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Lesson-Plan-in-ENGLISH VERBS BSED1a. OrataDela-CruzAgno

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I. Objectives
At the end of a 50-minute class, students will be able to:
a. Identify what is verbs;
b. Determine the use of verb/s in their everyday living; and
c. Formulate statements using verb.

II. Subject Matter

a. TOPIC: Verb

b. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Power point, Cartolina

III. Procedures

Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
a. PRAYER : Lord, we thank you for all the blessing
Before we officially start, may I ask you've given to us. May you bless us all this
Someone on us to lead a prayer? day. In Jesus name Amen.
Yes, Rodolfo

: Good morning, ma’am.
Good morning class!

Before you take your seats, please see to it if

your chairs are arranged properly and pick
pieces of trash under your chairs if there’s
You may now take your seats. : Thank you, Ma’am!

Before we start our lesson, let me
just check the attendance for today. Is
there any absent? : Everybody is present, Ma’am.

Very good. It’s great to know that

nobody is absent today.
Class so what are our classroom rules, which Listen
Is called LUCK? Understand
Keep focus

B. Motivation
We will be having a game called: MESSAGE
RELAY. You will be grouped in to two and
choose 1 representative. I have here some
statements in which your representatives will
relay it to you silently by their actions. It means
that, no one, is allowed to use their mouth in
relaying the word, just a means of action. After
that, the one who is on the last of your line, will
going to run to me and say what’s the message.
The group will be the first one to say the
message correctly, will be the winner.

Do you understand class? : Yes, ma’am!

 I am Eating : Eating
 Teacher is swimming : Swimming
 I jumped : Jumped

Very good class! Thank you all for

participating. We have now a winner, : Thank you, Ma’am.
Congratulations! Group (a), please get your
prizes here in front.

C. Presentation of the lesson

Now, here are the statements which you have

relayed a while back. We have:
-I am eating
-Teacher is swimming and;
-I jumped

What do you observe with those group of


Yes, Annie? : Ma’am. they all perform an action

Great answer! Very good, Annie!

Now, do you have any idea what is our topic for

Anyone from the class? Yes, Mark? : Ma’am, I think it’s all about verb

Precisely! Very good Mark!

D. Lesson Proper

So, now let us have a further study about Verbs.

I have here a video presentation, please, observe (Students watch the video)
and listen as you watch the video.

Verbs are action words that describe what the

subject is doing. Verbs, like nouns, are the main
portion of a sentence or phrase, presenting a
story about what is going on.

The video sais: “I’m a verb, verb, verb, I’m an

action word so put me where the action is cause
I’m an action word.”

What did you saw on the video that performs an

action? Or basically, verbs?

Yes, Annie? : Jumping

Very good!

Yes, Claire? : Skimming

What else?

Yes, Rodolfo? : Singing


So now, Let’s go back with the statements a

while a back. First one is:

“I am eating”

As Annie says a while a back and as the video

tells us, a verb performs an action and it sais
here that a verb describes what the subject is
In the statement: “I am eating” who is the : The subject on the given statement is ‘I’.
subject? Yes, Claire.

Alright, very good, Claire

So, what was I doing?

Yes, Mark? : Ma’am, the subject is eating

Precisely! Therefore, the word: “eating” is the

verb in this statement.

Do you understand? : Yes, Ma’am

Another example,

“Teacher is swimming”

Who is the subject in this statement? Yes, : The subject in the given statement is the
Annie? Teacher ma’am

Alright! Very good

Now, what is the verb in the given sentence? : Swimming

Yes, Reshiel?

Precisely! Very good

: Yes, ma’am. Anna is writing
Let’s have another one. Let’s try:

“I jumped”

Who is the subject in this statement? Yes, The subject in the given statement is “I”
Claire? ma’am

Very good!

How about the verb in the given statement? : Jumped

Yes, Rodolfo?

Alright, very good!

Now, who can give me a verb and use it on : I was shouting in the middle of our class
sentence? Yes, Annie?

That’s right!

Who else can give me an example? Yes, Mark? : My classmate is dancing

Alright, Very good!

E. Generalization

Now, let us have a recap of what we have

discussed for today.

Who would like to give me the exact meaning

of a verb and use it on a sentence?
: Teacher, Basically, a verb is an action
Yes, Resh? word that describes what the subject is
doing. Example, I am buying a gift. The
subject “I” performs an action of buying a
Great answer Resh!

Without a verb, full thoughts can’t be properly
conveyed. Verbs are part of our everyday life as
we continue to work and do all our
responsibilities in life. You, students, for you to
graduate, you need to do your responsibilities
first like your assignments, quizzes, and review
for your exam next week.

So, what if, there was a time that you will be

tired of doing all your responsibilities in life?
: I tend to rest myself
Yes Mark?

Very well-said, Mark. You can rest but you

cannot stop. Just like verbs, we must continue
moving and striving hard for the best of our
Yes, ma’am
Did you understand?


This time, let us find out if you have mastered Direction: Determine what is the verb in the
the key concepts of this lesson by trying out this sentence. Write your answers on a clean
activity. I will give you 10 minutes to do the sheet of paper.

1.) I was going to the market to buy

2.) My sister just cooked my favorite
3.) My dog, Raffa, jumped off the window
4.) Mommy sang my favorite song as I slept
(Students do the activity)
on her arms.
5.) I will write it on the board and read it

Directions: Formulate/construct 5 sentences
with the proper use of verbs.


For your assignment, choose one activity below.
 A. Write a 10-sentence essay about the
things you were doing when you
celebrate your birthday/s.
 B. Write a 4-stanza poem about the
things you were doing before entering
the school.

That concludes our topic for today, do you have : Non so far ma’am
any questions class?

Okay, Goodbye class! And have a nice day! : Goodbye ma’am

Prepared by:

Clark Justine P. Orata

Clorey B. DelaCruz
Kycell Anne P. Agno

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