Rcpi Diploma in Occupational Medicine Brochure
Rcpi Diploma in Occupational Medicine Brochure
Rcpi Diploma in Occupational Medicine Brochure
Professional Diploma in Occupational Medicine is a
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland programme,
delivered in conjunction with iheed
About The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Established in 1654, the Royal
College of Physicians of Ireland is a
postgraduate medical training college
dedicated to ensuring that doctors have
the skills to provide patients with the
best possible care.
is to train, educate and continuously develop doctors for current and future world health
needs. Our vision is to lead excellence and quality in medical practice through world-class
training, education and healthcare improvements in Ireland and internationally
About the programme Who is the programme What will you gain from
Occupational medicine ensures that aimed at? the programme?
workplaces and practice are safe The programme is aimed at all This Programme is designed to give
and healthy, allowing employees to physicians in primary, secondary and healthcare professionals a deeper
be fit for work and at the same time tertiary care who wish to consult on understanding of Occupational
exposed to decreased health risk at health and wellbeing in the workplace Medicine, with a focus on conducting
the workplace. and manage patients with work- assessments, arriving at diagnoses,
related problems at a non-specialist and applying relevant legislative and
It has a vital part to play in
level. ethical frameworks to support patients
rehabilitating employees back into
and their employers.
work after Injury or sickness and this As such, participants should be
has become more Important due to the qualified doctors registered with their By the end of the Programme, learners
COVID-19 pandemic. This can involve respective professional body. will be able to:
preventative programmes such as
immunisations, health surveillance, The Programme will be conducted › Conduct appropriate employee
observing and addressing hazards, and online and solely in English. health and workplace assessments
advising organisations (governmental Participants are required to be in order to identify, evaluate and
and business) on how to best optimise proficient in English and to have manage the health effects of physical,
the health of their most important access to a laptop with a microphone, chemical, biological and psychosocial
asset, their employees, while having speakers, webcam, and reliable hazards in the workplace
an understanding of legal issues broadband coverage. › Be able to recognise and evaluate
surrounding workplace safety and
disease or injury in relation to the
employment equality.
The Programme aims to develop › Identify and interpret ethical and
clinically focused diagnostic skills legislative frameworks relevant to
through the use of interactive patient occupational health
cases and simulations. It allows for › Evaluate the relationship between
opportunities to practice and develop health and fitness to work, including
diagnostic skills in a highly engaging assessment of fitness for duty
online format. It enhances the skills
› Evaluate and communicate
required to identify important clinical This programme is provided by
features, occupational risks and occupational health information to a
the Royal College of Physicians variety of audiences
formulate effective management plans of Ireland in collaboration
for patients and employers. › Demonstrate an impartial and
with iheed, a leading medical
education organisation. independent approach to
occupational medicine
How will the programme What does the programme cover?
be delivered?
provided through a delivery model
which blends self-directed learning Module Title Aims Subject
with tutor-led team-based learning.
This interactive programme will be
MODULE 1: The module aims to › The Role of the
delivered fully online through a Essentials of develop confidence Occupational Health
stimulating learning environment Occupational Health in the assessment of a Physician
that has:
variety of diseases and
› Attendance in the
› Rich engaging and interactive disorders in the context
of the workplace and to Workplace
content designed to maximise
interaction examine issues such as › Medical Fitness for Duty
attendance and fitness Assessment
› Tutor moderated discussion for duty.
forums › Work Related Mental
› Live weekly online tutorials
› The Pregnant Employee
› Interactive case based learning
› Musculoskeletal Disorders
› Access to an extensive online
library, journals and formularies › Occupational Disease
› A team of worldwide
MODULE 2: This module aims to › Occupational Hygiene
distinguished experts in
Health & Safety enable students to
occupational medicine › Occupational Toxicology
reduce workplace
› Reflective Exercises risk through the › Chemical Hazards
› Small groups sizes › Health and Safety
assessment and control
› Tutor-led peer-to-peer of workplace hazards, › Ergonomics & Shift Work
knowledge sharing including working
practices which could
› Online examinations
impact on human health.
Programme entry
Applicants must:
› Hold a medical degree granted Programme Costs
by a recognised institution Flexible payment options are Register your interest at
› Have an appropriate standard of available. Please speak with [email protected]
English language proficiency one of our Education Advisors
for more information.
Who is iheed?
iheed is leading the way in delivering high-quality online medical education. Built by doctors and
healthcare professionals, we have over 30,000 users across the globe, and believe that effective,
accessible medical education is the key to providing better health outcomes worldwide. iheed is
a division of Cambridge Education Group.
Since 1952, Cambridge Education Group has been delivering the highest quality academic
programmes, providing a valuable stepping-stone for thousands of students to progress onto
the world’s leading universities and maximise their career opportunities.
Get in contact today at
[email protected]