Research Paper 5
Research Paper 5
Research Paper 5
6 423
1 author:
Abidi Youcef
Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University
All content following this page was uploaded by Abidi Youcef on 04 April 2021.
1. Introduction Bouziane et al., 2018). Therefore, weak feed and large nose
radius lead to weak surface roughness, the opposite is true
AISI 1045 is a highly recommended steel in the industry due (Meddour et al., 2015). The effect of the depth of pass on
to its excellent mechanical properties, machinability and surface roughness is negligible (Bouacha et al., 2010).
favorable thermal hardening. During machining, different chip form can be generated.
The machining of hardened materials has become a highly The study of chip formation and its morphology, and
demanded manufacturing process due to its appreciated pamameters they influence it will help to understand the
technological and ecological contribution. The development phenomenon of material removal and surface integrity (Ben
of this process suggest for continuous investigations to salem et al., 2012), as well as the performance of the tool
improve the quality and control of production costs. cutting (Kumar et al., 2017).
Improvement of the quality requires an optimization of the In hard machining, an important quantity of heat produced
compromise between properties (of tool, the piece machined during cutting is evacuated mainly by the chip avoiding
and the machine) and parameters (thermal, dynamic and thermal expansion of the workpiece (Khamen et al., 2007).
cutting). Much research has invested in mastering and There are different types of chips that are produced in
improving the surface quality machined for hardened machining: continuous, segmented, scalloped and
materials. They found that the control of cutting forces and discontinuous (Vyas et al., 1999). In hard machining of AISI
machining vibrations leads to a clear improvement of the 52100 steel, saw tooth chips are envisioned (Watmon et al.,
surface quality (Khorasani et al., 2012). The feed is found as 2010).
the most influential parameter on the surface roughness It has been established that Cutting forces condition chip
(D’addona et al., 2016; Rajeev et al., 2016; Keblouti et al., formation and its evaluation (Ben salem et al., 2012; Anthony,
2019; Azizi et al., 2020), others added to cutting feed, the tool
nose geometry and workpiece hardness (Ozel et al., 2005;
2015). Cutting tool performance is considerably affected by a removable cutting inserts of the designation SNGN 120408
scrambled chip type (Motorcu, 2011). have been used, they are made of mixed ceramics (CC650)
Ekinović et al. (2014) found that the using of dry technology made of (70% Al2O3 + 30% TiC). They are mounted on a tool
in hard machining of 30CrNiMo8 steel (48HRC) is possible to holder PSBNR2525M12 of the following geometry: χ r = 75°;
affect chip morphology. A degradation on surface quality α = 6°; γ = -6°; λ = -6°.
when generated the fragmented chip segments during hard
machining (Khorasani et al., 2012).
The specific character of chip formation significantly affect
such aspects as shear and chip speed, friction processes in the
cutting zone related heat generation and high temperatures in
this zone with the consecutive impact on surface quality
represented by residual stresses, surface hardness, structural
changes (Neslušan et al., 2012; Yadav, 2016). Increasing the
hard machining feedrate will increase chip thickness hc, which
translates into an increase in chip ratio, K = hc/f (Neslušan et
al., 2012). While increasing the cutting speed, chip hardness
will decrease, as well as its thickness and height (Anthony,
Fig. 1. Materials of the experiment
2015). Das et al. (2015) found out that depth of cut and cutting
speed are the most affecting parameters of the chip reduction
coefficient. The color of the chip provides indicators on the 2.2. Workpiece preparation
evolution of the thermal field during cutting (Sahoo et al., The AISI 1045 steel (C45 according to DIN) characterized
2012). Elshwain et al. (2020) confirmed that chip morphology by an important quenching ability has been used. It is
characteristics change when the combination of cutting speed classified as non-alloy tool steel with good resistance to wear.
and feed rates are changed while hard turning stainless steel It is commonly used in mechanical engineering for various
(48HRC), increasing speed from 100 to 170m/min changes uses (molds for plastic material, several pieces for automotive
chip type of twisted long ribbon to snarled tubular. Zhang et sector, axes, gears...). The chemical composition identified by
al. (2016) discovered that,with proper selection of feed rates an optical emission spectrometer (Thermo Scientific ARL
and cutting depths (0.15mm/rev and 0.2 to 0.3 mm 4460) is illustrated (Table 1). Hardening of the material has
respectively), high-speed machining of hardened steel AISI been achieved on a round bar blank of 60mm diameter and
1045 (45HRC) with CBN tool can produce desirable surface 400mm length by quenching from 850°C in water bath and
roughness. then tempering at 200°C. Hardness values after tempering
For this experimental study, taguchi plan L 9 compound by have reached 40HRC. Machining has been performed in dry
the factors cutting speed and feed rate with three levels for conditions. The blank has been mounted in between chuck and
each parameter, depth of cut maintained constant, was used center.
for the finishing and dry turning process of steel AISI 1045
hardened to 40HRC by the mixed ceramic tool 70% Al 2O3 + Table 1. Chemical composition of grade AISI 1045 steel in weight
30% TiC in order to have chip morphology and surface %
roughness, as responses. ANOVA analysis was performed to Designation C Mn Si Ni Cr
determine the influence of cutting parameters on surface Steel of ex-
0.452 0.723 0.238 0.055 0.092
quality. An analysis of relationship between chip morphology perience
and machined surface quality was done.
