Our Beliefs - Harvest City Church (SK, Canada)
Our Beliefs - Harvest City Church (SK, Canada)
Our Beliefs - Harvest City Church (SK, Canada)
1. We believe in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has revealed himself
2. We believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God; that it is without error in the
original Scriptures, and is therefore the supreme authority in all matters of faith and
3. We believe in the creation, test and fall of humanity as recorded in the Bible; that
in our natural state we humans are spiritually corrupt (sinful) and therefore totally
4. We believe in Jesus Christ, the one true Savior, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of
5. We believe in the Gospel — that Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins, was
believe in Jesus Christ and fully trust him to be their Savior are redeemed. That is,
by accepting Christ’s free gift, believers in him have their death penalty paid and
are justified (cleared of all charges) by God’s gracious decree, thereby becoming
7. We believe Jesus was resurrected (raised from death to life), that he bodily
ascended to heaven, was enthroned as Lord of all and will personally return for his
8. We believe that believers in Christ receive eternal life, living forever with God, while
9. We believe in the reality and personality of Satan, the enemy of God and humanity
10. We believe in water baptism by immersion, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to
the glory of God — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Water baptism is an act of
obedience, an expression of our faith in Christ, our identification with him, and our
11. We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit (also known as being “filled with the
12. We believe in the Spirit-filled life in this world but not of the world, and that the
13. We believe in the charismata (gifts of the Holy Spirit) as presented in the Bible. We
believe these gifts (including divine healing in its many aspects and speaking in
tongues) are for today and are to be exercised as they were in the early church.
14. We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are to operate in the context of the church
according to biblical guidelines. Since God gifts every believer, all believers ought to
develop and use their gift(s) for building up or equipping others. We believe this can
be properly accomplished only when all members of the church regularly relate
15. We believe that larger-group celebration through worship, prayer, teaching, etc. is
also indispensable for every believer, and that corporate assembling is essential for
spiritual growth.
16. We believe that on His ascension Christ gave gifts — apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers — who are to be recognized and established in the local
church to help prepare the believers for works of service, so that the church may be
built up.
17. We believe in the ordinance of the Lord’s supper (“communion”) for believers, by
which we remember the Lord Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and future return,
18. We believe that the church, universal and local, is the body of Christ, an expression
of Jesus on the earth. We believe that the local church is to be self-governing under
the direction of God (through Christ) and its elders, yet is to be interdependent and
19. We believe that marriage, as defined by God in the Bible is a holy sacrament of the
church defined as being between one naturally-born man and one naturally-born
20. We believe that human life begins at conception and God recognizes the preborn
child as a person.
21. We believe that children essentially belong to God, though he has entrusted them
to parents. It is the Lord’s command, and therefore a solemn duty, that families train
believe, therefore, that the church is obliged to support its families by providing
22. We believe that, according to Scripture, God has given authority to both the church
and the family to discipline its own members, in order to discourage the spread of
and its ministries, the assessment of behavior as being contrary to the Bible’s
result of such behavior are entirely at the discretion of the governing elders of the
23. We believe that the Lord requires us to show his love and care for the
24. We believe that all we have comes from God, so he deserves a say in how we use it.
God asks us to be faithful managers (or “stewards”) of his material gifts, using them
responsibly to meet the needs of ourselves, our families and others, as he directs.
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2202 8th Ave N, Regina, SK S4R 7T9, Canada
Phone: 306-569-1935
Sunday Services
9:15 AM all year
9:15 AM – Online Live Stream all year
11:15 AM between Labor Day and July 1 weekend
On demand anytime at Messages or YouTube
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
Sep-Jun: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Jul-Aug: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM