Theodore John Kaczynski - Boundary Functions (1967)
Theodore John Kaczynski - Boundary Functions (1967)
Theodore John Kaczynski - Boundary Functions (1967)
Theodore John Kaczynski
F_igure P_age
uuuuuuu OODIOIIIIIOIOIOIIIDI..0000... 62
arc y--with one endpoint at x such that y -' {x} E H‘. Suppose that f
f if, and only if, for each REE there exists an arcYat x such that
but it follows from a famous theorem of Bagemihl [1] that any two
of f is the Set of all points xéx such that there exists some are
([8] and [9]). At the time I published these papers I did not expect
2. Notation
H = fi{(5c,y)e'R2 :y> o}
H ='{<$c.y>eR2 =-,1;>y>0}
'{<x,0) :xeR} .
§1='{<L%) :xéR}.
Section 7, we often denote two line segments by s and 5'. Since the
. means f((x,y)). Thus we write Hz) for 26R2 and f(x,y) for x,yER
interchangeably. '
3. Baire Functions
sets and Baire functions, and we prove some results that will be
needed later.
union of members of C.
the family of‘alil Open subsets of M and let Q:l (M) be the family of
P504) = .“OcUQcMn
QgCM) = (U P"(M))
' n<€
E = p n L.
Pg(M) and QE(M) are closed under finite unions and finite
€(M, Y)_if and only .if there enists a sequence of functions {fn}n=1
mapping M into Y, fn being of Baire class "1104:”. for some “n < E, ’
only if, for'every open set UE-R, f'1(U) is a-member of the o-ring
Proof. Let E = $31 En and F = $31 Fn, where En and Fn are closed.
A1=E1, Bl=F1nAi.
' A = DA
n=l n
, B = °°
n-l n
B. E F and U A. E E .,
5:1 3 j=1 J
from which it follows that
n V
3n = acjgl'AJJ' 2 aa'
AEU (EnnF') = E - F
82U(Fn/\E') F-E.
. ~2-1
A2 = ‘Ezng BJ! 9131'“.
Bm _— agDIAj'I 9A2v ,
teristic function of E.
El-FIEA,F1-E1§ B. Wehave
Write A = q An, B = 1 En, where An, Bn are closed and Ans; Amp
n: n:
Bn E Bn+1 for each n. By Urysohn'sLemina there exists a continuous
function fn : M -r [0,1] such that
fn (x) 1 when x 6 An
fn(x) 0 when x e Bn .
Proof. From Banach's Hilfssatz 3 [4], we see that there exist real
such that
q j
fn —'J':1ajfn '
then. {fn}n:l is the desired sequence.-
values .
function of Baire class 1(L, R). Then there erists a sequence. {fn}n:1
on L.
(FO(L)) such that gn takes only finitely many different values and
Then knj is continuous, knj 3r hn pointwise on L, and " knju' .5. “hnu
_ < _ 1 . Therefore, if we set
f. = 2 kj
3 n=1 n ’
. . ' I1, j . ' 1 i
J :J(n) z) ._..n (x) — hn(x)| <___2n+1 3,
.. m . m . . m .
°° . m . ,
1 m 1 e ..1 é_
12m-2+(n§1;m‘33*;fi‘33 ' 8'
Thus fj (it) 7' fix) for each x e L, and the lemma is proved for bounded
Then - g _<_ g(ic) < ;- for every ké‘ L, and g is of Baire class 1(L, R),
' 1
hnu) = '12r'+% 1f '%(x)< “3”}?
' _ 7T 1 ' 1r 1
hnu) ' 7—5 If .gn(x)2'f'fi
pointwise on LI _ ’
Definition. Let q be any point of R:5 lying inside the bounded open
point of S2 .
(FocL-n .
Proof. Assume that f : L -> $2 is of class (FO(L)). 829 R3,, so by
An _ -
fn -1-({veR 3..IvI -L-
— 2})
_ -1~ 3, . l-
Bn-fn ({vER.l.12})
—1- 5. -. 1 '
. cn _-’fn ({veR .IvI 5-2-1).
Let fno = nA . According to [5, Lemma 2.9, page 299], fno can be
extended to a continuons’l—ftmction gn : R2 —> {v 6 R3 : |v| = 2%}.
that hncic) -> £3) for each x e L. Let kn : R‘ -> s2 be the composite
function P0 9 hn' Then kn is continuous, and for each x E, L,
(FocL - N)).
Proof. .Suppose that f : L + Y is of honorary Baire class 2(L,_ Y) _.
Then there exists. g : L '*. Y of. Baire class 1(L, Y)_ and a comtable
1(L, R5) such that. gun ,~= £05) for all ice L - N. Then an - $2 is
countable, so there exists some point q in the bounded open domain
If U Q 82 is open, then _
into arcs Y1 and 72, then D-a has two components, and the frontiers
(This proof can be modified to_ give a more general result; see [9].)
i A!
Suppose y is a cross-cut of 1-1. If V is the bounded component
of H - y, let L(y) = a. Then L(y) = _[c, d], where c and d are the
1m) = .U c)*.
Let accm) denote the set of all points on X that are accessible by
arcs in (2.
1(9) = (a, b) .
Y n H Sn and ice L(Y)*. L(Y) =,[c, [d], where c and d are the end- .
a i c < x < d :b, and ice (a, b). Conversely; suppose 5c? 6 (a, b).
Then there exist points c', d' 6 accm) with c' < ic' < d'. Since 9
cut 7' of H, with y' n H 99, having c', d' as its endpoints. But A
Proof. .We assume that $21 and 522 are disjoint and derive a contradic-
b e L(y1)* such that b e accCszz). But then. b e 5, <.-'-. ul, and this is
impossible because the frontier of U1 is disjoint from L(yl) . I
, .
Flcsci? pkn nqcn', m).
(We Consider ¢ to be a component of 45.) Let
For convenience, set Un = U(n, m[n], k[n], 2,[n]). By (2). and Lemma 8,
Un and Un+1 have some point zn in common. For each n, we. can choose
an arc Yn E Un+1 with one endpoint at 2n and the other at and. Then
and therefore each point of Yn has distance less than n—i—l- from b.
-1 -1
f (“z—n? pk[n])) and f-1 (ac-2m,
‘ ‘ l .
and therefore
r - r ..
C . ) < z c . ) < z 1 ,< 1
p Pk[n]’ PRU-1.1.1.] _ i=1 p Pk[n+'i.-1]’ Pk[n+i] i=1 2n+1-2 zn-Z '
Thus {pk [11]} is a Cauchy sequence and must; converge to some point
p 6 Y._ Since
'y CU Cf1(S(——
n - n+1- 2n+1’ Pk[n+1])) and
Pk[n] ; Pa
a limit p' along Yo . Take any 11. Choose k with p' E S(—, pk} .
shows that
cgfio 9H
0 A(n,m,k,2.).
.We will say that two sets E1 and E2 split, or that E1 splits with E2,
follows that for any open U there exists a countable family {In}n-
U = U In.
n=1_ _
For each n, let {13%; be a family of bounded closed inter-
, 2,.uo}o
f =I{A1}U{IrjlnAn+1:n=1,2,..-5j=1
E nA')
u. :5
, 1
Let F1 and F2 be any two distinct members of ‘F . If either F1 or F2
'.F1"_II-1(1)nA n(2).
t" n(.1)+1'.and l=2" f- -' I 3(2)" An_(2)'+1
If nu). <. n(2); then nu) + 1.531(2); .so
F2 —_ . Ij(2)
IDCZ) n An(2)+1C AnCZ) E An(l)+l’ and th-refore
A F1 - and F2 are'
disjoint. A similar argument shows that if n(2) < n(l), then P and
F2 are disjoint. Thus, if F1 arid F2 are not disjoint, then n(l) =
such that
(3) 5- is nonempty
is satisfied.
Proof. By Lemma 9 we' can choose a sequence {En}n:1 .of bounded closed
andE = (2 En.
that Pi E E. ,
JD 5
(V) L2
1:, F1 = -U
n s
UFi = .U Bi.
i=1. i=1 .
We assert that Es+1 meets at most finitely many members of Jr. If this
members of :9 such that n =I= m implies Inn Im = g», and there emists
'xm(k)¢ Imum-1) .we “.1“ have xm(kj i ak+1 < xm(k+1) . Therefore, if
we let » I
sq: lim
= .k-m xm(k)’
then '2? = iii} ak alsoé Moreover, for k 1 2, ak is a finite real
number, so that aké U 131' Therefore there exists u 6 {1,..., 5}
such that akE Eu for infinitely many values of k. Consequently
x 6 Eu. But Since xm(k) e Es+1’ x €Es+l also. But then x E Eu n E91,
so that Eu and Es+1 must split and Y must be a splitting point for
Eu and Es+1' Since infinitely many ak lie in Eu’ Eu contains pomts '
that are less than 35; and Es+1 also contains points less than E;
Case 11.. Assume that ns+i :r > ns‘ 1.1? 1 I. There exists v €.{1_,...,s}
' c_ I
such.that Ft “.1311" Either‘Ev and Esflare disJomt or they split.
4 . I a u . ' .
Case Ila. Ass‘ume.Ev and Es+1 are disjoinp; Either-Fr = ¢ (in which
else Fr =} 1: and F1; = In Es+1 for some 16:9. Let J be the: smallest
closed interval containing Fr' Then J E? and J1“; I E (H Bi)" so
* _ . . _
that 'J does not meet Ev. The endpoints of J lie in Fr 5554.1: so
neither endpoint of J lies in Ev' So J does not meet Ev and therefore '
J does not meet Ft; from which it follows that Fr '15 contained in a
,Case IIb. -
Assume '
that BV and Es+1 split. '
Since Ft c
_ Ev and Fr C
_ E-5+1
Case III. Assume. that ns+l :r > t > ns. If either F1‘ or Ft 15 qt,
so that
5+1 5 s
E1 = (U E1) U (Es+1' - U E1) -
=1 I 1:].
's+l n n n
» ,s+ 1' 5+ . '
HenCe UEi
=. _' (61.11.)
j=1, J
uc| b p.)‘ = - IQWF
j=ns+1' J 3"- J
'{Fk:}k_1 in such a way that conditions (i) through. (v) are satisfied
onlyif either a(k) + b(k)o< a0.) + b0.) or-else 'a(k) + b(k) = a0.) +
b0.) and b(k)' < bob). Thus k < 2'implies.that either a(k), < aUL) or
Lemma 12. Let E1, E2 be two F0. sets in R such that E19 B2,. and
suppose that?"1 andj-‘r2 are Special families such that 1?.1 = U971 and
2=Ufi. ThenE1=U(fi/\’FZ)-
' By Trap (J, a, 6) (where 6 €"(0; 1) and e > 0) we mean the interior
For 66 (0; 1), let Tri (J, o) be the closed triangular area shown in
If 5‘06- X, a > 0, and e 6 (0, '12:), let SCXO, 6, 9) denote the open
Stolz angle‘shown in Figure 4. That is,
’e>9,and0<s<a<12'-,thenwe. define
Figu re 3.--Tr1(J, 9)
x axis
are disjoint.
(9) Suppose that KIE K, e > $1 > 0, and 0 < B < 61 < :31 < a. $
c, e, a, B) and cl, n, a, B)
are disjoint. -
(11) ' Suppose that a < e é gand x0 1}: IJ(K)*. Then, for any a, 61’
c, e, a, a) and 3(k0, e1, e)
are disjoint .
(12', Suppose that x0 e K n JCK)* and [B < a < e < %. Let a be. given.
(15) If 5:0 4: 5:1 and e, e are given, then there exists 6 > 9 such
that for every n i 6,
are disjoint.
(16) ——‘_TB(1<, e, a; s n n.
(17) s 5: , 'e, e nx =' {5:0}.
(18) for each n > 9,, there exist at most finitely many F6152 such
that 6(F) 1 n;
(19) for each n > 9, there erist at most finitely many e e B .such
Lemma 15. Let’f-be a special family and suppose that 0 < 'B < a < e < %.
E(n) =' ie e E : e is an endpoint of J(Fk) for
endpoints e1, e2, then by (15) we can choose 6(61] 1 1 ande'(e2) _<_ 1
so that S(e1, E(el), 9) and S(e2, E(eé), 6) are disjoint. :If F16132,
set 6(F1) = . In this case, J(F1) has two endpoints el and e.2 and
(by (11)) B(F1, 6(F1), a, B), S(e1, e(e1), e) and S(e2,- a(e2), 6) are
all disjoint.
-.Now suppose that e(e) and SEE) have been defined for all
(i) if‘e, efi €E(n) and e + e", then S(e', ace), :_9) and .
(v) if F éfiFz (n) and k _<_ n is the least integer for which
9:2 (ml) in such a way that conditions (1) through (v) are still
satisfied when n is replaced by n+1.
' . 2
Case I. If 'l gp orvif l = Bk for some k in, thenf (n+1) = .
Case III. Suppose that. Fn+1 consists of a single point co and that
for each k _<_n, eo ~$ F‘x‘ By (14), (15), and the fact that E(n) and
fzm) are finite, we can choose E(eo) E (0, 571-) so that S(eo, E(eO), e)
is disjoint from S(e, e(e), e) and from B(F, 6(F), a, B) for each
Case" IV. Suppose that Fn+1 contains atleast two points andathat, for
each k in, Fk + Enid" For each k _‘<_n, either Fn+lsp1its with Fk’ or
else Fn+1 is contained in a complementary interval 61’ Pk"- Since T2 (n)
is finite, (8) and (10) show that we can choose 6(Fn+1) E(O, n+—-—1—) so 1
that Ba+l’ 6(Fn+1), a, B) is disjoint from E(F, 5(F), a, B) for each '
F 6 (F: (n) .
If e0' 6 FR for some k in, then Fn+1 splits with Pk, so that
that eo' $ E(n). Hence, for each R in, e0' 4; Fk' By (14), (15),
and the fact'th'at E(n) andfl=2 (n) are finite, we can choose
e(e° ') E (0, n—1_+1) so that S(eo ', e(eo ‘), e) is dilsjoint from
S(e, e(e), e) and from B(F, 6(F), a, B) for each e6 E(n) and each
F€f2(n). By (11), S(eo ', e(eo '), e) and E(Fm-l’ 6(Fn+1), a, B) are
choose e(e o) and t-:(eo ') € (0, n+——1-1—) so that S(eo , e(eo), 6) and
e'é E and 6(F) for every F 69:2 in such a wayflthat (1) through (v)
are satisfied for every value of 11. Conditions (20), (21) and (22) in
matically satisfied by (a, 6). We must verify that ('18) and (19*) are
also satisfied.
e(ek) _>_ n for every k. Let m(k) be the least integer for which ek is
since the ek are all distinct, there exists (for given 111) at most two
(18) is true. I
the set ofall endpoints of intervals J (F) .for F e ’1’. .Suppose (e, 6)
5&1 =31
flu-1 =~fi1Afi1+1 ”for n > 1.
converging to g—.
convergrngto -§-.
Let. {_e'n}n:1 be a strictly ascending sequence in (3?"—
converging to $1.
Fe {Fir - . . I
special ck, Bk, 6k functions (e(k, .)’ 6(k, -)) forfF‘l’< in such a way
e e F nJ(F)*, then
sce, eck+1, e), eaHEBcF, «sac, F), ak, Bk);
(iii)... whenever I 5-.k in 1, e 6 Ek+1’ and e 6 Bk, then
SCe. e(k+1, e). 61M) nHQSCe, 6(k. e), 6k);
We set t(n+1, e) = min" {e(e), £(e) }. 0n the other hand, ,if e 6 arm n En,
Set' ..