2.3. Experimental design
2. Experimental procedure
Experimentation tests have been carried out using a L9 full
factorial design (Table 2) in order to investigate the effect of
2.1. Experimental materials and equipment cutting parameters (cutting speed and feed rate) on the chip
Machining tests has been performed in dry conditions on morphology and machined surface roughness and then to an-
a SN40 parallel Lathe with a spindle power of 6.6kW and alyse a corresponding correlation. Factor levels were chosen
a maximum rotational speed of 2000rev/min. The heat corresponding to the literature (Abidi et al., 2017). As the ef-
treatment has been carried out using an electric oven type fect of depth on surface roughness is negligible in hard ma-
WOT 9703- 457 404 with maximum heating temperature of chining according to the literature (Abidi et al. 2018), it is kept
1600°C. Hardness values after tempering, measured with constant and equal to 0.5mm for this investigation. The pro-
a Hardness Testing HLM-100 Plus. A CCD camera equipped cess was shown in Fig. 2.
by optical microscope type HUND (W-AD) has been used for
to show chip morphology and form. An acquisition system has
been used (Motic 2000 software). A Surftest 301 Mitutoyo
roughness meter has been employed to measure roughness on
the machined surface (Fig. 1). Eight square working edges Fig. 2. Methodology of the Experimental
For high feed rate, with the increase of cutting speed, the 2020). It can be noted that trends of main effect of cutting
chip form changes from a thin long ribbon to a continuous parameters on the three surface roughness criteria are similar.
non-fractured ribbon. Therefore, only interested to Arithmetic mean roughness
The colour for chip varies from blue to gray when cutting remains in the scope of the further analysis.
speed increased.
Main Effects Plot for Ra
Data Means
V f
V f
3.3. Surface roughness 11
surface roughness in three criteria Ra, Rz and Rt in relationship
to cutting speed and feed rate parameters during the turning of 7
the hardened steel AISI 1045 (40HRC). Tests were carried out 6
according to an orthogonal plan Taguchi L 9. 5
Table 3. Orthogonal array L9 of Taguchi experiment design and 4
experimental results for surface roughness (D = 0.5) 140 200 280 0,08 0,16 0,22
f (mm/rev) Ra (μm) Rz (μm) Rt (μm)
140 0.08 1.345 6.76 8.3 Main Effects Plot for Rt
Data Means
140 0.16 1.575 8.12 9.39
140 0.22 2.515 10.43 10.87 V f
200 0.08 0.72 4.02 4.51
200 0.16 1.66 7.94 8.87 11
200 0.22 2.55 11.07 11.31 10
280 0.08 0.59 3.17 3.54
280 0.16 1.4 6.8 7.32
280 0.22 2.22 10.71 11.42
Ra : Arithmetic mean roughness ; Rz : Average maximum height of 7
lines always corresponds to the speed 200m/min which Test Experimental Predicted 1st % Error in value
implies that this speed is the most suitable for this machining N° value Ra model value predicted
environment in order to reach a best roughness. 1 1.345 1.1234 16.47
2 1.575 1.8729 -18.9
3 2.515 2.435 3.18
Ra 4 0.72 0.8484 -17.8
< 1,0
260 1,0 – 1,5 5 1.66 1.7068 -2.8
1,5 – 2,0
2,0 – 2,5 6 2.55 2.3506 7.82
240 > 2,5
7 0.59 0.4817 18.36
8 1.4 1.4854 -6.1
V (m/min)
9 2.22 2.2381 -0.8
200 Average percentage error δ = 10.26%.
3.4. Correlation between surface roughness and chip
160 form
0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,18 0,20 0,22
A very strong relationship between chip segmentation and
f (mm/rev) technological characteristics (surface roughness, cutting
forces,..). Chip segmentation generates the oscillation of the
Fig. 7. Contour plot of Ra Vs cutting speed and feed rate cutting forces and causes geometrical defects on the machined
surface and a non-uniform distribution of residual stresses
Multiple first order regression model has been implemented (Mabrouki et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2013). This allows us to
at 95% confidencelevel to obtain the relationship between the analyze the correlation between surface roughness machined
machining parameters (cutting speed and feed rate) and and chip produced.
surface roughness (Ra). The obtained equationwas as follows: The industrialist is always interested in maximizing the
𝑅𝑎 = 1.27 − 0.0064𝑉 + 6.19𝑓 + 0.0227𝑉 ∙ 𝑓 (1) profits of the production by reducing the machining time. One
way is to get some information about machined surface quality
With R2 = 94.5%. without stopping production. In this context, the chip form
The layer of the determination coefficient R2 is extremely analysis will give indicators on the surface roughness.
desirable. This confirms that the model is appropriate. The therefore, an analysis of the correlation between chip form and
analysis of variance for the regression presents in Table 4. The machined surface roughness during the turning of hardened
P-value (probability of significance) is inferior to 0.05 which steel AISI 1045 (40HRC) using mixed ceramic (70% Al2O3 +
indicates that model is statistically significant. It is revealed 30% TiC) is very advantageous.
that terms mentioned in the regression model have significant Fig. 8 shows the 3D Scatterplot of surface roughness Ra vs
effects on the responses. cutting parameters (feed rate and cutting speed) correlated
Table 4. Analysis of variance for surface roughness (Ra) 1st order with variation in chip forms produced during turning.
Source O Seq SS MS F P Remarks
3 3.8026 1.2675 28.56 0.001 Significant
5 0.2219 0.0444
Total 8 4.0254
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關鍵詞 摘要
硬加工 硬加工是制造业中强烈推荐的一种替代磨削和生产的工艺。决定该过程的重要技术参数是刀具
AISI 1045钢 磨损,机加工表面粗糙度,切削力和切屑的形貌。在这项工作中,已尝试分析在使用CC650型
陶瓷工具 混合陶瓷刀具对淬硬钢AISI 1045(40HRC)进行车削时去除的切屑的形态和形式。使用田口计
芯片 划L9,其因素是切削速度和进给速度,每个都有三个级别。芯片形态的宏观和微观结果与除表
表面粗糙度 面粗糙度外的这两个切削参数相关。当以高切削速度对淬硬钢AISI 1045(40HRC)进行车削