscosity at levels where the
reason, our emphasis in the present article is to pressure drop requires high-energy consumption to
show how the phase inversion point of a water-in- guarantee the fluid flow until the end of the
oil emulsion is important to allow the transport of pipeline. Higher pressure drop is proportional to
heavy oils. We use a numerical approach to higher pumping power requirement, or lower flow
analyze, mainly, the influence of water content in rate.
the pressure profile along a horizontal pipeline.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
Figure 2. Simplified representation of a horizontal 1D pipeline divided into three sections. In this domain, the flow
of water-in-oil or oil-in-water emulsion is studied. is the mixture average temperature inside the pipeline,
is the external temperature, and represents heat loss.
At some point, and without any enhancement, The pressure drop is determined by applying
the fluid flow would be no longer possible due to the Dukler correlation (Taitel & Dukler, 1976)
technical challenges and high economic costs which considers slippage between phases. Our
associated to the process. The proposal is to choice to represent the dead oil viscosity as a
increase the water content of the mixture looking function of temperature and API density is the
for the reduction of pressure drop. Hossain correlation (Hossain et al., 2005).
Property Value
Relative water density 1.02
Oil density, API 13.2
Viscosity of dead oil at 93.3 °C, cP 69.4
Viscosity of dead oil at 15.5 °C, cP 20,269
H2S, % 0.06
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
The Brinkman model (Brinkman, 1952) is analysis of the system's free energy, reached a
applied to calculate the viscosity of the emulsion, correlation for determining the volumetric fraction
with Brauner and Ullmann's (2002) equation for of oil at the inversion point ( ), given by Equation
the water cut off method (inversion point). Only (3)
the mathematical models related to emulsions are
presented in section §2.2. More details about (3)
equations employed are available in the article of
Romero et al. (2016).
where is the density ratio between oil and gas,
The 1D governing equations, with appropriate , and is the dynamic viscosity ratio,
boundary conditions, are solved using the steady- . The volumetric fraction of water at
state Pipesim® software.
this point is .
2.2 Water-in-oil (W/O) and oil-in-water This correlation explains the observation made
(O/W) emulsions in many experimental studies, that is, the more
viscous phase (oil) tends to form the dispersed
2.2.1 Correlation for emulsion viscosity phase. This observation can be represented as
, and as
Brinkman (1952) derived from Einstein’s
where the larger is the oil viscosity,
correlation (Einstein, 1911), an equation more
the wider is the range of the oil volumetric fraction
suitable for the calculation of dispersion viscosity,
( ). The configuration of oil drops
Equation (1). This correlation is indicated for the
dispersed in water is associated with lower surface
calculation of emulsion viscosity ( ), especially the
ones with high asphaltene content (Rajagopal et
al., 2007). In the range of oil volumetric fraction
the flow pattern will be oil-in-water
(1) dispersion, whereas water-in-oil emulsion will be
obtained in the range of (Brauner &
the subscript denotes continuous phase, and
Ullmann, 2002).
subscript denotes the dispersed phase, is
the volumetric fraction of dispersed phase
( ), and exponent is defined by Taylor
(1932), in Equation (2), as 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
Figure 3. Horizontal pipeline in Pipesim representation.
Figure 4. Pressure variation over the pipeline length with low heat exchange [ = 1.135 W/ (m2 K) in sections 1, 2 and 3],
and high heat exchange [ = 113.57 W/ (m2 K) in sections 1 and 3, and = 1,135.7 W/ (m2 K) in section 2].
Figure 5. Temperature variation over the pipeline length with low heat exchange [ = 1.135 W/ (m2 K) in sections 1, 2
and 3], and high heat exchange [ = 113.57 W/ (m2 K) in sections 1 and 3, and = 1,135.7 W/ (m2 K) in section 2].
exchange means that in sections 1 and 3, which are heat exchange ( ). As section 1 is 802 m long,
exposed to air, the value of the coefficient is equal section 2 is 203 m, and section 3 is 2,595 m, the oil
to = 113.57 W/(m² K), 100 times greater than tends to seek equilibrium with the external
the previous one; and in section 2, which is environment, which happens at a temperature of
submerged in water, is = 1,135.57 W/(m² K), 26 °C, and, therefore, reaching the only part of
even bigger than previous one. section 3. At a high heat exchange ( ), an abrupt
and continuous decrease of the fluid temperature
In Figure 5, the oil enters the pipeline with a occurs until the equilibrium with the external
temperature of 66.7 °C, and decreases along the medium, at 16 °C, can be reached. It allows the
route until reaching a temperature of arrival of the fluid only at 863m (part of section 2),
approximately 29.5 °C at 2,626 m, which is the 23.97% of the full length of the tube, with a
maximum distance that the fluid is moved at a low temperature of 20 °C.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
Figure 6. Pressure variation over the pipeline length for Wcut ranging from 0 to 90% with low heat exchange
= 1.135 W/(m K) in the three pipeline sections.