Bn+l’ en+l functions for fin-1" and by (13) and (9), conditions .(i),
(ii), and (iii) are still satisfied when n is replaced by’n+1. Thus
en, en functions for’f’n in such a way that conditions (i), (ii) and
Un = [ e\t,}
6 En
S(e, eCn, 6). en )] \J'
) .
\_il B(F, 6(n, F).a 11 , an]
Then Un is open. For fired n, all the various sets S(e, aCn, e), an)
(e 6 En) and B(F, 6(n, F), on, 'Bn) (Rafi) are open and pairwise dis-
therefore follows from (16) and (17) that if 9 is any component of Un’
(23) if n x 9. An.
that I
1: " . l
e e En+1 - 1511:) e 6 FA J(F) for some Fefi,
Un+1n, H C
show that "' _..Un for every n.
Let g(z)'=n21—-—2ngn(z). Then 0 < g(z) _<__ 1, and the series converges
' 1 ‘ 1
(24) - g(z)> 2 —=__
m-n 2m 2n 1 a __
We assert that
(26) for each x0 e A, g(z) -> o as z '-> 5:0 with z e saga, 3%).
Take any naturalnumber n. Since x0 é An+1 = U511, either
' ‘ * A2 .
x06 EM1 or else xo 6 F n J(F) for some Fefnfl. In the first
case, .set' n = s(n+1‘, x0). In thesecond case, (12) shows .that we 'can
(3:, y) e S(xo, nil) 956:0, e(n+1, 5:0), °n+1) guml, and in the
second case, I
This proves (26).
Thus ,
Now . define
is different from zero , then gcfx, y) sin-g;- (the real part of f) cannot
curvilinear convergence of f. I
—1 -i
(Po. (E - MD-
Proof. Let Bbe a countablebase for Y.. For each 368, let L(B) E E
W = B = | -§, h— --
'BLcljcm 7 Bg'cjlcm
where Q(W)= {368: BCW} . Therefore '
-1 . -.-1
‘9 cm =E n on =_E n “1(3)
° ° (F seam)
‘5:a L(B)
EB n [Hams]
° Beam) ‘9
U [élcfilu M1
E Eon Baum
= Eon U (1(3)
= Eonqilm) = ‘9: (W).
Consequently $3107) = E0 n B GCQCW) .L(B) , so (Palm) is of class
(FO(EO)) . I
Theorem 5. Let Y be a separable metric space and let f : H -> Y be a
61w) 9 U En,
and <p'1(W) 9 K.
For the time being, let n be a fixed natural number. For each
vi -‘ {-x} E Hn n f—1(W) .
' .g.-_;....
‘. All- A...“
Since an x is by.definition a simple arc, YX -'{x} is a
connected set and hence must be contained within one.nonempty component
that a -' ht, 'y} Q U*. According to [12] we can choose a simple are
a' -' {x, 'y} E n Hn n f_1(W) . Let I be the open interval in X with
u' -' {x, y} Erlcm and f'1(W) n f'1(U) = ¢), and therefore (since
EL '7' {w} contains a point of Xn E A) 13 - {w} SA. It follows that
n+yin1p1iesU$cnUy=¢. .
S is .countable, so
is countable .'
00' on . '
= EnKn f)u((E-K)n f)
'( gléjln n=1 n
E (E ’n N) u (E - K) g (E n ns—u-(E - <p‘1(W))
= (E n N) u vp'lcfi).
- co
was outlined by Bagemihl and Piranian [2, Theorem 8], in the case
my treatment differs from theirs in only two aspects that are of any
[Bagemihl and Piranian say in the last line of their proof that there
not clear why the extension should be so easy for functions taking
however, that the result can be obtained for functions taking values
sequence. Suppose that {u(pn)} does not converge to u(p). Then there
- 11(P'n) :MpLI
fior every x E R.
-1 '_ -1
(27) sup h (,(-oo, x] n Z) = sup h ((-oo, 2:) n Z).
so that sup h‘lcc-oo, Son 2) :h‘lfic) = sup h'1((-m, ,x].r\ 2). The
opposite inequality is trivial, so (27) is established.
. —1 ' -1
{28) inf .h ((x, +00) n Z) = sup h ((-w, .x] n Z).
that .