Figure 7. Pressure variation over the pipeline length for Wcut ranging from 0 to 10% with low heat exchange =
1.135 W/ (m K) in the three pipeline sections.
During operations, with the reduction of the oil The pressure behavior for water cut (Wcut in
temperature, the oil viscosity increases sharply, the figure) varies from to 90% and is shown in
and paraffin eventually begins to precipitate in the Figure 6. Looking at the graph, one can observe
inner wall of the pipeline. The appearance of that the emulsion inversion occurs at the same
paraffin deposits is manifested by the breaking of value between the range
phase equilibrium, caused by the oil cooling and/or because the pressure profile doesn't decrease
the release of the lighter fractions dissolved drastically anymore. For Wcut of 40, 50, 70, and
originally in oil. Paraffin, when exposed to a certain 80% the pressure profiles along the pipe remained
temperature, called WAT (wax appearance unchanged for the most part, concerning
temperature), precipitates in crystal forms and is and, therefore, are not shown.
characterized by a solid phase. It deposits on the These results assume a low heat exchange in the
internal walls of the pipelines, obstructing the flow system.
and promoting the increase of pressure drop in
production lines.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
To identify the point of inversion, water cuts an increase in pressure has a smaller temperature
varying from 0 to 10% in steps of 1% were plotted decrease reaching the final destination with
in Figure 7. The pressure profile began to change approximately 27.76 °C ( ) and 28 °C
since representing the water cut at ( ).
the inversion point. This observation can be better
For water cut in the range of
visualized in Figure 8, where emulsion viscosity is
and high heat transfer condition, i.e., sections
plotted to several values of water cut. These results
1 and 3 with W/(m² K) and section 2
also assume a low heat exchange in the system
with W/(m² K), the pressure profile is
= 1.135 W/(m2 K) in the three sections. Figure 7
shown in Figure 10. For Wcut 40, 50, 70, and 80%,
shows that, with , the oil flows
the pressure profiles along the pipe remained
through the entire extension (3,600 m) of the
significantly unchanged concerning
pipeline. However, the outlet pressure is
and, therefore, are not plotted in Figure 10. Again,
approximately 0.41 kg/cm², which is considered a
it seems that the inversion point of W/O emulsion
low pressure if compared to 4.1 kg/cm² reached
occurs at some value between
when .
but that, relying solely on this data, the value
The temperature profile, Figure 9, shows that remains undetermined.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. a) Temperature variation over the pipeline length for Wcut 0%, 5% and 10% with low heat exchange
= 1.135 W/(m K) in all sections; b) detail of region in Figure 9a.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
Figure 10. Pressure profile along the 3,600 m pipeline length, Wcut ranging from 0 to 90%, high heat exchange =
2 2
113.57 W/(m K) in sections 1 and 3, and = 1,135.7 W/(m K) in section 2.
Figure 11. Pressure profile along the 3,600 m pipeline length with Wcut ranging from 0% to 10% and heat exchange
2 2
= 113.57 W/(m K) in sections 1 and 3, and = 1,135.7 W/(m K) in section 2.
Complementary simulations increasing water difference required, allowing the mixture flow all
cut from 0% to 10% in steps of 1% were developed along the pipeline extension to be delivered at 1.17
to identify the value where the pressure begins to kg/cm².
change. The results are shown in Figure 11, where
it is possible to visualize the variation along the Unlike small temperature variations obtained
3,600 m length in more detail. Of course, the with low heat exchange (Figure 9, with Wcut 0%,
reduction in pressure drop can be attributed solely 5% e 15%), at high heat exchange the temperature
to water cut. has an abrupt decrease, from 66.7 °C, at the input
plane of pipe, to 26 °C, in the first 400 m (as seen in
In this figure, the pressure curve with Wcut = Figure 12), with Wcut = 6%. Comparing both
4% is where the inversion point has already profiles in the initial 400 m, the temperature
occurred, and the maximal distance achieved by gradient changes from -0,028 oC/m (low heat
the mixture is 1,700 m. A small increase in water exchange) to -0.1 oC/m (high heat exchange).
cut, from 4% to 6%, reduced the pressure
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 15 n. 1-2 | p. 013-024 | 2021 | ISSN 1982-0593
Figure 12. Temperature fluid behavior with Wcut = 6% and heat exchange = 113.57 W/(m K) in sections 1 and
3, and = 1,135.7 W/(m K) in section 2.
As the second section is submerged in the river, b) The use of isolation with W/O emulsion was
the oil temperature further decreases find an proved unnecessary since the pressures that
equilibrium point with an external ambient reached the outlet are similar in both cases
temperature of 16 °C at 903 m (Figure 12). At 1,005 (low and high heat exchange);
m (section 3), oil exchanges heat with air at a
temperature of 26 °C, comes into equilibrium c) A satisfactory head loss reduction was
(1,330 m), and maintains this temperature until the reached with a Wcut=10% for both cases,
output plane at 3,600 m. For Wcut of 10%, the showing that a percentage of water greater
temperature profile along the pipe showed little than that is unnecessary. The purpose of the
change concerning Figure 12, and, for this reason, pipeline is to carry the largest volume of oil
that result is not shown. possible until the delivery.
In both situations (low and high heat exchange), Besides, a refinement of this research involves
a Wcut greater than 10% seems to be unnecessary, studying pipe corrosion and the initiation of growth
since the objective is to transport oil with this of paraffin deposits at oil-in-water emulsion.
water and the head loss reduction obtained is Because water is the continuous phase, crude oil
satisfactory. has no contact with the pipe's wall, reducing pipe
corrosion for crudes with high sulfur contents and
preventing the deposition of sediments in pipes, as
is common for crudes with high asphaltene
4. CONCLUSION contents (Poynter & Tigrina, 1970).
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