. ‘1 .. "_1 _ .
Inf h (CX. +°°) n Z). i sup h (.(~°°,_,x] n 2,),
* ' -1 4
h (x) = sup h ((-°°, x] n Z).
It is clear that h* is weakly increasing and thath (h(x)) = x for
' * I
everyreal x.. The continuity of ‘h can easily be deduced from the
equat ions
sup -1 .
sup 'h*cc-°°, .50) .y<X sup h ((-m’ Y] n Z)
= sup Elm-8750"}? 2)
= sup h'1((-°°, fx] A Z)
inf 'h*((k; «on :2: sup h'1((-~.fy] A Z)-
y>x inf h'1((y,- m) n 2)
inf h'1((ic; m) A Z)
.sup h'lcc-w, 2:] n 2) ,
’h*(x). I
Theorem 6'. Let E be any subset of X and let <9: E + Rq be any
tn = _1 1f sn is an integer
_ 1 . " . .
tn — E if sn 15 not an integer.
h(x) = Z tn if x > 0
.0<$ <x-
Lemma 17.
+00 as u -> +oo and ~09 as u + ~00. Consequently there exists precisely
argument shows that u(xn’ yn) cannot approach -°°. . Now assume that
__ inf
rn ' 'x>s n Mac)
12'n ' x<sn h(x)
vn = .o if 511+” N.
If x and y are real numbers, define xV y = maidx, -y}. For (it, y) 6H,
An(x, Y) =
. ..... 1.’ ' _ ”sh-X ‘
[(1 - ny) v 0].[(1.- I,——--—| rn + ”n - i2sn + 2 | )V,0]vn.
f = f + 2 A. ,
0 n=1 n
obt ain
(31) - Anck, y) =
[(1 - ny) v 0][(1-'-1;---}—£—|:c1'1 + an +‘2(% - 1) (Sn - p)
n n
If p _<_ sn, then h(p). 5. 2n, and one can verify directly that. (31)
vanishes. If p > sn; then h(p) 3_ rn, and again one can verify directly
that.(31) vanishes. Thus An(x, y) vanishes along that part of the line
(50) lying in H.
Solving (30) for h(p) , we find that, along the given line,
h(p) = L'LLiiilR ,
. given line. Substituting the value of x given by (32) into the expres-
(55) Anew)
[(1-ny)V 0][(1_ - rain |rn - rm + 2n - 2m .+ 2% - 1)(sn.- sI) V 01v“.
If sIn < sn, then 2’m < rm ; 2n < rn, and one can verify directly that
(33) vanishes. If sn < s m’ then 2'n < rr'1 _<_ zm < rm, and again one can
.r. 1-.2,
Then. h(a) < "m _1n_2____< rm .< h(b), so that .
(h(a) - sm)y + sm < x < (h(b) - 5111)}? + sm; from which. we deduce that
‘ . 'x - (14305“-1
h(a). s. - <, h(b).
conclude that
.* x - (1-y)sm
sm = h (——;——-——),
' whence it follows that u(x, y) = sm. Thus
K = _ g'1.({v€'R3 : |v| =% })
L = .. g-1'({v a Rs : |v| 3% })
F =__g'1({veR3 : |v|_<_%}).
- 5 . , 3'1
'g1.:H+{véR :.Ivl =.-2-}.
f1(z) = f g(z) if z e L
f1(z) = . g1(z). if z E P.
be the 0—projectipn onto 82 (see page 11), and let f be the composite
. . . 2 .
= «p
function Po 9 f1. ’ Then 1" maps H continuously into S , and Poo q:
set; The answer is not known even fpr functions of Baire class 1.
Open set.
U.“ U
then x0 is an endpoint of ID for some Ioé (9‘. For some 11, I0 Q Jn’
on R.
Proof. Let e = inf B (e may be -°°). For each x e (e, +°°), set
metric space, and let (p: E -> Y be a function having the following
property. For every open set U E Y there exists a set T E PE+l (B) such
base for Y,. and suppose that W is any open subset of Y._ Let
w = U U = U U.
U 6 (10V) U E (DEW)
For each U68, let T(U) 6 P (E) be chosen so that
g + 1(E,,Y):.
A = (p (U) a B =.‘P_1(V)
v z+x f(2) = $00
7x {ix} 9 f'lcm if x e A
yx -"{x} g f-ICV) if 5: e B.
Notice that if x e A and y e B, then yxn yy = 4:.
have subarcs yx' and yy' respectively such that x’e yx' 9 En,
A=LaUMaandB=LbIUMb5 .
IgeLau (x — Kn).
Let Wn - U Ix' . For each n,
c - .
Lagwnn G _[La u (x Kn)] no,
and therefore
Figure 5.
'_[LaU (x —k}1'1<n)] n c
Lag GanC.
-q. '
Lb = (3b n C.
Yx cannot meet Yx' in in" it is evident that pn(x) must lie to the
hn:X->R. Let
Hit; -11T).is.a.fm1ction (ofx) ‘of Baireclass £(Xa Y)_, so, .by Lemma 21.,
Obviously A n M = D n M. Now,
a AnM-apnM: DACC-L)
’Dntc - ((Gauabmcn
-D‘n [X - (Gau Gb)]n C.
2 5+2
x - (GauGb)€ p (X)§_P (X).
A = The
Suppose that a0, b0, a1,'b1 are extended real numbers, and
66 .
Lemma 23-; Let theline segments 51', 52}, 53, 54 each have one endpoint
on x0 and the other on x1, and assume that i + j implies that either
.Lemma 24. Letx be any set of line segments, each of which has one
is a measurable subset of some line in R2, let m£(E) denote the linear
E 9R2;
meCE) = inf. ImCU): E EU and U is open};
- l
m(b).'_gme(5) + e.
to Xi such that Ei C
.. 61 and
'm“(G)%m “(E)+e
i —; e i
’ '
Let V be the union of all lines L ERZ such that L meets both Go and
I‘ is countable.
9 w'.
Let Ji(s) = _(ai(s) - as, ai(s) +635) Pi = 0, 1). A sketch will
and J1(s) nJ1(s') + h, then T(sl, 5') SW, so that s a 5'. Thus
(JOCS) x cs)) n .cJocs') x cs')) + «p 2 s" a s'.
For each ‘C e I', choose 5(C) E C and let
If C EI‘, let
TCC) = U T(s,s').
s, s'ec
By Lemma 24, TCC) is a trapezoid. Also,
(35) c g T(C) S w.
$1, 51' e C1 and 52, 52‘ €C2 such that T(sl, 51‘) n TCSZ, 52') + (b.
By (36),
. meCS) 2
1 (meCEo)
_- ~2- 2,
+ me(E1)). I
. that has one endpoint in M6 and the' other in M1. For 6 6 (0,.1r), let
Then L passes through the points (x6, yo) , Feta) and Flat), so that
L nfi'l is the desired line segment. Let A: be the set of all line
I segments having one endpoint in M0 and the other in M1' Let S = LL];
Lemma 25. For every 6 >_(_) there exists a strictly increasing real-
valued function h on R such that h(R) has measure zero, and, for every
where the decimal does not end in an infinite unbroken string of 1's.
wherebi=pifai=oandbi=2ifai=1 oC
.Set HI) _1. Then 1" maps [0, [1] into the Cantor ternary set, so
such that
increasing function such that hnfli) has measure zero and, for every x,
Ix - hn(x) I _<_ i. For every are R, let sn(x) be the. line segment
joining the point (hn(x) , %> to the point (hn+160 , 137). Since
Theorem. 9 that I
, . _ '1---1 1 2 .z- . _
me(Sn) ' I; ' ET) 7101145110 xn) + mewnn xn-fln " -o'
function for f . 1
Proof. If. {Yx}x ex=is the family of arcs described in Theorem 10, let
f(z) 0 if z is in no 75c
and the other on X1, and let S = IU£. Assume that S is a Borel set.
If m‘Q'(S n_xo) and m2'(_S n X1) are known, what lower bound can be. given
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